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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7185 - Ipad kid Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #72 - 28 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 11 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - October 2024

>The Official Sonic the Hedgehog: Amy Rose's Fortune Card Deck will release on August 27, 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>487770304
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Can a drawfag in the comments draw this, but with Lanolin?
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Trip is so cute
You cut her hair...
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this is who I am
not a shadow of who I want to be
try to understand
that this is what you made me
and youre not ever gonna change me
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>Seventeen seconds earlier
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Blaze with a gamer dent
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Sonic can be cute and sexy
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Core 6™
Knuxaze is an underrated ship.
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Any update on Aster the Jackalope?
(a WIP OC by FWA).
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The fact that Tangle and Lanolin don't get compared to Sonally has made me realize how passive and submissive Tangle is despite being a Sonic-like character.
Why is Chaos part of the Core 6 though? Shouldn't be Tails or Amy in his place instead?
So assuming Shadow Gens has two stages from each console game he's playable in:

> SA2: Space Colony ARK, Radical Highway (RH is heavily implied to have its own dedicated stage)
> Heroes: Rail Canyon/Bullet Station, ???
> Shad05: ???, ???
> 06: Kingdom Valley, ???

What would you want as the remaining stages? Hard Mode: They have to be somewhat environmentally distinct from the confirmed stages.
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Tangle and Lanolin aren't dating either.
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Armored Core 6?
Fucks Rougette while Reynard watches in the cuck chair
The level where you gotta chase down and kill /save the president.
Lanolin is the Benson of this comic, except possibly worse
Air Fleet.
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>Acting like Reynard wouldn't take the opportunity to finally be free of the demon woman his mom keeps trying to marry him off to
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Yeah, I always had fun with that one.
Benson had every reason to be pissed of at his co-workers. Lanolin doesn't have that excuse.
>RH is heavily implied to have its own dedicated stage
She's not powerful enough to be anything more than an annoyance that might get herself hurt, as opposed to someone like Sonic or Silver who are powerful enough to cause an incredible amount of damage and hurt others if not kept in check. If anything, Lanolin should be more like a worried mom toward Tangle, and only get mad at the actual heavy hitters that she thinks could accidently hurt the little man.
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Lanolin suffering, yum.
lanolin and knuckles training arc
Lanolin's Anti-mutie racism isn't part of the Sonally dynamic, Sonally comparisons come from how characters tackle situations and butt heads with each other.
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Nackles is getting his own miniseries now, what can we expect?
>what can we expect?
more porn of him
Single mom to a half-breed bastard.
The Summer Games Fest trailer had a new remix of Radical Highway that was different from the new remix that was in the playable demo. I doubt that SEGA would remix level music twice for no reason. Besides, Radical Highway is a pivotal level for Shadow anyway
Heroes: Mystic Mansion
Shad05: Digital Circuit, Lava Shelter
06: Wave Ocean
>Lanolin should be more like a worried mom toward Tangle
That's Jewel.
That was what Jewel was meant to be
What even is the Sonally dynamic?
Kys man
Trip is going to appear, someone working on the comics heavily implied so
gonna cum
Who is the Kyle of Sonic?
trip appearing with her boyfriend, fang
Silver is the kind of character to put holes in drywall when he gets angry and beat you up if you insult his mom.
I have to wonder if Evan turned Lanolin unlikeable to get at the fans for liking Lanolin more than her OC nutcracker
God I hate the tailpad
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>Wave Ocean
Interesting pick. Can I ask why?
That's cause Evan quite literally can't or doesn't want to write Tangle, and hasn't until like 2 issues ago. Tangle when under Ian was far from submissive she was out right aggroo even down to being undiplomatic toward the Babylon's when they met on the beach and she was the main person trying to get them to leave before sonic just told them all to have a competition for who got to stay
Where are they appearing? I don't see them anywhere, anon.
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Can the comics just get cancelled already? Nothing positive comes out of this garbage
Evan wanted more forced melodrama instead of simply giving the fans what they wanted to see.
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Tenrec sex
This but the games and movies too
just ignore them
Trip making out with Fang while knuckles watches
No tropical level was announced yet for SXSG, so that's why I picked it.
Made for foxes and puppets
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I was a bit rough with her.
Heroes: Egg Fleet
Shadow: Westopolis, Black Comet
06: White Acropolis
Tangle will get some when the next writer or Ian comes back
>White Acropolis
My nibba
Forced melodrama IS what most fans want to see, at least most fans who actually buy the comic
Dusty Desert
Why is Sally shorter than Sonic in the 90s, then taller than him in the adventure era, then shorter than him again in the rest
No you fucking retard, most of the fans want lighthearted adventure and shonen action like the adventure games. The reason you THINK that fans want to see melodrama is because the comics are specifically pandering to a tiny minority, which causes the wider fanbase to not give a shit.
Comic fans wanted to see bigger stories with the cool characters that the comic has, Evan want to do a drama comic where everyone else is verhical for her to either shove in silver in a role of irrelevance because she wants to write him for 5 mins or to redeem surge & kit for not other reason than because she's head writer now
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Fuck you Frontiers and the Movies made Sonic cool again, while the comic was just unenjoyable penispoop. Kysnigerbitch
>the Movies
The movies are poopoo fart humor with flossing that make sonic snuggle with his rapist dad
that's what kids like nowadays
i hate how this obnoxious fucking sentence isn't incorrect about anything. these are the movies we are stuck with.
Kids like shadow shooting guns and sonic exe, middle aged moms like the sonic movies because they distract their adhd kids
...and silver is here, too.
then why did spider-verse do better than sonic even in fucking japan where sonic is FROM
Frontiers got the extended dev time it needed thanks to the movies which also boosted it's sales.

