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Game Over Edition
>Recent News
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/29 - 08/06 Conquest of the Dark Singularity

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>487925228
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the OP we deserve...
Serious questipn, How did cygames save grub?
Hardmode:No deleted all the male
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he won... BIGLY
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not possible
fundamental issues.
Delete all females and make it a josei/homoge.
I quit grubble years ago and I'm just here to bask in the jomo.
Quit dragalia lost early too.
>>487951337 (me)
How can*
Pig was left out because her VA is too expensive for gurab's budget. Small indie company.
those are honestly some pretty sad bux compared to even belial or other releases along the years
>Bubs has a pussy
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Genuine answer? Game needs a hard reset on better footing. At this point though if they did something that drastic literally no one would trust them on the change into so they're basically just fucked.
That would unironically immediately kill it anyway. The quick list is start making more units of other races, drop the collab gacha idea, drop the GW HP changes and probably kill GW altogether to make the game more palatable to new blood, and rebalance all of the high difficulty raids, especially revans to drop the character checks. I could come up with more but those are obvious first steps.
its all the twittertroons we have left...
Concern trolls get the rope and those who get mad at being called out get the rope and gas too.
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Stop the gayshit, no focusing on males, do a Snowbreak style galge make over
six fingers
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>More Grea
>More romance with (You)
>Less Homo shit
>More events involving okd characters
>New game mode
>Granblue 2
Why should*
Is she really though, genuinely speaking?
We have Aoi Yuuki, Kadowaki and Uchida. Why is there such a push against Pig?
Sexualize Sandalphon for once before EoS
Show his naked legs and ass and give him nipples
Naked Sandy(Featherless Wings)
sandalphon does not have nipples
Multiple of the other Zodiacs who got in have seiyuus who would be around the same price ballpark as her like Sheep's. They just don't want to give her content
Too galge for Cygays.
It's not about the game. This company and it's management have killed all their games but 1, and even uma has been on a steady decline with some really bad months. If you handed them the best games in the market they would absolutely kill them within a year.

Nothing made by Cygames staff can survive for long. Their talent is lacking and their ingame "universe" is incredibly convoluted, messy and inconsistent. But worst of all, their policy of letting their staff do whatever they want with no regard for the fanbase is the biggest offense. Style change btw.
kek, that's sad
This is first time we get half anni?
I think the only two times where I've seen characterfags get pissed off over their character's treatment was with Europa in 2020, and then pig when no skin and now
yeah, because we won't make it to 11th anni.
Microbikini yaia could have prevented this.
She's not the only zodiac with an expensive VA, and those other zodiacs that do keep getting content. Cygames just has something against Pig specifically for some reason.
Did they unironically give Dark a male seasonal? lmao the end times is coming
The nip whale that quit and reduce every single item he owned was right about everything.

The four oppressed queens of /gbfg/
Thanks for ruining our spinoff with your love for belials nutsack homogefags
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>even normalfags on other platforms are noticing the agenda, the doom and desperation
Honestly? Make a Genshin clone and bring over all the characters who aren’t Homoangels.
I-It wasn't our fault......
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Summons don't count otherwise C. Sariel would have killed the pattern alreafy
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Where the fuck have you been? It happens all the time
You hate waifus and love homoflops in your fighting flopge, fuck off.
>what is Xmas Sariel
I didn't think GBF's downfall would be this hilarious
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The face looks fucked up but that's a better Izmir than whatever this was
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Don't remember Filene release? Or wamdus
Do you have all zoi pics blocked or something?
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Stop doomposting in the fb groups, seaxis
Our only hope is a Pig, Cock and Tigers trio CD
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>spent $1000 on this game
maybe i shouldnt have bought all the suptix
Only Gawrge Gura can save us.....
standards must be terrible
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/gbfg/ always YEARS ahead of normalfags in doomposting and AGENDA noticing.
>Pigfags being vindicated after 5 years
What a sad state of affairs
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I'm the anon who asked. Thanks for the link.
That was sad
Ngl, that is sad to watch
We wanted summer Metera or Zoi

You did this because you hate them and love angels
Give all the girls the Ox uncap treatment.
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so both dengaku and remon aren't doing too well, are there any other big slurper youtubers or accounts whose opinions we should check for?
Juuten got upgrade like evoker domain....
They fumbled the ever-living FUCK out of her in this art. Whatever AI they’re using is dogshit because I can shit out 10x better stuff in seconds.
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Hope FKTRN reads your posts slurpxis.
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are we enjoying the MSQ grubbas?
you WILL pull for the hyperlimited idolmaster gakuens
>THREE YEARS AGO I was called a schizo for saying there was obviously someone else in charge, the game changed too drastically that year
>I was actually right
Now I know yuritroons, fujotroons and shiptroons don't actually play the game.
how many sands and blue paper do we need this time?
Slime stream soon!
FKHR knew he had no chance of competing here.
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Post more FKHR kino
should i play osrs or ff11?
3 and 1 respectively per stage
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take it! take it! take it you slutty homoflop!
FRACK will never forgive her
holy SHIT
>blue paper
its rainbow paper now...in new Eternal sandbox
>Now I know yuritroons, fujotroons and shiptroons don't actually play the game.
this but unironically
Hey anons, anyone could give me some Hecate images? I'm fine even with sprites
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Play Galge Impact
So are we going to blame this Shadow Producer dude from the decline
>but fukuhomo!
He was there from the start. What changed in the last three days was they added this mysterious dude as producer.
>shadowba dead
>grub dying
>imas cg about to lose license
Cygames is finished. Unless they rest group to GBF 2, maybe after SV:WB, Cygames only has Priconne and Uma to bank on.
Damn, it's worse when you actually hear it.
>Most grub content creator worry about the game direction
>Cygames didn't even bother to damage control
Why are they like this?
where is your poz avatar post you lil shit
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I still can't believe that so much awful shit got announced on a single stream. This would have normally been an entire year's worth of fuckups.
So this is our shadow producer... not bad.
yeah i'm gonna SLURPPP
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>settes nerf
>revans mk2 dogshit
>sl000p nerf
>kmr stepping down
>3 years of doomposting vindicated
>biggest active youtubers on the verge of necking themselves
>pigfags having a meltdown
>no content announced except more shitty revans slop
>paid collab units
>raising the ex+ to 35m and then releasing naked homo faggot bubs who will probably be required to 0 button the ex+ again
This turned out so well it's almost like a controlled demolition plan, who would have thought gbf would end this way
its KMRat's fault.
>add a human size draph
>game dies

