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Previous thread: >>487883672

Happy birthday to Glaucus and Specter!

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater
[7/31-8/21]Here A People Sows - 5* Vanguard Wan Qing
[7/31-8/14][Reap of Millennia]6* Defender Shu, 6* Guard Zuo Le, 5* Supporter Grain Buds
[7/31-8/28][0011]Chong Yue, Lin, Honeyberry, Highmore
[7/31-8/28]Resell many skins
[TBA]RA#2: Tales Within The Sand - 5* Vanguard Kestrel

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit
[8/1-8/22]Inudi Harek Horakhet - 5* Medic Papyrus
[8/1-8/15][Engraver of Quicksand]6* Guard Pepe, 6* Sniper Narantuya, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner
[8/1-8/29][EPOQUE]Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska, Poncirus
[8/1-8/29][Misaligned Sightseer]Nightingale, Weedy, Hoederer
[8/1-8/29][Coral Coast Re-Edition]Surtr, Elysium, La Pluma; Minimalist
[8/10-8/24][0011 Re-Edition]Lunacub

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Happy fish day, you are obligated to put a baby in her.
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Bnuuy love
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look at this dork
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cute dork
I prefer this cat.
You can spam Pepe all you like, people won't suddenly start liking her
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You can spam Amiya all you like, she still won't call you handsome.
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I post her because I like her myself. You think too highly of yourself, assuming it's done for the purpose of changing your mind.
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Wait Amiya cuckposters are just butthurt pepechuds?
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My soulmate...
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I gave up on Amiya
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have you considered we post her because we ourselves like her?
They have nothing to do with each other. Nice try though.
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>POV: You are Zou Lee
Susie posters are back?
China passed new laws limiting playtime for children. Under those regulations Annihilation would literally take up most of a kid's allotted play time for the week
>Why not add sweep to everything
Because a time investment makes you more emotionally attached to the game. Because longer daily play times look better in quarterly reports. It sucks but it's standard practice for mobile games

>And another, why would they add mode exclusive talents?
Because they want to promote the welfare operators for modes to be used in their mode, they probably thing it's a fun gimmick and will make you invest in operators you otherwise wouldn't
>Why would they release IS5 in a state where it can be cleared without units?
Because they underestimated how abusable thoughts would be, HG sucks at balance
A better question is why they give you the chapter welfares with chapter-specific talents near the end of the chapter. But this isn't an "out of nowhere" baffling decision, just regular questionable game design
>Why would they release 6x instead of 6x sweep, even if you had to get tickets like anni?
See above
>Why did they leave the base system as is for over 5 years?
Because people have invested resources into the base, they can't completely rework it without making someone mad. They don't really want to make it simply easier because that's just giving you more resources for free. Automating it would take a lot of work for no real reward. The purpose of the base system is to get you to log in twice a day and it does that fine already so they don't care to improve it

I know you won't like all of these explanations, but this is a corporation we're talking about. If they believe that making the game more unpleasant will make them more money than making the game better, that's what they'll do. Either way, "why won't they fix a longstanding issue" is not really a perplexing question, "why would they suddenly nerf a class" is.
She looks better with purple hair..

Why haven't anybody posted this KINO? First time seeing it...
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Love my bunny
Wonder if we are getting another timeskip soon
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I never left
why are you trying to speak for multiple anonymous individuals?
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Birthday smooches(no consent)
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>everyone already saw it on the EN stream
>it's just boring chinkwank anyway
Hello everybody!
>. Automating it would take a lot of work for no real reward.
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>Why would they release IS5 in a state where it can be cleared without units?
Why is this a complaint when every IS besides fungimist allowed it?
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We're very happy you've taken Amiya off our-- I mean, that you and Amiya have found love.
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i post her cause cute
but also dork
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Young Master, it is time to cultivate.
Son, I give Amiya to you.
Please make her happy, handsome.
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Is this anon still replying to his own shitposts?
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Narantuya is a girlfailure...
why are Reid posters suddenly on high copium? What makes people think he'll come out soon?
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You can use it however you see fit
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The animations with pepe are really cute, if she has some cool cgs in the event or kit seems nice ill save for her. S2 from previews is what got my attention, more ASPD per use seems fun but depends on talent 1 SP feeding probably.
What makes you think he won't?
schizo post
i am not accepting you as a son in law UNTIL YOU FULFILL THESE CHALLENGES THREE
1-bring me a mentally healthy akg poster
2-prevent ceobe from entering the kitchens for a whole day
3- actually can i have some snacks too?
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Considering only a few days ago the consensus from threads and polls was that people would be unsatisfied with a pepe limited, I can only assume people have taken a liking to her out of contrarianism or it's a just a very loud minority of posters.
yeah probably
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I dunno, troon.. Seeing Shu use her Sui powers to make it rain so she can save the crops looks incredible. Zuo Le showcasing why he is the young prodigy was also great.
It's just shitposting overdrive after Pepe, Namie, and Zuo handsome
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I will not let you take my baby until you've proven your worth.
You still have to be my onahole even if I'm your father in law.
First you must win a game of capture the flag before you can marry.
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cant get this bnuy out of my head
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this happens for every new op
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>the consensus from threads
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he's with Reunion and his design isn't too fitting of an operator. Also no teaser or sign of him whatsoever. Hell we even are in Victoria right now and that dude isn't showing up
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Father in law
When will the porn start rolling out...
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Oh, you said "soon", my bad. Well there's nothing saying he'll come out soon, but people say "soon" to a bunch of characters
If you just want it to automatically replace an exhasuted operator with a random full operator that matches the facility that's easy. If you want to set up shifts with properly matched combos with the same facility and between facilities that's at least a few dozen man-hours of work, and players would complain that's it's not 200% perfect in the end anyway.
It's easier to leave things as they are than to invite a boatload of criticism for not improving them enough to match a set of arbitrary standards. No automated system will ever be as efficient as a player doing the changes by hand
I like Pon slightly more now because of this image.
But she is still bad luck so I still don't want her around.
Gonna get myself some cow milk from wanqing
Cute girls, real talk though what happened at the end after anubis man woke up due to the crystal pepe and nara fought over. They just left and nara kept raiding the sargon city? I didn’t really catch it well.
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why can my daughters find romantic partners but not me
>he's with Reunion
>implying Nu-Reunion won't be our friends
And have you seen the freaks we have employed?
>check the wiki
>Zuo Le
>has the traits of Tengshe

