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Previous thread: >>487898346

Happy birthday to Glaucus and Specter!

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater
[7/31-8/21]Here A People Sows - 5* Vanguard Wan Qing
[7/31-8/14][Reap of Millennia]6* Defender Shu, 6* Guard Zuo Le, 5* Supporter Grain Buds
[7/31-8/28][0011]Chong Yue, Lin, Honeyberry, Highmore
[7/31-8/28]Resell many skins
[TBA]RA#2: Tales Within The Sand - 5* Vanguard Kestrel

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit
[8/1-8/22]Inudi Harek Horakhet - 5* Medic Papyrus
[8/1-8/15][Engraver of Quicksand]6* Guard Pepe, 6* Sniper Narantuya, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner
[8/1-8/29][EPOQUE]Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska, Poncirus
[8/1-8/29][Misaligned Sightseer]Nightingale, Weedy, Hoederer
[8/1-8/29][Coral Coast Re-Edition]Surtr, Elysium, La Pluma; Minimalist
[8/10-8/24][0011 Re-Edition]Lunacub

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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>ceobe alt
>tomimi alt
>tuye alt
>carnelian alt
>beeswax alt
Lemuen is too boring desu
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Bnuuy love
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How is the farming going fellas?
Ok I like that one

Repost the drawpile while im asleep
Is RA2 more fun or less fun than SSS?
kot gencoide now
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I love serval I love serval
Hello, bros.

I have decided I'm gonna level up Cantabile :)
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>wake up
>free polymer preps
Actually I want to see more of their trime. The silly coat cat is closer to them Papirus, the mongoloid or whatever the summoner was. Do we even have a jackal in game as of yet?
Who asked
Andoain is for (me)
I will bear this cross so chicken fuckers and anglefuckers don't have to worry
Do I need the number for anything else? Like logging in and shit? I'm not giving them my number so I'll use a temporary one if it works
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you love....THIS?!
Is Shu next week or do I need to blow everything now
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I can't wait until we get pepe themed stickers like this one. I'm going to make this general so unbearably bad.
How did Andoain become such a shitpost character here? Like I can't pinpoint the moment but he just sort of became a symbol for shitposting which is weird, I don't mind his actual character I thought he was interesting in Guide Ahead, it just feels so random for him of all characters to have this role
dont think so
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Don't you disrespect me little cat!
Don't you derogate or deride.
You're in EN now, not CN.
And I've got friends on the other banners.
My soulmate...
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Nyes.... I love the twimster...
Don't be dumb, anon
where is the 2nd panel of penance getting raped
Bro?! Your potions for the event next week?
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>losmontis dyelta IS nyodules
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Carnelian still has her chances, she wasn't ever going to be going back to Sargon until after Leithania is all settled.
>Carnelian relented, her gaze turning soft. Alright, I'll remember to write back, and I'll make my way home again as soon as I can, she wanted to say. But she didn't make that promise—it's one she had no idea when she'd be able to keep, if ever. Instead, she picked up the sistrum and gave it a light shake.
If a Carnelian alt is ever going to happen, it'd be in Leithania.
>>ceobe alt
That was the only one I saw that one chink predict
>>tomimi alt
That was the one I saw /akg/ predict
I didn't see anyone predict those
And with all 5 of those, Peppe was also supposed to be there
Also meowposting is punishable by the same rules as nyoposting
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More. It feels like don't starve. SSS is just a chore, buff stacking ops is more fun in IS anyway
Plus SSS rewards aren't even worth doing it due to module blocks being the bottleneck.
Read the OP.
Nope, you don’t.
Kill yourself
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Bro are you fucking serious? Why do they keep dumping this shit on me?
Where are these mystical operators that want all this salt? Don't say Ray because I just did her S2M3.
Post your rarest Pepe.
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I prefer the edit
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Based gravelfag

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Pepe was literally a queen
Don't be mean, anon
Shu s3 needs them
stop crying
>2 blue permits
stingy fucks
All better than what we got
Anon's fault for expecting too much of nuAK
He's my boy and if scout got killed that's probably because he was a little pussy bitch and the weak should fear the strong
Wait, we got 6 of those? I thought it was 2 like the others.
When exactly did /akg/ become such a shithole?
When you walked in
what date was the 5th anniversary reveal?
4th anni
Choom banner
Queen Pepe, the best
Lowlight introduced crack into akg like the CIA with black neighborhoods in the 80's
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not as stingy as amiya. look at this bitch giving us furniture parts?!
the moose should be our wife look how much she cares with those rewards! clearly put more thought into them how sweet
I complained but that's because I already have 6 laying around after months
You can't complain if you used them
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the museum is still pretending they have this
dont bother reporting as im behind 1000 proxies
Walter reveal
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It was, that's why I'm annoyed. This shit is a filler material.
>2 drawings in one day
>didn't even bother drawing anything in the pile
Guess he doesn't get enough (You)s from the pile..
Bro? Do you not see 2100 orundums?
Always has been
Where are all the good posters?
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Husband and wife, they're even holding hands!
Doin your mom
Summer was the real turn down but it always is
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>a single module block
I'll take an extra 2.5 rolls and a bunny smooch over that.
