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Previous thread: >>487914614
Happy birthday to Glaucus and Specter!

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater
[7/31-8/21]Here A People Sows - 5* Vanguard Wan Qing
[7/31-8/14][Reap of Millennia]6* Defender Shu, 6* Guard Zuo Le, 5* Supporter Grain Buds
[7/31-8/28][0011]Chong Yue, Lin, Honeyberry, Highmore
[7/31-8/28]Resell many skins
[TBA]RA#2: Tales Within The Sand - 5* Vanguard Kestrel

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit
[8/1-8/22]Inudi Harek Horakhet - 5* Medic Papyrus
[8/1-8/15][Engraver of Quicksand]6* Guard Pepe, 6* Sniper Narantuya, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner
[8/1-8/29][EPOQUE]Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska, Poncirus
[8/1-8/29][Misaligned Sightseer]Nightingale, Weedy, Hoederer
[8/1-8/29][Coral Coast Re-Edition]Surtr, Elysium, La Pluma; Minimalist
[8/10-8/24][0011 Re-Edition]Lunacub

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Glucose cute
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You wouldnt a Pepe
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Cute kot
My soulmate...
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*gets demoted*
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Zuo Le my beloved onahole
So I made >>487940757 but this thread was posted before I posted it. Is there a way I can delete it, or will it just fall off on its own? Don't want to fuck up things with 2 threads
His soulmate...
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Sex with 5-star Ægirs
Andreana is hot...
I love Andy. she's so pretty
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I thought I was the only one.
Here, their tag on Lofter: 左截.
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she seems like a massive dork
its cute really
Should she get a 6 star glow up to compete with the other hunters or is she better off staying a 5 and doing her own thing unrelated to them?
She personally doesnt want to get involved with them so i'd like to let her do her own thing
Checked and sexed.
Finally something I can use.
>have none of the things I want from here yet
Thanks... need chinky ricetent...
She feels like my grandma who got into modern dancing.
Andreana's profile shows she's related to the AH's problems, but I think she would be done well if she didn't go with them and had her own story going on elsewhere in Iberia
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Can't delete your own threads, newfag-kun. It'll fall off on its own unless somebody posts in it. If it's still around when this one hits bump limit, we can recycle it.
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My tongue on that beautymark
Unprotected sex with caper (she poked holes in the condoms as a prank)
>that body
>that expression
She gets the cock
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Relax it's not alcoholic
Oh based, I wasn't interested before but now I am
sex with shaquita
Operators with things that touch each other when standing like Caper?
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So can we go back to talking about Amiya racemixing with Yanese as the "lord of fiends?"
Do not the cat
(fuck me)
*thighs, not things. I mean it also works but...
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For me it's WAmiya
Too late. You made a spelling mistake, we are legally allowed to kill you now.
THIS is a child?
I don't think it's a surprise when the bugman company promotes race mixing and most operators here are designed to appeal to them like ray
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Thats a very blue drink
Pretty Pon!
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Expose her pits cowards
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>(she poked holes in the condoms as a prank)
Who is teaching her these things?
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surely siege will receive some second hand shilling since she is related to peppe...
What kind of bird is she again?
Trust the pepe event CGs. We will get pits.
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Hot Pon. Bartender Doc spotted.
Caper is so meaty...
how the FUCK is caper a child
i dont believe it
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Waiting for Endfield
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>Caper's artist only has a single operator
This is a crime. Get this guy to draw more ops NOW!
God damn Caper's really stacked?!
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hey, would you look at that
Pepe isn't an aslan, just an onahole...
Caper instant loss
Caper with this same smile after facial
>also drew the extra thicc Franka skin
This artist should be in charge of all the female operators.
A rivarly that transcends space and time, now the cute girls get the turn.
>you think its instant loss
>she leglocks you then gives you that smile
Pon is a big girl
Is Caper the designated onahole slut?
where's your source for that
She is actually a good girl
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How many more lapps until lapptent
Like pottery
wait a minute
is that a visual pun on Eyjaberry
>HG confirmed for lurking our threads
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Don't let CN news distract you from the fact global still didn't get any bean merch
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stop, I can only get so hard.
Typhon can't win even once
>powercrept by ray
>powercrept by wuh
>onaholecrept by caper
A few
I want to stick my dick so deep inside Caper's juicy underage body while she's lying down back up and I fondle her boobs. I want to stare at Poncirus' ass and tight shorts while doing so. And finally, all this while having a pleasant conversion with Eyja about our work life and how much I love Caper's thighs and whatnot. And no I'm not correcting Caper I love her the way she is.
