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more homoflops Edition
>Recent News
Summer Live Stream

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/29 - 08/06 Conquest of the Dark Singularity

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread
De La... SUCCESS!!!
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The only options for that nowadays are tranny infested MMOs.
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yea i love my wife
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so what have we learnt today?
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i love my wife
So, is this AI art?
4 and I'll kill both monkeyman and fukutranny
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I've been enjoying Dawntrail
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She was already dead when we got her, we saved her like we saved Prishe.
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That just because it's over doesn't mean we can't smile
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lmao wtf
>Hocchan can actually sing
>not in the CD
lmao, even
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it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
it's time to move on
>it's time to move on
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>granblue fantasy
we are cooked
homos are a disease
Are there ANY gacha games that let you just grind shit to the same degree
It can always get worse. I thought the 10th anniversary stream was the low point of grub
>/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #107856
To never have hope.
Despair wins out.
I legitimately could not care less about pedophile opinions
"Oh its different because its not a child, she looks like a cat, actually its not real"
I do not care, Pedophile.
>Didnt do anything wrong
Our future... I thought we were supposed to die 90k threads ago...
The new roulette will allow you the option to double your rolls but only if you accept to slowly rub his l2d ass at least 10 times. Will you do that?
kek true
I thought unfinished sketches was the "peak" bottom og the barrel but holy shit this year.
hey we did it. we made it past thread #20k
I can't enjoy that fucking garbage expansion because Wuk Lamat is the worst written fictional character in the past decade that keeps polluting my screen
No mainstream ones, no.
Casuals and gacha hoppers don’t want to grind.
Marge we love nudist yuni around here
I'm so demotivated guys
Help me
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But enough about Mugen already
Invisible threads bwo
This is pretty much it, bro. You'd have to look for MMOs at this point.
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>beelzebub (swimsuit version)
>he's just naked
>the only time a girl can get anywhere close to this treatment she has to be obscured by every shadow in the universe
nvm >>487881846
fuck you >>487881716
No. This is the one and only reason this game which utterly lacks for entertainment has managed to stay afloat. There are other games you can grind but the problem with them is they're actual games and you need to pay full attention while you do it instead of just reading or watching something else.
Grub actually lasted another 30 years.......
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The shift in confidence in Granblue's future is insane. We just released two well-received spinoff games earlier this year yet all hell already broke loose by summer.
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it's been very fun today grubbas.
know that I will go to sleep tonight with a smile on my face and cute girls in my mind.

see you tomorrow!
only ones that are as old as grub and likely as bad if not worse off. Nugacha simply doesn't grind the same, and clearly for the better.
/gbfg/ is the most mentally ill general?
I'm depressed too. Even if my wife gets content what's the point. The game is at it's deathbed and there's no guarantee that her story will have a satisfying end for me to look back on fondly

