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Previous: >>487789148

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Firefly love
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more sexy brown girls are good
Brown Foxian WHEN
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qq is fucking SHORT
Pretty sure Yukong has a brown butthole
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Caelus is a femboy
damn, i remember when people liked tanned skinned girls in anime and other fictional media without trying to spin it into muh amerimutt niggers
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Reminder yumes are getting a brown man in 2025
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Alphabet faggots get the rope.
This is a Japanese man
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Charging. Not in my lane. Retarded. Drunk. Having fun. Not having fun. Rootin', rootin' and by Lan, definitely shootin'.
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Is anyone actually hyped for Space China 2?
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>the france olympics was sponsored by HONKAI STAR RAILS
>opening ceremony literally filled with gay and woke shit
Well cucks? How do (you) explain this one then?
There's zero chance of it being worse than 2.1-2.3 slop
I don't think I'm hyped but I do love me a good tournament arc and I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until they show me they've fucked up
No. Do the Chinese even enjoy that boring shit or do they just pretend to?
anime becoming political because of poltards and normies was a mistake
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I'm hyped for Earth next year, I guess.
Anime was always political, it doesn't exist solely in the West.
>not a single gay person in hsr yet
>next arc is literally pushing heterosexuality more than ever
What am I supposed to think
No, are you serious?
The only reason i'm sticking around is to see if we get any 2.6 leaks and if it's a herta space station quest
Also if stephen lloyd gets leaked
Reminder that we still have at least FOUR more Chink arcs to go
You like it and will pull Jiaoqiu and Feixiao
Hongay isn't listed on the official sponsorship list though?
They most likely only sponsored one of the official gaylimpic broadcasters
It's not possible, if sand niggers get added, actual niggers will complain and China is honest about the black people situation, they'd never do it and continue to get pressured.
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I don't feel so good.......
go back to twitter. tranny
more brown girls is good
They'll fuck it up by interrupting the tournament before it gets good to go exorcise some gay chinese spirits or whatever, with some NPCs, mark my fucking words.
Only irrelevant devs have to care about the ravings of chinkcels.
Do people forget this is a Chinese game made in China by the Chinese or something
You can seethe all you want, this is the reality of the situation.
/a/ was a mistake.
I feel physically ill....
>they release brown girls
>twitter seethes
>they boycott for 4 days
>nothing happens
>they continue playing
You put too much stalk into other people's reactions, Hoyo has and can get away with anything as long as the chinks don't report them to the CCP
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good morning bros I love Xueyi
I mean yeah probably, but I'll wait and see it happen for myself before I get upset about it, I don't hate the Luofu shit but I just find it kinda boring and disjointed (cause of rewrites)
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>release a character that doesn't appeal to the CN playerbase and can also give them bad PR on the global
Why would they ever do it? Twitter has been the reason for actual corporate meddling, see the last VA drama, you can pretend all you want but that's what happened.
>Firefly has over 5k fan art after just a few months
>My wife can't even hit 1k after 18 years
It's not fair
I want to fuck Clara 3D real
Imagine laying in your bed with a boner and she suddenly materializes with her pussy right around your cock.
Best we can hope for is 2-3 characters per chink patch so we only have to deal with one more ship next year.
VA drama is not even remotely the same as character design drama. It's easy to replace a ENG VA WHO STEPPED DOWN HIMSELF, but they are never gonna modify a character design they worked months on and they are never going to directly appease people who want them to. That is unpresidented.
I'm not a woman so I don't fantasize about being raped by ugly creatures
genshin is already getting bad pr from global and their new character appeal to the chinks
star rail hasn't, and they have a darkie on the way that has gotten tons of simps and fanart recently
star rail will have a better time adding brown girls
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Don't marry someone ugly next time bro
It's only rape if I don't want it, retard, which I do. But what would a homo like you know.
your wife needs (you)pandering

it's no coincidence that the top 2 fanart for hsr wives are firefly and kafka
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>they are never gonna modify a character design they worked months on
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im hyped for ting. Does that count?
They didn't do this because of the west though, they did this because they bend the knee to the CCP
So what? Are you retarded? You think I brought out the point of the VA drama for the sake of comparing drama intensity?

>couple of characters that have the most inoffensive tan imaginable
lmao, you will find chinese with more brown skin
I'm planning to maybe pull 2 characters next patch, and I like the lore of Space China. Yet I'm still not excited to go back.
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Mihoyo should just discontinue EN dub support for all their video games.
Then what the fuck is the point in you insisting they should add shitskins to appeal to degenerates in the west when china doesn't want them
Nothing is gayer than wanting to be raped, retard. But I guess a faggot screeching like an ovulating foid like (you) wouldn't understand.
nta but my wife has alot...
I'm looking forward to March 8th
I said I want it, which by definition cannot make it rape you fucking moron. Christ you're fucking retarded.
Your wife is a literal whore.
theyre gonna fuck up the tournament arc. i just know it. probably bog it down with borison irrelevant shit
They're two different dramas entirely retard. Hoyo didn't fire that retard who admitted to abusing his wife himself and stepped down.
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I fucking hate this game
Dead general
EOS soon?
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>sessh kiara
>""""""""my""""""" wife
Your "wife" is everyone's bicycle.
that doesn't matter, i love her regardless! I adore and even idolize her too
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This general sucks
I still want to fuck Topaz thoughever
>still missing the point entirely
Breathing taking too much brain RAM?
They didn't really show an arena during the livestream, so I'm actually wondering how we are going to have a tournament. Instead, it was just the prison, so probably the tournament will get interrupted by shit going wrong there. I will actually get angry if they advertised it as tournament arc and then don't have a tournament
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your tankfly?
>actual kiara cucks
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im so glad the son and daughter are together theyre not blood related
Topaz sucks
I still want to fuck this general thoughever
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FGOkeks have been a little too comfy here ever since they announced the ubw collab.
Which is odd considering the collab has almost nothing to do with them.
still Topaz want sucks
I This fuck general to thoughever
When will you retards LEARN?
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That hunt arent bricks? Probably never at this point
Why do you care gigger?
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Datamine leaks tomorrow evening, in like 36-40 hours?
I killed /hsrg/ with this question what the fuck
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So does everyone bro.
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Aventurine should fingerblast Topaz's pussy
there's no set time when exactly will the data files get shipped
last time they were pretty late
>Yunli short out on YouTube
>It's full of actual bots
Not looking good bwos...
??? They are just hot women that really like HSR
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I can't wait for him.
At least you can't blatantly tell that they're indian bots unlike on twitter lmao
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Two brown men actually
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Okay but how were some fireworks a third death for Firefly
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pagyfly ruined star rail forever
am i supposed to know what pag means
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Go back. I don't know where. Just leave
Pag is their equivalent of Chinese and gutter oil. Pag is literal food that was in the trashcan.
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I really can't wait for his voicelines about Aventurine, Topaz. They're all within the same rank range, but Aventurine is slightly higher than him so I think there's probably a rivalry
Here is your marshal hua. Fire HUNT emanator.
>hsr gets a darkie that's darker than all of genshin's combined
But doesn't the TB love shit they find in the trash
Arlan has been in the game since 1.0
but now they have 2
Who cares his banner will flop.
So will the freaks on the elon site shut the fuck up about brown now?
Why do you care? And no
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im so fucking dogshit
they won't shut up until every character in every game is and then they'd find something else to whine about
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you should go back with the rest of them
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Because people screaming on twitter hinders my enjoyment of games
I'm trans btw
We know sis
He's not going to be for (you) sister...

