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Summer Swim Edition

Previous Flotation Device: >>487775898

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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Let's have ourselves a talk. So Toby said about merch ages back:
>Recently, Fangamer brought something to my attention: It seems there’s some disappointment that certain characters of DELTARUNE, particularly those from the Light World, aren’t getting very much merchandise.
>This is an intentional decision.
>I wish I could explain more now, but when I consider everything, I don't think certain official merch (plushes, etc) of certain characters feels right for this game. Since Chapter 1, I told Fangamer that some characters would be more or less off limits after a certain point, and this feeling has only gotten stronger over time. These characters include Kris, Susie, and Noelle.
What do you actually think is the reasoning for this? What is going to happen- since it hasn't happened yet, as Toby said off limits 'after a certain point,' implying the already minuscule amount of Lightner-specific merch (a couple pins and one Susie shirt) will drop to zero? And whatever you think is going to happen, does it make you feel good, bad, or spicy about what role your probably-favorite Fun Gang might play; or rather, what two-thirds of it might play?
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real passion and a drive to make the kind of story he wanted to tell. and now he is just sitting on his laurels getting complacant and lazy
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I ate all the pussy sorry
Male Susie be lieK:
>What do you actually think is the reasoning for this?
I don't know, and it bothers the hell out of me because no reason people have thought of makes sense.
The "Lightners are real people and Darkners are just objects" excuse makes zero sense because it retroactively degrades the Undertale characters, and it's pretty obvious that the game wants us to think regarding Darkners as mere objects is messed up.
It's also not ALL Lightners that are under the merch ban, just "certain" Lightners, and so far that seems to just be Kris, Susie and Noelle (I remember a Fangamer guy on Twitter was open to making Berdly merch, but said that Toby "Ddoesn't want any more merch" of Susie, for example)
kris and kris's girlfriend and kris's girlfriend's girlfriend will be the three heroes who banish the angel's light and try to stop (you) from finishing the game, obviously
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>It's also not ALL Lightners that are under the merch ban, just "certain" Lightners,
I think he probably believes his hype about how important the metacommentary about Kris, Susie and Noelle will be
Like oooooooo isn't it fucked to buy a doll of a character you personally fuck over in the game and that hates you oooooooo can't have that
I'm still holding on to my theory that lightners who die in the dark world are replaced with darkner mirrors of themselves, hence the characters that die in the weird route (probably every relevant lightner character) are going to get plushes of their darkner forms instead. (which obviously can't be revealed yet.) (And of course Ralsei's existence in that case would imply that Asriel is dead.)

If I'm right, we already have an idea of what darkner Berdly looks like. (Lydreb? Elbryd? Rybled?) The vessel might even turn out to be Kris's darkner form, similar to how at the end of Undertale's evil route we meet the character we named at the start of the game.

If I'm wrong then I'll turn this into a fanfic and go make a shitty webcomic about it or something.
Byrdle. Pronounced "Berdly."
i'll put it on my shelf next to my FANGAMER™ Dancing Flowey™ Plush
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>just certain lightners
my darkner reincarnation theory accounts for that btw.
Maggey Byrdly
Fangamer goons tying Toby to a chair and smacking him around until he agrees to make Lightner merch
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He's right. It WOULD be fucked. Some of you people WOULD have sex with it.
that's B-E-Y-R-E-D-L-E. no E.
But if Lightners who die and get reincarnated as Darkners later can't get merch then why >>487829876 (the last line about Berdly merch)
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I love my boy... Beyblade...
i dislike toby out of jealousy at how intricately woven his web of autism is and how it can have so many crack theories spun out of almost nothing and almost all of them are reasonable expectations, and how it makes me feel for characters i don't even really like and the world they're in
i'm not even touching on the furry autism bucks or the visual designs, just the L O R e
holy fucking shit berdonicle
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>random Fangamer guy who wanted to make Berdly merch but was directly told no by Toby for vague reasons
Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow. I love Chara
gn anon. this thread has been unusually comfy, at least so far...
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hey guys i am going to the grocery store, you guys want me to get you anything?
chapter 3 and 4 pls
Butts don't look complete without a cute tail to play with above them
I think i understand noelle's mindset
I love fish
I want Ralsei nurse plushie plz
scringly dingly
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Fave is enjoying seeing all the fit, athletic girls at the Olympics
I prefer fictional girls like Noelle Holiday
Do you think Noelle would be a super fast runner because of her unguligrade legs
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(laughs knowingly)

