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Previous: >>487853238

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Feet game, feet general
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HSR feet
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Miss Pearl dispensing soda for me from her pussy!!!! All the vibrators and fleshlights in her private chambers linked to her brain through wi-fi so we can have sex while she's away at meetings!
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Who won the barefoot vs shoes contest anyway?
holy smell
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Ruan Mei broke (You).
>Amber, the Stoneheart under the Amber Lord isn’t the strongest/important
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>Janny chose fofo general
>trust me bro she's a tincan no way she'll be playable
fucking retards I swear
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Bronya rabu!
her cone isn't that good compared to S5 motp. Kinda crazy her sig is best on TB
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Based if true
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Im going to make HuoHuo FAT
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Banjomori won
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Sparkle OWNS you
>>487878132 (Cross-thread)
>404 not found
Amber is like that kid who picked Bulbasaur just because the first gym leader is Brock
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Kneel and swear fealty to your new lord, /hsrg/!
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cute boy
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Nobody cares about her.
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nah make her go fast
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Does every FUA user prefer Duran over Inert Salsotto?
her leg is broken wtf
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wait wait wait a second. Is huohuo rerunning in 5 days or 3 weeks?
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that's a fast huo^2
Since Huayan won't be playable, is she the de facto general of the Zhuming?
5 days
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Of course she's a whore, for (me)
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So uhh what's going on here?
I'm rolling Jiaoqiu because I'm a metafag and I want to bench my horrible 1.0 relics Silver Wolf
try healing% chest gro not that u need it with her cone. Im rolling it soon
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Ha > Bro
It's going to take forever to get a healing chest with that much spd substats on it so I don't even bother
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let's agree to disagree
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Holy shit, sauce?
I honestly assumed she would never rerun
>preservation/abudance characters must be pseudo harmony/dps in order to even compete
what went so wrong?how do we fix?
She's going to be kneeling to me in the end as I put babies into her
EoSing and making a better game
but you can just drop to 160.1 it is so easy to get spd on your hat dumbo use your relic frags
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
Make enemies hit more often and increase the cycle count.
Endgame is a boring speedrunslog at the moment
Shit game.
Shit thread.
that was obviously going to happen from the beginning
wtf were they going to do make it so you have to roll the latest sustain just to survive endgame content?
Flop game
Flop thread
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I already used all my relic frags on my wife
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>Huohuo thread
>when to sleep
>wake up
>2 fucking Huohuo threads
this has always been the cast. see shadowpriests or any meta unit in moba/rts
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My speed pieces are on another fox
how is that different from having to roll for the latest harmony/whatever to clear content?
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it's AI
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Fofotroons are getting uppity again
k. so have more in a week and do it then.
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Make a survival centered endgame mode.
imagine suddenly moc enemys fucking rape your ass instead of beeing dmg sponges
holy based
>Ting not Hanya
jesus wtf
>Roll for who you like!
>Okay, I will.
Absolute faggotry
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E1 Jade is much fun
>Make enemies hit more often
Clara T-1
Hmm... I can run 4 characters that contribute to damage or 3 characters that contribute to damage and one brick... Which do i pick?
post more, i want to see more of that face
shadowpriests were only good for PvP in vanilla bwo
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>We need a mode where sustains shine!
It's called Simulated Universe
nami ramen
I miss her... nu Himeko isn't the same
that's so wrong it's impressive
Divergent Universe*
Oops typo
Me at the bottom
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don't want to keep spamming, so have one last flustered Bronya
on the house
It's true, the only caster that would be even more useless is boomkin and even they were sometimes prefered for the aura
I fell for this meme and it bricked a whole character for the entirety of classic. They're literally a single target class that doesn't beat any other class in the game 1v1, complete waste of space.
For me it’s playing enhancement shaman in vanilla and rolling need on all feral druid gear then messaging him get back to gnomer cuck
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where tail?
Hertaschizo was right
>hi3 shizos canned the only way to get himeko and kallen suits
enjoy your mars sloppa, no refunds
Realistically speaking, how do we save this game now that Wuwa stole 70% of our players and ZZZ the remaining 40%?
Thank you!
i came a little
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All...for the Amber Lord
Anon... with that math skill you shouldn't play this game.
Whenever I'm seething I grab Acheron and go around each region to kill all the mobs with her
Anyone else?
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For me its Freeze mage and then making sure that Warrior doesn't have any anti-Ice counters on his gear before accepting a duel.
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China 2 will be good. Trust me
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we only want 4 niggas in a row homies here. Those games are doing us a favor.
The 7 stonehearts...
That's great but I specifically said in vanilla.
So basically ZZZ. Nobody plays Wuwa anymore as evidenced by changli being a gigaflop worse than Jade and even hu*huo
I already dropped Wawa, the boredom was just too much.
I can’t wait to see the sales charts this month

