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stealing anons creation edition

>Official Client Update - July 2024

>Deadman: Armageddon & While Guthix Sleeps Updates

>Poll 82 - Minigame Makeover

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

When does the poll end and when will the qol update go live?
ah freak i didnt realize it was new thread time already i had a cute gif for an op oh well
ugly bitch
ok im going to go do my weekly shower please hold your questions until im back
shut up debitch and take a shower
dumb bitch
without me? aha >>487801182
*does a silly little new thread dance* its coffee time :3
can we gave some cute vocaroos
nasty whore
yeah >>487777494 >>487790234 >>487790693 >>487790994
*does a cute little dance with you* c: im comfy playing osrs and enjoying some tasty snacks :3
thanks for typing ":3" and "c:"
yeah go ahead im going to unpriv soon anyway
impostor bitch
prove its you
Can you explain why in THE FUCK i was just kicked from the cc you fucking worthless innercircle FAGGOT kill yourself stupid bitch
she is cheating on her secretbf with us or she is mocking us with her secretbf...
idk im not in the cc
message me in game (vardavid) and i will explain it to you
the greasy secretbf vs the incel secretanon
*does the hooba hooba habba dance*
*leaves thread*
fuck this incel game im going back to habbo hotel
hope you get aids
"i will accept your follow request if and only if you do fire cape for me via sceen share"

u dont understand if u get firecape u will be just like every1 else ur style and ur character rn is totally based on the cooking cape and if u change u lose EVERYTHING

ur incompetence is cute
i will do firecape for anyone here thoughever they will need the item "twisted bow" on their account for it is a good tool to face jad with
brother it was a little lol just a little joke buddy
im posting d333cay pics if she doesn't unprivate in the next hour
ill have your item: twisted bow
do you guys think d333cay uses /soc/ maybe not cause im sure one of you autists wouldve found her by now.
me personally i wore an optimus prime helmet when posting on soc
posting rsn is the runescape version of posting on /soc/
does anyone actually message rsn posters
i miss my nigga shanky, juiceb0x, and the other tranny nigga that was always bossing.
"erm what the scallop happened to this thread"

i'm starting to think no one got d333cay pics and if you do that's fucked up cuz you're not sharing them this is supposed to be a sisterhood
it dont matter if she posts on /soc/ she has a secretbf but there is a huge campaign to suppress this knowledge so she can continue having control over us
doxxing isnt cool even if it was her own fault
me personally i stopped caring about whores on the internet once i got a gf
thanks for typing ":X"
I talk to them if I see them ingame
desu everything i have ever written on 4chan is ironic parody in a synthetic character to point out the bizarre new world we exist in that fosters fake social connection
heh.......once i obtain 10 more pictures, my ai model will have enough to recreate her in any pose........heh...........
the girlies were calling this general a group chat a couple nights ago dont think i forgot
can you make her do the gangnam style op op op
do NOT use my likeness for cringe
just realized that anyone with d333cay pics could pose as d333cay hmm this could get interesting
were you the guy harassing meriipu at magic trees the other day
not really all she would have to do is take a screenshot of her client with any sort of timestamp or something written in her chatbox are you dumb
people could use the name changer plugin to use my rsn but ultimately i have my dms open so i guess if anyone tries to lure you to discord or scam you or whatever with my pictures just message me in game to check if its me
i want to learn how to woox walk but im ironman
No, I don't leak conversations or "expose" posters ingame like they did
if someone itt is delusional enough to fall for a scam they deserve it
obviously but that takes at least 10 minutes if you're d333cay
even 90 year olds getting scammed by indians?
attractive osrs streamer
how was i supposed to know the plugin was a fake we talked for 20 minutes on discord i thought we were friends it was an honest mistake come on havent you ever made a mistake before
she said "itt" i dont think any 90 year olds are getting scammed by indians in here
god i want to fold dollblush in half like a lawn chair and put her in my player owned house superior garden im biting my knuckles
there are dozens of eggless hags in here dont be an ageist
depends on how you define deserve, logically or morally.
why didnt you say anything i love hags
im having trouble understanding your post did you forget a word
logically they deserve it for being retarded enough to fall for scams after playing osrs and morally for posting here
this is like saying you deserve to suffer if you were born in north korea
yay kuraqween gave me a big juicy tds task
not everyone who posts here is a bad person you might be projecting your self-hatred onto us in order to justify those feelings it's okay we love you the way you are *hugs you*
omg does she post here she has to be the most attractive poster
i have trust issues so everyone is a bad person to me unless proven otherwise after hundreds of hours of conversations and getting to know them
obvious troon
the most attractive poster who actually posts here is 61m
proof he posts here?
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wow konar tasks are so cucked... feels like i barely break even from prayer pots and cballs
he sounds like a faggot and he is a manlet
so 80% of white guys
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hes not gay
I don't know how people do slayer desu
with bondmen logging in every 30 seconds and crashing you and being completely clueless about it
Chudnames like this will get you instantly reported idk dont know why the fuck youd do this
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tyson is part of /osg/ lore
he's so small why is he flexing
hes not small but hes really lean its easy to be big when ur a 600 pound (because its na time) fat ass like u
>odablock is palestinian
>dj khaled is palestinian
>belal muhammad is palestinian

