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true love edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/


>How to WebM

Previous: >>487838307
It's over.
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For the love edition
nigga I'm boutta go WILD
where's the gameplay?
right there you fucking retard.
That's the neat thing about visual novels. I don't need to make any gameplay.
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Using the DnD stats (str, dex, con, etc) feels cringe and overused. But doing something different just for the sake of it also feels dumb, especially since the DnD ones feel pretty decent in how it splits things up.
I am at a real impasse on this.
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wow it really is everywhere
supreme cultural victory
>big eyes = anime
why are americans like this
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le sloppa is ready
it's very clearly animesque and transcoded
It has actual noses. It can't be anime, you dumb projecting tranny.
ear size
>ummm ackshually chud you should just shut up and stop noticing things and get back to the topic of talking about Jap- I mean video games
post progress
Loads of games have done them differently already. You won't be breaking any new ground.
then stop giving all the (You)s to pink coloured tranny games and games with girls with blue hair and big eyes you dumb ass fuck
how can cris effortlestly make sovl?
>made myself hungry for chocolate
what an unusual thing to say
Is it ok to make my protagonist outright evil? Not in an antihero way, I mean like evil. Not even a little bit good, and with no redemption arc.
you don't need them
No, make a game deserving of (you)s or suck my dick.
have you read literature?

Even shakespeare wrote a fucking tragedy of an evil man.

What you ask are called tragedies in literature.

Usually is an arrogant person initially, that because of his faults, end up in a tragic end.
make him a trans anime girl with pink hair and everyone will be fine with it
I'm not talking about a tragic hero, I'm talking about an unrepentant villain.
shut the fuck up cr*s, you don't know shit
Be honest: what are some good AGDG games?
My game.
my game but no one ever mentions it
uhhh idk, arsetower looks kinda playable
I've always enjoyed The Gun Is Good. Very juicy.
Dead Engine. Real pity the guy died before he could finish it
project nortubel
did he?
Unironically Nortubel has soul. I love that the guy continues to work on it despite the endless crabbing. He's a special schizo that's forever part of the AGDG mythos
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Archtower more like Arseplower
thank you for being born
should i break my 1 week no fap streak?
only if you coom to femboys
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>spent 3 hours working on a button sprite again
No, don't do it. I got really horny and joined a gooning discord yesterday. I was immediately greeted with a live video stream of a tranny jerking his cock while wearing a skirt. I've never felt so disgusted in both myself and the word in my life. With that experience burned in my mind I've promised I will never watch porn again.
>anime with noses
Clearly western jewish anime
That fork looks like it would be a nightmare to use. Also what the fuck milk with pasta?? Is this a white people thing?
Project Landsword and weldervania(plz be good)
Overlord did it pretty good but it was a comedy game.
He's a coomer
milg :DD
Based NortuGOD.
how many fetishes does nortubel have?
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how much of a song that I don't have the rights to can I put in a game before I get into trouble? Like let's say that I put a distorted 10 second snippet of a part of that song that makes it almost impossible to know it's even that specific song. There's no way they're getting me, right?
Ask your lawyer.
>I can't afford one
then don't do it, retard.
you won't get in trouble because you'll never make a game cris
okay, let's make it even more interesting: a snippet of the instrumental of a song. Most songs are unrecgnizeable once you reduce them to an instrumental. It's the perfect crime. Who's gonna catch me?
is it normal to have this mild constant felling of wanting to sudoku after getting a jobby ?
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look up shakespears villains, some of them are basically what you mention, literally monsters.

Sade stories are so controversial and edgy they are still banned in a lot of countries after 300 years.
So you could simply take a Story from Sade and make it a videogame.
Googum games are also about villain school shooters that caused national outrage from normies calling for him to be jailed.

FFVI also has a villain as major plot points, causing the events the hero's react to.
In a sense kefka story is about him.
Frankestein story is basically about the monster.
The joker movie is a film classic about also a villain with no redeemable characteristics.

Horror movies are built on literal monsters being the agents of the plot.
Silence of the lambs is a masterpiece in film history.

Crossed is a very edgy zombie survival genre that happens to be about complete sadistic psychopaths instead of slower dumb zombies.

Raping of little sussy is literally also an edgy core about a sadistic scene of rape and torture of a little girl. (core /b/ pastas from 2006).

So there's already examples of villain stories.
I can't get a job so it's either game or death
slop happy hunger busters
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If these niggas can do this and still have a game then why can't I do it if I'm being about 100 times more subtle? Explain this to me
tell me why chuddies, tell me why
Please end your life asap
>download the instrumental of a song
>slow it
>distort it
>rearrange it
>play it for 10 seconds
I guess it will be up to a judge
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Going to do now the synthorial app course.
It's like 120 interactive sound design classes.

But I will be able to do magic with an oscillator after that.
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Spent about 3-4 hours today doing a trenchbroom/godot tutorial. Pretty happy with what I've learned, seems like a decent workflow for what I want to do. We will see what happens when I start trying to add more complex stuff.
What judge? Who is gonna detect it? Even if a person detects it why would he care? Even if he cares is he really going to tell the artist? If my game is popular enough that this is a real hazard at that point I would have the money to just license a bunch of songs and get rid of the mashed up ones. WHERE IS THE FLAW?
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what engine?
cr*s tier reading comprehension
>godotroons have to do a whole tutorial course just to add some cubes to their shitbox of an engine
sorry I only read "threnchbroom" and I was like "damn this nigga is running a game in trenchbroom? Wtf"
Hi everyone I just released my game trailer today :)
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>damn this nigga is running a game in trenchbroom?
I know it's a meme, but the tutorial was more about setting up your project so you can do 90% of the level editing in trenchbroom, then in godot all you have to do is press build and it "just works". For instance, the naked guys and lights are trenchbroom entities I placed on the map, not in godot. It's a pretty robust framework.
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What do you think of this game I'm working on?
incomprehensibly transcoded
colours look flat
shut up bastard bitch
You know I had a thought, that instead of working on a game for a year or two, why not make a small vertical slice of it in 2 months, just a small area, doesn't have to include every damn mechanic you have planned, release a steam page with a trailer, and put up that vertical slice as a demo during a steam festival, and see how much attention it gets, and based on how much attention it gets, you can either ditch the project, or be invigorated by how much positive attention it gets?
Is that really your game? Are you a woman or something? Are you expecting praise for making a gay undertale ripoff? Have you tried being original?
why even bother now that asset stores are a thing? is there a particular asset you can't find an appropriate equivalent of?
lmao owned
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>Remake culture
music austists recognize patterns even if they are chopped up.
>muh wishlists
assets stores are soulless and I'm talking about music right now, not 3d models
asset stores have music
but you can use samples and just give royalties to the people you sample from
HOLY SHIT how could I have missed it for so long? It was right under my fucking nose.
Nortudev is a woman
>and I'm talking about music right now
Limbo of the Lost stole models though.
>wasted another 2 hours watching youtube videos of cool guns
>convinced myself it's for "research"
>I'm not even making a shooter
>anime girl marble game MOGS 95% of games posted on here
>nodevs seethe because it's better than their game
>start complaining about anime on an anime website

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What's your gamedev gimmick?
Lente has 3: girl, gay, living on a boat.
You can't count each of your mental illnesses, there's only one mental illness gimmick.
I'm going to be the first bodybuilder game dev
Looks yummy but why milk with it?
>the highest reviewed /agdg/ games get relatively little attention
>call attention to the fact
>n-n-no you're just seething because of my tranime porn addiction
seek medical help
>Make windows only release, since the engine only supports windows
>People who are on mac only buy it without seeing it it has mac support
I guess they thought proton was going to be helpful? Lost 80 dollars because of it, but it could have been worse.
It's super weird. Milk is a food for baby cows.
Well, they are a decent indicator. Plus with Steams change of allowing a full on separate steam page for a demo along with reviews, this may become to new meta for game dev. Quickly build up and release a small demo, gauge the feedback, and based on that, the devs will either stick with the project, or dump it for another. Money wise, it makes sense to do that.
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no you are not
Possibly fine, a popular indie game Ive played and some song has the same music for like a combined 5 seconds. Side by side it sounded like the music group copied the indie games music. I've also seem Clash of Clans copy a few that sound way too similar eg two of the maps that comes with different music, one sounds exactly like Terraria and another sounds like music from an anime I watched. If a company that big is doing it brazenly then idk if you'd even get in trouble.
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I just like milk. Simple as.
post progress
I don't like the idea of parading my "gimmicks" despite them existing. It would just be annoying to other people
Its literally one of the most nutrient-complete foods there is. You can live just off of milk for a very very long time. I drink close to 1L of milk a day myself. Love it. I eat lots of yogourt and cheese too.
Everything on this earth is for me specifically. The cow's milk is mine, and so is it's meat. It's bones will adorn my wall and it's skin will adorn my body
>Even if a person detects it why would he care? Even if he cares is he really going to tell the artist?
Yes. Haven't you seen the fanboys time and time again go rabid at any single game that so much as has a similar concept? A downright 1 to 1 copy is definitely going to get their attention. Now wherher the company does something is a different story as I mentioned Clash of Clan's copying Terraria close enough that it sounds like they just ripped part of the track and pasted it in theirs. Where I can tell where the music is going even before it hits that note
Same here. Gamers don't need to know about my dwarfism and eyepatch.
All of us have the same quirks
>Send email with game to people
>Get ghosted for 90% of the emails
>Preemptively give up on Twitter marketing because the algorithm has been dumpstered for literal years now
I really should make a horror game next
now this is real dungeoneering
The problem is that """devs""" in this thread are so trash that if you have an actually impressive game (like I do), with thousands lines of math-heavy coding, innovative game design, etc. as soon as you'd post some pictures it'd generate seething, envy and generally unpleasant reactions. So you're forced to just not share your game progress or post about some very """crappy""" game or find a less shit place to share the progress of your good game.
will i lose the gamer vote if i make 200% of my characters cute girls
fuck... he mogs me both with his body and by having a game
>It's crabbing to say that a game has lacking moving mechanics and that this globally affects the experience of the levels
That's not how it works, genius. Coding the mechanics, UI, etc. of the game is a very big chunk and sometimes most of the work there is to be done, depending on the genre.
But you don't need to code all the mechanics unless you happen to have all the mechanics available from the get-go and have no progression. UI? Yeah. But you can probably whip something up fairly quickly.
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>Some people ask me: "How do you get into indie games? How do you succeed? How do you release games that people want to play? How do you design them well?"
>And the answer to all those questions is you just stop being a crab.
>If you stop being a crab, you will have success in life.
This stream is also fucking hilarious. It's 2 hours of JBlow muttering "I know how to do this" over the other guy's shoulder as he tries to play the game in peace.
Imagine you dev a city building game. You'd have to have all the UI displaying the info about income, immigration, the construction menu and construction mechanics, this and that. Plenty of buttons for different map displays and it would be weird to lock too many of them. Basically most of the work should be done already. Maybe in a very linear RPG game I could imagine what you said but for some genres it just doesn't work unless I'm mistaken.
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>Everything on this earth is for me specifically
>need to poopoo
>trying to program
>train of thought keeps getting interrupted by stomach cramps
>been hours with only 5 lines written
if I spend around least 30 minutes per day for a bit, I could get a decent horror prototype up and running.
Some of the new icon style for the spaceship's component.
Is it supposed to be apparent what they represent?
I've literally never had any issues with digesting milk. Not only that, but often when people have trouble digesting it, it's because of the cow. Milk used to come from a completely different cow than the kind we get milk from now. A person should try A2 milk if they have problems with regular milk (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5593102/ ). That guy also mentioned broccoli for calcium, but no mention of how the calcium in broccoli is less bio available than the calcium in milk because milk also contains potassium, Vitamin D, as well as K2 MK-4, all of which help shuffle calcium to the bones. I literally just gamedev and study nutrition (since what you put into your mouth is one of the few things you have complete control over in your life that provides real benefits for not that much effort).

