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Previous: >>487925149

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Post them grailed Ibukis
>really like LB6 Gareth for being a chivalrous, tomboyish, and humble character with excellent writing
>Chaldea Gareth is a weird lancelot fanboy with stockhold syndromes
>she also has none of the charm or personality of her LB6 version
I hate it. When are we getting an Ainsel version of Gareth?
aoko _ _ _
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Lip love!
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Kama Love!
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Teen butt
>Only two new FATE figures announced this Wonfes?
Bros, is our game reclining?
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Why didn't you use the sexiest servant this summer as OP you fag
Teen mom already got a figure? Nice.
Between BA and that new Hoyo game it's looking pretty over for us yeah
>another bullshit CQ
Fuck this shit
When can I complete stuff with my favorites and grailed servants?
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Yeah a shame he didnt use Skadi and her fat tits
none of the summer Servants this year are sexy
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Lol Eresh trying to find a swimsuit that will fit Lip and is too nice to tell her she's a fat abomination.
It's a GK. So you're going to paint it yourself.
The CQ is infinitely repeatable. If you can't do it with your favorites you aren't trying hard enough.
Bro just try to get your life in order and get a girlfriend the right way. Once you start seeing escorts and paid women, you go down a place you can’t come back from. You realize everyone has a price and how cheap and easy sex is to obtain from very beautiful women. It will ruin your patience and perception of women. You’ll get too used to getting exactly what you want, whenever you want it. Ironically, you’ll suffer in the same way a lot of women do. You’ll be fucking out of your league and then you won’t be able to settle for less. Also it’s addicting.
t. 50k in the hole on escorts.
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Just use your grailed summer sashi
Ebora is a good artist, his alt account needs to post more
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Oberon love!

Painted Oberon prototype when...
nice try horsefucker
she's only 100, I'm too poor...
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Damn still nice she got one regardless.
Underwhelming selection of servants to say the least
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im sad...
Bro, except for the Sakuraface, those other two were announced last year. Just check its mfc changelog.
Did Durga really make that big of an impact on JP to justify a scale figure when someone like Douman still doesn’t have an official scale? Literally nobody talks about Durga whereas Douman still has a huge female/fujo fanbase and constantly gets art
Ebora has mediocre taste and often his stuff is disgustingly off-model.
Tristan was a Lipper all along...
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don't be sad, bro
look at this magic trick!
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>531 days until FSR collab and alter bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
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Wow he has a 2nd account? I need to look into this!
He draws some great stuff honestly, I just wish he did more. The barghest pic, the yu ones, the shuten pics, all incredibly hot
they're just banking on Kamafags to get confused and think it's another one for her
>image slowly loading
>please dont have dick
>please dont have dick
>please dont have dick
>it has a dick right
Confess your sins, you filthy degenerates
>He draws
Traces* At least that what he said
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Straight and Skadi-pilled
Gay, you will never successfully roll any barefeet servant
imagine being a puritan on dial-up
It's that really him? I thought it was someone copying his style. Would be hilarious if true.
>12 turn
Dude even with bad RNG it took me 6 turn to clear this what are you doing
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Man that's slutty
I want to be cute little girl, like Illya or Miyu.
someone tldr me on the cq gimmick
I want to cum in a cute little girl, like Illya or Miyu.
I still haven't read Section 4
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Feels like he traced to learn and is tracing/referencing less as time goes on
>t. AI gooner expert at identifying AI poses
Invul and buff removal.
Dude he still has illustrations with 6 fingers
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I actually don’t know what the gimmick is. I just used a friends Arc with MLB damage CE and unga bunga’d my way through with Castoria and Vitch. Can’t be that hard if I won.
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FGO has artists that draw 6 fingers
that doesn't conflict with what i said but ok
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>no fatsoss
this is probably AI
Don't you think your bros wouldn't take you seriously anymore?
I only count 5 there
>he JUST used to use AI
>he isn't using AI no more
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Cute latelet
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>>he isn't using AI no more
never said this
You clearly have an axe to grind with AI and think I'm defending some random seanig but you're trying to grind it with someone that doesn't care
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>still watching a shameless plagiarist
i pulled for np5 summer ibuki for souless gameplayfag reasons
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I'm sorry you're so cringe to give a shit about that Alterabro, how about this instead?

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Nice try you RAT!
so what's everyone planning to do during the dead month?

i need to farm seeds because i completely forgot merlina needed them
i've been de-submersed bros...
make blue apples
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Or better yet, this guy and his entire channel. Does this satisfy your "plagiarism" fears?
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What do you mean, bro?
We ARE in the apple growing business, don't tell me you've forgotten.
>sirs please donate to see the solving to this coding error i am waiting the donate to type
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That doesn't matter, so long I get to be this cute.
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Time to take a break and make some blue apples, kyoudai.
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You know what's the real cringe? Taking other people's work and claiming it's your own, though.
Yeah Nasu still needs to pay royalties to Kinnikuman for Quetzmas...
fuck off teslacles
everything is plagiarized bro, where do you think you are
I want to date a little girl with an old man's soul inside
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It's going to be her turn this year!
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>everything is plagiarized
world's smartest 18 year old
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We all have both superscopes right?
Off model
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What has she been eating in the underworld?!?
Why do fanartists against give eresh huge knockers
it's been so long since eresh content that they're started to forget what she looks like
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Copescope's such a waste of space.
>inb4 it's meant to be used on a support
Every worthwhile support has some sort of NP charge. 2030 and Prisma Cosmos are better support CEs anyway.
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trying to police the intellectual property rights of journalists for $0 is cringe
>I want to date a little girl with an old man's soul inside
Are you going to NP5 Rikyu next month?
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Mud and dust is all they have, so lots of that.
>2030 and Prisma Cosmos are better support CEs
Imagine stalling or needing stars in 2024
Mini Momogatari
So currently, whats the best looping meta? Arts?
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>make blue apples
>use the leftover ap to search Ooku for the 3rd time
>trying to police
bro out here trying to make it some big conspiracy that stealing shit wholesale is disgusting behaviour
just be honest and say you abandon your morals when (person you like) does it
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Farm EXP, finish LB6 maybe
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I do think it's funny that his upload schedule is like a built-in controversy blocker since by the time his next video is out everyone's already moved on to [next outrage]
Just finished Ciel's true ending bros...