Mihoyo hates Clara anon but outside of that Hanya doesn't really do shit, use Ting instead as Clara needs that energy badly.
Congrats on dealing with the goblet nigger with Hypercarry Clara with fucking Hanya of all characters. I'm guessing she took 7 cycles at least
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He's either going for Topaz, and I will become a fulltime Topazyume because at that point she would be a better self insert than Stelle
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Just marathoned the new trailblaze mission. My honest reaction
Critical thinking time, would chinks and nips roll for brown girl if she’s for (You) and meta?
This is kinda all she needs to be to sell. Absolutely broken
>if she's for (You) and meta?
honestly probably
hanya is very good in a "pls spam skill" moc
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is hanya that bad? i was using her to buff clara's speed to spam her skill since i have clara at e1
E1 doesn't make Clara like speed, it just becomes less bad for her. Plus Hanya is specialized in giving SP, which Clara teams don't really need. Tingyun for more ult uptime or Pela for def shred would probably be better, although Hanya does kinda help with skill spam against the dot nigger
You would usually use Sparkle and if you skipped her, Tingyun is usually much better too but I can see maybe Hanya being better this MoC just to spam skill every turn
chinks would drop the game if a brown girl was forced on them like firefly was
who cares what they think
they made a pink fox dude that looks like an NPC a 5 star, i'd rather have a sexy brown girl instead especially if she's meta
Carole exists in HI3
and the devs don't care what you think
Most Chinese men aren't gay.
Dev here, I care what he thinks
Sounds like some Twitter shit. "uh you must be trans if you like this!" yeah no stop forcing your fetish shit on people
I think you spend too much time on twitter bro.
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I had to search if it was real, and it IS REAL

What the fuck? Why won't they spend more on more HSR content
Spending more on content won't get new people to spend money
>why is *insert company* spending more on marketing than on the product???
truly a fucking mystery
HSR is not a passion project, it is one of the many cogs of an empire
Most people playing HSR already dropped the game
Do you actually believe this
>Do you actually believe this
Yeah? Look at the state of /hsr/ and tell me this game isn't dying
The bare minimum skintone JP and CN players will tolerate is GAL skintone (BROWN), not actually black. So yeah
Is 4pc Iron Cavalry the way to go for Firefly or is the 2pc Messenger just a cope by Hoyowiki recommendation?
This game is dead until 3.0 and if 3.0 doesn't save it, we basically became Genshin
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Honkai for this feel?
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wow 6 that's such a low ranking
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it's hilarious how so many anons don't know how basic business strategy works
they have the same mindset that's killing the western media industry
>"if it doesn't make a bazillion dollars right this second, then it's a failure" "never try to improve on it, just axe everything"
>wtf is "selling something at a loss"????!!!!
Yes. Being for (You) is just icing.
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>sponsoring the Olympics instead of sponsoring your own games
Mihoyo is really fucking weird sometimes
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Bronya rabu~!
If they were in HSR, they'd be gay or for another woman or both
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Yup. It was a different time.
What's there to advertise anyway

Game is dead outside a new planet
Times like this I realize that you're probably one of the better posters here. Assuming you're not shitposting outside of spamming Bronya. Sure you may have a weird fetish for obese Bronya with pubes, but that's harmless compared to others
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Sorry, he's been taken
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cute & cannon
>or both
How's that possible?
>obese Bronya with pubes
absolutely disgusting
post some examples so i can totally make fun of it
>pag & pagnon
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thanks, but I still find issue about the obese part, would you really call this obese?. fat? maybe, but obese? cmon bwo
Ask Bronyafag to do it whenever he feels like getting banned again
I will set the seas ablaze
That one's more thicc than obese, yea
Who is Bislut of HSR?
Firefly unironically killed the game
The forced pandering was so uncomfortable to the point it felt pathetic
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alright, I hope you don't ever meet an obese person IRL, because you (somehow) haven't met one yet in the year 2024 of our lord
now if you'll excuse me, I have to make dinner (at 3 am)
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
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But everyone loves Firefly?
At least she is gone now. That's the one good thing about going into chink ships
I quit Genshin almost 2 years ago
Every fucking thread
This gen is nothing but bots
I'm gone
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I just noticed that I read that wrong as soon as I clicked "post", ignore my sleep deprived ass
But Firefly is confirmed to show up again in space China along with the rest of the SH
can i see some obese bronya with pubes please
that's just all of 4chan now, soon to be all of the internet.
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This manwhore is for (you) in every universe
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Did they call her Firefly because she's ugly?
I dont understand. Is the CCP holding a gun to mihoyo's head and forcing them to produce chinkslop arcs every year? Nobody wants to fucking go back to chinkslop. Not even the chinese themselves.
Fireflies are cute.
2pc Messenger is a cope if you don't have decent stats on Cavalry
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Nyo, don't feel like getting banned right now
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Absolutely not. I thought we’d at least get a new map for a new ship but it’s the same old Temu warehouse with more smelly vidyadhara. My only hope is for Jingliucha prison kino but the disappointment is already at critical mass.
>243 warps saved up
Will this get me yunli and fofo? Will I need to swipe
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>chink women love brown men
>their banners always do well and they always get good fanart numbers
>chink men HATE brown women
>their banners always do shit and they always get low fanart numbers
i'm noticing something...
Ignore Fofo. She was one of THE worst performing banners for a reason. The you have a pretty good chance to get Yunli and her cone. Which you need both. The definition of luxury that's never needed and any advantage she might give you is so minor, it wouldn't be enough to matter.
Everyone outside /hrtg/ loves Loufu stuff
>chink women love brown men
Booking a flight to China right now
He's a galge protagonist anon
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you should be fine even if you get unlucky
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please fuck my wife my sigga!
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Where do I find a man like him?
>Ignore the Harmony Abundance hybrid
When will people learn...
Top 3 is literally FoFo Wormturine and GallaGOAT.
Based and canon, reminder male and female relationships are the norm even if non-conforming gender individuals seethe about it
Is that why Caelus cucks love spamming blacked NTR so much?
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Fofolets have a minimum of 2 cycle difference in their Yunli and Clara clears
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I've been playing for 3 months and I haven't rolled on a banner yet, I heard that Yunli has good value because of how much content she can clear.
The advantage she gives me is that I won't need to use Mr ratio anymore. He makes me want to tear my hair out
I only have one team built so I need fofo for a second team.
Their idea of "brown man" is those tanned latinos
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Based Redman
I've never seen a chink woman with a latino
I've never seen male prostitutes
My husband.......
Look up what gigolo means
I know what it means, I don't know where they are
Too late he is already flying to China
Literally me
When I mean Latino, I mean those slightly tanned white men with some brown blood in them of undetermined origin
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>want to get fofo e1, her LC AND yunli
>170 warps
im scared..
>melinated cope
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Just win.
What's his bodycount?
>11% chance assuming you have Fofo already and no guarantee
Escort agencies
Only rich women use those, so you don't find those in the streets
Women desperate for cheap sex can get it for free
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thankfully i rolled for her on the debut banner
Is the femc of themis or w/e a gigantic slut?
My brother married a Chinese American woman if that counts
I flopped bigly, who am I?
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japanese James Bond
my dick
Lady Bonajade..
Pretty sure she takes multiple at once
>Escort agencies
Isn't that shit illegal though?
Kinda hot
>westernized asians
i'm sorry for your brother
Isn't prostitution?
swipe for jade light cone? or for zhu juan w-engine? or for changli + sword?
you can only choose one.
you are literally cucks
No. Those are four separate timelines. If you're with a relationship with one man, you can't be with someone else. But before you get into a relationship it's clear that all 4 men like Rosa.
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This is why he got the bad end, and why sheero wont
why roll for Jade, let alone swipe for her?
Is someone ever going to go to standard banner like deyha in genshin?
but I want to be the slut girl?
Who knows
>roll / swipe for stoneflop
based agpbro
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Based and true
I swiped for Jade E1S1
No idea what the rest is
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You know what.

