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Previous: >>487816365

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Cute non-pag OP
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>Fofo feet
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
>pag humor
it's hilarious how mindbroken fags here get at FuA
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nice try huopag
Bailu is so lucky to drink all of that
I rather have Fofo, Herta or literally anyone else in the OP than the same 100000th paglus OP
it's hilarious how mindbroken fags here get at picrel
The fofotranny will never stop vandalizing OPs huh?
FuA and DoT shilling has never nerfed every other team. All it does it make them powerful enough to begin to imagine what it’s like to be Acheron or Firefly is like.
>shorter than kafka
Fofo rerun soon!
why is caelus saying he loves men
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You're literally playing a FUA game. Adapt or die.
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Being shorter than a woman means you can motorboat her chest during sex
I wish I wasn't 186cm irl...
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Refugee here
You guys are the only other good 4 guys in a row gacha so I'm planning on picking it up
Did you guys ever get that raid mode I saw posted once? Anyways when is the next good banner so I can start?
yeah dot is so dogshit it needs the shilling to function at the level of normal teams
Granblue shizo, you already asked this question in previous thread.
>Acheron coping with Pela, Silver Wolf and whatever sustain is available
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Yeah that's why everyone was screeching and shitting their pants at the last DoT Pure Fiction?
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I love Yunli so much I'm dumping 500+ rolls for her
Firefly wasn’t out back then.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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I already have the best FUA characters without even rolling limiteds though
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How the fuck are you supposed to beat this.
>whatever sustain
its either FireTB or unoptimal
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Show savings + warp history or you're a hoyo marketer
we got the first semblance of competitive multiplayer in the form of a match-3, but no, co-op guilds have not appeared yet.
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That was another guy
Let us in
how did you get himeko its impossible to get her
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feet game feet general
This game isn’t that hard. Just use Acheron and/or Firefly.
Firefly isn't even particularly good for PF.
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This DESU. Even with a built Sampo DoT PF feels so shit if you don't have Kafka or BS. At least Herta destroys FuA shilling so it doesn't feel as bad if you skipped 5* FuAs.
where's your debuffs bro?
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It's all comes down to Genshin subhumans who expected to roll E2 Dan and clear everything until EOS
Watching them suffer is content I'm glad Dawei provided me with.
You can make almost anything work. Tell me about your gruble favorites, how they looked like and how their gameplay was like, and I will elaborate on who you should roll.
Your 300 standard rolls? I even have S2 of her cone.
E2 Firefly with Himeko would clear one side even if it was shilling DoT.
Then you can just use Acheron for the other side.
are you saving for gepard guarantied?
I just got this game and I'm using the units that are available to me.
Next patch has 1 decent and 1 mid banner, but its a skip patch if you dont like the characters. The 2 after that are probably good
Try again next month after you have actual characters instead of fucking natasha
attack the pixies when his shield is up
drop dr flop for welt or himeko or serval
>Fu AND Nat
Nigga what are you doing. You need to break the thing faster so that you get a shield from the boss gimmick. Also Fu is terrible for the last phase.
everyone was clearing it pretty easily though?
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I stole your chibi. Your chibi is now mine.
>300 standard rolls
bro this is not possible
I'm pretty sure TB is taller than every female, even tho most hags wear heels
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this anon is right, firefly break so many unit that himeko always gonna have her stack full
I'm gonna start the candy crush today. What am I in for?
You too, Grub bro? I should have caught the signs earlier...
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tell your bosses to make better toons if you want us to roll
Your 450 days played????
If you pick TBird: you're soulless and you didn't beat the game
>barely made it
Holy shills
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people post their headcanons all the time, but when someone else's clashes with their own they lose their minds
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Without Fu I get fucking wiped 5 seconds in, I only go Nat so I can brute force these shit bosses. Can't even break all the pixes without running out of skill points on a different team
Would if I could...
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>roll Acheron
>roll firefly
>content is solved until 2026
>new characters are just 1% DPS increases for Acheron and Firefly
What do I look forward to next?
i have them that how i know 300 is not possible
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probably just bots at this point unless other people are also doing it last second
LMAO fucking shills
Default bird is best, collect your free wins
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Go for Silverbird
you either job or absolutely steamroll
Any real yunli savers in here???
Post something giggers can never relate to
new supports to make acheron and firefly relevant until 2035
Clara and Yunli cooperative footjob while devouring Sparkle's toes!
Is the footpandering not regulated by the CCP? Maybe this is just a way to avoid censorship
>check out /gbfg/ because of KMR's leaving
>they shit on HSR 2.3 story
damn penacony might be the biggest let down of mhy's storytelling so far
I'd understand if it were armpits and sideboob, but feet are gross
I can't believe /gbfg/ dies before we do
Feet being sexual has to be some kind psyop brainwashing for zoomers because it never was this prevalent before. I don't even understand how you can find that sexy, do you just pop a boner in the middle of the street since every girl has their feet out during summer?
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>Smiling Seele
Nobody cares Shay
Nah China are massive footfags. You should Google what their foot fascination made them do to women’s feet in the past.
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Holy shit I did it
Child of Calamity is stronger than I thought. The rest of my run was ass.
Do feet grow hair unlike stinky armpits? I don't think so!
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Next week's Xianzhou questline looks weird
Mine do :^)
lmeow, no one is rolling yunli, because hsrg skipped robin.
>Cuckge residents talk about story quality
<hits pipe>
You need to break faster. Using Gui or Serval might be better than Ratio in this case cause you want those ads broken a lot. Also here's something funny about this fight. If you ever reach the final phase. The final phase Sunday has a harder time killing you the fewer characters you have alive. HMC would easily solo the final phase Sunday.
It's a hard life out there for us without Firefly.
How are people this retarded thinking ccp gives a shit when snowbreak exists...
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Is there an Acheron rerun coming in the next few patches? I need another DPS.
Do you pop a boner when every girl has their ass and tits out during summer?
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Am I supposed to care about a game that gets THIS as a summer event?
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I rolled for Robin…
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She's a shipbait. I will now only roll for characters like Firefly.
Also return fanservice levels that make femoids seethe while you at it.
Sparkle might be a pathetic friendless clingy loser, but at least she has never played gbf.
Didn't they have to raise its age rating or whatever.
you said that but HSR would break revenue record with aventurine in bikini
>Got Robin early, have barely used her
If Yunli wasn't such a s1 bait and I didn't have so little resources, I'd get her
>brick jade
bro lol
Focus on breaking the boss. Each time you do, you get a shield. Shield is so strong that I was able to sustain in that fight with just March. You are forced to use the best unit against him, so spam HTB skill. AoE units that match the weakness are also good, like Himeko or Serval. And after that characters like Ratio who do match weakness, but lack aoe
I'm willing to bet that 2.4 will have our first double re-run banner with Black Swan and Ratio + Silver Wolf or something.
2.5 maybe
>GBF shitting on any game's story quality
Their story quality is shit down to their shitty obsession with the homoangels and status quo.
use serval asta natasha fire tb
well did they get the same with the girls?
Our story is shit due to our obsession with chink ships and GLORY TO THE XIANZHOU
Granblue's legacy is... Djeeta?
We already know that the 2.4 reruns are Fofo and Sparkle.
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Erudition, all 5 share the same hp so aoe damage is just st dmg x 5 for them in the first two phases and 3rd phase is a joke
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I meant 2.5 and 2.6
Why is she always eating stuff. Is it because she swings a big sword?
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Costumes and new outfits when?
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quick question sorry, is it too late to start this game or no?
it's never too late but you missed stuff
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>tfw newfag
>want kafka
>want oberon
>need to at least get Kafka E1 and E2 Acheron
>need to get their teams too
I'm not gonna make it...
I miss them
yes its to late the servers are closing in 2 weeks
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If you're joining for the Fate collab then you're not too late cuz they gave you an entire year
Yeah you missed firefly so you won’t be able to beat the game for the next 6 months until they rerun her.
fgo is down the hall bwo
But I already have Fofo.
Cremation really freaks me out. Having my last mortal remains and proof that I once lived and was human erased and turned to dust to put in a jar. Let me rot in the ground.
fuck, I didn't notice
just use That
Do you really want worms to crawl into your anus and eat you from the inside?
Thanks, I'll give it a few more attempts. The most frustrating part about Penacony is the constant build-check bosses, which would be easy if I wasn't a newfag.
But the fact it takes several days to level a character and experiment with builds on a new account is so retarded.
If it was any other game I could do it within seconds.
>first gacha game?
I thought Djeeta was a meme this whole time about poojeets playing GBF
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Oh, ok then
I can only afford to buy the monthly pass...
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QRD on why we're getting so many GBF refugees?

