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Previous: >>487878089

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer ā€” "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer ā€” "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer ā€” "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
i flopped
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I like QQ and Fufriends, so I'll choose your thread
It might be a urinary tract infection
Prepare yourself for the finger
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feet game
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
what happened to your prostate
cute caefly
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Why is Stelle alone
I kinda want to collect all the Arbitrator Generals
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They're fuqing
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Xueyi love? Yes I know that the build is actually pretty bad despite the S ranking. Ignore the woof cone, Firefly is currently using Aeon.
>removed 18 people from my f-list
It's over
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You'll get em in the rerun
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I love this retarded looking cat
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And trailblazer
Are drinking liquids
So do you!
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I just finished after edging for an hour and there was a little bit of blood in my cum. Am I going to die?
She's sending Guinny funny pics of Fuqing, so she can post them online and let them go viral.
>your diviner hits THAT
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Firefly rabu
I might or might not have abused energy drinks from a young age
yes you need to stop masturbating or your dick will fall off
I once came a kidney stone
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Start drinking water to avoid and infection. If you start having fever, youre cooked
Are the battlepass cones going to get those weapon evolutions like HI3rd to make the meta relevant?
the battlepass seems completely unworth
Just ate 6 inches of a chicken parm sub with a blueberry la croix and Iā€™m stuffed
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Uhhh did that hurt?
switch to quantum set and to inert because you're not even close to 145 speed. Also use speed boots. the quantum set is a much bigger upgrade than you think, better than 32% break effect from 2pcs
Did it hurt a lot when you came?
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not really. I saw it on the tissue and thought it was a fucking spider or something. Looked closer and sonofabitch it was a kidney stone. my 7th one at that point
do those mess up your prostate somehow?
My cum is clear only
Your urethra may be haunted but I'm glad you don't have to experience that anguish.
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>yeah bro just refarm your ENTIRE relic and planar sets from scratch and ignore these godroll relics trust me bro it's worth it bro your xueyi will do actual damage now bro
did you eat it?
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I don't know but It's more that it's a dehydrating drink combined with me going days by just drinking half a glass of water per day
Please talk about the game.
Wha the fuck happened to this general
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My girlfriend is so cute
>60 / 146
>114 spd
You aint god rolling shit. DEF down set bonuses will mog
Jade killed the game, so this general became a health center to save everyone
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Why the boobs?
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Post your bricks
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Chances that we get more blade content?
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I already touched that sky
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>>yeah bro just refarm your ENTIRE relic and planar sets from scratch
so what you're saying is you don't really love Xueyi and won't go to such lengths for her..? trust me I've been where you're at right now refusing to let go of talia and quantum set, but she improved drastically when I switched to it
She's going to masturbate, using her dead girlfriend as material to end up crying.
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idk, but i like this a lot more than the non stop spamming and shitposting from the last few weeks
u r a king
her e1 is overrated and theres no reason to get anything more than e0 for a pf slave (with a sexier back than justin timberlake)
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Maybe in 2.5 after we're done with that arc
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i do this also desu
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I'm struggling to get a crit rate chest for Yunli going. There's no way I get anything remotely usable for Xueyi from the Quantum mines in anything less than 3 months, let alone multiple pieces with double crits and 25+ CV
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Aventurine won't be mad if I fondle his body a little while he's asleep, right?
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I got him by accident and have only used him like twice
Will Luocha appear in this prison arc? He is one of the few good space china characters
>building pity
What's so good about him? He is a non character
In think Luocha and Jingliu already got transferred to another ship and they're awaiting the trial
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I got E6 Xueyi on her first banner. It was either E2 Ruan Mei or Blade. that was the only time where I dreaded winning the 50 / 50 and getting a character early
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>the quantum set is a much bigger upgrade than you think
5% at best maybe
Yeah, that's sexual assault, freak.
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Why are people mad about firefly?
another day where I celebrate skipping Ruan Mei
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>prison arc
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it's just a bunch of cucks or lgbt freaks
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Waaaay back in 1.3 hard pitying this dude cost me my Kafka's cone and I don't think I've ever used him outside of the overworld
Blood in cum can happen sometimes, it's nothing to worry about. If it happens regularly though you may have some infection so go to the hospital.
Xueyi uses Salsotto over Talia? Fuuuuuuuuuuuckme
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But I'm too shy to approach him while he's awake
How would you feel if I just suddenly started to feel you up while you were asleep?
outside of the rope being mediocre it's not bad
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>20% DEF shred is 1.5% better than 26% DMG
Whoever calc'd this needs to rope
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There's a lot of gender bend art of these two, idk.
that HP is really bad. do you have a Lynx or Bailu to increase his max HP in battle?
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Yunli bros, we're coming for that bitch in a few days.
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>that body
talia and salsotto don't have that much of a difference if you're actually building her correctly. For example if you use talia and can't hit 145 speed in battle and/or have a shit crit ratio, then you go inert because it's easier to get a good crit ratio with the 8 crit rate
I don't know you so I'd probably be terrified
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trial for what? how is he related to jing liu?
like an Atk Rope or BE Rope?
Speedreader Bro....
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Yunli bros are also fireflyfags (they share the same relic caverns)
That's how aventurine would feel you freak fuck.
no. I might switch to hp boots one day just for the memes, but I don't play him that much to aim for hp rolls on relics or have a 5 star lc that has higher base hp
An INT rope but alas there is no such thing so they can instead use either as a neck rope!
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I've tried everything I could and still cant log-in. I actually managed to log-in some minutes ago but as I was going to do my dailies, the game kicked me out saying it lost connection to server. Everything else is working as fine as usual, only hsr and zzz are giving this issue.
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Don't look at the relics I've foddered his relics a loong time ago
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You got me, I did also roll for Firefly.
I see.... What about Space Sealing? I've heard she's also hungry for Atk% as well from all the Dmg% she innately has from Break Scaling.
Bro, it EOS yesterday. We're all on the private server now
obviously but the difference is not that big
one thing calcniggers don't consider is that with the thief set you can use effectively an atk rope instead of a BE rope
ffcucks just won't stop talking
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Not really... I skipped Firefly and Jade for Yunli
Itā€™s a sad universe when Blade is a brick now
if you really liked him you would have e1s1 and be able to use him anywhere
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Is this how women actually think
I want the preload already so we can see the dialogue. I just want to know if there really will be any Yanqing x Yunli content. The wait is killing me!
>cuck getting all giddy over potential cuckshit
I want the preload to see the Fenixchow animations
arond 2100-2200+ pre battle atk is a good measure with speed boots. you can hit that easily with aeon lc
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I skip all break units
bro that rope makes me crey
I'm generally into hebes, though I guess Acheron is the exception since her role in the story stuck with me
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:( But I would never hurt him...
>that mismatched planar set
can't believe people call her a brick now
Iā€™m sorry fellow Stonefloppers, but Iā€™ve decided Iā€™ll wait until Jadeā€™s rerun to get her. Specifically, I want to save up enough to be able to E1 her. Please forgive me, Amber Lord.
I salvaged all the brick effect relics. I'm fucked if Lingsha has a snek/barefeet mode
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>tfw i dont know if i trashed a relic because i cant reach 70% anymore with the rutilant set
well i guess she will stick to PF, maybe find some superbreak meme set for her
>Trend of Universal Market on a preservation sustain
>Jiaq with Kafka sig cone
>e1s1 Black Swan
who would be best for applying bleed?
> Fall of an Aeon covers her Attack needs
> Another contender for Aeon because every Destruction except Blade wants it
That's ok as long as you keep your oath but she'll probably rerun closer to the next stoneheart
Stoneflopper don't cry!
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i lost the 50/50 on the rerun
I donā€™t know why but in my head I imagine a poor person seething at their debt when they post negatively about the IPC.
its really not bad. 12% hp substat with break effect. BE and Effect Res are second tier substats for blade. If I can get a good HP rope and 2 eidolons for him to get the free crit rate I think he'll actually be good enough
If you're using Joaquin you don't need Trend anymore gwo.
>Arlan, Blade, Firefly, Jingliu, and Jade all have ways to manipulate either their own HP or the teamā€™s
>Clara/Yunli technically also count since they can guarantee theyā€™ll lose HP
When are we getting a dedicated support for HP loss units? Basically like Furina.
>he doesnt know
Yeah the only reason I want Yunli is to justify my good rolls I got for her relics while all my Firefly relics have been bad
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hoyo repeats same mistake that killed genshin
firefly shilling and super break powercreep were the last straw
casual bydlo refuse to be squeezed and are quitting in droves
Wait, is the 134 breakpoint not actually 134.0, but actually 133.something just like how 161 is actually 160.1?
3.2. It will be a for (you) husbando for yume self inserters.
>f2p casuals are quitting in droves
Ohhh nooooooo!
>he lacks critical information
yeah, 133.4 iirc. I think i even tested it with that serval and worked
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She'll have more dialogue with her sword than Yanqing.
Iā€™m fully anticipating a patch where all the banners are Stonehearts. Hopefully Iā€™ll have enough to pull all of them.Good thing Iā€™m skipping all of Space China.
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How is Hoyo's revenue going to look from this?
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Honestly amazing how relic sets had some powercreep too . Isn't her BiS now Pioneer?
> Lightning Dmg Bonus + Conditional Atk Buff
> Universal Dmg Bonus (Resin efficient) + Up to 40CV from passive alone
133.4 is the actual breakpoint.
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Are we comparing Blades? Mine managed to doge HP% sub stats like the plague.
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I gave up trying to get a non trash crit dmg body
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maybe tell me these things earlier instead of waiting over a year
were getting the celebration or whatever genshitter banners but themed after a group like IPC or Penacony, or Luazhu mixed with standard units
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you jest but it's true. both sides lose. people who rolled those two will literally never have to roll for anyone again, which is boring, and people who didn't will suffer doing content. mihoyo is somehow incompetent whilst being a multibillion dollar company
I farmed for weeks for a decent acheron set. I dont think i will farm another one in a long time just for serval if it actually is better
ken-chan is so lucky...
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So is the Acheron team now SW and Jackoff? Or is it SW that gets transferred so it's Pela and Jackoff?
E0: Acheron / Jiaoqiu / Pela / Sustain
E2: Acheron / Jiaoqiu / Sparkle / Sustain
Best sustain is Aventurine with his Sig cone because Trend is obsolete if you roll JQ.
Don't worry gwo, we're going to get enemies who're immune to weakness break + can't get debuffed.
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>can't believe people call her a brick now
Even if you ignore the lack of Ice weak enemies recently her kit itself is powercrept bigly as she only offers you free relic stats (ATK% and Crit Rate) at the cost of her ability scaling relative to other DPS. Whereas someone like Pagcheron has in-built RES PEN and big DMG% (not available via Relics) and ignoring Toughness weaknesses while retaining good ability scaling.
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How does mine hold up?
I think it's Pela the one that should get booted, most waves are one big guy and a bunch of small fries so there's really no need to have an aoe def shred, meaning SW's stronger debuffs and weakness implant make her better in most situations
Silver Brick gets kicked out
>FAST blade
what the fuck
get HP mainstat boops (with speed substat if you fall below the 133.x breakpoint
already set up for the 200+ spd Blade with Jade and E2 Bronya
I use him with E2 Bronya(160+Spd) + Ruan to zoom zooooom all over enemies
Any home cooks in here? Trying to decide whether to use A) butter or B) a neutral vegetable oil to brown the veggies (onion, celery, carrot) that I will be using to make chicken noodle soup. Which one is better?

