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>Recent News
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/29 - 08/06 Conquest of the Dark Singularity

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>487881423
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i love my wife
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even in the grimmest of times, i still love my wife greatly
Danchou, we're all dying but you need to fuck my sister to save the next generation of Granblue Fantasy.
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This is an anti-shill zone
Do not fall for other gacha cuckges trying to get you
Escape from this cursed genre at once
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
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Ship her over to a better game and get us out of here please
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don't believe his lies, 3 years is a very convenient time frame
Remember when hagfloppers defended the AI-induced draph genocide? What was with that?
Will I make it for slime collab?
Yeah I'm just considering picking up a new hobby. Maybe pick up oil painting again
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gbfpags are mentally ill
I am also AI...
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lotto was 3 years ago. after the public humiliation make sense
even if the last 3 years was done under ShadowMR's oversight, KMR still okayed it. fuck kmrat
Why does Hekate have Belial's underwear?
Draw (or paint I guess) your Grubfu since it'll be the only way for her to live on after we EoS in two years.
Lets go to XIV, where Au Ras are just dragon draphs, Harvins are just mutant beast potatos,
and Erunes are just c@s who ERP.
Bubs kind of looks like a very toned calf from the back
I really hope so. I really hope it was just KMR and FKHR poisoning the well and that we might have a chance of healing now. I don't have high hopes though.
>game as trooned as grub
ah yes, home...
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
Still oppressed regardless, dumbass IoIipagger
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How come that zesty nigger(clone) gets to always be naked but babu(the original) doesn't get to be naked?
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only men get to have their ass out sorry.
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>spend 30k alchemy mats
>1 sand
>new luci zero manatura
too galge for shadow fukuhara
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>Pipple being the only survivor from Dragalia
Only one grub will find a new home and you won't like it...
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Because gender equality (according to cygaymes and reddit) is having women in sexually suggestive positions while men are naked and or/with their dick and ballsack on your face.
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>what does your gacha bring to the table?
>um, I--
Because he's the original, and should've been playable in the first place before they bullshitted shitlem into existence
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I guess Seraph got off his shift early.
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Why no one give a shit about the gw changes?
the game will have EOS'd by then
What could have been…
shalem is unironically a mistake and the cloneshit is fucking retarded. Bubs was clearly made with the intention of being a one-off character and they added the clone shit to make him a foil to Faa (also a clone) and that'll end up going nowhere just like every fucking writing retcon added into the game
nothing changes for t90k
Game's going to EoS, it doesn't matter. Make sure you keep slurping and roll S.Bubs though :).
Because I've long since stopped giving a fuck about GW. It was garbage before and it's garbage now.
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I've been here the whole time lil xis, I'm watching my team lose to a bunch of bums rn
maleringers do be like that
Tons of people are complaining about the ex+ hp bloat
We have no idea how much worse nm250 will be so all we can do is wait (lol)
>caring about guild wars
>in a dying game
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>my best team is satyr-moni-okto
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>I've been here the whole time
>I've just been a coward
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My Earth OTK was already the worst and now with the changes on top of the worst grub news I've ever seen I have 0 motivation to grind.
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will Shu be for (you)?
It would be funny if they announced EoS later this year but sadly this piece of shit will be alive for at lease 2 more years
>bro wanna keep slurping like a battered housewife
Grim post
Nothing at all?
Its nothing.
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What a stream
Grub is peak galge, so yes
who cares I'm not playing this maint mode shit
also the perspective on her horn is wrong
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Shes never coming out
Uma has to sink before grub does because thats the only reason cygames is staying afloat right now
The good news is your team will still work 100% of the time, the bad news is full auto will take 30 mintues
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>Grub is peak galge
You didn't see the new summer summon, eh?
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>grub IP is a failure that resorted to AIflops
Momoi on the otherhand is a cultural phenomenon
I'm just glad I finally got into 90k before this shit so I can stop playing GW forever
If anything, at least I can continue playing casually knowing Cygames actually gives their gacha RPGs an ending.
grub could never
>horn of forehead
so the "ancient race from time when world was whole and is suppose to be extinct" is bullshit?
EX+ health boost is retarded
NM250 is just going to continue to be dispel or die while ultra whales blow it up in 90 seconds so who gives a fuck
It’s probably for the best.
Have you seen leechlists? Do you really think all these shitposters from /gbfg/ participate?
Don't worry I'll help her rebuild her race.
sis your gacha is fasttracking to eos because it brings nothing to the table at all
So AI is responsible for this too, isn’t it?
how bricked am I for gw without Raziel as a magna
It's gonna be "my clan is descended from One-Horns but our blood keeps getting thinner with each generation, please Gran fuck my tiger pussy and impregnate me with your singularity cum".
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it's time to let go.
Who the fuck are the new director and producer? All of the doomposting is the result of them saying they were fucking off without telling anyone anything about what's going to happen next.
>please Gran fuck my tiger pussy and impregnate me with your singularity cum
don't have to tell me twice
Look at her neck

Who lost?
Who won?
it's safe to say they'll never mention their names to protect their future careers
>it's real
ahahahahahahahah what is going on
It's a shame that we are speedrunning EoS, GBF was the only gacha game offering a real JRPG experience, combat and mechanics-wise
They don't want to reveal her because it's a woman
her design is fucking chaotic mess
weird hairstyle, turban(?), horn on forehead (unless it's ornament), weird coat with only one sleeve
GRANBLUE ARCHIVE..................................................WON
>not the US KFC account
doesn't count
>one ear missing
>same height
>shrunken tits
>giraffe neck
Probably AI assisted
Cydesignation status?
Are our artists working on a new game and using their own AI models for grub?
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please understand
It looks like her crystal AIDs the other Saints have make the horn, I don’t think she’ll be a mono horn but frankly who knows anymore.
>please Gran fuck my tiger pussy and impregnate me with your singularity cum
Unironically shit like this would save grub
burgers couldn't possibly comprehend, I say this as one
Who started playing this game 10 years ago and is now an old, jaded bitter man with nothing to offer?
I’m on the razors edge right now, if Dark gets a primarch and it’s not Faa I’m going to fucking explode.
they already said she's a draph on stream
sariel :3
summer sariel with a thong , u rike it? :)
>homo on the razors edge for more homo content
>when the game is going all out on homo content
Dark GW has passed, you might have to wait a while sis. Maybe if the Rising story redeems Faa somehow
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>official grub artist using AI
>grub players can't use AI voices
It was always going to be either Sariel or sack angels
>draph without horns
what the fuck is going with this game
first dragon zodiac that is tall Draph, now Draph without side horn but with forehead single horn
A third neo-draph has hit grub
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little girls with randoserus are so sexo
Based galgegod
>sandal va is dying
>mugen va is dying
>kmr fucked off
>fkhrt got the boot
what's going on
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They didn't listen...
>sandal va is dying
>mugen va is dying
someone's monkey paw is curling
>new director and producer
they are not even real
10 plagues of cygypt
>faayume left
>another faakek is on the verge of doing the same depending on who dark primarch ends up being
did i miss something from the stream that might have caused this particular reaction from faakeks?
sandal va took a hiatus a while ago but he's back now so its whatever
mugen's, however, is ill and is refusing new va roles. but they can always replace him
I'm almost sure they called her human.
the stream
Fukutroony S1: Gain 50% Dodge Rate Up (Upon dodging: Gain Charge Bar +10% and Hostility Down (Stackable) upon dodging.)