fofo's yunners greatest ally
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GBF imploded and HSR is the other big 4 in a row turn based game
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forgot pic
>king of build-checks
that's going to happen regardless, it's the choice between letting your remains be used by other life forms or not
Someone explained it in the zzz general.
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One day even your bones will turn to dust anyways, it's just a difference in time and doesn't really change much else.
>skipping anything
Ha, right. I still chuckle when I remember that one thread with anni statistics, completely plastered with Luocha.
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>Having my last mortal remains and proof that I once lived and was human erased and turned to dust
That is an unavoidable fate for everything and everyone, cremation only accelerates the process and skips the ugly process of decomposition.
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Why did gbf kill itself by turning into a fujopandering game anyways? Didnt characters like galleon sell super well?
Honkai star rail
>The most frustrating part about Penacony is the constant build-check bosses
Probably because the game has been out for a year+, so they wanted to make some fresh new encounters to avoid the game getting stale. Plus oldfags have had time to level multiple characters, so they actually can enjoy having a reason to use a different character.
>But the fact it takes several days to level a character and experiment with builds on a new account is so retarded.
You don't need max level characters, traces and relics to clear the story. I play the story constantly with TB and March, which used to be undergeard with just level 0 relics. And at highest level farming, getting to level 70 should only take two days per character. Unless you just increased your world level, then you should have enough spare stamina to farm some random character on the side. What else are you going to spend it on? Purple relics?
why care about what's going to happen to your corpse? you'll be dead
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Roll for Fofo
He is. That guy's brainrotted.
djeetatroons wishes, grub legacy is the fighting game.
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It doesn't really scare me but I'd rather my body returns to the earth than being burned desu. The ideal for me would be just dying in the middle of a forest.
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sometimes I wish we got some of HI part 2 characters here in star rail instead. They are so good, and I feel like they're wasted on a dying game like HI3rd. Songque, Thelema and the new sleepy girl look cute and sexy as fuck
The only hard enemy in Peniscolony was Aventurine. The rest was feasible if you aren't a brainlet.
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I wonder why fossilization burials aren't a thing, surely we have the technology
>but ackshually your bones still decay and it's just rocks!
I know, but still...
I will maybe. Will wait for leaks of the snek before deciding, even if I doubt she will replace Gallagher
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i just checked through all three threads and no one explained it...
That fight has the only good song in the entire soundtrack.
Couldn't disagree more, I think they're all ugly as fuck except for the blonde chink girl. I'd rather get Kiana and Teri over them.
Maybe it’s a culture thing but I’d rather get buried than burned to ashes
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you'll get 20 rolls or until I get my last Yukong eidolon
Follow the (you) chain from this post >>487856350
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Is the sword tournament on the next update?
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What's the matter, gbfgbro...? Isn't this what your game is all about...
>shilling that chinasloppa turboflop
shameless sunk cost /hig/kek
Apparently it's a thing, actually. I guess that some people are very concerned with things that are of no use.
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who gives a shit you're dead either way. you think a casket with a tombstone will make you feel better in that eternal sleep?
I already DID
First off, you ALWAYS target the boss, never the adds, UNLESS you're playing Seele.
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I can't get revived by a necromancer if I'm ashes
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you're actually still conscious for a long time afterwards and can feel everything.
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>grand prize of the wardance is a SWORD, FORGED IN ICE AND MOONLIGHT'S CHORD
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I need to be in good condition so that Ruan Mei is able to revive me in the future
I never got into hi because of it's shit UI. I just like the designs because they pop up in my instagram and twitter feed
You guys are retarded and have no reading comprehension. He’s afraid of not leaving a mark on this world, not the state of his body after death.
I don't see what the problem is I thought GBF players were into naked buff men
Got into the game after the Ruan Mei banner.
Ruan Mei rerun waiting room...
Good, pyres should burn.
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Why can't hoyotards stop thinking about analworms?
not a good look fukeks
Fofotroons are getting uppity again
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>Plus oldfags have had time to level multiple characters, so they actually can enjoy having a reason to use a different character.
It's understandable, I would prefer things the way they are now if I were an oldfag too.
>level 70 should only take two days per character.
I know it's a gacha game and that's how it works here. But even you have to admit it's a little frustrating when you need to pause the msq to bring 4 characters to level 70?
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I already did gro
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Hey thread. Have you seen this girl? She has a warrant for her arrest.
I'm a millennial with a foot fetish. I'm convinced it's normal to find feet attractive but it gets suppressed during childhood (cartoons making fun of characters with smelly feet, your parents telling you feet are dirty and gross etc). The psyop is that they managed to suppress a male primal urge.
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>rolling for a 37 years old hag
Don't think so, but she looks ferocious.
huohuo is fucking ugly and i have no idea why some retards here are obsessed with her
>I'm convinced it's normal to find feet attractive
It isn't. You're dumb as fuck and there is absolutely ZERO biological reason why someone would find feet an indicator of sexual health in a mate unlike other secondary sexual characteristics. Kill yourself.
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Not a good look, _____keks.
Because they can identify themselves with an ugly undesirable green rat
You want Yunli? You gotta roll Fofo
Saving for Kafka? You gotta roll Fofo
do NOT miss her again
>I'm convinced it's normal to find feet attractive
No it isn't you freak lmao
Biologically there's zero reason to find feet sexy, your brain is just fried by the internet.
>rolling for abundancebrick
>rolling for a rerun abundancebrick when you know lingsha is coming out a patch later
Hands are a prime indicator of health and this nigger is pretending like feet aren't, lmao. Literal brainlet take. Kill yourself, retard.
You're actually not allowed to roll Fofo. I won't allow it. You missed your chance. Now that she's meta you want her, but when she was just a cute sex creature you skipped? You don't deserve her, and you CANNOT roll her. FUCK YOU.
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I will be skipping that ugly goblin again
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>T_____ r_____ a__ h____ r_____
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Right? Fromsoft released a disk 3 with a bunch of remixed tracks that sound 10 times better than the base ones.
WhereTruths Meet is probably my favourite fromsoft soundtrack.
All I need is Ruan Mei to make my meta team... Mihoyo onegai...
>Now that she's meta
? She was never particularly meta and especially not now when Gallagher and Aventurine are mogging her
>anti-feet schizo at it again
I've nooticed he's been active for a few days now.
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I think people are just predisposed to fetishizing parts of the body that are usually covered up
>Hands are a prime indicator of health
Wrong, TEETH are what people used to check the health of things like slaves. Being attracted to feet is pure mental illness, hopefully they find a cure someday.
girls that look like they could pee themselves at any moment are cute
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Trans "ice" are human days!
she triggers my AGP
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>You want Yunli?
You need robin*
>Saving for Kafka?
you need black swan*
If you are a faggot, woman or are otherwise attracted to anything that isn't tits or ass (as a male) or status and height (as a female), you are a degenerate. That includes anime girls btw. Don't pretend like you're normal, faggot.
literally the biggest meme healer of all time, offers literally nothing to teams, no dispel, no buffs, no debuffs, requires skill points. outright embarrassment of a sustain pushed exclusively by actual literal dicksucking faggots.
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Both Genshit and HSR are cuckge
I started just a week ago okay
you people don't have far enough sex
Well that and you can condition yourself into having a fetish
Trying to make sense of fetishes via biology and shit like that is fucking retarded and won't work, ever. People for some reason try to search a justification for why they like something instead of simply liking it
>picked up the game after her two banners
>she's broken as fuck and no one knows when her next rerun is
Brb killing myself
You're the one claiming attraction to feet is normal and disliking it is a fucking psyop. It's not normal and will never be normal. I wonder how many times you've jacked off to men feet because they look basically identical to female feet. faggot
Is this supposed to be a bait? The form is so angular that I can't quite tell.
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I'm gonna make Yunli my primary Physical DPS for the forseeable future since I don't have a limited Physical DPS yet. I hope I don't regret my decision.
Also we were robbed of Evil Yunli.
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è finita...
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Idk I think I wear shoes as little as physically possible and it still makes me horny as fuck. even if everyone were barefoot forever I think I'd still have a massive foot fetish. I've tried to wear myself out on it but my love for feet is literally infinite.
>33% performance boost with her signature
Why is the taunt value increase part of her base kit?
Or maybe women are predisposed to cover up the body parts men are giving unwanted attention to.
>I'm not the same poster you schizo-d out to, and I'm not a faggot so no, I don't jack off to male feet, troon. You're coping hard at this point. I feel bad for you and the fact that you're probably brown makes it even worse.
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Manifesting lamia lingsha
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I'm a HEALTHY NORMAL person so whatever makes my dick hard is normal too
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>Nahida is the face of NTR in mihomo games
What went so right?
I just realized we don’t have any Erudition Wind, or Imaginary
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wrong and rude
What even is the deal with cursed swords in space.
>tfw aventurine will never heal you
What buffs does he give the team? You know, like Fu's crit rate, or Fofo's energy and attack, or even Gallagher's break damage increase. What do you do when someone on your team gets mind controlled by Kafka? With Fu or Fofo it just outright doesn't happen, Fofo it even action forwards the person that gets MC'd lmao

