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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7186 - Silver and Blaze Parallel Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #72 - 28 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 11 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - October 2024

>The Official Sonic the Hedgehog: Amy Rose's Fortune Card Deck will release on August 27, 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>487798786
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Best ship coming though.
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open the closet
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>joins in the closet
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Bump is eternal.
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The only good Sonic ship.
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It's Hatsun!
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Being Espio's human wife. Waking up before my beautiful lizard husband. Watching Espio continue to sleep in my arms. Holding Espio close to me, keeping him warm. Espio eventually waking up. Being the first thing Espio sees when he opens his eyes every morning. Espio smiling at me before letting out a yawn. Kissing Espio on his head and holding him closer. Espio wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek. Lazily lying in bed with Espio like this for awhile.
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Post some Duo/Momlin Kino (new one)
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Remember when Sonic was a wacky fun series instead of dumb plots about government cover ups and unkillable demons? Good times
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Reminder Sega has no plans for Silver despite him being ignored for years...
That's cool.
Going to dinner, will join later.
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>This makes #64 even worse in hindsight for a number of reasons;
>1) This confirms that Whisper DIDN'T fake her breakdown to throw off Mimic and continue her investigation alone, she genuinely gaslit herself into writing off seeing Duo trip Silver and cause that rockslide.
>2) Even if Duo isn't Mimic, Whisper saw a team member try to kill everyone through causing said accident, which she essentially ignored.
>3) The fact that she knew beforehand that Mimic escaped prison should have had Whisper have the recording function on at all times. Even if she didn't, having it on anyway would have still been a safety precaution.
>4) The way she says all this makes it seem like Whisper and Tangle see Silver as more of a discarded afterthought than a friend and teammate they care about suddenly doing something bad.

All this together makes Whisper look more like a crying moron than a veteran mercenary. Why is Evan so insistent on making her into this?
>This confirms that Whisper DIDN'T fake her breakdown to throw off Mimic and continue her investigation alone
That is dumb as fuck stop posting this
>at the moment
Sega has no interest of seeing Silver in a team
Sega is gonna give him a solo mission!
>Silver has fought through more battles than anyone else and survived the apocalypse in the future along with leading the resistance in their time of need
why are they like this
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Hey, you're not invited to our bed!
Alrighty. I'll post it as soon as I manage to get my lazy ass up.
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N-No..I...Please....I-It may be my fault but....
>all is forgiven
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2025: The year of Silver.
It's all so tiresome
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I thought about it; I'm wrong actually. The ship has nothing to do with the characters or their interactions themselves by design, because its a tanabta dynamic. It doesn't matter how much attention they get individually; the only way it could end is if ST decides to explicitly break it up. They will probably keep meeting over and over, and repeat the same tired "I'm gonna kill you! oh wait my bad, I forgot we we're friends. We're so in sync it's like we've worked together before *winks at camera*" whenever they need to race go karts or whatever. The shippers don't give a shit cause like I said it's all projecting their uguu shit anyways.

I woudn't even mind the ship if Blaze was in character around Silver instead of the ship being based on their '06 characterizations which has totally erased Blaze's character.
nope, year Shadow exists because of the movie, Year of Silver will probably be 2026 or whenever the 4th movie comes out
are there any male IDW original heroes?
Archie had tons of em, why does it seem like there's only crying lesbians
The future Silver grew up in was peaceful and happy.
>BUT 06
Never happened.
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This deck was announed 1,5 years back, what were they doing?
What are they even going to market? Sonic rivals and a few idw panels?
>no amy or rouge in the movie
what's the point?
They want the Sonadow audience
...what are they marketing this year anon?
Who cares? The movie sucks
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Most of the main/hero cast is male so they wanted to focus on adding female characters for diversity.
But Ian et al are also unable to actually write females so we just get a bunch of characters who whine and cry every 5 seconds, making their attempts at a more diverse cast hilarious.
Shadow the hedgehog HD and Sonic Adventure 2 fanfic animated
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>"Tangle doesn't get back for 40 minutes big boy...."
Non of them know how tp write an interaction, Ian is a virgin and Evan aroace aka scared of men.

