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Collab Gacha edition

>Recent News
Summer Live Stream

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/29 - 08/06 Conquest of the Dark Singularity

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>487849473
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i love my wife
I missed the stream any recap?
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it's time to move on
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post pics that sum up grub's downfall in a single image
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Realistically, how long till EoS?
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Uma is getting fucked by Gakumas
Priconne is getting fucked by Buraka
GBF is a zombie game
Dragalia lost..
Flopper EoS'd
Versus got the lowest views at EVO
Relink is 5 years of wasted dev time

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The thing about these nerds is the game doesn't release fucking 33 limiteds a year so one could reasonably afford to pull for them, despite them being weak, while F2P without bricking your account
The opportunity cost for Tensura is way too fucking high for it to be reasonable here.
It's been time to move on for 3 years and people still can't leave :^)
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>FKHR face and not KMR
dumb monkey literally killed the IP and you fags are still seething at fkhr
the question is:

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Post yfw when these last two weeks of EVO and now the stream
gacha eternals
belial speedo in rising
summer naked bubs summon
kmr stepping down, says that his understudy has been working as the producer for the past 3 years anyway
collab units will now be in gacha too
ex+ hp increased to 35M also NM250 is coming too now
everything else
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I'll miss her so much when the game is gone...
3-4 years maybe
Anon that quit during the Meg Mari summer here, just saw the drama in another general, is it true that there was a change in management that year, and that when I was called a schizo for saying that it was clear someone else was in-change, I was actually right?
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I bought warhammer bolt gun instead of the scam
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so who is the new Producer? any leads?
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i love my wife
doujin ludokino in the works btw
your opinion will never be relevant
Currently Seraph is our best bet
At the current rate, it will end within two years at most, after the last zodiac comes out.
The reward difference between tiers in its competitive event is small too, so not having meta shit isn't a big deal compared to Grub. You're safe to go for luxury picks sometimes and you won't lose out on much.
>jew/evoker alts bloating the pool
My wife will never get an alt at this point
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
It is a choice they made together
[Sad News] Our game is nearing EOS.
It's all me.
So how galge is Granblue archive? Who's the most for (You) girls?
>quit during megmari
might as well not come back here because you're correct
idk but the new producer doesn't detract from the fact that KMRat is too blame regardless, he saw this retard shitting everything up and said "good job jimmy keep up the good work"
>copying my post from /pcrg/ >>487846947
It's so over, I'm not even gonna post all these people who got Cantate from their tickets.
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momoi was right all along bwos...
KMR and Fukutroon leaving gbf should be a good news not sad new thougheverbeit
KMR said that his replacement has been doing his job for 3 years now but whether he's telling the truth or just trying to shift the blame is up to you
>Uma is getting fucked by Gakumas
>Priconne is getting fucked by Buraka
>GBF is a zombie game
not even close. Shadowverse and ROB exist
>Dragalia lost..
>Flopper EoS'd
>Versus got the lowest views at EVO
Like every single Fighting game not named DBZ or Street Fighter
>Relink is 5 years of wasted dev time
blame Platinum Games
only after Priconne JP EoS'd
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I am extremely vindicated by GBVSR hitting record low EVO viewership, Relink being abandonware and summer stream handing out slop so abhorrent it makes nip slurpers doompost. Granblue deserves every single one of those for being such a piece of shit franchise.
newfag was making choices for 3 years
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gbf deserves to die for not giving me more ayer
didn't even put him in the spinoffs
under their supervision, if they thought things were really bad they would have stepped in
also kmr was ruining the game since 2017 anyway
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>refuse to use the most talented singer you have on your payroll
FKHR deserves to continue his career frying mcnuggets desu
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This stream is the best thing that could have happened to Sword of Convallaria.
Why did KMR respect our time and money so little that he let a phantom producer run this game into the ground for 3 years while he got up on stage every fest and did a little monkey dance to appease the players?
what is Rex's opinion on the stream? Can we get Rex on the phone?
what's with the retarded doomposting and gook archive posts? this game will easily live past whatever garbage you're trying to shill
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>AIDs ridden homo content for Rising that won't save that dead game anyway (lowest EVO mainstage numbers ever btw) topped off with naked Bubs summon in main game too
>floodgate now opened for hyperlimited Jews and Evokers
>still no MSQ
>GW even more cancerous
>after 10 years we now get collab gachas, deepening the jewery even more
>KMR fled as the game burned
I didn't think they could top 10th anni stream but they did. That was genuinely the worst stream ever
At least the game is clearly dying
there were hardly any girls to put a penis on, i don't think he has much to say.
would've been interested if it wasn't a mixed toilet
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oh yea i've been keeping up, really like the sweater theme going into it and you know it'll be very nice for sure
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Priconne is so dead that their last anniversary featured a message board for japs to send messages and every message was just "BLUE ARCHIVE IS BETTER" or talking about how BA was also having their anni at the same time

JP Discussion boards for priconne are full on doom too and all their content creators, artists and players are just leaving for BA if they didn't already leave for it which is why priconne players are always insanely bitter over BA.
>KMR runs priconne and is a waifufag at heart
>his successor is the one running shit into the ground for 3 years
>FKHRs ideas were all approved by this successor
>the one succeeding FKHR as lead writer/creative director is probably Keisuke, the yurifag who's been at the company since 2017
This studio is fucking cooked
>Versus got the lowest views at EVO
MK1, KoF, and UNI2 all had lower top 8 views.
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This, you can only shit on people's favorites for so long. Glad it's catching up to them
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Either KMR was lying to save face or the new guy has been acting under his orders, either way, KMR is to blame.
Rising-only here, what is it that has you guys so upset? Why is everyone freaking out over “collabs”?
Learning about this 3 years later is pretty crazy.
No matter how much you cope, last stream was absolutely a sign.
Even nips that prefer to ignore things to avoid drama started talking about it (and getting their posts deleted)
if you cannot name ONE thing you liked from the stream, you are a homo
you should be able to pass this one
satyr's penile erection
satyr's effeminate phallus
satyr's big fat throbbing fucking cock
satyr's are all male therefore satyr in grablue fantasy must adjust to the ideal representation of the mythological creature
xenoblade 3 is a good game
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There are more tweets complaining about pig and tigers getting sidelined than organic human responses to the entire tweet chain by the official account of the whole stream
based, japanese are just like us itt
they're gonna put galleon and neechang on trt.
We know you ilk POGS out at the sight of s. belial but we don't.
Isn't Sword of Convallaria more like Brown Dust 2, a shipping game?
Looks like minaba AIslop
you know what could save this dying game??
hololive collab
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Wtf our wife jumped ship?
Awful art, looks like a human.
Can I say everything? I will say everything, regardless. 40k viewers for the entire stream is fucking hilarious.
>KMR stepped down from the Producer role and handed it over to someone else.
>FKHR has moved from Director to Creative Director, and each game that he used to direct, Grub, Relink, and Versus, now has its own separate director.
>Both will no longer appear on future streams

Now that the old guards have left, the question remains, what does this mean for the future of the Granblue franchise?

Convallaria is more of traditional JRPG where the focus is more JRPG shit like tactics ogre and fanservice isnt even on the writers mind
>looks like a human
must be official art then
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>go to sleep before the stream, excited to see s.sig and the ol' giant crystal pile when I wake up
>check out what happened
I liked that we are nosediving into EOS
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Brown Dust 2 is South Korean pornslop of the finest caliber. SoC is what Fire Emblem Heroes wishes it could be.
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I can't even be that happy about Grape rebalance because they skipped her sexo pose. It's still the only good news I can remember though.
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>people aren't happy with the stream?
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I'm genuinely happy this pozzed franchise is dying
A new future for grub...A new start......grub 2 is coming........
the ROTB girl is cute
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Karma is a bitch LOL dead game, dead franchise
This is pure KARMA
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one word: over
i like that it's over soon
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OG Doomposter here
I came to laugh at you fags, told you years ago this was a sinking ship.
I was kinda poesharting on the side but didn't he mention she's human?
>grub 4 months ago
>monohorns are extinct
>grub today
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Now that Cygames is failing on all fronts, who will save Japan's reputation as a gacha country? FGO still makes money but is becoming increasingly niche. Gakumas? Or is it just a fleeting trend?
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It's about time what goes around comes around.
its time to come to terms with the fact that this is a humange now.
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>Magus didn't get her leotard playable before they killed the game
Shit there's so many things I wanted from this franchise, but they just had to fucking kill it
Two years at the most.
you just know this poster >>487868470 is gonna spark s. bubs while calling others homos
>have full spark for summer
>nothing to look forward to
This hasn't happened to me in the 7 years of me playing.
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DoomGOD here, I can't even laugh at grubbers anymore this is just that sad, not even worth my efforts.
>wanting more MUH ASAROTH COCK slop
can't believe this happened right after FKHR got pozzed at evo
yeah i'm going to be honest
if they're not going all in on waifushit there's no reason it should be a gacha (or at least GaaS, idk if it's a gacha) instead of a normal standalone game.
the primary reason to play any of these games is because they've taken up the space in otaku culture which was formerly occupied by touhou(obv touhou is still going but relatively speaking). without all the fanworks to support them gacha are just worse versions of real games.
>Brown Dust 2 is South Korean pornslop of the finest caliber.
Of the shittiest caliber

The girls there look like they came out of some generic ass porngame from DMM or fucking huniepop with zero gameplay, content, story or anything at all past the first week. The community is somehow seething trannies mad at loli or anime girls in general too despite being a fanservice focused game and it's such a fucking awful experience.
I really don't think they will ever make a comeback seeing the absolute state of their ever shrinking workforce
But when why make it a gacha?
Square Enix's 20th gacha game will be the savior this time for sure.
>proving me right
you see a man's ass and you can't think about anything else
Some devs think it's the most profitable thing.
Basically a gamble.
>follower count still dropping
can't believe it's happening again, last time it happened was because they fucked the shit out of siete swords
>The community is somehow seething trannies mad at loli or anime girls in general too despite being a fanservice focused game and it's such a fucking awful experience.
Ironic weebs man
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Whaddya mean? Ya dont like s. ragazzo?
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>not NTR'ing astaroth
seems like a good game to me
they want to make a real game but also want to make more money
Well, we'll see how it goes. I'm excited for an FFT/LUCT like, but normally I'd only open my wallet on player pandering.
I think it's over
Uma EN doesn't even have a release date and it's being delayed
The other Cygames console games are still being worked on and no trailers or showcases for them are ready
World flipper teaser went nowhere
No new Cygames mobage in the works
Pricon getting mogged by BA

Then for other games like gakumas? JP ONLY.
PAD and monster strike are old games that still print money for Japan only.
FGO is the only thing still going strong globally.
I think Japan is done in the global mobage market. Shame since they were the ones spearheading it.
Cinderella Girls needs to make a comeback. Even though Starlight Stage is having a content slowdown, clearly bamco isn’t retiring the brand yet and there’s been rumors of them cutting ties with Cygames, so there is a chance that if there is a divorce bamco will be keeping CG and doing everything on their own.
>But when why make it a gacha?
idk bro I'm not the company. I guess they were strapped for cash and gacha allows them for people to fund them and for them to constantly keep updating the game?

