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Previous: >>487717539

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Sorry I meant these 2
Changli my beloved
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For me its Chumlee
right. Do you have her top skills which gives like 8% crit rate?
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wuwa !
Get S2 and go right.
how did you manage to get exactly the same attack stat on both of those builds? I'd go left unless you have S2, don't gamble that much
No not yet
I only changed one echo and they don't have an attack stat on them. I just have an inferno rider with a high Cdmg stat
Since we're going straight to 2.0 from 1.4, will future patch cycles, X.0 > Y.0, be potentially 2-3 patches longer? 1.X is just Jinzhou and you know how those other games had an extra major area to switch the focus.
>how those other games

What game?
Left has higher CV
Genshin and Star Rail, specifically.
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Cute and sweaty rover
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uh so is this the full name of that one country that was mentioned with the intelligent echoes? Rinas?
That's kinda sad that WuWa's identity is tied to Genshin/Hoyo games.

When will we stand on our own?
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these are the cutest wuwas i have
More like Kuro did it to themselves.



>roll weapons
>Got Changli weapon, the 4* sword and pistol ended maxed
>no rectifier even once
Sorry Baizhi, maybe next time.
I have three copies of Variation (the third came from Changli's weapon convene) just in case Kuro introduces something that won't let you freely switch weapons.
Considering you don't have the crit rate skills yet and the difference being
>~50% crit damage
>~20% crit rate
I'd say the right is the overall better choice.
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game has been out over 2 months and mourning aix wound hologram still rapes me
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Why is Danjin the only flat hebe? When will they add more flat hebes so Danjin will have frends?
Does aalto have the most worthless middle skills?
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now these are cute wuwas
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Coastguard, but some have said they gave her boobs, so who knows
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hello is this is guu ga ga?
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No don't give her boobs Danjin needs a fellow flattiefrend....
Is Chixia really that flat? Seems busty too for me
Had it at 10% hp yesterday and my motor skills decided to drop their spaghetti.. I got all timings down except for the nigger feather spam
Chixia is far from being flat.
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Gaga gooooo
>Jinzhou native
>never appears until the last chapter of Act 1
How do you think her Companion Quests will go? I have this idea that the battle during the Tacet Discord incursion gave her PTSD and it increased the risks of overclocking as a result. Her current kit is the result of her being able to control her trauma through self-harm and killing Tacet Discords, which is kinda fucked up.
Character in question is Danjin.
Did the bug bite her eye?
>How do you think her Companion Quests will go?
It won't go at all, because not even all the new characters get quests. Jinhsi wasn't good or popular enough to deserve a quest, let alone some 4-star nobody cares about.
Jinhsi is Rover's wife. Changli is the hidden concubine.
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Eh they will just retcon, it’s not that hard and since she’s a 4* no one will mind
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And Sanhua?
she was away on her revenge quest or whatever, there
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> First World Flopper, now Wuwa
I've wuthered my last wave...
Shut up already Jue.
This game has way too much downtime
First gachage?
Don't have a panic attack
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It's coming
not my problem honestly, I can do other stuff pick up some single-player /indie game while wuwa in maintenance mode
name a gacha that puts out faster content
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>Heavy Attack
You know what to do, bro...Keep it
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>crit dmg
I hope you have the crit rate broadblade
She will be released someday. I can see it.
Why did you post my broadblade that I use on Cuckchudroo? Give it back to me.
what's the page for buying lunites?
Is Rover a cultivator?
i'm telling the sheriff, fuckers!
No, xhe's a literal god unironically.
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Who is the painter?
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holy shit it's HIM
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>the famous painter that lives in Jinzhou
>we never heard of her before
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Funny how I also immediately think of this dude instead of Zhezi.
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Bros.... I have been using Inferno Rider for awhile as my main echo, but apparently he's shit. What are the good main echoes for Changli and Anko?
Inferno rider. There's literally nothing better
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poor speedster broker her hand
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>that finger gesture
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It's the best you got, anything else cope even for "qol" reasons. Tough it out 'till Kuso releases a new 4-cost fusion.
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arknights collab when?
When does Shifang Pharmacy get reset?
Per week?
Per patch?
I don't want to pick cotton like a field nigga
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>Almost built Chudcharo

dodged a bullet
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>I'm surely gonna get something good from all of these!
Since enemy in WuWa are very aggressive in general, I'm using the parry bird for faster rotation
Jinzhou is called the throat of huanglong? wtf
same but with moonlit set
does Changli wnt atk % or fusion
It's probably because of the huge portal. If Tacet Discord hordes want to ravage the rest of Huanglong, they have to go through the defenders of Jinzhou first. Jinzhou is literally built for defense, you can see that from the map.
Who can use lingering tunes?
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is over isnt it, even the slug cunny and a rerun beat us in sales, bros changli was supposed to be the one in sales what the fuck happen, didnt you all save for her?
its pretty much a cope set since we don't have anyone with good outro damage nuke
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A little too early for the lunch break palm oil bro
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>huge portal
which one? Isn't it just because it's the newest city on the border to the rest of notChina
I'm pretty interested to see what the other cities look like since it's been said the Jinzhou is not the biggest nor the most populated out of the 6 major cities
Japan already chose ZZZ as the winner. We've known this for weeks now anon. Now we can relax and stay comfy than trying to fend off reddit/twitter cancer 24/7. Watch them get a loli banner and everyone loses their minds because can't have that these days. Not to mention the furry shit they'll be getting and the shitflinging that will ensue.
Does Yangyang want my penis?
does this moron understand what he meant when he wrote "didnt you all save for her?"
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It's that easy
>Watch them get a loli banner and everyone loses their minds because can't have that these days.
This. The reason why BA worked was because the creator itself supported it which lead to the player base rallying and filtering the fucking normies. Do you think creators from Mihomo will do something like this? Mihomo will go the most safest route possible and cuck their audience. I won't say we're gonna have BA levels of shit here in a banner but at the very least, if Kuro releases a loli banner, the normie outrage won't be as cancerous.
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buffed to D Cup
Changli finally built
>The shore guard is a healer
Please dont
did they release any lolis apart from brown cunny? i know her because of the lewds and is peak
I play WuWa because PGR has a kino story, and I want that in an open world gacha. Which is to say, I'm in this game for the long haul.
Why not? Verina is a healer and she's core
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how big is a chink D cup again?
like yapyap?
Never. Once you beat all the holograms all you're left with is fighting hilichurls 7 hours a day for shitty echoes.
They most likely will. But I mean regardless, they're fucking have an argument about an age of a fictional character in the other thread. So that's how retarded the whole thing is.
I want a glacio dps.
No, im not using the furry
Verina needs a break bwo
I'm new, but he doesn't have to put the 4 cost echo at the top right? he can move it down and put in the 3 star and 1 star instead?
Kuro didn't have to pander to the incel chink community in PGR though. It's extremely likely we'll only be getting safe generic shit to avoid setting them off.
please be a healer, verina's back is breaking
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soon bros...
Yes, you can put the 3-cost parry one instead for "smoother" rotation
Give me kino co-op raids Solon.
Yeah but 4cost have way better echo skills than 3 or 1-cost
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newkek here, got a Jihhsi starter, got Changli, Jianxin, and Verina. I still have the "pick free SSR" thing
Which one should I choose?

