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Another stupid chamber....

>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on July 25

>Developer's Note: July 2024

>Current Events
JUVENILE DAYS - July 25 ~ August 8
Union Raid - July 26 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Events
Solo Raid - August 2 ~ August 9

>Current Special Recruit
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ August 1
Ein - July 25 ~ August 8
Anis: Sparkling Summer [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15
Helm: Aquamarine [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Zwei - TBA

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Costumes
Naga: Elegant Date [Mission Pass] - August 1 ~ August 31
Tia: Lovely Date [Log-in event]

Previous: >>487819821
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Next collab
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>cummander and analchiro come back
>pass thru eden
>dorothy is going back to eden
>she sees analchiro
>tries to fight but loses cause lmao its just her
>grave's mask falls off SOMEHOW
>its penis
penis: I...who are you?
dorothy: dead.png
end of ch 34

Can't you people tell newfags to read the guide or tell them to fuck off? that's what we do in /a/ /buyfag/ threads, they don't even bother to read the fucking guides in OP's post.
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thanks ojisan!
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I would whale for Kuroeda.
Your core team will likely be Liter, Crown, Modernia, Red Hood, and Alice. You can swap naga for Alice, and D wife for Liter if you want. other than that, it's for people who really care about being competitive or pvp/raids.

this is the current meta. It will likely change with new pilgrims. So probably swap alice for a new pilgrim attacker. But sometimes pilgrims suck so you'll have to find out with us.
Indivillia needs correction
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shifty toot
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Nikkes can't get pregnant.
Would spend money on
More fat Nikkes
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>Only barely managed to get a single copy of her when I started the game
>fast forward 1 year later
Finally, redemption
>Co-op dates still not in the OP
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>be newcutie
>didnt realise until today that you can see logs of others that completed the stage
>see people that did it with may less cp than me
well now I feel bad
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Tell me who it is acceptable to spend gold and silver mileage tickets on
sauce? saucenao didnt work shite
uh oh stinky
>less cp than me
why you people so degenerate?
>less cp
I've noticed on some bosses Modernia will hit multiple times on top of or skill, when bursting and even sometimes out of burst. is this a bug?
>gold mileage only for Pilgrims and maybe 1x copy of time-limited characters, otherwise save
>if you're past the 160 wall silver mileage only for treasure selector if you don't have the units at LB2 yet, otherwise save
Might be because it's cropped and compressed
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I love Rupee...
Yandex is the only good one
Spend both on Viper dupes
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It's Rupee!
>go in random scuffed store in my country
>hear the fucking cash shop song playing
>trip out
>look it up later, its a random weird ass euro song or whatever
Rupee is sooooo cuuuute
>is this a bug?
No, that's how she works when bursting she hits 4x, 2x S1 and 2x regular shot
For some bosses the position of where the damage numbers show up overlap so you only see 2 numbers and for other bosses they don't overlap which is why you can see 3 there, one of which is actually 2 damage instances
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Yum yum
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only ONE Ojisan!
Pretty good rewards but the pilgrim one hurts
Thanks. Got 500 hold tickets, will gove one to SAnis
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Not bad, although it's nasty that you got fucked on the tetra and pilgrim molds.
All Pilgrim molds are cursed
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>will gove one to SAnis
That's a good choice since she's also meta
I think this is one of the better events. Korean bullying aside, there is way less bitching than usual. Plus some anons can relate to the friend thing. Which does get worse the older you get in the internet age.
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hi can I get a double orange caramel creamsicle skittle frappuccino with extra pumpkin spice?
Failed Molds should give you 10 Silver!
There I said it.
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Good luck, anon
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> that many micas
can someone please tell me good defense teams for sp arena? i just got noah and anis
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I'm Helming
Ein should bully my dick.
13th Request for Cream Hood.
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eh it happens, I got the most important pilgrims anyway so Im good.
I now ended up with a MLB Viper, LB2 Helm, core +1 Wife, LB1 Bsoda, +1 Ade, +1 Yulha and LB1 Signal
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Protect these eyes
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I'm admiring.
Yes, but more importantly, she's chubby as hell
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How dare you
Is there a guide for Manual play? Reached Chapter 19 and I think I should start manual-ing so as to not lag behind.
But that's a good thing
Trust me, I study architecture
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now that I'm done with story, it's time to surprise my arena rivals
is Laplace a good toon?
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Thanks, started a new folder for you!
You have to shoot at the raptures and activate the burst skills when you feel the time is right
>mast treasure next
>still dont have her MLB
Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
needs an edit with Ein
As a newbie, which of the limited banners is recommended to pull for? Also the current event that gives you those butterfly tokens, best use for them is purple tickets too? x
spend all your gems on helm: aquamarine
Anis is meta since release and still meta.
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Reminder they said we would get a "popular franchise" so it's going to be shounenslop or a reddit game collab. We might even get the standard Sony industry plant game
you don't need MLB just LB2
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I get a white screen when I click the link
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Tiny jigglies...
ohmmygosh ohmygosh
