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Previous: >>487860046

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
liz sex
Yuyu love!
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Kama Love!
Bros, I'm going through Traum now. Is the Assassin they make part of your four man squad a traitor? It sure sounds like he's going to betray you.
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Look at them go!
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let her cook
>hate Nasu adding mecha to FGO
>discover that my waifu's NP is a SRW reference

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Melty status?
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This is your 9th anniversary servant say something nice about her.
That's just you being racist against people who became famous for killing people under deceptive circumstances
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Some nice cheeky eleveners lately.
Heh… just keep playing bro.
ngl I think Yu is pretty sexy...
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They grow up so fast...
Teenage Dragon reproductive rights
Bob love status???
Level 120.
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Paid for
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Do you trust Chaotic Evil Servants?
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Yea I like Eresh.
last thread we learned that there are bros and sisters here with pregnancy fetishes
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I never did watch Grand Carnival...
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These are the faces of rapists and I think that's a good thing.
I doubt there were sisters.
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draco LOVE
What happened to you that makes you so distrusting of people? Bet you thought Douman was gonna betray us during summer too huh?
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>check wiki
>curse kills my damage dealer
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>jobbing to this easy ass CQ
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Oberon love!
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Medb is such a cute young mom!
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>jobbing to a normal mob
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anyone know what song plays during this quest?
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>roll Arc NP1 purely as a trophy get
>she actually ends up being really useful for multicore almost immediately and she's immediately part of my new QP door farming team (Arc + Habetrot + Xu Fu + Nemo) that requires no specific supports and doesn't use Castoria/Koyan/Skadi bond
Feels great
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Post some comfy Saturday farming music!
I'm not jobbing...
/alter/ I don't want you to be my bro anymore. I want you to be my wife...
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Need 1 bro also rate my supports
It’s nice and it just makes me wish we had more.
If it's just doing free quests, then yes NP1 works since free quests don't have bloated HP.
Balls status?
We all pay for it one way or another
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im male you fucking weirdo.
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I trust my Chaotic Evil (False) husband
already bros
Where's the ring, bro?
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I have 3 grailed Chaotic Evil servants and will grail at least 1 more in the future.
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imagine fgo had private chat...
BB is finally 2,000/2,000