I knew he is some mythical creature..
you reminded me of that one bison short doujin
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He's not getting in over Nines and Talulah for a reunion event lol
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You keep killing them.
>herd mentality
Not an individual, does not have a sovl, not intelligent.
that narrative won't work here
it's well known that only shitposters engage with polls and poll posting
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what did they mean by this
The guy is taking Pepe around in the event cgs
The banner needs a 5 star
Yeah, I don't think he'll come soon either >>487899843
>his design isn't too fitting of an operator
It is, even if you ignore Tin man, someone who people thought couldn't be playable cause of his design, his design does seem playable
>Also no teaser or sign of him whatsoever. Hell we even are in Victoria right now and that dude isn't showing up
He literally did show up in Victoria
Tummy game
You are their romantic partner though
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He really has the father bod going on
Your best and closest ally is a potential romantic partner, my friend.
honestly I'm just hoping he won't and coping myself cause he's gonna steal my wife canonically and I will drop to my knees in an instead
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If he actually gets in hes more likely getting in through a Vignette Story over a proper event.
Siege alter
You're right better to not even try to improve then to attempt and fail.
She's welfare
So when is the next time nian is on a banner?
>most interesting banner character is a 5-star
many such cases
Total Kalfriend Death
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what about the Egyptian color scheme of her clothes, or how the cat markings are reminiscent of hieroglyphs, or the Egyptian artifacts she's wearing?
>literally had the best girl who was perfect wife material
>had her assassinated
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Pure welfare bait
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>He's not getting in over Nines and Talulah for a reunion event lol
Don't know why you don't think they couldn't all be playable? He's perfect for an omnibus before or after a reunion event, like uncle
It takes maybe 1-2 months for a new player to fully raise a base. That's not a reason to not fully rework it. And things could be brought over regardless.
It already doesn't get me to go to it when I log in half the time during an event.
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>More rewards than the 5th anni
So gracious..
Yellow DUH
Wanqing needs a doujin of him getting milked
Meteorite was assassinated?
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I meant instant. God I'm shaking already
>many such cases
No, not really. 5* characters have been consistently dogshit for a long time.
I could have saved her
I should have saved her
I would have saved her
if it wasn't for those meddling writers and their "plot"
Shu pheromones
They finally start to pandering to me I'm so fucking happy
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*steals your girl*
Tin man is broken
You can't even save yourself.
...is it because Pepe is white and not a choco Egypt girl?
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>random crap and scribbles
Hm, nyo.
Well that too.
So the new horse is voiced by the same seiyuu that does Yuroichi from Bleach, Koala from One Piece, Mion from WTC and Gaen Izuko from the gatari series
Didnt we technically take her from him?
I mean she technically joined our company afterall...
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oh we gonna have to fight now buddy
but the sarcophagus is literally my backup drive
Thank you based Susie posters
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I can save her
I will save her
Literally yes, because players are familiar with the current system and occasionally complain but they're overall fine with it. Any change invites a potential social media shitstorm and mass chargebacks
You're thinking in an individualistic perspective that doesn't apply to a company. The worst case scenario for HG is far different than the worst case scenario for you
Again, I'm not saying that I like it, I'm saying that I understand why it is the way it is. I would love to see a better base system but I can't pretend that the only reason we don't have a better base system is that nobody thought of that
These threads are giving me a headache
>I can't pretend that the only reason we don't have a better base system is that nobody thought of that
Oh no they didn't do it because they're lazy that's all
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Delta module will save him...
they will be better in 6 months
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you don't get three quests because frankly speaking i find you very very scary
snacks would still be appreciated though
Are we sure Red is a bear? What if he's a dog or a cat
Superior bear spotted
Lappfags will be ruining threads 3 months from now, and 3 months after that we'll be saddled with another chinky male limited.
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There's a pharaoh cat in the background with people kneeling before it.
>random crap and scribbles
now that is just racist.
Sure, why wouldn't he be a bear? He's from Ursus.
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lmao zuo jobbing to a water jet
kinda like how he cant win his spars against waai fu
or how he cant beat angelina at CTF
FrostNova's dead as a doorknob
You know who is STILL alive? Who you CAN save?
poz is from ursus and she's a wolf
Absolutely based.
>he thinks everyone from ursus is a bear
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I want to ravage Savage and Ray bussy
Zuo Le, the legendary errand boy
Hopefully I didn't break this
Why 6 months man? Can't you guys stop being retarded and obnoxious now? It doesn't cost you anything
Where's the tail?
>they probably thing it's a fun gimmick
Then they don't play test or look at the player base. No one is going to raise Grain Buds to use her in RA2 because half her talent works better on a couple mobs in RA.
>they underestimated how abusable thoughts would be, HG sucks at balance
They rushed IS5. You can just say that.
>Because a time investment makes you more emotionally attached to the game
It also prevents minors from playing your game since they have a limited number of hours they can actually play games each day due to that law in CN. A sweep would allow them to continue to play instead of thinking it would be better to just play something else. To be fair though, kids aren't going to be making them money, so who cares about them

It's a fair shot at explaining them, but then you can make up an explanation for anything in the world. The original question is why would they take away something people actually enjoy about an archtype that they already don't provide any new tools for? Shifters are dead based on Almond being the only one release since Gladiia/Enforcer. Just let the handful of people who enjoy them have fun.
By the way, they were nerfing them because of unintentional effects like Shu
If you have infinite time, budget and manpower you should make a game better than Arknights then
I'm answering your questions, and you're welcome to argue the validity of the answers, but please do show me the respect to actually read and understand what I'm saying instead of making up in your head what you think I said and then bashing that strawman
>THIS is the guy our daughter wants to date
I actually genuinely believe nine will die.
having Chen Her sister and her superior she looked up to would be too soulful che'ntent so they'd never do it.
As an Egyptian, nyo
Who says he's a wolf or any other animal with a large tail?
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>you like a cute, soft, coquette girl
cringe, sister, faggot
>you like a cute, soft, coquette girl, but she's pink
based! based ggchad! real and hetero

what is this phenomenon called?
Thank you retarded EN stream scriptwriters for giving ammunition to shitposters for weeks
Toilet of /vg/
So what is he? A sloth like scene?
What would make her look Egyptian then?
Just because you think someone is handsome doesnt mean you are romantically interested in them anon...
how to derail /akg/ with 1 word
Saying nyo a lot
>Can go hard on rolling for her now

Thanks HG for making an easy skip banner.
She just said he was handsome, and he is handsome.
its been derailed for 9 hours
But wait, isn't W a limited already?

