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Humans and Monsters Edition

Previous Best Friends: >>487828310

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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good morning /utg/. what videogames we playan?
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Undertale the movie the game
/utg/ doesnt hate gotes btw
Not Deltarune chapters 3&4
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Toby will never finish the game btw
mega man 2 but the difficulty of the endgame fight with the massive-hitbox bouncing ball projectiles is absolute fucking jank ass and i hate it
the nes one or the gameboy one
um yeah we do
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HEH EHEHEH (laughs)
* You tell Susie 'no stop, that's giving me a boner.'
he won...
* You thought of telling Susie this, but the urge to have her keep obliviously turn you on overpowered the thought
i once wrote a post on the rapeability of each of the deltateens including my opinion on the best way to do it (coercion, threatening them, overpowering, etc.) and the long term effects it would have on them (how their personality would change, how their relationships with friends and family would change, etc.) but i felt bad afterwards and erased it before posting. i’m not remaking it, i just wanted to let you all know.
You should remake it but with the thread pillars.
remake it now coward
>krautsie shouting "N-NEIN! NEIN! NEIN NEIN NEEEIIIIN!!!!" as he gets plapped
i’ll think about it
i’m too tired maybe tomorrow
>but i felt bad afterwards
you are still a good person
don't let them take that from you
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Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow. I love Chara and want her to use me.
what about role reversal using chara
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See you charafren
i love gote
well if you're not gonna remake it, someone else should
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Two gay homos
Different genders, they're straight
Kris has a cock in my headcanon
what do you think toby would be doing rn if undertale had flopped
either rotting or frotting
Back to Hussie's basement, for some real peachy trickster-times.
what’s your favorite underrune fanfiction
becomes hussie's hussy
who’s the hottest thread pillar
do you like coffee
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either me or doomerfren

i hope krabsposter found his stinky susie gf
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I prefer tea or energy drinks if I need caffeine
(Author's note: He did not.)
I went to the thread pillar meetup… AND NOBODY KNEW YOU!
many such cases
I hope Berdly doesn't mind that Kris enslaved one of his kind as a pet
are you team toby or team temmie in the upcoming schism
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many such cases
boxers or briefs
No I don't mean a cockatiel I mean a juicy throbbing erect PENIS
inside the birdcage?
Also this isn't a shitpost, Day to Day is genuinely my favorite fic of all time for either game because it's so fucking good and that's why I was able to reply with zero delay looking for it. And it isn't even a sex fic or slash shipping or anything. I recommend it and everything else the author wrote.
how would you react if i was a stranger sitting next to you on a park bench slipped my hand onto your thigh
pepper spray
toby's evil twin
boby wolf
if you were in a large crowd and everyone started clapping out of nowhere would you join
We already have Sebastien Wolf though
if a stranger asked you what your favorite songs are would you answer honestly
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sabaton songs
No, applauding for myself would be gauche
you’re courageous or you have little self-consciousness
did u ever simp for sans
have you ever said the name of an underrune character out loud
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what is so outlandishly courageous about mentioning my favourite songs? you are confusing me.
Someone mentioned the name susie once and I said "susie deltarune is a cutie" and started looking around for reactions but nobody noticed/cared
if sabaton was my favorite band i would not admit that
noelle real...
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>skill issue
grow some balls
i said sans undertale when he appeared on the nintendo direct
can you do a cartwheel
look i’m just saying sabaton is a little weird like i don’t want to tell someone i listen to songs about ww2 or something
If I spoke French then yeah I would probably say it a lot in the winter
what’s your favorite color
And I'm also sure I'd say "without" a lot too
making music for games as a freelancer
A free HUH!!?!?!?
do you shower before or after sleeping
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i have been most recently been listening to a sabaton song about WW1 actually, also they have songs about alot of different time periods other than WW2.

I don't shower period
claim your free lancer here: https://deltarune.com/lancer/
Actual question: why did people find the chapter 1 Hometown walkaround weird or unsettling?
wosh u self
the idea of everyone in a neighborhood knowing them is weird because they (the people finding it weird) spend all their time inside
because the SCARY EVIL MAN came and he wiggled his fingers and went BOOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE
that mock up dialogue with King threatening to kill lancer to one of his soldiers someone posted the other day here
*and he wiggled his fingers and then a ghost pooted on you
would you consider yourself neurodivergent
I do find the walkarounds very melancholic, but also comfortable in a weird mix.
Yiik OST by toby "radiation" fox
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i usually shower directly after shidding because i don't have a bidet, dislike being unclean and i like killing two birds with one stone by cleaning my ass at the same time i clean my body
(btw this is something that would be impossible for a monster, from Undertale, to do because they don't poop)
are you an imaginative person
that one smut comic where Undyne accidentally drowns a guy and apologizes to him with her ass
is it bigger than a breadbox
sorry i’m just making conversation because i’m bored
I'm somewhat of an idea guy myself
what’s your favorite dinner food
in which folder are you putting the answers to the info digging questions you keep asking?