3 Genshin

Total Mihoyo domination
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Saar do not redeem the hoyopass
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Luciérnaga love
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>1 ZZZ
Wyell nobody plays retail bwo
I bet none of the Xueyifags spamming her here use her in memory of chaos
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where's my oak cakes
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>1 ZZZ
Have you shit yourself lately, Hertaschizo?
Anon tell me a banner of any gacha that ran through the entirety of july that made more than zzz
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Leaks doko?
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I use her in DU
people dont value defense by default
>I die instantly??? ok I quit the game
>I don't have enough damage??? ok I roll more damage
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I wonder if Sunday will synergize with Robin
2 and a half days.
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You mean like that DU 6 occurance where its "survive for 4 cycles" and its fucking double monkey so you just get raped immediately?
Early text-based kit leaks might come in around 24-30 hours. Actual gameplay showcases from the beta will come in about half a week.
i dont even own her
>muh free events
I didn't have a computer or a phone that could run hsr then
>muh apocalyptic shadow
can't clear it
>muh banners
I've only rolled two limited characters so far
but I still love Xueyi! Xueyi love!
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I want Robin/Sunday/Aventurine to be a thing but if he is really Harmony it probably won't
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This Gk is better desu
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Elio should've been a girl.
Or at least an old man inside a young girl's body like Cag from gbf.
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Actually really good? Wtf?
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This is gay
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Didn't read the rest
If he has synergy with Robin then he should also have synergy with Aventurine. I plan on doing sunday/robin/aventurine/ratio whenever he comes out.
You mean Monday.
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She was one of my go-to DPS until firefly came out
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Me, the best girl in sight!
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>Xueyifags are all disgusting pretender
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I use her whenever there's a quantum weak side, and usually run her with no sustains and attempt getting a 0 cycle
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What do the EN ver say? Rain of tears?
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don't know, don't care
kill yourself, enfaggot
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Hell yeah!
I'm just curious
you'd think that after a year a daily rape, ___'s would stop crying, but it's almost as if her hymen regenerates every night...
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Good, GOOD. Let the hate consume you from-within, FohFoh!! Become evil! Tell them exactly what you think of them!
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"I weep for the retarded"
[off topic]
Fleet or Penacony for Huohuo? Third time I’m asking
I weep for the departed
i weep for the departed... it too shall fall

it's a direct tl of the chink lines
she says
>dusk's rain
see? it's shit
now kill yourself, encuck
Oh, so so
Ḭ̷̧̟̹̠͈̹̑̈́̂̉̕ͅ’̵̡͙̖̺̜̔̒͗ͅm̶̯̰̬͍̔̊̿̎̋̚͝ ̶̱̭̈̄g̴̡̙̬̖̬̣͂̓̑͐̐͑ó̵̧̯̦͙̭̦̙̺̿̃i̷̙͖͗n̴͓̞̳̘͍͛͒͆̔̚͘͠g̸̦̥̎̽̿̑ ̷̹͕́̈́͋̿t̵̡̻͚̫̰̋o̸͇̱̯̹̪̓̎̄̊͌̈́̕͘ ̴̘̹̊̌͘l̵͖̤̀͝o̸͍̜͈̹̤̔̏̽͐g̷̨̘̽̇͂͌ ̸̗̇͋͂̈́ö̸͚͕͙͍̇̏͜ǹ̴͚͎͉͋͑ ̴̰͖̥̟̃͂̾͝S̷̟͖͈͔̱̰̈͂̃͋t̶͕̘̞̥̭͛̈̐́͘ͅä̸̺̗̮̪́̀̈̀̀͐͠r̷͍͔̮͓͔͈̘̄̇͛̍͘ ̸̖̯̥̪͠ͅȒ̸̜̳͙̱̦͓̩͆̉̇̉̚̕̕a̸̼̘̤͙͋̀͛̕į̸͉̤̯̰̺̀̊͜l̷̨͎̝͎̑͐͋̍̑̌͘͝ ̶̥̇̏͊̈́̂̋a̵̘̗̎̀́̂̾ń̷̢͖͚̙͉d̷̺̈̈ ̴̠̯̀̉̈́̄p̴̩̫̏͛́̀l̵̻̹͍̻̰̩̎̐͆̋̕͜à̶̗̚̕y̸̡̢͉͈̞̝̺͓̿͌̓̓̏̚ ̴̡͙̘͙̝̝́̓͜s̶̙̀͋̓̉̈́͛͠ö̷͕̪͍̯̟̗͖̖́͛͛̋͝m̴̧͓͇̳͔̦̞̓̔͐̈́͑̄̃͜ẹ̴̛̟̟͇͋̎̀ ̵̡̬͚̠̮̦͗͠D̵̦̘͍̠̟̬̆͐̊̎̚̚͜į̶̻̟̪̹̺̜͇̄̕͠v̶̦̦̬̰̘͕͖͕̌̐͘͝͝ȩ̷̛̪̠͉̋̈́̆ͅŗ̷̟̱̞̘̜̈͒̃̚͝g̵̢̺̗͍̦̘̒̊͊̐̕͝è̴̤͐̈́̾̾͊̕̚ǹ̵̰͕̳̦̼́̉͗͝t̷̨̢̯̰̱͕̺̄̓̋̃͗̀́͘ ̷͙̖͖̻̽̚͝Ų̶̧̠͚̙̟͔̊̌̒͜ñ̴͔̼̱̣͓͜͜͠i̷̩̮̟̥̞͊͛́̽̒̓̒͝v̸̢̘̜͖̍̽͌e̸̛̹̱͎͂͆͐̈́̎͠r̸̢̗̙͍͇͔͒̾͂́͊͝͠s̵̺͕̻̫̑̈́̿̋̍ë̵͇̘̙̮̙̱͖̭́!̴̳̱͓̩̙͛͂̌͂̕ ̴̹̪͊́
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erm, aren't you forgetting someone in your image?
Fleet or keel

If your not the same element as your DPS then the answer is never penacony.
DU was a mistake. I miss SU updates.
What about the extra ERR though
If I forgot the it wasn't important...
This. Was really excited with the critting DoTs equation but it's just a hassle.
>kill hsr and genshin(even more) to shill zzz
>they still dont get #1 spot
That would be utterly embarrassing
What? DU is fucking great. I do one run a week, the cards change, I get all the rewards etc. and some new dialogue.