Unlike Siege/Cheeto, she doesn't have an aslan tail. Clearly she's not an aslan, QED
Her e2 art?
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why is eyja, who has a doctorate, hanging around a child?
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I meant the onahole part but fair enough, I fucked up.
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I see Caper is one of those characters only liked by low quality posters
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Wierd right
Yeah, this event is going to my module blocks, because I'd like to get the modules for both plus Chongyue and Mountain
She is a mamas girl too
one that eats bugles off your fingers
how ironic
read the base on her skin
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big cat love
>Cat and Horse
what a odd rivalry
is this some chink tale i don't know about?
I know the Nightmares are Mongol based but are the Aslan ancestors Persian or like anglo-saxons?
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From Atelier Poncirus to Date A Live Poncirus
one of the symbols of ancient Persia, Mesopotamia in general was a Lion with human head, yes, but their empires happened millennia apart
Hey akg remember when Weedy released and everyone M9'd her because youtube videos and other akg members told us to, and then we just never used her?
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Yes! love your Schwarz!
probably my favourite glaucus skin art
ip logger at best.
CC highjack at worst.
misspelling in the ad says it all. best if this doesn't get brought up at all
You mean ray?
>Niche is boss killer sniper
>Powercrept by 3 operators in half a year
So much for "retaining value" lmao
Typhon at least keeps getting coomer skins and s2 is eternal
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95 bundles of lapp on the wall, 95 bundles of lapp.
Take one down and pass it around, 94 bundles of lapp on the wall.
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Nice one
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>Felines are the ruling class behind two distinct empires in terra
I knyeel.
but why is she white
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Doctor, please stop cucking your own daughter…
The Kjerag empire...
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Because a lot of Egyptians have that skin tone? Are you fucking racist or something?
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Really gets the almonds going.
Not my fault if she crushes on the kind of boys I like(most of them).
Egyptians are generally that color anon with some variety.
Just look at egypts president.
maybe your module will fix you...
Because the average Egyptian isn't as dark-skinned as Twitter believes.
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The true progenitor of all things hides in plain sight.
>release a new chain medic
>probably better than rika
its unfair
paprikalt when
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Cute gote (ghoul)
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Fucking love this zoomer
Hoping her and Nymph can become friends
I just noticed the zipper on her pants, that's actually so hot. Not enough for me to raise her though
>release new chain medic
>has a useless skill (locks onto highest hp target in range)
wow she keeps waiting to heal this Abyssal Hunter and instead heals nobody

Papyrus is somehow even worse than Paprika, it's amazing really.
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Glad his first skin is a banger
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Sex with 5-star medics.
Just put Ulpipi elsewhere bro
Manfred is so lucky...
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Very nice anon, saved.
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>5-star medics
I'm listening
Do Aslans have a racial gimmick like Nightzmoran or were they just "built different"?
Their other competitors were literal fucking dragons
The Fumika of Arknights…
Even Grace Arizona?!
Will (You) be getting Chongyue's skin?
so does she prioritize only the highest hp target in range or is it the highest hp taget that is not at max hp within range
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They got their invisible Lions and the Sigh of Kangz
Pretty sure vampire dude said they were the same as felines
>Do Aslans have a racial gimmick like Nightzmoran or were they just "built different"?
Their racial gimmick is that they aren't built different at all, they're identical to normal big cat felines. The calendar king's dick was just so huge it caused permanent ripples across terra.
The Victorian ones get two extra rounds.
So this is what /akg/ is like these hours? Nothing but garbage coomposting?
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that makes her 1000% sexier
They have natural charisma and are generally good at fighting. Can go way beyond that if you’re an aslan that isn’t Siege.
for this, always blame a country. doesn't matter which
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Slug sex
Likely the case i would think
Wonder if its something like
>heal tgt with highest hp in range not at max hp
>higher hp target in range takes damage but wont switch till first target is full hp
I can see both how this could be useful but also an issue
>if you're an aslan that isn't Siege
Being siege is suffering
this is the best the threads have been all day, i'd rather have this than 2 dudes spamming the with namie shitposting or meta coping
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Glaucus is a sweet girl
Her module story is one of my favorites
oh yeah the emotion put into some of these modules is wild
whoever writes them needs a raise
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That explains a lot
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>The Earth Wakes
What is this map?