here you go
Would the President in the Deltarune world be a human or a monster
(President of the country not Mayor I know Noelle's mom is the town's mayor)
All I know for sure is that what Kris vote on the ballot was "The Big Chungus"
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This is the kind of dick I assume Ralsei has. And Susie discovers it while playfully bullying him. And then she can't stop thinking about it.
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chat is this real
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I just woke up from a dream that Chapters 3-4 had come out, but I was unable to play them.
In my dream some unnamed relative was at death's door and I was back at my parents' house managing things while everyone else online had a great time with the game instead (I remember that the party size had expanded to 5 so Noelle and Berd could join and there was this massive battle in front of a spinning roulette background a la Jevil).
I had a similar dream (of being unable to join in on new chapters) about a year ago. I think it's a subconscious thing about my fear of missing out and anxiety about the worst things happening at the worst times leaking into my dreams.

but this, this is epic.
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Literally me.
You can like something while accepting it has flaws. What I don't understand is the people who say "you come here just to hate the game?" when they obviously don't. The game interests them enough to bring them here in the first place, and talking about something in the game they don't like doesn't automatically make them bitter trolls who hate everything. What do posters like this want discussion to be? Just agreeing Toby is a genius? As much as I enjoy these games I'm not going to delude myself into thinking every single line is a gift from god. There's lots of underbaked areas of Undertale. There are a lot of fans who are projecting 10,000 layers of depth onto Kris based on a handful of lines and literally no dialogue. I'm not a bitter troll who hates the game for seeing both the good and the bad, and I'll never understand the overdefensive fans who sulk about "trolls" after they see any negativity at all.
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Holy shit noelle ate him
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>What I don't understand is the people who say "you come here just to hate the game?" when they obviously don't.
right, threadnigger 94837282 who constantly wants off-topic shit actually really loves these games
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"noelle? everything ok? why are you looking at me like that?"
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I love my boy Ralsei
Anon I get you're defensive of people who have real criticisms and just point out parts of the game but you have clearly not been here long enough. People very commonly say that they outright hate Deltarune as a whole and that meta narratives are shit. Key point being people explicitly saying they hate Deltarune. The question was never "why do people come here if they hate x plot point??" it's about why people who say verbatim that they hate Deltarune come here.
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Very hot
Based and same
Ave, true to Caesar.
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Chapter 4 Flower Shop or Church?
Chapter 4 is probably going to be church/hospital and focus on Rudy dying and Noelle's missing sister which will leave us on the biggest cliffhanger possible while we wait several years for chapter 5.
fuck off tobyfag
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I guess this faggot occasionally checks this place and has """"left"""" the fandom

I just figured i'd yell into the void and say fuck you for nuking the narra chara shit you made. I am fortunate I found a non cucked copy of it on archive.org.

being a charafag anywhere on utg is basically a life sentence of suffering so seething on your gay blog over mistreatment is a waste of time, this general is nothing like the rest of the site. its a concentration camp of misery just like tumblr.

