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Last Round: >>487662984
we hate cammy in here because she plays street fighter instead of slime fighter
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
>Real anything
She was never a real honest character and never will be
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I think that if Snake wasn't getting that huge backlash then he and Punk would work out a prize amount and just fight on Twitch. Even if Snake fought and won he'd still be framed as a bully
wish aki would slime on me
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Manon is taller, cuter and whiter.
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he already said he wouldn't fight punk for any amount, it was dead before it started.
uh bro i can see her nipple
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Even permabegs like Dale Wilson and DSP can smell Cammy's fraudulence a mile away. Doing more damage than glass canon DLC Akuma while having superior mixups.
She is her own disjoint/projectile.
Rashid... is DEAD.
Sex with Ryu
that nigga definitely posts here, reminds me of the posts about james chen transitioning
Crying about lack of projectiles in a game where zoning is already so mediocre is laughable to me, scammies nigcels are truly dogshit at the only game they play 24/7
And I personally think that the negative attention immediately makes it a lose/lose, so why bother?
fucking LOL
I have never seen diaphone look more male and attractive than in this photo lmao
I'd suck him UP
/sfg/ is team punk

we hate snake eyez
wtf i just noticed dead remy in the back. aw hell naw!!
agreed, ban ash already
SHITandURINE... (Marine)
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>reddit deck
>reddit character
it's like poetry, it rhymes
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I stopped playing the game a bit before season 2 dropped. How is AKI nowadays? I heard people saying she was bonkers broken right now but I watched evo and nobody was playing her
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A little bit of a stretch on that one anon
But no, I am male and want to be in the diaphoneXbrianF sandwich, with sajam crying in the cuck chair
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im gonna play modern zangief
Punk is peak reddit/twittertrannie core who likes LE EPIC TROLLING BECAUSE HE IS HECKING GOOD!
Every good player knows Punk is an annoying crying bitch always bitching and moaning about events, players, characters and others but who can't take a joke about himself.
No one is stopping you, but you are pathetic
I need LukeGAWD's reaction to know if this is based or not.
Punk sounds like he has an anal plug at max strength in his boipussy 24/7 so he gotta speak like he is trying to fight the tne orgasm from his ass
Tis not
i dont like niggers so its not based
Punk sounds like someone took a shit in his throat and it kinda got stuck there
Honestly I don't know how anybody ever loses to Manon. I just DI my way past every single one I encounter at any level and its always a blowout.
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Based and truthpilled
this shit makes me laugh every time i see it
diaphone is my waifu
theyre right about justin looking like an asian auntie though
modern gief players are instantly downloaded. they all play the same. Its always cringe.
Mixed women are God's greatest gift to mankind, the nigcel and racists small mind just can't comprehend how perfect the hybrids are.
Shitandurine is a brown asian mix
She is the most obsessed with being bleached group of them all, maybe only behind pure black chicks

Gawd damn what are they putting in the jungle water over there?
it's only lose/lose if you care about twitter nobodies thinking you are a meanie. if he won, he could have extended an olive branch to punk. there is a 1000% chance punk would spurn it and end up looking like the bad guy again. he got caught being a hater and tried to downplay it, it was never going to go well.
less sugar
More sugar
who the FUCK is that goddess???
I miss evo ....
I highly doubt he cares about that. I think he makes more money streaming ranked and maintaining an aura of being able to beat anybody and doesn't want to break that by actually going out and entering tourneys/MMing Punk. He has more than his fair share of dickriders too.
Juri never stood a chance, once that average brazilian brown cock went inside her pale pink korean pussy she was bound for life with that nigga.
Brazilian cock/pussy just hit different.
The dye job isn't doing him any favors.
>Tfw Punk has a Brazilian gf
He has good taste in women at least
Stop samefagging.
Justin is like 4ft tall and instead of working out since he has all the money for the best equipment, trainer and supplements he just gets fatter

He could get ripped like Tyler1 in 4 months.
>"I'm me"

how the fuck do you counter this????
Post more about Juri husband.
>there is a 1000% chance punk would spurn it and end up looking like the bad guy again
No way that's happening. Enjoy Punkcuckery until if/when he loses at EWC
That's not the impression I got watching his stream last night. Though, he's definitely scared of looking washed as well
inform them they are merely manifestations of your own psyche
is something so shit
Almost feel like quitting sf6 again right now and I’m not even playing.
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punk's gf would never
>Grappler fraud
Checks out
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SLASH will win the EWC.
and that would easily happen if snake eyez apologized and punk sperged out on him.
>feet slander
Rare JH miss kink shaming is not cool
My game keeps crashing. I've done everything that I can to try and fix the issue but it doesnt do anything. When I look in event viewer it says that the Windows.Media.Devices.dll is faulting. Does anyone know how to fix this?
narco-macumba secret rituals
This is cannon now btw
>Vanilla SF4 becomes good in Super
>Vanilla SF5 becomes good in season 3
So will SF6 become good in season 4?
Who other than Luke got tattoos??
Typical Juri's Husband W