This is my first time encountering it.
A12, btw.
Stop blaming Siege, her behavior is something she got from her paternal figures, she just needs better ones to learn from.
Block check
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It's real cute, glad her EN voicework is good too.
Are you saying Gawain isn't helpful?
It's a pretty low chance to get this and it is the worst boss. You get 5 roadblocks and the boss is weak to the bleed from rage tiles so make him walk over it
It's the plant boss. Use blocks to make a path. Delay the boss while roided up, invisible ranged enemies murder your high ground operators.
yeah, it's the rarest Mid boss map, I only got it at A10 myself, bit of a troll map the first time you play it
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fresh leizi art
don't bring your culture war here, faggot.
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The worst part were the invisible ranged enemies.
The boss died from cringe.
Yes and her father too, dude must have been the most retarded king to exist to be executed like that by the nobles, but the whole plotline with Victoria is retarded in the first place.
Do people not know that egyptians generally have tanned to light skin?
how do event skin reruns work, do they show up as a login reward again during the event rerun?
I wasn't here for Arturia event and I want meteors skin
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Gj bwo, your welf carried
they appear in CC shop later iirc
Oh yeah the shrimp, some anon said some weird about Ptilopsis being shipped with a shrimp and then deleted the post after people understandably questioned him. What was that all about?
They appear in events shops almost randomly right now
Thanks but I don't know how to make an account on Lofter. I'm surprised I never saw anyone else mention it during the rerun. I liked her and I hope she shows up in another Sui event.
Anon made it up and deleted it when people called him out
If you only want arts, the work-around script still work.
Why are there so many pretentious faggots here these days?
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Shrimp are a chinese gamer posture meme
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>pasty white and chubby
>draws arknights characters as black caricatures
Hoping the mental illness and self hatred removes them from this world quick
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I hope you all love Mumu because she's coming to Sami next month!
Oh yeah isnt her story about her journey to see the snow elves before the events of LT?
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Amiya sure have good taste
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Thats silly but i can see it
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I don't know if it'd shut them up, but the skinline is all about characters wearing clothes from other nations as a tourist.
Oh a new skinbrand
>aka cultural appropriation
I can’t open catbox link…
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She's very versatile.
Like, her ranged S3 will literally stop and murder anything less than a boss.
Picrel is Reed clone.
Can't you homopost earnestly without adding some shitpost narrative? Like I don't need your fanfic about Amiya when posting sexy Zuo
I recognize that username. I filtered them immediately the moment a single one of their posts showed up on my timeline. You should kill yourself for posting that here by the way, preferably on stream.
When in roam
Do as the roamans do
Pistol Shrimp operator when?
Are you ok?
Its Schwarz and Ceylon wearing VERY tight tights
outlines most everything
Next Aegir event. Lowlight told me.
Next year for sure
Ceylon’s outfit’s right to stay in one piece has expired long ago
Post my wife
Hint: she is a wolf
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I got no wolf images, sorry
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What a coincidence, my wife is a wolf too
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Andreana alter gets KIN'd and becomes a pistol shrimp 6* Fighter one-punch bosskiller
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I have a brain tumor
>caster symbol
this is not my mumu
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This is your wife.
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Slap Chong S1 on her and I'll roll
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operators that would leave Amazon reviews?
Lapipi would never drink from the cum chalice...
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HG needs to let doctor wear his other outfits in homescreen backgrounds
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I'll post mine
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>gauntlets with explosive knuckles
I'm thinking peak
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Mine too
rosa shits on typhon
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Liking the hieroglyphics in the back.
Background theme: https://youtu.be/2XG6Q4eeM3k
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wait a minute...
What did Siege do/will do in the Victorian arc?
>rosa shits on typhon
What honest man would dare conjure forth such blatant falsehoods? I request that you excuse yourself from this thread
Cute wife
That's a dork
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Bro some don't judge, maybe he likes scat
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Your wife is an irrelevant shitter then.
Why are you typing with so much grace, did I miss the /akg/ memo today
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post your capers
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i cant wait for lyudmila...
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Is this your wife?
Threads were pretty bad so we need to nicepost to get back to equilibrium
My wife is a wolf too.
Sometimes I'm autistic like that, it just happens. It's unreasonably funny to me so I don't plan on dropping that habit anytime soon.
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>get attacked by one cycle of Reed's S3
>still alive
Are they monsters?
They're survivors...
