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Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap Edition

Previous Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap: >>487954059

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
susie laid an egg and no one cared
Fave watched a weird kid show with a human dressed as a bear in 1999
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Look man.... MK and Snowy are only 17 you can't except them to be able to count to five.
I love fish
Goodnight, /utg/
noelle found a little weird puzzle game after doing weird glitches on her copy of links awakening
Fave downloads a DOOM WAD called 7869 and gets jumpscared by images of real dead bodies
Fave read too many sadfics and now they've been tired and sad and watery-eyed for a day and a half and have to hide it from relatives
I've been there before except it was that I somehow got a cut on my eyeball from a dried tear
Fave celebrated their opponent discarding their 1-pin, the tile they needed to win, but didn't foresee their opponent's partner being able to Ron that piece and thus not only looked like a total fool but is now forced to pay out their entire fortune
whats the best undertale fic around
what about the best deltarune one
you just asked that last thread
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How exactly does Tobysoft function? Do they even have a studio or do they all do remote work? Is that producer-sama's work, to be on top of all the employees at home that are supposed to be working?
there should be a sequel where ben shapiro falls into the underground
Toby really, really liked that Game Bro shirt, didn't he.
This is how I imagine it works
>Toby at Tobysoft HQ (Toby's house)
>Toby's "employees" (friends that are helping out a few hours a week) at their own homes around the country
>Producer-sama and the employees he hired at their office (probably in Japan)
does Temmie even live in Japan?
is toby gay
July is almost over
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no, but he is a faggot
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Shouldn't the dialog be reversed here? It's Toby that's waiting on Gamemaker
Toby deciding to go engine shopping again now that Game Maker failed to make his special new feature just for him in time and made him look bad
fuck I should have said made him lose face (since he is Japanese and that is important to them)
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doom 'n such
Noelle tries a weird glitch in TF2 and now everything is fucked like how the mercs on hanging on poles mutilated
Noelle misses when glitches were cool instead of games in general just being buggy pieces of SHIT
Noelle sees a 3D Sonic game and Sonic goes into the loop de loop but flies out of it midway through and she starts screaming and crying hysterically
Fave fave what is your problem fave?
Noelle teaches Susie what sex is.
noelle is having fun looking at old threads on somethingawful via the wayback machine until she stumbles on a thread full of pics of a rather scary dog
Toriel finds a weird board game with a rat on it for Kris and Asriel
No Rap Rat https://youtu.be/lkSx9Sd83PI
susie really enjoys her godzilla game for the nes, she just wishes the RUN levels were easier
i am terrified of the possibility of suzilla and toby paying a little too much attention to the size of her teeth and her dialogue wondering how many people she could eat
I've never actually played Earthbound. Think it'll scratch that Deltarune itch for me?
He typed that with one hand
you know why
mother 3
I have a deep seared fear of Toby playing his weird fetishes card hand too early or too strong and making it impossible for me to be properly immersed as well as making it impossible to take his "Lightners are people and you won't want plushies of them (laughs)" stuff seriously at all
Itoi was a professional established copywriter, lyricist and novelist with varied life experience so compared to Toby's brand of quirk it's a very different vibe but I think it's a game everyone who takes this hobby (Underrune obsession) seriously should at least try once
toriel buys mother 3 thinking shell get to play as 3 moms
>it's a very different vibe
Sounds a lot better, honestly.
If he was afraid of that then why did Snowgrave Route exist? Literally involves mindbreaking Noelle with weird marriage themes and Spamton making a sex joke about it.
Play Cave Story
I don't know, because I don't have a mind breaking fetish but I do get uncomfortable every time Susie talks about being hungry
It's not nearly as quirky as people would make you believe it. I feel Mother 3 will scratch your Deltarune itch better for.
But beware because unlike UT/DR they are actually challenging games, so you might wanna use a guide.