After this>>487915289
We wuz qweens
>day's been nothing but autists having melties
>somehow surprised that every single decent poster left
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Slug sex
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2100 orundum towards rolling for a wife that actually cares about me. not one that picks up some furniture parts out the drawer
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>not meta
>not alt
>makes twitter seethe
>name is literally pepe
I dont want to ever hear akg complaining that they're not pandered to
This is the most 4chan operator ever released
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Speaking of furniture parts, you haven't forgotten to buy the current pack, right?
but is she for (you)?
probably because it requires reaching later, endgame stages unlike the other mats which are available fairly soon, so they gave more to compensate newcuties being unable to get those for a while
Trying too hard
Think about newdocs with shitty cardboard dorms
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People can complain as much as they want, I'm just waiting for good lewds and doujins.
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Honestly same
change the e in pepe's name by s
>lets you pick out the furniture for the new home you're going to be living in together
She's the most reddit operator ever, her 3D video trying super hard to be all cutesy with the forced animation almost had me thinking they had gotten the ZZZ animators to work on it.
she's just going to end up with tentacle sex with mizuki for doujins and you know it
wtf change her back
Anyone wanna talk me out of sparking nian on shus banner? I should really save for all the upcoming stuff
what did mumu bring?
Now do Shu
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bwo we're going to die of old age in twenty years....
1000% of 0 is still 0
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Rat poison
>”Zuo Le is so handsome, for a snake. I bet he has a big fat anaconda down there, if you catch my drift. Don’t let our other pythian operators hear that though. Wink wink.”
What did Amiya mean by this?
How big is Pepe's penis? Asking for a friend.
Not if Kal has anything to say about it
I really like this look for Amiya, I wish we could see it in a future skin but that seems unlikely since they have kept the same hairstyle regardless of whatever new look they give her
>he posted it again
pepe already getting the best memes
I like her.
Closure i need you to do a system refresh on PRTS
Its on the fritz again
Won't her spark cost be going down to 200 in the next CNY banner?
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sese? what does it mean
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Zuo Le is for Jingyun
Bike skin has a bobcut
Pepe is a girl anon
Pepe is a girl
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WAIT was she the girl the other censor dude was teasing him about and he got flustered over?
About 4 times of Siege's, judging by the hammers.
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8 inches with raisin balls
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We don't but Pepe seems the easily impressed type so she probably will have lines fawning over your 200 IQ in battle clear lines
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Sona feet
If she lets me pick then all those parts are just going to be sitting there.
I love bare bones rooms, I hate clutter.
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Discuss this honse
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elf, elf, elf of the welfy~
cute as she can be~
*water clones cheer*
watch out for that snake!
Every time this is posted I think "Who's Sona?"
But... who was the girl then?
Some random farmgirl in the sticks or some shit?
That is not a jade like beauty
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Wifey wifey I love you my new wifey!
It's funny how she does the smoke thing more than Ascalon does.
Kind of a weird thought to have when the post has a picture
>he doesn't decorate his own house for his wife so she can be happy
you deserve to be alone.
>hoederer cancelled for his racially insensitive outfit
>Eureka does the same thing live on stream and praised for it
Ex mumubro?
Its simple, if for (you) then roll. If not skip.
Amiya likes what the Doctor likes. It's canon.
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she is pretty cute is the EP is anything to go off
>Papyrus and NGA ad girl clapping
Cute trio, I hope we see them in the event together
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show us her pits, you coward
Ascalon has the 2nd biggest difference between what the story shows she can do and what is actually presented in gameplay.
>Some random farmgirl in the sticks or some shit?
Yes, just some random girl to fire up sisters in the audience like Egg's Engineering pipi/fujos.
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If you like Pepe so much draw her in the drawpile, I will.
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I do not care for Pepe
She insists upon herself
I like WAR
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You're going to be skipping Pepe anyways.
Apparently the teaser for the Dungeon Meshi collab shown stated that the food cooked can either increase an operators SP or an operator's magic so the DM collab characters (or Marcille at the minimum) has a new magic mechanic.
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Pick your wife, white man.
(for me it's pepe)
Now someone post a cat BP and we will have balance
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Then war you shall have.
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Still pretty
Imagine entering the ancient Sargonian royal court and seeing the gigachad Aslan King along with some of the greatest warriors Terra has ever seen. And Pepe.
I don't watch Dungeon Meshi what's the deal with this chick?
Fuck you i pick both
thats not war that's burgers (which is also good i guess)
Is dungeon meshi good?
bro I was eating
Why not both? Though if only one I like kots so Pepe.
Mating press
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If you watched this and didnt get hyped you should leave 4chan
I'll never forgive what they did to candleknight.. that was the biggest public execution of identity
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Elfy Welfy...
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>"omg hi pepe"
Cast straight man and author insert
Pepe is his wife, bro.
It's food wars...
It's a war on your waistline.
I never watched the anime but I very much enjoyed the manga
Tbf story accurate Ascalon would be a dreadnought of some kind
I refuse to speak to anyone in the court except for pepe
It's a shame she's dead
It's the first collab Arknights has had with a series that can be considered good.
she just wobbles around like a retard. The song is good though
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The Doctor is busy.
