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We lost half the players in few hours

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

prev: >>487762023
Post more cute korean women please
>we did warn you anon
Fuck i've seen lacerate glad on every tier list pretty high up

I might re-roll to FB
>Bloodsoaked blade
>CI + one item with 100 hp regen
>Can now have 1000 stacks of manaburn
Yea ez
should i commit to my own venom gyre bait build
or should i go molten strike or frost blades warden bait builds
Glad has always been Ascendancy that is decent at damage and defences with no gear requirement. But it will never be a great class, its always stuck at "okay".
chaos orbs drop like candy in acts
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>Going from the worst retention league to breaking the all-time player count
How does baldy do it?
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>he actually fell for it unironically
Crit Frostblades Warden good???
bot farms
Fuck sake guys, i was thinking Glad rework would bake it great now

>killed kraityn
runs fucked
new player here

do i have to do the npc optional quests to get them in my hideout? like expedition/alva etc for example or can i skip their quests get them after i chose skill notes in my atlas skill tree for their mechanic in mapping during the atlas endgame then they show up?
>Lifeless streamer friendly League vs Casual friendly League. If your League mechanic only works well for top 100 players, you will only have 100 players.
>find 2x 4-link in a4 with correct colors
>rain of arrow + 3x ballista
>find a bow with 2x ele mod + inc ele dmg implicit
>insta phase malachai
glad has nothing to do with it
lacerate is just a garbage still regardless of how much you invest in it.
you can probably pivot to a slam skill and have fun
I might go for tytys FB slayer
Glad is merely back in its old position of being SSF-friendly safe build thats good at mapping, before the monster health buffs.
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he was FAT FAT
female templar when imo
>bleed is still dogshit
Well yeah, half the bosses hardly move/just don't move and the ratio isn't huge enough to kill anything except players themselves.
Or just try out any new melee skills, they all got buffed after all and gem level isn't as important for melee as the weapon.
Lightning strike isn't really fair. Idk why it is allowed to have 912% effectiveness when something like wild strike has 403% (usually needing to use a threshold jewel or two as well). I can understand to an extent why frostblades is around 400% because of all the built in strike range and projectiles but idk if it should be that drastic.
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>melee league
>new highest player count
meleeGAWDS run this game
don't tell me you bricked yourself and didn't get the krait bonus, anon...
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>Imagine not being a hopechad rn
there's that saying "only trust a fat chef" and this is like the gamer version of that
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Im having a brainfart reading this. WTF does this mean? 10% of the skill cost is take from life but still consumes 90% of the cost from mana?
how smooths frostblades compared to lightning strike campaign
For worst retention you first need biggest ever player count.
If your attack takes 10 mana, it now costs 9 mana and 1 Life, add in the reduced mana cost.
just make sure you are using a skill with the attack tag
Anyone already tried Swordstorm gem? How is it? Can't decide, dual wield or shield
Exactly that. If your attack uses 100 mana, you will instead use 10 life and 90 mana to use it instead.
That is after mana cost reductions, including the one in that same skill, of course.
necropolis was obviously a filler stall league with no thought put into it, they were saving the good shit for settlers
Nope, tried the fist one and the sweep one and those are both basically fun Vaal skills for mapping. Melts those pesky Rares with resistances.
Anon you ARE using the glitch strat for your Boats right
>half the bosses hardly move/just don't move
Play Gladiator.
I'm not gay but damn
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i heard melee is good again,
is there a good build with the aesthetic of a battlemage?
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Thats why you either invest in Aggravated, or Crimson Dance.
thats pretty low
my shitty hexblast last league had 20 million
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haha wat
I feel like I'm in a dream
the league content isn't bad during acts
I feel tanky as a melee character with a bit of armour, fortifiy, 3 endurance charges
my damage feels pretty decent with a pretty shitty rare
it seems like there's fun meta stuff to do with the league content later on

Is this what PoE2 will be like?

you have to block to use it
try it out and you'll know why
you can lose 99% of that effectiveness because of random stones on the ground
What support gems do I put on molten strike while leveling?
Do I need to outright specialize in a specific element for a bow build or can I just throw a Rare Bow with multi elemental damage on it and a bunch of general elemental DMG + crit nodes and be fine?
fb > ls