At level 75: Buff increased to 70% Dodge Rate Up

KMR S1: Inflict Smiling Monkey, 20% Debuff Res. Down, 50% DA Down, and 50% TA Down on all foes. (When Scum lvl is 5: All Coward allies also gain Dispel Cancel (1 time), Mirror Image (1 time), and Dodge All (1 time).)
>fkhr realized he couldn't shill his absolute favorite grub anymore cause his va is about to croak and just gave up
I he can't win, nobody can
Didn't KMR say she is a human?
where is "can't recast"?
who are you even talking about
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What game will you be migrating to?
it was fun playing with you all but I don't want to play anymore and I hate all gacha games so I'll probably never see (you) again. goodbye forever.
we cared when it was announced but we've got bigger problems now
Anita Sarkeesian and Niel Druckmann
probably will keep orbiting around hoyo games until Azur Promilia is released
Numpers please don't leave us.........
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Goodbye bwo
Everything except Cygames works.
Belial and Bubs continue to get content and solo summons while Faa has to share a summon with Sandy.
GODpers...faayume...they're leaving...
I guess they're worried that the game is gonna EoS before the guy even gets a unit, especially now with gacha eternals bloating the pool
>"Following a draph and an erune, is a human"
Already made a thread and put my account on sale, wish me luck!
>without telling anyone anything about what's going to happen next.
they did this. they said these guys have been the leads for the past three years already so nothing will fundamentally change.
the problem is that the current state is shit so nothing fundamentally changing is bad.
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fkhr wouldn't have left if you didn't keep being mean and editing pics of him gbfg
I'll probably just give up on gacha, at least until an actual Japanese company manages to make a popular one that isn't shit
he's not leaving
Raziel was a torpedo launched on the faayumes. Sandy drills it in to her head Faa isn't coming back. There's already TWO OTHER Faasans running around the Sky anyway, although Evil Faa is riding the rainbow with Belial and Poopio is busy living his best life.
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Be free, king
Learn about Japanese work culture. He’s getting fired.
Which is why we're getting a new director, because our previous one is not leaving, right?
>05:53 AM
>Gayballs Fantasy still trending in Japan
Yeah, it's over
It honestly makes no sense to me, gacha eternals/evokers and collab gacha means nothing is off limits at this point. It basically soft confirms playable Faa.
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I'm THAT person.

I'm leaving too. Goodbye.
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Tetsuya and Kim got fired after the chairman saw this and asked who that character was and why she was not getting pushed around
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Seriously though, did they announce ANYTHING good?
He's won't be (isn't?) the director of the mobage anymore.
isn't it strange that biden and fkhr get corona at the same time?
you mean replaced his voice with emergency AI
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Someone was trying tol shill ZZZ lolis in the last thread, I just googled a few pics and realized that the lolis in that game are not for me, I'm not black ;)
Not blue archive, that organically shilled garbage insists upon itself.
Maybe some news of an announcement of contents which will be pushed back or quietly cancelled later. Nobody has even mentioned if they had ANYTHING to announce during the stream besides bad news.
they still answer to him. he's the creative director for the franchise. you're acting like he's out the door and has nothing to do with gbf anymore
I'm feeling that we need another summer lotto right now
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Rock gets her uncap!!!
Lets go rockchads!
Bro you're primarch proskip?
i wish you all the lucky zombis in your future endeavours
These two pieces of shit will never forgive Dwagonsexo.
Song will be water so can be gay with Silva
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What did he mean by this?
Looks like it's from Belial and Bubz getting the battle pass skin/summon while Faa got a mino.
no, the northern hemisphere is in the middle of a wave and they both are around a lot of people
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>shigure off my free roll
FUCK YEAH guess I'm sticking to the archive.

>the only way for grub to trend or get its name out in general is by doing something utterly atrocious that nobody likes
I can't even imagine.
y.Grape rebalance
It won't make her good but maybe I won't be trolling for using her.
Doesn't make up for robbing her of sexo pose though.
Do you know why the nips are talking about FKHR getting the boot? Because they know exactly what getting "promoted" like this means, he is out
He's not the producer, not the director either, just "creative director" aka a nobody.
I think im gonna play FFXIV. I heard Savage is coming up and it sounds more fun than... Whatever the fuck youre doing here.
That's Lucifer, not Faa
I like playing ffxiv for the story only but apparently it sucks in dawntrail so I didn't get the expansion.
Meds lmao
>shill chickenflop and ratflop 24/7
>neglect the other zodiacs completely
>game crashes and burns
whoulda thunk
>they soft fired FKHR
Damn nips are ruthless
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What a life lived. The clown prince of kusoge to the day you die.
So, when a few months from now cygames announces that FKHR is leaving to pursue other goals, using those exact words too, will you be surprised or...?
by "the nips" do you mean the schizos on gbfsisters
sandalhome won
so did tiny wives anon
and anyone else smart enough to quit around tenth anni
It's a pig smut, you retarded porn addicted. Their entire faction is pig themed.
Even if you aren't a patternfag, it was obviously happening sooner or later
This would've been handy when everything required a shitton of halos and only the raid dropped them, now it isn't as dire. Enead pro skip would've been more useful but god forbid someone gets an easy sands from that
Oh yeah, forgot about the rebalances probably because they'll take 2 more months but what can you do
FFXIV is almost as cooked as Grub right now. It all depends on what they do in upcoming patches.
It's so fucking funny how they decided to put grub out to pasture as part of the "whole year celebration" of the 10th anniversary of the game.
this, but unironically
this is quite possibly the only gacha in the market in which a top 2 female is a flat chest
makes you wonder how they treated the rest of the titty characters that aren't naru, and why the results were all the waifufags migrating to galge
wasn't this the guy who kept calling drawings pedophilia before getting called with a massive stash of child porn? many such cases
Nah they're talking about FKHR being gone in twitter too. KMRとFKHR was trending for a reason
Pure facts
So when you say he got soft fired.
Does that means he just does nothing all day and they hope he gets bored and quits?
And the ones on twitter, and minigobu, on 2ch, you name it, they're all calling it like it is whether you like it or not
>creative director
That's just so they can keep paying him to remain silent about what happened on the island
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I'm already playing and whaling in HSR, ZZZ, and Wuwa
Every time Faa gets something it's almost always meme shit like Fuwa lobby avatar and manatura meanwhile his more serious appearances have either another character hamfisted in (000 summon) or the guy himself repeating the exact same shit he has done in 000 for half a decade
>this is quite possibly the only gacha in the market in which a top 2 female is a flat chest
maybe this is true if you consider the two granblue gacha the same game
>use the two dead barrage tickets
>2 useless summons so no moons
the hits just keep coming
Everything was riding on Relink being a success, especially with the yen crashing.
Almost a decade long dev cycle costs a lot of money.
During that dev time FKHR and KMR had to cultivate a big player base but they kept making multiple decisions that lost players. The higher ups are pissed.
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Putting him in the basement showing him serious mercy. It's either that or he has to be a middle man for mcdonalds and other fast food joints. Being director of a house on fire doesn't exactly look good on a resume, after all.
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Shitposting aside they probably did just retire.
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This nigga in denial lmao
God I'm surprised people can last that long doing meetings all day
might drop a crisp fiver on HSR
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when i read 2chan they seemed to not be concerned at all by the creative director part
they were mostly pissed about the collab
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Damn they were practicing for the Slime collab with those meetings
Name one creative director for another game
mixed toilet sis...
