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pork chop friday edition

>Official Client Update - July 2024

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>Poll 82 - Minigame Makeover

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>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous: >>487618562
is that you in the picture?
where is this ive never seen these guys
i shower in a rainfall shower with high psi and lynx bodywash and i eat grass fed beef
north west corner of cabbage ring farm
pork chop friday homer is hungry
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foxes dont eat pigs pigs are far too large however a fox once ate my chickens
dont tell me you are attracted to pigs too
i thin the fox could proibably eat the piglets if he wanted
the mother pig would kill the fox pigs are pretty strong it wouldnt be able to kill me though
OSRS GENERAL FlLTER LlST: https://pastebin.com/JELkxvc9

If this post is annoying please add this to your filter: /osrs general filter list/i;boards:vg;op:no
pigs gross me out because of that character in hannibal who had his face eaten off by pigs
i havent seen that film
not the film the tv show
i only watch animated shows
What does this do?
i just noticed the filter url has jelq in it which makes the link look like a jelqmax guide
add d3 to the filter
filter anon made the filter many moons ago to filter out posts which were annoying to him but has not kept it updated so it is functionally useless nevertheless he posts it in every thread
hes cleaning this thread up one post at a time hes saving osg just like the chuds
that filter is full of names that nobody has posted since 2016
I'll be back home in 2 hours and it's time for a progress report and some cat webms.
the fact that it has tranny and not troon is proof enough of its obsolescence
ive a bar of chocolate
what kind
mr moleman bring me a seeed bumbumbumbum
ive got a seed and a moleskin for u
who remembers when paul no life did a 100 hour nature runecrafting stream and had to get an ambulance halfway through
just normal kind
the seed i need isnt tradeable and you know it its too late in the evening for these kind of dirty jokes im tired and iw ant a spirit seed ive earnt it
i cant trade im a uim
great shes turned prude now that her secretbf is confirmed
it doesnt matter who you are or hwat metal youre composed of the seed is simply a non tradeable item
im a honorary ironman
it still blows my mind that you received zero spirit seeds getting 15m wc xp
d3 is too generic
i hope to god i didnt ignore the nests or throw away the seeds because i didnt know id need them. it seems like something id do
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It is fine my children, the king is here.
what would you say are recommended stats for farming post-quest vardorvis (dont say farm nmz until max combat or i will call mod ash to ban you)
i am easily crushing duke right now with bgs/arclight (especially when that juicy bgs spec lines up well) with 82/83/80 melees, but it doesnt seem to be enough for vardorvis. i can get 1 kc trips, but the chip damage is still pretty killer. my current stats make the kills longer which means i need to do mechanics for much longer and the risk of making a mistake also makes it mechanically more intensive too. i like doing these bosses but think i might need to train up my melees a bit more.
what is 2+2 and no dont give me answers like 4
if you dont want practical advice then dont ask stupid questions
what is your gear you cant say your stats and completely disregard the gear
why do you need a spade to harvest herbs
this asshole just pulls them out with her bear hands anyway
i pull them out with my bear feet clue scroll reward
neitz helm, fury, bcp, tassets, radas 3, fire cape, berserker (i), barrows gloves, dragon boots, dragon defender, and was playing around with both fang and whip for vard. wasnt using thralls yet to just focus on getting gud but would add those in as well eventually. definitely some upgrades to be made here i think too (suffering, blood fury) - its hard to tell if gear or stats will help more but i feel like my gear is okay for "minimum requirements"
just take the 2 weeks and max your combats instead of headbutting a wall
get a tort why is a fucking blood fury an option but not a tort
fury has def and he clearly needs the Def if hes only getting 1kc a trip
hmm sounds like bondiemode to me
i know this is an unpopular opinion here, but i prefer to level doing things i actually enjoy. i get some slayer into the mix for when i feel like afking (mostly because i am also working on finishing up arclight -> emberlight), but sitting in nmz for literally 2 weeks straight instead of playing the game in any capacity just aint it for me.
i wouldnt necessarily mind doing it for a shorter period of time (or doing some more slayer for a bit), however, to get myself to something like 85-90 in a stat or two if it would significantly help me out, hence my asking.
just 0 time nmz bro
i have this on my list of to-dos as well, do you think it would be better than blood fury for vard? i've seen a lot of people suggest bf is better.
spooned hardcore at duke instead, 2 virtus pieces in 100 kc ;^)
blood fury is way better but it costs almost 2m an hour to use is the whole point here
ok bondie and i made 1b flipping
i am very proud of you anon
i am going to print this comment and put it on the fridge
If you are not an ironchud you are playing swipescape. Bondies have no human rights in gilenor and can be assigned as slayer tasks moving forward
what about bronzeman i play with the runelite bronzeman plugin
it lets you use the ge to sell things but you can only buy items youve encountered yourself before
playing a main is actually worse than bottling at least the bots actually play the game
i play as a main but i just do stuff normalstyle
there should be steelman mode i don't know what it would entail but it should be a thing
Steelman is a bondie with self control or poor irl
steel man is when you get a lobotomy before you play
steel man is my thieving pure
>mfw 80 slayer and want to train mage and have literally never gotten an dusties or nechs task ever
yet again we are messing up east and west left and right
where are you going why is your chicken purple
501 terrorbirds and 44 tortoise but still no warped scepter. Tranny jannies will feel my wrath!
do you think its warm in polnivich
yes its in a desert and you die of heat stroke if you step 2 tiles outside of it
this happens to me every time i use the kq fairy ring for a clue step
camels come from australia so does that make the desert based on australia
no camels dont come from australia theyre an introduced species
i only know the camels toe
camels come from camelot thats why it is called a camulet
oh okay that makes sense
>Like horses, camels originated in North America and eventually spread across Beringia to Asia. They survived in the Old World, and eventually humans domesticated them and spread them globally. Along with many other megafauna in North America, the original wild camels were wiped out during the spread of the first indigenous peoples of the Americas from Asia into North America, 10 to 12,000 years ago.