She's hot, I'll roll for her
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get elfd~
get welfd soon~
we want you to get ELFD!
How bricked am I if I want to E2 Lappland as a newcutie?
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Literally this CG
>don't talk to me or my daughter ever again
too pale
Its great
I love retards
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>Manga is 9/10 from start to end
>Anime is 5/10 for the first two episodes then 11/10
Go watch it right neow
She dances just like me frfr
she does look like a horse
a horse-faced woman
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Not at all? Lappland is still the best silencer in the game.
actually this angle is pretty flattering on her
she is somewhat pretty
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Pepe is the most anti-reddit operator we've ever had and she's even set in an anti-reddit event where everyone has been whitewashed.
She is without a doubt /ourgirl/.
I ate Amiya
They only keep her around for stress relief
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She's one of the best 5-stars bro
I don't give a fuck about isekai, shit collab
Need an edit of the workplace sexual harassment with it being pepe and coebe
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>>Anime is 5/10 for the first two episodes
Weird, what did they do wrong?
Are we going to roll for Shu?
Lappy Fappy
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Doctor there was absolutely zero reason for you to announce that over the landship intercom system...
Haha she's funny and quirky look she tripped you trip sometimes too she's just like me fr fr no cap straight bussin
she was my first e2, go for it
We’re skipping everything until Ascalon and Pepe.
Her voice when scolding Nian and Dusk in the EN stream made my dick twitch
After Namie exists on Arknights
>Once and Future King kept a small cat as onahole, then gave her a massive hammer and time magic stuff
What did the aslan mean by this
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Pacing felt a bit off, wasn't immediately sold as a manga reader but that quickly went away and in my opinion it even exceeded the manga so far. If I'm honest it's entirely possible that the manga quality in the first few chapters was also not as good as the manga ended up being. There's some bias there because it's been a long time since I read the start of the manga
I will breed her.
does she have time magic?
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You can use her for eternity
nah Mizuki and GG are great. With Pepe she just phoned it in
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still the best silencer in the game
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Yeah, Pepe’s like a thousand years old, but she’s still a virgin, right?
Cumming on Astesia's head feathers
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>like a thousand years old
>still the best silencer in the game
That would be Texas S1, which no one uses but has longer Silence that's also controllable and comes back faster, wouldn't it be?
She was the consort of Calender king's son 900 years ago
Where is this stated if i may ask?
Please pardon the shitposter, he saw a single picture and started coming up with shitpost material instantly instead. It's been a long day of shitposting
NTA but in the 3D PV she does some weird Arts blow at the end and the crypt seems to reset or something, maybe thats it. Don't think she has though, then again we dont even have ra2 so I dont know about pepe.
DM watchparty before collab banner
you may not
i don't think she's a virgin anyon
Before it drops in CN or before it drops in EN?
RA2 and her original PV from the siracusa stream
Her s3 is called Time smasher
If Pepe is 1000 years old I am older than Kaschew.
And I'm older than Doctor
I think he either made it up or is misunderstanding some information that was presented to him.
did anyone clip that? i missed it
okay but was the loading animation with beans an actual minigame or just an animation loop?
If pepe was his consort, where is the son now?
What is the Finno-Korean hyperwar equivalent of Terra?
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>If Pepe is 1000 years old I am older than Kaschew.
Doc... You're older than fucking everyone except the Feranmutts
That's Siege
no artist can save her
just a cute animation. They made stuff like that to play during streams and asia-only promos
Siege is related to pepe in some fashion. Lowlight WILL do it its just a question when
We'll find out anyways with Pepe appearing in ra2 in a while
Khagan vs the Demons6
the doctor is chronologically (but not biologically) older than anyone in the cast
the only character that comes close to him in terms of age is our daughter kally wally
every saloon needs a spit bucket
Pepe is used goods, fucked by 1000 years of Aslan kings...
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>Showed up to Egypt wearing cowboy shoes
What did he mean by this?
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>Siege is related to pepe in some fashion.
Incest bros, we're in.
Hoederer the Colonizer
I just find it funny that not only was pepe playable, she was limited and before siege got an alt. Lowlight really likes fucking with siege.
We dont actually know how old doctor is before he starts getting frozen.
And the IS3 ending where kal does it to extend his life doesnt help since while they state they do that they also said they dont have to do it frequently yet iirc
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>suzie yeung
She's mid, people praising her are just nostalgic (even though she was overrated back then too), but raising a bad operator can't brick you at all.
Stella Sicut Astra just says that they have to put Doc in the freezer more often every time iirc
ZZZ really is something else
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Neurons activated
is pepe a limited unit?
But she makes my dick hard and she's Italian.
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What's next for Pepe deniers? Are you going to deny that Eblana will be playable? Perhaps you will deny Nasty next? I want to see what's the next NPC you guys will confidently state won't be playable or that you think is "5*/4* material".
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>sounds ok not bad
Then proceed.
How do we get all the nice and good posters back?
as long as it isn't Reid I'm fine with anyone
>"Bring me the choco women"
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How did this pass through quality control?
but why..?
Kill yourself GGfag
>nice and good posters
Such as?