ls is random as shit
Retaliation means you have to block to use the attack. Which means theres no real uptime for the skill, its down to luck and you have to get hit first.
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Someone explain this absurdly huge damage.
If you're going multi-elemental, then you should focus on elemental ailments. Multi-elemental builds are possible but kinda complex and might need some specific uniques and investment to function. Sticking with one element is simply easier.
pob warrior
>you have to block to use it
So? How is that a problem? Also gladiator have a 50% chance to use it second time. And third if you are lucky.
Can I trans a Vaal Lightning Strike, or do I have to vaal a trans Lightning Strike?
>Is this what PoE2 will be like?
No. It will be way different with WASD movement.
>How is that a problem?
Good luck with pinnacle bosses who teleport all over the place and 90% attack you with huge AoEs instead of standard attacks. So far Retaliations are like fun little extra Vaal skills while mapping but theres no way you can have an entire build just for Retaliation.
Is witch really a trap this league? How fucked can get survivability really be
Hmm, well I will assume Fire is the best option then since it has an actual damage aspect to it in the form of Ignite. Would Blast Rain be good for mob clearing? What should the single target skill be?
is no one itt playing fb
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Are we having fun sisters?
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>I feel tanky as a melee character with a bit of armour, fortifiy, 3 endurance charges
>my damage feels pretty decent with a pretty shitty rare
Last League Act monsters got buffed by the League mechanic whether you wanted it or not. League before that Act monsters got buffed by shiny glitter if you entered the League area. Thats why the base game now feels much easier, you've been fighting turbo-roided monsters for 2 Leagues straight.
i am
that build on top is a very specific set of pob settings that is unreliable to achieve 100% uptime of
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>woke up
>schizo hijacked op again
You can block spell damage too.
slayer perhaps`?
>Just tank the Shaper Kamehameha beam bro!
For the rustic stash vendor recipe, is it better to use the Essence on the stash than on the weapon before vendoring?
no, of course not, playing elemental skills as slayer when warden exists is literally gimping yourself
Bow builds generally have a decent clear, its survivability which you should worry about.
Melee doesn't feel all that bad ngl
I will tank everything.
slayer has more defensive does it not
Yeah but getting survivability right is easier than actually forming a build that doesn't get stalled out by map mobs for me. Becoming durable enough is super straight forward, pumping out good DPS in maps/endgame seems to elude me a bit.
I want to get into Path of Exile, but I've read that there is a shit ton to learn (even when compared to other similar ARPGs).
Personally, I don't mind this. I want a new RPG to fully learn, even if it takes while.
My worry is: If I try to delve deep into the game hardcore now, will the game still be around and supported when Path of Exile 2 eventually comes out? Or will POE1 be abandoned and make my effort at trying to learn the game be useless?
there is a non zero chance poe 1 is more or less put on maintenance mode but basically 95% of everything you learn in poe 1 will be applicable to poe 2
>Yeah but getting survivability right is easier than actually forming a build that doesn't get stalled out by map mobs for me.
Then I recommend spell builds, because spell damage is determined by gem level. Bows and Attacks in general rely heavily on your weapon stats. Which means if you want good damage you need to craft good weapons.
The increase in damage is very noticable
thank god gook poster is back
>league start minions
>literally minions are whacking at a single blue mob at a mine node for a 1 and half minutes to kill it
Melee league. Should have gone fucking melee
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The day PoE 1 gets abandoned, GGG is going to release it as "complete" with Standard mode as the main game mode, with a full offline mode and everything.
The basics of PoE 1 are basically Diablo 2 so if you have D2 background you should learn things quickly. Theres a shit-ton of content in PoE but 99% is optional. GGG usually tries to make all content easy to play on a basic level, so you get addicted to the game and your stash tabs get full of different types of league items and currencies, so eventually all the stash organizing is starting to piss you off and make that Currency Stash Tab on the Shop look really enticing.
Don't listen to bleed slander, it feels amazing at maps and will be at least twice stronger than it was on 3.24.
yall sending out botes while leveling or using all the mats into upgrading farmville?
Offline mode POE is going to be a blessing thanks to cheat engine allowing us to get any gear we want.
>my wild strike claw slayer build quadrupled in damage with no changes

God damn it's almost viable now.
>getting fomo while playing bleed
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>he unironically made a retaliate gladiator
Yeah i bought all the stash tabs because I like being organized. I COULD get by with just the basic 4 tabs and did for my first couple leagues but it takes too much TIME.
>slam pack
>1-2 mobs live
nice game poetards
This is what happens when you can't afford a pc to play the game you obsess over as a third worlder
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We slaam
I'm starting league today, is fire trap ele still alright? That's what I've done last three leagues
Textures .: medium
Beginner here
How'd i go about farming the FB Kata Gem?
how soon do they usually start stash tab sales after league launch?
5 days prolly till next sale
Can not not search Black Morrigan on trade or something
The O has an accent, just search for Black M
is this game still about paint by numbers and playing someone else's build?
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l o l
The league mechanic is insanely boring and annoying to interact with
Melee just is faceroll now, 5x worse than dd ever was
Day 1 and im farming red maps with a shit stacker build on a 4l

Is poe dead?
already reached kitava but I'm too tired, I'll try to do the ascendency now and kill her tomorrow
I only did up to act 2 but is the campaign suddenly much harder now? I swear this is the only game that actively makes early game harder each update instead of easier.
This was genuinely the second hardest time I've had through campaign right after I've began playing the game back in 2015, what the hell.
Nothing dies and deals more damage, and the mob density is insane in some areas. Can't believe I had to retry and then retry a third time with improved gears for goddamn Oak. Vaal oversoul actually kills you now with the faster lasers now and Merveil definitely had way more vortexes.
when was the last time you played?
>only act 5
im ngmi
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no because we woke up early ready to play and found out we have several hours of work to do first