We here at /akg/ should strive to be better people and do away with petty squabbles. In addition we should foster a sense of comradery with our fellow anons and do away with boorish behavior as displayed by >>487948349, >>487943360, >>487945543
for the betterment of /akg/.
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I will go fishing with her
Post more Rita
I'm going to meanpost to dismantle Anon's equilibrium
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lupo daughter
Kino map
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Send this doctor back to Yan.
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>tfw can't type fancy like that properly
it's fucking over for me, goodbye bros
as soon as there's 2 enemies in range Typhon's damage drops off a fucking cliff, Rosa does a lot more damage than her as soon as Typhon cannot focus on a single target
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Don't drop it ever, speaking fancy in akg is refreshing as opposed to saying fucktard schizo shitposter every time someone has a disagreement
No... maybe she really has been forgotten...
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I'm going to bedpost to dismantle my own awakedness.
Goodnight, /akg/
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But you can improve anon.
That is all that matters.
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Remember the dream
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Based. Sweet dreams bwo
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Sweet dreams anon.
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Nice thread
Comfy hours
Coomfy hours
Anon... Is you wife a drunkard?
I think it's fun so keep at it bro
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Somehow, I managed.
Lee dodge like three bullets and reflect all the stuns, letting Texas E1S2 to grind the bomber and lightsaber dude.
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Abandon not hope, for there is nothing that human spirit and perserverance cannot overcome. Strive to better yourself every day, and you will reap the benefits of your labour in due time.
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sleep well, don't let the bedbug bites just shoot them
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Sweet dreams anon
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I found your daughter
Do you sleep with the lights on or off bwo
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Have a short piano cover of her theme song too.
What does it say in the middle of the pillow? Emergency Aid ?
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That is an insanely cute amiya.
I do wonder if HG will give her a timeskip sprite if we do another timeskip after the victoria arc.
Would you actually like her if she was black? Why are you complaining so much
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There she is!
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>Would you actually like her if she was black?
I think Pepe would look 5x better with dark skin and blonde or white hair
Yeah emergency aid something.
I can't quite make out the last word though.

Oh thats actually quite pleasant to listen to.
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Forgot pic.
No because then you get racists like
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Great work bro. Lee is great for anti stun, I'm actually curious about Pepe S1 being a mini Lessing S3 on charges since having laneholders who can counter them helps at times when you can't have a therapist everywhere.
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May I ask for your silliest Amiya images?
just like, read novels lmao
I think she'd be fine white too if she weren't such a wonderbread white
It's Emegency Aid Building, same as Under Tides devices.
If you are speaking about Pepe then i genuinely do not mind how she is currently designed.
But i also don't personally think i would mind if she was given a darker skintone either.
Im overall pleased with her.
Why are people so demanding about wanting dark skins in gachas? Is it literally just because genshins africa region?
Is Pepe meta? Can I skip?
ask again in 6 months
uh oh
Sometimes it really is just like that...
Forsooth, 'tis not an obstacle that cannot be overcome with rigorous study and determination my friend.
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We don't know until we get numbers. And afterwards there is a 6 month period for Pepe to get a module that may or may not make her better before we can roll for her.
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It's not even her skin tone for me. It's the goofy ass hammer design that looks like it should be wielded by a clown themed character.
I don't use red certs for operators, I need modules and chip glue because I'm not an old player.
Genshin has a huge playerbase with a lot of normies. They can't help but bring politics into things and since so many people play multiple gachas at once, it spills over into other communities. It's just the thing to complain about for the month and will blow over soon.
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I wish we got more sprites in general. E2's only exist on the character screen, and some characters get a very different outfit
So far, no. She just seems like a sidegrade hoederer. Nothing all that great. just a generic lane holder you can swap with many. Kneels to anything stun immune like hoederer does
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Ah thank you anon.

Based on what we have seen here so far and without the numbers i would assume no she is not particularly meta, but she is usable.
I would hold out until her release or once we get more information before coming to a determination in regards to skipping her or not.
>there's a very real chance Rosa will be the last, or even the only Skade 6* without a L2D skin
don't fucking do this to me, HG
Hoederer and Ulpipi paizuri!!
skip core
Personally I would prefer if she had a bit of a tan and purple hair instead
Oh thats a very pretty outfit
Like how the artist did her eyes in this image too
Why does this thread hate Sana so much…
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Me too. Ptilopsis immediately comes to mind. I love the sleek futuristic look of her E2 and wish it could be reflected on the in game sprite.