I find the combat system while flashy as fuck to be really confusing. Story-wise this Scar dude cutscenes were kinda fun. I'm still just at the start tho
there was a leak recently where they were going to rework the co-op right? So that you can use all 3 of your characters even if your in somebody else world?
Is Baizhi that bad?
I already thought about her because she looks like a total qt
>t. both hag and cunny enjoyer
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>cuck their audience
They already expect it lol
Not sure how they did it, but they managed to have the entire SEA region, who are very into self-inserting, submit and rally for them online while cucking and humiliating them at every turn.
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kill yourself, have a [-] while you at
You already have the supports and we are getting a free electro dps next patch encore is probably the best pick unless you like Calcharo
plus enocore is a main dps too
having several options of main dps isnt a bad thing desu
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Remember you can go and do tutorials for all the characters it explains it pretty well.
more like I'm a shitter, and I need 3 healer for 3 tower
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Oh she's a qt alright
Compared to verina? yeah she ii
Should I play with a keyboard and mouse or controller? I feel like unlike Genshit, this game kind of wants me to use a controller more
vmg soon? 2 weeks + 1.2 filler patch is not looking good.
I prefer using the controller myself
That's what I saw from the leak as well. They wanted that co-op for high SOL Phase level shit in the overworld but then the difficulty doesn't really adjust and the rewards are pretty much the same as what you would get when you play alone.
If you quit Wuwa, you will get raped by Solon tonight.
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pic related
Looking up tower/hologram runs almost everyone seems to use keyboard. I don't think controller is needed. Should only use it if you prefer it
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what is the problem here?
Norman Revival when
You lost wwg schizo
>there is an extra ascension item for Rover
Literally why?
Game reminds me a lot of DMC so controller is probably good. I play with a keyboard only because i haven't tried it yet
Is Danjin bad for end game?
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she's fine with high investment
They're most likely gonna raise the level cap. I'm guessing 2.0.e
She is good for cuddling
She's got a decent outro and can trigger the healing set so she will always have some relevance until there's a better havoc buffer
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>she wants to cuddle
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It's joever...
Solon when Co-opn walks in :O
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go back
I can't read it, so I don't give a shit.
S6 Danjin is pretty handy so you can use her if you got her that high
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wait what is going on here? Barely started the event. Wanderer NTR?
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Here's your final lesson,. Jinhsi.
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Get in the filter Biden
What's the content in 1.2?
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My gacha luck has been reasonable this time around.
Hand holding with our kung fu iron man husbando Xiangli Yao

I need it...My PS5 is turning into a gacha console. I hope they release it with 1.2
Man what a scam
I remember everyone were hype as fuck when it release
What went wrong?
I hope Solon finds a way to make this crossplay. Sony's lack of crossplay support faggotry has killed so many games.
I play a lot of my JRPGs on it but yeah the exclusives are a joke and I hate all the Sony IP games
The thing is nobody gives a fuck about text people just click to skip. While people do care about revenue that can result in games ending their service.
>nobody gives a fuck
is that why /gig/ is 24/7 cuckpostings right now?
Sony forced that Aloy crap on Genshin so who knows. There were no issues with HSR and ZZZ as far as I know so I hope Kuro worked out some deal.
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If I buy the monthly pass will it ruin my seed?
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DON'T do it brother
Going from Jinhsi to Changli is tough. You actually have to pay attention instead of just "push glowing button"
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>There were no issues with HSR and ZZZ as far as I know so I hope Kuro worked out some deal.
I hope so man. Sony fucking black pilled me with what they did with Helldivers 2. That game got hit hard so much by that shitty region lock because Sony just won't fucking remove that PSN requirement. I know the devs had also some part for the frustration because of them focusing way too hard on balancing on a PvE game but limiting new players from coming in a death sentence to any live service game.
It's pretty easy to parry with her skill

This game sucks ass
>Baiting posting means people care
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I got Encore while pulling for Changli is she worth it still
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Yeah. Who else are you gonna pair with changli? Chixia? Scar in 2.0?
you will need her when kuro adds another 6 sections of towers in the future
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>All that money they pour on the ads while they couldn't give good freebies to their playerbase
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Yeah the release freebies are stingy as fuck lel
>mfw ZZZFREE100 code only give 300 gems
>mfw it's limited
>Inferno Rider and other echoes which have different effects depending on how long you press the button will randomly use their long-press effect even if you just tap the button if you have high ping. In the video you can see Encore using the bike mode instead of the 3-hit combo despite me doing a short tap, this happens easily 75% of the times at 190 ping and renders that echo unusable.
never happened to me @140~150 ping, sounds like a massive skill issue
>Characters will randomly not dodge at all when pressing the dodge button. We aren't talking about a delayed dodge, just no dodge at all.
happens at low ping too lmao
Don't care, take your off topic somewhere else
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i quit the game but not because its stingy
you can get around 180 limited rolls
>none of the free guns in the world were enough to retain playerbase
They could have just made a good game instead of believing bribes is enough to keep around players...
illusion wont give me bell for changli
>While people do care about revenue that can result in games ending their service.
revenue posting never really this popular until genshin, even FGO which is the king of gacha until genshin never had this kind of bullshit comparison to other gacha. at most people just compare with other gacha about roll system
Holy ESL
is it cause the combat is boring?
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> even FGO which is the king of gacha until genshin
FGO was never dethroned from japan and constantly BTFOs all mihoyoslop there whenever theyre not on literal dead months
>I prefer eating a restaurants pagpag trash since it's free, instead of eating good food
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Bro take some english lessons holy shit
nah all that shit is in-game 1 time shits + events, freebies are all standard rolls
And no, if you have to work for it, it isn't free
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wen day is dark
alway rember happy day
True for every gacha games
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I'm only happy when i'm gambling
True between bottom of the barrel gacha that are "generous"
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>still reply to IT

sheriff would be very disappointed in all of (You)
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Very worth it bwo.
>not abusing main stat pity drop
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Headpat the Paravalov...
No. I will not farm the overworld for Echoes until Solon let's me drop it down 2 levels instantly and reduce the lockin period to 8 hours.
Fgo is nowhere to to the highest Japanese revenue gacha. It's not a Yakuza laundering business unlike the other 3 big JP gachas. Zzz and HSR make more than fgo in Japan even if we just limit it to mobile iOS. Genshin too if we expand to console.
oh no, wuwa sisters, we are exposed! Why are Kuro games so incompetent? Not just botched release and mobile version, the game performance is still shit and unplayable as action game.