your mom
would you rather have infinite money or deltarune full game releases tomorrow and the internet doesn't talk about it at all until you finish it
would you consider yourself a free thinker
deltarune full game and then never finish it
infinite money
stop noticing things
yeah no one pays me for thinking
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ok sure i will just ask one more question in a moment
I forgot how fucking good Courier's borderline cosmic horror stuff is. Goddammit I can *feel* the Underrune brainrot worming its way back int my brain and digging its supple, inviting tendrils directly into my medulla oblongata. God damn it.

You're just gonna say that and not share it?
tobedesu this would probably happen to me unintentionally because i was retarded enough to be filtered by the floor lights puzzle and needed to look up a guide
would you press a button that gives you 10 million dollars but kills one random person somewhere on earth with an instant painless heart attack (you will not know who died)
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What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is Queen's full name, letters, numbers and all?
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>numbers and all
hello all, i am numbers.
fuck I know it's like Q5U7E44XYE9N but I definitely didn't get it exact
i read a whole bunch of sad fanfics and greentexts from the archives tonight and now i both really want to sleep and never want to sleep again
i might hate toby but i hate his fans more for being able to so easily turn my eyes into waterworks
It's Q5U4EX7YY2E9N (no I can't memorize it exactly right either I had to look it up so don't feel bad)
Do you think Queen's serial number having an EX is intentional
You know like to line up with her being similar to Mettaton EX
Is it an African Queen or a European Queen?
I need more data on them.
No, I prefer water.
I would be very uncomfortable but tok nervous to do anything
Yes, I fall easily to peer pressure.
No, my favorite songs are kind of embarrassing/weird
Yes, I used to talk about Undertale and Deltarune with my friends back when I had some.
What >>487965440 said
No, even though I probably am
Yes, but I find i it somewhat difficult to picture complex objects or multiple simplistic objects.
Infinite money.
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>17 (You)s
all me baby
AU where Sans winning the sexyman poll killed Queen Deltarune instead of Queen Elizabeth so now she is just mysteriously and permanently absent from everyone's copies of the game
I miss Lancerbomber.
>he only got 17 (You)s
little baby numbers, i got over 70 in one thread
Single pirated copy of undertale that was briefly up on russian torrent sites circa 2016 that switches papyrus with prunsel amongst other creepy changes
>The sexyman poll is being held on the librarby laptop
>The excess amount of votes starts overloading the computer
>Just as Sans gets his last vote in and wins by 1, the computer overheats and explodes (explosion.gif)
>Queen is fucking dead
are you going to save susie or save dess
(you are saving dess from the plot and saving susie from herself)
Single pirated copy of undertale that was briefly up on russian torrent sites circa 2016 that is actually ransomware
Maybe it's a good thing I didn't have a twitter account for the sexyman poll because my input (would've voted Sans) would've ruined the memetically climactic ending of Sans winning by exactly 1 vote by making him win by 2 instead
I don't like either of them they can both die unless you're allowed to fuck them in the game itself
I would curbstomp Susie if it meant making even Rudy live one day longer
single pirated copy of Deltarune chapter 3 that was briefly up on steamunlocked that was just a shitty fangame
>I would curbstomp Susie
didn't have to read further than that, based
Alphys turned me into a newt.
Alphys turned me into a oldt.
I hate susie so much I'm going to put her on a hot grill and watch her melt into purple goo
single pirated copy of deltarune chapter 1 that was briefly up on a fake skidrow website where ralsei says a slur
yum yum
A newt?
....I got better.....
it tastes like rubber and glue
susie would eat rubber and glue so it's only fair to honor her memory by doing it for her
i hate susie but i still want her to have a good ending because i WANT her to follow the dumb heart of gold character archetype even if it's stupid and overplayed and easily fucked up by schizophrenic writing angles, and if it makes some people upset because it's so predictable or because it takes her too far out of character, because i don't like reading about or thinking about bad people, and more than RPG mechanics or numbers going up, games like toby's give me the most escapism by being a world where people are inherently good.
thanks for listening to my Ted talk
There are ways of telling if Alphys is a witch.
there are tiny faves running around and I keep on splatting them but they keep on coming
>using "toby's giving me escapism" as a positive
>in the game that's going to end with a hamfisted "You WILL close all the dark fountains and NEVER see Ralsei AGAIN because dark worlds are ESCAPISM and ESCAPISM causes the ROARING" message
Are there any undertale creepypastas?
I wanna read about hyperrealistic papyrus
that's great for Toby but if you never see ralsei again in the game that's fine because you still played it and it still exists in your head and all the art and writing and music out there made by other people who also experienced it
it's our own roaring caused by escapism, but it isn't the end of the world, it's an audible roaring of phone lines and keyboards and touch screens and papercraft and sewing needles all sharing something between them, and i think that's really fucking cool even if that thing is two chapters and soon to be a paid demo of the world's slowest developing tile based pixel rpg
if the whole story is really just escapism bad, that would be really kind of sad i feel, and a reason to end up ignoring authorial intent. even worse than "you're a bad person for playing a video game just to see what happens by holding forward and i wanted you to feel mad and cheated also what color are varics eyes ha ha (laughs)"
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Pesky pipis
what if Noelle was evil and sniffed you up into her nose
By creating devices that harness and (re)direct magic, Alphys is, by definition, a witch.