>I do get uncomfortable every time Susie talks about being hungry
that's a you problem
Noelle gives Susie a hands on demonstration on how to reach orgasm
Susie thinks it might be better than food, just a little bit
How come in Japanese RPGs about quirky teenagers involved with the fantasy manifesting into reality they get to fight cool stuff like the rumored Nazi super science power armor brigade or Nyarlathotep but all the Deltarune kids have to worry about is a playing card
And that's why I'm afraid of Big Monster Susie being even remotely possible after being foreshadowed twice, dammit anon this isn't a hard conversation to follow
I think the focus will be mostly on how she destroys the buildings more than anything.
cuz the start fighting rats then end up killing gods things is only really a thing in western crpgs based on dnd and i dont think toby is into that
The archenemy is the god of their world, seems pretty standard JRPG
>start fighting rats then end up killing gods
>only in western crpgs
have you even played a jrpg
Toby is a developer in Current Year and so he has to play everything completely safe lest he alienate his paypig- er, adoring fanbase. You'll never see Mr. Hilter pulling out the Spear of Destiny in a Toby game or even anything analogous to it.
i meant to say in western rpgs idk why i forgot to mention that
tobysoft games make me giggle because even the nastiest piece of work characters will still always respect someone's pronouns- even if never told them, no one is misgendered even accidentally- and never insult their sex, appearance, or ability
truly the pirates who don't steal anything
What's with the guy inserts the fact he hates Deltarune into every post
flowey would totally call you a slur if he could tho
It's a little artificial but ultimately the characters doing that would distract from the plot and conflicts and turn it into a "you should respect people!" PSA which would be worse than not acknowledging it at all
You sound like a HBO executive who insists that rape has to be in a show because it's "realistic"
I'm pretty sure gay and trans get called slurs online every 5 seconds (in places much like this) so not having in the quirky jokey rpg is probably fine
This thread sucks without kraut.
that's right i,m tha guy who inserts the fact I hate deltarune into all the posts (it is a Milk Looker reference)
Why are you here then?
Then join him... in HELL
Silence, fudge packer.
>quirky jokey rpg
Except when it isn't and it intends for you to actually take the whole game seriously because of various meta elements.
You're proving that guy's point
We know doomer
do you really need the "that's the joke.jpg" reply
fave spent 2 hours researching various printers before remembering they don't need one
I had to look "fudge packer", guys like you are interesting with your vintage slurs
It wouldn't distract that much at all honestly, depending on how quickly if at all Toby drops Susie's mean persona entirely and another furry game already had a monopoly on calling humans "skinnies"
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Who the fucks does use printers anymore?
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It's hot out there
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It is
Thanks. I like my insults like I like my gays: dusty and forgotten.
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The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin
The water's gettin' warm so you might as well swim
how to tell us you're a low functioning adult who needs help with everything:
I just go to the library if I have to print something about once a year
Why didn't the Cyberworld have a printer Darkner
That's a good question especially considering just how much use printers get in schools, especially in a computer lab.
noelle more like
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what high functioning adult stuff requires owning a printer in 2024?
This is the answer
Toby isn't telling a story about homophobia or transphobia or whatever, so he omits those issues so as not to overshadow the issues he wants to focus on.
And because he's obviously supportive of gay and trans and etc rights, he makes the world such that those things are so normal it's not even an issue.
Presumably the villains don't call anyone slurs because they're secretly nice or something, but because the history of that world is such it wouldn't even occur to them to use those things as insults
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poopshitters manager
Why was there so much carnival and circus stuff in the Cyber's World
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don't cry doe...
i liked the part where hapstablook turns to look at the camera to tell you to vote
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do you think toby is a fan of tadc
For that matter, what the hell were the teacups supposed to be?
That's the kind of thing you'd expect to see in chapter 1, not a computer world.
Young Toby would've loved it
Current Toby's busy watching vtubers
Well the villains in Underrune wouldn't really be interested in mocking the good guys for being gaylords anyway
Undyne's a big homo herself, Asgore's a nice guy, Flowey seems to basically just be over everything, King is preoccupied with his hatred for Lightners to worry about genders and Queen is a people person that actually likes Kris and the gang
The only exception so far I can think of is Spamton who calls Noelle a whore so it feels like if anybody would flip out at Kris for having an ambiguous gender it would be him
Because there’s going to be a festival in Hometown soon and everyone has been looking up festival stuff in the computer lab
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Dark Worlds are video game archetype areas plus another theme
Chapter 1 was forest + toys and games
Chapter 2 was city + internet
Chapter 3 will probably be desert + tv
Flowey would absolutely say slurs, he's the kind of jaded, unemotional, unempathetic bastard that would post on this site
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Am I retarded or does "city" not automatically draw to mind images of fucking Disneyland
He died as a nice little baby who I doubt had any prejudices, if he ever started using slurs it was just to get a rise out of people and when that stopped being funny the ten thousandth reset there would be no reason to keep at it
It would be cool if there was a plate with tea cups in the computer lab
>Chapter 3 will probably be desert + tv
Could be relevant considering Hollywood's location
what would flowey do if you showed him asriel r34
not japanese enough
> if he ever started using slurs it was just to get a rise out of people
Exactly, he would 100% post here
Would call you a freak for the sake of messing with you but wouldn't truly care because his moral compass is long gone.
the pillars comunity lost
How would Sans view Batmans no kill rule?