There's a mode called spiral destinies that's almost completely separate from the gacha. You enter with like 3 characters and then you can't change or update them until you finish it and it's basically a game inside a game where what matters is what you do in the mode rather than what you whale in the gacha.
oh you are just trolling
good one buddy laughing my ass off here epic win for the lulz
I miss Shaygod
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>collab gacha chars
>won't be as good as GODtoru GALGEjo SUMMON
It's over
The stream was so shit I had to cleanse my head with a nujabes album.
bamco cutting ties with cygames would be the smartest thing they've done
No content
Massive droughts
Nothingburger events
Godawful community
Zero resources or helpful people so you're groping around in the dark
Painfully retarded devs
Generic ass designs

It's just so bad. People shill it on /v/ or other generals with the "Look!! Titties!!!" but the game itself is just dogshit
He is here >>487867857
I accept your concession, homo
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>hosoya? yes, we need to release grand belial in 3 weeks after what's happened today, oh you heard?
>hosoya-san? hello? hosoy-ACK!!!!!!!!!
Mobius Final Fantasy...
Record Keeper...
it simply doesn't work. it will warp their decisions in negative ways, even if they legitimately try their best, because the needs of an ongoing game are not the same as that of a standalone one.
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Hello? MSQ update????
they fucked up hard not forcing this gacha collab for Demon Slayer and JJK
>Cygames spends more money on non game related things
Seriously. Juventus?
I would have dipped too.
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I'm gonna miss them bros..
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>Wife might potentially get an alt before this game dies
I'm ok with it going out as long as I get that honestly.
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Atelier been a decent example recent, devs need a reality check on their insanity.
also, i will have that gallemug soon
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DQ walk still doing well
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Draphs and harvins are gone....like tears in the rain....
wont be with danchou
Cyberagent forced them. Can't be helped
KH Missing Link will bring japan back...
>gacha collab
>for fucking slime isekai
Do people even care about this shit anymore
The only thing that can save us now are all four heavenly queens getting ultra sexo for (You) fates with explicit on screen sex. Especially Galleon
Early Summer
Trust the plan
blud, we're cooked
it's over
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I stand corrected.
>Cantate autistic attempts with retarded virgin danchode that result in failure
Yeah, i say kino.
You're all going to stick around for flash swimsuits before quitting right? Surely they'll be good at least right?
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The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled is convincing the world he didn't exist
glad the orders went well then, think they're shipping things on the 19th so the wait won't be too long
as a good or bad example? i thought it was alright.
when granblue finally dies can we keep /gbfg/ running
Didn't Aster Tatariqus do this shit too? They released the entire game's story day one or something, and the gacha part was horrendous to the point where it already EoS'd.
It looked like it could have worked as a standalone too, since it was basically just FE.
It's still very popular and has a currently airing season. The adaptation is so fucking slow though that all of the seiyuus would actually be dead by the time they caught up with the LNs
Ok, and?
Benevolent Shrine
>all of the seiyuus would actually be dead by the time they caught up with the LNs
oh are sandal and mugen in it?
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The 2 remaining slurpers are having a GIGAMELTY whoa
It’s the most popular isekai in Japan.
I'm giving them one last chance to do something with Pig for a while. If they don't or if they keep using the same old characters, you'll see 600 moons blowing up.
we don't talk about the game anyway so not much would change
They traded reputation for extra cash, and i don't think extra cash was particularly big.
Now they're printing whatever provides money.
Personally i think it's an example that gachaslop can only make series worse.
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/drag/ lasted after EOS announcement and then a few threads after it ended proper
yes, shay cant let go of his foxes and needs a base of operations after all
Ofc, we still have good vidya such as rising and relink... also our attention whoring xisters will die without us so we are here to stay
it's not a horn, just crystal cancer
What's happening there
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>not a word mentioned on the stream
>not even a whisper
There’s no coming back from this.
did he ever make this for chichiri
>bringing anything back
previous KH gacha was constanty at the last place of S-E gachas and was making less than $50k/month during its last 2-3 years of service (according to SensorTower)
It was literally alive only because higher-ups didn't want to cause Second Impact with Nomura (First impact was Versus cancellation, and he STILL spergs about it to this day)
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/gbfg/ will live on as /bag/ alter.
They would never give Gran a moment like this
Those games had their top 6s on Saturday while other games were running pools, top 24s or whatever, ours doesn't have that excuse.
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So My Shittiest Friend was greenlighted by the mystery nigga? I don't know if KMR is just lying to save his own ass, he is not exactly an honest person
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>still no SSR Joel
>even if he does get an SSR, it'll probably be Jamil-tier
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I don't think i've played a gacha more shit than khux, what a ride.
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i have enough saved for 7 sparks, but i no longer feel anything towards this game.
full link???
HomoGODS run this shit
I don't know, seems he's more obsessed with Aliza's growth.
I just grabbed the first one on his pixiv and spent time trying to figure out how to downsize it.
Post full source.
She will be in Rising.
Believe in victory.
Why is your game so gay, grubfags? Why are you making me look at your male characters in speedos by posting them all over the place?
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idk im not a shareholder or a shill for them

I played Convallaria beta and liked it a lot. The gameplay is SOLID and extremely good but the main complaints I had about the CLOSED BETA (read: not release version) is that the localization was worse than MTL and me not really liking the story at all but the gameplay being so good is probably gonna make me pick it up when it's out and binge some spiral destiny runs

If the game is a success and gets more content then I'll play it some more and if it doesn't then I already got a fair bit of enjoyment out of it for free so whatevers
>HomoGODS run this shit
...into the ground
Blue Archive isn't even fun though
I thought now SSR Sig was the worst this summer could do.
I thought...
I thought!
But even so...
They quite literally skipped the harvin just because...
FKHR be like that
As a KHfag I with someone would cause second impact already so Nomura would move towards traditional spinoffs already powered by pure spite like half of KH4 apparently being Versus 13.
In a 2021 interview when asked about the Rising picks he said that he as a producer had to make a lot of the decisions about the game from character picks to collabs. So he was either lying then or lying now
what would've been so bad about Sigsex...
yeah they went smoothly, and the vcard should arrive "soon", along with some other stuff i ordered on mercari. i'm eating good these months
>replying to mentally ill maleringer
>the only thing (rebalances included) that wasn't humanshit was Sutera's skin
nah, fuck this stream and fuck the troons that at some point endorse it
I'm gonna be honest the only gacha game I enjoy playing is LegeClo and unironically FGO on the rare non-farming quests.
I treat the other ones as collection games.
you can't tell the truth!!
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>go check jp comments about the fest
>see this

Thanks, I hate my life now
Unvoiced events when?
granblue archive is fun if you're a tryhard fighting for plat rank. raids get downright fucking ass...not in the "f5 for 16 hours a day" way like grub's cancer gw i mean the gameplay gets hard as balls
It's a galge and the story is fun.
Nyes, bonsaige are boring in terms of gameplay, so if you don't care about characters/story updates, it's mid.
Luckily dailies are quick and I just do them on my phone in work.
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>he did mobius
brb gonna blow a few loads
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post your stash, /gbfg/
Very soon at this rate.
I accidentally typed "now" instead of "no" and didn't nyotice...
this too is KMR's fault
If we still don't get a story CG for this latest event, probably soon. They can't even use the "artists are busy working on the Valentines" excuse now
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Thank goodness I started Goddess of Galge in time to be able to dodge Grub's EOS
I wish I had a gbf gf
Why are y'all so upset actually?
What did you want?
I like raids and some challenge quests are good too like TTT's
The game not to die
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My faith in the future of grub just fell off a cliff. Maybe G.Faa or even just a solo summon of him is never coming after all, they would rather give all the actual content to the other two exhibitionist faggots. In any case, I will start going around account selling forums. What a shame it had to end like this
>Gran but black
fucking KMRat maled our keyboards...
Most people play it for the story and the events and the slice of life shenanigans, like "computer club plays MMOs for one week straight and gets their computers confiscated and (you) take them camping" and "german weeb girl goes on an adventure with wannabe ninjas and (you) have to keep them under control"
whats wrong with someone giving their boyfriend a gift?
what game killed itself harder

Honkai 3rd or Granblue Fantasy?
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>/pcrg/ wins mobabowl
>/gbfg/ wins vglel
This invisible dude owes me 90k crystals
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Looking VERY grim for snake and horse zodiacs...
Not even gay but I liked today's news desu
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While i have to agree with you, it's still one of the better bonsaige to play.
It has a big variety of characters and has alright characterfag systems, while not as good as FGO, there's plenty of ways to prove your passion.
Story is pretty light and even low IQ monkeys can enjoy the surface of it!
Grub on the other hand just keeps shitting on the playerbase, whenever you're a fujo, yume, waifufag or story enjoyer. Especially noticeable after our last stream!
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>You will slurp up our content no matter what

