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Previous iM@S Thread: >>487799231
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (July 27th): >>487847443

>Archive of >>487729059: archive.is/pv885
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- DAY 1 summary: >>487838019
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- DAY 1 setlist: >>487836924
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- DAY 1 illustrations: >>487821927 >>487836948 >>487846674
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- DAY 1 gacha: >>487841152 >>487845327
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- photos (part 2): >>487799072 >>487799696 >>487799894 >>487801467 >>487802171 >>487802387 >>487802395 >>487812586 >>487821679 >>487821796 >>487821938 >>487822323 >>487822474 >>487822664 >>487822896 >>487823146 >>487823192 >>487823264 >>487825287 >>487838704 >>487842569 >>487839843 >>487843470 >>487846328 >>487847724 >>487847873
- SC Summer Idol 2024 voting (July 27th): >>487799506
- SC "Migratory Echoes (ALSTROEMERIA Ver.)" added: >>487844114
- SC ECHOES 04 CD on Aug 7th, ECHOES 01/09 CDs on Jan 22nd: >>487844114
- SC Event Rerun "Five Color Explosion" on July 30th: >>487821506
- SC Upcoming Gacha, Grade Fes Coin Shop and Match Live Point Reward (July 27th): >>487840389
- SFP Upcoming Event "Change from 『Stable』" featuring "mellow mellow": >>487840686
- SFP Upcoming Summer Swimsuit campaign (with 8-idol MV): >>487841661
- SFP ALSTROEMERIA OurSTREAM on July 29th, 8PM JST: >>487846950
- SC e-BANPRESTO Chibigurumi & Pouch Set in August: >>487838526
- SC Carddass Clear Card Collection in September: >>487842135
- SC SHIBUYA109 POP UP SHOP in Autumn: >>487839393
- SC 6thLIVE TOUR Come and Unite! BDs on Feb 5th: >>487844797
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Containment was breached.
say something nice about minami on her birthday
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- Theme: Draw the idol(s) as if they're in a weekend morning shows like Precure, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Pokemon, Yugioh, Punirunes, Ania Kingdom, etc. Western ones like Doug are allowed as well as those which got a re-run in morning (like Kemono Friends and X-Men: The Animated Series). Write the name of the show it's based on and maybe even provide the link for its OP / theme song (insert song is fine too).

- References
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本のテレビアニメ・特撮ドラマの放送時期一覧 (土曜日)
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本のテレビアニメ・特撮ドラマの放送時期一覧 (日曜日)

- Rule
Usual rules apply so no AI, no photoshopping, etc. If you're feeling a little bold, provide a wholesome SFW version along with a link to the lewd original.

- How to contribute
Please reply to this post and/or use "WeekendAM2024" to make it easier when checking the archives.