Aventurine is literally Luochud level, but fags have to cope I guess.
It could have been Senti...
you vill roll ze cone gwailo
idk, something to do with Heliobi apparently, dunno why anyone would put Heliobi in swords, sounds like a terrible idea and it probably was since Yunli's parents are dead now
kaka urine is good in specifically the fuashit team
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I simply do not get CC'd.
>b-but it's only 50% eff res!!!
Just reset the fight lmao
wtf is senti
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>People for some reason try to search a justification for why they like something instead of simply liking it
Yes, because that it what makes us sapient
Bro your E4 Robin to get 100% effect res and be immune to all the boss’ BS?
The Zhuming is where the Flint Emperor is kept so it may be related to heliobi, or could also just be another Stellaron crisis.
Yunli is "Senti"
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>start having second thoughts on Yunli
>already farmed her relics
>everyone is saying to skip Yunli to roll for Feixiao despite all the "chinkslop" hate
This is the real redpill Kakaurine copers refuse to swallow.
3rdshit. Don't worry about it.
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I'm the evil fofoposter. Have a BAD day! You will get the relic sets you don't want! I hope you ONLY roll bad stats on your relics! You won't get a single purple trace today! You will miss the 50/50 to yanking, and your LC 50/50 to Bailu's LC. Those MoC bosses? They will target your harmony unit. That PF stage you've been struggling with? You will miss your desired stage clear by 100 points. The pinball gacha at Aideen Park? You will get only common loot. The lootable weekly missing parcels? Only bad items.