why are there so many of them in the us? i didn't know such people existed til this year tbch.
sis never heard the phrase america is a melting pot of ethnicity
hey don't call me sis you tranny faggot freak.
cope. his arms are tiny and he is flexing with the physique of a 16 year old
where is this pickle >:(
they need to add pickles to osrs so we can get pickle rick from the show rick and morty
he clearly works out, why don't you post your arms?
because this is a rs general you retarded troon. the average guy who isn't an unemployed sperg like you has more muscle than him
you don't need to be fit to call someone out of shape
I'm employed and most of my coworkers are 40+ balding and fat
and me? im a runner so my arms are sort of wimpy although i moved a washer and dryer and fridge by myself a few months ago so i cant be that wimpy
there is at least one fit osg poster
says more about you than anything
yeah his name is tyson
cope. im 29 years old and fat and i have more muscle than him because i have superior genetics
shows you have no idea what you're talking about
i dunno why a company that promotes from within says anything about me
oh hypertrophy like one of the quirks all for one uses against all might in their big fight
is it pronounced hyper trophy like hyperbole or hypertrophy one word
yea but youre fat so no one likes you lol
>when the threadgirls read the thread
its like hyperbole
you being 29 and fact isn't something you needed to tell me for me to know
hypert rothy
yeah because americans don't have friends? you're so dumb half the world is fat and youre saying they dont have friends?

>and fact
kys disgusting fat fuck lol :p
your 'friends' feel bad for you
grotesque lookin ass nigga
me personally i really dont like fat people they just shouldnt exist it makes the world more ugly
fuck you guys you're all pieces of shit
i have pieces of shit inside of me
i need to find a toilet fast
Size is mostly down to posing, posture, lighting, the pump, and roids. Natty dudes whonhave been training well for 10 years, who have excellent physiques, can still look small without good lighting, posture, posing, and a pump.

You'd know this if you actually trained rather than spent your days larping as a chad on 4chan vg osg
me im a beta boy looking for a chad osger to let me be his live in househusband so i dont have to work
>you NEED roids and editing and lighting and posing and posture to look better than this tiny man!
r u retarded or
10 years ago he was a beamer boy
Now shes an egirl gamer
where's "the guy that replies to like 30 posts at once and tells them to talk about the game" when you need him

you have never touched a bar
he was a beamer boy she said need a leaner boy
Every bodybuilder agrees lighting, pose, posture, pump and roids are needed to look big.

If you actually had muscle, like me, you'd know that you can go from looking like normie mcskinmyfat to ubersaiyan mcbeefcake in a matter of minutes just be adjusting the aforentioned things (leaving out roids)

Now post arms with timestamp or stfu kid
you saw the picture of that streamer and thought you needed all of that photo work and roids to be bigger than him? you have never touched a bar little guy
the only way to settle this is if all of you take off your shirts and post pics maybe include your runey character in the background please please please
oh no d333cay is among us
i am talking about looking bigger than that streamer which literally anyone can do with minimal work and without needing any of the shit you're saying. you are retarded stop larping lardass
its been an hour 2665
>i am talking about looking bigger than that streamer which literally anyone can do with minimal work

>with minimal work

You are such a cock gobbling faggot and its cunts like you that make bitches think a good body is easy to get