Any kind of obsession with a certain bodypart is weird fuck that shit about respecting weirdos
super was my fav version of sf4 as well but honestly it was kinda mickey
Nah the Juri feetfags are like furfags. Extremely obnoxious about their fetish. Also, half of them are ironic, which makes them even more annoying.
have you updated your drivers
I liked that tweet some nigga digged up of him like last year where he was saying outta nowhere about how manlets should try to look as short as possible instead of tall
Shit got me cracking up
when ssf6 is announced
This 100%
Couldn't have it said it better myself
Everything is up to date, I even manually updated my drivers to make sure
Is REframework easy to use
I wanna take some freecam shots of the akuma stage for a project
Also is there a way to just load the stage?
Do you alt+f4 out of the game when you close it? I was having issues with the game crashing if I alt+f4 and then try to play again afterwards. It stopped when I closed the game through the menus instead.
Capcom's fault for playing into it so much in SF6.
They made Juri a funny girlfailure foot fetish character when they should've kept her as the sadistic psycho bitch character.
Nope, I always exit out of the game. For some reason this crash has been occuring persistently and keep kicking me out of games
>Capcom's fault for playing into it so much in SF6.
It's not really Capcom's fault, they're retarded, always have been.
It really is when you think about it.
Just like Cammy dresses like a cock-hungry whore but is clueless, Juri just likes to use her feet a lot due to her dexterity with it, but doesn't get why people find it sexy.
juri was always mid
Capcom can't write for shit.
After all these years, they just turned all the good guys into lolcows instead of pairing them up or doing some kind of good closure, and keep reviving Bison, they flanderize their characters more than DBS
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God my dad is an idiot for not giving her attention…
Do you have an AMD or Nvidia card?
>Finally get a real story/adventure mode in a SF game
>None of the characters interact or meet with each other, they just stand in one spot and talk to your create-a-character
Capcom genuinely has no idea what the fuck to do with any SF character.
reminder you can search the JH samefag salivating over Juri's feet on twitter
juricels like to pretend they aren't reddit as fuck but they are all the same
>muh heckin psycho juri from sf4
bitch was always boring and always about feet. she was bi too for extra coom points, but they retconned that.
AMD 7900XT
I don't even mind they wanting to make Juri evolve as a character, it would make sense she is not really evil but a victim of circumstance.
But like you said, it all ends up in just turning Juri into a feetfag fetish character and a girl failure for the e-thot wannabe femcel audience, at the end of the day not worth to think too hard about pathetic SF/Cracom writing.
wish this trash ass bitch wasnt in the game period, c viper or abel would've been a million times better
>Capcom can't write for shit
Ace attorney is good tho
It's just street fighter and resident evil and monster hunger and mega man and dragons dogma that suck
>>None of the characters interact or meet with each other, they just stand in one spot and talk to your create-a-character
This is actually criminal. Just like making Ken and Guile marry some off-screen NPCs whores and have them be divorced and unhappy anyways.
I remember when I read Sakura's manga that Karin was implied to be Ken's bastard daughter, but SF lore is so dogshit and all over the place this was never explored.
>Capcom can write because 1 (one) game is decent at writing
More like ace attorney is a fluke in their quality
ThAts the joke anon :)
You did it
I don't think it's even possible for asian girls to be even shaped like this (please provide proof if you have any please)
story is fine in re, it's just horror movie stuff
story is not needed, you fucking kill monster
>mega man
story is fine for what it is, just saturday morning cartoon stuff
story is also fine, the wacky stuff is funny. you don't need to have some deep story for a fighting game but they should have had the masters do something in WT.
the story just needs to be presented better, the actual lore in the game is quite interesting.
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brazil is a strange place
the shitposting ended
i'm a viper truther i think she's coming eventually in dix
Your standards are dogshit for writing but that probably serves you well in life so good for you
>it's just horror movie stuff
I wish, they wrote themselves into a corner for genuinely no reason by pushing the timeline so far forward and trying to reinvent the wheel each time.
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the vast majority of those games are not intended to have the narrative be the focus. ace attorney is basically a visual novel with puzzle elements, so narrative is really important. narrative in sf is just window dressing. DD is really the only one you can truly fault since it is an arpg.
the in-game narratives are fine though, even if the timeline is wonky.
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She’s trying
Is there an error that pops up when the game crashes or does it just boot you out
Nigga who gives a fuck, no one ever plays each other in this shit. Remember when FagTV talked all that shit about NA vs EU and then he literally didn't even play on the fucking NA team? People just yap in this scene but never back any of it up
temps good? does it just happen randomly? can you reproduce it in any other games?
>divorced and unhappy
You sound like some mad fag because they're canonically straight.
Lorefags just want the series to die again. If they had their way, they would put out a game with literal who's, the kids of SF2 characters, and Ryu with grey hair. It would be a SF3-tier flop. SF does not need some TLOU or GoW story.
No error pops up, just the Capcom crash report. When I look in event viewer to see what has caused it I get the following event:
Even 1000, Application Error
Faulting application name: StreetFighter6.exe
Faulting module name: Windows.Media.Devices.dll