You can't just make a limited character of a limited character...
Those are believable explanations too, I'm not pretending my takes are the only possible ones. Either way I don't thing HG does things randomly with no reason. Maybe they did want to fix the puller interaction with Shu and thought that nobody would notice or care about the puller retreat interaction
Then Lowlight demonstrated it on-stream and whoever made that fix scrapped his pants and reverted it as soon as possible
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>Shu, Zuo Le
>Iana, Doc, Ela
>Wiš'adel, Logos
>Pepe, Narantuya
Who are you rolling for?
Sure you can. Just look at Sui.
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This is about right for power in descending order, Summer is pretty low in the power thresholds and very skippable.
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Pepe says "nyo"!
Shu, Ulpianus and Naranhonse
So by the looks of it Ling and Chongyue aren't presented in the Shu event but Dusk and Nian are. Does that mean that both events happen at the same time lorewise and the Sui have decided to split their party in order to get to other fragments faster? The next year event might be all about Chongye finding the medic then?
shu logos and pepe
>>Shu, Zuo Le
>>Iana, Doc, Ela
>>Wiš'adel, Logos
All in
>>Pepe, Narantuya
>Either way I don't thing HG does things randomly with no reason.
Remember back when they wrote Mostima showing up on Wei's Office at the end of chapter 8 for no real reason? They never explained it, that never went anywhere. They just wrote that there no real reason. You COULD explain the reason that they intended to eventually actually had that lead somewhere but you can read that into everything anyone ever does.
Damn, I checked the comments and QRTs, Pepe seems to be controversial even among normalfags. People calling out Namie privilege and saying Pepe has a low rarity design.
So wait how are we supposed to get rerun gold certs from chapter 14's release, it isn't an event!
We hate Namie here
for the love of god go outside or something anon
>Want my own Wuh
>Wis'adel is too broken
>Other W is also a limited and competing with Skadi
>Shu, Zuo Le
>Wishadel and Logos
>might roll for Ulpianus
Ok, I'm looking?
get a hobby man
it had an event format and will get a rerun
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All in on Asky
As a white girl, is Pepe appropriating Egyptian culture?
I mean it's not even canon and besides she only said handsome which isn't a crazy declaration of romantic interest, she complemented other girls for their appearance too in prior streams, but saying all of this is like talking to a wall, shitposters shall shitpost
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My Egyptian king
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>Back to back limited banners

I want to roll more for Shu and Chong but R6 being ultra limited makes this difficult. I barely made it getting Yato last time. W banner is beyond over kill and will be on support list anyways.
Sounds like you're the problem
Very ironic, if a female character called Doc handsome you'd be rioting and launching fireworks in celebration.
All posts are made because of me. Only I matter
Her weapon makes it look like she has a mechanical tail
Well no because she's not a real person she was entirely made by Namie
Namie is doing a bad by slapping a white noseless girl on some Egyptian like clothes
NTA but the Mostima thing has bugged me for years.
I also still question why they would string people along with Mandy with chapter 10, and then 3 years later confirm she died off screen. Could have just had her die during chapter 10 outright if that was the plan
how is an aoe sniper competing with a 1v1 dreadnought
Nymph above ascalon, she cheeses everything with the fear. Definitely core in high end content unless enemies gain resist to fear
New red girl would be below ulpipi, she's the next best sniper after w-alt. Strong ST while not being cucked by aoe like ray. Perma reduces enemy accuracy in the 8 tiles around her will have some use. Since it's on perma unlike flametail/ascalons acc-down
>Shu, Zuo Le
>Iana, Doc, Ela
>Wiš'adel, Logos
all in
>Pepe, Narantuya
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Keep looking.
when the fuck did i ever say they were romantically interested in doctor?
that is a completely seperate topic to what we are currently going on about.
the same people who think hg were stringing people along over mandy, are the same kind of people who think fn survived the furnace
They left Mandy's fate up in the air so they could buy some time and decide whether or not to make her playable.
At some point they made the decision that they didn't want to release her, so they just confirmed her death.
>Randomly bring up doctor
Ahh the classic, "You wouldn't say this if it was Doctor" cope, shut up man
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So you're telling me Pepe is racist.
No, shu's event is months after Chong's, see zuo le, but Chong was ran out of Yan.
I Don't, t b h, scrapped storyline? Something they haven't gotten into yet? Mostima has that whole Yith thing in Lungmen which has not been elaborated on. Maybe it will be continued in some future side story, it's far from the first plot hook that took years to be addressed. Hell, Fiammetta comes from the same tiemeframe and she's one of the characters that spent the longest in NPC jail
They don't have anything actually planned. They say they do because that's what people want to hear but they don't.
What's the deal with all Arkdads being deadbeat bums or completely absent?
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Oh, is Nian getting an alter? I must have missed that in all the news.
Shu, Ascalon, W2, Nymph, Pepeshit, Narantuya
if they were good dads they wouldn't be noticeable enough to mention
When's the last time you heard any op talk about how good their parents were?
Hoe and Harold do a good job, no?
Bubble's dad is a good man, and Harold's a nice dad, his daughter's just being a rebellious teen
Leon's was good too
>>Shu, Zuo Le
>>Iana, Doc, Ela
>>Ash and the other R6S

Skipping the rest/free rolls
you didnt hear this from me but Shu is using Doctor's semen as fertilizer
"Just wait more years and maybe they'll get around doing anything with it you can't criticize it"
God you're a fucking tool
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>Nooo don't point out my double standard and hypocrisy!!
Caught like a rat in a trap.
Because its makes easy for Doctor easily take them away and be their new daddyhusband. Hell even La Pluma hates her dad and brother now.
This is just fem ganondorf at this point
Look at these operators.
Harold was a good father.
And Friston literally sacrificed his mortal body for a chance of his family and race surviving.
Mandy was just a minor villain and chapter boss that /akg/ gut unreasonably attached to. Mandy never had a chance of becoming playable and neither did Gertrude
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>forgetting our guy
Nobody gives a shit about male operators.
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I don't mind pepe but she isn't nearly as cute as goldenglow is and that's a fact.
so a gerudo
Nah her fate was definitely rewritten, Horn coincidentally heading to that specific sewer, finding her dead body, dragging it across the whole city to the outskirts to bury her is one of the dumbest things they've ever written. Horn finding her makes no sense to begin with and then dragging an enemy who had you captured all that distance to burry them in the middle of warzone is beyond ridiculous and screams 'uhh we never dealt with that write something anything quick'.
Did I say you can't criticise it? Criticise it all you want, I just don't have to agree with your criticism. /akg/ were calling punished Amiya an abandoned plotline and here she is on the big screen in Ambience Synesthesia 2024.
Mandy was Victoria's Mephisto, who just vanished from the story never fully shown dead
>kills himself and leaves his daughter with a drunk failure of a woman
I don't know in this moment but the ones I most actively want are Narantuya and Ascalon.
To be honest I am amazed at how much they don't care. Texosa's event was half-anniversary and you would expect them to at least polish the turd because of the potential new people getting into the game.