Really makes you ponder
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Perfect size booba, also sauce to full pic
GBF truly went to shit in 2021 and it lines up with the new shadow producer being under KMR's wing.
You can always quit if you don't like it
My bisexual leaning lesbian queen....
not going to post your homoturd when I step and crush your pathetic homoge huh
run and squirm like a lil worm AHAHAHAHAHA
i fucking LOVE nodoka
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Why didn't Cygames just make the game a galge to begin with?
the seeds for the decline were planted in 2017-2018
the game got worse in the past three years but it would have got worse no matter who was in charge because the audience they spent the previous several years chasing all abandoned grub for hoyoslop
The shadow producer is clearly a scapegoat by KMR, not that things will get better now
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grub for this feel?
Just HIVbrain things
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any hope for the soon-to-come MSQ grubbas?
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How's the helesfag dealing with this? Is xhe still asking for grids?
>the seeds for the decline were planted in 2017-2018
literally the game was still in its golden age. The decline started after, the fucking T4 was the beginning of the end.
kuzunoha sex is confirmed from the pv so yes
What if the Secret Producer is Todd Howard?
Yeah, funny how the author went full batshit insane with her setting and made lesbian getting each other pregnant a thing.
mirin but grubba too pussy to go all the way
stop noticing........................nothing bad happened in 2021..............
Because that's what Uma and Priconne are for, Grub was meant to be the ultimate fantasy game; RoB 2.0, and a galge can never achieve that.
explains why its shit.
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On September 3rd, the Luchador line will get a Tier 5 Class addition. This class will require both Luchador and Monk Master Level 30.

The class has an ability that forces a 1v1 situation against the enemy. MC will gain Superiority levels during this mode. This level will offer huge buffs at higher levels but will knock out MC if reduced to 0.
Come to me, brother!
That's already KMR.
>Fucking AdventureQuest Worlds is more of a galge than GBF
How the fuck did this even happen?
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remember when lil blud said

where is he now?
>controlled demolition plan
yes, the game was at its peak then. but the decisions kmr made then - completely shifting the target audience, thus abandoning all the playerbase it had cultivated before then - were what led to the decline in the years to come.
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They’re gonna go all the way now if they want to avoid EoS.
Priconne is a dead man walking
GBF dropped the fantasy aspect years ago and is just notJapan nowadays. They can't even do that right.
god swimsuit magus looks so fucking retarded it's absolutely something AI would cough up
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if only
Oh yeah imagine ringing all the eternals/evokers because they were special
Would feel retarded for that one right about now
Slurpers have been really limping these last 20 hours.
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collab characters will be gacha now? I don't give a shit about KMR leaving.
not the first time the Jews get powercreeped by hyperlimiteds. why do you fuckers crying now
>head's still the same
I prefer calling them stickerween because that was the first time we ever saw weird skinj*bs over the characters, to justify slacking over real shit
Grubbas... we need to step up our meme game
Just make an eroge spinoff with the zodiacs
Dragon can be a lazy teacher or something
Lraph doesn't even DARE to post his turdflop avatar now AHAHAHAHAHAHA

this is his second personal 9/11
mihomo's obsession with hating scaramouche is truly schizophrenia. It's almost as if /gbfg/ was starting to believe that Sandalphon is threatening to cuck you from all girls being (for him)
What would grubba be like if chinese?
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>this is his second personal 9/11
his first?
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Close enough
We call it Relink
Somehow even more jewish
>why do you fuckers crying now
Stop promoting your own video here
Why do I need to post it when you're posting it for me lil acker?>>487951265
it would be like one of those shitty chinese browser games that is filled with bots
Even worse considering Scara is for (you)
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KMR2 could only afford a shill campaign based in Indonesia, please understand
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>>>>>>>galge impact
look at this dood
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Come home, anon.
What the fuck is this? I only installed Azur Lane yesterday so I don’t know chinkrunes yet.
>practically 0 slurpers until last couple of hours
damn, might be true.
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Nice game, Grubbers
did i get these right? any more?
I can HEAR it.
>Fukuhara will remain as overall creative director for Granblue Fantasy, but as the scope of the franchise increases, he's been leaving more directorial duties to the directors of each individual game. He might make fewer stage appearances, but might make the big announcements.
I don't think he got fired though. He's in charge of all Granblue IP, and delegating individual works to goons (who will served as scapegoat).
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are you crying?
do you need a shoulder to cry on?

