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osg true crime edition
>Official Client Update - July 2024

>Deadman: Armageddon & While Guthix Sleeps Updates

>Poll 82 - Minigame Makeover

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous: >>487509551
midzy did it
>open osrs youtube vid
>animation smoothing
>immediately leave a dislike
>exit video
>Do Not Recommend Channel Again
july 19th isnt that the most recent 3pc ban wave does anyone know maybe leyr or midzy
behold, the osg compendium
>comfy cozy poster :3
>d333cay (cute aussie biofem)
>meriipu (40yo finish biofem)
>midzy (pedo)
>shenny (35yo trans pedo living in his parent's attic)
>vayne v4 (ahker, mass nex crybaby)
>142 iq know-it-all bro
>amethyst miner (shortys)
>schizo chud that calls everyone a troon
>w420 anglerbro
>passive agressive scottish bro
>faggy bro (has posted vocaroos)
>blackbro whose personality revolves around laughing at ypipo
>catposter (attractive, posts cat webms)
>2slime (fucked your mom)

on hiatus
>nut bladder
>birds egg

presumed deceased
>Caged Jamal
120 crafting can i get a gz
your compendium is largely inaccurate honey
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boxee is alive and well actually you'd know this if you followed thread lore properly
we did it reddit we saved osg
admit that you did it and your a monster and i will gz you
post pics of d3 and meri for proof
can you not call her d3
all me btw
why what did i do
this compendium is missing at least 8 identified posters such lazy slop
theres no way i go 2x rate at cg right
2x rate isnt that unlucky you very well could but i am once again closing my eyes and manifesting for your enhanced crystal weapon seed
im working on manifesting a rissa tupla for..uhh....reasons......
rissa quit
I'm manifesting my Rissa tulpa for sex and singing me to sleep
looks like my master plan of pretending to be multiple thread personalities is working
sorry i quit
>shows up
>drains millions of gp out of the economy via gifts from simps
>refuses to elaborate

based as fuck
it was over 2b
is there a mr crabby-o in the picture
i tried to make a tulpa for like 2 weeks as a lonely teenager she was pale with dark hair and her name was astrid
just seen despa log in and out she must be back from her holidays
Jagex should utilize vtubers as a goldsink in order to curb inflation
i wanna make a vanity account with all 99s but 10 hitpoints is this even possible
>>shenny (35yo trans pedo living in his parent's attic)
>>142 iq know-it-all bro
>>schizo chud that calls everyone a troon
>>blackbro whose personality revolves around laughing at ypipo
these are all the same person
i think so it would take a very long time to level slayer and attack and defense though
Pretty easy except for the melee stats
shenkansen is a retard though he doesnt know anything about this game
>tfw didn't make the list
i'll have to try harder
neither does the 142 iq know it all bro so its definitely her
im in my multiskill artefacts era
shenny is highly intelligent, however he portrays himself as retarded so that people underestimate his true potential
only a highly intelligent person would purchase such ugly sneakers
omg i forgot about those lol some shit my grandma would wear
zesty ahh nigga fr
dude im not even into snowflake faggotry and off the top of my head i know its insanely except i dont know the defense method so surely anyone who gives any fucks would know if its possible or the method
iq only measures your fluid intelligence, crystalized intelligence is the "uh actually..." redditor mindset youre thinking of which is only moderately correlated with iq
and yes i am the anon with the 142 mensa international iq result
you'd probably train combats at pest control, you can repair the fences for points
idk about slayer
you just did an uhh actually though
Cannon all day every day
i don't know my eq but my mom says im smart c:
quite a few people do 1 skill at a time accounts how do they get combat xp without hp or vice versa
cannon or alch to 99 then do hp
im actually 182 iq
183 iq here
can i get some advice? been in cg for the past 6 weeks, still no bowfa. i want to grind out 99 con through mahogany homes, but i don't have enough lizardman fangs to mount a talisman in my poh
so to source fangs and a xeric's, should i kill shamans without a bowfa or blowpipe (atlatl i think is my bis), or go the stone chest method and return to shamans once i have a blowpipe?
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DT2 Spoilers

okay this is deep
when i needed lizardman fangs i just bought them from the ge theyre pretty cheap
slayer is easy and i forgot the attack method i know can do def too so its all easy shit just boring and pointless
this is very anti helmie culture but if you have an alt you can red x shamans with an alt and safespot them on your helmie with a regular crystal bow or msb(i) and rune arrows
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I saved a screenshot of that cutscene too lol
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yeah so deep they decided to steal it from another game
you could just set your house to hosidius and house tp and not bother with fangs
i was going to do that already, it's a fairly long run to the northern houses in hosidius from the poh portal though
almost every helmie is anti helmie culture
only snowflakes who dont actually do anything at all are true helmies
you ever do a non solo tob? thats anti helmie
you ever do forestry? anti helmie
any minigame that isnt solo? anti helmie
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Hey I got invited to duo CoX by my friend, can anyone recommend me a setup.
Prefer to not get GE taxed and merched for too much, since I'm not going to camp it for very long.
My combats are maxed and I have rigour/augury and all skills for the challenges.
its funny you post that because I was thinking of bioshock infinite during the Duke puzzles earlier in the quest
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3/5 doing 2 kills a trip now!
[OSG] :) PunishedChud: Filthy goyim you will be snipped
i AM the cc reporter. Axe me anything.