I hope I can someday find such true love, I am crying still
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>get a confirmation that I'll have to wait until next month for the Merlina doujin to even be shipped

F, maybe should have grabbed it earlier.
Is that old man slutty?
Buster really, they just don't care about NP refund. Only problem is that they're reliant on 50% charge CEs with some exceptions such as Arc. So they suck for dead week farming, including Ordeal Call free quests. Arts and even Quick are better for those.
Don't care. Take it to /tmg/, fag.
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I need it!
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Don't knock the immortal team.
How much would you want to roll for Ciel in FGO now? Do you think she’ll have good animations?
I’ll knock up the immortal team.
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nice projection
a "thank you" for keeping our threads safe from bad video man
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Speak proper instead of shitpost for once.
>Only problem is that they're reliant on 50% charge CEs
Arcueid says hi. Don't tell me you were memed into NOT rolling for the best looper in the game?
I would whale for her NP5, I think her animations could be pretty good could see different ascensions levels with her various combat outfits
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>asking HIM to speak "properly" in 4chan shitpost general
o look we have a new bro here
It's not about intellectual property rights, if you need to pretend other people's writing is your own then you're a loser and a fraud.
Skill issue
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no problem bro, always willing to call out shitty people who try to hide their shitty practices.
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Didn't read shit. Funny vamp go Brrr
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I breed this
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I just notice Mashu is on FGO Hashtag.
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The protagonist of FSN commits copyright infringement on a mass scale too which makes it funnier that we have genuine purists here
Unless Red Garden manages to release this year somehow, Ciel will probably have to be the headline SSR for the Tsukihime collab
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The face of #FGO!
Why the fuck the cum hats cost 300 bricks
Don’t worry, I still like you despite everything.
Arts and Quick are more easily cockblocked by weird nodes. Buster never fails as long you have the usual suspects
I can't imagine the level of autism that is behind these words actually.
Copyrights expire after like 100 years. If Emiya tried projecting something with a copyright, Alaya would unsummon him and make me do another ordeal call.
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>with some exceptions such as Arc
Hello speedreader!
Arts and quick can loop 1/1/1 with a starting charge CE like buster. Servants like Caren and Summer Melu don't even need starting charge.
nice fanfic
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We got AI art, book scanners and the like in the thread, and pretty much everyone here has pirated either the VN or the shows, but oh no youtube man using articles is too far
>Brick is used to upgrade tourist attraction
>Valkyrie costs brick
Your Valkyrie is a tourist attraction, bro...
Alaya doesn't care about copyright
It reprints so many copies it made reprints of redman before he was born
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Arash and Spartacus with imaginary element and support Raikou with Kscope never fails to farm.
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Dinner time with my bros
Very much real.
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Open for defenseless anus
It's not impossible, sure. But very restrictive compared to buster
>piss esy free node
now show me lotto node with 1m hp enemies
I don't see him projecting Keyblade from Kingdom Heart or Star war's Lightsaber so he's respecting copyright more than you think
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Yeah, but she had to acquire the publishing rights first.
based year 1 buster enjoyer
yeah AIart definitely hasn't been contentious here have they
personally pirating shit is totally the same as ripping shit off to make your own money off it right bro
you also of course just absolutely love the chinese
Aoko sex
He could probably project MHX's offbrand lightsaber if he really wanted to though
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2018... home.
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>arts and quick can loop irregular nodes
>shows proof
>ogey but what about lv.90++!?
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>dr doom revealed to be played by robert downey jr
based or cringe?
You're not even wrong, to be honest. That's enough for most farming content except high level nodes. lol
>fanfic scizophrenia
Lets see quick 6CE the current 1/1/1 lotto node then. Whats wrong? You cant do it?
Because she is blonde
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Thanks daily paid single.
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That's how I'll farm when the frontlint bond bonus update gets here
Not him, but isn't the whole point of summer skadi to be able to farm 90++ with quick? Double Caster Skadi is more than enough for 90+
Asshole, I got excited and thought it would be Rin
>He could
But did he?
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It's a lance, bro
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>Astolfo is plagiarising Rin's memes now
Hes plagiarising Rin's chest size too
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And MHXA's extremely on-brand model
>he doesn't know about caesar
>inb4 it doesn't count

