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Previous: >>487816004

>Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2024 9th Anniversary Countdown Campaign:
●July 26 ~ August 14 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 25 Hellfire of Wisdom, 8M QP, and 5 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Pavilion Quests (Jul 31 ~ Aug 14): 2 9th Anniversary Heroic Spirit Costume Ticket and 5 Summon Tickets.
▶Limited Master Missions(Jul 31 ~ Aug 14): 18 SQ.

>Hunting Quest Vol.14:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 7 Golden Apples.
▶Limited-Time Master Missions: 12 Stargazer's Teapots, 12M QP and 6 Golden Apples.

>Ordeal Call: New Mission Release Campaign Part 7:
●July 17 ~ August 4 JST.
▶See previous threads.

>Summer Event 2024 Pre-Campaign:
●July 10 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Event starts: Mid-August 2024.
▶Requirement: Ordeal Call Prologue.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 2M QP, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 50 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 5 Rare Prisms, 2 Crystallized Lore and 10 SQ.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions(~ July 31): 5 SQ.
▶Spiritvein Stones: 7 by Login Bonus and 10 on Mana Prism Exchange.
▶AP consumption for the main quests up to Lostbelt 7 will be reduced to 1/4.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 3:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Lancer Tamamo no Mae
4*Archer Anne Bonny & Mary Read
4*Rider Mordred
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Archer Artoria Pendragon
4*Caster Marie Antoinette
4*Ruler Martha
All limited.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
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>in a week, at this time we will be discussing the new summer event
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Kriem swimsuit hype
Are you lost?
In a week we will be discussing 50% of it and shitposting who the other 50% is while yelling anger at them making us wait 1-2 weeks for it
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Holy shit guys.
I can't believe they're making the Extraverse into a live service game and the remake is the prequel for it.
a shit
A cute
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> 10:00 JST | Day 1 Opening Stage
> 11:00 JST | Chaldea Radio Station Plus
> 12:10 JST | Learning with Manga & Fujimaru Ritsuka Doesn't Get It
> 14:30 JST | Staff Talk
> 16:10 JST | Day 1 Cast Variety Stage
> 17:45 JST | Expo Live Show

> 10:00 JST | Day 2 Opening Stage
> 10:45 JST | Chaldea Radio Station Plus
> 11:30 JST | Hawatoria Pavilion
> 12:50 JST | GudaGuda Pavilion
> 14:00 JST | Saber Wars Pavilion
> 14:50 | Day 2 Cast Variety Stage
> 16:05 JST | Chaldea Broadcasting Station 9th Anniversary SP
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So many streams of absolutely nothing of worth...
Staff Talk is the day 1 summer stuff right?
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It's Karl
disgusting raitabortion
El culo del marciano...
Just because the patternfag is Japanese doesn't mean it's any less wrong. How many patterns from the past got outright ignored and 'subverted our expectations'?
I want her to sit on my face
>Durga figure
Is she actually popular lol?
>FGO development and management staff will be present to give you a behind-the-scenes look at FGO!
I like her
every FGO figure bins nowadays
Hi, i would again remind everyone that 9th anniversary servant is non servant type moon character outside fate that became pseudo servant
PekoraGODS... we won!
Her design is good.
Complete flop but Nasu wants her shilled
Like most servants who get tons of figures (Raikou, Ibuki, Okita Alter, Prisma Illya [not FSN Illya]), Durga is only liked for her coombait design rather than her character, hence why servants/characters like Voyager, Bazzett, Kotomine, Van Gogh, Nobu and others get very little or nothing in terms of merchandise. At the very least, Oberon seems to be getting some love and Nobu's first figure is in the pre-order stage now.
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Kama FA figure
Usually yes, thats where we got castoria/chloe/suzuka last year and merlin the year before
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Have you looked at that body?
Not too popular, generally she wasnt much of a character in paper moon and only has pure arts looping going for her (in the same year as another ssr arts archer) so shes just getting a sakuraface buff, kind of wish it was her 2nd ascension though
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her arts really pretty, she has the artist who usually does the CN anniversary artworks?
Nasu again?
where's the cock?
Fate/Meltout collab when?
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Is Sakura supposed to be the hottest woman in-universe?
Are we gonna use RDJ pics from now on?
>pick servants that were never that popular to actual fig collectors
>figures bin
it will keep happening until manufacturers learn.
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Iori looks so out of place in the Koei line up kek
the figure price these days are ridiculous
>so many cute girls around me
>but I only want swords
It's a bit cheaper than you think because the yen is so assfucked right now.
Tbh, I really like Iori demonic path, it remind us that all human relationship regardless how comforting it was, will eventually lead toward destruction. The last thing stay with you is loneliness. Those who can be comfortable with it posses a demonic heart, and a demon know very well that even in death it has no regret because dying while achieving your dream was the most earned death one can wished for. Hence I never get the idea of why shipper want to ship him to Yui. Takeru fit much better desu
Shipping prices are ridiculous but yes, the yen is through the floor right now. I am going to splurge on some shit I've been meaning to buy for a while now.
Iori should now be in the Atelier games
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Pako's Tezca
>my shitty favorites don't get figures because they are not popular therefore the popular ones are only liked for coombait
massive cope
Well he's after that ending in FGO collab, and it's obvious Takeru is the ONE for him.
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>Eresh in the jar
Oh no...
I used to rule the world...
Ryza is cute but I prefer my wife Klaudia!
A week until Foreigner OC Summer is announced and the plotgang comes back to save /fgog/,
Ishtar's payback for shrinking her back in Babylonia
>Foreigner class
Yawn. Give me Ruler.

Looks like even Nips are tired and want to end it and have a fresh start with new protags. A far cry from the start of LB Arc when this was first introduced.
Shiki > Shirou > Soujuurou >> Sieg > Guda > Kanata Akagi
Plotbro... It's over, we lost
They won't deliver
If their pacing wasn't so atrocious we could easily have not only part 3, but also part 4.
But my wish for FGO is making MC a new director of Chaldea and new gameplay features include management not only servants, but also new masters. So no shit like pseudo/demi-servants, just straightforward playable masters.
Nobody cares, idiot.
I remember checking out Durga’s artist twitter and I scrolled down with it showing that they drew Yakuza yaoi porn.
If the ending for part 2 is absolute ass then of course players won't be fulfilled and want more to get a better conclusion.
for me? it's Enkidu
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Pirate sex
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Why do they care so much about Marie Antoinette?
For some reason looking at this face makes me think of Robocop
Holy shit this dude is assblasted. Other commenters are going 'plenty of dudes got their heads chopped off during Meiji Restoration' and he keeps screaming about how the death toll in Japan was way less and then someone talks about how the Tokyo Olympics were pretty shit and he immediately fires back about how Tokyo didn't suffer terrorism. It's not /fgo/ but it sure feels /frog/
I guess it just resonates with them, the french revolution, the terror period and their subsequent events are a little similar to the deposal of the Shogun figure and the Meiji restauration.
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The only revolution that matters is the one that created the greatest country in the world, America.
They don't like the idea of violent revolutions, they all love Marie Antoinette because of shit like rose of versailles, in general they're big fans of royals, they thought the opening ceremony was tasteless, they especially don't like how she's Austrian and wondered how the Austrian athletes would feel.
Because Marie's hot?
Second best pale anal slut in the game
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Excuse me, Marie Alter is a paizuri slut. Marie Classico is the anal slut.
Because they know Marie is the a hot queen
how much is this shit gonna cost
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It's the servant /fgog/ cares about the least
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Jesus fucking christ this is divine
I wonder how many people are gonna cum on those tits
Japan killed like 5 fucking shoguns in less than 10 years during the sengoku period and they're crying about Marie Antoinette?
That's not Brynshit
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That is literally my wife and the only 5* i intentionally NP5ed
I lost my whale virginity to her thoughbeit
Holy FUCK I need-
Nevermind. Don't get your hopes up bros
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>defending the opening ceremony
I've only bought their Jojo figures which seem fine. What's wrong with their statueshit?
The Archer class is rather stacked gameplay wise aside from stinkers like Orion (Artemis) and Arjuna
Why wasn't Jannu in the Olympics???
You lost Jannubros.
I would smell Artemis stinky armpits after a hunt desu
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>Ranmaru X
>Summer Okita
>Summer Anastasia
I'm always glad to see obscure waifu characters getting merch.
And people thought Astolfo was gay
cute tranny
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They are generally mad about Marie I checked Jp twitter interesting. Do they love her over there in Japan or something?
Every country with an education system that is not absolute garbage has a positive view of Marie
Lol it’s a good thing Jeanne wasn’t in that mess of a ceremony.
The ceremony was unironically designed by a gay jew and Jeanne is tied to Christianity.
Seethe a little more raikouschizo, maybe your skeleton will get actual figs and not gk shit lmao
I want the one on the right to put me on a leash and treat me like a bitch
cute schizo kamatroon
raitabortions are a different type of bad
Japs love Marie in general. Aimer even made a song for her during the HF movies.
Keep yapping I'm sure floppy gozen will rise from the depths of her shithole to give you what you want anyday now
oh no, youre a newfag
What Lost Belt is this?
which stream will cause a meltdown in next week bros
The first one should give a first look to some of the summer servants, the second one is the usual super long one with the anni details and with the other projects announcements.
Frankly I don't think I'll bother joining the second one until 40 minutes have passed because I can't fucking care about the VAs playing rebus and shit anymore.
Every stream
But FGO is so dead that even meltdowns are lame now
The question isn't which stream will cause a meltdown, but rather which people will have a meltdown during which stream.
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Maybe if I ritualpost enough GalaCHAD I can get him for anni. Schizos tell me on good authority that this method has worked before.
ereshbros and lipkek as always
GalaCHUD won't be summonable
He will be the Final Boss.
>1st day
Xfags that are melting because Y got a swimsuit instead of X
>2nd day
"Other game"fags malding that FGO is still alive
Me because anni will probably be shit rewardwise
>but rather which people will have a meltdown during which stream.
passioncucks and raitabortioners
probably fruitfags and prismapedos
Jeanne D'Arc was the "pale horseman" rightoids were freaking out about. She rose from the Seine River where her ash were scattered and entered Paris, something she never had the chance to in her lifetime. I think that specifically was a great performance.
You're replying to the schizo
No need to sign your shitposts nor talk about them in third person, reatard
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Wrong because MarisBULLY is the final boss while he and GalaCHAD are mortal enemies.
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all these retards whining about schizos while schizo shitposting themselves talk about them more than they talk about FGO
they became what they hate
Speaking of, what're the best resources if I wanted to know more about Jannu's actual history?
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I am ready for sadness once again this year.
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She was the centerpiece of the ceremony.
Can't wait to see what attempts at wrongly translating text for shitposting purposes the schizo will attempt with this summer.
He was going all out last year. It never worked for him but he didn't let that stop him
Lol no. Another flop atop the pile of sakuraflops
Lol no, canonically shes the plainest out of the three original heroines
I find it silly they didn't have any preparation in case of rain, but then again Summer has absolutely fucked Yurop
>All the Lancer version
Yep, this checks out. Normal Saber is the one everyone wants
London was the last good Olympics anyways
I mean the guy isn't wrong in that the Marie Antoinette thing in the opening ceremony was fairly fucking disgusting; but it was keeping with the theme of French Degeneracy so he doesn't need to be upset. Just laugh at the frenchies parading troons down a catwalk as the peak of their "culture"
Looks like over designed shit like everything that k*ma is ever featured in
Inaccurate. Kama has the ass and hips of a 15 year old malnourished boy
Kama is a troon so that sounds accurate
Degenerates elites* which is the very small fraction of individuals that also happen to be in charge of the country.
Well, no need to dive into politics but at least do not associate that satanic shitshow with frenchies that never asked for this.
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Today 90++
>nip trying to talk about how much more peaceful nippon revolution is compared to frenchies
>nip history is majority civil wars, deaths of several shoguns, uprisings, seppuku by vassals and samurais during every time they installed a new shogunate plus deaths of thousands of peasants getting mogged every civil war
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N-News Doko?
Marie Antoinette's head singing Ca Ira and then going into Gojira was pretty neat.
>Wrong because MarisBULLY is the final boss while he and GalaCHAD are mortal enemies.
His mortal enemy now is Daybit.