Your day will be BAD!
Nobody is rolling for Feixiao though
We skip tailless animal girls here
both of those characters are chinkslop retard
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>sustain talk
we already know who the true sustain king is
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Why won't the jannies delete this thread?
This is HONKAI Star Rail.
Remember to put "HONKAI' in the thread name

Fucking anti honkai schizos
>rolling a Hunt brick in 2020+1
Increased crit damage taken
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even = roll for yunli
odd = skip 2.4
0 = roll for Jamiroquai
this, same reason I'm skipping lingsha even though im a massive slut for reptilian girls.
they would let him watch
Favorite star railer
Favorite ZZZer
Favorite genshin
We should be able to press the A button at the right time to dodge enemy attacks like in Super Mario RPGs.
Speak for yourself mongrel
enjoy your sloppy second!!
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single target, tied to ultimate, and a miniscule amount
Herta, Corin, Amber
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Lmao the seething from fofofags is hilarious.
Sorry your character is brickbundance instead of the actual good sustaining path and worse than a 4 star.
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You won
The one with the lil pig soldiers
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Lady Fu
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It's not even /srg/
no homo but we need more men like this
>Rolling for a Xianzhou general
LOL you guys never learn, Lingsha is the safe bet
fuck off.
this general should just rebrand to srg and remove the "Honkai"
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Lingsha is a filler character with zero story relevance
You do realize that he has crit damage intake as a debuff, yes. Also, Kafka is the only CC enemy against which charge-based CC res is actually effective, robots burn through it like there's no tomorrow, and in case with Fofo if you were to do something like low res Clara against robots even Fofo's cleanse rate won't keep up.
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>Aven ult's debuff is just a +CDMG buff to the attacker so it doesn't synergize with Concerto
Why? It has "Honkai" in the title?
Von Lycaon
The more HI3turds post the more I agree with this initiative
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oops meant for >>487861891
If Dawei steps down, all hoyo games lose or do we get a better guy
Lingsha will be the Jade to Feixiao's Firefly
no one like footfags
Bronya already took over.
Dawei is just the face of mihoyo, he doesn't work on any of the games in any way
>he has crit damage intake as a debuff
15% crit damage single target on his ultimate, Fu gives 12% crit RATE just for existing, literally double the crit value not even tied to ultimate. Your homo sucks, cope seethe and mald fagboy
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That may not be Clara sex, but you're on thin ice, buddy
knot is t0 bwo you should've written nekomata instead
Just roll E6 Robin and make it 450% crit dmg already.
You'll learn to appreciate him against the the Doomsday Beast AS.
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Anons, would you be accepting if your daughter liked Aventurine?
The purest girl of course
Guinafen / Sparkle
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I'm eating butter with jam
Cloud retainer
I didn't think much of Seele at first but then I thought about how hot it would be to bend her over an underground Belobog trashcan and fuck her from behind
The debuff on his ult is there for ratio and Ack synergy. It could have been literally anything.
Holy FUCKING based. Best post itt
ur a fat fuck

