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Previous: >>487925149

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Yuyu love!
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
liz sex
Oh boy, that was a wild thread, innit? Let's have a chill one this time.
Hola amigos
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>anti bobfags helpless seething continues
They are hopeless aren’t they
i would top that so fast even light would be scared of
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let her cook
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This is your 9th anniversary servant say something nice about her.
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sex symbol
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And you seem to bring up bobfags in your every avataring session. Talk about being mindbroken.
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She's a Berserker so she gets to enjoy most of class advantage in this game. Not to mention she also deals extra damage against Earth.
I think I understand why appmedia rated her with 2 stars, for must pull category.
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Liz is so kind and progressive! Liz Love!
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I'd use one of these.
I want to make Liz into a mom
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Know your place dung beetle~
Damn, this is some good TV right here. This is on the way to be even better than the Solomon arc and it's definitely already better than that godawful pseudo singularity arc
Cute Aesc
But her Idoru career...
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I don't think any servant could stop her since she casually flicked Raikou's vajra away like it was nothing...
That's a prostitute
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I need to fill the cups
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God, Bobunnos is just so insanely adorable
how am i supposed to tell without colors, they look literally identical
She already was a mom at that age lol
Bob is officially not a prostitute, seething shitposter :)
Read this previous thread.
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yeah, but she's still a Berserker though
previous thread was debunked
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I'm sure we can market pregnant Idoru these days
Whats the best quick farmer for ruler skadi?
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Traum is so fucking boring, goddamn. Are the only people that like it fujos that think Moriarty (Young) isn't a completely shit character?
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It doesn't matter if the Bob in the lostbelt was a slut since when you summon a servant they're a virgin.
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mfw berserker enemy
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Actual previous >>487947641
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i selfinsert as him even though i dropped out of uni
Traum is pretty good man
>i selfinsert as a redditor
Color me surprised.
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Are you telling me that people haven't considered the thing that happened in Darlington as something different from Calamity?
nothin personnel kid
Too late Sei, i already have Scurvy.
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What the fuck is wrong with you?
thanks uh whatever that is
That doujin was a pain to read the whole way
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>no bulge
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It's Koma
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Enjoy bro
The cutest Tam Lin
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Mirror mirror on the wall, whos the best written servant of them all.
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Don't taint Vritra with your filth pedo AIkek
Mirror mirror on the wall
True hope lies beyond the coast
You're a damned kind can't you see
That tomorrow bears insanity
Is it me, or were there almost no interesting or fun side stories this Summer event? Less even than last year which didn't have many itself.
never give up bros
the indomitable human spirit can overcome any adversary
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>the indomitable human spirit can overcome any adversary
Looks like it can't overcome the genocide of humanity
Can it overcome an empty wallet?
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Why I don't want to brag but
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the chuuni gang was funny
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Would you fuck mythologically accurate Vritra?
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By the end of FGO Goetia might pass him
what if my adversary is another human with a more indomitable spirit
God she's so cute and hot and sexy. I love my oni big sister wife!
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Oberon was a clusterfuck of last-minute rewrites.
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Goetia will never become a servant.
Also hes not very well written anyways just because he took up a lot of your time with his singularities doesnt mean hes well written so even if he became a servant he wouldnt be in the top 10
You realize the chaldean calling himself Roman in the lostbelts is Goetia, right?
He's also obviously going to be playable at some point
Every other Beast has been turned into a Servant and he has already reappeared as an NPC. You're delusional if you think they won't add him.
Tiny Mash
>he has already reappeared as an NPC. You're delusional if you think they won't add him.
Goredolf servant soon because hes a NPC so he has to be a Servant too.
post comfy
This lol or nobukatsu servant
or roland
or pope
or uhh
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This summer...
Yea they've been teasing Goetia pretending to be Roman going around and doing good deeds / battling extremely strong characters off screen while warning you about future dangers so that he can ultimately just do nothing.
Also goredolf isn't a heroic spirit, goetia is.
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Do you actually believe what you're writing?
Grand Ruler Goredolf "The Phoenix" Musik
Liz cunny...
every other lostbelt king has...
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Zeus feels like one of those inevitable servants as well desu
Forma de tard wrangler
lolol Zeus
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My family
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I can fix her

The servants that still have either generic/lazy launch animations and/or bad bobblehead sprites/bad proportions are...