>You will not complain about males nor the lack of females

>You will keep grinding until someone sends you into a hospital
do you honestly think accounts are going to have any value after today
FKHR to be fired and all males other than danchou removed from the game + live service relink
maleKMRinger do be like that
Former Cygames artist/animator going nuts on Twitter exposing them for using AI
They locked their account though
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>beelzebub (swimsuit version)
>he’s butt ass naked
>no girl who has a unit, skin, or summon has ever gotten this treatment
they saw a man ass and can't think about anything else
Why no screenshot?
Please post your boobs I want to see them before this general dies............
>shart shitting on granblue archive again
just because people pass over snowbreak in favor of another game is no reason to be spiteful
The usual shitposters would have just shitposted/attention whored regardless.
But the collab announcement (which is where most of the ire has been generated) is scummy as fuck for a game that has GW, and I say this as someone who has never doomposted in this general.
KMR scuttling off like a little roach and blaming it on an underling doesn't help the optics either.
sounds like absolute garbage
Did anyone take screenshots at least
maybe not belial's bulge and bubz's ass in my face.
maybe not GW getting even worse
maybe not seasonal eternals taking up slots when 8/10 are boring ass characters i don't care about.
maybe not the producer running away like a little bitch
maybe something good...
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>have to skip the rest of summer to be able to save for the supreme FOMO collab gacha
>KMR(pbuh) will react to the angry nips in the worst possible way, by making the FOMO characters useless 9.2 characters instead of human rights
>I'll hit the spark without rolling either and have to choose (other one will be unobtainable until the end of time)
There have been many grub moments over the years, but this, THIS is peak grub.
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>sounds like absolute garbage
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Honestly BA would benefit heavily from ditching gacha as soon as humanly possible, the setting is honestly wasted in a fucking mobile game of all things. But knowing Nexon it will be just Grub 2, a ton of potential that goes nowhere until it dies
So we're just gonna ignore that S.Ilsa got skipped for SEX pose again
MSQ update
A better collab that doean't have fucking GACHA only characters you fucking filthy slurper
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granblue belongs to us now, chud
Doomposting aside, Fukuhara is now the creative director for Granblue as a franchise. This implies Granblue actually has a future as a franchise. Relink is finished and Granblue the gacha is clearly dying. If he was only working on Rising alone he wouldn't need this new position, and Rising probably won't last past its second season pass anyway.
Essentially, Fukuhara is almost certainly working on a new project in the Granblue setting. What is it?
I would take whatever amount anyone is willing to pay at this point, summer stream killed my interest in the game too much to care anymore
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Wait until Dark gets the arche passive before giving up on G. Faa. If dark gets a primarch and it’s not Faa then I’ll quit the game.
It's not for everyone, yeah. I mean, for me, Grub's homo and yuri events are the worst and I skip those, like the Megmari summer event.
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I suppose now I take AL as my main game, huh
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I had a feeling and I've seen people here and there point oddities out. Would love to see proof though
At least one person is happy.
Might be the only one I have seen
Source or it didn't happen but honestly would not surprise me at all
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Play Snowbreak.
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Shitbreak is so bad

Game gets shilled for how much fanservice and bouncing titties it has then the gameplay looks like this. If I wanted porn then I'd just go to sadpanda, koikatsu or idk the million porn sites instead of microtransaction garbage that looks like this.
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>sakura and rosanna drained my bank account just in time to dodge grub’s actual worst summer
I fucking LOVE criminals.
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>selling grub account
good luck
>eight anniversary
at least update it
John Nexon should take the bakerypill and make an xcom-like Granblue Archive game. it could be fun.
yeah it plays and looks like a unity asset flip
As far as I'm concerned, HI3 ended after Kevin. The stuff with Hua and Griseo is the epilouge. Everything after doesn't exist
Humanblue Reality, featuring his usual pozpects
No, your waifu won't be in it
Man, I got burned out by the annoying event farming and META dailies in AL, I loved that game.
It will be Sariel
Unironically we don't know if MSQ will even be voiced anymore
what you circled was not uncommon tbf
artists do this to add more layers to the hair but it does seem weird the way the artists does it.
>waifufags left
>sandalhomo left
>faayume about to leave
uhhhh who is still here then?
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seanigs just lost their retirement fund
fun. i wanted fun
I'm not playing your shilled flop when there's a lot more other gacha with girls for (You) that don't rely on a mentally ill foxcuck marketing it on a basket weaving forum to stay alive
Anon, creative director is always an euphemism for kicked out, a year from now they'll announce that he's leaving cygames "to pursue other goals" and that'll be that, c'mon, this is nip business 101
Eh, played GFL2 and honestly it's extremely unfun if you try to shill it in similar way to mihomo.
It becomes less of a puzzle game and more of a charactercheck or godforbind potcheck game.
south koreans don't have that luxury, chud
Can’t post images
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I have no love for cy but you will have to give me some screencaps first for me to believe it.
yurichads always win
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Reminder do NOT talk about the fact that Sig got no SSR but Ragazzo got his 2nd
Reminder do NOT talk about how collab characters will be gacha ULTRAlimiteds now
Reminder do NOT talk about how MSQ didn't even get mentioned
Reminder do NOT talk about the overwhelming gay shit like bubs/belial
Reminder do NOT talk about the lack of actual content being added
Reminder do NOT talk about all the weird paid stuff like the 0 effort zeta skin
Reminder do NOT talk about how GW got many times more cancerous
Reminder do NOT talk about how Uno/Lobelia/Quatre/Katze alts will now infest the gacha pool over characters like aster and cuc
Reminder do NOT talk about the lack of a sunstone from the stream
Reminder do NOT talk about the homogeneous grids that have replaced sette grids
Reminder do NOT talk about all player numbers being erased from all slides
Reminder do NOT talk about how waifu pandering like Clarisse is treated as a gag but c/u/ck pandering gets entire events
Reminder do NOT talk about the complete lack of zodiac events and content
Do NOT bring up Bunny
Do NOT bring up Dragon
And reminder: do NOT talk about STYLE period.

Otherwise you are an evil galgenazi schizo
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I just want it to be over. I'm still "clinging" on to this game for story but after the recent MSQ and the lastest stream the situation turns from bleak to hilarious.
Usually I disagree with people who say "just watch porn, incel". I believe fanservice and gameplay can go hand in hand.
Snowbreak is an exception, actually playing it is detrimental to the experience. Yeah, I'd rather enjoy the "game" on iwara.
who cares
Show me some good Grub gameplay.
Making a gacha is pretty low risk with potentially incredibly high return.
current event is a sign of better things to come, you only need to beat each node a single time to clear them
That’s not how Japanese business works.
Read this or anything about what happened to Konami. He’s basically soft fired at this point.
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>"promoted" to creative director
In other words, he got the boot.
>If I wanted porn
Shit doesn't even have porn, it's just more softcore slop just like Nikke and others of its ilk.
But you also run the risk of only f2ps playing the game.
>Everyone else burning down or dooming
>Yurigods will just get more and more until EOS
I won.
Remember when grub used to be the king of mobage 10 years ago?
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Now that grub is dead, give me the best grub doujins before this ip gets faded into obscurity
snowPEAK chads they're making fun of our asset flip....
Dont be sad that it's gone. Be glad that it happened. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=086uhG3Rf3U
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huh, I actually know this guy before and I knew he quit cy like a few weeks before this stream, he made the 10th anni animated trailer.
>I can't be friends or work with a producer who thinks "every artist should use AI to become professional in the future"
>this is an insult to all artists who puts effort into their craft
Haha, msq has been delayed because Sandalhomo's VA is dying. FKHR wanted his avenger moment where Sandalhomo uses the power of sumo to save the msq timeline while mc shits in his pants. Too bad that he and mugen va both got the monkeypox from fkhr.
Okay, answer this for me then.
Let's assume Fukuhara is indeed working on a new Granblue project but it's too early on for them to announce (they don't want a repeat of the Relink situation).
What would they say Fukuhara is up to in this situation?
Cendrillon is drawing our girls its so fucking over
the oda non and marushin ones
Typical japs, instead of firing them directly, they are 'promoted' to roles with reduced responsibilities until they voluntarily quit
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This, nips are afraid of conflict so they NEVER fire people directly.
Instead they promote you to a shit branch so you'll quit on your own.
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lets not bring up the double host pass either while at it
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>accuse other games of using AI
>suddenly this bombshell happens for grub

never open your mouth again
you know who I am referring to.
Holy shit
So basically you can just get a comfy job doing nothing if you're shameless?
>less work and responsibility
>you are still getting paid
why would you quit
That guy worked at the animation studio so doesn’t necessarily confirm Grub AI use but if the anime studio is doing it then it’s not far fetched that the main studio will use it for their games.
nu grub art is AI schizo won......
AI is good albeit
Kikuushi no Seikatsu series
Fascinate Nail series
The maleringing creature will ignore it
Holy shit this is too many Ls in a single day
Not going to defend saige or artists but some people for whatever reason don't know that fanbox and corpo art been infected with AI assist for a while now.
When money involved some things get stripped off.
Former Producer for Granblue Fantasy going nuts on Twitter
They deleted their tweets though
>GFL2 is collabing with UN
>they just laugh it off
>grub's announcements
>all sides of grub communities implode in doomposting for real this time
Suddenly Magus’ uncap art makes a lot more sense.
>so doesn’t necessarily confirm Grub AI use but if the anime studio is doing it then it’s not far fetched that the main studio will use it for their games.
I agree
the studio that made the animated trailer was inhouse IIRC so it's fair to assume that the standards for AI would be applied to the normal studios as well.