let it out
I won
you lost
>start reading
>i coudnt understand anything so it's all bullshit and childish drama!
i dont think there's any reason to read more
Not to mention mihoyo VA director was talking shit about Snowbreak lol
unironically lucifer, lucio, and lucilius
shhhhhh lil numpers, it'll all be okay soon. le rooneraph can't hurt you anymore.......
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>playing a game with Homo Vagina Bones
Not going to play it, but what's with the chink gacha cartel's issue with the snowbreak?
Because now they and evokers get to eat up banner slots in addition to hogging events, merch, spinoff games and skins while girls who already got nothing now get even less. If there was any chance Sig was getting an SSR following this event, it sure as hell is gone now.
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the only one who's getting hurt around here is (You)
>even miza is disappointed
>but he says sending hate to the directors is bad
>the dislike bar on his video
>all comments dooming
Crazy that people just dismissed Pigfags when they pointed out her oppression all these years, and only NOW do they side with them
>Hoyoverse's Chinese Forum
Stopped reading right there. Kill yourself, seraph.
S. Lucio killed trillions
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Lraph now thinks umaschizo and shay are numpers lmfao
This they are treated like garbage in comparison to fucking Bubs of all characters. I think it would be less bitter pill if it's Belial and Sandalphon who are popular.
have some respect for the dead
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>initial excitement quickly stomped out by confusion when he realizes Pig isn't included that then turns into silence
Genuinely sad
i'm not siding with them, i'm laughing at them
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You're the only one saying that lil xis
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I have and even pulled Anko (dress) from the free pulls
>no u
deep breaths
Hope you have 2 sparks ready for hina and hoshino
oh i was wondering if there were any cowatchers
i definitely want to watch this as a whole, not just the zodiac song
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We all know who the true queen is
Because, as we have been saying for years, Bubs is not authentically popular he's shillclub. The Lucifaces are but they had to get killed (literally in Cuckcifer's case) in order to make room for Bubs shilling. They even replaced Faa in merch to shill Bubs. I guess the shadow producer really liked Bubs
They don't want it to speak customers basically, especially since it's big come back could encourage other games or new games to follow their example and pander to straight men. Mihoyo wants each customer base playing they're games, but don't really want to pander to straight men like that. So they did stuff like pretty much threatening VAs saying if they work with snowbreak they won't get work with them and shit. Along with Zhong Lis VA I think it was saying stuff like working on games like Snowbreak is just beneath them(and at the same time shit talking Japan's VA industry lol)
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save some rolls for hina next refresh bro!
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>Saying this when you just got Bubz's bare ass displayed to the entire world
Kafka is also the MC's canon wife btw. How are your girls, /gbfg/?
i want this stupid american nigger joke to end
Wonder if any of my grubbas friends in game won't log in again after today
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>FKHR and KMR both abandoned Grub
You know what? Fuck it it's time to DOOMpost
My wife in that image
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They did it. They fucking topped the summer lotto. Bravo Cykikes, bravo.
We have Oxy...and Alliah kinda...
Robert DOOMey Jr.........
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having fun grubbas?
>Kafka and Firefly are from the same squad
wtf Hoyo?
>ugly hag beats cute girl she's closely associated with
sounds identical to grub with aria beating pholia, both are trash
Honestly half the blame is with the Japanese playerbase. When they get upset about something as a collective, game devs IMMEDIATELY respond usually with the desired corrections. WW had some fiasco with their gacha and the devs immediately bent the knee overnight giving a bunch of rolls and releasing an anticipated banner right away.

But they never did that. They silently ate up this horrible writing, the countless unwanted banners and character releases, the utter disrespect for your time etc etc.
Mihoyo a d Luro Games specifically have agenda against Snowbreak because the arrogant thieving chinese clique cunts seethe (much like like FKHR does) at games that don't embrace mixed toilet water dev philosophy. The big money ivestors backing them wants homoges not galges.
>RDJ Dr.Doom
You can't be fucking serious...
Disney is THAT desperate right now?
Yeah just waiting for the banner to change
>the absolute state of the MCU
They really couldn't find a good enough actor so they just brought Iron Man back?
Maybe it's his character. It really explains it because is really baffling how he's promoted. Sariel I could even understand because he could become popular but Bubs?
the sunk cost from grub has been a real bitch, led to the playerbase being far too complacent
FUCK i forgot to do my pvp why didn't you post this 10 minutes earlier
hope i'm still in plat
>entire world
>Kafka is also the MC's canon wife btw.
Why lie? She's their mom and got BTFO by the shilled Fly in pandering
Anon, she's a psycho that help MC because she was promised by talking fucking cat that if she sticks around - she will get ability to feel emotions. How is that a "wife"?
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Kat alone mogs the entire trainpag female roster rumao
It's revolting they always put him in art to promote him with Belial because they KNOW he's a flop.
I don't like Belial. I concede he has popularity.
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>1000 infamous days of water
>Poseidon AND Lancelot
>seasonal boost
All this happened in 2021. Now I understand why.
Of course the mfers in gbfg are the same ones that try and say Kafka isn't for (You). Coming from the same mfers that day Raziel is for (You) and that Magus was a win for waifufags btw LMAO
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sorry bro
I will be posting granblue more frequently from now on.
>literally just bronya, who is low tier in the game
hm no
clara and huohuo and herta and fu xuan and silver wolf are all superior
honestly /gbfg/ would be better off being a /bag/ colony now
They already wasted Mads Mikkelsen on a literal who.
80% of the dooming could've been contained if
>shadow producer
was not a real fucking thing holy shit. It just changes the entire narrative since 2020
Yeah? Then post the pixivbux lil bro
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I think the most telling thing is that the new directors/leads are not even going to be on the streams. They're hiding their identities completely.

What a bunch of fucking cowardly faggots.
i simply explained the story plot to you. She's doesnt love (you) or anyone else. She's canonically a psycho and using you for her profit.
He didn't abandon anything. But he'll be in less public appearances.
Why is this general just shilling other games? If you want to about the other gacha then just let this one go to the magical page 11
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GOD Rail? Won.
not really
everything else in the stream was awful too even before it ended with that bombshell
>p-post the bux
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>Anon failed the Truth or Lie test
It's pretty clear that she likes the MC a lot, and (You) find her very attractive. You also have a lot of history with each other, to the point that Blade distinctly remembers you always being by her side. I don't recall if there are any other characters that the MC compliments as often, especially when it comes to appearance.
Is she dead? I haven't caught up with MSQ
stop noticing........
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He's going to save us
zoomers are weak and fragile and can't take online bashing
Yes she and the entire main crew sans Rackam died for Othernigger Baha. Her death was the funniest because it was a total freak accident
>She doesn't [HEADCANON]
I bet he's one of us, doomchads, now.
if he reveals his identity he's never gonna hold a job in game development ever again kek
LMAO this made yuritroon c/u/cks piss and shit themselves in anger
Why are you acting like this is some big deal? Europa kisses (you) and (you) marry Cow. Both better looking than this generic moeblob.
You can optionally call her attractive, and you can optionally decide to tell her to fuck off and never do her quest. With Firefly, you don't even get that much and there are official descriptions about how you feel protective over her so it's definitely more than Kafka
How funny would it be if the whole stepping down/getting promoted thing is a farce to avoid targeted backlash and both KMR and FKHR are actually still keeping their positions?
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Retards, there was no secret replacement for KMR for 3 years, he's just saying that to escape the responsibility of not giving a fuck about the game for years now. The game has been on maintenance mode for a while now, he's just trying to soften the blow to all you sunk cost slaves and to avoid getting assassinated by some scorned waifufag.
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State of the general reflects the state of the game.
Whoops, meant "Is she STILL dead"
They are going to release Grand Faa, isn't it? I didn't believe it, but now with gacha collab characters and gacha Evokers/Eternals.