>Saber: 2 total

>Archer: 5 total
Orion (Artemis' sprite is terrible compared to her sprite in S.Orion's NP)
Kid Gil

>Lancer: 6 total
Cu Proto
Artoria Alter
Li Shuwen

>Rider: 4 total
Mary Read
Artoria Santa Alter

>Caster: 11 total
Liz Halloween
Nursery Rhyme

>Assassin: 8 total
Mata Hari
Hassan 100P
Hassan Serenity
Shuten Douji

>Berserker: 7 total
Eric Bloodaxe
Cu Alter

So 43 total servants still need work badly.
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Lip love!
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>the entire part 2 reframes goetia in part 1 as being an anti hero trying to stop the alien god, basically forcing a lostbelt incompatible with it
>goetia shows up throughout part 2 helping Chaldea behind the scenes under the guise or Roman (clearly as a sign of respect and admiration for the man who created and defeated him) and being tsundere towards them along the way
>tells you about the ordeal calls after part 2, and hints at a 4th ordeal call as well
>the final boss of part 2.5, and technically the entire part 2, is his master's former master, Marisbury Animusphere, who he has tried to stop
>"Uhhhm ahktuually he won't be a servant ever guys"
Should get a costume dress to go with her animation update, based on the original beta design.
>Original beta design
What's this?
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I think there's another page of this design floating around somewhere.
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Imagine Super Orion hitting that
I wish there was a way to choose go always play the "rare" NP for servants, or make it actually 50/50 instead of like 90/10.
Melusine's spear throw is way cooler than the dragon
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Reminder Geronimo's kit is STILL(Even on JP 2 years into the future)
Skill 1: Increases own Buster performance by 50% for 1 turn. 7 second cooldown
Skill 2: Increases own Arts performance by 50% for 1 turn. 7 second cooldown
Skill 3: Increases own Quick performance by 50% for 1 turn. 7 second cooldown
And looks like Lasange isnt planning on doing anything about it even though fixing a servants skills is way easier than giving them a whole new sprite and new animations you can just for example add AOE to his buffs and give 30% charge on each one and hes fixed and it would take them litterally 5 minutes.
So i doubt Lasange is going to do something as big as giving any of those old servants sprite and animation updates.
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I haven't even opened FGO in years but veteranposting always puts a smile on my face.
At least just make them targetable, or better yet make them party wide buffs. It's not like these buffs will magically turn him into a meta 3* or the likes.
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We'll get his update in the Sacagawea event. What class would she be?
So what? He can still loop.

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Gareth a cute
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Sushi is cool
There's a ton of servants that have been shown/tease/hinted at for YEARS now and they have yet to do a thing with them. Some by mention, some by cameo appearance or by merely having a design and still not using it. There's also the old datamine which slowly over time came true, we're mostly missing Violet, Kazuradrop, Proto Gil, Perseus (Rider and Lancer versions) to name some. Outside of that there are the following:

Agravain, Galahad, Gaheris, Palamedes, Kay

FGO Anime originals:
Rider Darius, Lancer Medusa Alter

Raikou's retainers:
Usui, Urabe

Abe no Seimei
Saber Raikou
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Ieyasu Tokugawa
WAY too many Guda Guda servants to list
The mystery Sheriff girl that was shown with Billy the Kid that one time. Just a ton of unused servants that I guarantee would make them money but we get more random bottom of the barrel scrape literal whos instead.
Why did you guys lie to me and say that Lostbelt 6 was good? It's a 5/10 story with a few 8/10 "epic" moments like the Round Table versus Barghest, Castoria vs Oberon, and Gareth's last stand. The actual pacing, characterization, and writing are really weak imo.
I miss when the 3rd node had 200k hp instead of 2 million hp.
because fgog said it was good and people just repeat their opinion here
people who play gacha games are not known for having high standards
>Usui, Urabe, Gaheris, Palamedes, Kay

