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Previous: >>487940680

>Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2024 9th Anniversary Countdown Campaign:
●July 26 ~ August 14 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 25 Hellfire of Wisdom, 8M QP, and 5 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Pavilion Quests (Jul 31 ~ Aug 14): 2 9th Anniversary Heroic Spirit Costume Ticket and 5 Summon Tickets.
▶Limited Master Missions(Jul 31 ~ Aug 14): 18 SQ.

>Hunting Quest Vol.14:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 7 Golden Apples.
▶Limited-Time Master Missions: 12 Stargazer's Teapots, 12M QP and 6 Golden Apples.

>Ordeal Call: New Mission Release Campaign Part 7:
●July 17 ~ August 4 JST.
▶See previous threads.

>Summer Event 2024 Pre-Campaign:
●July 10 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Event starts: Mid-August 2024.
▶Requirement: Ordeal Call Prologue.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 2M QP, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 50 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 5 Rare Prisms, 2 Crystallized Lore and 10 SQ.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions(~ July 31): 5 SQ.
▶Spiritvein Stones: 7 by Login Bonus and 10 on Mana Prism Exchange.
▶AP consumption for the main quests up to Lostbelt 7 will be reduced to 1/4.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 3:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Lancer Tamamo no Mae
4*Archer Anne Bonny & Mary Read
4*Rider Mordred
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Archer Artoria Pendragon
4*Caster Marie Antoinette
4*Ruler Martha
All limited.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
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Sex with Okita
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Second for Rani anni
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Are (you) up for an Undertale/Danganronpa v3 endding?
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Enkidu? for me
The Anni servants are
5* Ruler Zeus
5* Caster Demeter
5* Alter Ego Aphrodite
I pick the one that annoys /frog/ the most cause that seems to be the best ending.
It's Karl
GudaBB status?
Same as last time you asked
A peruvian has been spamming bad comissions with them but otherwise the characters are fine
>more than 1 (uno) servant
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cope, no one care about the greeks
>Sakurai servants
based beyond belief
>5* Caster Demeter
>5* Alter Ego Aphrodite
Ok, I think I will reconsider it a little bit, but only if Nasu write them
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Who the fuck is Zete
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Most lterally me character in the game
Is there a list of female servants that don't have swimsuits yet?
The saberface no one remembers.
I do.
I like her
seibah enjeru
There is no anni servant this year
They ran out of time
I remember her greatly and want her to get a summer version
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I would actually buy a pair of these.
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Who's the most shilled? Tezca or Ibuki?
karl wheezer?
Tezca is more, but he has justification for the shilling so Ibuki feels like she is more shilled because her shilling is all unjustified
Didn't they do a poll for whose glasses should get made into real merch and Tez won? That's not shilling, that's just genuine popularity.
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I cannot believe anons are still bringing up Fate/Meltout. It's just a silly Japanese fanfic I found around a decade ago. If only the EXTRA remake did the same as that fanfic and allowed you to pick Melt as your Servant for that storyline.
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damn that's a lot cooler than generic demon piller 5
i'd believe it
lol no
Toeless bitch caught chatting shit.
The more I learn about Egyptian the more I don't understand Ozzy turning into a pillar demon when he fused with Amun, who he returned to being a genuine divine spirit using the name Amun-Ra, it was no longer a pillar demon. I mean I get that Amon the pillar demon used the name of an egyptian god(it probably didn't, they just happened to be named the same), and Ozzy used that fact to call upon the real Amon, who was still a pillar demon somehow. But like Amon was apparently an egyptian diety roughly on par with Ra, and later on fused with Ra to become Amon-Ra, but there's so many leaps of logic there its hard to describe why its strange. Its kinda like how Horus is equal to Ra in authority, yet Nitocris who is an envoy of both Horus and Anubis is a mere servant girl of Ozzy who is constantly begging and pleading to him "ohhh venerable true pharaoh unlike myself, please be content with just cutting off one of my hands and head" its kinda nonsense. They quite literally fucked over all Egyptian mythos to try to build up Ozzy who really isn't worth it at all, he just doesn't work.
Dumb bitch, she should know here place in the trash bin
Tez but people actually like him and he was cool in his story debut. Ibuki is giga shilled even though she's been shit in every appearance she's had.
If Castoria can be called toeless, then Morgan is limbless and faceless
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In game or out of game?
In game Ibuki by far
>Dozen story appearances as Sakurai keeps trying to make her popular
>Starts off as a non character who makes everyone bow, and is above everyone, sakurai tries hard to appeal to power levels
>Doesn't work
>Then her interlude Sakurai tries pairing her with Kintoki, even Guda ships her with Kintoki
>Doesn't work
>Sakurai: WHY?
>Summer6 tries pairing her with Kintoki again, she's latching onto Kintoki, grabbing on him, says she can't be satisfied with one man, she wants to fuck him, not even being subtle
>Doesn't work
>At this point fans have entirely checked out
>Tries making her a main ally and gives her mild amnesia so he can try creating an excuse why she's only for guda, haha who's kintoki haha. Except she then says she wants to fuck Surtr after you beat Surt
>Sakurai: Why won't she be popular?? I just don't get it
>Goes all out for Summer7; tries making her full waifu mode, more obsessed with Guda than before, cheerleader, giant breasts, doesn't mention Kintoki for once, also tries to make her full meta entirely replacing summer musashi. You know Sakurai had to call in a big favor with Nasu to make a unit this OP entirely replacing other previous meta units in an instant
>doesn't really work, most people still assosiate her with kintoki, which is the same reason Shuten's popularity also fell down a hole once they realized she could never be waifu mode at all, she would always just be a kintoki orbiter where you don't even come second, you're barely a consideration at all

