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Previous: >>487827393

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
Yuyu love!
tan HATE!
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Kama Love!
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Muramasa love?
Medusa love!
I like quick looping, bros.
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
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Why did they turn summer Illya into a bimbo with some kind of bimbo drug? What was with that?
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I'm misunderstanding
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I wish it was.

I dunno, but it was wonderful.
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Mmmmm delicious brown.
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Me too
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Mom Love!
Kama... a nigger?
Ummmm actually that looks gross!
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Lip love!
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Mom Love!
You seemed to have switch some of ERP tier and nice posers
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There is only one looper worth using now.
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brown is fine tan is disgusting
Mom Love!
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For people with a bimbofication fetish.
Keel being butthurt bro.
the change Poseidon made was mental if you know what I mean
>log in
>kiss Bob
>log out
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Thanks for the compliment: I strive for politeness both on the internet and IRL.
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If you don't have a farmer's tan, you ain't no friend of mine.
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It was a reference to this filler episode of Prillya, but also Illya is a retard outside of F/SN
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Sorry accidentally posted the wrong list, here is the real one!
How nice of her to bring her own tail buttplug.
Bro those are cursed words not to be uttered...
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Tan skin, the sign of healthiness and athleticism. Think of all that vitamin D tan people get compared to pale people who stays inside all day
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This was 100% someone fetish
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>531 days until FSR collab and alter bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
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The sign of a bad relationship with your father you mean.
Bob posters are bros.
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Much better
Do you prefer dumb or clever girls?
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Melu is cute! CUTE!
Brob posters
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I barley post ever and I'm in ERP tier. I wonder when that happened?

Cringe rat list
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>Izo, Skadi, Shishou, Vitch, Musashi
very accurate
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My father had one when he was alive: can he be your friend?
Clever: It's unpleasant to talk to dumb people
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Eresh's fat ass for summer soon
I try to surround myself with people who are as smart or smarter than me. No one wants to suffer and idiot
Here's her final form:

>teabro that low
That's the list made by an angry /fgog/ faggot
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My sexwife
I’ll be honest. If I’m going to marry. I want a pure white snow maiden porcelain doll flawless skin milky white Korean girl. But for just fucking, tan Asians being slutty are very high up there in terms of excitement to pleasure ratio. You know they’re a slut. They know they’re a slut. You don’t have to feel bad treating them like a slut.
Why is regular Nobu not in bro tier, but Maou is?
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what about Mori?
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How are Charlotte posters annoying? She is rarely posted
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>not bros
It's owari
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Not the tan autist but you only need 10-20 minutes of sunlight exposure to get more than enough vitamin D. Just stating this because I've ran into people thinking sunbathing in cancer rays for 3 hours was helping their health.
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It's made by that one autist who always posts how he wants to punch Charlotte
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>Medusa not listed
Not sure if this is good or bad....
Can’t you also just take vitamin D supplements
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An airhead with a sharp, cunning side is the best.
Holy based
You would be a bro

If you know, you know
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If you want Vitamin D just go behind the ramen shop.
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why is caenis holding her breasicle?
Basically yes but there can be absoprtion issues for some people that are resolved by K2. I also have sneaking suspicions that absorbing it through sun rays influences other biological mechanisms that we aren't fully aware of, but that's purely conjecture. Also you can "overdose" especially on "D3" supplements so don't be retarded.
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9th anniversary spiritron dresses got leaked.
These 5 new costumes are coming with 9th anniversary.
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>not on the list
What’s with the ominous “d3” in quotation. That’s what I’m currently taking. What are you implying now. I’m scared.
Is there a SQ countdown for Kuku?
no, because no one wants her
What’s the SQ countdown for Kotomine
For me. So I could coom to her.
It's totally fine it's just more potent and longer lasting than other forms, so be mindful of how much you're taking.
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Thank you, Anon: you're so sweet!
Will you roll for her?
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this is a good posts
Fate/Bimbo Order
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She's sore from chest day
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No thanks
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how do you loop with Wu? I have her np5 I wanna use her a lot more
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what are the skills of this MC?
>Melu's DSL
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I managed to do it finally. I got the 3Turn clear of the Full Gauge Beast III/L - Kama fight in the Ooku main interlude with my Bazett! The RNG was mostly to get the right Bazett cards every turn, but also sometimes Kama wouldn't kill Santa Nurse so I had to retreat in those attempts.
Swimsuit Skadi's buffs to Buster Crits were very important here and are great in general for Bazett. I'm glad to finally have her. My Versus CE isn't MLB but thankfully it was still good enough.