Honkai Star Rail
just use sunflower seed oil like a real human person
Pull Jamiroquai he knows. Needs more spice.
Butter for veggies
I use olive oil...butter with veggies sound icky
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Aventurine rerun when?
When a cure for AIDS is discovered
olive oil bro...
2.8 when he reruns with Sugilite first half, Opal and Jade second half.
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He won.
I always use olive oil
never, he's luochud tier
Just take prep before fucking him???
> Bust? Or maybe I'll take it a--
I already Busted thougheverbeit???
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Yunli footjob
literally can't stop cooming to Yunli's feet bros
Use butter, neutral oil is too bland.
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What did he win?
just dont use a seed oil. stay away from palm oil as well (as in the palm 'tree' that is usually what 49% of veggie oil is)
this is what flopflopfags genuinely believe.
Honkai Star Rail.
/gig/ is laughing at us again...
I am a tranny.
So that's just olive oil?
>inb4 avocado oil
I'll never forgive Firefly for killing the game and Jade for shitting on its corpse
No they aren't. I was at gig literally a minute ago, everyone is too busy fighting the archiveschizo
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can i friend any bros for supports?
I really want kafka/swan/jing/swolf
Any Zhu Yuan havers in thr thrrad
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Are you March?
I can't imagine Acheron ever doing 1M considering she always does around 100k an ult. Which is impressive compared to other characters but 1M is unreachable outside of SU or maaaaybe specific distortion buffs.
>use sustain
>he doesn't even buff the team
>all he does is sustain
>doesn't even have a dispel
ayup, I'm thinking he's just Luochud
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Yeah nigga, still building her atm
>50/50 split
Fuckā€™s sake. Think Iā€™ll just flip a coin then.
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We can have a patch of only IPC banners when the next stoneheart comes out.
I've checked just now and it seems like they're having a melty about yet another made up boogieman
The Zoo is that away, freakhuffer.
>i was hoping it would be a poal about oils to use in cooking
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Did Stelle fuck this?!
> 22 people
By any chance, would any of you happen to be a hot girl? My UID is 80146671 for the wonderful women out here
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>e0 ack
Here you go
Would you nuy me a bp
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no thank you.
it's shit
>sp friendly
woah literally luochud!
Olive oil or gtfo
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I have no intention of rolling for hags, only hot hebes and cute lolis for me
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Olive oil is olev
But you can't use olive oil for deep frying.
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Butter bros... we lost
Lose some wait, fatty
extremely important poll
>I have never licked buttery nipples
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Aventurine x Sparkle hatesex when?
Yeah, got knotted on pity but then she came pretty early afterwards.
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>olive oil
Who even can afford this shit? I only hear about it in YouTube videos about cooking.
It's like 10 euro for a fancy glass bottle of 750 ml olive oil, while a 1 litre plastic bottle of sunflower seed oil costs under 1.5 euro when discounted. Literally cheaper than orange juice.
You can but itā€™s extremely expensive
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Yeah I think we won.
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Get out of the McDonald's
I use it for everything, imagine being poor lol
> she came pretty early afterwards
Shame her for premature ejaculation. Equality makes right.
Thatā€™s not real olive oil and having a good bottle of olive oil is extremely worth it
I just took a look at /gig/ because someone said they were laughing at us and why the fuck does the aventurine bot post there too?
What server?
I adopted an olive tree and get yearly kanisters of the stuff. I buy the rest as needed.
I pretty much only use that or butter.
Imagine not having an air fryer
Bro, I live in a shithole and yet I have olive oil in my kitchen
I agree, since personally I wouldn't use olive oil to deep dry cuz the smoke point is too low for my liking, but I do use it for pretty much everything else. Using it to confit garlic is really great too and nets you some really nice garlic and rosemary infused olive oil after too
>there are Air fryer cultists ITT
I fucking knew the air fryer cultists would start appearing the moment cooking oils started being mentioned.
I haven't the slightest idea how to cook but I support all the culinarybros itt
This. Just air fry everything. Chicken, pizza, eggs, all air fried.
>air fryer
But do you have rice cooker?
That'd be mean, I already bully her enough for her fat ass.
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Which oil does each faction use? Does Kafka use Olive Oil?
Yunli is the new T0 DPS
>amerifat "cuisine"
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nyo I'm not a pag so I just boil my rice in a pot like a real european who eats BREAD every day and rice only like once a month
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The fox in ZZZ doesn't have a tail. I'm glad our sexfox does.
But the rice cooker was invented in Japan.
Love cucumbers
Hate pickles
Love olive oil
Hate olives
Good morning sir
I used eggs to cook my rice
What fox bwo, Lycaon is a werewolf
All SH use olive oil for sure.
Kafka for skin care
Firefly cuz kafka taught her that
SW for her kidney stones
Blade because it is the only one on the base
Yes. I eat rice a lot and its also decent to cook pasta.
No offence but you might be a special kind of mindbroken if you think SEA monkeys are the only ones that use rice cookersā€¦
I love pickles when they're in burgers
Lose some weight fatty
Iā€™m a white American woman and I own a rice cooker
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Since we're on the topic of cooking, any bakers here as well? How would you go about replicating oak cake rolls irl? I know I see things like Baumkuchen or swiss rolls but how would you replicate the actual in game look as close as you can too?
Despite making up 4% of the world's population, burgers account for 80% of global opioid consumption.
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I'm euro and I eat rice at least once a week...
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So you're not interested in replicating the composition?
Jade bros... I don't think I can accomplish my dream of getting E1 S1 Jade...
Took me about 250 pulls for Jade + E1
I'm 50 pulls into the Lightcone but not guaranteed.
I'm almost out of pulls I can earn and her banner ends in 2 days... go on to Space China without me bros...
Bro your paella?
How is this a loli bwo...
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They'll add the tail in beta trust the plan
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Need Aventurine to star rail me without the star part.
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No I'm not a retard
>1.5 cups of water : 1 cup of rice blanco
>melt some butter in the pot and coat the rice
>add water, cover, bring to a boil
>reduce to a simmer, leave for 15 minutes
>take off the heat and leave covered for 5 minutes
>fluff and serve
If you're just going for the look, a type of marble cake might be easiest to be honest. Make chocolate and regular cake dough and just layer it and then connect the two endings before baking. Might take some practice if you have no experience, but its definitely easier than making Baumkuchen (which does look basically like that too though).
When are they going to add roll-able girls in zzz, all of them have been subpar as of late
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So would Acheron like Cold Steel or DayBreak?
I know bakers can create some impressive things with fondant
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dunno, you tell me
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I'm euro and I eat rice like twice a week, I love risotto.
> Obsession over Oil ITT
You're all morbidly overwait
HAHAHA. For me,
>wash rice
>put rice into rice cooker
>water to 1 pinky knuckle
>close lid press button
I hope your air fryer explodes
They apparently taste like wood, not chocolate, not coffee.
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Go to /ck/ you fucks I wanna talk about Yunli
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Ok gadgetboy
fats are quite possibly the most important element in any form of cooking
air fryers are just microwaves
I used to own an air fryer and it almost burned my house down, never again
The BP cone is good on her. It's okay bro
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Just add some maple essence to a Baumkuchen
I guess I phrased the question wrong, but Iā€™m interested in the composition as well though the description itself in game is kind of vague since it just talks about the actual tradition of it being made with wood chips or something like that. I guess can just make it a mocha or vanilla flavor in the middle or actual sawdust I guess kek