So if we add up everything that happens those last 3 years we can narrow the new director down to a middle-aged half-Jewish failed actress who have a bad relationship with her dad because he is pushing her to get married and have children not knowing that his daughter has been a closeted lesbian this whole time, also she really likes sumo.
Why the fuck would they be mad about the creative director part? Considering he was a director for everything before, it really doesn't change much except now there's things he can throw on to fresh blood when he doesn't care about it.
>Hidetaka Miyazaki is a Japanese creative director
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Don't let the KMR scandal make you lose sight of what they took from you
LMAO can't believe kmr and fkhrt actually got the boot
my king Nomura
There were a couple of mentions there about how both KMR and FKHR got the boot at the same time, mostly to talk about how EoS was obviously approaching
You know what would be extremely funny but also just as unlikely?
If grub EoS'd before Kamihime does.
If that happened I think I'd laugh so hard I'd die
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Remind me for a moment, is this better or worse than summer fortune?
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>sluttiest swimsuit in the game
>fanart will be in single digits because no one will give a shit about grub
Actually depressing
Nah obviously maint mode comes first, we don't die before RoB.
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Now THAT would be nuts.
worse, because there are no winners here.
I know FKHR is gone because nip slurpers on twitter are the one saying this. The ones that are saying THANK YOU KMR I'LL PLAY GRANBLUE FOREVER after that shitshow of a stream
>splendor will work on their alts
Just let them use their transcended EMPs and Evokers their domain bonuses+weapons and everything is fine
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And she has the same VA as Kafka too
all the fanart went to bubs
Worse. In summer fortune you at least had a chance to win, here everybody lost preemptively
what a flop, everyone else would rather talk about that nigga's ass instead.
Her fate episodes suck ass. Remove Danchou if he's going to be a pussy in it.
>Smaller pool of winners
>prizes will likely vary from garbage to things that are jp only
>she has to cover her junk with a tarp but belial and bubz can be junk out.
it ain't fair.
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not a grub but if you just like the swimsuit design then other/game has a similar one
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It's not even that slutty, and her titties look very shrunk
Frankly it's a shame we get fucking bubs' crack, but we can't for the life of us get the OG butt character's ass in her full splendor, they even showed more meat in Silva's even if she's a pancake
>turboslut with cv:itou shizuka #18905680
she's hot but I'm honestly tired of this episode
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>KMR ran grub to the ground
>replace him 4 months in
>put him in charge again
>predictably, he ran it to the ground AGAIN
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How long until they stop doing voiced events/fate eps?
maint mode is soft EoS
Alice Fiction has been on maint mode for almost a year now and no one's pretending that shit isn't just super dead
yeah i'll take ai grub era over that.
>grub is dead before I finish my Hexa grind
How do we still get new events if this is maint mode?
>Grub copying Mihoyo AGAIN
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It's like poetry

Sooner than you think.
who cares, bubz is literally naked
grub isn't even trying to hide who they're pandering to
Yes, if it’s anything like the Konami promotions they might even put him in a broom closet and make him work as a janitor.
After next grubfes maybe. Grub loves shilling its seiyuus so it'll probably be the last thing to go
We can take this one after they basically stole a few of our grand art
>tits look shrunk
her yams are fuckin' huge though, might be bigger than original
absolute funniest to me would be if tokyo 7th sisters outlives grub
i played that shit in 2019 and it already felt like it could eos any day back then
If they stopped doing those we could get a wider range of characters since we wouldn't be constrained by which VAs are available
the only good part
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>turboslut with cv:itou shizuka #18905680

Coincidentally that fits the description of a demon in SMTV: Vengeance, which is an actual good game, and the demon she voices is actually pretty fucking hot and not AIslop so it's time to buckle up and play a better game sirs
Are you saying FKHR's new jobdesc might involve cleaning toilets?
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>this is what they think grubbers want
why would you ever use anything but Kiarapolice
are you a faggot?
her frowny face on the police art is stupid
>her titties look very shrunk
Her other outfit has straps that hold them up. The swimsuit doesn't so they sag down
Game's probably going to die before my girl Shura gets anything new
They want to go trending on x so bad
I shan't be sticking my dick in some weird succubus.
Well they did trend... for the wrong reasons
Yeah I want it because it makes tards seethe
>can't tell her from literal turd
what did he mean by this
Well they did it. Just not for this
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>The people will love us fo—
>drops the last HIVshit bomb before getting fired
so this is FKTRN's "fuck you" moment huh
retard needs to stop thinking about whether or not kaneko or doi is better
Are we not even getting the daily summer only single tickets this time?
Use the in-game pic of his ball sack next time. Don't you guys love gender equality?
Put my fries in the bag, Seraph.
Granbabs are FAGGOTS
why are we writing like we have cerebral parsley again?
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Speaking of Shura
Who the fuck is this with Shura's haircut
We can easily tell Ragazzo and Cantate (Tikoh), and then Siete if he didn't get one
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>dude slutty
I will never care about irrelevant obese hag #143235
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>no mention of MSQ
I'm starting to think they really just forgot it exists
Song or Tabina
Yes, I want this. Problems?
it's siete and song
That looks like Tabina
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SMT died with Kaneko, there is nothing good about doislop and his Toku-tier trash designs
Honestly looks like Song and Siete
so if I play versus I'd just run into this while matchmaking with no option to avoid it?
>sluttiest swimsuit in the game
that was Metera albeit
That door is Nao Toyama and Rie Kugimiya leaving this shitshow.
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She’s the ugliest of the new V bosses, that face mask thing is gross.
Vikala summer skin when?
Since the accordants are paired up it makes sense that the eternals too
IoIipagger melty continues
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>Finally Shura stonks
>Nah, it's just Song for the Nth time just this year
What will happen to the numperscord if he's leaving...
I thought that was Cain and Leona, but I think they've already gotten one
Remember when /gbfg/ said Genshin was gonna be FOTM? What was THAT all about?
already have been....been stalling on it though.
Shizuka Itou is in almost every gacha I play
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we were warned
It’s Altair and Shura
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Goddess of Galge
Remember when /gbfg/ said Nikke was gonna be FOTM? What was THAT all about?
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I don't even want to do my proskips today
all I wanted is my collab, why is the game fucking dying instead...
Wow he is a really deep character only true angel scholars like myself can understand his complex way of thinking, to the untrained eye this looks like something out of gay porn but I am too SMART to fall for that
>only positive is balance patch
I couldn't count that egg yet...
bubs and belial are honestly so boring
they have nothing but shock factor from being turbo manwhores
Why is tikoh getting another summer unit?
obviously gbfg and gbvsg are having a bad day, but is gbfrg happy at least?
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Oh so you're the kanekofag huh. Be that way, I'm not a fan of Doi design but honestly other half of his designs are not completely worthless. It's like grub design half of it is hit and the other half is miss, you can't hate an artist just because you dislike a few things they do and not justify the actual few good things they did prior to that.
Let me guess, your favourite among the Qaditsu is Agrat, huh? retard, the face mask isn't even that bad when Eisheth exists
I kneel to the true grand blue archive
It's Song, the outline has a hair streak similar to her base unit
wishful thinking because grub can't even be FOTW anymore let alone FOTM
those aren't units, it's the next grandcypher kitchen lineup
It's the cafe thing
reminder that this thread's opinion will literally never be relevant to cygames
That's just cafe promotion shit, bro
>Shura gets kicked out of the cupitikoh trio by tabina
>gets kicked out of whatever that is by tabina
would be funny.