It's perfect. It's only bad if you're a faggot who wants to grind everything out in a day.
I clicked a twitter link from here and it was tits and not gay porn for once. Are we healing?
Not as useful in most scenarios compared to teamwide atk/crit unless your Ting/RM with strict breakpoints
my cute sister march
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Banjomori neurodivergent universe when?
>paglus cucks just want him instead of the girl
3.X. Stephen is next.
Yeah.. gotta hand it to them. I wanted e6 Yunli, but her dupes (aside of e1) have been so giga nerfed, I don't care anymore.
They really want you to go all into robocop instead.
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DU is great, just fucking remove the stupid break-exclusive shilling mechanic for DU6 and re-balance the weighted curios so they are actually all good instead of the 2 break curios being good and the rest being absolute dogshit.
Wuwa will fucking destroy all three of them, just you watch.
Redpill me on this game
it's worth getting into as a newfag?
Thanks anon I needed that laugh
Even if you do the weekly one on v1 or whatever it does NOT count towards the missions. So whatever you do, you still need to grind that part. And that is what people complain about. The v6 garbage.
The weekly one is fine, though your save files shouldn't reset every week. That's ultra garbage.
me and Ruan Mei repopulating and entire planet that she created, by ourselves like adam and eve
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The harmony one is actually worthless
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DU is AWESOME because I can solo tank hardest difficulty with a (me)
I can see you tanking here >>487884387 indeed
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No lol.
>Herta's Simulated Universe
Fun-Agnostic, autistically stack blessings for your chosen path to do damage
>Screwllum's Divergent Universe
Forced-fun, use specific hand-held blessing combinations and extreme gibs to do damage, and it's all layered on 500 different autistic microsystems.
>Banjomori Neurodivergent Universe (Projected based on the other two)
Anti-fun, run around in circles racking up negative curios, banjo cuts off paths that you were about to select, no bossfight, it ends with you transforming into a cockroach, you actually lose jades on completion.
DU sucks when it comes to getting as op as you could in swarm and g%g. getting integer level damage % with the tax dice was fun
I am actually incredibly this worked.
Unless you got rupert this run. Then it dosent count
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Feixiao like to WATCH
Stop samefagging Herta.
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Fujos won
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Just dropping by on this beautiful Saturday to say FIREFLY LOVE
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Here's the entire thing
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Imagine being someone she groomed but fell in love with and decided to marry you and lived as her househusband forever.
twintails firefly is so cute
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Good day to you too bwo
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>Weapons: Two gunblades and a heavy axe
>Master of Eighteen Martial Arts
She better not be a brick
The combat is great, the story is awful. 90% of the time you play on auto.
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Hi, /hsrg/!
Nope. The story, characters and combat are all awful dogshit. Only reason people still play this "game" is because of sunk cost.
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Good evening!
More women should wear big hats. Its why I rolled her
God I wish jade actually looked like this ingame
Why are you spending so much time with Firefly and the Stelleron hunters? What does she have that I don’t? Do you love aids that much?
Wrong tab bwo.
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It's OUR turn, gunbreakerbros.
yes. its very casual
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Good morning sir
Feels like Jinhsi cosplay...
Is it only in Chinese?
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Cute pic, bwo
Holy fuark wuwaniggers are hilarious.
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Glowworm-chan love
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It's a CJRPG, you can play through the story content with whatever you pull. After that you can get sweaty with unit optimization, but it's not required, only for some more rewards. In the meantime you wait until new story patches/worlds drop.
How many sex positions?
How many rounds per day?
How fertile?
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As of now, yeah. Dunno if they plan on doing it in English
No one calls it that. Its a JRPG
She's LITERALLY called the lacking general, what do you think?
you use her for quantum weak
she might be a fav but i'm not gonna force her on non-quantum weak, i have other characters to use too
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skewer for you
She looks unimpressed.
If anything it would need to be a CHRpg, because CRpg is already taken by games like Baldur's Gate.
In english... the localization that makes up shit on the spot...
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lots of new fofo art I haven't seen recently.
Shouldn’t she have a stand? I thought all the generals have a stand.
She's certainly lacking a tail.
How can you release an event for a global game and not make it global?
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no bully...
Feed her more oak rolls, i want them bigger
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So her banner in the splash art won't be used?
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I keep forgetting.
started this game and got himeko who i wanted
nice game/10
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Robintaru love
Nice one bwo, she's pretty great in Pure Fiction
Grats bwo, I wish I rerolled for himeko I still don't have her.
If you keep forgetting then maybe it's not that important.
You should change the troonbian flag thing instead of her eyes
Ah, yes, CRPG
She's unironically the Strongest standard right now.
>Or at least an old man inside a young girl's body like Cag from gbf.
would /hsrg/ roll for that?
Baldurs Honkai: Original Star Rail Pillars of PomPom
yes. You will have the same timegates as everyone else so as long as you aren't in a hurry to complete the story there is a huge amount of content. Two 8 hour events that rival the main story in quality early on. You have to be okay with having a limited selection of heroes and just going with whatever your seed gives you on banner luck. In general though yeah Now that a year has gone by it's a good time to start. I started at 6 months and i wish I had penacony already then.
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What's with the stars.
Wuwa won bigly
tro.. what? is that some kind of amertard word that I'm unfamiliar with?
Honkai Souls...
Im not even sure what March needs. I have 40 of everything but only 9 of the new ones
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so is the even point of Swarm Disaster, I'm doing runs on the third difficulty and getting jades and stuff that's it, I don't even know what's on, sometimes different aeon ops out and that's it
I assume you mean classic jrpg? As in it's basically ffx with a few mods thrown in and daily energy.
Read nigga READ
Don't let the Caeluspags see this for god's sake.
assuming that's a gamemode? nice
gl man she's the best
cool thanks
you clear it for the rewards up to S5 and then stop if you are sane.
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Smart Stelle
big jobber energy
Both for (Me)
It's supposed to give some sort of background to Tayzz's rise to aeonhood and the following aftermath but it's written so horribly badly it's just about impossible to make heads or tails of what it's going on.
Don't think too hard about it it's mostly ai generated trash
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Just keep bashing your ahead anon
>Brack Swan