And instead they release this half-assed art and call it a day. Arknights really is something else because HG can get away with a lot of bullshit they pull every now and then.
yeah but like female
I would say it was /akg/, but there were multiple chinks including that one who killed Manfred every day for a long time and was severely depressed with chapter 14 that were attached to her and were confident in her surviving. I believed she wasn't going to be playable, but it felt wasteful to just have her die
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cute cute cute
Redblade stop posting
Dunno about Harold. He left his family in Victoria and now rolls around the world doing undercover ops for a semi-militant medical company.
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>Could have a cute quirky girl like Ceobe alt
>Get some shitty cat

Hopefully next time.
It's okay Hellagur... I think you're a good dad...
... So he has a job?
Her show giga flopped and HG scrapped alt.
Gerudos are like banshees an all female race with a once in a millennia miracle male like Ganon/Logos
>>Could have a cute quirky girl like Ceobe alt
Do you even read the shit you type? How do you think Pepe isn't cute and quirky after watching her PVs? People here are butthurt BECAUSE she's cute and quirky.
Operators that would give god-like thighjobs?
anon you brought up a completely unrelated subject and applied to the topic at hand.
us telling you to go outside for thinking "calling someone handsome is indicitive of romantic intent" has absolutely nothing to do with your personal qualm with docshippers
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Currently Shu, Ela, Ulpianus, Pepe
I am the leader of one of the worlds strongest militias. Why am i planting rice
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If I were to coom to ai slop on pixiv, which operator should I do it to?
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You're cringe...
Cmon she just happen to randomly find Mandragora and decided to give a proper burial to this person that was responsible for the death of her entire squad. That's normal behavior you know Horn always diving into random sewers and giving burials to her enemies haha
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Bring back a souvenir
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bad post
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You are actually retarded.
>one of the worlds strongest militias.
Doctor, I...
You just introduced a fallacy, you didn't point out shit
actually wasnt it the local military garrison that killed most of her squad?
You don't like?
>worlds strongest militia
Were there really no future event previews during the CN stream? Besides that little clip of Danmeshi mechanics.
Surtr has a lot of AI porn.
My daughter has a boyfriend now?? What did I miss?
Are you legitimately retarded or something anon?
In retrospect, Hamilton was right
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I find Pepe and GG really cute both but GG tops for now until I get Pepe's lines and event story
The entire thing only happened because of Dublinn/Mandragora. If Mandragora wasn't there whatshisname wouldn't have nuked the town
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>Shu, Zuo Le
Roll (until Shu)
>Iana, Doc, Ela
>Wiš'adel, Logos
>Pepe, Narantuya
Maybe (Until Nara)
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You are below both I, and Amiya in the organizational chart.
>fucking moron
Checks out.
>Were there really no future event previews during the CN stream? Besides the future event preview.
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>roll till 1 copy of shu
She and Bagpipe are still seething over that and hate the fact they can't stop them because muh unity
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Post Goldenglow
>redblade is so lucky
Post Ines
>hoederer is so lucky
Post Dusk
>chongyue is so lucky
Post Fiammetta
>andoain is so lucky
Post Amiya
>zuo le is so lucky

The /gig/ification of this general is complete
Any other questions?
>samefagging replies
Damn, Lappfag really struck a nerve.
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i need aniki's skin NYOW
Pick the 10th sloppa image you see under the japanese arknights tag
Amiya doesn't deserve the young master
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>still bothering to act as if you're skipping W
C'mon now, all the banners after her are complete jokes and the one before too
>suzu post
Terrible as always
It's a few people who like shitposting. It'll pass in a couple of months anyways
I'm talking about teasers for events we don't actually know about. Retard.
People generally do not care and are willing to point and laugh when it's not their own waifu in the crosshairs.
Flamebringer is so lucky...
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Uh oh what's the matter /akg/? I thought you were going to skip Walter? What happened? Did you finally realize that being contrarian will yield you nothing? I'm so proud of you guys!
>You disagree with me? SAMEFAG
Sounds like you got your nerve struck
You're trying too hard with your blatant falseflagging or giving him the response he wants
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Its a shitposter just ignore them
How is this a bad thing?
I am always amazed at the speed with which Mandyfags move goalposts
Wait, why aren't you people talking about it? Not even trying to doompost here ( I personally don't care about this particular type of content at all) but I still find it amusing
>Shu, limited banner
>ela, limited banner
>ash, limited banner for newcomers
>Wishadel, limited banner
>limited banner
And now they are also releasing some dungeon meshi collab that will also be a limited banner
>the late October limited banner

How is this okay? How are people not being annoyed by this?
Classic Suzupost. So many quotes that are wrong
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I know GG is for (Me) and that's all I need
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Hei is so lucky.
WisaSTACY, have mercy...
How deranged can someone be to cuckpost about main love interest. Daugherfag shitposter is truly /alter/ level mentally ill
Nobody has mentioned how pepe buffs guards attack
Meaning she's a good partner for ulpipi. Since he will continue to get those buffs even after "redeploying" with S3. Since it's an aura buff it will constantly work on him
It's not about my wife so it's no big deal
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Doctor is so lucky...
Kinda cringe, sis
>Post Goldenglow
>>redblade is so lucky
This but unironically
>Post Ines
>>hoederer is so lucky
This but unironically
>Post Dusk
>>chongyue is so lucky
This but unironically
>Post Fiammetta
>>andoain is so lucky
No, he's clearly for Lemuen
>Post Amiya
>>zuo le is so lucky
Just someone shit posting
Its quite literally just some shitposters
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I, the dedicated Namie hater, JOBBER of /akg/ humbly kneel to:

Namie-sensei, my master, the most powerful and skilled artist in Arknights history.

Lowlight, my other master who in his utmost genius hired Namie-sensei to produce god tier operators and skins.

Goldenglow, the cutest girl in Arknights who will always be more attractive than my wife.

Mizuki, the strongest ambusher and the almighty savior of Terra.

Peppe, the Summer 2024 limited operator who I will max pot in honor of Namie-sensei.
genuinley asking right now
but why are you like this
i just dont roll on every banner
>post Blemishine
Doctor is so lucky.
Dude, I will never roll for it, why would I even care about what it does?
Operators that have no relationships that can be interpreted as romantic?
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Why not
year 0 ass talent
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>minor spelling mistake
I concede.
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>minor spelling mistake
well shit
guess i'll just go make some coffee then
Imagine being so insecure that even someone mentioning one women in your harem (not even your wife) potentially being with another man sends you into a seething rage
And imagine being so predictable and furious about it that people keep using that same bait against you over and over and over
Surely this can't happen to my /akg/, right?
Why are you like this?
So what did we learn today?
We have her full kit?
holy basado
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Lucien is so lucky
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Do you prefer year 4 talent?
That this will be a very funny anniversary
Don't call pepe an IT. That's very mean