I'm not a necromancer so I have no way to ask them
>GODpers left
>Faayume left
so grim
Who did Numpers pass ownership of the Numperscord to? Momoi?
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we know. that's why the game is dying.
okay good
I was about to have a melty
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>to the untrained eye this looks like something out of gay porn but I am too SMART to fall for that
Weebs love gay porn though?
They've been dead for months dude
unironically Nikke is just objectively the better gacha over grubble.
I don't see a single reason to play grubble instead even if you are a fucking homo
so trve
reminder that your whit knighting will never make fkhr love you
I'm pretty late and today is not a great day to talk about the game in here but damn the writer made the MC such a piece of shit during Clarisse's 5* fate.
Who the fuck snobs their date to play with a stray? this was not just two friends hanging out, it was very explicitly a date and the whole thing just made me want to slap the MC on his head.
>bubs and belial are honestly so boring
you wanted to say "really aren't that interesting"
my money will never be relevant to cygames either because those retards ain't getting a dime
Based and cunny truthpilled
? Grubs is the major homo game, leader in the AIDS spreading.
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Hasnt Nikke been frefalling in charts and the latest thing they did was a fucking dave the diver collab and the entire thread was just blackd shitposts?
in a few years a nip will post a photo of fkhr handing out free handkerchiefs on the street
knew you were a weeb plebbitor
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>but honestly other half of his designs are not completely worthless. It's like grub design half of it is hit and the other half is miss, you can't hate an artist just because you dislike a few things they do and not justify the actual few good things they did prior to that.
There is nothing good Doi does. All he does is ruin what Kaneko perfected before him, with his trash modern Jap design sensibilities. Even Soejima would've done better with SMT that Doi.
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That's right x10
That's right x20
That's right x30
That's right x40
That's right x50
i honestly forgot we have that catchphrase until you brought it up
im too blackpilled to speak in memes
this game will not die for years because for every angry schizo there is 1000 salarymen transcending all jews, getting billions of honors in gw, cash sparking meta units
of the people who "love" your picrel only several percent actually watched it
trannies were unironically convinced fanservice games would never thrive in a post genshin era
summer manamelly...
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>2 minutes
>this design is better than doi's zeus
nigga must be buck broken straight up
…on Opposite Day.
you already posted this bait 2 threads ago
i didn't read it but i did happen to see some japanese opinions of it and they were talking about how it seems like you're just keeping her around as a backup since she comes from a wealthy family, while having no actual interest in responding to her her romantically
sounds a lot worse than the "lost to a cat xD" vibes i got from gbfg descriptions
Not even enough to fill top2k of gw this shit is cooked.
>be homo
>get sandal grand 2
>get force fed tranny grooming garbage
>meanwhile sandy gets fucking lobotomized
yeah nah fuck cygames
I'm gonna miss her....
Instead they'll watch hours of le funny gay porn memes because it's "jap culture"
ok lil bro
ummm there's probably more than 10 angry people
No yuri, no buy
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A ball of lightning is still better than wacky toku two-face, yes.
>i didn't read it
So why aren't you buying?
every major mixed toilet game I've seen out there has gone full retard in pandering to homosexuals, so none of those
>he's so used to doomposting he can't tell what is ironic shitposting for fun
dykeshit flop stay flop
that's not me, the post right beneath him is me.
bitch nobody is transcending jews now that they've lost their exclusivity by being thrown in the gacha
and every other day
you are powerless
yes, this is a reminder for you which is why I used the word "reminder" to start my post
are you claiming there is only one mad schizo?
and there is more than 10000 whales
Even if they gave you free reign, you wouldn't be able to save Grub.
It's still top 10 on the meme charts every month and that collab was just a minigame that had Helm pining over how much she wants to see SKK
I wanna get into ZZZ bu I have a feeling it'll play like shit on mobile. Grub's only saving grace is that I can play it at work
what does fkhrt think of yaia?
Reminder that GBF literally makes less than priconne
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shut the fuck up, and bring your noquote argument to somewhere else samefag
just admit that you're a kanekoslurper, every artist has their flaws - being biased is not gonna help you anywhere, you are no different to everyone else on this thread.
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The odder part is that she originally had a normal expression, they updated it to that weird face later
>I wanna get into [insert mihomo mixed toilet here]
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We will never know now
if I got free reign I would EoS immediately
The world would be better off without grubble and uma existing
ever heard of self awareness?
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I could save it in less than 24 hours.
yes? i'm not claiming to know what happened for sure. i'm not stating what happened in the fate. i'm discussing the juxtaposition between posts in here and on 2chan/matome, which i did read and thus can discuss.
*2 crystals have been deposited in your account*
>LMAAAAAAAAA- [mmhmhmhmhmpmpppphhhh]
Remove Belial's ballsack from your mouth before talking, anonette.
Atleast we still have a physical FES
As opposed to cyshart mixed toilet?
just play 1999 or HBR if you want full Yuri. Grubble is bad enough as it is
kill yourself c/u/ck
And for good reason.
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JJK is the gayest manga in jump

What are you going to do nigger make grub even gayer?
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sorry we killed your game
and the whole company
Which helps us how?
Of course I couldn't. Nobody can, because KMR already killed it.
>no msq update
>no graphic archive possibly due to AI use allegations
well that's the end of my granblue fantasy
if only i were paid just to remind you of how little your opinion matters
unfortunately i only do it because i enjoy it
GBF is probably the gayest SFW mobage on the market
There's more gay couples in this game than straight ones
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>every artist has their flaws
Yes and Doi's outnumber his positives. lmao at calling me slurping while fellating a talentless hack with no design sensibilities. Maybe you're too young to remember but SMT actually had a style and a look before Doi took over with his ugly ass twink MCs and dogshit designs.
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I was away for a day and a half. I presume nothing happened in the meantime :)
cope mixed toilet cuck granblue archive won
for me it's ragazzo and the promise of a seasonal uno
1999 sucks
i don't know if HBR sucks but it's written by jun maeda so i assume it does
just wait for azur promilia, fellow djeetaGOD
Yaia is getting deleted from the game
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>now even fucking MIHOMO is less gay than GBF
Name a big gacha gayer than GBF, fucking PLEASE
which is why it is dying
good riddance
gbfg saw a man ass and got brain damaged, now it's so over again (like it has been for the last 6 years)
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>I lived long enough to be forced to witness a potential summer Uno
literally not possible, it doesn't exist.
love and deepspace
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Its over
Fucking ragazzo, i think hes an alright character but even summer feather or randall would have made more sense.
that one bara furry game, tokyo afterschool something
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uh oh BAxis having a melty because I stepped in your shilling territory
>Grand Siete
>Grand Siete(evil)
>Valentines Siete
>Summer Siete(evil)
lets fucking gooooo i love shillclub!!!
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i jerk off to her sandals in the shell bikini costume
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You do you, buddy. It's not like I haven't played oldschool SMT, I still prefer Kaneko's design but I can't deny that some of Doi's design is good as well.
Didn't someone posted a Path to Nowhere pic earlier? Or are you referring to homo (cock) instead of homo (pussy)?