comfy saturday morning stream from t2darlantan
Which one poeg?
bottom left
I'm the type to only play just a bit every half a year or so and I think the last time I tried campaign was like two seasons ago and it definitely wasn't anywhere this difficulty.
I remember being able to get to maps in like 5-6 hours a few years ago then campaign got harder so it took me like 10 hours but now I don't think I'll be able to clear it in 12.
fuck it im balling 100% VENOM GYRE
I'm in act 9, but I slept for 8 hours. Can I make it?
i think they did change the difficulty of the first 2 acts a couple of leagues ago
they also added end game league mechanics into the early acts
as well as secrets for extra loot
is there a way to fire a worker?
>kind of want to try this league
>have to go through campaign
bros.... i cant take it anymore...
yes, unless you play bleed lac or sst
Have them idle and talk to the recruiter
>Workday on Saturday
My condolences.
Yeah I think I agree, transcendence is too tacky and celestial with fuck with the minimap under my feet.
you can /kingsmarch in chat to teleport there from town / hideout
put that shit on a hotkey in awakened trade
will fuck*
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thanks for the heads up
The workers don't refresh over time? You have to spend gold to reroll? Well that's balls.
For how much would you sell an Arakali's fang with perfecto % damage roll?
Twice the average price?
I've started dual wield and swordstorm is a complete bossmelter, crazy fun.
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Just got to act 9. Time to start making some real dosh.
trinity katabasis anyone?
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dropped a div in the campaign niggas we rich
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>all these retards right now that fell for Ralakesh builds
I found 2 chaos orbs pre act 5 in ruthless.
dead maintenance mode game
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What do those colors mean?
why the fuck is every ele hit guide warden? am i getting fucking baited or what, i want a deadeye.
Attribute colors.
Do you need to ship just the requested amount to get full rewards? Or do you get extra if you really load up your ships?
mine are still black and white, but I would guess the base attributes? red str, green dex, blue es
my return marks judgement for those of hollow faith
Because Warden has nodes for elemental ailments.
how do I fire my shitty workers?
don't pay them
Nice, thanks
Items are white in the first tab
trinity is giga based
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>someone in zizarans chat tells him to take a break for his health
>he goes on a huge spergout how weird it is to tell a grown man to take a break from videogames, he's gonna ban him if he does it again and that he streamed longer in the past and his doctor told him he was fine
lmao he is gonna die soon, isn't he, that was peak projection
dont want the union on my ass
He is right tho
kek got a clip?
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You absolute retard
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my game
>he paid the retard tax
should have been 2 years u retard
what build you guys playing
and how do you rate it in terms of zoominess
>go to sleep at almost 2AM
>wake up at 11AM
>cook, eat, enjoy coffee
>watch a movie
>check streamer grifters
>they are at 20th hour still streaming without a break
what the fuck is wrong with these people??
slayer cyclone shockwave
i rate it full clear every zone/10
you post that shit right now anon
right the fuck now
i loved cyclone in 3.19
Got a volcanic fissure of snaking from first lab. Is this better than the trans molten strike? Not having to go close seems like a huge plus.
Is the Warden freeze node really as good as people hyped it up or is it just cringe bait?
Probably because it doesn't matter with weapon types, you know that if you buy a 2h mace it's not going to be Dex/Int, but gloves could be anything, so they need to separate them by attribute.
one that safe for your eyes
Man slams has HUGE damage
Earthshatter with 3 autoexerts and 2 manual exerts destroys with just a shitty 4 link
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cant decide berserker or jugg >.<
I wish
>We lost half the players in few hours

Of course we lost them:

>Genshin Impact new kino summer event
>WoW new kino expansion

We can't play everything
>WoW new kino expansion
Does desync get better as the league goes on? Idk if it's the servers being overloaded or some shit, but it's so fucking bad. I'm on lockstep.
>unlocked runecraft that cost 500 of 3 different runes
What the actual fuck?
pay up goy
Once again i'm asking for inspiration support downsides for nu archmage. (It now has less instead of reduced manacost)
50/50 on servers, plus you can get dogshit clusters so all of a sudden your map has 5000 ping lagspikes despite being find elsewhere.
Sail those ships baby
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Hear me out.

>Frostblades feels clunky as all fuck
I am

Feeling FOMO
I went with zerk on softcore
gonna spec into jugg later when I got sufficient damage
what was that website where you can see builds of day 1? I NEED to unfuck my shit asap
>t. having a hard time at white maps shitter
Does Cruelty support affect the skill that granted it?
Like if I attack once with cruelty support, does that one attack benefit from cruelty, or only new attacks made once I have the cruelty buff?
>Pay someone money to go on a roller coaster ride instead of you.
>takes 500h until your first divvie drops
>pay 2 bucks
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>from max rage to rage on hit which we already have 20 of
"Hits grant Cruelty". Its extra damage on each hit, that can stack instead of resetting old Cruelty.
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There is one mageblood on the market already.
>do all affliction corpses return
>check out marketplace
>not even close to all corpses
What did Chris and Mark mean by this?
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which gem color do you use in lab to get a tranny for max profit?
Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator
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>Genshin Impact new kino summer event
completed that before poe
lmao nobody cares

But we will lose almost all players soon. In a week or less everyone will have
>Village maxed
>Tons of matrials, in map harvesting pointless
>Materials only for Shipping
>Shipping and NPC-mapping nerfed and almost worthless
>got Runesmithing for your build, system become pointless
all that will be left is Standart mapping + currency market
3.25 has no long-time content

is this aight as a first build?

t.250 hours
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im on act 8 about to do labs, been up all night playing i have no idea how people finish campaign so quickly
No, Berk is bad and uncomfy, you're gonna die a lot and hate yourself
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Yikes bro looks worse for wear
Race strategies + Party friends who farm stuff for you.
>lacerate of haemorrhage 18c
Im this close to re-rolling to FB anon
Removing damage reduction from berserk was dogshit. Whole lore of berserking is to be resilient to damage. They should just change the name to something else.
I have come to accept that any spell concept is best off as either trickster or hierophant
Run lab before kitava
What is strongest build?
lmao so many retards got baited into playing fucking melee bleed of all things
>tfw I can no longer RMT on my account because GGG caught me during sentinel.
Just started and I'm going for a Shadow that flings mines and traps all over.
not too late for you to play comfy BAMA starter. breeze through acts and maps with a quill rain
post bld
I have the Harbringer, that one is nice.
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Sisters is there really no way to trade while muted? If I have to play SSF for a week I might as well quit right now
Many will tell you to obviously go into saboteur but in actuality you want to go trickster with that.
I haven't gotten a single usable item from the black market, a single one. I'm not saying a good item, I'm saying a usable one
nigga what did you do to get muted for a week, tell us and i'll give you a workaround
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how shit is cleave of rage of cleave of rage?
make a 2nd account. easy