- Deadline
12:00 JST GMT+9, July 28th 2024

- Submissions
MegaRin The Super Fighting Robot >>485549632, Spongesawa Hiro Lifting Weights >>486093871, BunPink Miyo >>486099914, Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Haya >>486614775, The iDOLFORMERS >>486754064, Aromage Ayumu >>486813026, Lovely Chizuru of the Silver Castle >>487056913, Ojamajo Tsumugi >>487097524, Queen KoGaNe of the Stars >>487297202, Unwavering Devotion! Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier >>487430087, Spiritual Wind Art - Kaede >>487739304, Cool Samurai Girl >>487756638, Cure Crescent >>487785610, Saki Chibi Moon >>487804024
Minami would end the year pregnant if I was in charge of her.
>oekaki_machine's artworks in pixiv are gone because of unauthorized reposts
Only doing two steps and got a whole lotta 'doka
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Forcing myself to be a YuikaP for the rest of the year
the hell did you expect from a japanese artist?
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Thank you for supporting SfP.
GK idol but she's from the college branch.
it do be orange
(I have no idea who I'm gonna use the other two tickets for)
NTA but I wonder which reposts do they mean. Just Twitter art accounts or boorus?
Good morning sirs, what was the live about and what was up with Straylight
Bikinis Fuyuko
Bikini Fuyuko
Fuyu in Bikini
Bikini Fuyu
You will summon that schizo, stop.
Bikini in Fuyuko
Anywhere else that isn't made by themselves. Boorus are a given although some artist get triggered by posting it elsewhere like on imageboards.
Yuika milk.
It leaned on the anime continuity
Ai Fairouz timeskipped to the future with pii-chan power, but skipped straylight for their intro
They returned to their time where Straylight was just debuting and it finished with WDC
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It's been sealed away again.
I want this, but I doubt they'll want to intrude on Rinami's oneesan territory.
Rinze milk.
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there it is
Hana my beloved
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Actual carnivore woman.
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Her voice is so sexy, I'd still be hard for her even if she were a ballet dancer lesbian in love with a cripple.
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2 DANKETSU slots open
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I love Ranko.
Happy birthday Minami.
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Fuyuko can wear a bikini
But can a Bikini wear fuyuko?
Hiro wearing Rinami’s bikini.
I want to see Producer-sama in a speedo de gozaimasu
who this
Performing on a live
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There's a pervert with a camera on the loose.
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That anon who called Fuyuko a flatass got real quiet, huh.
my minami loves me!
What about me?
I'm not even into Fuyu much but I'll have to penis roll this
Had to do something to bring her fans back after the paracolle disaster
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I heard it's a perm. Same though.
It's a perm, but you do you, Mr. Penis.
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you have a statitstically lower chance of getting a perm than you do a limited if you forego its debut rate up banner
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hate this omega jew
What idols does Mr. Penis like?
Judging by /@/: Mei, Megumi, Meguru, Kanade, Kogane, etc.
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i love nono morikubo!
I think I've yet to see one of these where the drawing of the VA actually looks like her instead of a generic anime girl.
that's racist
>Fuyu P-SSR11 (2024/08)
>Mei P-SSR9 (2024/3)
>Asahi P-SSR8 (2023/3)
Are you Irish? That ass is hella small.
Gyaruru when?
Haruki is pure.
That means she'd be double pure as a gyaru!
I don't think you'd want to see a drawing like that...
Irish idol with a huge 100cm ass.
You forgot Hayate
Should Saki fuck her little sister?
Should the Amanas trib?
Should the Futamis relationship go beyond that of sisters?
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I don't rememver the CG results as well but that sounds about right.
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15 years old
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I think he meant the Jougasakis.
Rika tops Mika
Her deep voice is underrated, but I don't what the hell she was doing with her jewelries song.
She sings with her cumming voice
Mei, definitely Mei.
Good morning sirs, I want to marry Minami Saki.
nan nan?
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Ugh Jougasaki Mika ugh
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Illumine my beloveds
Good morning I fapped to Hayate
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Today is 7/28.
It's Natsuha Day.

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Gonna celebrate by going to the gym
Love slutty panthers
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Sexual sisters
We memed Fairouz into im@s but in the expected way.
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I prefer slutty cougars.
Chiyuki is neither of those things.
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I Love my loli wiife
So we got Deku in SideM, Uraraka in CG, and Bakugou in SC.