It's over. Grand Dark Six is coming too.

>only SIX can replace SIX
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>S-S-She doesn't
We need a Dragalia amount of freebies - 2.5 farmable summons from dailies, 25 summons per event, and 4 events per month.
Can't hide the names forever.
Yes, because the MSQ hasn't updated in almost a year now and we were supposed to get it during "early summer"
>trying to pick fight with shay when he found out there's NOTHING
>that he can do to Momoi that will result in him getting a win

holy fucking grim
Realistically how long does grub have left?
Is the director of the IP now. He has creative control over everything. He can just ditch the streams and send a flunky to take the heat.
Literally stated in there.
>grand jew10 and evokers
Shit I never considered this possibility. GRIM to the NIR as fuck
How's PoE?
1 year
2 year tops
Yes. She follows a "destiny" that Elyo tells her. She a psychopath that wants to feel emotions and Elyo told her - "stick to this guy and you will eventually get it". That's it. That's her story plot.
Less than five years. Maybe even less than three. This is the final stretch.
channel 1488 said it's top 3 league of all time.
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After Priconne JP EoS
They should have released Bubs/Belial/Lucilius a long time ago. They just can't decide between flipfloping them as villains or as pet quirky characters. Mostly because the game has zero other recognizable enemies that stayed in the mind of people.
But look at their merch/art tribute. They are already treated as if they were part of the team. You never see this shit for the moon trio, and other villains npc.
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You guys should just migrate to genshin together with lyria
>he's just saying that to escape the responsibility of not giving a fuck about the game for years now.
I low-key thought this as well. FKHR and KMR are just avoiding blame by passing it on to some unnamed literal who that they somehow couldn't even bother introducing? Very convenient that it comes after that "pls don't bully us" post.
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Anon, she specifically wants to feel fear. Everything we've seen from her indicates that she cares about (You) immensely.
>FKHR has total creative control over the IP now
granblue is COOKED
Yeah that makes sense, not that the successor will be any better
That's our buckbroken Lraph
false, grub is priconne's safety net, like how RoB, flopper, and dragalia LOST were for us. although at the rate granblue archive is raping pricunny we might both EoS together.
>game where the MC's role is to be an observer
No thank you
Recommend me a game with a good MC
>and other villains npc.
Most of them just become playable, like Yurius, aglovale, Ragazzo, etc
Probably getting their seasonal first. We need all Society grands and Homo knights first, and the leftover angels too (which I'm firmly believing will include Belial and Bubs too once we enter in the Stair Rail era and the Grandcypher becomes a spaceship ark).
>no new games announced
He'll probably move on once Relink/Vesus/mobage's servers close down.
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I called for the PS68... who the fuck are you?
>Mostly because the game has zero other recognizable enemies that stayed in the mind of people
I'll give you Lucilius but Belial and Bubs are one trick ponies with 0 substance.
>But look at their merch/art tribute
Fujos and faggots.
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>tfw your obscure faves have even less chances of getting anything now that jew10 and evokers (who are some of the most popular grubs) are legitimate recipients for gacha alts
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I dont know what else to tell you. Feel free to hope and cope, but it's homoyo and they stated her position pretty clear.
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Limbus Company
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>Kafka is also the MC's canon wife btw
Wait, really? I thought she was our mom. Did they confirm MC is Elio?
Me on the left
Me on the right
2 years, so 2 more main story updates
Those three were brainwashed so were more antagonists than bosses/villains. Not the same tier. Only Sandalphon was compared to those in what he pulled and became playable.
I am booking a 7 day trip today to Tokyo from late August to September because I am going to get them granblue collab merch.

grub cafe in akihabara...? maybe later lol
>most popular
most shilled*
It can still be salvaged, grubbers, remember when we made KMR bend the knee and reduce the MKII reforget mat reqs?
We can do it again!
>Nikke's MC
Maybe a year ago, but they are more and more ilrelevant by the second. Events usually happen around him, if he is part of an event at all to begin with. The title of observer fits him perfectly.
>main story updates
Did they say on stream when will MSQ update drop?
Why not momwife
>blowing money on an overseas trip just for grub
grim, at least go do something better there
Playing Hoyoshit because you're upset that Granblue isn't galge enough the most backwards shit I've ever heard
Yes move to the games where there's even LESS fucking pandering and MORE shipshit
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You can be in denial all you want. Kafka cares about the MC quite a bit.
>Star Rail
>Probably based on Galaxy Express 999 in some way
>The series where the MC's mentor/mother figure is also his love interest
She could always just be both
I'm going to Alice
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>he is unaware
there's literally only 1 shipshit girl in all of HSR and she's not being added until next patch
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Could she save GBF?
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What's with grabble and trying to kill the game every summer? It is suppose to be an easy layup. Release swimsuit characters and give shit away.
Not at this stage.
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At least we hoyoslurpers haven't seen any of our males' ballsack. Can you say the same, grubbwo?
>after 3 while games of mocking and backstabbing he's still believes that eventually homoyo delivers a proper pandering to him
who is really in denial here i wonder
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>magisa is likely never getting content again
we had a good run bros, managed to get another alt out of nowhere under the shadow producer
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early summer btw
Mihomo is mihomo but what they did with Kafka is based as fuck
>unaware of other gacha game happenings
Many, MANY, such cases.