Dare? (Who?)
That's fine, I only need 4
He didn't grow up in that future
A new game you donut, they're marketing a SXSG, in the year of Silver they could just make a game about him to market
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>"....why are you taking off your pants? I meant we could play Uno..."
That's right, I only need +4 to ruin your hand.
And yes, I WILL stack them.
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11AM EST; time for the first Silver discussion of the day.

OOC. Whisper only plays with LEGOs
>stacking unos
Whisper stopped using Legos once Tangle almost choked on one
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I hate shipfaggots so goddamn much
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Silver is for LANOLIN only
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>anti-surfags talk about how whisper would have totally beat surge if she didn't have the dynamo cage
>whisper gets a full on surprise slam attack on her with her hammer
>it does literally nothing, doesn't even knock her off her extreme gear and barely bothers her
>whisper and tangle then proceed to get one-shotted by kit
anti-surgefags...we lost...
House rules always win, baby
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give a conversation tipic Silver
Why haven't Sonic games do "going into video games" plot yet?
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>First appearance
>Smiles all the time
>Eager to help!

>A bitch
>glares all the time
>Causes more issues than she solves
What the fuck happened
Cool, do we uhh.. we getting anything this year?
Why surge even provoked Whisper? She hadnt recieved any additional push from Clutch yet
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The absolute reading comprehension of an /sthg/ user
>What the fuck happened
woman character development, watch her get beaten and taught a lesson so hard by Silver she becomes submissive and breedable
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Picrel is her first appearance. She doesn't look too happy here to me.
Go and remind her that you're overdue or get your money back, fren.
>What the fuck happened
She became an actual character and they had to start writing her.
Which they can't do lmao
she's so cute!!!
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I know you're autistic and didn't notice since the beginning that Lanolin has always been a bitter individual, hiding her stress behind a smile. Which is why she always looks kind of fake, like that time she presented Belle to the ape guy with a big awkward smile.
I'm tired of you Sallyfags always dogging on Lanolin
Archie is dead and your princess is dead. Get over it
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>posts a panel from beyond her first appearance, validating my post
Her boobs kept getting bigger and now the back pain has made her a bitch. The only cure is a good dicking.
Keep remarks to yourself, but seriously why
NTA but the one you posted was also from beyond her first appearance.
>Lanolin has always been a bitter individual
Yes, bitter. Not downright nasty like in the recent issues.
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You posted a pic from Urban Warfare fucking retard, all her previous appearances show her as a bitter and dead serious person.
I accept your concession :)
How does Silver live in the good future after growing up in the apocalypse?
Is there a whiteboard today?
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Lanolin fags cannot accept the fact that their favourite is just a "lesser and unlikable Sally"
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He doesn't, he made sure the future is good, that's it. the fucking logic of Silver future changing while Silver is in it is retarded. doesn't make it a future but another connected dimension.
I can do that too in the mornings.
more fuckable as well
Yes sir!
Bro, you need to stop posting that piece of shit sketch.
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I love linkin park
It starts with
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>"It's RAPING time, Lanolin!"
>5 minutes later
>"My pelvis..."
>Lanolin fans spiraling along side her
The fuck is wrong with you
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>it does literally nothing, doesn't even knock her off her extreme gear and barely bothers her
Even Eggman got sent a distance when Whisper struck him. What gives?
Did you just quote the FUCKING SONIC MOVIES
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dont pretend there are no weirder drawfags here
>dating yourself in one panel