Maybe an FGO collab isn't so bad. Maybe we should be happy.
it isn't a fgo collab
It's ubw collab not fgo. Thank god
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>fgo collab
if only
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>slowest thread on the board
What caused this downfall?
all the shitposters went to zzz
If it was a FGO collab we'd just get shit like Mash don't kid yourself
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Somnophilia isn't illegal in penacolony, right?
>mash powercreeps fagturine
>fujos seethe uncontrollably
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I'd like a Harmony Castoria
I mean the collab is over a year from now he'll probably already be powercrept by then anyway
soulless metafag pick
Aventurine has to be one of the most overrated units in the entire game.
Not saying he's a shit sustain or incompetent sub DPS on top if geared well, but he's not T0 like most retard think, that's for sure. Virtually no difference between him, FoFo and Gallagher.
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>won the Jade 50/50 after finally doing the Future Market questline to drain some last few rolls out and can now just save since I don't care about anyone for the next patch
Thank fuck, finally.
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HSR is my first gacha game and I've never experienced a collab like the FATE thing before. Is it good news? Bad news? A danger to the integrity of the lore? Because right now I feel like my game is being intruded upon.
I don't even play fgo, I just think she's cute
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Dreams, in essence, are meaningless. Their purpose is painted by the backdrop of life. Yet, if that backdrop is "emptiness"... then dreams are reduced to colorless, hollow shells.
>abloo bloo bloo evil
Everyone loves Fate besides zoomers, so it's a good thing.
That's not even an FGO original character retard, she's from Extra.
At least it's not Persona 5 because it would mean EoS in a year
>mfw the only other gacha I play is FGO which does collabs yearly but exclusively with other properties within the company meaning the game is basically just the Super Smash Bros of Type Moon at this point
Honestly it's neat.
Collabs generally suck yeah. It's an advertisement patch pretty much
Small Acheron
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>newfag complains about intrusion
you're getting saber and archer and that's it
>Pagfly & Jade kill the game
>soulless cashgrab collab announced
it's unironically over
We have a cuter version. They just need to make her playable
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But I love Saber and Archer?
>went out to buy Acheron acrylic stand
>out of stock
You can go play another game and shit up their general instead if you're so insistent this one is dead.
I already do that?
>we'll never get playable Phantylia whose animations are all about her crushing people and other size play stuff
It hurts
we need blackedschizo to save our general
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Mash love
Ah, dressed to appease the lion I see
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>saber and archer
Well, he is an alt version of her love interest
Seiba is so cute bros. Can't wait for her to show up in star rail.
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we back to fateposting again?
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>you're getting saber and archer
and I will love it
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I propose some sloppa posting to lighten the mood
>This girl is for you
We're so lucky bros
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literally NTR
obese honkais with pubes
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bwos... at least pretend to be excited for Yunli...
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hmm nyo i dont want to get banned
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>R34 tag is filled with awful AI generated blacked porn
What about these games attract these "people"
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As a black man that self inserts, which character would like me the most? Real answers only
>character that's unusable without her LC
Nah I'm good
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Shameless woman
I am, but Jade's infinite banner makes things painful.
She's cute but I really can't afford to blow my guarantee on her when I already have Clara.
bailu hook bailu hook bailu hook bailu hook please
Come on anon. There's a huge difference. Gallagher can't sustain well unless you break a lot, and Fofo is statistically the weakest sustain in the game trying to make up with utility.

I still like Fu the most as a general purpose sustain, but Aventurine is pretty good, and on par with e1. Just MUCH less auto friendly, but not like Fofo is better there.
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I love her
Black Swan
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>Waifu fags reached a new level of cringe
>Meta fags only play her
Firefly ruined this game.
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She's cute, but already have Clara and like her more.
some one post the webm of her getting raped by Ack
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Uh oh Black Swan melty
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>makes physical weak side
>fills it with enemies who don't attack
Okay, it's not like I wanted to use my Clara anyway.
damn i left the thread when fate collab got announced because cuckposting got unbearable, they are still going? thats some determination, if only they loved something as much as they hated a cute anime character
As a new player, there is nothing wrong with getting both Clara and Yunli, both are usable in all modes and can help you much more than specialized units that are not Harmony.
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They deliberately put HSR in a coma to give GI and ZZZ a leg up.
>Jade = worst limited 5* so far
>Yunli = basically Clara
>Jiaoqiu = nerfed to the ground. healer but also not really.
>Another 3 patches of Xianzhou when global is still sick of Luofu

Everything rides on Feixiao and Lingsha now.
If their kits are boring, the game will never recover.
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ok fine have this old gen of mine
Do you think she constantly replays her own memory of being raped, kinda like Memento but way hotter?
I'm emptying my stash for her and might try to snipe her LC
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What would he do if I tried to rape him?
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>Jade = worst limited 5* so far
They also blew their load too soon with Blandfly. She is a beloved character for selfinsertfags, that's a large percentage of the game satisfied and with no real incentive to seriously invest for a long time.
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onee x shota
anyone rolling yunli or no
Gl anon, how many rolls?
Fraudyawn is demoted from being a 5* so it doesn't count.
Yesterday's poll

Rolling for her, her LC and Sparkle. Started 2 months ago and been saving up for the most part, I hope I can get it with rolls to spare.
>account became too strong
>endgame fails to pose a challenge
Which underrated character is a fun side-project I can sink my resources into while the difficulty curve catches up to me?
Post roster
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No bully
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Like 110 lmao. I've got 0 character banner pity and 40 pity on the LC banner. The unshakable will of mankind will let me win it all
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any more?
rolling for her and her LC, might not get the LC without luck but can guarantee her for sure
we need more
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bigger than yours?
you should NOT roll Yunli without her LC for real
she literally can't function without it
Fofolets will complain nonstop about CC and Kafka one they find out yunli can't actually counter if she's affected by that shit
is there a FUA healer at all?
You say this but Clara has been working just fine and will continue to work without Yunli's LC
Why is my DU team not saving when I'm farming planetary ornaments?
If leaks are true, Lingsha has a follow up summon.
Huohuo or Yunli? I cna only get one
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Somebody help me. This is way beyond my skill level.
Depends on how they do the collab. I generally liked the ones in Priconne, where they make some flimsy excuse for the collab characters to get teleported but you can get some fun interactions across series. Like you could get Welt and Shirou discussing the similarities between projection magic and the herrscher of reason powers. Or March going all girly over Rin's magic jewels. Or even have Lancer and Dan Heng having lance autism. Second best is just recreating the events of Fate within the games, then it's just neat to see the references. Worst option is Alloy in Genshin, where it just gets dropped as a shitty character and nothing else.
Time to fap...
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asia server
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Sinful woman
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Mom, where are you...
>no Topig
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post argentis to sway me into rolling him
>my classmates from high school are getting married one by one
>I’m shitposting in hsrg
it gets worse
soon you are going to start reading and youll become your father
just wait until they get divorced and you will laugh
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this is what she'll be reduce to, isn't she?
I don't even care about fanservice, I just want her to be a grade A battletard
does March needs to be ascended again on her hunt form?
only her traces and eidolons, lvl stays the same like TB
I'm not a shipnigger so I don't care about that.
As long as they do her character right I will roll for her.
Do you guys have more cute Kafka chibis?
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>dying in MoC 8
gallagher is carrying one side but lynx/natasha can't hold up the other
do I finally build bailu or gepard
or should I save my resources and pull for huohuo later, I have no other sustains
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why do people choose to slumber?
because i'm tired of reality
Lynx and Natasha are both better healers than Gallagher though
next relic set is made for luocha since the luaflu prison arc is his story finally.
so might as well try to wait for next luocha rerun