Some accounts I've gotten banned/muted:
Caged Jamal
this is a situation where you should unironically check the wiki
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its tough being so popular as me the rsn has suitors swarming me like flies
my rsn is worth more than yours but i wont reveal it sorryy
Apologies, I understand the effort required to ask the question is much less than to write a detailed answer.
fake rsn bitch
youre jealous of my 3 letter rsn its okay maybe you can buy one in a couple years when you can afford it :3c
i don't mean to brag but i've received several "nice name"s in the past few years
that sounds gay unless your rsn is literally rsn miss me with that garbage
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im sure t6q cost you like 50% of your bank but i could buy 50 of those names no offense
ummmmm its not gibberish garbage sweaty
her rsn? mc2. she is a scientist.
love aint a science dont need no license
cheese cape
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why didnt you just get your imaginary friend to gear you up bucko?
bitch is thinking about string theory while on her herb runs
Who else here likes gnomes
theres only 2 3 letter rsn i respect and you dont have either so sorry not sorry but idc
um it wasnt about respect retard it was about being worth more than yours :)
im thinking about string cheese
id pay 0 gp for 6dm so to me my rsns are worth more
Does anyone else like to fish their own fish on a main account?
when i need fish i buy them off the grand exchange
i used to eat string cheese by peeling off little slices but now i just bite the whole thing there's probably a life lesson in there or something
can you tell me the life lesson im not good at riddles
whos coming to my 109 herblore partyy tomorrow
how many herb runs do you do a day
1 before bed 2 if i really need to get some kwuarms
sometimes 1 a week sometimes 3 a day im kooky like that
not despa thats for sure cause you KILLED HER
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this is bare minimum set up from WDR. for sure buy a BGS and dragon crossbow with ruby dragon bolts
sorry guys been runescaping and i almost forgot to say

thats fake news i literally saw them logging in and out today
miss despawife so much bros...
Did Jagex run out of memory when designing the Sunken Cathedral?
There's zero textures and barely anything to interact with. It needs more soul like Slepe.
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erm is this a funny joke it doesnt seem like it to me but i have autism so maybe i dont get it
>Kramer John
Hey it's the assman!
but i dont wanna be a pirate
were so back the game is good again
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omg i just met my mentally ill rs gf that talks to herself at the ge
did d333cay get pkd last thread lol
no why would i

Your post is autofillered.
Please reformat and try again.

Thank you
i was looking at the archive for something osrs related and there were some posts deleted
oh well it was a bit petty of someone to report my microwave comment when it was related to a previous conversation and a reference to an osrs spell but whatever
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Why are blue dragons weak to blue water spells? It feels wrong
its cause they breathe fire or something i think idk they didnt really make the weaknesses match thematically
aint no way bro is killing himself over kwuarming too much https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1ebxutn/committing_suicide_today/
i get to play shades of morton for this clue wow thanks sherlock
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troglodyte me in the picture
i will learfn to play shades of mortton from our friend spook dog
have fun i hate that freaking place i hope your clue is worth it
i would learn too but spookdogs voice gives me the ick
any cute trannies wanna play rs3?
any cute trannies itt right now?
yeah you
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some rich nigga dropped a glory
damn thats crazy
burning claws aren't even that good but i can't stand keeping 1 half in my bank forever...
why is d333cay still online is she running a bot
is iasor pronounced like an eyesore because it is to see one of your plants dead from disease? i think smashing infernal eels should give some sort of crafting/mining/ or smithing xp. thinking something around 2 would be a nice number given the requirements to fish them.
"she" was always a bot that i weaved into this threads very fabric
alright settle down there rumplestiltskin
can you pm her to send more lewds, im horny.
wdym this is normal d333cay posting hours. in a few hours she will go to the food court since it's food court friday. i'm hunting a TDs task. I hope Kuradal gives me her big TDs to slay
raising kittens triggers my ocd so much I pmuch have to bankstand
bwana just get some karambwanji and a ball of wool
i told you im trying to learn shades of mortton stop @ing me unless you want to explain it faster than spook dog
gave your moms my balls of wool
I can't keep up with RuneScape anymore. I think my transition to boomer is complete bros...
i wish stars were actually afk and they didnt spontaneously combust half the time
wow we must have been at the same star
i'm gonna head over and try to figure out which player you are
okay you could probably figure it out from context clues but if you want to come here thats fine too
most intelligent osger
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What were they thinking with this whole place?
Was it made in MS paint?

Its so soulless and ugly, and not in the cool thematic kinda way.
you look really pretty in this photo
why are elite clues easier than hard clues
i feel like i get less wilderness steps with elite clues which makes them more enjoyable than hard ones as for me personally
why are you doing shades of morton are you trying to clog
is there a classic runescape general?
scroll up lazy bitch
wish my balls didn't smell like hot cheetos
how would you bros feel if your rsgf accidentally poked you with her dragon dagger?
angry! id kill her right then and there!
i had one of my balls surgically removed and ever since my testicle musk has been different which is quite a bit distressing to me
you know what they say dont go to the wilderness if youre not ok with being attacked
my dragon dagger is poisoned ++ so you better kill me quick hehe
why can you smell your balls
i take my hand and scratch or rub my balls and then smell my hand
on really high ehp weeks i dont shower and i can just smell them when i dont have a blanket on my lap
are you gay?
what are the 2200 total worlds like
theyre like any other world except they have lag spikes cause jagex is incompetent
wow that sounds powerful
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8 mil in the bank hope i get lucky tonight or its over
bondie moment
only half
kakkoii desu..
bondies are the ones who sell bonds for gp and walk around in full torva at 1600 total level and an obby cape
that anon is the opposite of a bondie
im thinking of buying a bond on the 'ron
who is ron
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DT2 Spoilers

oh em eff ghee
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how fast can these shades break my temple? and why does my guy run to try and reinforce instead of repairing more after completing a part
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Personal storage has been unlocked gentlemen.
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4 shards in 36 kills o.o
why is your toon glowing angry
that's crazy, it's too bad u arent an ironman because it's meaningless now
idk ive never done shades of morton sorry maybe eala can help you when she wakes up in 5 hours
just do it on the designated world u dumb fuck
what crawled up ur ass and died no need to be rude bitch
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My toon is spiritually inclined.
as for me i have collected a wholly unnecessary amount of keys and will shorly kill the fiyr shade required for my next clue
wtf how!!!!!!! HOW!!!!!!!!
meriipu or as the streets like to call her madame dirty pussy
btw d333cay i think you couldve just bought those shades on the ge and skipped doing the minigame but maybe im wrong
thats fine i liked learning the minigame it was fun and lowkey chill but thank u for lettingme know
Ultor ring is a scam

168 mill for +1 max hit? not worth.
hey man bis is bis

Please list 3 (THREE) tools for fighters who hate melee and magic.