>Most camels surviving today are domesticated.[42][78] Although feral populations exist in Australia, India and Kazakhstan, wild camels survive only in the wild Bactrian camel population of the Gobi Desert.
cameol zoo lol
zoo zoo zoooooooooooo
i think they come from australia its one of those mind puzzles where you think its the middle east but its actually australia
your little greened text fails to mention that camels were introuced to australia in the 19th century and are detrimental to the native ecosystem
Asylums might have shut down, but at least we have /osg/ to contain the loonies
whats worse the camels the rabbits or the toads for australia
indian immigrants
camels and rabbits and toads oh my
um im not a farmer but i reckon that those three animals exist in different parts of the country and affect different aspects of the environemnt so its hard to compare them i guess. camels are bad for the desert landscape from trampling, rabbits are bad for crops in farming areas, cane toads are bad for wildlife in tropical regions. in old school runescape im not sure if they have any widespread threats to the envionemnt from invasive species
vampyres and ghouls are invasive species i think thats why they blessed the river lum to keep them out
how tf a camel ruining a desert? eating all the sand?
not the river lum sorry im a moron i meant the river salve
deserts in australia arent really just sand dunes like in the movie dune its a lot of like arid soil and weird little plants and shrubs and mice and birds and what have you. the camels compact the dirt in an unnatural way and cause erosion issues and squish the plants or eat too mch of the plants idk why dont we all just read the same wikipedia page i have open https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_feral_camel
there's also a lot of rocks
yes thats right and maybe the camels might kick the rocks about and disturb any native bugs or lizards that had made thier home under the rocks
why not just shoot them all or are you scared of losing another animal war
i just find it all hard to believe
i think they do shoot them from helicopters and drones it makes the vegans mad but its the right thing to do. for more information see the "culls" section of the wiki
they cull badgers here. badgers and deer however if a normal person killed a badger they would go to jail
impteresting it says on google that its because the badgers have cow tuberculosis. i wonder if thats why the cows near the slime location in old school runescape are so sickly
i wish there were slimegirls in old school runescape
im selling d333cay pics for 30m a pop
im gonna shoot you with my drone pow pow
why would i buy them when she posts them for free
these pictures are from her twitter, they have her face in it
ill do you 2 for 50m dm me rsn d333cay
im sure shes very attractive but i dont need to see her face
he would never post her face anyway hes literally too scared to do it
d333cay's mangled corpse d333caying on the side of the road when some incel who simped for realizes she had a bf all this time and takes action
its been obvious shes had a bf since she started posting here but she says shes poly and has no qualms about acting slutty for neets so who gives a shit
can i talk you down to 25m
d333cay owes me sex
okay but no lower
ok email to nanashi@horsefucker.org and then meet at w491 lumby and i'll pay you
pay up first https://files.catbox.moe/ygp24h.png
no one cares about the face you just gave away the guamable part for free this is embarrassing to watch
jarvis is that midriff enough for a reverse image search
i don't have a main account anyways lol
how come shes so fat
if a girl is fat that just means theres more of her to love :3
i don't think thats her i think that anon is lying
if he has multiple pics of her (implied by saying he was selling them for 30m *each*) then he would post a pic showcasing her distinctive tattoo as proof that it is her
you're just saying that to get more pics lol
she accidentally leaked her twitter last night. it's private now but you could still find her handle very easily
obviously that anon is lying anyone with a brain can tell that anon is lying
bro is not enterprising enough to pull this off
if you're d333cay right now do you cave in
post the fishing guild pic since it's runey related
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its not supposed to go that high
30m is like 6 usd
Wrf why?
wow 6 dollars thats like a big mac
how many baconators is that
we dont have baconaters in australia
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*cracks worms*
yup, it's anglin time
i had a baconator in london once it was pretty mid
for me its gotta be the mcdonalds double beef n bacon (special limited time burger not currently available in stores)
how do you crack a worm
very carefully
feelin like a maccas froiday
for australians who its currently winter for is brat summer this coming summer or did you have an early brat summer
d333cay should unprivate her twitter theres nothing obscene on there anyways as a threadboy i would appreciate her more
im going to sleep now please hold your questions until the morning
she purged everything because you were being crepes and she probably had to explain to her oomfs that there were crepes stalking her
i like your beard
im a ultimate uiw
first ece then knuppy now d3cay will you incels never learn
what happened to ece
He died :(
i told you guys to stop doxxing!!!! now look what you did!!!!
he? ece is a girl
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3 days left of membership and I don't want to todt anymore.