what eidolon is your lynx? you can *build pity* on huohuo banner going for lynx if you need the e2 breakpoint
if you accidentally get huohuo along the way then you have you new healer
moc wont reset before the new patch
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Bailu is much comfier sustain and can handle MoC12 if built properly. Gepard has the issue of people outrunning his shield and he can't do shit if enemy decides to focus a single target. I run Bailu as my second sustain and there's no need to roll for another limited sustain (Luocha handles the other side).
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>running Jade in DU
>get the Quantum weighted Curio
Post more bailu
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Here you go anon. Trick was crossing out all the places where 5 can't go. For bottom left, the two options are on the same row. That creates two options for middle bottom and middle middle. Doesn't matter which 5 goes where, the two together exclude two columns which means there is only one space for the 5 to go in middle top. Also, are you the same sudoku anon as last time? I never saw if you actually managed to finish that puzzle.
>but my reality
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Caelus X Firefly X Silver Wolf best ship
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>next relic set is made for luocha since the luaflu prison arc is his story finally.
>so might as well try to wait for next luocha rerun
Yes it's me, and I did manage to finish the last one with your help. Thank you so much again.
Clara x shota (Opal) generate now
I still use Bailu and Gepard for MoC, and clear every time. Their only weakness is a lack of cleanse. But Bailu heals a ridiculous amount, enough to outheal most dots. Only heavy dots or CC suck against her. Gepard requires more work to build, but has a niche as Trend sustain for Acheron. His high aggro makes him one of the best options. Plus he can help in SU if you lack Aventurine.

Gepard feels like garbage in SU/DU. There's so much extra turn/speed boosts that his shields just vanish and enemies hit so hard he just can't keep up since it takes so long to build up the next ultimate. Him being slow as hell doesn't help.
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And forgot my proof for using them, just to show you they can still sustain
NP anon, I like those puzzles in short bursts, and helping another anon is a nice bonus. This one was a bit more difficult than last time, really had to search and double check if the logic checked out. But good to hear you managed to finish the last one, good luck with this one!
Can we guess what mats I might need to farm for Feixiao? If not I'll just keep farming relics for other units
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Do we already know how many rolls we are getting in 2.4?
2.0 hunt traces that Boothill and March8 require.
Ascension mats will most likely be a new boss.
my reality is that I hate being so healthy
I wish I had a deadly illness because I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself
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>Gepard feels like garbage in SU/DU.
Compared to Aventurine maybe, but he can easily cheese with Preservation. A correctly build Gepard is as roughly as fast as the rest of your team, and there are very few blessings you pick up that you pick up when using Preservation. And Preservation should have so much shield boosts that you should never have your shield go away. I maybe should have been more specific with saying that Gepard can help you cheese with Preservation, since I wouldn't really use him on other paths. But calling Gepard garbage in SU is just stupid.
Yunli excites me greatly since her last video
Lore question:
What is the story behind using characters in a team and then somehow meeting them for the first time later?
Also, is Herta with you really Herta or one of her dolls?
Also, how strong is Herta and would he mop the floor with the Legion if she was there when they attacked?
Also, if Herta manifests herself through her dolls, do dolls have the same power as her or no?
Also, if she met Aeon's twice already, cant she hit them up for some Aeon related questions that she wants to study through simulated universe?
oh gallagher is e6 while lynx is e1 and natasha e3
didnt know lynx's e2 was that important, guess i'll try to get that at least and these two seem to make good arguments for trying bailu/gepard in the meantime
Why do you come to this place and choose to lie like this. She may have underperformed on sales but she is one of the top sustain units in the game.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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gepard is su king, but i wish he had just a little bit healing so that if shield gets broken the damage on hp wouldn't stack after 1000 attack to kill you
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That question goes right back at you. There was never any hard data showing that, more so the other way around (Luocha being faster even in dot teams).

You can opt to pull an extremely optional character never doing enough to make you able to do shit you wouldn't be able to do without her, simply due to her sustaining being the worst out of all limited sustains, but for most people that's not a good idea nowadays.
she is useless if you dont have a sp sink aka IL
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I got Jade. Who does she work well with? I'm guessing FUA but the fact her talent counts individual targets means she's probably good with multi-target attackers too?

Gonna go jack off to the thought of her sticking her heels in my urethra while I wait for an answer
>What is the story behind using characters in a team and then somehow meeting them for the first time later?
Just for gameplay, because you can spend real money for rolling for characters. Don't want to prevent a whale that dumped $2000 in a character from playing them. But keep asking for trail teams for story missions in the survey, I have been for months
>Also, is Herta with you really Herta or one of her dolls?
You never met the real Herta, you always interact through her dolls.
>Also, how strong is Herta and would he mop the floor with the Legion if she was there when they attacked?
Unknown. She is an emanator, so same title as Acheron. But who knows if all emanators have the same powerlevel, her powers could just be more research based. She did gain the knowledge to blow up planets, so technically she could always just explode the space station to get rid of the Legion.
>Also, if Herta manifests herself through her dolls, do dolls have the same power as her or no?
Nothing seems to indicate they have the same power as her real self. She just leaves them everywhere, doesn't care if one gets kidnapped, even has a line when you level her to max to not expect too much from a doll. Compare that to how the stones are treated by the stonehearts.
>Also, if she met Aeon's twice already, cant she hit them up for some Aeon related questions that she wants to study through simulated universe?
Pretty difficult to meet an Aeon, since they are basically conceptual level. You have to do something to attract them, and they probably don't care about answering questions. Herta even says "Your feelings don't matter to Droidhead" and "Yes, Droidhead. Long time... I should say hello to you?"
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March status?
My flop wife Eve's best partner is definitely Herka or Himeko. Outside of that she also props Blade up and if you get her E1 she works with Topaz as well.
There is honestly so much random healing in blessings and curios that Gepard lacking healing never bothered me that much in SU. Like I ran that with Lynx, but that was mostly for the cleanse and not healing. The cleanse is kinda more difficult to get, although you do have the blessing that can cleanse on shield
How much time would it take to get caught up on whatever this patch is before its gone in 2 days or whatever?
I haven't done any of the story and events, except the first 4 stages of the combat event
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This guy has not been relevant in any teams throughout the 2.x series. You want data? go look at any MOC/PF/AS and the sustains used in all comps are Aventurine/Fu Xuan/Gallagher/Huohuo. Luocha might as well not exist anymore since he does nothing.