Who ascanons? Yeah. Class buffing talents are always useful. There's a good chance they will remove the deployment condition on it too, like what caster-eyja and schwarz had done
Namie swallows
I'll never understand why NTR bait works. They're pictures on your screen, they don't do anything when you're not looking.
all operators are built for sarkaz greatswordsman cock
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Yeah I love useless crap
I want to fuck a doragon
I should stop waking up early for streams when I already know who's going to be on it
They are brother and sister who came out of the same womb, you filthy degenerate!!!
If it's at least as good as Horn's (20-23%), that'll be pretty nuts.
Amiya has more shooters out there than we thought.
I really REALLY want to cum on Shu's field like GOD DAMN
Blanket statement that someone is handsome = you want them to rearrange your organs
It'll never be as high as Horn it'll probably be the lowest of all buffs
It won't. Horn's is that big because defenders generally have very subpar dps
Most talents like that are around the 5-15 range
never ever ever trust ceobe alt posters
thank god this place is anonymous I would never live that down irl
Shu, Narantuya and Ulpian sexo
Maybe Ascalon too
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>I'll never understand why NTR bait works.
The exact same way Mumu hate worked, it gets spammed hundreds of times per thread and can go on for years. So obviously it gets annoying eventually.
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This is true and it's the reason I despise hardcore monogamycucks.
They think they're so based and trad for only sticking to one girl but in reality they're just allowing cuckposters to ruin every other girl who isn't their waifu, and then they call you "not a real waifufag" for fighting back against it.
>i don't care that shitposters if zuo le fucks amiya, i got my irrelevant 4* waifu
Fuck you faggot.
>Maybe Ascalon too
Some anon genuinely thinks calling someone handsome = you want them to rearrange your organs
Siegealt soon
/akg/ will kneel once again
is this elf alive?
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I can't stop thinking about the pepe dance. This thing is a cognitohazard.
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Where on his little body did that twink hide balls big enough to grab my daughterwives' thighs AND publicly expose her butt?!
>Nymph above ascalon, she cheeses everything with the fear
She cheese 1 think with fear, while having worse relic and operator synergy outside elemental comps
The same way some random person managed to create some pajeet tulpa back in April.
I'm expecting 10% maybe 12% range since schwarz was 8%. She is a year 5 and limited op after all. Giving that across the board to thorns, mountain, mlynar, silverash. ulpian, degen adds up since this is guardknights
Have you never flirted with anyone?
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Are you ready to leave Yan for Kazdel? I mean she's a king and you are but a minor noble of a frontier town.

You are kinda lower on the totem pole here son. To be quite honest I'm pretty sure you are lower than Ch'en when it comes to prestige.
It's not exposed, she's got panty hose on
wisabellagod pls i cant stop KNEELING
Using it for NTR is stupid, but it is a bizarre bit of Yostar fanfiction cause I can't think of a time Amiya has ever commented on someone like that before.
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Yeah with your mom
Loken is so lucky...
Ah yes flirting with a person who's not even present or being talked to
Does Pepe need to be deployed to buff Ulpipi? She seems to help in general for the AH since they've got three guards, two of which have massive base ATK. Average player will get value anyways in general play since Guardknights, buffing Mlynar and Degen is still very good.
Operators who are so lucky?
sexo oc
>having prestige
Are you prepared to give all those grannies that called you handsome the D?
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Both are for me
>guys amiya casually complimented doc one. this MUST mean she wants him canonically.
Ho'olheyak is lucky I haven't kicked her out
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Happy Birthday Specter and Glaucus!
Zuo isnt even present anon
What does this have to do with flirting?
Unironically bring me the gilfs
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The RPG pixel style got me good. I will play Mystic Quest.
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Peasant in Yan > average citizen of any country > King of kazdel
Glory to China
Everything is cheesed with her fear. Whatever you can cheese with stun, levitate, freeze etc can be done by her too, with far more ease. With enough SP or an slower/binder you can permanently stall anything. That's just her S2 too, her S3 stronger than logos if you have arturia. but the S2 reasons alone give her enough staying power for high end content, it would've destroyed CC14 since you can just send the fish away
How would Leizi react if Doc married Zuo Le?
They just used the main character to slightly shill the then 6* bro. You guys thing everything is a conspiracy against the reputation of your wife. Yostar doesn't care if their advertising material is in character, Amiya is just a mouthpiece
>schizoflower lamp
It's Blaze
Oripathy is a meme. Theresa is an infected and yet she lived for hundreds of years.

If we assume Sanguinarch is an infected too than he managed to survive for thousands of year.

Just Sarkaz being superior bwo.
Aw, what did she ever do to you?
Mountain is so lucky
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Nah, but this is allegedly is. It makes some screaming naked guy eat a .44.
My prediction is base level like Schwarz (7% iirc) and then a module bumps it up to 15-16%.
blaze is so lucky...
No, I mean her fear is completely single target.
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Doma is so lucky...
she eats all my fucking snacks
oh and she's cconstantly probing for important secrets but the former is what really pisses me off
Sarkaz are supposed to be easier to infect too
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The wording says she needs to be deployed yeah. but whenever she gets a module they will likely remove the deployment restriction. That's been the case with the other class buffers
GG is so lucky*
Ines is so lucky*
Dusk is so lucky*
Andoain is so lucky*
Amiya is so lucky*
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>talking like EN stream is canon
>cuckposting about only girl who shown romantic interest and heavy feelings towards Doc
Bored, huh?
Hello, PlateMan
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Back then I had to endure listening to chinky voices for the CN stream contents but now I think I get used to it completely
Is this how they got me? If yes then good job CCP you mother fucker
Taking shots at Indigobro?
They rejected Amiya...
It boggles my mid how you nerds completely make up relationships in your heads, get offended by the relationships other people make up in their heads, but also scour all official dialogue and art for the slightest hint of a relationship being confirmed/disconfirmed
Porncoom is so lucky
Andy, your narcissism is showing
Is Shu that strong? What does she even do?
Priestess is so lucky...
It's probably for advertising, ENMiya had talked very similarly about Goldenglow and Gavial when they were in their skins, in fact I think she complemented them more. As for the way behaves, I'll repeat this until people here can get it in their heads, the EN streams are not canon and they're not meant to be, they're a bit of fun advertising and making sure characters act in character isn't a concern.
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I saw this posted earlier but I didn't get to see the stream so don't quote me on it if something is off, I dont know

Pepe (Limited), Earthshaker Guard
Trait: Attacks deal 50% Physical Damage as AOE splash damage

Talent 1: For each enemy defeated when a skill is active, gains 1 SP when the skill ends (has a limit)
Talent 2: When this unit is deployed, Guard operators have increased ATK

Skill 1: Next attack deals Physical damage; This skill can still be activated when this unit is under negative status and removes the negative status Can store charges
Skill 2: Attack Range expands, ASPD increases, ATK increases, attacks now randomly target enemies within range Each time this skill is activated, subsequent activations of this skill grant extra ASPD (has a limit)
Skill 3: Attack Interval increases slightly, ATK increases, attacks stun targets, the main target is stunned longer; Splash area and ATK are increased with each attack (has a limit)
That's fine? Problematic enemies don't often spawn with lots of them, even in CC the elites usually arrive 1 at a time. After 2-3 S2 she procs necrosis on her own so then she starts dealing massive damage to them
Who will Amiya call handsome next
We have a local schizo who is endlessly butthurt at the Doctor's existence.
me :D
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>That's been the case with the other class buffers
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Rathalos Skadi looks so cool...
Enable Sui exodia.