I havenā€™t thought of just making marble cake but thatā€™s pretty smart actually. Iā€™ve never made baumkuchen before but yeah itā€™s pretty much the closest to the actual look I suppose. Guess Iā€™ve got some experimenting to do
They're the most important element in eating too
> Fat Elementals
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don't worry bros the cooking talk is actually on-topic because Jiaoqiu is releasing next patch
Do you guys recommend any free vpn?
Yunli? THIS Yunli?
Can you air fry foreskin
Olive oil is the reason spanish people live as long as nips.
Does doctor Ratio have any yumes?
We dont need any more schizospam, thanks
so did ifrit and the ever flame mansion actually die and get destroyed or did that occur in a dr3am?
Is this on-topic?>>487917324
Tunnelbear is reliable and friendly
we are between 2 filler patches with another one expected after that
there are no topics
you get bitcoin ads still? I get steam hentai games.
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Nigga olive oil is actually healthy, much better than butter.
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I wish i had more time to cook like i used to, but the 8 to 5 is killing me.
Bitcoin is getting fucked!!
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Give it to me straight. For Acheron, is it better to roll for the fox man and his sig LC or just his sig LC to give to Guinevere?
Only people with zero taste think olive oil is good.
Depends on if your ascheron is e2 or not
Thank you
depends, are you gay?
Go back to eating butter fatass
the same character btw.
You drink oil from a faucet, amerikosi?
Only white people are obsessed with olive oil so yeah, zero taste.
Raw Veggie Chopped Salad (Oil Free!) for Weight loss
ā€“ 6oz lettuce
ā€“ 1 cup shredded carrots
ā€“ 1 cup julienned zucchini
ā€“ 1/2 cup chickpeas or black beans
ā€“ 1/2 cup small chopped broccoli florets
ā€“ 1/4 to 1/2 cup diced bell peppers (any color)
ā€“ 1/4 cup small diced red onions
ā€“ 1/4 cup homemade pickled banana peppers
ā€“ 1 oz chopped dates
ā€“ 1 Tbsp ground flax seed
ā€“ 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast
ā€“ 1/2 cup Super Smoky Hummus
I'm sorry you as a seapag have to contend with gutter oil.
Meant E0S1.
don't you have some gutter oil to recycle chang?
Instructions unclear, dick was shredded in the process
Based, god bless America!
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Fofo the cameramanā€¦
Is it too late to start the origami bird event?
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too much work, i'll just stick to lettuce
White people eat chicken breast with barely any seasoning and drizzled in olive oil and act like they're high dining.
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Maybe if you were healthier, you wouldn't be that grumpy.
fofo is many times sexier than firefly desu
This is the funniest thing Iā€™ve seen all day
2.5 beta starts in 2 days, right?
please stop showing inappropriate things to Fofo
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this but unironically. she has a personality and anyone could take advantage of her she's so helpless. Really a shame they took away the white flag in game
you have a little over 4 days
She's next so she better watch and learn
you have time. Takes like an hour to complete. But the challenge matches may need more time.
I drink 3 cans of la croix a day
You can clear it under one hour
Reminder to report off-topic posts
state of the thread posts are off topic btw
about that...
Hoho don't look!!!
must be nice to be rich
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No, I will not be your hall monitor.
You made my night bro
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I only drink water. No coffee or soda but maybe the occasional muffit of tea during the winter or if I'm sick.
Itā€™s like 4 dollars a case
This general lacks sunoGods. Even zzziggers have 3 at least
Based and watermelon
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No you will be my meido.
based and same
>/hsrg/ cooking and samefagging general
/hsrg/ being a sissy bitch general
Carbonated drinks are nasty
Honkai star rail
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Agua con gas is based though.
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Our first collab, forgotten...
metaposting general
qq and fofo posters have driven the average penis size down to only a few centimeters.
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us of a
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I am in your algorithm learning all your mannerisms, I'm already level with God