Kama is Next.
ZZZ Benbro?
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There must be a mistake here.
/alter/ wouldn't survive it
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She Kam and get some more attack!
God, I cannot wait for the Kunabishi doujin.
You should grail your Caren.
I'm still looking for an /alter/ gf/bf as the first step before marriage.
By the antichrist, I agree
How is it that I haven't seen a single bro with Ortlinde?
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/alter/ would survive anything...
What’s it like to get a girl pregnant?
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I trust my bro.
My cum is yellow after not fapping for a while. Probably just old sperm.
I'm grateful for Summer ibuki having a cheerleader ascension to cheer me on.
I haven't really been looking, but if they're like me they're too fucking strapped for QP to put new shit up
It looks like the standard LB3 battle theme?
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I have one. I also already have Koyan and 3 grailed Assassins so she's not on support.
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Rindr is too cute, sorry bro.
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I picked her.
You're not bros with me?
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>36 views of Fujimaru's mom
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Medusa love!
thank you so much bro!
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go go masta
Cover yourself, woman.
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Sorry: Is this better?
Cute fotm
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stop avatarring every single thread loser
take it or leave it
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bros, I'm out of content
soulless support
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Need JC wife
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965071713 Leveled up last night at got room for a bro.
Truth be told, I've never been a fan of this getup. She looks like a pretentious French artist.
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Tenes el gusto musical de mi tia de 50 años...
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She looks like pure sex
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What did she mean by this?
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eh pibe cuando salio la sole en los 90-2000 ponian sus temas en los boliches y todos bailaban
estos niños con su trap y todo eso no saben lo que es SOVL
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after using 450sq and only getting one copy of Wu, I used my weekly ticket and got this purple woman.
finally doing ooku after that other anon was posting about it
basically i just run through hallways and do cheap fights forever until the end? im assuming that i have to do both/all hallways to move on to the next set
i dont super mind it because its usually 1-2 waves so double skadi + voyager clears everything easily
also it seems like its super fucking long
You seem like the kinda guy who's susceptible to catching AIDS in college.
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>im assuming that i have to do both/all hallways to move on to the next set
no, but there are materials for low AP and gold fous
Sadly, I caught ligma instead
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what's ligma?
so i chose the wrong path every time up to now
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Its ok if Merlin has a potion for turn girls into boys he must have some sort of potion to turn boys into girls.
We will ask him to brew us a bunch and you will chug a gallon a day everyday to maintain your female form.
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>spend $400 for NP1 Skadi on her release
>get her summer version in the first 10+1 summon
At least it was fast the second time.
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>all these new servants
Why does Aesclepius get to be in these every fucking year
The side that has Bob is so stacked.
>NP5 grailed summer Ibuki
>NP1 no grail saber Ibuki
I'm thinking Sei and Kintoki
Rikyu and Hokusai. Sei and Nobu are both tempting though.
>Didn't pronounce it EEN-PHO-MAY-SCHONN
Literally ruined my day.
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So what?
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Lip love!
CE wasted on melusine (you can give a 50% charge and use her skill 1 and max append to use her st NP)
no ruler skadi
otherwise highly impressive
Invthe incinerator, where she belongs.
Kama is so cute
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cute mom
Who has nicer feet, Skadi or Wu?
any meltdown today
Holy soulless...
Should I gold fou my Ibukizerker?
Only bob matters. I want to protect this smile!
I can get someone to start one now if you want...
This anon >>487896118 is melting down.
It's "only" his 2nd or 3rd. Mozart has like 5 or 6.
When's the JP stream? I wanna know when onii-chan is going to barge into the room to be annoy me so I can be elsewhere
>no ruler skadi
NTA but I'd put her on support if there was a 2nd extra slot, there are too many other servants I want to put there instead of her.
That anon also has Castoria, Vitch and Oberon with TT already.
what lancer is worth putting on supports anymore
i have my melusine, so it feels like a wasted slot
i dont have any lancers that i particularly like to fill the spot
i have np5 percival, but haven't leveled him at all
assassin is similar, whats the point of that class after kama and koyan
This anon >>487896682 is melting down.
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Faker and either DJS or Kojirou
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I wish they let us roll for them again. I really want the Sen no Rikyū one but I'll pick The Count of Monte Cristo (True) and Oberon.
Summer Raikou
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Melu, Raikou, Liz for gameplay picks
Vritra, Eresh, Scat for dick picks
Quinirus, Ryouma, Titoria for sovl picks
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>Shake Spear
>Not lancer.
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You're just jealous. I don't even have my NP4 Arc out.
>NP4 Arc
It's actually *Shakes pear*. He's a fruit shop owner.
No one uses anything other than meta supports so it doesn't matter, just put whoever is your favorite
>Shakespeare's real name was recorded as Gulielmus Shakspere
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Sei and Kama for me
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>No Beni CE
Even memes have become soulless
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Lv1 Leonidas with golden carp/ ox king/ zouken or max lv Leonidas with kaleido
Just put whomever you like bro.
Beni sound like Penis lol
how down to fuck is ibuki berserker?
Avenger Roa anni servant?
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There's 19 slots left so she still has a miniscule chance.
Why do they always give Cuzilla the raddest fucking CEs but his only costume is just the glasses one and he still has year 1 animations
That being said, I'll go with Hokusai and Oberon. Rikyu, Sei and Andromeda are super cool too.
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Wait for her
JKama in the P.E. shed...
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Feet love!
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Anyone else watching the Olympics? Go USA!
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No, sports bore me really badly.
>Twy two wecowd wocarooo
>Micwofone bwoken
Wat da heck!!!!
Wewe am i wupposed two wet a new micwofone nyow at 11 pm!!!!
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>costume never ever
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I don't really like sports
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Saw the men’s swimmers win us our first gold. And the ladies didn’t do bad either, taking the silver from China. Respect to the Aussies for their gold win there.
Fate/Grand Order.
use your phone
Bros, why the fuck is Traum so long?
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She needs an animation and sprite update a million times more than another costume
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>trying to use Caren now that everyone has switched their supports to new Skadi and don't have appends unlocked
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I don't really give a shit. I'd rather catch some luckswing games in the evening.
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Caren?!?! More like Poopren!
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Why would you need appends for fucking Summer Skadi? She's a support servant.
Virginal sex with Caren
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Where are my Ortlinde bros?
I would also like to know this, I need her Spirit Origin registered.
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Caren refund relies on support Skadis append 2.
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did you miss that dudes support posted earlier in the thread?
i smell this room
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Shame she only has like 4 good doujins.
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Erice confirmed to be /alter/.
Self loating is cringe.
Loathe everyone else instead.
I'm trying bro. She's almost halfway through bond 6 at NP1.
What is a luckswing game?
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How is Shuten so much sexier than Raikou? I'm a cowtit enthusiast too, it makes no sense.
Baseball. In layman's terms, being able to hit a ball 30% of the time through a defender in order to get on base makes you a world-class player.
I like you, Erice.
Thats ericeanon now
>have to pay a streaming service to watch
lol fuck off
He’s gone jim. Locked up under some anons bed cage.
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know your sportsball terms, it'll save your life
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watched the Gojira performance, not watching anything else
maybe some of the olympic lifting clips on youtube
Stop reminding of that pic
If you live in a city you can usually get it on NBC through public access
She's just like me...
NTA but NBC on tv sucks ass, it's all biased towards the same shit. Swimming and diving, I want to watch all the other good shit.
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She’s a drunk demon girl whose clothes are one tug away from falling off. Even I can see how she’s sexier. That said, I would still rather sleep with Raikou if I had to choose one of them.
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I feel bad for reading that entire thing
Forgot to mention gymnastics.
You will consume these cats
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>Tranny Satanism
Here's a great image for all of you to abuse over the next week.
based based based based
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>Only quads could stop Raikou
I kneel OniGod.
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Good night, bros.
Why does she cheer me on?
Le epic 4chan contrarian alert
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you'll find me a lacking meal
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Happy Caturday bros!
Carmilla's are pretty big...
I'm not watching that pozzed garbage.
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Well aren't you cool
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Based bird brain
How can france even compete?
Happy Caturday bro
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>Kirsch getting uppity
gonna have Caenis plap you again
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Skadoo love!