Bro you forgot the 30 Sixs
And Okto (swimsuit)
gbf has literally always been a bislut game
if you ever played it it's because you're at least a little homo
alas you play the clown for free
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nice try
Granblue Archive colony, mixed toilet sis. Go back.
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Not on my watch
This coloring style is the product of Megumi Shiraishi and not actually Kaneko.
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Crazy how cutting the sexposes down to a total of three is the LEAST aggravating thing about this stream
BL gachas
That's it, out of all the omni pandering shit out there, granblue is the gayest bar none. Might as well be a western game with all the lgbt content it gets.
Not playing n*kke
Not playing mid arch*ve
Not playing mihomo pozzed censored shit

Granblue Fantasy? Life and hometown.
Why are /bag/gots like this?
Did they say when they were being added?
FKTRN's most loyal slurper
Nigga the artstyle is STILL Kaneko
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Just woke up
Wheres summer mama I cant see her anywhere?
what the fuck is this mental illness
"playing the clown" aka being right about things you'll never admit
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GFL2 soon, we are finally free
silva's looks good but teena's is a literal nothingburger, just like teena
this but semiunironically
>bro what if I just add a dick lol
>bro what if 8 pair of tits LMAO
The Kanekobrain
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mmmmm nyo
/gbfg/ was my home back when I still believed in cygames
MC is female only and none of the LIs interact with each other
also >>487909151 which was funny to see the mini meltdown
They could have made this salvageable if they gave us fully naked Silva but no, cygaymes wants the homos and women
grubble... lost
Who is the Tectone of grub?
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>women drivers
They both dead ong
why do fags ack out about djeeta and yuri when playing as gran makes you gayer due to all the yaoi interactions huh?
August 5th
Grub is so dead
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Why do these brand new characters need a s.EX pose?
Keep coping GODmoi already owns this place.
They hated their male MC (understandable) so much that they cuckposted him to piss off self-insertfags. They did it so much that NTR is just part of their culture now.
>brand new
not for long
Why do jannies let BAggots shit up every general other than their own? They should be banished like mlp
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It’s very easy.
1. Free spark every anniversary and new years.
2. Homoshit and angels? Never again. Michael is great but they all have to go, no exceptions.
3. Marriage fates when you ring a character with a complimentary wedding skin.
4. Seasonals continue.
5. If you have even a single male character ringed your account is branded with an LGBT flag next to your name and you are excluded from any gibs. Similar to a soft ban but you still have the privilege of grinding my badges.
6. Djeeta players get the same treatment as #5 automatically.
7. Points five can be reversed with a ring refund system that requires an unused ring in exchange. Six through a similar system.
8. No shop limits on anything
9. Official doujins, dakis, and ASMR for all females.
Saved your game, now put my fries in the bag before I call your manager.
Niggertril was probably the closest
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Maybe for you but this was her only chance. She's probably not getting an FLB ever now either.
Albert is literally me.
Right down to the Green River voice.
are you just now discovering that the schizos are closeted homos? they see a male and can't think of anything else, and that fact infuriates them
This but grubslurpers
Wallahi, we're so cooked
>he left us for Star Rail and ZZZ
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Valentine/White day seasonals are locked by gender. Or used to because djeetafags whined about it.
>yaoi interactions
I hate those
>djeeta yuri
Modern yurifags are dykes or trannies. A sizeable amount of djeetasluts are futafags.
It's all so tiresome...
padjeeta roon ran out of pink pills again?
It was glorious to watch fujopags seethe at LnD for tearing apart the narrative that they are not poorfags who can only latch onto titles that are already popular. There is not a single BL game that can make as much money
the game where you have to literally brainwash the girls into loving you because they never would otherwise?
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Teena looks very plappable, i like it
Are you done complaining? Jesus. It can't be that bad
nah grubbers at least contain their misery, BA shilling happens literally everywhere that allows vidya discussion.
>play games to escape from shitty world
>single player industry is dusted
>almost every gacha I cared about goes to shit
Why are we still here, just to suffer?
Remember when Padjeeta tried to transpost our collab's cute slimegirl like xhe does Cag? What was with that?
SURELY her rebalance will make her good haha...
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you don't understand bro they saw a man's ass cygames is MAKING them think gay thoughts
you lost mixed toilet sis
Yeah it’s not that bad.
It’s worse.
resident janny is one himself
what the FUCK are you talking about, there's tons of great single player games releasing constantly
i hope this is ironic
this sounds like gacha heaven but how do you make money considering the massive investment of 3/4/9
>>single player industry is dusted
Fucking FPS chuds.
They are still new to prompting, next year we'll have more
>a man's ass
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What's going on in your game grubhomos?
It's not about today being bad.
It's about all the red flags over years getting confirmation today.
There is simply no more hope.
I dunno lads I'd rather see a pic of momoi than of s. ragazzo or that fag ass bubs summon
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because they complain for the sake of complaining, which is what most of the people on this board does because everyone is a schizophrenic pedophile

but also because that if you NOTICE on twitter, the djeetafags who speak english are usually trannies with fucking pronouns, so of course that's gonna be a piledriving point for the schizos
your naked silva sir
>modern yurifags are dykes
i guess if i'm a hetfag i can't be straight according to (your) opinion, sir. But yes purge the trannies and futafags, 41% to them all
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>second batch of rebalances is in FUCKING OCTOBER
this is our new gigacore summon yipee
Isn't it funny how galgetards were slurping up wilnass but are now acking out about bubs?
Even if you don't modern games there's 30 years of kino to go through, get to it.
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>haven't visited /gbfg/ since ZZZ released
>check to see what's new
>apparently there was some secret director was actually in control the past couple years
>KMR and FKHR are gone
>Collab character is going into the gacha pool
WTF is happening?
Funniest thing about Padjeeta is the way xe resorts to lowbrow posts all the time due to lacking the intellectual capacity and English skills for otherwise
After the marina, uno and quatre rebalances I stopped caring about these
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts Doi galge?
Yeah Granblue Archive won.
Hourly Lraph ackout
Will we even finish the Horoscope series before EoS?
Fuck the money. This game is a sinking ship anyway so I may as well give the people what they actually want before it goes tits up.
Hourly reminder EX+ HP has increased from 24M to 35M, over 45% worth of HP increased.
cygames is finally receiving their karmic justice
We have 2 years at most and they're keisuke's group so yeah they still have a chance
I told you padjeeta dykeroons are deranged creatures
i don't blame people for liking or shilling zzz because it does have cute girls but i really can't imagine mihoyo not ruining it like it has all its other games
>HJK rebalance
>Macci rebalance
Water only gets kino rebalances these days [/spoiler]minus MT and the boomers[/spoiler]
Honestly I am very slightly expecting them to go
>nononono you interpreted it wrong, with "collab-exclusive gacha replacing the usual fest gacha" we meant that you will use collab-exclusive (f2p) currency you have to grind for, not your normal crystals
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Completely deserved. Happy to see a shit franchise finally eat shit
It's so dumb, there is like a 10% chance the buffs will be good (see Song) but it's completely random. Wonder who will win the lottery this time
So what will you say when it's core? "Shut up and spark this naked man" ?
This, I enjoy story way more than other Hoyo slops, but let's be real, it won't last long before everything goes to shit, again.
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You know you can play games while they are fun and then drop them when you no longer have fun with them right? You don't need to gaslight yourself into playing games that aren't fun.