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Got double soline from Elysion mold
>no creampie
AT Crossover soon!
Can you sex the nikkers?
Why the fuck would you want to do that? Nikkes are gross and not humans.
Only Rei
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>tfw keep rolling new characters and never build them unlike the usual meta pilgrims
Anyone else like this?
no, they sex you
I build them for SR (only if they're needed) and then reset them as soon as I can
like rosanna and sakura this time around
>double soline
Nice, the rest not so much. I am sorry for your loss
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Can you sex the humans?
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I love my wife Rapi.
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Because Plapi is kind of hot.
Please onegai
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Sex with ALL humans and ALL Nikkes, except Rapi.
Wait where is her skirt?
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deja vu
So at what point does Alice out perform Rapunzel? Nunny is 10/4/4 with all OL gear and a Rare Doll, Alice is 4/4/4, I have Spare SR dolls available and I can Overload all her shit if needed. Another question, My Dorthy is fully kitted 10/10/10 because she was my first CDR B1 so I hyper Invested in her. Would her crazy personal Damage out weigh the Buffs that Liter provides for my total team DPS?
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Are you Team Pointy or Team Inverted, /nikg/?
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I like em both
Team inverted, but pierced to make them stay out, Like a true man of science.
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I just use Naga instead
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One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me
No, I will not separate my JKs. I am anit NTR
Inverted = shy and/or gentle women.
Pointy = evil and/or fiery women.
Team puffy.
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youre pretty cool anon, dont come to the next thread tomorrow
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So are both Scarlets meta or just the white one?
Is Novel worth investing in as my main 5 (started yesterday)?
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Scarlet is PvP meta and some Boss meta
Black Scarlet is meta.
oh very cool, I got the black one luckily. Her art is so fucking hot
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Large huevo.
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luck issue
On another note, Until you MLB a unit, That is having for total copies, no unit is really worth investing it, Just invest in your 5 highest Stared units and hope you can MLB them, Resetting levels cost 10 gems, so don't be afraid to be locked into a Nikke. Skill books however are the true bottle neck, use them ONLY on Meta nikkes or if absolutely necessary.
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What the fuck, how much power does affection give? I just dumped a bunch of gifts into Maxwell for her title and she jumped past three nikkers, now she's my 5th strongest
I stress again, ONLY use Skill books on meta Nikkes, you get the option to reset them every now and then, but Skill Books are one of the only true bottlenecks in the game and extremely precious. I fucking hate not being able to build up "fun" non-meta Nikkes because of the lack of books.
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Team Kani
Rolling on non-limited banners is actually not that big of an issue like people claim it is because golden tickets are the real important bit. Now if you misuse your golden tickets, that's when you are really bricked
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what's the best team for s.anis?
>I fucking hate not being able to build up "fun" non-meta Nikkes because of the lack of books.
That's on your ass honky. I built my SG team and pvp units on top of the regular "meta" nikkes. SHIIIIIIIEEET.
all right, I'll try to focus on just pure levels on the SSRs as well as a couple gear upgrades just to keep my power level above campaign, thanks.
Let's see your five teams then lil nikka!
I like both. Specially the super huge puffy nipples but Cinderella is obviously inverted and made for nipple fucking.
Um actually shotguns are meta, so you basically haven't built any fun Nikkes at all.
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Hows Ein? Waited a few days for the verdict
raid only, good in general, okay, or what
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I started back in April and pressed that button for the first time yesterday
Thought it doesn't help because even the bottom of the recommended teams have like 200k cp on me.
>Jokes on you! I built meta units after building meta units!
What did he mean by this?
Cinderella's anal days are over
is Crown the cutest hag nikke?
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>that longing look summer anis gives you
Anis needs to be plapped NOW
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SG's weren't meta until BSoda unbricked them and even then they are very niche even with all my 44 base hit rate OLs. They also fucked up Tove's stacks again. Anyway I had my team made a while back since I had a fully built viper/guilty/tove since...idk since February?
>no fun nikkes at all
Harran, Aria, Nihi, a few rikkers, Lap since September of last year, 2B, G
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don't feel bad as those logs are full of cheaters
sure buddy
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I've been playing since pc launch and I still don't get how "i-framing" works.
Trying to do this shit on Crystal Chamber HM and there's no consistency to it.
Many NOW meta nikkes weren't meta and considered trash 1 year ago when I built them. Newfags would not know.
Does Mary count as a hag?
the only way to get the newcomer banner 10x pull is to either get the monthly welkin for 7 months or buy the 2300 gems package?
Pointy inserting them into inverted
your naga?
your nawr?
your sanus?
buckbroken banned macrocuck lmao
Used to be meta
wtf nikka?
Used to be meta
Used to be meta, back to meta
Used to be niche meta
Aria is the only one who has never been meta, I can attribute that to you having brain damage. Union al ID?
Most optimal with Dorothy & Privaty.
She can work well with most Units except Liter and Sugar.
She's the new scarlett
>Russians Begin Assault On Zhelanne Toretsk Defense Collapse
Anon... what are you watching?
As I understand it, it's not true i-framing, but "redirecting" attacks
If you're about to be attacked, take cover, and right before the attack actually goes off, leave cover
The attack should aim for where you were rather then where your nikke is now, and you should avoid the attack
It works a lot of the time, but not every time
A good way to practice is with train