Where's her knuckle?
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Yeah but iirc the narrator gives the long schpeil about having to be put into the sarcophagus to extend his life befre musing that they dont need to put him in frequently yet before kal says they are going to go see doc
But i may be misremembering
She is somewhat pretty because she isn't drawn by the orangutan in this piece.
Right, native isekai
I miss my Euler so much man but the game is so god awful I don't want to go back
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I can confidently state that this bitch won't be an op. If Lowlight proves me wrong, oh well.
We do not bully Susiebros in this thread
Is that why Siege is cringe?
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>Moose posting is none existent after pepe

Bwos I think the moosebwos are kots now...
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I can say quite confidently that she's got heavy operator story beats, but her current sprite seems a bit too unconventional for release.
>Shu trying to ask doc to go fishing with her but gets progressively more annoyed at Dusk and Nian squabbling in the background before snapping at them
I love it
Don't think it'll happen every feranmut gets clowned on someway to have them join RI
I hope Chococat ends up being a broken support, it's been a long time since we've gotten a dedicated support. I don't want her to compete in the messy caster class.
Might be that, fair point. We should check the lore nodes anyways, I'll go do that.
Maleschizos are not "bros"
I'm not a Peppe denier, I kept posting that she and Inam would be the banner units, but I don't Eblana or Talulah will be playable. At least not before 2027.
Sexy feet though!
>the abomination won't be able to spook me on other banners
Based Lowlight, bless your soul
>troons discussing troEN voices again
I want off.
thats a lot of future moose sausage
based gavialtschizo
Thats not moose thats goat or whatever degen is
Just check.
That's Degenbrecher.
exactly :)
I will just pretend it doesn't exist going forward
I love Reed's EN voice and no amount of insults will make me change my mind
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These are pretty cute
Eblanabro, Lupobros, Cbro... etc. all of them who we have lost
Tips for rushing IS mizuku?
>But, considering the Doctor's condition is far from this dire state, Kal'tsit continues to conceal the fact from Mizuki.
So doctor hasn't reached the point where it is required thus kal doesnt bring it up.
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Imagine, if you will, Siege wakamezake.
>temporary phone number
u wot
Luposbros are worthless coomers
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I'm still here though
Aoe and characters with good range
How IS exclusive modules work
>will only be added on the four limited events a year
>each stage costs only a single module block
>works only on IS but are made to better than 99% of modules
My thoughts on the modules are could you not just make them slightly weaker and give them to the actual operators so they're decent everywhere instead of a single mode?
extra seaweed...
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So what's next for her?
and gacha gamers are above coomers?
Exclude Lappfags, Texasfags, Pozfags, and Penancefags. The other lupofags are decent posters.
I think the whole idea is dumb. I am not a huge fan of it.
welfare for stainless2 anni
what about medic just goat? I need silence or good arts dmg
For me they just need a picture of my passport and I was there once so they already have mine so nothing was lost lol
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Choose, manwhore
Arknights is a gameplay gacha
sex with pepe
Why would they give people what they want?
This is all a humiliation ritual for Endfield
Eyja is good but a lot of the maps and the mizuki fight are dps races that obliterate backline
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Cunny alt.
>could you not just make them slightly weaker and give them to the actual operators so they're decent everywhere instead of a single mode
No. You will roll for the new banners.
Sounds extremely fucking retarded
Why is Endfield your scapegoat for everything questionable HG do?
Surprisingly, no one seems to be complaining that CN is going to be reaching six limited banners this year alone.
Has /akg/ been conditioned to not care anymore?
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Delta module that buffs Pepe in particular.
You don't deserve lupobros
What makes you think we’ll get Dungeon Meshi this year?
>CN is going to be reaching six limited banners this year alone
>Dungeon meshi
Am I missing something?
Pallas sex
This general doesn't need more trash
You mean rush the Mizuki IS for farming mats, or the Izumik fight?
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Yeah, we could do without more garbage
Speaking of garbage
In general the 3 endings
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She's so cute, bros...
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Pallas amazon press
I need a list with all the girls with pink hair please
Angie disrespect is a death sentence in this board, boy.
I choose Amiya
R6 and R6 rerun.
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i want to rail her from behind while yanking her tail
Which one of the two will give me a pc worth 15k?
Yeah I tried it and it didn't work
That was last year
They already revealed 2/4 operators and event mechanics.
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Grani's hand slowly sliding up your spine to the nape of your neck, so she can grab a fist full of your hair and yank your head back, as she spanks your ass and pegs you as hard as she can.
Yeah those chococats thighs are sex I can see why you'd call her cute
I will hug Pepe
It happened in March.
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Lappy Love
You're a retard
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Just Pinus
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>before anniversary
So what are you trying to say here?
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Goldenglow, Lin, Pozemka, Erato, Heidi, Kirara, Shamare, Ambriel, U-Official
There are some more that are edge cases like Frostleaf, May and Sussurro if you squint and/or is colorblind. Though they are pinkish at most.
Uncertain on Purestream
>Pallasfags, Pinusfags, Foxfags
Any other worthless posters to add to the list?
It happened in 2024, retards. The original poster meant the year, not your retarded understading of CN year.