Why do you think all tier lists have dropped him for every game mode
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Seele bros we are so back
hey, needs-heals-anon
why dont you do some DU runs over the next few days with gepard and bailu to test them out before you invest
nta but chiming in to say luocha was my best limited roll thus far
He is simply easy to build
doesnt require a cone or any anything special. he is the most reliable low investment healer who *just works*
hes also the best auto mode healer
>whale chart
Now post the E0 one and show Ratio at the top
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what eid are these characters considered at? with cone?
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E0 chart is also fucking stupid, I see a ton of f2p that save a patch or 2 to get E1, and even E1S1
E0 is limited to low impulse control retards that roll on every banner and don't care to build their characters properly, that's why Ratio is on top of that chart, due to people who min max trying him out due to being free, not because he's good
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What is the game trying to tell me?
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Soon bros
Only hyped for my free Fofo (160 Pulls) and Lynx from C1 to C6.
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King's student
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Kafka more like CuteKa
If Luocha is getting buffs by way of a new relic set or planars than this is the time to do it
DHIL buffs?
thats all to really look forward too./
Yanq buffs somehow would be kino
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dotcoper or danhomokek? lmeow
when is kafka rerun?
>Fua on top as always, even Jade
>Dot fell off
>Firepag shilling continues
You don't desrve "Brickpaz" you will never be meta.
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There's absolutely no way the game is trying to shill fua for 3 banners straight with jade, yunli and feixiao right? what the fuck are they thinking?
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what killed the hype?
You VILL build a FUA team.
They probably want to build on the mechanic more and know that not many people rolled for the teams.
half the characters have some sort of fua nigger. It's time to hop on the train.
are people even still playing this slop?
>3 banners straight
Anon, did you forgot Jiaoqiu is after Yunli?
lucklet or Pag=poor?
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Huohuo killed the game
90% switched to zzz
He didn't invest
people are still playing hsr
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meanwhile we have 0 brown girls on the way...
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I've got trotters here now for some reasons
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There's always an option
Yea 90% of HSR...
>IPC staff
He's going to be an indian tech bro
counters are sorta their own thing from fua, they just use the same keyword
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You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep

′Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You′d think me rude, but I would just stand and stare
zzz is kinda dead already though, what are people playing right now? was hoping wuthering or zzz would replace my needs for a new genshin but they both ended up being shit compared to OG genshin
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>Start Fight
>must Rely on Starting RNG that Robins PHAT ASS getting slapped 2 times by the Enemy so she can activate her Burst

Fucking Bullshit
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Your DU became popular enough that they joined in for clout.
can u nofap til yunli or no?
Are we getting a second Ruan Mei or Second Harmony Trailbreazer for activating Superbreak?
Does a litte gamble and got the new Ligthcone with Break Effect and Speed buff.
When is the inevitable Persona 5 collab?
My balls will start to hurt after like 10 days
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Good morning frens
He's egyptian.
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So is she going to do well you think? How popular will she be
imagine nofapping it and then losing your 50/50...
I'm 44 in zzz and already bored of the game. Rotations feel boring after a while and I would rather play real games instead of other gachas.
I will stick with HSR and that's it.
>fapping to yunli
You sick fuck
How is it dead?
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>never appared in the story prior
>Clara v.2
>not extremely broken
>auto unfriendly
Would be surpised if she does better than average.
Ya lo mataste normie
They're desperately trying to pander to the feetfags with this one and it won't be enough to stop her from flopping.
who even will her team comp be? considering shes a 'fixed' clara how good is she really
She will be the most average character to ever exist
streamers don't bother playing anymore after many of them said it's not really enjoyable so they can't find a reason to, discussions dried up, nothing to look forward to apart from random leaks. it's at the exact same state as genshin, star rail and wuthering
Isn't that just the fate of every 3d gacha?
everywhere on the internet i go its just retards.
everyone is fucking stupid. stupid. and i am not even smart myself. its all so tiring. i miss the older days of the internet or perhaps i just miss being young and naive. honkai star rail whos your favorite star railer and why is it kafka
>genshin 5.1k views
>zzz 3.3k views
How the fuck is genshin more relevant?
>short after launch
>jobs to GI
So how is it dead exactly? This is the same thing every gacha has after the first month it is out. Genshin is still top dog followed by star rail in this industry. FGO still tops charts when big servants release and nobody streams it cause the gameplay is dog.
Why would you want to stream a gacha game 8 hours every day when the only thing to do is farm or roll characters
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>managed to get Jade two days before her banner ends
I'm waiting for 2.5 since I want both Feixiao and Lingsha
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HSR for this feel?
Sugilite hopefully
I look like this
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gratz bro, enjoy the whipping
>>487836782 Please refer to the stats before you call Jade a brick meta cuck
so brick'd that a 4 star is a better quantum option
>the 2 top dps are f2p
>jade does shit in moc
>jingliu still relevant
>meanwhile every fucking third worlder keeps whining about p2w and powercreep
I hope you people choke while eating pagpag one day
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>Jade treating Aventurine like that
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she literally own him as a slave.
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Congrats anon
No? The IPC owns him because he's a criminal. You can literally see them interact in the game and their relationship is pretty nice. Stop getting your lore from tiktok and twitter sis
>/gig/ - a shithole with women in it
>/hig/ - still doomposting about Part 2 for the 50th time this month and the worst part is it's completely justified
>/zzz/ - Mihoyo thread for people who don't play Mihoyo games that isn't zzz or hsr (based)
>/hsrg/ - /alter/ colony
I need high level friends who can help me bring beauty to this world!
Is it true that this is an NTR game? I heard Caelus gets cucked by Firefly.
Add me
Why are we so dead
Jade and her banner man...
It's more like the scene with her was like 10 weeks ago and I don't really discuss the lore with people so I don't remember the exact details well.

For some reason I had the impression she'd specifically bought him from that one guy who was his previous owner but I guess why would she, at least not for herself, if she did it would be in the IPCs name to make use of him.
it's refusing to go away
>Argenti SuperBreak team
you're probably an incel but gig has no real, biological women. either you believe homos are women, or mutilations who call themselves "women". real women don't have a reason to visit a board filled with seanogs
>For some reason I had the impression she'd specifically bought him from that one guy who was his previous owner
How? She literally met him when Aventurine was detained for killing that same man. Aventurine tried to buy himself back to freedom but Jade didn't let him because she wanted him in the stonehearts
>try messing around with her in Divergent Universe
>gameplay is all about her getting someone else to work for her

>get to a boss room
>"See that one over there? Let's wring them dry."

>that shot of the sole of her heels in her ultimate
>"Who's a little backstabber?"

I love her, genuinely so happy right now. I would've been so pissed if I missed out on her.
you said the same when firefly's banner was up
you said the same when boothill's banner was up
you said the same when robin's banner was up
that's as far as I remember, maybe you didn't say anything before that because you're an acheronfag
I still neither understand why they bothered to do the part 2 thing nor how they failed so epically.
Sounds like I should rewatch these scenes then.
fuck off grubcucks
Why are we so dead and why is there zero hype for the new patch
My best part of DU is picking a dps for Jade. I usually run Jade+Robin+Fu Xuan, and then pick one of the characters I feel like. I got her E1 so I do stuff like Xueyi and Ratio as well. Ratio with his fua in particular builds her stacks crazy fast.