Galahad is Mashu's power up.
Marie Antoinette was a shitty Austrian whore and this part of the opening ceremony was the absolute best and most based part.
Wish they had shown Louis' beheading as well.
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Pretty much. People who are pissing and crying over the 17th century equivalent of a sugarbaby getting her head cut off are some clown ass bitches. No one outside of pretentious cucks and westaboo nipnogs that like to romanticize "muh innocent artistocrat Marie" give a shit about that busted up whore.
It was pretty cool to watch at least and definitely memorable. Personally, should've had more guillotines for decorative purposes then it would've been even better.
Where did Marie hurt you, bro?
>only kneeled to Second Archive expansion
He's literally me.
God I love her. She's so cute and sexy in that swimsuit!
any anni dialogue?
>most sane /frog/ poster
There has been very little news about anni in general other then the servant outfit CEs and the new logo. The leaks aren't reliable so Rani actually being the anni servant is unlikely.
the tech focus is really pushing me towards the Rani BS sadly
patternchads? where is the ahoge?
It's actually Extra Rin/Swimsuit Eresh
Agreed. Takeuchi absolutely knocked her swimsuit character designs out of the park
Is there a place to check which strengthening quest/interlude drop what mats?
I'm sure you will stand there and clap when the Russians re-enact the slaughter of the Romanovs when they get the Olympics in 2040
I'm more inclined to beleve in Tamamo desu. We still have "Seiemei's totally up to something" plotline that ended up not being SamRem.
Seimei feels too bound to the New Year Nip pattern desu
Yes yes frenchie it was stunning and brave. Now go back to your troon catwalk shows
im not feeling so confident after guraburu's summer stream...
I will.
Bolsheviks are the scum of the earth but so is monarchy
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I came back to post this
That'd be based since royals are shit everywhere in all of history.
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My bets for the anni servant are:
The edges of the golden circle remind me of a ring, and the star in the middle looks like the Star of David (also why not at this point)
Because why not at this point + Mash is Bond Lv9 (and you know what that means)
>Castoria (again) (low chance)
Red, Blue, Golden and White are the colors of Castoria's main ascension, Fou (and Merlin, who is in the main anni illustration) is apparently relevant to Castoria according to various of her room lines and stars have always been important for her character.
Extra remake, Fou in the icon (Fou is usually synonymous with beasts), Koyan is present in the main anniversary art and the golden circle in the anniversary icon may represent the sun.
Because Fou = Primate Murder and the golden circle may represent the moon too (and Altrouge is a "daughter" of Type-Moon)
Also this year's logo seems like a direct opposite to the 7th anniversary logo.
Yes. It was lamentable that the children died too, but the tsar needed to go, one way or another.
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city SEXO
I have seen so many swimsuit City art this past month, nips really want her
all royals deserve a beheading, there are no innocent ones.
>draw a sexy and stylish japanese girl
>make her an aztec city
no surprise
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Golden Sun and white Fou, believe me it's going to be Golden White Face aka Amaterasu.
Yeah Kuku could never
>Golden Sun
Isaac Servant confirmed
any drawfags here participating in this?
Who turns out to be from the Servant verse.
Rose of Versailles propaganda. If you want nobles that were unjustly executed there's Anne Boleyn or the Romanov children
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>Castoria was released 4 years ago
Fucking hell man...
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new redrop art
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...who's the one trying to get creepshots of Homete?
Cerejeira spotted.
oh is it meant to be Crane I guess?
That is definitely Ms. Crane.
what are the odds it's another sameface character like koyan or castoria
You didn't need to reply to me twice, edgelord
kek I thought Alice looked weird but it was just Ushi Gozen, Alice is to the left
Very high actually, don't listen to the delusional Camaflop copers
Yeah they really do. Her design and personality are top tier so it's understandable. And from a narrative point she is at her core a Water Elemental which lends itself perfectly to having a Swimsuit
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>(low chance)
>Tranma again
>Everyone else looks like shit
Redrop can seriously fuck off by this point
>Dangerous Beast Tiamat
>no Gil
it's over.
It's gonna be olga
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For me it's Seimei.
I just hope his design isn't shit if it is him.
she's welfare bro
Nasu lied
We're not getting a male for anni, let's be serious
It's pretty cute
More likely Seimei will be the NY Servant
One of her best ones so far. We're blessed to have Redrop.
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they keep taunting us
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Gotta love how the fanbase has a whole collectively erased that from its memory.
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What are you talking about?, ever since the logo came out no one has talked about Camazotz
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how we feelin' FGO bros?
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>Is Sakura supposed to be the hottest woman in-universe?
I mean that's Medb or Kiara, right?
Obviously the answer as a reader/viewer is Chloe.
There are people thinking it could be him because Fou on the logo means Beast servant coming.
No, just the kamafags. But we won't let them forget
about 5 days or so
7 days
>no one has talked about Camazotz
Maybe in here, but nips are huffing copium on twitter
It hurts to see them being this hopeful still
Is that Iron Man?
I really hope they upgrade the class score this anni.
I want a *real* upgrade if I max out a score.
It's weird because he obviously isn't anni material.