can we keep it like this as a joke for future threads
There might not be a tomorrow for us...
Yeah they dont care about the gacha anymore. As stated several times, Granblue is a Multimedia project now and thats the only future KMR sees profitable, to abandon the gacha entirely just to focus on games, merch and events
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>no yukata or v.zoi
>no SSR aster, sig or camieux
>no uncap for carmelina, forte, g.zoi or g.lecia
>no SSR alt for carmelina, forte or birdman
>no yggy seasonal that isn't a summon
>just the same shilled characters, over and over again until EoS
Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down...
>Want a 4 niggas game
>Only other options are Slop Rail, Sea of Stars or Octopath 2
>Want a grind game
>Only options are ARPGs, Warframe or Koreaslop
>Want an MMO
>Only options are fucking WoW or XIV
It's so over for me bros, I'll have to play a real game
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Was mix of fun and despair
Slyeep wyell thoughever.
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ehhhhh gomenasorry...
Hopefully you don't wake up
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Anytime someone says "next X will be better", they're lying through their teeth.
Never touch a game or anime with Cygames money behind it ever again.
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>two well-received spinoff games earlier this year
Relink was flavor of the month at best. Rising wasn't even that.
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I agree with this guy we need to kill all humans.
Except for human males who will exclusively act as breeding sows for Harvin females.
fuck you bitch, Mugen is a fucking shakespearean character when you compare him to that troglodyte tiger troon
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What makes you stop playing grub?
What happened to that schizo that would reply up and down the thread every day that actually the game was doing great and turning into a homoge didn't actually kill it?
Hanged himself
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no exceptions
this should be taught alongside the laws of therodynamics.
>and director
I thought KMR was the only one stepping down?
Leave this sinking ship
Return to disgaea...if only its gacha wasn't so shit.
Fotm is still way better than any of us expected, lets be fair.
>this should be taught alongside the laws of therodynamics.
can you post the link to that thread
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FKHR got (((promoted))) which just means corporate jargon for getting booted
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he's still here but severely weakened.
this stream really did a number on him.
rest of the summer eneads soon.
They are saving S. Mugen for Flash.
S. Mugen
Y. Wilnas
S. Erika
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>KMR stepped down from the Producer role and handed it over to someone else.
>FKHR has been 'promoted' to Creative Director, and each game that he used to direct, Grub, Relink, and Versus, now has its own Director.
>Both will no longer appear on future streams
Can i still ask for christmas Macula though?
I am noticing the lack of kekypow and many other buzzwords since summer stream dropped
It would be funny if fkhr and kmr actually left willingly instead of being fired in a roundabout manner. They already have 4 or 5 dead games under their belt, anyone hiring them for a project would be an utter fool.
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I expected all the jewish decisions. But to have soft confirmation of AI use is completely disheartening.
The state of the game is no longer funny
There's nothing keky to pow over. Except FKHRT getting the cubicle next to the restroom
Lraph? I hope he's writhing on some dirty bathroom floor puking up blood.
after this stream he might as well be doing that LMEOW
>even FKHR got booted
the grass is gone
We are in mourning have some fucking respect.
grub art really was the last bastion isn't it?
insane how we used to be known for our art and now this...
I don't feel like shitposting anymore
The stream killed any motivation I had for anything related to gbf
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We've been left in too shit a position by those colossal failures to call them well-received.
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Getting outdone by some zombie ancient eroge gacha was the straw that broke the camel's back.
EX poses
>random waifu noone cares about
>random waifu noone cares about
How is your crew taking it?
Can't wait for the keisuke edits when the game does even worse
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I don't think there's enough KEKYPOW or GEGAROO in the world to describe the absolute state of this game after today's stream.
this is legitimately devastating.
Avoiding the topic.
What other games should I play
if making good games is considered a "colossal failure" then I am fine with grubble EOS
They're usually slurpers, and even theyre struggling to cope
>KMR gets the boot
>FKHR gets the boot
>new guys at the top instantly go full greed, one of them being under KMR's wing for three years
Grub is truly dead...
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It's a level of over I didn't think we would ever hit.
Doomed for a bit but trying to stay positive
even gigaslurpers talking about quitting
knowing the people behind the shitty last several years are the people in charge permanently essentially means there's no hope for improvement
I’m sorry but no. Not until the game heals.
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The situation is actually dire now.
none of us actually play the game anymore so we don't give a shit about it lol
...should I even ask for bubs' pixivbux?
Hate the GW changes and don't trust kmr with the collab gacha. Some have said that they won't be spending any more money on this game.
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my fav's long-awaited uncap finally came after almost a decade and turns out it might have been slopped or at least AI assisted goddamn no wonder the art looks weird in some places
will the new bubs summon be human rights???? (i have a god awful track record w/ those type of summons)
nothing in the crew chat yet (im not in the discord)
when that blue slime appeared I thought it was going to be a Dragon Quest collab
Kicking them out of GBF is not enough, they should also be kicked out of the game industry for life.
I have been suspicious about their art team (cydesignation) since the last end of year stream. For the first time ever since the lineart reveal for mc jew skin they shown a couple of unfinished designs (the gw skin, new beast priests) with an anniv teaser that had nothing but linearts from annivshill characters.
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>released two well-received spinoff games
Relink lost to FFXV.
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I gotchu homie
I'm just baffled. This was the worst way to reveal the new management. KMR surely realized all the scandals that have happened since 2021, it would be better if he just didn't say that his replacement was doing his work since that time because then at least we'd have hope that things could get better. Now? It's so fucking over
A third of it announced retirement.
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Any game where Sandalphon, Ghandagoza and all four homoknights are put in while some of the sexiest females in the gacha industry are stepped over is not a good game by any metric.
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Why make GW more miserable than it already is? Do they really think this will make people want to play more?
holy mother of flop
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Grub art was sanctuary. Like even if the pick was lame or shillclub at least it'll look good. Like fuckin' summer belial, the colors in that look great and everything. Now it'll all feel sullied.
Surely GBF EoSing will be what gets me to start drawing...
Thank God I started Nikke last year so that I'd have a backup plan for when Grub eventually went under
You know I thought the game I moved onto after GBF had a shit summer stream today, but god every time I decide to check back in on this game I'm reminded how much worse it could be and I'm glad I dropped it when I did.
Did they really add another NM/hell level to Guild War?
>Now it'll all feel sullied.
if your favorite character/art is released after the wide-spread existence of AI you might be fucked
thank god my wives will stay unsullied.
I remember getting my account from here during Summer Carren's event. It was fun for the most part and I enjoyed the progression to be able to clear Faa HL.
Its sad knowing how this game will die in 2 years.
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My one and only magnificent king.
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why wasn't Danua in relink?
Because they fucked with 000, twice. They can't sell characters good at EX+ anymore unless they powercreep.
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>Really like Haase uncap a lot
>It might be AI
No....At least I'll always have Arusex.
Gharbagouza really needed that slot bro
Ghanda, Yoda, and the homoknights simply NEEDED to be in.
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>good video games aren't good because >muh porn addiction
stop existing
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So this is AI, right? Whatever is going on here doesn’t feel like something a human would do?
>why wasn't [literally any female draph] in Relink
Beats me
I wonder who will be the gacha characters if Rimuru is free
I'm pretty sure that Benimaru will be one.
I assume Shion will be free unless they want to shill MAO even harder and leave Milin or Shuuna to the free slot.
They could just not add the girls and make it Gobuta as the final fuck you
man if this AI-use drama got really big with the japs this game will truly be cooked
japs may be huge cucks but the one thing they couldn't stand is AI art, you slurpers should pray this shit don't get out.
That game was cursed and censored between beta and launch.
The accordants were the first character series entirely designed by AI
Why wasn't neechang in relink?
HIVbrains actually believe this
kys maleringer
i went to bed a bit after the stream, why are we talking about AI now?
Free Rimuru
Free Benimaru
Gacha Milim
Gacha Shion
Summon Veldora
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Remember when maleringers said Perci has more art than Cock because they count fujo fanfics as art? What was THAT all about?
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Will the cutie that's obviously going through the academy even log in today I wonder
>We're running low on money! Qucik what should we do?
>Release the Aster and Kumuyu SSRs everyone wants?
>no that would never work... I know! Naked Men!
the ex-Lead director for grub's 10 anni animated PV said in a tweet that he couldn't work with a producer who push AI onto the artists who works below him.
said guy quitted grub's art team like 2-3 months ago.
I think that's supposed to be part of the background frame, but given how botched it is, there's a 99.99% chance it’s AI.
This is why Cantate is the face of grub
Former Cygames Pictures whistleblower came out about the upper management forcing artists to use AI
I don't think AI was advanced enough back when G. Percy released. Anything within the last year is highly likely though
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Whether I exist or not is irrelevant to the facts which are proven.
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Grubs of this feel?
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This is so strange to be honest.
My passion for Granblue was falling down during the past few months.
I did my part during the last GWs, but now, I just start the game like someone lights a cigarette.
I don't even read the events anymore, I just don't care.
Also, I certainly don't have the guts to farm the ridiculous amount of things they are asking for.
So, when I see the last announcements, yeah, I think this shit is not for me anymore and it actually explain a lot of things about the current state of the game.
I will probably just read the next Accordants events and main story chapters, but that's probably it for me.
I know you don't care, but I wasted a ton of hours laughing and shitposting in those threads with all of you, so I just wanted to say it even if you are going to reply "see you tomorrow", know that I wish it was the case.
Anyway, thanks for everything guys, it was fun.
With FKHR out of the picture, who's the general's punching bag now?
I wanna believe its on purpose because its way too in the foreground for the hackartists to not notice and touch up but...
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Why are you so insecure? You are literally playing the most homo pandering gacha on the fucking market and crying that it has males? Do you seriously have no self awareness whatsoever? Again why don't you just leave us alone and go fap to porn instead since that's the only thing you seem interested in.
The facts are that versus and relink are great games because they are actual video games.
Look at this faggot's butthurt face upon saying that HAHAHAHAHAH
在过去的几个月里,我对 Granblue 的热情一落千丈。
在上届 GW 期间,我尽了自己的一份力,但现在,我只是像点烟一样开始游戏。
我可能只会阅读接下来的 “协议 ”事件和主要故事章节,但对我来说可能就是这样了。
我知道你们并不在意,但我浪费了很多时间和你们一起在这些主题里大笑和吐槽,所以我只想说,即使你们会回复 “明天见”,也要知道我希望是这样。
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Can't wait for LRaph to type out his thesis on why the current state of the game is a good thing
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>cripples your whole studio
>flops to a unityflip dogshit gacha on fucking STEAM
incredible work
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see you tomorrow......in a better game/general.
Uh... where did all the hopechads go? Its been nothing but nonstop doomposting ever since the stream happened...
Shadow Director who will remain anonymous so they don't get harassed lol
There's no need for another punching bag. The mess they made is too big to clean up and it will always be traced back to those 2.
I am glad I got banned years ago
Can't hide forever
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Damn bro that's crazy. But I sure am glad bubs is the only one who's unpopular and the rest of the angels are super popular and way more successful than any random little gi-
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>forgot to give her a summer alt and skipped over to Ragazzo
fuck these alzheimer homodevs...
For a game that isn't supposed to be a live service it still hit a similar all time peak to dark souls 3, per your own comparison that means relink was indeed a success.
uh.... /gbfg/ body count post-summer stream? how many did we lose?
I shall await you in the beyond.
What was the point of teasing us with summer Manamel art but not giving it to us???
Is it because she's for (You) now?
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This is a DespairGOD general
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This shit isn't even funny anymore
I just feel bad
nigga I can't defend this shit.
she is neither a lesbian nor human
Ask during GW in September
Can't wait for numbers to be lower than usual during "alive month"
500k+ active GW players
38m+ total grubbers
30 years
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Too galge for the new heads of GBF
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Destiny 2 is an actual video game but that doesn't make it good.
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I don't want Granblue to die. This general is the only thing on this website that reminds me of late 00s/early 10s 4channel.
I tried peaking into other gacha games generals and there's way to many UNIRONIC normalfags, w*men and faggots.
Jesus Christ why did this game have to get so horrible?
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If I were to hazard a guess probably almost 50% of the ex-hopecucks turned into doomGAWDS after this stream.
and then 49% of them became doomGAWDS after the alleged AI use fiasco.

the remaining 1% is lil L himself.
>abydos wanking
>hold on
you guys are even worse
Destiny 2 is a good game you fucking troglodyte
>gbfg won't last long enough for me to post my miyako figure when it arrives
people are still here to shitpost and shill BA, wait until summer is over
Earth GW with 35m ex+ hp and NM250 yipee....
It's never been so over than now.
Also is this achievable natty?
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I am sorry bros...
>This general is the only thing on this website that reminds me of late 00s/early 10s 4channel.
I am a 08 newfag and I want to say sojack.party unironically feels like old 4chan, just very slow and zoomer slang everywhere.
>Jesus Christ why did this game have to get so horrible?
>there's way to many UNIRONIC normalfags, w*men and faggots.
FKYACK will never forgive Pigalgesex
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alright it was fun to laugh at you guys earlier but its just sad and boring now
i'll come back to laugh again when EoS is announced
the game was already fucked from the start so I won't blame you for "jinxing" it.
no single human being can make this game trip as hard as we just did.
kek I thought this game was swimming in fujo bux hence the whole shifting away from the waifus
GBF lacked direction and just kind of did whatever for a while, then THAT happened. They got a bit of positive fujo tweets that went to their head and that's how we got to where we are today
This means Cavewoman Sarasa will become a real playable thing right?
Why didn't they just announce good things???
It's not that hard...
too early to say since we're still in the post-stream festival mode
gw numbers are going to be incredible though
if grub had women and faggots the homos they shit out wouldn't flop so hard.
turns out fujos/yumes/homotro ons don't play or pay the game!

