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Previous: >>487968995

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Yuyu love!
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let her cook
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Irrelevance the trio!
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Do you like men with womb tattoos?
Who's that Pokémon?
hey that's the area where my nuts usually land
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Cute trannies!
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Not cannon.
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This is your 9th anniversary servant say something nice about her.
So if you summoned S Ibuki arguably you don't need to roll any more strong aoe servants? Or maybe consider getting 1 or 2 more for multicore comps?
liz sex
liz is dead
The founders of my fan club.
Edison with siegfried sword on his back
Potato mom posts are consistently some of the highest quality posts in /alter/
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I consider it canon there for it’s real. See my blog tomorrow.
Looks like two big cannons to me
What do you think about the 9th anni fanart so far?
I refuse to think
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Pop quiz
Kama is on her llama, but she's not going to the Bahamas... Where is she going?
The perfect woman.
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What would you do in this situation?
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Kamaket... that's right.
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Lip love!
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
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>7 days left for/alter/ shit up /fgog/
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Canonically barefoot servants?
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I will wait for more to come in. Seems like its mostly the same few servants over and over so far. Usually the page gets busy during the stream days i.e. next weekend.
To Muramasa!
Kick his knees for massive damage, dude is Darius sized.
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It better be another Saber face.
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Can redrop draw one of these without putting that trash at the front
Why is she flopped
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Good morning bro

Kama on her llama going to see mama...
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Morning bro
Because the 8th anniversary is our worst anniversary in many years. Like 5th which had to follow after the 4th which was the best anni ever wasn't even that disappointing in comparison.
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Asako love!
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It was the best since it showed JP kneels to Albert by giving him a free vacation.
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I hope they go in Japan again for JP anni but this time they don't treat us as trash
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>vacation stream
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Yuyu love!
he lives
>Can redrop draw one of these without putting that trash at the front
What do you have against Steggy?

>capatch is Hag WP
What did it mean...
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Aoko in 636 days
steggmeister and the fellas
steggy HATE
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Ended up going over 200SQ the budget I had set aside for Skadoodle lol. Time to turn my mind into steel until Tezca+Tlaloc.
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There's Lip...
total steggy death
They're heading in
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Fluffy summer soon.
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Da Binky is so cute...
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Teen mom staring at maid Yui.
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The lip cosplayer is the chink assassin we get this halloween right? Is the photographer supposed to be Georgios?
built for sex
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Thats the bird costume maker
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>read the posts shilling Douman last thread
>throw 300 quartz at his rateup
>nothing but two Yan Qing (that I've already NP5'd) and a mini Wu
Mmmmmmm I refuse to take responsibility for my extremely impulsive and short-sighted decision, therefore I'm blaming you for this, /alter/. This is all your fault.
I'm never going to recover from this mistake
i assumed that it's the takuwhatever guy from gudaguda
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uhhhh and Melt?
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Miss Crane*
That's crane
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>servant fest
>in summer
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>he doesn't have his own Douman

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Its going to be Castoria Alter.(buffs Buster instead of Arts)
Its Crane
holy based
Ah yeah, it makes sense, it had completely slipped my mind. In my defense it's due to her casual clothes...
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Hey, it's Steaky the Steakodon!
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>Consider the following
>giant fucking onigiri
Skill issue.
I got him in my first summon.
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thoughts on this servant, 70% legs posters?
Check who is manning the stall.
That's it I'm going to throw another 90 quartz
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It fills me with pain and cringeworthiness.
>farming ooku
>spam quick servants and clear everything with the free 50 stars from pill box
>free and easy and cheap mats
why didnt i do this sooner
>you should have done the event
im a latelet who only finished the lostbelts in time for tunguska
goho wouldn't say this
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Sexo but I like the masked ascension more.
I wish this game would die and free us all from this cage
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He returns!!!!
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I want this game to go on for another decade
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I heard the main push to not use the original pride flag was that the original one was public domain, while all the newer variations are owned by someone you have to pay to use.
He's in. Trust the plan.
Just another boring raitabortion, nothing special
Teen mom is Abby height
Well? Have you got him?
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Hag love!
I remember Magical Girl Nightingale's anime
Just another boring turd post. Nothing special.
>castoria alter
Things I never knew I wanted. Though artistically that's just Morgan.
can you use a command spell to make oberon pretend he's a girl
hypothetically speaking
My king is universally cute.
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The cause of these feelings are fairly personal, so I think goho would get it.
>Summer beast Nero
Most Ooku quests only have 1 wave which makes it super easy to get through, running through the labyrinth is the shitty part.
I prefer Milly’s mask ascension.
no, chaldeas command spells are canonically not as strong as those in normal grail wars but are regenerating in turn.