So many flops and yet fofoposters have been going strong since November. Are (You) ready to admit she's the mascot yet?

Mr. Manager, Please promote fofo to team captain already!
just gobbled down a nice refreshing can of monster energy nitro bros
>pag discretion
Also the only poster to vandalize the OP regularly
this, don't be a metanigger
the endgame content doesn't really matter
Black swan is the flopkeeper, dont count her as a flop
Just do specific tree objectives. Honestly I didn't get it and avoided it for a year and got it when I was desperate for gems to finish e2s1 firefly.
flopflop posters are literally 3 faggots spamming all day. You can tell because the posts are always the same recycled garbage.
I only read the encounters with other aeons, the part where u walk around the universe, those are the coolest parts
Says the fag that vandalizes the OP everytime just for attention.
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We love Fofo here
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What a slob.
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yanking pov
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That isn't me it's some other nigga. I make /srg/ OPs lol

true but I only post a few times during the day when I'm outside.
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which ach boots are better? e0s1 ach
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Now this is provocative!
>huohuo the rock
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>yanking pov
it sucks that they din't do lore drops on DU, best thing about SU
He's the one calling wondering what happened after Yunli ditched him and went home with (me).
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>Fofo the flop
>3 def rolls
come on bwo this should be obvious
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Stand strong, Acheron
You are strong
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im bored of hsrg im going to play chaos;child later losers
I can't get hard to Misha after learning his LORE
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Let's settle this.
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in my headcanon stelle is just my imouto and the story focuses on her, but I'm still there and banging her in the astral hallway (our bedroom) while Trotterlord chills and naps
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Based and cultured poster
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i HATE fofoposters! HATE!
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>not caeluspag thread
that's good
>feetfag thread
that's bad
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so Jade and Argenti together barely beat a single green crybaby....
Play something good like Himawari or Island.
So you're just a hikki like Dan?
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>Tail disappears after centuries of cross-breeding
This means TingYun is a pureblood Fox.
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>Fofolove winning
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tails were the the friends we made along the way...
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Silence, human female, get impregnated!!
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Holy kek, tailless foxians confirmed for genetic failures.
Feixiao exists purely to be mogged by Tingyun. When 2.5 drops and the 2.6 beta begins no one will care about that tailless freak compared to the 4 tailed fluffy goddess
I swear this game's written for 12 year olds
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I should do a chart with the character:lc ratio for each character and see who had the most devout fans.
>he doesn't know
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me when breasts are big
You don’t have to fight we have literally enough time to save for her, Tingyun 2 and Sunday with plenty of jades leftover.
Stelle said that
It amazes me how much people here internalizes all the twitter nonsense you supposedly hate
It's clear at this point only absolute redditors hate Fofo the 4chan.
Reminder that Ting is actually unpopular and was outshined by 5 other 4* before her
>Loucha best selling character
Why does he make so many people seethe then?
Not with the snek around I don't
I don't need to be the center of attention. Let my imouto take the glory and I will simply creampie her and sleep
It's like Seele in which he is the first limited Abundance
Were you not here during the anniversary? Everyone was posting their most used units throughout the year and like 80% of the posts all had Luocha with the highest usage lmao
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Just got out of the shower after spending a bit over an hour masturbating to Sparkles feet
>Ruan mei's cone sold more than Jade
She’s a win more character you don’t need her unless you really like her
there is no snek sir
Luocha is peak comfy for auto but he sadly brings nothing to the table compared to every other sustain
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Yunli status?
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>snaketards are still coping
>all that Firefly shilling
>doesn't even beat Seele
The troons would have a field day if that ever happened
stelle stealing people's breasts
It's most likely that thing.
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It's a snek, of course I like her
It’s kinda crazy that Sparkle sold so much as the second banner. Think of the money that went to Black Swan that was used for Sparkle. I know I bought the Sparkle icon day 1 on 2.0 so that’s $20 right there. I bet if you weighted her real sales it would be around 30 million.
Fucking YanGOD
Who are my fuarkin heroes in HSR?
Why can’t hsrg do without “estimated” numbers?
Can’t wait to see you assume E6S5 (7:5) rollers are less devoted than E0S1 (1:1) or something dumb like that.
>she's going to grow wings or do the most acrobatic shit possible.
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getting fatter and more schizophrenic
he snoozin
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I love all fofoposters!
the 18 martial arts thing is probably referencing to or as a homage to this, which gets mentioned alot in kung fu moives