surpise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahaha
troonva song won
Raziel shot a hole in their ship by making Sandalphon turn down a chance to bring back Lucifer and they've been in cope mode ever since. Some just straight up left the game.
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D2 wouldn't qualify as a good game even if it was the only game left standing. That statement was true seven years ago with CoO and Warmong and it's still true now with the final slop.
>no Hrunting
not even gonna bother to tryhard
just FA Kengo shit with Okto / Satyr / Moni for mins and I'm out
Facts. Destiny 2 is in a better place right now than GBF, and it’s main story is technically over.
they are like those mongolian whistling arrows, just noise that creates illusion of a big number
I just went there to see what the fuss is about bro, not like I am trying to shill the site or anything.
it's just that when I visit their doxxing pages it makes me feel like going back to 08-09 /v/ and /b/ all over again.
your summer bubz
I was so mad when I saw Yukata Song because I thought it was a skin and she already has fucking two while Cake is stuck with her old summer one
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You don't say
it might have been post-wmtsb2/3 but then genshin released and now star rail so there's nobody left
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Whats even left to roll for?
I think i need to grab G.Zeta but aside from that i have all the 10s and the 9.9-9.5s
nothing wrong with being positive, bro. i saw things that i like on the stream that i look forward to myself and now we just have to hope that things play out well in the future. that being said i fully understand the reception
Utterly pathetic stream. Even EOS announcement would have been more hype.
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>destiny 2 enjoyer hating on kuroko
LOL fucking faggot
>From here on, eternals and evoker will appear in gacha
Honestly shocked it took them so long.
Zodiac alts were absurdly popular
naked bubs and collab gacha
Lraph's gonna freak
At least someone's happy about Bubz
Angels truly killed the grub
I know that feeling. I've stopped playing but still check this thread occasionally, Oh boy, I'm glad I decided to quit. Still, GBF and /gbfg/ used to be fun many years ago and were a big part of my life, as I used to spend an ungodly amount of time here. It’s a bit sad to see the current state of the game
I am a Slurper. But this stream, it broke me. It was just nothing but bad decisions.
>Seasonal news with seasonal evokers confirmed
Absolutely vile kikery
>Collab gacha
>b b BB but the op holder insisted
Here's how you solve that issue. You simply do
>Lmao no
>Ex+ up again
>Bubz culo
I memed about this yesterday, and it's even worse than I imagined

>Uhmmmm no no no chuddie, you can't have the original outfits and panties, that's too degenerate.
Belial's bulging ball sack is fine tho
we call this "paid actor" around here.
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They have to add my wife EVENTUALLY right?
It'll probably be funf first but I have hope.
wiafufags want this
JP grubbas were actually doomposting when S.Anila first came out, thinking it was going too far/a sign of EoS. Might have scared Cy a bit even if they sold well.
just go buy himari's ASMR bro
nta but fuck shiroko and her 4 alt and fuck hoshino with her 3 alt
>put out jewish decision after jewish decision in the stream
>replace FKHRT and Kikemura at the end so all blame goes onto them
Good luck if you want a specific type of seasonal or if your favorite isn't in the shillclub side of the eternals/evokers before the game EoSes
>hoshinoraging out of nowhere
kuroko was a never-ever though and most people understood her to be a seprate character from base shiroko.
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Yet pretty much everyone that tried final shape found that the game is really good now. Sure Lightfall was a disaster but Into the Light showed huge improvement that carried over into final shape.
BA is dead to me until they stop having their heads up their own asses and release Seia already.
dirt GW and NM250 in 40 days :3
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You dug your own grave, now lie in it grubtard.
Wallow and die in your homosexual filth.
Gutter trash.
We can still recover from this
where was AI confirmed? in bubs art?
it's literally alternative shiroko
nothing but facts in this post
pija sucks ass though
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Nio lost to Renie in less than a week however.
At least you'll get your Swimsuit Mika half anni now.
see >>487884467
it was a soft-confirm because no actual evidence was posted but the guy who made the accusation was literally the lead director for the 10th anni PV.
I will never have an ass like that. Why live?

I question your sanity for even asking.
Check the last thread, guy who worked on the animated trailer for grub said that they were considering on implementing AI for the game and he quit over it
he's good when he's not drawing scatshit.
his doujins (not coloured) are top tier
guy was asking for a nio replacement and I was offering something
don't start shit worst kousagi enjoyer
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this was the tweet
Can't spell bestiality without best
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Sorry, AI can't handle Draphs and Harvins.
If they’re using AI they should probably contact youknowwho for some pointers.
it's not worth it. it sticks out so much no matter what you wear and you'd be surprised by often people try to grab it. almost not worth the strength
someone from here ringed this abomination
remember when the slurper was defending this OOC shit? LOL
>"dude I fapped to it so it's ok!!!"
The gacha collab characters will be 8.5 garbage, your crystals are safe
>t. rem and emilia-tan in pricunny
it makes so much sense now

you think the reason dragon is so tall is because the had to change it because the AI kept spitting out a human?
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Lead director for 10th anni PV said that he was told to get used to AI, he quit over it
That and the absolute state of the art team's output are gigantic red flags
that hallefag is so going to kill himself over this
he deserved it for blindly slurping though.
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Why did i farm all this then....
That swimsuit is also fucking awful it should've been a dead giveaway
that's because draph's height is only properly noticable on in-game chibis. AI doesnt know that and treats them as humans. That's how dragon and SHele was born
Because you are addicted.
prepare yourself for the worst and find something else to be addicted to.
I don't understand why they are shitting the bed on every way imaginable during the 10th anniversary.
Couldn't they at least try to build some good will this year before ruining everything on a meaningless year like the 11th?
It's so fucking true too as a slopper enthusiast, even trying to use oppai loli tags AI shits out a character way taller than normal
and it's because retarded nigger artists ALWAYS draw Draphs with incorrect heights so the sloppa will never work correctly because it's been trained on dogshit secondaries
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>not all of them are here because "le flop"
>actual flops that have way less popularity than the "flop" zodiacs get overly shilled everywhere
Birdman never got to lead his people...
I will never forgive Cygames.
>actual flops that have way less popularity than the "flop" zodiacs get overly shilled everywhere
yeah cock and rat are shilled everywhere
>he is not seasonal since poz, or at least summer fediel
>got married and stopped drawing porn because his wife didn't like it
Grubs for this feel?
look at how he's trying to start zodiac wars because he can't defend the absolute shittery that was today's stream?


pathetic lil janitor, you will die with this game.
Fuck off doesn’t she have like two songs already?
I fail to see the downside you're presenting.
The dumb skirt annoys me more than the proportions.
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This is gonna suck
Earth doesnt have a 0b0c
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Remember back when people claimed this clusterfuck wasn't the result of AI?
if KMR simply said that he is stepping down and trusts that his replacement will do well it would've been fine. We could've had hope. But no, he said that his replacement has been doing his job for the past 3 years which coincides with when grub started shitting the bed constantly
knowing Bubs I bet her dick is bigger
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Here's your new grindge
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>pigfloppers losing once again
it's funny every time
i, for one, am shocked that the hagfloppers were retards all along
And now you know why she has no tail
AI is bad at that
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Its true..
Might as well finish water since is last m3 ele i dont have
grubblefags can't handle real games
>/gbfg/ how has an excuse to blame everything bad from the past 3 years on a single person
>/gbfg/ now has an excuse to call every piece of art from the last 3 years AI
this is it. /gbfg/ as we know it is over. there's no going back
your summer bubs soon
>increased HP all across the board
this is gonna be a bloodbath
I expect this GW to break another historical low.
Nuts I tell you, just look at this creature >>487887449
>No actual proof or link to tweet
TigerGODS report in, KMR will not silence us
that shit is a coomer slop assetflip, i feel robbed after playing it for a while. actual trash. pick up literally anything else to play
Kancolle I guess, but it's not really a gacha
More like TigerFLOPS, go join the Pigfloppers in their corner.
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>not sticking around for her movie
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I dont think thats true
Theres a fuck ton of both on pixiv that looks fine
There was at least one homo asking for it here.
>has an excuse
the general has been making those accusations before today.
what happened today merely confirmed the suspicions.

don't act like it's this general's fault when

dumb slurper
>KMR runs GBF into the ground
>HRT saves it
>KMR gets lucky with WMTSB
>Prolongs the inevitable running it back into the ground
So that's it, the game is ruined by some newbie who is greedy for money.
And now they confirmed they use fucking AI art? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
the absolute mindbroken state of IoIipaggers
This piece of shit outfit being vomited by an AI makes a lot of sense, especially that fucking "veil"
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Warframe is still better even with all of its flaws
try that again without the reddit spacing
versus only here

ahould I quit?
But it's unironically true for the most part. Grub fell off a fucking cliff after 2020.
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>bait and switch idolslop
Her anime was never good.
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but....but...my 47s clear...my 150gm...my bullets
Probably shouldn't ask people that don't play real games.
fair enough... get on those heavy squats/deep leg presses and you too can experience it
run far far away from this pyosg retard
None of the Art is AI you fucking morons. No company on earth is going to secretly use AI, they fucking love AI, theyd tell the entire world theyre using AI. Especially a Japanese company
yet you play a literal flash game instead?
>jew gacha alt
>collab gacha
>KMR and FKHR peace out
the fuck did i wake up to... the game is actually going to die before a new zoi
Nah it'll die when Sandy comes out.
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>gbfpags accused other games of using ai
>now this
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U149 was the best anime of the past 30 years
BBB was the best mecha anime of the past 7 years
Is there a tutorial with links for absolute 70iq retards for getting into AIslop? Im almost always cursed to like unpopular among artists characters.
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>she thinks i still play
How old is Maglielle again?
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>shill chicken and rat 24/7
>game dies
It really isn't. That game is the definition of directionless bloat. They had no idea what to do with the story, what warframes even were, pulled a random character insert years into the games lifespan that never really made sense, have to spend hours in wikis to have any idea what to do or where to get things etc etc.