Kinda like how Gladiia enable AH exodia.

Sui exodia is a bit of a meme though. The AH teams is still way better.
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Her S3 is Blemi S3 without flaws and busted support
>the EN streams are not canon and they're not meant to be
Who are you to decide what is and isn't canon?
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Operators we hate?
Xfags we hate?
You could at least attach a Doccuck or Shipcuck insult to this post so I can tell who you're complaining about.
Is he there with you now?
If Pepe gets at least +10% ATK with just being in squad post module, might be worth having her as a buffslut if going guardknights
Nice trips Buttslut
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>Horn thought she was the defender flagship

What happened?
How would we have reacted if Amiya called Narantuya handsome instead?
They are talking about gameplay and shill merch, schizo.
Enlightened doctors use both together
Dragons are just cultivated fish anyway
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I forget. Does EN get streams for CN annis? If so, Logos.
she will call pepe cute and compliment her fashion for maximum shitposting
the skins were cool, but none of them are my absolute favorite characters... are the next skins going to be halloween?
can you post the horse?
NTA but he tried to argue earlier saying that they have never referenced Doc in a skin, only to be shown that they have
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You can mix both to have some really silly statmaxing, Sui and AH together goes hard
Honor killing Amiya for humiliating me.
10% extra ATK isn't what make or break Guardknight clears
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Saria is to this day one of the few operators where M9ing makes sense, the class archetype is just so useful. Shu is Saria but with better healing and global buffs -
>When there are 3 operators of different classes deployed, all operators gain Max HP +12%
>When there are 3 operators of the same class deployed, all operators gain Attack Speed +12
>When there are 4 [Sui] operators in the team, all operators gain ATK +12% and recover 1 SP every 4 seconds
Even without a Sui squad the first one is free and the second is also easy to hit
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>Is he there with you now?
Is he where with me now?
Well first of all there's the fact that the stream doesn't make sense in universe or in the timeline, but also there's no evidence it ever happened in canon? I mean I don't remember Amiya ever mentioning dragging Doctor to her office to shill them plushies in game
Do the Sui team enable Dusk to be good? Low key regretting M6ing here...
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Im gonna casually whip my cock out in front of amiya just to see her reaction
The stats don't affect her summons, so no.
There's a lot that doesn't happen in the game that's still canon. The mangas the artbook lore so much
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Logos get a pass for me but only if I get a pass to his mom
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i never knew they had merch for the r6s ops...? i don't even think r6s has much official merch to begin with, just the pins and those chibi figures.. does anyone know if they did this for the 1st collab too
Nyo. Sui exodia usefulness
Shu > Chong > Nian > Dusk > Ling.

Ling has already been cut for most squads using it. Dusk will be next year unless the 6th sui also has a global buff. Dusk just doesn't benefit much from the current buffs due to her summons, hence why ling is the bottom loser for it too.
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prepare to have your dick sucked Doc
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this thread
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Found it, I'd post her E2 with it but I don't have it, best I got with nara and pepe

>Naruytua, Loopshooter Sniper
Trait: Can only attack while holding a boomerang projectile (projectile takes time to return)

Talent 1: Each attack steals ATK (has a limit) and DEF (has a limit)
Talent 2: Has Physical and Arts Dodge; Decreases Physical and Arts Damage Accuracy of enemies within surrounding 8 tiles

Skill 1: Activation Effect: Can switch between the default state and the following state: Attack Range decreases, attacks deal Physical Damage, can jump between enemies (has a limit)
Skill 2: Each attack deals Physical Damage and Slows the target; Boomerang projectile dashes forward after hitting a target before returning, and deals Physical Damage to all enemies along the way
Skill 3: Each attack fires more boomerang projectile (each deals Physical Damage); Deals Physical Damage to enemies within surrounding 8 tiles and Slows them when all boomerang projectiles are returned

When will they make my DuXi WuXi good...
Yeah but HG would tell us if they're canon, they always clarify if it will affect the in game lore, has HG or hell even Yostar stated that the EN streams are very much canon and contain real lore? No I believe not
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I don't think she would be opposed
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One thing to mention is shu's healing tiles can heal dusk's summons while giving them much needed shelter to survive. But shu can't directly target the summons so you'd have to get the healing tile aoes to overlap, or use FRD to bait shu into applying it where dusk summons will appear
>they always clarify if it will affect the in game lore
Actually they only ever specify if something is NOT canon which is the case with the 4koma comics they released
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did anyone cum on that picture of namie yet
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Lowlight doesn't brose /r/
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>/akg/ when Nian says on stream that she'll settle for any guy who knows how to handle chili
What a WHORE, yurikeks btfo, do Nianfags really?
>/akg/ when Amiya calls Zuo Le handsome
Umm actually the stream is not canon...go touch grass, it doesn't count...
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I don't have sexual interest in my pawns
They can go and suck dicks however they want but on the battlefield, they just have to die on my command
She is good bro, she's just niche. Her S1 is better than Eyja's S2 against low res targets (especially is she's got talent stacks) and her S3 is one of the best stalling skills in the game when the stage has a lot of deployable ground tiles. She just suffers from modern stage design
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This, the turn around was hilarious
Yeah, exactly.
Glad you understand.
everyone was calling nian a tradwife
Akg isn't one person, I didn't engage in the Nian shitposting bro
It is called shitposting, moron. Streams are not canon, obviously
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Nian and Amiya being whores on their trip to riceland..
Why are beanposters like this?
Man what a ride lmao Amiyacucks are just so bad at it
me on the left
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If she's that close... what else has she seen?
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washed GG. Just like how her artist is washed lol
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SURPRISE elfy welfy hours
mumu bikini skin status?
Hey there /akg/, has mandy become playable yet or are you still being kekd by HG being mega stingy?
I like Loopshooter as an idea (Caper is a lot of fun) but this doesn't really look that interesting. I wouldn't mind using her but I won't chase her at all. Also I find it hilarious how this is another Ray situation - archetype with a clear drawback that gets fixed as soon as the 6* gets released.
The rest of us eat there...
Crying because HG just introduced an operator who steals several design elements from Ascalon.
>Talent 1: Each attack steals ATK (has a limit) and DEF (has a limit)
An attack buff plus a def debuff plus how fast she attacks nearby enemies, she's no Exu but she'll be pretty good with that S3
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I realize once we get Marcillie we will have first yuri character. No Scavenger doesn't count since that bitch is dead.
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Secured (next year).