>he says, as he's forced to roll for unsparkable bare male ass
Manager meetings during summer are probably retarded. People planning vacations etc so they fumble shit.
I mostly use hrunting with Arulu and Caim does falsehood chain stack with their echoes?
what passes as pandering in Hoyoshit wouldn't even be tier 3 pandering in gbf
Bro, SKK isn't even allowed in anni events lmao. And you still haven't gotten your flash back Rapunzel with Anderson advises yet
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It’s KMR’s favorite little game he made.
you haven't seen any cleavage either Lmao
You niggas were saying Raziel was for (You) lol
Nicole’s is right there even after the censorship.
Msq update is being retooled to rush even harder since eos imminent. At this stage winter stream could be year long celebrating shutdown
I never said that I was one of the people saying Magus and Raziel were definitely NOT for (you)
homo game
>around her
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Today was the day Grubbers finally SNAPPED
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Reminder that Narus costume was censored with shorts btw
>inb4 lil raph with the B-BUT THE LIVE
Was censored then, still censored now
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mmmmmm nyo, we got mavuika now. hoyo is healing.
another dykebait not for (You) character lmfao
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>You haven't seen any- AAAIIIIIEEEEEE
>biker outfit hag
Yep that's a dyke
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This sound not bad and more comfy.
nm250 will be 1b hp, btw.
Himiko is a dev wife so he's shipping her with his self insert(HSR) or killing her(HI).
I'd do this with my wife.
>will only lead to more honor bloat
Nigga this shit is the exact opposite of comfy
>drop rate
but not drop count?
Galge Swan.....Galgekle....
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We still in early summer now?
>grub is dead
>abandoned and at the mercy of some clueless newbies who would rather show off than actually pander to the people that pays
FKHR moment
she's connected to a phoenix by the looks of the trailer
also it's the region of "resurrection"
my pyro wife will be fine
>himeko expy instead of trying to make an original character
is it too late to start hsr and roll for galgefly
Where's the europa skin?
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>This sound not bad and more comfy
I need mamagisa...
Fucking over low-ping setups and japs is a good thing
Ook eek lah
Xbalanque sends his regards.
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Anyone wanna play Fortnite with me?
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>blud is still contemplating doing GW after yesterday
>canon dyke Black Swan and a tranny
>honor bloat
Post characters too galge for GBF
Any game would do
that doesn't rule out shipshit bro
Anon, she's not for (you) 100%. She's literally already taken by dev in one way or another. Shipshit or a corpse. She has no more options.
the fundamental problem with grub and many other gachashits for that matter is that it is essentially a game designed to make you not want to play it. basically the only content in the game that you are only expected to do once is reading the story. literally everything else is a slave tier grind where you are expected to do the same thing hundreds or even thousands of times. the ultimate goal of every grubber is being able to 1t0b everything in the game so you can skip the grind as fast as possible. the intermediate goal is being able to fa everything so at least you can pay attention to something else. the core mechanism of the game is the developers presenting players with a grind, and then offering ways to make it shorter by paying money. the entire system relies on a few thousand extremely mentally ill individuals who accept this slavery, all for the dopamine hit of ranking in gw, and the rest of the player base who goes along with it since the other lemmings are doing it so that must be how the game is supposed to be played.
please understand, early summer is september at least
Genshins trailers are so shit compared to star rails and zzz
fucking NUTS I tell you
GW only gets worse for top 2k bugs, Top 90k FA becomes even easier
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they're all non-canon garbages thanks to fukutrannoid obsession with mcu
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interesting hag move
He's a retard for even thinking Oyohim would make a for (you) let alone an archon.
Nah I want that sexy hagsex body to molest and rape all day.
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They ain't ready for this trvth nuke
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Noone even cares about the stuff announced on extrafes anymore its all just doomposting
Guess how I know you've spent one minute total on a hoyoverse game.
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They're actually literally all canon. Every single in-game content is canon. Even the Nier bad ends.
Most characters are for (You) if youre not a seanig schizo. They sperg out like those LLfags that felt jealous over the LL collab in GBF because the girls might talk to a male.
I never cared about those gayass festivals.
Nobody in Genship is for (You) lmfaoo
that game is shipshit central
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PC version when
snowbreak, and no I promise I'm not shay

the mc is one of the most proactive mc in the gacha scene, he started out got played by everyone but as the story progresses he's starting to learn the game himself and growing into a master manipulator himself
>Some people are talking about how other games do limited collab gachas and why this is fine for Grub
>the entire system relies on a few thousand extremely mentally ill individuals who accept this slavery, all for the dopamine hit of ranking in gw, and the rest of the player base who goes along with it since the other lemmings are doing it so that must be how the game is supposed to be played.
the only winning move is not to play
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>Deliberately made to invoke a "I want to save her" response by the devs
>Loves you more than her father (and she loves her dad a lot)
>Considers you the only person she can trust
>Lightens up only around you
>Would destroy the world for your sake
>Gets REALLY happy if you tell her that you're possessive of her
Gravelyn would be super popular if she was in any mainstream game.
Extremely based cousin fucker.
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like summoners wars
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cute and canon
uh oh pagpag melty
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>i-it's fine that grub is now doing something it never did in an entire decade!
I fucking LOATHE genuine slurpers
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People who say that are legitimately retarded
They seriously, unironically can't see why changing something that was a part of the game's appeal is fine, also they're not even talking about the EX+ changes.
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slurpers are NUTS
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She and the TB WILL reunite.
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I imagine they're just too old or too sunk cost to adapt to a post-grub world. I wonder what happens to them once the game closes for real.
Wonder if they even noticed the change in art direction or how much lazier it's all become.
They actually made her for (You)? I haven't played AQW since Highschool and I had massive crush on her so this was nice to see.
is this the general where other gacha generals are duking it out'?
just emulate bro
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The originator of chichiri
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A flat human female, I am not joking. is all about gigantic bazoonkas, thights or chubby but zero flaties
It's a recruitment thread
yep sex
super chichiri...
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Has been for years now
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they deserve this game
Nobody deserves this fate
Whenever there's a happening (negative) then all other gachafags gather to witness it. Anyone remember when DelightWorks attempted to make a gacha that's not FGO? Now that was a trainwreck.
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if you kept slurping after all these years, after all that has happened
you totally, 100% deserve all this.
That smile is so cute...
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The most For (You) character in the entire game. Here's that dialogue she has about the Hero being possessive of her.
>Tell me the truth. What would you do if I began to give someone else the same sort of trust that I give you?
>(You): To be honest, I would hate that. I want to be the only person you truly trust.
>That's so selfish and perfectly Evil. Yes, that's the kind of Evil I prefer. Be greedy, self-serving, ambitious, and treat your prizes well. Whether you want to conquer an entire country or just want all of my time for yourself, I want to hear it. Haha, don't worry about the question I asked. I just wanted to see you squirm a bit. But admit it, wasn't that a huge load off of your chest?
There are other things, but they'd take too long to explain.
>also they're not even talking about the EX+ changes
Because most slurpers are seasonals who got into GBF through Versus, Relink, or some homoshit they saw on twitter.
Oh yeah, I remember that one. Who knows how much it bit into FGO as well.