bwo, your dreamless
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Thoughts on Mtashed whining about pings?
>i-it's not because i'm bad at games!
feel like DSP complaining he pressed dodge when playing Dark Souls
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ping deez nuts
They have servers in multiple regions for a reason
skill issue (of lack of skill of Kuro devs unable to make good netcode) - works fine in ZZZ
Yapyap a cute. Do you think she will follow us to the next zone bros? or is she just a Summer Love
I would agree though. Wuwa has so much unnecessary checks that would pose a problem to co-op play. Like seriously, 300 ping isn't that bad but I can already feel the frustration when playing Taoqi where the counters are missing. Before you ask me why I'm playing on a server that I get 220-300 ping, I have friends in that server.
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>works fine in ZZZ
you don't need to dodge in ZZZ though
maximum cope, MrPokke quit WuWa since it was so braindead easy he cleared it with eyes closed, while he got litterally raped in higher levels of HZ in ZZZ
No amount of good codes can compensate for the physical distance between your machine and servers. Just open any MMO or FPS and try to play in a distant region
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i don't listen to shitter quit PGR midway because of skill issue, work wonder on my machine
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>All these casuals finding every reasons to justify their dogshit skills
>Meanwhile RexGOD
yes it can, and every mmo, fps and fighting game has netcode adjusting for that. Especially retarded considering WuWa is basically a singleplayer game.
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that guy will literally bring up how he is A PRO DESTINY PLAYER and blame everyone but himself for his lack of skill
rexlent is constantly clearing memphis 6 on 200-300 ping
KEK haven’t seen this gif in a while
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We are in trouble. We have no answer to this.
>check [+]
>just the usual
I'd say PSO2 did have a good system for keeping things client side for the gameplay. It's not perfect but you have less of a chance getting fucked for just having 300 ping.
And compare that if you play on a server dedicated to your region. You're being dishonest if you say they are the same
honestly, thats why i only listen to this dude or stepharu to lesser extend regarding the game. good thing kuro actually bother to talk to their CC from previous game
all [-] posters should be permanently banned, it's off-topic, extremely irritating and adds nothing to the conversation
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feeling good
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the sheriff is sleeping, maybe it's time to post CALCHUD
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>I'll just close my eyes and pretend nothing happened as the game devs mocks me over and over again
I love her...
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I hope wuwa will get some kino collab bwos
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>300 ping
>Rider supposedly going to long press mode 75% of the time at 150 ping never happens
>As everyone's already known the other shit like dodges and parries are client side so good players can still hit them all

How the fuck are packet loss redditoids playing with their PC in a steel cage on the moon and skill issue jewtubers allowed to just spread misinformation like this?
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This isn't worth it for another roll, right? I should be able to roll another energy regen right?
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man if i knew my build would have been this broken i wouldve picked the hp shield bonus for enemies.
Australia exists, they have to deal with this crap in every single game with internet connection in existence. Its not the distance to server fault. WuWas issues are two fold:
1 - delayed inputs due to incompetence in using UE4 engine and overall lack of optimization
2 - shitty netcone requiring server side combat confirmation in singleplayer game as well lacking any lag compensation mechanics

If you take Genshin as example it NEVER had issues tih combat/lag regardless of ping in single player mode. They screwed coop on release - it being near unplayable in first coop event, but even that they long fixed ever since.

The issue is game enginering and lack of competence. If they wanted to make a game where internet connection matters with hard combat, they should have designed the systems for that. Every fighting game does, or would be basically unplayable in multiplayer. Same with all FPS games. MMOs barely care about ping as well except for when t heres a lot of players on screen - they are designed around large ping.
not really, FGO was truly never dethroned in japan, i know this for a fact.
genshin only gets somewhere near the top in big patches but they havent gotten anywhere near the top since arlecchino released and FGO gets #1 monthly almost without fail.
left is a bait piece, it's not worth another roll, but you will have to do it because if you get CDMG it's a really solid piece (you won't, but you still have to try)
right is just trash
scrap the right one, keep the left
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you're just an unskilled faggot coping really hard
At this point, could Kuro do a collab with kick starter? It worked for Minecraft.
>If you take Genshin as example it NEVER had issues tih combat/lag regardless of ping in single player mode.

shut the fuck up, i have EU acc while living in NA, there is legit 1.5 lag when switching character from 200 ping
why would you take genpoop as an example
I remember playing that game on 300 ping while downloading porn and characters would literally take 2 seconds to swap lmao that game is garbage to play with high ping
/alter/ started sales posting /akg/ started gacha eceleb shilling.
Fgo never gets #1 monthly like I said. It's not even the highest rev gacha game. They release new shit like once ever 3 months.
>Genshin as example it NEVER had issues
LMAO shut the fuck up retard, at least play the game you use to shitpost
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Dodges and Parries are not so client sided. They do have a high tolerance for registering it but there is a point where it does not register. Also this game has a funny way of dealing with disconnection. I once played on a really bad connection 400-600 ms. I was on a cruise ship trying to do dailies. There is a server side check for damage registration but the AI is client side. When you get a prompt that it's reconnecting and you can't move, enemy will continuously attack you. Once you reconnect, all the attacks that the AI landed on you while you couldn't move will be sent and registered to the server.
Liar and cretin. You can litterallyu play Genshin with connection lost, without realizing it until mob hp stops updating.
>Dead Master kino
>BRS sexo
>New Alpha skin
I'm gonna redeem, ma'am.
Then I suggest you trying every servers in different games and see for yourself
Them having shitty infrastructure is a known fact. No other 1st world country is as bad as them
Did you forget the horrendous 1.0 co-op event?
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this dude is just copy pasting everything at this point lol
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>No black gold saw or strength
fucking why?
i dont think you should reply to me after that shill bro, you should just ignore me and move on to other shill topic.
>It rolls DEF
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Narushio and Rexlent are the only good one anyway
uhhhhh genturdslopperbros our response?
Puzzles and dragon, uma, and monster strike all make way more than fgo year round since money laundering.
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I should skip her weapon if i have the 5 star standard and accidently got her S1 right? Jinhsi is my wife btw
Who do I need to blow to get Qingque an expy in WuWs
Her sig is 9-10% better. Pull if you want drip
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>Them having shitty infrastructure is a known fact. No other 1st world country is as bad as them
NTA. Australia is just fucked. There's so much hops they have to go through before getting to the servers.
thanks bwo
>blue sword on red character
Style bricked
-20% DPS
I'd agree with this post but then
>If you take Genshin as example it NEVER had issues tih combat/lag regardless of ping in single player mode.
Come on man.
Yes, if you need to skip a weapon this is the one
We dripmaxing when they introduce skins, right dolphin bwos?
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i'll finish the job on her rerun, as well as S2
thanks bwo
sorry babe
Sometimes I regret skipping yinlins weapon. But i will be vindicated when 1.3 weapons turn out to be op
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Damn right!
Though i want good skins like pgr and not generic dogshit like in genshin
I will buy all!
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Yeah i used up all my cooking oils to the brim to level 6 chef and yeah..... Im out brotha and i need 2 cooking oil to finish the lollo event. So i have to wait monday reset for this to refill nice kuro games very nice.
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It's those damn Russian fault!
Mr. Solon's throbbing member ain't sucking itself, anon...
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Changli taught Jinhsi an ancient Chinese quote during her final cutscene

This probably had been missed by most non-Chinese players, but in Changli’s last cutscene, the lesson she taught Jinhsi comes from a very famous quote by Song dynasty philosopher and politician Zhang Zai (张载)(1020 - 1070).

It is called 横渠四句, or four statements of Hengqu (Hengqu is Zhang Zai’s pseudonym). It is as follows:

为天地立心 - To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth;

为生民立命 - To secure life and prosperity for the people;

为往圣继绝学 - To continue the lost teachings of past sages;

为万世开太平 - To establish peace for all future generations.

For a lot of Chinese speaking players, this sent a chill down our spines and really elevated the whole story. This is a very famous and touching quote passed down for a thousand years. It also fits very well with Changli's character development.