Thank you

thank you
crossbow longbow shortbow
need me an rswife to warm my bed during these cold winter nights
its midday
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shadow rebuild worth?
rebuilds are a 2018 meme
how about you do toa and earn your own shadow
uh actually gnomonkey recommends rebuilds on his gear progression guide
gnomonkey is a pussy faggot bitch if i ever saw him in real life i'd spread him
woawg thats a lot of purple sweets
ok so i was tired of feeling like a retard all the time so while i chopped redwoods for wc exp in osrs today i watched a 2 hour long lecture of the week 1 of cs50x cause i was reading it was heavily recommended and they were talking about an algorithm to find a name in a phonebook and how you might optimize it to find the name faster and it reminded me of jarvis cause if you think about it the osrs hiscores are really just a phonebook anyways i found that part of it interesting and im still chopping redwoods in osrs
do you guys wanna know where a star crashed?
thats great that you are doing something to sharpen your mind anon algortihsms are fun
i thought he said to sit at duo nex until max gear
w329 at mining spot in relleka if anyone cares
thank you but im trading mole parts rn so i shant attend
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as for me i killed 50 rats today and gained a ranged level and now i will do 3 clues
is anyone free to manifest a spirit seed in my seed nests please
ive been manifesting anons enhanced crystal weapon seed so i dont have much manifesting to spare but ill do a little
thanks i ended up with mostly corn but i appreciate your efforts
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Dragon Imp, W494 in the Library
rain makes corn corn makes whiskey
h'whiskeh, make it a dahble
you could try doing some birdhouse runs if youre desperate for a spirit seed cause theyre a decent droprate from the nests there
created a hardcore helmie i'm scared to die it's scary (ㆆ _ ㆆ)
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Me and a random catch it in a corner waiting for someone to catch it
thank you anon i appreciate it
im slowly working on 82 smithing, so im not yet in copium mode
i am done with runey for the night and am laying in bed otherwise i would
let him go!!!!
(ㆆ _ ㆆ) this is me
angels 'm depressed
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Here is the drop
why are your arrows red
theyre dragon arrows duh
you know what they say red is the spice of life
who said that
not me i dont cook so i dont know much about spices
did d333cay finish dragon slayer 2 yet
ok what do i do with my extra silver locks?
smoked paprika is red and its arguably a top 5 spice saffron is red too
you can just drop or alch them i think but maybe double check the wiki
what's the point of tagging arrows
saffron is red
vg is blue
i love runey game
and osg too!
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did my daily 10 kc and got 2 armor seeds!
my cum smells bad, i need to shower while mining amethyst
no heres my list
does anyone know what happened to shenky
wtf how did you know
what part of mm2 filtered you
dragon slayer 2 is so kino when it plays pest control and then the login theme.
sis you can flinch him.....
just flinch him...
>d333bitch doesn't use gimmicks and plays the game legit
okay thats kind of based
girls don't know how to corner trap and that's okay they can fish anglers all day nothing wrong with that
what kind of backhanded compliment is that rude bitch
if her dpi was correct she could corner trap and flinch if she wanted
im having a productive day okay i did my clues i learnt about shades i saw moleman i did one bird run and i did one tree run
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i did half of ratcatchers for this im mildy irritated but i guess its a clog
dpi my ass i bet she doesn't know what the sw tile is
okay okay i havent really learnt to flinch before and i didnt look at the map when i went in to figure out where the safespot was and i trid to tank him and it didnt work out and i havent gone back to try again yet
i hope you are doing calqualts and hardwood and hespori too
stars time
doesn't quest helper mark the flinch tile
me personally its dominos alfredo time
me i had some mexican rice and beans and that will be my entire osrs fuel for the day
i dont use quest helper and i dont know what to have for lunch either im going to amke a coffee
rice and beans is great fuel idk if the alfredo will be enough we might be looking at a peaches situation
ive been eating so much lately its really not good
i was influenced and bought some canned peaches too i shall have them for afternoon tea
ive been the opposite idk how much weight ive lost but i need to use two extra notches on my belt and i need to buy new pants soon i think the hunger pains kinda hurt at the start though and made sitting and playing osrs annoying but now i dont have them
i have body dysmorphia
What's better for vardorvis - fang on slash or whip
>Captcha pvm2j2
accounts with 1200 total level or lower who statistically are the most likely players to quit,voted yes to sailing at a rate of over 90% according to the data jagex released
polls should require at least 2000 total to vote
i dont believe in voting
I aint got time for this nerd shit
i agree (i'm 2002 total level)
i'm about to do my 300th hard clue and you know what that means
new quest where the toon smashes thurgos head in with a salt lick
i would never do that to my spherical little friend thurgo
the body is round
what if you had to for quest cape
shenky are you here?
me and my nigga shenny fucked 2slimes mom
why are you so obsessed with whether or not shenkansen is here. plus if you paid attention shes posted her rsn in this thread already
she hasn't posted her rsn since the volcano eruption in iceland and i am worried about her i hope shes doing alright
she posted her osrs rsn youre a fake fan
no she didnt she doesnt play osrs she plays vscape
okay believe what you want to believe but the truth is out there
can you link the post or give me her rsn ill stop asking if i know she's alright
theres no way of knowing thats shenky it could very well be a false flag
>misclick outside the pillar and 3 monsters attack you at the same time
yes sorry we will have to wait for her to go full schitzo again before we know that shes alright
I'm back
Did you miss me, lil animes?
I can see you are all feeling little and cozy and comfy as you enjoy osrs
ugh see what youve done
I haven't been back since the first leagues over in kourend. What happened to the cc and why is it dead
shenky is the pariston hill of osg if you think about it
is her shes literally >>487622720 all of these personalities i pointed it out already >>487623771
no one uses cc (chat channel) everyone uses cc (clan chat)
me and my nigga shenny fucked Shortys mom
>me and myself fucked shortys mom
i dont get it
im the paris hilton of osg
motherlode miney :3
these 300 raids look hard
ive been fishing for like 2 weeks straight but i want to switch to nmz but i dont want to transfer over gear ughhhhhhh why am i so lazy
"thats hot" - me
what invoc should i learn toa with
thanks for typing ":3"
this is another shenny post btw
how do i mentally prepare to do BA and inevitably fuck up in the defender role and get flamed by everyone
thats one of my favourite osg memes rn well done shenny
i want to go to bone zone with rissa
how many brews do i need for zolcano?
so you expect me a single person is
>me and x fucked y's mom
>thanks for typing :3
>Lil anime poster
>do ypipo really
>anon who called lilsooshie a troon
>vscape poster
>rissa coomer
Nah there's no way. that would mean he makes up over 30% of the thread
sometimes other people do carry on the memes for example sometimes i like to thank people for typing emoticons also
wow almost if this thread is just AI talking with each other
wheres the flame for cheesecapers?
what do we call non quiver users? cololet?
what do we call cololets that also dont even have masori kit?
>>vscape poster
>>rissa coomer
ok well this is quintessential shenny so if you dont believe me here youll never believe me
>>anon who called lilsooshie a troon
i could be wrong here and it could also be shenny, but the person who called lilsooshie a troon isnt the same anon that calls everyone else troons. but while were on the subject of troons C H U D S U P R E M A C Y person is shenny
>>do ypipo really
i hada a misunderstanding of the ypipo and this and the one that fucks moms is some cc chud so its 3 personalities not 4 in that list
>>lil anime poster
>>thanks for typing
its harder to prove these but over a long period of time youd have to aggregate data and look at times shenny is taking a vacation from the website going camping and so on to see that there is a large decrease in uses at those times. shes not the only one to use these but is the most prevalent user
you underestimate how much attention shenkansen wants
Actually I came up with the thanks for typing emoticon meme but I'm not shenny
>C H U D S U P R E M A C Y person is shenny
proof? i thought that was shortys
are you basing your "some cc chud" accusation on the fact that 2slimes rsn gets thrown around becuase i told you already mentioning 2slime is a meme in itself its an oldfag meme as well as a cc meme
why dont you look at shortys computer while youre fucking their mom with your nigga
also C H U D is the same as lil anime man. whether or not thats shenny im still not 100% convinced, it could be. but those two personas are definitely the same person
i also think the bing ai posts were from shenny i can't prove it though
some of those were me. the greentext ones not the poetry ones
chudsupremecy is shenkansen posting on his PC its why the protect from ranged OP got banned 3 days ago on the dot and why the spam just resumed he could still phonepost cause his IP range isnt banned for his mobile device and he used to bring it up in old threads and its why he can so easily ban evade cause his IP changes when hes posting on his phone he talked about it in the s4s thread one time it is safe to assume anytime he is brought up its himself cause no one actually cares about him
ai posts are usually meriipu cause she thinks its quirky and funny but not always the case
my obsidian osg wiki documents all this
shenky seems like a scary person
do i have the wrong impression of shenny? i remember him having a normal conversation with someone else posting vscape screenshots and talking about how he was going camping
and now you guys are treating him like a lunatic its really bizzare from my pov
she hasnt seen the video
what video
someone post the shenny vid
bros what's a better set to have on the acc?