We're missing Sachiko's husband
Give it time, Single 29 years old do get... desperate
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Baby Arisu.
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Can't go the gym? Calisthenics is always an option! All you need is a floor, furniture, and a door frame.
I dedicate tomorrow to her. It's my rest day.
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You're not missing me, I'm right here.
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Big talk from someone without canon visible abs
Bakugou is also in SideM if you know his first VA.
What about ML?
All might is the voice of Serika's dad in the anime
Who did they play?
Oh My Goodness...
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Are you fucking Kidding me?
I don't get it, explain yourself voicepig
Ume milk
I still know Okamoto the most from Rin Okumura. Fuck Bakugo
Ume's stomach looks way more flabby than her sis in the card arts we have of her. Fake
I know him for being unfaithful to his shortstack (142cm) wife.
What a cunt, fuck him
you can also see abs in her swimsuit
Big tits + abs + short hait is an unholy combo but she looks way too moe
That's like marrying a midget. He had the right idea
So the anons who like shortstacks here are all unfaithful?
damn, that paints a new light on ChocoP
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Kono Hanami Saki...
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See you for day 2 tomorrow.
Damayu is mine, by the way.
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She's mine actually.
Fine I'll take Reirei
I'm yours
imagine if she's not wearing anything underneath that jacket
If you haven't noticed, they only use Choco as an emergency button
My idol doesn't wear bras
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Thinking about it it feels like a design that was meant for Uma but accidentally got in the wrong game
her 3d model
inconsistent gamu...
For me, Ai Farouz will always be Iroha, not Power or Jolyne
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Boom Boom Powing her. Right now.
wtfrick the abs sisters...
I don't know who Iroha or Power is
>Iroha, not Power
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holy shit this is so gay...
ummm actually she's cure summer
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It just means that Ume can handle several hours of hardcore mating.
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Big women with abs? Yeah not so hot.
Shortstack with abs? That's fuckin' hot.
Her personality also works to her advantage.
most out of shape /@/'s otakus calling abs gay...
How do I get abs so I can have an Ume gf?
Saki would fight all these Ps who treat Ume like a walking sex toy.
Saki said she loves (Me) though
This has to be the first time I don't like a Fuyuko SSRP, for once I admit it's a very exaggerated swimsuit design.
Also may be my bias that Asahi is still waiting for an SSR and it's now 515 days without one, 11 days more and she'll break Mano's record with 536 days
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>I admit it's a very exaggerated swimsuit design.
Is it? It's not the first time she get got an elaborate swimsuit with veils. I prefer the old one, but the only thing I dislike in the new one are the arm things.


Yuriko's mom

If you push her down the weight of her head would probably keep her from getting up.
>Yuriko's mom
She might have more porn than some MLs. Maybe even some CGs and SCs.
5 series of 10 sit-ups every day.
>Yuriko's mom
I wish they'd give any of the other moms even half of the attention she gets
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Yuriko’s dad is either the biggest Chad in the neighborhood or the biggest wuss, no in-betweens.
Lose body fat.
You can have all the core strength and muscle in the fucking world and still not have visible abs unless you get down to, say 10-15%.
I can’t believe I’m saying this about Chiyuki but tits too big.
Mr. Nanao probably knew he was marrying the town bike.
Yuriko's dad is secretly the father of all blue haired idols
Hana too?
that's a good Hiro
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B89 is big but too many people draw Chiyuki like she's Shizuku.
I misread this
maybe I should sleep for longer
based daniel
For me, she will always be kancolle Hornet.
Someone got a rip?
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She better be bottomless.
Holy shit I just saw Saki in a boxing ring in Paris duking it out with another idol
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I cannot believe Saki lost...
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We may never know the truth.
Maybe she's extra fluffy down there
Saki will be a virgin forever because she hates losing
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I love Miya
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Why is Yuriko like this?
Her mother is a SLUT.
Her father is a slut
Her gamer friend is a SLUT.
I often think about idols...
Her Producer is a SLUT.
Wouldn't those cancel each other out so Yuriko would be hyper pure? That's how it worked for Yayoi.
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Who is not a slut these days?
No she's not.
I'm pure
weebs onegai
my favorite idol
What about Subaru?
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wow she has heart eyes cute
i can do that too look
bitch you're disgusting
Expo desu yo!

Her eyes... they're heart shaped.... cute...