If you did it right, the starting missile salvo should completely miss your Nikkes
>tfw I am actually as hairy as that dude
Should I just laser my entire body bros it feels so fuckin' bad when you're lifting and people notice you being a sasquatch instead of your mouscles
Thanks for reading my blogpost btw
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who the fuck writes this shit
I don't know if Nikkes can be impregnated, but God do I want to try with Naga
Those missiles don't always actually target you though, right? I was down to last nikke for UR and some missiles just aimed for where the others would have been.
But all that is true..
Naga's new skin is kinda more Niga
>control a nikker
>make sure its poking out of cover
>wait for a rapture to charge its attack on said nikker
>when rapture is about to attack, duck to cover in the last second
>rapture attacks the position where your nikker used to poke its head out
>your nikker and her cover take no damage since the rapture misses its shot.
Alternatively your nikker could start ducking in cover, rapture locks on to your nikker then poke out of cover at the last second. Your nikker won't take any damage since the rapture targets the ducking position however your cover would be damaged. I frame dodging is very useful for snipers and kamikaze especially the element ones
Just shave? Or are you cursed with infinitely regrowing body hair as well?
Reads like filler text done by ai
>used to be meta
Negro she was USABLE in campaign awful at everything else. Nobody has her built outside a handful of people. Shut the fuck up
yes? problem?
Never, even right now she needs plenty of investment and even frima to do proper damage. Only game mode where she has massively improved is pvp.
>niche meta
>union al ID
Did you have a stroke?
The secret details such as the pantsu peek...
>Is this unit good?
>Huh why
>Her skills are too vague to understand therefore SHES SHIIIIIT
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Rapi SSR status?
> Or are you cursed with infinitely regrowing body hair as well?
Wha- is that not how everybody's hair works?? It's literally all back within a week or two usually.
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New JK just dropped
Man he works fast. Can't wait for my nigga to tn this. on reddit
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I meant "infinitely fast regrowing body hair". Brain fart.
>bait banner
That part is retarded, there's nothing bait about a meta unit that replaces S in a meta comp
>The skill description is too vague
This part is just true though, the skill description is super unclear about how the Near Feathers attack or how the summoning works. Only through testing and datamines have we gotten the information that each feather has a different duration and that the amount of feathers summoned increases how frequently they attack, all this isn't in the skill desc and there's zero reason for it not to be mentioned
We get so much fanart nowadays.
I would feel naked without my arm carpets
At least my back isn't hairy
I think they're referring to speed of how quickly it grows back
Like for me. I'm hairy as shit, and I shed like a motherfucker ever since I was a kid
So much so that I have to unclog my vacuum cleaner regularly
At least I'm not balding, I guess.
>replaces S
I run them together with sanus. Melted train. You think I'm giving up 80 elem nikkes? Also she'll end up being ran with Frima and her b2 friend for 90% true damage increase anyway. We run multiple teams in nikke you MORAN.
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ssr belorta for christmas would be nice
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Any fucking day.
I git Elegg
I'm happy
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This crystal arc is boring, but at least chapter 28 has been easy to go through
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>alien eyes
The standard last bullet team uses Doro and Priv so you can't run SAnis, Ein and S and if you have to choose between the two Ein at similar investment is stronger, both because she does more damage and because she offers the much needed fast burst gen the team has been lacking for a while now
Of course there are some odd comps you can run all three together on since S isn't required to burst, but usually it wouldn't work out
>grave, the goddess fangirl not recognizing doro
How many copies of Sanis? Is one enough? MLB?
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It's still nothing compared to other popular gacha
That's 90% of the characters in the game
>Muh charge damage buffs
Who cares
>Against multiple enemies
WHO cares, boss killing game
>Alluring bait
>Too vague
What does this even mean
Instead of the le epic choir music playing when Anachiro became Cinderella and started kicking ass I like to imagine The Touch by Stan Bush started playing
Core +7 or don't bother
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Core 7
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>Zwei next
Enough with the JKs! WHERE ARE THE HAGS
One is always enough, your damage doesn't increase much getting to MLB
How come people are still asking this question when this has always been the case for every single character they release, there's never a reason to get dupes unless you just want them for the lobby screen
Who should I skill reset?
no but for real
Scarlet and the rest of the hags are in the retirement home, old timer
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Hags don't sell, we need more nikkes like this instead
Not bad.
Is it? I thought dps like Alice and RH benefit from it pretty well.
>who cares about multiple enemies in boss killing game
Man I also wish Material H and Mother whale didn't exist.
She scales from final damage so go core max
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>Marciana (hag) in schoolgirl uniform soon
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Bocchan please don't kick me out
Why does her free skin have new lines when half of the paid skins don't?
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>Another air type rapture
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Why isn't anchor on the news?
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Going Core 8 on SSRapi.
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Rapi telling Liveryn that SKK is married with two kids is the first time the game's made me laugh in a while
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
Absolute event when?
The benefit has been dilluted a lot by dolls extra stats
And overall max core is an 18% boost, decent but if you aren't spending oil baron money on the game or waifumaxxing you probably don't need to bother.
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>Big Egg
Big Huevo
>Big Uovo
Big Ovo
>Big たまご
Big яйцo
>Big αυγό
Big ไข่