>but isn't the whole point of summer skadi to be able to farm 90++ with quick?
The point of Summer Skadi was to farm with your favorite Quick loopers without wasting bond on your Bond 15 Skadi. Outside of a few exceptions such as this event, Quick struggles with Lv.90++ because you usally use an AoE DPS and ST DPS. 30% extra Quick and 40% attack over three waves doesn't change that much over Caster Skadi. If someone did tell you that, you were lied to.
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that's mhxx
mhxa has the lightsaber
mhx has an excalibur-like
? = ?
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>I'm a self admitted hypocrite but I have the moral high ground
maybe you need to start having this conversation with yourself
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>inb4 it doesn't count
>honestly I love it when people steal things and make money off it and wish it would happen to me
Grow up sometime
I mean, when you start making money off things it's when it becomes fucked up things are mostly grey like that.
If your point is that either all of it is bad or none of it is then what's your point? That he doesn't cry about the people doing that in the thread?
i wonder what this looks like with in reverse
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Oh, no wonder my summer rolls were so shit, my luck was being saved for something better.
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Let's not forget he also made an attempt to steal Tamamo's "Mikon!"
OkkiNIGGER get out!
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Play shadow of the erdtree/alter/
I already watched the Ambassador of FGO play it
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No, I only give money to From Software when they release an Armored Core entry.
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Hillary Clinton?
Rin isn't known for being flat. That's more a Saber thing.
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I'm actually currently playing demons souls on the ps3 emulator.
It's not so much an all or none thing, it's more it's incredibly cringe to go after someone for suggesting a video that a youtuber made because of some high morale standard for copyright. If they want to pretend that they care about purity but then admit to not paying for someone else's copyrighted work, that tells me they aren't a serious person for me to care or listen.
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Too bad it's not the superior, sleep deprived version.
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Nah I'm playing TTYD (OG not pozzed version) on Dolphin with HD textures and widescreen support.
It's a garage kit so you can give her baggy eyes if you want
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>it's more it's incredibly cringe to go after someone for suggesting a video that a youtuber made because of some high morale standard for copyright.
All he said was
>still watching a shameless plagiarist
I don't think that is going after someone
Oh bitchin'.
You're not reading any passive aggressiveness there? Because it's apparent to me
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seibabros... not like this...
Not really but maybe I'm just dumb to see it.
probably one of those holo girls, like peko or the squid girl who looks like hokusai
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On lost belt 4, Asha's dad just got hurt I hope he is okay
>he used to play iron man
>now he plays an iron man
I guess don't worry about it, not reading too closely into things is an /alter/ tradition
Cringe, it should have been ME the biggest doomCHAD in /alter/
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canon Master's wife btw
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>using mexican on the AI will automatically give everyone a funny moustache
>going after
are you so sensitive? was it such a grievous attack?
>high morale standard
ripping someone's entire story off without acknowledgement and reaping huge success from it is scummy and not some high moral standard
>admit to not paying for someone else's copyrighted work
actually I never did admit to it in the way I said it before, though I certainly have. And it's an entirely separate argument. Not many people are claiming it's their work and making money off it in that situation. Sorry you can't see the actual nuance here. If you ever actually made something, any creative endeavour, maybe you might.
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Huh? Neither of them say to Fate/go to the polls though.
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Did they announce FGO's one true savior for anni yet?
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nit reakky, I have to specify "fake moustache", that was Microsoft's any mentione of "Mexico" would give evevryone sombreros,
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I don't consent.
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Whatever this is sounds like e-celeb bullshit so fuck off.
Washington should be an Arthur-face
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If Astolfo had a moustache, would it be pink or white?
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i vaguely remember an official image of peko as mashu drawn by Takeuchi and the squid girl advertising the new player GSSR with the other girl who was drawn by wada.

Is that… Jinako Lily?
Ngl I prefer the idea that when she was that young, she was a skinny girl who could eat all she wanted and never gain weight.
pink but drenched in white
It'd be funny if while wearing the white powdered wig, everyone recognizes her as an Arthur/Altriaface and when she takes it off, he's just a random geezer.
She might be my wife but she still likes to watch me screw other servants.
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Not yet.
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>no please, keep the wig on
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>NP2 Molay outdamages NP1 Caren
It's over and this is with Foumes too...
Just punch her once or twice in the eyes
Stop being a slut, sis
post THAT pic
Not yet.
I thought Caren was mostly good for her self-charge?
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What is the most kino theme in the nasuverse?
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Did Nasu ever confirm a "true end route" for her other games?
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Bros, what would you buy from this selection, if anything?
That too, but Caren has an upgraded NP and has the Ruler 1.1x class modifier. Molay's cheating a bit since she has Space CLAPstar's ramping NP damage buff which pairs nicely with Oberon's NP damage boost.
Almost no contest
You can play fgo but you can’t post or even visit alter, or you can come to alter, but you can’t play fgo. Which do you choose.
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the undisputed GOAT
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None of them for me, my favorites aren't there and the art style doesn't appeal to me enough.
alter is where my little homies are, so here.
there is a sizable number of people here who already do the latter
If this was /alter/ years ago in it's prime I'd choose that, but now it's filled with tourists and newfags so I'd rather play the game now if I had to choose.
>both arcs already bought
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Ill never understand footfags
worst than armpitfags
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I'll take one Illya to add to the collection.
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Good morning, bros.
Bob and Kiara
I need to be railed by Saber Alter.
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I'll take one holographic ishtar
>no Lip
There's always next year...
Ok lets see...
and lurk for an osakabe, if not then tamamo.
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You make it sound like there's things to play in FGO
This one never fails to get my blood pumping.
Astolfo, Tamamo, Illya, and the Jannus
Same as the above
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Footfag here, that foot pic looks like shit, no wonder you don't understand
It's always been filled with tourists and newfags.
Show me a good one then
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both Koyanskayas, Musashi and Skadi&Shishou stuff
I really like the Musashi holding sq one
Easily the most soothing soundtrack in Fate.
I am genuinely surprised we're still getting newfags after existing for so long.
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broken link
Is a np5 4* better than an np1 5*? In terms of damage
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Doesn't work.
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For me it’s Kama…
What point does the 5* become better?
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>in the VN Flat Snark's ambient magical energy gives Aoko effectively unlimited powa
>in FGO Alice's NP doesn't provide charge for herself or the target
Nasu... please remember your lore...
find out
NP2 usually
Based. Lunar Legend OP is good.
This one is a classic, reminds me of year one...
In general, yes. But SSRs usually have a kit that makes them overall better. NP2 SSR usually closes the damage gap or surpass the SR.
It's been over a decade. He doesn't even remember it was part 1 only...
So When is Jason getting a summer costume
Flat Snark is ded
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Please remain conscientious of game balance
>reminder nasu will never finish the next 2 parts of mahoyo and we will never know what are does reference in their FGO characters