Thinking of doing easy diaries and maybe a round of BA just to get those diary tasks done.
d333cay nudes leaked
I wonder if rissa will pick gura or shion to join her for brat summer
why do you make up these obviously falsifiable plots no d333cay never posted her twitter
she did you fucking idiot all you had to do was google the filename in >>487670962
he trooned, then 41%'ed :(
jokes on you i successfully manipulated you into spelling it out for me
i knew that i was trying to find a reason to post it
i really don't like the blast furnace
can you leave her alone i enjoy her posts and dont want her to leave she adds a touch of whimsy to the thread and before you call me a simp im gay
gay simp
she replied to a comment on her papaya video last year though
he died right after, your comment was too chuddy
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what a rewarding skill to get a high level in lmao
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ece suddenlky cares about the n word when in the same video she makes a black people watermelon joke?
i am googling the numbers but it isn't working can someone spell it out for me even more
how do you guys deal with crashes at catacombs?
i dont get crashed im not a helmie have you tried that
getting crashed still sucks as a main if it's a barrage task
ive never gotten crashed doing a barrage task idk maybe you dont lool powerful enough
personally it happened to me once
easier to kwuarm when you can see the devilish look on d333cays face
people grow and mature i know it's a crazy concept but i'm serious
>random osrs players
osg...your response?
what's up with the contrast on this pic
olympics and runey time my favourite 4chan event
are you the clip anon if so did you end up getting mpv to work
im not watching the olympics since there is absolutely nothing they can do about the rapist pedophile they are allowing to participate
no i didnt trying to buy a decent iptv but the guy inviting me is taking a while to reply
you werent gonna watch anyways
shenkansens in the olympics?
can you post more
kris tyson mr beast is at the olympics?
wheres the clip
easiest skill in the game
whos that
vscape is an abomination
shut up midzy lol jk
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mrbeast "smiles" like someone who just bought blorva and proceeds to bankstand at the ge
chill way to stockpile medium clues? no puro land pls
Behead those who bully Ece!
kill falador guards
bitch what do you mean stockpile implings are the only way to do that unless youre juggling
just kill faladore gards
of course im juggling
i wish i was juggling, but instead im just struggling...
everyday im juggling
Maybe you should try snuggling instead
some of us arent dexterous or autistic enough to juggle please stop this
im close sisters...
Kuramommy is not giving me her tds to slay.
yayy rogues chest time
and me? its master clue time followed by watson time followed by master clue time
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don't mind me i just forgot to add my image ,,,,
c-could you post your master clue loot...? what if i said please
Kinda weird that there's tarromin but no tarromax
im a slayer main
i can't get that midriff picture out of my head i need to harvest but i have a zoom work call in 10 minutes and i don't wanna rush my harvesting ahhhh
im a munch
i thought you were going for 200m slayer
need a foot massage bad
this but my shoulders they are rock solid with tension and anxiety and stress and rage
Should i do regular smoke devils or the boss?
when i need to release some tension and anxiety and stress and rage i do an herb run
just do whatever you want lol
Only kill boss if you yearn the pet.
i think you mean "need a foot massage badly"
i think you mean "only kill the boss if you yearn for the pet"
i think you mean "when i need to release some tension, anxiety, stress and rage u do a herb run"
oops i made a mistake in my post but my corrections still stand
yeah i just a trial run.. wasted 5 crabs in 1 kill for a rune dagger. dropped.
no that last one isn't right
quiet literacy bitch
>she doesn't know how to kill thermy
i have purchased the double ammo mould however i will not be using it
found a snelm on the ground and wore it for a few minutes
a pervert couldve been wearing that snelm
>i think you mean "need a foot massage badly"
i think you mean
>i think you mean "I need a foot massage badly"
he gave up kek
omg thanks for reminding me
its up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVdsKKs5-UU
So are any of you bwanas playing dmm? Kinda wish I rolled a different build for bracket 1. Not having the magic level for ice burst is such a massive detriment both offensively and defensively
nah i don't have any pvp experience
who cares about dmm
Who cares about main game tbfwy
based jew
hes asian
where can i swap my DMM gold? wouldnt mind 1:3
more like 3:1
are you supposed to pronounce it herb or erb
Selling 1:3 is quite a hassle at this point. Takes a lot of spamming at ge. If you want to buy, buy mine, trusted seller!!!
If you want a quick trade as seller you'll prob have to accept 1:2

I'm likely dropping down to 1:2.5, selling at 3 feels like it takes too long
herb with the h
you pronouce herb like this
>UwU wanna erp hot stuff
i say herb because theres an h at the start
ok ill do 2.5 but how do i sell w/o being scammed? is it routine for the guy buying DMM to accept trade on main game first
All my trades have been 07 first, since I heard that's the norm. Almost everyone is okay with that, a few aren't but I imagine they're scammers so I just move on and don't think about it.

I've gotten about 100m 07 out of it so far despite only making 4m off the first hour (tourist trap was not the play)
bondies be like
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Kys helmietodt acc, learn to play the game
your falador shield has 1 charge left
no gz for interface styles
no gz for blue sky
no gz for fog
no gz for player outlines
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>niggas when you aren't playing osrs on a crt monitor with dial up internet and a track ball mouse with your parents arguing in the background
that's not real runescape >:(
completely missed the point
i hear the new meta for helmies is to do hunter rumours
it has to be hardcoded into the game to force every other hunter rumour to require the full amount of catches before giving you the piece
whats that gotta do with anything
i have a crt monitor that i play runey on sometimes its actually very comfy
ive been meaning to get a trackball (not a mouse) as well, i think i would like it cause i like the red clit thing on thinkpads
thats soooo me sis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pyBEXybzH8
I swear there used to be two squeeze walls here
i need my character to glow red like in my jojo show or i cant see it
look at your minimap
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aren't pmods supposed to be knowledgeable about the game
this shit is so goofy. nuscape devs would polish this to hell
lmao stop gaslighting me there definitely used to be a double squeeze there
omg the weinermobile crashed and flipped over
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it is pizza friday
pork chop friday lets go to some hogs and party
there was
that crash happened 3 days ago if you were a local youd know idk why the story is getting popular now
well excuse me for not living in seymour anymore
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Did one green dragon kill for dairy task and got a looting bag :)
Ironman mode just makes me wonder what it'd be like if there was actually a game like this that was singleplayer.