anyway you'll never see this but fuck you all the same, tired of authors burning their own fucking books.
fuck off dramafag
musk muscular_male armpits armpit_focus armpit_sniffing stomach_bulge hyper_bulge cum_inflation male_lactation male_impregnation
mpreg unbirth also
female fave mpreg
it just werks
You could craft your own chara with like a hundred pixels and a few lines of dialogue.
How do you even care about something that paper thin to a degree that you are anonymously mad about it on 4chan for me to see an comment on?
Who the fuck cares who is narrating Undertale? It's a thirty minute walking simulator my dude.
koopa troopa in utg be like : very shelling
this isn't drama this is just me wanting something to be available online and being pissed off the first person I get when I search for it is nochoco.
how would you feel if you tried to look up something on deltarune wiki or something tomorrow and instead of it being there the whole thing is gone and in it's place is some asshole kvetching about 4chan and how r1 and r2 shippers ruined deltarune.
>takes the opportunity to try and b8
>but dude lmao nobody cares I'm not secretly seething or anything
don't make me post the charadown retard.
I'm glad 4chan ruined this blog you apparently care about.
You're kind of crazy, this isn't healthy.
you've all been very telling... *whips out my dossier*
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>im glad someone burned all their copies and made unavailable something irreplacable that they wrote
>you sound crazy you are unwell
while I could seethe at you and be morally justified in every single way to any extent without any impact on my health i often do wonder if posters like you are seagate shills.
What the fuck is a seagate shill and why is it a requirement for every charafag to have the conversation skills of a street schizo screaming at strangers about super string theory and reptile overlords.
It's true that I'm not here that much, so if there are people who only talk about hating Deltarune entirely I don't know what keeps them here. I'm not sure why anyone would spend a lot of time here honestly, but I guess some people have empty lives as well as mental issues (unironically)
isnt seagate that submarine that blew up
I thought that was oceangate.
Seagate makes harddrives and other electronics.
very smelling
added to my nossier (nose dossier)
What a whiff you lead
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theyre a hard disk manufacturer, and to answer your other question, charafags, regardless of iq, know how to read and what words mean, which confuses other retarded esljoggers endlessly.
>incomprehensible meaningless esl babble
But what the fuck does a hard disk manufacturer have to do with someone baiting someone with "nobody cares about chara or anything in undertale in general lol"
Charafags are...special anon.
Don't try yo understand, there's nothing there to comprehend.
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Would sniff her armpits
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Fuck off birdshit, especially if this is the quality of your posts.
Was the birdshit OP not enough for you?
Stop shitposting and trolling.
Probably the exact same relation as whatever the fuck a "cerea /a/ janny" has to do with someone calling Chara a boy
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THIS JUST MADE ME NOTICE THE FLOATIE IN THE OP IS A COOL BURURERGHLY LMAO I only glanced at the thumbnail and didn't notice. Based + thank you for spreading Berdly knowledge
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would fill her uterus again and again
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Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are to your face before? Why do you conduct yourself this way? This thread does not like you.
Berdly keeps attacking his own reflection in my window
What do I do
*dundun dun* *dundun dun*
I'm going to take a lyric from an unrelated obscure song
*dundun dun* *dundun dun*
And replace one of the words with "Fave"
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He views it as a fellow gamer who could pose a threat to his high score
>it's another pajeet tier esl rape possee acts confused when confronted with someone white complaining about lost media episode
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I can't tell if he's shitposting or not and it scares me
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Pic is something Chujin would say about the dead kids Asgore killed
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Nice Cream Guy snaps and kills Burgerpants on garbage day
ai bot trained by /utg/ posters
Catty & Bratty Fact
If you offered to pay for goods at their store by sucking their cocks Catty would eagerly agree but Bratty would say cash only
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I wish all girls had penises instead of vagoobers
All of them? That'd just be monotonous
But anon, meta narratives ARE shit.
I don't like vaginas
Not even a little? What a shame
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Subjective. Have you ever read a troll fic, such as My Immortal? Stories happening concurrently, in the text itself and the author's notes, fun to read. Try it.
why is weird fetishy shit happening to Noelle? Who did this?
toby fox, creator of deltarune
Why did he do it? Why did he put the "fetish" into the game?
Ava Kris Dreemurr got cancelled
What if Toby asked for everyone to pay for Deltarune in Native American Wampum?
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>the final boss is you the player
>its an unwinnable battle against the fun gang who all hate you
>fuck you for playing my game
Toby wouldn't do that.
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god why is he so handsome
hot parents


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If you get 100% completion in Deltarune an animation of Toby Fox seething at you like so plays until you close the game and then it deletes itself
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Today Producer-sama forced me to work almost an hour straight, that was not quirky at all. Considering firing him I don't know how much more of this kind of abuse my poor wrist can take.
People mistake characters acting diegetic to their surroundings with Toby supposedly being angry at the fans
toby loves videogames and made the game to be played, people know that, right?
True but the characters getting pissed off at you for doing all the content combined with Toby's bizarre fixation with the Deltarune Lightner characters makes it really easy to make jokes about him

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