Big oof. Common millenial L.
It wasnt surge dumbass, it was Mimic
Silverfags have been so mind broken by strong women that they need to draw her getting brutally raped by Silver to feel better
>What gives?
Surge isn't weak despite all the bucket memes? She does the literal exactly same thing to a missile a few pages later - just straight up tanks it with he arm. Barely even phased.
Do Surgefags need to remind everyone that Surge is Sonic tier but she fails because she tries to rely on brute force?
Your "strong woman" is dangerously close to a breakdown while Silver is enjoying life with Blaze away from all the angsty nonsense in the comics.
Silver came to the past to stop Nega from changing the future, Rivals' future is happy.
Retroactively changed, he did and has no memories of 06 at all.
you get one minute to feel the fur of one Sonic character, who do you choose and why is it Tails
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Whisper obviously
they're not doing anything sexual they're just really excited telling going over their Duo is Mimic plan
Silver will rape your mom.
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Lol, draw him lynching Lanolin
Replying to the OP with the whiteboard so people can find it: >>487867394
but it's hot, i wanked to it pretty strongly
Silver is a polite goodboy that would never rape a woman
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Silverfags right now
They made her into a girlboss. Completely ruined her.
Also >>487865441
>Her boobs kept getting bigger and now the back pain has made her a bitch.
I'll cut her a LITTLE slack considering she has to lug around volleyball-sized tits all day. That must suck.
>Rivals' future is happy.
meanwhile when you teleport to the future:
Damn is it hot in here or is it just me?
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Surge is in a grey area where she has no chance against guys like Sonic but would also never lose to characters like Amy or Tangle.
That's Rivals 2. Rivals 1 takes place on Onyx Island which has an amusement park.
Silver. He always looks so clean and I want to know what his chest fur feels like.

Tails is a close second; he'd be good to pet for extended periods and he has two big tails.
All this bullshit about Silver's character. You would think he had an interesting role in more than one game
whispers fragile uneven smile!
Wtf, is this a fan comic or official?
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Let me swim on his belly
Fan comic
you're here forever bub
Fan comic. Art is Tracey Yardly so it looks similar to idw and reboot archie
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-sy 3D
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Silverfags are like a third world country barking about their power in here. They constantly fear their character is being forgotten, and so use any method to keep Silver relevant, whether that is scandals, shipping, or a falseflagger abusing others dislike for the character to get guaranteed reactions. It's genius even if it's pathetic
Was gonna say, goddamn that looks so official.
Silver is still the most hated Sonic character and only softboi caricatures of him are actually popular.
I know
>falseflagger abusing others dislike for the character

Both me btw
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my god just cancel this fucking garbage already
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my dearest
I wanna agree, but that would mean we'd never get to see Surge and Kit again. So I can't.
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>Wind suit: Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Tails
>Lightning suit: Metal Sonic, Surge, Mecha Sonic and Kit
>Chaos suit: Shadow, Rouge, Omega and Sage
>Heart suit: Silver, Blaze, Gardon, Marine
>BOOMers thinking they have a say on anything
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What do Amy and Knuckles have to do with wind?
What does Kit have to d9 with lightning? + no idw characters.
What does anyone but Shadow have to do with chaos energy?
What does that even mean in this context?
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>Silver in a happy future grows up into the exact same kind of person he became in the fucked future
>Silver's happy future, the world he grew up in and called his home, is erased thanks to the future changing
>Silver doesn't seem to give a shit in the slightest and just doesn't want the future to be fucked
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>Shadow has the whole year for himself
>Shadowfags are quiet
>Silver has gotten absolutely nothing, not even on Sonic Team's agenda for the foreseeable future
>Silverfags won't ever shut up
You may be unto something.
Silver only works as a Quantum Leap deal.
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Silver gotten coleslaw and being turned into the butt of jokes all year long. Then people still wanna pretend that he's cool.
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Is better than Surge
>Silver's happy future, the world he grew up in and called his home, is erased thanks to the future changing
it doesnt work that way
Imagine if instead of them trying to get Tangle and Whisper together, they decide to fuck with the entire fanbase and have Tangle end up with someone like Sonic.
Silver didn't grow up in a happy future he still has the backstory from Sonic 06.
It works exactly like that.
No he doesn't.
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Cooldow doesn't look at explosion
Starting to look like the IDW Metal Virus arc and SxSh is the only products from the "canon era" that will be remembered fondly.
Just take the Spider-Man route and ship everyone with each other and see what works.
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I swear this post shifted something in the Matrix. Ever since he made it Silver slander started increasing rapidly.
Yes he does. The whole point of the character is coming from the devastated future to protect peace.
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The only valid crown is the one worn by the king, the rest just follow suit. Also heart is emotion, like fire suit but better fitting if Silver has to be there
Silver's future was never devastated by Iblis because Iblis never existed.
SoA doing everything in their power to make Silver lame and gay is why he can't hang with Sonic and Shadow. He's a joke character in the west.
> IDW Metal Virus arc
> remembered fondly
The only thing that will be remembered from IDW is the mountains of potential it flagrantly wasted
>people who like Silver talk about Silver
>people who hate Silver can't stop talking about Silver
Really makes you think
>IDW Metal Virus arc remembered fondly
You mean that one period where it kept fucking dragging on for ages? I don't agree with you on that.
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Prepare for characterfag and ship autism to reach critical levels
>06 never happened
>Rivals games weren't canon for years
>Colours DS is sort of canon
>Forces is bad
>IDW was initially made in mind that it wasn't canon
What the fuck is wrong with Silver's backstory
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I'm sick and tired of people trying to convince everyone that Silver is cool.
The ending of 06 didn't overwrite Silver he just can't remember how the future was fixed.
Silver losing to Sally Acorn
>Yo Sonic we gotta kill these looney tunes OCs man
I'm sick and tired of seeing this stupid panel of OOC Sonic.
Westfag discriminated him, of course we're gonna push that he's cool so they can fucking stop their unnecessary faggotry
>Silver's future was erased from existence because it was reliant on Iblis, which doesn't exist after 06's ending
>Sonic & Blaze are the only characters that remember the events of 06, maybe Shadow too if SXSG wants to say so
>Silver in Rivals refers to the future as his world and has come to the past to prevent Nega from changing it to a fucked future
>but no