What if Noelle wore tight jeans and you could see her delicate skinny legs and her cute ass
what if noelle was evil and brought a gun to school
that one image of noelle scaring kris by talking enthusiastically about her shotgun
what if noelle was evil and ran into traffic
she would get knocked around by the cars then fall onto the sidewalk all the while in a static pose
Hitmen for Hire but its Noelle Holiday and Susie instead of Dylan and Eric
Showing noelle footage of the undertale genocide route with no context
Do you think we'll ever meet Suzy?
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Showing noelle a search for her name on e621 with no context
>gosh this reminds me a lot of dragon blazers X) why is the game acting like you're evil for it though?
showing noelle l4d2 and then gifting it to her on steam
If Noelle was a true teenage girl how come she isn't obsessed with true crime and runs a tumblr page thirsting over Ted Bundy
Imagine ERPing online with cringy emoticon overusing Noelle
This is my dream
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Goodnight little buddies
why cant I be her ive done everything why cant i be her
Rob Jr. went back to doing Marvel Movies before Rob Fox finished Deltarune
Because you touch yourself at night
Keep believing anon
That didn't stop Noelle
Noelle is cisgendered and has a vagina
Somewhere a teenage White boy is looking at Kris and going "Damn, he just like me"
yeah like me when I was a teenager and tried to look like kris
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>Deltarune has been in development for so long that people who were teens when it came out are now adults
I don't like that. Not one bit.
im a cis woman but i have so much gender envy for noelle id kill to be just like her
the only thing that leaked from deltarune was that we knew that toby tried to change game engine before he told us
What does the gender envy entail if you're already the same gender as her? Wouldn't it just be regular envy?
We did?
it was leaked in underminers discord (the one who made UndertaleModTool)
She's not really similar to Mettaton EX at all aside from being a robot
At most I can see it being something to get the player thinking about Mettaton to set up Spamton NEO but it's probably unintentional
How did someone in the Underminers Discord know about Toby fucking around with game engines for a year and a half
Shes more of a woman than ill ever be- the way she just is- naturally, even though I am a woman, ill never be a woman like her
My precum leaked
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don't know
No, Susie's sister Suzy died in the world of Deltarune
Toby's pretty positive towards game modding so maybe he told the guy himself but asked to stay anonymous? Makes more sense to me than some random guy on his at the time nonexistent dev team leaking info to modders
It's July 28
I can only assume he found out from a man in a trench coat and fedora handing him a sealed envelope at a secret location
Would post true pacifist monsters be allowed at the Olympics and if so would they be representing whatever country Mt Ebott is at or the Underground
>not really similar to Mettaton EX at all
The long legs? The attacks utilizing long legs?
are you one of those broad shouldered square jawed women that get confused for trannies?
Asgore is a king, he would probably try to say that the underground is it's own nation
He's a pushover and seems to have straight up abdicated to live a quiet gardening life by the credits montage
Instead of gayhomo Massachusetts, Hometown should have been based on somewhere cool like Atlanta, Georgia or Philly
It should have been in Prague in the year 1990
No, its just that im envious the kind of beauty Noelle has- its natural, pure beauty, ive been told im cute before, but never beautiful, not like noelle
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Every girl just wanna be a reindeer
Get a lot of money, pull fancy sleighs
Every girl just wanna be a reindeer
Get a lot of money, might not see tomorrow
I've been told you guys are worse than /gig/? Is that true?
Depends. How many pedophiles does /gig/ have, because we got a few.
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I can confirm that we are worse, way worse.
I don't know what that is but depends on the time of day
Every single post ever made with this image attached is either dramafagging, off topic, or simply incomprehensible. Impressive.
Yeah because the sans avatarfag is yet another personality of [REDACTED]
/gig/ easily has the largest amount of pedophiles out of every general on /vg/
I wish she'd make this face at me
My condolences
why thank you pal. I put a lot of effort into this character.
thread personalities general
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the right image is the view inside of my bedroom every day btw
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dead thread
What is that?
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hello frens :D
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What does human-monster pregnancy look like? How does it work?
it doesn't
That's the plot of Final Fantasy VI
What if you tried to impregnate fave but it didn't work because you're different species
(if fave is one of the KFC then uhhhhhhhh pretend you're a monster or underrune humans are separate from real life humans I dunfuckinno)
No, why is he a head in grass?
Okay I swear to god this is the weirdest fucking coincidence I did NOT know >>487984942 was posted when I wrote and posted this. I hadn't updated in a while and the most recent post on my screen was Spamton Chain Chomp, I somehow thought of this independently from the other guy talking about pregnancy compatibility
impregante ralsei
>banning susie from anything
what kind of fucked up shadow crystal timeline is this
imgregnate asriel
This one: >>487963356
fave wishes their old friends would unblock them
The image is from 2018
what did fave do to deserve a block
fave doesn't really wanna talk about it but it's nothing seriously bad, they just thought I gave off bad vibes
fave is boowomping again
and? noelle being exceedingly horny for susie beyond reason was common knowledge back then too, it just wasn't given any special attention like a whole long scene
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hmm, sounds suspiciously like someone i know who i blocked for giving me insanely bad vibes aplenty
I wish I had blocked a lot of people based on bad vibes instead of hanging out with them for years despite being the worst people I ever met because I hate confrontation
Undertale Deltarune,
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I want a story where Batman tells Papyrus that he understands.