running two clients at the same time (while not using macros or bots to interact in two at the same time) is allowed
game still crashes at oak?
No, it's decent enough, I blackmarket gamble my acts gear
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>2 Goldwyrm drops during campaign
Necro or guardian
You just rush the bama cooldown mastery on the bottom right and grab minion nodes. Don't use quill rain; added damage is more effective. Start bombarding clones at level 10 and have the easiest leveling possible.
Carn looks depressed as fuck lmao
i think so yes, just do the very first quest that introduces the mechanic and dont do it for the rest of the acts
asked if anyone could spare items for low lvl
Tuna looks fucked
the pob im following is basically a worse version of this im pretty sure
im only in act 5 but im enjoying it so far
its the first time cyclone has felt viable as an actual damage dealer in a long time, you could probably take off shockwave and use a different support and it would still be ok
sorry for the long time to reply, i was making coffee :)
also if you see anyone saying to use cyclone of tumult they are baiting.
this early in the league its just not good enough to outweigh the negatives of the gem.
at least imo
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i love you anon unironically
thank you
I'm impressed with how balanced the league mechanic is for leveling. Something I didn't expect from ggg
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Range on lacerate is really meh

Too late to respec to a FB build y n
Tati was cooking with the storm burst totems. He took the downsides and turned them into upsides. The totem taunt mastery is the icing on the cake.
Am i supposed to run normal lab for the gem i want? Paying 30c that early for a skill gem seems ridiculous, yea its meta but it cant be that rare since its from normal lab which takes few minutes.
>Not playing SSFR
It's sad that we share one thread, filthy animal.
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be honest
is it too late to start? i feel like i will never be able to afford mageblood without doing day 1 op strats
i stole it from spicysushi's google doc of builds
i think the original cyclone slayer build got replaced with the one i linked
mine will top out at like 5mil
but that one is like triple that.
it starts to feel like a real build at like 35ish but before that its a little rough. at least is was for me.
good luck
and dont forget to do the league mechanic
you can get insane gear early on from gambling and shipments
will do!
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was Gladiator bait in the end?
Wasn't this shit like an entire screen wide some time ago?
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>Huh? Anon? Your Build is NOT in the doc? What are you doing!
there is no way to autoexert all warcries
>What are you doing!
I am not falling for Melee Bait! Instead i own stuff with a good old build.
How do I remove these spikes? Do I have to come back after I kill Geofry?
>still larping as a jew
hes so desperate to be something other than a kiwi
kinda sad honestly
I'm struggling with glacial hammer in act 5 :c
GGG really are the faggiest mods on the planet, holy shit i hate them. Legit, whenever i go to buy anything i think of shit like this and stop myself. I haven't bought anything since like temple league (whatever it was called)
Fire trap Ele is so back boys we're eating good this league
yes sorry
come back with poe 2
its over
all the player slots have been filled
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It's over.
Upgrade your weapon dumbo
>quin is playing glad
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ego cant accept getting lucky as a bogan on an island in the middle of nowhere, he also has to be special and relevant
now that the dust has settled on the league, what are our thoughts?
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>power siphon mines are actually good
I thought jungroan only made bait
>he hasnt hit the wall yet
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Okay fuck FB
I forgot that guy routinely advertises d4 in chat
i dont know what build to play
Why do no shadows go Assassination? Isn't that the crit happy class?
don't google jack, the axe price ))
40c is nothing
do you get both the chill and freeze effect?
how is this against TOS?
Fuck off
I bleive so
just janny's bot moment
Archmage Hierophant or LS Warden?
What should i choose?

i'm kind of noob, both looks very awesome for me, but what's the difference? Any pros or cons when compared?
More dmg, survivability, cheap gear or more difficult? Maps/boss/all content?
Suck a dick
archmage have handholding guide by the goat build maker
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If have more than a line or two of text they'll fuck you. Which makes you wonder why you can put that many characters in the first place
if you genuinely think 40c is a lot you are retarded
I tried activating the 3 statues i found, but it was still closed. No idea what that is
Of the previous league mechanics that are still around which ones are still good and which ones meh? The delve and beast hunting still worth it?
cant tell if league is good or not
On day 1? Yes it is
this one against TOS btw
It's where Sanctum is. It will open automatically in Act 10.
lmao sissy
>can't use tinctures with blood magic
that is fucking gay
Zizaran is kinda cute
>bleed is bad!!
>attacck once
>walk away
>everything dies
I put like 200 hours in and bought some stash tabs figure I would grab a cosmetic or to and holy shit is it just me or are poe cosmetics insanely expensive? Maybe im just out of touch with modern microtransactions but I swear in most games 5-10 bucks would be enough to get at least one really cool cosmetic.
damn thats retarded
kill yourself
nah, cosmetics cost a lot more now
>>walk away
and then walk back to pick up loot
true heh
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Delve is shit and Bestiary is lame garbage for autistic deadeyes.