Why would a LB7 side character who is at best third or fourth most popular character of the chapter be made anni servant?
While Seimei is 100% going to be announced in a big day i think that it isn't him, it's Ciel because of Calvaria Star. Seimei is going to be in Part 3 or a story event (he did appear as Pirate C in a summer event but that was more of a funny Easter Egg than anything serious)
Anni has always been a previously established character. We don't even know what Seimei looks like, he'll never be anni servant. And he's male anyway.
amaterasu is indeed in space, literally the Sun
Not at all. She isn't even noted for it in the original game
Seimei is a already a established character, being important while not having a design has been his whole schtick since Heian-Kyo
yes . Iron Man will be playing as Doom
That's Ironman Alter, bro
In Nipland he's the most popular LB7 character, when that got released the nips talked more about him than anything else
Only 1 retard here cares about Seimei. He's written by Sakurai so he's doomed to be forgotten.
Imagine the reaction if that silhouette is Aurora
>She's set to appear in OC3 which is going to be based on Dante's Divine Comedy
>9 Stars = 9 Circles of hell
So is that either Lilith or genderbender Satan
What /fgog/ thinks is irrelevant to Japan.
Might as well make this into one of her summer ascension
The question shouldn't be "will the stream cause a meltdown?" it should be "how long will the meltdown last?" Cuz the maleschizo has a meltdown every stream nowadays
I'm a plotfag and if they make the Foreigner chapter summer coomerslop AGAIN after Imaginary Scramble I'm fucking killing myself
Might as well kill yourself preemptively
It's Karl.
it is preferable that they waste summer with foreigner garbage than a whole chapter
"Plotfag" is code for professional whiner.
French revolution is a joke. Bunch of power hungry maniacs convinced the population that killing a teenage girl would solve all their problems, and when it obviously didn't they just went on a murderous witch-hunt until an even bigger power hungry maniacs took over and drowned Europe in another pointless war.
You're not a plotfag and you won't go through with killing yourself.
You're just a shitposter.
>He's written by Sakurai so he's doomed to be forgotten.
Douman's popularity says otherwise
Also lol thinking this place has any relevancy to the wider fanbase
Douman is relevant because he is for (You) if Seimei comes out and they are shipped Douman's popularity will sink like Bryn's and Seimei will never take out like Sigurd.
It's a known song and dance.
Maybe not but you should definitely kill yourself
Is it even possible to save the foreigner class anymore?, it was supposed to be the one serious class in the game but they ruined it just like they ruined Avengers with joke and summer event bs, foreigners should be few and they should have a entire chapter dedicated to them when they do appear (and Abby should be the only playable foreigner)
Bro it's literally a class that was created with the original intent of making fun of gaijins.
It was never serious
Bryn popularity sinking would imply she had any popularity to begin with, if anything she got popular because of Sigurd, before LB2 people joked that they forgot that she existed
After you show a successful attempt to the class
It's impossible to have a serious thing in this game. Reminder that after Oberon they immediately ruined Pretender with joke characters that completely broke the classes rules.
Popularity with shippers is not real popularity, they don't like the character they like the idea of a couple. All waifufags and artists abandoned her after that cuck of a chapter and they started to actively hate her after cucksummer
Ah, yes. Japan wants more LB6 but you don't see me saying it.
You seem to not understand that he's already shipped with Seimei by fujos for YEARS despite not even having a design, this will wouldn't do anything
Also Sakurai isn't retarded enough to mess with yumes, you dumbasses said she would something similar with Dantes and look how that turned out
Pretty sure Avenger was a joke with Angra. Dantes made it more serious and the only joke parts are the summer forms.
True she only fucks with waifufags because she has a personal vendetta against them because she is a raging feminist that hates men and the male fanbase
Chill out dude. Nobody takes any of this seriously.
Reminder that if you made a joke ONCE in your life you are now a joke character that can't be taken seriously by anyone.
Don't you fucking dare trying to have fun even if you are in a light hearted situation that would call for it
At very least shes better than Kukulkan and Quetz combined
Bottom image reminds me of Yoru.
As the latinx say it "Sexo en la citté"
It doesn't look like its meant to be "surf fes", the image is just the con building. That really looks like its meant to be Survival Fes, so this year's summer event will be a big sabage this time.
Or maybe he just got "Servafes" wrong
Holy schizophrenia
Extremely unlikely given they know how to spell it and Servant Festival is right in the middle of the image. The spelling has got to be a hint.
Frenchies have a revolution every other tuesday in modern day because they don't like their government. Literally nothing has changed and no one gives a shit about that stuff outside of Amerifats and people who aren't European. They have actual problems to worry about like immigrants and the housing crisis.
Fuck my grammar went to shit
She's doesn't, OC2 had Horta being all dere on you, you had a date with Marie Alter and even had Nito Alter admitting how smitten is with you when talking with the other avengers about why they follow you
You can complain about how much she sucks at writing but saying she personally hates a part of the fanbase when there's nothing that states that is dumb and frankly, only supported by the most histrionic, bad-faith reading fuckers ever
Pretty sure Nito Alter is still an Ozy orbiter during Summer 8.
Was Bryn ever genuinely popular?
Prototype cast seems pretty forgotten outside of Arthur and I think maybe Ozy, but even he hasn't gotten anything in years while the last time Arthur was relevant was in Arcade. Bryn seems to be the only one Sakurai brings out a lot just so she can have her be a couple with Sigurd, her ship with him is the only thing that's kept her relevant.
Takeuchi just told her to tone that down and start pandering, you know that what she really wants to write is shipping and Raikou wank.
Pretty sure Nito Alter doesn't even show up in summer 8.
Before she had a little bit of lewd fan art, porn and for (You) stuff, after cuckbelt and cucksummer she has nothing. She was not popular but Cuckgurd killed the like 2 fans she had.
Anni servant is Amaterasu waving the imperial Japanese flag and doing a pinch gesture with her other hand, in her my room line she says she misses her husband and that he had a big dick (written by Sakurai and Kekenchi ofc)
No way Keikenchi would write that
Being better than garbage isn't a huge achievement
I Know, the joke here is that it's (almost) everything the chinks and gooks hate
Hint about what? Redrop's only servant already got a swimsuit.
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I'm fine with the Lovecraft Foreigners but the rest can die in a fire.
Talking about Quetz, I'd be pretty pissed if just because they're permanently available now, they start to include welfares in the Anni strenghtenings.
Ruler Quetz is shit, but the time to buff her was back when she got added in the first evofes last year and not during an anni.
Before LB2 she was known as "that one SSR that pretty much has no story in FGO and never has a rate up for some reason" even her falling in love with Arthur in Prototype wasn't mentioned much (before more Proto characters got added to FGO people asked for a anime adaptation a lot but seeing people actually discussing it's lore was somewhat uncommon)
She was yandere for Jeanne Alter in a event, that's more content than she actually deserved
So, basically Bryn pretty much was a nothing character and had almost no fans. Yeah, that makes sense.
She's cursed to fall in love with anyone she considers a hero, has been this way since Prototype. Sigurd has to carry her around like a dog to prevent this
If you think that falling in love with everything is a shit character trait?, yes (and i agree), they could have made a alt version of her without the yandere shit but instead they doubled down on it
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Hello oniichan, just dropping by to say I love you and I hope you have a happy and enjoyable anniversary. Okay bye.
I wonder if this summer is gonna kill a servant's popularity again.
It's Karl.
I'm not sure if it's better or worse than Holmes.
From what I'm gathering what fucked her up the most was being released with no story and staying like that for years and having Sigurd around actually gave her some chance to get content. Don't think he really killed anything there. Was the Fragments novel really that unpopular that she was a literal who before FGO?
She did. She was in the Sakurai circle story. The one with Tomoe going whatever when asked about Ushi.
It's better because I like Karl
I must have erased that from my memory then
That's fair. She did become an Ozy orbiter again.
God the circle stories in the last summer event were awful, the only one I could kinda stomach was the Asclepius one. It's also baffling how they fucking chose Super Bunyan for one after the backlash she got...And she was still a piece of shit there
Redrop Lip...
Summer 8 as a whole was a let down
Need more insane and evil women, and for fucks sake keep them insane and evil I don't want them getting softer and nicer as they start liking us. A girl can fall in love with me AND STAY EVIL AND INSANE. In fact that's what I fucking want and what would make me fall in love with her.
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Nah it was mostly great
Hair down Gudako about to grow some stubble
Nah it was pretty good. The Kuro section felt like a waste of time and the circle stories were kinda bad in general but other than that it was pretty great. Bob and Bargh got some great resolutions and Tonelico being nice to both Bob and her PHH sons was cool
Me about to pretend to get drunk so those two gentleman can take advtange of me
I have hope
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Fragments is in a weird place, you always see people asking for a anime of it but rarely see anyone talking about it's lore
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Before FGO most of Fragments characters didn't even have fan art or anything besides Arthur who was a more established character. I don't know if it's because the Fate spin off novels are niche even inside the Fate audience or if Fragments was really that badly received or ignored, I don't know how it compared to Apo at the time
Didn't Fragments also start/run around the same time as FGO's release/first year?
So who do we want for anniversary?
Summer 8 would be way better if it was Habetrot and Britomart instead of Suzuka and Kuro (their outfits are sexo tho) and it wasn't about Summer Fest bullshit again, it was good the first time they did SSS but the joke has ran it's course, it should been about Morgan trying to pull the ultimate Brexit by dragging Britain into the Caribbean or something like that
My wishes
Grand Saber Artoria
Proto Gil
If that's the case then it makes sense the character having nothing before, I thought it started a few years earlier but it would make considering how Arash was a launch servant, how important Ozzy was for Camelot and how they had Bryn ready as a year one servant (even if they didn't have anywhere to put her lmao)
Kiyo *5
People are only interested in the action scenes.
I want to cum on Kiyo's kneesocks
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Zotz, Archie or Galahad
Those might be hype Ozzy and Arthur are peak power level kino
I'm okay with anni servant being a skip if summer is godlike but I have no faith in either.
Sex in la cidade and Kriem have big chances and they would be enough to satisfy me in summer
Kriem is definitely in but I fear Nasu think it's too early to give us City...
Noah, Galahad, Solomon, Sion, Ciel, Shiki
All we can do for now is hope for the best, if not this year then next
>males for anniverwary
Funny joke
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I said I want them, didn't say I was expecting them to be the Anni servant anon
Skipping both is an option too.
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My awesome but irrelevant king.
Nice rhyme
/fgog/ seething /alter/ shitposting
He shed the blood of saxon men...
An actual account system instead of the shitty codes.
Just rolled Summer Mo-san with a meme ticket.
That was nice
Bro we got that
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Limited 5* ticket for anni.
It was revealed to me in a dream.
>idiots still wanting Kriem for summer
Fuck off, at best you will get a CE. Don’t waste GudaSaba summer for coupleshit
I like what I like I'm not gonna stop wanting her because you feel personally offended about it.
I'll cuck Siegfried
>third place in appmedia
I thought no one liked servants not for (You)?
Hello Peruvian, take some Inca Cola sip and go guide some Chinese tourists around Machu Picchu for a couple of dollars you don't even play the game
Kriem has a great design + seiyuu and I don't think anyone hates Sumanai. It also helps that their romance isn't as poorly written and annoying as Bryn/Sigurd.
>kama head blocking the left part of the harlot poster
It's fucking Amaterasu isn't it?, goddamn
Wait till they keep shoving that cuckshit down your throat during the whole summer
>+ seiyuu
To be honest, I think the Kaguya voice was really phoned in.
It could be a Kama or Kiara too desu
Thematic for Kama to block Kiara
Her schizo screams are kinda funny at least.
>hirame’s opinion > appmedia
It's funny that whenever people say cucksummer made artists drop the game it's always this one and he didn't even really stop
What made artist "drop" the game is new games.
Artist can't be loyal if they want to earn their twitter paycheck, they need to run after each new fomo.
Her Valentines scenes was pretty good and her shouting during the NP is great
As it was said before, the incoherent malding of this place does not reflect the fanbase consensus for the most part
And thank God for it
Basically this, if you aren't a dedicated character artist then you just draw the characters from the newest big game for the fomo money, sometimes they go back to older games when there are big releases but it's always done out of a need to play to the crowd not really any game loyalty
Loud Fran my beloved...
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Here is my personal ideal anniversary, and yes I am very much biased. Skipping and jumping over the "etoo, sonna de, sugoi pachi pachi pachi" bullshit. No restriction, no limits, no budget problem or problems with the code, and no nepotism and incompetence, just what I personally want and make me jump.
>MANY interludes at once and announcement of monthly interludes
>new rank ups
>new update, you get 15 SQ for each Bond 10
>bond goes to 20, and when you reach it, you enter in a "Perfect Bond" status, where you inmediatly get a USO and while it doesn't change from 20, you can still farm bond point the same way post Bond 10 and get to choose either a Holy Grail, 60 SQ and 10 tickets, or another USO when you loop back
>changed layout, whenever you start the game, you start on My Room, and all the servants are animated, the Terminal is after you leave My Room
>animation updates each 2 to 3 months, including Summer from year 1 and 2
>500 SQ of anni plus 100 for each milestone of RT and Lik on social medias
>demanded NPCs like Agravain or that redhead gunner are gonna be on the game, from FP to SSR (NOT limited this time), they will be decent to very good
>3 Anni Servants this time, Camazotz, PHH Morgan and King Mors (previous form of Oberon Vortigern)
>Ector and Wryneck/Woodwose will be 3* and 4*
>Coral will be the new gold FP unlockable, while fruit chan will be like Angra except she will be red when summoned
>new summer will be Foreigner OC, but Morgan and Castoria will also be part of the event cause star related (there will be hint at Morgan also achieving ascension)
>road map, September will be Alter Servants event, October RE-Halloween, November GudaGuda AND lottery, December will be the Ruler OC
>DL game outside FGO, where you build your ideal world with servants you rolled, with 3D chibi models, you can customize whathever
>SSR ticket that includes limited servants
>SR pity system
>updated gacha so you can ALWAYS get minimun a SR servant if you go multi
What’s even funnier is that none of those characters are remotely popular to the playerbase. Want to know the fate of characters with an SO? Go look at Andromeda.
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The cutest
Should’ve known.
Andromeda is loved though...