These slurpers are hardcore GWtards.
If you kept playing until now, yes you do. I can at least say I stopped playing daily 2 years ago and stopped logging in when they did a fucking MHA collab recently.
I'm a f2p chad
>Sakura Wars gacha cost them literally hundreds of millions of dollars to make
>It flops in the biggest fire ever seen in the industry and Delight Works has to do mass company layoffs and squeezing and even rebrand
Baba is makes KMR and FKHR look like masters of the craft
by following that logic you were supposed to already drop BA months ago, but you are still playing it, right? How are you any different
I just spent my last money on a game I hate because I gambled and lost. But didn't want to fall behind. Why are people doom posting?

GBF was so much better than the garbage I'm addicted too right now
My flop of a wife Christina Morgan...
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but you defended the state of this game right? then you deserved it.

the drought we had resulted in a good event and a good MSQ so it's justified
what has the content drought in grub justified?
1 naked homo in the fighting game
and another naked homo in the main game?
mihomo slopper...
I wonder if Baba is still out there, ruining games with his Midas touch
I remember my brother being super into her back in the day.
Did they ever implement someone like her for the Good side?
I wish...
holy top left is built more than the majority of grubba males
unironically. what the hell else is there of value in this kusoge? once a month we get a story event that only takes like an hour to read through. if you are lucky it was written by the halfway decent writing team and not the one obsessed with homos. maybe your favorite character will get a new version that comes with 2 .pngs and a 15 minute fate episode. again if you are lucky it will be entertaining and not cucking you with some other character. how the fuck is this worth participating in gw or doing revans/m3 thousands of times?
>the drought we had resulted in a good event and a good MSQ so it's justified
You are now getting something worth of your time only once or twice per year. Despite making dozens of millions dollars every month. "justified" my ass. Just another slurper in denial.
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>grubber calling other games homo
Marge why is Lraph galgeraging now?
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all the things outside of the drought and that one hakki event (which the devs apologized for) has been amazing so far on granblue archive.

when was the last time grub devs apologizes for a mistake that they made?
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Gravelyn's half sister Robina/Victoria is probably the closest thing on the Good side, but she isn't anywhere near as popular or as close to the Hero as Gravelyn is. I think Empress Ai (Japanese girl) is on the side of Good? There's also Yara, the Paladin girl.
>how the fuck is this worth participating in gw or doing revans/m3 thousands of times?
chichiri and mamalogia are so cute
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>when was the last time grub devs apologizes for a mistake that they made?
Sparking exists, waifunazi. You just got 5* Europa, now buy the pass.
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IMAGINE not having the MC of your kusoge as the single strongest character in the game
>nobody deserves this
>you're a slurper
>f2p btw
>but you defended it
Anon, are you okay? Are you in the same universe as us? Hold on, anon, don't slip into the alternate universe. Don't leave us.
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>These slurpers are hardcore GWtards.
ok so the doomposters don't even play or invest for the game alright
Best we can do is get our seiyuus to apologize on our behalf...
Even grub did that even if it was just for the 10th anni...
PAD doesnt have a MC
Or at least it didnt when I played it
this picture must be ancient because the best character is the duo shadow dicksuckers now
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sorry I was playing POE when I was making those posts
you still deserve all this btw
You say it like investing into a dead game is a good thing
let him live in his lie LOL
*MC or his harem of dicksuckers
Fixed it
slurping isn't really that interesting
>don’t have a single character from SS or SSS
I’m cooked lol
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Why are people doom posting, was the stream that bad?
And you think LGBToons invest in the game? Look at the state of grub despite grandal2 banner flopping hard.
Worse than bad.
Anon, i will explain something to you. making 100-200k per month is enough for gacha to hang on and making regular content. With tens of millions of profit per month you are supposed to swim in top tier/quality content with no possible excuses for not having it. And yet you and other gachas are barely getting anything. And zoomers got so used to such a scam that they actually refuse to compain about such cuckoldry and doesnt even notice that. You are getting royally fucked and robbed and you thanking them for doing that.
I hate modern world. I hate corn syrup.
Worst than Summer Mugen
it wasnt that bad
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How many of you fuckers actually play the EiS gacha??
>making 100-200k per month is enough for gacha to hang on and making regular content
You're right about how people are cucked from playing gacha, but 100-200k per month is absolutely not enough for continuous development.
I don't think I can post everything that's transpired today within the character limit of a post.
It’s on my phone right now. I sparked the fucking permanent Beta back at launch like an idiot.
Dragalia Lost and World Flipper did. Why not others?
But every character on the tier list is his dicksucker
there's hundreds and thousand of modern gachas that keep their regular activity with 30-50k per month. BA would need a little more because of animators, so 100-200k would be plenty
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>no argument
>"Y'ALL ARE GETTING SCAMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

so.......why are you defending a self-admitted scam by attacking other scams...............?
gfl moment
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It was so fucking bad, man. The only thing they could’ve done worse was announce EOS, and that’s basically what they did.
It's the usual suspects shitposting as always. Nobody here actually plays this game enough to genuinely care.
where did i defended anything? i simply pointed out a hypocrisy
it's called Galge no Jitsuryokusha
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>tfw grub will die in your lifetime
"Play" is a strong word. I log in to it and admire the shadow garden and also laugh at the chad Cid ignoring them to have ADVENTURE
>alpha and zeta ruin his stranded on a desert island fun by being too hyper-competent>then he gets raped by onee-chan
Poor Cid
i only posted this ironically...
Anon...what you have to know is that there's initial content pre-made so the game can run for a certain period of time no matter what happens. The make or break time comes when that initial budget and content is used up because then the company will have to present their reports and decide if the revenue is worth it to continue into the next year.
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This is why Shadow-sama NEVER loses!
I started playing the game for more Claire.
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>where did i defended anything?
yup, he ran.
Iris and Beatrix sometimes get new units.
And Sherry is only 50% dicksucker.