Stfu kid
2665 i like that its like we are the knd
i can't look bigger than that streamer i have little twig arms all my fat goes to my butt
a good body is easy to get
it's okay bro if you can't get that little man's physique after your five years '''''bodybuilding'''' (it's not okay). maybe just work on your photoediting and take roids or whatever you've been talking about
the drama is delicious
i miss zyzz
fellas as far as d333cay is concerned your both pieces of shit stop flexing your big gay muscles at each other
all you have to do is 5x fork putdowns
we have to go to the gym 8x a week
nah you are retarded af. Stop hating on men more successful than you. Bitter incel vibes from you.
the entire thread is about to get nuked
thats not true i agree with the guy whos right. TOPIC OF THE THREAD im about to fight hespori inthe old school runescape farmming guidl
yeah bro a streamer getting 100 viewers with 1 month of gym progress is really successful. I guess maybe to you
this girl asked me to play osrs with her because she says it makes her feel "smol" and she wants me to also watch anime with her (after osrs) because she says she feels like a "lil bean" when she watches anime after osrs
Diane, it's 10pm and the offtopic posting is going off the roof.
good job idiot you made her go into little space
thanks for talking about the topic of the thread
classic lil anime behavior
well what do i do if shes in little space i didnt tell her to go there
who is diane
you are the daddy now the little distribution system has come for you
i fink thats a reference to the twin peaks tv show
d333cay you will unprivate your twitter in the next 30 minutes or i will go beast mode this is your last warning
the only television shows ive watched are the simp sons and family guy while i play oldschool runescape
stop harassing d333cay!!!! stop!!!!!!!
why should i care its the same photos either way
going to go farm some ecumeical keys i hope a big storng pker doesnt find me defenseless haha :3
that sounds like a lot of responsibility and what is the little distribution system?
its dust in the wind man or like a dang ol candle in the wind
justice will be served. it's a david and goliath situation, and unfortunately for you you're neither of those
y are you still doing monkey madness
haha i dont get it
that's tai bwo wannai
desu everything i have ever written on 4chan is ironic parody in a synthetic character to point out the bizarre new world we exist in that fosters fake social connection
who wrote this originally can someone claim responsibility please
Sorry, I don't know who Jarvis is. You haven't heard of me.
this looks like a creepypasta
>one night i was playing osrs when all of a sudden a fleshy creature appeared behind my monitor. but when i looked up... it was gone.
lol you're cute. rsn?
i will show you a fleshy creature if your not careful
You caught me... I am a Turoth
Private: Friends
gross you're one of those kraken freaks
nice arms though. show rest of body?
Diane, i just harvested 95 giant seaweeds and now i am going to motherlode mine until i get the coalbag.
who are you talking to use the reply function
Robby, I hope you are doing your homework upstairs and not playing those computer games. I'm cooking your favourite: spaghetti bolognaise with those little pasta dinosaurs mixed in.
this is on pace to be the best osg thread of all time and we're not even 200 posts deep
omg i have gained so much xp today i am such a good runeygirl
james isaac neutron! james pleiades hawkins!
im just waiting for the mass pk it is bound to happen soon
desu everything i have ever written on 4chan is ironic parody in a synthetic character to point out the bizarre new world we exist in that fosters fake social connection
you type exactly like how he does how curious...
Diane, i am actually taking a detour and im going to get my varrock hard diary done before i start MLM.
i read your post in patrick bateman's voice
why did you delete your post samefagging yourself
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wow :)
uh sis your chest day?
wow incredible skill achieving a combat task and a freaking huge collection log slot gz
>2:26 (new personal best)
I don't lift or go the gym, so I don't have a "chest day."
i think shes level 1 in the bodybuilding skill but has genetics make his arms look decent also theyre smaller than tysons :3c anyway im doing nmz its fun!!
saved this into my d333cay folder while i fish shrimp on tutorial island
noob why are you still doing tai bwo wannai in 2024 is this saint pepe???
why would you put a dyel in my folder what the hell
too muscular to be a femboy and too skinny to top. i'd hate to be you
My Arm's Big Adventure for a clue, unironically. Came for the favour, staying for the Gout Tuber.
if i were to judge while i cook these shrimp i would say he has a nice tummy and arms and thats good enough for me oh drat i just burned some of the shrimp i was cooking oh nooo
noob ingame and noob at bodybuilding rsgirlies this isnt the one
she needs to shave her chest hair its really offputting
she can be a powerbottom
omg gnomemonkey is having so much fun playing ghcim its so cute watching i remember my first iron like it was yesterdady
i hate early questing its so boring to watch not to mention its freaking gnomemonkey streaming it ugh id fall asleep in seconds tuning into that
is this her first iron?
i think im gonna have to buy more bank space i dont wanna dispose of my crap
yeah and she used to be a huge iron hater so its really awesome that shes one of us :3c
We are now chilling.
use your poh meriipu!
a cluttered bank is a cluttered mind
im not meriipu im just having an meriipu moment
holy smokes
i wonder if the lovely eala is hunting chompy birds. as for me i just done killing 45 tds this trip. 150 more to go
she aint even online lil bro
lil bro doesnt even keep up with his supposed threadgf
ok i guess she actually burnt out now i'm sad
shes on a normal sleep schedule now youre a fake fan
i am really lost right now
how bout you and two dudes him you and stu in the nude being lewd with two dudes with food well thats if stus into it too
all the doxxing probably crepped her out
this is why i don't have a threadwife. the thought of her pure little friends list being filled by other men... i shudder at the mere thought of it.
me im a loan wolf my friends list is empty
out of courtesy i have decided not to post any more pictures of d333cay
i have 32 friends but theyre not all mutual some of them are people that im monitoring
what about a picture of the secretbf
okay thanks i didnt really understand your threat earlier so this makes things easier for me. my bird houses still havent had any spirit seeds in them in runescape
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i wish i had 0 people on my friends list but i added someone a while back and idk how to delete him without making it awkward
i don't really care about the pictures but the fishing guild pic looks cute and creative maybe she could share it one day maybe not it's ok
you stupid bitch i already know you unadded me
well if you delete him and set your private to friends theres nothing he can really do
the fishing guild picture is cute and creative she should post it to make amends perhaps even the osg council would veto her banishment
i wipe my friends list and delete my discord and ghost everyone at least once a year im quirky like that
but he'll know that i deleted him what if i'm his only friend too he might get really hurt and sad
what's his rsn
there is no council youre just being weird again
you shouldnt ghost your friends its mean
the council hasnt convened for at least a year
I have 39 friends but I talk to all of them pretty regularly
who is in the osg council
i have no choice but to keep him on my friends list and hope he doesn't talk to me this is the burden i must carry
the 8 most powerful osg posters u wouldnt know them though they go to a different school
they didnt even meet in game last council meeting was just a regular thread
3/8 are shenny. im tormenting my demon
i cant think of 8 do shenny personas count as multiple people
just got a spirit seed from an egg that had been sitting in my bank since i got fox whistle... well fiddle-dee-dee
shenny is definitely one of the 8 or maybe more than one she is very powerful
jannies need to perma nuke this dogshit general
i love reading this thread the shit you guys make up makes me chuckle
im throwing away my digsite amulets and smashing all my bird houses with a baseball bat
*dark laughter, shenny style*
talk about the game
the first mention of the council in the archive is in 2020 and a lot of those girls probably dont play anymore so we need to know if they have retained their seat on the council or if only active players have positions on the council
going to take a break from ehping and ehbing like a girlboss to watch this rocketship omg https://youtu.be/DZg8oq1QD5U what are you girls doing in the game im mining amethyst solo duoing bandos and working on a special project on the 4th account
wrong the council thread was last may
i said the first mention stupid
illiterate bitch she was so excited to jump on that omg
im so bored of this game omg
if the fishing guild picture was posted it would be the thread op for the next 3 months hmm
i make 80% of the threads and i probably wouldnt use it so i doubt it
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
its not even that revealing you can barely see her face d333cay my darling do i have permission to post it
i make like 15% of them and i also wouldnt use it so that leaves the chud OP im not sure if he would use it
why whats wrong
you think your special
shut up im trying to concentrate on planting my spirit tree
is that a yes or a no
do you think taking a spirit tree teleport feels better or worse than casting a teleport spell
ohhh man i gotta fight suqahs to get the tooth to give to the gardener so my tree doesnt freakin die
go ahead
suqah my balls lol
i think that the tree one would feel kind of um intimate like you would hug the tree and get a bit lost in a sexual rush from the close contact with the tree and then open your eyes to find yourself in a different part of the world
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great now i need to guam
scrolling my twitter and i just saw that webm that was posted of the guy casting water wave between his girlfriends hands with his water battlestaff someone in osg is 3 days ahead of my twitter tl
is that d333cay? if so then ewww
thats not what a cameltoe is
voice sounds familiar
kind of sounds like sykkuno
ive reconsidered hunting chompys i think ill blow glass and watch the olympics instead
you sound pretty cute. post another
Sounds like lake without the mic filter
Maybe you're not very pleasant to be around? Personality lacking? Don't share enough ankle pics?
we've got dudes peacocking for female attention now except it's not female attention it's attention from the creeps that stalked her twitter
I am merely teasing the gays
why hasn't a janny taken down that fag's pictures yet
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it is done....
The arm pic is related. I'll take a ban for the body pic. I am straight, btw.
i should really plant one of those for whenever i get that step i have like 10 seeds sitting around collecting dust
you don't sound straight can i get your rsn
wait that's j4ckskeleton
you're posting shirtless photos of yourself to 4chan and you have the gayest voice I've ever heard
gz ily i hope it grows big and strong and healthy
Your point?
shes right that is pretty gay
so eepy slept like shit last night so as for me it might be an early runey night
d333skank has a pet and i don't.. sigh...
maybe its because ur a rude bitch
shut up skank
she has a bird family too but they never see the light of day its so cruel probably stuffed away inside a bank or maybe the poh house if theyre lucky
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lol have you tried gitting gud
what bird pets are there aside from heron
the ratcoon is the best pest
pls choose a different pet...
are you jewish? can i have a golem
take take take all you girls do is take from h333r why dont you ever give anything to her instead
i have something to say so im looking through the thread where "osg council" was first mentioned and if you ctrl+f "lil anon" i think many of those are our current day lil anime poster which i still think is not shenkansen and is actually an oldfag https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/295584695/#q295584695
when did shenny start posting
me: on the ironman Cerberus high scores
you: on the buttplug hiscores
first mention of her rsn is dec 2022
your point?
more threadgirls need to be like eala look how great she is
dude that's gay
what a lewd webm im imagining your the toons hands in my lap aha
how is that lewd
as a straight man i prefer threadgirls that whore themselves out the webms are cute though
ok i thought it looked like a tiktok dance
is the obsidian anon online what does she think about this lil anime development
i didnt even think of that webm as sexual stop lewding pure eala
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no shes valid if you turn it to the side it kinda looks like the soulja boy dance which if you think about it is a tiktok dance from another generation
this dude swapped his entire spellbook just to simp for a threadgirl...
that anon ha sbeen making glass all week she was probably already on lunars
can it dweeb that webm is a month old
theyre both girls idiot
actually thats another threadgirl not a guy please keep up
that was too easy ngl
you are sending me on an archive deep dive im going to regret its your fault not mine
noooooo you led us into a snafu
pure girls who clumsily act lewd makes me harder than tekton
you deserve it, but i can't tell you why
its cute how much of the vibe of the thread is the same 4 years later. but i think its definitely the same lil anime guy theres too many similarities. and shen started out as a lowercase poster with a different vibe i just dont buy her maintaining such a comprehensive alternate personality for four years even before she was a threadgirl
tbqh as someone whos been around here for years a lot of posters used to say lil anime
no youre not looking hes not the only one saying it but theres clearly one guy that said it in like every one of his posts (well lil anon in that era) he posts in uppercase and cares about fitness and shit
schizo moment
is he okay? :(
i must confess that i feel like that lobster
should rune dragons be unlocked yes or no
sure theyre a quick task for points idk about giga autism ehp slayer though ask someone else
you get 3-8 assigned and when you consider expeditious bracelet its a lot fewer and you can quickly do them for free points and theyre really fast if you have good gear so i would definitely recommend doing them
would anyone be mad if i asked for doings listenings right now
alching lobsters and binge listening border security
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b-but.. that is my country
i don't make the rules.
gm eala are you going to be hunting chompy birbs
>single way combat nechs task