She thinks he's lame purely because of that.
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>* Honestly, her whole family is, like, SO trashy.
>* Once her sister served me a coffee and I swear it was half cat fur.
>* Like, get a hairnet, girl. For, like, your whole body.

>* Oh my god. Cat on the beach. Grody.
>* Did she, like, get lost looking for the litter box?
I'm not saying she's "racist coded" as another site might define it, but if something happening twice is a coincidence then we're one more offhand insult about cats away from it being a conspiracy.
I'm not a fan of Cave Story since it requires actual skill to play rather just having to walk to the right while reading text
Why does Bratty and Susie have hair but Alphys is bald
needs friendship correction
sorry I misread it as Susie
because bratty is an alligator and susie is a dragon but alphys is a lizard
Toby keeps making cat jokes about the cat family himself so I doubt it's meant to come across as racist, or at least he didn't think of it that way
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Thats a sign of terminal Susie syndrome
Why's an alligator have hair
that just means the cat family has the C-word pass and they're allowed to make fun of themselves but bratty isn't
>cat monsters drive their cars like this
>but gator monsters drive their cars like THIS
oh i see
Because Alphys has head spikes which act as a hair substitute visually-speaking
Lisa Simpson...
Because it's a reference to an old Spanish myth about a human-like crocodile with hair that comes to take away bad kids. Also because it's hot.
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I've been gone a few years. Is Krabsposter still here? Is he hanging in there?
Toby finally killed him.
you can't just go around trying to make friends with every tall scaly girl who acts like a bitch
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Because it's a furry game
He had to take a break after hitting 2000 due to irl things
any got the thread archive where people first figured out the weird route?
for nostalgia purposes
sexo... probably why susie's eggplant shaped big snout undefined dragon species looks more crocodile like than any sort of narrow-faced firebreathing classical dragon
would bratty demand to speak with the manager
Sadly no, real life got in the way so he stopped posting.
He said he would still try to post occasionally but he never returned after this.
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It's okay Susie.
Toriel doesn't have breasts eith-
I mean Asgore doesn't have breasts eit-
I mean Papyrus doesn't have breasts ei-
I mean Plank from Ed, Edd and Eddy doesn't have bre-
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>Toriel doesn't have breasts eith-
fact check: false
and then to the manager's manager
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The speed of Peak Deltarune threads is truly something. I remember leaving the start of a thread for like 20 minutes and there already having been a new thread when I came back
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Damn, I remember when people here were happy and excited and Toby was actually releasing content
>Cut to Plank from Edd, Edd, and Eddy with breasts
Shut up fag not now
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i don't know what he ever saw in her anyway
I honestly kind of dread the thread speeds when Chapters 3-4 drop
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What are you ordering?
>cut to Susie taking out a loan from the mob to help pay for her Breast Implant Surgery
I mean look at what's being posted right now.
>Let's say hypothetically, for the sake of the argument, that New Home is actually getting overcrowded
>Why don't these Monsters simply sell their homes and move?
I don't, I look forward to shitposters being drowned out by actual game discussion
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2 Number 9's, a number 9 large, number 6 with extra dip, number 7, 2 number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda
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I'll have whatever they feed her around here.
>Asriel, my child, please stop MOANING SENSUALLY when you take a bite of your hotdog
>You are making everyone at the Barbeque uncomfortable
nohhhh!!!!!! thread personalities are all i live for utg is my battlefield you cant take this from me *does the scuttling stimmie dance*
>Deltarune Undyne is the fat cop from GTA IV
i went through the entire gta wiki and didn't see anything relevant since gta IV had female cops cut before release, did you mean the lesbian fat cop lady from Dead Rising
canonically it's frozen cat food
It's kind of impressive how you manage to route everything to your fetishes
kinda like a certain other someone who posts here
I hate when artists draw blush all weirdly shiny like that, it looks like big pimples
He's been filled with microplastics that give him a specular sheen.
I will have the rabbit milf piss s'il vou plait madamoiselle
>* (Gerson Boom Memorial Bench)
>"* Throughout my career, some of my best ideas came from dreams."
>"* Take a rest here. If anyone asks -- you're writing!"