You're equating a character who has appeared in multiple Part 2 chapters and is clearly involved in the story with characters offhandedly mentioned at some point?
No one cares.
Is it?
No one cares.
>Kid Gil
No one cares except 2.5 shotalovers itt.
>Cu Proto
>Artoria Alter
>Li Shuwen
>Mary Read
>Artoria Santa Alter
No one cares.
Hard to say considering that Astolfo actually has fans and Ozy just Gil 2.0.|
>Liz Halloween
>Nursery Rhyme
No one cares.
>Mata Hari
>Hassan 100P
>Hassan Serenity
No one cares.
>Shuten Douji
>Eric Bloodaxe
>Cu Alter
No one cares.
Caster Artoria, Oberon and Gudako traveling together and going on adventures was my favourite part of the Lostbelt.
You cared enough to be a homosexual about it. ;^)
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>Eric Bloodaxe
He already got a sprite update on JP
Kay is technically in-game as Add for Gray.
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This anni
I will now grail Erica.
>people who play gacha games are not known for having high standards
But everyone here read FSN, so we should all have higher standards then that.
I see people here hyping it up like it's the best Typemoon work, when it isn't even half as good as Heaven's Feel
I hope we'll get Rani this anniversary because I want that discord post to be real.
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Geronimo won't ever get updates.
Gareth was mad cute in this event. Had to get NP5 for her, even though I don't think she does anything Gawain doesn't do.
Gareth fucks dogs and loves Lancelot rather than you
I liked the scene where she peed herself. FGO needs scenes of female Servants peeing themselves.
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woof woof
We know. That's why she's a flop. We're waiting for Ainsel, the REAL Gareth, that people actually like and want to marry
Not a single character you mentioned but Galahad and Zeus are story relevant, and Zeus is one of those "could randomly appear at any moment" servants like Muramasa
Will obviously get a servant at some point when he makes his re-debut
Denying that Goetia will be a servant is just being retarded. He is sitting firmly in that Kirei / Rasputin role of not being added until his final major appearance, likely during a new years since that's about when FGO has released the final acts of part 1, 1.5, and 2 so far, so it wouldn't be a surprise if the final ordeal call (be it 3 or 4) releases this or next December.
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It's more interesting when characters have feeling for other characters rather than the blank self-insert MC.
Jalter still looks like shit too
It can be, but Gareth pining for Lancelot is actually garbage.
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Damn brat.
She got updated on JP we just don't have it on NA yet. That list is for servants that have never gotten one or are in desperate need of one. Most of them predate Babylonia.
>this is a 10,000yo homunculus made by gods
Lancelot crushed Gareth's head with his bare hand.
Galahad and Goetia have New Years servant release energy
Zeus has random event out of nowhere styled as "Nerofest" / "Zeusfest" energy
I want a Hundred Faces Hassan animation update.
Yes. But making a woman obsessed with the man that murdered her in cold-blood is cringe as hell. It's especially insulting that Sakurai wasted Gareth's interlude on that nonsense. Gareth's interlude could've been used to further explore her character, her relationship with the other knights of the round table, or her adapting to modern times...but no, we instead got Lancelot!Lancelot!Lancelot! Oh, how she loves Lancelot, even though Lancelot caved her fucking skull in.
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The only interesting thing here was that every gareth grailer burned her and took her off their support after this interlude
>Yes. But making a woman obsessed with the man that murdered her in cold-blood is cringe as hell.
No that is very realistic
Sakurai making cuck bait is not at all new
Oh, nice. Was wondering why a popular servant still looked like an animated paper mache
Time to fap to the AI art I've generated of Servants peeing.
Every day they remind me that they can't read
Frankly, I wouldn't have minded it being about Lancelot if she hated him for it, because that would have added complexity to their relationship and give her some kind of development.
Why are Medieval Ages people so strong
>Not even halfway through the point ladder
I'm at 2.8 Million points, can I get to 6 Million on natural AP?
lol no
But I can respect her for sticking it to Gudafags
Your Golden Retriever wouldn't hate you even if you killed it.
I'm already 4.2m
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Would you buy a Shinji onahole?
wait, the A Skull, Smashed, Open part was actually real? I didn't bother reading her interlude so I just skipped it
Which Servant would you like to watch pee themselves?
>Frankly, I wouldn't have minded it being about Lancelot if she hated him for it, because that would have added complexity to their relationship and give her some kind of development.
This would've been fine. Play up the tragic love element of Gareth loving the man who would eventually become her killer. Play up how this traumatized her, and now she hates him and is maybe even scared of him. Then play up her having to work with her killer for the greater good of the world. THAT would be some compelling writing.
>No that is very realistic
No, it isn't.
I can't wait for Fae summer so I can misunderstand so hard.
Yes, Gareth's interlude was about her having a PTSD flashback and being unable to work alongside Lancelot, and then at the last second switches over to her saying she was actually in love with him instead of afraid of him.
>No, it isn't.
Anon women love guys that treat them like shit. This is not new.
It's over...
why did they make his mouth so big...
Someone do AI of her.
So he can take multiple cocks at the same time and earn more money per hour at his prostitution job.
do we still have the same energy of 2017?
The weekends are still pretty bad
>But everyone here read FSN
I wish
we have a lot of people here who haven't even watched zero or one of the ufotable adaptations
it's realistic. women love alpha males and there is no more dominant act than taking ones life.
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Nurse's thighs...!
Why do you think women stay in abusive relationships? They secretly love it.
Delusional. You two have clearly read too many anti-woman talking points. A woman would not want to fetishize their literal killer.
>But everyone here read FSN
Their excuse is that it's not available officially.
Then when it is the excuse will be that it's too long, despite the fact FGO is probably longer by now.
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>wake up
>see this
What to do?
Is that why all the sigma alpha grindset masculinity obssessed retards are all either incels or gays?
Because women love alpha wolf smegma males?
Women fetishize the men that beat the shit out of them on the regular, as well as fetishize literal serial killers, the fuck you mean they wouldn't fetishize their murderer?
Start getting my cock milked by those girls.
...I actually did...
I will have sex with Abby until I die
close my eyes and wait for the inevitable
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if women could love their killers, they would. instead they would do the closest to that, loving the one that killed their loved ones, because they are the alpha male.
>Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Evil