everything else on my PC is normal, I will only get this crash when I play sf6 specifically. I've reinstalled it and verified the files multiple times and nothing changes
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That's a pretty cool poster ngl
I just want Cody it's really simple actually
Do you have a steam dlc unlocker? SF6 doesn't like those.
they pretty much have to put some FF characters in at some point, cody and poison are high up on the list.
try using sfc to check that dll maybe
Check if you have corrupt system files by running sfc /scannow in the CMD prompt
Don't lump anon in with us, I love guile but I would never make him leave his family.
I'm more than happy to just be his mistress(male) while he's abroad
I have run sfc scans and restorehealth scans, it will fix the issue for a bit but then it will go back to happening again
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Trying out SF2 Super real quick. So uhm, Chun's super is really stupid broken huh?
>Remember when FagTV talked all that shit about NA vs EU
When did this happen??
>I read Sakura's manga that Karin was implied to be Ken's bastard daughter, but SF lore is so dogshit and all over the place this was never explored.
thank god, that sounds retarded as fuck
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Yeah, you can hold it when once you done the input and just let it rip walking toward
>standards are dogshit
Nigger it’s a fighting game lol
sounds like it's something with your windows install then, i would think. maybe just backup and do a repair install or even full reinstall if nothing else works
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try replacing that dll wiht one from a clean windows install or reinstall windows
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Yeah I saw that, it's so strong.
Maybe ask Reddit
i think most people just wish WT wasn't such ass
Around like the final SFV EVO people wanted to set up a NA vs. EU 5v5, but Punk refused to do it unless he got paid. Punk and RobTV got into a very public spat over it.
Eh she's making easy money without showing anything off retards; japanese culture is completely different from western
Stop posting this whore here

I can't get over her lust over white cock fucking ruined her
which sf characters give the worst head?
nothing wrong with that
Worst of the worst
elena is african though she gives monkey sloppy top
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ok so do i just fb dr as aki when i dont know what to do in neutral
>>487782002 <~(samefag Reddit nigger)
Stop with the Reddit posts
Stop with the samefagging Jesus Christ
Low effort nonsense.
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Sorry, Rog. That's how the real world works.
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Actually disgusting.
whats this fat bitch's obsession with the upside cross?
cosplay would be elevated if she paid more attention to the boot and type of kneepads from the outfit.
I don't like doing DI because I'm always too scared of getting DI'd back, and counter DI feels way too fucking good.
This is the third time you wrongfully accuse me of samefagging. At this point I will just ignore you instead of humoring you. Also stop using the lord name in vain.