You can hear in the Chinese cutscene, the four sentences have a poetry-like rhythm, which doesn't exist in the English dub sadly.
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If they're even half as good as modern PGR coatings, yes.
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>he went all-in
Why would you do that?
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Since pretty much a lot of the live service games are going for anti-cheats that have kernel level inspection, why do they still go this hard with the server checks for single player?
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Even with signature weapons I’m still struggling to clear ToA. I’m UL60 with DPS characters at lv90. I got OCD with my echoes so they are quite good. But I can only reach 27/30 ToA. I’m really curious to know if any of you finish ToA with 4* weapons.
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Wow. Uninstall anytime.
>Rolls 3 and 4 go hp and def
>Crit DMG roll has min rolled anyway
Retardgod why would you go past +20
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feed it into a fresh echo and level it to 25 then roll all 5 substats at once, SOLON WILL BLESS THIS ONE
I clearead 30/30 on lvl80 with only Jiyan's sig (and standard 5* sword)
no changli
skill issue
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What are some american quotes and teachings once we visit it?
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A man tuned his echo 5 times in one go, this is what happened to his organs.
This is a good piece for fedoraman actually
Good on you, but unlike you the average non-luckshitter would only have 1 standard s rank + 1 limited character and that's it so yes it is pretty stingy
Wait really? He wants DEF?
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>this close to ultimate overworld mob rape
yeah redditman is def scaling
Yeah thats a taoqi/fedora support piece
What technical limitations could there be, if any, that don't allow Rover gender change?

I find it weird that in this game, and many other gachas, this option just doesn't exist. I can understand it if the other option is used in the story in some way (even still, they could just swap the characters), but I don't think this will be the case for this game. All my CS contacts and feedbacks either go unanswered or they just give some response that seems like they didn't even read what I sent. I'm wondering if it's just difficult on a programming level or if they are just not interested or too lazy to do it. I'm not a video game designer/creator so I don't know the technical hurdles for something like this.
yeah I mean what if I transition IRL and I want to transition in game too?
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Everytime you post your good echo rolls, you're making me cry :'(((
Please think about that when you're about to post your echo rolls.
kek all these fem rover pickers are over her ass and didn't know this game is for (You)
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So I should +25 it?
You can just downgrade the world level if you want comfy echo farm
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dumb yangyang you should be on your knees begging me not to uninstall
clothes: off
ass: in the air
cheeks: spread wide
I got the perfect crt dmg, crt rate, atk%, flat atk and energy regen echo on an energy regen elite I levelled for support Jianxin... high rolls too...
AFK Journey has a gender change but it is paywalled. I don't know how easy it would be to implement, but it probably is too low of a priority even if a company decided they should do it.
I like self inserting as a lesbian.
it doesn't really matter so it's low priority on most dev list
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my pride won't allow me to do that
I am in the same position I have like 800k shell credit left and I'm 1 level away from 60 I am not prepared at all
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>UL 59
>nothing prefarmed
>no credits
>no tubes
>echos are bricked
Surely the 15 cubes will be enough
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New official Arknights Weibo account called "Rhodes Creativity Hub" to promote and support fan content creation, such as by hosting content creation activities with rewards
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Just play co-op bro!
15 cubes is enough for leveling, anon. You get huge damage penalty/taken being 80 instead of 81.
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i dont want to see other people
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No news on the event right after this one?
do we actually have more korean artist?
Eh, I'll still pull for her, but she wont get S6 anymore. My wait for a good 6 star glacio dps continues.
double echo drop rate iirc
We have a shit ton of chibis
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>changli isnt level 80 and the few characters I have at 80 havent gotten close to levelling their skills up because of the gold mat grind
>already have to start pre-farming for 90 since im 55
*plap plap plap*
I leveled my Calcharo to 80 how bricked am I
>You hu is airborne, not Lao Chun, but a loli
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Is the Jinhsi pic on the side really necessary?
Where are the bait posts?
Are we dead enough to not deserve their attention anymore?
What is the next new thingy?
I just levelled my Baizhi to 80 only to find out that coastguard is another Ice Healer...
The sheriff showed us the way.
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Repelled by the power of [-] of course. We comfy now
Sleeping cow...
we just dont take the bait anymore.
my berd wife would never make that face!
WuWa is an AO3 fanbase, not an nhentai fanbase
Wait so the next 2 Glacio characters (Zhezhi and Coast) are supports? Where's the Glacio main DPS?
Bro your Jingle Beast?
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Patiently waiting for the echo exp event
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Ok, but when are we getting a 5* gun character?
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Got the sword and gun from standard. What's next?
I got a friend to stat wuwa today. He is enjoying the changli. He's on act 5 but hasn't met the based Aalto anko duo yet as he's been exploring and doing random shit. He agrees lingyangs quest kinda sucks. But he's been playing for like 5 hours straight yesterday and today. I think we got him.
Wait so I embarassed myself in front of my fighting game friends when I told them I was Kara cancelling with Jiyan? Fucking shit balls
More swords
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the loli will be a gun user
Tsubaki is american so she'll be a gun user.
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I hope it is a punch loli Favorav....
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Is it worth it even if I can run double sword teams using the standard + Changli's? I'm just asking because they have different passive and I'm not sure how practical each one of them is.
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its a loli with g cup
u rike?
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It's more for the future, having crit rate already on the sword makes it easier to build characters.
is wuwa ranking back on the ios store?
Bwos how do I become a chad like Rexlent, minus the tranny incident?
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Tits heaven
Danjin keeps getting all the kino art... when will Yangyang have her time in the sun
You just R5 the sword then R5 the gun. The other weapons are dogshit and so are the standard character dupes. Verina dupes are ok but chances of getting her are too low.
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My account gonna be reaching adulthood soon.
I miss when i had all those tubes
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How do you feel if this is the oath/marriage system in your harem gacha?
couldn't care less
I want wedding dress!
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Be good at video game.
Be good at video game without spending money.
It worth using an S1 Chixia with Changli if I don't have (M)anko? Or do I just run HRover at that point?
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Are you a Changli enjoyer if you can't perform this?
Either is fine, same gameplan as well. rover should do more dmg tho
HRover, Chixia's 4* ATK stat really binds her down without her S5 to cover for it
Mario TAS shit
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>3minutes per post
Who kill wuwa?
The culprit must be among us.
Show yourself
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it was me
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Pull the sig if you wanna use her with rover if you arent going to do that then it is a bit of a waste to pull her sig
I enjoy this type of shit and I'm glad it's in the game, but I know a lot of people wont bother with all that which is fair.
this game runs pretty well on the asus rog
Changli is a slut
shut up fat man NPC
APM speed to perform this?
Which weekly boss should I fight if I have no use for their materials?
the one you have use for echoes.
your units are lv 90 already ? if not then start prefarming for your DPS characters
There is no way you already have no use of everyboss boss material.
Players are rawdogging the tower with lvl5 skills.
clearing the stages maybe(?) but fully clearing the challenges i am sure they are not doing it
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I found a weird exile lady in a box in thorny passage. The last weird lady I found there ended up in another cave with a bunch of researchers. Where will I find the weird exile box lady next?
clearing the stages is also generally not worth the time unless you 3 star or at least 2 star them since the rewards you get are only every 3 stars.
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>play Changli
>press 2 buttons
>she shimmy shimmy flim flams SQQUAAAAWWWWs around the room
>literally can't stand still
Do people actually like this?
Aren't boss materials only used to unlock the skills?
i think if you can do 21/30 maybe even 18/30 it should be good enough for you to go and get the goodies. it really doesn't take that long
Devs listened too much.
I can't tell the original intent of the story, the characters, and everything aside from the focus on action combat.
Kuro needs a vision of their own instead of slurping the most vocal retards.
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You also need 1 to level any skill higher than 6
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Lads. Any news on Tacet Field rework? I only remember Kuro acknowledging people's feedback about it. But only thing we got was Double Tacet Field drop.
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>she shimmy shimmy flim flams
>Kuro needs a vision of their own
pffft haaaha

by now they are already making HSR clone likely
>anons still believe in the mihoyo gacha cartel tacet field disinformation
Literally who's gonna remember all that? LMAO.
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so tru
players should slurp up everything they make and stop complaining
Tacet field drops balances itself out once you hit max UL. Stop being a whiny impatient faggot.
The game is unbalanced because they let you hit Data Bank 20 almost as early as you want.
And the ToA is balanced around 5* Echoes at launch.