Run away.
Melusine is secretly neutral good
If you have all farms maxxed itll take about a week of 90++ farming to get, the 6 million points.
Fully maxxed buildings give you 90900 points per run.
On natural ap you can do 7 runs a day.
Thats 636300 points a day.
Youll get the remaining 4.2 million points in 6.6 days, i.e. more than enough time on natural AP.
Lawful Evil loli when?
Thanks bro, I'm saved...
You might be the only one in on that secret
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Her iyos arent as big as himikos himikos but thats no loli
A lawful loli wouldnt sleep with you because thats against the law.
You what?
That depends on her god and I am her god.
Summer Abby is Lawful Evil
So there are a few cases of some women fetishizing serial killers and you take that to mean most women fetishize it?
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This makes Takeuchi wake up in a cold sweat.
What would you do in this situation?
Berserker Vlad is a bobblehead too, Lancer Vlad is lazy too
Berserker Cu just has a better baseline spirte, he still has shit animations
Nero Saber also has lazy year 1 animation but a better baseline sprite.
You are missing a lot there buddy
Can you blame him? That thing is hideous
It's comforting to know this ugly sack of lard will never get any attention whatsoever.
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iyo isnt a loli bro
I'm glad that Takeuchi doesn't hate my waifu. Imagine liking a character that's hated by the guy who can veto any addition to FGO.
Sexual intercourse.
You think a buzzer is going to stop me from raping her?
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What about now.
Only if it's before marriage.
anything younger than 18 = loli
What a horrible maze algorithm.
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Melusine is Lawful Evil.
Neutral Good implies that you're out to do as much good as possible, irregardless of whether that means your actions will be lawful or chaotic.
Melusine is nothing like that, so she can't be Neutral Good, especially because all of her actions are selfish, rather than altruistic.
Selfish, but somehow she's a also lawful for some reason?
Anyway her profile says neutral-evil, so she's neutral-evil. This isn't DnD so I doubt the alignment descriptions would be accurate to those blurbs from the 3.5 DMs guide or whatever the fuck that was from the first place
lawful means you believe in structure and order. lawful evil's oft compared most easily to organized crime.
You can be selfish and lawful. A dictator like Stalin for example is textbook lawful evil
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Selfish/selfless is a good/evil axis thing, but I don't think he was saying otherwise
Pooping on Melu,Abby and Draco.
>FGO has basically no presence in my country
Feels bad man
isn't tgat the case for most countries besides JP, USA, KR and China?
If I don't get Skadi, how will the next year look like for me?
indifferent lol
Basically the same, but you'll probably farm less with the handful of quick servants that are good for it, assuming you actually have some of them
You will become a Bloodaxe poster slowly but surely
Pick the blonde girl up and run to a secluded place
I gave Lasagna 160$ this month and I feel sick. I just saved up the paid quartz for future GSSRs though.
I gave lasagna over $400 this month.
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Do you have Castoria and/or Koyanskaya? If so, you'll be fine.

Realistically there's never going to be content that fucks you as long as you have one of the major colour supports and suitable damage dealers that work with them (and even then everything is doable without, this is just talking efficiency)

If anything, Skadi is simply the least reliable option of the three.
largely the same as before if you already got the meta supports before summer skadi, you just wont get to have fun with quick
I bought lasagna with $10 this month
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Locking ascension materials after ice was dumb as fuck, since you need ice to upgrades.
You don't get these until the event is pretty much over, so I dont think I will ever use her now.

I usually like to use welfares during their event at least, but this one was stupidly locked
I NP6(you need NP6 to lvl 120 and 3 append a character even with max bond you will come 30 coins short at NP5) every 5 star character i dont even wanna check how much i spent this summer with 4 new 5 stars.
Probably more than some anons here make in a month lol.
You got to use them via support, and they are max level and almost max skill, that way worked better for newbie who couldn't max welfare instantly
Yeah, locking welfares to the end is always such a weird idea to me. Getting a welfare early and then getting to use them during the event is neat since it adds to the identity of the event a lot.

I assume the idea was for you to get to know them first in this case before picking though.
Sex is simple
I just skipped through the event so i can get to the 90++ node asap.
Apologize to both Abby and Melu and immediately sex the shrimp in front of them.
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Fate uses the same labels but what qualifies them is different. It's meant to be principles/personality.
Nasu writes material books for his own version (see the citations).

Can these fucking hornets just fuck off already?
Im smacking down like 3 of these or more DAILY
GODDAMN is there a hive near here or something.
God I wish that was me.
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>>FGO has basically no presence in my country
very sad
why is jack paying the toll?
You wish you got punched in your pregnant stomach so hard it made you vommit?
Damn you freaky...
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I rolled all the meta supports. Now what?
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That's clearly just cumflated, not pregnant, but pregnancy adds a whole different thing to it, but also yes either way.
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>no veins on tits
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I saw a girl cosplaying as Astolfo in my country once. Nowadays, it's all Genshin cosplay
Cute Bob and Morgan
This the guy behind the ramen shops?
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If they're never going to let us replay story missions I wish they would at least make bosses in the story 1 AP and raise AP elsewhere so we can fight the bosses with interesting and experimental / story relevant setups instead of going full meta stall autismo like morgan-castoria-purin/merlin, since no one wants to restart a high AP mission or spend command spells on a boss
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Now wait for Seimei
I put ice cream in a cup and I just got Skadi
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Cernunnos' fight being 26AP per attempt was terrible...
Now you roll for whatever you like
Or wait for Daji for the 9th anniversary
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Oi! WTF! Don't slut up me mum!
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My condolences
I put ice cream in my ass and I just got Skadi
What the Sig(ka)ma?
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Summer Serenity soon.....................
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>went to Odaiba
>wanted to go to Tokyo Big Sight literally just to get to see it in person
>didn't cause there wouldn't actually be anything we planned to do there