I have never played any RPG that was quite as much of a sandbox as this.
can you store milk in looting bags
need rissa milk......
was watching the olympic opening ceremony i didnt know they made guam from runescape a real thing wtf
youre from the ocean?
wait til you find out that redwood trees are a real thing
Has anyone seen the spanish girl lately i've been kind of worried about her
That's the 52nd state of America someday
Show some respect
back in my day we chopped down the great redwood trees with reckless abandon fuck old growth forests
omfg big news the gnomonkey ghcim is currently LIVE BABY
wake me up when boaty make sa ghcim
spanish girl posted yesterday or the day before she made a laundry list of osrs icks follow the thread dummy
my friend b0aty is going to be in the next oda+alfie ghcim
never buying broad arrowtips again this shits a scam you can't even sell them on the ge
broad bolts all the way
as if a bondie is doing broads pathetic
oda literally support the destruction of israel. not sure why jagex hasn't banned him yet
woah i also support the destruction of israel
chud hours -_-
so does everyone with a conscience
you little ginger prick!
is that link safe to click
omgomgomg is that you in the picture
theres a female in the gnomonkey + tastylife ghcim that bitch had better keep her filthy paws off.
i went on kick then became a gambling addict dont go on there
lol is he quitting
found this out a couple days ago on a video but you can have someone kill you in the wilderness while holding your stack of broads and they convert to 2gp each
if you're an ironman u can even pick your gold back up if the killer doesnt loot it and u wait for it to appear on the ground
thats b0atys gf in the ghcim
gnomonkey is so w hes going to be rank 1 hcim
wtf i love one piece now
gnomonkey and his lackeys are so lucky that aatykon and scotty dont make a ghcim they would mog them so hard and finish every goal so much faster and more efficient while having way more fun
uhhh why are you watching boat when limpwurt is streaming
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i think ill go for a run tonight (in my sepulchre instance)
aatycums hcim would fall apart he would get raped by a level 3 goblin and everyone would kill him irl
yeah they high alch for 32 so 2 each is a huge scam still
that u in the pic?? *rapes u* lol
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bros i just got my first pet while i was anglerfishing
gnomonkey update gnomonkey made a 9/11 joke and then he did a monster tier list his favourite is orange monster he also likes strawberry
not if u factor in the price of nature runes, u also cant put them in death's coffer
gz better do what he says
im not midzy just to let everyone know
of course gnomonkey drinks enough monster to make a tier list out of them that disgusting gamer gut doesnt appear out of thin air
*throw up* no... now am pregnant....
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gnomonkey update the rest of the group is talking about doing a drinking stream s o we might get a gnomonkey drinking stream gnomonkey update over
midzys doing artifacts stop lying bitch
why does gnomemonkey look like he took puberty blockers
i think we're getting mass alching at the fountain of rune soon so i'll wait
he didnt take puberty blockers hes a twink
isnt gnomonkey 19
i thought twinks were supposed to be cute and skinny
gnomonkey looks like my friend who has celiacs
im a twink ngl but im 25
gnomonkey already has more ehp than 90% of osg
thats nothing bro
no on his new ghcim
what iems is gnomonkey using
its over
whos coming to my 123 thieving party next week
sorry but i'll be cuming to nerissa's bone zone party not yours
im never going to your party i cant imagine being included in the screenshot and not being on your friendslist it would be so embarrassing i would want to die
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bow completed at 87 kc!
boxee L
despa W
show clog
lol this bondie literally bought shards on the ge and dropped them at muspah
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erm no charged ice what the heck?
>87 kc no ice
my god
giga spooned compared to my clogged toilet
meriiqueen will you start a hcgim with me im watching gnomonkey do it and it looks like so much fun we could be unstoppable
you arent meriiqueen so i will not be responding
what's the name of that plugin that shows a number of how many monsters are stacked on a tile?
I would drain all our lives the first day fumbling protection prayers
meriipu coo of drain gang
had a dream that mr mammal was going to be running to be some sort of politician like a mayor of his town or something
and i thought it would be fitting
mr mammal reminds me of my normie older brother it makes me kinda sad whenever i watch him
ya'll niggas is gay
good morning shenny glad you woke up at the crack of 1:30pm
gnomonkey failed witches house oh nonono
they could honestly probably realistically get away with adding ferrero rocher to the game if you really think about it
ferrero rocher is kind of gross also the wrappers are really creppy and they make it out like its this premium luxury brand when its really just freaking nutella and some creppy chocolate
i cant afford ferrero rocher
cyan:wave:Selling Ferrero Rocher 2m ea!!!