I used to hate SU/DU but not anymore
This has been a thing since 1.0 anon
Because EOS is coming soon unironically. HSR is in freefall after killing the game to shill Fireflop.
Acheron and aventurine banners were very fast because it was the anniversary
Yunlis slow as fuck banner is killing the game
The plot ended and they needed a new one?
hahaha, I can only imagine 1.1 being around the corner, and people crying about how seele's slow banner killed the game
'tis as you say, Queen of England.
Anyone has Argenti+Jade team?
I'm just curious how good that comp would be compared to Herta+Jade.
Then again they're probably the 2 most unpopular limited
Killed the game
Flopped so hard he accelerated the decline
Flopped, did not improved the downfall despite all the shill and songs
The last nail in the coffin
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FireLove WifeShine
I thought her banner name was kinda stupid but it grew on me
I only roll for e0s
People were actually complaining about Jing Yuans banner because "muh homobanner is killing the game already"
Except that it fuckin didn't because they have the fuckin APHO.
when will Black Swan rerun be?
Firefly killed the game
Jade buried it
Yunli pissed on its grave
use lynx you RETARD
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Stop living in a fantasy world and go outside!
APHO is after part 1 plot too
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We aren't dead, people are just taking a vacation to enjoy New Eridu. The threads will be nice and busy again once we go back to Space China KINO
Never. The game dies next patch
>started doing a light workout everyday a while ago
>don't feel like dying anymore by the end of the workout
Feels good bros
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I am rolling for FOFO
Can I realistically play FuA without Robin, Topaz or Aventurine?
And? It actually continues the plot. And is also unfinished.
reality is 100+ F weather outside
Yes but you would limit yourself to hypercaryy Ratio/Yunli/Clara
kek dead game dead thread
It's really retarded to still only use E0 at this point of the game
I can count on one hand the people here without at least one E1
What was their master plan? They killed both Boothill and Jades viability to shill Firefly. For some reason they also made her fucking Acheron tier so they dropped two Emanators in 2 patches.
That absurd power level also makes playing other teams feel like shit. I tried using Jingliu recently and it's honestly fucking laughable how retarded the powercreep is.
Why are Americans like this
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>Yunli removing her panties and standing over the grave while pissing on it
No. FuA revolves completely around Topaz. Just like DoT completely revolves around the 2 hags. And supabreak revolves around HTB, RM is a thing too, but supa wouldn't exist without HTB.
>FuA doing well in a FuA shilling MoC
No shit?
Lmao dead game, enjoy your brickhag
I mean it wasnt well received either
>Luka cone - 16%
>Pela Ult - 42%
>Black Swan's skill which is AOE just like Pela's ult - 20.8%
>18% from DoT set - First stack is activated by Black Swan, Second by Kafka's cone and lastly third by TrendTB(TB guarantees to be hit so its 100% to land)
>96.8% armor shred AOE
Now where do I get additional 3.2%? Technically Pela debuffs for additional 20% with her technique but it doesn't last. On the other hand this allows to not wait for TB to get hit for maximum damage since Kraken set is still active at 2 stacks.
Overall this is just as effective as SilverWolf team BUT is way more expensive so if you have no access to SW's event cone then there's no difference between rolling SW's E1 to fix energy problems or rolling Kafka cone for Acheron's Kraken Set to be full-active.
They should just make it cost based.
Limited characters should be +1
Each eidolon adds another +1
Limited cones +1
ting/robin/fofo for generic hypercarry

topaz(or chinkmarch)/robin/sigga for dual dps comps where you can use the hunt character to snipe unfavorable targets (like the cup nigger in this moc)

she's better than clara in moc, much better in as (where clara is basically useless) and about the same in pf
The Quantum weighted curio is insane for Jade in DU, she's essentially constantly procing break on everyone.
See, the reason Sunday was right is because people get to choose. You're a fascist if you think you can force me to do what you want. So I'm not going out.
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I really think the new team just hate Honkai Impact players and want their own share of the HSR/GI pie instead of being its own thing entirely, and surprise surprise, nobody liked it. The worst part is that they just keep adding bugs on every patch. They keep milking Part 1 characters on their promotionals and barely show their newer characters. Deep down, they know how much of a failure Part 2 was. It failed to garner any attention from the target audience they wanted and pissed off their already dwindling veteran playerbase. I have never seen such disaster from an old gacha game before. Normally, you'd do anything to keep your older playerbase happy but not Honkaisaato. The worst part is that they'd rather kill the game than implementing fanservice features they removed from the game like the touch system or panties. At the same time, Houkai Gakuen is getting lewder by the day and is actually getting more traction than Honkai 3rd in China now
eidolons remove any semblance of difficulty (any decent team stacked with dupes and jaypegs clears in 0-2 cycles) so comparing anything with them makes little sense
fucking a*lan can be set up to 0 cycle at 8+ cost
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Honkais for this feel?
Someone here said Ting 2 is going to be harmony, not destruction. Was there a new verified leak or just attention whoring again?
Beach event soon right bros....
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I'm bored of this game. What do I do now?
Every leak about Tings path or element is just schizobabble until proven right.
the only reason it wasn't well recieved is that it spoiled the ending and nobody wanted a playable guy in a galge
she's going to be a counter support
skill buffs a character and increases their aggro
ult forwards the enemy team and makes it so the skill buffed char is guaranteed to be targeted
that's one way to do it
it's true, that's why we see trash like hyperbuffed seele climbing at the top
the sample is just too small to justify it
>There's a mouth breathing retard out there that actually thinks this
>wanting coomslop
Give me genius society content already.
I would rather have 4 nerds talk about their Aeon fanfics than go back to china.
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Are there any jade mod that fix her granny's pants,? It's so jarring everytime i use her ultimate.
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>Game is dying
>Instead of investing in it and save it Dawei put an ad for niggerlimpics
Who the fuck watches that shit anyways. Turn-based RPGs dont even appeal to normies
What a waste of money
If you actually look closer you can see that she wears proper panties (but she's wearing them over the ugly granny pant)
that's for 2.6 gweilo
Play ZZZ stupid gweilo.
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>Force unpopular playstyle on unpopular characters for 5 banners in a row ignoring boothill and firefly
>Why is the game dying?
2.6 in october
Can you make it work without robin? Whats the next best choice and how different is it
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That's too long
This is a good approach. What's the point to release critslop again? There's like 80% of characters are already crit-based.
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20% worse
that's why it needed a boost
dotniggers hyperinvested already in their mommies, they don't really need anything
Dot is still lacking a proper harmony and sustain
What was it that killed your enjoyment the most in HSR? For me it was the new Divergent Universe having such favoritism for Superbreak that every other path got fucking shafted.
Not enough fan-service for me(there was before censorship). I prefer Wuwa now.
The lack of Clara shilling
wuwa has fanservice?
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Lmao, that's suck.