this isn't looking good.
owari da
I don't even care if the yurifags (myself included) or the homofags or even the waifufags got anything at all - all of the sides have been suffering tremendously in term of mental just because this game cannot commit pandering for all of them and has to resort in omnipandering. If 1/3 of the cast was exclusively (you) pandering, the other 1/3 being shipflop for yurifags and the rest being shipflop for yaoifags nobody would have complained save for the retards who wanted more just for the sake of wanting more.
Minaba is gone
The people he trained are lazy as fuck and using AI to replicate his style
>Shadow Producer has been in charge for 4 hours
>already responsible for AI use in recent art, summer lotto, P*z, Settes, and Sands
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A more confident roadmap for the future when announcing something as major as both leads switching positions in management
And probably introducing the new guy in fucking charge
This is also probably the worst time to mention gacha changes as well but that doesnt really irk me given the way other gachas are

But most of gbfg will just ramble on about homos and the death of Granblue despite seething at KMR and FKHRranny for the past several years to the point where you'd think they'd be happy that they're finally done fagging up the game

If there was an opportunity for Granblue to head in a better direction and out of the design spiral it's been in for the past several years, now would be that time
Otherwise the game is simply coming to an inevitable end that people having been ushering in for a long long time
oh I remember seeing this guy before, I definitely had a feeling he was a grub artist given that his style was very particular and it was noticeable when he was gone.
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>This implies Granblue actually has a future as a franchise
Absolutely not. I've said it before but I hope you enjoyed Relink and Rising because they are the last entries you will ever see from this IP. There's no point in spending so much effort in a franchise that has repeatedly failed to take off (especially in western markets) and that if anything just keeps declining compared to their other IPs.
Best you can hope for is that they find a way to keep the game running on minimal funding.
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when it rains it pours huh grubba

that "fag" was hired to make the 10th anni animated trailer as the LEAD director.
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KMR is the man who sold the world. Dips and has a perfect scapegoat to pass everything off on
shadowMR is fucking NUTS
Aside from the obvious peer pressure and social stigma, they’re likely to quit if the job feels like a dead end for their career.
What no one talks about in these cases is that it comes with absolutely insane amounts of bullying that would make a teenage girl blush, they essentially treat them worse than shit until they break down, and while the smarter ones leave before that point not everyone does
Cantatebros.. our AIqueen has been exposed..
no, it should be payday or gta or some shit that plays to the strengths of the franchise.
About what
And is the anti-harrassment shit Cygames posted recently related to all this? It came out of the blue.
>they just laugh it off
/gfg/ may as well be leddit half the time. Doesn't help that their champion is a literal cuck that goes on other generals to explain that (you)r waifu being shipped with other characters isn't cucking.
da shadow producer...
How do you produce this game from the shadows for 3 years exactly?
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goddamn it's actually joeover isn't it
>belial speedo in rising
exposed panties are haram though
Reminder that foxcuck lost to VB BIGLY
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Just keep slurping, surely that'll show the doomposters!
There's nothing more hilarious than grubbers talking shit about the gameplay of other games.
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this is official cunnycake art believe it or not
>Do NOT bring up Bunny
>Do NOT bring up Dragon
i wonder if their designs were greenlit by the new director instead of fukuhara which is why they're disgusting hagflops
cidala could have been fkhr's final zodiacs which is why he ringed them
KEKAROO maleringers do be mentally ill like that
Except this new producer has been fagging up the game with KMR for 3 years now
So now I need to be sitting on three sparks (minimum) at all times just in case they do a Symphogear collab...
why does this remind me of yandere simulator
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but he's a nutcase with a title
what caused him to go nuts?
because some higher up told him that AI was good when that retard grew up drawing grub fanart thinking one day he would be drawing as good as minaba?

you can check his pixiv account or danbooru if it has been wiped, the guy has been drawing for grub even back when he was shit at drawing.
it's no small suprise if someone pushing AI on him broke him because his image of cy had been irrevocably damaged.
shit unironically looks like one of those gook counter strike clones from 10 years ago
tigflops flopped out of existence considering the zodiac CD and no offficial cosplayer lol
wouldnt be surprised if yanderedev developed their game with how bad it is
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Change da world
My final message, good bye
Suppose the last chain is breaking
>If there was an opportunity for Granblue to head in a better direction and out of the design spiral it's been in for the past several years, now would be that time
This desu. they haven't really introduced something fresh to keep players invested, just more GW etc
They are genuinely too galge
Bunny is top tier compared to Cow and Pig
Grub will come back ans stronger
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I wouldn't say it's totally not on their mind, pic related
At risk of off topic posting, I doubt the game is actually going to take off among the gacha crowd, requires a bit too much thinking. Spiral mode can't be powered through with spending a ton on gacha units, units have actual skill trees with mutually exclusive skill choices which I've legitimately never heard of in any gacha game, it's usually all just linear upgrades on whatever the game calls their skills and then the depth comes in team building
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>game on death's door
>rats scuttling the ship
>lowest viewer count in history
>AI accusation

>"heh watch me start shit about zodiacs again this will divert the thread's attention!"
No that would be Oxy.
The order is backwards
Hiring two middle school idols as cosplayers is too galge for FKACK
A dress event like Blue Archive but with all the 20+ year olds would’ve saved us.
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You can masturbate to ONE grub before they're deleted and forgotten forever, who do you pick?
>Sheep or Vira
games with actual gameplay do shit in the gachaspace, people want bonsaige.
also holy sexo
FKHRfags, are you sure you should be making fun of Snowbreak? It was made by your friends. Yurifags, shippers and Chinese feminists hijacked the development of the original game.
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>why are the most shilled characters being shilled more
Who knows why.
That shit was what made me quit the game.
>mutually exclusive skill choices
You can grind for the material that lets you take the other choice, so it's not entirely mutually exclusive. It just costs more.
Moreover, if Granblue Fantasy could take off as a gacha, anything can.
we produce in the shadows, to shill the shadows
we are shadow grabble
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I'll be coming back to laugh at you gbfpags when EoS gets announced.
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>Okubo-san: "Nothing can surpass Valentine Wilnas. Or so I thought, but today Belial easily surpassed him... and, well, it is Belial... I thought there was nothing that could surpass him... but then... Bub-san is acting strange! Granblue Fantasy is, how should I put it... how should I put it... a game that lives up to your expectations..."

>a game that lives up to your expectations

Plapchang for old times sake
There’s no way Vira is that short
Pig's winning the complaining bucks with like 150 complaint tweets vs like 100 of tigers. Still good for both, specially for something isolated like a stupid song.
Didn't check Mahira desu, because she has a CD and even then, it's Mahira.
Mature Mia
Wam doesn't have this problem, they're shitty flops.
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>Ghislaine Maxwell is about to release a list with Epstein clients
>Mattpatt retiring
>Biden dropping our the race
>Kmr stepping down
Well well well
>If there was an opportunity for Granblue to head in a better direction and out of the design spiral it's been in for the past several years, now would be that time
This is the reason I'm staying around until the end of the year, by then the new guy will have taken full control. If he doesn't do anything interesting I can just dip. IMO not showing up for his announcement stream is pretty trashy though, not a good "first" impression
Cantatebros is this true?
Reminder to leave this sinking ship
>there's been someone secretly working in charge of Granblue for the past 3 years
Oh man it's so over the game is going to shut down for real this time
very nice
let shittey drown out this thread with his AIslop

you grubbas deserves nothing less
Dips into WHAT?? What nip gacha is there to move into? Or will he go into producing console games? Or leave the industry completely? It's not like he's that hated like that one Tales dude.
>disgusting fujo voices the disgusting fujo character
Wow, who could have seen that coming.
>Captcha: GR4NNY
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>chud incels when women are attracted to attractive men
I feel like once more nips learn about this it will truly be over for grub. So many of them hate AI and when companies use AI for art, any artists that are still drawing for grub would go bye-bye
I hope the new writer does a good job :)
>>Ghislaine Maxwell is about to release a list with Epstein clients
Like today or “””””soon”””””?
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she alone could sustain me for millenia
Only flops are your precious males that have managed to finally kill the game for good LMEOW
I still remember when people called me a conspiracy nut for pointing out something was very off about C. Europa's uncap (and a bunch of designs that came after her)
those were all saturday games and GBVS also lost to 3S (which also ran at Saturday), a 20 year old game that had actual 40 year olds in the Top 6
I'm gonna continue making fun of Snowkeks.
All of you deserve this for being terrible people.
Huh, I thought those were exclusive event awards and it took like months to cap one unit like that, you can grind for them? Info on the TW side is kinda scarce because of how small the game is
I hope to god it remains unpopular enough it doesn't get a general here, I cannot imagine how insufferable that would be
I dont give a shit about what she is attracted to, I care about
>a game that lives up to your expectations
Which is just a blatant lie
He's probably just going to hard focus on Shadoba 2 and what little time Pricunny has left
It has to be a doraf so neechang most likely
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Summer Harvins. And lots of 'em.
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>you'd think they'd be happy that they're finally done fagging up the game
KMR and FKHR leaving does not mean the game is getting better.
KMR said it himself, he’s had an apprentice calling some shots for about three years. If you’ve been paying attention to the last three years, that’s not a good thing. Not to mention anyone KMR trains is learning things from him, and nothing he knows has been good for us. And the announcements this summer aren’t suddenly going away just because they leave. Even if they leave, it’s all still there. They could’ve easily ushered in a new era with this stream, shown us they want to course correct. But that isn’t what we got. Instead we got the absolute worst case scenario.
And sure, maybe a few months from now things will get better. Maybe the new producer will be better than KMR and he has his own ideas or took inspiration from what other games are doing. But that’s in the future, some infinite unknowable point in time and space. Right now, right this minute, our management gave us one last “fuck you” before bolting for the back hills. What am I supposed to feel except concerned and upset?
>first week on the job as shadow producer
>oversee summer lotto and Poz release
We are so fucked.
now tomorrow's event just needs to be full of cuckshit for the cherry on top all of these shitshows
told you Lunalu was disgusting.
You might not realize this but she's talking about her own expectations.
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He’ll do better than Cupitan’s writer, that’s for sure.
I dont think he can steer the ship that fast, anniversary is the earliest we will start seeing any announcements that might move it elsewhere
Don't care about homoflops.
Which grub will you all miss the most when EOS hits?