Anyway I'll stop talking about how great milk is since it's not relevant.
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Procedural ruins using randomized game of life rules, they need some post-processing so the interiors have proper corridors and rooms but I think there's potential.
>t. equatorial chef who only knows how to chop vegetables and spitroast meat

interesting, though it'll surely converge on certain repeated patterns
No. They are color coded (red->reactor, orange->fuel, green->mission control) but the icon may be a little abstract at time.
The only reason rpgs have character stats is because they were originally actively trying to copy D&D. Maybe look at some other ttrpg systems for inspiration. Or make an fps and don't bother with character stats.
I'm gonna be the first dev from agdg to make a game
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And more progress on the research ui.
Do stats for non combat stuff or use alternate names.
how many people are on your dev team?
Me, myself, I, and my buddy from Indiana who I pay to make assets.
getting a bit big for your britches mate
there's no I in team, there is an I in indie. if you have a team you are no different to AAA, you are just embarrassingly underfunded.
My team is me and a guy who likes to think he's contributing but doesn't actually get any of his ideas put into the game because he doesnt actually contribute anything of value.
Me, myself, and the unreal asset store
There's a D in indie, too. It stands for Different, which is how I'm built. Heh.
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Goodbye /agdg/. There are so many niggers and bad games here. To the non degenerates, good luck. You're big fish in a sickly little pond.
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Which one looks better?
there's a die in indie. that's where we are all headed.
Number 1, number 2 only works if you downgrade the rest of the textures to match
I swim here to make myself feel better.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
2 makes me think something is scaling wrong by accident. If you go pixely, go all the way.
if it's a prominent button and your game is a menu game, 3 hours is not that bad
post button
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Negative appeal
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I see, what about this?

I'm scrapping this environment anyways just cause I think it's shit overall but just testing out shaders. Trying to figure out what looks best.
I don't think it looks good with a lot of gradient resulting from the soft light
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Reminds me of art from Wing Commander Privateer (1994)
I agree, I think it comes off strangely. Should be less well lit regardless.
Kind of the uncanny 90s effect I'm going for at least so I'm glad to hear that. thanks anons! Back to the drawing board for the environments though.
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Theirs was prerendered though but that's how it comes of.
tried to use trenchbroom -> qodot integration and it didn't work out for my project. was trying to add navmesh links to openable doors for my ai to path over but every time the map baked qodot would delete everything under the trenchbroom map hierarchy that wasn't a quake entity
it was unfortunate because i really like trenchbroom. migrating to static meshes from brushes was great for optimization, but a big fuck you if you're a level designer
links don't need to be children of the trenchbroom map
source on op image?
looks like /ss/
milk will make you strong
go lift weights then drink more milk
yea i don't remember what i was thinking when i was doing that. was last october when i was trying to make 2.5D gtfo.
Idea guys: I need crops for a farming game that have sexual innuendoes (example: cherries). Hardmode: no phallic objects (no cucumbers/eggplant).
Don’t listen to these faggots milk is insanely good for you
>doesnt know how to use silverware
>countersignaling milk
>not only that but doing so on the single most appropriate pairing of milk and food, implying he doesnt drink milk
you are literally brown
it perfectly complements it. Pasta sauce and meat are acidic, milk is basic. Tomato is "sharp" and lean, milk is "round" and fatty.
That's why vodka sauce (marinara + cream) works so well.
Milk also goes well with many foods because it has more of the animo acids most vegetables don't. It makes complete proteins out of your beans or peanut butter. Also just tastes great and is the most satiating food.
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Heavy tank with an anti-aircraft gun.
you have to understand that 80% of 4chan these days are brown third worlders who subtly (or not so subtly) countersignal everything thats quintessentially white
they cant drink milk and the smarter ones (115 iq max) cite zogged monsanto funded popsci articles to argue that milk is bad for you, that its bad for the environment, etc, but dont be fooled, its a thin veil for their seethe and non of it is true

the food looks delicious btw
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navmesh-only geo (in green here) is my compromise for interesting platforming mixed with traditional navmesh agents
still going to do traditional meshlinks for 100% vertical movement
chewing on autogenerating those or if i should just stick to manually placing.
why not ?
Which game? Haven't been to Aggy in ages.
1. based
2. tall
3. armenian
Same but I made games, now I need to make more. If I can't make it with one game, I'll make it by combining income of 10 games.
Extremely early in development at this point. Haven't posted much.
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superb progress

wtf epic aesthetics
the bottom one makes me think of 999 more

cute gif

amazing progress
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How long should I keep working on and shilling a game until it's safe to say it's terminally dead on arrival and will never get attention?
Nice LARP, now post game
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I need to get to a professional level in music and art.
For any lerpers:
this is cope, your game is not as good as you think
>high standards
Mine are high? Kek maybe medium level standards for drinks. My food is literally bottom tier preferences compared to the exquisite tier dish of yours
>plain rice with sauce
>pbj sandwich
>bagel with flavored creamed cheese
>lightly seasoned chicken breast
>pasta + sauce from a jar
I'm not a good cook
What's the most fitting genre of music for a boomer shooter?
File deleted.
I have not tried agent movement, I do wonder if that will cause major issues. Really only need simple stuff, so we will see.
Smooth jazz and castlevaniacore.
Is this a boomer shooter?
the snippet looks good visually
the snow looks a tad off though, too much like bird shit maybe?
looks too drippy on the edges and on the surface its too arbitrarily fragmented in a way uncharacteristic of real snow

dont listen to this retard >>487927101
Going for a bit more of a systemshock or immersive sim vibe but yeah, levels are being built in quake level editor.
Finally the idle animation is done. Getting the boob bounce just right was hard! Now I must consider if I'll animate the hair for the idle animation. Making the run animation is going to be difficult, possibly the jumping and falling animation as well.
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Boob bounce is hard to animate.
looking nice, very comfy
Given the shift in theme from vague post-apoc to vague psychedelia I think it's only right to rename my game to something more appropriate.
The current premise is that an event caused every single thing in the universe to gain a soul, every thing thinks and dreams. Not only physical things but also the ideas and dreams in an infinitely recursive pattern of dreamed things dreaming things. This is meant to tie in with the gameplay concept that every object might be a portal to another world, or more accurately a portal to the psyche of the object and how it interprets reality.

I'll be wrapping this into a more coherent narrative but I think the base concept is good enough so I've been thinking up some new names, I let them marinate for a few days but I still have no idea what to pick.
>The Seeing Storm
>Robotic Reverie
>Life’s Labyrinth
>Consciousness Circuit
>Neural Nexus
>Dream Nexus
ideaguys welcome
My first game couldn't get 10 likes on Twitter but it made $25k.
Until it's fun. If you can't make your game fun, then it's time to move on.
Post game but unironically.
Should I try to make my world "interconnected"? I think I'm just gonna do the classic thing like Demon's Souls did and have a few separate worlds that are linear, giving the player some choice on which to do and when. The illusion of non-linearity.
Level design without thinking about connecting stuff is already making my head hurt, and world partitioning is also a pain in the ass.
I think trying to make something that's spiderweb-like is edging into scope creep territory, and is gonna be on the chopping block as a result.
Thanks anon. Your post legit motivated me a lot.
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Pathfinding test is a success. I've got a good feeling about this project. Sometimes godot 3d feels easier to work with then 2d.
need an honest opinion on this bassline
Perfectly good and serviceable bassline. If it's wearing on you, you could add a lick or other embellishment every four or five bars for a little more interest
Anons with shops in their game. Do you have a singular script that handles all shops in your game or do you have a monobehavior for each one? If it's the latter, when a shop is opened/enters the scene how does it subscribe to the other data such as the players inventory or gold?
thanks anon, was worried it was too grating
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holy shit
this game is pure kino
If that's something you're worried about, you can lower its treble in the mix a touch once the other instruments come in. You should try that, and see if you like the sound better.
Complaints like that are usually in the mixing, not the composition. Continue making adjustments and experimenting with levels, you might stumble across a sound you really like.
a non-insignificant percentage of my code was written by ChatGPT
proud of you, looks delicious
this really smart Muslim dude in college let me copy off his homework for like 2 years straight. only reason i was able to graduate desu.
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>option 1: make an actual prototype
>option 2: rewrite the plot from scratch again because I'm bored of the past version
How to spend my precious dev time today...
hey look at that i posted in the wrong fucking thread. why can't i delete this god fucking damnit.
Warning: I'm not a good coder.
Single script for all shops that generates a specific , semi-random set of items depending on certain factors.
The player inventory and gold are in the save file. My save files are like 5 Kb each so it's not a big deal to load them.
what bro's they traded each others sisters rather than taking a chance with modern day women. is this canon in Projecto Nortubel?

what game is this from?
based, fuck all the loli nigger faggot posters that infest this thread

pick one.
Jon, that's enough, we get it. You thought you were some video game savant but slowly you realized you weren't as the remake of your game was approaching release.
>Ha! Gamers will buy it by the hundreds of thousands. Almost 10k reviews the first time, it'll be 1m reviews and I'll overtake Eric Pepperoni. Heh, good one Blow I should post it on agdg.
>*noms on tiny cake while being visually distressed*
>Finally my genius will be recognized and I can get JAI made alongside my other games.
>Controller support to deal cursor related commands
Is this something you should work on very early in your project?
uuh byond
Not if your genre is mainly played with km+m
otherwise probably. work on as in making sure your control scheme makes sense.
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>it's the weekend
>aggy daggy gets quiet
Why is this? Peak funposting hours seem to be during waging hours on the weekdays. Do I really to move to a time zone where it's an hour or two before waging ends but just when agdg starts picking up in activity?
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depends on the aesthetic. Both are retro in their own right so this all comes down to the character's look so as long as they match no one will bat an eye.
gives strong DS vibes, maybe old PC Point and Click ones too if thats what you're going for. If you're making a WEG with poorly lit 3D models stick with the top lol
everyone knows the most productive hours to work on your game is when you're procrastinating from work
Damn I loved that Sims 2 game on DS, super weird but it was fun.