Blight is popular now with the new oils and scarabs. Legion is a good staple for big AOE clearing mappers. Harvest is extremely consistent profit. Betrayal is an RNG casino now but if you get a Veiled Orb from Catarina you hit the jackpot. Essences are good if you're a decent bosser.
sissy tranny get on your knees
they have always been super expensive in poe
Frost Blades has no lingering dot right
path of exile always had retardely expensive cosmetics
ggg have always been greedy kikes, the redditurds lap it up though
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chamber of sins levle2
theres a room full of gems the fuck
okay im starting in 10 minutes (downloading atm)
is melee a good starter now?
He didn't do it. He fucked up so bad he was releagated to a public announcer role at formerly his own company while people with brain took reigns and us fun we asked for
I highly doubt they'd ever release an offline version.
but they will absolutely keep the servers up indefinitely, D2 style
yes, but useless
supporter packs are the only remotely reasonable way to buy cosmetics
>watching a faggot
because its bait
Necropolis had very high player numbers early on aswell
just spend 500 div and it'll be fast and kick asses
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PoE has retarded expensive mtx, it's because the assumption is you'll buy supporter packs so they exist to eat up your money. A single sword is like 30 bucks or something. You can get the top tier shit in basically any other game for that. You'll get a character with special animations etc but in poe you get a 3d model, it's actually retarded
just dont play lacerate
quitting in act 2. i can't do this shit for the millionth time.
I redeemed the bleed...
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>Having fun levelling like never before
>Reach maps
>For no reason at all I start to now want to play anymore
Wtf am I retarded? What is this phenomenon? There is no logical reason for this
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just not digging it, I think I'm finally free bros
I'm so happy i sold one in the first 10hrs for a divine
So basically the only one even remotely "worth" it is the like 60 bucks supporter pack so you can use all those coins to get the stash tabs and take the neat armor set as a bonus? Man what a joke.
Retard who hasn't played in like 5 years here
What skill is good for Oni Goroshi? I wanted to just turn my brain off and farm it. Last time I played this I was berserker with infernal blow but I'm curious about Chieftan.
why is LS S+ tier? since it relies on a lot of uniques
Well. what's the difference between this version and Ice Nova of Frostbolts?
anyone actually happy with their starter? i went RF and it fucking sucks asshole. never felt so squishy despite having 85 all res, doesnt fucking matter i die in white t1 maps like 10 times, it's dogshit, regret picking it
>diablo doomers are posing as poe chads saying the game is bad
im onto you fucks
>3.25 has no long-time content
They can add more bosses
>gear is expensive because everyone is going LS
Dumb question im sure but does deadeye's ricochet work with lightning arrow? Im still new to the game so im unsure.
almost identical
this one is better league starter
you can play this version until your build can handle 'Kitava's Thirst' then switch to ice nova version
or can go all the way to the end game
bleedslam chieftan and im nutting at boss hp going down with my subpar gear.
how bad is it to have to press 4,5 buittons
i went LS warden but for now just in act 8 on ROA. Not rushing, playing farmville, browse shit inbetween zones
i press a rotation twice max during a boss and they die, the only warcry im using on maps is seismic
feeling the fomo

might reroll

t. act 2
not him
can you please share build? i kinda wanna see what it takes
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>Everyone is playing melee right now

Is it bait?
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This game makes me wanna kill myself unironically.
>Trying to fing my way through the fucking Lunatris temple
>Chat: Somebody is first to beat uber elder
Oh fuking wow. I bet they have a map hack that shows the map exit.

I just ran 6 laps around the entire desert and i can't find the way to the sulphur vents where the Basilisk is, It's not there, IT"S NOT FUCKING THERE

just watch benjamin for a minute
Yeah my man. Melee is great and awesome. Go play Melee too.
If you get non-melee gear, sell it for dirt cheap cuz everyone plays melee and all other build types are shit.
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are you 'tarded? sulphur vents is in foothills

i thought foothills was the snow location i came from.
It's literally a mobile game league. What the fuck did you expect to happen? Unless you're a turbo autist(which is a minority of the playerbase) there's little reason to continuously play. You get plenty of rewards approaching this league like you would any mobile game.
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i beat the game
now i can fund an uber clearing rf build
>bleedslam chieftan
PLease post build thx
No, you came from Descent. Foothills is the zone after.
idk what the fuck ggg did to the campaign or if they buffed mines but leveling with mines has never been this smooth ever.
first div I find I liquidate right away and buy heatshiver and the taming
none of it is worth it, dont let them jew you
oh ok, thank you man, i was legit stuck there lol.
did people really have trouble with this skill tree or is it just sandbox people like Tim Cain
I remember not having problems with this tree but the first human starter zone called Queensdale in Guild Wars 2 made me not want to continue playing
>switch from pyroclast mine to hexblast mines

holy fuck, its like all the sweat got traded for x10 more damage,
So why is everyone playing melee? Even /poeg/ shares no non-melee build........
Nah, gold is the limiting factor early on and they (no surpsrise) severely undertuned gold drops. You need to be blasting like an omega autist to play even somewhat efficiently.
>melee bufs
>go LA + ballistas
>breeze through campaign with the utmost shit gear
they improved map rng as well
i found everything near instantly this leeg
you literally have a zone map in game that tells you where to go next
Normalfags are complete retards. I think POE's skill tree is fine but newfaggots should be purposefully blinded on the skill tree with an obscuring fog so they don't shit their diapers and cry.
based non-joke-getter
Best part about Melee league, us Bowchads get everything for dirt cheap.
dunno, maybe hype or 1-2 of them are good now. i dont play melee and im telling you to sell me stuff for cheap, bro
>damn what the fuck is wrong with my damage
>realize one of my main support gems is lvl 1 because I accidentally clicked it off instead of leveling so it has been hidden at lvl 1 while rest of gems are lvl 19
tim cain is a moron who lucked into fallouts reputation
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>poeninja is 90% melee
>streamers are 90% melee