Meanwhile Tezca
>one appearance so far
>cool guy
>Kinda crazy
>fans love him

Shilling doesn't mean something works
Shilling means one author tries their damn hardest to make someone love this character, even if it entirely fails each time. They just keep trying every time to make this character work, they just keep trying.
Because just like Cu Alter fusing with the demon pillar was just another demon pillar model, they didn't want to make a new model for Amun-Ra
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>This kills the Habenyan
>one appearance so far
Didn't Tezca appear in Summer 8?
Then what was that thing about ozzy using the pillar demon "amon" as a mere catalyst to summon the real Amon using the name.
Can't say I remember him
Yeh but only for a bit. If we're talking about shilling then Ibuki is a lot more for sure.
>nya nya nya nya nya ny-ACK!
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Theres wayyyyyyyy too many overpromoting Ibuki. Even much more compared to Shuten.

1. She was actually kinda have fair reputation . not as popular as a lot of waifus but not unpopular as Galatea Kashin Koji Miss Crane. Simply put Ibuki popularity is more or less Pope Joan Popularity.

2. Then devs keep promoting her in flopping summer 7 (also with another unwanted mid ranked servant )

3. she became meta farm aoe zerk on top of endearing personality traits that devs insert into her.

4. then came samurai remnant DLC and shes also into it. now at this point , Ibuki overpromoting is rocket high. and people arleady pissed during summer 7 now people are either love her or straight up hate her.

my opinion of her : i just like her, but holy f the overpromoting of her is ridiculous. honestly fgo shoulda improve a lot of high potential non-Japanese servant instead of Ibuki
He was manning some stalls and showed us the future.
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Agree, it take a while but people probably reach a realization that Sakurai can’t write shit, and even if she writer her own stuff, we won’t even care desu because it’s too bad. Those who defending her writing so far as far as I am aware are female fans/fujofags.
Remember that he's written by the same person who said, "THAT SOUNDS LIKE EDO SO MY ANTI-EDO ABILITY WORKS AGAINST IT"
That made sense in context wordplay is one of the most powerful things in the universe because words carry power
TM has a very simple formula for shilling when it comes to writers pet characters lately. If you ever want to know the formula just look at Saber.
>Throw her in everything, shill her 100x more than everyone else in her game
> "haha what a coincidence she's the most ((popular)) its not that I just shilled her way way more than everyone else and I demanded that every fate route adaption to ever happen to be a Fate route adaption until Ufotable put their foot down on me"
>Power level wank out the ass
>Haha she can beat everyone and she's literally perfect.
>She has all the strongest weapons in the world, Excalibur is EX beyond anti world weapon that can do anything
>All of her knights are EX rank, she has dozens of EX rank NPs she just never mentioned before, like her giant flying castle, or her lions made of light, or her spaceship, her magic talking dagger, her sacred lance, her other sacred lance, blah blah blah, I will write literally several paragraphs about how the lance of longinus is far inferior to rhongowank
>Everyone loves her, literally everyone, even the people that hate her secretly love her
>She can beat gilgamesh and Iskandar at the same time if she wanted(extella links)
>She is perfect, all powerful, everyone loves her, she can do anything........so why don't you love her more??