He remembers
This is all Lanolin’s fault btw.
Kinda crazy that Sonic fans are so starved for well-written character-driven stories they will hyperanalyze official merchandise and treat it like its canon.
he's in character you stupid raccoon
>SoA made Silver lame and gay
>SoJ doesn't care about him
Silver’s time period was once ravaged and ruined, but together with Sonic, Blaze, and others he helped restore its blue skies and peaceful days – even if he can’t remember how.
Kit is the real threat.
Honestly, the fact that they haven't had a serious tag team fight with Surge and Kit is honestly criminal.
So I must admit that I was wrong
The events of 06
>Sonic goes to Soleanna's festival of the sun
>that's it
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It's not addressed anywhere in canon but Silver does still come from the 06 future. Silver's character is more about world peace than being futuristic.
The events of Shadow the Hedgehog
>Shadow gets asked to help black doom and then doesn't
>that's it
>It's not addressed anywhere in canon
Then it's not canon.
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That's... depressingly accurate
The Sonic rebuilds are inevitable and will fix Silver.
Rouge isn't wearing panties in this outfit.
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Wait you guys are that mad because of the Silver stripping Lanolin drawing?
Sonic 6.0: It's (No) Use
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What's with the Poker Face Shadow has now?
If you stick to games with a large number of major events between the start and end of the game, the timeline suddenly crumples. Heroes leads straight to Unleashed because everything in between is either low stakes or the crisis just pops out of nowhere after hours of filler/ambiguity. Then after Unleashed comes Forces because no significant developments happen between those games at all.
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Coming from the devastated future is why he talks about blue skies and smiles. It's also why he starts his gay ass garden in IDW.
No, the baitposters (assuming there's more than one) are bored, so they went back to shitting on Silver.
That applies to every depiction of Rouge
Stop posting that atrocity
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Shadow is the only character besides Sonic and Tails (a plane) with a canon vehicle
SA2 is great, I even liked Knux/Rouge stages
One question though
Why did they strip Tails of his flying abilities?
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Shadow is meant to be unnervingly intense, but he just doesn't have that appearance, not outside of that one picture of Terios where he's smiling.
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Just the usual baiting and fake outrage shitting up /sthg/. Average Saturday. Average any day of the week really.
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>After what happened to Silver, Whisper took the precaution to start recording again and was able to reason that the Phantom Rider they recently dealt with was in imposter thanks to a difference in EX gear
>After Duo fails to contact Amy, Jewel becomes immediately skeptical of what is going on after initially trusting him enough to make him her right hand.
>The Rogues are able to put 2 and 2 together to figure out Clean Sweep are bad guys just because they know how Sonic operates
>Lanolin asks no questions of Duo when Silver accuses him of ditching him and is not skeptical at all when both Silver and Whisper say Duo might be Mimic.
>She sees no reason to further look into why Sonic, Tails and Amy’s gear all malfunctioned at the same time, just assuming they are at fault.
Why is Lanolin so unbelievably dumb in comparison to everyone else?
>I never took you for a lover of nature
Silveryume bros why does our Queen not know anything about us...?
I've just noticed that she has thicker arms than Sonic does
why are rebel's arms thicker than sonic's
That's Rebel, not Rouge. And we know for a fact she goes comando anyway
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I don't know if I like how they added that coloring to their hair, especially Sonic's quills, to give it more detail.
It's better than the plastic toy look.
She's not really thinking, she's just trying to tardwrangle the people around her into working.
weaknic the scrawnhog
>Why is Lanolin so unbelievably dumb in comparison to everyone else?
Because Evan.
girlboss pussy is built for shadoe
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Blaze has ships as per Rush Adventure as well as a personal superpowered bike
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>is not skeptical at all when both Silver and Whisper say Duo might be Mimic.
She was, why do you all not remember this panel?
>Lanolin asks no questions of Duo when Silver
That's true though, that was the accusation with some merit behind it.
>She sees no reason to further look into why Sonic, Tails and Amy’s gear all malfunctioned at the same time, just assuming they are at fault.
That's Amy's fault. She didn't say Lanolin that her gear was different from Sonic and Tails, so Lanolin doesn't know about that and she was justified in her actions
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>Silver gets to fuck this.
Almost everyone has an Extreme Gear and TSR ends with Dodon Pa giving the whole cast new cars.
Because he's the cutest and my favorite...
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The Husbando
>That's Amy's fault.
What about the complete lack of concern Lanolin had over the well-being of Sonic's team after the accident with the Extreme Gears?
Fang? Marine? Amy?