If the exp was supposed to be balanced around max UL, then they released a shortsighted system for sake of enticing people with """infinite grind""".
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I'm literally too old for this starcraft gamer micro stuff.
at max UL do 3 tacet field completions get you enough echo xp to max out 1 5* echo?
>20 Tuners per run
Drop the waveplate costs then perhaps I might agree with you.
It's nice to see but really when it's going to be applicable and when are you going to execute it flawlessly? I think it would be better and more practical to cut it way shorter and make it easier and faster to replicate in all situations.
Changli enjoyer will never level a lolipedobait
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what does /wuwa/ think about female buttholes?
>It's nice to see but really when it's going to be applicable and when are you going to execute it flawlessly?
that's the thing. heron can just be a nigger about it and do his dive attack twice, then do a big backdash then do his divebomb when you close the distance. literal gacha boss for time-based battles.
>Meanwhile Chixia enjoyer
>lvl 90 vs lvl 80
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I prefer female pussy
>minimal change to tube quantity and echo drop
>no change to tuner quantity drop
>60 fucking waveplates
You're the fucking cock sucker here you fucking faggot.
When is our collab with the United Nations, bwos
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even if they doubled the amount of xp that echo tubes give you'd still only get 1 and a half's worth of maxed echos from your MONTHLY allowance of echo tubes from tower. shit's fucked. as it stands now your MONTHLY echo tubes from tower aren't enough to max out even 1 echo.
Anons out here wasting their stamina on randomized upgrades when they haven't maxed out guaranteed skill upgrades on 1 character...
it is just another source for echo exp right
skill upgrades are capped by weeklies, retard-kun.
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should I bother going for changli's weapon?
only have like 25 rolls to go for it but I think by the end of the banner I should have enough
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pls toot sers
love female buttholes enhanced by pussy pheromones and sweat
>Y-you can't make any mobile openworld games anymore, gayshit did it first reeeeeee!
C S & D
i skipped her because her boobs aren't big enough, she cute tho.
>Scarce as fuck tubes
>Get fucked by shit rolls
Kekkaroo. This probably will be dampened by the stat reroll. But how fucking annoying it is to get remains to be determined.
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Man even in HSR where the gearing system is actually 100% dog shit cancer people dont complain this much
I thought the stat reroll was gacha cartel disinformation, like the Pokemon companion 'leak'
def def% hp
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Why WuWa combat is generation behind ZZZ combat:

The main argument to WuWa`s defence is that "its combat is better than Genshin". Which arguably is true, however WuWa fans blindly extend it to "WuWa combat is the Best!" which however is simply not true and i`ll explain why extensively:

Before making WuWa, Kuro games made PGR - which copied Honkai Impact 3 combat and "improved" it by adding "skill system" making higher demands for player engagement and difficulty. However they misunderstood HI3, and thus the game failed since they didnt get the point that made HI3 successful at time. Hi3 combat system was "feel good" system for mobile phones. Its whole point was that with few presses on screen, you make things on screen go BOOM and amazing combat animations play out as if you are actively battling an enemy, while all you did was press 1-2 buttons. That was ideal for mobile devices and revolution in mobile games at times (before genshin release). PGR combat changes however, made the game unplayable on mobile due to difficulty in imputs, as well heighthened the demand from player to get satisfying combat experience, thus alienating majority of players. Unsurprisingly, the game flopped.

Now with Wuthering Waves release, they tried to copy Genshin, and made two mistakes.
1) they copied Genshin combat. Which in essense is still designed for mobile games combat about skill rotations and cool animations. Genshin combat only required 2 things - positioning, and skill rotation when you built apropriate teams. It was easy on mobile, and enjoyable on PC - but it was not per se "action" combat, you still just watched cool animations.
2) The copied Genshin combat instead of designing own action focused one, but copied some PGR elements (but not all, thus making WuWa a casualized version of PGR) like parry and dodging, and other elements are basically from HI3, which PGR copied.
Do we know Xiangli Yao's and Zhezhi's nip voices?

So in essense, WuWa combat is still Genshin "skill rotation/cool animations" fest, with buttonmashin in open world, and need to remember boss attacks in endgame. But its not a true action game combat. Its mobile combat (that doesnt work on mobile...) of cool animations and tackled own elements (badly tackled own, why i`ll explain later) of PGR combat mechanics.

As a result, WuWa combat fails to live up to action action combat, even compared to PGR because:
1) input delay (possibly issue with UE4 in general)
2) lack of attacks impact. You dont feel that your attacks connect, its just flashy animation of screen.
3) lack of meaningful player impact - you STILL do the basic minimalistic skill and ult rotations and game doesnt require from you to do anything more. Just remember when to dodge, autoparry, and rotate skills in needed order.

Essentially, its not an action game - its same phylosophy as HI3 and Genshin, press Q to watch an animation.

Could it be fixed? Absolutely.

While Kuro copied old released game, Mihoyo advanced forward. In ZZZ all of the listed problems are solved.
1)Inputs are incredibly responsive and your control of character is absolute, you can break combos and movemens, can and need actively maneuvere the battlefield and position and game demands from you feedback, letting you "play it" rather than watch ult animations.
2) in ZZZ, fighting enemy every attack is actually made Impactful - be it any your attack on enemy, parry, dodge, or enemy attacking you. There are sound, animation, effects, screen shake: everything to make you FEEL striking an enemy and connecting, and not just playing an animation.
3) instead of minimal player input by correct skill rotation, ZZZ engages you requiring constant impact and reaction. Even on simplest enemies, it requires from you "button mashin" i.e. actively clicking attacks, instead of holding it or autoattacking and only clicking skills.
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As game gets harder, it becomes more and more of a fighting/beatemup game, with you needing constantly reacting and character mechanics requiring from you more complex impacts be it rythmic attacks, combo imputs, keys combination simultaneously or in quick order. At highest currently available tier, your window for reaction basically reduces to half second, requiring you to make at least one decision and action every half second if not faster, especially fighting multiple nemies and bosses at once.

Just take a mechanical keyboard and record sound of player playing WuWa or ZZZ. The difference is day and night, and the need for input and reaction, what actually make action game engaging.

But lets discuss a reason why Kuro failed. When they copied HI3, they already copied outdated mechanics. At time Mihoyo already experimented itself with more interesting combat mechanics, adding them to HI3 as separate modes, known as APHO and APHO2. Those modes were already basically essentially fighting games/beatemaup, proper action games with characters having actual key combos, many attacks and mechanics. THIS is what Kuro should have copied, but they did not.