is this a joke?? Konar is ass.
> you WILL kill 200 nechs in the Iorwerth Dungeon, chud
t4 star west of falador world 507
is this based or cringe?
wheres ur looting bag
why does everything have to be so black and white
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what song while you listen to while you slay ur wyrm anon
please watch your langauge
Border Security Australia
oh okay hello again
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farming contract and herb run
i almost brought mixed hide boots to wyrms just now instead of rock shoes
im tryna buy my naayba has
mining amethyst x2 and collecting pics for my massive herb run ive been saving up guam for over 24 hours now its going to be amazing when i complete the collection
But you might get an extra 60k in keys, dood! It's the risk of using Konar
looking cute aerti
Oh brother Konar STINKS
stop being so fucking rude to her
Just go wildy slayer there is no reason to do anything else.
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gonna bash yer head in if you keep being rude to my wife
i wish when charlie wanted ME to cook his fish for him. now he;ll take fish cooked by any old whore..
you are an old whore
its the weekend...impossible to do any slayer boss or revs
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well whatever ive got two caskets
why are you pining after a homeless drug addict
just something to say innit
it's a skotizhoe x autumneev kinda night
everytime i go on twitch to glance at runey streams i see some goth egirl streaming league and i can feel the brainworms crawling in the back of my skull to try and get me to click it but i wont
is that ur dungeons and dragons pervy old wizard voice
are Dark beast a task that should be extended yes or no
waaaay off
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lmao this is me
do you know what "inspired" means?
old man bitch
aha thats so you
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mine star and hardcore dreamo late night
my emo wife <3 is that spook dog from videos
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omg corgi alert i repeat theres a corgi in the thread a freakin corgi i love corgis so much can i pet you
beloved that is a husky puppy
yeah lol who am i supposed to believe you or my lyin eyes no thats a corgi if ive ever seen one
d333cays emo wife i binged all of awakebutstillinbeds discography when you posted them thanks for putting me on them ily but in an awkward 3rd wheel type of way
Are you cat webm anon?
i've taken on several personae today, but not that one. idk who that is.
me and the frog princess are together now
dude that's gay
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You tell her, xister!
only 90s kids remember lacienegas feet
gotta bankstand at tob more sheeesh
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I'm pickpocketing the wealthy.
why is eala kissing another girl
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she can kiss another girl if she wants to leave her alone
Hot lesbian sex.
wow... i am so nervous u are so hot
What are yall working on?
your in the mirror dimension where im in control >:D
refer to my previous doings and listenings reply i will not elaborate which i am
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me on the left the little creature tryna clap wyrm cheeks
aimlessly skilling
it's a stick figure alien, bigot
no i said creature because my behavior is like that of a creature
i'll allow it
i jist ordered indian food
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cute 5ft3 slim pajeetas are ok
the only pajeets that are okay are the ones that bring food
U r a shoodra dalit
What are you skilling?
bloody basterd benchod!
yeah im a psycho im already gutsick but im gonna eat this indian and it will cure me or i will become a street shitter myself