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Bwos can you please help me create a new team? I know basic stuff like order and burst time but I have no idea how the characters interact. Right now I'm using N102, Viper, Clay, Rapi and Modernia because they have the highest power but the last few days I've earned a few new SSRs like Liter. I was thinking something like Liter, Centi, Marciana, Modernia and Privaty (not necessarely in that order)
my dick will not survive
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So that's why Tia Naga are getting their skins now, because JK uniform Marciana will absolutely blow them the fuck out
Never, they got their time in the sun and now it's back to the forgotten shed while Matis, Cafe Sweetey, and Maid for You suck up all the attention.
Now Matis will get 3 chapters dedicated to how badass they are to make up for the new one Absolutre got.
If you're a fan of Absolute you should just fucking KILL YOURSELF because nothing ever good happens to them unless you're a cow tit lizard named EMMA
Just honey b lovely urself
>Cinderella calls (me) prince charming
I need her, bros.....
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I see, thanks for explaining.
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Do I need to get Ein?
Breeding Cinderella while Rapi and Marian cry in the corner.
Any more LBs increase the damage for any DPS but it's miniscule, MLB is a tiny increase and Core 7 is somewhat decent but all of that gets trumped by just getting more lucky on your OL gear
There's a reason even F2Ps and low spenders can compete just as well as whales for high ranks in SR, it just doesn't matter that much
Liter Crow Modernia Privaty Guillotine
everyone will have forgotten this fat bitch by march
I see, I see.
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How do we feel about dark skin?
>Two more weeks!
Why does she have an old shitty phone like Viper?
SKK doesn't pay for the enjo kousai so she doesn't have funds for a smartphone
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This is an aliencore game
really wish i could finally get that brat...
>on Noir and Bay
Based sexo
>on that bitch
Cringe not sexo
Tia >>>>>>>>>
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I still use Elegg whenever I can
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>both a flipphone and a modern phone with touchscreen
my wife
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What do you think that the Aliens are going to look like?
I am thinking they would be something like Chatterbox.
now show me her soles
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>the first Pilgrim to join the RS01 is also the first heretic ever made and the reason why Goddess failed her mission against the Queen
Pioneer is going to fucking mindswitch
go back Oswald
why does she hold up the front of her dress
is she TRYING to tempt me
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Nooooooo give it back....
I still don't understand why her legs are darker in this skin
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oke thanks, but why crow and guillottine?
Darkness descends
Her normal look is already like that, you can see it ingame if you flip between the two skins in the nikkepedia
I think its just how the 'lighting' is in her art
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I have gotten most of my Nikkes to 10 bond but haven't touched any of their bond stories.
are you retarded?
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Too dark
Easy pass
Are you?
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What was you deficit? The middle of chaper 31 is fucking my ass at 35% deficit with those flying turds killing everything not even 2 sec after the start. I'm feeling like the 81 core dust threshold is very close but I can't be arsed...
I don't even use doro anymore bwo.
you are apparently
he's trolling you with Crow, she's completely useless
do Liter/Centi (for great burst generation)/Modernia/Bunny soda/Privaty
retarded retard
Imagine the panic in the Ark if they were constantly reminded that even if they defeat the Raptures on the surface, there is still a force of aliens on their way to colonize Earth.
That is why they don't talk about it too much.
I don't know how to argue so I just call people retards
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>what are stockings
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See these
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I don't touch bond stories because I can't read anything longer than 8.3 seconds
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Retards, obviously her legs are darker because public company ESG bullshit.
Everything is going to get darker and gayer from now on.
she's not wearing any thougheverbeiterthough
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Oh shit, Billie Eilish collab?
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Eat lead creature of darkness
They should've given us a 2 in 1 and thrown summer guilty
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how did they make the treasured item system so fucking trash? did they take the OL rock income system and go "let's fucking make this shit even fucking worse" and just go with it???
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You're not missing anything.
your favorite nikker? yeah, i fucking hate her. i think she's fucking trash.
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yes that is what happened
what's wrong idoll sun?
What's the punishment for energetic female student
Nah those are bare nigger feet
Did the fact that they added maintenance items to the cash shop not give that away?
>black feet
UTTERLY sinful.
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Did Naga show Ein what a female student can do?
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she will be used as a public toilet for a week, read the event
So their going to keep pushing meta units on us from now on?
I guess pay piggies win in the end
Cleaning toilets clogged up with Rei's shit for a week.
>standard dps
Energetic correction
What is next for this jobber?
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Getting eaten alive
By whom?
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lol I just tried the team with crow and it sucks. Alright thanks, let me guess Liter and Centi to reach bust 3 fast every rotation, modernia first (because she deals a ton of damage) then bsoda (from the skill description it should be pretty strong) so they alternate and in the end privaty mainly because of her first skill, correct?
I have no friends wah
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Every single thing that happened was deserved, why do people hate Crow again, apart from chapter writing being shit? Too bad no character can die permanently in current main story. Crow may be the last sane person on Ark.
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Why not more aliens?