dunno about the collab characters though, I think he vtumors are for (you) but the shangri-la frontier character episodes all replace Shadow with their MC
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Granblue is more popular than ever. And your FOTM galges will be forgotten just like Priconne where they can't even post Twitterbux againt us anymore lmao
I’m sure the slime anime is decent but I swear it’s gotta be the most low-brow collab franchise a gacha can do. Every fucking game collabs with it.
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Grifter post
Iris and Beatrix both really like Cid, especially the latter. Iris just fucking hates Shadow, while Beatrix considers him a threat.
Annerose is also more for Mundane Mann than Shadow.
Vtumors were added because the writer himself is a fanboy.
Shangri-la was weird and how dare they forget Emul
small companies and games are happy to just stay afloat because it's still a job. they are hanging of minimal profits just fine for years.
>quoting reddit
I would say it's a new low but I don't think a bottom exists anymore.
change is good
bro thinks he's khazix
>they only need a little bit of money to stay afloat!!!!!!!!!!

so............the expensive IRL events suddenly isn't an issue anymore?
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>FOTM for X years and counting
Uma will EOS any day now.
Genshin will EOS any day now.
Star Rail will EOS any day now.
Snowbreak will EOS any day now.
Blue Archive will EOS any day now.
You’re gonna get a promotion from janitor to fry cook any day now.
it's only fair I do invisible grinding from now on
can someone explain why granblue archive BTFO pricunny so hard?
gw playercount will be berry berrrrry interesting..
ESL padjeetaxis...
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Gacha games were a mistake anyways
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>the expensive IRL events suddenly isn't an issue anymore?
Reddit elf
how many times i should repeat "tens of millions of dollars in profit every month" for you to understand that you should demand much more instead of slupring to scammers that owe you?
So have they responded to the backlash?
>Wake up
>Check if stream was just a dream
>3 threads of doomposting, slurper content creators are full doom
I've started drinking immediately after grub stream was over, very grim
Just stay alive until the next valentines so I can get this years Cantate also in color
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Hoyo slop definitely has less pandering but not more shipshit because of said lack of pandering. GBF has actual canon ships afterall
Of course if it's not bugraph it's the ESL pakijeeta slurping and damage controlling.
Just cause she's popular doesn't make her reddit
The two VTubers in particular are also huge Eminence in Shadow fans (apparently).
You know things are dire when slurpraph can't defend cygames' bullshit
Yeah at least they haven't gotten dyke kisses like Cupitan
he's defending this game right now ITT tho
Hoyo games have less shipshit than Grub though. And amusingly enough, the two shipshit years also had big revenue drops which resulted in Hoyo panicking.
They already confirmed grubfes for this year so the game will still hang on until then, and it should be easier to color shit with AI than making line drawings
Nah the creature just seethed at snowbreak and BA a little.
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Be honest with me /gbfg/. Once GBF EoS's (real), will there be suicides? Because that's the vibe I'm getting out of some fo the posts here.
it's standalone and not a sequel
>caring about how much the companies make when everyone knows that Granblue is Cygames passion project with 3 spinoffs unlike their main money maker Uma Musume
They can always cancel.
Lraph will definetely commit self-harm on his mahoo-oh wait he already did.
maleringers will move over to be malegrailers
@midorimakuns aka @midokuns will commit suicide for sure
>And amusingly enough, the two shipshit years also had big revenue drops which resulted in Hoyo panicking.
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Story was just meh
Anime did it's own thing and did not help, especially s2.
Also the MC being a retard and babied all the time was a major debuff. Heard they fixed it but it was really annoying when I played it. The girls had to carry the story but sadly we're talking about cygames writers. Most of them dont really stand out.
Cygames just has mediocre writers.
Three spinoffs that made no money lol
nah. EoS would be a better news compared to what we got. EoS would at least set me free. So if you didnt get any suicides by now - you wont get any later
a lot of people here's only positive human interaction is organizing shitpost raids on /gbfg/ specifically
without grub there is no /gbfg/ and without /gbfg/, the 'cords' future is looking grim
Hopefully the lawsuits will put an end to cygames once and for all
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Wait...you're telling me business decisions like this....are bad for business?
Anyone who starts FGO in the year 2020+4 must have no standards at all I tried it last year, it's just not worth it, just read the doujins jfc the gameplay was so bad
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>Passion project
>When both the director and producer were literally running away from the sinking ship like cowards.

Again, unless Uma suddenly nosedives I think they can at least do one last fes. Too much goes into those things for them to cancel last second
I can only give my opinion of Global Pricunny, supposedly it's much better now, but
>main campaign feels sort of disjointed, but that could be due to the game being a sequel-reboot like FF XIV 2.0
>MC being a drooling invalid really kills the enjoyment and character interactions, supposedly his brain is fixed in the story later on
>person to person basis on this but BA is more fun for me, I enjoy manually aiming skills or positioning characters mid-combat
Who the fuck is Icarus
Post grid la
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I think it's high time we all admit who REALLY started the slow, bleeding death of Granblue Fantasy
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FGO player, I'm just waiting to see next week's news to see if I can doompost it lol.
is qack ok?
That would set an interesting precedent.
Game gathers a cult following and makes them pay up for wife pngs, then EoSs and ditches the players to survive cold turkey. It's almost like scientology when you think about it, except scientology still exists.
The chances that all the /gbfg/ shitposters reunite after it's gone are so miserable it's actually over
I could see there being some among turbo slurper nips who devoted their entire lifes around grubbing and ranking high during everg GW. Though they were already a lost cause to begin with.
Nah, the story is the main appeal of priconne. The game lost to BA because the retarded devs refused to fix character bricking for YEARS
>1 kekypow in the entire thread (now 2)
it's so over
kekypows are no longer needed because the game itself has transcended that concept.
did you know they added a way to not brick characters but entire parties when they added elemental affinities?
>game so bad it's not even worth the kekypows
so grim
sad truth
They probably scheduled their life around GWs just so they could be good meatslaves for their crews. It kinda makes me sad. Makes me hate Cygames even more.
I could never understand this shit, back when i played pricunny i didn't see a single person that thought it was a good "feature"
I'm still annoyed by 3% dodge bricking your RB runs in grub as well, just let me disable it.
erm actually chuddie, you need 15 sands to transcend
There will definitely be GW poop sockers in Nihon that will not be able to cope.
>the retarded devs refused to fix character bricking for YEARS
what is it with cykeks and making bad decisions like this
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the 2 naked homos have dug enough sands into grub's shallow grave that it already bypassed that requirement.
>dying thanks to esport autism
explain this galgekeks
CB is like GW only more cancerous to compensate for the fact it lasts fewer days
there it is... the fabled kekaroo...
true to lore, the grub world is a hub where other worlds can travel to, even those who previously played grub and now play other games and shitpost here are referred ingame as otherni.. worlders
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>you don't like homos?
>*adds another* how about now??? *smirks*
>*adds another* you don't like naked males huh?
>*adds another* well you are still going to spark them because you want to play GW right?
>*adds another* oh you are just grudgingly sparking them because you want to be successful in this game?
>*adds another* well get used to it HAHAHAHA
years later