We'll see how they handle this I guess now that they don't have KMR there anymore
Honestly glad that the yumes found themselves a solid home. They aren't so different from us, fujos really are a blight.
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can you niggers reply like a normal person being
cag is literally a tranny though, that's why he's disgusting
grub is genuinely cooked
>no concern for profits
>only making the fans happy
Oh captain my captain
based zoiGOD dabbing on shiteaters
>says the racist ESL
you said you would save the game though...
>"It's just a summon, you don't HAVE to look at him even though he'll always occupy a summon slot"
>apparently there was some secret director was actually in control the past couple years
AL makes money and does #3 and #9
BA makes money and does #9
Surely we gonna get 45% drop increase because of it. Riiiiiight?
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How much have you spent on this game?
One skin, so about 3000 yen here.
With trust events they kinda have to pander to (You) currently. You literally watch porn with one of them.
This is a pretty new team so they might not been infected with all the usual Hoyo shit
>no collab with Dragalia of World Flipper to save them
They deserve this downfall
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I like wilnas and still think the vday outfit was funny. I don't like bubz and i don't think bubz ass is funny, well it was in the tower but its not as funny the second time. Especially right after gay ass Belial.
Like its become unironic...
he is confusing kmr and fkhr again
I will laugh at you for melting down about it, same as I already do
and I won't use it because I don't compete in this wife collecting game and I'm not about to start
>tfw we'll never get a female character fully naked like this
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>zoifags still seething
>get invested in story and characters, want to learn more about them
>feel betrayed when the answers inevitably end up shit
i would rather not get invested in the first place
I pray FKTRN gets a slow and painful death and I will get my vengeance.
it's funny every time, but this thread is the punchline
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So you will laugh when gay stuff is pushed onto players even though you don't like gay stuff?
New EX (20M HP) will drop the same amount of meat as old EX+, surely?
it's both. they both were stepping back and guiding their replacements.
padjeeta is literally a tranny though, that's why he's disgusting
At least my fire is fine. Seems grim to the other elements.
Chris-chan got away with it, that says enough
rupaul always win
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>rewatch stream because i was working
>naked belzebub
>all the japs go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!??!?!!
>it's a fucking summon you click for a little animation and effect likely broken for cashgrab)
>no playable ever until the games' EoS gets announced
I'm so tired of it all bros
nigga none of those games have a fraction of the voiced characters grub has
half of the charm of grub is the voice acting in everything
i'm the first one that would want my fucking forgotten wife get content and seasonals and marriage fates but it's just not happening
number 9 would be more doable though, but alas, it would lead to shillclub favoritism, like in most gacha games
KMR said his successor has been involved with his duties for 3 years
This just memes we need to brace ourselves for pre-EoS powercreep to milk players as much as possible before the game officially dfies.
Get ready, grubbas, shit's about to get wild. We'll be fautoing Faa0 soon enough...
Gran x Oxy got 30k
yes, because i am capable of paying attention only to things i like and ignoring things i dont and like to laugh at people who cant
Don't forget to run Lucifer x Lucifer as well
>wife collecting game
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>padjeeta and slurpraph trying to warp the narrative into "stream only bad because... naked men!"
they think they're slick lol
At no point in the past 3 years as the current director ever asked themselves
>What do the players want
Worthless diseased creatures I tell you
So you are literally the "This is fine" meme got it. Good posts.
Stop slurping milk
Did we get something decent for past 3 years even?
It's legitemately all they have left because even they can't deny how terrible this stream was
Still KMR's fault because they were working under him and should've chastised them for the multiple fuckups
This general annihilated their minds, they will always be contrarians towards the general /gbfg/ sentiment to own le evil waifufags
Why couldn't we get this with Babu instead?
The gay shit was bad though
Too galge
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what about it, sis?
I know you can't, that's why I didnt
no, I am literally here to laugh at you for being mad about getting so hard over bubs that you can't think of anything else while I wait for my hekate banner
>rts higher than likes
not a good thing
Nobody said it isn't
Just that the bad part of the stream isn't entirely attributed to it
You are too dishonest, try again
Gotta OWN those evil waifunazis, they talk smack about belial's bulge and bubs asscheeks that's unacceptable especially when the stream was so good and full of content
>because i am capable of paying attention only to things i like
>proceeds to mock people who dislike something he himself doesn't like
how does that work?
blue archive faggots should be the ones banned on the spot
Mixed toilet trash could never
Under me you’d get it no exceptions. No shillclub. I am biased to my favorite character but my personal biases will have no impact on merch creation or who gets what. If it puts the company in the red so be it, but if people like the game they’ll spend money on it and want it to continue. If I’m the executive director of a million dollar corporation I’m using my funds how I want, and what I want is for all of you to be happy.
This could've been naked Shalem
>half of the charm of grub is the voice acting in everything
low ass standards ngl
Where the fuck did I say that you diseased mule?
Just generic tranny cope, honestly
finish reading the post you replied to to find out
nah mixed toilet worms like you should get the death penalty.
ever looked in a mirror?
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he's falseflagging and really bad at it
bait used to be funny
I did, it doesn't really make sense though.
he is too ESL hence he does not understand the implications of his own posts
>more retweets than likes
The gacha collab thing is a bit bad but the nips are bitching pretty hard to, so I expect them to either walk it back and never do it again, or if they’re locked in for the collab, dogeza by giving everyone enough gibs/free rolls that it’s not an issue.
>ever looked in a mirror?
Yes, I see a BA CHAD with a chiseled jawline, 2.1 meters tall, Greek god built and with a 23 cm penis. Behind me is a bed with my 3 hebe concubines sleeping peacefully and satisfied on it.

What do you see when you look in the mirror, HOMO sapiens?
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The stream was so bad I was genuinely in a bad mood for a full hour after it.
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They'll dogeza and do the dumbest thing possible, making the gacha units mediocre so people are still trapped by fomo but the units aren't even good.
it's western twitter faggots posting gifs
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....Then everybody clapped
I'm still in a bad mood. The AI shit makes it worse
Eh i've seen companies fuck up way harder on games I play so I've gotten used to it
It’s right before the nuRevans too.
JK will be core, trust the plan.
it makes perfect sense anon
I like mocking you homos which is why I'm here to mock you homos
could /gbfg/ run the grub IP better and more successfully than cygames?
like clockwork
appreciate the good intentions, but we go back to the problem of grub having too many characters. there is no way to evenly distribute content among everyone. that's just retarded.
nuke grub, that's the only solution
Even Shay could do it better.
That's pretty sad anon. You shouldn't let a phone game have such an influence on your emotions.
So Ragazzo gets a second SSR and Sig gets nothing
Very gay, literally
/gbfg/ can't run anything successfully
If you gave every anon wheelhouse over their favorite grub? Yeah.
people bitched (or claimed people bitched) about the railgun collab in blue archive but it's the fifth best selling banner in the history of the game, only losing to anni/half-anni banners.
obviously it depends on how popular tenslime is with the grub audience, but there's a legitimate possibility it ends up a success for cygames.
i'm skeptical though mostly because 90k yen to spark is insane for any but the most mentally ill p2w slurpers, and they've already promised the chars won't be meta for gw
Thank you, thank you. I’m glad you and your colleagues at Mickey D’s liked my hypothetical.
Ending the stream with KMR saying he's stepping down only to not introduce his successor is so fucking shit I was just kinda impressed at the audacity of it all. Grub streams are bad in general but this one was extra bad.
have you stopped thinking about bubs ass yet homo?