It's for a survival horror game, going for a sort of eerie 90s CG aesthetic. Here's one of the characters. But I think I like the second one in the original post best. The color band getting crushed looks cool to me.
Why hasnt anyone made a janky horror game where you control the player character with voice commands like Lifeline? That would make a great streamer bait game.
We've come to the realization that none of us truly play each other's games.
Bokube spoils his own final boss because none of use would get all the to world whatever to see the final boss and that goes for the rest of us.
Daily reminder that this is the coolest summer of the rest of your lives
yea I think that one was the best as well
the last one is too compressed like a genuine DS screen game lol
also I think Titanic Adventure Out of Time is good reference for that theme. There was also a noir cyberpunk game around then but I forget the name
Yes, I'm actually trying to do exactly that.
people wonder why games are so bad now when you have retards like this:
who actively scorn the greatest works of literature ever conceived by man
Im honestly baffled, and delighted my competition are this stupid and tasteless
Uhh Kalemonvo anon.....

>just watched part of it and part of Tower of Kalemonvo
Tower of Kalemonvo looked funner. How is this game ahead of anon? That's one sleek capsule it has though.
It's a potential option. Buy a bunch of app id's and just plop all your games in during next fest. Idk if there is any issue for regular festivals and just using 1 steam app id where if the game looks like a flop you change its name and the gameshown.
Just realized I didn't watch this one but the trailer for the game.
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hmmm smart zombies
I'm drawing lolis right now
Hello, when should I be concerned about using a mesh as a collision shape?
Pic related. A mesh I'm using as a static body, which I'm not sure if it has a considerable performance impact or not
BrainTank death sequence if it's a portal
FULL UNCENSORED AND UNCUT COMBAT WITH AUDIO: https://streamable.com/86ptu2
Are there no 3D platformers in Godot because it is hard as shit to make in this engine?
Why does every canvas need like 4 components in Unity man.
what makes you say that? Would another engine be better?
t. baby nodev who's planning on a 3D platformer in Godot as his first real game
It is a concern indeed but the jolt addon handles it better.
Just a lot more templates in stuff like Unity and Unreal. I feel like I have to scrutinize over every detail.
You should use convex shapes as colliders. If you give a game engine a non-convex shape it'll break it up for you, I'm not sure of the performance cost of that, if it's ongoing or a one-off.

You should ask this question to a community that actually makes games instead of one that pretends to make games.
you can only ever submit to one next fest though, so you'd have to abuse it to run a f2p prologue through next fest and then make a full game if it does well. I'm assuming you'd want to submit the game to a full next fest after you commit much more time to it, it'll probably change a lot
>scrutinize over every detail
wouldn't you want to do this anyway?
is your devputer a shitbox? if so, and game runs fine, ignore

if you have a nasa pc, send demo to someone with a shitbox. if no perf complaint, ignore
By remake do you mean
>remastering and updating a popular and successful videogamr
>I fucked up my project files with no backups again and now I have to start again (again)
Yeah, try "now I'm hungry for chocolate"
Googling it I see people use that phrasing ("made myself hungry") but sure I can change it.
How do I remove the AssetLib tab from the top of the Godot editor? I never use it.
up to 3 at any given time
That's a great reference, thanks anon. I appreciate everyone's input you guys are the best.
Eight, and I am the only coder. Should I be worried?
>lente publishes the game
>game is okay but nothing special
>also priced too high
>ends up getting mixed reviews
>lente tweets about how she gets hate because woman
>even more simps donate/buy her game

You know it's gonna happen
number 1 obviously
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Good night /agdg/ I had a super productive day. Hoping to roll it into tomorrow with some basic level dressings and some item/inventory basics.
Is this meant to be a full Space Station 13 thing in 3D or just a jokey Doom clone?
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I notice in a lot of 3D platformers, the devs always set the direction of velocity vector before applying acceleration to it thus causing an effect like pic related when trying to make a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction. Is that way so many games do a "break animation" when trying to do that?
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I'm gonna make a video games...

About Video Games.
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Made a new character model today. Still have to add the finishing touches but its mostly done.
i will become a one man army
Damn I really underestimated how difficult and time-consuming making puzzles is. Because I already start with the answer in my head I have no idea how to accurately judge its difficulty. This must be like the one genre that needs the most outside testing and that's something I don't have easily available. When I was making a beat-em up roguelite it was a hell lot easier to adjust difficulty just by playing it myself.
Is this yuri?
If right clicking on an item in the inventory equips an item. Should it stay the same when the shop window is open? At the moment, it stays the same so the player has to drag the item to the shop window to sell items.
very pretty 8/10
too bad the character is black tho :(
If you want it to be
I don't really get what you're asking. Most games don't do an instant turnaround because it looks silly, if that's what you mean. Like that /agdg/ knight game.
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Making the color wheel widget is hard but at least I can re-use it for all my color-picking needs.
Looks good, but if you are going for the retro feel then I would lower the specular on your materials to 0 and change your lighting to vector-based. Very easy if you are using unity.
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very nice
>spent 2-3 weeks crunching numbers like an autist for the perfect player power progression as he goes through the levels, individually adjusted the damage/health/armor of every unit in the game according to some formulas and non-linear smoothstep easing functions
>also spent a month working on a very obscure but fun easter egg level
>game released
>couple of months later
>3 reviews
>no videos of my game on youtube
>no mention of easter egg being found on google
>no wiki with my damage/level up formulas being analyzed
thank u
Should've focussed on making it fun instead.
I thought this was a skill tree, wasn't it... so what is it? How does the gameplay work around it?
> I'm just going to make a small vertical slice
> Three years later

Good luck.
I didn't even realize the mechwarrior like games were two distinct ones
what does aggydaggy think of exhibiting your game at an expo? (provided its professional and polished enough to warrant that)
would probably need to register an LLC to exhibit at PAX, but its probably good to register an LLC anyway for legal/tax purposes
has anyone here done this? and/or registered an LLC for their game/game company?
I give up. I really do.
>provided its professional and polished enough to warrant that
like everything else, if you're game is good, it's a good thing to do, if you're game is shit, total waste of time
Do expos to connect with other devs, and to feel good about seeing people play your game irl, but not for marketing purposes.
Yeah people really underestimate how long it takes to make even a small, fun, playable demo. Vampire Survivors took 3 months to make in its early access state. If you don't already have several projects from which to recycle and frankestein together base systems (like Pseudoregalia dev did), good fucking luck.
>"Let me just waste my own time!"
Compute the output vector separately, then lerp progressively?
Like how many hours per day did you crunch numbers during these 2 or 3 weeks?
What kind of game should I make if I'm:
- good at programming
- useless at 2D art
- not terrible at 3D art
- good at writing funny stuff?
So you had no playtesting and feedback? If showed it to us and uploaded it to demo day, we could've told you if it looks like shit.
/agdg/ picks up when people aren't working on their games. it only follows that it's less active on weekends, and more active during the week when people are doing such things as shitting on company time or posting from their laptop in the middle of a class
Depends on the game and the novelty. Pseudoregalia is just a 3d platformer, it doesn't bring any new mechanics to the table. Vampire Survivor is the same situation, it's just a wave survivor with a refined way of displaying rewards.

My game has unique novel mechanics that have never been done before. They are also relatively complex.

Even without asset creation, it would have taken years to create a vertical slice. That's just the price you need to pay to differentiate yourself from the market.

Manor Lords took 7 years to get to EA. Falling Frontiers has been in development for over a decade. Valheim took 5 years to get a demo.