Thankyu to the friends that put Ox King on their swimsuit Skadi to help me even though it took me a few days of attempts. I really appreciate it!
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Congrats, and you're welcome anytime bro!
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>My face
>My soul
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Is it time to switch my event supports to teatimebros or are you guys still farming mats?
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What should I do if my waifu likes muscular men?
wasn't someone going to post images from this? or did I miss it?
Turns every servant you use into beast class.
cute rrat
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Kaleido(+ append if not MLB) + Koyan + 2x Oberon.
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Congrats bro! That's a really hard challenge to do. You couldn't even do a 4 turn back when the event came out without using command seals!
well where is it
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become a muscular man for your waifu
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Get swole
Pekora existed 8 years ago?
Thankyu friends, being able to play with a triple Skadoo set-up is fun!
Wait I thought she a buster support
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No problem bro, it's not like anyone was using normal support anyway.
I take it you don't need the Ox King anymore?
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The king (penguin) does not understand the hearts of the people (also penguins)

I know these are murres, shut up Melt
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Is anyone rolling on the summer 6 re-run rate-ups?
20% team charge isn't enough to do anything when the competition is 70% Oberon and 50% 2 turn CD reduction Vitch
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squats n oats
Canon Anastasia breasts
Did Kirsch plap that?
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Not for now, I might ask for help again when we get the next Road to Lostbelt 7 campaign, for the Super Recollection quests. I appreciate your support!
No I’ll just get my Summer Ana from the SR ticket next year
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Based bunny.
Also don't let this collab distract you from the fact that Pekora bought a FUCKING MONKEY.
Yeah, I did.
I started looking for TeaTime now.
I do want an Ana, yes
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You can do that?
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Does /alter/ count as socializing?
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My Kama is already NP6 so not me
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Rooting for you bro.

Kirsch isn't gay
Cumdumpster EX
For summer Caenis, yes.
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Congrats bro
Cute mom
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now that I've been branded as a non-bro, where should I be exiled to? I've been here for the past 7 years, so I don't know where to go, maybe /tmg/?
Should goat girl have normal legs or hooves?
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Other way around
Good luck to you too bro
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I want an Ana too, please give me your blessings as well.
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could you show me how it works? I'm a bit dumb :(
Sent, Kiara in all
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SR bros...

Good luck to you as well bro!
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>bullying Kama... like this

uncalled for
imagine TrapGuda doing it with FemKirsch
Yeah, it has limited SRs on it except for the swimsuit ones for that year.
go to reddit
it's like 4chan but with more censorship.
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Thank you
I up the ante with goat from the hips down
I got every summer servant last year but S. Caenis. I didn't even want Kama.
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>draw normal girl
>give her silly head accessories
>maybe a tail too
>call it a [animal]girl
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_____ PUSSY
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>Turn 1
Wu + Koyan buster buff > NP
>turn 2
Koyan np charge, Wu np charge, 2x Oberon 20 % charge
>Turn 3
2x Oberon 50% charge
This can be applied to every single servant with at least 10% charge.
yes, next year SR ticket lets you choose any 4*, including limited ones
This is adorable
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Guy on friends list has a message that says "next is horse then brit" or something like that, I know about britomart but who is this horse servant inbetween?
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Stop wanting to fuck goats
probably the chinese donkey girl
Kama bullied me with the amount of attempts that this took... Her and Skadi will share ice cream scoops and forget about it.

Thankyu friend. I was worried about Fragarach's damage because of all the debuffs in the end but it ended up being more than enough.
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Couldn't be this guy, right? His mount is a bull.
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Huyan Zhuo. She has horse hooves
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Oh my!
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Huyan Zhuo.
Huyan Zhuo has horse legs. Or are they goat legs?
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It doesn't include SR servants released in 2023 in JP, so no Lostbelt 7 (City) or Summer 8 SR servants.
But those look like normal legs.
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let her cook
wheres her fucking eyebrows freaky ass nigga
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Urge to roll rising...
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Are you sure about that
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>dropped 300 SQ after getting Summer Skadi in the hope of getting Wu
>she doesn't show up
>learn 4 hours later that this free 4* is a thing
at least I got an NP3 Skadi out of it
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Kintoki truly is /ourbro/
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Why, it's none other than your most loyal and trustworthy friend and ally, Lu Bu.
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Gudako takes this ball deep
Jun is such a based artist. I love this guy.
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How the heck do you guys remember the names of these random ass chink fucks?
I can't even remember the Con shota's name nor the yellow uoohhh guy from Traum.
This creature is actually kinda erotic, bros.
Baobhan Sith…forgotten…
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もう大丈夫だ! なぜなら? 私が来た!!!
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>Finally got the 5th copy from the point ladder so I can MLB the CE
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Can someone get the knife? Looks dangerous.
>the effects are borderline useless
mom hoofs...
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i know this one! i bought this emote on Fortnite!
holy SOUL...
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The newest one is good for the Critical Stars and it's pure attack. There's also this CE that we get in 2 years that is pretty good situationally:

skill issue
Autism. I once remembered every single 2hu name up to the 14th game. I also vaguely remember what each servant's bond CE looks like, or at least ones already released in NA since I stopped keeping tabs on the newly released JP servants.
Try it right now, name a servant and I will describe their bond CE for you.
Yeah the anti-chaotic is decent enough.
Man whenever my dick wants to fuck Caren my brain reminds it that she's a holy prostitute or something.
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No Bob love?
Taisui Xingjun? Aka My son?
total whore of darlington death
Caren and Bazett look very cute in that artwork.
I hope that we'll get a Fate/Hollow Ataraxia summer event. Lancer can get his Hawaiian shirt there and Luvia can get her Ojou-sama laugh.
Wish I was Kirsch in this so badly...
idk if my Skadi is going to reach bond 6 for the append before the event ends bros... the carenmafia is going to chop one of my fingers off for this.
>quick assassin
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L and I.
who the fuck is that?
Sorry, new bro list just dropped >>487860762
and Bob have been demoted
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Yareba dekiru ko!
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She's just horsing around
One of my friends has the message "mothboi simp"
holy fucking based
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Hello my name is Erica Bloodaxe are you my master?
well done, sis
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Women's beach volleyball soon, bros.
Dunno bro, sounds like ching chong ping pong to me.
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> 450 sq
> only NP3 summer Wu
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Thankyu friend, the Quick buff and Mighty Chains were very helpful here. Instead of resetting for BQB or BQQ on the 1st and 2nd turns, a QAB Mighty Chain was enough.
I'm looking forward to the Lostbelt 4 Super Recollection quests now.
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That sounds about right?
It took me 1020 to get NP7.
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>"quick is bad" posters when quick loops the 90+ node of the next event with only 2 skadis
>rolling for chinese
Who cares?
yeah, the quick buffs are nice. outside of looping quick is pretty good now. many quick servants can now dish out crits like only jack used to. can't really say that I look forward to super god arjuna...

I spent 450SQ and only got NP2 Wu, NP1 Valks (lol) and a Schez
I'm sorry bro...
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What's the quick setup for the 90++?
A night sky full of cries...
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When does Saber Alter get her buff?
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what does their farts smell like?
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Quick can 6CE the 90++ node too, since Sen no Rikyū gets a big damage bonus as the new GudaGuda SSR.
>replying 5 times with the exact phrase baited for
You spent enough SQ for 3.25 Wus, it's practically par.
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8th anni
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hearts filled with lies
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NP4 Rikyu can 6CE 90++
I believe Caren can also(100m MC)
Summer Sei may require some RNG
>2 waves
Anyone can do that.
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A caravan (camels)
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This is the 90++ node of the next event. 1 Million HP Moon Cancer.
What about Charlie?
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Looks awful
Can I loop this with my NP5 Spishtar?
No, Moon Cancer resists Avengers.
It's only two waves, what's the problem?
Same thing but at NP2 level 90 he can't clean kill the last wave Artoria (leaves her with 30k, Okitan has event bonus damage)
Let me confirm something. Every event that has 90++ node provide us with DMG CE right?

Dude check the triangle again
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Iyo clears it.
Astraea GG
>Every event that has 90++ node provide us with DMG CE right?
No lol
But this event's welfare is a ruler.
GudaGuda 7 doesn't have a Damage CE.
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How did Marie feel about her appearance at the olympics?
>Every event that has 90++ node provide us with DMG CE
No. For some of them you have to bring your own BG for 5CE.
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The welfare is an AOE Ruler with damage bonus.
I can post the 6CE set-ups I've collected if anyone would like to see them.