But only by Lack.
If we are going to add schizo wish fulfillment desires I would add on top of what you said.
Bond CEs are now passives you can turn on and off
Bond from 5 to 20 unlock new lines and bond 20 gives you a new FA art bond 20 servants give the bond they get to the other party members
Support slots for all classes
The removal of the dumb class multipliers
Skip function after clearing farming stages under certain requirements
Replayable story and event bosses
All events are back in a story mode form where you can get the first copy of the welfare and read the story and play the crucial fights.
Costumes are more frequent
Andromeda would have been more popular if she was released as a for (you) servant in fucking Valentine, and the story was about her and (you), just like with all the fucking White Events whose story ACTUALLY pander to the disgusting yumes.
But ok, she could also been popular if she appeared outside Valentine and had a similar treatment like Kriem. Kriem is not for (You) yet she is fucking amazing and people love her, Andromeda could have been also like that. But nope, let's make her that shit and people forget her like Bradamante.
Would have preferred this way more, Im not giving Nasu a break anymore for almost dying of consumption if anon can come up with something better.
Anniversary will be one more filter added for the archives, a lot of quartz and an anniversary servant no one expected.

Don't be greedy.
I think it has much more to do with the fact she came out in a lower priority event instead of a more high effort event or story chapter, characters that come out in those kinds of events generally don't do that well. Look at Britomart for example, she also has very sexo art like Andromeda AND she is very for (You) /fgog/ loved her for that when she came out but generally she is kinda forgotten now
I’d take BMart over Kriem any day.
Events servants almost never become popular now. And even main story servants have a 50% chance to be completely forgotten.
>if two-kun
You make poor decisions on both bussines and life and you will end up causing the death of this kusoge, and you will be blacklisted from everything except chinese grocery
>if nasu
You are a lazy neet who think can do everything and anything, but I am waiting for you to cope and seethe when you see that everyone forgets about you and no one support you after FGO dies and you keep shitting everyone cause they dont understand you
>if takeuchi
You are a hack and barely worth my time
>if Lasengle
Too incompetent to even trashtalk
>if Sony
I don't talk to future corpses
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>Bond CEs are now passives you can turn on and off
>Skip function after clearing farming stages under certain requirements
>Replayable story and event bosses
I admit, I wanted to add this two, specially the first one, but comment went too long. The rest are very nice ideas. Specially
>Bond from 5 to 20 unlock new lines and bond 20 gives you a new FA art bond 20 servants give the bond they get to the other party members
One thing that I think that would have helped her even if she wasn't for Guda is having Perseus actually be a character in the game because at least people who are into that would get something for it. Bryn not having Sigurd for so long made her stay mostly irrelevant, Tomoe was only used for game jokes and NTR doujins and still is because despite having her husband be real now he still isn't in FGO.
Kriem came in with Siegfried as an already established and decently well liked character so she had something to play of. We don't hear her just talking about Siegfried we actually get to see what they were like and the dynamic is pretty good imo
Oh one of those twitter schizos the local schizos obsess over, got it.
There's this fact too I don't think her having a husband was that really of an issue for the broader audience
My brother in Christ, People literally cucking Tomoe off Yoshinaka from the beginning of her existence, and she still popular (as NTR material) until now.
Isn't that mostly cause she gets screentime as a nip gamer chick? Some other nationalities have to wait half a decade for a CE or an event cameo.
>it's good if a girl is popular because ntr
No it's not. That's a fucking low bar.
If someone wants to fap and lewd a character they will do it lore be dammed. Anyone remember how the autist of Empire of Dirt actually had Bryn be for (You) there? It was his fanfiction game he can bullshit whatever he wants to make it work
Or good old Ankoman lol
He didn't say that, he said she was popular as a counterpoint for the previous statement that girls with love interests are never popular
i want old efgoge
Guy has an NTR fetish with shotas and traps and doesn't care if the characters he is drawing them with wouldn't cheat on Guda, he is not my cup of tea but he is an example of horny beating lore when push comes down to shove
Too bad
It also sucked
Just a smidge less mentally ill though
It is, but at least she wasnt ousted from existence like uhhhhh..... Galatea, Kashin Koji, and Miss Crane.
Yeah I miss the jetfag
Did we have a single hit this year? Truly the flop year
Define flop and hit
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Generally speaking? No.
Personally speaking? Yes. Only one though.
I guess you could argue it's a matter of sheer fucking character load.
Event characters tend to be shit out of luck against story characters most of the time. The exceptions are relatively rare. Raita characters (but they also get event cameos and multiple events to show up in), maybe Osakabehime? Cleo's the 2nd Halloween Servant and she's about as forgotten as the newest of them, and that's back when FGO was fucking alive.
We have a lot of typemoon collab (outside and inside fate) then new form of existing servant like dantes and marie. So its kinda let down because devs became lazy to create new servants. And they took only from characters from other type moon franchises and make servant out of them. Thats also the reason why i dont expect much from 9th anniversary servant
Pretty much
flop-what you like
hit-what I like
Japan appreciates culture and history far more than western cultures do currently. Because western cultures were all fucked in the head and gave up all their thousands of years of culture, tradition, and history and basically destroyed their countries in the last few generations. Japan still believes in culture being important.
3 New Design Servant basically
I'll be tripping if 9th anniv servant is some character from type-moon series again
>young lady
lmao even
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I want more Andromeda in events...
Only 3 new servants and none of them was good, damn
Same I think she has potential
We can't even have popular servants as cameos or recurrent
Eh, most popular Servants do show up relatively consistently. We just have a large amount of them.
But there are popular servants, and then the likes of LB6 and Horta.
Yeah and those can wait for their turns still, they're not fucking Charizard. Horta isn't THAT overused, I'm sure LB6 can manage too.
>Horta isn't THAT overused
Personally I wish she was. You know how some people just CANT get enough of it, right?
My favourite hasn't had a single cameo in 5 years, can't exactly relate.
Just gonna throw a wild guess, Lakshmibai or Carmilla?
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Good job anon, you proved you have a brain.
The issue this year is the overabudance of "burdens" ( aka characters who are from outside the game and not popular at all to shine in it outside of Shousetsu for waifu reasons ).
It's telling that a new Marie Alter ascension form generated more buzz and discussion than most of those.
FGO needs to go back to its roots and do what it did best. Introduce new characters and push them. You can't use collabs in stories anyway so they're literally dead weight.
I'm an actual fan of Nasu so I'm happy about the collabs.
How is this collab and clap overload NOT gonna affect negatively in the future?
Old /fgog/ used to want things from other Typemoon works...
That was when fgo wasn't a shadow of its former self
It's pretty obvious it was about FATE WORKS. And even then original shit along content IS a standard that this bunch of niggers refuse to give.
The Japanese had a very good opinion of the Mahoyo collab.
No it wasn't old /fgog/ was very pleased about the KnK collab and always had Arc as one of their most wished characters to be put in FGO. Why are you pretending you were here while saying something so wrong?
>Introduce new characters
Woah, new characters like a "random nip with 5 gods"? There're hundreds of existing characters ad they only release less than 50 a year including seasonal alts. Where the FUCK would you put new characters, retard if even old characters aren't fully developed?
Yeah which is why the KnK collab was so disliked right?
Good way of ousting yourself as a newfag
From the perspective of a random Japanese player who knows nothing about TM there is literally no difference between an original Servant and a collab character. Some of the most popular Servants in the game are basically OCs anyway only loosely based on something.
That was when /fgog/ was mostly comprised of TMfans and Fatefans now /fgog/ is full of people who are fans of FGO only and they only got into it because it was the big gacha to be into once
I want shit from other TM works but I want them on the collab spot, not the anni one.
As shrimple as that.
back then people played FGO because it was part of TM, nowadays we have schizo zoomers having meltdowns if someone posts a screenshot of Fate/Extra CCC or Samurai Remnant
Your subjective experience here in /fgog/ doesn't reflect the majority and target audience
>His mortal enemy now is Daybit.
A bit...of...the...day...
>Woah, new characters like a "random nip with 5 gods"?
New characters like someone who has no prior story attached to them that makes it impossible to create a compelling narrative or character to be built using FGO as its canvas.
The reason OC2 stands out this year is because it kept showing how FGO delivers in what it does best by progressing stories of characters who were introduced through FGO ( Jeanne Alter, Dantes, (You), etc. )
>There're hundreds of existing characters ad they only release less than 50 a year including seasonal alts. Where the FUCK would you put new characters, retard if even old characters aren't fully developed?
This is a non issue. You can cycle characters in and out and nobody should honestly care ( then have them appear but not in standouts role ).
If a character story is over then it stands to reason you can and should move onto someone else to pry into them further.
There's nothing to pry into collab characters. Our own characters appearances in the Remnant and Mihoyo collabs were entirely pointless.
In moderate amount. Not pumping out everytime
>who has no prior story attached to them that makes it impossible to create a compelling narrative or character to be built using FGO as its canvas.
CCC and Arcade collab prove you wrong, it's a problem of execution not of the character existing before or not.
Now go on tell me why those two don't count.
Oi sex
Impressive, everything you said is extremely subjective and has been disproven with FGO examples multiple times.
SR is such a fucking flop and I hate how they force that shit everywhere. Meanwhile I can't know what's gonna happen with Requiem and Erice
Well guess what there's no time to introduce new characters because the writers are trying to wrap it up, we're still in the LB6 shilling phase because of that too.
>CCC collab
It basically changed what the original characters were like to suit FGO, not the opposite. BB isn't even the one from CCC and it wasn't a CCC story in FGO, it was FGO using CCC setting for its own story.
This is not the case anymore. Remnant collab was just a Remnant story with FGO barely mattering in it. Mahoyo collab was a complete disaster where the story actively made it impossible for the FGO cast to even take root it since it was all "lookalike" + "we're here but not actually here" finale.
>Arcade collab
Literally FGO, I've no idea how you think Arcade is not a FGO story.
Draco was built inside of FGO and explored in FGO. Arcade itself and its own story barely even mattered in the large scope of things since all they did was just defeat a Beast we didn't even get to see.
>trying to praise the Sakuraislop angle
I see your angle Sakuraischizo.
As expected it somehow doesn't counts when it doesn't fit your narrative. Your retardation shouldn't be attached to Oi's picture.
I prefer when the collab characters are for (Me) and not for each other.
I would want Galahad specifically as a Shielder but with a broken kit combining aspects of Qin + Bazzet + Mashu to make the ultimate immovable object CQ Servant but that's probably too much to ask for.
You do know that Nero isn't a FGO original and the whore of Babylon stuff was a thing since Extra right?
Or are you that much of a FGO quarternary?
Yes arguments have nuance and aren't a game of right/wrong. Sorry that things require a little more depth than your barebones level of arguing.
If you can't see the difference between a "collab" that became a main interlude and throw away events everyone already forgot you have no discussion trying to pretend you have a point.
I just wanna see character interactions
Smash those action figures together
Give some Servants a line for Mashu
Give Mashu a line for more Servants
Feels weird she barely interacts with most people
I liked it when the manga does that
Friendships seem rare
>no morgan figure or colored figure
Whoever is in charge of that, you will die
>Mahoyo collab was a complete disaster
fgog ass take
>arguments have nuance
Yours clearly don't but you can start to put nuance into them whenever you feel like it. Everything you said is based on your subjective feelings. CCC doesn't count because you liked it even though every character there was a character that otherwise had baggage as you said and had their stories finished previously, your excuse doesn't change the fact that a well beloved collab event still fits your definition on why collabs are bad but still was beloved. "Changing" the original characters to fit FGO doesn't change the fact all those characters needed CCC to exist and the direct events of CCC lead into their experiences in FGO.
Yeah but with me
You didn't read any of those stories and play any of those games. Do you even play THIS game?
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It's a similar idea to how the worst worlds in KH3 were the ones where Disney forbid Square from making any interesting changes from the movies (Tangled and Frozen). Whereas the best worlds (Toy Story and Monsters Inc) were the ones where Square was allowed to use the setting to tell a story that resonates with the themes of Kingdom Hearts.
Tangled was great wtf, Frozen was the worst and Toy Story and Monster Inc were pretty bad. Big Hero 6 was the other good world.
>CCC doesn't count because
>It basically changed what the original characters were like to suit FGO, not the opposite. BB isn't even the one from CCC and it wasn't a CCC story in FGO, it was FGO using CCC setting for its own story.
Don't twist my words, what I said is above. SERAPH has more to do with FGO than it does with CCC.
The Remnant and Mahoyo collabs are nowhere near that and never tried to. Even the characters baggage in SERAPH come from the event itself and not even CCC because its written so the reader can entirely skip giving a fuck about CCC to care about those characters.
>"Changing" the original characters to fit FGO doesn't change the fact all those characters needed CCC to exist
But FGO is the one who wrote them like that, not CCC. This is like arguing that Artoria Lancer should owe something to FSN, that's never going to be the case.
FGO handled that writing, character and setting.
That's not the case with this year's collabs at all and you know it.
KH collab with FGO would be kino.
no, interludes are dead and lines are next
please understand writing is hard
>Give some Servants a line for Mashu
>Give Mashu a line for more Servants
Why do you want even more shit for the most overexposed character in this game?
>Opening thread to see news,
>seeing mfs are into cuckshit and try advocating it.
>cuckshit always have bad writing and are forgettable
Yeah kys pls, I pray that all cuckshit will forever be doomed, It only good writing when it’s written for you. The rest are literally 1 dimensional writing from romcom shit without anything deep.
Grandpa forgot to take his meds again it seems.
Why do you people keep playing this game if you're not even fans of TM and hate everything FGO does?
Jack summer alt, this time for sure.
>SERAPH has more to do with FGO than it does with CCC.
By what metric? That's subjective again.
>The Remnant and Mahoyo collabs never tried to
Mahoyo shoves a bunch of FGO originals in it, it's not just about Mahoyo and the Remnant collab in FGO is the place of where Shousetsu's nature is explored in full and we get more teases about Cagliostro, again you just ignored things that don't fit into your theory because of your personal opinion of the events
>This is like arguing that Artoria Lancer should owe something to FSN, that's never going to be the case.
She does. FGO isn't isolated from the rest of Typemoon it's a shared universe she is another look into Artoria and possibility there is no Artoria Lancer and Camelot withotu the original Artoria and that goes for a lot of FGO chapters. It borrows from a bunch of other Fate and Typemoon concepts that wouldn't exist otherwise. FGO is not an isolated stand alone game where things from outside have no place, it builds from previous concepts and borrows from them FGO wouldn't survive just on FGO originals. Your real problem is with the execution of the collabs the notion that you can't write something good out of character with baggage is ridiculous.
Implying they actually play the game
What are you talking about, Perseus exists and has had a design (two actually) for a long ass time. Are you implying that he hasn't been in a any story since the franchise inception?
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Wonder if she can outlewd her base for. Konoe doesn't seem to go for anything provocative.
I did.
The Mahoyo collab was complete garbage, the mystery seemed to be building to something more interesting than it actually was. The entire emotional crux being around some dead idol that wasn't even teased beyond 1 or 2 scenes before the end was downright stupid.
The characters cameo were pointless and "Shirou" was used to throw a NTR joke in bad taste towards KnK fans which Nasu should revere and kneel to for saving FGO years ago. And its telling thats the case whenever Mikiya appearance did more for the event than most of the Mahoyo cast interactions.