Despite the dicksucking Mania and Frontiers gets, the movies saved this franchise more than anything else
people don't have enough sex so there are more adult virgins who enjoy spiderman than kids who enjoy movie sonic
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If that really is you then can you draw Silver making out with horse dude?
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>sonic snuggle with his rapist dad
>Amazingly Animated film
>thriving plot
>Spider-man, a character beloved by all of the world that even has like 3 JP incarnations and a live action show, even a few manga
>Compared to a movie that barely has anything to do with the games and is just another sonic but in the real world/earth story where half the plot is mostly about sonic AND The new humans nobody will care as much for
Gee, what a wonder
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Fang vs. Infinite? Kino.
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Silver is a good character.
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I'm feeling SoKnux-pilled recently
>A real assassin with a strong crew, Powers if you are gonna use his forces name
>A guy who hasn't won even once to date, barely scraping by and usually need to get a sucker punch to even get close to winning
Not much Kino, just a drunk father beating his son.
Remember when Vader killed this whore and the internet had a shitfit because they all collectively forgot that Vader is FUCKING EVIL and KILLS PEOPLE?
Would Infinite (Sonic!Vader) kill her?
No but I can believe it. Shame it went down like that but yeah, Dark Visor is a real dick no doubt.
Thoughts on the level design?
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Not enough
Can you draw more Sunny and Reynard OC reference so that Ai-bros can generate more kino fagslop?
There are more attractive male sonics than sunny
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Sega has decided that you, yes (YOU), get to pull two things each from both of these franchises and slap them directly into Sonic's universe for use in the games and comics. What do you choose?
Silver, the King of Fire, convincing the rest of the Fire Suit that they should jump the Lightning Suit because they're acting sus (why are they working with Sage?). Blaze is already pissed (at Rouge, probably) and not willing to listen to Marine, and Gardon didn't get a chance to protest before they jump into a battle. Gardon is dutiful but he has to fight Omega and Omega miscalculates the level of force and Gardon literally fucking dies. Blaze breaksdown and cries because she lost the man that was like a father to her. Marine and Rouge try to console her while Shadow, Omega and Sage are respectfully trying not to kill Silver who is still running his fucking mouth and it's just really awkward.
Stop breathing.
Constant boing-woosh sfx on the springs is annoying af.
I hate his skating animation. The boost and attack ones are pretty cool though.
ARK sure is a big place. Some lovely environmental details.
Nice to see the artificial chaos again too. Hate those fucking things.
Quite liked the Dr. Strange transition scene too.
Black Doom lookin' real fun. I wonder if they'll have a Devil Doom boss fight rehash like they did with Perf. Chaos?
Infinity Stones
The Death Star
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shut the fuck up
*rapes u*
>The Death Star
draw renard getting cucked
Heavy and Bomb kino
Yes it's true but i want Sunny gaysex
Why? It's funny to think how any "team" led by Silver and Blaze is doomed to fail the moment they both lose their cool.
Sonic characters for this?
>I wonder if they'll have a Devil Doom boss fight rehash like they did with Perf. Chaos?
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but hes not in a relationship
That's the joke.
n/a. and I actually had to think about it. Maybe Tumble if you twisted my arm. Or Dave from Boom.
>Wave Ocean
I'd really prefer White Acropolis or Radical Train or anything over the most derivative stage in 06.
Draw Reynard and Sunny making sweet tender love
someone make an oc named renard (not reynard)
Possibly, I could see a situation in which some bitch is fawning over Infinite to the point of getting in the way constantly that he just mercs her instead of dealing with it. She'd have to be really useless and retarded though, Infinite would 100% want to keep around someone who's sole purpose is to validate his ego.
Symbiotes. Just symbiotes, everything else can get lost.
>Star Wars
Nega getting his own unique Metal Sonic and them being like Palpatine and Darth Vader could be sick.
Starwars ripped off Eggman
Can the comic just stop writing Silver as gaybaby? Or just don't have him at all?
Thoughts on this headcanon?
Why do you want the comics to write Silver OOC
>Symbiotes in Sonic
The cringe and edgy OCs in the fandom would double overnight
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Need fish OCs
>Sonic has no memory
False. I like the idea though, I don't even think it's unlikely.
Shahra and Merlina have the same hairstyle.
>Nega getting his own unique Metal Sonic and them being like Palpatine and Darth Vader
Holy shit I want this so bad now
Why is the third row reversed? I'm very autistic and I need this fixed so I can go back to killing cats in my shed
I just want Silver to be more accurate to the game version. Silver's direction in IDW is gay and lame
A lot of stuff in IDW has been gay and lame recently.
>Star Wars (1977)
>Sonic 1 (1991)
I bet you also think Mario isn't a Sonic rip off
You need to specifying that you want JP Silver. Game accurate Silver is just as bad as of TSR.
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>we're only getting SxSh Generations because of the movie

So if this game fails then everyone but the Core 4 and Eggman go back in the vault for mainline games again right?
They can do whatever they want with their faggot OCs just don't do it with the game cast okay? They're all straight and cool
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Frankenline coming soon
I've wanted to make a catfish OC who'd be fishing buddies with Big and have him be named Jumbo and make him a big ol' Cajun. Alas, I am lazy.
Totally different games. Sonic didn't even have a princess until 1992, and Sally was only in the comic.
This gay platypus can save IDW.
But the Warp Topaz is gone forever now.
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Islanders are for _______
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Rougette in the IDWverse was a black arms larvae that ate a Ricky and copied its DNA.
She considers Shadow her "patriarch" since he's the superior specimen
She has gaydar.
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What about fish adjacent?
What Splatoon character is this
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Hehe lol
How black do you guys draw Shadow? All the way? Do you lighten him up a little so that his outlines can show?
I draw every single Sonic characters white just to make nmiggers seethe
Splatoon? Those are Sonic OCs, anon-san.
that isn't what i meant
Uncanny Bureizu the Koshka.
Nah one of them is clearly a /funkg/ oc.
I’m interested in this, but as a possible arc destination. The aquatic Mobians from Archie were cute.
You ask i answer
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>Italian dub Sonic Adventure
time to boot this shit up again
Which one?
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Defo Big's daughter / relative.
Arrivederci, Mr. Anon.
My pov when looking inside Rouge's hole
The middle one, duh. Has the microphone and everything.
new shiny classic oc gets Chaos Sabers
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Best ship coming though.
That's not Silvaze
Shadouge is friendship.
Didn't Sega deconfirmed this as they prefer Knuckles X Rouge?
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>ip grabber link
Nice try, /funkg/. I know it's your OC.
I'm so glad this ship is canon
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Remember Hocus? She's back! In AI form.
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You could have Eggman might have seen the invasion of the Black Arms as another shot at making his own Shadow, only to quickly give up when he saw it wasn't worth it. You could have her attach to Shadow as you said, and I can see Rouge fawning over her and taking her in as her own.
No, she's not my OC, anon.
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Whoops. That was not supposed to happen... (she is not under control)
Aibros/Drawfags can i request something?
Heh, cute
heh. Cute!
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Clothes gone!