sounds like theyre setting her up to be a battlefag, unlike jingyun being a bum
What does Merlin’s claw mean I thought Merlin was a little wizard dude and the claw was a Skyrim reference
You're a grand liar and I'm a grand creator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVi3-PrQ0pY

MHY should hire me.
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our FUArking heroes
does anyone have a team that can auto mode the harmonious choir EoW?
I need to farm the mat and relics for Jade but I cant auto it
but sapphire is already the gryphon character
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>Implying I'd actually use the users data point in srs instead of just doing picrel
You expect too much from me.
RRAT can do it
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Just use two sustains and alt tab.
A merlin is a small falcon
I use RM / TB / Serval and huohuo
...and pagbin
minus robin
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I want to fuck her feet
Fu xuan + a healer + whatever
I will be rolling for huohuo Yunli is a bat banner dumbo
>I'm a straight woman I'm a straight woman I'm a straight woman I'm a straight woman I'm a straight woman I'm a straight woman I'm a straight woman I'm a straight woman
So this is why he's called dr. Ratio
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Mid yuan is a fraudulent bum
how realistic is a 170+ speed Sparkle?
we know yanking

tailless bitch lol
>No tail
Opinion discarded
The lacking general
who's saying this?
That’s what I assumed you would do, and I see my point flew over your head.
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I roll for every woman between the breeding ages of 12-40. My semen will enter her womb and make future generations.
Fraudyawn on suicide watch
Borrow a whale E6 unit

Do people still need to be told this?
Looking forward to see multiple versions of such a high quality post in the near future!
This general truly houses a bunch of unimaginative baboons
Iirc speed loses a lot of value for sparkle passed 160, and 174 is the next breakpoint anyways. If you want better relics maybe farm eagle set before trying to get more speed. Crit damage is also a significant performance increase for her.
Most people here are teenagers.
thanks anon! I'll be sure to keep making high quality posts in the future

based yanGOD
Its not like I can see if someone rolled E6S5 vs someone who rolled E0S1 bro, I'm not mihoyo.
All this tells you is that cones that have huge gaps vs their f2p options sells a lot (Acheron cone 45% > GNSW, Bladecone 30% > flames afar, Boothillcone 30% > anything)
so true
Hoyoclowns only know cuckposting. It's in their nature.
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Where do I find a man like Aventurine?
Feixiao looks fucking ugly I can't believe people actually like her
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LEAK: Feixiao doesn't have a tail because she cut it off herself. The tails of Foxians work like saiyan tails. She also doesn't have the bloodrage other Borisins do because she cut it off
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The PF queens. This team is so much fun to use.
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Sasuga kyojuu!
she was never for (You) pagbro therefore it's not cuckposting
I just use the standard Firefly team. Gallagher's AI works with superbreak, plus you easily get the shields
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So which one is this?
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Firefly (forma de divorce)
There's no fucking way they go that route.
It would be too kino...
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whoops, forgot my pic btw
this image was made before the trailer, so the designs weren't finalized yet, so she doesn't have her headgear
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Who's the biggest slut
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Your local gypsy ghetto.
>not a fischl expy
it's so fucking over for this kusoge
women are barren by 30 bwo
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pride month is long over anon, youre not allowed to be gay until next june
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glasses one
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Some of these look really bad
But still more tolerable than Paglus and Aetherpag
Fofoposter really are guy...
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ToT mc is a cutie
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wow the new hi3 mc looks like shit
Top twenty characters I would have sex with in honkai star rail

1 Clara
3 Clara
4 Clara
5 Clara
6 Clara
7 Clara
8 Clara
9 Clara
10 Clara
11 Clara
12 Clara
13 Clara
14 Clara
15 Clara
16 Clara
17 Clara
18 Clara
19 Clara
20 Clara
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Yea, im thinking we won
I don't trust the opinion of anyone that has a picture of Yanqing saved on their PC
The germans are insane, how do you even pronounce that?!
I have never seen a Blond gypsy in my life
I agree, the hag chin, the parted haircut, her smug retard expression, the stupid jacket, the two tone color palette, it's all ugly, she's built for ryona, humiliation and domination loss
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i have this one saved
Not even a hag hater but she and Jade have the ugliest hag models
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>fetishfreak opinion
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I like her more than Firefly desu.
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Lumine and Stelle go to different planets to mingle with the locals.
>a fischl expy
It was always a major reach, since the hairstyle is pretty generic
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unironically solos
You are a pedophile
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She sure is
sex with firefly, pelafly, hagfly AND shotafly
I would really like to go a week without showering and then drag my raunchy sour-smelling sweaty nutsack right across Ruan Mei's face. Make sure to mess up her hair and makeup which you know she spends a lot of time on getting perfect. This is just to teach her a lesson, you know?
I don't even like any of those except domination loss but she triggers them all for me for the first time
>finally playing swarm disaster
this is kino
this is better than pencony
I don't get it none of them are cunny
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>I like her more than Firefly desu.
not exactly a high bar to clear
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picrel's official reveal when?
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feet game
They 100% dropped that design of him after everyone told hoyo how dogshit it looked
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I feel the same
you are completely normal and also based
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Uhhhh why does the GI, HSR and ZZZ art have that AI-generated blur around the eyes?
I have. I live in europe thoughever
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2.2 global holding rates