Blame Tamamo and Mordred for lusting after my dick more than the pirates.
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Wasn't the problem that Snark couldn't be recreated in modern times? A total non-issue for Chaldea, just rayshift back to the age of the gods.
I think Beryl said something about flat snark in LB6
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https://youtu.be/p9mzLmaQMmE?t=3m (made by pic related's artist)
This. Literally just stab Skadi and borrow some of her body fat.
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What's in it?
Would be very interested in seeing the specific line. Didn't Aoko destroy the Snark before Beryl was born?
lolis are the best
Are you telling me a plank fried this rice?
shared affinity with a hot and hard surface
flatten rice
Oh, but when Douman does it he's a faggot clown and gets put back in the cum jar.
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Why is there such inequality in the number of figurines?
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Uh, Yang gang?
AI won
the church making Molay unpopular
ooi additionally has an artist-theme buff
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>mfw my Servant speaks in red text
The difference between being a part of FGO's heyday and being added during the dark ages
Gogh is an ugly sack of shit that's why
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you WILL be buying this right /alter/?
It's not fair...
I just want a scale figure...
A Gura and a Nobu.
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Thanks for paying for the servers
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Man, I love straight ebony hair...
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No way AI draw those feet. It was edited
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We shat so much on Epic of Remnant back then but we didn't know how good we had it
and there's the death cry
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It's a real shame that Molay got shafted not only by being tied to an event that didn't bother to take her seriously but also released at a time when FGO entered its sunset years.
Careful this doesn't trigger Umineko flashbacks.
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She is very cute and precious to me
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Abby is just too erotic
2017-2018 was FGO's peak.
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I swear I thought there was a Molay figurine.
Without Yu it cannot be seen...
Speak human's language, chatGPT
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The true /alter/core class.
>shit servant dont get any figurine
coalburner molayfags need to neck themselves
durga is mismanagement in playable form, which is a shame, she's smoking hot in every ascension
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little girl sex always wins
Why is it so glossy looking?
Cute meth addict
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Based. Too bad there's only one extra slot per row so you can't fit a lot of 4nas on your support...
Foreigner is the best class.
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She's too powerful
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Need more Illya figures...
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Post it
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Mom's got a huge ass
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Need more polder figures...
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Ibuki shouldn’t wear the footwear.
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The polder was the bros we made along the way.
I did it bros thats NP5 it took everthing...
Hand it over. That thing your Illya folder.
congrats Ericebro
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Congratulations! Welcome to the NP5 club!
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>Illya has fewer figurines than Abby

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I was talking about Ibuki I got like 20 erices
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>119 items
You didn't select the NSFW+ option, did you?
You'll have to get in line...
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More barefoot female servants when?
omg I love this game so much. The story is interesting and well written, the characters are likable and authentic and the gameplay is fun!
this but unironically
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That is only figurines. If you're talking about items in total including doujins, then Abby has 120, so she still comes out ahead of Illya.
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0 and dwarf gets it.
give me her asshole
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Whoa! Is this real?
Normally male villains don't get shit. I'm glad fujos like him.
holy sex
Overall items for Illya on MFC is 1,813, Abby has 229?
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Yeah same
>and the gameplay is fun!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute...
>Alas poor Amakusa, I knew him. A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath called upon the dark jesuit sorcery a thousand times.
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gogh night broghs... ehe...
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Would you protect Douman's smile?
I'd want to preserve it. In a jar.
Even Skadifag changed his mind and decided to go all out to protect his smile
clown recognize clown
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Your next 10 rolls will be blessed
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hell no.
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Can Ati be considered a Scadifag when his only maxed Servant is Hassan of the Fishlips?
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>My servant have more figures
>Mine has better quality
I'm just watching from the sidelines ready to start feeding my BB slop into my 3D printer.
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Good night, bros.
good night lippa
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Good night, bro.
Good night my L-word
BB has nothing...
He's a faker
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From what I can gather it's a garage kit from the same person that made this Oberon figure.
Yes, people associated him with her even when his caster was an NP1 1k/1k lvl100grail Skadi
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It's all about heart. Ati is a Skadibro.
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For now
based yumejosis
jesus christ I should not be gooning today...
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That stand is dope.
made for cheese and hot glue
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He doesn't even have Skadi pushed though.
Bros, I am about to become an active Kama poster here. What am I into?
That shows she's not his favorite.
God I want to push inside Skadi's womb.
I just heard my favorite /alter/bros voice and now I think I'm in love....what do I do?
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You kill yourself
stalk him and develop a delusional para-social relationship without his knowledge
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Did they announce a bunch of figures today or something?
> so what's everyone planning to do during the dead month?
Read LB2 and beyond.
Both solid advice
Commiket is now or soon.
How? I'm scared.
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You're safe bro just don't turn around
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Uhh bro?
Would you roll for Kama if she was a femboy instead of being Sakuraface?
What have you been doing during the half AP door?
Yes but that's also because I want to have gay sex with a femboy IRL.
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You know... stuff...
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Caren is pretty bangable desu
>Righteous Realm gets its shit slapped
>Don Quixote gets his shit slapped
>Charlemagne finally shows up and uses his NP
>"oh btw im gonna disappear in 48 hours and can only use my NP 2 more times lol"