Maybe, if sfw better because jannies are gay.
Can you make Elias gaysex with Human, just catbox it
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Daily reminder that Max got pussy before Reynard.
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Good girl. I like OCs when they are treated like trash.

I don't do gay gens anymore.
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More shipping
I was thinking how the fankids would work without their parents. Reynard is the third member of Team Surge, and he's effectively the polar opposite of Kit, acting as the moral compass of the group.
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This is what females are for
Anything interesting?
Shoo, koshka, shoo!
>No one is mad about this
I think sthg is misogynistic. If Hocus were a manly tough guy there would be rage.
ironic that the only person itt that will draw ocs is the ai guy who only does it to annoy people
What will happen to her shoes and gloves?
I enjoy when the third of the group is the rival or grounding force, and every idea I've had for Surge's third has been a similar idea.
>If Hocus were a manly tough guy there would be rage.
Why though?
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Those stay unless you want to see blobs.

I will admit that it was fun to train Hocus, at least she had good fanart unlike Gaynard
People like girl sonics because they are hot cute and porn. People like boy sonics because they are cool awesome and fighting. At least that's the idea I guess, a ton of people here really like gayslop, so it doesn't really hold up.
>inserting into a canon duo instead making your own group
Pussy shit. That's what basic bitches do.
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uh oh
Poor Hocus. Give back her clothes, anon!
I like my blobbers cute and smooth
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Here ya go.
He's not really opposed to Surge because he can tell she's just putting up an act, and he feels for Kit and acts as his older brother, always cheering him up and trying to bond.
Are you trying to be funny with me?
Off model garbage. Hocus is supposed to have a monoeye. Shes a hedgehog. Can you do anything right?
There is nothing gay about this picture.
Is the Trip and Fang model done yet?
I don't get why gayslop is so popular here.
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I don't know anon, the question is, are the octards doin it right? Because 60% for her fanart is like this.
A little bit.
>i don't do gay gens anymore
Situations like this motivate me to draw
I think someone did an inaccurate model sheet without asking the creator, leading to a lot of two eyed art
Is Hocus an IDW OC?
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Ok fine, she also forgot the whole ordeal.
So you are familiar with Hocus?
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No, she was made by BCA in 2018.
Can you gen her getting her boob and ass groped?
>he can tell she's just putting up an act
Surge's tough girl persona might be an act, but she definitely still hates Sonic and she sure as hell wants Eggman murdered and brutalized
They're available in the sthg booru, and no, I'm not familiarized with any oc.
Most of Hocus's on-model art isn't on the Booru and most drawfags just reference how other drawfags drew her instead of how BadComicAnon dre her
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think that Sonic characters look better when they are fully clothed. It's stupid that male characters can't wear pants though.
It's not funny
Nine wears pants
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See >>487812198
Drawfags don't save their stuff to the Booru anymore.
It should be completed tomorrow.

Too bad, it's a shame because I won't retrain her model.
Duofag confirmed closet Hocusfag
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It's cute and wholesome
>gloveless Tails
Are you going to link your profile with your models?
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He'd bail her out when Sonic wins and push her to do more "hero" things.
Yay! Mobian.ai doesn't have Fang or Trip yet so you're a life saver.
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There's just something about dominating those pathetic "male" Blobians
Why "males" though?
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been ages since I drew Sonic OCs
It is funny as hell that you're always bubbly. You know Duofag hates you right Tfwnn?
Eyebrows look a bit weird, I'd probably make them closer to circular markings above the eyes instead. The crab doesn't really look much like a Sonic OC that much though, I wouldn't even know where to start with him.
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Ancient Roman/Greek Spirit
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I would but I'm afraid of coolorfag ruining my art.
>He'd bail her out when Sonic wins and push her to do more "hero" things.
Nice, I had the idea of Surge and Kit either teaming up with Omega at some point, and despite him being robotic and uncaring his single minded obsession with destroying Eggman would push Surge and Kit to ignore their petty grudges and focus on "the bad guy" instead.
very cute
Like an X23 for Shadow?
I don't know they're just cute i guess?
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I only draw because it's the only way I can express my autism. I WISH ai could generate even just half of my ideas into fruition, so the sooner he gets that model done the better.
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Any particular reason why? I mean, personally, I wouldn't be opposed to him trading it, and a hand, for a cybernetic arm/pip-boy combo.
Generating Popplio getting raped by an ugly bastard isn't something a straight man would do, Duofag.
The FOURTH hedgehog.
So I'm not alone after all. Interesting.
Are you kidding me? It's the funniest shit ever, I sometimes generate weird stuff for shit n giggles.
That's either Amy, Mephiles or Metal Sonic.
You did fuckin w0t m8?
This image is unbelievably cursed.
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The only reason I'm holding off from learning how to prompt is because I know someone is going to invent a intuitive GUI for AI art soon.
I don't think you're a normal person. I think you're a pedophile and not the funny kind like Colono.
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It's up, tomorrow I'll train the Trip / Fang model.
We've been trying to fucking tell you Duofag was jumping the gun assuming all Drawfags hate him and preemptively spamming about ones who have never mentioned him.
Who is popplio and colono and ehy should i care?
>I only draw because it's the only way I can express my autism
I feel the same way which is why I don't care much for AI
It sounds to me like you self insert as an ugly bastard so you can fuck Pokemon.
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I wish inpainting was more of a thing because it'd make the art process so much faster. I remember CSP was going to integrate it but decided against it because people made a big stink about it.
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like you fuck human men
Maybe this is a weird thing to say, but TDFWNN gives off strong motherly vibes. I don't know why, though.
I don't like this, Knuckles is the man Sonic is the woman
1. woman
2. kind
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They're both boys...
Now that you mention it, I agree.