Yeah, you
Lips look dumb.
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Oh yeah, I missed Pudding.
>Uncertain on Purestream
I'd say no, she just seems to have purple tones.
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If you just want for A0 lore clears
>Highmore: grab a good damage +5 tile sniper (Ray, Schwarz, Besiegers) or a high DEF blocker, healer + stunner. Stunner also for right side, rest is simple
>Last Knight: Goldenglow or Lee cheese it, slows and CC in general help, Lumen or just Resist in general also are good.
>Ishar-mla: Get a bunch of DP gen, Agents like Ines/Cantabile best plus some nukers/high damage when skill is activated fast (Mlynar, Degen, etc). Blow up Ishar-mla when it turns, then repeat.
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add the deranged K-faggots!
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Before this spirals into a 20-post long argument, yes I did mean 2024.
So we're getting two dorks for summer? Kino.
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touch the cow
do it now
Yeah, but that's a retarded metric so I'm ignoring it.
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Oh yeah i forgot Lucilla too
...dude, do you honestly believe they won't announce another collab with the thank you celebration stream and release in next March? Are you really this naive?
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do not a cowe
do not a moose
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Pallas naked and strapped to a plow...
>ignore what started the conversation in the first place rather than admitting your mistake
classic /akg/, never change
Unlimited bunny smooching.
gods i wish i was that doc bunny thing
So, who do you guys want for next summer?
I will the moose
What operators could be trusted with the Doc vodoo doll?
Erato, Ray, and Savage
Not him, but that’s a dumb argument since there’s a HUGE gap between collab announcements and the actual events.
If you're being serious, do you want collabs to be limited to every other year? Because just shoving them to the back of the year doesn't reduce the number of limited banners by your measure.
I might the moose
Amiya i swear she can be trusted with it
give it to her please
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I'm sure she appreciates the vote of confidence.
I find it funny Chilchuk is one of the few operators to have sex now that isn't with Doc.
I wish I had a moose, but I got a stinky Angel instead
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Not on global yet but she's really pretty, I look forward to her.
She seems interesting
She is an inventor of some sort right?
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But unironically
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Recommend me some good 80s music, preferably something that's not among the greatest hits compilation anyone can find for the decade.
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>Pepe has big tits in the animation here but all the other art is her flat as a board...
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Can't help you there, I only listen to nujabes...
>Pepe has big tits in the animation
Those aren't big, it's just the angle
Ai wo Torimodose
Would you guys use a doc operator who is one star, takes no deployment slots, and throws rocks at enemies? I'm not sure what our talent would be.
hey who is that aegir defender girl with the cool looking mass effect pistol?
She's like a peachy orangey color, it sure ain't pink. You'd know this if you were a pinkknights player.
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God, she's so beautiful
>they start making more AoE focused content to cater to Pepe
>Walter gets even stronger
no because all the operators would stop attacking the enemy and fight over his cock
Only if he gives a good global buff but if retreated by damage results in an instant stage loss
Japanese boy aneka
Oh yeah you're a moose too, bah but you're not Viviana it's not the same thing
Whys she wearing 3 cock rings? Kinky kot
She works maintaining AEgir's light domes that let them observe outside their cities iirc. Very passionate about her work, and puzzles both the AEgir academies and our HR boys with her creations that inspire creativity for people to not lose hope.
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Too bad you get Moose cock inside you.
Next summer is Gooma alter I suppose
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...this isnt pink?
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Underflow, Ulpipi's unfucked big titty kohai
No thanks I'd rather be the top
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I'm sad her only appearance in AS was a 2 second shot of the CG where she's shot by an arrow...
Why no Matoimaru alt/skin? is John Arknights stupid?
Pepe's hammer looks like kinda one of the joke rubber hammers and it seems like it hits like one too
She looks cool.
Now put her in a squad with your Kirara, GG and Ambriel. It's like calling Gitano or Erato pink
>Pinecone is my favorite pink operator! -(You)
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>She looks cool.
she's so cool...
Its mostly varying shades of pink with other shades depending on the lighting
NPC's don't get alts/skins, silly.
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Stop being a bottom bitch and maybe you will get that
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But there is no way to even confuse pinecone for pink...
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nyits time
revive nye nyessikotposting
>Path of Life gave us Underflow/Ulpipi wojaks
>Pepe event gives us well, Pepe memes.
Lowlight's turning weird for year 5
then fair enough
>Flat metal side on one end
>beartrap on the other end
it's a retarded design but I wouldn't call it harmless
I'm not a bottom bitch
And yet that anon thinks Gravel is pink?
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I want a doctor bunny...
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>STILL no moosedule
For me, it will always be the Moose. I will continue to wait as long as it takes
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why dont we just ask the gravel expert drawfag?
hes an artist who studies colors so he can give us the definitive answer
Fuck I forgot Theresa
Bro… don’t you know what they say about pink women…?
>has Heidi but not Gravel because some dude is colorblind
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hmmmmm nyes nyokay
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That's insulting. Also that's not even a moose you've posted
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Strange tall woman
Goddamnit doctor
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Ride the cowe
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There's a handful of people who have been waiting far longer than you
But we shall wait together
Is it confirmed the collab is next by the way?