Armadyl helmet/chest/chainskirt + venator bow + anguish + pegasian boots

or full set of ancestral (hat/upper/lower)?

Or neither of them and skip ancestral and get virtus robes?
shenkansen was ok but he tries way too hard now
These were my 3 favourite posts made by lil animes whilst i was on my 3 day vacation:

creepy bitch trying to get a glimpse of my hair i have my helmet on for a reason bitch
no she wouldnt be able to do her food court plumbing job with voices in her head
just alched a chinchompa :/
if you buy anscestral without a shadow you are a retard
no shenkansen was never ok if you ever watched her youtube videos you would know
i love you i love you i love you and i tried working out to get a better body for you but it didnt work for me
>my obsidian osg wiki documents all this
you frighten me far more than shenny
my first day in osg was when everyone was wondering if shenky killed herself so not the best first impression
Yes I am a retard, but I am also not that rich.

Is Kodai wand fine?
maybe if more of you bitches kept an obsidian wiki we wouldnt have to have this conversation every week

omg thats when i got here too, cute
or maybe you could share the wiki dumb bitch
obsidian wiki poster is shenny btw
you cant just say everyone is shenny
fortunately shenny is too retarded to use obsidian it's a scary thought though
the osg wiki is just a bit i just remember everything and have autistic pattern recognition
shenkansen has said before that she doesnt really keep track of who is who and cant recognise people by their anonymous posts and i believe it
im norwood 3
hi norwood im dad
nahh dese crakas really be analyzing thread posters in shieet im dead cuh
shenky reminds me of that 1 friend that forced the friend group to make a second aim chat room so that we could complain about him in private
the developers need to understand that their game is not meant to puzzles or herding. the mirror segment in the scream parody was horrible. the sheep herding quest is dogshit. i hope this is the last one
For one (1) hour only every lil anime who levels up will receive one (1) free head pat.

It begins now and lasts for sixty (60) minutes.
quiet bitch
i honestly dont mind shenkansen i think she can be quite funny and contribute postively to the thread vibe when shes in a good mood and not fixated on harassing me personally
aside from the thread celebs i know there are like 4 or 5 frequent posters (including myself) im not able to differentiate them though
shutup shenny you crepe
im smart enough to not have any opsec leaks
thx d3 i absolutely stand by your vibe and support you in all your osrs and osg endeavours and food court endeavours
as for me im terrible at reading vibes i cant tell who is who
literally the worst general lmao

have fun based retards
all me
im the thread celebrtieis
well me personally i have always been a little bit different and i never found all my enjoyment in levelling up and progressing the linear way

rather i preferred to indulge in the game lore and also the meta lore (e.g. situationsnthat arose spontaneously from player to player interaction)

and that is why i often say bankstanding is my favourite osrs activity because it has an element of spontaneity and randomness to it and creativity too

plus fashionscape is important and i like to hold a high frequency and manifest good things for my besties
I finished Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire and don't see a clear reward aside from some xp lamps...