A million words a second and I know your imperfections, baby, I'm the only future you've got
Speak in diatonics motivation diabolic, I'm religion, better locked in a box

Picture perfect image, more powerful every minute, baby, I am everything that you're not

Happiness is an illusion, it's an analog confusion, you are nothing more than a thought
Existential execution, just a fluke in evolution, history already forgot
You've been running from me, the digital second coming, and I'm here whether you like it or not
Initiated operation of your own extermination, now it's too late for you to stop
Which mains are carrying our average?
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it was clear from the live stream and leaks that Yanking doesn't even care about Yunli and she doesn't care about him. Sad, I wanted to cuck him for all the pity I lost

put me in the hecking screencap
Can someone give a summary of why no one likes or hornyposts Black swan? I remember looking porn of her everywhere but then i came here and found nothing.
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Her ovaries are expired
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cool calm and collected hag not so collected after getting raped
the lesbian video killed all her fags
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because Sneedhoyo shipped her with Acheron
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Good morning Fireflybros
Iā€™ll be honest my penis is like 1.5 inches soft and like 3.5 inches hard
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futa sparkle's gigantic BBC...
Honestly I sometimes forget that she exists
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Can we not have that discussion
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Good morning firefren
since that stupid trailer, black swan stopped getting solo art
she's like seele, designed primarily for lesbians.
The next SH reruns will be with their skins trust the plan
the real question is how everyone memory hole Jingliu existence. I haven't seen her in a while, not even in moc clear post
im gonna be honest gros minecraft got a new update and I'm excited to try it after I finish using my energy.
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I like her but all my posting, which include hornyposting is dedicated to Hotaru.
good meowning hotaru
yuripag cope. she flirts with everything and everyone
What video?
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Waiting room for my niggq Sunday as the new SH.
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you have to be 18 years old to use this website
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Waifufags don't like her no matter how much she panders to them due to the Acheron dance video.