Remnant collab was all over the place. It just replayed Remnant story by having us go to every font of power and have meaningless interactions with FGO replacements of Remnant servants without adding more into those interactions compared to what was in the game.
Iori was teased to have an interesting final resolution to his murder hobo tendency but instead we just got an amnesiac version to fuel the homosexual ship with Takeru who was boiled down to just be an homosexual and his wife literally disappeared from his character.
Yui Shousetsu and Ushi Gozen were both even more jokes than in their original game. Yui was turned into a doll whose interests shifted at the behest of the player and conceded to Takeru so it didn't literally even matter.
Ushi Gozen was quite literally so retarded she got manipulated by budget Douman and got killed by a NPC coming up with a plot device NP.
Ashoka? Entirely pointless, just casted Chakravartin and did little else despite the tease.
Yeah he does have two designs but one of them is nothing but a scrapped design and the Proto while a mora tangible existence is kind of stuck in Limbo since Proto never got fully finished. Perseus as a concept exists but as a character for people to buy into his relationship with Andromed he is basically non existent the story he appears was never finished and he isn't even in the game where he could interact with her
Using knife sheaths as bra and crotch covers. Fully nude otherwise.
Use characters from previous works as much as you want to but at least make them integrate into the fgo setting, SERAPH I think is a good example of this, the Mahoyo collab on the other hand is a exemple of using the characters but not in a way that they feel as part of the FGO setting, I saw some people say that it felt most like a school reunion than a collab.
I enjoyed SERAPH without ever playing EXTRA or CCC, I doubt I would have enjoyed the Mahoyo collab if I hadn't read it before.
As far as pure characters go, I usually see people mentioning Sitonai as a example of character that exists purely as clapbait and doesn't feel part of the FGO setting while Ilya during summer 5 as an outside character that doesnt feel as an outsider because they made the effort to make her a part of the gang.
All in All I dont mind if they use characters, and make collabs, from other works, but at least try to make them feel like they belong in FGO and not just go "oh yeah we are the characters from that other work."
Thanks for reading my blog
No bias noted
Check this out.
They even cut voice lines that don't fit the rewritten story. Obviously Calamity was made for EPU like Saber Diarmuid (even had her ascension leaked) until she's turned into a Servantverse version, so now Geronimo and Liz can't interact with her. Also, who's that at 0:35? Sure looks like Shining Star to me (because they're designed by the same artist and there's another censored Hassan in Hundred Faced's profile, when was this uploaded? In 2018. Do CA or HF have lines for him? No. Task Ohna also has Lancer Perseus who's nowhere to be seen a full year after Saber Medusa's back to back appearances.
>Mahoyo shoves
Nothing, don’t try to add shit, nta btw. Mahoyo add nothing in both story and theme, it’s just literally “Nasu being a lazy fuck who can’t just write Mahoyo 2 so instead he give us this shit”.
Imagine if we had collab characters from outside Type-Moon
See that's the point in the end it all boils down to a matter of execution and not really if a character had a previous story before FGO or not. Melt got hugely popular because of her FGO introduction, Europa is a FGO original nobody gives a fuck.
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>By what metric? That's subjective again
It delved into Chaldea lore with Seraphix hinting at Moneybillis true agenda and painting the reality of the tools we're using.
It made Kiara into a FGO specific enemy, a Beast, and it gave her an actual role into the FGO universe that's significant
It created an entirely new class that's now subject of a major story beat, which means that to this day it has an effect on FGO's plot

No that's not subjective at all.
>Mahoyo shoves a bunch of FGO originals in it
Lookalikes, so nope.
>and the Remnant collab in FGO is the place of where Shousetsu's nature is explored in full and we get more teases about Cagliostro
Nothing was added about Shousetsu at all beyond making her homunculus shit even more glaring than in the original. Cagliostro didn't matter at all, you could even skip his presence if you didn't get further in the story. If you think that's comparable to what I wrote above you're just arguing in bad faith.
>She does. FGO isn't isolated from the rest of Typemoon it's a shared universe she is another look into Artoria and possibility there is no Artoria Lancer and Camelot withotu the original Artoria and
I see, no wonder you're replying the way you are. You put more weight into a character appearing than the writing used on them.
Amazing, you genuinely think Bedivere appearing for 2 seconds in FSN is more significant than an entire storyline built on him in FGO.
FGO owes nothing to FSN, literally nothing at all. The opposite rather. Since FSN was unable to even explore characters this way.
Imagine my balls on your face you gay ass NIGGER.
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This. Nobody who actually plays FGO hates it. If you have any negative opinions about the state of the game then you are most likely boogeyman x or y. The game is fine, healthy, and on track to live for many more years before a gentle EoP.

The chinese discord leaks prove that Jack will be getting a summer alt this year. Have faith, bruder.

All the Mahoyo collab did was add hype for Mahoyo 2 which will never come since Nasu can't even finish part 2 of TsukiRe and he has Extra Record to finish first. Mahoyo 2 will be our version of the last few chapters of Berserk. Nasu will give up the ghost and all his properties will die with him , since he is so insular about certain things he created. Nobody can pick up Mahoyo, nobody can pick up Tsukihime, nobody can pick up the main story of FGO, though I could see someone like Sakurai being given the defacto opportunity to try since she knows every wrinkle on Nasu's tiny yellow ballsack by now.
This is insane revisionism. The Mahoyo collab was well received and everyone was very happy to also get KnK fanservice in it.
did they show the illustration for this somewhere
>You put more weight into a character appearing than the writing used on them.
Amazing, you genuinely think Bedivere appearing for 2 seconds in FSN is more significant than an entire storyline built on him in FGO.
Not at all, but I can kinda see why you would think so. We see things in different ways and I don't think we can reach a common ground I've made my point and you made yours have a good day
I understand how this feels, it’s Nasu being a retard desu, he can’t get over his schizophrenic mind, and he can’t write shit whenever it takes over his hands. He can write without any reference and it can feel fresh as well but overtime he seems to be too lazy so he just throws whatever shit to the old fan and it is not pleasant at all
I fear this summer will just be a bunch of servants no one wants but made broken to force people to roll.