>So Ragazzo gets a second SSR and Sig gets nothing
How long until they announce no more extra fes and miico starts doing JAV?
Actual popular characters would start getting a bunch of events while the homos would go years without ever being seen
Give control of the game to the numperscord, specifically section 8, they'll have this game fixed in a jiffy.
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where is cygames
I'm betting on this year's grubfes
post yfw all your favorite juten/evokers go to a different element you don't play and become 500x better there
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With grub dying (for real this time) are you *REALLY* going to quit this kusoge only to play more gachaslop?
For the humans, go play a real game.
For the coomers, go play eroge.
bubz culo.....
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>Surely there's no way that Sig would get NOTHING from this event I thought
Haha boy do I sure look stupid......
Where is Nexon and Mihoyo?
yep. it sucks for people with obscure grubfus (like me) but it's just how it is
in your mind
Sounds like you're more into "mocking" imaginary enemies than enjoying the things you like.
>disingenuous troll is disingenuous
At least you managed to be transparent about something for once, good job.
It's even better, art team is using AI to make characters
I already only log in for gibs and free rolls while mostly playing other gacha. The only thing that changes is I just don't log in.
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Yeah I don't get why they did this when I thought the goal of this year was bringing back a bunch of Year 1 chars in the spotlight.
My schizo theory is that the AI couldn't shit out a satisfactory Sig
shayGAWD was right all along
whatever. I'm a seasonal now.
I already don't play this game much because the gacha rates are dogshit
way too based so never
>Grub might die soon
>There might not be a Grub 2
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Wilnas is cute in his apron
i'll keep playing ba like i already do and maybe i pick up somenew gacha in the future (maybe azur promilia) but i'm not going to immediately look for a replacement.
searching for a replacement only works in a situation like priconne global eos where blue archive is just the same game but better
It's also right before gw, so they might be balanced around that as well.
Plus we'll be getting WAM 2.0, our new grand, and with it being spooky season, we could get a unit for that too.
Water positioned well to close out the year.
Soon to be absorbed by Sanrio. That's what all the collabs were for.
because of you niggers im starting to see AI everywhere and the sole reason I started this game even though its a fucking jpeg f5 simulator was because of its ART DESIGNS, and now you're telling me its possibly AI assisted, yeah full EoS speedrun idgaf
>muh AI
if they were using AI then they wouldnt have issues with keeping up the art output
>muh sig
last year they had FOUR summer units on the next banner. THey only revealed 3.
Jewtales with quatre and uno is also set around december....
>because of you niggers
How is it our fault?
Yeah okay lol
He’s up! Someone should invite him to come to the threads and explain the AI situation.
you are not imaginary, you are also not my "enemy", and mocking you is a thing I like which I am enjoying
it's not very hard to understand
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Of course not. I'm going to continue playing Grub mega casually as I have sone for several years already, though. I want to see the potential trashfire myself.
What good is voice acting if the script is dogshit?
I have not played any other gachas since the /mbgg/ days, so when this is dead, I will not be playing anymore gacha at all.
GW will be before then, and both of them will suck, as Bahamut intended.
Why not play BA?
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Why play BA when I can just fap to Alice and move on?
I have better things to do than waste time on mediocre gacha games.
See >>487913848
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that's a woman's fingers
It’s really only Halle and Dragon that got stretched. Chichiri and Utsuemi are still normal.
nta but going from slop to slop isn't healthy
i won't play more gacha after grub
stop shilling your shit
The hero we need. Like right now.
BA's gameplay is trash
>But Grub
Also trash, I can only handle so much trash in 10 years. The best course of action is just to quit gacha
>It's really only ---AaaACK
>quit autobattler slop to play autobattler slop
ba gets shilled enough that literally anyone in this general who might have been interested in it has tried it by now
yes that is what I directly responded to, I suppose your indog brain is too full of bubs ass to understand
Mediocre gook autobattler, a cheap copy of Priconne
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Dead game, dead franchise
Das their karma for crossing ZoiKINGS
What element is S.Hekate gonna be
Insane how slurpers are still trying with NOTHING to support them
>>But Grub
>Also trash
Grub has infinitely more gameplay than BA, cool JRPG bosses and tropes

BA is a fucking menu slog simulator with SoL shit
He or she deleted the tweet
you fuckers shill BA so much that you have made me absolutely certain i will never ever try it
any other game im atleast open to considering, but not BA, you guys are way too annoying
battered wives LMAO
That's called shitposting
The sooner you realize they have no motivation other than waste people's time the better
I pray for water.
Otherwise, dirt is okay.
>disingenuous troll is disingenuous
See >>487913848 again
who? this is a bubs ass general
Most likely doesn't want to get into trouble, defamation is a serious crime in japan
Where were you guys when GBF died?
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I'm thinking threat of legal action
Cycops got to the lil roon
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bros should I unironically start slurping in kamihime
kinda weird to base your decisions on people you think suck instead of on what personally appeals or doesn't appeal to you
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I was already feeling it during the anniversary but this stream really just amplified even further. The game slowly heading towards its eventual end. Many years I have said that I am prepared for it. That even if it came tomorrow then it would just be that. The game ending with my wife forgotten forever never getting what she deserved. Yet it becoming so much clearer with time starts to fill me with fear and dread. I told myself that I am prepared for this but I am not. I dont know what to do. I actually felt sick today after the stream.
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Pissing on its grave
Feels great to be a vindicated Zoibro
Failed franchise deserves its pathetic death
No fuck them for turning that game into vanillaslop
Don't do it. Just watch the H-scenes in the scene viewer or on panda. Game is jewy scum
why do maleringers want to be cuckolded so badly like this?
I quit years ago and never got back into it
>my wife forgotten forever never getting what she deserved
she got exactly what she deserved
Vanillachads run the industry
not reading allat nigga just move on and buy the 2025 vcards
Please dont let me favorite evoker go to some fucking element I don't play like l*ght or d*rt
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i will slurp this
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At least my Nee-chang figure will arrive
That's the only reason it's still alive
>watch random anime
>hear lyria's asshole voice
>instinctively think SHUT UP GOBLINA and get irrationally angry
anybody else?
>watch the H-scenes in the scene viewer
where is scene viewer
Isnt there a second stream?
Any NEWS in it or are we done
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>wind haase
>teenarager taking it on her and not on silva, the stupid bitch that always gets a piece of everything and of course they couldn't skip her ex pose, at the cost of sheep's
Name 1 GOOD thing that came from this stream
Wind Haase and Water Katz are pretty obvious releases. And so is Fire angry cat and water Esser
>Giselle from Bleach has Wuwia's voice
Hearing it for the first time made me laugh my ass off
No, we love Nao here
To be honest after relink dropped and I spent a good 200+ hours there I'm all grubbed out. Had less motivation to try in GW when cutoffs went to billions with no change in gibs, and powercreeping with exaltos and time gated events made me become seasonal even further.
There's gonna be more news since its the second day of extrafes I think. Also Koregra. Outside of MSQ update(which might just get delayed lol) I can't think of what else they would announce
I actually lol’d when Gigi got stabbed.
Shadow Producer will cancel it and announce cuntboy Belial and Bubs scissoring figure instead
>homo mad about female sex poses
The game has been past its prime for a long time but it's still a bummer to see it drop this low.