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That's literally me on the right though
How many SQ does the main interlude version of Ooku give, anyway?
it would be a powerful suggestion, but he would need to have a part of him that wants to pretend to be a girl to work.
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>just realized the shop has silver and gold monuments for all 7 classes
isn't this highly unusual?
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Nothing but another Yan Qing copy. He really loves me.
This is your shuten for tonight
Would you fuck it or let it fuck you?
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Shut up, Aoko
Class Score soon
i finished mahoyo yesterday and i never saw penguin alice whats up with that
Have we ever canonically used command spells in chaldea for anything other than mana infusions? I can't think of any instances
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Maybe I will drop 30SQ to support you and share your pain.
I'd impregnate it.
Considering that douman is 200cm tall, giganigga probably suffers from gigantism and acromegaly. His shins are so brittle you can just kick them and he'll turn into dust.
Considering that Rulers need each monument to ascend, not really.
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aoko sex countdown obviously
yeah and at most 2 waves which means quick looping is nbd
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you wasted a couple in the submarine event to dress up servants in swimsuits
There's only like one good doujin of this series man wtf.
fat ass
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>did we ever had
Worst girl
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Why do they continue to add completely unnecessary crap to the sprites?
looks cool.
WTF it’s a cat
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Don't do it.
This general is infested with South Americans
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It would look nice without Raikou.
With the release of Summer Skadi, we’ve reached the end of the meta-support units for the time being.
Which servants are you looking forward to for the next two years and why?
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it's badass
I look forward to summer Tam Lin rate up (especially summer Baobhan Sith) and OC3.
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sex city
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Is Douman "necessary?"
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>No pan
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Raita is an artist that keeps adding to a design without stopping, and he has no tard wrangler to stop him because he's popular in Japan.
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It looks retarded.
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Why do retards call raitabortion a mom?
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Would Raikou die if Shuten gives her an alcohol enema?
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Why haven’t you flushed yourself yet, turd?
Okay bro, I won't.
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Looks like mom's horn-y again
Get it?
Isnt Scaramouche a failed clone of the thunder Archon Raiden(whos a girl)?
Doesnt that mean hes also a girl so how is it cucking to have girls spend some time together.
Look like a tail buttplug
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bros, is it morally wrong to use cute fanart as your profile picture if the artist has a DO NOT USE/REPOST/REUPLOAD disclaimer on their profile?
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beast nero is what I've saving for next, don't really care about any other servents
Mommy issues
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based thanks :)
There's a side-story: "Potete dormire ma nessun rida"
Does Raita draw any male characters?
Do they look as retarded as his female ones or do those look normal.
Poor relationship with their real one so they give the title to a jpeg instead
Cooldusa because Medusa is my favorite servant, and the Mahoyo stuff since I really really like Mahoyo.
dumb tourist
Imagine rubbing her forehead
I like Milly and most of Raita's work, but this ascension has got to be one of Raita's worst designs ever. Her right leg is freakishly long even by Raita standards. It isn't even proportional to the rest of her body, and that's not even mentioning how unbelievably cluttered the ascension is.
People are forgetting the possibility of Aslaug from Lost Einherjar as the anni servant
how new are you
charlotte being VIOLENTLY mogged in this image
i'd like to np6 van gogh and melusine
other than that, i'd like the silly clown but i have no sq to roll for him rn
literally who
But those jpegs look abhorrent lol. Couldn’t they find someone cuter?
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I started playing a month ago.
File deleted.
lurk moar
Morals are personal, nobody can answer that but you.
Now ethically, are you violating their wishes by doing so? Sure, but that's your prerogative. Either do it or don't, there is no vindication.
This is your Raikou for tonight
Martha is just raikou without raita's shitty proportion
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Pretty eyes
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>Does Raita draw any male characters
where the fuck did you come from?
Thats boring.
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>the possibility of Aslaug from Lost Einherjar as the anni servant
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I don't know why most of them don't move on to Tiamat
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I kind of wish I still had a sub now
Sigurd and Bryn’s daughter
I would laugh (cry) if they did that.
Are you going to actually anwser my question or keep making asinine shitposts like this?
This is why you're going to die a virgin.
I hope they release another beast before Draco hits NA so I can have options.
tiamat's cute, but she's kinda one note. raikou has a pretty big web of relationships with all the other nipwank servants which is fun, plus it means she gets a lot of screentime in events.
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Why can't they self insert as another character?
I self insert as Kintoki.
Tiamat looks nice. Much better than raitabortions for sure. She also is an actual character with a relevance to the story.
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Sucks to suck, but its their lot in life to get mad at bros I guess.