Liter/Marciana/Bunny Soda/Modernia/Guillotine

switch out guillotine for something better once u pull
remember angelica?
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sloppy blowjobs
He can't digest metal though
>Mast's treasure rumored
Let me make her godtier.
Skill 1:
Duration 3>5
Skill 2:
Duration 30>perma
Buff duration:
Voila, small changes to be godtier while pushing further her unique niche.
>not using her with dorotard or edgy swordwomxn
Not yet.
>a healer
>when G only does damage when she's dying and has 2x ammo
Might as well run Priv or Viper

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>That one anon who saw a belly and couldn't help but think of punching it
the issue with Mast's niche is that reducing enemy defense doesn't do much for your damage
I've yet to see a single einfag post a damage chart that wasn't from the shooting range
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Is it even humanly possible to make Aloy attractive without literally redesigning her? Genshin got close, but they pretty much changed her entire body and face.
What is the key for?
Use concept art Aloy instead of the uglified ingame model
this is what the Tia skin should've been
Key to her heart
Give it to me straight, doc. Will Rapi and Commander ever have brutal seggs?
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Guilty's chastity cage
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Here is some testing I did with Ein on the current UR bosses
>Ein - LB0, 10/10/10, 7% ATK, 0% Ele Dmg, only 2x OL pieces
>SAnis - LB0, 10/10/9, 36% ATK, 44% Ele Dmg
>S - Core 1, 10/4/7, 8% ATK, 22% Ele Dmg
>RH - Core 3, 10/10/10, 25% ATK, she doesn't get ele advantage against Doctor, but Ein does so keep that in mind
I think it's pretty clear she's stronger than S and would perform better than SAnis at similar investment if the boss has a core since SAnis being an SG can't core hit as well as an SR. And her damage is probably similar to RH if both are neutral on ele advantage when up against a boss that doesn't have parts to pierce at similar investment
Also you gotta manually fast shoot with Ein and ignore the full charge mechanic on her S2 for optimal damage, only maybe a lot of charge speed could make it worth it to full charge shoot instead but I'm not gonna bother rerolling OL pieces for that
what if Nihilister gets babu'd
ryona time?
Imagine staining those black feet white
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... her chastity cage?
That's what I said
...poli wtf
Are you giving up?
>Anis is a bit of a flirt but chickens out when it's go time
Thanks, I hate it.
That might change. SU is pushing true damage and this SR, the boss has a 90% def buff. She will be super valuable this SR and later on everytime SU remember defense exists.
key to her heart is chiken nuggies and protecting her from gainful employment
Man. Rapi leaving the squad must have crushed the N'wah horribly. No wonder she is so surly.
>fat loudmouth doomer girl is a coward
What the fuck did you expect ese?
I need to see some proof champ
Going from "worthless" to "situational" isn't really what you'd want a treasure to do. They should be like Exia's and make the user a top contender in their slot.
if rapi ssr ever releases, im gonna expect a full doujin from this nigga
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No, they will have gentle loving sex in missionary position while holding hands, fingers interlocked.
needs a proper succubus Nikke
You already have a centaur for that
>/nikg/ #1-2682
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skills for ein?
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I can't believe I've been in nearly every single one of these fucking threads.
would unironically have sex while she wears that
all of them
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Nikg #2758 it's going to be the best thread ever
>The helmet stays on during sex
I know people should use protection during sex, but this is ridiculous.
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Rapi get off nikg...
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I don't like how close this event hits to home
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but I just 10/10/9'd Sanus, I don't want to 10/10/10 ein
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All are good and you should go to 10/10/10
Priority order is S1 > S2 > B I think
So I'm in chapter 24, Should I pretend to care about Viper now after she exploded? Do I act as if they are not gonna pop her into closest repair center and she will be fixed by the end of the week? During talks with her, did the commander forget previous 7 chapters and decide that after 2 nice sentences he doesn't want to kill her anymore?
Nikke for Lovey dovey sex?
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i like harran
this one
I know that the developers joked about how the nikkes wear the armor, but I prefer to believe that it is actually subdermal armor, covered by whatever material their "skin" is supposed to be.
>wishlist is slowly getting filled with good nikkes
Maybe I will get a reason to roll those 500+ hetero tickets in 6 months. Elysion is still an eyesore though
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Goddessium fiber
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the costume collab everyone has been waiting for
I forget... The fuck is a vapaus?
They expect me to memorize everything?
Well, judging by Rapi, it's not even a week until they get repaired, with enough plot armor Rapi decided to wake up 2 scenes later, find me and Crow without any means to do so and shoot her even though it should be impossible for her unless (you) tell her to do so.
>60 mil difference between 7/7/7 and 10/10/10
At least you don’t seem to be too hard pressed to max them out if you’re on a budget
I lost interest in Harran stepping on my balls. I want Behemoth to do it now
100 years pay off. I would be overjoyed too.
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>bro trust me, you just have to believe they had an epic fight while you were in a coma xD
It's the thing the whole game's story revolves around so you're expected to remember it
Some reaching here
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Writers keep teasing it and hyping it up in the main story and some events, it has become one of the things I'm looking for the most at this point.
It's about 35% against Landeater who has like 12k Def. It's the highest of all bosses back before Crystal Chamber and Mirror Container. The problem is dropping stacks and most bosses being damage sponges with defense. Going into the negatives could easily make her the best B2.
What can an Ordinary Female Student do?
Kill thyself
The last time we had a story mode was 6 months ago. How am I supposed to remember???
>shoot her even though it should be impossible for her unless (you) tell her to do so.
What did anon mean by this?
she's precious and needs to be protected at all cost
Rapi is mash bro. Its...fucking over. I love it though cause that rapiseethe comic will never die.
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Die like Naga's old classmates.
You’re making it sound like they gave up and started playing rock paper scissors the moment your consciousness faded
I would bet that Mast is actually inspired by Marine
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Fuck off, vtnigger
Will Grave be the freebie for 2nd anni like lil Snow white? Her design will be hard hard to sell to normalfags and new year is already reserved for Rapunzel forma popa.
the dress is legit ugly so I hate it
>not mecha gorilla
>she's also a Half-Life fan
who? qrd?
damagesponges without defense*
So fucking tired of all this lesbian relationship shit.
Turning the mabeast into the mamabeast
Sora my beloved
There aren't any lesbians in this game though
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The subordinate?
This is cropped futa, isn't it?
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I *assume* Grave will undergo repairs. Probably replace her missing face plate. However, her current incarnation would not appeal to people who are not diehard lore savvy fans. A complete redesign is needed, but then she would not be Grave anymore.
wrong tab? this isn't /gig/
Commander dicking her last year really mind broke her. Can't think about anything else now.
My 2nd cuckqueen wife.
Her and Rapi love to watch.
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one more year!
this guy
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I think he was sperging about how Yuni and Mihara kept BDSMing each other in that one chapter.
Still, /nikg/ is full of retards, ignore.
Extremely late reply but the skill kit has a Near Feathers tooltip that does mention the independent duration and attack frequency.