Get fucking hype
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The Waifu
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Because that’s not skepticism, it’s proving a point. She KNOWS they don’t have any proof, she said she was watching Silver the whole time. You can tell from her expression she’s only asking because she knows they have nothing to provide.

No, she jumped to the conclusion that it was modded based on the fact that Tails and Sonic’s are. Its her fault.
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>Character with the power to extinguish flames
>King of Fire
Robotnik also has his Flying Egg Machine.
Core 4
Team dark and sage
Sol dimension and Silver
Angel island
That's a separate question and you might be right
Genuinely I hate the ship pandering that the western side of Sonic, specifically the comic team, has been doing. And you just know its mainly an Evan initiative.
I'm tired of shipping..
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I love shipping.
The Rivals series never shows the future. Chaotic Inferno was an alternate dimension. The future being in a bad state in Rivals 2 is a change that occurs between Rivals 1 & 2 due to Nega's interferance, and Silver's goal was correcting the timeline to bring back the good future.
I'm not
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Knuckles bro...
you sound like a femboy
bend over
>The Rivals series never shows the future
Sonic Rivals 1 takes place on Onyx Island which is Angel Island 200 years into the future and brought to Sonic's time.
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Yeah he's the king because he doms fire
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First time we Silver in '06, he's surrounded by flames.

Who better to be the King of Fire, than a literal Fire Fighter?
Sonic and Amy - King and Queen of Rings!
Shadow and Rouge - King and Queen of Lightning!
Chaos and Tikal - King and Queen of Water!
Silver and Blaze - King and Queen of Fire!
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>Sonic, your chest is soft and squishy can i fondle it?
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stop spamming my drawings
We'd be getting Silver x Lanolin if Evan knew how to write a good story.
Tails completely broke the level design in SA1, so for 2 they just didn't even try.
Tails originally wasn't going to be playable at all until they had the idea to just have him be an Eggman reskin.
FWA are you gonna draw my Barry x Human men request? It's been so long..
>Shadow's face doing a [ ] and even a (^) instead of a (V)
I am not FWA
Silver Lanolin bullies to lovers arc?
Whatever this guy said honestly>>487847073
I am FWA
Uhh that's not Ai?
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Shounen Sixâ„¢
I wish these cards were more vague.
But on the other hand, if that was the case, it wouldn't be Sonic at all
Do my Barry request please?
*me smelling Sonic's ball musk*
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Sonic SHOULD act like Spider-man
I am not FWA
Who's Queen of Lightning?
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mmmmmmm Shadouge