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if you plot the price of osrs bonds next to the price of candy
the graphs would probably coincide pretty well
do i loot the sarcophagus if i only want scepter
check the wiki or the gnomonkey guide
do we like gnomonkey or not
yeah starting from floor 4
we hate gnomemonkey but like aatykon
we also like odablock
gnomonkey failed witches house again ;_;
I did chests only then sarcophagus in the last room, got 3 before 99
What makes you play mainscape instead of an iron?
i dropped my glasses into a river last week now ive gotta wear contact lenses until my new ones are done next week and they hurt my eyes so bad i cant concentrate on my runeygains
i dont like any of those people. i like hannanie though
Gnomonkley has history of saying disturbing things on stream.
ok heres every odablock stream moment

>pretends to be cartoonishly dumb
>pks someone
>stands up from chair and yells sit the ruck down you ziggy
>mispronounces something for no reason
>his chat spams laughing emotes like how can this man be so dumb??? no oda its not pronounced like that!!
but i do play iron thougheverbeit
did you guys scare d333cay away for good by doxing her
ok he may have failed witches house thrice but hes still the goat
and it's funny everytime because all runescape players are autistic and we do the same shit day after day in this game and still enjoy it
Because I can have the QoL of main and challenge of iron since i have this little thing called self-restraint.
why is it creepy can you elaborate
shes just trying to sound cool ferrero rocher is classy
she's team Baci
i think there is definitely more room for chocolates in the game other than bars of chocolate mayhaps i will add it to the cooking expansion list
theres chocolate chip cookies and also some sort of brownie or something idk what a bomb is supposed to be https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Chocchip_crunchies https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Chocolate_bomb
she said creppy not creepy theres a distinction dumb tourist
what does creppy mean
no theres not https://arch.b4k.co/_/search/text/creppy/ learn context clues you are the actual tourist stupid bitch
creppy is just a silly spelling of creepy
a chocolate bomb is sort of like a lava cake i would know im a highly experienced gnome restaurateur
i cant believe i didnt think of that
I'm going stuff you with my gnomish chocolate bomb if you dont behave.
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Got 40 herblore on the UIM :)
i am always behaving tyvm
iptv provider is forcing me to use some shitty app olympics ruined. im mining amethyst
Is Meriipu Finnish?
if you have a vpn you can vpn and watch bbc they dont really have any vpn restrictions from my experience talk about hte game im mining amethyst
i dont need a vpn to look at bbc
no gz for interface styles
no gz for blue sky
no gz for fog
no gz for player outlines
no gz for xp orbs
can u not be a complete crepe and ask a person who hasnt been mentioned very personal information for literallyo no reason god youre such a crepe youre disgusting
oh haha the name of the channel is the same as an interracial porn term never heard that one before
um is that /s
i have bbc but they're not the official broadcaster anymore discoveryplus bought the rights bbc are only allowed to show 500 hours total for the whole event while eurosport has everything but their stream is widevine encrypted so i cant use an external player. im mining amethyst too i just said that
what if you two held hands and mined amethyst and kissed with tongue
that was a really creppy comment
yeah i agree highly uncalled for
ok sorry
was meant to be on a freaking diet and i just had a piece of cake, a candy bar and a piece of toast freak my stupid life
me im also on a diet im about to go eat an entire meat pizza in runescape but its ok cause its the only thing ill eat today
fat fuck
what ur average kill time?
that post was 8 hours ago why are you replying now
oh thats crazy i havent really figured out how im going to watch the olympics yet because they kinda just started but if it gets bad enough maybe ill buy a month of youtube tv but maybe ill just watch the crackstreams on a vm im not sure ill have to think about my options but thats crazy that were mining amethyst together what if were in the same world mining amethyst together talk about the game im mining amethyst
imagine mining amethyst when stars exist
youre a loser and a failure
these ammy darts arent gonna make themselves
The fucksa crepe fuck off french cheff
you can buy those on the ge
shes a crepe shes a weirdough.......
i dont play the bot game mode
back in my amethyst mining days stars were annoying cause they got ragged by clans
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>Desert Treasure 2 release date: July 26th 2023
What an anniversary gift... Even if I pull a 3rd age pickaxe, no drop will ever make me as happy as this... <333
playing an ironman is similar to being a cuck
why are you censoring your picture leyr
onions have leyrs
100 awakened vards???
they should add instacart to osrs, so if you're too busy or anxious to go to the grand exchange you can just open up the app and someone will make the purchase for you and deliver it to you or perhaps even drop it an agreed upon area for you to collect
there used to be a guy who would deliver pizzas to people
yeah the script was really expensive so i went hard to get my moneys worth with the boosted droprates lol
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now this is a job for jarvis.py
thinking about being a girl today
who is in gnomonkeys ghim team?
is this the highest kc in /osg/?
thanks for typing “:3”
Gz Leyr-chan ily
no we also have ranks 3 and 4 here in osg not just rank 7 thats actually the lowest kc out of the girls who kill it all the time
Hello leyr
um we have rank 1 too
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can we see your clog
it's up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxsQ8aTpQBk
do awakened like noobtype did or youre a farce
are the dt2 bosses more difficult than the corrupted hunllef
not watching trannies
my hero
Jesus Christ this is awful
yeah none of that will pass
everything passes polls except pvp changes though
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wtf happened to saebae, bro looks like a racist charicature
>face completely red
>eyebrows 2cm thick and dark brown even though he is blonde
>hair looks like it's painted on his head
gnomonkey t papa tastylife sae bae and boatys girlfriend
i dont know who that is
hes probably an alcoholic which explains the red face and is using weird shitty treatments for his hair loss which is working on his eyebrows but now his head
i think thats sae bae or at least thats what the post says
sae baes the guy who invented the gnome cube put some respect to his name
he's 54, cut him some slack
grrrr grrrr
He looks good for his age.