That is though, mention it, not explain it but it's still there.
>I'm beauty incarnate
>more mirrors
I wish she would go mute again...
Doro and Pine
Mihara and Yuni
Grave and Cinderella
Chime and Crown
Rapunzel is also confirmed to be into women
Love his works, I wonder how he'll adapt once they throw rapi a bone if you know what I mean
Does she truly outrank commander?
this shit is retarded
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ade's gentle blowjobs
ade's relentless cowgirl
The carom the right has a stronger bite force.
I can satisfy her
>not Milk
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Meido love
>Commander ranks above lieutenant commander (O-4) and below captain (O-6)
I love Cinderella
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I actually wonder why most /u/ pairs come from around the same timeframe with Elegg/Trony - Bay/Clay being the most obvious and to a lesser extent Cinderella/Grave
on the Admire yes, she's the captain
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Based I was just thinking about listening to some vocaloid
>beauty incarnate
but she doesn't look like rei?
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>Damn Tia I always thought you were as pigheaded as you look you cake gobbling fat fuck!
>Anyways you're actually alright thanks for the advice!
Ein is pretty funny
Yes because in the navy captain>commander. Don't ask me why.
it's funny to think that in maid for you, the combat capable one is cocoa. you'd think it would be ade
Commander isn't his rank though, and the Ark isn't burger navy.
retarded euro
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Ein is pretty rude.
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Any campaign progression/wall prep tips?
Should I just max out SBS/Novel and Rapi (since apparently shes the best SR unit) while I slowly acquire more SSRs?
Level your team evenly
During Ch5 you get access to the syncro machine that you can use to lock other nikkes to the level of your 5 highest level units
swap mica for n102. actually n102 is a staple for newbs before you get someone like liter or dwife. also don't forget to read the op guide and prepare for the wall
Do the half off daily pull.
Does negative defense actually do something to increase damage? Dropping stacks is easy to avoid simply by giving her some crit OLs. Her main issue is simply that she doesn't add enough damage to be worth a slot
So....Cinderella/Anachiro isn't a murder machine that wants to eliminate humans?
Minimum is 0, which is why she's useless against almost every boss.
Anachiro is. Cinderella isn't.
oh yeah I heard youre best off levelling shit evenly not just for the synchro shit but for overall power level.
even without her second LB?
yeah will be doing those!
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>Haven't we been friends this entire time?
I knew it was coming, it was so obvious, so cliche and yet when it finally happened I teared up a tiny bit
I love friendship stories with happy endings
no, after winning the popularity event, she decided to turn into a good girl
>even without her second LB?
limit breaks are pretty negligible outside of the 160 wall and treasures. you're fine
You'll have every SR limit broken
N102 has an actually decent attack buff instead of whatever Mica does
You could use Anis instead of Neon as a filler spot for now, Neon's skills don't do much if she's not gonna be bursting.
Why are electric nikkers such a hugbox? Why don't other elements buff each other? Iron can go fuck off tho, they don't need buffs
alright that sounds reasonable thanks lads
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This story event is so dumb...
>Harran has dialogue where you can choose Snow White as being the most beautiful of them all
>Cinderella has a text option where you can choose Snow White as someone who desires to be the most beautiful and refers to her as a beautiful person
>Her bond references her as a pure white that will never fade
Fuck man just give me a beautiful Goddess style dress for my hobo already.
I don't care if it's a gacha skin
Rupee stacks iron buffs but that really only helps BSoda (Novel and Crown are also B2 so that's just bad team building) and her buffs aren't strong enough for how hard the B2 slot has gotten powercrept
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s puss
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she's beautiful no matter what she wears, bocchan
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Simply the bestpee.
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A hundred years of rats has helped this woman keep up her figure
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Red Hood cannot handle alcohol. Noted.
I thought I was tripping, yum.
poopee saved this event
The s means stank&sex
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So unless they rewrite the damage formula, having her treasure focus on the defense down aspect wouldn't actually do anything to make her more useful
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>im opening up to the possibility of syuen wife
WTF how does this brat manage to do this??
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>set my lobby playlist to include last kingdom tracks
it's so comfy
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Most people would choose elegg but id rather breed Trony. She just perfect
The event story is just teenage girls and their constant woman moments
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Man, they really need to design a world map of how the world of Nikke is made. I have issues trying to orientate myself where the reclamation site is, which is supposed to be near the crystal field. And Red Hood's hometown is nearby, I think.
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imagine the smell of that footbutt sandwich
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Oh I'm a pitboss alright
this story really hit me hard
I'd breed both. A slampig and footwhore? Yeah bothbmade for me
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Eunhwa is not ho--
>repairing friendship threesome sex with eunhwa and rapi
too big
does maiden have any strange or endearing character development in her bond or elsewhere?
from what i've seen in main story, d.ark hero, miracle snow, and summer, it's not quite enough to convince me to get her pass, especially since her gameplay is nonexistent
Pinne was Doro's tulpa she created after her death to cope as her yes man
Mihara and Yuni had never even kissed
Grave just views Cinderalla as her hero and Cinderalla has literally already swooned over SKK
Last two aren't even worth entertaining
too small
She marries you in her bond
I wish eunwha's base skin wasn't so shit because I actually starting liking her recently.
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just right
If Eunhwa means "silver", why is there no silver collow in her outfit?