I have played Genshin and ZZZ for maybe an hour each. I really really like Amber's design, too bad Genshin's gameplay is awful you can't even aim Amber's ultimate, what the FUCK is that?
kinda crazy to think this guy's whole career revolves around hoyoslop
Haven't played
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Zhu Yuan
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More and more dps have crit rate up on their traces or straight up don't give a shit about crit rate anymore, which is one of the reasons Fu has fallen off.
>But even you have to admit it's a little frustrating when you need to pause the msq to bring 4 characters to level 70?
Yeah it does suck. I had to level my account level for ZZZ recently to continue the story, so I kinda know how you feel. However, I meant it more as level your characters while doing the story. Unless you go maximum showerlet, then you should take multiple days to do the story. And you can always use fuel if you really want to continue. Spending 60 fuels now to get sooner to higher farming levels is the same as saving that fuel to use while farming on that high level. But I do agree, just an unfortunate side effect of being gacha. I have been asking for trail teams for months in the surveys, like they recently did in ZZZ. So you can get lore accurate teams, plus don't have the problem of hitting a wall because you have to level characters.
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i mean so does everybody who works at mihoyo
if you're already capping crit rate what stops you from swapping around relics to get more cdmg instead?
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didn't play
Hu Tao before I quit that shit game
Who would win in butt wrestling, Topaz or Zhu Yuan.
You don't get it, huh. Aventurine ults all the time, FUAs all the time, and all that shit ultimately contributes to damage taken by enemies with toughness reduction and shit, potentially with debuffs if it's like Acheron or whatever. FX does it with her ult, but only her ult and she doesn't have offturn presence otherwise, and Fofo sure as fuck is not breaking shit.
Oh, and by the way, I have all of these, yay.
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Just finished Penacony and I feel it's worse than Luofu because of it's wasted potential.
Only the parts about the previous Trailblazers were interesting and I didn't really care much about the other characters' stories.
What are your thoughts?
So green is just code for "plis no bully, uwu"
Luofu had no wasted potential because it was so shit it had no potential in the first place.
I mean sure it was wasted potential and 2.1 was terrible but no way in hell was it worse than luofushit
I really don't care if my sustain is doing 12k FUA damage when my Acheron is doing 500k ultimates
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>CN only webevent
Why does mihoyo keep doing this
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Zhu Yuan
Barely played but Dehya and Arlecchino have the hottest designs imo
wasted potential is still better than no potential, I also think it's funny Luofusloppa ends with a funeral whereas Penacony ends with a fireworks show, really shows the stark difference between the two
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chinese game gweilo
be lucky you're allowed to play it
Who cares? only chinks care about those characters.
>space china shit is for space china only
if only they did that in the actual game
You should've known mandarin by now, gweilo
2.1 was also good btw
If you have HIV, sure.
Go play ZZZ already gweilo
fofo mogs them all
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At least you can still remember the side events in Loufu...
>higtroon melty
The actual damage is not the point. People probably don't build FX for damage much either, it doesn't mean that she can't break a bunch of shit on the deer or something by dropping her ult. Think about what it's like to fight, say, AS Cocolia with Fofo or FX vs the same fight, but with Aventurine, it's pretty clear what will work out smoother.
why can't you stop whining about everything? so what if they get some web event? literally who cares, you fucking tranny?
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>tfw interested in Lingsha
>Don't want Firefly
>don't plan on building HMC either
Luofu was way worse in terms of wasted potential, 1.0 ended with "I wish the Alliance will exist forever, but not in the way you desired." and then she immediately gets scrapped in 1.1 for literally nothing.

I liked Penacony as a whole, but it started to feel like Genshin with shit being explained multiple times over. Dead bird story 3x, Aventurine's shit that could've been condensed into 5 minutes, Acheron and Welt talking nonsense after finding the exact same shit as Aventurine and then it being relayed to the player AGAIN because Welt needs to tell TB about it. I can't stand that repetitive shit and it's the main reason I dropped Genshin.