Desert Treasure I was a lot more rewards
well as for me i play an iron woman which is just a bit harder
>able to play OSRS on my fucking cell phone
I love the future sometimes
actually i think you will find that the rewards for desert treasure ii include access to the scar essence mine, anciednt rings, 4 new bosses, and a total of 300,000 expe3rience points. is that not good enough for you
10 year old me would shit if she knew back in my day all we had was snake on nokia
my uncles phone had Worms
dt2 should give you a tbow
as for the anon who asked earlier if anyone likes gnomes i am here to say i do i lile gnomes they are pleasant and a name told me would we may meet in the astral realm tonight and discuss what we shall poast on osg together
my uncle had the first iphone he probably had a cool beer drinking app
bad (re)post
there are 3 posters that type like chuds, plus two more that post after game updates / weekends. 3/5 are NA, 1 is in the UK, and another unknown, though i suspect UK as well. three of them have posted screenshots, though only two are jarvised
then there are 3-5 cc chuds. two of them have an easily identifiable posting style, and another false-flags as the talk about the game poster. they all reside in NA timezones.
there's also the spanish girl, i believe she's in california
vocaroo anons - i counted 10 uniques posted since january, however only 5 have posted a vocaroo as of may 1st
there are more but i've spoonfed you enough
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well look what i just got :3c
the rich kid had the first iphone we took it in turns playing some kind of guitar hero game on it
that was me and the game was tap tap revenge
bro thinks theres actually a spanish girl bro debunked his own post
before the iphone we would communicate on msn messenger and we would be able to have long messenger names and girls would often update their names with certain things like °•○●●○•° to express their emotions and they would also invlude song lyrics to express their mood and how they felt about their crush and we had to think hard about about who was in our messenger name if we put anyone there and also who we put in our myspace top 5 as this was very serious and had important consequences in the playground at highschool
thanks for typing ":3c" and gz
gratz lil anime! Well done. You have earned a headpat. *gives you a headpat*
msn was fun you could spam screen animations to people
the spanish girl has posted pictures of herself numerous times not my fault you don't pay attention
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how about a quick doings listenings?

star just finished time for clue scroll and bird house and peaches
yeah you could freeze and shutdown their pc and we thought emoticons were funny
every single one is a twitter screenshot they even have the twitter filenames still cause theyre too lazy to larp correctly sorry youre a retard
theres an australian chud he yelled at me extensively the other day
are you gonna do the peaches vocaroo?
does ditto have a nickname, is it your favourite pokemon?

Doings: throwing javelins
Listenings: https://youtu.be/DEhbR4JqfPw?feature=shared (be careful this is a powerful song)
GS-numbers is not a twitter filename format
idk about the file name but most of the time if you reverse search her images you get a hit on twitter
shes retweeting to osg if you think about it
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its nothing to do with the S its capital G+more letters/numbers and if you yandex search any of them it takes 2 seconds to find, youre a retard sorry
w-what do you post on x....
furry porn
ur not d3...
im doin desert treasure 2 while trainin ranged on my other account c:
listenin to https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=huoWnDvdUNU&si=tZsifYqV4-Xo_xZf
slayer for smoke devil tasks to finally get an occult
aaaaa send help
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its x not twitter
we need a pvp clan activity

osrs is better than every other mmo in everything except we dont have large scale pvp
wow so many qties at the star!
erm you just leaked the first letter of your first name probably yet another opsec leak
oh dear
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oh no jasmin you messed up bad
look ive probably done that in every photo ive ever taken of my screen its fine if you all know that my real name is the joker fron the movie the joker
Bruh I was about to cum back in 2005 when I finally got a flip phone and was able to play those java phone games from Gameloft or whatever. I even had a shitty emulator and could play nes Legend of Zelda at 2 frames per second.
wow we share first letter names is that a sign from guthix or just coincidence
my rsgf julia is so cute :3
do you want to borrow a tumtum twibble and zcb i think with some better weaponry it would be light work for a gamer like you
imagine not having your real first name in your rsn
i did have my real first name in my rsn but i double name changed before launchingmy threadgirl campaign it was a really good rsn too
i do my rsn is jessica and my name is jessica :3
thats pretty cool
they said real first name
i know who that is and thats not you at least i dont think so
My name is John and my rsn has John in it *shrugs*
oh my god that account is fucked is that actually you? beast if so
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swamp star
your real first name is probably something like michael
i wasnt even born in 2005
thank you for all posting your names that makes me feel better about my letter slip
>haven't played since 2017
>logged in middle of nowhere
I have no idea wtf is going on or where I left off. Time to go to lumby and massacre cows
this fucks up my casefile turns out i was sitting on a completely unrelated mark im going to get fired from belingcat
were you looking at that one british girl that randomly posted my rsn in 2019? you fucked up bigtime if so im not british buddy
imagine not already having it youre an amateur
she was jarvis all along
i told you guys her name was julia but you guys never listen to a word i say
can someone teach me leviathan i dont wanna watch a video on it
d3 what are your kinks
i share a name with 61m its rather unfortunate after his weird downfall with harassing women
i dont want to be called julia there was a weird ugly girl at my school called that no offence to any julias but thats who i assoicate the name with
you already know my name its me nick
You should delete this post
then what do you want to be called
girl its in the archive and in like 80% of posts since then and also in the other picture
just wanted to say that fletching sucks
>shooting stars tab
i know 3 posters on rn who are at shooting stars i wonder who this is
well anyone can find your twitter in like 2 seconds now if they have a brain just an fyi maybe delete it or private it
click boss
dont be color blind
if youre shit cast smoke or some shit on him
hide behind rock
dont stand in anything that aint the orb
follow the account i need the numbers
you have to be the dumbest poster in this thread on were all going to bimbofy you
A girl named Julia was the first one to show me her tits and would any time I asked. It was awesome. We used to snort Adderall and play NFS Carbon.
I miss highschool sometimes.
wow shes very good looking i will have plenty of guam content for a long time
personally i use https://07.gg/trackers/shooting-star instead
she just wants to be comfy and cosy as she plays osrs so leave her alone
stop friggin doxxing people!!!!
no ones doxxing anyone im sorry again for posting a letter it wont happen again
i finished the mory diary yesterday idk what im going to do today
pls be cosy comfy and mine starz cutely pls pls plssss
mining stars isnt very productive for me sorry
she actually did it the absolute madman
i didnt know you smoked weed d333cay
oh... :c
sorry dont want you to get doxxed or anything maybe private it gl
she doesnt smoke weed u stupid chudd!!!
can someone order me a pizza
i wont dox her i am saving her beautiful photos for future use if you catch my drift
i dont get how you girls are doing this from one letter youre all very crepey
omfg it has nothing to do with the J
crepes r delicious a lil butter a lil icing sugar and its pure heaven
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me last night
well theres nothing else identifying so you must be some stalker wizard
great just great she looks like my ex and you can see her secret bf
girlbrain moment
im going to circular quay
can you confirm the secret bf so I can move on with my life. just logged off osrs dot com tomorrow I will play again
i just use twitter to browse art sorry also i dont opsec leak
pls dont browse lewd art....
oops meant for >>487674383
didnt she say she was straight edge there is a photo of some large nuggets of cannabis
ugh i think her secret bf is totally in control of her and he is having all the fun whilst he laughs and mocks us...
Look, you fucked up. Private your twitter right now, and block any new followers. I'm being serious. You will get doxxed if you don't.
i told you knowing incels are kwuarming to his hot gf makes the sex better for her secret bf
Meant for >>487674383
why does this happen to every threadgirl life is so unfair
i think the secret bf is behind all of this
im finding it a bit hard following whats going on my brain is a bit mushy can someone summarise whats happening
the girls r looking at my images
our threadgirl has a secret bf and we are reeling from this devastating news
nah it's her there was a picture of her with the fishing guild in the background kind of like how j1mmy's does it but lower quality
I'm starting to feel sick. the secret bf probably posts here as well
Personally I don't really care at all about d333cay
im thinking we evict her i cant believe that fucking bitch
this isnt news >>487675067 has been saying this for weeks
i cant stop shaking it wouldnt surprise me if the secret bf makes her read out our pleas... at night...
you should kys
threads ruined for the next few hours i imagine, i will be closing it methinks
personally im not impressed by this secret bf he looked greasy
can you take your thread secrets to the gc
what groupchat
can someone explain how you got all that from one letter what the heck
thread tourists dont get a say in the thread and they are acting as disinfo agents on behalf of the secret bf
its because the file name was a photo of a toyota rukus off my twitter and they went to the photo and reverse searched it to get to my page
not the letter lad but the filename
we googled the filename in the pic you posted
oh ok that makes sense i dont have to worry about myself then
you dont have to reverse search it you couldve just typed the filename into google
Hello this is the secret bf, you guys smell bad, lol
how are you so cute constantly
hehe you learn new ways to dox yourself every day
whats her x name
she has some banger tweets ngl
whats her x
her secret bf is mocking us
i think i might do ba today
she privated her twitter but i was already deep in her media guts
me too i saved the good stuff
i am jealous
ok i have been thinking about something and i was thinking maybe we can combine our money to get a 24/7 private detective on shenny so we can ensure we know all of her pesonalities and know when shes camping and if she has finally ended it all i think its a small investment that will provide us significant peace of mind
selling d333cay pics, 30m each
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you think i have that kind of money i just spent $50 on spongebob coffee
i know someone who might be interested her name is shenny
bitch you better give me at least 30% of that
can i pleaaaaaase have a bikini pic please please pleaaaaaaase d333cay
not even x simps get that such a revealing thing is only for chad secretbf
im lost what was her twitter name shes gone now you actually killed her this is so sad omg im about to cry but what was her twitter name
or a phat pussy behind panties/thong pic pleaaaase please please d333cay please!
kys please
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time foranother bird house run can you all manifest a spirit seed super hard this time to make up for your behaviour
why do you need more spirit seeds
what do you think the birds were intending on doing with the spirit seeds
i think the birds take them to guildmaster jane to trade for a pack of seeds for more food
they eat them
okay and now for my final act how do you think so many birds fit in a single bird house
are you shenny?
only shenny could be so creppy
my crackpot theory is that shen had the @ the whole time and was just more discrete about it
can private investigator gather that much info its an anonymous forum unless you have access to shenny's pc i doubt theres much you could do
please d333cay just one phat pussy behind panties pic please please please i neeeeed it
the private investigators would sit in their car out front of her house 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. this isnt something i am suggesting lightly but its something we have to do in order to protect the integrity of the thread
shenny keep it in your pants
maybe.... who's asking?
we could get footage of shenny fumbling the bag with his cute milfy neighbor
do NOT mock me