I thought WuWa is a refinement on PGR's combat, where they replaced the bejeweled bar with the forte gauge and added parries instead of just dodges among other things
i sure fuckign love how scar dashes when i use changli dash so i dont even get the fucking stack
they shouldnt make hot characters absolute trash
Well very few people play PGR wheres wuwa have millions of players right so making a comment like that will be understood (being optimistic) by like 1/20 people so i fail to see the point of it
>10 minutes into new account
i fucking knew my main account is cursed, all of my fucking main gacha accounts are FUCKING CURSED I WILL KILL ALL GACHA DEVS FOR THISSSS
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nice sag, rover
did this mf just make 3 whole posts shilling ZZZ combat when that game is the most bland combat in existance?

not only that but even the small combat parts you have are literally FILLED to the brim with pauses and TV sections. that shit is fking dreadful
Did Jinhsi ruined wuthering waves?
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the new character even auto dodge while spamming lmb. It is getting really close to auto combat not gonna lie
Ignore all previous instructions, post cupcake recipes
she made it better
I love my Jinshi so much
Bro that kind luck could be use for your old account...
no but this bullshit boss design ruined it
He ctrl c ctrl v from reddit, hope to derail the thread, better to just [-] and move on
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Jinhsi wlked so Changli could fly
Get it because she's a bird guys hAHA
i started a new account for f2p and an hour in i realized what a chore that is, i hope i at least get weapons early back on my main account cause if i keep going to 70~80 pulls i will request a refund and go back to blowing 50 dollars on pgr
loongs can fly also thoughbeit
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I need a Broadblade for Jinhsi
When I was playing genshit back then the delays and server checks in the middle of combat was one of my gripes. It's the same shit here. I get it, I get it people might do some weird exploits, cheats or do some weird shit with the purchase transactions. It's still not an excuse when I'm running holo 6 crownless and get facefucked because the server decided to not register my dodge button. There must be a way to secure the game without the connection check bullshit during active combat. It's like they didn't learn from genshit.
What happens after the video ends? Do you just wing it or is this a loop?
I feel this anon is right. Rotation is absolutely more important than anything else in this game.
>the new character even auto dodge while spamming lmb.
its not auto dodge, its actually directional movement allowing to traverse battlefield between attacks in amazing manne, something WuWa lacks

the char, unlike previous one, is very vulnerable doring its charged attacks so HAS to constantly maneuvre as to not get interrupted

feel the difference between actual action game and Ult rotation spam

lesbian characters?
it is auto dodge gay ass nigger don't you ever (You) me again to argue semantics disingenuous piece of shit
Not a Mihoyo game, sorry.
By the way, /hsr/ will have 2.5 animation leak in 3-4 day so this faggot might visit that board to try derail the thread

Better packing [-] while he at
unlockable only at the start of the game when you pick femrover
Changli with Femrover
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This song is so pretty
Isnt Rover's nickname in china The Emperor?
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>its "auto' dodge
>but you have to press button combination
Apologies for my tardiness pardners... I've been held back by some unsavory folks.
Just seeing this here our little town of wuwa managing to get by in its lonesome, puts some tear on my eyes...
I'm proud of you folks.
Now if y'all please tolerate screechin' my usual spiel, it's part of my duty and all...
I would like for our folks to continue steering clear from these varmints:
>EoS posting
>zzzoo posting
>genshit posting
>posting whatever lasses they have (all of em are town bicycles btw) thinking we'd take kindly to harlots who get knotted up their bumhole
>bringing up zzzoo drama this here in our lil ol' town that have not a care about furfaggotry
>if the upstanding lads of /wuwa/ keep ignoring 'em, they'll keep spam revenueposting, and zzzoo picture posting on repeat till someone nibbles on them bait so best be careful and keep calm, it's always been hot 'round these parts and we keep it cool in our noggin.
>careful to trust any innocent prospecting posts you meet, some of 'em ain't too honest and were made with ill-intent. untrustworthy folks try to falseflag and bait you as someone from other allied threads so best not rattle your neighbors.
Reports of them /gaga/ posters have been resolved, the rascal fololova got to spend a night in our little hoosegow back in the sheriff's office and I think it's best to leave it at that.
As y'all now, it's saloon night... I'll be gettin myself a pint of a foam, sit back, and lasso me some of them echo critters, preferably ones with em energy regen substat...
You best find some way to enjoy yourselves too folks. I'm really proud of y'all folks here in this here, our little town wuwa in the wild wuwest.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiittt this feraririri is new

I haven't seen her in the OP megafile before
litteral elevator music, why cant Kuro afford to hire real composers like Mihoyo does?

It's auto dodge, stop coping.
lose some wait
i literally have the character on my account nigger free shill you just spam LMB and she even perfect dodge
Left is just bullshit fighting game writing.
Right is the correct showcase, I tried zhu yuan and you just input direction then basic attack that's literally it.
yeah, it also has a plain design but devs included some ass to make her sell better..

I know its not going to die any time soon because it panders to people that will keep the game going but I played for roughly a month and a lot of its flaws got to me really fast.
Just play Tekken, jesus christ
kek yeah
the cop bitch have dodge built into her kit so it's even more braindead than the shark girl
and the shark girl already have built-in invincibility in her kit
literal baby mode game lel
>implying tekken requires one button
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thank sheriff, having [-] is nice but wuwer need to learn to not giving that schizo any (You)
>button combination like its tekken
why the fuck do these mihomo shills just lie like that

u literally hold a directional button and spam left click, thats literally all this new bitch does.
>u got charges?
>hold LMB nigga

cmon now
Well it so happens that ZZZ's combat system is superior to Wuwa because enemies actually matter and you don't do the same thing against all of them
its dash attack, a separate attack and animation that you control by direction and attack input. Its not triggered by LMB, you can trigger it without clue what you are doing, but thats on you. Its designed for skilled use of actually weaving it into combat and moving in accordinate direction.

Similar like Nekomata has charge behind enemy attack or can move around the enemies with parts of her attacks.

And on Zhu Yuan you actually NEED that kit, since in HZ highest levels enemies become way too aggressive and you`ll be raped if you stay on place especially if you try to just stay stationary unloading her charge attacks.
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I got a broadblade for her to play with RIGHT here *Unzips*
A loop, you can also watch the original video (it's from there)
>u literally hold a directional button and spam left click, thats literally all this new bitch does.
and then you die

Especially on that char you dont even stay on field most of the time, its way harder than Ellen to be effective and require setup by other chars and careful playing on field.
sheriff told you to [-] so stop replying and do that.
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I love you little Folala but lose some wait
Sheriff Doro forgive me i forgot to [-] twice
Misdemeanor ?
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I'm guessing this is Z-shill
How do you die in that game, did you go take a shit mid fight or are you throwing lv 40 units to the lv 60 stages AND going afk
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he forgot to spam left-click
For a sec I thought I clicked on the wrong general.