I forgot how good this tiny little tidbit in the cemetery is. I want that on my gravestone.
why is the dialogue star INSIDE the asterisks what the hell Toby that looks bizarre
Printing stuff.
You mean inside the quotations?
Because an asterisk IS the little star symbol
Yes, sorry, I'm apparently having a fucking aneurysm. I meant inside the quotation marks. It's the only time I can think of in the script that happens.
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The Nice Cream Guy who services the soda machine raised the prices by another 50 cents today. Truly being an American in Hometown is the most oppressive thing you can experience.
analogtale!sans my betrothed...
>anal log whorer
>Throughout my career, some of my best ideas came from dreams
Subtle, Toby
Oh for fuck sake Nice Cream Guy
Fuck man
Get a trip so we can filter you
I assume this some politics bullshit coded with Undertale Deltarune words. I don't understand why you guys feel like you HAVE to post about this in /utg/
He technically does have a trip but he only used it to post his fetish porn drawings iirc
nta but this place is like the default spot for me to hang out in
>I don't understand why you guys feel like you HAVE to post about this in /utg/
Because in this particular poster's case he has literally nothing else to do
What if napstablook and undyne switched personalities.
utg is my stimmybimmy chatroom and i WILL talk about polidicks and my personal life in it!!! hgfgg i need pseudodiscords to function becauese i got banned from them all
>*it's an entire song composed from explosion samples*
I didn't use discord in the first place, you must be thinking of someone else.
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Calm down, calm down, don't get a big DICK
Oh well, at least it was comfy for like an hour or so
I want two cheeseburgers, I want pickles and KETCHUP on em, and DON'T load it up with a bunch of BULLSHIT
I want a biggy fries, and give me some GOTE TO DRINK
literally just Tasquefag 2.0
This is what you "slow threads are comfy" people asked for
Honestly I agree, Snowy SHOULD call Kris a faggot
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Name a single thing we have in common.
This is not a slow thread. Stop posting in bad faith.
No, I did not ask for a certain shitposter to start his usual routine
literal who female character
>I like this tiny puntable creature and have a folder filled with questionable images of them
Fave shpingles their pringle in front of a live studio audience
>cut to me on the right in the audience
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>tasque manager
I look forward to when I can transform from a common posting grasshopper into and insatiable posting locust.

My entire personality will change, I'll be a whole new person. But until then, all night can post is

Toooobyyyyyy pleeeease. I need a new chapter. I neeeeeeed it....
nvm my reading comprehension is off today
You know it's really funny that I just happened to visit again.
Slow threads are always just like
>I know chungusfag is up to know good. Very telling.
>Scrunklyfag is writing lies about me he should fucking kill himself
>Bingusfag if you make the next thread I'm posting the google doc I made about you
We KNOW, orbiterniggerbrown.
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yeah isn't it kinda weird that people who have never heard of ralsei in their lives or even heard him talk will just instantly recognize he's a FLUFFY BOYE and call him a "he" accordingly, but they know to call kris a they when ralsei is like 10x more gender ambiguous in looks?
No they fucking aren't you dumbass
>Step 3. Add 1/3 cup of Asriel
Actually, dude, it's sodium chloride
No dude, it's salt
Ralsei is clearly a boy.
In a skirt?
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if that's the case then so is kris
what the fuck is "clearly a boy" about this at first glance?
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Have you never seen a cartoon wizard robe
>when the character has more depth than what's in their fucking pants
Doesn't matter.
I'm going in.
>uses a sight gag appearance that is only used in a single scene to prove your point
bingle-dingle my spurs go jingle-jangle-jinglefag
Why aren’t you working out for your Fave
Very telling. Makes you think. Stop noticing things. Dossier.
it's in the game. it's canon.
Fave is dead
the shooter should've moved like half an inch right and we would've been golden
but hey, at least we know marxists don't miss
He looks like that because he took the glasses off. He keeps them on 90% of the time. Of course people will assume he is a boy. This is ignoring the fact men who wear makeup have existed for decades
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I've lost like 10 pounds this month though
I just thought up a new argument someone could use to try to say the knight is a character we haven't seen yet
>lmfao what
I bought weights and everything, they're 3ft from where I'm sitting
I think something is wrong with me
The Knight isn't a character we've seen, because they're always just offscreen or censored by a giant censor bar.
Remember when the most important character in hometuck, vriska, didn't even show up till like five chapters in.
Like Muhammed in South Park?