Man if they want to create a safe design then just do it from the start. This is stupid
Haven't been too active in HSR this patch, just doing my daily/weekly stuff
Is Yunli worth going for? Any other waifus on the horizon?
tbf Firefly and Boothill are strong enough they dont need shilling
Changli's and Taoqi's boobs are both bigger and more exposed than Nicole's
Honestly speaking this is the sole reason I made the choice between these 2 games. I don't even care about gameplay or anything else and was willing to put-down with TV system but not censorship.
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The snek
>Any other waifus on the horizon?
Lingsha in 2.5
She's alright, Feixiao will probably be stronger.
Yunli is fine but nothing too special.
Feixiao Lingsha and Tingyun are on the horizon
you're getting clara shilling next update since they're releasing clara 2.0
In the sense that the female characters pander to (You)
As does the story.
In the past the Rover, aka (You) was basically god and founded the big China city.
What the fuck is robin really that good? I thought she was only for FUA comps. I have E2S1 Sparkle so I assume thats probably better than E0S1 Robin anyway
yunli is fua...
What's her deal. Is there a current character(s) she compares to or creeps?
Yunli is FUA bro...but yes she's the most cracked harmony in general
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Okay so now that my main gacha has announced EoS, is this a good time to pick up your game?
>aka (You) was basically god and founded the big China city
That's the worst part. WuWa straight up reads like some incel fantasy. Zero realism to the plot at all.
>What the fuck is robin really that good
You can slot her into nearly any team just like RM
Grubble is finally kill?
Deserved after all the NTR and homos honestly
They will just have kamikaze bugs and whine robots again
why would you think that? the only FuA exclusive in her kit is 25% crit dmg during ult, everyone else still benefits from 50% dmg, 20% crit dmg, 1000-1200 atk and the full team advance
Yunli is fua bro
both the director and producer of gbf (kmr & fkhr) announced they are quitting live on stream. its over
No, we're also EOS next month.
yunli > feixao > lingsha > tingyun
Ignore the grubtard he's baiting.
>is this a good time to pick up your game
Not really. It's a dead period for the next few months. But as a grubber, you should be used to that already.
FUA teams are mostly to get her ult back
tbf fua comps give robin a lot more ult ultime from her talent so there's that too
>It's been half a year
Fuck, when are we getting more kino? It's like there is nothing to look forward on the horizon
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But I do and it kinda got stale and lame
I'm not pulling for Robin, I'll simply endure until the dedicated FuA Harmony chick.
Well everything surrounding the rover reads like that but everything else is pretty solid. I thought jinhsi's story in 1.1 was really good. Though I couldn't tell you off the top of my head what her inner character arc was, only that the story did a good job having more of an emotional impact.
What’s the hsr equivalent of this
November at the earliest
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Good morning. Yunli's feet.
>check gbf.
>it's actually true.
huh. eos when? I'm sad we won't get more narumaya though.
Starting origami bird clash now, didn't realize it had multiplayer stuff. Can I clear it in time?
I mean like a full FUA with aventurine etc. Does it make that much of a difference with only a single FUA character
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Same, but honestly it will be hard to top her 100% team advance + flat damage bonus even as a dedicated FUA buffer
We call it "game for non-faggots" here, reddit bro.
I have a feeling that Pearl will fit perfectly into the stoneheart team (but she might be yet another E1 bait for that) and fater that we will get a new team that involves sapphire/obsidian/sugilite/opal
Honestly have no idea what will ever top this trailer for hyping up a future story arc this game has.

The mood of Penacony is just sold so well, the song is exciting and the visuals and so many character reveals was awesome, especially after how dry china had been.
Is Yunli meta? I want to start on a good dps banner
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You think Yunli is good? Get ready for enemies that can stun her, disable her in any way, and hit other enemies instead of her.
Claralets don't know what they are getting into
She clears everything, but won't be the fastest doing so. Dunno if that meets your criteria.
>Is Yunli meta?
do you mean "is yunli popular among trannies"? probably not idk
>and hit other enemies instead of her.
Not a real issue for Clara
Why are you guys saying Yunli is weak? Math niggers told me she is a little lower than Acheron level, you can't lie to me like that.
xhe woke up...
You guys accepting refugees?
How is she a 'popular among trannies' character exactly? Nice projection Fireflyfag
It's not Redo. Rover is just an overseer. He doesn't have supreme power. He just happened to be around when important things happened, so people attributed all the success to him. The most he can do is command things that are part of the program.

It's a whole lot better than some schmuck that just gains godlike powers out of nowhere, or has crazy plot armor for no reason despite being a nobody.
You don't want to be here during burger time anon.
run, bro
are moc stats out yet?
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>burger hour
>immediate cuckpost
welp good night fireflybros
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Nyo. Shoo.
you do realize she has a built in taunt right. that's like saying people don't hit ftb.
huo2 ult helps with robin's ult uptime too, it's actually more energy than aventurine. but yes the chaser and cdmg on fua benefits even hypercarry fua a lot
yunli has cc immune on her ult... just time it properly
Is Bronya a decent cope support for Yunli?
You are a claralet yourself, only the whine robots and the exploding bugs in PF are an issue
>Tingyun 4 tails
This will be the meta comp trust me
Even if it's not optimal I will bruteforce a stoneheart team no matter what.
Does this game have any sort of Crit.Dmg cap?
Sadly not since her skill buff ends at the end of the turn. If you somehow have E6 Bronya then it's not a problem anymore but good luck getting that.
No, but there is a damage cap in the game
So a "turn" is an action rather than a cycle? I assume Ults don't count as turns?
that just makes her better with FuA than other teams like RM is better with break than other teams, not FuA exclusive
Yeah and ults don't count as extra turns that won't reduce the duration of buffs.
>8AM in America
>Cuckposting starts

Save us EU chads
Us EUchads also love watching though, we stand with America
Should IX be higher?
I think they are watching the olympics bro, we are completely doomed for the next week or two
It's basically an action on the time-bar. Ults, follow ups, and extra turns don't count. But 100% action advance would count, because it's another action on the time-bar.