If it's on their profile I respect it, if they ruin the image with it I use one of those watermark removal sites and repost it.
Okay bros you get to choose one new 3* for the upcoming JP anni. Who do you pick?
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Open wide cause here comes the train
Mom Love is too powerful
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>anni servant
>goetia lily
>not goetia young like gil
Would you?
Popularity isn't the reason they are shit on. It's because you dumbasses can't go one thread without spamming your shitty characters
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No point in picking
It's Takeru's wife.
Never going to happen.
They will never make Goetia a servant stop coping.
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>strikingly few have summer skadi in their support slot
>several have random CEs, not fully leveled
how hard is it to put a 10/10/10 summer skadi with teatime in extra?
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Proof of Summer Jack happening this year
Alter Ego Shinji (Poseido/Perseus)
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Would Lip have been more popular if her claws were more this size? I know Melt and Lip are supposed to be freaky looking, but comparing Melt's legs to Lip's claws isn't even a comparison. Melt's legs are large, but Lip's claws are fucking HUGE, which gives her a completely fucked silhouette compared to Melt.
She’s on Event with teatime, but I don’t have space for her on Normal
Ask the artist for permission? Just slip a DM or two.
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Mom sex
>turd hands
Saar you posted an Indian servant
Gogh, specifically Vincent. Think of him as Arts Arash
oh and salute to Daniel if you're here
thank you for your tt s.skadi
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That would be dope
why is the right wing raiding the artic demonic ice castle?
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She is on my support, in extra, with Teatime though?
Just make her claws human sized.
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For me it's Theo.
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If Foumes counts as 6CE, I insist that Beginning of the Journey counts as 6CE.
Based trannytard
What's the point of him being Arts if he exits stage left after the NP? He's not going to need a refund
we already have an arts arash in Habetrot
It does
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>retard’s attack on mombros stop as he samefags himself to attack Kamabros now
You made this post last week and I still have no idea what you mean by this
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I love women
Funny how he always outs himself so easily
I have no qp
ikr so easy to tell
With Andromeda in the game and actually having good things to say about the guy, I believe they'll walk back on their "Perseus was actually a super loser" account or treat it like Medusa having a very biased opinion.
Shinji can be another loser they constantly shit on to shill the current waifu, like Nergal.
You are much more annoying than raitabortioners desu. Both of you are extremely annoying, don’t get me wrong.
does it increase bond
The faggot is so obvious at this point its sad.
Add me bro, working on her 2nd append right now.
Because Buster wouldn't fit, and we already have Quick Gogh
Hasn't stopped them before when it comes to "X but another card type"
They'll just give him the Jason treatment and make him kinda loserish but able to pull through in a pinch
Garage Kit or fig?
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>Upholds traditional values (kills prostitutes)
based yumesis
Headpats for Kama...
Based Kamachad
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>double peace
Kama is too lewd!
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>fuck it, impulse roll for Ibuki
>tickets go
>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
>nothing so far
>loading screen
>1 ring
>3 rings
>it's a double sided Assassin card
>and it reveals...
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I aescd
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Mom Love!
Already did sweaty!
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I regret asking.
??? That is Skadi Ruler in the normal extra support slot with MLB Teatime equipped like you wanted?
Too hard to use
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>Last refresh 12 hours ago
Please... no more lists...
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It's her turn, amigos
wtf Jack is based?
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I'm not the guy, I'm just shitposting.
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cute newfriend
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who is the worst "looper" of all three card types do you think?
what i mean by this is that they can loop, but it takes too much effort or party cost, or they just dont deal damage
obviously with kscope a lot of servants can loop but in a sense i would probably say
mysterious ranmaru x
for non-welfare, maybe rule rmoriarty?
sei shounagon
summer bb?
>Check rayshit
>last refresh 7 month ago
phew safe
im still safe from the lists.
Keep malding turd no one likes you here.
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hagliz is so cute...
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My wives
Why can't we have this Liz instead?
wouldn't the easiest answers to this just be "some random dogshit release 2* servant" like phantom?
Maybe if it's gold cards only
I am willing to recheck every fc to find some new 120 or 100, but eh, maybe after Gudaguda.
Damn, btfo'd by a nerd
holy kek
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>Summer JK Fox
>Summer Kuro
>Marie Alter
>Alice (Kana Hana servant finally)
I'll probably forego some servants over others, such as Marie since she's only story locked.
audibly laughed, how have I not heard that one before
ok so what are the worst SR/SSR loopers
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Nice thread, /alter/.
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>got a long loading on a ticket
>gold sparks start rotating
>3 lines
>oh shit oh shit
>lancer Vlad
This might be a little bit controversial but i dont think theres anything wrong with cucking as long as its done tastefully.