And what does Vesti even mean anyway?
in trony's event, she basically abandons orders because she's become friends with trony and elegg.
No, and she gets more annoying with every new event, you can't hold a normal conversation with her anymore without her linking every word to a videogame like some special kid
She moves In to the commanders room, games and slobs around, goes to meet her game friends, comes back drunk, calls Ingrid and asks if she can take her mask off to rape you and then rapes you
Korean dev, they don't understand Korean, prease understand.
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-me with me snuggling
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Just wait for her Tactical Up alt, where because of character development she's become mildly less tsundere towards SKK.
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it's always the shy ones
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splashing hot coffee on eunhwa
Sell me on your favorite nikker
I love Vesti slowly becoming more confident in herself. However, I will not forgive Forehead for calling Vesti a monster behind her back.
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All of them are goddesses.
Why would anyone care about def down when True Damage exists? All those damage tests done on training grounds show their true power. Everyone else's damage goes down in actual fights.
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out of the ones i own right now probably babu
shes a racist
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Killer body
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Fat chance, but I kinda want a BOOM minigame.
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Mmmmm nyo, made just for me
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Best girl.
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fuck, read the question wrong. Cutie patootie
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She is badass larper that fights tirelessly to reclaim the surface, she is pure and innocent and beautiful like a flower
Look at that tummy....hnnngh
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She' s really positive! She has great energy! Her luck is unrivaled! Her voice melts my heart! She has a cute butt and perfect breasts!
I delayed breaking the wall just to get her on my top row!
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classic marian alt when?
She wants to monopolize me but can't and seethes about it.
She's dead.
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Cutest retard
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woops, meant for >>487879070
also, doom is so old it's out of the IP rights, right? so it should be possible in theory
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based, her burst line is my favorite in the game
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>FLAT/SMALL-CHESTED(this is a good thing)
>Can cook
>Giant forehead
>Tactical Up SOON
>Aim GOD(dess)
>Cutest when teased
and a tragic backstory which makes me want to protect her more than anything
ALSO pretty purple eyes
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JK Poli!!!
anon, doom is not as old as fucking mickey mouse
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Is that upscaled?
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She's autistic and I love her
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and what would you do with them?
>Miku poli
Yeah, I need danchode to wear this in the next goon sesh ToT
Sell me your favorite nikker.
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imagine waking up to this...
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right now there's a special going, any idoll flower comes with a bonus product 08
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Guys i want her to fucking molest me
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Which Nikke?
I can't recall from where I got it, sorry
Is she your favorite?
Need a story arc about freeing Nikkes sold in to sex slavery.
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Leave Moran alone!
all women are evil
why is she so sweaty?
if reducing defense can go below 0, a big enough defense down could add more damage than what true damage can do
Oh, here I found it
I don't know if they are upscaled but most of the albums have covers with great resolutions
I want to have dumb conversations and hold hands with this dork.
Isn't this basically Drake's bond story?
>anchor wanted to be a part of navy rescue team while being bound to a wheelchair and also blind at the same time
Christ that website is still alive?
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why not have both def down AND true damage?
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Leviathan is a MSGK heretic
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context clues
she just got finished having sex with me and now she's late for school
she can't afford AC?
does def down even affect true damage since the latter ignores def?
>anis means someone new
>starts bitching at them again
i'm so tired of this episode
the sex was just that wild
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you mean women cum then dress themselves without washing themselves? They just wear their panties and pantyhoses while covered in piss and pussy juices?

Filthy whores.
Ah yes. khinsider and nipponsei. Where would we be without them
started playing just now and still unsure if I should spend my gems to get closer to the 40 ordinary banner pulls to unlock the wishlist (which I assume works for all banners then?) or do I just continue playing and game will give me enough ordinary banner pulls and the gems should be used for limited ones only?
J-JKs don't masturbate, right? That'd ruin their purity...
teenagers never masturbate, that'd be retarded
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oh jeez a new rapture what the fuck are those-
>5 seconds later
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bro the appeal of JK is that they're all horny sluts
normal events give 20 regular banner tickets each, yeah just save those jims for banners. also you might want to pull summer anis and ein if you can. summer rosanna is also good if you don't have a better b2
Unless there is a good limited banner going on (you could say there is one right now) spend your gems on the ordinary if you are a newcutie, you need 5 characters at mlb (3 stars) to break the 160 wall. You will get bored if you wait forever without pulling
Even Rei?
yeah that's the reason I was asking, it's pure curiosity whether the game will give enough pure tickets to pull for the normal banner while progressing, or if it's better to just bumrush it with gems and then once wishlist is unlocked focus on the limiteds, yeah I read about the wall.
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Especially Rei
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nikke cunny nikke cunny
So uhhhh what happened to Burningum's and Enikk's super secret top-tier mega powerful Nikke plan?
spend gems on banners (and in your case, since youre new, daily 150 gem pull) only. you'll unlock the wishlist with regular blue tickets in time
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4 brappers on screen at the same fucking time should be considered a human rights violation.
that's a good answer, thanks :)
Pushed back to chapter 40
20 years of nikke
I like summer sakura's bond story and how all the other nikkes almost destroying her sandcastle symbolize her potential love rivals destroying her dreams of snagging the commander.
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I liked the summer event even though I didn't read anything or play the minigame
What happened to Papillon??
What happened to Nihilister??
What happened to Crow??
What happened to Mihara??
What happened to Yuni??
People like you are the only ones that liked the summer event
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shitup forgot about them
The alien wife?
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Chilling at Eden.
Out camping.
Chilling in prison.
Getting mindwiped. Again.
Chilling in prison.
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I still don't know how are they different from regular suiciders
I just nuke them immediately
still into as bad as the shielded ones
only crown will auto target them. all other nikkers will ignore them
Devs put themselves in a corner with this retarded story
The AI won't target the "stealth" raptures (except Crown)
Their gimmick is basically that you have to play manually or have a lot of RLs
list of unresolved plot threads, off the top of my head:
>sixo and jailbreak arc
>enikk's handmade nikkes
>doro tv
>queen marian
>ark's powersource (might be the same as what rh saw)
>syuen's correction
>skk's childhood friend
>nayuta's discovery
anything else I'm missing?
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Seething (insert any nikke other sakura)fag
Shikicum's "black box"
How Rapi+RH fusion even happened
And now the other monster heretics on Behemoth's team
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Why are there so many brapppers...
>asking for toots
>failing molds
Lol. Lmao even.
Crystal region grew on top of the bean factory
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she will return next chapter shift up told me
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Point blank Red Hood to the abdomen will do that to you, I suppose.
How about I throw in a pair of silencer spawners?
man it's depressing to think that someone had to rely on AI just to rephrase a simple sentence
as long as they come with some of those defense up tanky boys
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Bolto to watashi no shouri ja
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Recalling that it took the greatest minds of Pre-Ark mankind to build Cinderella, she must be genius level.
A triple of the stunners too?
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Solution: Bring Jackal.
You haven't seen 2 cylindrical boys...
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These aren't worth ever right since youre essentially paying for 1/10th of a pull?
Excuse me for a sec