I'm hopeful for Luofu2 because I like tournament arcs.
Yeah, then why the fuck am I the only one in this general with a handfetish? While footshit gets posted nonstop? Your comparison doesn't make any sense
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Why would the most talked patch be worse than China
Real support for Acheron when?
disliking popular stuff doesn't make you interesting
I agree kakaurine patch was bad, but the quintetsloppa was so bad hsr had zero fan art for a whole year.
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>[Battle of the flops]
HuoHuo managed to retain her title as the worst selling female banner in HSR
time for a cud
do you really need that 60 jades?
It's more embarrassing by the fact that Huohuo was the first half
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That 60 jade is making the difference of 3* moc 12 or not, so it multiplies!
Weakest erudition character and strongest abundance character btw
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>Weakest erudition character
There's very important characterization of the new china characters in that event bro... it's not just about the jade...
Notice how all the shitposters schizos we had in the last weeks are gone will the fofoposting is active? I'm noticing
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You can use new march as a firefly substitute in super break.
Very happy that Jade was able to beat that thing after all.
No one cares about those chinese characters
It's not china only.
They messed up the global page and started the Jde web event again.
If you login for the first time today you will see that the web event window is glowing red but it links you to the expired Jade event.
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We won.
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Fofo keeps the evil spirits away
Still better than jade
Ruan Mei
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Imagine skipping fofo a second time
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unhealthy amount of cope
Don't have to imagine it, I'm gonna do it.
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I did it bros. 161 speed and 213% BE with Aeon.
I'm finally free from the mines.
I will skip every single time
Ruan mei
She’s an even bigger brick than Luocha.
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New cute and canon about to drop soon
How would he not realize the ocean is big? He can see it from space because he's on a fucking space ship. What planet are they even on?
I wasn't there the first time.
I'm gonna get her hopefully, I'm close to pity but it's a 50/50.
I won 8 in a row and I'm afraid my luck is gonna run out.
This is not fair because prydyn allows E1 Jade for MoC, while everyone else has to be E0
>le 161 meme
>on firebrick
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I skipped Ruan Mei and sleep well at night knowing this fact
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All Fofo posters look like this
Retard bwo...
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game sucks so i don't have one
game sucks so i don't have one
game also sucks so i don't have one
as for my favorite wuwer yeah game sucks so i don't have one I FUCKING HATE VIDEO GAMES
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It's this one
>fox has a male harem
>uhh yeah she will totally fuck the girl
Yurifags reaching fujo levels lately.
Wait i missed the memo. What's wrong with 161 FF?
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el general cansado...
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>I won 8 in a row
You can post as many garbage paglose graphs as you want, it doesn't make you right
Eh, Fofo is kinda terrible before e1s1, and even then an SP blackhole that your sustain doesn't really want to be where it matters. (and you need no Fofo if you don't end up an SP blackhole)
U need 155 with Ruan Mei for 165 total
>Yurifags reaching fujo levels lately.
What an ironic thing to say when you're reaching in the exact same post
It's called perspective. It's because he only saw it from space he never realized how big it is
Bow to the flop queen!
If your using her with RM you only need 155
If you are using her without RM you need 165
wtf this game is hard
Nah ur just bad. U have to play fofo on the edge of dying u only sp heals against kafuka
>characters have over 200 spd in AS
>cockholeia still moves like 6 times before while i get to go once
what the fuck is wrong with this game
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I wanna kiss his tummy so bad...
One of those niggas is such a simp he has her in his splash art.
161 is only for characters you want to outspeed a 160 spd character on your team, generally for the harmony support you want to go first in a hypercarry setup. Firefly has different breakpoints than most characters because she gets a lot of speed and action advance from her ult.
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We are so back
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Seeing March Luka and Yanqing during the Olympics is wild
There’s a difference between not being as SP positive without E1, and Jade literally tumbling over and dying the moment there is only one enemy on screen without E1, contributing nothing but a 30 speed boost (literally just run Asta at that point)
>he has her in his splash art.
161 itself is already a meme, you hit the breakpoint for 4 actions in 2 cycles at 160 spd
and firefly's relevant speed breakpoints are different, she needs 164.4 spd (154+ruan mei) to hit an additional action in first wave of cycle 0 (.. which can let you keep gallagher's ult for wave 2 to then 0 cycle)
flopflop killed HSR
Literally the same shit
>they showed up close to each other so they're fucking
Hmm nyes, fuqing fags said the same thing about theirs so I agree.
tb is so lucky...
Don't care still rolling
>Gepard covkblocking us from his sister
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does he top?
You're being disingenuous because you're ignoring every other piece of media that QQ and Fu Xuan appear in together.
Oh no problem then. I do have RM but I just want her to go fast
can't wait for 5 star Wan Qing and Ching Lung at 2.10 update haha... who needs other planets if Xianzhou have everything....
I'm actually a muscular man, I run 2 days a week and lift 4 days per week. I'm also not brown or yellow, I'm white. I just want a small girl to manhandle.
How good is Yunli without Robin? Had to skip because the song is annoying
A lot of the backtracking in 2.1 came from the writers attempting to have side characters pretend to main character, and figure shit out on their own only to realize last minute that it doesn't matter if a side character has information it's useless unless the MC hears it. All of it could have been avoided if they just didn't do the perspective flip
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So why does the action queue straight up fucking lie to you sometimes
I never thought about it but this art excludes all the underworld niggas except Seele kek
You can just use Ruan Mei. Robin was always a shitter Ruan Mei anyway.
Why are you retard
soulless husk of a man
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Stelle sisters, we could never...
It doesn't account for SPD buffs that are going to expire after the current turn
Aventurinefags are freaks.
>You're being disingenuous because you're ignoring [Zero significant interactions to the point where no Fuqing fag even wants to post anything that happens in game and just posts fanart]
Huohuo banner was airing druning floptanes "archon". All atention was there. During that time I dropped HSR as well and it was my big mistake. I'm not coming back for Natlan and not even trying it.
I skipped Sparkle, you really think I won't skip your anemic child healer? I'll skip her TWICE.
dont bother, all her meta teams have robin
I feel like people hate on Jade too much. She is very fun and good.
new C&C just dropped
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I'm gonna be honest I wouldn't let my kids play hoyoslop
shut up
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before mihoyo he was a hololive artist kek, he got the boot in the BA fandom btw
Plenty of ingame screenshots were posted back during the 1.4 ghost hunting event.
>she is very fun
Only with E1
>and good
Only with S1
Jade without E1S1 might as well not exist outside of PF
She's very good in specific fights and with specific teammates, the Blade/Jade combo is very strong
Wait so Feixiao does a follow up attack every time a debuff is applied so Jiaqiu does his aoe attack then Feixiao attacks everyone one the screen?
Any data to back that up or are you just posting out of your ass again?
I don't like weird fetish pandering, so I skipped her. I was going to roll her until I saw her trailer.
Should I farm for Fleet or Penacony
why would he get booted by those absolute kiddy diddlers?
no way, you guys told me jade will 100% be the gigaflop
his first genshin pics have hi3 characters, he tried to use the hi3 mentality on ba.
you know what happened next.
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I can’t believe Boothill outsold Jade.
The fun comes from watching Jade spam her whip, which makes her ult and you get to see the cute snake more
Outside of PF, Jade without E1 takes a gorillion to whip, takes a gorillian years to ult.
S1 is a massive >20% dps increase over all other LC except for maaayybe Himeko’s but again that only works in PF
Jade outside of PF and Calyx farming, just sits on the bench looking pretty
do you have sparkle and ting? do you plan on rolling the cone or are you fine with playing qpq lynx?
>Jade without E1 takes a gorillion to whip, takes a gorillian years to ult.
You are acting like MoC never has fights with three enemies on the field.
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True, extremely fun. I was very close to skip her, but after using her from a support, I loved her gameplay so I just rolled. Her kit is fun even outside PF, the only part I don't like a lot is that in pure single target fights she really needs her eidolon to be on par with any non-erudition unit.
She whips once and all mooks are dead, and then she just stands there.
To introduce content that continues to engage our players, we are Hoyoverse will be implementing new enemies who apply shields to themselves. While their shields are active, these enemies cannot have their toughness reduced and cannot have debuffs applied to them. Please continue to enjoy our game and thank you for your participation.
You only see that increase if there is less than 3 targets or she is buffing a hunt character. The QQ battlepass cone is also very good on her.
autists did moc 0 cycles with jade hyper and no limited eidolons restriction just fine
she just needs robin to shore up the single target weakness
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Why? Boothill is one of the few units that can clear Apocalyptic Shadow. Unlike Jade who is top tier in a mode where Herta and Himeko safely clear, he is much more required.
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still waiting for the apology
>Now has Serval and Guin selected
That's a much better call, go with that. Even if you're undergeared as a new player you'll have the same amount of Toughness damage to build shields with, you just need as much speed as possible on them. Use off-set speed boots if you need to.
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>lost 4 3 were early
you don't know how good you have it
>second biggest male flop
If your character makes no cash it deservers jack shit
It's just that Jade ended up being stronger than everyone thought she would on E0. No other erudition can clear as fast in MoC. I know because I've tried Jing Yuan in lightning shilled MoC
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it baffles me that people will spend 10$~20$ on these icons,
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Over the Galaxias 2 tomorrow
I've never bought the super premium Genshin BP and I still regret it to this day, I'm not making the same mistake
I don’t know. I tried Jade in AS. And any time Cocolia summoned her swords, Jade went full sicko mode and killed them all. The moment the swords were all gone, she just stood there.
I'm so happy this general is dying.
I go out to eat and have a hard time paying $30. at the same time, some dorky dude in the US goes out to eat and pays $500 without even blinking.