I like Beeswax, Carnelian, and Morgan, so I don't see why not
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Ah i wish morgan got more art
She is a sweet girl with a great personality and a good head on her shoulders
Stop. Everyone knows what you're doing
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She kinda looks like Passenger at first glance
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I don't have any silly amiya images but i do have this la plumafied Amiya image instead if you would like that

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>puts the phone in split screen and looks up a youtube tutorial on it
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Oh god
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Fucking Blemishine and wiping my dick in her hair as I coom.
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men. I must be forthcoming with you about the potential future of this general and video game franchise.
inlight of today's livestreamed events, the Service of the Arknights mobile cannot continue and will meet an abrupt End. an End of Service if you will.
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I'm a firm believer eyes are god
Yeah decent eyes can carry an image in my personal opinion
They arent everything but they can convey a good deal of emotion or intent
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The anon who mentioned Pepepipi last thread opened Pandora's Box, we will never recover.
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On separate note, This summer event will have Tuye and Myrrh skin on shop before eventually chucked into cert shop.

With this there's only Erato left to be added on the next Half-Anni limited event. Makes you wonder what HG will do afterwards. Would be cool if they add brand new 5* ops in it.
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Is this in regards to the old log in reward skins?
Maybe they could potentially throw in new skins or operators intermittently but i think its equally as likely they do nothing.
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Yeah, they are whittling down the CC ship slowly. They most likely going to double down on skin instead of new ops though. The skin backlog is huge
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Stright white haired good looking girls with soft features don't really count as black though. Real blacks (I mean the whole package and not just skin tone) would look terrible.
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I love the Amiya dance, go white girl!
I still don't understand why this image exists, but I'm glad it does
My soulmate(self-proclaimed) blinding my soulmate(real)
Darkmiya Darknights...
Amiya protecting me from danger, nothing out of the ordinary
Thanks guys
>Goofy pepe and assless Narantuya
Easiest limited skip of my life
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strong bnnuy
So what is next year's summer banner?
hopefully better
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Coom banner
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I think HG should let doctor go on a vacation that doesnt go to shit for once...
Flamebringer alter and Priestess
>xiv savage on the 30th
>this on the 31st
I'm sorry bros.. I don't think ill make it..
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Hello ricetent?
Fortunately, chinks and japs don't actually make real black characters, it's always characters with white or asian features but dark skin
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So what does Shu do? Deos anybody here even know? I assume you all just read that she is op and left it at that
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Just my 2 cents on the egypt controversy, yes asian demo and their preferences but like if ur taking from a culture for profit i feel its not too bad to ask you be respectful when doing it ive seen how well HG have done it with others :( not saying make everyone black but like aatleastt using sand reckoners skin tone on 1 or 2 more characters like the normal 6 star would've been better i think
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Considering she's not out yet, yes
i know she heals sometimes and looks good
>Deos anybody here even know?
She's a basic as saria replacement with a nifty teleport
Isnt his skintone the same as pepe's?
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Cute Dragon
Flat chest
Modest rump
Likes to farm
Yummy white rice
Simple as.
I knew you silly goofs didnt know a damn thing
likes to fish too
you should go fishing with her down by that pond that the local villagers told her about doctor
have anyone here bought something from this site?
Reed would put up those autistically long anecdotes that sum up to "6/10"
My ancestor...
I have never seen this ad
Who's the guy on that /hm/ banner?
I think he founded Mama John's
sorry man i dont really pay attention to cn, i just look at the op and if they look good i roll
Samuel Hyde
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Looking through JP patch note, it lists out the upcoming EN dub batch
>Grain Buds
>Zuo Le
>Mr. Nothing
>Waai Fu
wow he's just like me...
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What is this merch bro
Oh Waai Fu and Pallas may be neat
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That's Doc without his hood.
waai fu better bust my balls
the closest we have to a "real black" girl is that chick with a half shaved haircut
Doc has straight hair that he wears in a short ponytail
>Waai Fu
oh fug
If you only use Saria s1 then Shu is exactly that but instead of buffing herself she buffs the whole squad and gives permanent 15% shelter and hp regen in a + shape instead of sp when she heals someone
Gavial and Eunectes are palette-swapped blacks
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Cowe voice soon
>pallas just ends up with a male VA
oh right i forgot the dreadlocks on her summer alt.
Isn't he the same as PP?