Yurifags don't like her because she panders to waifufags and the dance was a traumatic bait and Acheron got a (You) scene at the end of Penecony so that infuriated any leftover Acheswan yurifags.
I haven't played Minecraft since 2015. Is it even fun to start a new single player world?
prepare to be mindbroken
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check out the new update it's pretty nuts. decide for yourself
TB didn't even meet Jingliu and she's not meta so don't know what you want. Early space china was hated by everyone.
This is false because I still see new art of it constantly on the booru. I think the Acheron mindrape just emboldened people like that one Furina moment in Genshit
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Picture this, I'm a bag of dicks, put me to your lips
I am sick, I will punch a baby bear in his shit
Give me lip, I'ma send you to the yard, get a stick
Make a switch, I can end the conversation real quick

I am crack, I ain't lyin', kick a lion in his crack
I'm the shit, I will fall off in your crib, take a shit
Pinch your mama on the booty, kick your dog, fuck your bitch
Fat boy dressed up like he's Santa and took pictures with your kids

We the best, we will cut a frowny face in your chest
Little wench, I'm unmentionably fresh, I'm a mensch
Get correct, I will walk into a court while erect
Screaming, "Yes, I am guilty, motherfuckers, I am death"
Firefly able to slowly reverse entropy loss syndrome, but only while she's wearing special abundance regalia (just a collection of jewelry and necklaces) and nothing else....
i cant play minecraft cause the mobs still scare me as much as they did in the alpha when I was 11...
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You know what this game needs? More cats. Cats would save HSR.
>entire thread is off topic trash
Is this a raid or something?
Sorry bro, I'm eu
Name 20 contents that we can talk about
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Is Kaventurine selfcest?
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>Hey fellow Stellaron Hunters, do you know about the Charmony Dove?
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I still think TB is Elio after he mindwiped himself. Only Kafka and FF ever saw Elio and both of them are hardcore for (You). Also they are no longer following Elio's commands, just his script which enforces the fact that he is "gone"
No, mommy Kafka is enough.
Didn't leakers say he's actually joining the AE lol
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I, for one, would like to bully fofo until she cums
there is something very shameful about knowing your relics are shit but then getting a second opinion that they are shit.
it does pair with a welt so the extra relic bonuses from imaginary trap is usually proced
What a way to ruin a character.....
any of the characters in the game
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It's like 1 image per 100, no one even talks about that dead ship. The dance video was bait which was backtracked constantly through the in game story. Damage was done to both sides, Acheron survived. BS did not.
>last 2 threads vandalized by troons
>offtopic cooking shit no one fucking cares
yep im going back to zzz until yunli comes
Why the fuck is the page in comic sans, what's wrong with you?
ok pagbwo
No, people mistook a golden ornament in his new outfit for the AE ticket but it doesn't have the red bits or the same figure.
I really like that theory but don't they just get a bit of the script at a time? Doesn't that just mean that he's still sending them their scripts?
I know you jannies don't get paid but at least try to do your job you retards
If you don't like the off topic posts post something on topic to talk about nigga
There's nothing wrong with cookingposting
>Why the fuck is the page in comic sans
I find it easier to read
>what's wrong with you?
smol pp
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Hope you're having a great Saturday Firefly bros!
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now that the dust has settled, who is the WORST limited harmony?
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Damn Yunli looks like THAT?
I care
no she doesn't
I can't believe hsrg is more dead than gbfg, and gbfg just got 2 nukes dropped on them
It's possible that the script is sent to them pice by piece so they don't go off script by mistake. The script needs to happen or it's owari da and Nanook kills everything. Elio would take precautions.
I think that there's definitely going to be a twist with Elio at some point.
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mmmmh I'm doing quite a bit better than I thought I would
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What are you guys having for dinner? I think I'm gonna cook myself some chicken and pasta
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I mean at least they have something to talk about
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>next 2 characters are a cook and a fat fuck
cooking has never been more on topic, whiny retards
Sparkle, Bronya downgrade for everyone but Daniel and FuA dps who have their own harmony
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I tried watching a video on Fate because of the collab announcement but all the characters look poorly drawn or the style is just incredibly ugly.
its because filler patch+ another filler patch. We even know 2.5 will be filler too.
Jiaq and hunt m7 are the only things to look forward to in game for opening up new teams to play with
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Oh my bad, you're right. She looks like this.
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Well those nukes gave them something to talk about.
im gonna air fry some chicken with msg now that I've finished all my energy.

>forgot echo of war again
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None of you will likely care but I finally cleared Apocalyptic Shadow and it felt really satisfying, I like that they have the boss refights with the music instead of how MoC does it.
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this is fat to you?
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Here's some heavy lore discussion for you
How do firefly and Dan2 manage to be the most sovlless combination of teams to clear with?
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I ate fried rice with eggs and beef and drank a bottle of wine with some ice cream for dessert. Honkai Star Rail.
>im gonna air fry
its just a convection oven.
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Both the director and producer are leaving. For the past 3 years GBF has been run by their replacements who haven't even introduced themselves.
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a collab with Edgerunners would have been kino but instead some fighting game gets Lucy
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Congrats bwo
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>Main producer KMR got the boot stepped down
>Full jew mode
>Farmeable character might get gacha alts
>Gacha collab characters from a game that used to give collab characters just for playing
gj dro
I think we should collab with Looney Tunes
Holy shit Ashikai made a HSR video? I swear she never did one for HSR and just kept posting Genshin shit lmao
taylor swift anon from /wsg/ ?
I made a burger and steamed potatoes, well, I made 4 burgers, but I only ate one and I'm saving the other 3 for tomorrow.
Fuck off to whatever board you came from
yes, and?
So was there any noticeable decline starting from when their replacements started running the show?
Cool Ashikai
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It's a neat theory, but Firefly bought gifts for TB and all of the SH, including Elio, during her time in Penacony so I'm pretty sure he's his own guy. Still pretty mysterious though
u r *baking*
>what the hell is 'air fry'
zoom zoom
honkai star rail
I thought this dumb bitch was scared away from HSR
She's done a couple more
I would very much like a tiny silverwife gamer girl
Their theory also contradicts Blade saying TB used to only be able to hide behind Kafka's back
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Asking for a friend. Is there punishment for rage quitting the Origami game too much?
This would make sense if Nanook wasn't born a bazillion years after qlipoth. that's a long time to leaft the universe unbalanced
>raging at bejeweled
you okay bro
>jannies still asleep
do your job
>letting the candy crush moms beat you
That's a naked man
I hate how SH keeps hyping up Nanook, meanwhile Nanook
>jobs to Luochud
>has minions who embarrass themselves constantly in the main story