>Incel in the comment doesn't get that telling women to fuck racial men is fucked no matter what
This dudes consumed too much porn it literally rotted their brain away.
They are on that level if they got a girlfriend, after 4 days they probably would already be fantasizing about other men fucking them because they wouldn't be able to cum from vanilla sex already, completely brainrotted.
Im just getting this off my chest but the strive scene has some extremely horrible people in it and I really do hope more of it is brought to light. The abuse, bullying, rumors, and sexual harassment I faced in my brief time with it was something that still haunts me to this day.
why isnt this fat bitch sitting on my face?
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
What’s with these crossdresser timmies and not covering the nipples on their weird fake tits
I fucking hate men bro you all are straight up nasty
looks like a fucken dude lmao post some hot asian cosplayers instead
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Upside cross isn’t bad it’s how Peter died nigga
might be a satanist
mildly edgy accessory for wannabe mallgoth egirls
might be a builtformycockist
man I just lost a game cause playstation controllers are shit. Im literally holding up during an animation and I jump diagonally and fail combo fml
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How do I just know this is a rog?
Hold up he's got those Xx(name)xX, he might be an underage white boi.
do kids still do that? i thought it was only ever a joke throwback now
He's black he was saying nigga and talking in ebonics lol
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Look man, i'm just relaying what i saw in chat. If you want to think he's a cracka or a jive honkey or wahtever thats your pejorative
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>get your life ruined because you picked someone up
literally me
God I wish they kept the scene where Bateman tries to talk ebonics to a black guy at some club in the movie, it was funny as fuck in the book.
As a black man, I think Snake_Eyez_ got bitched
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
well it's a doggy dog world out here, we all make mistakes
>>487787887 >>487787949
dumb ass really came for me and then tucked his tail between his legs... I outta kick u in the chin
Picked them up, while drunk WITH THEM and everyone else in the room is drunk too. Lmao
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soive troon drama discussion goes in fgg or ggg
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“He spun me! I’m the middle
Of the room, I thought I was going to get gang raped!”
Fuckin lol. Strive niggas are something else
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our Cutie waifu...
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now that cammy won evo, every dick head is running around with the character now.
can we finally acknowledge how fucking absurd her ground and air approach game is, how good her neutral is, her insane corner carry, and how the strike throw loop in corner system SF6 encourages completely propels her kit to retarded levels? im tired of cammy downplayers.
Don't touch people without permission
she's a strong high tier character that plays honest footsies, what's the problem?
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It’s a dude in a wig
thats actually offensive to people that take wigs seriously
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what the FUCK is that?!?
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Cammy has been broken since Season 1, the fact that you knuckle draggers took this long to see because someone chimped out enough on her to win EVO is part of the problem with society... too many stupid niggas running around here
yes :)
yeah that bald man lost sadly
dude got a dustball on his head
why is sektor a girl now
Hey it's that dominican retard that glazes the fat domincan
Hey it's that not dominican genius that appreciates the strong dominican
it would be honest if she had one less tool to get in. the fact she gets a dive kick, hooligan mixup, while having good footsies that pretty much lead to you being in the corner no matter where she hits you on the screen is giving me pain.
>Punkcels calling anyone else for glazing
You nigcels worship a little internet troll that took 10 years to win EVO Lmao
He couldn't even get this achievement in his SOUL game (jive) and cried like a bitch for the world to see.
hooligan is nearly irrelevant at high level and every single good character in this game puts you in the corner after one hit
Realest glazers I know are the ones claiming others glaze

also mena isnt even that good lately
If it were Suzi or marine, I’d take the fall but man..
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>Destroys life and career for the ugliest fucking troon to exist
At least destroy your life for bussy of this calibre.
shhhh stop saying the quiet part outloud, let them keep riding him its funny to see them hop on it
they should make every fighting game characters girls
not tryna fuck wit no dude
The spic Nigga Obama still here? I thought you moved your bald ass to discord
that wasnt punk crying faggot fuck you
that was pink
hes black he can only got the whales or the benjamin franklin troons
Shuckle is that you?
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Cammy checks with her student to see if her tan lines are too bad.
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evens kami6
odds kunitsu-gama
>hooligan is irrelevant
not always. just the fact it exists means you have to have it on your mental stack.
>cammy carry
this is like saying ken's wall to wall carry is not a big deal because some characters can carry you from half screen. yeah it is a big deal due to the throw loop cancer we have in this game. See: evo finals rashid. characters being able to put you in the corner from pretty much anywhere on the screen with like 0 OD meter is shit. capcom is so fucking retarded for only balancing once a year.
she slagmaxxing?
not slimy enough for you?
shuckle spotted
I look like this
the game is mickey, not cammy specifically. she's just doing cammy stuff. hooligan is sometimes used as a gotcha, but it's not much of factor 99% of the time.
color 9 is actually canon
i can agree with that. cammy FEELS like the problem when its really the jank shit in the game that just compliments her.
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time to cleanse crabba from the villages
Boss baby
imagine that 300lb weight pounding that bussy
just broke my speaker after i missed an easy confirm
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Manon would have cemented herself as the most popular SF character if she wasn't a gr*ppler.
yea. like she's really good of course.
they need to buff her drive rush and give her an odette or odile alt costume or something
or literally a manon costume from manon
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Cammy in Tekken!
louis theroux in a wig
has runaway hoeflation just turned niggas prison gay?
harada actually gave lidia some muscle lol
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cammy in disney
fuck is going on with the game today
im getting tons of communication errors
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COTW waiting room.
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Better than sf6 in every which way
needs more sexy women