This is true. Rare combination these days.
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Who's the dad
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Metal fuckin hates that fat bastard
fwa, for some reason
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Maybe this is a weird thing to say, but FWA gives off strong fatherly vibes. I don't know why, though.
Huh? I thought FWA was a girl.
1. father
2. kind
Yes she is
Yea, I know, but the way the fan art portrays them, it's like Knuckles is the one taking it
Kit is a fennec fox but uses water
Rey is an island fox but uses earth
Sub top/Dom bottom
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Sonic can top sometimes, Knuckles just tops more often
Is American women not kind? You should come to Brazil then its a bit dangerous but the women are worth it, they have big bunda too
Rey is an ironhide and surge and kit are full of metal
Surge only lets him hang because he's proved himself as being tough enough
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No, Knuckles always tops, if you can't enjoy shipping In-character then you don't actually like the shipping itself
I empathized too hard and now I'm crying because I love Sonic and his shitty friends so much again...
Who is the abusive dad draw friend
in my headcanon fwa has small booba
I've decided to stop gossiping about minor celebrities on a public forum because it's rude and I think everyone should do the same.
Does /sthg/ have any celebrities?
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Yes, all the named contentfags are minor celebrities.
I'm making chicken nuggets from scratch, do you want some?
Who is at the top of the /sthg/ hierarchy?
DuoAi guy is cool, i like him
Duofag for entirely wrong reasons.
yes actually
also does anyone have any coleslaw im dying
Not sure if I'll have the energy to do it this weekend (currently sick, lol), but I'm planning on making a drawing of Jewel. It might be NSFW, but no idea of what.

I'm also working on a script for a planned future animation with Whisper. It's just edge, drama, and sex, but fuck it, I wanna have some fun. :)
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I have a get-together later so don't eat too many!
I just said I was going to stop and now you're pulling me back in, you bastard.

Probably Espiyume. She runs the whiteboards and is always courteous with everyone. So if she decided to flex her power I think people would listen.

I'm a drama whore, I can't help it, I'm sorry.
>It's just edge, drama, and sex, but fuck it, I wanna have some fun. :)

This, this is perfection.
>just edge, drama, and sex
well fuck okay let's go
Make sure to keep Jewel on-model.
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I wouldn't have asked for anyone better! I stayed sober for more than a week thanks to her
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Announced a couple of days ago at SDCC. I know people posted the Metal Virus figure, but didn’t see anyone post this.
>Classic Sonic
Popular in the west
Popular in Japan and the west
>Unleashed and Generations.
Popular with zoomers
Popular in Japan
>Freedom Fighter
Popular with the autist comunity
Glad you're still sober; I was wondering cause I helped convince you to stop drinking the other day.
I want to be the villain of sthg
And Frontiers is peak because of it
>I just said I was going to stop and now you're pulling me back in, you bastard.

I apologize for that. I was just a bit curious since I'm still a newbie on /sthg/. I barely know who's who here.

Anyway, I'm feeling regretful for the things that I have done. I won't post here anymore. I'll simply lurk for now on.

Take care and have a good night's sleep, Anon-sama.
*kisses u*
This is the best Penders dialogue
Sky Chase death in the final vs. Sky Chase death in the AutoDemo.
The fucking DRAGON is used in the autodemo?
This was unironically funny to me.
I'm new too; I had a similar phase but I fell in love with this stupid place.