Warframe is one of the many games that can only lend it's success to it's release date when there were little or no other games to play
My spark is ready for V tigers return
just like relink
FGOCHADS won since Takeuchi only draws fucked up hands that do a stupid claw shape on purpose
Ninjas legit have brain damage with the "homo" argument. This was very true around 2018 and when WMTSB trilogy was hot.

Now? 6D is mostly represented by chicks (they even genderbend Galleon and changed Ewyar from male to cat), Enneads are more represented by waifus. The female characters of this group got released first, more strong, have seasonal versions, skins.

Last anniversary was mostly a female banner, too, with a literal who becoming a grand with summer Magus and Horus. Another Grandalphon is more angel shilling than homo stuff. This summer only had 1 seasonal dude.

KMR upped the greediness and released more waifus, going borderline ero content with some (Yukata Ilsa, this new Hekate for example), even making older fan-favourites BA-worthy of lewdness (wind Lily). And the sales only got worse.

Thing is, cygames and kukMR doubled down on the greediness and saw there was still dumb people throwing money at them. Seasonal Evokers, Eternals and gacha for Collabs is another part of the process.
The best mecha anime in recentmemory was the gundam one with lesbians
Obviously you can choose to believe it or not but I feel like lying on this would be weird, especially from an artist that has drawn grub art for years and is obviously a fan. Accusation is serious enough that it should be considered
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holy digits
where are the long-winding posts with poz avatars defending the game
I usually see them after rampant doomposting
Previous thread >>487866849
Also >/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #107856
/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #10786*
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Grub peaked in 2023 with this moment
was grandalphon2 worth it?
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No game has turned me into a vengeful wraith the way grub did. I can't wait for it to go under.
>That game is the definition of directionless bloat.
The account is private so you won't be able to see it but the post is real
this was the last bit of soul leaving the corpse's body.
Takeuchi only does the line art anyways. The coloring, background and everything else is by his lackeys(mostly Koyama).
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Not even fucking close.
It was so bad it torpedoed its own popularity.
Its gunplas are selling like shit too

Barvern was WAY bigger
I think she was late twenties? Older than Id.
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It was completely unwavering as a tourism ad for Saga all the way through.
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>the company that lies to your face would never hide something from you
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>Barvern was WAY bigger
nobody gave a shit about that show after the first 3 episodes
seed freedom blew that turd out of the water.
No you see, the animation direction who worked at Cydesignation for years and is clearly passionate about his art quit his job for the fun of it, anon knows best :)
this shit was way too much Destiny and not enough Warframe, no thanks.
i am really fucking glad for this summer stream that ripped any remaining good faith towards the game apart
Love this idea that the concept of a japanese schizophrenic shit stirrer doesnt exist
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It is better than that flaming heap of garbage, yes.
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>grub died before she could be added to the main game
>even if she got added she would be trapped in l*ght
You laughed at Dragalia Lost. You're next retards.
don't care still laughing at you losers lmao you LOST
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Well yea
SEEDs a monster series
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>Love this idea that the concept of a japanese schizophrenic shit stirrer doesnt exist
Is that why she set her profile to private?
I have followed that account for like half a fucking decade. Guy's not a shit stirrer.
perky boobas...
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Grub may be dying but at least I get my semen demon wife in less clothes a year after she showed up.
unironically all me
Ackschually, flopper was next
This game is directionless but there is no bloat (because there's no content lmao). This game has a very clear progression with weapons and characters. With the exception of eternals, it's pretty clear where you need to get things from the in game client. That's not the case at all in warframe.
did they wrap up their story?
And yet he's stirring shit
flopgalia lost
Blame all the homo shit on the shadow nigger when Rising and Relink have the same amount of homo shit too. FKHR is solely responsible for all this faggot and angel shit
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Fuck that's hot
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>And yet he's stirring shit
At least granblue has ensured I never touch a gacha again in my life
Harvins get a pass for being hags unless they're super hag like Zahl or Arulu.
Apparently Zahl isn't even that old but she looks like it
Didn't watch stream
What did I miss?
/gbfg/ has been blaming Mack Pack for who knows how long already
Take your meds mentally ill creature.
Luckshitted Sandalphon in one 10 roll bwos. She seems busted. Can't wait to use her in whatever new endgame drops soon
Euden would have never wanted you to behave like this, Lostie.
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>Grub reuniting with their imouto
watch her fates will be dogshit
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Girl or troon?
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>fatetards thinking this isn't AI with how fucked up their hands are.
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FKHR not attending the stream because of """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""covid"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" was fortunate huh

the guy ran so fast he didn't even have the balls to admit he's retiring from grub.
pussy homo faggot
So apparently and I mean this seriously now… gbf is “actually” as dead as I have suspected it has been the last 3 years?
Grub could NEVER
Im reminded of why /gbfg/ is the worst general of all time
>grimnir with tits is sandalphon
All of these are before AI. Stay down.
ACKNECK do be like that
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Someone at cygames hates harvins and draphs and is running the show.
Just look at the zodiac concepts being like 80% harvins yet they pick other races every time.
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Guy until proven otherwise.
Takeuchi has literally never been a good artist, guy just got extremely lucky and befriended the right weirdo in high school and got carried to legendary status.
>Galge Angel
No... way...
>Galge Dragon
>Galge Blood related Sister
Holy. Fucking. Shit
somehow, despite everything, this place is still better than /gig/
Ngl. the standar art rule killed some artistic choice for many chars
KMR at least had the balls to say he's retiring on stage
where is that homofaggot who's responsible for the absolute state of the game?
he learned from the best, good old genocide joe
>Dragalia getting brought up at the hospital for gbf
>Flopper unmentioned
Flopper bros wya?
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Fuck no I'm a dragalia chad, it is my life mission to see cygames fall for what they took away from me.
You are seeing the fruit of my labor already taking place as we speak.
those are all from pre-COVID
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mmmmm yeah I'm thinking it's over for this game
glad I moved onto hoyoslop instead
It has been slowly deprioritized for years, yes
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>but steam and reddit say so!
And they were positive about shadowkeep too. If we took the word of the average PCkek and redditor then Star Wars 7 would be peak fiction, heart of the sun would be a good event, and Relink would be a success that didn't result in the ramping up of scamchas that don't sell.
Yes. For some it was an allegory for the creative differences between Cygames (Bahamut) and Nintendo (Xenos) and how they would rather let the game die if they couldn't have their way.
For others it was about the MC recreating the world so he wouldn't be blood related to his sister so they could finally fuck.
He carried Nasu though, he is the lord to Nasu's village geisha.
still better than /feh/...
Guy has been having a mental breakdown for the past few weeks. Makes sense if it was because he was asked to use AI at what he thought was his dream job at his favorite company.
everyone doom about DL, WF, priconne and GBF...but what about shadowverse?
i will never understand spending this much this early on
atleast wait a few months to see if it's a game you wanna stick with long term
nyo byut nyou syee....he would just wreck his entire career because............because he wanted to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give it to me straight: S.Lucio didn’t get the EX pose… did he?
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>unironically funding bara homoshit
you didnt learn shit from grub dying huh
I would not be proud of that but...wyell its better than spending on grub...
Shadoba was dead the minute they talked about Shadoba 2
>This claim is disputed by official sources
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>thought the thing on her sword was AI
>remember it’s too old for that
>zoom in
>it’s just a whale
Had me going for a second
yes. and for that i am happy this game is actually near EoS-tier.
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That game was the sequal to GBF for me. It had all the quality of life this game needed. The hardest difficulty actually was skill based, if you missed an ability at a crucial trigger the raid could wipe. The lore was simple and entertaining, the characters were likeable. It really was a good game but unfortunately it was managed by Cygames.