preecha is SF6-tier
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made a mistake turning on this dogshit game, people are so fucking random. just mashing DIing in a scramble and i accidentally pressed cr lk which inst cancelable. monkey shit.
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Depending on the tone of the argument, I'll either argue against or in defense of SFV's graphics.
>accidentally pressed
timmy got caught mashing and came to whine about it
chill out ranjeet..shouldnt have mashed....
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Is he right?
He’s 100000% correct
The strive community are nothing but terminally online freaks lol.
>but but it’s hard to go outside
No it isn’t, go fucking take a walk. Go pick up another hobby that gets you out of the fucking house, go to a animal shelter. Go volunteer, soemthing. Anything
No? There was way more fucked up bizarre shit happening in the FGC during his era. It just went undocumented because it predates social media and everyone having a video camera at all times.
All this post does is age him, horrendously. Just like that yee yee ass hairline.
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I give up
no matter what I do this game is fucking unfun dogshit that lets retards do whatever the fuck they want
I'm not making myself suffer through this shit anymore
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Is he right?
he was, in fact, completely wrong
bye jivie
Nah, for one trannies didn't exist back then.
Ricky Ortiz
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Based. It's not like you are acquiring an actual skill. If you don't have fun slimming, just do or play another thing.
He looked like a man pre SFV though.
Young adults being stupid and making mistakes in social settings back in the day would be something like not knowing how to properly talk to a girl and hold a conversation, not getting drunk and whispering "I love you" repeatedly into a trannies ear when you're drunk who you've only ever talking to on discord. These are not the same thing
Wow two feminine men…
One of which was actually a multi game player and fucked marn….
Almost like Ricki was cock warmer who could read social cues and wasn’t a fucking tucked in a discord strive player…
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i love the kimmy cap jams theme so much
Umisho kissed me back btw, how was I supposed to respond bro..
im not going to deny that human life in general has gotten more degenerate but you also have to remember that a 400lb weeaboo video game "professional" that hangs out with trannies all day and cant get laid is probably not the best to work with for the sake of arguing here
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ssf6 gunna be lit
I'm 1800 MR and just lost to a sub 1500 modern gief. So tired of this fucking character
>Young adults being stupid and making mistakes in social settings back in the day would be something like not knowing how to properly talk to a girl and hold a conversation, not getting drunk and whispering "I love you" repeatedly into a trannies ear when you're drunk who you've only ever talking to on discord
yea bro awkward dudes never got too handsy or creepy with someone before discord was invented
tryant slaughter
a FOOLISH INSECT that dares to defy me
>pick Ken, ED, or Rashid in modern
>or Guile in classic, whatever
>sliming on neutral? Just EX DP

And just with that, suddenly you're playing actual neutral. Or watching the opponent die like a retard trying to skip neutral
what is this referring too
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6 sucks till hes in ngl
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No Sakura, no buy, I will remain with default version and no DLC characters whatsoever
and gill
NycTempest getting canceled in real time today as one of the troons he hung out with accused him of sexual assault. All it amounted was NYC hugging and spinning the troon around and stopping when said troon said “stop”
This was akin to rape
and he did it when the troon was still male
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one of the best strive players in NA threw away their career over this
Yeah, that would happen, but that person would generally be a social outcast and wouldnt have many friends or know how to properly interact with other people. That is getting worse with how terminally online people are getting.
I can't wait for Kaz, Jin and the pink slime mechanic!
these people would be social outcasts and etc too if woke didnt protect them
you think SFchad pros can stand being around these weird niggas?
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Man we could have had Shang Tsung Gouki, fucking sick.
Wish they’d release the artbook already for this
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they should give him back this move too
>but that person would generally be a social outcast and wouldnt have many friends
not true in every case unless they were really spergy. plenty of dudes who have no clue how to respect boundaries or interact with people they are attracted to coast by oblivious with friends that either make excuses or joke about it. everyone being terminally online surely has an effect but it's really not that different to things in the past. a big difference nowadays is that instead of stuff being handled personally or among a circle of friends is that people choose to blast shit out to a wide audience with stuff like twitlongers and google docs exposes trying to cash in social media cancel culture, for good or ill.
sniffy licky
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The duality of a dixfan
Marisa is gorgeous
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Aki is the same as she was in Season one...CUTE
Another tranny twitlonger about this nigga has come out, he cant stop
street fighter 5 is even worse
>pick modern
I'd rather suck off a twelve gauge
Anyone complimenting MANrisa is the type of shit taste low t. faggot who types KAMI 6
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If it was Suzi, I’d support nyc for bagging em but c’mon man.
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oh nah this one is just straight up still a guy
Tempest is straight up zesty?
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Hey... I'm starting to think this isn't street fighter related at all...
i would buy this as costume 3 instead of the abomination they put in. maybe make the gi look different or something to differentiate it from costume 2
He's not even bagging them, hes just telling them that he loves them and getting to close into their personal space