I bet Rouge dresses and larps like a military girlboss commander to make Shadow feel aroused
>Rouge still has some Rebel inside her
That was actually OOC for Peter
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>when she tries to act tough as the leader of the Diamond Cutters but then you say it's time for her milky wilky
>knight and page
>on the same tier as the royal ones
I'm glad that more people are learning that a lot of Ultimate was just edgy 2000s garbage and that isn't automatically good
I'm guessing there's no IDW characters in those cards then.
Evan did say there won't be any IDW in this.
Oh okay, i thought you were her
Silved should have been the Queen of Fire.
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Yes, with a bit of inpainting and manual editing.
someone should draw Shadow doing the bully/jock hand-on-wall thing in front of a whimpering, blushing lanolin
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Describe the aroma
Uncensored, please.
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Cmon man catbox that shit
Good shit
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POV: you are Amy
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This is an ugly abomination no matter what character you say it is
Fuck Shadow in his tight asshole
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Okay Mephiles
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It is Sonilver
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Nameless GUN officer..
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I also have a girlboss fetish because girlbosses in real life are really girly in bed. They both dumped me so now I talk to Sonic fans all day.
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Goddamn, new model?
>girlbosses in real life are really girly in bed
thats a shame i was hoping they would be really bossy in bed
>more uwu Silver
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>cozy sthg hours
Nice we've put our differences aside and we united under AIslop
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No, I'm using my Duo and Momlin models together, but this time I'm using regional prompting. This allows me to split a frame into two and generate a different character on each without creating much conflict.
Can you do Silver fucking Momlin?
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True, drawfags/OCfags usually come at night, it's cool to not have them bitching about Ai all the time
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you know what? maybe silver was a mistake
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Knuckles gets to fuck this.
Can you gen Duo actually touching her big milky sheep Breast instead of just staring at it?
Let me try.

I'm trying to raise my own standards both as a poster and an AI creator, so if sthg is chill, I'll be too.
>Ring Kingdom
>Lightning Kingdom
>Fire Kingdom
>Water Kingdom
I go out of my way not to bother or mention you and I still see you sometimes randomly jab at my art. I don't really get it and I'm not caught up on whatever is happening on the threads. You haven't done anything bothersome yet as far as I know.
>She's not part of any of them
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>cum kingdom
Silver is fine, it's leechver that's the mistake.
Can you tell us exactly which drawfags are the ones who give you drama
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You guys hate Silver because despite being an uwu soft baby cinnamonroll he still fucks all the girls in the franchise.
>all of the kings in each kingdom has a Super Form with all 7 Chaos Emeralds
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This is the coolest Sonic image
just draw whatever you want man i really couldn't care less
>Shadow breeding the Water and Ring Queens
>Rouge fucking the Knight of Rings
>Silver and Blaze seem to be most loyal couple, but Silver had an affair with a wolf expert archer
>Sonic letting a tenrec traitor rise in his ranks to become a knight, foils her assassination plan and they hatefuck each other every day.

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Correct me if I'm getting this wrong. I have been trying to follow the Duofag Saga. Duofag says Drawfags/OCfags are always shitting on him. Duofag responds by often shitting on Reynard and Reynard's creator's art. Reynard's creator, however, is usually seen cheering Duofag on because she wants a Trip/Fang model.
Either I'm missing context here or Duofag misfired for 3 fucking days straight while giving us more Reynard bullshit.
Who is Reynard and why you're not drawing Sage and Bump?
Cute OC.
>why you're not drawing Sage and Bump?
Currently working on my own OC project.

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