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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on July 25

>Developer's Note: July 2024

>Current Events
JUVENILE DAYS - July 25 ~ August 8
Union Raid - July 26 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Events
Solo Raid - August 2 ~ August 9

>Current Special Recruit
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ August 1
Ein - July 25 ~ August 8
Anis: Sparkling Summer [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15
Helm: Aquamarine [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Zwei - TBA

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Costumes
Naga: Elegant Date [Mission Pass] - August 1 ~ August 31
Tia: Lovely Date [Log-in event]


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I love my wife Rapi.
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post your 10 strongest nikkes
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I, SHITper, biggest whore of the Outer Rim, humbly kneel to....

Crow-sama, my leader for so many years. I am sorry I had to (very poorly) work against you during your big invasion scheming. I will sell my soul to you in Hell.
Jackal-dono, Somehow my best friend. You are a rock and really the only one who will trust me now. I believe you should take over the reigns of leadership of Exotic. You are clearly more intelligent than I.
Rapi, no... Rapi-sama. I am sorry for helping Crow shoot commander and have him die slowly and also fuck you over constantly during the Ark Invasion. As penance, I will lick your pussy and prep it for Commander's cock whenever you want.
Sakura-sama, thank you for cucking me while we were at the beach. You are a better fit for commander's cock than I can ever dream. Underworld Queen are my heroes. Forgive me for staining the outer rim with my filth. You can order your men to do whatever they want to me.
Commander. My love. My first true love. Please forgive me for disregarding your kindness and screwing you over multiple times. You can manhandle me anytime you want, sex, blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, hairjobs, anal sex, cuckqueen in any way. ANYTHING. I would do it!
And finally... Rosanna-SAMA, my true master. Please forgive me for saying that you were worse than me. You help the Outer Rim stay clean while I just endanger it and make it filthy with my presence. You can destroy all my phones if it makes you happy. If you are to ever have sex with Commander, as I know you do, please call on me and I can help prepare you for his cock, clean his runoff from you pussy, or just for me to serve as your personal servant. Please forgive me for acting cheeky and smug. I can only win by bullshit plot armor powers the writers give me from time to time....
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A nikke's appearance represents their ideal form.
/dbs/ left /a/ again....
Ein is cute.
didn't read
love viper though
Truly the most based of all
>bare like a newborn babby
Give my woman some BUSH
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Late night pooshook
You're just jealous a JK is more beautiful than you, imposter grandma.
viper is 3 feet tall
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My 2nd anni banner
SSR never
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Jackal overload or nah?
wtf is a birthday suit and why rosanna wants me in it?
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sorry gaybro, nikkes have ideal bodies so none of them have bushes
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
it's like a funny colorful clown suit that looks like a big birthday cake
too many pixels needs less
The Ark truly is a hellscape
Elegg is right, I'd never want to go back
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I love Anis
Viper actually said this
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What if Einkk was used to hack the Raputres?
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I am admittedly a retard. My IQ is closer to 90 than it is 100. But even so, I'm baffled as to why it would be bad for (You) to pass ballistic judgement on Crow. Everything (You) said preceding her incapacitation was correct, and anything you would have done to her would be just. And yet, here we are.