Basically Artic summer 2.
Artic summer had some characters I wanted.
LB 5.5 was a trap for all characters that debuted in it because it was so poorly written from start to finish. Does anyone care about Quirinus? The Greek gods had some interesting designs and the twins were good fapbait, but the former hasn't seen the light of day since that LB and chances are they will never be summonable, and the latter has had no event or story presence since, plus they are useless gameplay-wise.

Now contrast this with the first part of LB5, Orion and Jason and Mandricardo are beloved and have frequent appearances. It also built up Kirsch very well but unfortunately Olympus fumbled the ball.
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I'm hoping for Amaterasu, but one additional note I don't think has been brought up for Altrouge yet is that she's also ninth on both DAA lists as a funny possible coincidence.
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>The game is fine, healthy, and on track to live for many more years before a gentle EoP.
Share some more of your baseless fears.
We know Sakurai, this isn't about you
If you seriously don't believe fgo is healthy then you have been poisoned by this place.
>FGO owes nothing to FSN, literally nothing at all.
Ah yes the spin off doesn't owe anything to the game that started it all. FGO would literally still have materialized out of thin air if FSN didn't exist because that's how fucking good it is
I also read that reddit post. That's all the proof I need to know the Mahoyo event was well received and well written. A two-fer!
It's probably still healthy to a degree but the game is on a downward spiral regardless
Not really, strawman as much as you want but fgo indeed own fsn nothing, it's in fact the opposite, fgo making banks and the rest of the flop shit had to collab with it to get some boost in the sale number.
If thinking Purin and Wu are cute makes me Takahiro Sakurai then I would gladly cheat on my wife
I don't know what you're referring to. I'm talking about Japanese twitter at the time.
Uh…fgo had no spin off on fsn so yeah, moot point. You are just really bad at this desu. Even oldfag know this.
How do you explain that the FSN anime do much better than the FGO ones?
No animation updates, only 13 servants in 8 months is unacceptable. And how many new events? 4? Valentines, FSR, Mahoyo, and Dragon Castle? Only got about 4 or 5 strengthenings? No sign that we'll get another main story chapter this year? FGO is running out of "in emergency, break glass" characters, and new unwanted characters get introduced in favor of NPCs who were and still are highly desired.

Frankly, the fact the FSR collab didn't have all the actual FSR servants in it was absolutely unacceptable.
Enough anniversary characters for decades.
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Yes. FGO owes nothing to FSN.
FGO built its own success and succesful characters without relying on clap. Clap generally performs worse than originals as a result.
I know that lookalikes create a murky area but considering such problems were never brought up with EXTRA before they shouldn't be with FGO.
I daresay that FSN and its fanbase actively drag down FGO because of this retarded idea each of those games can't stand on its own. FGO is a succesful Behemoth, FSN is a succesful pebble.
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The zoomer larp egging on oldfag tactic is so incredibly stupid how are you falling for this angle every time?
He can't read Japanese.
Oh yeah we missed out so much on....Big Nose Tomoe Husband and uuuuh...Chink twink and eeeerh Jobber Snake Assassin? Oh wait there was Jew Herk he was such a great character I wish they had used their resources on that!
How could you notice the difference when you can't even see the obvious that fgo was making more than fsn? Without using anything from fsn?
Because FSN is self-contained and you can watch Zero, Deen, ufo UBW and HF for a mostly finished story? Fuyuki, Camelot, Babylonia, Solomon and Lostroom don't work like that
Cherrypick me some examples of JP fans saying how well written the event was
>we want content!!!
>ew not that
Every time.
Don't respond to Sakuraischizo
If they post an image of a servant completely unrelated to whatever is being talked about in a weird discussion they are probably trying to make the character and it's fans look bad by association, it's a trademark shitposter sign and your cue to ignore and hide the posts
Because wanting something good is too much to ask for...
Imagine writing about Japan with its myth element and all you did was wank some French, and change the history to dishonor the Minamoto all for a footnote whose feat was being killed by Ushi. Hmm oh yeah it was SAKURAI….(god each time it reminds me that FSR can be something great, my hatred for Sakurai can't stop growing each day
no u
Le this. Only post fanart of the game Fate Grand Order in the /fgog/ thread if you're avatar-fagging or talking directly about whatever character you posted. Anyone who does anything else is likely a shill or schizo or some other type of convenient enemy poster to whom all ills of the thread can be attributed to. We shall call them our Ahriman.
/fgog/ is just so stupid currently that I take whatever stupid takes at face value I'm done being generous and giving the benefit of the doubt of thinking they are just shitposting and no one is that dumb
For some reason i can see they will put shiki, fujino and mahoyo charas in summer this year
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The fact actual shitposters get mindbroken by people posting art and discussing actual things in favor of the game is always astounding.
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It never was better.
>Shiki and Fujino
Nice they are cute
This year, Abby and her gangs going to slaughter all those clapshit!!! They will save all of us !
SEGA should buy this IP
Please make Clapmasas's death very slow and painful.
We need Saver to save us.
anything would be an improvement, even sega's famous incompetence
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I agree.
>FGO bad
>But this year was mostly made of collabs with little to no FGO presence while the FGO chapter peaked
>No you don't get it, FGO bad even if its collabs, the collabs can't be bad!
>But the collabs were about their original game not FGO
>No you don't get it, you're a shitposter who posts FGO images so you possibly can't read the game
Oh those two
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We weren't saying that FGO is bad. That's you who did that.
>sega's famous incompetence
Only with Sonic and that's because they cannot stop being such a piece of shit with inconsistencies on their own characters and with a small budget and time frame for their games. Meanwhile they give literally everything with Yakuza and other games wanting them to be the face of the franchise and can't even achieve half of what Sonic does.
Their problem is their retardness and harshness with Sonic, anything else they are pretty competent minus the part they want others IPs to be better than Sonic even if they are excellent like Yakuza.
But I thought the last Sonic was good.
Sonic or Yakuza would be some god tier collabs now that you mention it
>We weren't saying that FGO is bad. That's you who did that.
FGO isn't those collabs. Thankfully, because I think if FGO was like Remnant everyone would quit in a second.
Harsh but true, nasu should stop paying his mind to those flop-shit desu
I don't play FGO because I care about your opinion. I care about Nasu's. You're completely irrelevant.
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>But I thought the last Sonic was good.
And it WAS. Because for once SEGA took their stick out of their fucking ass and give more free time and budget.
>Sonic or Yakuza would be some god tier collabs now that you mention it
I prefer Sonic cause there is better potential but I can see some Shinjuku tier with Yakuza.
Everything is bad, but I must consume
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My waifu is good though
>Only with Sonic
It's literally all of their IPs my guy, even the recent acquisitions
>Buys Angrybirds, immediately turns around and tweets "TRANSPRIDE"
>The current status of Phantasy Star (being run into the ground by the guy who almost killed it 2015-2017)
>H Y E N A S
Remnant has dogshit writing and is boring as hell so yes, I agree with that at least. The Remnant collab was absolute shit and I wish it didn't happen.
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I'm a chad enjoyer. I like things that please me and I ignore things that don't
The only good clapshit are dead clapshit, don't need to tks me desu.
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Sega is one of the most incompetent when it comes to administering money, just look at the money they wasted at the Sakura Kakumei gacha.
Your post doesnt have anything to do with the image you posted with so you must be a schizo or boogeyman. I shall now ignore your post.
Considering you had to jump in just to accuse me of something I didn't do and belittle me I think you do care about my opinion.
Probably because when it comes down to it you, me and everyone else here knows its more hype to have 5-6 bronze servants shadowdrop that are FGO original than it is to have another clap like Ciel.
>Remnant has dogshit writing
Half heartedly agre
>and is boring as hell
Not boring if you like the theme of a man accepting to his true nature, I love the theme of being selfish and staying true to yourself, as well as accepting that the path you walk will lead toward bloodshed but you enjoy it, the road ahead, the road of life is for EVERYTHING, YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CHOOSE WHAT YOU YEARN FOR AND KNOW WHAT WILL COME TO STOP YOU, you either overcome it or dye trying. That's the path of demonic, the path of true human.
>Meanwhile they permanently killed phantasy star with the global version of PSO2 and NGS
you WISH sega would handle fgo, at the very least even if it flop it will inmediatly die along this thread, the pain will stop
But I don't want FGO dead? The ones who want FGO dead are the oldfags who want to fill it with clap that will kill the game once it reaches critical mass and the fans leave because they see the game as just a medium for Nasu to shove his clap instead of a place for original ideas
New R servants, im shocked we got two in an event last year
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Are you excited /fgog/? Only 2 1/2 more weeks until the best event of the year!
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i meant to say that with sega there is no middle ground, it either stays afloar regardless of success or hate, or it perma die until it gets a second chance, plus sega could turn it into a full game instead of gacha
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It's only the best if I get the servant I want, otherwise it's dogshit
Me thinks Sakurai is secretly a Taira apologist with how she made the Minamoto into a mess.
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At this point I can't tell if Sakurai likes or hates the Genji clan.
It's not bad.
But it's not too much above average.
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Hello everyone, had time to waste so I took every NY rateup and considered their recorded ranks within a week of release and did an average of each of them.
Also took in consideration whenever they had an overlap ( ex. Beni enma was an event gacha + a NY gacha, Muramasa had Saber Wars 2 come in to save his bad ranks etc. )
Muramasa was only on rateup for three separate days, it's impossible to track him
I know, Hokusai and Yuyu too, its just the trend that I wanted to show.
What servant do you want this year?
She only cares about Raikou and Yoshinaka just look what she did with Yoshitsune lol. Focusing on them made the Genji as jobbers.
>Nobody who actually plays FGO hates it. If you have any negative opinions about the state of the game then you are most likely boogeyman x or y.
You must have been very happy with the reveal of Ordeal Call then
I'll protect her privacy and not say her name.
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>Is it even possible to save the foreigner class anymore?, it was supposed to be the one serious class in the game
Lolno, it was introduced through FGO-only Lovecraft antics, the only serious usage for it is whatever Nasu had in mind for it from the start.
But Nasu is the one ruining the class with garbage shitposts like Knok, Kukulkan and Aoko.
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the class was already a joke with shit characters like abigail and oi
nasu didn't ruin anything
Its still crazy to me that Arcade added bond 10 lines a which show a much closer bond, and they went "Nah we'd rather not ever add that to the mobile game, Arcade should be special"