I want Batman to tell the boy he understands what is it like to be consumed by fear yet standing up anyway. That he understands to aware of the darkness in this world, yet choose to believe in that people can change, people can choose to do better. Always.
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I don't think that'll be me. The person who blocked me doesn't really seem like the type to use /utg/
fave really misses their friends
fave feels like their life is over and they have to do a clean reset or something
fave wishes the internet wasn't a thing when they were a stupid teenager
Will Toby ever write a song as good as Bury the Light (acapella intro version)
I don't know if you were here for kingfag posting her uncensored tits or not
I contributed in absolutely no way, why are you assuming I'm one of them?
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posting Susie with increased fervor
I first tried it.
Post the REAL one.
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Good morning kraut.
I'm here to be that favefag you do not respect.
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
Post the REAL one.
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I could develop myself past just being a horny gay but such a shelf elevating might get Yuki to show back up again and I always thought he was kind of annoying.
>kingposter hasn't been active in this thread
Is she lurking or did she finally start taking her mental health seriously and leave for good?
What if I said you just got seamlessly replaced with a clone with all your memories in one unperceivable instant? You can't prove me wrong because all you have to prove you're "you" is your own memories of such, which you would still have if you just got swapped out without feeling anything. What if the original you just vanished forever 3 seconds ago and will never understand a thing?
Gaster shut the FUCK up and stop trying to schizoify Starwalker I'm gonna get the broom
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we've got him
why are we getting more redditfags
is this fetish art disguised as "body positivity" art?
>word salad
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Friend train
Fuck off ralsusfag
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need cuddleslut
>reddit filename
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I will say we were getting better gay characters out of media when they were more taboo and people only had bad and old stereotypes to work with.
Every instance of relatable or "regular" gays was in adult animation and those have disappeared in favor of more lesbians on TV instead. I kind of miss the bad stereotypes you saw on Family Guy or South Park, not even they can not get away with being anything less than politically aware these days.
I just kissed noelle
moooooom kraut and doomerfag are making out again
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how exactly would anyone ever get away with posting that image to reddit?
What if Fave had that weird physical deformity where their ribcage was indented?
*turns on the TV for some Sunday morning cartoons*
*it’s my favorite - The Kraut & Doomie Power Hour*
ahhhh… comfy….
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Don't call your mom, it's about to get gay in here.
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does Kraut repeatedly whisper "i'm not gay i'm not gay i'm not gay" under his breath while they're having homosexual intercourse? Or is he firmly in the "it's not gay if he looks like a woman" camp?
Unless your mom is Toriel
That could be kinda hot
I've heard that now that Elton Musk bought it, It became a far right site
You're caught me. Sorry for falseflagging
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You should get an annoying avatar. I recommend extremely low quality phone screenshots of youtube Undertale meme compilations
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>replying to the same post twice with different gimmicks but the same obvious intent
>lolbertarian berdkek
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I will think it about it. But Imay be too ESL and not have enough carisma as the community pillars
I'm not kraut, bakabird.
I wanna see this
Taking a refreshing nap with fave
as fave snoozes sneaking your hand into their underpants and playing with their genitals
Taking a refreshing dirtnap with fave after being kidnapped by the cartel and getting buried alive because our families couldn't afford the ransom
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ralsei bake too many biscuits for his friends
btw can i play deltarune on a rtx 4060?
no, you'll need at least a 4090
Not even an RTX 4090 can play Deltarune at a stable 60fps.
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fuck it's over
Fave sleeps without any pants or underwear on, but also wearing a hijab, mummy wrappings, and a giant eskimo coat on.
Imagine how good the middle eastern Egyptian Eskimo fave pussy is once you get through all of that though.
I want to bundled up in a giant blanket bundle with fave.
Maybe while naked.
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These images are not Undertale or Deltarune related.
>smacks balls with spatula
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Neither is the post you just made.
Deal with it, nerd.
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Muscle Fave wants to carry you around.
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Fave stole Rasputin's 8 inch pickled dong from a museum.
Shut up and enjoy peace and quiet
Shut up and enjoy kraut
Wake up and TASTE the PAIN
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet
Shut up
I come into this thread to be alone.
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youtuber explaining deltarune arg videos my fave
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Fave lets you have 2 cookies instead of just one.
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What ideology?
Being a bitch ideology
a 2 time undisputed loser ideology
he's pretending to humor you for the dick krautsie
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i was talking about germany
sorry there
yeah germany tried to bring an idea
only to get DP'ed by us and ussr
It literally is though, along with all nations
a failed one, evidently
It's not gay as long as it's a nonbinary cock
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after the monarchy fell undyne took full powers
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i think it's written "basadx"
Gamemaker FUCKED us didn't they? There's no way we getting that newsletter before August
I told you guys
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update: short refreshing nap is now also complete
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tell me more
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this is in-topic because the unused version of noelle's room has pills
>You're just gonna say that and not share it?
Spear of Just Us 2
can you please go back to .reddit
make me
Wtf are you on about now retard?
he yearns to be put in a gas chamber
You should look in the mirror and giggle at that
Don't try and comprehend it. He's off his fucking rocker and believes Sans is real and is out to rape him.