Saw the Unicorn Gundam at Diver City though at least. Also the Statue of Liberty they have there for some reason.
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bayzed redrop
>no Caster Tamamo
You're not done yet
Dangerous Beast cunny...
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>Asako dead center
Asako love! Please give her something Lasangle! I love her so much!
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I can't believe this magic works
Can't wait for summer Kuro
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I breed this
Keep Steggy's name out of your mouth.
I beat Cern with a blue cube and I feel zero shame for doing so.
This guy has not once drawn my favorite in these pictures...
redrop is so cringe
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>Miss Crane on the bottom left
My fucking sides holy shit
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How many of this pics btw? I have only 6
God, Da Vinci is so fucking retarded
As long as this general stands and I get slly/dumb ideas for MtG edits, I'll be there to deliver too
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only these ones are truly "meta"
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You're missing the inn one and the one of them out camping.
It's honest to God the easiest shit they could do.
They have all the story moments in the game, the missions and enemies don't just get erased when you complete them either (as evidenced of people using offline hacks to replay boss fights that aren't normally replayable)
All they have to do is add a "replay gameplay mission" to the my room cutscene menu (and maybe but a boss asterisk next to the parts that have bosses). They just don't want to or are too lazy to despite how much player retainment it would add, since everyone wants to try out their shiny new servant against their favorite bosses
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Why Douman got bigger tits than the female characters.
you already forgot brito?
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Marie alter.
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these pancakes are to gogh for ehehehe
the fotm queen...
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Nasu... Please...
So, what's with high school setting?
Queen of used goods...
they can't afford flops anymore bro...
It's actually kind of annoying that besides the charge reduction and stun chance they turned reines from a Waver sidegrade to a Waver upgrade
Waver needs a strengthening at this point. NP damage added to his attack skill would do it.
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Asako is very beautiful and I'm sure showing off her abs in a swimsuit will make a lot more fans appreciate her...
why do you ask why the yumebait has ridiculous proportions but not why the coomerbait (raitabortions especially) have way more ridiculous anatomy?
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Enjoy your homo Hassan instead.
Hassanchads will grail this right
why did they do it bros? why did they feed the female masters with shota hassan?
We have year 1 servants that are waiting in line without an Anniversary CE or a swimsuit... It's not fair...
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>they can't afford flops anymore
They haven't spent a cracked dime on the game for nearly a decade while pocketing billions. They can and will afford all the flops Nasu desires.
He looks like he would be a succubus (boy) that would lose easily to older men.
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>Asako, Serenity and Little Hassan as different ascensions of the same summer servant
You like?
By who?
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So close. She's hitting with a full stack of triple skadi buffs and a gate of Skye for good measure so there's not much I can do to squeeze out extra damage, but I'll play with it a bit more later.

I believe in Summer Skoohoo
>Not even one of my favourites there
I don't care.
rape (Reverse)
Can she fry rice?
not a shota just like how not everything thats not a titcow hag is a loli.
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>most profitable banner this year
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post them
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Yes, that'd be very cute.
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No, he'd definitely win
Cute FOTM girls
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Cute hags.
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/alter/ forgot her the moment she got released on NA...
It's over......................................m...........
You can go on danbooru right now and check what kind of art douman gets. Hes clearly yumebait.
I'd accept this if it were a 3 servant squad in all 3 ascensions and they had 3 swimsuits EACH
Draco is shit
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More like I forgot her the moment I saw that third ascension.
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Xu Fu can appear on the FP summon or she is only on the story gacha?
Mo isn't fotm and neither is Oi. Hell, you could say Oi is the only chinese servant that can be considered /alter/core.
shes general pool now that anniversary is over so you can get her from both
She's in the FP summon.
slightly over 720,000 a copy though
She is on my s-rank anti-lesbian cock
"Nah, I'd win" he says, with his womb tattoo in full view