Haha don't ever encourage me haha

Good night!
Man this series was ass
>all the Sky Chase Dragon does is fly into you and kill you
I like Mina Mongoose
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Being Espio's human wife. Lying in bed with my cute chameleon husband. Holding Espio close. Espio sleeping peacefully in my arms. Feeling Espio's breath against my skin. Nuzzling my face against Espio's and kissing him on his forehead.
Watch out for that pointy horn.
I don't get it.
*Catches in mouth*
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New page, I felt bad having such a cliffhanger previous page, that I pushed (to the limit) myself to finish this within the day plus 3 hours, shut up.
I'll have the pages in an album posted somewhere, just not now.
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very nice
These are fun. Hella cares for her friend...
>tsu appearance
this is the everythingfaggotry of /sthg/ ocs
Another shilled anon oc
pretty sure at one point scribbles has a single panel of movie ocs, aosth ocs, satam ocs, and tikal watching Black Doom kill Mammoth Mogul's entire fucking tribe
Sonic the hedgehog?
No one's stopping you, bro. Pick a topic.
Not anymore after being codefucked.
having sex with marine
No. Thanks for playing.
please pick another topic whoa that's sexual
He still does, he just can't act on those whims at the moment
These comics just prove nu/sthg/ can't make appealing designs to save their lives.
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Ok but only if it's the off model marine from my favorite mobius unleashed comic where she seduces tails at a swimming pool
Roads just has an odd style.
I'm tired of OCs
Pick. A. Topic.
marine's bombastic behemoth boobs
I like how the biggest shipperfag in the general is also the one of the only people to actually talk about the games instead of whining about wanting to talk about the games. TDfwNN is based.
sthg OCs sucks. That's the topic
oh so you don't wanna talk about sonic ok
Colono, why won't you draw my OC? I created her for you.
That's why they won't bring Marine back, the censors won't allow her.
I think they're a good expression of their creator's creativity and I'm sure is a great outlet for them when they can she them with those who enjoy their presence. They also help them practice their craft. I'm glad you wanted to talk about OCs after all.
This guy likes talking about OCs. What a weirdo, lets laugh at him.
too old?
There's nothing to discuss: they're uncreative slop.
Style doesn't change that the designs are shit.
God, I just can't enough of that ai ass
There's nothing "Sonic" about your OCs
Sonic's fucking sage? Prove it.
Nicole or Mina?
They should kiss
Sonamybros... Silvazebros... It's time to accept Tikaos and Shadouge...
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m... mina...
/sthg/, when I try to think of what Sonic sounds like in my head, I always think of Jason Griffith's voice. Why is this?
I never watched more than a couple episodes of Sonic X as a kid and hardly played any Sonic games before a couples years ago, yet Jason's voice somehow seems to have imprinted on me more than any other Sonic voice actor.
For me, it's Drummond.
Because Jason's Sonic was more Sonic than Roger cringe smith
Then stop talking about it okay?
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Heh! Gotta run!
Tell me what's wrong with Sonic heroes?
Hmmm, nyo.
Roger's voice will always conjur images of Boomnic and nothing else in my mind. I hope we get a new VA in the future, but I'm scared that whatever follows up RCS will be worse.
Of the top of my head, I can't even remember what Drummond sounds like outside of a few specific lines (i.e. "I die hard.").
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For me it's my nigga Jaleel
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>up 'n down 'n all around
>all around
i-i'd prefer it stay attached, thanks...
>Of the top of my head, I can't even remember what Drummond sounds like
That's because you were likely born after 2003.
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That's really not upto you.
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Sonic (rings)
Shadow (lightning)
Silver (fire)
Chaos (water)

Amy (rings)
Rouge (lightning)
Blaze (fire)
Tikal (water)

Knuckles (rings)
Omega (lightning)
Gardon (fire)
Big (water)

Tails (rings)
Sage (lightning)
Marine (fire)
Chao (water)
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Silver and Sage really don't mesh with their set members.
I was born in 2000.
My parents never let me play video games for the first half of my childhood and I never got very into Sonic as a kid.
What's rong?
Fire is for Sol Empire and Silver is the consort prince. Lightning is for Eggman-adjacent so if anything Rouge is the one that doesn't mesh as good as the others
Drummond and Schwartz sound nearly identical. The only difference is Schwartz has voice direction and Drummond was basically submitting his first take every time.
Doesn't she ride boats and have water abilities? Did they just pull these card assignments out of their ass?
>I hope we get a new VA in the future, but I'm scared that whatever follows up RCS will be worse.
Yeah less just hope we don't one of those
shitty xitter VAs, they make Sonic sounds like a faggot
Lanolin (Sex)
Jewel (Sex)
Whisper (Sex)
Tangle (Sex)
Silver isn't related to the Sol dimension, and his only friend there is Blaze. Sage hasn't even met Team Dark.

>Silver is the consort prince
But that's assigning him a role that's not present in the games or even the comics.
>Lightning is for Eggman-adjacent so if anything Rouge is the one that doesn't mesh as good as the others
I guess, but again that's a problem. One of the four is out of place.
Yes they do, as long as you realize that these cards are based off of Tarot in specific.
Fire is representative of the suit of Wands, which often stands for powerful emotions, determination, and will. Lightning is representative of the suit of Swords, which stands for calculating decision making and a pragmatic approach.

I'm starting to think this deck was a mistake.
>ring = main gang
>fire = outer world
>lightning = anti-hero
>water =
Mystic ruins I guess?
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My first exposure to Sonic was Sonic 06 and i thought Sonic 06 was the coolest thing ever. Also i never bother to play Classic Sonic, because me thinks it's suck and plays too much like Mario
Fire because emotions also part of Blaze's circle like the koala and Silver
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If we take the parallels to the tarot, are the choices 1-to-1 or do you think some character fit better in other spots?