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the eyes of a cold bloody predator
a predator out for anon booty
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I wanna pet Ralsei so bad it hurts that he doesn't exists irl
Have you tried petting an irl goat?
o no alkaline
I have considered getting a goat at least once to have as a pet.
I am not a zoophile for clarification.
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Faggoated with the fagsauce
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fuckoff zoos
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swiggitty swooty he is coming for that booty

we are just gonna have to try find IRL people that act like nice sweet ralsei to cope with the fact.

faggoat fagboat, he's in the navy now.
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He helps boost morale. He's not that good with guns
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i came from reddit because there were too many goatfags but not here i will clean this filth
Phantom FunnyFave42 was vanquished.
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1045 days
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>we are just gonna have to try find IRL people that act like nice sweet ralsei to cope with
ugly as fuck
you will never be a janny
I think we should bully kraut more.
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I have found out I'm not as socially rarted as I initially thought, so maybe there is hope for me after all
Your German need I say more?
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*bullies you* uwu

i wish you luck fren :)
/krautg/ in full swing I see
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but sis, i do not want to
That's the problem. I don't have much ammo because he's not that much of an interesting character here.
He just shows up and goes fuck you I'm a Nazi then disappears, like a sort of nuisance phantom.
Anyone who acts like that in real life just gets punched in the face by drunk bar goers because they get tired of putting up with the constant hostility.
Ignore and move on
You're the most homosexual person here
Berdly REEEEEEES on Discord while he's in a hotel https://youtu.be/bCs2kglcOGk?t=219
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He bullies himself more than I could ever bother to outdo
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Fuck off birdshit.
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Me too fren
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nta but I have
they're pretty neat
Berdfag REEEEEES at a goatcord while his fave dies to Noelle
I don't know
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where is /u/timmyutg? he was the one who suggested to come here
I would feel bad for him since he definitely has problems, but he's a pedo, so no, get fucked, dude.
loli is just a body type.
This dude wasn't looking at lolicon
le funny fave post
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billions of boys will be kissed......
Also kill yourself
i'm not charismatic enough i give up my fake thread personality but i will continue to stole post from reddit and such and post it here
I want beautiful buff fem-man Ralsei
You should go to prison berdfag.
holy shit
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dont we all
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I suck Fave all day just because I like it so much.
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so true
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I want a Ralsei who is a sub
Can you explain why without sounding insane
Fave likes it too, it's a win-win
you're not a dragon
>[incoherent babbling]
What are you trying to say
>cut to Susie angrily typing a reply
The Flag is redder than Hazbin Hotel
Ralsei wants to be choked
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Kraut, you're even more incoherent than usual today
wtf i am ralsei??
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Berdshit is still dead.
To be honest, I just thought that sounded funny. I don't really have anything against that show.
if you think blocking tasquetranny is bad you should try getting reverse-groomed by them yourself
no one cares about tobyslops
instructions unclear, got a valuable long time friendship instead.
can you ask them why they hate psanon so much
why would i ask them that when they don't even go to the threads anymore, so how would that question be relevant.
You have her discord
The hocky ralseifag has her discord, yeah
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You're never even aware of "what" happened, you just heard 2 words and constructed your own fantasy version of what happened and spammed it in /utg/ for literal years
kraut saw the world's most obvious false flag of """berdfag""" saying I'M A RAPIST AND ZOOPHILE AND I KILL CHILDREN!!! and he still believes it sincerely to this day
>constructed your own fantasy
Actually I'm pretty sure he just copied it from someone else
That "someone else" is tasquefag themself
this is HUGE!!!
>he didn't figure it out ages ago
Genuinely why did berdlytard try to date a minor?
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When people say "goat with the most" this is what "most" means
the most coats?
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He was initially excited to get the sexer from them. Then he was reminded that was a kiddo and he had to save face somehow.
I'm 87 years old. Too old for this shit.
Blame the jannies etc
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hello grandad
Telling ralsei not to send pictures of his tummy to strangers on discord
Telling asriel and ralsei to send all their tummy pictures to me only
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I'd make some funny remark and post Berdlys but I have Alphys (real) coming over to my apartment and I gotta get dinner ready and stuff.
Imagine if we end up cuddling and I break my bisexuality intimacy cherry, that'd be fucking WILD lol
I hope they're above age this time.
Why does everyone ignore this
You gotta love the amount of clinical psychopaths here that would unironically try to haphazardly kill real world people if they had any real power, but instead just fester in /utg/ due to being irrelevant poorfags
back in my day we didnt have any of this gendered language bullshit
we used the GREEK RULE
you're either a man or a BITCH
said old fave
Because it's false
Why did toriel divorce asgore in deltarune
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(laughs knowingly)
Anon, it is verifiably true
how does this general attract so many people that actively hate these games
speak for yourself
That you're a Deltagroomer?
this is probably the absolute worst that /utg/ has been in its whole lifespan desu
I'm not berdfag you dumb fuck
i will never be a community pillar it's over
timmy, kraut, doomer, my gods i failed you
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At least you have gooter booters
So you just run defense for kiddo sans diddlers
Asgore was hittin up Rudy a bit too often
To go fishing that is
that's just par for the course for any 4chan general
Bring back that one cathy mom poster
Pedophiles are not a positive
Kris: What do you mean?