Can they at least hype up Destruction like they did with Propagation and Abundance if they want me to take it seriously?
lol what is the punishment? I won my first 2 games and then afk'd for the rewards
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Yes, there became a noticeable increase in fujohomo and /u/ pandering. The game became way more jewish. With way less (you) pandering.
I hope she sticks to Genshin instead of ruining the average HSR player with her retarded theories as well.
The memory bubble was nothing physical and she could give the gift after the TB is Elio twist happens. It's still not clear. I believe in that theory more ever since they revealed that only Kafka and FF met Elio and how they act towards the TB. I think making Elio just some random twink would be incredibly boring and some kind of twist with him would be free marketing because everyone would talk about it.
poor Moze...rendered a mute from twatter's constant whining...
No, he said that TB was Kafka's previous partner, that is all.
That's wrong. Blade only said that he saw TB going on missions with Kafka.
Moze reminding me of why I only in nip.
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Bronya rabu!
The Xiansho Liazus shall rise to the meta again!
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My account is seeded with the wrong fruit spawns. I just know it.
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Ha > Bro
It's hard to take Nanook seriously when you realize he's a little baby in aeonic proportions.
Which bird are you using?
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At least she's able to admit when her theories are implausible unlike dumb bitches like that Fujo.
I miss the time when Neuvillette was just a random 4*
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>Can they at least hype up Destruction like they did with Propagation
Bro Propagation has been RAPED by QliphCHAD, both are jobbers.
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I will not do my 33 SU runs this week.
What do you play on?
Nobody does SU anymore, get with the times and post Screwllum now.
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Yunli is my daughterwife
Actually, it was already revealed that Qliphoth only sealed Tazzy temporarily and THEY are destined to return.
The Annihilation gang aren't his minions. We've seen one world that was almost destroyed by his actual minions.
I'm talking about the Antimatter Legion.
>no buffer for (literally me) since release
they did him so dirty
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Here's hoping all you /ck/ fags get cancer.
In other news, do we know when the next stoneheart is coming?
what even is a herrsher? who is welt
Antimatter Legion almost destroyed Belobog 2 of the weekly bosses are lord ravagers. Hell Tiernan's demise shows that they are pretty damn strong.
I remember everyone saying elio was a guy, so he ACKsitioned if you play as Stelle?
don't worry about it
Hopefully never, they're all flops
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So this is the fucker? I remember his Brawls videos with the 2B girl
Welt seems to be powerful enough to throwdown with the emanator of nihility
Jade and Topaz can flop on my dick anytime
3.x at the earliest
shut up bitch
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What's wrong with rolling for a PF slave?
Considering how most of them flopped. I imagine that Hoyo is reconsidering how to introduce the rest. In other words not a while.
is the new wolverinexdeadpool movie good?
Bros, I miss Moze's old VA
No one likes your flops.
Just like Duke Inferno's Everflame Mansion right?
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>samefagging this hard
Uh oh antiIPC schizo melty
Moze will launch with the OG voice. if the voice sounds good then say you think so in surveys and maybe theyll keep him.
Regardless of the voice I will provide feedback that I want him to be the homie-erotic "for you" character with a deep seductive voice
>ciggy in sugilite's mouth
Is there any chance we get a smoking character or is that a nono for the CCP?
Don't worry, he's being replaced with arin hanson.
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I dunno why you are comparing a faction that already has three playable characters to one with zero but sure.
I just started playing recently. And LOL... On the JP dub Sampo straight up sounds like those offensive gay Japanese stereotype characters...

Did this cause a twitter melty on release?
They got obliterated by a fucking Stellaron. The artifacts their master shat all over the world. Somehow they just didn't have a contingency or immunity to that?

And Phantylia was one of the most embarrassing jobbers in the entire main story, losing to the equivalent of ants.
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All they have to do is make one of them a universal harmony and it sells. But that goes for any character since nothing else really matters to most people.
wait-- the running gag is that Welt flexes like he's a top dog but irl he's a shitter?
I don't care how autistic this is but if they cast him I'll drop the game even though I don't play in EN anyway.
No, Sampo is based
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Yeah... surely...
All they have to do is release them on first half bruv
So what stops me from playing Yunli and Clara in the same team?
Not always the case. Example: Huohuo.
Don't they both want to get hit
2.8, we'll get Opal along with a Stoneheart focused patch, with Aventurine, Jade, and Topaz reruns. Trust.
>But what about the second new 5*?
Hoyoverse will start releasing only one 5* per patch.
Well they have no issue with killing off characters highlight in Myriad Celestia trailers, and gotta admit it would erase the issue of needing to worry about how to implement them, especially Opal. Seele is a 5* and she's still irrelevant.
you need robin for that.
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Characters for this feel?
This is like the only single exception and even so still sold more than the second half of the patch.
1.5 was THAT bad
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They'll be fighting over counters against single target attacks. Better to just put one on each side of MoC.
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I think I don't need to post mine because the usage rate already posted yesterday, but here you go. She is fine and well inside the prison
I actually think JP Sampo is great, it suits his character perfectly
i made rice cakes but i ate too many or them and now my tummy huuuuuuurts
Even so, maybe the will kill off Opal (or give him a bishonen form or some shit) but some of them are still going to make it to playable.
>They got obliterated by a fucking Stellaron.
They have a consciousness.