I know it's way too late to be making this complaint but I really hate how Chaldea just asspulls victories for each Singularity and Lostbelt. They can't just have an easy time in one of them? Like can't the Counter Force just hand us good Servants on a silver platter and say "here, go unfuck shit"?
Me personally, I underestimated how much QP I needed as I got a lot of lucky rolls recently that I wasn't expecting so I didn't really go hard on them.
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I want to bang Caren
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What do bob farts smell like bros?
Why haven't you? Everyone else has done it already.

>While she has offered herself to any number of people and animals to exorcise their demons, thinking always of their happiness...she has only ever felt pure, human love—wishing someone else happiness for her own sake—for one person. Even now, the memories and wishes of that time are buried deep within her heart.
rotten eggs
None of the writers can even comprehend the idea of chaldea being proactive. It's all reactive, because you cant be the underdog to root for if you're actively taking steps to try and solve an issue. And that means taking away any advantages chaldea has until it has the bare minimum to win.
I kind of want to get Molay, but I know I really should hold for Draco. The six months between them is painful. When is Molay's next rate-up after Halloween?
It's not like it should have actually been hard for us considering what we have, but that's always the case.
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How do Caren feet smell like?
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>Can't play when I want to
>Have to play when I don't want to
Delete the stamina bar
Your blue apples, sis...?
>Caren is 14
>Erice is 14
>Saber looks 14
>Stheno and Eyriale who are supposed to look like ideal women look 14
>Melu who everyone calls the prettiest fairy looks 14
>Altrouge looks 14, etc.

What's with Nasu's obsession with 14 year-old girls?
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should I SKIPgod through lb6
These are so good, loli, brown, nice assholes there too.
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It's tough to write scenarios that are low stakes and interesting at the same time. Though, you do have a fair point about how common Chaldea gets that asspull victory.
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I have risen from the dead! (I'm back in America.)
>should I skip the only thing worth reading in this game
>in a game where the story is the only thing of value
Having been licked by a thousand men, probably saliva, and cum too
It's ok so long as you post more Shuten, friend
I did this, stupid bitch deserved it
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I care about Caren and Caren cares about me.
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I missed posting my sexy woman.
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It's not exactly a life changing experience, unlike the VNs.
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Those stripped of the Grace of Bob shall all meet death.
In the embrace of Morgan’s flame.
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The only man she has ever loved out of the countless men that have fucked her is Angra.

where did you get this image of me???
Nasu knows me so well...
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Carin' Caren
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You can’t spell Caren without care
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Caring for Caren...
Why do people like Caren? She has been a massive cunt every time she appeared.
Did you succeeded in fucking Shuten?
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She’s cute
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She cares
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Need Shuten sex.
Sexy medium violet oni wife
>I readed the chapter on Youtube when someone uploaded a playthrough that used the correct words like Artoria and Faery Knights
Too bad the youtube playthrough with fan translation has errors too.
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Yep, now we're talking
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>Tam Lim
>Faerie Knight Cup is now called the Tam Lim Cup
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That would be funny after it was released. Now you are just a clown posing here.
>go through the trouble to unlock arc's mana loading
>completely forgot why I was doing it
that was kinda dumb. I plan on unlocking all her appends anyway but I was bottomed out on qp and all my new summer servants are skill-lets.
The savior is here!
what the fuck is a TAM LIM anyway
Why are you mfers so obsessed with assholes? Turd comes out of there.
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Who's talking? What are they saying?
Because it's one of the hottest part of a woman? What kinda of question is this?
What the fuck is fairy knight? Thats like calling normal Gawain Human Knight Gawain. It makes no sense.
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How would Angra respond if Caren confessed to him like this?
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>Tam Lin
>The planet shit
How the fuck does 'bert defend this shit
Bold words for coming out of a pussy
its more descriptive and easily understood
Habbycat is perfect
Tam Lin is Nasu and makes more sense than Fairy Knight
Figure from Celtic mythology. Nasu took that to mean every Fairy Knight is called Tam Lim for whatever reason.