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I'd rather have that MLB Vitch CE on her.
Cute potatoes
/alter/ would be saved if it had IDs and flags
Sorry buddy you used up all your CE request tokens with that fang CE you had everyone put up
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wtf I made this joke before and no one replied....this is infringement!
That'd be cool but I don't know if it's worth your time. A while after OC would probably give you the most notable changes if you were to pick a time.
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That one guy has a higher chance of making shitting on a plate look tasteful than you cuckoldry.
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Post canon couples
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Why do you want to kill Kamabro.
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imo should only be every anniversary, should be timed for after the triple success
gives the most benefit to possible users
The only must rolls for me are Tezca and Alice. Might roll a bit on Draco and Kenshin in the future depending on how everything goes and the upcoming JP servants.
You guys are hard to please, you know that...
Just IDs, no flags
And the IDs should be refreshed each thread
The nurse's obscene chest... WAIT BRO WHAT IS THAAAAAAT?
You and the toilet is the only canon one.
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skipped one
Why are you trying to kill the turd
>gets BTFO'd by a simple sentence
>seethes with his mental illness
Hot take: threads quality would skyrocket if Kama/Raikou spam was bannable on sight.
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>attacks Mom
>attacks Kama
>now cuckposting
It's all so tiresome.
>half of the thread is hidden
you guys are so tiresome sometimes...
Raikou wouldn't mind tonguing your anus
My wife Hokusai. Shuten and Da Vinci are pretty easy choices too.
Doomhorse? I'd also say Brapamante but she gets buff which might make her better.
Arthur by far.
You too
kek he is seething below your post too
I'm pondering rolling for Skadi even though I know I don't need her.
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He keeps getting btfo in this thread. Its his only cope at this point.
Why'd you filter Kamabro's posts?
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>Hot cake take
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If you're tired, you should have a nap.
Nice very nice.
Because he's a subhuman whose aim is not improving the thread but instead getting attention
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Kamabros truly saving the thread
>Hot cake take
I'm more of a waffle guy myself.
holy shit da vinci caster and shuten douji are bad bad
i thought hokusai was an ok looper? general class and a lot of hits on her np, and a decent arts buff. why is she bad?
Holy kek
Any must roll new servants for the next half year?
Uhhh based?
that's a good point, though I guess that's up to the list guy since it's all his time and effort anyways
shockingly low refund, shockingly bad damage
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I just want to comfy post with my bros.
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>calls in his discordfags
>it's obvious it's all 3 of them again
I think it would be interesting to see what country post each girl the most. Like that one map someone made a while ago
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Soulless gameplayfag analysis: No
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Why do you have stubs? I remove that shit.
Kama btfo'd
The most gameplay servant here is the welfare Iyo
bros... I...
This, out of sight out of mind.
I'm biased because I have her 120 NP5 which makes seeing her dogshit refund more painful. Her main role is critting and def down stacking which is great for CQs but not so much for looping.
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It's over.
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>Last refresh: 8 months ago
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only if you want a soulpport
reminder: she needs NP5 to be better than regular Merlin
You’d think they would be used to having a stick up their ass 24/7 considering they’re a huge faggot, but I guess not so they need to shit up /alter/.
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Last refresh: 5 days ago
What makes him good?
Mi ancestro :)
Ranmaru is far from the worst. She's not bad, but just serviceable. Pales in comparison to Iyo, another welfare Arts looper too. Actual worst Arts loopers include servants with one hit NPs (except thosse that've gotten buffs like Void) and shitters like Hokusai and Ruler Moriarty.
Servants with one hit NPs (even buffs can't save them) and essentially every Quick AoE servant released between Skadi's and Voyager's release. Some of those servants are good now thanks to buffs such as Sei and Bradamante.
Every Buster AoE servant with less than 30% charge with servants with no charge being extremely bad. Summer BB isn't intended to be a looper, her main value lies in locking cards which only she can do.
>having trash on your sup list equals sovl
keep yourself safe
tfw no hot latina gf
>Refuses to drop his FC
>Sad about not being refreshed
What are you, a girl?
30% partywide charge, 50% self charge, 10% party charge on NP, good offensive buffs
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>Turd aping a soulful Morgan hate meme because he lacks creativity
4chan would never implement this because it would reveal just how little people are actually here.
4chan has a low playerbase of VERY dedicated users.
Theres probably under 1k posters on /vg/.
He's not. If his kit was transferred to anything that wasn't the shittiest class in the game aka assassin (or caster), it would be broken. But he's just arts looper #4772384723080 as is
>Kamat shits on Morgan
Morganbros, your response?
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And no i wont post my nudes on 4chan.