Because a Sonic fan probably sees
>main crew
>Sol denizens + Silver
>Team Dark + Sage
>Adventure leftover
and care understandably little about the tarot lore.
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the first sonails shipper i can think of is emuemi and she defended a rapist
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>If we take the parallels to the tarot, are the choices 1-to-1
It's genuinely surprising to me how accurate the characters are to the chosen cards and their often interpreted meanings. Take the King of Wands(Fire) for example, and compare it to Silver for a moment. The emotionally driven and determined nature mixed with the absolute refusal to back down fits him near perfectly.
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Goodnight. I (Espio's human wife) will open the whiteboard in the morning.
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Pleasant dreams.
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A-At least she's got Kit!
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>At least she's got Kit!
She'll be fine
well she only has Kit because Kit will have a nervous breakdown if she's not there
I don't think he minds, I've never seen him complain
>Sonic's daughter
Apart from that it's captured her likeness well considering most of the art of her is old or grayscale
She has kit because he's the only one who actually understands her, and ever sense he was willing to go back for her they've actually grown close as friends.
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Actually she only has Kit because the water and electricity combo is the only way they can satiate their sexual urges
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god damn i hate coomers
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Made for zapping
My first exposure to Sonic was the original Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (and I suppose whatever snippets of Sonic X I happened to see).
The first actual Sonic game I played was Rush and that was years later on. I liked the gameplay of Rush, but the stories and theming of the games were the main thing that drew me into the franchise.
Okay. Who is Knux's queen in this set?
Knuckles is the Knight of Rings.
Ah, he's a knight. Don't ship him too hard, anyway.
Hot. I love dogeza.
I assume you've read Dogeza de Tanondemita.
I only read shounen slop nowadays.
Combine the two
Why's an /mmg/ poster doing here?
Give it a go. You'll like it.
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Black Bvll in Shadow Gens.
>Wind suit: Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Tails
>Lightning suit: Metal Sonic, Surge, Mecha Sonic and Kit
>Chaos suit: Shadow, Rouge, Omega and Sage
>Heart suit: Silver, Blaze, Gardon, Marine
Black Bull needs more art
Shadowbros are we the cuck?
>his "queen" is in love with Knuckles
It's pretty funny because the ring suit is all about the core protagonists, the lightning suit is for Eggman related guys, the water suit is for Adventure characters somewhat related to Chaos (Big counts because Froggy literally merged with a small part of Chaos) and then there's fire suit which is all about the Sol Dimension but Silver too because he and Blaze are married
>Silver's keep getting associated with these lame-os
Make it stop
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>Shadow, this is part of a human activity that they call "shipping"
>Once we asume control over their shipping market, their morale will lower, and our conquest will be complete
>Exterminate all of their shipping material, and their society will plunge into chaos
. . .
>What are you doing, you traitor?
>Do NOT ship our soldiers
>Shadow, you need to breed all girlbosses
This is WHO I AM.
I feel like I can guess which common poster this is based on the fact that this sounds like passerby dialogue from Doom in shth.
Shadow level featuring Lanolin, Apocalypse Rouge, Sally Acorn, Boom Amy, and every other girlboss I'm forgetting. The counter is at the top of the scene. You need to breed them all to complete the dark mission.
Counter argument, Gerald has drawn shadow as the chad and Doom as the basedjak, therefore Shadow is not a cuck, Baseddoom is
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So I'm not the only one who is gonna play SXSG EXCLUSIVELY with Dreamcastnic, Jamnic and Terios right
He takes the boss out of girlboss. He will break them all into Maria's.
>jobbing to filters
I want to lick Terios
Ok but imagine if black doom was a shipper
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holy shit Darkspine Shadow
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Yeah Silver( stgh 2006 OC ) ,sucks
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He ships shadow with anyone he thinks will give him powerful grandchildren
Lanolin wondering why there is a mission counter above her head
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There’s only two confirmed screenshots from the Switch version, Sega is playing coy
Eshop page though says it’s 13gb
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Back in 2017 Sega was fucking torn to shreds by Japanese media for using PS4 screenshots on Switch games pages, it got so bad that Nintendo stepped in and forced them to go so far as to make new versions of existing trailers with the Switch version instead, it’s why you might see like for like trailers of games now from Sega just with Nintendo or PC footage
Funnily enough Forces is responsible for this, despite being the Sega game that looks the most similar across Switch and PS4.
This is why currently there’s no trailer on the eshop, though the Nintendo YouTube channel claims the footage on that version is Switch
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them to the trash compactor
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So, are grapes the KFC for Echidnas?
She jobbed to a fucking ball
Without her meme wisp thing, she's a nobody
She can't even spin jump
Useless bitch
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>"Terios" is a greek word for "making dreams come true" because he was made with the goal of developing a panacea for the world
Okay so what if Shadow gets an upgraded Super form in this game, like Sonic did in Frontiers,
and it's a "Terios form"? Instead of "Star Light Super Sonic", we get "Wish Granting Super Shadow" the one who makes the dreams of humankind true
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Not shocking at all the Generations side looks exactly the same on Switch
Cute rat
I like to think Doom is a poor judge of power
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>Ha, nigga thinks she's as good as me?
Lanolin pissed on Silver and Sonic and they're meant to be among the strongest characters in the series.
Kishimoto seemed confused that there was a negative reception to the Switch version of Frontiers
Forces truly is the new 06. Everything wrong with Modern Sonic can be traced back to that game and its impact on the series.
I really hope this happens
It just wasn’t broken or unplayable like that game.
Pretty much everything it fucked up was logistical.
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He was handicapping himself because Phantom distraction sweep whatever
Not to mention he was multitasking against literally dozens of other racers, including Jet and Surge
He was handicapping himself as well
Also, Evan writes him like a gay retard

Game version of either character would assrape that sheep in less than 5 seconds
Lanolin downfall soon
Why does everything about Lanolin end in ass rape with you people
Don't worry anon, I'm only interested in tit rape
He also seemed confused why Armored Core and Zelda were doing better than Sonic Critically
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She's a sheep
The chances of suffering welsh fever while surfing the web are pretty low but never zero
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Surge status:
Lanolin status:
>Don't do it Lanolin, I have the high ground
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Here's your Super Shadow 2
Because Silverfags and Whisperfags are fucking butthurt
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>confused why Switch era Zelda was doing better than Sonic
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Shit at this point Sonic has pretty much never scored higher than Zelda with critics
Forces might be the longest a Sonic game has been in print
New copies are still being printed for Switch to this day with ads with Frontiers and even Gens X Shadow in them
>forces and frontiers didn't flop
I guess the letter F is Sonic lucky charm
As far as I know Frontiers is drying up but Forces could legitimately be up there as one of the best selling Sonic games ever
We just need a new sales update on it
So that's why Shadow the Hedgehog failed... too many Ds, not a single F...
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Am I forgotten?
>why do people want to rape this [thing made for rape]
What you be saying bruh??
Fadow the Fedgehog....
lol why who out there picking forces over frontiers
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I'm glad we quickly forgot about that Knuckles show, disgusting kikeshit. i'll take knuckles being Blacks all day rather than Jewish bullshit
Kids, people see a Sonic game for $60 vs a Sonic game for $20 or less. Parents don’t care about critical reception and neither do kids, and even if they did the games both sit at a yellow on Metacritic.
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How do I express my sheer NEED for a bun with a thick Southern accent to the Japs who run this series?
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Because nobody actually likes Ian/Evan's retarded dyke bosslady?? I like her as gooning material only, shout out to Duofag for providing the smut
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>Mario gets this and we get the disgusting Lego Shadow head
Evil Lanolin/Double agent Lanolin is cringe
Why is Forces still being printed like 7 years after the fact? That game was a critical flop
I'd honestly be fine with Lanolin just being fed us with heroes in general. If she adopts a 'kill Eggman and to hell with Sonic' role, her entire character could be redeemed.
You'd have better luck making your own Bunnie game.
Being a critical flop rarely stops Sonic games from being printed.
Black Knight, Unleashed, 06, and Secret Rings are the only Sonic games that got their prints killed by being hated so much
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>Sonic isn't a hero guys it says on the bio!
Have you forgotten that Forces was immensly popular in PS Plus after the first movie?
Colors Ultimate didn’t get that benefit and Colors Ultimate is worse than Forces
He isn't, but he should be.
Paragontards are just self-inserters.
What bio says that Sonic isnt a hero
No, that is not me.