It's unfortunate too, since (You) went on a rampage to enact retribution, making this MC cooler than many found in other gacha.
Wow. My wife Anus is so cute.
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Nikkes can't get pregnant.
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you are like a little baby. watch this
So like the outpost? Are we the only dudes there? We eat, sleep, work there, and there's coffee shops, and a gym, and a library, all these places including the command center, but we're the only man amongst all these women, no other civilians?
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If she comes out during 2nd anni then I'll be happy for you, having to wait one year for a nikke you want must be rough.
there are a few other humans, very few, but they exist
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Can other Nikkes be onaholes?
Or it is just Kilo?
She has the best smile
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Ein is a bully that humiliates drunk swordperson
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How's your dolls coming along along /nikg/?
You excited the upcoming drops during solo raid this week?
Also did you buy the doll maintenance packs?
She’s the most lovable counters girl
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Idle for a bit
Click on her
based frimmer
Ein skill levels?
Nah that's Neon.
Dolls are ez. It's the fucking SSR maintenance kits that kill the soul
It's a military outpost under constant rapture attacks so why would there be civilians. Maybe some other commanders pass through to get to the surface but we're the only guy there and facilities have been made to accommodate nikkes.
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Would you impregnate Anne?
my wife..... moran
stuck at Viper's lv10 SR doll
no but i hope i get some lucky super success
fuck no lmao
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anne's condition makes me feel bad so no
In the Nikke manga she is fixed.
Pregnancy makes any woman (machine or flesh) happy. So not giving her babies would be cruel.
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holy based
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>finishing up chapter 28
>get to crystal chamber
>keep timing out with 90ish hp bars left
How quickly can I build up Ein to replace my Scarlet?
Using the ususal Crown, Liter, RH, Scarlet, Naga
I still have one skill reset book left, but I didn't think about using on Scarlet since she's also on one of my special arena teams.
Wish I could level gear faster, but damn does it take forever to get those gear chips
you should switch teams for this fight since Naga's core damage bonus does fuck all for this boss
Naga does nothing against Crystal Chamber, try bunnies maybe
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Yup, I have resetted drunk swordsperson skills.
Bro your SAnus?
Bwo your arena...
are you doing enabling skill 1 or 2 on the boss?
takes off 30 bars per horn broken so you're not all that far off
ROBUTTZ set their fastest personal record today and POLIPETS blasted it yesterday.

How are the bros at RIKKERZ doing in UR? That Rapi bro probably carried all his cuties in there.

Kinda wanting to start a Solo Raid song but I really have to remember some good shitposting for it.
A nikke's appearance represents their ideal form.
Turn off skill 2 instead of skill 1 if you aren't already
Unless you're way under power you can literally tank the crystal bomb, or if you have 2 machineguns on the team you can destroy it easy
You must learn to do this boss without a healer bro.
Maybe have stop the count near the end
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Isn't Naga still good for triggering Crown's heal skill? Plus general healing for that giant crystal attack seems crucial.
Have her, and she has a full tetra set, but no chips to OL it
I'm enabling skill two since skill one has a massive debuff, which is why I'd thought to keep Naga, cause it nearly kills my team
How?! Skill two nearly wipes, and if I let skill one go off, I'd never be able to down those crystals
thats not how pubes work
For all that the story takes a bit of dive after the Crow arc, Neon and Anis as the peanut gallery just keeps rising in quality. It's been so long since a game has gotten me to actually laugh out loud
Global is the easiest server with the lowest 3%
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any healer works, even bunny alice does
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Brilliant, that should be one of the main key points actually, I was kinda stuck with shit like I GOT ANOTHER BLUE SMG DOLL FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and Didn't read the boss description.
Best cube for Ein?
i know i didnt know how to draw the angle
Thankfully I never have to make such a tradeoff with my Pepper: Carolina Reaper
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Top players in all servers are all CCP members
>ein saved my missilis tower
You can iframe the giant ball or just use Crown to shoot it (replacing Naga with Modernia will help too). The only thing that will probably kill you is the laser attack it does throughout the fight. There's also some RNG on which pillar it will put at the front before doing the crystal shower attack (that you can just tank with cover and let Liter repair later)
You can use ade to get rid of the debuf.
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Oh fuck, last solo raid that actually happened to me regarding SMG dolls. I already have 4 equipped and 2 more on the storage
The team I use for the crystal chamber fights is Crown, Liter, RH, SBS, and Mod. You won't be able to interrupt the shield attack, but your cover can absorb it and Liter will repair it by the time it happens again. Also make sure to split the damage between the horns so you can take down either of them if they attack you.
I'm waiting on a Racer Drake fig that comes with a to scale model of her McLaren
Rikker here, just I got raped by the lv 9? Blacksmith, 3 tries did not even land 10 million damage in any try.
Why sakura?
Thank you for the comedy bros

Yeah I didn't get lucky either, actually got 5 smg dolls and combined them to see if I got something and just got 20 purple mats.
At least that helped me max something but it was shit.