gujira ass character

As of the end of a the anniversary rate ups, she's now just a normal 3* General pool servant so yes, she can be in FP summons.
uhh based department? this one right here
>reddit spacing
>his womb tattoo
uuuh you fucking retards males don't have a womb
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You were missing more than I thought.
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>The buster card is cursed arm spiking a volley ball
>Extra is a mini hundred faces NP+Ca, Little and Serenity
>NP is the 3 of them throwing a watermelon next to the enemy and KH spawning in and doing his azrael near identically to normal except with a blindfold. The watermelon is also shown cut in the aftermath.
Don't worry, Lady Avalon will solve that problem.
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I fucking hate Merlin
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Swimsuit this year.
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Me groping Jacks fat ass from inside the tent
What type of -bait is this?
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holy based and pedophile
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blessed slop
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>Green eyes
This Da Vinci is sus...
I care. If they got animation updates I'd 120 them.
Has plenty of fans.
1 Gareth, not bad
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how can you tell? her womb is covered in all ascensions?
Kama doesn't usually hit that hard for me, but this specific expression and mood, the "tired of your shit" fashionable girl one, actually hits so fucking hard for me and makes me immediately understand Kamabros. It's the same mood/look she had in that one Douman/Abby/Kama pic.
Yuyu love!
Is the AIbro here?
Cursed-Arm and Hundred Faces share the same artist too, make it happen Nasu.
There's generally 2 or 3 at any given moment, it depends on what you want.
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>1,200 SQ
>Np2 Arcueid
>Np3 Summer Ibuki
>Np1 Summer Skadi
>Np0 Female Merlin
>30 SQ left
It's owarida, I don't have any savings left for Kukulkan and that WOOOOO guy
Don't worry. You have 2 years left to save. They had reruns this year in JP if I remember. Or was it last year?
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>no arc
kuku got a rerun before OC1 came out, WOOO got 1 during summer 8
Nasu needs to stop TM from hiring more fujos...
Plenty of time to save, unless impulse rolls starts calling.
holy sex
My Hassan name is Hassan of epic flaming skull. Pretty cool and scary, right?
male womb?????
I though Task Ohna(the artist behind the Hassan of the womb tattoo) was a guy tho.
Koyanskaya stole my Chinese vampire senpai's outfit...
Show me one.
Uhhhhhh where is Scheherazade?
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Horey basado
>you must wait longer to delete this post
>you can't delete a post this old
It figures. Nobody cares about Arc.
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Did they ever explain why she is so retarded?
Hassan of the womb tattoo NP.
NP 1st activation:Hassan has a gangbang with all the male servants on the team and gets pregnant
All enemies are stunned by the sight for 2 turns
NP 2nd activation:Hassan gives birth to the babies dealing massive damage increased damage per male on the team at the time of impregnation.
If a male died after the first NP activation it doesnt reduce the damage.
my semen goes there
She was already retarded back in her own lostbelt. Her shenanigans is just an extension of how retarded she can be outside of her own lostbelt, and happy to be retarded and alive.
Her ice cream is laced with lead.
Xu Fu's cuteness is too much for me.
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I skipped the entire LB6 story to get enough SQ for Summer Skadi.
have you played LB2? She's just generally not very smart
LB6 was shit anyways.
FGO story peaked in Babylonia.
sakurai writes what she knows
>lb6 bad
who the fuck is pushing this new narrative
is it who I think it is?
it's slow hours right now. what do you think?
It was me, I'm the one behind the LB6 smear campaigns and also the ati character assassination drive.
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This is a city
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Post city feet
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Girls can be anything they wanna be.
Even cities.
Girl power.
Bros, I'm losing faith in the upcoming Schez anniversary CE and summer alt...
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finna repopulate this city
soon (+2 years) quick will be saved...
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AIbro? can do you?
sex with retards
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Hassan of the feet...
She's written kinda boring and her outfits look kinda stupid
why does she have two of everything
[Yes] [No]
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He uses those feet to pleasure old men.
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
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She's a spellcaster and all spellcasters are nerds, high intelligent but low wisdom
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I'd do some irrigation work and fill her plumbing with plenty of water
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He's probably the best Hassan since he's the Hassan with the least presence.
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I followed the line of quotes wrong so I thought you were talking about Xu Fu having a womb tattoo
Idk, 100 faces Hassan is pretty good at hiding her presence from official events and the camelot movie.
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You have had her for a week now
Have you realized how useless she is and how much you wasted your SQ?
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If you told me he was a moderately popular K-pop performer I wouldn't question it
I finally got Gareth!
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Why is she like this
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>a random corpse just stood up and walked away
I can't believe everyone is just letting the thing walk in the north pole
>estonian flag on hat
There's nothing that can be done.
this looks like it was made by the aho girl mangaka
He looks like a pure blooded slav to me.
Hes from Estonia.
>Onii chan was right about her
In my observations so far I have noticed that humans often have two eyes, two arms, two legs, and the females two breasts, barring some irregularities this appears to hold true as a pattern for the species as a whole.
>12th century arabs
>hiring slavs
Uhh when did that happen?
Estonians are niggers for slavs
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Anon, it's prostate inspection day
Bend over and spread your cheeks
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I can't believe a random corpse standing up and walking anything noticeable at all when you have elder gods of the outer rim walking in skimpy swimsuits, actual ghosts floating around and polar bears walking.