Lin is pink?
use this image for the next thread
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how the hell did you make this image and forgot Doc's biggest pink haired crush?
/akg/ loremasters i need some answers.
how the fuck Pallas can sleep on her sides? I can't fantasize about post sex cuddling without thinking about it
In my defense it's just because I missed her when going through the list, not that I misread her color.
frostnova isnt pink
Bro Poz____ is right there
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>forgot Gravel
Atleast play the game, Anon-san...
Stop being worthless coomers
lin is a light shade of purple
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I will steal Delpipi's hat, one of her shoes AND her shorts.
Sir, this is a gacha game
Ok but she gets to keep your coat
I will steal a kiss from Delphine
So Hoederer got his skin because he's Lowlight self-insert, right?
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I will hug this cat.
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Pepe has a driver's license!
That would be Andreana or 12F
Fucking retard
She is driving unlicensed anon...
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Did the Aslan King teach her. I'm 99% sure he would have owned a sick car if he was there for it.
>theresa ghost
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I haven't watched the Synesthesia yet, there's another show I've been watching. Is it kino? I remember the one with Fake Waves was pretty meh quality
Yeah it was pretty neat. I liked Kal'tsit's song and the IS4 medley the most.
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*swoops in and steals your treasure indiana jones style*
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Much better.
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I like this cat. aneowne has art of her?
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I am too kin-minded. I keep seeing her jacket as an eel mouth
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Give it back to Pepe, that's rude.
We got flooded with /alg/tards who have a melty any they see shipping
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Go away shitposter
I just read the story and holy shit the sarkaz is literally we wuz kangz n shit but they wuz actually kangz? lmao holy fuck
12F has been forgotten its always Andreana now.
Feline fatigue
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holy delpipi sex....
They're jews
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>Implying Andreana isn't just as forgotten
I'm pretty sure there weren't cars in the year 0
Delphinefags are worthless coomers too?
Anon it's too late for you, the turning process has begun already. At best you might look like Alfonso.
delphine is not hot stop forcing this meme
Shut UP
Expect her coming next AH event
We told you fishtent was good. Now we have too many kots to counter the fish. We need some lupotent spam to fix this problem
Sadly yes
now that summer is out of the way, what will we have for half anni?
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I'd start a family with her
>implying kot gigachad didn't have the best wooden cart drifting skills of all time
He was ahead of his time.
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>Short stack kot
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*blocks your path*
She's lucky to keep one of her shoes, her coat and her shirt... for now....
Delphine is for comforting sex with lots of "love you"s.
Victoria arc finale
The "Starter" tag only exists to cramp up the tags so better ones appear less.
Either Lemuen or Lappalt.
No shit if they were Jews they would've won the wars and kept getting free tax money from Columbia lmao
More than likely siracusa2 with lapipi alter
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After marriage.
>Cart being pulled along by Gawain and co
>Racing against Khagan's nightmare horses
We need slug racing except it's that
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The fish/kot/lupo is an infinite cycle of rock paper scissors. You will never reach the truth.
>if they were Jews they would've won the wars and kept getting free tax money from Columbia lmao
Learn history
Look at the PV
She's cute and also pretty hot
Jewish history is all about losing wars and surviving despite their insane antagonism and master race religion.
Didi love
Liberi content is necessary
Meanwhile, horses transcend the cycle and permeate into everything.
I'm sorry Skadibro
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delpipi is wife.
Either Siege for Victoria arc finale like some anons say, which would lead to Lappalt for 6th anni because with the focus they gave her it won't be amything less than a limited.
Lapp for 5.5 anni and Siege gets passed over, or Victoria finale gets delayed a year for Siege to be 6th anni. Weird that HG didn't mention Chapter 15 in the summer stream like they usually do.
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She doesn't. She sleeps on her back, and for cuddles she would lay on you.
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He's not wrong about getting free money
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>pulled by Gawain and co
>tfw Siege got advice from a fucking weight pulling burdenbeast for help
Would explain a lot
Yeah, but Columbia is very young
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She's great.
>free money
That is not how it works.
doc was laying the moves on her in the recent fish event no?
Is Pepe a hebe?
Well it was money to stay the fuck away from us, but that stopped happening at some point.
I was thinking about this earlier but didnt want to say it...
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...what the fuck.
She's a grani
much better
They have some rather autistic dialogue together.
Some anon is saying she is like 1K years old or some shit but i havent seen any text to prove that
Doesnt feel that old though
>Lappalt for 6th anni
The Siracusa plotline has little to no impact on the overall world of Arknights. Lappalt is half-anni material at best. Siracusa is honestly lucky it's not summer event tier.
I mean it's not wrong, but I don't know how to feel about it.
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we were all thinking it but you didn't have to bring attention to it...
Pipe Pepi
>Doesnt feel that old though
I don't know if she's that old, but not every long-lived individual is as miserable and stonefaced as Kal'tsit
oh they fucked
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Damn doc...
smooth doc preventing the IS3 timeline
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Ch'en love!
Is this legal?
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I'm fine with pepepipi but are we really doing this? Feels like we're breaking some taboo here for some reason.