What's your FC bro? My Skadoo has come ready with the Carenloading plugin.
What was the cost?
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Orleans singularity was the right thing at the wrong time.
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God I wish I was Kirschette...
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another caturday spent home alone...
Ati status?
She really loves you.
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It's Sei Saturday!!
>np5ing support servants
For what purpose
Oh hey, it's
Some support servants deal damage you know.
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Do you know any similar artists? Asking for a friend.
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>1 more week until 9th anni
finally i can leave this shit general and go back to my room
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You're room is lonely Onii-chan...
>and go back to my room
Bro where have you’ve been posting at in the past month
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I saw how your room looks like nowadays. It's unironically way worse than here.
because she wuvs you uwu
Under the bridge Bill the homeless guy that lives there finally got Wi-Fi in his cardboard box.
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look at these cats
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That Gray doesn't look too bad.
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yes i know it's fucking lonely. there's nothing to discuss after the hibi chika event which was mediocre and now hunting quests. and some retard spammer keeps baiting the threads with discord leaks
in /alter/
Is Skadoo receptive to anal?
So close yet so far... blew all my load, still wasn't quite enough. If the rate up wasn't one week into the event maybe I could have put her to 120 already, had to burn quite a few of the anniversary hellfires from collecting profits.

Also been fortunate rolling/getting some servants while still saving throughout the year, ended up using plenty of stored embers I was saving for her.

1860 quartz. Very first 10 roll was a double Skadi roll already. Got spooked by Schez soon after (NP2), and when I was NP4 I got another double Skadoo roll. Also NP7 Wu, got spooked by SR's a lot. Didn't even feel like we had a SR rate up improvement to be honest.