Nah hes a tranny, but I guess that just a straight guy but with more steps
jivegods get cancelled for disciplining their wives

strivers get cancelled for groping chris-chan
it looks like someone that has been transitioning for less than 6 months
their testosterone levels were probably higher than tempest at that moment because being obese tends to lower t
tempestnyc just picked someone up
And now he will get put down by any notable fgc event organizers, commentators and sponsors
then he rightfully deserves to be permanently banned from all events
keep your hands to yourself chud, what if he bruised her?
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Fat ass.
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Yeah totally female…
Goddamn how did SF6 fail to capture these freaks. They made eternity and yet none of the strive folk came over
Something is wrong…yesterday after about 50 ranked matches with a win ratio of 42 in silver 1 I went into battle hub, I fought a platinum fighter and won 1 lost 1 and they were both very close. Now today after becoming a silver 2 and fighting 63 fights in ranked with a win ratio of 50 I went back to the battle hub, I fought a platinum 1 time and won the fight. My question is…why is it so hard for me to progress in ranked (1100 fights 150hrs), but I won against a platinum 2 days in a row in battle hub ???
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We always loved man-faced women with Hulk Hogan bodies.
>hop on other characters ill never main for fun
>want to take advantage of platinum players shitty neutral and gimmick my way to victory
>doesn't work because skill levels are all over the place in platinum
platinum pre-akuma update used to be free but now its a shithole, ill just stay with my main
Ace Attorney is a comedy game though, that's hardly comparable to a thriller, action, or horror narrative.
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30+ year old here ordering popeyes for the first time, hopefully black people didn't meme and its actually tastey :).

posting this here since SF is predominately a african american game
god 6 owns you
this is the same model they'll use to make sagat and urien
It’s good chicken fren, I hope you enjoy.

Can you answer the question I had in my post here >>487801851
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This game is only really fun when you play it a lot because that way you are able to react to all the nonsense and recognize the situations. If you take a break and come back you will get hit with every single DI and won't check a single drive rush until you practice and get used to it again.
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>shut you bitchass up...

this clip is so godly
Nobody will answer my question so I can go to bed peacefully, I’m almost ready to delete my post again DAMN IT ALL TO HELL !!!
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>This game is only really fun when you play it a lot
>Copying my file AND my filename

Stop playing this trash ass game. We use this general to talk about anything else but SF6 since the game is asscheeks.
she got a ton of buffs, maybe too many. she is still free on defense though.
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Good ass Dix
people in battle hub suck
i came back today after a 3 week break and i was reacting to every DI, jump, checked drive rush like crazy
the flow state ended and i turned off the game immediately
imagine if capcom and arcsys worked together
we would have both good models and good animations
I can win with Marisa it just feels like I have to be so much better than my opponent to do so
just move on for your own health anon, she's going to be stuck in mid-tier hell for the rest of the game
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I'm thinking tempestnyc is our guy
did they really need to give bison a stun dipper
Is anyone going to answer my question from this post >>487801851 properly ??? So I can go to bed peacefully, please answer the question properly.
He needs a stun dipper (Air OK) desu
none of this shit matters stop caring until you hit legend rank faggot
keep grinding
mate if you want we can play some games and I can give you some pointers, I'm only low masters though
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>After this things were normal. They came to my room, we had some drinks, our friend came by and we laughed and talked a bunch, the night was going fine. Afterwards however, I went to pour myself another drink and then Tempest asked me to go to them, they then held me close and told me they loved me, through their shorts I could tell they were aroused. This disgusted me, I wasn't sure if this was intentional or not and even now I never admitted to them that I felt that but I was made very uncomfortable, while they were holding me they said quietly to me “Your ass is fat.”
>jab jab jab canonspike
>jab jab jab canonspike
>jab jab jab canonspike
>jab jab jab canonspike
Nice game you have there
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hello sfg
i haven't played online since before aki came out
what has changed with the game? is jp still op? is ken still top tier despite not being that good? is oce dead now?
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I actually have pointers for tomorrow, wrote them in my notebook. Have a look…. Also, I play modern on ps5 controller.
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>I nervously laughed it off and went “haha thanks”
jp mid now kens the best
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>your ass is fat
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That's fine, we can play some long sets so you can work on implementing them if you want. You might be "missing the forest for the trees" so to speak, though. Sometimes new players have a hard time figuring out a hierarchy of what to work on
>cannon spike
you dont mean spiral arrow? she cant continue her pressure after cannon spike
>why is it so hard for me to progress in ranked (1100 fights 150hrs)
ranked favors consistency against all types of players and characters. winning a BH set against a random player doesn't earn you anything