>i thought hokusai was an ok looper?
Her base refund is 0.33%, her NP only has 5 hits and she only has a 30% Arts buff for refund.
>general class
Foreigner is an okay class for a universal looper. They just don't have the 1.1x class modifier that Rulers and Avengers. Foreigners like Molay, Voyager and Kukulkan are still good despite their class because of their sheer damage buffs.
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I want your FC, not nudes. You may leave them to your bf.
Tez seems like a decent role but I dunno how I feel about these hybrid dps/support types. I suppose it's the way to go
>What's that? An effective loss of 10% damage
Literally better at looping than most extra classes, except against caster enemies.
Things get worse as shitposters do not give up but double down
he's shit
post rikyu nudes then
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I won't roll until next summer
what a relief
Kamakek absolutely demolished
Kama vs Morgan.
Who would win in the fight?
Post your phone number bby
How about following that then? I'm about to save for anniversary and Summer like I did this year unless there's something else on the way that really sticks out. Tez, Kuk, Ptolemy?
I see no reason why Morgan would not be charmed.
>goddess of love vs some hag
In terms of NP refund, she's marginally worse than Merlin at NP2 and marginally better than Merlin at NP3. What Merlina has over Merlin is quick accesss to her NP and, by being an Arts support, access to more frequent Arts chains with an Arts DPS.
Morgan would trip on her staff and impale herself while Kama does nothing and wins
Kama got hands, ez win
Holy based.
Kamaturd BTFO’d!
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how good are oldie quicks like jets and evil cat for looping now that ruler skadi exists in our server?
Still can't 6CE
jets is pretty good all things considered
he does need triple skadi to do well
Is anyone else watching loli skateboarding
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What do we call these hours?
>An effective loss of 10% damage
Only when compared to the standard classes except Lancers (1.05x), Archers (0.95x) and Berserkers (1.10x). When compared to Avengers, Rulers and Berserkers, it's a 20% difference.
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Alright nasu you have my interest now
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No, what's that
real nasu hours
what am I missing out on
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>calling actual children "loli"
Thoughts on anti-Kama schizos?
what was that for?
They're deranged.
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You're part of the problem, you know that right?
Just do the needful and wait for the meido
all three discordfags are retarded and obvious
and since there's only 3
>spam evade
should do the trick
Retard that gets outed too easily
probably morgankeks
I hate morgankeks
Based. The more Kama gets posted and talked about, the more Kama pictures I save.
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They're trying too hard to attack popular servants here like Kama and not being above lying like they constantly do means most people just ignore them.
Chiyome was asking for it.
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The only thing holding JETS back is those garbage year 1 skills. As always, he's hard carried by his 100% NP gain buff. Evil Cat also has no NP charge, she could maybe Black Grail loop like pic related, but I haven't tested it.
I love my Morgan wife!
>Horns with eyes
sigh... more pseudo beast shit, isn't it, sakurai?
Loli means underage girl in japanesse and lolicon means pedophile in japanesse.
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>spam evade
what is this, a double van gogh team?
Why do Kamaposters tend to shit on Morganbros?
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>spam evade
Everyone shits on Morgan
It's a traditional /alter/ pastime
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I'm really disappointed there isn't at least a costume without the giant floating horns and the faceplates.
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Where do I find a gf like this?
Was Irs supposed to look like Aoko or is it just me or Takeuchi's art style again?
They're idiots who don't realize they are just making Kama more popular.
Why are her stockings ripped
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Accept your savior lolimom
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It's impossible, Touko is too perfect to be real.
based speedreader
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I didn't get that connection at all...
Sorry i meant Iris*
Auto correct
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God, must be the sameface fucking up my perception again.
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Aoko sex
Doesnt she like want to kill everyone for imprisoning her and make a new humanity though?
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She's cute but big mom is my favorite.
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Who's Iris.
Not same artist
no, not anymore
now she's a moeblob
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Old humanity was shit so she's my savior
She partied too hard while singing enka and getting wasted
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Is that so...
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Where do I find a gf like this?
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We all got Wu, right?
You would be dead also thoughever.
in Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt
Try your local kindergarten you fucking pedo.
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why didn't she get a summer
>quick support that uses stars to increase NP gain
thoughts? typically people go to using stars for overcharge
Really? Applying for a job there right now.
I have both yes.
That girl with the blue eyes.
The one that looks like Aoko.
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Lamia Ibuki is the most forgotten servant
Raita doesn't want Shuten to have competition, so they all agreed to keep Ibuki the tit monster so Shuten can have her Raita niche.
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>Try your local kindergarten you fucking pedo.
Damn cheeky bros thinking they can escape the list... you won't dodge us forever...