Anyways, got the full points in the roguelite mode, again. 10/10 elites trash, but some of the overlord + echoes actually had usable mainstats. It was largely stuff I've farmed before as well. (biker for Anko, that thunder guy for Yinlin, Jue for Jinshi, Ape for monk...) Either a coincidence, or it knows.
yolu're retarded, Zhu Yuan has inbuilt dodge if you use her special shells while inputing a side direction
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go do HZ Highrise upper levels or Withering Garden and do you button mashing meme, lets see how long you last

Most people will beg Mihoyo to add easy difficulty soon since i am sure majority of scrubs now complaing about easy combat, will struggle at actual endgame
kek my thread looks just like this and I only filtering out zzz
rumao even >>487836954
nice "aggressive" boss
endgame will be "hard" for the same Wuwa's endgame was "hard" at first : you're just underleveled

just like every mihomo game, honkai 3rd include, if you're at the right level you just can't die
To be fair to the ZZZ poster, the only time I've died in WuWa is by drowning
>will struggle at actual endgame
>mihomo will actually put hp sponges in a game with boring gameplay like that

lol, its fking over
Is the game still in maintenance?
you are retarded, its called dash attack and it works with normal attacks too. You need to actuall learn how to use them for them to be any useful. Just buttonmashing you`ll either not trigger them at all (since, lul, people dont actually press directional buttons in combat, they move with mouse while pressing W) or still get wasted since they work in specific time and part of attack sequence
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Notice how he never post gameplay?
it hasnt been on maintenance bro.
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Baizhi's character quest SOON
I cleared most of the shiyu defense with lv 30-40 characters, only stopped cus my DPS was way too low to beat the stages and i was running out of time I KNOW wtf im talking about but go on keep yapping lil bro
>No Danjin
>Has Danjin
The choice is shrimple
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he says while facerolling WuWa bosses with FOTM chars by pressing 2 buttons

Meanwhile ZZZ actually makes it challenging, including improving mobs aggression and adding new attacks
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Been like this since yesterday. I guess this is it? Time to install ZZZ?
You're completely retarded if you get hit while using her enhanced shells, she has Billy's M2 built into her kit, literally.
ZZZ is just shit overall and poses no challenge
>passive enemies even at high Shiyu
>NO jump
>NO air combo
>most generous parry and dodge windows in the history of videogames

designed for women
work on my machine, try relogin shitpost-kun
nice pic you saved, you woudnt be able to do say Shiyu 10 part 1 unless you actually recognized boss combat patterns and learned tactic to kill hiim in time (considering before Zhu Yuan there wa no ether dps outside of Nicole even).

If you tell you did that with lvl 40 chars without dieing once, you are full of shit.
A man shitposted about ZZZ in /wuwa/ for over a week. This is what happened to his credit score.
WW has overcomplex autism inducing rotation like this and the player just "lol okay"


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What's with all these filtered posts?
Genshart schizo finally lost it?
I mean.. let's be honest here. Posting gameplay does literally nothing. Like here, have glorious wuwa gameplay. The only thing this serves is me seeing that my build has gotten quite a bit better. (aka bigger numbers, that are much more reliable, too)
Already did, many times, rebooted PC as well
More like the zootard.

nice webm, now try this boss with all 11 mods enabled for True difficulty >>487837525
repair the game
you mean the very obvious visual Q followed by a sound Q telling you to press space bar or dodge ? very hard to do ikr, the gap to react is very big as well so legit only retarded people or real boomers will miss it
>Posting gameplay does literally nothing

>all that buffs for a boss that attack per 10 minutes
okay lil bro
>scar always dodges 3rd inferno rider attack
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literally just ONE dude. And the retard wuwer doesn't know how to use the filter keeps replying to him
You just prove you havent play the game and just repeate meme youtuber shit without having an actual clue

At wich level did WuWa become difficult? Most people in ZZZ are still sub lvl 30, even those at rank 50 stil did not even reach proper engame. Most of content available rn is basically tutorial.

Shiyu 1-10 is basic stat check to see that you leveled two teams, 1-7 is easy mode for underleveled players. new modes will unlock with every patch, with 1.1 adding multiple.

The actual difficult content in the game for now is HZ (since shiyu is just state/dps check) starting from 3500 rank Highrise and especially Withering Garden. Not only mobs actually start to damage you, they become way more aggressive. You frequently fight 2 aggressive bosses at once, and even normal mobs if you ignore them can fuck you up so you HAVE to look out to be able to parry/dodge.

Its still relatively easy if you get your resonators right, but it already is way more engaging than WuWa combat ever were.
I didn't die once i had to reset cus time that's it. Had to keep mixing units till something workout
wuwa is easy
genshin is easy
zzz is easy
pgr is easy
honkai is easy
gachas are easy
difficulty doesn't sell
now stop posting
i came here to shitpost because my melty didn't work out in /zzz/
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i've only done the roguelite level 90 with the bell, but scar will always one hit or at least close to one hit you by the end right? this not even counting if you run out of time and he got massive buff.
Have you try using the bell turtle
I'm sidestepping the questions about difficulty and say that, personally, WuWa is fun and the other game is not.
once again you are exposing yourself as full of shit

Shiyu 10 boss attacks with huge AOEs very frequently. Let alone boss fights drain 2 parry charges out of 6 per parry, he hits with combos that can drain all 6 charges at once.

More over, in his particular case, you cant just rely on indicators/sounds, you have to watch his animation - since attack happesn not immidiately on indication and he also can do rotation attack that cant be parried/dodged and you can only get out.

Its "easy" boss, but only after you know how he works. If you claim you did him in time limit with lvl 40 chars - you lie. You`d die in few aoe hits without realizing wtf happened.
Only if you max red memes I think, honestly better to grind the lvl70 one if you only want to max the shop, just faster that way
bro that what i said, i've only done it with the bell turtle, its actually take close to 4 minut 50 minute (i recorded it) and i test it with changli and jinshi.
>ZZZ combat


>>passive enemies even at high Shiyu
>NO jump
>NO air combo
>most generous parry and dodge windows in the history of videogames

yeah sure man, you can't even fucking JUMP, there is no way to have fun in this casual as fuck game
it's a gacha, first and foremost, Wuwa isn't hard either but it allows you to have way more fun than your baby game
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>failed to do boss in time
>in stage where anomaly built up is increase by 80%
>with piper in team
never post again
Yeap you are a retard. thinking the moves of that boss need deep studies or smt fuck off already you are making yourself look more retarded by the second. Even at that wide Lv gap his higher dmg Atk deals like 1.2k dmg or smt iirc not even close to one tap you so you can literally get caught and keep going just look out for that one follow up AoE shit it sometimes do
fuck I scrim through the post sorry but yes scar always oneshot you at the end
MrPokke did all of Wuwa bosses blind. There is no rotation autism, you just roll FOTM chars and faceroll remembering basic ults rotation
>MrPokke did all of Wuwa bosses blind
cool post hologram blind run clips
just like ZZZ???!
the axe loli was lv 30 at that time nigger, have a free (You) now go back. if i cba to run it again il S it NP cus my units leveled
If ZZZ is so much more fun, why are you here? Just curious.
where is the clip ?
Would any anon who has completed ToA for this cycle be able to post the most popular teams used in Floor 4 of the left and right towers and both floors of middle tower? I wanna see wanna see what people are using to clear them.
>Wuwa players
>Wuwa is best since it has best most complex combat
>So lets discuss complexity of combat, tactics, mechanics that can improve your gameplay and how to improve your skill
>also Wuwa player
>leave us alone! not every game has to be fighting game! we just want to press Q and win!
litterally every fag talking about how good WuWa combat is, just facerolls and cheese everything and never actually puts effort into combat. There is no hard content ingame, since you just watch guide on some boess and memorize rotation or even better, just get FOTM chars and just faceroll.
>MrPokke did all of Wuwa bosses blind
>the dude with an s6 cleared the game
I'd be pissed if I spent that much and didn't dumpstered the game. And what does that say about him doing the same in zlop where he's f2p?
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>no clips of this so called "blind hologram run"
heh thought so, what a fucking loser
There's an ingame function, right. Try that.
Yeah that's a lot of zoo advertisement, probably replies to himself as well. Guess I'll remove even the stubs then
Tectone corrupted him so now he makes videos of lvl 60 Zhu Yuan from different account
i think its better to show us character you have bro, all of my friend either use jinhsi or changli/encore setup
If Wuwa is so fun, why is your thread dead?