ypipo aging
this is such a big day for gnomies
>racist charicature
you can't be racist against white people because white people dominate the modern sociopolitical power structure
my nigga rastaman said gnomonkey made it all up he said the clips are ai generated i believe him too hes a real one
if i made an hcim series and posted my progress here and then featured replies to my posts in the video do you think that would do well for youtube or do people click out if they see a 4chan screenshot
why would you ever do that
i would watch it
yea sounds like a good idea you should do that
gnome seems to have really thin skin for being a content creator
it wouldn't do well because there's already been 10 billion hcim vids
gnomonkey w'd on rasta
hcim but my nigga 2slime fucked your mom
that stream was a really sad watch
i'll be going to bed now. good night all. try to save the good posts for when i get back.
jagex should do a crossover with the huak tuah girl for varlmore pt 2
rasta did nothing wrong
hmm can't decide which d333cay picture to guam to
the one where shes on her knees showing her butt
he looks like d333cays secret bf
what no they look nothing alike
im squidward and the girls with new guam material are patrick and spongebob. im slaying the iconic dark beasts in osrs
lol close the blinds jealous bitch
i dont netflix and chill i farm and kwuarm
the pics aren't that good desu she wasnt lying about her hairy legs though
for me its the picture with the black dress and red eyeshadow
i, a non-thread personality, often get into character as one of the thread personalities and post as them just for the lulz. i have made multiple posts like "me personally i..." and "i am performing x task in old school runescape"
i prefer the other black dress picture its more revealing
i wonder what shenny thinks about day to day
she is cumbrained so its pretty easy to guess
why doesnt she rub one out
im not shenny but because i cant see the freakin pictures
maybe if you ask nicely she will unprivate her twitter
talk about osrs or please kill yourselves
shes one of my oomfs maybe ill ask for you gals
can someone post a vocaroo of them pronouncing 'ectophial'
my mistake i am killing falador guards
a GE in priff is so dystonian and RS3-lite
it's very obviously pronounced "ectophial"
talk about the guam!!
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eck toe phial
trolled lol. i just threw the whole fishing pole into the water and you still chomped.
are anglerfish overrated
overrated for what
abyssal demons is the most overrated task in the game
Why do all the tubers I watch block abby demons? I like them
cuz your a stupid reddit bondie fag
So is there any instance where elemental weaknesses actually makes mage worth using without a nightmare staff? Feels like they balanced the whole weakness thing around that fucking staff, so nothing else really benefits from it.
>irontrannie calling others redditors

ecto phial
what wil be the new mega rare for new raids? me thinks a ranged wep that doesn't require a dumbass mage lvl of opponent to work good
reddit irons are bondiebrained
2 tick melee weapon
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was gonna make my scorching bow but my cat died while i was distracted so cant get spice for stew to make the unstrung magic long
sorry kitty... just 3 more hours....
Why is Meriipu Finnish that's weird.
she is european and quirky and strange so she is most likely finnish
okay i just got my 50th vorkath kill for the head and now i can officially help d333cay do dragon quest 2
what if there was a phineas and ferb quest with gertrudes little crotch goblin children in varrock square
theyre just kids why are you badmouthing them
You could probably level up fletching to 74 in the time it would take to raise a new cat and stew. It's one of the fastest skills in the game.
dragons and fire giants
they withhold information from The Toon when we are trying to save gertrudes cat fuck them
i like making broad bolts
i like you
i like mining amethyst
what even is the point of the light ballista
I guess that's something.
>when u see a white bitch with the hunlef pet
know what
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>just the hunlef pet
rsn NOW
looking good miss
foxee boxee plap thru the night
added to my friends list
Slutty little blonde I would rape you to death.
rip to my tranny kris he was a real one(predator) while fishing anglers
what happened
how do you make your hunlef red?