I could take Red Hood
I didn't like any of the nikkes in the event, Rapi was the only good one and she was mostly absent
where's my EX stage where EVERY midboss is a trash can

I mean, the best case scenario is that this really does end up the longest gacha in existance. Right now it's the only thing keeping shiftup going, right? Maybe we'll still be here 10 years from now.
Never spend jims on anything in the shop
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There's gachashit that made far, far less money that still went for at least 5 years so its easily possible
use gems only on:
>discounted daily pull (if you're not past the 160 wall)
>syncho slot unlock
>event entries when hard mode unlocks
Burning out 10 years from now!
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crown is my king and i am her queen
so Analcheerios is gonna powercreep everything, right?
DC went on for 7 years iirc and that made like a fraction of what nikke made. But SU is now public so that might change things, idk for sure
why not continue using it after the 160 wall, seems good bang for buck?
You keep saying the sme for every new nikke and none can surpass Red Hood.
mostly because golden tickets > silver tickets but it's still not so bad. if you want to do so because there's a specific wishlist unit you really want, go for it
I don't think she's gonna be an attacker
She'll be Noah+
I mean Rapi-infused with Hood just absolutely jobbed to Behemoth, when Euhnwa got incapacitated. But I don't know if Rapi the Red is weaker than true Red Hood which she can't use anymore.
Her entire thing are her lasers that fuck shit up. Baka...
Rapi herself said she couldn't inherit RH. So I doubt Red Rapi is the same as RH in her prime.
True Red Hood would have beat the bricks off of Behemoth.
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Rapi Red Hood is stronger then Red Hood but she currently doesn't have that power anymore.
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I don't know, the glass slippers always looked to me like more defensive weapons

I think that too
That Rapi Hood is not as strong as the Rapi Hood who fought 2 heretics and Chatterbox
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finally, you dumb little rat thing
>Use the income calculator to see when I can open this bunch of 1h dust boxes
>Keep ticking the outpost level up
>and up
>and up
>10 levels away from it increasing
I guess I can just open them all now.
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It's time for Rapi to go blue
congrats on gaining your humanity
That's like 36 seasons in. Rapi hasn't even mastered Kaioken.
That Rapi in space tho
I don't want humanity. I want the strength and certainty of steel.

i will put this child into the slave mines
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Ein just said I am handsome.
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Nikkes for this feel?
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I am now going to have sex with Red Hood
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...red hood could take on analchiro and win rapi jobbed 3 times to my wife. So no.
bro that's your grandma
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whats a good ein team
It'd be pretty funny if Chatterbox absorbed Nihilister and Indivilia and turned into a tall heretic girl with big breasts
Is there any reason Cinderella like mirrors?
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So she is in npc jail 5ever or a support
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Alright bro, I'll take the left one
Indivillia i guess since she needed all those nikkes as food to transform.
Corruption mindfucked her into oblivion with mirrors
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Rapi right now is in the typical "weakened determination" stage of protag, she'll get that power that makes her stronger than Red Hood back eventually.
I really hope we get a heretic who actually feels like a threat for a long while
Hmmmmmm? NUES?
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who chatters more?
Red dot vs blue dot
We have that right now.
She just wants to talk.
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Begin operation Tactical Up!
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>gorilla emma
>vesti going crazy
only thing missing is a certain shine off of hwa's forehead
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>Of course you don't know, because I made it up!
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Can Burst effects like Taunt miss or something?
Did my rounds, and RH would not let off of the enemy Jackal, and last I checked, Jackal doesn't have a taunt.
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filthy rikker
Finished up chapter 28 now, and I thought it was a litter weird that Liveryn asked us to carry her when I thought Nikkes weighed a ton
Was that retconned?
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>Oh hey, I remember when I wrote that rule. Good times.
what is D (forma de sexo waifu) good at?
People only like Rapi ironically, right?
No one actually is going with the option the devs force, right?
Depends if they're in their combat body or not.
She's just lonely
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heh. imagine being a dyel
ear licking handjob
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I thought Rapi was unconscious when SKK was carrying her, but then she made him flex just to see his arms.
I love Alice as a daughteru and I want to marry Marian.
SKK is so used to nikke smashing his pelvis that them weighing 500 lbs doesn't bother him anymore
I think it is a RH Burst quirk, she doesn't let go until the target is dead even if they go into cover but I'm not too sure
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>macro vs manual
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The Admi?
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I don't even like her ironically
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Post pure.
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Rapi is the one who gets the most development makes sense to like her the most unironically.
Pure garbage
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Pure sex
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I like most nikkes
i dont like rapi at all
I do
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The Sexmi
she gets more screentime, not more development
25 chapters of ... and now the modern jealousy arc isn't interesting
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Rapi literally has the best personality of all Nikkes
But it doesn't always happen
Honestly, it seems like maintenance tend to fuck with pvp
It was working fine before the last update, and the past couple days RH has completely ignored taunts
I'm rank 1 in my (newbie) bracket, and I only ever fight my rival, so it's an easy pattern to see
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Based canon commander, those top 5 would be his choices based in the main history
>more screentime, not more development
Nope, she gets both.
I really should work out more.

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