Quality takes time, no need to rush.
post game?
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>If showed it to us and uploaded it to demo day, we could've told you if it looks like shit.
Explain how this happened then? Games uploaded to DemoDay.
I want to make a 3D third-person mech game where your mech transforms automatically depending on the terrain it's on - wheels on flat ground, tank treads on loose gravel, becomes a submersible in water, etc. - and to have different movement variables and movesets in each of these forms.
Seems like I would make a state machine in the player code and then use the state variable of that to control an animation tree.
Is there a way to do this without a state tree or even worse spaghetti code? I'm getting a headache just thinking of all the state transitions I need to code seeing as each mech type would have it's own idle, moving, jumping, etc. states.
This is bait, right? Uploading your game to demo day doesn't instantly make it a guaranteed success.
A state machine (very stupid name for that thing) is useful when there are no clear delineations of states, like when you need to combine a character bouncing on a dick and potentially sucking another dick on either side. If you have a transformer like Blitzwing or Astrotrain, those are clear states that you can just switch between without having to deal with previous states.
nta but there could be many reasons
>It's a learning project so I'm fine if it doesn't do amazing. The game is capped by my original skills, reworking it is not worth it
>having something to my name has value to it even if it tanks
>I already spent the steam credits and chose the game name(steam has a problem with repurposing your store page) so I might as well
Procedural animation. They are mechs, not humans.
The bottom of the list is full of bottom tier games? How could this be?
Someone asked why all games people post about in /agdg/ are shit. I’m currently in the making of a great game, with detailed and innovative mechanics and outbreaking game design, a monument I’ve been making for several years that I’m 100% positive will be a immediate huge success on release. Something on a par with (in reality better on so many levels) AA or even AAA games. Alone, I a single game dev on NEETbucks, produced work of better value than studios of 10 or even 100 overpaid professional "devs". The problem is that """game devs""" here get so envious and bitter when I post some pictures of my progress or even just allude to it that I’ve just stopped altogether to avoid the bad reactions of jealousy. """Devs""" in this shit general don’t want to hear about games with more than 100 lines of code, or even to hear about programming altogether, and they will shit on your work if you didn’t make it with RPGmaker or if it’s not some VN. The shittier your game, the best reactions you get. If your game has potential to be bought say, over 10 times, """dev""" losers here basically want to murder you. So I’ve fallen down to finding some random pics of very crappy """games""" that nobody liked or cared about and pretend it’s mine to get (you)’s and positive reactions while working on my groundbreaking gem of a game on the side. I suspect one or two other guys are doing the same and that’d explain why "games" posted in this thread are such crap.
Is this fresh pasta?
how come there isn't a porn mod in project nortubel?
yeah i aint reading that
learn to punctuate
project nortubel, dude
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does it explain the yuri too?
Would it kill you to use a couple paragraphs instead of one run on sentence
that thing is probably a zoomer.
they also take periods as aggressive and oppressive and refuse to use question marks due to laziness.
To be fair, this would be the original creator revisiting a project they know have lot of issues and untapped potential.
Most remakes are gay because they're based on things that are already timeless, don't bring back the original creator and don't even realize some of the potential the original version wanted to achieve.
Some even make worse changes.
looking good anon !
so I'd literally just use if statements and change my player script movement options based on what terrain the player's on in something like a switch statement? Sorry I'm a codelet. I remember hearing somewhere that people use FSMs for character controllers and animation, but this is not useful?
seems like a lot of work. Wouldn't it be easier to make animations and loop them? I don't need it to perfectly conform to terrain, not making a AAA thing here.
if you have a small lobby multiplayer game (whether that be coop or ~4 player party game) I think it would be a good way to bootstrap organic growth if you give out free keys to everyone who visits the booth
unconditional free steam keys, no bullshit
people go to PAX with their friends, you give a whole friend group the steam key, they play your game with eachother, if they like it theyll invite other friends to play in their lobbies and those people will have to pay for it, etc

I was at PAX when ultimate chicken horse was there and playing it at the booth with my friends was a blast, like we went back multiple times to play it
its basically the only game I remember from that expo
looking at steamcharts player count doubled just weeks after the 2016 expo when they first showcased it
so theres that

of course you can argue that any game that good would take off anyway, but Im sure the expo helps
>so I'd literally just use if statements and change my player script movement options based on what terrain the player's on in something like a switch statement? Sorry I'm a codelet. I remember hearing somewhere that people use FSMs for character controllers and animation, but this is not useful?
State machines are useful when you have to juggle multiple states at once (bouncing on dick and sucking dick) and which part of the skeleton does what and in what amount.
In your case, as soon as you hit a new terrain, tell the model to play the animation to another model.
But more importantly and fundamentally, if this is not something you could trivially figure out on your own, you need more practice. Do tutorials, make tutorial games, expand the games, spend like 3-4 months just doing that. Your skills need to cook more.
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>Healed To Death

Just making boss fights at the moment. 13/24 done. I added the mechanic to stun enemies. It will need an animation and some visual effects but the mechanics are all there. Hoping to get the game 'content complete' by September so I can spend the next 5-6 months purely on polishing and making the game look prettier.
Yeah, but it’s not "pasta" or whatever.
Reddit spacing? No thx.
how many wishlists?
Like the other guy said, use IRL expo's for networking but not marketing
IRL expo's are outdated when it comes to marketing because most people don't care for them anymore (like how nobody cares E3 is gone even though the game fest manages to be worse than E3). If you manage to get your game at a booth, you're competing with all the AAA and AA booths (in terms of trying to make people remember your game) and since your booth will be in the indie section, you'll see other "indie" games that have funding from big publishers like Microsoft

The only hope you'd have of going to a booth would be to self-fund your way in, with hoping to get picked up by an actual publisher much like what happened to the Cuphead devs but that was the mid 2010s not mid 2020s

Online expo's are infinitely better for exposure/marketing/attention and is what people mainly care about nowadays so enter those instead. When you enter, you should also ideally have a demo already made that you advertise with the game
You will never be a woman, your parents will bury you with your given name, etc
i can't tell which one is the boss because they all look the same
Thanks for the help. Yes I am a codelet and at the beginner tutorial stage.
>tell the model to play the animation to another model
don't know why you and the other guy think this is my problem, animation at least seems easy in godot with the animation tree node and it referencing variables to change animations. I'm moreso asking about how you handle the player movement script, as controls, movement variables/feel and player actions will be different in different modes.
>if this is not something you could trivially figure out on your own
So does my suggestion of if statements and a terrain variable work? btw isn't this the same thing as a FSM basically, just changes what chunk of code (state) we're following for player movement based on the terrian variable?
two? there's like 5
my game, but finished, and good
That I must do everything myself.
What would a Nortubel porn game be like?
>because most people don't care for them anymore (like how nobody cares E3 is gone even though the game fest manages to be worse than E3)
Ive been out of the loop, Im not really much of a "gamer" these days (I guess Im part of the cause)
Its sad to hear this though, the few times I went to PAX as a teenager with my friends were great times that I will always remember
He should be under special police protection. If she sells more than twenty copies there is a non-negligible risk for her boat to be Rainbow Warrior-ed by some /agdg/ loser dev.
thats a man

theres a number of reasons this doesnt work for me:
1. Im not a sodomite troon
2. I dont come from a richfag family thatll buy me a boat and renovate it into a houseboat for me
3. I have no interest in making the most obvious ZOG propaganda game pandering to NGOs

a game about cleaning up oil spills for a person like this is the most obvious pandering/resume padding imaginable
its literally just to have some impressive looking personal project for when this faggot applies to some environmentalist policy institute
It's just a culture shift as the old gaming culture from the 90s - 00s is gone and there's now the culture that's been going on since the mid 2010s

E3 was one of the last things from the old gaming culture but in it's last years it got continually worse and worse and had less views as more people just went directly to the trailers instead. More people were watching E3's streams and the uploaded game trailers than being physically there

Covid era also influenced the shift to focus more on online expos because more people were indoors
Even if a dev has an indie game that has good reception and has slowly been climbing his way up into getting his game featured in the more popular expos to the point he makes it into the curated ones like PC Gamer for example, that entire submission process is done online

Most views and attention that come from expos isn't the people playing the games at the booths, it's the people seeing your game trailer uploaded on curated gaming news media channels or watching the expo streams that see your game's trailer and then: google your game, or look up a game's various social medias and then share it, or artists using the popularity of your game to make fanart which works as an indirect advertisement for your game, or search the game on steam to play the demo etc
It's why I mentioned that if there was any time for an indie dev to take the 'physical booth at an expo' route it would've been in the 2010s like what happened to the Cuphead devs but that route would be a bad idea to go for in the 2020s as online gets way more exposure
PC Gaming Show for example, that entire submission process is done online and your game will be shown off in an online stream*
>online expos
what are some of these online expos you speak of?
maybe its bad for marketing but Im sure its still a good opportunity to network with devs
You really think a vertical slice is going to take you two months?
>make the top of my character's dress open
>get the animation right
>fix the the non-open top one's animation
>put them side by side
>open top makes the breasts look one size smaller
Huh. Might just use the closed top style.
I like that agdg has died. That means my competition has given up. Under 1000 games released on Steam in 2025.
I'm working on my game.
me and two of my kids as playtesters
nice. my mom played my games I made as a kid.
My vertical slice isn't ready and I'm working on it for about 6 months already
>Quality takes time, no need to rush.
Yeah that actually depends, I've taken far too long and the quality is definitely not all that high.

Feed already got 2 reviews. I expected it to do better desu
not bad!
one thing I'd like to see is more of a connection between the paper dolls in the game and the dialog in the foreground. While it's obvious they're the same characters, animating the paper dolls while they're "speaking" would give more life to the abstractly drawn dolls.
I'm not sure why you call them paper dolls, but yes I plan to have the characters move along with the dialogue.
>That means my competition has given up.
you have the right idea bujt you're way off on timing.

Yes, the game biz won't recover until enough people "give up", but the fact you're still here and there are still companies with multiple headcount trying to make it on 5000 DAU fortnite islands means there's a long long way to go. People think they only need to last until 2026, but guess what, everything is thinking the same thing. Probably not 2028 or so until people finally get in their stupid fucking heads that it's a shitty business they should stay away from.
For the paid big names? Basically every big name expo has a stream where they show off games online. You can also submit to expos going on in your country/state as they will also have streams for online showcasing
For free ones? Just submit to expos that are popular and people actually talk about, easy example is SAGE or Indie Live Expo
Yeah networking is what I said in my last post
I don't know if I can meet my personal deadline for having a demo ready. I still need so much done and I haven't even finished one of the several categories worth of stuff I need to do. This feels bad, even with this extra effort I'm not confident about being done in time.
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started making a pixelshit platfagger in godot as practice. i'm just gonna keep adding features and juice and improving bits of it every day to level up my skills. already having fun throwing grenades and rolling them down the hill. gonna try to figure out destructible terrain next.
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>I'm not sure why you call them paper dolls,
sorry, industry term, at least where I worked. refers to the visual depiction of the character. It gets confusing with "character", "person", like do you mean the internal stats? design? the character in the story?

they're paper dolls because you put them up and "dress them" (graphically) however you like.
Heh with how much it's ramping up and not slowing down it'll probably be in the 2030s at the earliest. Only way it happens sooner is if we get something like the Great Depression on a global scale. Indie devs will quickly realize most people aren't going buy much games. Inevitably a crash on indie gaming as the few who buy games will likely stick to AAA or succesful indies from the past.
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What is a better way to get smooth acceleration going? My current approach is just to use lerp to set the direction of the velocity vector and then multiply that by an ever increase speed value. This cause wemb related. I though about using lerp to interpolate both the direction and magnitude of the velocity but then that ends up causing my character to slide around unless I have the weight high which then causes my character to accelerate too fast.
already better than my game
Hello friends! I found this thread because of some WoW private server thread on VG lol. I've been working on a game for sooo many years uggg, a dang MMORPG. I'm not sure if other gamedev projects feel this way but it feels like the work neeeever ends. Always some missing feature or tech to work on. I hope everyone's having luck on their projects lately. I'm coding away still at 6am here, been up all night hehe.
How do I learn how to make an MMORPG?
Weeeell you're best off asking someone who has shipped one, which I haven't, but my approach has been to study and reverse engineering some of the more popular ones. My favorites were World of Warcraft, Runescape and Phantasy Star Online. Although, if you're going to go that route I think reverse engineering WoW is your best bet as the other two either are technically dated and many of the awesome things that did don't have much value on modern hardware/limitations oooor were fundmentally technically flawed in a networking sense (such as PSO).