Kris: I don't know what you're talking about, but it ain't me
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hearty kek
Just how massive are these Ralsei tits
*in a trump voice* there H U G E
Faves crabs got loose at the baggage claim.
Susie secretly wants to have huge boobies
Susie sues Hooters for not being able to work there.
Hooters instantly hires Ralsei because his hooters are bigger than his torso
Noelle will help her pay for a high quality breast enlargement procedure
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Ralsei opens his own establishment called "Gooters"
Punching Ralsei in his stupid face!
That's not very nice...
Pinching Ralsei on his cutesy cheeks!
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Horrortale Berdly
haha flat
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Horrortale Suzy
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People Who Like Videogames come and go while deranged obsessive autists stick around for years.
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I love gooter booters
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Thread just got even stinkier
Its Horrortale you dumb fuck
It's an AU, a pretty good one
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Gooter booters look even cuter with glasses
However these are fan designs of the AU designs
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good night /utg/. i am going to bed now. cya.
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He needs them for his 'puter
is that supposed to be her tits cause it just looks like she's getting really fat to me
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Gote night
That's where he posts all his luscious gote pics
she got really fat in one specific area, her tits
susie's a flatty!
asriel's 'puter getting seized by the feds
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luscious gote pics of fluffy gote belly
it's actually kingy inside there
uh oh im nooticing
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He searched how to make determination
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How'd the feds make their way underground
He's got muscles because he does a lot of crunches
*scuttles away*
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I'm going to turn his abs into flabs.
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You little shit
fuck off man it's not worth it
okay maybe next thread :3 *scuttles away again*
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Me and him are gonna do daily plap-ups, he'll be ripped
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spamton fans are the most opressed minority ITT, right after gamers of course
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You can take your turn after he goes to whatteyburger
Would your fave play Hearts of Iron IV?
you fuck off too she doesn't need to know about this, see this, kingfag if you see this we all know how firmly you're against this kind of vorepost shit. please just ignore, they're not worth your time.
so true krautsie
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I'm going to what-the-fuck-everburger with him, I want some fast food. And a milkshake
i havent seen a spamton post in ages
Please find something better to do with your time than constantly shit up this thread.
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I prefer a goatmilkshake
I’ve always found it interesting how weekend threads plummet in quality despite nobody here having a job
Susie doesn't bully Noelle or Catti because as a flatty she recognises them as her superiors.
susie has never showered in her life
her musk is very intense
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What If? Gaben and Toby were swapped so that Toby made Half-Life and Gaben made Undertale
wosh u sooz
We still wouldn't have chapter 3
Susie has never shaved in her life either, she has very hairy legs and armpits
Spraying Susie with a hose
deltarune and half life have more and more similarities the more you really think about it
g-man, the g. , it stands for..., gaster man
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I've heard goatmilk is really tasty but I still need to try it some day. My usual Asriel brand gote molk is best served warm anyway
what if you never saw papyrus in deltarune until the last moment in a post credits gag
What If Randy Pitchford made Undertale
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Cottage cheeseriel
shave u sooz
She doesn't grow hair as a lizard/dinosaur/dragon/whatever the fuck she's supposed to be
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then why does she have hair on her head
fave requires blue cheese
I wouldn't mind not seeing Papyrus, he's reddit humour personified.
>She doesn't grow hair
What's that on her head then?
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He's high in protein and low in calories, a perfect snackriel
I still have some left actually, hold on
What If Randy Marsh made Undertale
It's the green part of an eggplant that has since rotted and turned brown. Her eyebrows are also just drawn on with permanent marker, they're not real hair either.
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I'm going to eat this cheese wheel real quick chat
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Deltarune cosplay tries to take a purple sharpie bath to dye her skin purple
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
huffing her butt and passing out from the smell
Trump would say there
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f r i e n d
this will happen to noelle in chapter 6
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The spider a cute! CUTE!!!
I'd have sex with a girl who takes a purple sharpie bath to look like susie honestly
gote bote
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Good night goat
I like her segmented limbs here, you never really see that on muffet drawings
This is good. I like this.
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holy shite
ideal susie body type, saved
>author drew more
susie absolutely does not wear this shirt, it's a blank white shirt and the blue is just shading. I'm not accepting any other answer
>is this fetish art
meant for >>487995289
is the evil ralsei theory still popular
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No but we have evil Asriel at home
Rank these in terms of quality
Mask of Zorro starring Antonio Banderas
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It's been mostly downgraded from Ralsei being evil to Ralsei being misguided or not having all the information while still being secretive about what he does know and why he knows it.
He really does seem to want to be friends with Kris and Susie, and seems to really like (you) the player and believe you are helping the Legend become complete.
The only thing that's really concerning is that he says breaking bonds can make you more powerful while also collecting the denizens of each chapter in your castle town for you.
Now THIS is the kind of Ralsei made for giving blowjobs
Guy, I've never seen a game this quirky!