D333cay is asleep on the floor
So what's stopping a motherrucker from doing NMZ with the multiple million demon bosses in the game with an emberlight in hand and not getting max melee in like 20 seconds? Have I discovered new meta?
im going to eat this indian food i am an extremely wealthy Raj and if u dont lower ur tone i shall order my elephant Chakraburti to stomp ur hovel into mush
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Can someone please get their dog
>D333cay is asleep on the floor
>d333cay isnt asleep on the floor
can someone stop this indian girl please
>So what's stopping a motherrucker from doing NMZ with the multiple million demon bosses in the game with an emberlight in hand and not getting max melee in like 20 seconds? Have I discovered new meta?
It'll probably still be slower than dharoking
almost 100 keys
check youtube
lol (encouraging)
bed (snuggling)
You still sound like a bloke at the end of the day, put in some fucking effort dude.
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u r so hot thank you
ayyy im talkin about the game heeeere
Does anyone want to prog dsr?
water u up to lol
alright well let us know if u need a body guard 4 the demons lol if u like me u can keep me o-O
>Torturing myself getting 86 Magic to get Plank-Make early on my GIM account so we can have a good PoH and good training methods
>Ask GIM teammates to help funnel me materials so I can hit 61 faster to unlock Lunars
>All tell me "no, get it yourself"
Alright well fuck you guys I guess good luck leveling construction or crafting for SotE/MM2 when I'm not helping you with my bitching ass Plank-Make and Superglass-Make
>he fell for le epic streamer group content
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how many keys should I go for?
yeah hes incredibly based for telling you to get it yourself because plank make on a helmie is trolling youre a retard for even suggesting that
1337! >:D
420 :3c
>start gim
>3/5 people want it to be an hcgim
>make it an hcgim despite protests
>everyone has a fun night in disc doing their own thing
>log on the next day
>missing one life
>no one admits who it was
>we never play the gim again
fuckin lol
im not walking to a fucking sawmill 4 quadrillion times for planks fuck you
erm it tells you when you log in why are you larping
if you would have been nice i would have explained how to do it better but now i wont. happy im not in a group with someone as retarded as you
This was on gim launch Idk if jagex changed it or we're all retarded but we never saw it
i would have been nice too if you were polite to begin with but you're too much of a hypocrite to even entertain a conversation with retard
sawmill not required
erm... im a squirmy wormy... :x
i dont have to be nice im better at the game than you im more knowledgeable at the game than you and probably better looking than you i get more rs girls than you im just better than you in every way so why would i be nice to someone like you when you have to look up so far to even see me so go ahead and rush your little plank make spell or whatever and do what you want. lol
is that you in the picture? thanks for typing "proof?"
i'd have read that if you'd used more than a single period.
just dds specced d333cay
anyone here suffering with substance abuse issues?
uhhhhhh, did i ask??
What picture?
i got ramen and now im getting thai milk tea and then im gonna go home and play shooting stars i will shortly achieve level 89 minings thanks for speculating
i dont feel so good all of a sudden maybe too much coffee :c
You forgot to wash the coffee down with a redbull or monster dummy
it was posted earlier, you wouldn't get it
Good girl. I fucken love you, bun
Let us know when you get 89 so i can give you a big gz
wtf is bun
Drink some water to dilute the coffee and have a bite to eat if you can. Do something simple in osrs. You will feel better soon.
hello i am a helpful person i will help you make planks on a helmie. first of all hire the best butler you can and then build a coffer in his bedroom and fill it with money. then take out some house tele runes and teleport to camelot now switch to a pvp world camelot is a safe zone but it adds a bank right next to the tele location. now take out your gp and loga and tele to your house and ask the butler to take your logs to a sawmill and then tele back to camelot and repeat. idr how many planks you make an hour but it's a lot at least 3k probably more
i just woke up dont talk to me until I hady coffee
fat coffee bitch she does this every time she isnt sick she just wants attention from the concerned boys
i dont know who youre talking about you rude bitch
d333cay unpriv im in so many ironytwt gcs i can make you a whang rt staple in no time
as a resident concerned boy id just like to voice my opinion that if people are pretending to be things just to get my attention and use my energy i am going to say that is bad and should stop
has anyone ever told you that you would make a good folk punk vocalist
i love to talk about the game what do you want to talk about
>tfw my favorite rs streamer an heroes irl (unironically)
Lmao i can imagine him singing about some girl who broke his heart and hes living in some middle americam rural town