Anna-chan, I can do it too, the heart
I'll do right now

Soooh...? Can yoo see da Haart...?
Yuriko is Iiterally just a porn idol.
And that’s a good thing!
nine hours, cunts
go dr@w something
D they hide when a fuckup happens during a live?
They fix it for the blu-rays.
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The Baseball team comfort schoolgirl
thanks. that girl ain't right.
Are there examples of this?
I need examples.
Was this uploaded anywhere?
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A lot. It's usually the seiyuu forgetting a line but sometimes crazier things happen.
Chiyuki is pure.
I wonder how they will fix a broken mic then
Pure slut
Backups. This isn't rocket science, dude.
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Long Anna!?
You use the mic of your unit member which is attached to their ear and very close to their lips
gofile is ass today, any alternatives
Certain vas just absolutely mog the rest lookswise daaaamn
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She is
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Ok, Sakuya
27 years ago. Chiyuki is filthy like how we like our idols.
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When will (Hayai) Forces?
When will Luca's therapy group get new songs?
But Chiyuki is 23 years old?
Grr how do I make good impression work? Hiro's starter ssr is impossible to get to 1st place cause I'm a shitter.
Is she ok?
Oh sweet summer child...
Luca isn’t ready for it yet (she’s fragile)
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I only played Temari SSR. I have no idea.
Saki was easy to get B starting out but Hiro is impossible... she's permanently low Stam and needs to rest, super low all stats and her good impression Ramp up is too slow. She's a failure and she likes it....
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Aiiiiiiiii FORCES
Ritsuko please
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I can't believe Temari is going to get mogged
who the fuck is this
3dpd get out
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p u s s y i n b i o
She’s right
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"I am way hotter than all of these girls"
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>no panties
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Seek and Destroy
Would you let your idol do OF for some quick money on the side? She can hide her face too so that it’s not cheating.
Hiro's starter SSR is a yaruki bomber. Stack yaruki and shields and use the skills that do percent damage based on your shields in the last few turns.
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Elon's bots have breached the X-containment.
Today's the day.

The Big 3 is back
Ohhh ok gonna try
Takeru's a girl?
An hour or two can easily pass by if you're not getting the skill card you want for your memory...
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ch2haya_p deleted his twitter... I think he was my favorite chihaya artist
Haruki is dangerous.
I might try this too.
Those don't even look like tits, looks like two oranges far apart from each other just stuffed in there with a tape.
Wasn't that the guy that drew some fucked up shit? Like guro? If so, good riddance.
Rarely but why do you even care?
He will rise again but as a Blue Archive artist.
Sho nipples them SMbitch
Because that's disgusting, and I disliked it when some faggot would post a link to that stuff without at least a warning, I don't like seeing idols like that.
Sounds like a (You) problem.
The misskey cunny without warning is fine though?
The only 3D girls I like are my branch's seiyuu
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I guess so, I'm not subhuman enough to enjoy stuff like that.
I didn't say that.
And nothing of value was lost

Only of madoka and sakuya
NTA but I never click those. 99% it's loli plus I hate webp.
Chiyuki but 32 years old
>the Aikatsu Academy trio gets to stream right away after their introductory stream
>main YouTube channel already has a bunch of videos and shorts
Even disregarding the official lyric video and the PVs, Aikatsu Academy already looks more active than VL (looks really barren in the shorts tab).
The highest score I could ever get in an impression deck is 23K. It's dogshit compared to the 30k+ I could get on any other lesson plans.
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Good Impression is the thumbs up like starter Kotone, starter Hiro is yaruki/determination.
Her buff makes shield card do more shield, so your game plan tends to be use a bunch of cards that raise both yaruki and shield at the same time.
Then you finish off with cards that do huge damage based on your shield count at the end.

Problem 1: If you're low P rank, you may not have those finisher cards unlocked yet.
Problem 2: Even if you do have them unlocked and got them in your deck, you may not draw them when you need them.
For 2, you can mitigate it a bit by picking up a few extras, and smoothie p-drinks let you reroll your current hand.
Also, SSR Hiro does a smaller automatic version of those attacks at the start of the last two turns, so that can be a backup plan.
Or a bit extra on top even if things work out ok.
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All I know is that this SSR just gave Fuyuko the victory, MeguruPs and whoever wins the Kiririn vs Chookie match tried in vain.
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Did we get stuff like during the live?
For me, it's Tomoka
>hate webp
Yeah fuck that shit. We want our idols in glorious .pngs.
Also the gook SFX in the last panel is a meme SFX used in Iori anal doujins
Not a fan of Vtuber crap, but won't deny this could be a genius move.

The little girls who grew up with Ichigo are now adults, and probably watching Vtubers anyway.
isn't that just a dude?
Weird, thought the repeating caps was just a femP thing
Itabags are for everyone.
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sc live fun day 1

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