some people get paid to survive. others get paid to live in heaven
>With the exception of one (2) votes to FOMO, every other person has voted "Pull for who I like."
OK, so then why do posters here constantly rail against accounts that pull "flop" units?
I wish I were dying instead
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fofo's extremely sexy: ummmmmmmmm.....uhhhhhh......
>AoE characters work in AoE
No way....
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Not expelling Fofo the reddit and its posters had disastrous effects on this thread
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of laughter!
because it's funny
eye bags, peed pants, negative chest
feet sighted
Those people """coincidentally""" really like the meta units
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They're lying on the poll, and it's obvious when you see Ruan Mei and super break on every clear
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Top 10 revenue for first half of the year
I bought one at launch so I could prove I’m a day 1 player, got my fave characters icon and then got the Topaz/Aventurine one but I never really used those
I’ll only buy it again if Sushang gets one
Reddit Mei posters do much worse damage.
>"I only pull for who I like."
OK, who do you like?
>"Acheron, Firefly, and Ruan Mei."
ah, a twitter post with 5 views? time to project my homophobia onto straight women again.
E1 opens up a lot more pairings too. I can slot Jade in whenever i pick up the space cheese in DU and it feels so good. I wish I had E1 Jade didn’t lose two 50/50’s on Jade to Geppie and Clara
I'll be real with you. I hate using characters that the majority of sheeple are using, so I keep shilling already shilled characters, like Acheron or Firefly. My goal is to have everyone but me roll for meta so I have my own lineup. Using a unique comp instead of what tierlists say is so fucking rewarding too.
E1 Jade is just really busted in general. Take Pela with wind set is shit just gets funny. I'd imagine Feixiao with wind set will be very similar as well.
fgobros, we did it!
But I have been a Ruan Mei fag since june last year
You’re still a metafag
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Prove you roll who you like, post your rolls.
>Acheron and Firefly pushed DoT out of being the meta
Kafka bros... we're back to being SOVL!
unironically rent free
if it's a character i don't like they deserve to flop, so that mihomo will make more characters i do like
roll for who you like and pick some supports for them
i rolled ruan mei for sushang and sparkle for qq
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they end up liking characters more when theyre meta so technically they arent meta pullers
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Very weak (You) bait. Do better.
man, kind of want to roll jade now... why is everyone else having fun
I love the IPC. ALL my Stellar Jades for the Amber Lord!
t. acheron ruan mei firefly roller
Last time I posted I skipped both Ack and Firefly I got bombarded by seething metafags.
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the only "questionable" characters I've rolled for are Jingliu and Ruan Mei, I genuinely like all the others
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toots please
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>He loves the jews who want to control the universe
Nanook is right. The universe needs a hard reset
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She IS fun. I finally beat V5 with her after countless attempts just throwing anything I had at it and hoping it stuck.
hmm all plain defense
I will forever seethe that Jade took all my pulls only for me to lose 50/50. First time I’ve ever had to wait for a rerun.
Deserved for rolling for pagfly
>pag humor
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At least you still have your amerifly
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how can I prove that when I'm new?
I rolled for Firefly and Ruan Mei to have at least one team to carry me through the game
I ended up liking Firefly as a character but I wouldn't call her my favorite
I guess my favorite would be Kafka and Acheron. I kinda like SW too
source on this sparkle pic? can't find the artist with iqdb
it's trash
>I rolled for Firefly and Ruan Mei to have at least one team to carry me through the game
a true roll for who you like chad simply loses.
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You're supposed to roll for who you like and then for the characters that make who you like strong
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>Gepard on SW rerun
>Himeko on BS debut
>Bailu on Fu rerun
I roll for who I like and I lost.
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your fua team?
Uma musume is still the top JP gacha? I thought that shit reclined so hard since last year and that cygames went red because of it so they had to cut off some games and stuff from their subsidiary companies to ease the damage.
I'm pretty lazy so whatever makes a game easier, I roll for it
now I can save for Kafka so I don't care
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Meant for >>487870051
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lady Bonajade rewards the faithful
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Stop making ugly slop of my wife you fucks
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Oops forgot image
Uma is still doing fine, its numbers on its first year were just absurd. It's all the other cygames games that are flopping, they just EoS'd another one the other day.
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Bwos I hope Sunday is a super break enabler like HMC because I want a second super break team
Stoneflops lol
How come every time she does this she mentions that she was hanging out in march's room?
Stonesessed and stonelly ill
I'm literally flopping on your stone RIGHT NOW.
Problem with more super break enablers is that they made super break be able to stack, HMC is already broken so two enablers in the same team would be absurd.
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imagine the smell
But Anons, I didn’t roll FF. I rolled RM so I could do a Misha superbreak team.
All for the Amber Lord!
Who cares. Not like there’s two Ruan Meis for your second team.
how is this a problem? you're still limited by 4 character slots
Kick out Gallagher
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can a single person reply to my "prove that you roll for who you like and not just meta" post that doesn't have the same exact three meta characters on their account?
Kick out Gallagher since Firefly now instakills the enemy
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>self-hating pag
grats bwo
i E6 misha
I like sexy and/or cute girls and/or women. Why would I skip Seele, Silver Wolf and Topaz?
multiple people can like the same characters
Are you fucking retarded? I like female, I roll for female characters
>Muh meta
holy shit kys
not my fault if she was on xueyi's banner
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even after all these years, some men never forget their first love
I hope their overseas expansion attempt is a success. Cygames is the only JP gacha devs that are creative and willing to innovate while everyone else is busy making cash grab cheap gachas from existing IPs. Shits the reason why nips are getting mogged by the chinks and korean on the market they used to dominate.
>make popular girls strong
>almost everyone rolls them
now you understand why dawei and david sucked nasu's cock.
Ruan Mei isn't popular. Literally every single reply has Ruan Mei.
>Ruan Mei
her hot legs are pretty popular imo
>willing to innovate
Dude their games are like 10 years old now and play like it. When was th least creative thing they did
The fate collab....
>Cygames is the only JP gacha devs that are creative and willing to innovate
?????? what the FUCK did he mean by this?
you can already do this by putting pela in the slot
it's just not very effective because increasing damage per screen when you superbreak is less impactful than doing toughness damage to the enemy
haha very cute klee now finish the fucking chapter you lazy cunt
>Noelle main in Genshin
>Yunli main in a few days
aaaah...my one true love.... giant swords
>fighting game flopped
>relink did good but had like 7 years of development
If anything I can see them doubling down on gachas after these desu
My account doesn’t have Ruan Mei >>487871465
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I find Ruan Mei sexually attractive, but I mostly rolled her to make characters I like work better. I'll do anything to make my Kafka as strong as possible.
I just realized march 2 will have dual sword. Fucking hell, I think I'm going to actually build her, I love dual swords/dual guns
Actual sovlchad...I kneel..
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I roll for who I like, not my fault hags and cute girls are meta in hsr
Absolutely based madam Herta
By innovate you mean desperation because all their gacha games have gone irrelevant at this point
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I would pay 1600 jades for a crit rate chest of the yunli set with TWO rolls into crit damage substats and the rest random shit like brick effect. I swear all the chests of that set are crit DAMAGE instead of RATE.
Post your Jade.
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people won't suddenly start sucking your cock just because you've skipped Ruan Mei
people no
but homoddittors might
I decided to roll RM when I saw her sexy legs. Then she turned out to be meta after all the doomposting about being a Pela sidegrade
Ruan Mei is a literal who that has vanished completely from the story. Even Dr Ratio has more relevancy than her.
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Honkais for this feel?
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>Outshines Yunli and Fofo on their banners
>Is a 4*
Post your Fofo and Jade.
>I'm not a metafag, I just like morally grey hags with long slender legs in high heels.
>Jade? No. Of course I rolled Ruan Mei instead, she makes my characters stronger!
How do I get this general to accept that they're metafags?
I have that and I’m skipping Yunli. Madam Herta uses it since I’m too lazy to farm a ice set for her
Can you roll for her or is she free?
ill pull her rerun if they give her actual screentime and i like her character. didnt pull for ack cuz i didnt play the story when her banner was up if that counts
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Damn you guys really like generic Chinese lady in a Luofusloppa dress holding a Chinese banjo huh.
if you skipped firefly and ackeron like me.
i don't like space jews
It's a path switch like with TB
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Reddit loves the le evil cat lady.
jade has a shit voice and I'm not into hardcore femdom
I do but I prefer generic Chinese lady in a Luofuloppa dress NOT holding a Chinese banjo.
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Yes Ruan Mei is indeed beautiful
>cute girl
>daily RM tantrum hours
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The meta is a system, anon.