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Should be Buster or Arts instead.
Do you mean Alice Liddell?
I got a bunch of copies of her but i burned them all.
I have a lot more rare prisms now.
no fuck you
buster cant np gain
arts already has np gain
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So is clearing hands apparently...
Based Catchad
>That girl with the blue eyes.
That really narrows it down.
thank god this is censored
Why are Morgankeks like this?
behead loliniggers
roundhouse kick a lolinigger into the concrete
Now ask how many skadis.
dumb hag
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really disturbing interaction i hope you both die of cancer
Rolling for Douman again, wish me luck
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That name does ring a bell i do remember that name but i dont remember her last name.
Was it Lindell?
I see...
I need to go.
Bye guys.
Im going to Alice.
Ati no...
can you generate Daybit skateboarding?
no do a no pan version please
Don’t worry, unlike him I already got Skadi
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I'll try, buy probably not. It's hilariously bad when it comes to men.
Woah, really? So this entire time she was saying the name of her Noble Phantasm? I never would have guessed! Thank you subtitles!
urinal threa- ACK
try genderbending Daybit
Skadi came really quick so no Wu for me
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Yikes… Should I try one more time?
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KP's growth should be unremovable except by her regression skill.
fucking based
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She has never been addressed by the game. She basically doesn't exist.
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does anyone have teatime on castoria up?
that fgo got as big as it did even in NA is a joke
I do, are we not bros?
Yo /alter/, I heard you liked women with mystic eyes, so I put mystic eyes in my mystic eyes so that I can rape Alice.
can you rape me instead?
I have it on SuSkadi, Castoria, and Vitch
I'm really enjoying getting to use my Okita for farming. I've barely used her since I got her from GSSR on New Years 2023, only really pulled her out for Gudaguda stuff. But she's cute and cool, so I'm glad to have her out there doing stuff.
I do.
of course
not on event tho, i gave her mlb twin tails
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Does Touko actually have mystic eyes?
I'm sure Alice has a few tricks up her sleeve to prevent that
Ati already got him.
No, no she absolutely doesn't, so please there's no reason why you should avoid making eye contact with her, please let your guard down and gaze deeply.
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Birb and Riceman I think.
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>Be Ati
>Post daily for years telling everyone to save for Skadi Swimsuit and Avatar as Skadi and talk about how you love Skadi so much her swimsuit is going to save your smile
>Skadi finally comes out
>Get Arcuid NP2
>Hit pity to get Douman
>Barely have enought Quartz left to get only 1 copy of Skadi
What do you call this phenomenon.
the ebb and flow of gacha life
That whole "a puddle on the ground is pretty much a river" thing was so dumb.
Being exactly the type of nigger that spams the thread for 2 years.
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Closeted homosexuality?
Any bobfags here?
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Well is she?
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Why are most of Illya's doujins full of weird degenerate kinks?
The only dumb part about that is he summoned for Douman before Skadi when Douman's rate-up would still be out after Skadi came out.
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Shes the only girl at the round table besides King Arturia.
Thats actually why they were so close.
Because they were lesbians in love.
Have you told your Jalter you love her today?
It's not like the cursed sq he rolled on Douman wouldn't be cursed if he had rolled it on Skadi instead

My man was just unlucky as fuck hitting pity twice like that
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We may never know
Because most people are kinky degenerates
Are color designations not allowed to be shared? Can two people get the Blue designation or since Aoko has it nobody else can get it
What are the Alterabros' favorite Dragon Ball character?
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But when I look at Musashi or Raikou doujins they're pretty vanilla
Why there are not so many of you people?
Bros how do I stop liz from calling my servants racial slurs?
I want to cum inside ati and tell them that everything will be alright with skadi's next rateup
Based albert equating NP levels to love of a servant
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It's over bros....
Unsummon all your nigger Servants.
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great saiyaman
>Christopher Jan Rodriguez Chua
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It's (not) Goghver broghs....
Low test men require significantly developed secondary sex characteristics
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Because Bob is a popular servant.
Guy who fully leaked summer 7 and summer kama before they came out
Shirou Emiya
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The clicking skills to view percentages is so funny. Every gacha other than FGO already displays exact percentages of skill effects. Better late than never I guess?
Honestly would be really happy if that's how we got Aria.
No it's not lol
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Ok, this roll sucked as well, I have to stop here since today is clearly not my day
>Damage estimates before attacking
So would it show the median value or would it tell you the range or would it show you whether you're low rolling/high rolling?
>today is clearly not my day
It's all RNG, keep going.
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Okay he quit, I activated the hot period for the next 5 minutes
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awww so cute!