Could be interesting, wonder who they are going to go with considering how... verbose she can be at times.
>he clicked
bro, your Tuye?
And no, don't give me that tanned bs excuse; Kestrel is even more tanned than her.
To be fair Pepe is brown, which is pretty in line to an Egyptian person.
They will go with a literal who like everyone else
>someone actually clicked an ad
>on 4chan
She's closer to olive, which is still Egyptian-Mediterranean
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And maybe you end up with a brain cell someday
I mean they went with Suzie Yeung for Shu did they not?
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semi-comprehensible cowe coming soon
Unironically just get don't these people, probably tourists, coming out of the woodwork chimping about egyptians should be black. They somehow don't realize that they're being genuinely racist here.
>this again
reminder that the Ptolemaic Dynasty, the last Dynasty Egypt had before it became a full blown Roman province, was ethnically Greek, genetically speaking Cleopatra was closer to Alexander than to her own living subjects
I actually checked it out because he mentioned it. It says it has the beans but I'm not sure I can trust the site.
true true
God fucking damnit LMAO
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pink(skin) cat
don't we already have one of these?
I am genuinely shocked this setup didn't leak
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I am gonna eat the Rice
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gods i wish to smooch this cow
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What skills should I master for Shu? Is her module good?
S3. S1 if you want her to replace saria for afk use
Module yes, it increases her shelter buff that's massive
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*von dooms*
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Everyone's dead now
Does this make you happy, Doctor?
Can it, Mandy. Have you no respect for the Sabbath?
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>artist textured amiyas tights
nice summer limited arkeks
>the Ptolemaic Dynasty
Did it give bonus SP regen?
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>Module yes
Is Lv3 a must?
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Thanks kind stranger, i think she is really cute.
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The regen goes from 70>80 hps.
The shelter goes from 10% > 15%
And at lvl 3, shu herself gets a + tile deployed under her straight away, meaning she will deploy with regen+shelter instead of needing to use a skill to cast it
Wait, she gives shelter, too?
>out of a job for some reason
>No Shu bean
What happened? Did we do something wrong? Did we make Lowlight angry?
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So few artists do it, even picrel does not get that detailed...
Between the 24/7 regen and shelter. She also gives HP buff and usually aspd buff too. So much utility for just existing. The shelter buff on herself makes her about as tanky as saria too
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this guy looks like a cool guy, wont you let him on the landship doc?
>Amiya calls someone handsome
>/akg/ suddenly cares about her again
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Even better
Pretty sure he isnt sold on Rhodes islands methods no?
Its why he sends GG off and stays with reunion.
Bwo we didn't even get any bean merch.. JP did... we didn't...
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>reading fairy tales
>these were once treasures, but their owner lost everything he ever had and was forgotten by history, leaving not so much as a gravestone. Thus, all the curios became "junk" without owners.
>that blue rose
Wait a sec, isn't this just an older Iris who has apparently started to just give away the deceased's childhood treasures?
how old is caper?
We have had fairly consistant amiyaposting around this time for the last few days
Certainly before the stream
I think her profile says she is still a "child" but with her body and her facial expressions i seriously doubt that claim.
enough for what...legaly or physicaly
Threesome with her and my wife (They are warming up with an anal tug of war)
>fiery tail underwater
how is Reed still not dead?
Yostar global literally hates money
hoederer is sarkaz which means he's allowed to appropriate sargonian culture, as he's more oppressed than they are. checkmate
I mean it could also be "grandmother"
I've drawn blood from 5'10 girls with D cups, hips and large rears... that were 13 years old and not overweight.
I'm a male nurse. And no, I am not living the life. I am on a strict MILF-to-GILF diet.
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She evolved
the twist is iris IS grandmother due to timey wimey dreamy wreamy bullshit
I simply said i doubt it
Not that it wasnt factual
Caper certainly is someone i would ID before serving drinks
She is. Eblana is just keeping her sisters corpse alive because she doesn't want to be alone
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Your online purchase has arrived
A few reasons. First, her fire isn't regular fire, so water putting it out isn't necessarily going to happen. Second, she's not a Charmander, so it wouldn't kill her if it wen tout. Third and finally, look at her E0 art as a vanguard dummy.
Poca is a middle schooler, for reference
some girls just develop too fast in comparison to their peers
Where can I start on the Tragoedia deep lore?
Why is Ascalon closer to me than my own two daughters?
I didn't order this, better send it back
It's all in IS2 and Shalem's profile

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