Luvia doesn't work well there since BB-chan is a good girl and doesn't have the "Evil" Attribute. Even NP5 120 can't kill the BB.
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Parrot Kama won't like the Valentine's Day 90++ node either, it's a 1 Million HP Moon Cancer too (Jinako).
Some island beach
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Prepare to get smashed.
Have you finished your teapots?
I want to protect Skadi's smile...
I used them on the hands during anni...
I used them on bones accidentally lol
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Granny! WHY!
no, I'll probably waste them in oxford or whatever. the servants I want to bond with can't clear this final node
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I truly hate this game, I really do. Even more with the direction Lasagna lead us into
Keep this up and I think next year will be my last. Well, it's been a ride bros
Yeah just finished them.
only 6 left
I can post some set-ups if you'd like, it's not too hard to 6CE thanks to the event's welfare.
If I want to just catch up with the plot is it worth to actually play the game because cool gameplay moments or I can just read it like a vn somewhere and not lose much?
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Thrúd (Assassin)
Move Bob to nice, Morgan to annoying but harmless, Erice to ERP tier.
>BB-chan is a good girl and doesn't have the "Evil" Attribute
Oh wow, you right
There is nothing wrong with sticking to the 90+ node bro, the 90++ ones are just for people that have lots of strong servants and want to try them out.
Power creep is inevitable in gacha shit. They need to force you to spend money in the game somehow
i can see her panties
Is it worth using Castoria on non-lotto 90++ free quests in the future if I have only one bond level left on her
Uhh some smg I think?
Are you autistic about "wasting" bond when she reaches bond 15? If so, probably not.
Is it worth getting up in the morning? Is it worth breathing?
She did become more naughty and got the "Evil" Attribute when she put on her swimsuit and absorbed an Outer God, but the SR welfare version is an innocent and pure good girl.
Most events are progression gated, so you'll need to trudge through the story fights anyway if you wanna play this kusoge.
Unless you can get by with Xu Fu or some other arts support, yeah I'd say it's worth it. For me I'll easily take the -1 bond slot just so I can use my favorites and not plugsuit some shitters in.
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It was a pistol!
Hildr got a smg.
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Darn, I knew it was a gun but got overconfident
Good girls are the best.
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The sad thing is that interludes were LESS efficient than 90++. There was no need for me to go through so much trouble using most of mine on them.
Ok but if I asked if it's really necessary to play this to "get" the stuff they say in the vn sections or I can just read them somewhere else and not lose anything
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Which one bros?
>Aversion to people that remind you of you
How weird. I love people that remind me of me...
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It was brought up in FSN first.
Nah, they usually reiterate what happens in the fight anyway.
Is 90++ bond farm more efficient than LB6 Oxford or Traum Reichenbach?
The Douman unlock quest was better.
Kama... BBma...
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Do you need eggs at the same time? You also need to use summer servants to reach a higher level than free quests.
How do I get more teapots?
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This one
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>if a child's parent dies, you should let the child join them in death

What did FGO mean by this?
No, it's better for the pots becaus your pots are limited, in general you are using 40 AP for like 1400 bond vs 22 for 815
So 35 bond/AP vs 37 bond/AP
Do you think Guda has what it takes to conquer the Erdtree and become Elden Lord?
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Which chapter was that from? I don’t remember that
You raised them, they fall with you
simple as
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Well I ain't taking care of the little shit.
Last summer.
every gacha has layers upon layers of trying to psyop you into spending
Rinbros, our response to this?
Great. Events are just funny spin off stories or are they ever referenced during the actual plot?
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The flames did their work
It's quite hard to go full bond, but 2x 1.5, 3x1.2 and 35% bond from CEs will finally surpass 815b/21ap
Bros where can I watch the olympics
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On the streaming service formerly known as HBO Max.
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Shitter only unreliable 6CE comps posted by ati count
Oh, I skipped almost everything in last summer except for the scenes with my favorite, did I miss much? I don’t even remember what the story was about
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Wasabi Rice is one of life's simple pleasures, dechi.
I wanna see Gaga's performance but can't find anything
>have Beni Enma, Astolfo, Okita
>have Void Shiki, Arthur, Charlie, Muramasa
>don't have any
>have Gilgamesh, Ishtar, Sei
>have Melusine
>have Melusine, Ereshkigal
>have Reines
>have Iskandar, Vinci, Bakin
>have Castoria, Skadi, Crane
>have Murasaki
>have MHX
>have Koyanskaya, Semiramis
>don't have any
>have Musashi, Morgan (going to roll for Rikyu)
>have Yang, Jalter, Melt, Abby
>have Bazett, Gogh
>have S. Skadi, Molay, Voyager
>have S. Kiara, Hokusai, Kiara
>have S. BB, Oberon, Koyan Dark, S. Abby
>have Nobu, Arc, Rulertoria

Either going for ST Archers or ST Berserkers. I could maybe consider ST Lancers too, as I would be more than happy with a second copy of Melusine.