Its impressive they just didn't walk over it as if was dirt on the carpet
>estonians are niggers for niggers
big if true
What happened to AbbyBro? Thinking about removing him.
It can't be helped.
>pure blooded slav
White and asian people get their pale skin from their ancestors mass raping Neanderthals into extinction.
Pure blooded people are black.
>t. Yakub
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This comment was uncalled for.
He got hit by a car.
Well she showed up in the new ReDrop art thingy
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He got invited to the party van.
Is it cuckshit if I like a character but just think she'd be a good friend with my Gudako?
Mutts mad.
he got the army draft
subhuman nigger faggot
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It's nice to be peaceful.
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>am I a cuck for liking a female character platonically
nah, it just means you support her fucking a dog and loving her own killer, and hell, if you're gudako, it means you're a good friend
If I'm just grinding visitors, should I use the most recently unlocked node or does it not really matter?
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We have Apollo’s son, its a Tuesday thing.
>should I use the most recently unlocked node
Niggers are the humans.
If anyone is subhuman its the half human half pale goblin creature aka you.
Recent ones are way better.
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Peace was never an option
subhuman nigger faggot monkey
You niggas don't even read the story
There shouldn't have been living humans there considering the only people there are Chaldea, animals and ghosts. Of course it would raise questions if you found a normal human body on what you otherwise thought was a dead, bleached planet.
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Fuck you xNaya you pussy
Niggers are the humans.
If anyone is subhuman its the half human half pale goblin mutt creature aka you.
retarded nigger
Meanwhile, in africa...
Servant for this feeling?
Nobody said he was white.
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My dad works for Fujitsu and he says there's going to be a new idol event!
She will be getting one.
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Sure but it'll be Space Eresh's event and will include 0 costumes.
I want a rerun of the idol event just so I can pick up the costumes I missed.
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Aren't they in Miss Crane's shop?
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Her feet look abhorrent in-game
Cute but aren't these things venomous?
holy cute
Caterpilars are so cute.
I wish they didnt turn into butterflies and stayed like that forever.
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Best trio ft. teen mom and habenyan.
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Nice big Kama sippy this year, I see...
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Feet love!
pokemon ripoffs
i hope nintendo sues them
Stomp on them
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I hope it means they'll remember her and she'll get some event appearances...
Nope and they aren't available on JP either.
oh hey, it's that gasoline sniffer native aussie servant whose name I forgot
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Who does this appeal to
is she heading to Australia?
Good work bro!