Note that buffs applied during a characters action (only really possible by that very character themselves or ultimates) the buff doesn't tick down. You need to have the buff on action start.
So again, Seele's resurgence lasts 1 turn, but if you get it during her action (i.e. through a kill) it will last until the next action on the time bar.
bailu love
Hmm nyo
>Star Rail sponsored the fucking Olympic
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David Jiang stops managing hsr
No Star rail is not a grinding game like grub and Star rail is in chinkland for next 5 patches or something silly.
There's unironically no other gacha like grub imo.
Try a MMO or something.
Who knows
It's a bear shits in the woods scenario
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Star Rail paid for this?!
Shit, I'm starting to feel the manual burnout like Genshin with Simulated/Divergent universe, now I'm dreading to open the game.
fuck off grubcuck
Fanchuan takes over HSR
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Acheron was my best investment
Isn't Fuli really old?
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Holy kek
Take the opportunity to drop the type
I played for years and leaving was the best
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>wake up from my 7 hour nap
>the fucking thread is still up
Jade's long ass banner killed this place
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Advertising Olympic broadcast license is not that expensive. Especially if they capture different audience since most of gachafag are not /SP/kek.
They didnt play to bring new player, they just want establish Honkai /hoyo brand back to normalfag after Genshin pioneering the first wave
I don't think you can stomach not getting to play the game after dumping stamina, considering that stamina is a nonissue in your game.
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Idrilla is above every aeon, since Beauty is above everything else.
>Mihoyo wants the troon audience
i look like this
Is there a reason March makes my dick so hard? No other genshin or star rail girl does this to me, no matter how cute they are. Just the though of her getting a new outfit/role in a couple days makes me want to fap to her nudes right now
I already can see new batch of Stelle players joining thanks to that...
March is the cutest tgirl in the universe
>7 hour thread
Did wuwa and zzz actualy kill this place?
big genki energy
Wuwa's thread is 13 hours right now
It's not even close to longest thread we had
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Yes, good gentlemen. Beauty evokes you to procreate. Idrilla truly is the Aeon of Beauty! Plant thy seed right in her pussy that the universe may flourish in Beauty!
literally what happened to Honkai Impact after Roastchicken left for HSR and 01niang for ZZZ
HSR wonned bigly
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>Two, potentialy more patches of Chinaslop
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We're cooked
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>7 fucking hours thread
what killed the hype
I rather get cuckolded by Sparkle tho
Umm weren’t we at <110 last time, why are we flopping even harder now…
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Sparkle is a transgender man
Unironically Firefly and Jade
Child's play. A game I dropped by now but still has a thread is like 87 hours already. And it'll be more.
Because nobody doing last minute roll for Jade. We're gonna sink until new banner starts
you killed /hsrg/...
You say that as if it's an issue
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It's not meant to make 70 old olympics watchers download HSR nubmnuts. It's supposed to make people online go "omg Honkai Star Rail sponsored the olympics lemao!!" and keep the game's name circulating and within the internet's consciousness
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Good morning bwos
Why did Mihoyo do it?
rope tonight normalfag, you're a waste of oxygen and you can't even take a hint
Fuli is unknown. Same with Mythus. Apparently, Fuli has preserved the memory of the entire universe, but who knows if that means it has been present since the beginning. Mythus was said to be glimpsed in Fuli's Eden of Blessed Insight, but that doesn't mean it was born there.

Akivili has been present since the first Amber Era, so if Qliphoth is up there, so is Akivili.
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Rise up it's morning
Renew your caffeine addiction
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Fua does well in non shilling MOC's, pf and break shilling. Cope and seethe
>Overall this is just as effective as SilverWolf team
Maybe in pure def shred, but you're also giving up SW's res shred. Plus Acheron isn't on Pioneer, so you're also missing 8% crit and 24% crit damage. I doubt BS's damage is enough to compensate for all this. So better to go SW E1 even if you are a tutoriallet. Also, why the fuck are you running atk% on body? That could have been crit rate or damage.
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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good morning Bronyabro
>Also, why the fuck are you running atk% on body?
I tested that if you already have 200 crit damage total you'd rather go for atk up until 5k. The difference is like 7% to 8% though and it requires you to have her cone.
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I just open and dump my resin in 5 minutes without really paying much attention, i find it hard to burnout since it's super fast and the chores do themselves.
Okay, I assumed you were just an idiot but you actually put some thought behind it. Do you have any source or your own calcs for that? Because this is the first time I have heard about this.
Being Acheron level right now is kinda bad when she uses garbage like SW/Pela and still manages to work while Yunli uses Tingyun/Robin/Fofo to reach the same.
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>Acheron level
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DU is so much faster than SU though, if you're feeling burnout from that do you even want to play the game?
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>Dominate the board for months
>Boothill and Firefly turn the board into hig lite
What does it all mean?
I posted it in this thread a couple of months ago.
Basically I tried 4k attack with 260 crit damage and 4800 atk with 200 crit damage against RuanMei's weekly bug boss and unbuffed Acheron dealt 10k damage difference in favor of ATK maxing.
I tried to replace rings and heads with them having more ATK% than CRTD% and it turned out that effective damage is exactly 1%atk > 1%Crit damage up until 4900 ATK total while having at least 200 Crit damage TOTAL counting in Pioneer.
A big boy, are you. What if the tread was in /vmg/?
Jade... forgotten...
Nobody cares about generic dommy mommy with tumors on her chest
thread was like this long before her banner arrived, she doesn't deserve to be blamed for it
Game peaked with Penacony and Firefly, no one is excited for the rest of the year.
I genuinely think them overshilling break effect destroyed the game.
They were hoping that everyone went for Firefly but the firefly audience was not as big as they thought it would be and it annoyed everyone else by making everything else that isn't break effect feel like shit.
>Brick effect
>Not DoThags
The DoTnigger lashes out at perceived powercreep
How is break more shilled than anything else? We're back to FuA shilling now
Himeko can do most things that Firefly can very similarly, bar implant.
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>create a mode to shill FuA
>this is fine
>create a model to shill Break
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What she mean by this?
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She's riding the Belobog Cock Carousel so she can settle with a provider
>TB owes me sex
>but the firefly audience was not as big as they thought it would be
God I dread the day femoids and fags will go back to Nintendoslopshit/SIMS/Farm_simulator_name games. I won't be able to read absolutely delusional bullshit about relevancy of f2p troglodytes again and these threads will become way more boring.
What's the fua shilling mode?
Kek, now I remember.
Dotshilling has never said “use DoT hags or eat 70% dmg reduction, gweilo”.
he's probably referring to pf
>new boss made for break
>new endgame mode made for break
>new SU expansion made for break
>absurdly overtuned mechanic made to make break better
FuA never got any of this
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The game is dead because they killed our content to shill ZZZ and somehow thought people would be excited for chinaslop right after.
>FuA dominates without any particular shilling
>Complains about FuA not getting special shilling
Jewish behaviour
the new su expansion also benefits ult spammers like ack though?
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That's erudition shill thoughbeit
Doesn't really make sense when ZZZ is a whole new separate team and they still pump more advertising even sponsoring the fucking olympics of all things.
>FuA got MoC buff
>FuA and DoTs buff rotate
Tbh kys.
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I'm excited for chinese Acheron!
>oshi no reddit
>Implying anyone cares about Feixao
I'm not complaing about FuA not getting those things, I'm just pointing out how break is more shilled than everything else
dotshill pf is absolute cancer where the entire fucking roster is borderline worthless and only kafka+black swan are actually good
dotshill pf always comes with the advance enemy when they take damage, Clara is an easy 40k on every single one
When is Feixiao on Beta servers so I can decide if rolling yunli is a good idea or not.
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I came back from /zzz/ since I refuse to post in furfaggot threads. I'm rolling Yunli in 3 days and I'm not a footfag.
good chunk of erudition characters that are good at PF has FUA. Herta is good at it while Serval is pretty mid at it for example.
I do!
Just roll both, ez.
Until dotshilling gets their own “Steadfast Guard” bullshit, nothing is more shilled than Break Effect has been. All dotshilling does is make Kafka Black Swan the same tier as Acheron and Firefly normally. It has never nerfed every other team except dot shilling.
0.005 Yuan have been deposited in your account
you did spend friday evening getting wasted?
bro not every one have 5 usd
FUA fags are unbearable
lmao no kill yourself
>Vandalized thread
Behead ALL Troontroon posters
Lmao, I knew you need to be kind of retarded to work as a content creator instead of a normal job you may enjoy doing, but this retarded?
Not everyone has Clara and the 4 DoT options aren't that good at DoT PF compared to let's say FuA PF which Herta easily demolishes.
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How good is an only feet team like Clara, Yunli, Hanabi and Lingsha?
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Sexcheron won

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