Its amazing to me that you have a mobile game that brings in billions a year and none of that money ever goes back into the game.
I wouldnt be too surprised if we did get some kind of upgrades to bond related stuff this ani, at the very least i need bond 20 to be the max
You said that last 3 annis
What the fuck are you talking about you retard?, pretty much every GaaS Sega makes dies and everything they buy turns into trash
just wait for Servant Universe crap and nip shits again
just waiting for that 3 sq with bond lv10
What I expect for Anni
>Anni stream starts
>An hour of "Domo domo domo, sugoi sugoi as the VA's do useless trivia" instead of doing something at least halfway useful like advertising new merch and upcoming collabs during that time
>Final twenty minutes of the stream TWO comes out
>Yeah, here's the anni servant "Arthuria, but with cat ears for some reason"
>Ten new servant strengthenings "Wow everyone will use Gilles way more now that we buffed his third skill to also give NP gain up"
>Guaranteed gacha
>here's 300 quartz for some reason, lol
>New chapter in december
Remember that nobody was able to guess Takeru was going to be the NY servant. The supposition was that he'd be the collab servant, but we know how that turned out. In retrospect, I think they didn't have the actual NY servant ready to go so they just borrowed from the FSR event later, which would explain why it didn't have a second PU despite the many servant options the game provided. With that in mind, it's possible whoever is the Anni pick was originally going to be the NY pick, meaning it isn't going to be a collab but an FGO original (which includes servants who are technically clap but still new in terms of Fate) meaning possible the possible anni pick could be Sion, Rani, or if we want to go on the pattern of NY always being at least tangentially Japanese, then the anniversary pick is clearly going to be Seimei.
Hey, I for one love more acrylic desk stands to clutter up my room with and lanyards with FGO shit printed on them and other totally useful shit like maybe a sticker book and a collaboration with some Japanese shoe company where it has the FGO logo on the sole or something. I love hearing overpaid nips clappu clappu clappu about it like its the best thing they've ever seen when 99% of people only watch the streams for the 10 minutes of news at the end, including the obligatory 10 free quartz for wasting our time as if that's a large amount at all
>the game whose biggest saving grace of Camelot and Babylonia which relied heavily on FSN characters and busted out the clap in the form of Rin Tohsaka and who was funded by early banners like Gilgamesh owes nothing to its predecessor
Good joke anon.
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my content of the year...
Clap was literally all early FGO had going for it. Nobody cared about year 1 FGO originals like Caesar or Asterios or Arash. They only liked the idea of the FSN servants showing up since the writing for FGO was unfiltered dogshit until year 2
anon, Takeru is 100% the original pick for NY servant, they made a whole animation episode to guess who's the NY servant, that's not something you do at the last second
That was an FSR promo, it had nothing to do with FGO other than being broadcast during an FGO stream. If it was for Fate then it would have Guda in it and wouldn't have had Aria in it.
I don't get how anyone can sit through the whole stream with it just being 90% merch shilling and VAs yapping about useless shit.
What, you mean you don't have an orgasm every time Kawasumi goes sugoi?
FGO could solve 90% of its issues if instead of releasing one 20 hour chapter a year, they released four five hour chapters a year. Make content into more of a steady stream, do not start stories with artificial limits "There can only be seven singularities, there can only be seven lostbelts, those are the rules, the rules" because it hardgaps how much main story content you can actually release from the start. If there's ever a hardgap in content, TM will slow releases down to a crawl in order to not hit their cap too soon, which results in one arc going on for ten years. If there wasn't a hardgap in "There can only be seven lostbelts" we probably would be getting two lostbelts a year until the mystery was solved. They had to literally create a new arc out of nowhere because they accidentally hardgapped themselves into finishing the story before they actually solved or addressed any of the mystery elements in the game.
so you're saying TM had no time for NY servant so they just move FSR from collab event to NY, and then pulled Mahoyo collab out of thin air cause they were so short on time, impeccable logic
He's talking about those really 'Fujimaru Ritsuka doesn't get it's animations.
I mute the video whenever women start talking
He's talking about the NY episode of Fujimaru Doesn't Get It that ended in Takeru appearing in Chaldea.
Would be shit.
I like fgo's long chapters.
I wish we got more develpment for the relationship between Artoria and Mordred.
its funny cause I could swear they brought up potential minor lostbelts back when part 2 started
granted it could've been for just the events
unrelated but SR had the best Fantasy Tree delivery
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FGO needs its darkness within darkness moment
It will be Karl
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The shitposting is fun.
Is Sugiyama way more busy and popular than the seiyuu for the heroines? The panel for FSN's (probable) release just has Seiba, Rin, and Sakura's VA. Or does he just not care?
Strange Fake Collab is about the only one I'd care about at this point. But even then, I might be overestimating how much interest edgy herc, enkidu, and alter ego gilgamesh can generate in this day and age.
Gil will always be popular. And Berserker Jack and No Name Assassin are super popular.
well of the old hags only Shitaya gets non Fate jobs
Enkidu was so fucked over in FGO. Never even had a chance to build a fanbase because a separate version of him was used in the story, while he has almost never been relevant afterwards. While the actually relevant version never appeared again. He wouldn't even have been out of place in lB7 either.
>And Berserker Jack and No Name Assassin are super popular.
And you won't be getting either of them
>Berserker Jack
*wheeze* The guy without a canon design that spent half of the volumes nearly dead?
I still haven't read a single solid argument against Summer being the Foreigner OC.
>Berserker Jack and No Name Assassin are super popular.
delusional? not that many people have read SF
out of SF characters I expect Richard (crazy prince ikemen but in a safe way), No Name (sexy and powerful but incompetent) and one meme servant wild card (Dumas? Prelati?) to get moderately popular. Richard will depend on how much he's for (You), he could surpass Charlie if they play their cards right. No Name will probably just end up hardcore shipped with Sigma.
strangely Enkidu managed to gather a steady fanbase and extremely dedicated artist following, for a time at least. it has died off in the last year or two once the most followed artists gave up and moved onto mihomo games.
Wouldn't a Foreigner OC require new Foreigners? Potentially Holmes return (though he could be in Ruler AGAIN)? Fuck do you get out of Yang, Gogh and Molay event?
No one cares what you like. It's bad for a gacha game to release story chapters this infrequently.
The Extra Record collab will be the Mooncancer OC.
>It's bad for a gacha game to release story chapters this infrequently.
and that is based on what?
Even as shitty as FGO is I doubt Sigma would be included in the collab in any manner.
I thought that was confirmed? Where else would they slot in the Foreigner OC? They're all gags too so it's perfect for summer.
All evidence ever of how the live service model works. They need frequent content releases. Which is why FGO had frequent content releases for so long before it started getting slower and slower as they got complacent. FGO's glacial content release schedule would kill a new game. It's still bad even for FGO but they get away with it because it's unkillable at this point.
FGos schedule would kill any other game
>All evidence ever of how the live service model works.
>provides literally zero evidence
Where are people getting the idea that this was confirmed, hinted at, or even likely?
Based on the incredibly diminished earnings and social engagement of FGO during this and last year. We're like in the biggest content draught that ever stretched through this game and it shows both socially and financially.
is it really bigger than the LB4 one?
Well end of OC2 hinted future content for Abby and Summer seems like the most convenient spot for that OC.
It's less a matter of being unable to release long chapters and more that writers seemingly aren't being encouraged towards making their own story arcs that are largely independent of the story. Writers might have entire casts that they would want to explore but they're said, "You will do that in your next main story chapter" instead of being able to slow burn that story across multiple events.
And trying to centralize around Nasu's story and work everything around it seems to kinda discourage it, especially when there are multiple instances of chapters like getting negative aspects by needing to have a "main story" element crammed in.
Nasu said in 2 separate interviews "Foreigner OC isn't a matter of if, it's a matter of when. The timing might be quite surprising" and later on "I think the WHEN and HOW of the release of the Foreigner OC will be very interesting."
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Anni servant is a new character we don't know about
Look at literally any successful live service game retard. There is nothing more important than frequent content releases. Basically impossible to succeed with FGO's current content release schedule. Do you think FGO barely releases content because it's a good strategy or because of diminishing returns and they can simply get away with it now due to how invested the fanbase is?
Kennichi can do it
I mean
I'd point at Higashide wanting to do things with Moriarty-Holmes and getting hit with the Ruler Moriarty steel chair
Or OC1 writer wanting to make the Mashu series but got hard bonked by Nasu and made to use Rani instead, for no reason that can really be understood.
I'll remind you that the Alter Ego chapter had no new Alter Ego Servants.
Are those game more successful than FGO?
>Look at literally any successful live service game retard.
FGO is THE counter point to your whole argument, you say its bad, yet people are still spending on banners, meaning that no everyone cares about the story
Monster Strike? Yeah, it hard mogs FGO.
They would need frequent content releases to have a shot as being as successful as FGO to get to the point where the game could slack off as much as FGO currently is.

Are you retarded? I specifically said FGO's past success by actually having frequent content releases which got the fanbase invested over multiple years is what now allows them to get away with barely releasing anything.
He'd likely be the welfare like many protagonists (Ryougi, Sieg, Gray, Iori).
Thinking about it, a new Limited Mashu 5-star variant would be a pretty cool anni servant.
Well, FGO is getting fucked in the ass by Genshin, HSR, ZZZ, Wuwa, Nikke, Uma and BA. So there's that.
Nasu already said back in 2018 that the game wasn't ever going to be at its peak again. He doesn't care.
only if she has bunny ears
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Did everyone forget how frequently FGO released stuff from 2015 to 2018? Earnings actually tumbled down afterwards pretty harshly and it only earns half of what it did in 2017-2018, which even Nasu admits was the golden age of FGO.
>I specifically said FGO's past success by actually having frequent content releases which got the fanbase invested over multiple years is what now allows them to get away with barely releasing anything.
>It's bad for a gacha game to release story chapters this infrequently.
>people still spending on FGO
retarded logic, still waiting for you to provide a single game that died BECAUSE it had slow content releases
EoR model was pretty sweet but I imagine kinda hard
Mashu Sex Goddess, new class variant
>Are you retarded? I specifically said FGO's past success by actually having frequent content releases which got the fanbase invested over multiple years is what now allows them to get away with barely releasing anything.
That and the fact that it's Fate and it keeps baiting you with the expectation that the big overarching story is going somewhere.
He said that in 2021, not that long ago. 2018 was part of FGO's peak, with constant event releases, never skipping a Holiday, 3 story chapters per year, etc.
I think the blonde glasses girl is more so of a protagonist than Sigma. Her Servant is the only Saber after all.
>2 literal whos
I hope Mashu gets a new swimsuit this summer
i just want some development between gudao and mashu...give us an implied sex scene or something by now. come on...
He's not even the main protag though. FSF spreads that kind of role out and it's hard to call any one person the protagonist. Large casts without a main protag is what Narita does and we got just that with FSF.
FGO started off doing the thing that is necessary to succeed as a live service game. Over the course of years they stopped doing that thing. They can get away with no longer doing that thing because the game has a very invested fanbase which it acquired from doing the thing. It's still bad to not do the thing even if FGO can now get away with it. So repeating over and over again that "durr people still spend" makes no sense. It's not still profitable because of infrequent content, it's profitable in spite of it. If you are genuinely arguing infrequent content releases is good for the game I don't think there's anything I can say to get through to someone who is clearly special needs.
No, she has virtually no character in her feature chapter and is yet another "not for you" shipshit character. She has a banger design which was completely wasted on an otherwise boring shit character.
LB3 to 4 was 7 or 8 months I think, with Ooku more or less at the halfway point.
The new biggest story drought was OC1 (June) to OC2 (March) which is 10 months.
>instead of releasing one 20 hour chapter a year, they released four five hour chapters a year.
One 5 hour chapter a year got it.