also, rank vs fight count isn't a linear regression. you need to hit training mode and do research + replay analysis to progress in rank
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>design them costumes but never add them to the actual game
Also shit gameplay x2.
they'd look nauseating in the horror engine
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You just know those cheeks need to be clapped.
>12 months per outfit plan
we're unironically never getting summer outfits again, it'll forever be in the ono era
Marisa would look like a whale in that thing.
I have to go to bed, I did 64 fights today and have been up for like 16hrs. Also the last time I put my information here, someone got angry at me and kinda tried using my information as leverage.
I can only do target combo, and auto combos. I can’t do drive rush combos in an actual match because I don’t get breathing room, but I’ll work on doing a drive rush combo tomorrow.
i love you
i love you
i love you
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they really should start outsourcing to randoms off artstation like during 5
>Juri in a tube
Would be lore accurate since she's a grown woman fighting in pajamas, might as well make all her other alt outfits childish
dude whats wrong with you
stop playing against people and just sit in training mode practicing your bnb's??
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Say that again little boy…
>someone got angry at me and kinda tried using my information as leverage.
>Worst of the worst
aye fuck you man
decapre gives the best head
she even tongues pee holes
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Is that what I should do? Last time I tried the combo wouldn’t work in ranked because they are in me like flies on shit, I’m not trolling either. I want to learn cr.mk > drive rush > medium > heavy > dp/tatsu, but could be get it to stick to my hands properly and definitely can’t get it to work in ranked.
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Why do troons always try to dress like anime girls?
The incel chud to tranny pipeline is a real thing
Tried making me apologize to the thread for shitting up the place or they’d post my fighter profile lol I was actually able to find their fighter profile but I wouldn’t post it on here.
She’s a killer and probably used teeth until you guide her not to
Porn addiction
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Anime is probably 60% of the reason why they are trooning.
why did you respond with that image? Are you trying to say thats a man ass or something?
don't be a bigot. she's not a retard. she's esl
It's called tranime for a reason
the anime incel to trans pipeline is real
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sex with Ryu
Guile's wife canonically fucks BBC
Real women canonically fuck BWC
Guile's daughter*
his wife is a faithful christian woman
White girls rather fuck sauceless asians and dogs than give white dudes a chance lmfao
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who virgin here
>Implying it wasn't Guile's idea
dude is a white boomer with nothing else to do, probably a porn addict and came up with the idea
I have never laid with a woman
because I fuck men, of course
>porn addict thinking up scenarios
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Sfg is gay, and its not possible to be gay and a virgin
a girl used me but i was only a tongue kiss 6 years ago
I have a gf and get laid, you can do it too anon don't give up!
We're gay?
>and its not possible to be gay and a virgin
>porn cleansed showing reality
No, we're not. Yes I've stuck my penis in your ass and you've stuck your penis in my ass but we only did that ironically, as a joke.
how is he wrong?
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How do we make sure that Capcom doesn't ruin Mai's face?
I'm not but sex is overrated. I also think SF6 is shit.
Nigga, if you have masturbated you literally have touched penis which is kind of gay sex.
It's technically possible it's just sad as fuck if true
Damn we gay
I assume the Saudi overlords will make them fix her if she isn't perfect.
I've never touched my cock in my entire life
Then how do you explain this

*unzips dick*
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Why are gays so promiscuous?
Someone's son is posting gachawhores in MY thread? We like milky moobs and manly bulges here, nigga. Get the fuck out of here.
men only care about having sex and making jizz come out
gay means there will be two men that only care about and having sex and making jizz come out x2
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>milky moobs and manly bulges
not virgin but I pretty much accepted I'll never hold big tits in my hands.
(my x being C cup)
How big do you want, just be like the gays and find a big titty slut on the apps
one of her taunts is a literal foot-tease
reminder: NEVER ever EVER ingridfags
Exactly. Shes using her foot instead of her hand because she is showcasing her dexterity in battle. Not necessarily because she likes footplay.
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This is why you just fuck Sherry and marine and stick with your own people
It really is, Juri says it's gross if you show interest in feet in the texting messages during WT
Fuckin dudes is next
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me playing SF6
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Thank god
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>tfw they choose a gacha whore and makoto/ibuki in season 3
i look like this
damn whoever the anon was that said the box for the MaxFactory Chun statue was nice wasn't kidding, just got mine
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walk someone down get parry backthrown into corner pressure into death
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chill bro
i hope no man on Earth is actually burdened with areolas that big. that shit looks like it would be humiliating. you start to sweat through a white tee and now everybody is wondering why you've got pasties on under your shirt.
the Marisa experience
i would imagine it's because the majority of men are pumper and dumpers, and the majority of women prefer a little emotional preamble and aftercare with their sex. two dudes who don't know each other will hit it off in a sauna, fuck in the sauna, dap each other up, and keep it pushing. they might not even exchange numbers or ever bump into each other again. women, by and large, don't do that.
go back in time and start organizing a massive backlash campaign against SF6's art style the day it was revealed.
it's too late to do anything now. the water is already boiling, the frogs who bought into the heavily quarterbacked astroturf support campaign are fucked. shout out to Max Dood, Sajam, Brian F, Justin Wong, and the rest of the volunteer spokesmen.
Modern Gief doesnt have his medium kicks, seems pretty shit.
Gonna play some THIRD STRIKE BABY THIRD STRIKE for the first time and I'm thinking of trying out some URIEN.
Anything I should know beforehand like little tips and stuff?
play someone easier to start unless youre very experienced with fighting games
can we get a makoto picture rotation each thread? its always the same image :(
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what do we think
You unninstall it and play SF4
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This just happend in my match lmao