Where do ypu live lmal
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Janni do your fucking job, banish these blogging offtopic trannies back to their discord
Sorry thats sad. And Who was it
im mining amethyst :3c
didnt you hear her she said if you didnt have anything nice to say about the game dont say anything at all
this vocaroo anon is annoying now id prefer not to hear peoples voices in my thread desu
ive been like 6 years i dont remember her twitch but she was australian
fr no cap this new vocaroo girl is doing the most
too many deranged weed smoker freaks off their head on weed talking utter nonsense
they are talking to themselves its a side effect of the marijuana poisoning
ugh that bitch has copied my fit again
ece emery... no....
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>The average Marble gargoyle kill while on a Konar task is worth 351,193.37.
it is legal in all jurisdictions to ignore the vocaroo links
more like donar
these freaks literally talk about talking about the games instead of talking about the game. whats the difference between talking about talking about the game and offtopic posting?
who spill the tea sis
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omg it saw my post talking shit and came back to kill me what the fuck do you even pray vs this shit
okay but open the chest
some anons just arent creative and spontaneous which means they rely on me to generate content in osg however its a lovehate relationshipnas i am far too avant garde for them and they lack the sophistication to comprehend my art
george castanza moment nice going noob lol
>25 Uncut ruby
that is exactly how i feel about vocaroo poster (me)
slayer is so slow omg
why are you doing turoths dummypu
Please please please tell me which mid west rural suburban town you inhabit so i can properly adjust my yearning for something more whilst i listen to your artistic creations whilst also listening to 1979 by smashing pumpkins
meriiqueen you should skip that task its awful
the bitch who usually wears those cute mole slippers to starz and anglers is now wearing my cute orayer shoes, sara cape, white beret fit and im so mad sis
i am not in the midwest or a rural area. >>487834329 isn't me tho. i made all of the others.
what a bitch she wants to be you so bad
um no offense but it is hardly a unique fit she could have come up with it on her own
you can just follow req
omg so ur a city slicker thats good just tell me which one then i can adjust my yearn appropriately we can sit on a roof or near a bridge or in an alleway and ponder if we made thenright choice leaving our childhood friends behind when we left our home town to come to the big smoke and what it would be like if we went back to our hometown would she still be dating that loser and would our old boss still be grumpy and depressed? And we can listen to "waiting for the 7.18" from the album "weekend in the city" by bloc party and we can yearn
as if to say as if to say as if to say she doesnt like chocolate
yeah sis and the tea is she has hired a coach to make her better at the activity i used to do so she can get the same pet as me! my outfit is very spectacular and not easy to create so i am going to ignore that other mean and rude girl
i am SICK of all the good stars being on dmm worlds i feel like its probably a lure anyway but jokes on them they cant lure me as i dont pplay dmm
had some pajeet retard melting down about where I put a forester fire
I've managed to keep it in the same spot for about 40 minutes now
where did you put it?
be careful with ur words vestie rember words are spells so its better to say "i feel frustrated" rather than "i am sick" lets stay high vibe i am manifesting amazing stars for us sis
i am not a city slicker.
i think it's good that clue scrolls are not stackable, and that they should never be. increasing the time it takes for clues to despawn to 1 hour was a mistake. anyone have any thoughts on this?
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pls gz
you look cute in your pigtails sis
no youre so right why would anyone take issue with that