For me, it's Nemone. There will never in the history of the world be a character as Nemo as Nemone again.
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Even funnier: this guy is THE Zooeyfag at Cygames. He has making fanart of her for years before he got hired.

Go get your vengeance, senpai.
God please no, they can't possibly fuck up Sexeta
numperscord? It's a small, rootless, international clique that doesn't want grubbers to have peace.
but where would we talk about it if it doesn't get a general, i mean gbfg is a dumping ground so i guess it would work but...
Shay respects that
Why can’t Grub get good art like this?
>cut herself to pieces too
numperscord disbanded after latest stream
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Yeah, slower games like SoC are best suited for slower, civilized boards, like /vmg/.
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neechang #1 until eos
Ioliflops stay flop, should have been deleted from the game
Eminence in Shadow bros...
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AIchads won
Wait is that all the summer releases? Or are we completely blind for the last batch...
that's hilarious
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>Cupitan's writer
that homo ain't going anywhere lol, if anything he'll just get more work and probably even do an anni event (navis even)
the grand order ULB...
no point commanding an army in a barren wasteland devoid of life
There's a slow comfy thread on /vmg/. Other then that, not every game needs a general desu
Not isekai
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The only Lraph can do is only mention story writer. LMAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>Grub will EoS before Forte appears again
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Yeah, that guy was stupid for comparing it to saturday games when all of them did better than granblue last year on saturday
Explain your obviously flawed logic.
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the weak should fear the strong
Post the full
you know it doesnt matter with how many characters you try this since you are the only poster using "loliflop" in this general
so you should probably get a bit more subtle, because this is embarrassing
august flash is the last batch, expect galleon+an evoker+2 randoms
>noticeable decline in art quality
>unfinished art on streams
>lack of event CGs for anni
>summer enneads and magus reusing art
>cyge artist complaining about a producer pushing for AI
>Cygames anti-harassment statement for their employess
The art team imploded. Cydesignation artists being forced to use AI sounds retarded but they pushed for it and the artists had a melty about it.
Call Granblue my chicken dinner since it is WASHED and COOKED
man that greedy-ass gacha is, like, really kuso.
but I like the Shadows, and Nee-chang even moved in!
truth hurts Ioliflopper
Yea holy shit the gameplay was bad.
The games either crit fishing to oneshot a stage.
Or those autistic boss fights which are boring.

The entire games gameplay was just really goddamn boring
All the draphs honestly. I love shortstacks, I love all the doujins about them, and the horns are a charm point too. Cow people in other games are usually pretty giant because they're minotaur adjacent but I hope one day someone copies the formula
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I've got too many to list and it would just make me sad at this point.
I like a ton of Erunes, Draphs, Humans and Primals, but I tend to lean towards the first mentioned.
yeah retard because the guy replacing him was groomed and okayed by KMR personally so we know he's just as bad if not worse than those two retards, so even when we win we still lose.
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>The grass
>is gone
calm down, the game's dying either way
>Grub saw GF2 almost die because of the twitter writer and thought
>yeah we should do that too
it's just priconne but with full height 3dmodels and Shadow-sama
All "news" are up https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Nobody washes their chicken
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I mean yeah there's no solid evidence but the link is VERY visible.
only dishonest slurpers will deny this possibility outright.
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Of course he does. He has no defense for the wretched state grub is in so he has to hide behind that as if it somehow undoes the three years granblue archive has already been beating our asses.
i feel like you wrote this before you read the threads and noticed no one gives a fuck about fkhr and kmr "leaving"
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>are replaced by their proteges who already doing shit like collab gachas
Ragazzo + Hekate for July Leg
Song + Bubs summon for August Flash
Both probably have hidden chars to bloat the banner
No way in hell devs are gonna REDUCE the total amount of summer chars per year, they need to accelerate every year
>everyone who insults my flops is the same person
and i thought maleringers are retarded but Iolipaggers are not that far off lmao
What can save Grub at this point?
Ilsa, Illnott, Vaseraga, and Erunes and Draphs as a race.
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gbfpags are mentally ill
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>game has been going to shit for the past several years because of new producer/director
>nooooo you're not allowed to talk about the bad things they did
Grub 2
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Learn how to read, faggot. I had your gay ass beaten before you even walked in the room. >>487873454
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I'm genuinely happy this pozzed franchise is dying
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says while posting a character from a franchise that has a mental breakdown after seeing a green loli
Grub:Redive. Just reuse Relink's assets and create Grub 2. That's literally it.
nothing, the IP is fundamentally tainted
>no more summer zodiacs
not sure what to feel
Outside of cunny sex orgies nothing
>First thing new producer does is implement seasonal jews and collab gacha
>He started wroking under KMR 3 years ago
>3 Years ago was summer lotto + the rest of all this bullshit
Even if he didn't do summer lotto etc... He's not making a good first impression by now showing up on stream and implementing a fucking jewish collab gacha
I hope he isn't spearheading the new world flipper
and its funny seeing people who STILL think Cygames doesn't use AI art and waste their time defending them
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Alot gachas do gacha collab....and you know you are not forced to roll them
I figured all 4 were for legfes, guess i'm actually just skipping this summer.
The people he trained are trying to do their thing and the suits won't fucking let because they're pushing them to do AI. That's the entire thing the guy posted about.
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>solo summon of him
Oh god they would slap another character into a S.Faa summon wouldn't they. If not Sandal again then probably Belial. The only hope for you would be G.Faa, but that probably won't happen until the final months of grub, like with that one dragalia villain. That fucking sucks
You happy about all the female draphs, erunes and harvins dying too?
If AIschizo was right that means vtuberartistschizo was also right
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unironically fucking nothing
nothing but literal extensive prolongated divine intervention can save this fucked up franchise, it's too far gone and it has be too long.
literally who?
AI art is the only way this game can keep going for another 10 years
Be realistic
Nothing, we have to re:dive
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At this point they should just release a SAO collab so I can quit this game after being spitroasted by Kirito and Eugeo.
Nobody with more than 2 braincells cares about loIiflops.
Kys hertaschizo
I hate dykes as well, so yes
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RIP Draphs and Harvins
yeah and it's some isekaislop so i won't, should've been Naruto collab.
schizos, same as it has been since late-2020/early-2021
The "schizos" are actually the most sane people in the thread. Everyone made fun of Yuelschizo but he was right about everything.
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Oh no you see KMR has been training someone to step in that's actually responsible for all of this so it's actually worse
Logically someone not in charge of Granblue should have hired a new manager with no transitional lead-in so they'd be untainted from KMR's clutches and FKHR's homo-tendencies
I assure you this is something that could have happened
>just redo it
not without a hard reset
retcon the entire story and lore
remove males and all angels except magus/raziel
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>Actual game is shit and the gacha rates are horrendous
>Love the characters so much that I keep playing and rolling anyway
Why can't Grub be like this?
Hatsune Miku in BA
>Draphs becoming humans
>Harvins being eliminated entirely because the AI can't draw them
there's will be anything game with draphs and harvins ever
You seem to care a lot
cog mogs herta no diff
Juri style change will save us
Those other gachas aren’t grub where they make the random bare naked homos mandatory.
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Do not mourn for Granblue Fantasy. We will have a new game to move to soon enough. Trust the plan. Trust KMR. They have learnt from their past mistakes on GBF and RoB and World Flipper and Dragalia.
no? they killed the game and so did their successors and i'm glad the game is now only one last step away from eos
I know this is hard for you to understand you retard but if you're on a ship infested with rats and dogshit and it's a terrible experience and you hate being on the ship but then suddenly the captain and the first mate disappear you would be justifiably concerned
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>He's not making a good first impression by now showing up on stream and implementing a fucking jewish collab gacha
He's not even introduced yet lmao
It's amazing how KMR delivered you guys a new boogeyman on a silver platter, this is probably the best news /gbfg/ is going to get for the rest of this game's life
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the train has sailed
next stop.......painful EOS
obviously not an issue judging from the few anons in here spamming AI
>Herta wets herself after seeing nous at SU
She will be all fours seeing cog
>KMR left to help produce this shit
over before it began...
Don't project too hard
I'm glad the move is taking forever because my gacha addiction makes me roll all the time ruining my Nishizaki funds
meant to say "will never be another game". holy shit. my brain is already gone.
>summer belial is CORE
is not
>Yatima is must have
Is not
>bahamut and lucifer ulb must have farm 30 sands
Not core
>Triple zero is mandatory
They have learned to replicate their past mistakes maybe
There's an easy solution to collab gacha: Sierotix. Let's be real, game is going to EoS in the next 5 years. Why bother chasing the homo summon meta? Just spend your tickets on characters you like, all you'll ever get from the gacha is gold moons anyway.
Surely we get relink 2 in 2034
>>summer belial is CORE
>is not
it is for a long time when you want to 0b meatfarm
why do you keep lying maIeringer?
Anon dont post BA
We are all still grieving its dying next
the only harvin aislop i can think of is shart's shitalu and its not even harvin, it might be over...
Unless Summer Cock / Cow / Rabbit (no Tigers, they got Valentine this year) are among those hidden chars - yeah, shit sucks. Doesn't help jewtens and Evokers are gonna take seasonal slots from now on.
Last summer banner with new chars usually had new summon as well + event preview had Hekate and Ragazzo, so I just assumed Song and Bubs are saved for last banner (with March summer reruns + something like Dirt Sandal rateup to bloat the banner even further)
"Hidden" chars can be whoever, I do hope for some non-humans and non-primals. But hope is a rare thing in grub now...
I mean KMR did well with Uma, so I still have some confidence in him, as long as he doen't let that gender dysmorphic freak known as FKHR anywhere near it.
>no draphs or erunes
Lol I ain't touching a cygames title again unless it's a grub reboot
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Just a casual reminder that this game is finally coming out in english in like a month or so.
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Gbfg doesn't ever have answers, they only know that they haven't liked grub for the past 3-5 years and don't want to stop talking about it
>see many titles
lost too hard. BA won
this nigga using capital i's in "loliflop" thinking you can't track this shit with the archive ahahahaah maleringers are NUTS
How many gold moons do you think the average /gbfg/ grubber has laying around??
I don't recall ever seeing KMR being credited for anything Uma related
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>its dying next
in the next 10 years maybe
It makes sense.
Cydesignation does wank itself hard. Imagine making it there and being told to use AI.
why is loIipagger acking out now?
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Niggas call me the dango
okay but i need a collab worth using them on first.
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>grub dying (real)
>Touyama Nao jumped into jenshin
coincidence? I think not
We've had several niche and even meta Collab units over the years, KMR was being a lying joker when he said it wouldn't matter.
>Gacha evokers and eternals
Had 2 siero tickets saved up and was going to use one on a 150GM wepon but there's no point so just going to use it on Sexeta and then save the other just in case lolibaba Ewyair or S.Galleon releases.
>No Harvins
I do not care.
I warned you about mentally ill maleringers
keep watching bro
it gets "better"
>He didnt hear
Anon the main writer just quit
The games carried by its writing
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You have no idea what you’re talking about if you think 000 or yatima aren’t must haves. But I noticed you had to dodge bubs and Belial because even your dishonest ass couldn’t get away with saying they weren’t required rollings.
>already ranking low on the popularity polls
Is Mika her only gacha hit?
>that french opening ceremony yesterday
>that bubs today
Coincidence? I think not
I can onlly think in two units realy "META" gintoki TA and gojo for hexa and I am being too generous for adding gintoki as meat farm
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japanese name for the skin is "pure romance"
make of that what you will
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I will see it when I believe it
meanwhile grub's demise is undeniably imminent, you should worry about yourself first!
Nah nigga
does anyone have the chart where cygames showed how much of revenue which game is responsible for?
Sierotix your summer bubz for gw and save for grand vane
>fkhr super special pick
Haha, my char will never get shit again.
>pure anything
what were they thinking?
>literally flopgotten
not a good look........................................................
ok the late april fools joke was amazing
when are we getting legit proper summer celebration stream with huge gibs, summer zodiac event, slutty s.galleon, new raids, etc?
>this will save our game
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So everyone going crazy just wants to play Honey Select with gambling?
Anything that's not a naked loli/cow for (you) is destroying the game?
Because bubs is realy a must HAVE mc sucks without that pasive everyone know belial power
>I will see it when I believe it
Do you just spam images in here
How the fuck did you miss it when its all bag has talked about
if BA is good for its writing
what is granblue fantasy good for
the art?
minaba is long gone and we are literally using AI to generate art now