Makes me wanna develop quirky indie games
susie's a raggedy old bitch
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>Mask of Zorro starring Antonio Banderas
>Puss in Boots in Shrek 2 featuring Antonio Banderas
>Mr. Cortez in the first three Spy Kids Films
In that order.
and then she braps and poops because she didnt eat the magical food
segmented limbs are a lot more common in hollow knight fanart in comparison to muffet art
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okay and? hollow knight has nothing to do with muffet beyond the surface level arthropod connections so why even bring it up
but I do think the true bugfuckers need to claim muffet fully, No more human arms
That was the main point of my comparison, hollow knight fans go ahead with segmented limbs way more often than UT fans do.
tfw muffet will be never seen again because she was a kickstarter character
If that's what it takes to make sure So Sorry also never shows up again, fine by me.
You're telling me we will never get the spider again because of a fatfag furfag?
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1 character you hate in Deltarune will me removed at the cost of doubling development time. In the contrast, development time will half but 1 character you love will be removed. What do you accept?
so sorry won't show up regardless considering the whole floraverse fiasco
but muffet will appear. trust.
Based but I prefer innie buttholes
I'd stick to status quo
tfw so sorry will never show up again because they became a troon groomer
what if the character I hate is probably one of the most important characters in the whole story
If Toby included Muffet but not Samael's porn OC he'd make a big stink about it and he's clearly really conflict-averse
Just Toby not having created the character is enough.
The fatfag furfag has zero control over the situation or what weird rules Toby sets himself. Toby can actually put in whoever he wants.
I want Toby's vision and as much content as possible. I don't want anything removed.
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Your character will get into Deltarune but only after you have an erotic roleplay session with Toby. Yes or No
Berdly is already removed since he dies in Chapter 2, so... I'd remove Susie.
No, I respect Toby's vision enough to not want to influence the game in any way.
this is kind of a lose lose considering the only people who would want to ERP with toby would be the type of person to respect and worship his vision to an unhealthy degree and not want to taint it
Can I skip having an extra character put in and just get the ERP with the source material's creator instead
If it's only text I'd do it
I'd create the most non-queer and conventionally attractive female character ever
ERP with mad mew mew
You can now pay $1000 to put a character in Deltarune, like Undertale. Who would it be?
For me, it would be Tangerine.
Your Fave will be in Deltarune AND have a really good part in it but ONLY if you take on their extremely weird and specific fetish art commission
we already have bratty and catty
what would ERP with Noelle be like
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Describe each character boiled down to its most basic archetype
This is too good, Undertale fans dont deserve something this good
Toby's quirky little game doesnt deserve something this good
I'm sorry anon I'm too distracted by this image of Undertale with worse graphics
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
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>Madotsuki from Yume Nikki
>A talking flower
>A tohou Character turned into a goat
>The Judge from OFF
>Luigi from Super Mario Bros
>Gay muscle
>Gay nerd
>Gay robot
>The only interesting and well written character
>Two dumbass kids
It does, because even if I don't think Toby's quirky little games about player choices and escapism and stat grinding don't deserve it, we'd be better off for NOT being able to read stories like that that strip away all that shit and focus on the characters as things other than jokes.
nonbinary with tits
BDSM and humiliation fetishist
pedo hag
ugly bastard
horny group home resident
gets wet at drag time story hour
shlicks to shotacon pornography
dancer at the pegasus club
secretly watches hentai
female with tits
gets groomed on discord
Bratty's favorite food is pussy though
literally zero personality or backstory or likable traits
generic creepypasta slop tier "I pretend to be friendly but I'm actually EEVIL"
pornbait for guys with mommy issues
pornbait for teenage girls
pornbait for tomboyfags
supposed to be "omg RELATEABLE" for the tumblr girls toby wants to mingle amongst
the one toby probably wants to fuck
disregarded by everyone in the fanbase in favor of other characters or final bosses
pornbait for lolifags
pornbait for shotafags (or regular gay furries in his adult form)
*We'd be WORSE off. Fucking hell I'm a RETARD that is the exact OPPOSITE of what I wanted my post to say
>has parents
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It's true. I used to be a BIG SHOT. The biggest! But now... I need a little genorisity.
Asriel is a reverse orphan
its vibes
i want to forcefeed him a can of beans
she just likes the taste, there is nothing sexual about it
why do the deltatroons hate undertale's characters so much? is it because they're more likeable?
Nobody reply.
But anon, several "somethings" have already been removed. Pray that the "somethings" are not changed further.
Man why are Undertale characters so much better than Deltatroon's?
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I'd rather be obsessed over a generic bully and a goat that's probably hopefully not related to the main character for once.
Kris gets the aux cord and puts this on
None of them are goonable teens
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I want to forcefeed you several knives.
*you inserted a can of beans into spamton's mouth hole.
*it was a perfect fit!
*you hear a sound similar to a woodchipper, whilst clumps of orange sauce fly at your face
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This artist has been pumping out quite a, let's say, varied selection of fish
And I don't think that's all just Omega-3 in this case
There is a non-zero chance that there will be a real Undertale character reveal trailer for Smash Brothers within the next year
How would you react if that actually happened
I'm high test enough to want both
the trailers have stopped years ago
Wonder how much Deltarune dev time was sacrificed by Toby working with Sakurai
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yeah I know and it's absolutely fucking based. Dude came out of nowhere and is just delivering absolute bangers, and even of Deltarune Undyne to boot. Absolutely aces.
regular chubdyne is good but cop undyne with it drives me fucking wild good GOD
It probably would've been a very straightforward licensing deal with Sakurai just getting the OK for his design but Toby keeps making super specific licensor changes and then changing his mind afterwards
Deltarune Undyne is the fat cop from GTA IV
Undertale Undyne is absolutely ripped
For as much as people shit on Undertale's graphics, I've never seen recreations of the character sprites that look better than the originals.