>>He's in Pokemon as well as Sonic
No. I've never visited the Pokemon board here or whatever.

This is false. Vicky is appearing in an upcoming episode. That's just a reference to the moment in the original series' opening title sequence, which apparently has been "unwished".
I liked Forces
and Forces like you too
Blaze working her lesbian rizz
rally against stanley
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Sonic 06 sales in Japan
>Isn't a hero, just has a warm heart, courage, and self-confidence leading him to do good, And all the other attributes of a hero
Are Shonenfags retarded? Why are they so against the idea of heroism that they would contradict themselves so blatantly?
Just learn to draw porn and draw porn for yourself man
What does Lanolin smell like?
>POV: you're a knougefag
If sega has made anything clear it's that knuckles and rouge hate each other
It's the same thing with Luffy.

It's just seems like the Japanese have a view of "Hero" as a title and label that conjures up a specific image of someone that is separate and distinct from someone that simply does good things because he feels like it.
Hedgehog Testicle musk
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>isn't a hero
>If I have courage, I can do anything
>A hero is a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage, or strength
He can't pretend he's not one after saving the world 900+ times
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because we dont want sonic to turn into capeshit retard
its not hard to understand you're just a xenophobe who seethes at anything japanese related like the word "shonen" because you hate the fact that japan can thrive and have one of the worlds largest economies despite having a nuke dropped on them twice
it hurts your jewmerican pride is all, you can look down on dingos for being savage but when the eastern arachnids start outdoing you it starts to hit too close to home
99% of sonic porn is shit
if the hero aspect of sonic gets highlighted and becomes the main focus of the character the stories and characterization of sonic change to suit that and instead of getting content about a guy who likes to run fast and be free as the wind he instead becomes a character like superman who has a compulsive need to help people and police the world and has moral qualms about fucking everything and his ego gets obsessed with being a le "hero" and if you cant see why that's bad for sonic then you're a retard baby shitter who watches barney and mlp and jerks off to gay incest porn of the walking dead
this is why X sonic is the best sonic for storyelling, he just does whatever the fuck he wants and if he sees his friends are in trouble or just happens to witness someone doing bad things he helps but he doesnt become so fixated on being a "hero" that it becomes a detriment to his FREE SPIRITED character
spider-man isnt free
batman isnt free
superman isnt free
when you become a capeshitter it becomes a CORE part of your being, it becomes who you are, it becomes your job, it becomes EVERYTHING
rally against stanley + women shouldnt write sonic
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tsmt fuck evan
women shouldnt write sonic
Most video videos on Sonic’s Japan page these days are Korone
The most popular videos ever on their channel are the Sonic Racing Overdrived animation, and the trailers for Sonic Forces
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doomed to never appear in any other game ever or be referenced EVER
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>these days
That's because there will be a couple of collabs soon
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This kinda explains a lot, the fucking 11 year old Sonic X intro is still super high on here and the Chibi Sonic and friends are too.
Even the most popular Frontiers videos are are matching with the Lost World and Toon in terms of popularity.
Japan must have really thought TSR was gonna be good
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when people say come to brazil for the women i imagine them ending up on the other end of a rusty chainsaw because they hit on a girl some cartel dingo was interested in
rally against stanley
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Japan love slap stick too
But Forces definitely had a bigger marketing campaign than Frontiers
dont say that
nights had a cameo in superstars
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Sonic06bros our days are numbered..
rail grinding cash grab with retarded mario tier powers for nintendie-reddit-drones who jerk off to loud house porn
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Nights and Ariem?
Both of them job against Klonoa
Actually Mario Wonder was for Nintendo fans, it’s why none of the. Bought Superstars.
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hey you