Explain yourselves, fofos
how is it possible to be lower than whogenti
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I live in Europe too
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Ackeronbros your response?
Bronya best 300 selector confirmed
I remember that one /hsrg/ anon who saved for E6 fofo ever since her first leaked image
Wow what a reliable sample size!
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Banjomori is so sovl...
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hmmm nyo. This barren hag will get her face pushed into the bed and bred.
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What about Cheldfly?
Balalalalalaika SEXO
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CN Data btw
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I regret claiming Ratio
That's how many players remain.
uh oh yanking...your girlfriend is turning into a piggy!
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more of this
worth the weight?
>welt is that popularly held
Well, that explains why his usage rates are so low-- everyone has him... except me; I have not been Welt'd.
don't know anything about this game just game here to say cute feet
I hate Acheron's parasol or whatever always makes her stand out like an ugly sore thumb
Durrr me skip male because male gay heheh me so smart vagina is good penis is bad I learned that all by meself you are faggot me chad boobies make me cum
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Hey guys hear me out on this one
Which hsr girl gives the sloppiest kisses?
This is important for my future pulls
Sporkles. That slut
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Ironic or not anyone who posts like this needs to reevaluate their life.
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They're Fuqing
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>sloppytoppy enjoyer
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>shipperpags latched onto yunbrick the moment they saw her interact with a male
Acheron is made for kissing
Looks like the transbian got triggered kek
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silver woof legwarmers...
Anti Firefly Noble Phantasm
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This but unironically.
Damn Acheron is so erotic for a hag
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Biggest thing to take-away is that Global actually likes the males a lot, while CN only loves the limited waifus.
Can’t believe this pretty much became canon with the candy crush event
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god I want to drink her saliva
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Its been established long time ago.
>Why though?
First of all only an incredibly stoic person can give the best tongue kiss. No matter what Acheron may encounter in your mouth she will not flinch, she her arousal will not make change the pace or force her oral cavity to produce more saliva than needed.
Secondly. She's the strongest fencer in HSR universe which, by default, makes her the best tongue fencer as well.
Thirdly. She's a BlackHole. This means that nobody commands the "orbit" of tongues better than her.
stelle is a boyfriendless loser
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She is literally me
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Thoughts on FireBin?
Except the event had Silver Wolf whining that Firefly never accepts when she offers to teach her a game and was only interested this time because her boyfriend TB was involved
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Stelle has two boyfriends doe: Dan and March
Can you really call yourself a streamer if you only stream 2 days a week, mina?
I mean yeah, that’s what the comic was about too?
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So close... but yet so far...
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>Screwy's kit leaked
pag ship
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Hum bro? >>487894105
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What would he do if I tried to assault him in his sleep?
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mitsuki's tits suki
I want to put my peen in his belly button
is that normal?
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>neither of stelles boyfriend have a dick
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I want to smell March's granny panties
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I'm the slutties slut in Honkai: Star Rail.
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we know, hannah b.
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What the fuck? The
>leaves chat
Dr. Ratio meme wasn't an edit? It's fucking real? Are you kidding me???
he's just like me
I hate group chats
virgin btw
Kafka stop trying to get your daughter to fuck everyone...
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Kafka please don't get jealous
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Sex with mom
>/hsrg/: Aventurine is HSR's best written character
>/gig/: Wanderer is Genshin's best written character
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Oak rolls, now
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>best written
No, that's QQ.
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Fellow Stonefloppers: I unfortunately lost 50/50 and couldn’t get Jade. I have 20 pulls left. Do you suggest I save up for another character or pray that the Amber Lord blesses me with an early Jade? If it matters, I really would’ve preferred to get her to E1, but even I’m not delusional enough to believe I’d be able to get her + her E1 in just 20 pulls.
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Not so fast
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Sexually? Probably lay back and take it much like he's done in the past, but tomorrow you'd be rushed to the hospital because a clot in your bloodstream was dislodged during sex, traveling to your brain and killing you.
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Honkai for this feel?
God I wish someone would do this to me
Lil Gui date when?
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This almost happened to me but my spouse said she would buy me Jade on Monday afternoon. I am playfully expecting this to mean either:
>my wife is Jade
>or my wife is going to vanish from my life because I wanted Jade, and so Jade will take her away
Is it just me or ppl aren't managing to login in the game too?
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Her face being malleable as dough is a cute feature
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>BS lower than Boothill
What the fuck?
We don't have Dehya so its either Feixiao or JingLiu.
what a shame swarm disaster wasn't voice acted. you hardly get to hear Herta with excitement/ interest for anything
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wtb boyfriend/girlfriend that does this to me
Literally Firefly -> Caelus, since you can flirt with Dan Heng.
>sample size: 6342
it's some ledditranny poll
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I agree, Herta would be very cute if it was voice acted
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Honkai for this feel?
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voicing those endless text walls of slop would cost more than the rest of the game combined
As a obese 46 year old black man from Minnesota I skipped Jade
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I started with Acheron's banner and I pretty much speedran through the story. Skipped all of QQ's lines and I feel like I missed a goldmine of memes

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Ratio and Aventurine
>their whole screentime was away from TB
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If you're a man then just go out and talk to girls and be dominant no matter your perceived insecurities. If you're a girl then allow your man to be dominant and encourage him to propel and succeed.