It's entirely because you're used to the game itself.
>what donuts and NOT chasing criminals does to a mf (because there is no crime)
Did SSB news come out?
i never played a gta past san andreas
Toby removes Undyne and Napstablook's positions as cops due to fan backlash
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Switch 2 comes out next year and Smash Bros is Nintendo's giga seller franchise so it's safe to assume one will be coming out as well
Undyne shoots a darkner who tried to throw a pot of boiling pepis at her
>Undyne is a police officer
>Only seems to imprison one race of monster (dog monsters)
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That's kind of hot.
No, I think it's entirely because the recreated sprites look worse.
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Gote supremacy
retard to retard communication
What does Toby Fox think of the X Men?
Susie doesn't get caught and even if she did she would never be imprisoned because she's under eighteen and won't be doing any time, or if you assume the Deltateens are older than eighteen but younger than twenty, she's the author's favorite and isn't allowed to just be removed from the story like that (because "be gay do crimes" is a personality type).
If he read western comics it would be impossible for him to write something meaningful that actually connects with people
ralsei (hates all shotacons)
He actually got banned for that? And not everything else he said?
I'm losing sleep wondering what the fuck is going to happen that Toby has his autism-hangup about Lightner merch for. I feel like every other plot thread about bunkers and souls and the man who talks in hands is secondary to that.
Man you are setting yourself up for disappointment
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Definitely not out of nowhere, Miz has been drawing quality fish for at least a year
I'm not exactly BBW fan, I'd rather Undyne to be fit and healthy
But I'm just a simple man. I like fish. I love fish. I wish a fish
The image shows nothing explicit. How is it porn?
that's what the public bans page says, you can go check it yourself
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He is one though
>I'm not exactly BBW fan, I'd rather Undyne to be fit and healthy
>berdfag was spam reporting during all that shit talking about his pedophilia
>all it managed to get was kraut
Understandable. Still, only a year is pretty much coming out of nowhere- I was surprised to find that even as a Japanese twitter artist, their feed is almost all drawings and not cat macros and PICTURES OF LUNCH. I like both and also strongfat even, so let me tell you brother I am eating good
what if the weird route ending is kris making susie his gf by force
>berdfag is the only person who does something about hours of off-topic bullshit
>no one else, it must be <my thread enemy 47>
you have been absolutely mindbroken
weird route kris grows a dick
toby told me
you almost typed berdbroken
Not him, but it is pretty funny how he universally berdbreaks threadshitters
aaand he couldn't help it
Still a she
Why do berdfrens hate our lovely pillar kraut
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you are berdbroken
all of his posts were deleted
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>victory lap
Toriel and Asgore's Baking Company appears on Kitchen Nightmares

While Grillby's appears on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
grgrgrgrrr i HATE krautsie he wont let me SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT
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What about QC's and Ice-E's?
Berdcuck is still spamming reports on kraut?
QC's would be on Diners ICE-Es fast food
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Toriel force feeding Asriel stale store-bought cupcakes and going Karen mode when he complains that they suck
ytp spamton dies and goes to hell
chara's thighs...
Fave comes out of the viewing room and says "real suffering is not known" and shoots themselves
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Shoots themselves up with soul juice
ralsei be like " i dont get it its just mickey mouse walking"
Error!Sansbros WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK!!!!
It's just the forth wall shit. To make the player plot line work emotionally you gotta internalize a certain level of fake "realness" to the lightners and that includes not doing merchandise of thier likeness without like making a contract with them or something. And since they are not real and that's impossible the next best way is to respect their fake real wishes to not be sold as marketable plushies
that's fucking stupid especially since undertale didn't do that
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>mfw spamton_neo_mix_ex_wip.ogg
this will be undertale in 2017
fave season 0 single 000 ID banner
That's because

1. Deltarune is exploring a different meta concept from a different angle than Undertale

2. He kind of did with both Chara and Gaster.
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You're welcome btdubs.
Fave goes missing after playing a PC typing game with a funny little chef and comes back dressed up as a chef trying to kidnap a little girl from walmart
Toby is racist against Darkners
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Will we get marketable plushies of the Yellow characters?
giving ralsei a first run copy of japanese pokemon green
he likes it but the music makes him feel weird and he thinks the boss at the pokemon tower was too scary
Fave is scared and trying to escape hometown after those weird fast food places started showing up
counterpoint: deltarune is fucking stupid and toby is high off his own farts
The moral of Deltarune is that Kris is more real than you and you should kill yourself for playing as them but Ralsei is fake and deserves his fate of being trapped at the bottom of the dark ocean unable to move and unable to die
triple trouble (fave mix)
The New
>Triple Trouble
>There's actually four of them
Wooah-oooh-oooh-oooh, moral of Deltarune
Somehow the worst post in recent /utg/ history.
chain chomp
You should be banned from posting ever again.
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