I love her too.
Egh I replied to an /fgog/rat. Bros can I ever be clean again?
>no ssr kagetora doujins
FGO has fallen...
Gojira's performance was lit. I didn't expect them at all.
Ati status?
Sorry its too late soon you’ll lose your ability to be able to read Japanese.
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Overdosed on Douman's semen.
I heard that Sei Shonagon was seen vandalizing the Director’s Maybach with graffiti consisting of incorrectly written kanji characters. Those who deface the luxury automobiles of their superiors will undoubtedly reduce their reputation.
But you reply to my everyday....
35 hellfires every 20 hours. You'll make it, anon.
Yeah it was pretty fucking cool. I ended up just turning it off after they played and just listened to Gojira for a few hours on spotify last night.
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Considering how many singularities and Lost Belts we've destroyed and how much we care about humanity, doesn't this technically make us a beast candidate? We have conceptual advantages against demon pillars now and logically the same reasoning should apply to humanity and timelines in general.
Skadi has a AOE with a 1000% multiplier thats has 200% bonus damage vs lawful servants so 2000% and 30% bonus on waterside battlefield so 2600% and slap a black grail on her too and its a 4680% multiplier in a AOE.
Are we getting the spishtar DL campaign after this summer event or in a month?
Or I could just use my NP5 Morgan.
>Didn't even feel like we had a SR rate up improvement to be honest.
Yeah, I got NP5 Ibuki in exactly 900SQ, which is impressive, but I only got NP4 Erice (which is also impressive I guess).
JP got it after Summer 7 so we should get it after though we may get a day or two between for albert padding
We're not bros anymore
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Yeah but perhaps we need to slow down to fit the Thanksgiving campaign...
Summer until the 7th -> dead week -> Road to 7 part 4 -> DL campaign -> GudaGuda in September
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That's what all of August is for bro!
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>desperately finding a way to use my teapots
>see a new bedwarmer interlude
>she solos all of them
that looks like 5 dead weeks to me
It's a dead year kyoudai
Do you think we'll get another exclusive GSSR this year?
Yes, Albert needs more JP vacations
500% + 50% vs Fae = 750%
+200% vs men=1500%
+80% from grail=2700%
Morgan has half Skadi's damage,
Cheerleader Ibuki is the hottest character in Fate. Bar none.
As in destiny order? Probably not since those are anniversary only.
What about normal GSSRs?
When is next one.
I n
quick cards deal 0.8x damage and buster cards deal 1.5x damage
Mogan will also deal 1.5x damage against 99% of enemies due to being a zerker
Good night Lipfriend.
not even close to some of the top tier
decent personality, terrible body
>As in destiny order?
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>roll summer skadi
>Tamamo Cat zerker
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Women from all Type Moon works belong to me.
Shiva is laughing at you
not likely
it was a thanksgiving gssr i think
GSSRs are typically new years and anniversary
Quick NP does more damage than Buster NP. This has been the case since the start of the game, how new are you?
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>british woman
Mo bros...
Why did you mention Gudao's favorite thing?
Any servants with time controll powers here?
Can you make it new years already?
They always happen during anniversaries and new years, newbro
Waiter! Waiter! More AI slop please!!!
JP got the Download Campaign before the Road to Lostbelt 7 Part 4.
Can you make it new year already then.
I n
okay now multiply your skadi results by 0.8x and the mogan ones by 1.5x
Bro, you can use that as a catalyst for the superior Quick support in two years.
Not with those chicken legs.
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while I normally take a stance against AI slop I busted a fat roper looking at some Bao slop. the hand drawn ones were much better, but im there to get a job done and not critique art
>it was a thanksgiving gssr i think
They moved up the NY GSSR for that one if you're talking about the 2017 gssr. I remember people complaining because it didn't have Mo or Jack.
Hey, not too bad
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Keep rolling
I bestow a hot period on you
Every Maybach should be vandalized. Imagine paying $200k to drive a giant milk crate.
Not enough fetal alcohol syndrome to pass as a british woman.
it was an NA exclusive "start dash" GSSR about a year ago
idk if thats the same one, might be bc it was limited servants from part 1
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I want to marry you
Oh yeah, the one with only year 1 servants, I had completely forgotten about that.
I don't think JP has gotten anything similar yet so you're right.
>out of qp
>out of embers
>out of mats
I don't know where to begin my dead month farming...
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I will for you anon, thank you
Damn Vritra's been wearing her open toe shoes and toe spacers, good for her!

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