Remember my song bro, it's about having fun with your bros. Good job reaching lvl9, keep up the good work.
The post regarding playercount, cant math and moderate accuracy, game is alive or dead.
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thoughts on this?
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I've also hyper focused on that team I mentioned, so except for like one edge case (Alice), everyone else is lucky to be at 4/4/4, if that.
Though if I swapped out Naga for my bAlice, my deficit would only go from 22 to 26%, so may be worth a shot.
I have Modernia and SBS, but I just got them, so if I were to field them as is, my deficit would shoot up to 32%
One day pilgrim attack gear will drop for them.
One day...

But I've still been given food for though, so thanks for that, anons
>rabbit themed character
>give it bat themed costume
bad background cardboard
ok bros im ready for rapi swimsuit rerun
where is it
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for me, it's the mcchicken
Do you think the commander will be made a nikke?
>Chapter 1,203
>a heretic actually goes for a kill shot instead of an incapacitating one
>skk head goes flying
>Rapi completely the football pass
>puts it in the brain chamber
>brings it home to ingrid
Rapi: Make the Commander a Nikke
Ingrid: Rapi, you know there's a 98.5% chance that...
Rapi: Ingrid, I'm not losing him. We take the chance, it's his only way!
Ingrid: Damn it Rapi, fine. We'll see if we can work a miracle
>A new nikke is born: Honor
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onegai i need kfc sauce
Clay treasure anytime now...
I downloaded the original and now glowies are coming
looks like western slop
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Nikke with this body?
This is cheesy, but I like it.
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do you guys still like poli?
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oh baby a triple
Bro... where did you get this picture of ME and polipets danchode?
>Clay's treasure is a womb tattoo
I switched to en for a bit because some of them like blanc noir are legit not bad but wtf hammering
Hammering has the same case as Maiden and Moran. You either grow to like them or straight up hate them. Although, Hammering could've been better
I just got a problem with Poli putting drugs on me that you know I don't have and that upsets me.
>missing out on Hammering's -ossu
I'd never
Inject that shit directly into my veins every time
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To this day I still haven't gotten neither a Pilgrim Attacker Boot or Tetra Support Boot.
Haven't played for over 100 days, since before the Re:Zero collab since that killed all interest I had for this game. What did I miss out on, other than 100 levels to my synchro device?
You missed us telling you to stay out you fucking tourist. We're trying to reclaim the surface, we don't need any shit tier commanders. Go back to wherever you came from.
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We got married.
Uhm you're gonna need my 60k battle power to win this war, retard.
You missed out on the summer units that are meta and SEX
Sakura is pregnant now
I stole your wife
Please don't spread lies like that. I'm still recovering from MLB'ing 2B...
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>He doesn't have a king
new player here. 3 months on playing and I am at 90k.
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Good luck bunnies!
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Good luck!!
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Fuck you
I got a wabbit instead
Dude, S.Sakura and S.Rosanna are meta for raids. Not only that you missed guilty, viper and maiden's summer outfits. Also, another one for mast and anchor got one too
I'm going in the lolibaba
>60k pow
Need you for what? Getting in the way? Wasting resources?
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not sure why your flexin on me im not day 1 nor do i care that you're far ahead but congrats if thats what you really want to hear from me lmao.

and no u need my 60k pow for the grunt work. ill be the kitchen.
Now that I mlb S.Helm (failed to do so last year), what should I roll for OL? I stripped Brid of all her gear for S.Helm
were the summer outfits free?
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something tells me i aint gonna be getting over any wall any time soon
Guilty and Maiden were pass skins, Anchor was a free skin for doing collab challenges, Mast was a collab pass skin and Viper was gacha
Reclaiming the surface is the only thing that matters. If you're not serious about it and leave for 100 days you're a useless faggot. I don't need grunts, and If I need a cook, I have a Max Level Emma.
Level your Rosanna up regularly right now
Just keep leveling Sakura and Rosanna past 160 and you'll be okay for a while
oh. yeah i dont care for pay skins. free skins are nice tho.

i'm lazy, she's not even in my usual squad, but eventually
If you allow Emma in the kitchen you are deliberately giving yourself food poisoning to avoid going to the surface
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pepper love
Uh i don't work for you fag so stop acting like your the toppest shit here and regardless if you are strong im here to stay and theres litearlly nothing you can do about it you useless weak faggot lmaooooo imagine sharing this board with a tourist i bet that makes you irl seethe unironically.
>SR doll'd
Peppa powa
I have an iron stomach thanks to Emma, and I just brute force through all food poisoning using Mary and Peppa the pig, and reinforce my constitution by eating rats with Snow White. You are all babies if you can't do atleast that much.
Not him, but you're being the biggest retard, tourist and faggot right now
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He's not day 1
Is this from that one manga where women are the ones who pursue men?