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bro your Schwarz?
>archetype with a clear drawback
What's Caper's drawback, enemy def existing?
>Give Asky super smoke powers that are killing her
>New girl gets them for free
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aspd tied to enemy distance
Bro your Lappland?
She's not Walter
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>next year
i dont know if ill survive this summer
You have to deploy her close to enemies in order to maximize her damage.
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Irene is for Doctor
Skipfag secondary...
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Should Manfred go in the Ascalon posts?
>but this doesn't really look that interesting
S1 is chaincaster but as a sniper, S2 is like shirayuki, S3 is caper but with 3 loops and dealing a 3x3 damage around her when they return. All feel noticeable different and the S3 will fulfil your caper niche if you only like that.
which country being currently bombed are you in?
Shitposter got tired
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I made it
I can never bring myself to ditch Arknights when it constantly puts out cute boys...
When are we getting 4th ending for IS4? Shu event?
Ulpian has better things to do than fuck anyways
You mean the clownbro could have been the fishschizo all along?
GG S3 really broke you guys
>Mountain has a drawback because he doesn't attack enemies unless he's close to them
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This is your Sargon, /akg/, say something nice about it
There's more zesty Manfredfags to piss off than Clownfags
holy crap shu
remember that time your brother polluted all of the rice fields?
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She ends up with 1015 attack and 370 def once that talent is capped. That's almost as much attack as ray. With that much def and her defensive talent 2 she's kind of a pseudo tank. Makes sense since her arts is turning into mist
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Denying Scav while claiming Marcille is yuri is a pretty crazy take.
Do you guys use arknights wallpapers?
Cute comic. Surtr and Slugge is a rare interaction.
Fuck no
>and her defensive talent 2 she's kind of a pseudo tank.
I'm a bit furious
Ulpipi's event genuinely has him posed as a seaborn seedbed
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Yeah, expansion 2 is out then. So enjoy easy IS4 while you can before the difficulty spikes
On my phone, yes.
at least it wasn't a passenger or flamebringer alt
It's more about her taking ~200 def away from enemies than about her having 370 def
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What the fuck?
Ulpipi allies with the seaborn
Isn’t spike mainly comes from alternative last boss version?
I'm glad it doesnt go south enough to get actual niggers
Did the AS 2024 stickers ever get dumped? I found some shitty jpg versions on weibo, but no transparent versions.
He tried
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namie please make another operator but this time male and integral to the main story
That too yeah, though it's not like loopshooters have too much issues with high DEF anyway. Caper still shreds stuff. New girl will go even harder
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This lean-in is so cute why does it make me happy
Ulpipi is a fucking insider threat to kin
There's literally one Ascalonfag, the shitposter realized that he's wasting his energy trying to piss him off.
That's an adorable sharmy
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pepe toes
I get it now they made Pepe the limited one because a new sniper cannot compete with Walter
He's going with the fishe to then beat the shit out of the Firstborn, it's a trick.
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*tanks it*
>implying Caper Plus Ultra won't beat her
New regular maps appear too iirc, they're more annoying than the current pool. but yeah the main thing is the bosses becoming emergency. It makes trying to get ending 4 difficult because the gardener on emergency is utterly bullshit
I’d believe it
But you're getting pajeets in the east that is arguably worse
next kernel banner doko?
So it's just fucking Under Tides all over again
>gladidi le fishe is... le traitor!
>it was all a ruse
>a ruse cruise if you will
Are you.. for real dude? Have you ever even used Caper or Coldshot for that matter?
Mizuki already exists
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Oh, yeah. Rush of invis arts dublinfags looks cancerous alongside 300k hp stat buff drones
Pepe may be cute but I will never forgive feetposting
Coldshot is slow as shit, Caper is fine. Put a blocker next to Caper instead of a million miles away. I bet you have trouble deploying Ifrit too.
>the troon is actually one of the shitposters

I am not even surprised.
Are there jungles in that region?
I still can't believe you guys were and still are being so shitty about the whole Pepe ordeal, I know she isn't the best design, but harassment and tons of shitposting over the summer banner? Really? A thing that you aren't obligated to pull or spend money on by the way, you can skip it and not make a whole fuss about it.
>t. the one Ascalonfag
J-just one more year bros... any day now...
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>Namie, we're making Andoain the limited for the 6th anni and handing him from Chuzenji to you
Your reaction?
What broke the Gravelfag and drove him to evil?
things are starting to calm down here finally, dont bring them back
Pipe bombing HG's HQ
Andoainbros just want their hero to be playable
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This threads seems pretty positive about Pepe currently, the storm has passed
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Andybros are not petty enough to get upset over this
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Hmm nyo
No because we could have had something GOOD instead
There are in northern Iran and there used to be in Pakistan
I can't imagine what abomination he'll become
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Who are the villains of /akg/?
She is cute and her dance is fun
Dunno bout her story since we dont have it yet so nothing really to get mad about personally
I love cheeto
people dont know how to look at the bright side
you know how asian companies just include a brown/black characters/region as token inclusion? that just means namie was used for the throwaway region
no one really cares about sand desert brown people shit
Didn't they recently purge all the year 2 ops to there during ascalons event?
>No more blemishine, archetto spooks
Blessed time
All me
Dr. D
Shippers, Pepeposters, Mumuposters, Sanjay
guys I'm skipping Pepe! Upvotes to the left please! Guys! Guys?? Hello??
I SAID I'm skipping Pepe! PLEASE pay attention to my opinion!
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I don't care about Andoain
Yeah that seems like a good time to leave akg and never look back. The banner itself? I don't really care, I would find it kinda funny but an easy skip.
Dr. Beanfucker
This guy >>487911579
This meant for >>487910289
Will you keep crying?
This guy >>487911579
I would laugh forever since he would look better, and a large chunk of /akg/ that say they want him would be upset.
I'll also start commissions to ship him with Mizuki
Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik(1991)
What did I DO?!
>it actually things the gorilla is a better drawing that Chuzenji

noose now
Nyofryiends. Wye are thye myost oppyressed pyosters hyere
Sanjay's insults to his drawpile doodles eventually got to him.
I'd be so mad lmao
Do we even get that much nyoposting anymore? It seems like we barely get any, I miss when it was more prominent, I found it funny
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Who knows?
Why not? he's an interesting guy
Stop false flagging.
Discord, reddit and porn.
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>ex-namie simp so mindbroken he went full ESL
What evil has he committed? Note: drawing something you don't like is not "evil".
>So mad that he can't even type properly
Thanks for reinforcing the fact that it would be entertaining, and thanks for saying you think Namie draws better than Chuzenji.
I only said he would look better, not that he would be drawn better
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NTYA but I do it all the tyime
why do all the chain medics have pap names

also why does chain medic suck so much
Is manticores upcoming skin worth it? What skill do you M3 on her? I have ethan, mizuki built and might go for ascalon too
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Do I want to fuck them? Yes.
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Nyou shyould dyo yit myore
Rosmontis died after seeing W alter showed up.
>What evil has he committed?
Repeatedly encouraging shitposting of the worst kind?
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popping the question...
Because it's a shit idea from the start. The 6* will be broken tho
Nah, I actually changed my mind mid-sentence because I can't even call the gorilla the a word. But nice try.
>rocks near vagoo