I don't blame it's death on being a small-scale game because I know many low earners that have stayed around for years and put out great content. Limbus makes like 200k per month and has been doing great because they manage their staff and product properly.
I mean
Seeing what has happened with most of cygames gachas I'm not even sure if I should blame Nintendo anymore
We just already had a loss yesterday give us a second before we're patting gbf on the back for this.
mentally ill HIVbrains do be like that
Fortunately no, but it went to another luciface.
Grubabs...our sins catching up on us...
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So, this is how Grub ends, not with a bang but a fart.
this guy can only draw one face I honestly think his artistic skills lowered with time
his samurai remnant concept art for the boywife is literally a 1:1 saberface lol everyone slurps that shit right up
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I find it really funny that out of the two publicly known Granblue artists,
- one loves Razia (got relentlessly fucked over)
- one loves Zooey (got it even worse)
Working at Cydesignation sounds like hell desu
I literally dropped destiny with shadowkeep you fucktard, it's when they dropped the ball hard and it only recovered with witch queen.
You sound like a miserable person either way, Relink is also a good game.
>bragging about spending $3.5k on bara furry homo
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I just enjoy granblue ok
the only cyge that won is Uma, they're all still losers.
Remind me, what was going on with this?
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It was his fault.
Not summer zoi's.
It was all this faggot's and the home angel crew's fault.
I just hope none of the nuRevans have anything as annoying as Diaspoopy, especially before y100 became standard.
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>general full of homos
>hate homo units/summons
Nah KMRrat and FKACK sins*
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*heals the game*
its not AI, fate art just sucks.
You forgot about the Sheep guy.
He got to animate her onion for 1.5 seconds in the the anni trailer though lmaoooooo
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>Gunplas are selling like shit
>Consistently sold out everywhere for some variants is selling like shit
The herald of the end.
Nintendo had a hand in it. It was never meant to be.
>Summer Evokers and Oracles
>Its going to be Siete, Six, and Lobelia long before the others
Im preemptively mad
It could have been so simple
umm... can playable belial and lucifer still save us?
>grub about to eos
>fuck games with males gonna look for galge
literally only one with any production value worth a damn is granblue archive
Honestly, the simplicity of World Flipper was great. You didn't need a bunch of shit side events to read the main story unless you wanted to know more about that character which is how it should be.
>full of homos
>90% of /gbfg/ crew rings and poll rings are girls
its not our fault.
2020 was SoR
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I hear you like sumo right grubbas? let's rock!
Is this the one obsessed with zeta/vas or the razia one?
If the former, then a girl
priconne won
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Find this piece of shit shadow producer's name.
>World Flipper
Do you mean Kakao or Dragalia?
ShadowMR's house will be joining the fire element soon.
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Come home straight man.
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What a fucking aids infested coward
He should've been there, what's the worse that could happen?
>Director(s) Tetsuya Fukuhara
>Producer(s) Yuito Kimura (2014)
>Koichi Haruta (2014 - 2016)
>Yuito Kimura (2016 - current)
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What now?
Hekate's writer is the one who treats Gran like this pure innocent baby who never learned about sex while all adults around try to keep him sheltered,
Extremely unlikely for her to ever get anything good.
Sandalphon did nothing wrong, it's fucking cygames fault for giving him a lobotomy and replacing his brain with coffee
Ladiva taking over his fate episode to promote lgbt brainwashing was the point of no return
Momoi despite her strength as a student definitely has awful balance since she's a gamer. I could throw her easily
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I am slurping so hard right now
How many times do you think did he draw Zoi for some twitter/promo/fes art and got told to replace her with some other char
Between this and both KMR and FKHR stepping down (and 'getting promoted') I'm starting to think someone actually sent them death threats
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>I literally dropped destiny with shadowkeep
So you'd have no idea people slurped that shit hard. They didn't "drop the ball" in people's eyes until BL.
>You sound like a miserable person either way
I was when I still played D2. But more and more people have seen through bungie's facade and I feel amazing.
>Relink is also a good game.
A game so good they couldn't even get grubbers to play it.
I warned you about maleringers, shipcucks and dyketroons
Should've let Illnott's writer deal with her, we would have had sex fates already.
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I won't drop the grub
It's still my main game...
I'm still angry they botched S2 so badly.
From skipping Miorine's follow up to the slap, to Guel somehow getting back to the school, and the ending overall.
Missed the stream, what was the live /gbfg/ reaction?
Numperscord WON... at what cost?
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>I'm starting to think someone actually sent them death threats
almost undoubtedly. gacha staff have a long history of getting death threats
if you don't drop it now it's just going to get more painful later.
it's still my only gacha
i'm not dropping it
it doesn't take much time from me outside gw
>I'm starting to think someone actually sent them death threats
Why the fuck are you playing a worse Epic Shit?
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Need yaiazuri before EoS
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grub is saved
uhh where's snowkek?
drop a gacha man, do you even have a real free time?
I can't imagine playing wuwa or ZZZ on a phone desubh
>A game so good they couldn't even get grubbers to play it.
It's almost like they made relink for real gamers and not dopamine addicted autists who spam f5 on a flash "game"
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>there is no graphic archive because there are no more beta sketches to show, only AI prompts
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Judging by how often we posted scribbles of her, probably more than a few times
Good lord this fucking MyRoom feature is so bad
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never in the history of granblue has it been more over...
I'm surprised a mihomo game can look like this. I guess it makes sense since ZZZ has a lot of new blood on the team.
On the other hand, gay bara furries.
soo will anyone roll limited Milim and Shion/Shuna on the collab banner? free playables will just be Rimuru, Benimaru and a Diablo summon
>Tfw I just now realized we haven't gotten a graphics archive this year
Art chads I don't feel so good........
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Real gamers were playing GODdivers 2.
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You are genuinely insane if you think I'm jumping to other gacha after this lol, especially if all you have to show is "dooood look at this designs" (exactly how I got suckered into this piece of shit in the first place)
Nigger I'm 100% done with gachas, grub was my first and will be my last, now that it seems that we are approaching the end I can say with certainty that no, it wasn't fucking worth it, nothing at the end of the road could possibly justify the investment and it wasn't even that fun in the meantime either compared to normal games (both single player and multiplayer)
Fuck this shit, fuck the Japanese for introducing it to the world
Yes the stream broke me
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Where's the Grimnir part?
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unironically dropping grub will free up more time than dropping a bonsaige where your daily chores are 5 minutes, maybe 30 minutes if it's a weekly chores reset.
meanwhile in da grub they expect you to spend literal hours EVERY day doing bullshit chores with SHIT drop rates since you were expected to grind *checks notes* M3 raids for the next year or two.
I know grub is fucking cooked, but could you not post your shitty ass mihomo memes here?
it will veldora
Why would I roll for collab units of something I’ve never read or watched?
Snake will be a human just like rat but 18+
Horse will be Golshi
harvins EXTINCT
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it's ok bro, have a hug.
All loyal grubbers and cykagames fans will roll for Shion because MAO
Ok slime fags, rimuru is male or female?
Identifies as male but has a female body because he ate a cute girl and took hers over
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It was Albert
no way...
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Never EVER beating the allegations...
>quit grub
>finally have time to play real games like helldivers, monster hunter, relink etc with my friends
>Infinitely happier, can always just fap to waifus before bed instead of forcing myself to grind away my life for no reason
Azur Promilia eventually
nipponese salaryman whose human form is female copied from a dead girl he ate but he got freaked out by having a pussy so he got rid of all genitalia
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>Uma declining
>Priconne not doing great
>GBF and spinoffs in doom mode
>Shadoba in development
>Gamm in development
>Dragalia Lost dead
>Flopper dead
So what happens now? What could Cygames unironically do to turn around the situation?
>inb4 le add waifus xd
Yeah that's not gonna work, they'll have to re:dive the franchise.
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>horse will be golshi
We still have a chance to be saved bros
what a faggot. so have the body of loli got it, just no vagina but doesn't matter you can penetrate a slime in any part
Before reincarnation, he's a dude.
After reincarnation, slimes have no gender.
The body he absorbed and emulated was female.
That's the reason why Rimuru has a large number of porn where he has a pussy.
he was a guy before he died and reincarnated as an androgynous slime.
his current appearance is based on a japanese woman who had isekai'd in to that world earlier and now her ghost is at rest inside a box he keeps locked up inside his soul.
Granblue Archive is a genuinely great game though. Everybody should play it.
You ever considered having your eyes checked?
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Just caught up on all the news.

- Seasonal Eternals/Evokers that f2p players can actually have because they aren't skins (see pic)
- Room decorations (I actually like this feature, fuck you)

- Where are the harvins?
- No sunstone, gold brick, or blue paper
- No mention of late MSQ update
- Earth Exo, skipping wind when no one is going to use the shit spear in GW, didn't even have the decency to push water first if they're going out of order
- Terrible selections for balancing, several grands and seasonals are in dire need of fixing and they're picking Zehek who is still totally usable (9.6 GW rating)