>Yosei Kishi (妖精騎)
>Fairy Knight
That's what they're called in the original Japanese. That translation was too much for Nasu, apparently.
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this is why i skip, so i can tend my crops instead
7 days left until 9 anni servant and summer servant revealed
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God i love Sushi
I really like Habbycat, but Fae/Fairy Knight makes total sense since it's an arbitrary designation.
Tam Lin brings existing IRL themes into play and adds detail that simultaneously meshes more strongly with the setting and contradicts it.
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I must have amnesia. I have a faint memory that JP used Tam Lin Cup at some point too.
I don't wanna wait, post dem leaks
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>read shitty translated word slop that people argue about 2 years later
>SKIP and collect your SQ
truly a tough choice
Really? Are you absolutely positive?
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well at least if those servants are real I dont have to worry about saving
I don't get it IF this is true, why would it matter if they withhold information due to getting caught? They already fucked up by telling us what people want to know.
>brings IRL themes into play
But they're already doing that with all the legends for Fairy Britain to begin with. Fairy Knight makes perfect sense for our frame of reference but it's an incredibly silly title that is established to be the explicit title, and it's particularly a term of import. It makes way more sense for it to be some more unique term, and it being the name of the popular legend of one tracks pretty well with the entire package.
What kind of Albertization they are going to do towards LB7?
If this is true I will be Jacking good this year
Tenochtitlan > Mexico City
I just don’t want Tlaloc to be Albertized like Bob
>Rare prism coin system
So unbelievably garbage that it almost makes me believe this leak
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>two years notice
Oh no, this is so tragic.
Sure, the only reason I mention it differently to other setting elements is that it seems to be applied after-the-fact.
If for example there was some integration into the actual LB6 with a portrayal of how Tam Lin transpired in their world I'd take less issue with it.
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Sorry guys, but the bobber are right for this one

端女 vs 端女郎
The addition or lack of a kanji changes the meaning quite a fair bit. You see a similar case even in english: responsible vs irresponsible. You can't just try and apply a different meaning base on just a part of a word.

There is an overlap, obviously, since back in those days, women were sold into a wide range of trades. 端女 part thus denote the state of being a servant/slave, while the 郎 suffix further denotes a slave being sold into prostitution. Albert did indeed mess up for this.
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>why would it matter if they withhold information due to getting caught?

NTA but 2 years ago (and in several other ocassions) dataminers shared their findings in private discords to discuss among themselves.

Pic related, the guys from Atlas Academy and the Chinese datamined all the content from LB6 Part 3 several days before release.

When information like this gets out, they disolve the discord and move to another one more "secret" than the last in order to avoid people leaking their datamines.

Assuming the leaks are real (likely not), the guy wanted to leak enough to cause discussion in the playerbase but not enough so they know who exactly leaked it and kick him from the sekret club.
mesugaki vritra is such a great idea
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I got Caster Skadi in a single 10 roll and Ruler Skadi in two 10 rolls. No one is coping here.
Holy based Japanese expert dabbing on gaslighting shitposters
I thought that was Marion from Gunbird
nice schizo ramblings
It wasn't very long for official merch to show up with Tam Lin on it, well before NA did anything. Whether it's before or after it's what he wants for it. I'm sure he had a lot of sprawling further ideas he didn't quite make into LB6, it's far from the first place and as I recall we know there was plenty of rewriting.
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>free summer gogh
>nnnno b-but muh slander is a canon
Holy shitposter copium. Also plebbit spacing.

yup, every legit summer leak only matches a couple of the characters and the rest are red herrings
cunny vritra my dick
Was it supposed to be priestess?
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No but I'm gonna goon later
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Will we ever have a moment like this in FGO?
this shit is so fucking pathetic
>Tristan the Fairy Knight says, "I'm just easily bored, though I'm not as infatuated as you are."
>Tam Lin Tristan mocks her, sneering, "I may be the type to pump and dump, but at least I'm not a hopeless romantic like you."
Neck yourself reddit spacer
The effectiveness of Gudao varies based on whatever writer is writing the story chapter. He's always been able to do shadow summons but in earlier chapters, it seemed mediocre at best with any threat being able to handily flick them aside. Then in Traum, he's told to handle one of the gates the enemy army may potentially siege using nothing but Xu Fu and his own summons. Mind you, the entirety of the Reinstatement Realm's forces are Heroic Spirits and phantoms, so how does he even manage to hold them off before Kiyohime shows up?
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Summer Ibuki a berserker who can clear hands!
Bros, we should all be done farming ice by now I think, would you prefer a MLB gacha CE (for turning gold currency into qp) or would you prefer Teatime for bond farming?
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The discussion is about lovers, so what Bob is saying is that she quickly gets bored of her lovers and gets new ones retardbro. The translation is correct.
Holy based language expert destroying reddit tourist
Is that Blade?
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I'm glad all the leakers agree that it will be a Gogh summer.
I'd like a few tea times personally
your guys shit flinging is why i skip
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>the next line is the fairies wondering how many men fucked her
No, the next line is how many times her body has been sold or how many owners she's had. Because she is a slave. Sure history, there are slaves who were raped or as said, sold into prostitution. But there were those who weren't raped, but they still are slaves so the language used is still that their body was being sold or that they have (multiple) owners.
And then the text continues
Which was darlington zombie incident and that is also corroborated by the calendar so you can't just say it's rumors or unreliable info. We know bob was a slave and one particular owner went too far in getting her to use her skill, causing the zombie calamity of old darlington.
Narratively, we already lion man having had sex slaves, so bob's role is more to show fae cruelty in other aspects.
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If we were to get legit leaks (text or images) they likely would come from chinese dataminers since they are less prone to be faggots about it.
Some just go to NGA to dump all the information have (like they do with genshit and honkers) with throw-away accounts.