>/poeg/ tells me melee is still shit

Either 90% of the community is wrong or /poeg/ is wrong
skill tree wouldn't really be a problem if the game wasn't so punishing
it ends up being a giant minefield of noob traps
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>sandstorm visage is 10d now
it's fucking OVER for hextroons
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She was so pretty. What makes a woman bogg herself like that?
The thing is a vast majority of the playerbase never reaches the point of being "efficient." This is an inherent problem with PoE due to the sheer number of layers the game has. Efficiency is 90% game knowledge. If you took the average player and gave them godly equipment and a meta build and told them to go farm something for ten hours they'd probably just get two or three dozen chaos orbs worth of shit. If you take an extremely knowledgeable player, give them shit equipment and a league starter build they'd be able to acquire several exalted orbs worth of shit with the same amount of play time.

It's not about efficiency. That's not why the numbers dip. Most players don't care about efficiency. Casual play in this league gets you substantially more value than casual play in any other league.
Quality 17 Tabu in Act 2>>487856450

I love this game
if you took poe and launched it in current year as the new hot mmo from some gook company like nexon, everyone would shit on it endlessly and call it p2w trash with insane prices
jokes on you: I'm slow enough that it will come down by the time I need it
dilators getting frisky ITT
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thank u shipments
Plastic is kino
retard !
This is easily the best league mechanic GGG ever made
it's already down to 8... BITCH
I went flicker and I have to manually pick up gold haha
Imagine how bad new league is gonna be

>Necropolis... 2!
this mechanic + all the endgame stuff ggg put in the campaign have really made me not care about rushing to maps. obviously there's an opportunity cost but the fun cost is minimal.
>get bow gems
game is telling me to go la
Just farted for ten seconds straight, builds for this feel?
the Bismuth mechanic is easily the most horrifying, it often makes the map so dark I can't see the monsters and the tornados come out of nowhere and kill me in seconds.
Vaal EQ
This automated currency trading is the best shit ever, if ggg won't make it permanent I'll fly to kiwiland and rape literally every single ggg employee is the ass, sexual style.
yeah that thing fucks me in the ass with no lube (no elemental resistances)
chris said it's not part of the vision
>already half past 4 pm

it was literally just 11am a second ago
he is dead
good luck bro
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time flies when youre having fun bwo
it's nice but the menu is kind of a pain, I should really be able to just click something in my inventory to set up a listing for it
Lacerate is coming online FAST
Mark already basically said it's going core. I think he actually said something along the lines of "people would burn down our offices if we added this and then removed it"
going to crank one out for my slam bros and go to sleep cya in 8 hours when the mechanics are figured out and optimizee
>game crashes at oak
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I should've actually followed a good league starter instead of home-brewing something by myself, I hate warcry shout gameplay
>league that sounds like fun for once in 100 leagues
>people play
what the fuck
how does he do it?
I am BUZZING off of pepsi zero guys
take the autoexertion pill
leap slam zerker is there a build from some top poe autist?
Is the league good?
Its just like my heckin ritual league!
pre-league I basically went through a whole grieving process where I came to terms with the fact that poe2 isn't out yet and melee won't actually be well-designed until then no matter how much we fantasize.
Yeah. The currency trading alone makes it better than most other leagues.
yea melee actually fells god
give me a starter is not too slow, maps well, is tanky, and feels strong from act 1.
Give me ideas for non-bleed glad
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Kraut still playing the lleague
bleed glad
Ok Flicker Strike hurts my head, gonna switch to Cyclone like a little bitch.
nobody cares
who? no wait, dont answer
Ty sir
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Abe aka Celi aka Sadge Main is at 6 challenges already
What's THE mapper build now for extremely fast campaign clear
post me next !!!1
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Gigachad Frix has returned and will blow the fuck out all 1488 faggots once again
i unironically cant stop playing
unironically sunder
sounds like bait, any corroborating statements?
so how do i betrayal now? do i really care who's in each place or am i just rushing for safehouse %?
its literall a S tier build
Just overlevel a bit, retard.
>want to stop playing
>your workers will run out of stuff to do and just sit around costing you money
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Where the fuck is that mentally drug addicted leaf faggot Spooky? did he overdose or something? anyone seen him on /pol/?
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Finally.. I made it to maps
>was able to send 2 boats
>now can only send 1
Okay what the fuck maligaro fucing MELTS in mere seconds with bleed