what is granblue fantasy good for?
Luffy was one of fire's best characters for a period before fire started getting tons of new shit
fes stream will be better
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It just hurts that GBF never got to achieve its true potential. All that worldbuilding, all those zones, all the character designs, all the beautiful art... we even got a proper spinoff JRPG yet it barely scratched the surface. The anime never prospered.
Legitimately could've become the next 'Final Fantasy' or 'Tales'; and instead we're being cut down in our prime...
I’m might give Aeon’s Echo a try. Nutaku may be ultra jew but at least they aren’t saige.
Kek that guy was right the only rebuttal he use is main writer leaving.
>what is granblue fantasy good for?
nwyell....................................................homos...maIeringers...I guess...
>what is granblue fantasy good for?
Draphs and Harvins
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if you want to ignore all the actual responses and go with that, then yes.
Luffy was good char but not meta retard.
>some anons were asking about the free sunstone
hehehe... remember how cyjews did not restock a perp ring in the shop? HAHAHAHAHAHA BUY ZE SCAMS WAITO PIGGU
I would say draphs and harvins, but… nwyell…
meanwhile in the game
>male humans
>primals (humans)

>leaked Grand Order summon uncap art
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Harvins and some specific character writing.
>I will see it when I believe it
where have you been during the last year or so? N*xon clearly took control over the game and just milking you in their usual predatory way. Devs are also did some 180% with time. Your main writter clearly didnt liked it and left. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Our world building!
I smelled something good when I walk into /vg/
you guys cooking up something?
>The art
except its robomi now
>the music
except our musicians never came back from relink
>draphs and erunes
draphs are human'd
>belials huge barely contained cock
>what is granblue fantasy good for?
The music

....or at least WAS, since we have gotten SHIT for new good music
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what potential? this franchise has been aimless slop since day 1.
Uncap grand order but not kaguya
belive in the third 1m twitter followers reward
Its why were dead

Shortstacks for standing paizuri and living onaholes were what Graburu had over other games.
Now what? Humans?
okay fine buzzwords aside, we'll ignore previous zodiacs
zodiac designs were selected by cygames ceo, minaba, and fkhr right? does this mean the new director is going to pick snake/horse?
the same director who has been becoming more and more important as harvins become less and less prevalent?
we legitimately might not get a second harvin zodiac
Everyone else has left and it's only the usual bitters here so they will say that's the answer.
But the game ain't looking to hot right now even granblue_en and JP are negative.
good for maleringing slurper like him>>487876080
The grub is about to be ready to eat soon
There's also the project the DL director got moved to last year
I remember too and agreed with people who thought it looked off.