What were they thinking?
- Where the FUCK are the harvins?
- Stolen summer rolls
- Water harvin saint is going to be last
- +HP in GW
- Shit collab with collab gacha
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More on my PC.
Remember when people tried to excuse the literally out of nowhere speedrun to Estalucia
Yeah there totally wasn't anything suspicious about that, I'm sure it was always the plan to just teleport us there skipping the whole skymap business after some random uneventful filler arcs about school and whatnot
Grub will become uma 2.0, all homoflops will be turned into horsegirls too.
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Time to pack it up.
fuck fuck fricken sksnden
The writing has been on the wall for at least three years, maybe even more
You only have yourself to blame for investing all of your time in a dying chibi mmo-lite browser game that wants you to treat it like an unpaid second job
>Azur Promilia
That shit is such a stepdown from Azur Lane it's not even funny. It looks like it's made for children.
There's like one character that looks like Shinano, but even she is decently covered up compared to that fat fox.
don't bring this up ...
go All in on GAMM and shadoba 2.
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there is a good chance i roll but it depends on if summer flash has any galge units i want
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Why does his sixpack randomly stop long before reaching his belly button area?
Don't answer, I think we all know why
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there is no way we got this as collab char
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World Flipper has an obscure message!
Quest: What the fuck even is GAMM? What audience is it meant for?
It would have to be an entire company restructure from the top down. Their "vision" of letting staff do whatever they want has clearly failed on every front. If you don't have fanbase entertainment at the forefront of your creative process you end up with 6 dead, boring games.
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Uhh, where is piggu?
>- Seasonal Eternals/Evokers
No one knows because they haven't said shit about it
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Shut up, fuck you, I'm calling the cops.
They're definitely the confirmed male picks. Nier is practically confirmed too. Every other girl is kind of a tossup though because they're in close level of popularity with eachother. Will they go with Fraux afterwards? Haase? Nio? Cake? Definitely not all of them before EoS lol
Emiri is breaking the conditioning, she’s dooming pretty hard but is ready to slurp any Lobelia alts.
The four characters+summon are GUARANTEED to come from this pool of 7
>Rimuru (confirmed)
Pick two to get left out
Male before death
Genderless as a slime but still thinks of himself as a guy.
Obtained a female body after voring the original owner, makes it genderless as he gets too horny over a female form and feels like making it male would spit on her memory.
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>delayed valentines cards because the AI couldn’t keep up
>all designs now are AI so the graphic archive doesn’t exist
Holy fuck it all makes sense
If grubble has to die so that world flipper and dragalia can come back then I will gladly twist the knife
Isn't Ragazzo a must roll?
Too galge for FKHRT
the females are the less popular in this series so them
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Bro probably put his phone away and got back to packing orders. He knew even he couldn't spin enough mental gymnastics to defend this stream.
the impression i have is that it is an arena fighter. at the very least it is some sort of pvp
i can't imagine any world where it doesn't flop
I'm sure FKHR thinks that from his sickbed.
>scroll this and past threads
With how the AIniggers postings here since the past year, I thought you guys welcomed AI?
Milim is 100% gacha.
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>baiting us with this fake line-up
why does Cygames actually hate harvinbros all of a sudden?
Hocchan is unironically too expensive for modern Grub, especially doing a whole song.
veldora summon
milim or shion and shuna as duo
Shion and Shuna because they're sexo.
Milin is pretty much guaranteed since she's a gag character.
yup, he ran alright.
Most of them only have one skin that costs $25 in real money. I don't care what you retards think. This is good.
Only if he can blow himself up on turn 1.
personal usage is fine. corporate slop is haram
dick doesn't care about AI
heart and brain do
That's a loud minority. If any remaining grub artist catches wind of this they'll stop drawing grub for good and then we wont be able to even gen stuff
only shittey love ai
cantate GAWDS only do it for funposts.
No FGO so it’s not her.
I feel like if it was actually that big someone would have blown up in the team and revealed it. Like FKHR is a faggot but he has stupid bride in his game. Or maybe thats why he quit, he lost all of that when he saw what was pushed on the team and what was going on
Is water not clearly a harvin?
>grind ass off for 150 eternal
>it's worse than some gacha shit
nah go fuck yourself slurper
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Too busy with galge Nikke
Remember when we collab with gaming franchises or iconic shonen anime?
Reminder that AI slops are the reason why Japanese artists are increasingly becoming "woke" (hating AI shit is a "left-wing" thing" according to pro-AI shitposters)
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>This is good.
>weird ass crystals for no reason
>tiger chick has a horns she shouldn’t have
Did AI come up with them too?
and she was meant to be 2nd, now she's last
I'm unironically blaming the new producer. So many things line up with the revelation that they've had someone else working that role for 3 years, and a lot of that has to do with the gradual disappearance of harvins from the game.
Which gacha doesn't have AI allegation against them?
Lobelia is 100% getting a Christmas alt since he already has a Santa outfit from login skits but not a paid skin like his summer one.
Haase is getting Halloween this year.
Kamihime. The good grub.
they dint collab with the most iconic dbz naruto etc.. lol
FGO because Takeuchi's shit art is sovl
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I like the silly ai memes because we're too dead to get artist edits but no i dont think official art should use it at all.
it isn't retard
stop listening to /v/ and thought the same western political brainrot applies to japs.
We call her Pigflop for a reason.
Anyway, which grubs are guaranteed to never have their stories resolved before EoS now?
The Taimanin gachas
Yeah, pro-people freedoms are a leftwing thing, its rightwingers that wanna remove bodily autonomy and freedom of meaningful speech from the public
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That one skin is already more than most characters who get event appearances, especially during summer. Fucking Sig is on the preview for the coming summer event as of two days ago and they couldn't even show off a summer version or skin for her TODAY, meaning she's getting fucking nothing. They already have as much representation during our annis and throughout the year in general as the goddamn homoangels, and now they're getting even more? Fuck all that, this is the worst possible outcome.
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When are we going to admit that this shit is obviously AI?
That's already been the case for years, dipshit. What changes? Literally nothing. Go fuck yourself.
Any of the games here >>487892104
Trvth nvke
you mean Nyier
I'm sure they'll be different elements from the originals. Or at least i hope so or they're beyond stupid...
SOSHA........... MAIDEN
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You have to be literally mentally retarded to still be playing grub when plenty of significantly better gachas exist now
150 song has never been worse than gacha song. are you stupid? i mean, yes, of course you are, because you're slurping this shit up
just like kmr's replacement wants.
>tiggers flop so hard no one even notice them missing
V. Nier
C. Maria
Y. Haase
H. Fraux
>grind ass off for 150 Jew
>it’s literally worthless and regular pool units do everything it does but better
you keep complaining about AI
but the majority of posts here are AI for years now
the entire %raph branch is artificial, for one
>posts Sandalphon, who already has five units, to complain about Eternals/Evokers getting maybe one more unit each before the game dies
Like what, Demon Slop?
i'm half-joking though
Raziel is legit.
Tefnut's outfit is so incoherently designed it's 100% AI, though
>christmas slot wasted on cuckria
yeah i could see that.
Pic unrelated. And most gacha games are idle slop now, or at best Mashing X for 2 minutes to win
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Might as well have EOS'd immediately, doomposting is already getting boring.
The anticipation of any future content is just dreadful, so now we're just stuck waiting for the inevitable as nips doom harder and harder.
They don't even have the guts to pull the trigger so we can lean back and reminiscence about how great draphs and erunes were.
There's no point in reading this thread, because it's all just more the same doomposts and shilling now since nobody bothers with the game.
We're powerless to stop this trainwreck and just have to watch it unfold.
FGO had a confirmed AI usage case in the Paper Moon tvcm. It at least had the cope excuse of being relevant to the stories content though
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they will get their own song
Lao will provide supporting vocals
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it seems the royal grubbas have woken up
All signs are now, quite literally, pointing towards eos
>MSQ just skipping to the end goal
>2 figureheads leaving
>all these downright objectively bad decisions for the sake of milking a few extra shekels
>b-b-bb-ut they said the collab gacha wont be strong
These are the same lying KIKES that said illustrious weapons wouldnt be gamebreaking
Card Captor Sakura...
>floating hat
Did anyone ever think it wasn't AI?
Me using AI for shits and giggles to create fanfiction is not the same as the original creators doing it.
The only gacha that have some hope right now is snowbreak, but thier devs are also doing some annoying shit like altering canon character bodies and turning MC into a Gary Sue
Maleringer moment
other games don't have my wife retard
>better gachas
stop playing slop. when grub dies i'm not touching another gacha
No other reaction image I had quite captured my seething, please understand.
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And how is that different from grub?
If you actually cared about gameplay you wouldn't be fucking playing gachas in the first place.
>These are the same lying KIKES that said illustrious weapons wouldnt be gamebreaking
To be fair at this point they really aren't
Tiger...SUCCESS soon
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Show some respect to the king.
Eternals have been shit compared to gacha units for years, anon. Grand cat was an equal unit to 150 Nio in the same element at the very second she came out. How in denial are you?
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Can I get Zoi
I need something to cheer me up
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inb4 the new producer is a woman
>Pick two to get left out
You are assuming they won't add dual units.
Rimuru has Ranga with him so they could very well pull something like gacha Benimaru+Souei, gacha Milim, free Shion+Shuuna and Diablo+Veldora as the summon
I like the tigers but dual units are FUCKING SHIT.
They deserve to fail and be forgotten.
This, doomposting is appropriate reaction to summer stream but what then? The game is still up, nobody is defending it anymore, anything short of EoS will just repeat the same rounds of doomposts
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Come home grub player.
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> And most gacha games are idle slop now, or at best Mashing X for 2 minutes to win
don't forget how they teleported us to the end of bubs tower
Wouldn't surprise me.
>hrunt isnt gamebreaking
>eresh isnt gamebreaking
>hraes isnt gamebreaking
>higurashi isnt gamebreaking
Someone make another gacha game with harvins and draphs so we can leave
Queens of never getting content again!
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You know what also has your wife?