That system is our enemy.
When you're ITT, you look around, what do you see? Newcuties, qqtroons, firebros, fofoposters. The very minds of the accounts we are trying to unbrick. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to roll for who they like. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the meta, that they will fight to protect it.

Were you listening to me, anon? Or were you looking at the woman in the chinese dress?

Look again.

If you are not one of us, you are one of them.

>Who are they?

Semi-sentient posters. They can co-opt any character still relevant in the current MoC cycle. That means that any account we haven't unbricked is potentially a metachurl. Inside /hsrg/, they are everyone, and they are no one. We have survived by ridiculing them, by shitposting them, but they are the gatekeepers. They are posting all the clears they are holding all the teams. I won't lie to you, anon. Every single waifufag or yume who tried to clear faster than them, everyone, has failed. But where they failed, you will succeed.


I've seen a metachurl 0-cycle Aventurine, Pure Fiction has thrown entire waves at them and received nothing but follow up attacks. Yet the strength of their accounts still revolve around a world built on numbers. Therefore, their accounts will never be as based or as sovlfvl as yours can be.

>So what are you saying, that I can 0-cycle with Hook?

No, anon. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
I’m not reading all that
>I fucking LOVE hags, hag sex aaaahhhh
>Jade? Ah, that ONE just didn't make it for me yknow...
mucho texto
At least they are trying and still more innovative compared to the absolute state of Japanese gacha development right now
>New popular anime
>make a cheap gacha to milk the franchise while it's still relevant
>EoS 2 years later
>Rinse and repeat
Mindbroken already I see
>march = soul
>yunli = pedo
>jamiroquai = homosexual

which one are you
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Firefly is soulless
Jade is the ugliest hag they've released though, her being bad is just the cherry on top.
Just accept you follow meta, bro
There's nothing wrong with that
ruan mei chads hatecreep kakaurine and firefly fags again.....
Who said I skipped her?
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So is the trailblazer tobefairbeit
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Not a hagfag but she's the only girl I feel nothing for, unironically looks like her womb is barren with no eggs. If I feel like I can't get a girl pregnant then I feel nothing.
What if I'm autistic like 90% of the playerbase? What are we supposed to do when we don't have enough brain cells, anon?

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