The fuck
john&marks game
why do i have to go back to my stash and look how many items i got left?
why is there no overview at the crafting bench
I was going Bleed Lacerate Glad because it's on maxroll
So it's shit? I'm still on act 3
Im playing lacerate glad, atm in campaign act 3 it eviscerates stuff
I did get lucky with a tabula though
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>go into ele reflect map
>die instantly to first pack
>thought I got shotgunned
>go in again, I apparently killed myself to ele reflect
>on my character that has zero elemental damage
I don't get it.
go ask in maxroll
if it's on maxroll it's a good build unironically
they're very picky with what builds they publish

guide doesn't even make me use lacerate till maps so I can't tell
post map mods and skill bar
chrish have told you that dilator 4 is not a real game
all you had to do is to listen
>vaal area boss ZOOMS around
>cant hit it because melee animation is slow as shit

now show s1 last epoch peak :^)
I'm using this one
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The fuck is this?
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Use or sell?
I'm fine with the ele weak aura through blasphemy
Only skills I have on my attack are Intimidating Cry and Seismic Cry
I don't remember the other map mods, I've done a couple maps since then. I threw Brutality on and cleared the map just fine afterwards.
I need to PoB it later. The only thing I can think of is the mace chill mastery doing something fucky.
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ok cool
3 cellars in that map
activate all 3 statues in all 3 cellars and then go to the area near the crypt of whatever and a boss from sanctum will show up
kill her and she drops a bunch of rares
houthis blockaded shipements and issued demands of TKD
Dang thanks
check your weapon enchants if you have any or auras that do a secondary burst of damage that doesn't apply to weapons
you are mentally ill for stalking me for 3 years
If you can't make lacerate bleed glad work, out of all things, then you are a certified gorilla retard nigger and should castrate yourself right now.
shoudlnt have talked shit about poe sissy
+1 level on all gems of a 3 link or a 4 link?
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the new expansion ain't kino and it's coming out only next month
the only "content drop" in retail is the pre-patch with talent changes and the pre-expac event next
but I guess molten core coming out in SoD might pull some players, they feed on the same loud and always-wrong autists as PoE
Are there any legitimate criticisms of this league so far? It seems like baldo nailed it with balancing so far. The only thing I can think of is having the shipping UI show how many resources you have before moving the slider.
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Market ui could be better too

Mark did it tho
Yep threw it in PoB, forgot I had a phys as random element talisman on
>Are there any legitimate criticisms
it's still poop of excrement
>mana burn
tinctures would be better if they were 50% less good across the board and didnt have mana burn
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Any idea why this cellar is blocked off?
pools closed
Why wouldn't they? An offline version can easily sell like 2-3 million copies with no marketing or advertising required. POE already is well established. A lot of potential players are probably waiting for an offline version to happen.
I did campaign with ea ballista, didn't change a single piece of gear after a4 bc why bother lol. Ballistas ez mode
probably that the mechanic isnt really "in map" in the same way that they usually are
it pretty much just feels like the "core" game is way better.
which even though thats a good thing it can feel a bit disappointing for people who want a new in map thing to do like ritual or even incursion.
calm down kraut aka angry bear
you had to be there
always has been
its the sanctum cellar

what's the gold farming strat now
kill stuff
play the game
Kill mob receive FREE gold
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>Act 8
>13 hours played
yeah but i want
kill mob
Bro im on ruthless and im faster than that.
no. kill many mobs, get many times small gold
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no rmting for you bisch
finna do these man idk https://pobb.in/u/Tarekis/9Ugusvhcs_1m hexblast miner seems like a fuckin nigger build for rmt boss rushers
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Come on game i dont want to go LA but you've given me 3 Uniques for a bow build now
>skips 90% of mobs
yeah, faster, sure thing champ.
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calm down pesado
Does Expedition still suck cocks since they took Stacked Decks from Tujen?
slayer vs jugg?

Gold is such a cuck in this league
I have the resources but I need so much gold for upgrades and better nuggets
They forced me to change Nick for breaching their TOS (Tranny of service)