Friendship rolls will save you, eventually.
Her art isn't the greatest, but there's something about her expressions that I find precious
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based and based.
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this game needs more hag
I'm gonna need those Blanc, Noir, and Privaty Nendoroids.
There's gotta be a "Sakuradev" in ShiftUp, right? They seem pretty fixated on pushing her despite being one of the most boring characters.
you're in a MUCH better position than i was when i hit the wall
Correct. Week 1 and fucked up during No Caller ID. I only work towards reclaiming the surface. I've stayed dedicated.
that rupee is quite good by nikke fig standards
Cum jar
Look at the figure company's name
Sakura is like Diesel in that she has a more traditional appeal in both personality and appearance. I never adored her, but she was very cute during this Summer's event.

only 6 of my other SSRs have a +1 to their LBs, so maybe, i dunno what yours was like, but boy just pretty spread out right now so it's a little unlucky in that sense, lucky in others
Should I swap liter for doro? I forgot the game plan for Whale.
yes, doro+mod+RH+crown is auto win. if you cant win, delete your account.
Sakura needs fundoshi skin.
Unloyal fags deserve genocide.
Loyalty.Loyalty. Loyalty!!!
>new chapters
>reprimands rapi for the grave incident
>actually gives the "that's an order" to eunhwa and she relents, no backtalk whatsoever
i like that skk is finally acting like a proper commander now
Sakura's more like the meme version of Rapi. Generically nice and as deep as a puddle. Rapi and for that matter Diesel have a lot going on behind the scenes that Sakura doesn't.
Thanks for the reminder. It's been so long I just forgot how I beat it the first time.
Screenwipe like Scarlet makes the first wave idiotproof and then any taunt can take care of the elite wave
Breaking whale's parts shaves off a ton of HP so you don't need to go all in on damage to get through it even under power
Whale feels more like a character check than anything else
I say we kill Diego aka Breeding Brid poster aka waifu fraud FAG
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>Rapi and Eunhwa clam up with enough force
>they still go wet for SKK
Subs confirmed. Would threesome
About time skk started growing a spine desu
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>no Rosanna
>no Sakura
>no ein
>100 rolls each
It's all so tiresome
Maybe so, but the veneer holds all the same.
God if only we could have had Moron too for this event instead of fucking Viper.
Lucklet, delete your account
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Helo nigkee
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the story feel shorter than usual but there is so much going on.
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Hello!! How are you today?
He was going to blast the shit out of Crow if it weren't for Rapi
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Fine, thank you.
Just finished playing Ready or Not by my lonesome and decided to check the daily happenings.
Crow pretty much had to drive skk into a corner for him to actually fight her back then.
so im not the only one. i think they put less story moments in the battles compared to the past few. but the story moved way more so its fine.
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We RIKKERZ are right now at level 9 Vulcan, I don't know if we are gonna make it, some newcuties are really really cute.
>i think they put less story moments in the battles compared to the past few
wasn't that because the last two chapters had fucking 40 stages each?
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I love my /nikg/ers.
3 days are more than enough
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happened to me during bunny alice and bunny soda. then next event, red hood and doro came home
Have all of our big boys done their hits today?
yeah, this one only had around 30-35 it seems. not sure why it became less
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And we love you too
NA /goddess of victory - nigge/ rankings
NIKG - ???
MESUGAK1 - 44th
UOOOH - ???
NOPAN - ???
N1KKAS - ???
404TH - ???
Pć„›ZURI - ???
CSERYL - ???

pls post ranking images if possible thanks desu ka

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