Im low Iron/bronze pls understand
good ass dix
Dix nooch hits different
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I can't fuckin pavlov myself into doing antiair dp everytime, I have to consciously think about it every time
this sucks
Irl fighting. Just swinging under the rain
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two masters... perfectly in sync,,, countering every move
a nigga named UMA
Is he claiming adsense or whatever for all these LTG spite channels? Since they're using his stream? Are they just his buddies making him mad ad revenue?
Idk enough about how Youtube works.
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Here you go >>>/wsg/5630435
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Pad chads are evolving
Thank God finally
Nakayama's vision
lmao, if one of them just delayed a half second
Why does Jaime wear make up?
I'd legit main him if not for that
Holy kek ty
For Luke, next question
Why isn't SF6 an event at the Olympics?
because sf6 is a product and thus if it got an event at the olympics it would turn into a commercial
Because it is in the Paralympics.
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Jive meet up was great, thanks everyone for coming! See you all next week.
would prefer a good floating pad

but the pricing is godawful
Wait a damn minute
Jamie canonically doesn't like fish. Why is he at the sushi restaurant?
Why are jivers sneaking and spying on dixchads houses?
Imagine the smell
Because he is gay.
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I just realized that SF6 Cammy looks basically exactly like Georgia Ellenwood.
I put scented candles all over the house it smelled great
Nash main btw
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My bisexual wife A.K.I is cute... CUTE!!!!
She's fun as always
CHADski would have won EVO, Punk is lucky he was too busy listening to anime openings.
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I can see it.
broski is one of the strongest dix players and plus hes one of the most articulate & handsome analyst in the community
Broski could HEEM Clayton in an IRL fight and steal his girls
Broski just throw looped me...
keep it down, broski
A Broski just flew over my house
Is Broski still a 40 year old virgin living at home?
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sex with broski

jappa tournament happening right now
>ken mirror
I sleep
not for long thankfully
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If you are in the top row please switch mains or forever be branded a fraud
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feels good to be a ryuGAWD
I remember that time Guile was livestreaming with Zangief and accidentally showed his browser history contained terms such as "fur diaper" and "fur diaper filled" and Guile just went silent while Zangief tried desperately to find something else to talk about
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This game doesn't feel fun even when I'm winning.
I'm done dude Dix just feels awful
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My tongue buried inside Cammy's rectum. Simple as.
You can tell is a worthless coomer when all the girls, which are actually braindead easy, he thinks take skill, but the low-midtiers he thinks "carry" anyone.
Who's son is these
No one works as hard as Simbros
Has EndingWalker hit his ceiling or will he continue to improve and take EVO someday?
He was a CPT finalist before being old enough to drink, it's a matter of when, not if.
post a current tierlist please
>watching fuudo literally shed master points

happens to everyond doesn't it?
i bet it smells fuckin' crazy in there. euuggghh.
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>not fundies
It's up
>stick player
>starting to find nothing beats the comfiness of playing on a decent pad on my laptop in bed
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Funny because Punk would probably agree with me
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snake eyez is trying to say gief isn't good in season 2 of sf6 now
Gief isn't good when his burger ass plays him
I remember him ranting about Chun being scrubby but I'm not sure why
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sniffing the granny
he said this while holding back tears
I also remember him saying Chun was scrubby in this game. Don't recall him ranting though. He was playing her.
thumbnail looks like shes taking a fat shit
They need to make light and medium scissor kicks -4 too. People have already figured out how to punish them being used at all in blockstrings.
cammy is pure fundies
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How the FUCK is Jamie carried by anything
Character is fucking awful
>Character is fucking awful
No he is not, he is low tier but low tiers can still do stuff in this game. Struggling with Jamie in tournaments is one thing, but if you're struggling with Jamie in ranked then you're doing something wrong. Like S1 Honda, he has powerful gimmicks
That is simply not true lmao
Starting at 90% damage with your special moves locked out is a huge disadvantage at any level of the game, and as you get better people know that Jamie folds to fireballs and especially fireball DR
i hit 1600mr bros
I think all scissor kicks should be -6 that need to be spaced extremely well since they're motion now
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Where was the Mika cosplay during his Jive days?

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