What do you think?
Bullshit fucking league, literally the same balance as last league. When are they going to rework the fucking ascendancies properly, people still playing literally the same shit
>minion cuck
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it's S tier
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Wish someone would clip that. What a faggot. Tell him to stay hydrated to get him completely butt blasted.
Calm down kraut aka angry bear
buy an ad
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>Leveling as Melee is absolute hell. I never died so many times in the campaign like this league.
>but le damage?
kill yourself you soulless bugman
kys redditor
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>Upgrade farm to get the next crop required for the unlock maps
>Go from 14 days of invested days
>To 5 hours
>hes not playing slayer
havent died a single time
>put gold into town bank
slayer has nothing to do with how often you die faggot
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>I'm going Alira
People are really stressing him out about his health, and I can see why it's bothering Zizaran. They're giving him the evil eye.
lurk more newfag
Are you retarded or are you just trolling? besides archmage ice nova, "new" stuff is the most popular
you're glowing redditor
It's the "get down mister president" meme when you flood 15+ lines of text
I look like and say this
>you: not slayer = die all the time
>me: slayer = never die
idk seems like the issue to me sis
Imho its a good thing, its annoying having chat open then some retard thinking hes epic for copy pasting an item then million other retards spamming sniped
without mentioning the skills you're using it's pointless
takes one to know one
>n-no u
i won
you lost
What do I reroll from RF? I need to delete bosses, do I reroll slayer or zerker? ssf btw
was very drunk last night and ended up starting RF and now I'm in act 8 lol
i accept your concession
i won =)
Everyone is still playing deadeye just kill yourself bald shill, kill yourself
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i get stuck here sometimes, do i bother going for the extra jun wheel and then the +10 safehouse stuff if i'm mainly doing betrayal for the early crafts or do i just start going back into kirac/maps?
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Should i save the corruption altar in act2?
>Level 99 already
Holy shit.
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I got 3 quicksilver flasks in act 1 and I just reached act 5
I'm so fucking slow
It's just a Vaal orb.
>start as melee
>clunky and slow
>go to bow build
>snipe everything from miles away
>izaro is a breeze
>campaign is a breeze
why did they buff melee again
>wonder why i dont get the fucking special ore when everyone is specifically told to work on it
>well sorry there is only shit ore in this mine :]]
Oh yeah? Well i hope you like pumpkin for the rest of your piece of shit life
>why did they buff melee again
to filter brain dead retards like you
Oh yeah? Well I hope you like not having the ability to upgrade your shipments, miners, forges, and everything else. :]]
>switch to bow
so you are retarded
Is the league good? I can't play until tomorrow
ore skill issue
you are ACTUALLY Obnoxious.
>Low Obnoxious Resistance
wait... how did you know those are all me?
>Lacerate sometimes just doesnt hit register
Come on
It has a very shit hitbox.
Oh yeah? Well guess i have to suck your dick then my level 2 mine slave. OR you can sell your body to pirates again.
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Redpill me on Ritual is it worth it now or not?
Does it get better with more attack speed or something?
you mean aoe?
yes, stack A TON of aoe and its kinda ok
Damnit... Might bite the bullet and respec to frost blades
what's a decent leaguestarter where I won't be executed for starting a day late?
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anyone else just not feeling it?
Crucibros, we're so back. I'm full charging this rock no matter how much it kills me
Can someone give me 10d?
>probably best league to date
>hundreds of thousands of players enjoying leaguestart
>won't be able to even touch the game for another month
why even live
Just sent them to you
go back to diablo 4 gene-
oh, sorry i forgot.
I will will feel it for you if you like :)
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>got coins to spend after getting the turtle pack
>see a kino league reveal, league turns out to be kino
>challenge rewards all fit the kalguuarn theme which suits the theme of the expedition faggots making a home
>hoping maybe we will get Faustas armour for kirac Vault pass or maybe something even better
>we get this
who, where, what and why was this chosen?
send 5d to receive 15 afterwards. it works.
In a week or maybe two the reddit normie hordes will realize that its not all that good.
Just play later with all the fixes and improvement
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we was so close
I'll feel you up sissy
>42k tooltip dps in a10 before kitava
does not look so bad
fukcing kiwi niggas
zombiemancer actually works now
$60 Kalguuran Runesmith set.
Also, Turtle is shit.
BOTH of the supporter packs are also trash for some reason
like i think they literally just ran out of time
(god i hope the mystery box armour sets are kino)
The textures also look like shit
>Crafting shit with this armor equipped causes some random asshole to show up and annoy you
Great, thanks.
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>open thread
>no new korean coombait pics/webms
>dont re roll
>dont re roll
Hol up quality on white gear is instantly +20%?
only low level trash
is there a general build that is good for any and every league?
not saying it can do high tier maps but atleast get me there easily and teach me the game somewhat
I have only ever gotten to maps once while playing this game and that was with a ranger
2h or dw axes for lacerate for damage?
what are you rerolling to and from?
All my melee deaths are due to suicide enemies. What a shit mechanic.
being able to do high tier maps is basically the definition of a "good build".
Sunder Slayer
From Zizs Lacerate Glad to well, i have not decided.... Frost Blades looks sick, i honestly just want a mapper with decent bossing for now.
Not into slams. Any ideas ?
yes but I don't think I will be enjoying the game for that long or even playing just one character because poe 2 will come out sometime soon and whats the point of learning poe anymore
I guess I can try that and a ranger char since I know this somewhat
last time I did a lightning build but maybe I'll try toxic rain this time
i have yet to find a 3.25 "zooms through everything fast" build
this league is kino
I might restart
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It makes no sense but I'm going to reroll league start.

Swordstorm is so powerful and instavaporizes rares so I cannot use Vaal Cleave to get my buffs, resulting in a clunky ass playstyle.
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Tell me more about this "sword storm"
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i have that set, the turtle is the best, you are just jealous you heretic of the turtle

i like the armour sets but not anything else about the new ones

might just be the bit rate of the video i took the image
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I don't get it. What does this +70% mean?
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>he falled for the bleed meme
I dont see the league icon in the bottom right corner compared to everyone else. I've went through all the options. Anyone have any clue what is going on??
point bonus
Really not feeling SRS
frost blades are godlike for mapping but it sucks ass at bosses unless you invest a billion divs into it
That'd be fine i guess, get some currency going for a bosser build.
>what does favoured mean
holy esl
LS slayer/deadeye/warden might be fun if you willing to learn positioning to double hit bosses
I’d rather hammer a nail through my dick than go through Act 1 with melee on Ruthless again. I lost three Marauders. Everything’s smooth sailing now in Act 3 though.

The league mechanic is awesome, feels good even in Ruthless.
LS looks too random for me honestly, plus with everyone playing it the items are gonna be expensive as hell.
The town's management is too complex and needs to be nerfed as soon as possible or people will leave in droves.
Is the trick with Trinity to just use Herald of Thunder to cheese the max hit potential so it triggers and fills up Ice? Using Frost Blades.
It's a dual wield retaliation skill that deals 4000% base damage (hits 8 times with each weapon).
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10/10 league
WOAH a vaal orb
nice haul anon :)
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>melee is good
"The first 14 Wheat shipped out to this location provide 70% additional trade value."
The slave trade has begun
New diablo season before the expansion drops?
>send shipment with zero risk
>shipment gets eaten along with all my mats
Thank you anons <3
>zero risk
The risk is never actually zero. It just rounds down visually to zero.
Congrats on hitting the .5% fail rate.
>he bought d4

>send out a 1% risk boat
>come back and its just gone
is it bugged or did I get mega unlucky? there was no notification

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