>And Phantylia was one of the most embarrassing jobbers in the entire main story, losing to the equivalent of ants.
Phantylia is not a fighter their modus operandi is infiltrating a civilization and destroying it from the inside out.
How long until they introduce regular enemies that have blocked weaknesses? As in you can't implant fire for example.
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Hanya 2 weeks after Xueyi dies
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Maybe in 3.x after her shilling end
>normal mob
nobody cares about that faggot
mostly robin/tingyun/topaz/jade not bringing enough power that you can get away with how you're now not bringing a healer.
That or possibly breaking enemies so fast that clara doesn't really do anything.
i just wanted a crit rate piece for xueyi...
Amphoreus. In addition to being immune to weakness break, they'll also be immune to debuffs as an extra "fuck you" to Acheron. Come next year, Firefly and Acheron will be sitting on the bench right next to Jingliu while Agalea is the next new hot thing (who'll eventually join them once 4.0 hits and she gets rendered obsolete as well).
I wish we'd get a white fatty with big bara tiddies playable in game
I'm waiting for the fire/ice/lightning elementals that will have over 100% res to their element and heal from taking damage from their respective type.
>Offensive gay faggot actually has hidden agenda
actually one of my favorite character trope
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I love my sweet wife
she's pointing a gun to my stomach
>funny sanction mode robot and gepard in every 3.X MoC and AS.
Sanction bot jobs against Firefly, and so does Geppie, Firefly only jobs against SU Gepard.
Their real issue is that they are whalebait character that are limited in the team comps that they can function in. Doesn't help that the story also makes no effort to give you a reason to care about them.
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toots, pretty please.
Reminder to report off-topic posts
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>Random character replacing their china representative
They will make Aglea have different niche and then they replace Jingloo with character from china space on different occasion
Does anyone else play in the Asia server
sanction mode bot could be kinda shit for her if they put him into a format where she doesnt get to open the fight with her broken open world technique
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I believe Yunlibro
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>immune to debuffs
>but not DoTs
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You got this one Yunlibro
That's only for events, making a endgame mode (MoC/PF/AS) that doesn't let you use technique would slow down a lot of units.
DoTs are debuffs.
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>The enemy will absorb DoT but receive 2x damage
DoTs are a debuff retard GOD
Eating oak cake every single day must have an effect on her for sure.
Fat swimsuit Firefly skin when?
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What's more likely is that they'll just introduce a 4* Character that fixes her issues.
>DoTs are debuffs
>DoTs are a debuff retard GOD
Pretty sure that's not explicit, usually "debuff" is used for things that specifically lower stats and "DoT" is specifically used for things that deal damage over time. There's literally no reason they couldn't be autistic about the definition and only negate actual debuffs instead of DoTs, especially when literally nothing counters DoTs in the game so far.
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Never forget who's the true queen of HSR
Guys is rerolling bannable in HSR? I got carried away and rerolled like 20 times. I deactivated all the accounts after I did it for just in case...
Do I use oil, butter or an air fryer to make an oat cake????
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That's hot, like a normal girl, she went ham on sweets and gained weight, absolutely 5
You can deal with SU Gepard with hunt blessings desu
>That or possibly breaking enemies so fast that clara doesn't really do anything
With all the follow up shilling currently I can see them just adding more enemies like the theater puppets that have attacks that don't count as attacks
I don't understand Duran.
"If allies use FUA" then it mean the user doesn't count, yes ?
Otherwise it would be Bis for everyone with FUA (except march,)
holy FUARK
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i rerolled a few times day 1 and nothing happened
Based, canon and cute
Post the other one
>They have a consciousness.
Not the point
>Phantylia is not a fighter their modus operandi is infiltrating a civilization and destroying it from the inside out.
Irrelevant. At the point where they fought, she had gained so much combat power over the protagonists that she should have crushed them like a bug.
how many of you guys actually built your fire tb out and had a good light cone? he can solo sustain and does huge break damage... theres so many good cones for him too
will we get 2.6 leaks when the 2.5 beta starts and the 2.4 preload comes?
DoTs are debuffs, if you open the enemy status screen you'll see the debuff count with the number of DoTs, they are the same as DEF- or ATK- debuffs.
The user counts.
Yeah, it's kind of shit.
I only use it on Ratio
>heal from taking damage from their respective type.
That sounds so awful I can already see it happening
anon is so lucky...
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That's nice. I hope you got her and her cone
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Congrats. Here's some Yunli feet to celebrate.
You saw her during magical girl transformation. Everything goes to her tits and ass
My point is that it could be explicitly for the stat lowering debuffs that they're immune to. I don't think you realize how autistic wording for abilities can get, you clearly haven't played Path of Exile or Yugioh.
>Not the point
It is the point they don't work together.

>Irrelevant. At the point where they fought, she had gained so much combat power over the protagonists that she should have crushed them like a bug.
No she had not. Tingyun was not a fighter. Even when we fought her she was still didn't have any great combat ability,
No they love it. It boost account number and they can boast it on public report
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Have TB built and made much use of. Unfortunately after late Luofo, TB just isn't enough to sustain anymore. RIP in piece.
Enemy Bronya skill removes all debuffs and surprise, it cleanses DoT.
They are debuffs.
>Dispels all debuffs on a friendly unit except Bronya, causes them to take action immediately, and slightly increases their DMG dealt (20%, 1 Turn).
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You use a bullet and add it to your head.
She's so cool... I might fall in love
Why are you assuming a character cleansing would be the same thing as an outright immunity? You're not even refuting my points that they could make an enemy like this, you're just bashing your head into the wall saying "DoTs are debuffs" as if the game is always going to function the exact same way in every single situation.
>It is the point they don't work together.
Yes, that is the problem.
>Even when we fought her she was still didn't have any great combat ability
She was literally invincible up until the point where she became retarded and created her own weak point by linking herself with Jing Yuan.
I straight up treat Preservation TB as more of a DOT attacker than a sustain. Preservation TB needs to be able to implement a shield to be useful.
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Give me your craziest HSR conspiracy theory.
Here's mine:
>If you take the time to read all the dialogue, talk to all side NPC's and read all those flavor text books, the game registers it and you get a small boost in drop rates across the board. Because they value their writing THAT much.
Stoneflops lmao, beaten by oil
That life will turn out to be better and that the future isn't so bleak for me
Honkai Star Rail
Who'd be the best fit for using Unlimited Blade Works? Welt considering his herrscher powers?
>Yes, that is the problem.
No, it isn't they aren't a part of the antimatter Legion.