/vmg/ is best for it.
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>Enjoy it while it lasts.
I will thanks!
you do that too-oh wait!
"Our prime" was like half a decade ago. This shit's been a rotting corpse for a while.
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grub would still be alive and prospering if they just made Rabbit a harvin
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We be cooking up a feast tonight and everyone on /vg/ is invited.
They will return as well as Miku. This has been confirmed in a interview. Maybe with a new character like Kuroko.
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>what is granblue fantasy good for?
Being the only proper multiplayer gachage, with good combat and great gameplay. You can cope and seethe all you want but its true.
Maleringerslurpers have now NOTHING left to defend granblue with
Complete owari da
Blessed stream, KMR is a peak doomGOD releasing all that fagshit on his way out
You're SO good at reading. Goddamn, got it in one.
Blue rare isn't a thing retard
I think all the extra jewery like grub pass, jewten/evoker hyperlimiteds, collab gachas while also cutting corners on the art, music and content is killing the game but Belial in a speedo in Rising certainly isn't helping it either
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>great gameplay
shitkigami flop stay flop
Guys, we know all the slurpers died, stop samefagging as them. Only doom remains
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FHKR is a game director or game producer?
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>Want to say you're wrong
>Dropped every other gacha because they were either bad action games or did the game part in general poorly
>Enjoy turn based games a lot so like grubble as it's a pretty decent one
>Nothing will replace it when it dies
try ark recode instead bwo
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>with good combat and great gameplay
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>good combat and great gameplay
FKHR was the director, KMR was the producer
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kek even reddit is doomposting
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So our shadow producer was a woman huh
I been saying this but Priconne has been raising the number of limiteds by a huge margin, that game is not Granblue it doesn't have weapon build or summons, there is no need to have that many limiteds when you can fit them in different teams. They added elements now, after 4 year game.
You have to go back.
There's no need for a discord raid, the game is cooked
when? the gacha details said they might return in the future, but this is the first time i've heard of any confirmation, or anything about miku (which didn't say as much in gacha details)
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>People warn of the FKHR shill agenda for years
>GBVSR is by far the least profitable of the grub games
>GBVSR gets the most content out of the 3 and has FKHR attend evo in person
There are harvins in the eternals and evokers though?
Haase is literally the most popular evoker not named Nier?
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kek, if you think gbf gameplay is bad you've never seen shit like fgo or ba 'gameplay'
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>Being the only proper multiplayer gachage, with good combat and great gameplay.
They rarely make new harvins and draphs because they have trouble genning them
Right, has GBVSR even reached 1m sales yet?
where do you get that from?
>people warn of KMR kikery for years
>ignored but continue to spam FKHR agenda
yeah yeah dude just ignore the writing on the wall
Discord bros... Your organic raid illusion... shattered....
>other than those mentioned above
>uno esta and katze alts release
>0 buckaroos
>wtf everyone hates harvin girls
we are expecting 20 new faggots in gacha shill club. and only one of them is female harvin
Nintendo handcuffs and ugly chibis killed this game
they always default to lol loading screen but refuse to admit the coop experience is unmatched in grub, and i hate that its true.
You've been playing this game for nearly a decade, what has actually kept your shit chugging ass around? Certainly not the art or music since all you ever do is spam refresh so fast you don't see or hear any of it. The non-existent waifu-pandering? Baby's first destroy the empire plot? Autistic grinding that doesn't matter because it only leads to more grind?
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>say some blatantly fraudulent shit
>get called out by multiple people who know better
>cry DISCORDISCORDISCORD out of nowhere
>Even slurpers have admitted that grub is near EoS
It's over...
The thread is 75% Discordtrannies shitting it up on a good day.
Right now it’s closer to 95%.
Just go play Relink bro, like it's the same game
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Do not open
Blue rare is colder than rare, swap the two
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happy days are here again〜!
>They added elements now, after 4 year game.
This is the most baffling part. I tried getting back to Priconne with summer Misora but I just got hit a shit ton of systems I'm not familiar and uninstalled again. Like what's the point of changing how the game works this late into it's life-cycle?
I'm really hoping leg sucks so I could save for flash
maleringercord ain't sending their best today, doomcord is winning effortlessly
Slurper where are you???
And the fact BA crashes all the time too
Wow the threads are fast something good must have happened
we're so back!
No, and it's unlikely that it ever will, it took the original versus years and being discounted to quite literally 3 bucks (all dlc included) to reach 1 million, rising never even had any milestones at all announced
We already know that leg has Ragazzo and Hekate and probably 1-2 extra hidden characters
They're here right now trying to do damage control
i liked it despite getting nothing from tickets. the drama was pure gold
>There are not slurpers in the thread
>Falseflag one time as slurperchud54
>Look guys laugh at him
What's this illness even called?
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Works on my machine. I know grubbas are used to playing on 20-year old pieces of shit like the rotting geriatrics you are, but I would scarcely call that a fault of the game.
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nyes something good for me did hyappened
not so much for the gyame though!
the coop experience in grub is shit
it was good when hrt was around. kmr killed it.
I'm gay and I love slurping KMR cock and ringing males
150 moons, do I get Hraes or Siero
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Well yeah, all things considered Relink is actually a pretty dam good game. I don't have much reason to keep playing it more but I really enjoyed my time with it.
the chibis aren't ugly
4070 actually
thx for the dimensional onalhole
uma still has the best gameplay
should've gotten another one so we T2gods could win again.
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After EoS they will post an obscure tweet then go dead silent.
SEAslurpers can't afford anything better working at mcdonalds, please understand.
>There are not
da typos...
Dragalia is probably the best example as to not chase players that actually want difficulty. MIhoyo made the right choice with appealing to casuals with their games.
I dont even have the energy to kekypow post anymore
Thats how you know its truly over
They'll finish off the Zodiacs then go into life support until the profits are less than the server costs.
I wonder how fast actual EoS threads could go
Doomchad status?
Go to play a real game, not gachaslop
complete utter victory
the ground has been salted-tier finished for grub
Yes, we know your device is some 4,070 years old.
Not what I asked
They probably decided to greenlight a 2nd game if it reached a certain amount of likes
Do you have bullets or want to spend 2 eternities farming bullets?
Otherwise hold onto them.
Snek and horse will be a dual unit
>35m ex+
>new revans tier raid
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This but unironically
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While Granblue Archive gameplay might not be the best, it has some soul to it. You can chose to play out skill animations and a lot of players set option to "one unique cut-in per day"
It doesn't quite have the similar effect of grub raiding but it has uhh...pvp...depth...where you put your characters in defined position to win against the comp according to the same meta everyone follows.
Raids are quite similar to grub, you can follow youtube playthrough like a monkey and get result done as long as you pass the character check!
Still has the best gacha animations because of the pure seethe it generates.
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Alberto S.ex, but at what cost...
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>The gameplay
Snek will be a summon, Horse is going to be a tie in on Uma
My phone works just fine, never crashed with it. But I see /bag/gots with older phones being afraid of performance creep
i dont like marvelslop
I will never get another Zoi...
>new manatura
>luci zero
the best part of eos will be never having to see mikaschizo again
Nigger it took Strive a year to reach 1 million sales, on what fucking PLANET would it be remotely possible for a Granblue game to pull that off, let alone faster?
This is what happens when you make a game that's for nobody other than the staff
No vision
No fans
No profits
No popularity
No fanart
No future
Why is everyone here in full doomer mode
Given how long it takes Cygames to build a new game after announcements, I'd say wait five years before getting excited.
Looks like the game is going to die a pretty undignified death.
>GBF fully becomes a homo game the last few years
>Naked men get fully naked art while women tend to get censored more heavily
>Dozens of events about gay men
>Panders 80% to homos and Fujos and gives a few scraps to waifu fags occasionally so they don't fully leave the game
>Even the few waifu banners the game has given you an equal chance to roll a naked man instead, making it not exactly worth it
>This all started two or three years ago
>KMR says the new director has been secretly filling his role for several years now without telling anyone to test whether people would notice any difference
I am beginning to think
Zoi got her summon ulb, but killed da game
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Do you regret not quitting during the Siete nerf?
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Our xisters are having a CRITICAL HIV meltdown over all of this... we might not be able to see them for a while around /gbfeosg/
We watched the stream. Literally everywhere is doomermode
Just a normal day on /gbfg/
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Decisive victory
To an actual comical degree
They can't even retreat to Twitter since they're full doom as well...
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I don't know about that. Once this general goes these creatures will try to find another general to shit up 24/7, they need there attention.
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Retroactively proven right and wonned.
I'm in too deep to ever quit this kusoge of my own volition. Luckily EOS is rapidly approaching to make my decision for me.
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Nah. If I'd quit then I wouldn't have been around to witness this absolute vindication.
/bag/ better pray grub stays alive...
And that's a good thing!
GBF can't die because I've got no other 4 niggas in a row gacha that isn't Hoyoslop
Worst news to come out today is honestly the confirmation of AI in their art honestly. Grub's a shitshow but my wife still has dedicated artists and I can still enjoy her through those new arts. If said artists ever gets word of this though they might quit drawing grub altogether and it's making me depressed
Is it true there was an FGC orgy??? Is that why FKHR went to EVO???!?!?!
Can someone explain to me why japanese gachas and MMOs are always fucking terrible? China beats them in gachas and korea beats them in MMOs every single time.
It’s literally always like this.
I regret not quitting during Summer Lotto
I won one T3 ticket on top of freebie T3 ticket
Should've left even though I didn't end up a cucumber monkey because everything went to shit after that anyway
any sane person would be. or coping.
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they actively gatekeep people and they have a pocket janny, they will be fine.
If the DOOMGODS WON in the thread, and There’s No slurpers Around to Hear It, Do the DOOMGODS really won?
Except it's what made people actually like the game? Dragalia was an actually good game beloved by it's players yet it died because making good games isn't what gachas are about.
Not on this level it isn't.
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>China beats them in gachas and korea beats them in MMOs every single time
Every long running general turns into a cesspool of festering mental illness.
Think /bag/ is fine, they are pretty good at ignoring raids etc... unlike previous users of this general. You would worry about smaller generals first desu. God bless Priconne users if grub goes under first but I'm assuming priconne will go before grub
slurpers have just swapped sides, deep down they know.
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No, but that's because I went more casual prior to that, and the nerf only cemented that. No reason to fully quit when I can still experience the shitstorm in realtime
>Korea beats them in MMOs
I wish Lost Ark was actually good, that game has everything except a good progression system
Your wife is AI-generated. That sounds pretty depressing when you think about it.
I remember getting lucky during the lotto and still quitting lol, the game was just a chore to me and I just had retired from my crew. I'm amazed so many people still kept playing after all the bs
i can't believe people are praising the multiplayer aspect of grub as though it hasn't been six people doing single player fights simultaneously ever since v2 dropped
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The only reason the slurpers aren't around is because they got executed.
I'm pretty sure after Blue Protocol no JP developer would even attempt an MMO at this point.
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So was that Persona 5 collab rerun worth it?
shit went down after angel saga
plus never bothering to move whole game to new engine with dedicated app so whales can stick to their F5-spam gameplay that pushed away new players made GBF just rot from inside slowly. It was constantly bleeding and devs were just slapping band aid after band aid in forms of new plot points during anniversaries. MSQ become chaotic mess
She was made before AI took off but any future artworks of her? Yeah probably
>they actively gatekeep people
that you zoomers are calling "gatekeepoing" is actually a slurping central reddit alike. Anyone who is against narrative or points out the problems is called schizo and etc.
even the biggest grub slurper is doomposting the game

>I’m worried about the future of Granblue Fantasy due to the recent controversies, the change in the Producer & Director, and the collaboration gacha.
That's kinda the catch with KMMOs, they can have amazing gameplay and great content, but there's always the fucking catch of the progression system being based around multiple layers of fuck you RNG and insane timegating.

Korean MMOs are simply cursed.
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Grubs... Shit is rough I know, but trust me.
I'll bring Greablue fantasy to a brand new golden age.
Just trust
I've hardly put effort in since, haven't tried hexa/faa yet and now probably won't so it doesn't feel too bad.
she was always fake, now she's just faker...
Doesnt count, our last collab was Sanrio
Japan thought they got an advantage because of all the anime IPs they can turn into gachas, but almost none of those gachas have lasting power. FGO was the exception not the rule. They were blinded by FGO's success for too long, and during that time Korea and China put some actual work into developing better mobage.
>dengaku talking shit about GBF
holy fuck
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Alive game.
the art is shit
the story is shit
you could argue that's not a big deal for an mmo and honestly i'd agree, at least wrt story, but they force you to do it and its miserable
also the chores were obnoxious dailies should not exist
I'd give it another go and tough it out like I'm doing with First Descendant, but the thought of all those dailies makes me want to die
Hello Kitty, Goodbye Grub...
Thread run too fast...
It's truly over this time
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>THE slurper thinks it's looking bad
This is how you know it's genuinely fucked
Remember Kantai Collection? What an insane waste of an IP with so much potential, they just didn't do anything with it and now it's completely irrelevant outside of fucking traps cosplaying as Shimakaze
>No playable Kuromi
Fucking deserved.
MMO's will come back one day, once technology advances some more as people are getting more and more interested in the idea of digital goods.
The problem right now is that entering the market is too fucking expensive and most MMO players are in the same 5 games right now.
Blue protocol was also a huge mess of devs being incompetent.

People were stupid enough to like the idea of NFT's, that kind of shit is gonna come back again in the future.
>Yamaoka takes some mental damage when she sees people on social media asking who Manamel is before any of the events she appears in
Never forget
No gibs as a farewell gift.
Good riddance
What other game would I even play
I can already generate her with AI so I don’t care. Infinite content.
I just wish others could be so lucky.
>mentions Sette nerf
>mentions useless second series of Revans weapons and insane mat cost of MKII on release
>mentions vtumor fiasco on GBFes
>mentions 000 """hotfix"""
>mentions World Flopper
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Play new madoka
Is it too late for them to backtrack some of their shitty changes?
Didn't there producer shit on Azur Lane and say his game was more about the ""Sorrow"" of the Japanese navy?
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kancolle is a niche because they refused to bent over for casualfags and i like that. The problem is that they havent done anything else either.
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I will always remember her...
It's almost like gamblers are mentally ill and making games for them is torture.
>Gacha with Pokemon IVs
Actually the worst thing ever imagined
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You know another game that was about to EoS? Snowbreak. Now it's top 10 in the charts because the DIRECTOR changed the DIRECTION of the game because it wasn't doing so well.