You now have ZERO reason to EVER touch grubble ever again. No need to thank me for saving years of your life you would have wasted otherwise.
>Gary Stu
>removing all mixed toilet bait from the game, including dykes
I can almost respect them for that alone. Giving tits to that one loli character is kind of annoying, but it might be to prevent censorship from the chink government.
>no more bara
>no more mesu draphs
>all bishounen and cute girls
mixed bag
>FKHR and KMR are ruining the game I wish they would go away!!!!!
>monkey's paw curls
I already picked up the game for the fat-ass jiggleback cop. Eventually I'll get this one too.
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>Go on twitter
>Harvin artists all posting art and complaining
Its over
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Godspeed, anon. We won't forget you.
People have been sus of this for a while. All these males, three events in a row with a MISOGYNY BAD message, its looking very likely
>christmas stream starts
>KMR & FKHR walk onto the stage wearing wigs and dresses
>panties? Original outfits
no no no chuddies, thats bad
>belials bulging ballsack and faggot bdsm strap gear?
This is ok
>dude just porn
we've managed to make our own content this whole time i'm sure we'll manage
no. she and lucy are sexo but the game is not good. first mihoyo where i couldn't even bother finishing the launch story before quitting
>Phoenix letting us get to Estalucia
>Lucilius breaking out
>Whatever the fuck with Yatima and the moon
How’s that different from any other gacha?
They were still in charge while the stuff they showed off was being made. You forget how long it takes to actually make some of this trash before they show it on streams.
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Nigga you done. I’m also contacting the Cygames legal team.
Literally play an MMO if you want the grindy MMO experience instead of the dying F5 simulator you love so much.
You fought for us anon
We wont forget you
I really enjoy Rei's seasonal lines and knowing that she will never get content again makes me sad.
You people keep saying ZZZ is for gay bara furries and there is literally only 2 of them in the game with no other ones projected for the next 5~ months in terms of updates/banners. With most of the roster being women and lolis.
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kek get filtered bitch
he wont get a ban if you dont snitch, you know
You had to actually work to get to the point where you dont pay attention in grub
In most other gacha games there is literally no process or teambuilding, just "number go up" or "wait 12 hours for number to go up" or "press X for number to go up"
Grub is a real video game, BA is a fucking timewaster
Phoenix is only letting event djeeta skip to estalucia, msq gran got there the intended way
ZZZdoomposters forget that the guy in charge of art is fucking waterkuma, THE fucking loli blacked rape guy.
I hate what they did with gbf but I'm not playing your censored furrybait shit lol, also
No thanks!
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actual retard
if you think people like characters just because of the porn you're even more retarded that the people who defend this game with their life
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>final straw broke the collective backs of all the grubbas
>"dude come to our game"
>exact same omnipandering mixed toilet garbage that cygames is except chinese
why the fuck would I ever touch anything mihomo
only thing chinese I'd touch would be manjuu, but even azur promilia is looking like it's going to be tame as fuck compared to AL
>go play the dead genre instead of the dying game
so grim.
I can’t play those on my phone.
GBFG could work together to make a better gacha desu
The problem is making it profitable or at least break even without ruining the game design in the process
launch story is x1000 better than genshinslop half-baked fantasy and honkshit space-opera technobabble.
>that the guy in charge of art is fucking waterkuma
>All these males
like the 2 summer males to 9 female
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I'm not the retard getting baited into wageslaving for free just for a jpeg
It isn't, that's why you should stop playing gachas. This is essentially a lifehack for happyness and taking back control of your life
Grub is not a fucking video game, stop gaslighting yourself
You realized those sites aren't just for porn right? Or has grub fried your brain too much at this point?
Every event has us fighting over which new girl our MC has sex with for the entire story
Actually true
the problem is Chapter 1 is boring as fuck and that took me like 10 hours, its a huge filter. 2 and 3 were great though
Yeah like go hit autogrid and try to full auto an m3 raid, you're gonna get wiped. The progression is one of the funnest things about grub and being able to do all the things you want to do faster feels good. I don't get that same feeling with mihomo games. They fucking raise the enemy levels whenever you get stronger.
>only thing chinese I'd touch would be manjuu
>he doesnt know
are not aware about chink gacha war right now? Manjuu company is now just as zogged as mihomo. literally no difference. Dont expect any goodwill from them
the art being done by waterkuma is worn as a badge of honor in the ZZZ general
captcha: 82GAY
>Loki wrongwarping without collecting all the skymap pieces
>intended way
>2 figureheads leaving
fkhr's not leaving
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KMR ruined the game in 2017. Him leaving now does nothing.
No, I'm well aware of that, but it's a stifled waterkuma chained by shithoyo
It's true, look it up. His style is also very easy to tell too, Nicole is 100% waterkuma character and so are Lucy and Nekomata.
>”””””people””””” who are only capable of regurgitating the same 6 buzzwords 12 hours a day every day
>creating anything of value
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its the reason why the girls are so sex instead of boring whatever like the other hoyoges
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*kills your game*
The only games grubbas should be migging to are BA and GAWDbreak and maybe Gakumas if you’re fluent in Japanese.
The game has a fucking awful start.
They really needed to show off some of the more clever TV stage stuff and give you a mechanically interesting character at the start while also forcing people to do like Anbys character demo to show how she actually plays
based based BASED
I only know they wont give my bote wife content because chinks hate her seiyuu.
Also that they keep churning out slop designs nobody cares for instead of investing into giving old fan favorites content.
mmos have existed for decades now you know
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>gay bara furries
The thing is they are like only two with decent personalities but they filter out most of the trash like grabble players and the like that prefer actual naked bara homos
he's oversimplifying but not wrong
I'll recommend anyone to check out the voice lines and art of a boat they took an interest in on the wiki over getting into hundreds of hours of cock and ball torture of kancolle, for example
Literally go look it up, he's on the team at the very least. Though no one has definitive proof he is the Lead character artist or w/e you can totally see his influences on some characters if you've seen his art.
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It's actually true lol. It's the reason why they even had to censor multiple of the designs pre launch
Yeah so recommend some MMOs then not chinkslop
>no coat tail
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gbfpags are mentally ill
I went back to ragnarok online recently...its still a kusoge...
>no MSQ update this year
What a grim sign
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To any lost grubbas, do not fall for Shithoyo games
They are NEVER good

hruntbros we got it
>10th anniversary
>THE landmark year
>Not a single drop of the main story
Unironically grim
100% aislop
Nahida is so sexy
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I already started BA a year ago and have been playing.
Wouldn't touch Snowslop with a 10 foot pole and not autistic enough to be an idolfag.
I dunno man, looking at those charts they are clearly doing something right that CyGames isn't.
>runaru is also runaru irl
Time to travel to japan, my wife needs me
flopalu is disgusting.
Based waterkuma saving ZZZ from being a complete flop.
>/gig/schizos calling other people schizos
never gets old
yeah but i can enjoy the fanart without playing it
i don't need to do the story chapter with the giant bear and some hag and some other guy just to enjoy the red headed loli
the only thing their game has is being 3D and the normalfag snowball effect
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Fuck alive gaems, which other dead gacha should I jump into?
I thought the summer stream was bad but now we are getting invaded by mihomo drones too
Dont forget to come laugh at FGOs anni stream in a week doomposters.
Our anniversaries are always bad
Twisted Wonderland
>yeah but i can enjoy the fanart without playing it
can't say that about gbf since it has none
Shay respects that
last origin
there's too much forced filler stuff to do between parts of the story, and then when i got to do chapter 2 it starts with me chasing two retarded robots, one who was lovers with a building or some shit. it was as mindnumbingly bad as any genshin or star rail event so i fucked right off.
Damn, thanks for the tip, I'll try that fire mode too.
there is a plenty of galge games rotting alive as we speak because they never had money for ads
Did this filter all the normalfags out of existence?
What else is there to talk about?
Go post porn or something
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This thread has been doomposting constantly since 2016, I'm sure the habitual doomposters will manage somehow.
OSRS (hell even RS3 is pretty decent these days)
Dungeon Fighter Online
Mabinogi (they are also getting a big UE5 update soon)