draw my OC
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Japanese have this weird thing where they seem to value strength more than virtue.
You see it time and time again in shonen. Everyone will compliment on how strong and powerful the character is, never how brave and noble.
Whereas western heroes are valued for their self-sacrifice, eastern "heroes" take pride in never sacrificing anything, only doing good things because they want to, and having the power to turn that into a reality.
I don't know about eastern philosophy or confucianism, but it seems to be different than western virtue ethics by Socrates. Maybe they just like to go "Might makes right" over there and that's their core value.
What is weird to me is that they do seem to know that "Might makes right" is a bad thing, but they're simply unable to express it. Like with the whole Lee and Naruto hypocrisy. Naruto SAYS Lee is right, but the writer ends up not being able to prove it. Same with Doflamingo, Senator Armstrong, etc.... Japs are fucking weird.
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>why none of them
santiago is DEAD
fuck mario fag pandering in MY sonic
santiago games exist only to pander to plumber coomers who jerk off to m64 peach hentai mods
Who the fuck commissioned that comic of Wario fucking Surge in a dinner while every other Sonic character watches
i hope evan ends up on the end of a rusty chainsaw ruing the day she wrote for sonic
Westerners too retarded to understand Esoteric Japanese concept like that
>leave the nice tenrec alone
See? Referring to a blobian by their species isn't racist at all
If it pandered it would have sold.
What did Ian Flynn do this time?
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>the Storybook games, 06 and Unleashed were such flops that they got delisted from the market
>Dark Ages fans try to gaslight you into thinking they weren't so bad
If anything I expect Forces to be next in line for a remaster due to being almost 10 years old and not being part of the next gen console line once the Switch finally dies
Fuck Surge in the tenrec pussy
Nope. Even the ancient greeks understood "Might makes right".
It just seems like japs were never able to go beyond that crude philosophy for some reason.
I found out that Eastern Sonic fans compare Lost World to Crash because of the lack of world themes being consistent and gimmick levels
... do the Japs not know that Mario Galaxy exists?
>Japanese have this weird thing where they seem to value strength more than virtue.
strength is a virtue and western morality dictates you be a fucking cuck and renounce any sort of W because otherwise you're le bad and burn in hell forever and let people walk all over you and thats why your countries are turning into shitholes
it did pander and im glad it flopped regardless
no true sonic fan wants those shit power ups in sonic, i saw santiago turning into a fucking squid and i knew that game was shit
libshitting virtue signalling bible thumping science believing snoy chugging porn addicted tranny gooning diaper cooming faggot who jerks off to barney inflation porn
They don’t compare them since they don’t think they play similar.
Only thing they could think of making them similar is the round planets but most of them say that gravity plays no role, and it’s mostly tubes not planetoids
Why does Kit change position in nearly every panel
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>Lost World to Crash
Wtf? Sonic boom is right there
Haha this is so fucking bad haha
nice catch anon, i didnt notice that
For real, fuck shitty power ups like super Sonic and fire shields
Her face when you place a papel towel with EXACTLY 10 animal crackers right in front of her
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fuck shitty power ups like spawning fifty santiagos running in midair and wispoid-esque meta cancer
Sonic Toon is compared to Jak n Dexter and Ratchet and Clank more than Crash
>strength is a virtue
Virtue, by definition, has to be a mental attribute and not a physical one.
You should stick to crying about Evan, tripfag.
strength is a virtue cope
barney coomer
Then we agree
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I can't believe you don't pray to Maria
rally against stanley
save sonic from the gay
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She must understand how to make guys look cool, or at least not a fag
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Education is the only path forward
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And I try
Oh my God, do I try
I try all the time
In this institution
And I pray
Oh my God, do I pray
I pray every single day
For revolution
I think you just talked to a retard. There is very little Sonic Lost world has in common with Crash.
I mean it is a lot of straight lines with random auto running levels
Truthfully if you unrolled the levels they’d play the exact same
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Fair point
You've just described Sonic daytime stages. Even the Boost is akin to the Crash Dash.

Double Jump
Stomp/Belly Flop

Crash's influence on linear 2.5D level design in general brah.
I know that blobians have big hands but holy fuck
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>Oh-ho-ho? You want to stop me from writing Sonic?
>And how exactly do you plan on doing that?
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Silver my dearest
It’s been so long since Super Sonic was cool
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classic power ups dont bother me cause they actually belong in sonic, all this meta shit added in the 2010s was made to appease baby shitters and journos who like MARIO
Don't ask dumb question. There's enough social media content to cancel you. Just be glad IDW are dead broke.
>it's been so long
>since last mainline game
>even closer since the Final Horizon dlc
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It's a cropped porn? How am i supposed to masturbate to this?
Not cool
If he can just do it whenever its boring
egyptian black magic
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>And how are a bunch of 4chan incels going to "cancel" a proud neurodivergent asexual woman such as myself?
that avatar doesnt do her justice, she looks like chucky irl, it creeps me out to look at her picture for too long
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My esteemed colleagues, we must remove Evan from the comics before she can damage the Sonic brand further.
Frontiers dlc hasn't been out too long now Anon
Point out that you voted for Donald Trump.
rally against stanley
They just can’t do good finales in these games anymore
What was the last game in which there was a good finale
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Just bring Jenhen's past into a convo the next time someone talks about IDW
Either they sacrifice her, or she sinks the boat with her
Either way it would be hilarious
how are they going to make good finales if the fucking stories refuse to take themselves seriously because some journo coomer faggots think its "cringe"?
this is why you need the story to take itself seriously and why you need some edge otherwise the whole thing just feels gay and stupid
sick of mcu style writing fucking sonic
every furry there is a human coomer
she must understand that women shouldnt write sonic
>just make her stop making everything gay and stupid
>just make a woman stop being a woman bro
this is why we have seperate genres for boys and girls
sonic is for boys who want action not stupid fucking girls who want to read lesbian smut
rally against stanley
this, so much this.
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Probably Unleashed
>Eggman's scars from all the times he exploded
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I think Jenhen has already tanked her rep bad enough. Does IDW even hire her for anything?
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Kill Evan. Behead Evan. Roundhouse kick Evan into the concrete. Slam dunk an Evan baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Evan. Defecate in Evan's food. Launch Evan into the sun. Stir fry Evan in a wok. Toss Evan into active volcanoes. Urinate into Evan's gas tank. Judo throw Evan into a wood chipper. Twist Evan's head off. Report Evan to the IRS. Karate chop Evan in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Evan. Trap Evan in quicksand. Crush Evan in the trash compactor. Liquefy Evan in a vat of acid. Eat Evan. Dissect Evan. Exterminate Evan in the gas chamber. Stomp Evan's skull with steel-toed boots. Cremate Evan in the oven. Lobotomize Evan. Mandatory abortions for Evan. Grind Evan fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Evan in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Evan with a ray gun. Kick old Evan down the stairs. Feed Evan to alligators. Slice Evan with a katana.
Silver wouldnt do this
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Went out and bought two Dreamcasts from KB today, let’s see Sony compete with that. No one there bought more than one PS2.
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It has really short and shitty alternative paths
>Silver wouldn't use his own hands
You're right!
He would use his psychic powers instead!
Good catch anon!
Silver would do this
I say this and look like this.
amy should be FAT

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