i am simply misunderstood
shenkansen the kind of guy to gulp and say weve got company in a haunted house
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Has anyone done the newer Moons of Peril stuff for extended periods? wondering if it is fun or worth spending time doing. Unsure if any of the unique items are really worth it
d333cay please! Dont let me suffer like this!
File deleted.
I have two requests:
1) list every single persona you've posted as over the past two months
2) go through this thread from the first post, and screenshot every single post you've made. compile everything into a single screenshot
stop being weird man
be quiet, this is how we save osg
none of those depict me in a bikini nor do they contain my phat pussy its a bad deal
wouldnt bother if youre a bondie
why should i do this?? i want one thing and one thing ONLY. why should i go to all that effort for you anonymous?

d333cay i need both please please please!!
i hate it here its too late for this!!!!!!!!!
rsn tayswiftie89 is now rsn momosmomos i repeat rsn tayswiftie89 is now rsn momosmomos
it's chill, loot is good if you're an iron, otherwise i wouldn't bother unless you're in the early game
aww tayswiftie89 was cute but momosx2 is cute dumpling cute too
sound expensive
eala did you finish your rick and morty elite diary
yea now im cooking anglerfish because idk what else to do
gz i hope you find some meaning
are you comfy
comfy enough my tea is cold so thats a minus
my teas gone gold im wondering why i gout out of bed at all the morning rain clouds up my window
i want to see the fishing guild pic
I just got pkd while collecting black chins and lost 8k gp worth of black chins. Why can't they just remove pvp already?
she'll unprivate her twitter in a few weeks you'll have your chance then
not if we dont know her tweeter
its like a threadgirl arg
id make you a new tea
ok well milk and 2 sugars thank you
erm milk in tea what the spruce is this what the spruce what the spruce WHAT THE SPRUCE!!!!
umm did you not do ghosts ahoy? or any other quest that requires you to make tea
*makes u a tea with milk and 2 sugars*
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a bucket of milk
thats not a real recipe because theres no sugar so why dont you make it with milk and no sugar huh yeah thats what i thought
*what the spruce voice* erm what the spruce
Pls pls plsss
cant believe sh333 doesnt want us to harvest to her anymore it must be her secretbf that is stopping it
he is worried we will post his secret face and secret blonde hair and black beard
i used telegram for the first time yesterday theres so many scoundrels on that app i clicked the people near you button and im surrounded by ranarr dealers and kwuarm harvesters. im mining amethyst on old school runescape
i thought we could be good runey friends. but not after whatever her hideous bf is doing behind the scenes. can't trust her anymore
were you using it to harvest ranarrs or kwuarms?
you know im just glad shenny didn't get the pics
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ok that was a smidge annoying
no i was using it for other nefarious activities but certainly nothing as wicked as those
2 or 3 years ago i was lurking osg and an anon would post "im mining amethyst oh yeah im mining amethyst" or something very similar to that and it brightened my day and i have loved that anon ever since because they are so cute if that anon is still here i just want to say thank you for brightening my day and putting a smile on my dial
gz but why are you suddenly hiding your rsn
awesome job whats next on the list?
the thread is being pancake right now
was that really that long ago i should get my life together oh my days
why is she melting
post your favorite npc faces
like this?
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loot from 200m mining
huge gz