Is it true that Barghest murdered them?
Australia was a mistake...
This is a pokemon!
you were not supposed to talk about what happened in the welsh forrest...
No, they're venemo
they make you itchy
Post more cute Xu Fu!!
Barghest murdered them, then had sex with a random fairy and ate him afterwards
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>caterpillar posting
Stop that shit
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Barghest did nothing wrong
It was a war bro, she had no choice
I hate these fucking things.
Good Morning brehs
Call me a pessimist but I'm thinking there won't be a summer Schez in JP this year.
Morning, brap
Why did Aurora do it?
Thank god
>Olga dressed as Liz
Weird but fun
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Bro, your clown wife is at the middle right, 15 feet taller than the rest.
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>Olga dressed as Liz
Morganbros, our response to this?
Why do you have to be so blunt...
I don’t like iphone bobfag.
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The Bad Boys of Chaldea
That's Homete-chan
get dabbed on nerd
Oh thank god she made it out of that trap.
I was so scared for her.
Post full please…
No... ;_;
Zhang Jue is surprisingly skinny
Watch until the end sis.
Watch until end she makes it out at the end.
>summer 6 didn't include dino mom at all
No, they are of the harmless kind. But in general, the colorful and decorated, the more likely they are venomous.
My bad I didn't see it
Who the fuck is she then? never seen her
Halloween SSR, the one with the thick thighs.
one of these is not like the others
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Time to save.
Irrelevant, forgotten, and homosexual.
I'm thriving in a hostile environment
>small binchi is taller than seiba
The king is a manlet
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Did we ever find out if he legitimately felt bad about them or if it was just an act like usual?
Cute milly
it's whatever your headcanon is, like most stuff about him
>goes out of his way to kill the horse guy who participated in the murders
>This act puts him at risk of beign exposed as he shows himself as vortigern ruining his centuries old plan in front of the guy but he still does it anyways
Nah bro, he totally was not angry at all
If he's talking about it it means its on his mind
If it's rent free, he cares regardless of what he says
Oberon cared about his insect forest faerie friends, Caster Artoria, Gudako and Blanca.
There is a reason why they are present when we visit his dream/head space kind of place.
What about Gudao?
Male self insert=bad
he cared about them but can't say so because pretender lore ect ect ect thank you nasu-sama
Put on the dress
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Oberon feels more attachment to female master because she's not canon. He is more sympathetic to discarded and untold stories and that's why he will never care as much about male master, who is canon.
this. male masters should go outside a touch some grass.
Oberon pleases old men for money and intel
Da Vinci should start putting estrogen in Gudaos food.
He would look so much better as a girl.
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Meant for >>487990312
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Holy kino
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Unironically, Oberon was written by Nasu himself to be softer on Gudako rather than Gudao, even notion without any specifics on settling with her since she's as close as he can get to finding Titania. Oberon outright is hostile or down to earth you Gudao, but never once ever softens up or show any gentle care like he does to Gudako.
I understand that you say Aesc instead of Ash or Toneriko because that's the official localization, but then why do you say Artoria instead of Altria?
Oberon is a bad written character.
Fucking basado.
You did it again, Kinoko Nasu.
Tony, my beloved
holy fucking KINO
Truly Oberon is the Miquella of Feito Gurando Oudah
Bobby, my beloved.
On Nasu's deleted blog post, I was there
Based veteran op
I got no ce drops from clearing the entire shop
kinda weird
oberon is "the attractive bad boy who only likes me and only I understand him."
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I'll never get blessed by Liz...
I made it up.
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sisters won
elden ring's story is shit in general desu
at least with dark souls you could puzzle together some decent guesses
My knees...
Oberon hates Gudako and is only for Titania. Sisters need to get a reality check.
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Melt and Lip being in the middle means that it must be Lip's year!
You can stick a banana into one (1) female servant's anus.
Who would it be?
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I'm not even close to Avalon le Fae but ai like Oberon and his stupid smug face.
Reminder that in Oberon's swimsuit costume voice line, he blushes and tells Gudako that he prefers seeing her in her swimsuit over the normal mystic code that she wears.
Shut your manwhore mouth and let me fucking have this you bitch
reality check these nuts in your mouth
Bro they were after thoughts, it's proof they aren't relevant anymore
Oberon at release had a interlude where he killed Gudao and then proceeded to marry and impregnate Gudako and lived happily ever after with Gudako but due to Gudao players outrage this had to be changed.
so? most people would have skipped him if he wasn't mandatory for 90++ anyways. he is in chaldea to work.
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The Gudakosisters won.
>2500000pts for MLB drop CE
I hate it
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Why are the oberon sisters getting uppity this time?
>ever trusting oberon
How do wufags feel about her being aged up for her summer version?
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They feel insecure and their lack of confidence is showing as usual.
i dont want to have bug sex
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I said, the Gudakosisters won. It's a done deal.
Because I want them to be my /alter/ gfs
Bob love status?
unholy sex...
seiba is spreading her legs and a bit hunched over
manlet still
Her h-doujins have more soul than hag Wu.
I kneel NASU
Translate it weebs
I drive.
Hiroshimoot has acquired your location
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You make a good point.
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Oberon is homosexual. He’s not for (you), sisters.
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This section was really cute, Wu and Yuyu's relationship is my favorite in FGO.
you just made that up
no way fag
Your standards are remarkably low. Congrats!
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>Appmedia said that out of all the summer gacha servants, the best one to roll if you can only get one is Douman
>Douman is the only one I didn’t manage to roll
Am I screwed
no yu
>plays gacha
>thinks he has high standards
AI faggot, do a pregnant Oberon
Isn't this from the same artist that draws casual Gudabro and Gudasis skinship illustrations?
If you can arts/buster loop not really
>servant compliments (You)r swimsuit
Enough about Kuku
Douman is dogshit lol
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Douman is really great for the Ordeal Call 90++ daily quests. They have really high HP but are weak to Instant Death.
They also give a lot of Bond so you don't want to bring a Black Grail.
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He can tear you apart with his bare hands or with his BDC
Could I theoretically use Nito instead?
If they are weak to instant death then won’t Nitocris work just as well?
The waves are mixed, not all enemies are weak to Instant Death, so Douman is good for clearing the wave that is weak to it, and giving really good buffs to the rest of the party to clear the other waves.
Nitocris can clear the waves that are weak to it, but she doesn't help the party with the rest of it.
nta but Douman has a higher IK multiplier at least, no idea if it's needed though
I think Douman can 100% Instant Kill Silver enemies if you use the new MC skill that we got, so he has that going for him. He's not only good against Bronze enemies.
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I hate big wu and her massive _ego_
mmmnm I need to level that MC
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>log in
>kiss Bob
>log out
This is my Fate/Grand order.
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We have until June next year. That's when we should get the Ordeal Call Paper Moon chapter release and the daily bleached Earth quests.
Douman has the highest instant death rate (144%)
For some enemies Nito & Nito Alter are not enough
>this dumb gimmick is what separates an excited Douman and a henchman Douman
What did Sakurai mean by this
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>Hello? Human Resources!?
I mean, she was in summer 6...as the challenge quest. But yeah, it's weird that she didn't show up there; but in Traum of all places.
Imagine summoning this jobber tranny
let her cook
Find out in summer 8
Can I see the node?
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Enkidu a shit.
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What are they thinking
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It's not a single node, there are a lot of them like that. Pic-related is one example.
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Good moming
Good morning, annoying spammer
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Some more examples.
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Morning bro
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It was made by him.
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No, Doughman's insta kill is guaranteed against 80% death rate enemies
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my sex toys
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Big Boob Boys
I like them
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Morning mama
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Douman is the only big boobed one here tho
Better choice than Camazotz
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Onore Douman
Does QSH have any sexual equipment?
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My choices are limited
No just mercury
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Reminder almost every saberface gets its swimsuit
Holy fucking kino
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She already has a swimsuit.
Mom Love!
Belly... kisses...

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