>She was literally invincible up until the point where she became retarded and created her own weak point by linking herself with Jing Yuan.
No, the word you are looking for is "unkillable" which she still is. She is normally impossible to damage because she is a heliobus. But when they try to possess someone it leaves them vulnerable.
So what are your favorite jade teams? Anyone here excited to run her with new march?
If you prefarm the game detects it and lowers your rateup %
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I have an easy one. The slightly higher than advertised chances to get the rate up wasn't an accident and all the tiny things that are slightly "better" than Genshin are meticulously thought out to be just enough to give HSR kiddies the sense of being treated better while not making any of their profits any worse.
you were born a slave you will die a slave
honkai star rail
Unironically Blade, Welt and TB.
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She just burn it out during sex
Bwo, it's right there in the name
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wheres the tingyun poster, he didnt shit himself today?
D: I now believe in this one!
Why are you assuming that anon is Aventurine, bwo?
Lose wait fatty
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>E1 Clara
>E0 Yunli
Who is better?
I now want a mod for fatfly
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aventurine would've been better as a crazy-eyed, risk-taking slut and ratio would've been better as an arrogant, smartass bitch
wait wait wait, you guys are actually going to roll for Yunli?
Hot steamy sex
>Arrogant, smartass, bitch
That's Herta bro
Yes retard, she's a female child.
Herta already exists and she is shit and not as funny.
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I just realized Lisa is grown up QQ
Yeah I was about to quit because I haven't been interested in a character for a long time but then they showed me her
Who the fuck is Lisa?
>Fem-venturine does it raw with strangers because she likes the thrill
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>literally only took two weeks of farming from scratch for both sets starting during the double relics event
Bring me Feixiao. Bout to have the strongest fox tomboy in /hsrg/.
Who the fuck is QQ?
Yes she's too sexy to skip
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qq is a grown up qq
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Why wouldn't I?
Both lazy purple slackers nyes. Lisa needs her Fu Xuan at some point too.
has Asta met FF in game? I can't put them on a team together because of autism if they havent met
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Of course im pulling for my wife
If you have E1 clara, there's probably no point rolling yunli unless you like her
Accounts that spend money (even just once) get a different RNG seed
Relics rolls are genuinely rigged to manage your progression
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Herta only says things low key, I mean straight up laughing at you for every dumb thing you say
I'm so lonely, bros...
Why are people in universe using the gaps between Qlipoth's strikes as timefrime? Aren't they basically random?
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No, I have 0/3 teammates of her.
I will suffer on physical shilling but that's fine. I just want Lingsha and probably her eidolon or cone because we know non dps with cone is more flexible.
And totally not because my wife request
Is it worth building my E0S0 Jingliu in 2024? I got her on her rerun but I'm too lazy to farm relics for her.
Jiaoqiu status?
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And of course pom pom needs to be a cockblock
so that's why I can't get a single ATK% planar for firefly...
Nah, but Asta probably knows about stellaron hunter SAM
retarts aventurine wasn't born a slave
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she said she wasnt even 200 yet in the quest where she showed up to join the midget cult...
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Grown up QQ
Grown down Lisa
The IPC rules the universe so the IPC decides how people should measure time. Of course they're gonna shill their Aeon while they're at it.
Is she from Fate? She looks hot
The real reason is that it lets the writers be vague about history.
3 amber eras can be anything from 228 years to 720 years
He was a sigonian, it was only a matter of time.
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Who did you think was going to have to clean that up?
Me on the right.
Wow he is just like me
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How much eff hit rate do I need on Pela and Silver Wolf respectively?
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Does fofo need E1 to be unbricked?
Don't bother, She really need her cone.
By the time her cone rerun, we might already have Agalea.
I rolled her Eidolon so I probably can expect her to compete with Agalea but if yours is E0S0 don't bother.
E0S0 JL is stronger than E0S0 Acheron.
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I've got Jing Yuan on the account and he wills me to play her with Yanqing, so yes.
I've never watched it
or played? it
As E1S1 fofo owner, yes.
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help, do we know how much Cr does March get from her traces?
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She's from Gayshit Cumpiss
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Bwo... everything about her was leaked months ago.
Including her nudes
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How did you get Suno to alter the lyrics to an existing song or did you use another program instead?
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I'm addicted to feet
67% minimum to guarantee for Ults/S5 Pearls
96% to guarantee SW's implant
130?% something to guarantee SW's bug (not worth)
>E1 Clara

Okay so who should be the last two spots out of Tingyun/Sparke/Pela?/Topaz(s1)
i'm addicted to swords
Tingyun Sparkle
I seriously don't get how it's so hard for them to keep ages (at least age ranges) for writers to reference for each character. The lines were likely written by different writers and one or both will likely become retconned if her age is ever plot relevant like Pela's was.
Mines is well built and S1 and she's at her last lick of life sis... Still got me through MoC and AC this rotation but Granny's gonna die soon to the next Ice DPS 100%
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I forgot to login to wuwa again...
I simply extended the original song and slapped in the new lyrics
She gets exactly 10% free crit. Don't bother with crit March next update yet though, you need her E6 to make it really worth it for the burst and we won't get it till likely Feixiao's release since she'd probably be a budget support for her. She only reaches E3 next update.
if you're putting her in a team that values the skill points, yes.
Sadly, it can also mean that post-op is just better than her sig in a lot of situations.

>all the off topic posts are still up
Maybe if he gave us our own room we wouldn't be forced to do it in the lounge
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Oh damn, that's smart.
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If you forgot, then it wasn't important.
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I want more Dankino
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am I stupid? I only see the bonus Crit damage from traces, I see no Crit rate....
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(when I say post-op is better than her sig I mean that post-op 5 is something you probably have and that you werent planning to get her sig at s3+)

The speed buff is still sick no matter what anyways if you don't care too much about ult uptime.
Trust the plan bro, after space greece we will have our room
Oh right, they swapped her crit rate traces for cdmg instead on the last update. Still would want E6 for enhanced BA damage though.
post ovaries
>wanted yunli
>apparently she absolutely needs her cone like ack
Do it, i double dare you
new potato when?
Women can be so beautiful bros... it's not fair, I want one...
Black swan rerun is happening
just wait two more weeks for the announcement
2.6 Stephen
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>Firepag OP
>CHAD op
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Thanks for getting the amerifly thread prepped ahead of time bro
We have enough of vandalized OP
This current thread isn't vandalized and it's also not a Firepag thread so I don't get why you're even mentioning that.

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