It's a trap! Do not fuck her unless you want rocks to form on your penoor.
BTW the stream really did imply that chococat was coming soon.
The final lines of the Summer stream are from Eureka asking who the mystery figure who invited her to the city was, with it being implied that its the catgirl.
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Signposters finally got all their OP
I'm immune
when we have sex we're both rock hard
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Pallas content was in front of us all along
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>Is manticores upcoming skin worth it?
It is sex, yes
>What skill do you M3 on her?
S1 most of the time since her talent and thus s2's intended damage breaks very easily, but if you can get crazy aspd s2 is fun.
Why did I find this funny?
>Can't breathe
Now he's a true martyr
uuuhhhh anon???
New red woman…
fuck this gay shit world give his nose back wtf
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>b-but n-nice t-try
cute feet
what did you do to our hero...
Rotate the eyes 90 make them 3 times bigger and its perfect
gm bros, has the namie shiczo war ended?
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>marrying someone in a band
Uh oh...
Seems like it, at least here
Andoain will be a collaborative effort between multiple HG artists.
>LM7 - face
>Chuuzenji - chin
>Namie - nose
>Infukun and Nori - outfit
Anyone else?
>I actually changed my mind mid-sentence
Can't even focus, huh.. Poor guy
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My Egyptian bf...
>that chococat
Well there's a good chance Namie might draw some promo art of andoain at some point
Anti-namie schizos are still trying
Plenty of musicians are married anon.
I would go as far as to say most are.
The one Ascalonfag here, I won so impossibly hard during Babel and Chapter 14 nothing can stop me.
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30 hours in MSpaint
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Minos Summer 2024....
The specific schizo not only cares about getting a rise out of people but also in trying to make himself stick. You can see this because when it's tried on basic working bait, he just spouts the usual spam as people tell him to kill himself when called out but when he gets out-autismed by certain types of xfags, he tries every trick in the book while seething about them
bro your name is literally Saluzzo. lappand saLOSER
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your egyptian boyfriend is wearing some awfully columbian boots
Why is his new sword a crabled, I thought it was a khopesh...
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Columbia is Sargonian clay
seaborn seaborn uber alles
>nooo, stop complaining!
>stupid coat
>ridiculously long tie
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Happy for you bro
Crab leg...
>S1 most of the time since her talent
>since her talent
I don't understand this part. How does S1 help with her stealth talent? There's no bonus modifier on S1 to use the increased damage after stealth?
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Background by azling
He got spurs like that jingle jangle jingle
Are people atually harrassing the sea monkey for real?! Where?!
tbqhdesubwo sounds like hes living rent free or you spend way too much time here
maybe both
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Will RA2 be fixed with this new event or is it still shit?
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>2 BLUE rolls
The top room looks like a barely edited Kazimierz room
If only he wasn't utterly outclassed by Ulpipi.
It is an "entirely" new game created in arknights. Just like every WC3 map it will always be shit no matter what because it has to follow the rules set by arknights.
Why is he even in Sargon... I thought he's opening a quaint little shop in Kazdel with Ines. And opening a school with Manfred...
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We already got CNY promo art and I like it, I wouldn't mind.
ulpipi needs an entire cheer squad to upstage the Chaderer
>Why is he even in Sargon...
Why is NG? They're just skins.
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Manticore's Stealth talent is strong and S2 changes her attack interval to be just long enough to always give her talent bonus on every attack. However, any time she gets +3 or more aspd this synergy breaks and takes S2's dps from acceptable to poor (though obviously enough aspd will fix that).
He might get slaughtered by Ulpipi but he had to walk so Ulpipi could run with the Crusher class.
Eureka was live streaming in Sargon
Because HE is king
RA2 has been fixed ever since they brought it back. It's a lot more enjoyable
>Base isn't perma but your run lasts as long as you want
>QoL across the board
>All story/endings can be done in the same run
People are just hating on it still because they disliked RA1. The next time they relaunch RA with a new theme people will start to speak positively, there's no bad taste in their mouth anymore. Like IS1 was disliked for being tedious but IS2 came along and people forgot
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>every other gacha company/community: How do we get more artists to draw for us?
>arknights community: How do we make our artists kill themselves?
he's just chilling out man get off his dick
Ulpipi is better even without the cheerleaders.
Why is her skin color different?
He's Eureka's camera man
Ulpianus still clears him even with no other AH
Do I really need a phone number to register an account on Bilibili?
Post reeks of cope
I was confused since you were talking about S1 with her talent there. Is her talent not that useful for S1 then?
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Andoain hours...
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He has responsibility! *SMACK*
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I hate what they've done to my boy hoederer. He went from a based mercenary to a gigachad knight then regressed back into a mercenary then became a vtuber addict and now he dresses topless in boot cut jeans and a weird looking cape thing.
He was my favourite male at one point and they turned him into a gigafaggot.
What about my man Lessing
Either that or you've got to send them multiple photos of you holding your real ID
The colours in the lower image are intentionally fucked with, the room is dark and her skin looks different
>taking things seriously
Your second mistake when interacting with modern media.
Blessed grevelfag.
Different classes no? Lessing has his S3 niche as minor as it is, though Pepe S1 steals it which is a bummer.
Nearl is in Kazi
Shining is recovering after arc 2
So we kidnapped NG and took her on vacation since those two can't stop us
Is there a more based drawfag than the gravelCHAD?
love the freckles as always
Hoe's not a dreadnought?
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Chicken will never get him
Sorry you weren't around when people were complaining about IS1 newfag. A new example is IS3, people praised it's a massive upgrade over IS2 but since IS4 now people complain how shitty the RNG and debuffs were in IS3
Anyway you can still guidefag RA2 set ups, even easier than before if you wanted to get rewards and dip anyway. There's a rewind button too if you somehow fuck it up lmao how are you still complaining about this mode
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wtf we are based.

Get fucked Nearl
Get fucked Shining

Time for some cripplesex.
Just about every single one
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Bit of a shame this artist disliked Ascalon's portrayal in the event, also bit of a shame Asky doesn't appeal to them like Ines and Mudrock do...
>Is her talent not that useful for S1 then?
in practice, 5 seconds is a long time for a unit with big attack range and true aoe to not attack something. S1 is just good enough you don't have to worry about the talent.
>I was confused since you were talking about S1 with her talent there.
I just suck at writing
Why is Horn angry? Does she need sex?
He was never our boy he is killer and deserves nothing but hate for taking Scout's life.
i'm curious what chong would look like in her style
This is just plain false
Mumuhate started before LT was even over, in the form of shilling ho'ol
Then Ho'ol disappeared and Mumu persisted
roll the first 4 banners and skip the rest

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