Honestly not sure which to go with currently, hmm.
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Absolutely everything about it was garbage except Sei parts.
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I want to eat more rice meals, is instant rice shit compared to properly cooked stuff or is it fine?
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You're completely retarded.
We never did get that Spacenagon face reveal.
Um bro, that WAS a drop CE. But here's a non CE run just for you.
Steggy the dinosaur was revived from the amber because steggy's mom wished for the holy grail to protect her kid
Unfortunately steggy is going to die because no one knows how to properly take care of a dinosaur and also the grail's magic is finite so it can't keep steggy alive forever, in the end steggy chose to join its mom in the amber
Also cunny Vinci and shota Columbus had a schizo episode where they think they were childhood friends, and Douman had a lawn mower
>But here's a non CE run just for you.
Yeah thought so!
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Anyone have the Douman mowing a lawn fanart?
Is that really how it went? I skipped the whole event.
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Tbh white rice really isn't a nutritionally rich food naturally; the GE enriched stuff is objectively superior. I just unfortunately really like rice.
The instant stuff isn't really to my taste though I'm sure it's fine, so I just cook my own in a basic rice cooker. The hardest part is opening the bloody strings on the bags, as the cooker does all the cooking for me.
Just make sure you're getting enough protein in your side-dishes!
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Why would Sei do this? Is she being influenced by female master?
>120 luvia
fuck you
Love Fate. Love Kukulkan.
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Never mind, I found it.
i will never understand this character
do women actually like clowns as long as they're hot?
It's shit. NTA but I'm a mediocre cook and the simple basmati rice I make in a pot is the best rice I ever eat, unless I'm craving really sticky ricecooker rice.
Been doing this for years but with a bit more water and without all the fancy stuff. Takes like 3 minutes of work then it's just waiting 20-30 mins for it to be done.
you haven't read her story yet
Is there a calculator that lets me put in CE bonus amounts to check how many runs I need? I'm doing +4 for both the gold and silver mats, 0 for bronze. Need 3600/3600/1400
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is Jets still usable? can he do anything now with ruler skadi?
I wrote my own personal one in a spreadsheet, no idea if there's a more refined one but I'd be interested too
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*radiating smugness*
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What an embarrassment.
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Do you not?
I don't really pay attention to how much of what I eat but I at least try to have chicken regularly so hopefully that's good protein.

Focusing on losing weight though and I don't stick to things if they get too specific and what I'm doing is working for me. Want to try more new food in general though.
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It's what my Luvia is.
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Do you like men with big hands?
that comes out to 42.42 runs for bronze, 46.75 for both gold and silver btw, decently balanced
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I really want a samba santa rerun so I can get another wave of fgo pro wrestling fanart
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he can loop with BG now
Douman has the advantage that he's entertaining and the fact all his evil schemes fail means he feels harmless.
the walking corpse was empussy right?
oh nice
Kadoc lost to this.
doumans hands always make me feel insecure about my own
0 and I give yet another grail to Hans today.
Oh, you actually did. I thought you're going to give up at some point. Well, played, congrats. How many times did you restart for this? Approximately.
It's good that you're deliberately trying to integrate protein since the average diet is pretty lacking (mine included). If you find yourself getting hungry frequently consider having yogurt or milk prior/with your meal - something low GI to slow the rush of blood sugars that rice causes. Rice is notably a pretty high GI food.
Good luck and keep at it!
this nigga got yuri hands
Well I got proven wrong. Glad she can do it
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You know what they say about big hands...
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It's because he's an evil big titty bimbo (male), like how Ibuki and Kama appeal to men
She's kinda cute.
>Luvia doesn't work well there since BB-chan is a good girl and doesn't have the "Evil" Attribute. Even NP5 120 can't kill the BB.
Ati shitting on a servant with misinformation yet again
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Women don't want men that live with their mothers.
They want men that live with their wives.
maybe not
Can confirm. Would roll for Douwoman.
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It's pretty funny that it's harder to find Castoria with bronze CE than gold.
You don't know my life. Don't judge me.
Everyone makes mistakes dude, stop making mountains out of molehills
That's not what my mom said
Awesome, thank you so much!
Did you not roll on any of the banners? Why would you need bronze CEs
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Do you enjoy porn where Douman gets blacked?
>broke the screen on my macbook
>have to shitpost on /alter/ with the pc i use to run FGA
at least im done farming the event
I don't get Skadis kit, please explain it in competitive Pokemon terms
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she lets you loop
No prob!
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The banner that will save /alter/
>np2 Ibuki with 2x Castoria and Orberon
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>evil big titty bimbo (male)
Casually squishing my face against his ginormous muscular chest.
imagine if Helping Hands also gave Focus Energy
I'm skipping the teabitch. She doesn't look at all cute.
Because i have finished gold and nearly silver but still got ton bronze stuff to buy.
It's true, a man in a relationship is more heavily targeted by women than one that isn't.
Source: /alter/sisters and married male servants.
never realized just how cute and breedable DO U MA N can be
>hero box
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Thankyu friend. I'm very willing to quickly drop such attempts if I think it's impossible (like the Qin Shi Huang Super Recollection since I don't have NP5 120 Ecchan) but once I realized it's possible I couldn't give up.
It took 2 days of natural AP and I did spend a few Blue Apples since I felt uncomfortable making my /alter/bros keep their Skadi hostage with a CE that might not bring them FP...