gz i love you
which acct do i follow req idk because these girls wont tell me they just say google the filename but nothing comes up
Gratz *headpats*
those pigtails r so ugly the original pigtails way better
no! she looks cute!
Thanks :)
Dunno but he was being rude as fuck so I'm keeping it there.
if he asked nicely I would have moved it
never complain about my vocaroo ever again
im asking her rsn you idiot and i didnt even complain about your annoying little vocaroo so buzz off crepe
i smiled
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yeah thats what i said why did you have to read it to me youre really startin to tick me off hesica
i say things like this and sound like this and look like this
no u dont d33cay u r a cute bun
i never thought it was one poster lol. it's a worthless back and forth that no one wants to see in their /osg/.
is that u in the picture?
if i tick u off does that mean ur a box and i complete u? (Chuckling)
at least someone laughed at your stupid joke even if it was yourself
zaff staff has something coming to her when she is least expecting it
sometimes stars should fall and we can drag the star back to our poh
you sound like a star fell on your head
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agreed sis let's move to another platform entirely and never return
zaff is named zaff because britons pronounce "staff" as "staff" and not "starf" so zaffs staffs rhymes but if it were the other pronunciation zaff would have to be renamed to zarf
yeah ok go to reddit thats more your speed
it should be zaves staves
big gratz bun
cir is the best fairy ring code. which one is your favorite?
i like fairy ring dks
d i s is my favourite fairy ring can u guess y
i like cjs
alq is my most used it is quicker than the ectophial
you are a beginner clue fiend
i just brushed my teeth which means i have to wait for my next can of monster
yes c:
he says gratz no one else says gratz shenkansen doesnt say gratz only he says gratz im NOT schitz its true
cute c:
If its night time dont drink another can of monster you wont sleep well and its bad for your health
well it isnt night time im not a vampire
Okay good be careful now
i stayed up all night killing wyrms, doing clues, and creating content for my friends at /osg/, and will now drink coffee in light of the light outside. i am now killing abyssal demons. how many clues do you think i will get this task?
thxi hope 4 clues for u as for me its time for bed
thanks for saying 'c:'