beast account
a tranny resident of falador invited some gnome children into his clan chat and proceeded to post lewd pics of goblins and other creatures and then told them that will be blocked from the CC if they don't sign a contract, and he also called these gnome children "daddy"
you corrupt him by showing him things no dog should ever have to see
ok now what's the actual story
bro what the hell are you talking about take your meds
hey kris don't forget to dilate
tf i looked this guy up and no zuk no colo and spooned a bloodhound reddit ass account
check the mr beast wiki
spooned all 3 of those
yea zuk and colo scare me :( and i got bloodhound at 31 masters
are you single
My rsgf (Leyr-chan) mogs crispers or whatever her name was
leyr bots lol
no i have two alts
its crispr like the dna sequence
crispor more like kris from mr beast lol
friendship ended with d333cay, now crispor is my new best friend except im too scared to message her so ill be admiring her from the sidelines
Leyr-chan owns both of these sluts
what :( cant we all be friends
stolp bullying kris if its someone like drumpf its ok but since shes a woman so many chuds hate on her. this is why jagex needs a pride event every month or week until the hates stops
the allegations dont look good sweety thats all im gonna say
why did jagex remove dt2 awakened kc from the hiscores
They tried to hold back my rsgf's power
if jagex stored every bit of data from every small thing surely they're serve would explode from the large amounts of data
how much osrs data could a human store like if youn walked into the server room and went kirbymode
anti lol
well we only use 5% of our brain so we could probably store around 10 skills and 2 quests, and 5 inventory items
um our brain would shrink if we were only using 5% of it
i think 5% is accurate for me personally and 3% of that for me personally is memorizing osg posts and storing them for a rainy day
my brain already hurts from readingthe question
its raining where i am can you recite some osg posts
me personally im like dr stone i use 10000000000% of my brain
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why did you steal my fit you trollop
only osg posts i can get from memory are "nice to meat you", "cheesed to sucurius you" and the racial slur ones
ok so maybe i told a white lie its not memorizing them word for word but more of a vibe of the posts sorry
but aint that the truth man
where are all these cute new threadgirls coming from
idk but its making me pukey i cant handle being around so many beautiful girls
who are you talking to use the reply function
and why are they all wearing the cum tribute legs
for me the osg post ill always remember is nike air girl showing up i remember exactly what i was doing and where i was it was basically like 9/11 but this time the tower was rising up
because they are waiting for you to trib them you in particular nobody else
anon its 2024 threadgirls can show off their legs if they want
i remember before she posted her gock when i would bully her for her milk those were the days. nike air girl i hope you enjoy your milk this evening
d333cay was banished so theres a lot of competition to take her spot
im not banished
these new girls are way cuter though
d333cay is cute i want to brush her messy hair
uh you kind of are everyone lost respect for you after they found out about the secretbf
agreed sis not only was the secretbf real but hes kind of gross
his hair was very greasy in the pic it gave me the ick for sure
there were two and the hair was greasy in both
d333cay simps in tatters. get a real rsgf losers
dudes really thought a biofem that works in IT in a major city that isnt fat or socially autistic was single imagine
nobody thought that we have been talking about her secretbf since she first appeared do you ever pay attention
if i had a gf and found out she was posting lewd pics online for free i would be quite upset
if i had a gf and she were posting lewd pics and cheating on me i would accept it as long as she truly loved me in her heart
how is she cheating
knowing she is posting lewd pics online for free makes the sex better for secret chad
i dont think theres any finding out to be done there were lewds on her public twitter
im an empath so i feel bad shes never gonna get twitter famous now cause the guamers wont let her unpriv
can someone please link a folder of her pics please please i missed her twitter and i don't want to live without those pics of her i love her so much please i am begging you i'll do anything
shutup shenny
not begging but a catbox would be cool. I'd like to see the nike girl as well im curious
post a vocaroo narrating this post
thanks for your empathy ive been stalled for a while its hard to get big unless you pander to the american market
is my nigga shanky back yet
d333cay can you unprivate so shenky and shortys can stop shitting up this general
me and my nigga shenny fucked Shortys mom
im not new i just dont like to post myself because i get too much attention and it makes me feel pukey
no sorry im banished so icant unpriv
nice going to lip licking fucksuck your scaring the chicks
pukeyposter? is that you?....... i missed you and your outfits...
dumb bitch making up excuses
>the virgin slut 3d pig ugly biofem vs the chad virgin pure rissa tulpa
there are two sides to osg......which will u chose?
>the virgin slut 3d pig ugly biofem vs the chad virgin pure pvm princess Leyr
there are two sides to osg......which will u chose?
i think its hot if a girl had a sexual past before me im not a cuck tho
asgarnians be like "yeah i dont mind my gf hanging out with those karamjans while im at work"
safe to say this is the worst i have ever seen this general in the four years ive been here i think big ups
why exactly
personally she is banished in my eyes until she comes clean about her secretbf and grimy ranarr weed abuse
speak for yourself i am smiling and chuckling a lot at this thread i am really digging it
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the sudden appearance of 3 threadgirls at the same time has caused much controversy
im almost relieved she smokes weed to be honest it explains why shes so retarded
the drama is delicious!
i quit a few months ago and posted incessantly about it both here and on twitter its not my fault youre getting all your info from halfway down the media tab
>girl with trashy tattoos and unshaven pits isn't a trad virgin
who could have possibly foreseen this
jasmine i think is your name if youre still here how much rsgp for you to unprivate your twitter assuming you havent deleted the pictures yet
ghoul moment
this is cartoon voice anon you can try and conceal it but your voice is too silly for your own good
personally i have my bet on jessica
my ex rs gf that i just deleted all of our discord messages name was jessica and i hope its not because it makes me sad to think about its jasmine
it's jane. like guildmaster jane at the farming guild in osrs
like the quest romeo and juliet
jane is a bitch she keeps making me plant torstols and im almost out of freaking seeds!!!!
i will put 50m in the tip jar for her to unprivate also assuming she hasnt deleted the pics
you can exchange your spirit seeds for extra seed packs it can help you out in a pinch hope this helps if it did feel free to drop a d333cay pic to show your support
they could add this guy to the game as the herbloretodt pet
are you gay?
that other guy was selling my pics for 30m each as if id do the whole account for 50
no but if you have any other tips please share them if i learn something new i might toss a pic
i'm the Cooler (frieza's brother) of /osg/
im the okabe rintaro of osg
well how many buyers did he get at 30m i think it weas 0 sometimes you have to know the value of a commodity
bitch im cooler than a cooler
big shouts out to my jeweler
hit a lick been rich ever since
said chief sosa broke that's a rumour (it's like slayer for the hunter skill)
thats valid i appreciate your wisdom and guidance
you should view this as a business opportunity given that your pics will resurface regardless
d333cay has a shit account this might be an opportunity to sort of fix that
i will accept your follow request if and only if you do fire cape for me via sceen share
if d333cay were my gf and cuddled me once a month she could use my credit card and sleep with whomever she wanted
is simping for focking cont some kind of thread meme? why are people saying these kinds of things??