Maybe if your DIRECTOR and producer weren't full of hubris and incompetence you could be in that top 10 spot too
Granblue Archive
Technically the other non announced swimsuits could all be bangers.
But why the fuck would they announce these shitters and not them if thats the case?
Shitposting in most generals goes into overdrive after a stream regardless of content.
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I would be dooming, but i'm too busy with FFXIV. Grub is the side hoe rn.
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE1uMUDr5PY
almost like releasing characters without giving them a proper context in the game's story and world, and not continuing to support characters after releasing them, is a bad idea.
Defend the absence of certain zodiacs in the latest CDs without sounding like a slurper. You can't when characters far less popular than any of them got CDs.
drop the phone and pick the controller back up.
We just had one of the worst streams ever
So zzz?
anon, that game actually purged all mixed toilet content entirely. grub wont do that
No one cares about them
>and not continuing to support characters after releasing them
Just look at how well that was received when Icarus was put in Sumo 2.
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Fucking hell man.
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Cock has more pixiv bucks than all of the homo knights
I don’t think MMOs will ever come back because people have changed too much, and the novelty and experience of being connected like that is gone, unless we’re talking muh full VR meme.
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c'mon anon, he's waiting
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>mfw lived long enough to see fucking dengaku doomnigging
Ichiki is genuine unironic shillbait and Icarus is just an excuse to keep the VA around, nobody gives a fuck about his character
Didn't want to pay for their VAs when they can just give Rat another CD
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its fun but they need a skip system on the energy cost shit and hollow zone, shit is fuckin' repetitive.
why are people upset about the collab?
The vtuber thing was like a one off event that essentially boiled to some extra artwork
You people are babies holy shit
Sumaibito: The class has an ability that forces a 1v1 situation against the enemy, and that mode gives massive buffs. During 1v1 mode, there will be a Superiority level that offers huge buffs at high levels, but if it goes to 0 or you don't get high enough in time, MC is KOed
What the hell?
generic isekai crap
Because putting units behind a gacha is unprecedented in grub
Its actually hilarious that if you mention 'that boat girl game' people legitimately think of azur lane and not kantai
>not naruto
>le genderfluid collab that is suh byuased because it has girls in it
>every single reply is an Indian bot
Twitter is a fucking cesspool
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>even fucking dengaku is doomposting
>first ever gacha collab in grub
Gee I wonder
yeah the social aspect was a huge part of mmos but that shit has been replaced by discord or whatever entirely. you won't play with pubs anymore, you either start playing an mmo with a group of your friends or you won't play at all.
so games like monster hunter, or even relink, provide the same experience but better since you don't have to pay for it monthly and don't have weekly lockouts.
isekaishit I've never watched in fucking gacha.
Should've been Frieren.
Collabs whatever.
Slimes popularity has suddenly nosedived this season from their REALLY shitty anime but its not the issue.
People are just pissed over swimsuit choices and throwing that in.

The gacha units ARE a new change and questionable.
Are they going to be hyperlimited?
Do people even care considering how shit collab units are?
Main problem with grub was there was never any other direction after the angel saga finished. They did a GRRM and wrote themselves into a corner.
shitty collab + >>487879583
they have NEVER EVER done this before and it's a transparent cashgrab attempt.
I play pubs all the damn time its called using Party Finder you goddamn loser
I hope GBF dies so we get a chance at something that isn't delegated to a fucking browser
When your game makes no money it makes sense, which is embarrassing in itself if you can't make money in a pay2win game while accelerating the powercreep constantly. Truly this company earned all of their dead games.
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Fags out
Tubers aren't for (you) so they shouldn't exist.
After all, this is a eroge visual novel, not an auto battler.
>Should've been Native Isekai
I honestly think with all the doomposting even on JP side it will force them to reconsider the Collab gacha desu
nowadays I recognize her more as Mika from LegeClo
Thanks, I'm trying to catch up on things since I forgot the stream was last night. So we have a collab gacha now?
no one likes your kind, vtroon.
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Play her game
You did well, Granblue Fantasy.
I won't forget you for as long as I live.
Like how they reconsidered the settes nerf right?
That’s pretty much the main thing being complained about along with unease about the future so it’s 100% getting canned.
That would be the least of the games problems right now but whatever, I've accepted that the JP playerbase will never ever complain about the games fundamental issues and will just cry over the gacha all day long
Game isn't dying until we get a playable Belial, and then 2-3 alts of him. So, sadly, we still have years to go.
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And it shouldn't have been at my fucking fes even as a one-off, vtranny.
I've played every Yoko Taro game including both shitty gachas and the card games
Bro, percival has like 1600+ total pixivbux...
>party finder
>get people who don't even play on the same server as you
>never see them again
yes nice social game retard.
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>le native fantasy xD
Out. Now.
LMAOOO It seems the shill funds have dried up as well.
You dont fucking know what a Pub is or was you larping faggot
The whole point is that it wasnt a preestablished group
This isn't game play related though?
The new producer is 100% reading what's being said online and they probably know they have to act fast. If not then I guess it's over.
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In your dreams gayboy
All the homoknights are way less popular than cygames would have you to believe.
Pig got the japs riled up the most, then followed by tigs.
They will backtrack and apologize, and we'll get more gibs.
The fundamental issues of males existing, right?
LOL when has cygames ever listened
Nips are worried that there's a chance that collab characters will have human rights in the future because they don't trust cygames' balancing considering all thats happened in the past. And the difference between collab characters and seasonal hyperlimiteds is that you never know if those collabs are going to be reran again
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Wait, does that mean I can roll characters from collabs I missed?
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its called Fantasy, also the people would spark for Fern's fat tits, unlike slimeflop
Took them this long to realize the Pig oppression?
no, the whole point was in the first sentence. "yeah the social aspect was a huge part of mmos but that shit has been replaced"
fucking imbecile. you playing with randoms who don't say a word who you never interact with again doesn't make it a social game.
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>This isn't game play related though?
As if that matters to them. They didn't backtrack killing seasonal lines, even though that needs to come back now more than ever.
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Harvins never ever.
>Final Fantasy gachas are dogshit
>Granblue is dying
>Star Rail is slop-tier
I just can't win on turn based RPGs
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I said total pixivbux, retarded cockflopper.
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Fuck collabs, the reason I quick pazudora is because all the meta units were collab only
It’s more because her VA is a really popular singer so it’s koebuta being upset.
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Heres your post stream futaba thread
Is this the end of our granblue fantasy?
Oh fuck I forgot the slime faggot is OP in every gacha he gets put into kek
Dont care about Japanese opinions, my own opinions matter more, and I think the biggest issue is limited Eternals/Evokers
Fuck that shit
>fond memories of ffbe
>until satan Gumi ravaged the fucking game and now its even closer to EoS than we are
*quit, god I'm so mad
I play HSR and even that is getting fucked by return to chinkslop. Turn based bros aren't winning today it seems.
yeah it's over
We want... no we NEED HRT back
He's free luckily, but they'll probably make Milim a core hyperlimited. I don't think we'll ever get as bad as Pad, but this is a dumb path to go down when your game is already in the doldrums.
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No evoker transcendence
Gacha collabs are the norm though
Even priconne does that
>gacha collab
Make them for (You) or else I won't roll
In other news, mihoyo has started hiring for their 4th game (categorized as MMO) while their 3 already occupy the top 3 earnings. My hope is that this one will be the game that isn't a 15 minute daily simulator and fill GBF's niche of being a grindge.
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>current grub is so bad and boring even ZZZ is a fun game by comparison
>on one hand, christmas Nierrrrr
>on the other hand, a bunch of retards I don't care about.
The sacrifice might be too costly...
Which seasonal alt do you think Nier will get first
They're already giga shilled groups. Now they'll dillute the seasonal spots
>entire game is on fire ofr years
>japs: umm...i just dont like collab gacha, that's a bit...yeah
The biggest cucks on Earth
Last time they did that the author killed the girl out of spite in the original manga.
Why would they do that when the daily format makes them the most money by far
Face it, grind games are dead. We will all be forced to play Warframe and XIV to get our kicks.
>mihoyo has started hiring for their 4th game (categorized as MMO)
It's animal crossing bro
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Wait who?
Based, what gacha and what collab?
I’m kind of okay with this, I don’t want to grind Sanbox anymore…
>categorized as MMO
Retardbro its an animal crossing clone
Weve known this for a year
you're right, HOWEVER that doesn't really work when you randomly do it 10 years into a game.
Not happening, their audience is mostly normalfags and casuals.
>while their 3 already occupy the top 3 earnings.
BA made more than ZZZ in its launch month.
gbf and jjk
Valentine. Chocolate mixed with menstrual blood and pubic hair
im supposed to know what the fuck is this
But there’s literally nothing worth grinding in XIV.
If I wanted to grind I’d go back to XI because at least there’s stuff worth grinding there, and the gameplay is enjoyable.
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Gacha collab characters are fine if we get a rerun of CCS so Sakura can save the game
No it hasn't you delusional baggot
They made nobara for (You)? I skipped the event and her fates
Friendly reminder that South East Asians are the weakest people on planet earth
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>the only thing keeping me playing is being in one of the few still alive GBF crews
So, what's the gibs "game" this year? Are they just doing some roulette shirt?
Mihomo's sense of progression is so bad though. I never feel like I'm getting stronger when I'm leveling up my characters or upgrading their weapons unless I bang my head in domains for the right artefact with the right stats or roll constellations/weapons
Are there any good grind games these days, most things are just casual slop
MHA with Toga
Yeah, i would ring her a second time.
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what sets this slime anime apart from the millions of other isekais?
mihomo can put out a literal barafurry gacha and mihomo drones will slurp it up
you can win 10m yen (jp only)
Reminder that the gacha collab characters will have seasonals
You’re entered into a drawing when you do your free 10 roll.
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they made the exact same game three times in a row
genshin's progression mechanics are not the reason that game succeeded it's insane that they're copying them forever
My friend who likes it says the worldbuilding is good but eh I've seen better
i legitimately might pick up ffxi soon, might wait to see if brighter shores is any good first though

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