Girls should all be main wheel, m*les can all go to side wheel and wind.
Belial and Bubs fan service
I've started to relate Nao Touyama's voice to her FGO and SHY roles instead.
I am healing.
Haase canonically hates Katze so her going to Wind makes no sense.
It being so bad that it killed Cuckraph
man i wish
So you admit this only exists to promote shipshit
Shiva and Grimnir got their FLBs and are already getting rebalanced.
Really makes you Shiver, this is 100%, truly Grim
Wind is Danchou's default element so it makes a lot of sense
At least I got to play relink before it went.
But all games will come to end service eventually it's just the natural order of online games. Hopefully they make a offline version and it's not completely dead.
Dont they still have battle banter? And they get better after the 5*
teena and silva sex poses
slutty monk class
She can be with Nio and Box and make the ultimate wind potato team
Eternals will be element traitors.
Evokers will be faithful.
Rock 5*
That's literally the only part of it I liked
>FKHRT’s final act as director was making sure his self insert because the first m*le Grand in Dark
I’m going to be sick just thinking about it.
who cares until we see the fates
The only way to not make this gacha farmables stupid is to make them all element traitors
Haase will come to wind so I can have a threesome with her box and Nio
hello homo, why do you hate females?
If there is any company that can make grubble worse, it's Sanrio
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Can we get naked S.Sahar next?
>her 5* will be about trying to synergize her with Uriel
It's DoA
The only acceptable gachas for Grubbas to move to after EoS:
Blue Archive

If anyone tries to shill something not on this list make sure to report them.
If they aren't for (You) who gives a fuck about them being female. Only waifus matter not just females
They could've made S.Hekate be the edit of her OG unit instead of new art
I enjoy the no way fag meme and making her desire MC more and more, and then reforming her into a good girl. It's like reverse corruption.
Twitter is going to make grub delete Hekate's uncap art like they did to Azur Lane
why does blud think anyone's jumping to flopbreak that shit is deader than grub lmfao
so why are you a homosexual? who molested you?
gacha eternals and evokers are good
waiting five years between skins which don't come with fate eps sucks
Replace snowbreak with zzz
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Damn. Hate to see you this low grubbros.
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>gacha eternals and evokers are good
you only say that because you think that it's gonna be the ones you like when in reality it's gonna be duo unit shipshit like Okto+Narm
>replace galge with mixed toilet slop
Slucio sex pose could have been that but they skipped him fuck Cygames tbqh
>teenaflop and shillva got EX poses over characters like Ilsa, Cog, Anthuria, Anila, and Alex
>blue archive
dude twitter bots and paid fanart lmao, paid popularity is not real popularity
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>Honestly glad that the yumes found themselves a solid home.
Thanks, it's nice to finally get a game I like that's got a bit more meat to it, especially with grub crashing and burning though I wish it had controller support. Hopefully (you) are able to find the game that fits best for (you)
you should know by now how much they hate ilsa
>SEX poses down to 3 on top of releasing later than usual
>Blue Archive
is it true this plays like priconne?
No, it's worse.
>people celebrating the watered down sex poses after they skipped shipping
yeah, I too will be happy about Meg, Illnott, and Tabina poses, after they skip Pig, Monkey, Izmir and Suntato
Yngwie won't miss his, however
priconne already sucked ass so nevermind
FKHR was fired, you don’t need to seethe about Yngwie anymore.
Worse, also no voice in story or events. Truly the temu version of Princess Connect yet gets incessantly shilled for some reason
The new director is FKHR's LGBT protege
Wonder who shadowmr's favorites are
>p-please forget all the bad things and focus on the good things like s. ragazzo
Hmmmm nyo
FKHR is the creative director for the entire franchise. KMR is gone.
you just know FKHR made sure to sneak in teenaflop's EX pose before he left
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I'll take her over Shillva, at least if I had to pick one female h*man,
>shillva has a summer alt, ex pose AND yukata alt
yjk her yukata alt will get an ex pose too
>Yngwie is actually going to turn out to be the first and only style change
Would be funny if it wasn't so sad
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I foolishly had hope that it would be given to chars with FLBs that don't quite hold up
dont forget a rigged anniversary poll skin
you are doing the same as saying homongels are the only reason grub is still alive
We’re still getting Troongazzo and a naked homo summon, no amount of saying FKHR’s fired is suddenly undoing the travesty that was this stream.
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>5 summer zodiacs so far
guess which one they won't skip xeir sex pose
kek i was so excited that earth cog might be useful since im a hrunter
I hope so
yurichads literally can't stop winning
the gameplay mogs priconne
the out of gameplay roster management stuff is identical
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I don't say this but I would if I liked anyone in the jobbing jew squad. I'm not going to grind for those stupid idiots lol
How long has it been?
Blue Archive has futa doujins
Mihoyo does not
Therefore Mihoyo is better.
full event cast today
ShadowMR did this to make a good impression on fukuhomo.
Anyway, idle thought I had while considering resubbing to OSRS because of Grub dying
Any grubbas want to group ironman? Or maybe play FFXI fresh?
based lmao
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Yeah, please be nice to your new game director Takuya Fukuyama
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uhhhh sis?
bea tits should be bigger, maybe something like an I cup would be a good starting point
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ready to celebrate 1m xitter followers for the 3rd time grubbas?
>futaniggers derailing the thread again
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if I didn't know any better, I would say a man's cheeks have been blasted
FutaGAWDS run this place
Remember this
Wait, did they announce a rerun of that somewhere?
Futa Akemi x Sensei doujins soon.
Mihoyo games hardly have doujins at all, which is so bizarre. I know it gets porn, not just sloppa either but actual drawn porn, and the games are awfully prolific. But there’s barely any doujinshi presence anywhere.
But it's KMR's protege, the man said so himself
Doc I don’t think we’re making the climb again.
Too galge for /bag/
Majority of Mihoyo designs are hard to draw
Also CN franchise so not that popular in circles
It did...once.
Mihoyo games don't really resonate with otakus, just the masses.
Maybe ZZZ will be different.
Doujins require long term investment to make over just drawing solo pics
Hoyo games try to appeal to normalfag/shipfags which is why you get a decent amount of character art but no doujins, altough I liked that one Star rail one with Kafka and Himeko
>Hoyo games try to appeal to normalfag/shipfags which is why you get a decent amount of character art but no doujins
I sure hope so considering they had to hire waterkuma.
Mihoyo designs are churned by AI and end up with so many embellishments that it would be a massive waste of an artist's time to draw all that SHIT. Granblue Archive meanwhile favors much much more simple designs which is why it's so easy to draw fanart for your students.
Didn’t that guy draw porn of his IRL girlfriend getting fucked by black guys?
Hopefully the Idol group turns all the normalfags away from the game
Azur Lane has declined but still gets like over 100 works every comiket
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I like the way you think and wind is fine, but I can already run a full harvin party, there. I need more fire, earth, and dark harvins. I want a full harvin party in every element before this game dies.
Not sure about his IRL girlfriend but he did draw that kind of stuff yes, and yet he got hired kek Asians don't give a fuck huh?
>Mihoyo games hardly have doujins at all
They do
Just that they're fujo doujins
Wonfest soon
any grub figure?
Let’s hope the next Mihomo game hires Shadman as art director.
Swimsuit Belial figure would sell
I saw a few on twitter that looked nice. One was Charlotta on her box.

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