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Veteran here. You're telling me I have to reach 6 million ladder points when I haven't even gotten to 900k yet? Damn.
next roll could be the BIG one bro...
They're always add this kind of shit years later. Nothing new
Go into a simulator and juice out all your luck (Bad and good) first, then wait a couple days and try again
something about albert flipping a switch is really funny
You get a x100 multiplier one you upgrade all the parks
>only 1 maxed bob
I don’t think so.
No they are definitely not.
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People want to develop wholesome relationships with them.
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Douman is on the must have Servant list.
Upgrade your restarts with ice bro
And so is king reddit
What makes Douman gameplay?
100% charge, 20% atk for evil allies and 20% atk for chaotic allies, and better instadeath than nitocris
80% battery and instakill shenanigans
>Merlina lower than Great Statue God
>20% atk for evil allies and 20% atk for chaotic allies
Plus 30% def down, potentially a 70%! teamwide atk buff
and yet I still won't roll for him
The AI doesn't recognize him at all, btw. It's all flex tape and photoshop.
i burned my jinako when she spooked me as a sacrifice for ibuki and because fuck myst and he loves her what a fat fucking autist
it worked
Which posters are the worst? Bobfags or Kamafags?
Did you at least level her and get her ascension and interlude/rank up SQ before burning?
>Theres a fucking 4 star on this list
Posters that complain about other posters
She's a good support after her buff, unironically.
they both suck
i would say kamafags are slightly worse tho
only good posters are
why are there three (3) Rani's there?
Summer BB has a 50% charge skill she can loop easily
>sei shounagon
She's really good now since she got her buff in JP
Her being an SR is why she's on the list. She does the same thing as Miss Crane but with an SR party-cost. The SSR party-cost was Miss Crane's biggest problem.

Instant Death is really good for the Ordeal Call bleached Earth daily quests.
You, asswipe
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Bobfags so far. I don’t get people who still have iphone bobfaggot on their friend lists.
>Missing out on saint quartz and interlude rank up progress and having another unit because "fuck this streamer that likes her"
Anon I don't think you get to call others autists
Her damage just isn't there
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You are. Kamabros, Mombros, etc. are good posters attacked by awful posters like yourself because you want attention.
I personally think that people that keep avataring are the worst.
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>she does the same as miss crane but with an SR party cost
still too expensive to 6CE
ibukifags who pretend they actually like her even though not a single onr of them has a grailed saber ibuki
OC1 probably
For farming, but the party-cost matters for CQ too.
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>burning an SSR because an eceleb likes her
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>Instant Death is really good for the Ordeal Call bleached Earth daily quests.
It's good for all quests.

"Instadeath is only good for ordeal call" is a meme.
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I personally think that people that keep avataring are the coolest.
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>YUGE crit and attack buffs for Chaotic-Evil allies
>YUGE crits allow for using crits to clear single-enemy waves (last Nerofest double-Douman + Gogh was great)
>YUGE NP charge allows for farming usefulness
>insta-death has niche farming applications
>curse memes have historically been a way to get CQ minturns
>CQ-friendly abilities such as fear procs and double-Guts
1* Houdini for 10th anni
People don't actually believe in certain actions fucking with the RNG right? There's no way >>488011781 sincerely believes that burning the spook he got is why he got Ibuki? Right?
But that's basically half of /alter/, bro
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well yeah shes an extra class so thats to be expected, and her gimmick is locking in facecards so shes not even supposed to be a looper
I personally think that people that keep twerking are the coolest.
I didn't say only, but those quests are why he's so high on the list.
This, but unironically.
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oui oui
some lipper burned book cunny and got qsh
That's what I said
Summer Beni this year!
This may be unpopular but I actually hope in the next guda guda event they add Yasuke as a servant, especially with all the recent stuff, I actually think that kind of controversial shit is what nasu likes in a servant
yasuke is deboonked
Anon Yasuke got proven to be 100% made up.
Is his death percent that usable? I feel like that mechanic had been a meme for the longest time.
90% made up. he existed, carried nobus sword or whatever. but that's it.
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Fucking Christ you're just as retarded as the guys that believed he was one of the greatest Samurai to ever live.
I absolutely believe that Keikenchi has the shitposting prowess to do it and I hope he does.
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That's nothing compared to "a Paper Moon is still a Moon".
They have no source because its nonsense.
Chuds cant accept their based Japan would let a black man become a samurai and eventually climb his way up into being the first black Shogun.
People here want Yasuke, but they want him to be genderbent into a girl.
add yasuke but as a blonde blue eyed loli
With a death resist down debuff he instakills silver enemies
It's her turn!