It is tough to find good resources I think for how to create something so complex otherwise. I've tried to consume as many resources as I could from sources that verifiably shipped one that worked but there are so few I've seen over the years =(.

But in the end it's an enormous amount of technical and networking work. Then you gotta make all the content =( which there has to be a lot of. Anyway, probably a strange recommendation but I do think studying how WoW worked on a technical level is a good "book" for how you might make a decent MMO.
Damn, I was hoping there was some secret "How to make an MMORPG" book, but I guess the hard way is the only way so it can't be helped.
Thank you for your reply.
1. make pong
2. make multiplayer pong, like 4 or 5 or 10
3. allow players to chat to each other
4. make different classes of paddles with different abilities
5. allow them to move in 2 or 3 axes
6. make different kinds of balls with different characteristics
7. turn the paddles into little guys
7. allow them to leave the match and go to another match and move between matches freely
8. prepare to work on your MMORPG for 10+ years
0 and I dev
1-9 I keep gooning
Sure, keep gooning. I've been working on my game since 9am. I'm going to put in 12 hours today.
I woke up horny at 2AM and it's currently 7. I can keep going.
Why not go over the edge and let the productivity and motivation flow!
Does anyone have any tips for dealing with lack of motivation, malaise, and depression?
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Cuddling with my girlfriend at night fixes those for me.
no progress
Yes, stop moping and get it into gear.
Make a list of things you'd like to do today, order it in least effort to most effort and see how much of it you can clear and how quickly.
Unless you have actual depression, which is a serious thing that requires professional help and potentially medication.
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Finished the color picker and no I can re-use it for other everything else like clothing, hair, ect..
I work more on my shitty game.
stop jacking off all the time!
I need the touch of a woman so bad
message of my game will be that it's ok to demonize and cast out people who are different, and you should never leave them alone either
it's just a signal how well things have been going. only way to get over it is to just pile up small successes in a row. it doesn't really matter what it is, just that your brain is getting the perception "oh wow things are working out" and it rewards you with a dopamine hit to keep doing what you're doing. so get active and do something other than "thinking". clean up your room or cook a meal that requires several steps or go take a walk with a specific goal in mind.
Ok, so I've astral projected. now what? I still don't feel motivated to work on my game. I feel nothing.
The Japanese women's volleyball team is playing
What the hell is a nortubel
beach volley ball?
no, the court kind
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good morning
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I wish I had this...
I've never been sad eating a burger.
morning Marmaskus
If you look closely you will see that's just bread without anything in-between. That's what if feels like to me.
ask Cristiano Ronaldo
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I engine hopped so many times I accidentally conditioned myself to engine hop every time I have a problem.
The name of the country the main 6 come from.
Nortubel's name is also "north + bell" and based off Portugal.
Take the enginecycle pill.
what does the sad anime girl have to do with that though?
It gets you advertise my post for free.
I have no thoughts.
I have no opinions.
I have no feelings.
The only important game jam is Ludum Dare.
>Ludum Dare

Sounds like some kind of sex act.
>Ludum Dare 55
>Theme: Summoning
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whats worse than a worm in your apple?
wish that animu gerl would hop on my dick tho
an apple being shoved up your ass
Half a worm, lmao
look into easing functions, or try a simple "move towards" vector function with a fixed step (based on time or tick or whatever youre currently using). even if its fixed it should aggregate in a way that feels like acceleration
it's gotten to the point where i do not even check my resume gap because actively thinking about it gives me panic attacks
My gimmick is that I have a stand.
A black family moving in next door.
thinking about it a tiny bit more...i think the "ever increasing" is probably your main problem. its like accelerating your acceleration which can get out of control
Yes I spent the last 8 years at a huge gaming studio that hasn't shipped anything and also is headquartered in my room, what's weird about that?
enjoy getting eaten
I. Give. Up. I'm. Never. Gonna. Make. It.
If my game has no chance of success, is my dev progress even progress?
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My main issue was the rotation of the velocity vector and the magnitude. The approach shown in the video was me trying to first set my velocity vector's direction and then apply speed to it. This had the effect shown in the video where the vector would rotate when trying to move in a direction completely opposite of the current direction.

Your proposed approach and the one I am just currently using right now, which is similar, is just to use lerp to interpolate both the magnitude and direction of the velocity vector. I can't seem to figure out a way to decouple these as I would like to have my direction to be set at a rather high speed and accelerate at a different speed.
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Orbital GMI Beam Charging. Systems Online.
Firing. Stand by for impact.
how do you cure projecthopitis?
>What would a Nortubel porn game be like?
carrie and bonka fight over who gets to have katrin as their girlfriend
the loser gets stella
multiple endings based on polygamy
minigames based on specific acts like kissing someone's body on certain body areas or body worship
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My artist called me a stupid faggot little cocksucker, how do I cope with such emotional damage?
it's normal for tops to say that to their bottoms.
Fair enough. I probably should have mentioned that he whispered it in my ear while he was balls deep inside me but it seems like you already picked up on that.
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I'm not gay you fags, die.
My artist just keeps sperging out.
>finally got configurable keybinds done
Now to go through all the text in-game that refers to controls and changed them to dynamically show the correct input while missing out a few that everyone in DD will immediately find
>see ::project nortubel:: ms paint tier slop assets posted on here for literal years
>randomly decide to actually play it
>it's kino

why has no one told me this before?
it was just a little joke!!
Be honest. You think straight men tell others when someone threatens their masculinity?
"i'm not gay!" she squeals whilst avatarfagging as anime girls.
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sure, plenty of people like playing unrepentant evil for fun
star wars games like KotOR let the player go full dark side galactic tyrant if he wants, and they're praised as all time classics
looks alright, but i've also never seen or heard of it before and i usually have my finger on the pulse of aprgs. it's more of a d2/3 clone than d1, however. i'll play it.
mine is in the process of being remade once more.
soon that black family is going to be like
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is this dude even working on his programming language anymore?
it's been literally 10 years or so.
How can i get a deal to sell ip? if i am making a singleplayer game

>tldw:you dont
>All Reviews:
>No user reviews
so little reward...
Whoa is that THE Tim Cain? Creator of absolutely no indie games ever?
it's slow cause he's also building two professional games in it. one is the sokoban game and the other no one knows about. it's been in beta for a couple years? i think you can email him and beg for an invite.
im also stuck on that but I have a pretty clear idea what I want to do with the base stats. it really fully depends on what your goals are.
How bad are we talking?
i'm trying my damned hardest in here
you guys better appreciate all my effort when dd58 rolls out
I will spend the night working on my own game and then offer useless feedback because I'll be so sleep deprived + tired from playing a bunch of demos in a row that I'll miss something obvious or misinterpret tutorial text
Do the legal noise complaint device loophole? Or just be nice and get invited to the cookout.
>i think you can email him and beg for an invite.
yea but there's no point if it's not feature complete
>Sprites have black outlines
>Look bad on black background
>Look bad if I recolor outline
>Look weird with a white outline around the black outline
>Look a bit better with a bright grey
Any other ideas?
i could've put all this time into making youtube videos or something and had more to show for it.
What will I be doing on this buetifel sunday?! DEVVING, OF COURSE!
use a simple shader to change the outline color against particular backgrounds, so it looks perfect anywhere
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Do you think there's a market for the video game equivalent of sports anime? Watching the olympics gave me this idea. Most sports games fall into one of two categories:
>management sims
>the sport itself as a video game
Basically you're either looking at stats and building a team of NPCs or playing a virtual version of the sport.
Are there any games that take a different route more similar to an RPG? This is what I mean by "the video game equivalent of sports anime". I want a game that has actual named characters, character development, dialogue, player rivalries, and all the same stuff you'd find in something like Haikyu. AFAIK there aren't any sports games that are doing that. I feel like the RPG element could attract people who would otherwise never play a sports game, much like how the story element of sports animes attracts people who would otherwise never be interested in sports.
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having a blast with my practice game
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How do I escape this cycle? Every time I'm not devving I get horny and goon, my daily life has become so monotonous and deprecating.
post progress
Find something else to do with your time that doesn't require being inside at your computer. You keep masturbating because the access to porn is right in front of you.
bing "power pros"
mario tennis gba did that too
That's 2 data points of these modes doing well in Japan but not elsewhere.
inuyashimu zero or whatever that shit is called has like 30 games
Maybe you should just dev and goon with another dev to spice it up =3
You're right about me being always at my computer being the cause, I'm just too addicted to this machine to do anything else.

Meet me at /trash/ bucko
why is there not a single video that goes into detail about the specific cel shading used on characters in BotW/TotK? it's the best I've ever seen.
Never heard of Power Pros. I was going to use Mario Tennis as the closest example I could think of but my post got too long. I loved that game as a kid.
I think it'd be fun to have to it be a team sport like volleyball or baseball, so you get to play as your own character and them assemble a team around yourself and develop relationships with those characters over time.
Nothing is coming up on Google for that.
nvm its inazuma eleven
make a porn game
Thank you friend
I prefer Discord but I guess you already have company for that hehe.
Will your game get a general?
Sshh, just go there and find me, you'll know by the pic.
God I hope not
isnt gacha slop so unlikely
remember when the mods make a mobile game board but then banned generals on it?
what was that all about?
My game already has a discord with 600 members. Can anyone here beat that? If not, I crown myself the king of agdg
What worked for me was using a chastity cage. I brought my masturbation problems up with my gf and she suggested locking me while she's at work so I don't just goon the whole day at home. First 1-2 weeks were super uncomfortable cause I was very horny, but at some point your body just "learns" that it's physically impossible to masturbate while the cage is on, so it stops giving you erections and you stop craving masturbation when it's on. If you have a gf you can try it with her, and if not I think there's some special keys/locks that can be set to only open up at an hour in the evening.
I'm jealous of your innocence, blissfully ignorant to how the gachatard mind works.
If you don't ban general on any video game board it will quickly devolve into gachaslop thread warring. That's the entire reason why /vg/ exists, gacha threads were taking over /v/ and making it unusable (not that anything of value would be lost). People would make threads with their "best" girl and all the fans of that girl would go to that thread. You'd have 4-5 threads for a single game.
It's a lot like how /mu/ has devolved into over a dozen kpop threads in the catalog at any given time because fans of certain groups/performers want their own thread.
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Don't know why the particles stop working, seems they need time to reset or something.
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I'm working on this game where you play as a boy who is forced to go through a girls' school naked.
Good idea, more gamedevs should be locked up like that =P
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The new jon blow sokoban game will have sub 1k reviews I fear. Braid was a fluke and the witness gets tedious real fast, but is in fp so it baits normies. The audience for the new sokoban game are just zachtronics autists.