Doc is such a whore
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thats the plan
Don't. You don't know the powers at play here anon. Pepe can't be pipi'd.
Am I a whore if I flirt with my wife?
I don't wanna read vernal winds anymore. Can someone summarize? I stopped at WB-8 After, it's something about a sword and this twerp who wants to honor her shifu and at the same time the shangdongs who worship feranmuts want to throw a catastrophe onto the city and you have chongyue doing jack shit the whole event and waai fu finally punches her deadbeat dad. Anything else?
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>unga to unga communication
>I stopped at WB-8
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>Brown hair blue eyes
>Sargon related
>Stainless appears alongside a bunch of people of noble decent
Pepe is Stainless' ancestor confirmed!
You are a whore because you flirt with each and every single operator doctor.
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so who IS the "rock-on shoujo" that she keeps talking about?
I'm happy I screenshot this
Are they retarded?
Not if it segues into the Originium disaster or if becomes intertwined with Laterano or the Leithanian War mentioned in Blitz's module. There's a reason they made it an (half-)anni event in the first place.
too far
I am suspending your pipi license
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breeding bratty bnuuys
touching Sona's tail!
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Looks the part but until I get official TL of her lore in RA2 I can't comment on Pepe.
六 - Six
根 - Root
淸 - Clarity
淨 - Purity
Six Roots representing the Six Senses
It is a Buddhist Term for Clearing Your Minds and Desire and Obtaining the Truth.
Kots sell.
>stopped at WB-8 After
you did it! But you missed the bonus Ch'en gangbang with visible full penetration scene after CM WB-8
Now find some bullshit meaning for Natto Gohan
>both tummysluts
Shit, he's got a point...
I mean we had a fair gap since the last kot, especially if you don't count Harold
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Oh we've got more kots on the way, don't you worry.
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Arturia LOVE!
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Kjera kissed my...
>Seen only love for Pepe on twitter

The only time I seen hate is with Hoe's skin.
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Sleeping with Delpipi purely to steal all her clothes.
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On a certain level I'm glad everyone I wanted to get summer skins dodged this batch
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wrong it's vigna
Namie has a massive Twitter circle from her vtubing days that would like absolutely anything she puts out no matter how bad it is
Well now I know she does have famous blow job skills.
She also has haters from her vtuber days that will hate anything she puts out no matter how good it is (we had one self-admitted here in /akg/)
Its all fun and games till you get back to your room and all your coats are gone
>(we had one self-admitted here in /akg/)
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Is there a server outage? What is this?
No issues here
Your router shit its pants.
They banned everyone that didn't like Pepe
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Reminds me of how Saria says Doctor's ideas are primitive
All me
White doctors what have you done...
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but I love Pepe.
Don't worry I don't care about her vtuber career I just find her to be overrated.
Turn off your vpn
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>"Your tactics appear modern, yet the ideas behind them are primitive at their roots. Just who are you?"
This quote is what you are looking for
>t.maylander glowie
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you first
I think the funniest part about this is that they are talking to a Seaborn.
No sex.
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Too flat.
What's wrong with a seaborn? They're like any of us. Bit racist aren't you
Its funnier when the seaborn get excited at doc and skadi being with eachother
>a fucking fish third wheeling
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ritas sweaty pits
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Horn? More like horny lmao
>t. Cicero
not your best
>kin are docXskadi fags
I fucking knew it
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Rita, that joke is as old as your banner announcement...
Kin are kind of like a loyal army of pawns that worship the Queen and King consort. Basically idol groupies.
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Horn? The instrument you blow into? Because your jokes blow?
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Rita? More like ritarded lmao
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That's not that much better, roach.
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Goodnight /akg/ I love Susie
that right there is why you're the best viviana
You've made that joke before, dumb moose. The comedians suck tonight.
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later dude
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Watching wa
>Called Pepe
>makes Redditors mad
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You all seem a little ir-rita-ted tonight
I missed the CC theme art. I'm glad it's back
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Are we bros?
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No, we are bwos...
no, we're friends
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Hanging out with the bwos in the bwoski passage.
Last played 4 years ago, looking to slowly catch up now that I have some free time again
Who should I prioritize levelling and getting whatever the fuck modules are for?
Who do we kick out of the bwo club?
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Why does Pepe get her husband as a stand?
Sorry, but there’s only enough slots for two in this brosky passage.
What do you mean?
I built Execalt and gave him lvl3 module and everything and he still sucks
What use case does this guy even have? I can bring cooma instead if I just wanna clear trash without needing a medic
Soldiers of Dublinn...
Eyja, saria, and exu
what am i supposed to be looking at schizo-anon
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I'd probably get Hoshi a few more levels and her block 4 module since that's a nice thing to have in the toolbox.
Eyja's module is nice too since it makes her buff not limited to her being deployed.
Seems like you were planning to E2 Lappland and NG which I would also recommend, RES and silence are still handy tools.
Exu also wants some more levels to perform properly.
Is Nymph pink?
I thought she was red...