I don't really care to get to into it. You can look it up if you care. He ended up just being a slave that held nobo's sword and then Ubisoft doubled down about the Japs being wrong and calling them racist.
if they turn him into a slutty brown loli I'm getting him to 120.
>Fucking Christ you're just as retarded as the guys that believed he was one of the greatest Samurai to ever live.
personally I just enjoy spreading misinformation. I can see why lockley did too.
>I don't really care to get to into it
Because you dont have anything to get into.
You're just a schizo rambling nonsense.
You racist Japan isnt as racist as you thought deal with it.
I don't give two shits about ubislop.
>Anon Yasuke got proven to be 100% made up.
Implies that Yasuke did not exist, which is to say that there was never a nigger in Japan named Yasuke who was in the company of Oda Nobunaga.
>He ended up just being a slave that held nobo's sword
This being true would mean that Yasuke was NOT made-up.
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He was an attendant. Carrying something as important as a sword would not be a slave's job. And considering how Ranmaru talks about him in the last Guda he's absolutely not one in Fate.
Japan literally has a forrest where they lynch foreigners and convinced the world its a suicide forrest.
Is the majority of Traum's story in the last three sections? It feels like almost nothing of import has happened up to the end of Section 19.
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I would roll Yasuke if he looked like this
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Based take, ngl. I respect that.
Get help, schizo.
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The fact you need to visit wikis to see what Servant skills actually do is fucking insane.
thats every story chapter in the game bro
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>Nobo got a black slave to show off to people since it was very topical
>Shittersoft took this as him being a super cool samurai
>Is now being called racists
Probably adding the hiphop music when you go into combat with him didn't help
Kill yourself.
Do you think they'll ever add Otakemaru to FGO?
What slave gets a house, a servant, and a stipend?
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I'd prefer him if he was male and cute. Just make him a brown version of Ranmaru.
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>530 days until FSR collab and alter bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
I really don't wanna roll this clown looking ass. While he has his uses arguably could skip and just keep pumping into arts or buster servants no?
One you really want to show off to someone, to be fair it was very "Wow" showing off a black man back then
Just ignore that part!!!!
He was totally a slave!!!!
Yup all blacks are slaves!!!!
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There's no real payoff. At best, some of the servants get a chance to shine heroically.
Yasuke has been mentioned in FGO, they can 100% do something with him that doesn't lean into the mostly fake samurai stuff. Maybe a niche support servant.
ngl on my screen it was past 750, guess stuff got nuked and I hadn't refreshed it awhile
>Do you think theyll ever add japanese literally who
Yes and hell get his own event wanking how awesome he is.
Musashi berserker has her niche as a better archer than most archers, on top of more damage than ibuki in general after np upgrade at the cost of no charge.

you'd probably still want AoE buster loopers for irregular nodes. I hear Caren is pretty good quick looper.

characters like summer Kama, spishtar, and summer melu are pretty redundant, though, if you already have summer ibuki since they all fill the same role of AoE arts loopers, unless you want to use spishtar as your buster looper.
>a house, a servant
Proof to back up these claims?
Yeah Kama schizo's posts got nuked again for the 8th time today.
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Reminder that Thomas Lockley, the guy who fabricated most of Yasuke's story and wrote a 400-page novel marketed as nonfiction full of ridiculous claims like Japanese people owned African slaves, is an anglo of jewish descent.
You want to see his command spells?
Does young Moriarty get beaten in Traum? His character is super fucking gay so I'd be happy to never have to see him again.
mini bro call
Grand Pretender
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hi bro
Based Liz noticing the small hats.
Moriarty actually wins because he accomplishes his goals, sure you beat him, but Guda is pretty chill about the fight.
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You do realise that's Nobu we're talking about, right? The guy that literally keeps assorted riff-raff around him if he finds them entertaining. That's actually the most appealing story hook for a Yasuke centered story, the only guy that would except him without judgement being an absolute psycho that everybody hates.
>accomplishes his goals
>I have to beat Sherlock Holmes
Nigga who gives a shit. Absolute Reddit tier character and arc.
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She learned from the best
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LizGODS still proving they're the best posters
L-Liz, stop noticing things. We can't have another one of you end up in federal prison
why are we thread warring when this only happened because we had a late cleanup
Actual thread since jannie got late
here's a nip historian citing Ota Gyuichi(the source)
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Thanks anon, sources are always nice
What would Suzuka Say about that?
Draco and summer castoria for soulless gameplayfag reasons
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>Why would momlovers not downgrade to someone lesser like Tiamat?
I see the requirement of being stupid with shit taste and being unable to read is still a trait required for /fgog/fags
The /fgog/turd can only seethe at better characters like mom to try to make his one-note lizard seem half as good.

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