Nature will flow in both of your favors retards.
Argenti and Boothill
Yanqing's POV after winning the tournament
All of my babies dedicated to Firefly.
Ratio's convo in 2.3 where he comes off as obsessed with Aventurine was just setup so TB knows that they know each other for their future encounter. Bet.
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>after winning the tournament
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>Gallgher's hsr wiki Lore page warns you of history fictionologist misinformation
holy fuarking KINO
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God I wish that were me
I really want Gallagher to just pop up next time we go to Penacony like nothing happened and his death was just another shitpost.
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v6 cleared with Jade.
>and his death was just another shitpost
That would be too good, Mihoyo would never.
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Acheron status?
Star Rail for this scene? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5b92SoEGO8
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Her cheeks are my demise
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Ummm based?
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the most satisfying mechanic in this game is interrupting bosses with 2 action turns with Welt's ult
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What's the point.
I'm getting error code 1001_2. How do I solve this?
/hsrg/ checklist
>did you take a shower today
>did you brush your teeth today
>did you wash your face today
>did you eat a fruit today
>did you make sure to get protein in your body today
>did you make sure to have some physical activity today
>are you drinking water today
>did you do your dailies in honkai star rail
That's just a heterosexual couple
>error code 1001_2
Stop using DNS/VPN
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Honkai for this feel?
Do people really spend a whole day without drinking water
And you see a gay couple somewhere in that terminator scene?
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i did all of these except physical activity
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>I'm 5 speed away from having a natural 160 speed Kafka
So close yet so far....
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Fu and Juan
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I shower before bed, and I'm still awake, and I never wash my face besides when I shower.
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But I'm not. Yesterday I was login in the game as usual.
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I did all these except for eating a fruit (I had a glasss of fresh orange juice though)
kind of
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Check out this cool relic I have
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Why does everyone hate Jade?
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washed my armpits only
eating fruits are a meme it does nothing good for your body at all and shits like banana can get you diabetes
Not meta.
I've ran out of things to do in Genshin until the next major patch so thinking about trying HSR.
Is story in this any good? Anyone who plays both HSR and GI? Which one has better story?
That's mostly what I'm interested in rather than gameplay since I'm not a fan of turn-based battles.
Ugly and old.
I look like this
Secondaries have somehow managed to believe that she's a slave owner.
Yes to all except physical activity, fuck you I'm on vacations.
Again. I hate all IPC. Next question.
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trash relic, xueyi needs ATK orb, and wants Salsotto anyway
Mmmmmm.... uid?
>You asked
today i woke up at 6, was at work by 7, home at 1, been drinking since then.
>did you take a shower today
not yet
>did you brush your teeth today
>did you wash your face today
>did you eat a fruit today
>did you make sure to get protein in your body today
im making a sandwich once the butter gets soft
>did you make sure to have some physical activity today
i did like 7k steps at work
>are you drinking water today
actually no I've only had coffee and soda now that u mention it
>did you do your dailies in honkai star rail
yes just waiting for assignments to pop in 30m
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Deliberately hamstrung so HSR dosen't steal ZZZ's spotlight
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Eat your banana you incel contrarian
as someone who started and finished the main story in both games recently, I can say that
>genshin story is only good when dainsleif and the sibling is involved
>hsr story is better but only payed attention at the beginning, didn't like space china and penacony is the peak
why does she have ibt in this?
why would anyone roll for an evil jew
I look like this and talk like this.
You leave, the girls stay
You can all stay. Even Kevin
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Cold showers like a man
I just came home from work
I drink lots of water
Oh gee, im excited to do 1 run on DU
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bosenmori LOVE
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I already miss Penacony
what a beautiful smile
fructose is much sweeter than table sugar so ackshually suck it
Bananas turn frogs gay.
Stinky Stelle...
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I did all of these except eat fruit, I ate ice cream instead
I just finished 2.0-2.3 after taking a break and had a ton of fun
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Yes, twice already.
A mango in the morning and then two bananas just now.
Ate some eggs in the morning.
>Physical activity
Walked/sprinted for ~30min at a park in the morning.
>Drinking water
Yes...? What else would I drink lmao
I swear this is someone here
girls don't smell, silly...
Then eat a fucking Apple to keep Ratio away
Where did you get this webm of me
Haven’t showered in a week from depression
I brushed my teeth
No I ate cookies
I had a Pepsi
No I don’t even have the will to open the game
I don't remember sharing this
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>did you take a shower today
>did you brush your teeth today
>did you wash your face today
Shower so yes
>did you eat a fruit today
>did you make sure to get protein in your body today
I eat beans and rice every day. Plenty enough protein so yes
>did you make sure to have some physical activity today
My job is physical labor so yes
>are you drinking water today
Without water we would all die you fucking retard
>did you do your dailies in honkai star rail
Obviously why the fuck am I even here?