Western dataminers rather just hoard all the information and ciclejerk about it between themselves.
Shuten's cute butt
Solomon is more like Endgame
Yeah, I remember seeing that when it was shown off, and I don't doubt it was from Nasu. I know the LB6 we got differs from the LB6 draft (e.g. why Ainsel dispelled Woodwose's Authority - the draft states that it's Ainsel's Mystery rank but this didn't make it to the game), but it'd nonetheless feel more integrated.
I'm not a hardliner though, if I wrote something and really wanted it to be a certain way despite some things not making it to production initially I'd change it too.
Lipbro…my ally
watched it and it was pretty cool. downed like 2 giants cans of Beast while watching. Captain America's scene was pretty cool. drinking some peppermint schnapps rn
How many free quests does Traum have? I'm like 40% done it but need SQ.
When we return to Fuyuki to finally deal with whatever the fuck is going on.

He even said The Line.
The new new Argo.
On Skadi, Castoria, Vitch?
Teatime I guess? I'm personally done with the event at this point. Lv.90++ gives lots of bond, but the only non-plugsuit comp I can do is Saito + 2x Castoria and I'd rather not use up more Castoria bond than is necessary.
based lipper
I asked this a few times and people asked for Teatime and then when I did it, no one used my servants. What the heck bros...
>reddit spacing stops
Based lipfriend
bros is it true that this tsukihime remake is still missing routes for both arc and ciel? i know its missing ones for akiha and the maids
Well, I thought possibly qp because if it's anything like me, I had over a billion but the GSSR, then Destiny summon, then Arc, then all the Summer servants (including multiple SSRs) completely annihilated my qp stocks down to maybe 100 million. So if gold currency to qp helps bros rebuild I can do that.

Or I can do Teatime for bond farmers.
Relevant to the other ongoing conversation, I'm sure there was likely to be a more thorough look at Bob that didn't really make it in. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a far, far longer vision for the flashback sequences and sequences Morgan went through than ended up in the final version.
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Someone picking up what I've said before. That's good.
Arc only has one ending and it's rumored she'll get another one in Red Garden but that's it
Was “Tam Lin” originally written as ruby text above “fairy knight” in the JP script?
Why do you still taking a slander as a canon tourist newfag? What’s wrong with you? Can you even comprehend what you read nigger faggot?
I don't believe Tam Lin appeared in the Japanese script in any format. I'm not sure if it did later or not though.
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can't stop thinking about erice
Not that anon, but in a story, the choice of slander is a specific tool. They could insult her a variety of ways. There's a reason you pick a specific line though. It's not a real life situation you heard a random recording of, it's a story being told to you.
>You're full of shit. "何人の人間に体を売ってきたのかしら!" translates to "I wonder how many people she has sold her body to!". She was a prostitute.
This is them slandering her. As we know from the overall events of LB6, Morgan's court wasn't very popular in general and seeing Bob lose was a good time to make fun of her. It's like me saying "wow, you're so gay right now" doesn't necessarily mean you are a homosexual.
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can't stop thinking about Koma...
Lovely chuuni dork, shame her novel got cancelled
I comprehended what he wrote just fine. Both his translation of the Japanese text and his interpretation is bullshit, and only embraced by Bobkeks desperate to prove that their waifu wasn't a whore.
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KEKEKEK did alberto translate this too? lol lmao
Post support.
I'm actually looking for Teatime but somehow people on my FL keep using that Bazett CE, even though we're supposed to be done with the 6mil by now
>shitposters agenda is finally broken
>instant chimping out without arguing
Lip n Bob allied forces won this time
can't stop thinking about bros
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About Bob, it doesn’t matter how much the text goes on and on about how she used to be a kind and good person, you tell, not show; and the LB6 story doesn’t show anything about Bob’s past and only her being a bitch in the present
Lippers: provided links to japanese dictionaries to substantiate their claims
Anti Bobkeks: no u wrong u full of shit source trust me I know japanese
I'd say the Lippas won this round
Also the text is more in line with "I wonder how many people she has sold her body to until now!"
The "てきた" is a way to express something that been going on for a long time until now.
No one is done with the 6mil by now, unless you're a retarded appler
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>Lipbro presented 2 arguments
>but I will respond to the second one and galsight the goal moving part
You are such a faggot
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>you start claiming that the fairies are lying
>How do you explain both Barg and Bob saying that Bob sleeps around though?
What's there to explain? Is your 'gotcha' that only prostitutes have multiple partners? I get it's a tough concept for puritan fundamentalists to get, but it's possible for women to have multiple partners without being in the prostitution business.
Bob is more of a slut than sakura
Love seeing anti bobfags helpless seething.
thought that was loli luvia for a second
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She didn't even get some of the importance in NA that she got in JP due to translation issues (Calamity of Resurrection is kinda important to get into the script, Albert). A bunch of people were pretty confused what happened to her but it's way more obvious in JP.
Her mats do mention the context of her 3rd Ascension which we otherwise never see ingame.
I'd ravish her asshole, with my tongue and my cock
Love seeing bobfags helpless seething.
That second one hurt...
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Just to be clear, the very first mention of "Tam Lin" was in early 2022.
The name first appeared in JP LB6 mechandice like pins, stickers, pencils, lipstick, toilet paper and backpacks.
Then the name Tam Lin started to appear in figures as well.