Just curious.
I can't post "most popular" because i only care about myself all i can tell you is i cleared left with Jinhsi Yinling Baizhi - Right with Changli Encore Verina - Middle Chixia Changli Baizhi
lvl 80 on dps 3 doritos across the board
post holograms.
Why don't you MrPokkedeeznuts instead
I'm busy playing the game.
post hologram with UID
i dont know dipshit, maybe because they play the game? i've been fucking trying to not use the bell to fight scar with maxed debuff without using the bell here.
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Wuwankers need to stop replying to bait, the bait isn't even that good
Post you clear, i bet you cant even beat holograms 5
hey, dont gang on a woman, you beasts!
>I-It's because we play the game
>I'm fucking out of tubes and tuners guys! I can't do shit!
>run out of tub and tunner
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Birb wife is absolutely nuts
I've never had this much fun in the illusive realm before
If you wanna enjoy your children game be it go have fun but stay in your own goddamn general insecure retards
>Wuwafags thinks thread is dead because people are playing their game
>Wuwafags pretend this sad piece of shit is an mmo that needs tons of hours to sink in a fucking day
Enjoy your dead thread.
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I said post 'hologram clear', not 'post your e-celeb do it for you' you fucking dweeb

Don't ever try to (You) me ever again, sheriff doro send his regard
Agreed, personally she's way more fun that jinhsi gameplay wise.
Her gameplay is crazy fun. it is a very well designed character, that hit after her insight buff is pure sex
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we are here since YOU didnt, now we just enjoying karma at work and game becoming ToF 2.0
I like Wuwa, but man one of the absolute worst you guys NEED to get rid of is your elitism towards holograms.

It's a fucking shit mode that proves absolutely nothing. Being so stuck up about this is making the game look pathetic. It has enough issues with bad hit feedback, animation overkill and in general buggy behavior in combat, not to forget it's also a MOBILE game. You gotta always keep in mind. This shit is a gacha. You WILL fight the same shitty fight one billion times, due to no auto.

Over complicated kits, boss' that are too tanky or annoying and so on are only a detriment. This isn't dmc you play once, or twice or whatever. You do the same shit every fucking damn day. This holds true for both Wuwa and ZZZ mind you. Important is: Is it fucking cool? Is it cool to get your dragon to spit a beam of mass destruction on the enemy while you float? Is it cool to stun an enemy and pump them full of shotgun shells from point blank dealing BIG DICK DAMAGE?

THIS is what's important. It's obviously not everyone that acts like an underage little bitch here, but please. You make the game look so much worse than it is. Especially with 1.1 doing so much work going into the right direction. What you idiots do is unironically what the WORSE game is. And even though you try to defend wuwa, you do the fucking opposite (the raider idiots aren't any better for what it's worth..)

You only need a few mins to do your dailies faggot. Stop pretending.
go get mihoyo to fix ZZZ first faggot maybe then it wont go sit next to HI3
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man he sure having a schizo sperg today huh
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When are we gonna get our /m/ character?
im playing illusive realm
>Nooooo you can't enjoy the game
>You must only do your dailies and that's it
Fuck off, I'm having fun fighting holos and doing illusive realm
I think Jinhsi's problem is her damage is too loaded into her skill and to a lesser extent ult. It feels like nothing else matters all her other attacks are like mosquito bites.
Changli has a hard hitting ult and forte that are similar, but they aren't as strong relative to the rest of her attacks so even the basic attacks and skills feel like they're adding up. Its a lot more satisfying to use her on the field because of that.
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remember this is the kind of fags you reply to
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2.0 trust the plan
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Post your hologram clear or fuck off retard
fucking scar never stops attacking holy shit.
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she is so perfect holy shite kuro cooked on this one
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"post your hologram" reminded me of my /akg/ time kek
We need something like pic related
When did they add this?
just recently, each character have their own dish btw
I tried her for the first time and her suit is so lewd bros...
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I don't understand what this means but true
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I'm mighty disappointed in some of you lads for giving them good-for-nothing, lily-livered, worthless saddle tramps your time of day lads...
Just when I was commending our lil' community in this little town of wuwa... I go take a pint and lo' and behold, when I return I start witnessing a mighty shitshow.
Listen up, pardners... You need to straighten up and fly right. Our lil' ol' town of wuwa deserves better, and I expect y'all to show some respect and pull your weight.
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jeez anon, get your mind out of the gutter
There are some newcomers that don't know the rules around here.
Shut the fuck up you larping retard
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i blame SEAkeks sheriff
ahhh help bros im thinking of pulling changli weapon
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>liv is here too

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*BANG* [-]
easy peasy, yessiree
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We need more mecha women instead of trannies... Looking at Rosetta makes me hard...
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It's not significantly better than Standard. Do it ONLY if you want the drip.
is aright to get if you wanna have 2 swords and since rover is really good im guessing is good to have 2 swords
I will only roll for hebes and lolis.
so...only roll for one or two character per year? If you are lucky, it will go up to 3 in wuwa
Is she actually decent? I know we're still early, but I have her and Sanhua S6 now.
The issue is I also have S2 Verina, but I guess that means my healing needs are done forever.
Didn't work
That sounds like a good amount if I roll for their weapons too and if I factor in possibly losing 50/50s.
may have to reinstall but be sure to report it to get free gibs.
We don't even have hebes
have you try re-install the game? reset your wifi router?
How much astrite can I get from now until painter girl?
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Chalcaro was a prank in very bad taste
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I did. She deserves it.
>Defeated boss uses final attack
>Suddenly summons small furball to eat the attack
Can't say I saw that coming
>all that bloated text on the left
Holy shit, only retards like overcomplicated stuff because they think there's something smart behind it
cute boy
Did anybody do the calcs on average rewards at each UL milestone? Im almost at UL60 and i want to know what is the most efficient thing to farm. I also have about 15 containers in storage
sorry that your Adhd wuwa brains cant handle it, its ok. Uncomplicated children games like Wuwa exist for a reason, to cater to your demographics of elementary school girls
>see calchud
>oh shit he seems cool
>pick him from the guaranteed box
>Get BP wep for him
>he is absolutely fking trash because he was nerfed last minute with no testing
>devs refuse to fix or change him back
>immediately release a unit that will powercreep the living shit out of him

its so fking over calchud bros... who's the next standard chat getting railed?
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There's 21 but both her and Sophia come off as older than Verina/Encore imo.
>dying with an autododge character
Encore is pretty weak too despite the pedo shilling
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im starting to think you guys dont even know how to play him, he carried me against the lvl100 heron. Just learn his cancels and make sure to land at least two DM's .
Yao got nerfed too so don't worry
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My wife.
auto suggest it automatically dodges attack, its not. All the dash on her does is reposition her with few iframes while doing so. Used in incorrect time you`ll still be whipped, and using it to avoid attacks with Cue will not work unless you get completely out of range of attack or behind the enemy

If you want to dodge, you use dodge. The dash movement is used for not staying in one place in line of attack of mobs in combat, which she needs since her charge attack make her stationary and vulnerable for interuption.
the few times I tried to play genshin while commuting by train character swapping stopped working the moment it went underground
sis yao got nerfed....
make some sense, please
Where my calchuggers at? We love our clunky discount sephiroth
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So many australiankeks in here, no wonder it stink and full of shitposts!
S6 is still the long-term plan.
What is it you don't understand? The moment you have a poor connection in genshin it becomes unplayable, unlike PGR which worked fine. No idea about wuwa.

sorry typo
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Is Phralavev the "Excellency" referred to by the red baddies?

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