i think its mostly shenny and shortys but d333cay might have a few other simps. those 3 ruined the thread
are you gay?
getting threadboys to play the game for you. pathetic
when is brighter shores
i will remember these names.
just a joke innit
did she accept what's the tea
shenkensen is the target of a huge disinformation campaign hes a little spergy but hes not that bad
girl the guam video
did shenky ever personally come out as trans
as a larp yes she was harrassing people in f2p worlds about buying dresses
female toon = girl its that simple
that is such a stretch
what movie is this
beast i quote this regularly
i think im finally free from my pizza friday coma and not lethargic i can do something other than stars
hi finally free from my pizza friday coma and not lethargic i can do something other than stars im dad
just thought about sailing and started laughing out loud cuz that shit is going to be so fucking bad
im going to do racial profiling in brighter shores
anyone else thinks this looks stupid? like its so small and empty. like why did he do this? at least make it like 4 rooms big. it looks annoying to traverse and you could easily easily lost because its just connected rooms

yeah we need everywhere to be like zeah on release
i like the map i don't like the shading though it breaks from the immersion desu
is d333cay the sitting duck of osg
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this the bitch y'all simping for.. all she does is fish anglers all day and she isn't even 99 fishing yet............
what the fuck? way to pick something that rolls off the tongue, andrew...
at your service my queen
even worse shes getting a threadboy to do her fire cape. that is really sad
she killed giant mole 17 times so im in love actually
a real threadgirl would have at least 1k mole kills
it really is, because fire cape is mundane as fuck. the only thing could validate a threadgirl is her getting 5kc at corrupted gauntlet, and it wouldn't be because she's a girl.
her follower count hasn't changed in over 6 hours so i have reason to believe it was her bf false flagging
i do want mole slippers cause they remind me of slime slippers from maplestory.
how come 2slime doesnt post here anymore
i heard he's too busy fucking moms but idk.
isnt 2slime a girl
this would be huge for the account
2slime is a cute girlie i saw her once at the ge in mole slippers and with a baguette equipped
shh its okay no ones doing fire cape for me its just a joke
2slime is a nigga that fucks moms
can you please unprivate your account
i will get you an infernal cape a quiver and do awakened dt2 bosses for you if you want
erm what the scallop happened to this thread
erm what the spruce
does anyone remember when i did my bird houses are they ready yet
cg kc?
ok rsn?
if i can do zulrah, can i do CG?
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if you have the time tracking plugin theres a little window for birdhouse timers hope this helps otherwise im sure theyre ready just believe
holy smokes some people have some crazy sayings in here
who says what the spruce that's so funny
cg is mid game pvm zulrah is early
Ping Dropped
i switched computers and my runelites arent sycnhed but i reckon they are ready thanks i love you
cg is harder than raids
yeah harder than toa 150s
official osg difficulty tier list is cg > zuk > raids > zulrah
brain haver
hunnlef is mechanically harder than inferno and its not even close
chat is this true
idk we dont have hunnlef or the inferno in f2p
chat is this poo
tired of the jews at youtube trying to make me watch ads, still won't uninstall ublock
jcw just maxed in dmm and you cant even max in real life
are you jewish?
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are you jewish
only half
can jexxy please unprivate
did your parent cut your foreskin off
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Loot from 250 Master Rumors :)
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just crafted my scorching bow after raising my new cat
i would like to thank you all
orally, yes
what are you trying to say
did you get pet
wdym orally
is that you in the picture?
extremely mid as an ironman
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>did you get pet
hope that karamjian boosie goes to jail, that nigga was a menace in brimhaven
how much xp
dont be creppy and stalkerish
half of the loot is cut off and the prayer xp isnt even shown either
it means with the use of someone's teeth, moron
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i got a bloodbark scroll earlier in DMM and sold it for only 1m.... think i scammed myself

but i just got a swampbark scroll now too, and i dont think anyoen has this cuz no swampbarks have been sold on G.E yet, what should i sell it for? 50m? 6bil?
music for real niggas
(do not listen if you not a real nigga)
runeshit always disconnects me
you let someone bite your dick off?
buying mole parts
is that how u get baby mole
great lizardman shaman clue step which means im going to have to hop which means this is what we call a late night clue ill save you for later
whats wrong with hopping
i usually just crash someone for that step and apologize
whats wrong with hopping is its tedious its inconvenient clues are meant to be as simple as go to location do thing but no
how much to buy you?
as for me its duonex time its a 23day duo nex streak i will reclaim my 6month duo nex streak
who do you duo nex with
D3 give us content we are being good girls
her rsn is eule
ill give you content if d333cay gives permission
wow konar tasks are so cucked... feels i break even from prayer pots and cballs
Hunter 2.949m @175k/h
prayer 220k
Herb 311k
Cooking 726k

There's some xp missing from bonecrusher, plucking herbi and shit herbs
Didn't bother to count the logs since there weren't that many
more like bonar lol
actually, prayer is a bit over 400k since I forgot to count the bone shards

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