Nobody knew what the fuck was a "Tam Lin" and why it was being used instead of Faery Knight.
Call her Bob cause she bobbing up and down my cock
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Have a seat, bobfag
It also doesn't help that obviously most posters here never even paid attention to the info box that gives a chronology of events, so they only discuss based on in-story characters' 3rd party accounts.
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What second argument? The claim that Bob was a slave that was sold around isn't supported by anything other than his mistranslation. Bob had one owner.
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The vermin tide...
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>all those screenshots to put bobhaters to their place in their future shitposting attempts
Love this thread
Bobfags are annoying, but I wouldn't call them vermin.
Lets see them maxed Bobs
define maxed
Post 120 Lip for maxed Boobs
There's a bunch of interesting things to be gleaned from that log, including some Albion tidbits so that's one of the things I enjoy a lot about LB6. Thorough worldbuilding is an absolute joy.
Man, you really suck at reading comprehension and understanding context
1. bob was a slave, her owner forced her into creating the zombie calamities. This is a FACT, again the pop up box of history notes this
2. the fae insinuated that she might have been sold multiple times. THIS is the SLANDER part.
3. The "mistranslation' has nothing to do with multiple owners, it's purely about rendering 端女 as servant or prostitute.
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Only one currently
>THIS is the SLANDER part.

Proof it was slander? Bob never claims it was a lie, so she implicitly accepts it as being true.
I don't care about bob, I merely care about the truth. It could have been any other servants, if it's inaccurate, it's inaccurate.
Liz and all her variants need to be put down
Putting up liz for the night...
You shitposters will never put down the Bob, Mata Hari, Sakura, Bryn alliance
You are still going reddit spacer huh
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fgog lost
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>12 turns
>with an entire team
Get better favorites
Are you a desperate shitposter or a clinical retard?
the used goods alliance
it's been over one year and we're still seething about Bob
Are you doing a montage/summary? Post it.
That's very weird because on JP, it was called Faerie Knight Cup in plain english text
good morning, bros
Holy fuck, read the thread blind nigger.
Antibobfags are the retardest of retards indeed.
>reddit spacing apologist
Neck yourself
>ParaCHAD is actually better when it comes to Art looping support compared to Merlina
>Bob never claims it was a lie, so she implicitly accepts it as being true.
Right after Bob's defeat the audience also starts to slander her since the child of prophecy is real and they think it will be the end of Morgan, so they can slander away.
She does say to the audience "got it all wrong" rebutting it but starts to panic since she realizes she has brought disgrace to Morgan.
If you cared about the truth you would email both Albert and Nasu and fly to every convention any FGO employer is at and ask them personally untill they kick you out.
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>an influx of redit spacers such as yourself from the 2016 election
Nice self report, redditor
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Sluts are better than whores because they have more agency in who they sleep with. They are stacies
It kind of depends since Merlina gives more damage and charge. It's a bit of a fine line and it also depends on who you want to loop with. Merlina is better for Percival for example.
4chan is reddit but browner and with a little less censorship
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I'm eating all the ice
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The way Bobfags have to constantly shift goalposts to try and defend her is hilarious.
That looks so cool
Thread summary: anti bobfags can’t read.
First time I've ever heard about Tam Lin was from SMT games.
>Tam Lin is a famous fairy who was said to haunt the Carterhaugh Woods in Scotland. He supposedly lured young women away to ruin them. He was once a human who had been trapped by the Fairy Queen. A young woman named Janet is said to have fallen in love with him at one point, and finally managed to free him.
Tam Lin itself a name, not an epithet. I don't get why Nasu would just stick with the name title Fairy Knight.
It's like naming your knights as Eric Bloodaxe Tristan or Eric Bloodaxe Gawain, for example.
Castoria mainly since im farming eggs with Saito
can I reliably 5CE the 90++ node without using one of my meta supports?
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I miss moot...
They hated you because you spoke the truth.
Who the fuck is moot? No one cares about some random mod from reddit.
a name can turn into a title like caesar. but changing it as nasu has done, without any explanation, is dumb.
Human Knight Gawain is of course a logical name anyone would choose to name their knights
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Moot is the original creator of the website. newfriend.
I'm using Oberon and Xu Fu to 6ce, so it should be fine if you swap Oberon for the damage CE.
Human is normative, and LB6 Morgan has knowledge of the human Knight originals because of PHH Morgan.
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>being this new
Is Summer Ibuki better than Space Ishtar or Summer Musashi?
And Fairy is normative for fairies
do you get why fairy knight is a stupid name now
She is better than Musashi, but I think Space Ishtar can be situational but Ibuki is better in general.
I see... I guess I just got too used to saving their bond lol

wouldn't I lack some NP charge then?
>and LB6 Morgan has knowledge of the human Knight originals because of PHH Morgan
You're fucking retarded.
much better plus RAITA servant
and she has knowledge of fairies by being a fairy
in a kingdom of fairies
making knights to enact orders against fairies
it is a retarded name
You'd be missing 20%, since he gives 70. Use someone who only gives a small amount, like Ozzy or Assclap.
wait, who is you damage dealer?
is the comp then oi + castoria (support) + xufu + assclap?
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The biggest

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