And then a character who is fallible as shit randomly becomes more popular, because people like fallible characters. Sakurai doesn't get what makes characters popular; he thinks making them more of a mary sue makes them popular, which is how Nero ended up ruined, they just kept making Nero more of a Sue not realizing why it was killing her original appeal, of being a fuck up blowhard.

Castoria made me think that underneath it all Nasu at least knows what makes a character popular, he makes a version of saber with a fallible personality, he shows he can still write good characters, but then he threw in the Muramasa shilling with her which ruined it.
>but then he threw in the Muramasa shilling with her which ruined it.
i'll admit, it was very subtle this time
take your meds schizo
Bro Saber as herself hasn't been used for anything for a long time
I will do you guys a favor, Sakurai and good writing will never be a thing, it had been like that over a decade and you know it won’t get better at all.
And to clarify; Saber in her original VN was decent, worst route but decent. There was a gradual ramp up of her being ruined when Nasu kept buying into the hype and only shilling saber over everyone else. Like the FSN manga going halfway into UBW route, and then suddenly becoming a fate adaption back in the day, no one could get anything except Saber. It was right around Garden of Avalon that Saber shilling started to hit a fevered state where Nasu just started giving her crazy shit thinking that would make her more popular, just stupid wank her, make her all powerful, give her everything, that'll make people love her more. When it did the opposite; it came off more desperate. The more fallible saber was the better, which is why she was decent originally. Trying to giga wank someone just makes it all the sillier she lost to normal knights when she had a dozen EX rank items and all the KotR were omega tier fighters, yet they lost in normal human ways.

They didn't need to do her dirty like that in Summer
Castoria barely managed to fend off the Muramasa allegations, but Summer is what drove in the hammer, making it would she could never escape. She even mentioned her in her valentines briefly.

It doesn't change the formula; Saber, Nero, Musashi, they always have the same formula when they shill characters.
Which Servant do you put normal speed on for their NP?
I think Arc's and Aoko's are a given because of their godlike BGM. Alice's 3rd ascension too.
Eh, I wouldn't blame Nasu for Saber shilling post-OG FSN. It's obviously Takeuchi's fault. Only fault Nasu has is giving in to him.
Nta but imagine you understand Chinese then check out they have a fic literally Shilling AA to Shirou. I don’t mean that fanfiction mean anything but it indeed affect her fan perception no doubt. Not to mention Nasu directly erase muramasa in mahoyo collab admitting that he was doing it on purpose regardless you like it or not
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FGO needs to release an item that lets you uncap any CE one stage, but they only give you one of those items once a year, like a sunlight stone. So its a super rare item that's hard to obtain, but it lets you eventually be able to uncap those old CE's in your inventory that you never fully uncapped but are always taunting you.
Do you think we'll eventually get lvl 150?
they should really just finally add more to that CE shop they made, the one santa karna parvati CE is still taunting me
They have a CE shop?
Why would fanfic fan perception matter? If fanfics determined the market and reception we'd be given a deluge of EMIYA and Cu fucking each other and making moon eyes all the time. We'd be getting Gilgamesh romances. But we're not.
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Remember essence in davincis shop, you can buy a few of the CEs in there like that anti divine arjuna one
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Lotsa Carens this year.
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I’m kind of glad BB doesn’t have to deal with the whole ArCas and Muramasa thing. Though what boggles my mind is that FGO has Saber artoria, so WHY pair ArCas with Muramasa when saber artoria is in the game?
kind of hope that rani leak is real because it'd be nice to have her as a 4*
There's a Rani leak?
was posted here a few days ago, was basically "the chinese know everything, but I can't say because they'll know it was me, anni servant is Rani" and a couple other things that I didn't bother remembering since it was "just trust me"
Rani was first hinted at by BB summer and the summer event will start right after anniversary.
allegedly its this
At this point, any scenario where there's only a single anniversary servant will be a disappointment. Two years ago they gave you both Arcuied and Xu Fu, then the next year they lowered expectations a ton just giving you a reclassed summer servant.

There should be two or three anniversary servants just to hedge their bets. "You're not into Ciel? Well we also have....Sacchin?".

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