Thank you loyal player.
>If you are genuinely arguing infrequent content releases is good for the game
dont strawman me, retard
you said yourself
>>It's bad for a gacha game to release story chapters this infrequently.
>All evidence ever of how the live service model works.
yet you provided 0 (zero) evidence of this, no examples
a single counter example destroys this whole point of it being bad for every game, that counter example is FGO
I hope Mashu dies at the end of Part 2
does she have sextuplets?
Everybody is going to die at the end of Part 2, don't worry.
>He said that in 2021, not that long ago
2021 was three years ago, just for some perspective that was the year HSR launched and before Nikke was released.
Except Guda
No exceptions
The Guda that lived through FGO will die, someone with that trauma can't live like a normal person anymore.
wtf but hsr came out last year
>FGO is THE counter point to your whole argument, you say its bad, yet people are still spending on banners, meaning that no everyone cares about the story
Right here you complete retard. You bring up spending as a counter point to infrequent content being bad. I'm telling you and have been telling you that spending is almost entirely irrelevant for determining whether it's bad. FGO remains successful in spite of it. FGO remains successful in spite of it exactly BECAUSE it was releasing frequent content early on. FGO itself is proof of what I'm saying. As is literally every other successful gacha game. Stomping your feet and pretending to not understand what I'm saying doesn't make reality go away.
im not disagreeing with you here, i just disagree about the general statement that you made about gacha games
>It's bad for a gacha game to release story chapters this infrequently.
You're right it was announced in 2021, so it was still in development then.

That makes FGO look even worse in comoarison.
Quint would make much more sense. Though I don’t want to imagine BB with a belly like that or the pain she has to go through.
>he thinks humanity and the planet will return to normal by the end of part 2
Chaldea is jobbing hard this time.
you mean the cylinder, right?
>not even a day
>thread almost at bump limit
Can /alter/fags fuck off? I hate fast threads.
Or just merge the generals, faggots.
Not him, but it is now. It's not 2015 where every gacha was a JPEG collector with a paper-thin story and FGO stood out for putting actual effort into it. Story (and by extension being tied to TM) is literally, 100%, the only thing FGO has going for it because everything else about this game is shit and not a single soul would start FGO in 2024 if story chapters were released nearly a year apart like they are now.
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The knight of the roses.
Will (you) choose to erase FGO's timeline when the time comes or will you continue with the doomed future?
>not a single soul would start FGO in 2024 if story chapters were released nearly a year apart like they are now.
you're projecting the fact that you actually, im assuming, read the story onto everyone when there are people who dont read it and just play for gameplay
the other guy did the same
just find a little blonde terrorist with twintails and entrust the planet to her, guaranteed to prevent any pruning even 1k years later because "precaution"
>when there are people who dont read it and just play for gameplay
Anon what gameplay
ask them
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>play for gameplay
You deserve this (You)
Don't use it all up.
I-I like the spritework, sprite kun needs more love
>just play for gameplay
I mean it will in the sense that FGO's timeline being erased is a very real posibility and I 100% believe it's Nasu's original plan.
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Why was Alice a schizo again?
beacuse someone took her penguin costume
Please wait for Mahoyo 2
She's going to be Yumina the same way Arc is Crimson Moon.
Mages are like that
Anyone who claims to play FGO for the gameplay is lying and coping
Italians >>>>>>>>>>> Bongs in the water. So no bong swimsuits this year. Draco swimsuit CONFIRMED.
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>Italians >>>>>>>>>>> Bongs in the water. So no bong swimsuits this year. Draco swimsuit CONFIRMED.
Meh hard, we only won a gold medal; In the 400m mixed and 100m freestyle we didnt even get 4th place
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This scares the gook away.
>another blessful morgan doujin
>this time she is wearing a wedding dress
Also he is selling the other doujins with Morgan. Including the one with Castoria and the other one with the big Titorias
>Game is over 9 years old
>only Kadoc is savable
>meanwhile a skinwalker horsecock loving whore with simps is walking around in Hinako's body
Where did it go so wrong?
First magic is a hell of a drug.
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Summer City soon.
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El esqueleto...
this man would make redskins sound literal in Mexico
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She kinda looks like Kiyohime at first.
But cannot fucking wait.
W-what is she implying with that pose, do I need to insert something in that little hole she is doing with her hand? Like my holy sword?
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>Regend Notebook
Aniki let me fuck your city sister, I'll keep the bloodline going.
I wish the FGO anthologies got scanned...
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(You) become a door at the end of FGO, is it a good or bad ending?
Excuse me?
I'm more of a doormat not a door
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>Still no lilim harlot manga
Surely this end of year?
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Anni servant is the Grand Saber
Bro? Your Persona 3 with Door Jesus?
>Salem manga gave Nyarlatothep another vessel/girl
I guess that's how they're bypassing the BB thing then
I think they'll go back to the "3 gachas, each with 1 SR and 1 SSR" format for Summer. Last year technically had 3 Summer SSRs anyhow.
>hasn't played Persona 3
You're missing out on kino bro
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>They put both Vitch AND Merlin there
>The logo has Fou
It's obviously Beast-related.
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desu the only kino stuff with KH was around Terra
Anon, with some luck I can play PS3 games that I never played, maybe one new release from the Switch.
>face of the franchise
>main cast members
>major favorites decided to be memeplay staples
>and Mandy
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That's a terrible take, especially because Terra doesn't even appear in the best KH game (not as himself, anyway).
8th anniversary is still the best anni pic
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Xemnas (pre-DDD shit) was kino when people thought he is amnesic Terra who didn't want his heart back because he knew it was "tainted", and the only memories he actually has are the sheer rage that Terra had

Also, LW is Terra in all but name, considering his consciousness was between there and the cum guardian, and LW is the best, kino part of KH2 and BBS.
You could try emulating the FES version
Mandy is a popular character from LB5. Kirsch confirmed.
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>mfw saw it for the first time in 2010, after I already fought LW in final mix
I literally had to stop playing for a few minutes to cool myself
>just from the way the armor stands you can fucking feel the anger radiate
fucking how
The old fart really got away at the end, right?
I dont have a computer.
>just from the way the armor stands you can fucking feel the anger radiate
For multiple reasons. It's him rising from kneeling after losing everything, it's nothing but spiteful defiance + Terra making the barrier himself so Xehanigger won't escape are probably the reasons

Also, you probably connecting it to KH2 and the metallic angry sounds when he shouts Xehanigger's name
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ready for space musashi?
Anni servant will be Saber/Shielder Castoria
Screencap this.
No, I'm ready for Space Mashu.
Save us Super Sherlock
Grand Bomber Lev Lainur Flauros
One lavinia onahole pls
that would be a spoiler
It really feels like they're doing all the collabs they can before EoS
I would rather have a Morgan Tonelico to compensate last summer
>Moosashi got her anti-AE anti-Mooncancer buff years ago
>Nasu just forgot about following up on that
Pretty sure that's just for gameplay. Good counters for those classes aren't very common and Musashi is a fan favorite so people use her on neutral anyways.
So what's the logic for Mahoyo-man having the Enuma Elish resistance?
Because plot armor isn't on Gate of Babylon
It doesn't work because Mountain Man put on his Enuma Elish resistant clothes
Mountain anti-mystery wank
Onichan, after Arctic World, when are we getting XX again?
Gil rate up for new years
Thank you
Just played Sion's arcade mode in the new UNI.
She's the anni servant for sure.
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>Sion in the new UNI
I thought that the Anti-AE was because "fuck that cunt douman", but Anti-Mooncancer never made sense to me.
It's foreshadowing for when she beats Arcueid.
But Arcuieid is the strongest character in Typemoon
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Or is she?
Yeah being a character that still exists in the universe helps
Cute plushie
Maybe Chaos would have been a Mooncancer if it had an enemy sprite.
>Commits suicide after Gong launched her one too many times
Agreed, I'd rather be talking to myself in these threads with the various schizos who call /frog/ home. Fuck having discussions about the game.
Now that the phone girls are in we can make fun of any character that would be more relevant not making it in yet like Shinji.
Making fun of people is not nice
Shinji will get in when they decide they want to add Shiva.
You mean Perseus
Yeah, who cares
With so many Sakurafaces being related to Shiva, I think that's the direction they want to take.
Has she ever won a single fight?
Destroyed Ciel.
Yeah the most important fight of all.
The fight for my heart and affections.
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The strongest people are the ones who never win any fights.
Maybe what Nasu is getting at is that being strong is not enough to win fights.
Arcueid has the magical power of simply not dying when she loses.
That used to Proto Gil's power...
Maybe in the past. Now it's filled with ecelebs, vtubers, turn based bullshit and not letting Kiryu rest.
Nasu obviously planned for Kadoc to take over when Guda dies at the end of the game, but he's still not sure whether to commit to it

Kadoc is basically made as Guda2; his command seal is guda's but upside down, and they have the same weak protagonist feeling
LW got done so dirty I still haven't forgive Nomura for making KH3 into a shounen where Sora is the only competent one.
Kadoc's a goner.
He's the one who will carry on A Team's will
More like a gooner
"I wonder why FGO Rank keep getting lower every year"
Characters you are tired of seeing? Not necessarily in FGO but in TM in general.
For me it's Weiba
who else but Saberfaces.
Analversary Servant will be the gay god from the !collab.
Sega is retarded, full stop, the other IPs get a pass because of how experimental they were

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