In general I don't mind some apple usage for something like this, it's why I optimize farming a lot as it gives me freedom to spend apples when I want to play the game more instead of just saving them for lotteries for efficiency.
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Kama is competent and cool unlike douman
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It's so beautiful...
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>hentai elf did better than every other rateup other than new year and summer

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>Kama is competent and cool
I didn't read the last guda guda is this related
this and also a power herb
I remember all the shiposting when we got Ooku for the first time and THAT face
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Was it this?
based serenity vritra and ibaraki
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It's probably more due to November having a cracked rerun banner lineup
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I hate foot fags but I like this artist for his details to the rest of the body.
>He doesn't have big hands
heh, mogged
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Bazett was a flop?
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what non-SSR servants are you aiming for?
i want my cu caster to get to np5 (currently np3)
obviously kriemhild as well
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Her art is awful and doesn't fit her at all.
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It's related to the last last one aka Yamataikoku
Imagine being a foot fetishist but drawing such ugly feet
Britomart... forgive me..
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Damn, I'll have to read a summary/read the archives
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>tfw I won't roll for anything until february of next year
>The RNG was mostly to get the right Bazett cards every turn
Why didn't you just use Summer BB and lock Bazett's cards?
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Her art is good lmfao what are you talking about
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Don't worry. Just come here and you will have all the explanations I guess.
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japanese samurai are so cool..
Yes. Nobody cares about Bazett.
He needed the buffs from triple skadi
No, I'm drained from Merlina and Skadi. I would have chosen a swimsuit servant with the ticket next year, but I'm finally going to get Fujino.
Nta but her boobs aren't that big
Aside from welfares the only SR's I want in the future are Yui and Summer Suzuka.
As big as sakura's anon.
>Japanese samurai
As opposed to... French samurai? Mexican samurai?
Hmmm. You shouldn't have used any apples to be honest. It's not like we're in a dead week and someone needs Skadi outside of the event. And at best there were 3 of us with Skadi and OX CE.
But it is what it is I guess.
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Way to baby faced, absolutely not proper for a gorilla woman. Not to mention the proportions on the other ascensions.
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>big booba SRs
Have you forgot her wimpy fight stance sprite?
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have they not revealed yet the upcoming JP summer servants?
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Wait for JP anniversary
I think she looks beautiful. I love all of her ascensions.

I did try that, but the problem with BB-chan's swimsuit is that she doesn't give any other buffs (aside from 10 Critical Stars per turn). Most of the time with these min-turn clears a lot of damage is needed and while annoying to reset it's better to bring servants that buff (in this case Poster Girl Mata Hari who let in Caster Skadi) and pray I get the right cards in the following turn.

When I have enough damage, I happily bring swimsuit BB or Bunny Artoria to reduce the RNG.
>Mexican samurai?
Aug 4th at least.
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My Columbus, Red Hare, and Izo still hasn't NP5. So yeah, those fuckers
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I would like to suck her nipples with her shirt on
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Canonically bigger than Sakura's, almost as big as Medusa, Aoko and Arcueid.
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>he doesn't know
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why did they give me tunguska a second time in interludes?
This image is so hot.
More free sq

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