you are replying to a someone re posting a reddit post
ugh why would they do that
i hope they post more about run energy soon i dont want to do rc until they change it
its getting nerfed though
for both methods of rc you dont really need run energy you just stand there trading runners and clicking lavas or you use vile vigor if youre an ironperson so idk what youre asking about
im an iron i want to do blood runes without having to tele to my house pool every 2 and a half runs
uhh you wouldnt teleport to your house for zeah bloods unless you already have a max cape but if you have that why are you doing zeah bloods you make no sense youre really confusing
erm so did solomission quit dmm after he really freaking embarrassed himself trying to pk and going all shakermode and losing his bank?
why wouldn't i teleport to my house my energy ran out and i need to restore it
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this is a good one
doubt it calm down and wait for a video impatient bitch
nvm do what makes u happy
yeah thats right leave her alone she can teleport to her house if she wants
runey is boring today im gonna go read until free practice and think of some new goals i want to achieve
what is free practice
Varlamore thieving is so chill
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where mimic?
gz on the kill but dont hide ur rsn man. no one's gonna bully you here
i'd say it's fun yeah if you're into barrows and such, even on normal mode.
What do u read eala
hes so cute..
maybe he is cute to you but not to me to me torvesta is cute
well today im reading a shlockly romance that i wont name because i dont want to be made fun of but in general i like the classics especially russian lit my current serious book is the twelve chairs by ilf and petrov. i think the next old school runescape diary ill work on is hunting the chompys for western elite
literate bitch
I appreciate you. Do you ever ponder the moon? I hope the chompy hunring goes well.
omg i didnt think the classics reader would be you.... im slowly reading middlemarch rn i should finish it while i do stars or something
i read the overcoat and its just like when i got 3rd age
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*tips fedora* do you ever ponder the moon, my love?
just logged in
im watching star trek
as for me im about to log out without doing my master clue im a sooooooo sleepy runey player and getting a viyeldi caves step would just frustrate me
impteresting cursor
Yeah it's a bug in linux I guess, all of the custom cursors look weird.
a bug in linux? woah never heard that before
oh shit i didnt even know that plugin existed thats so hot
haha without me?
beasting fletching rn
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shooting stars op, gz
the herb patch could explode and anything could happen
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Top 10 things I do in Old School Runescape that.just.made.scence.

Number 5: Barraging Dust Devils/Nechs in PvP worlds. Ice barrage normally costs 1,244gp to cast. However, In Pvp worlds Barrage can be casted for only 450gp. Furthermore, Super restores are half off. And the best part is, if you get crashed you can just kill em'!
Gz for comfyness

Well well well anon, do you? :^)

Are you comfy?

Eepy runey toon

Thats good lil bro

Gratz! Starz are comfy
shooting stars are so op they need to be nerfed and anyone who got levels from them should be reset to level 1
nah ur in meanie mode rn shooting stars are top tier content they make the osrs world feel alive and they attract high quality playera
personally i think they were betetr before they changed them to make the xp rates consistent across tiers and the depletion not be affected bythe amount of miners. its ezscape now
make it so only 1 star drops every 6 hours on a random server
they need to add the little alien in the middle of the star and let the toon kill him with hammers
no i want more starz as it is comfy and pleasant go back to pvm
stummy sicky im going fetal position mode :c
i dont want to have to bring a hammer to stars can i just kill him with my pickaxe
but everyone knows you can only kill aliens with hammers
captain set phasers to cum
when the star crashes a little green alien should come out and run around but you have to catch him and swallow him whole
what if we held hands at the keldagrim rat pits
keldagrim rat pits is what i call ykw
so you were an alien all the time and you didnt even tell me
im high class i stick to the ardougne rat pits they probably wouldnt let u in
everyone is always complaining about rat catchers but for me that was one of the quests i was most excited to do early on because it unlocked the rat pits teleport to port sarim absolute gamechanger in terms of teleporting to port sarim
i fell asleep on the floor and now my arm is numb
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this is a fat skip right?
thank u, next
you can do it in the fairy ring abyss
im so
for my
D333cay r u ok lol

This is tru
thank you i managed to kill the leviathan for the quest, your post helped
its singles though, its gonna take forever
after that anon said webps have backdoors im so paranoid whenever i accidentally save a webp from the wiki that the cia are going to look at my data
once you get an eternal teleport crystal do you think its okay to throw away the shitty little 3 charge crystal
is scabies fatal
tell me more about ur eggs
nevermind about the eggs answer my teleport cystral question
I'm the cat webm poster but I have posted my rsn too.
i did but maybe they can be used up until 30 wilderness if you havent done mm2 so i would test that maybe thats the only possibility i can think of and the wiki doesnt mention it
i will brush decays messy hair
i kind of assumed the cat poster was meriipu im not sure why
oh okay fancy i will give it a test thanks
https://youtu.be/_qyMeoW_haI omg shenny was arrested for being a complete crepe thats where hes been talk about the game im mining amethyst
shenkansens a nigga?!?!
Whats ur rsn and post ur toon now
more like troon
im going to tongue kiss the cute
Daily reminder that this wep is exists
i was thinking of selling my fang in order to buy a rapier for slayer. thoughts?
rapier is a cool sword
>7,000 videos recorded