Honestly watching his last few streams and hearing him talking about the bomb that was the braid remaster is really depressing.

Will sokoban game be his last game ever? I just think the spark is gone. He might just be able to get a teaching job at some fake gamedev uni.
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I remember that. But that's a premise, what's the mechanics?
Godot 5 will fix this
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I want to set up a system for listening to arbitrary kinds of signals from one function. I want it to say to me:
>Okay I got a signal that you said I should listen for
>Here's its name and here are its arguments
>It looks like you're also interested in some of the values of the signal arguments. I'll check to see if any of the argument signatures match what you're looking for.
>If they do match, I'll compare the signaled value to the one you want.

And then I'll reply,
>Thank you, dear Function.
>You're a good friend, despite what the others say.

post gamedev pets
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Based trenchad bro, if you need help implementing anything just let me know
but are you using qodot or func_godot? the latter is newer and as far as I understand qodot will stop being maintained
as the other anon mentioned, either you would move the stuff outside of the TB map node in godot or setup custom entities you need in the FGD files.
for performance I don't mind the extra geometry from brushes since I am making closed levels and I can use the builtin occlusion culling node from godot
Nah, the fact that it's connected to JBlow is enough to make it a success. You clearly aren't familiar with the level of influence he has in the puzzle gaming scene. People will literally reccomend games by introducing them with "Jonathan Blow liked it" or something like that.
You're right that it might not have much normie appeal since it's a hardcore puzzler, but the puzzle gaming audience is still fairly large, and by virtue of being made by JBlow it will sell a lot of copies.
You have to hide when the girls walk past
Unreal has Trenchbroom built in
I'd like that but I doubt it. No one cares about my game.
Also if the girls find you, they kick you in the balls and spank your butt
Unreal's geometry brushes aren't intended to be used in finished levels, Trenchbroom is. You're supposed to block out levels with Unreal's brushes and then replace them with finalized assets. It'd be like constructing levels in Godot using only CSG boxes
Insane cope, you must live in a bubble, SSR has under 1.2k reviews and it is hailed as a holy grail in puzzle circles, jons game doesnt have a cool gimmick like baba is you to appeal to the general public. Also remember the budget for his game is 20m dollars so he needs minimum of 20k reviews,

If he was a true visionary, he would have made anything other than a boring puzzle game, he is a one trick pony, but the pony died, because most of the puzzle autists are trains now and he is against them :(
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I'm upset that people pirated my game. Not for financial reasons, but because I want to know what people think of my game after they play it, and obviously no one leaves reviews for games that they pirated.
ok boomer
UE5 modeling mode and geometry scripting operates on game ready meshes
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I won't give up, not yet.
arcade design doesn't get generals. only illusion of depth slop like vampire survivor type number games get generals.
>It'd be like constructing levels in Godot using only CSG boxes
who would do that...
Same... Even though I should....
>Heh with how much it's ramping up and not slowing down
that's true. Every time there's a layoff at some AAA or a AA shuts down, everyone there immediately makes a go at creating their own studio. It's still possible to raise funding if you have the right resume, which gives those companies a few years of runway before they throw in the towel. Assume this year's crop of companies have 2 years at the minimum, so you'll see them start going under in 2026, with some lasting maybe until 2028.

Fortunately at that point the principals involved will no longer have a decent game dev resume and will need to exist the biz for a real job.
how do i make money as a neet?
idgaf about gamedev for the sake of gamedev
i just saw it as a way to make money as a socially retarded sperg
which nortubel girl would you fuck?
100% Bonka
This >>487995441
It's a hard racket. Get a job as a night watchman and you'll out earn 90% indie gamedevs.
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added more hero names to Ferulorum i think 90 now going to try to fix the dungeon after a break

GM anons
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this is what they look like
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So here the science system:
>Doing mission earn the player an amount of science points
>Each day, x% of science point are used to research

System should encourage the player to complete mission and contract. Could it work?
I wish I knew I need to start make money ASAP
people always recommend night security but I'm convinced this job position is an unironic meme and doesn't exist in reality.
>This had the effect shown in the video where the vector would rotate when trying to move in a direction completely opposite of the current direction.

I'm not sure what you're seeing here that's wrong. Are you expecting the velocity vector to flip to pointing 180 degrees without rotating?

>I would like to have my direction to be set at a rather high speed and accelerate at a different speed.
speed is the magnitude of the velocity
acceleration is the 1st derivative of velocity
what's "accelerate at a different speed" mean?
>she doesn't have a CubeGrid in her engine
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It looks very abstract.
raise your hands if you're making a 3d game on your own against all odds.
Companies need guys to walk around the premises, report break-ins, fires and shit like that. My uncle used to do that job like 10 years back. A lot of walking involved and pretty boring (and working nights) but you'll get a lot of time to think and make plans or whatever. It's not a good career but it's a good job when you want to keep your mental capacity as high as possible for after work.
leech off your parents or the government. making easy money on the internet is a pipe dream.
>I feel like the RPG element could attract people who would otherwise never play a sports game, much like how the story element of sports animes attracts people who would otherwise never be interested in sports.
that's actually an interesting idea.
It'd be hard to define the right audience for that in the west. Story games draw a female audience, but that's obviously not a core sports demo. The biggest issue is that if your studio is able to make a good story game then there's much bigger audiences in the west for plots other than sports, so why not do that? Japan has sports animes as you mention but there's not really anything similar in the west that proves there's an appetite for it.

Maybe a women's soccer league or WNBA themed title though. You'd certainly get write-ups in Kotaku if you made a a black lesbian basketball themed RPG.

>plot line: you want to get pregnant. You pick the sperm donor from a gacha box.
i think one of the fifa games did that.
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>I'm not sure what you're seeing here that's wrong. Are you expecting the velocity vector to flip to pointing 180 degrees without rotating?
Webm related was what I was trying to do.
>what's "accelerate at a different speed" mean?
What I meant was increasing the magnitude of the velocity vector gradually.
Step one, I would set the direction the velocity vector.
Step two, I would then gradually increase the magnitude of the velocity vector.
Though to get the effect in the webm related here, I would have to interpolate both direction and magnitude and would not be able to decouple them.
Ideally I would like to have my direction be set almost instantly and then have my velocity's magnitude increase slowly, the only way this could be done would be by decoupling but then I get the issue in the previous webm. I am not sure if there is anyway around this so I was just wondering what have others done.
Interesting. Thanks.
Mostly just a way to mess around with crating 3d levels. Pie in the sky goal is a basic im-sim system that I can make little short games with.

Thanks! I'll ask here if I get stuck. Figuring out doors and triggers now, and doing some modeling in the meantime to spice it up.

>but are you using qodot or func_godot? the latter is newer and as far as I understand qodot will stop being maintained
Welp, I'm using qodot. It's been working fine so far, now that I have that basics setup. We'll see if I run into a brick wall though.

I did get this working, but I am just rebaking the navregion after the door opens. Will probably be expensive as the level gets bigger.
Interesting. Would you mind if I borrowed (stole) this idea for my own game?
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>ask artist for pixel art advice
>what style should i go for given the game's theme and tone, etc.
>show her some clips and screenshots with all my programmer art
>she starts going through and replacing every single one of my sprites with 10/10 pixel artwork
>tell her to slow down because i can't pay her at the moment, but i will later once i'm ready
>she says okay but continues anyways
alarming lack of video game knowledge on display from /agdg/ as usual
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Finally done art to have character reflected in pause screen.
>she starts going through and replacing every single one of my sprites with 10/10 pixel artwork
Post some stupid frog poster.
Raise your other hand if you make a game in a genre where no indie game has ever succeeded in the slightest.
*raise both hands*
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Yes. I am trying my personal best. Still much to do though.
a wizard game... why didn't I think about that
it's genius
I wouldn't feel right posting it right now, since I haven't paid for it yet. But it's so good I'm worried she's gonna end up charging me like $1000 per sprite.
By curiosity, how much you pay for what? Could you give an example? I have a bit of savings dedicated to shit like that once progress has been made (10.000 € or so) and I don’t know what to expect.
Sex with reflection!
agp game
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what will it mean if you select the chicken character and see that reflected back at you?
It'll make money, but Jon B is pretty open about setting all his cash on fire. The question is, can it make enough to fuel another 10 years of autistically making a boring game for a niche group of people who probably just steal his game anyway. In some ways I'm glad braid bombed. I watched that Indie Game Dev Doc and it sickened me the arrogance of Meat Boy devs. They really believe that was a good game. All those guys made just awful fucking games. Even at the time I was like what the fuck is this shit, are people brain dead retards? Who is enjoying this slop? And in time, I was correct. People just wanted Indie games to be quality to make AAA look bad, so lapped up slop and ranked Indie games 5/5 in reviews. Despite being worse than super mario world.
You need to get bigger bucks. I got huge bucks (1.5 years of unemployment) after behaving like a total asshole to everyone at my job. You need to find a good well-paid job and then immediately get fired afterwards or find a fault in the machine to exploit like I did. If you’re in Singapore or Murica don’t even try it’s over and you have no option other than wageslaving. I’m talking about Western or Northern Europe where you can have the population work for you while you shitpost on 4chan all day.
damn :(
consider lowing the price
Making a web-based roguelite slots game; the logic is done and the graphics are temp.
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The cast so far.
Didn’t she mention her hourly wage or something? You didn’t discuss any of that beforehand? Are ou 14 fucking year old? Just ask her and ruthlessly try to lower to half of the proposed price, don’t worry they’re used to it, and then tell us afterwards.
One armed bandit-chads.....
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>watching a character play a game where they watch their character act in the game world
A 4th person game.
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Time to get serious!
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going to utilize a card system, with alternate cards that arent normal (snakes, toads, etc) and really hone in the aesthetic
I agree here, people pirate because they cannot afford.
I have my last uni exam tomorrow. If I pass I can finally dev in peace
>Didn’t she mention her hourly wage or something?
She's a hobbyist, I don't think she's ever been paid for her art before.
>they pirated my game, it’s why there was no copy sold and no review at all, fucking piratry am I right guys?
The average /agdg/ loser dev everyone.
just post an example of her work and i can tell you what should be a fair price for it.
Solitaire battle-chads...
They ask her about her hourly wage, if you ask her first about a price per sprite she might answer with some ridiculous figure like the one you mentioned because of femoid retardation.
i can come up with gameplay ideas pretty easy and i can come up with story ideas easy, but they both feel separate from another. the best ideas i've come up with are those that harmoniously combine at the birthpoint of the idea.
I never understood this whole "3d is more difficult" meme, though I always had good spatial imagination even when we had to draw blueprints in stuff in school
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I do not think he has any of his own money left, he prob has rich patrons like the founder of Rad and lives off of their "loans, he did this last time with the witness, but because he still had aura of "the first indie game dev", so it worked out.