Why did I play along with this garbage shit that means nothing, kys retarded woman.
>What else would I drink lmao
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mmmmmnyo, but I'll be finally cleaning up my apartment
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my nigga
yes - banana
no - i'm poor
no but i ran 2 miles and lifted yesterday
yes - every day
yes - every day for the past 450 days
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Coke is poison, drink girl pee for extra gains
wtf people told me aventurine was a flop?
My nigga Trotterlord
is ice cream a fruit?
I don't have a girlpee supplier.
>is ice cream a fruit?
can you find ice cream on trees?
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but i run superbreak
Watermelon bros not like this...
Eggplants are asktually fruits and they dont grow in le trees
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But strawberries are my favorite fruit...
For me it’s pineapple
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I like mangoes a lot
post penacony themed music
Do people rally drink plain water?
Try again later
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I like peaches and apricots
Restart everything, specially your router. If this keeps going contact your ISP
Only fags eat fruit
Uh yeah?
I literally only drink water once or twice per month
Its life's dew. Start watermaxxing
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For me its Mangoes, Melon and Grapes
silence, kidney stone
I drink more tea than water but that's me I guess
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Nigga you gonna die
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I like melons too...
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I really really really like papaya a lot
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How about you papaya these nuts
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no, but i did have some veggies
preload on monday?
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honkai star rail
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Fair, some people get their water intake from food. It isn't that weird its more a metabolism thingy. But like a car, you should keep hydrated.
Tomorrow night USA time / Monday early morning for Europe
Same goes for 2.5 beta preload (with kit info)
2.5 Beta animations won't leak until monday night usa / tuesday early morning europe
>unnecessary to clear endgame if you dont suck
Why though? It only takes a few minutes to make tea of whatever kind you want, or add a favored carbon tablet, or whatever else you want to it.
In the summer when I want something cold to drink I take a plastic bottle, add some green tea leaves and water, leave it overnight and it tastes great.
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Time for a hug
I just changed the server to EU and managed to login, but when I switched back to NA the error kept appearing. What gives?
>nobody posting AS clears
has anybody actually cleared this fucking garbage mode?
>/hsrg/ - fitness and health general
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Know that I could bake another Fofo bread, right now. But I'm a good person, so I'll let another anon have fun and do their own thread.
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time for a sud
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Well I do drink coke like it's "my water" but I'm not sure if that actually keeps me hydrated because when I have to do my monthly water, it's because I get REALLY thirsty, so I end up drinking like half a liter, if not more, of waterright away
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I like water
Aiiiiiieeeeeee Gallagher is spreading misinformation again
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It came out over a fucking month ago
Galagher never said this
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I wish he'd spread my legs.
Damn that sucks. I got some ATK and have pretty much given up on double CV on her relics.
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It came out a month ago what do you want us to discuss?
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Great Xueyi piece
Are there seriously people who don’t like water? Nothing like a nice cuppa of frozen water cubes on liquid water
Coke just refresh you, at the end of the day drinking water is an habit, but also a huge upside for your health.
>t. Suffered from kidney stones.
add to next OP
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I hope it's another feet thread
I almost exclusively drink iced tea nowadays...
I too drink tea but without flavor.
fructoslop isn't good for you, the sooner you get away from it the better
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Don't worry anon it wouldn't have rolled into crit anyways
The west is the problem. Why am I not surprised?
pineapple is great for your health
If you want to know if you are hydrated look at your piss
Brown or yellow is bad
Red is go to the hospital nigga
Light yellow is good
Clear is too much
I can hear your kidneys screaming and your pancreas saying its Farewells
FUCK, I had to re-verify the fucking files to get to login.
what do you mean too much
The west is the problem because they aren't being super sweaty metakeks like CN.
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Every time I piss, which is very often - about once every 1 to 1.5 hours, I drink a whole bunch of water straight from the tap. It's a vicious cycle that causes me to constantly need to piss.
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I could bake one, but I'm too lazy
Yeah, normal people do
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it will just be another firefly thread
Your kidneys loves you, they're keeping you clean
Lmfao u niggas are alright
It means your kidneys are overworking
Didn't expect thread turn into whatever piss happen next.
I don’t know if that is true sadly. I feel like most people I’m around drink other shit instead. Maybe when they’re home they drink a fuckton of water to offset it but I somehow doubt it.
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my prostate is beyond fucked that I constantly have the feeling of needing to piss when I don't actually have to is it over for me?
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Do you like the direction Star Rail is headed?
New thread
I drink at least 6 cups of coffee a day
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Honestly the funny thing to me is that I've been living like this for 10 years now and I've never had any kidney problems. I always tell myself that one day I'm going to see a doctor just to make sure there's really no problem with me but I never do it
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It's actually dangerous in the long run retard. Stop pouring water through your body. Your body is telling you a message that you're drinking too much water. And it takes all the salt and minerals you need.

If you're going to drink so much water then at least take vitamin supplements.
counterpoint i am thirsty
Do we have an old man in his 60s on this thread?
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I'll be thirsty for you please stop killing yourself
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She's the last prime hebe for the next year. So no, the only reason I keep playing is the UBW collab.
See a doctor, might be serious
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it's old news but here since you asked for it
>lost every 50/50 so far
I will still get Jade E1 today

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