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Did you know that
>5.5% of the RIM Bilitonian population have half-Yanese ancestry
>101,290 out of all RIM Bilitonians trace their ancestry back to Yan
>677,240 out of all RIM Bilitonians trace their ancestry back to Lungmen instead
>The Gold Rush of RIM Biliton is what invited the Yanese in the first place
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I'm シー リィン
Damn, I have all of those but purity. Can I just become a corrupt saint or something?
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The ultimate lifeform
dios mio...
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If Nymph count, Asky counts...
Isn't that aslan king behind her? I thought she was his daughter or something but I know zero about pepe lore
Is this just IRL history in Arknights terms?
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She is cute but holy fuck am i bad with colors
Did you know that
>In 150 years, 55% of the global cautus population will have me as a common ancestor
Give her the mask!
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will do, thanks
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Doctor is fine, his mind is in the right place
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Doctor has impeccable taste
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It felt like the only thing /akg/ was talking about when she was revealed was just how vibrant and saturated shade of pink she was
best post ITT
>Egyptian-themed event
>No anthropomorphic Anubis character
That's a skip for me, senpai
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>Nymph followed by Pepe
Cuteknights is back on the menu!
I do remember people calling her another pink sarkaz now that you mention it but the doubt is just me being a tard
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You're the boss, done.
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Is Pepe supposed to be a Sphynx Cat?
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Pink sarkaz work together
Even beyond death
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I fucking love the group images of all the Cautus, there should be more, especially with the recent additions
Is she ok?
Very nice. Now the question is how does it stay on without a nose.
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Oh yeah i like group shots too
The cat in her E2 has fur so probably not
Dont think so since her e2 cat has fur
More worryingly, they hunt together
aie please stop i have no more semen left.............
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As if that would stop them
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pick one of these
>ai generated cats
you couldn't just find some random stock photo?
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Pon is sex?
Always has been
Name 1 operator who isn't sex
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Sex with disastrous consequences
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I'd tap Pepe
She's not that ugly.
It seems like the shitposters finally went to sleep
From the cat in her E2, she's probably either an Abyssinian or Chausie
Hung maybe?
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There is, just an NPC right now though. That said, she is teased in the Starset PV. She is absolutely guaranteed to be a 6* down the line
i would a pepe
That's not anthro.
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Excellent. What important matters shall we refined Doctors of taste discuss now?
So we're going to make Pepe a centerback in divegrass, yes?
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>thinks its a jackal
>with this tail
methinks a zalak
These are comfy hours 90% of the time.
Which races are best for cuddling?
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the choco cat omnibus directly following this event is going to be funny af. it will shut these retards up immediately
Shoulder blades or collarbones?
Seems like a good position, maybe defense if we need more people there works
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So, Pepe looked like THIS?
could be another feline with rounder ears
Fucking obviously
One single character isn't enough when the shit the bed everywhere else
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looks like it
Checks out
Kots and Lupos because they can wrap their fuzzy tails around you for maximum cuddles.
Everytime I look at the banner I cringe
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Tough, but I think I'll give the point to collarbones
There's plenty of dark skin and representation in AK as they even admitted. They really can't cry about it after getting immediately btfo the following event
>"why zalaks anon?"
Because i like them
>Generic lane holder guard
>Sexo sniper women
This is deja vu from 2 years ago
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Get you a girl that can do both
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They keep tagging the real life Pepe so whenever you go look for art of Pepe you inevitably run into divegrass images
Horned races get a demerit
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That word is doing a lot of work here
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Bears are the cuddliest by far.
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Guys her name is Peppe, not Pepe
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I could see that
All women have both, clowntard
Can you hand over that Pepe 2nd from the left on bottom row
Imagine combing that tail
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>Horse with no ass and thighs
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Work on that attitude of yours buddy
I mean that pose does have her hips forward so the ass wouldn't be that prevalent. Based on the size of her thighs she should have some cake there
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Djena-pekpe Shaquita Hatshepsowet
sorry to hear about your homosexuality anon
hope you get better soon
But enough about Blemishine
thank you
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That looks like two identical syllables to me.
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Now that is a dilemma. They both compliment each other so well that they might as well be a package deal.
she really is African
This is why the Nightzmora are a dying breed.
For Reed, it's a plus
look at those vents!
you could use them as aircraft hangers
It actually is "Pepe".
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Nobody tell him.
I can't take her seriously with that teardrop tattoo
what a chuuni lmfao
Fluffy tail advantage, hard to beat it
I mean, they're small on average, probably nice to hold
>Trustworthy bodyguard, Boberta, Racoon, Mayer
Good options, but we need more examples
Hornedbros have it tough
They're the warmest
Well thanks guys you just made me realize how tough this question is, anybody without horns has a pretty good case
The ideal feminine proportions but
>not limited
>tied to dumb cat
Im trying to find any info on her appearances in RA2 but i cant find anything...
eat your slugs and grow into a big strong alt
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They can kill sankta mercenaries!
It's a lesion and it's cute!
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I don't understand Abydosian
Its just her full name ceobe anon
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ill bake a thread give me 3 minutes
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Yeah prts doesnt have the sections of story for her appearances filled out either
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I want to cuddle with Deggy Weggy but I admit that we would be very limited in how we can cuddle since she can only lay her head in one specific way. The alternative would be to simply do it all sitting up on a big comfy couch or something.

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