I just hate how smug he was, the smugness was justified after releasing the witness, but after waisting time on braid remake, it is now nothing but a mask to hide behind.
greetings from /wowg/
I hate our baker so much it's unreal
Math. Math = IQ and study time. Therefore harder.
This was the final nail in the coffin for Solitaire Battle
It's over
ummm well ackshually 3d is more difficult because your vectors have an extra component
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based videa-making get
may your projects never have impossibly bizzare errors, and you success be grand
I'm skipping 4D and instead, I'm making a 5D game. Lol, ya'll are still suck making 2D games?
I don't hate him, I just think he let himself be infected with some poor ideas. He places money at the bottom. But as a business owner this is simply a mistake. I get his concept that money follows quality, but he also has no problem not appealing to anyone. So it's like ok, you exist on the fringe, that's fine. But fringe companies need to be light, and not burn cash. But hey, maybe he's right like you mentioned and he just has rich people throwing cash at him. And maybe he's fine crashing and burning because then he can be a persecuted/misunderstood genius and spends his remaining days talking about how dumb everyone is for not appreciating him.
Post Game?
You never understood because you’re a moron who probably coded neither in 2D nor in 3D. Rotations in 2D are easy to compute with complex numbers, in 3D they’re computed with quaternions which less than 0.1 % programmers understand let alone /agdg/ loser devs, no offense.
based and soilitairepilled
After making games for 8 years as a solo dev where I've learned to do everything myself, I've come to the realization that designing a great game is the hardest and most challenging part of gamedev. Unfortunately that's the part I'm bad at.
/agdg/ games need more traps
You're a genuine nodev retard if you think this
>multiply quaternions to rotate objects
>use libraries to rotate on a global/local axis at a specific degree (something literally any engine handles for you)
Woooooow so difficult
I will now add traps to my game.
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Added some dialogue in the game and in time, I will add the whole lore into the game!
this better be the next fetish added to nortubel
Gamdev itself is a trap!
My game has 4 kinds of stationary traps.
I fucking hate working with other people. When you work alone, you can just give up at any time for any reason, but when you work with other people, you have to keep going. Fucking bullshit.
those world texture seams lol
I'll design your game for you codemonkey anon
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>I never understood this whole "3d is more difficult" meme
I have 3 different types of rigs, a metarig which generates a rigify rig which has fancy IK controls and constraints on it, then the deformation bones of that rig are cloned into a separate game-ready rig with a simplified hierarchy because game engines don't tend to like convoluted bone hierarchies. That game-rig is then is constrained to the control rig in blender so that I can use the control rig to animate using the fancy widgets and inverse kinematics. Then I use an addon to bake animations to the game-rig frame-by-frame to minimize the chances that godot will shit the bed when I import or re-import the model. And then there's a bunch of different animations and poses I need that I haven't even started yet and I'm learning to animate those as I go so they're going to look pretty basic even if I try my best. This is all after easy parts like weight painting which I did a hack job of because I have no idea how to set up a rig so that a wizard robe actually looks good so it just follows the legs loosely. I experimented with a cloth simulation but I don't know how it'll export or if it'll loop cleanly. The thing isn't even UV unwrapped and textured yet. and it doesn't even really do anything in the game yet other than me experimenting with a very basic animation blend tree.

This has all taken a long time and is very complicated, comparatively I think making a sprite sheet is far less technical.

If you're making a space game with non-animated spaceships that just fly around, you'll probably have an easier time, but rigged and animated 3d characters are a lot of work.
For once, a get not wasted on gachashit.
>default un*ty font
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Fine, done, changed.
>rigging humanoid characters
just use Unreal retard
>replying unironically to the old 2D vs 3D bait
much better
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The wall of text is finally readable as well. :D
>This has all taken a long time and is very complicated

So does making good 2D
Sure making simple 2D is easier and faster but so is making simple 3D
Nah 2D is super easy. The TOP BEST SELLING AGDG game was made in mspaint. LMAO
What I said is that very few programmers, let alone /agdg/ loser devs, understand how quaternion multiplication works and how it relates to rotation in the space.

You’re a nodev if you think you can use things without understanding them. It might work once, it will much less likely work twice, and less even thrice. If you had worked on large projects for a long time and not dedicated your time to ass-sniffing maybe you’d realized that using assets and shit that you didn’t code yourself from A to Z is a bad idea.

Quaternions is just a notion among others that people are generally illiterate in, linear algebra is another.
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Market to boomers by having slow gameplay (simulators)
Market to genx with nostalgia bait (adventure games)
Market to millennials with le quirky quippy sarcasm because that's what they see as a replacement for not having a personality (capeshit)
Market to zoomers by causing drama quickly in the format of a tiktok video (anything so long as pronouns, body type b and aposematism hair is involved)
It really is that simple
My game is for autisms only.
Ye, the last part sounds soo much like him, prob the future he wishes for the most.
this is cities skylines 2
>understand how quaternion multiplication works and how it relates to rotation in the space
It's literally applying one rotation after the other
I'm not even gonna bother replying to the rest of your shitpost since it's clear you're a bitter /g/ reject
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Unreal devs, do you organize your variables by rainbow colors?
I hate it too but for the exact opposite reasons. You don’t need to wait for them, you can work 12 hours a day and you don’t need to put fucking comments every ten lines of code for Shaquina (or the average femoid or Pajeet retard) to understand (which she will not understand, anyway, but you both have to pretend.) This is one big strength small studios and in particular solo devs have, amongst many weaknesses.
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I've been getting filtered hard by Alien Soldier lately, and it made me wonder whether I should be making a game at all. I wanted my game to be challenging, but apparently the only type of challenge I can deal with is the modern type. These classic treasure games are literally eviscerating me through my asshole. Idk, I guess maybe back in the day the idea was that you'd spend a lot of time replaying the games, for hours on end. I feel like a retarded baby holding a controller for the first time.

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>Those fucking stats
It's like when I see "walker" instead of "zombie".
if you're making a game with a stat screen you're already in cringe territory anyway.
play this game.


My point is, that is very hard, but is a dificulty that is fair.
What I am trying to say is that our brains are biologically stupid when trying to do multitasking.

So the key is not to make each enemy super smart or super dificult.
But more of having the enemies having options to deal with the player.

Something like the AI of a fighting game.
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I spent this month unable to fix not a single thing in my life and no devving. The whole month just flew by in the blink of an eye.
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Organizing variables?
> It's literally applying one rotation after the other
You do not understand quaternion multiplication. Pathetic.
My wizard isn't good 3d though, it's bare-minimum, low-poly untextured, badly animated and experimental, and it's still a complicated workflow.
Silence, I will respond to bait just to get away from Blender for a bit.
Unfortunately I am not making an assetflip
That's not news to me. Alien Soldier is also fair... Although it requires you to adapt incredibly quickly
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pray for nortubel's future
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>muh 3d programming is so hard
the game engine does it all for you lol just drag and drop that shit
What I am seeing? ShaderGraph?
>he pivoted the genre of his game again
>dude just give me a fandom and they'll draw fanart to fix the characters
>i'll be the new zun trust me
Older games drink a lot from arcade gameplay.

Arcade games are like 20 minutes, but they use the technique of making their games be unfair so the player dropped quarters a lot.
Losing lives is a good challenge because you wanted your coin to last longer, but the arcade owner wanted you to lost fast.

It's a diferent philosophy from modern games, which relly more on telling a story.
3d niggas when they meet 4d enthusiasts
Also I think this game sucked back when it was actually being made, cool tech but the dev clearly has no idea how to turn it into compelling gameplay, he's far more interested in the academic side of things and needed an ideaguy
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>those stat names
>they use the technique of making their games be unfair so the player dropped quarters a lot.
this is not true. if an arcade game was unfair, the player would just feel cheated and not drop any more quarters. those games maybe existed, but they're the arcade games that died quickly. also, this game I. particular was a mega drive game.
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Player character, actually. :^) Best part? Most of those variables aren't even being used anymore.
metal slug only is fair the frist two levels.
Edit->Delete Unused Variables
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I guess metal slug is shit then. but I think the best part of the arcade game design was that it incentivized developers to make games challenging, but also fair. after all you want the player to drop another quarter when they die, not decide that the game is bullshit and then tell their friends to avoid it.
Whoa, hey now, wouldn't want people to think I know what the fuck I'm doing.
Metal Slug is giga-fair they give you tanks that can take multiple hits before being destroyed and can even recover their health by picking up fuel. In shmups you usually die in one hit.
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no way
Just shut the fuck up monkey.
it's over
Never had any luck finding ya RIP
aight ideas for a game that can be made in 2 days
the same nigga when time is 00:00 on January 1st and his birthday: YEEHAW!!!
He's seething because he didn't get it
because the soul of arcade games is to master a 1CC.

Which can take easily months of practice.



Level 5 of metal slug 1 is literal coin eater, It has not fair shit.
Even with infinite emulator coins, is a coin muncher.
Damn nonny, in that case I'll just give you my tag straight up: bintinmin
Skill issue.
Imagine the universe where the gamedev brainrot didn't affect Nortubel and instead he spent 5 years learning how to draw art and then drew the best white male black female, /ss/, yuri and muscle girl content.
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and then all these nortubel characters instead show up in a gacha game
vec2 deceleration = vector2.ONE*decelerationMagnitude
vec2 acceleration = getVectroFromInput()
vec2 speed += acceleration-deceleration
which is my point.