thnk you for saying 'c:'

thanks for saying ':3"
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i am fletching in a comfy bank
what bank
thanks again for typing "c:"
The coziest bank ofc! Varrock west.

thx ily qt
im making glass in a spooky bank and watching men swing swords at each other and drinking tea
im mining stars and i just finished my thai milk tea
sounds like a comfy time to me :3
I would come visit but I am chopping near seers c:
i hope u get lucly and get some birdsnests :3
look listen you can just pm if you want becaus even if i unpriv im obviously not going to post the @ here
if i pm then youll know im a crepe and our friendship will be forever altered
gn osg ily
gn gamer
okay well i love you either way and i hope youre having anice day

you sounded like seinfeld when you said game
this is the longest hard clue of my life btw
post rewards when you're done okay
you sound vaguely brown and hispanic or something
i will but i have to do garden of tranquility first
i am white with blonde hair and blue eyes
fucking cunt gangbang WHORE guildmaster jane is making me grow a curry tree god i hate women (except for d333cay) so much
Convince me to not play an ironman.
thanks i hope your tree lives to adulthood
r u floorgaming
no im gaming in a chair today
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post the chair you sit in while playing old school runescape
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whys this guy giving me this look. whats his problem
ew something stinks on the right side of that pic
mine looks sort of like if this chair had my ass in it
What is that

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