>*add 2 of the most homosest of homos into the franchise* I GOT MORE NAKED MALES YOU GRUBBING FUCKS
>SPARK!!!!!! THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's the funny thing. Why does the galge focus a shit ton on e-sports autism? Why can't we have things like dates? Instead we get sweaty content almost on par with GW.
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>No sand box boost in summer campaign
because they thought esport autism is what keep games alive, just make some bullshit hard boss and the people will throw themselves at it and this will become "content".
they took this lesson from GBF and thought it would apply to a waifu collector game like pricon as well and that backfired hard on them.
yeah all those naked males like s.beelzebub and... and...
We're so dead
most people has woken up from their hypnosis bro, just run.
Bampi status?
Hopefully she makes it to a better game
No longer core.
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>Dragalia was free from any e-sport bullshit thanks to Nintendo
i retire from this discussion but you should know that for the last 3 weeks i shared this IP and posts with another anon who will replace me
Meanwhile FEH...
>change of direction since 2021
Wait a fucking a second. So that's why the new zodiacs started appearing less and less (tigers, rabbit and dragon)...
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Oh god, if there is any kind of justice in this rotten world, please don't them ruin Hecate.
I'll put my faith in this little prayer and trust.
Stop noticing.
What do you think the final straw was at Cygames HQ to give KMR and FKHR the boot? The game was obviously going downhill for a long time but something recent must have happened for the company to draw the line and tell them to get out
lil grubba...I know you're frightened, mmm...
Cause if you knew just why you're here,
your fear would just be heightened...
Drag endgame was sweaty as fuck
So much that they got rid of emotes that were deemed toxic
Settes nerf, these things just take a while to take effect
It was szoi actually, they didn't want to nerf her directly as she was part of the og shillclub, but indirectly nerfing her (via elemental advantage) cucked them out of their original plan of multi elemental teams which ironically renders grand order (yknow her own self) useless.
Yeah closest Drag ever got to esports was a battle royale mode but your account strength didn't play a role in it and the rewards from it weren't great anyway
also around the same time they started shoving more yurishit into character fates and events... nyoticing...
Cyberagent and Abema seething
I'm honestly surprised they haven't nuked emotes in this. Fucking every game does these days.
on what planet did tigers appear "less and less"
two auld lang syne events, zodiacamp, two free skins and they just got their valentine's version
in fact the only zodiac who gets a ton of appearances is mahira
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Wasnt there a cyberagent meeting KMR had to go where they talked about the negativity surrounding grub?
I'm probably messing up what it was about.
Combination of Sette Nerf and Holofest it was not handled well
>cyberagent burning money on abema for years, couldn't point fingers at saige
>finally it brings profit
>let's check our other departments...what is this fully voiced 4%ge doing??
>Auguste of the Dead was in 2021
Holy shit
I don't think they got kicked out, rather they are fleeing because they know what is coming and don't want to be held responsible. Expect things to get even worse in the next few months, far beyond what we already know.
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>niggers in my crewcord were dooming and glooming during the entire stream
>not even an entire day later they are posting 35m setups and already labbing for nm 200 and nm 250
the vtumor shit is whatever, sette nerfs + 000 nerf is probably what did it.
instead of give us year long celebration they give us year long anxiety and uncertainty. I hope kikemura doesnt end up like shinzo abe
That's been happening since Dog
the slurping must go on
Which crew?
>What do you think the final straw was at Cygames HQ to give KMR and FKHR the boot?
Summer lotto. These years were the transition.
I think the 000 nerf hasn't happened yet when that interview about the negativity towards grub management came out but I could be misremembering
They fucked up with the Revans mk2 mats requirement too
>Numperscord was deleted 4 hours ago
Numpers himself quit so there's no point anymore
probably Fleet if it's a gbfg crew, my fleet insider told me that most the crew was slurping and coping over the stream
Summer lotto was after shadowman took over.
Even if I don't care about them. They are "subboss" to Lucilius. So are grouped together. Belial works as the chaotic mastermind type, and Bub's kinda a flop but he's attached to them. Like that dumb Gidorah head.
Numpers quit!?

Probably, true. Other crew dooming status?
Numpers "quit" like KMR did
We don't actually know that. KMR could've been estimating/exagerrating and there's a chance that he got the shadow producer after the lotto
Nier! is like 50% dooming and 50% slurping
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Can I get a QRD on the claims of Granblue dying
Capy status?
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then who is this?
>simply wanted Grinmir Swimsuit
>instead get naked bubs (summon) and some literally who
This sucks.
We might not know explicitly but it's pretty obvious when we look at how direction has changed, since events are planned a bit before they are actually implemented we can wager the new guy probably took over in February or March or so of 21.
isnt Nier is literally just 2 people? So one was doomposting and other one slurped?
>Numpers quit
>Huangyume quitting
>Umaschizo doesn't even login since light GW
>Seraph doesn't even attempt to defend game anymore
>Literally no one likes granrager jitasis
Yeah, i think it's over for /gbfg/
What other generals can match this mental illness, preferably not the type that just spams pics.
amazing how elden ring kept the point down and not modify it

thread's theme

It all returns to nothing,
it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.
numpy is about to undergo an identity transition
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Answer me genuinely, no bullshit, no schizoposts.
Is it time to go?
This is not gamewar. I will not be picking up another gacha game.
He log on to make a final picture of Cantate
Now that shills will start mogging slots with their alts, the most oppressed grub stand no chance.

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