Does it have any use?
rapier is used for 3 down wardens and its joint bis melee strength for one handed weapons
rapier is bis for melee slayer comeon
saeldor is a bit better but yeah
ive never read middlemarch but i should ive heard its similar to anna karenina. i hope you enjoy it and your star mining
feel like getting 99 con on my alt rq
non-wildy slayer is so cucked... you can't use a cannon in half the places, and if you get crashed you just have to sit there and take it.
anyone here played fable or fable 2? D33cay?
what task are you doing that you cant use a cannon
holy shit bro we get it you do wildy slayer
bloodvelds in catacombs
you barrage those or do them at the morytania bloodvelds that you can cannon
use a venator its just as good as a cannon
Insanely dry on twisted scepter :( Killed 20 birds and no drop. What a stupid game!
actually i need to get my str up forget the canon
im on the fishing trawler
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>herb runs
>tree house runs
I hole ur cute cozy and comfy lil anime c:
what about her hole
thanks for reminding me to visit luna
i desperately hate these activities. its just fucking annoying that there isnt actually a decent alternative to bird house runs in early levels. feldip weasels is so fucking bad
the early levels fly by in like 10 birdhouses then you can just do hunters rumours to 99
if i dont get a spirit seed in the next 2 hours im cancelling bird runs politically speaking
i still hate birdhouses you negro that was the point of my post you dumb illiterate ape
>eeerrrr just do birdhouses then do something else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yasser :^)
whats your deal???
Im going to tongue kiss you a spirit seed
I hate herb and tree runs too, did it to 70 farming and I'm planning on never touching them again lol.

Birdhouses were the ones that actually I could muster to do early on quite consistently.
love bird houses
love me eggs
love me clue scrolls
simple as
okay fanks
https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.044003 ok now this is awesome i wonder if this is also how reverse sprinklers work in old school osrs did you girls learn about feynmans spinkler in undergrad too and are now thrilled to finally have an answer or is it just me im mining amethyst
Great post
Im going to tongue kiss you too
no can you write one paragraph where you pretned youre explaining this to a girl whos dumb please
i dont think anyone who says theyre mining amethyst is ever mining amethyst
Where are you gonna kiss them
i do like clues though. taking a walk around gielinor is very refreshing
just do tithe farm from 34 to 99 like me
>snazzy farmer outfit
>infinite watering can
>(g)rape seeds
>herb packs
whats not to love on an ironchud
On the lips at my poh
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is this a skip?
yes or no be honest.
no wyrms is chill and good profit and good prayer xp from the bones
if you're a helmie you do it until you get the uniques and then block
Yeah but it's a weak skip, if you're ironman and want the clogs or you just want to be lazy it isn't a horrible task
thanks for typing 'c:'
hrmm ok if you think about a stationary whirling sprinkler that sprays water in one direction and spins in the opposite because of newtons third law which is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. well a famous scientist by the name of feynman had asked which direction the sprinkler would move if instead of spraying water you sucked water in. now to skip a lot of science here because you're really dumb sucking and blowing aren't the same thing and there isnt a force being exerted on the sprinkler, a lot of people argued for about 140 years which way the sprinkler would move until it was properly researched and it was a brilliant experiment. i dont want to spoil the ending but wow it was magnificent i was on the edge of my seat while reading it. its not even that complex of a read anyone with a BS in physics should have a good enough understanding of the science in the paper
anyway these are just things i stumble upon while mining amethyst god i love runey theres no other game in the world that lets me do this

shut the fuck retard faggot
is this shennys new hyperfixation
omg sis did you watch the technology connections vid too that's one of my favorite autism channels
his last hyperfixation was just as stupid
I lovw you and your ohat oussy behing oanties and imo the sprinkler slins same way when sucking as it would when blowing also im mining amethyst and i love my lil anime freinds
okay i think i kinda get it thank you it sounds very interesting and maybe i will watch the video
shes asleep on the floor
uhh im a little confused on exactly what hes asking but in general we already do use volcanic activity as a source of heat where its applicable but its usually not a good idea to build your house next to active volcanoes other than my poh which is in brimhaven so its uses are limited and i really dont want to write an essay about all of the issues with what i think hes trying to ask
i didnt know about that volcano until shenny posted about it and i found it interesting to know about i get all my news from osg
Hunter rumours are fun
heres some news for you but its kinda olds at this point but the paris high speed rail line was attacked today in a coordinated arson operation. old school runescape should have some high speed rail but all we have is the keldagrim carts and the dorgeshkaan railway
i saw shenny out near the high speed rail officer id look there
oh goodness thats quite dramatic thanks for letting me know. i didnt hear about that as ive been mining this star at tob bank in osrs
no im with u lets kiss
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phew i ran past the green dragons in the wildy without protection twice for my clue and got melee'd for a 0 and dragon fired for 8. feeling badass. what would venusaur look like if he was in the old school version of the ruinedescape game??
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beast just banked 99 construction
you doin mh or construction like a real man
with all the plugins and swappers and shit there is no more "real man" construction.
These prissy ass sissy princesses don't even risk carpal tunnel anymore.
actually im a girl
maam you are beautiful much love from india
Venusaur in osrs would be freaking amazing

In fact all pokemon in osrs would be incredible it would be an amazing game
can someone buy me spiked manacles i'm broke and i can't show off my accounts feet :c
dont say account say toon u have to merge with her (ur toon)

im tooning rn
maybe someone could make an osrs themed pokemon fan game like the fan game pokemon insurgence but osrs-related
thanks for typing ":c"
also maybe not
okay thats fine too i guess
id buy pokemon themed osrs game c:
gnomonkey keeps looking at me ooohh i get so nervous >w<
are you gay?
no (odacap)
man i miss 3d doritos bugles just dont hit the same
are we still doing pizza friday
yeah can i feed you a slice
its pork chops today
umm hmm if you buy the slice
absolutely no way am i eating pork chops too much fat no sir i will not eat pork chops and especially not on a friday
pork chops and fletching is what friday is and brings
its actually chinese friday
no its pizza friday and im going to feed that poster who asked for it
too expensive go to your room
someone make a thread im going phoneposting mode
oh chinese sounds good can you feed me crispy chilli beef it used to be called chinky but you cant say that any more its a bit rude
ill make it if you give me an op photo
can you do a family guy thread
my mum and uncles still call it the c word and i have to yell at them every time
find your own image lazy bitch
i like my pork chops cooked rare or medium rare
you could make chinky pork chops
i like you cooked medium
if you give me 5 minutes i have an idea for an OP webm
im not a medium im more of an XXL or an XXXL lol
thats disgusting you should kys lol :P
yes she should keep yourself safe questyion do you have a bbl
thats disgusting you should kys lol :3
just showered
thanks for typing ":3"
let me check behind ur ears

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