Anon is struggling with older games, because he doesn't understand they're not mean to be easily beaten.
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new ideas bros
here's what'll happen:
>i'll make a prototype in around a week
>post maybe 1/2 posts here
>people will show genuine interest in it
>then i'll drop the project and enter an existential crisis filled with self hate
this actually sounds good
Metal Slug is not easily beaten but it is completely fair. It could beaten with no hits even without abusing dismount invincibility frames like the video.
Is fair in the sense is possible to do 1CC, you need to memorize it.
metal slug is a lot more fun if you just use 99 credits, contralikes are fucking gay otherwise
having too much fun playing my game i put off devving it
Yeah it's fair
for a cris game it's not that bad
working on save load for the last three days straight makes me want to become an hero
yeah don't worry too much about switching to func_godot. it is mostly the same dev loop. func is a lot less opinionated and gives you the bare minimum, for instance you are probably using the qodot func_move for the door? in func you will need to make it yourself (or just take the example one from one of the project's repos).
I would say the only major feature (imo) that is missing in qodot and func_godot, which will eventually be added in func but I am not sure if it will be ported to qodot, is the "phong" attribute. It is used to smoothen geometry normals. right now it is "broken" as it works on a per brush basis and not per mesh.
use categories you fucking niggers. I think I'm gonna puke.
Also split up some variable into structs.
Off topic but I tried Cities Skylines 1 for the first time about a week ago and it was the most soulless slop I've ever endured. Felt like a glorified Mobile Asset Flip.
Does hiring artists count as "on my own"? I'm still doing all the coding, level design, and directing but I'd rather eat my own shit than do 3D models and animations.
I have no idea why they made a new repo, name and discord server and pretend it's something else when it's just an update with barely any breaking changes.
>rebaking the navregion after the door opens
Navigation links are meant for this, you make the doors nav blockers in the editor but have the links telling the NPCs that they can go through them, and you disable the link when the door is locked.
And if this unfortunate boy were to get caught by-
>they kick you in the balls and spank your butt
that's not nice
we need to cull these posters somehow
>Also split up some variable into structs.
>Totally misses the 10+ structs already listed.
How do I capture this feeling in my game?
It helps if you have experience.
>open blender
>dick around for 5 minutes
>close it
yeah that's enough game dev for today
how close are you guys to release?
looking at their docs page its mainly that first thing I mentioned about it being "less opinionated", which would indeed have a few breaking changes. but I am also unsure if it really required a whole new plugin but whatever, the new one being as barebones as it is works great for me
autogynephilic pause screen
I'm late by a month and I think it will be another 2 months before I can release an alpha build
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>finally asked art fag if he wanted to make something with me
>wonders how to make game assets
>wonders what software he can use
>wonders what transparency means
>"I don't know anything about working on games, lol"
>"how many pixels per inch?"
Jesus christ it is so fucking over.
He has talked about games and wanting to get into game dev for literal decades, and spent those decades making art in expectation of such. Yet somehow he has no clue.
I feel robbed, but worst of all he has robbed himself of this opportunity.
Post game
So he only does trad?
Why are you working with cris
I don't.
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is this good lookin’?
I mean, if he can draw, then you should be able to teach him the technical stuff pretty quick. Why the fuck would an artist know what ppu is before working on a game. In fairness though most people are pieces of shit so he's probably hopeless. Like he could have asked chatgpt and educated himself. But why the fuck do that. Just give up like a faggot.
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You can pay women.
>do all the art and animation
>proceed to smuggle it all into an already pre-existing popular game
yadda yadda don’t blame the player, blame the game
nortubel has competition
yeah, especially if you have some nice SFX and animations to go with it
its so fucking humid
i hate summer
raving for october
Captain Tsubasa games.
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Just found out about particles, i'm feeling pretty good rn
>brown person collecting cotton

uhh raciss much?
If the first thing a player experiences in your game is a series of tutorial messages then you're just conditioning them to see the game as that tutorial and not what it's actually supposed to be.
yeah we all know that, faggot. go play super metroid and see how a tutorial is supposed to be
There's a strangely high amount of artists that don't seem to grasp what PPI even means and they only know the term because it's Photoshop's default unit of measurement for canvases. They weren't kidding about zoomers being tech illiterates.
it really doesn't. it's better if you romanticize the idea of a perfect relationship. reality is one party wanting a minute to themselves from constantly navigating the mood of their partner.
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next character done
>finally team up with guy I've been eyeing and tell him he has creative liberty
>ends up adding tasteless out of place shit and I'm too nervous to direct him and the game is ruined
sounds gay
It is gay because I made it up but that's how I think it would go if I ever teamed up.
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>Thanks to zero publisher restrictions and unparalleled free engines you as an amateur can make any game possible
>Literally anything possible
>Seriously, I mean anything from your childhood favorites to that game you always thought needed 1 change to make it a 10/10
>Make picrel
uh glad they made their dream game i guess
i guess this guy played hollow knight so much that he started seeing it in his dreams
Underrated and the best since lividcope
At least he has a game
odds story
evens gamepad controls
zero switch hobbies
I've been using unity for a while. If I switch to Monogame, how different/harder would things be? Will I have to be working on things like deciding what to render with something like a decision tree? Would it be worth not being dependant on commercial engine?
Original Hollow Knight had a cool idea of randomly shifting the rooms when you made a save file. Devs like these should put that slop in.
I'm drawing lolies again
Draw big booty shotas too
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>I'm drawing lolies again
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me too man
I wish I had that much hair left.
Does this confirm jblow posts here?
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Thinking on adding a personal pic on the game's end credits.
cute kween
norbutel? it stin-
That's what lolifans look like, loli artists are muscular.
turns out rewriting the main update loop was only like 100 lines of code (not including the table of what blocks rank where) and it makes pretty much everything feel better

before this, the horizontal actuator would always fire on both machines
depends on the game
you need to consider how you'll show the player when they're hovering above/clicking an option, feedback is important
How the fuck is Godot performance on Android so bad that I'm getting 1-3 fps on an empty level at 320 x 180 resolution?
are there any muscular lolis in nortubel?
>performance on Android so bad
I've been meaning to test this, is this real? 2D or 3D?
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I'm sorry you can't tell fiction from reality, anon
unfortunately, a lot of people like that seem to end up in jail. not being able to tell fiction from reality is serious.
You sure showed him with that wojak, transsister
guaranteed replies
3D. I've made a handful of 2D Godot games run on Android just fine, so the complete failure to get a 3D game to run at a reasonable frame rate was a surprise. And this is after I did all the usual troubleshooting tips you find online, like using the gles2 renderer, use viewport scaling, not using the a procedural sky environment, etc. I'm perfectly willing to admit that it might still be me doing something retarded, but if so, it's not any of the usual mistakes.
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From now on I'm gonna write down the negative thoughts I get, and force myself to write a counter for those thoughts.
pedo troongooners will seethe at the truth
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>what are you doing?
>I'm shooting 3D models and pissing on their corpse
You should've specified 3D first since I have no real problem with 2D.
How far into the project are you, is it still barebones? If so, you'd really expect there to be forum posts about it.
Somewhat worrying, got me probably spending the rest of the night testing android export stuff so that's exciting.
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>couldn't finish one single game
>decides to try make 12 games in a year

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>the truth
Capsule shaped placeholders, but I'm totally learning Blender.
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>Want to make loli games because lolis are cute
>But I don't want to make them sexual shit
>If so, you'd really expect there to be forum posts about it.
There are, and I used all the tricks mentioned in them to try to optimize. And they did sort of work in that I wasn't getting as high as 3 fps before implementing all of them.

I actually did make and ship 12 games in 2023, and it was a massive waste of time. Altogether they've made me about $13 in revenue so far.
damn son
really your best bet here is to use a different engine, I use Godot 3 just fine for 2D but if I moved to 3D I'd definitely be considering other options.
you sound like employers that expect the new guy to magically know the ins and outs of the business
>less than 10 minutes to figure out how to export to android and test it
I severely overestimated the requirements.
It's not really a show stopper since I can just not ship on Android (the game has been running fine on iOS and PC), but it's still a bummer to not being able to include Android.
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on a roll tonight, bring on the dev
What do you think about videogames?
hate em
>mid day cuppa
>side of toast and butter
>watching my country btfo Germany in the olympics
life is good
>dick sucking POV
Fuck I'm gonna draw SOME LOLIS
I think they are neat
I fucking LOVE video games but I think people these days are MAKING THEM WRONG so I have to TAKE MATTERS ON MY OWN HANDS
okay, but did you make a youtuber video titled "I'm Making 12 GAMES in 12 MONTHS?!" and then a followup video when you eventually failed? Did you collect ad revenue from the views and grow your overall channel? No?
This one is for my game. I'll show it when it's ready.
oh, so no game then. Shame. Seems to be a trend with lolidevs.
No, because I didn't fail. I made and shipped 12 games in 12 months, because it's not actually all that hard.
You're underestimating lolidevs again. You'll see when my levels are ready, I promise.
A lot of recording and adjusting stuff as things show up. Taking a bit but it's going well enough. Biggest thing is the shops are too cheap for certain things, which is a little OP.
She looks like she holds hands with white men
I'm making a tetris clone with sexy girls in it. Will I get sued if I call it Titris?
as little pufa (polyunsaturated fat) as possible, vitamin d+k supplementation (10k iu a day for a few weeks to get start then lower to 5-8k), supplement thiamine, b3, b7, folate, zinc, magnesium
your diet should include dairy as a staple (glass of milk with every meal, cheese, butter, ice cream, etc)
potatoes, fruit/juice, sugar are preferable carb sources but regardless of the source carbs should comprise *at least* 60% of your calories
eat ruminant meats and avoid eating too much pork or chicken because their fat is mostly pufa
eat eggs every day, the yolk in particular is a crucial source of vitA
eat liver (or liver pate/foi gras) at least once every couple weeks, oysters too if you can
fish once or twice per week
spinach and chocolate are great magnesium sources but its generally good to supplement mag glycinate
salt your foods to taste
use coconut oil or butter for cooking
cut out fried foods completely
You can start by not calling little girls "loli".
Just make them boys. :)
I guess half a hand, I have an artist buddy handling the models.

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