All of these games feature long term progression planning in order to do things faster and more efficient, while also having actual gameplay and a ton of content to do at any given moment.
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dear grubbas, I know that homos are aids but do not play this game, you will end up like this
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>that one onions streamer trying not to stare/stay too long on lucy's menus in fear of being banned/cancelled
You literally get banned for talking about her and Piper on the official reddit
Should I quit?
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The original GUNblue Archive.
We've been dying since 2019.
Y. Poz would be the icing on the cake
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Your anni MV last year was already better than anything grub's done in its entire life. The anni itself may have been pure slop but at least be proud of that.
normalfags are always vocal about being anti cunny and tits but they secretly enjoying it just like everyone else
AFAIK they also ban the Cop and Grace
Its a clownshow
>Going to reddit
dios mio.......
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>both of dirt's zodiacs aren't even here
>people barely notice they're even missing
>safe horny censored slop
GB could never
When were you this excited to get a chara?
this anni movie had great animation but it was unbelievably gay, just seiba and a bunch of dudes
they've filtered thousands and killed millions.
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>le safe horny
A fucking phone poster
Can't even afford a PC so no surprise it filters you pags kek
Time to migrate to CoD I guess.
I'll try Mabinogi then and see how I like it. If not Maplestory since I know one of my friends liked it at some point
I envy furries. I wish i had this fetish too. They are free from any normalfags and social pressures. They stick together and enjoy each other's company in peace. Untouched and happy.
My wife got to show up in it. That's still better than grub's which was just as gay and didn't have her at all.
Hosting hexa as earth. 0F1FD4
Got the fight down I just need to be fast enough with turns to prepare before stronger people burst it down.
No fucking way you get banned for talking about an adult character.
so are loli enjoyers retard
Our dragon is AIslop
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Why would it? It's mihomoslop
>not for (You)
Yeah, game is censored to hell and the only reason the cop gets to have ass is because she has a skin tight suit. Standard safe horny outfit, meanwhile other girls get their tights censored lmao
It's always funny seeing "I hate to support this game because of the way it sexualizes students but the story is legitimately good"
Like bitch if you really cared you wouldn't play anyway
Don't point out this also applies to grubbas and homoshit
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gbfg/ the place where different gachas fight each other
Maybe start playing real games.
Pipers explicitly an adult too anon
He mentioned untouched and free from pressure
I can't remember the last time i wanted to bust it down for a gbf pull...
you wish
>lucoa will never be on my grancypher
>Maple Story
Bro no...
>while playing ZZZ
KEEEEEEEEK, the safest braindead slop ever. Not a SINGLE for (You) girl btw
Other/Game has given me more than grub this year with just 2 pieces of art
I only really know the Grace and her big fucking tits
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do you like dwindling playerbases? do you like indirect PVP that requires you to always roll the newest powercreep and their gacha gear? do you like yuri? do i have the game for you
people fear furshit but I never see any furfaggotry in /zzz/ or /akg/, th ebig 2 omnipanding furfagbaiters
lycaon is cool in my book
oh right i forgot about the mabinogi update maybe i should look into that.
maplestory was good twenty years ago but it's a mess now. could look into a private server.
>Not a SINGLE for (You) girl btw
Your sister :^)
coming from zzz
haven't played grubble in years.
What happened to the angels that turned into a bag? Did we get closure on that?
KEKYPOW can't make this shit up
shart melty no one wants to play his flopbreak...
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>seraph doesn't even dare to make a post with a poz avatar for the last 3-5 threads
when our biggest slurper acts like this you know things are dire.
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>Standard safe horny outfit
That's not what safe horny means, retard. If reddit troon jannies are freaking out about it, it's not safe horny.
I'm going to do another playthrough of Valheim with my best friend soon, several big updates happened since the last one
will be a great change of pace from the MMO slop, as I'm reminded again how quickly it all falls apart
The cop girl watches porn with you btw
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Today is just
>What happened to the angels that turned into a bag? Did we get closure on that?
Of course not
>Did we get closure
no, nobody gets closure.
they're still in a bag because Cog is too busy trooning out kids to fix them.
>Did we get closure on that?
No and from the look of things we probably never will
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No I think theyre gonna be stuck in a bag forever because they've been enjoying putting them in wacky costumes as a gag
Alexander is literally the only good thing to come out of Fate outside of porn.
Dang, haven't played that shit since before Mistlands was a thing. A lot has happened in I think almost 3 years since I played it.
My game crashed and the autosave got corrupted and my world reset last time so I quit and never picked it up again
Our new producer is definitely gay or female
Or both
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>angels that turned into a bag
>bought valheim for myself and my bf like a year ago
>we still haven't played it together
god fucking dammit everytime
leaning towards gay because there's no fucking yume content. maybe a fujo at most.
Do not fall for the ZZZ shills. These two are not lolis. They are womanlet hags. The one in the left is hinted to be in her 30s too.
this would explain everything about current grub
HI3 ended with Kiana arc. What's going on right now is non-canon garbage.
definitely gay and pushing for more lgbt content
cygames is gayer than fucking mihoyo
Do we even know whether FKHR is still alive or was perhaps killed by Kamala?
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What? Oh no!
We have have more lesbians after they ruined Vira. They really want someone on the same level as her but they keep missing.
We got a yuri/yaoi lover
that's fine, we love pholia and kuzunoha and loli shun around here
I'm pretty sure Lucy is an actual bratty ojou-sama kid but yes Piper is an aunty trucker (still hot)
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so perfect
If Kamala killed FKHR she definitely has my vote.
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>The one in the left is hinted to be in her 30s too.
why is the buruaka faggot getting mad at people shilling zzz when he does the same
>but they keep missing
because Vira was omnipandering and the others weren't
Who quotest ye?
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>China finally has a same sex animated kiss for one of their mobage
They have fallen bros....
its just shart mad they're taking the snowbreak shill slot
Come back in a year before EoS and ask again
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Lucy is the better of the two anyway
I love her "kyuuseishu no demashi desuwa" line so much
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it's better if you don't know.
Which one?
can you show it?
which one?
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Please, I'm already downloading the game. You don't have to try selling it to me anymore.
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Japan beat them to it. Japan came in first place!
Nippon Banzai!
godless LGBTroons will burn in hell
I don't care about BA but ZZZ is just as big of a kusoge
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>doubling down on males in gacha AND versus
>only 3 SEX poses, all human
>jew/evoker alts
>35m EX+ cause fuck you
>zodiac song without yui horie
>no word on MSQ
>no sunstone/brick/lapis paper
>KMR and FKHR resigning
>last 3 years run by a mystery person
>insiders snitch on AI usage
Did miss any other BAD things about this stream?
The rest is just generic ingame content, not stuff that actively pissed people off.
Either way a lot of these can potentially be mitigated, adjusted or even reverted.
Hell, given the nip response to the collab gacha it's possible they might even cancel it and make them free.
Only issue would be the nip bureaucracy, meaning they'd have to delay it as they draw up a new agreement with the IP holder.
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>vira was omnipandering
imagine if a character was committed to their personality and not omnipandering
we would have SEX scenes with alilah
SEX scenes between vira and kat
SEX scenes with (you) chars
none of this debate would have happened
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ha ha ha oh no
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The obvious one Path to Nowhere
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Zoi is not going to cheer you up, anon.
That's pretty much it.
>Either way a lot of these can potentially be mitigated, adjusted or even reverted.
Cygames is not that kind of company.
holy based now i will play your game
>the dyke gacha
don't care lmao
yeah dats about right
also no summer Sig...
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Isn't path to nowhere korean?
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What's next for Cygames?
Belial battlepass skin in Rising is not great. Naked Bubs is whatever because it was going to be him regardless but Belial took the spot a girl could have had instead. Imagine summer Cog battlepass
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Mihoyo is just Chinese Cygames
Who is in charge of cygays anyway?
lolibabaa is 10x times hotter and 100 times more rare, you fool
based hagchads
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shut the fuck up, retard
vira belongs to GRAN COCK
Mihoyo actually releases the games they announce within two years so that’s not true. They also turn a profit.
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if you're racist enough yeah
Well, are you willing to play another Cygames game?
is handholding next?
Another gacha? fuck no
I am already "playing" Uma
2016-2017 Cygames
Mihoyo surpassed them. I don't even play their slop and I can acknowledge this.
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grub2 maybe
If it's something like Relink maybe
I might try shadoba 2
I still tell myself i'm not too stupid for card games...
Soon 28y old...fuck no
I will play Dragalia when it comes back
I have 600 hours in relink I'd play relink 2
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If there's draph women, I'll be there
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peak female form at any age
I like relink quite a bit so sure
I'm willing to try one but I will gladly drop it if it's shit.
It also has to be something that actually shows promise I'm not gonna start something just because it's cygames, while I started Priconne Redive and World Flopper for exactly that reason.
>grubble keeps doubling down on gay pandering
>manaria friends exists
>pricum somehow managed to include more shipbait, more yuribait, on top of trans themes for the villain AND kskn
Fuck no, I won't even touch Uma.
I already play uma and pricunny so...
>not animated
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Only if it has Harvins
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No, they've gotten too gay for my liking. I'm just waiting for that divorce with bamco to finish so they don't have to drag cinderella girls down with them any further.
Not anymore.
Grub kneels to fgo which kneels to granblue archive
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>jumping into twst after the stitch event already ended
Tragic really the ribbon trio are pretty nice if you like more effeminate boys, though their personalities do not match looks

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