The Knight is Nightmare Knight
>the knight is the prophet mohammed
Praises be upon them
In fact. I'll go on record as saying the knight is litteraly Vriska Homestuck
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Skibidi Lancer
Free up the boy Charlie Hebdo
Is undertale yellow any good
Vriska has a giant penis, right?
Who the fuck is Vriska and why would he be in Deltarune?
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because I'm sad and tired and lazy, and it's even worse because if you like fat bitches you should be able to lift fat bitches.
It's good but the plot becomes kinda mediocre in the last stretch of True Pacifist
What is on April fools day Toby released a version of deltarune where jaru was right. As a joke.
The main character of homestuck, the webcomic that Toby used to live in the basement of the guy who wrote it. He made music for it.
So he'd be in Deltarune because Toby did the music for Homestuck?
Even after 2 guesses, they can't even get the gender right.
Do you think toby and hussie explored each other bodies
Which faves would want to go to a Monster Truck show?
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Papyrus and he would try to talk to the trucks
Susie, obviously
I wonder how the threads would be if Homestuck got a revival.
Those are monster Trucks, not Monster Trucks, the inventor of monster trucks.
Knight? More like Kn8ght. Even though her classpect was Thief, not Knight.
there is an officially sanctioned homestuck sequel series (not written by Hussie but overseen by him), people just don't give a shit about it
exactly the same, honestly
Do you think hussie is jealous of tobys success
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It's alright but rushed.
Shit, things are really that desperate, huh?
Thats surprising considering how passionate some people here seem to be about Homestuck
i don't know what that means
It mindbroke him. That's why he's doing the clowngender thing and going by they them now. Just fucking shattered him. Toby did it with no remorse.
It has a loli that I can goon to.
>Free game
>dont just download it and try it for 15 minutes and instead ask retards on the internet whether or not you should like it or not
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We live in a post secondary world, anon.
We're passionate because it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and in a startlingly fast time it went absolutely downhill, so fucking hard and fast into the ground that not even Indiana Jones could dig it up now, and there are signs that Toby has teetered dangerously close to that edge and could tip over at damn near any time if the waves of fan obsession change or if Toby decides his story is more high-brow than it actually is.
wasnt the issue of homestuck that hussie ended up capitulating to his more insane fans?
at least thats what i've read people say
>greatest thing since sliced bread
I got bored after the first few pages
If people are too lazy to actually play Deltarune (free demo) before arguing about it what makes you think they'll play a fangame
it's wild how we have both avatarfags who intentionally post the same images hundreds of times to see if they'll get on the archive's most-reposted-images board and avatarfags who use both hash and filename randomizers so they can (somehow) say "it wasn't me hee hee i had *network mishaps*"
Cry more, fag.
>you can only like characters in sexual ways or non sexual ways you cant have both kind of feelings!
Be honest, are you like this
>non sequitur
I have never posted an image to 4chan that's my power.
First that, and then the crazies took hold of the train through the art and music teams and then the writing 'team' (it being a team at all is the problem when it was originally just The Huss), and at that point no one sane gave a shit anymore and only came back for the finale culminating in the 1000 post /co/ thread of "What the fuck, that's it?"

You unironically had to be there for it. Half the appeal and fun was daily updates and pages, actual new daily content that both provided long term story and gave the short term 'stimmies' that game devs have been chasing forever with numbers going up. Reading it now would be a mistake and I can't recommend it to anyone.
I can still analyze your typing patterns
You forgot the third type of person that habitually clicks the dropdown to check the archives for the latter.
*scratches chin* Mmm yes, very telling *nootices* Aha! We've got him now, this is huge
>cut to me using psychological profiling to determine that the posters here like Undertale
ooooohhhh oooooooggggghhh stinky minty meltdown time
and the second type of person absolutely SEETHES at that for some reason
making ralsei drink a shitton of red bulls
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A fine addition to my collection.
>Ralsei Oscillations Intensify
4chan is heckin anonymouse so no one should be able to identify ANYTHING about me and make it harder for me to funpost with the pillarinos *flails arms*
IIRC the writing team was a thing for the post-homestuck projects (that short-lived snapchat epilogue, Hiveswap, the VN stuff, the Epilouges, Homestuck 2)
I also know what posts I made you ain't special
My captcha, there's 2 weapons of mass destructions in my area.
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Read all my posts anyon-kun cutie~ Check my gote image too~
My prediction is that all the 'special Lightners' that Toby mentioned are gonna be the ones who intentionally bring about the roaring and Toby says you won't like that because that means they'll be so far into the escapism that Kris and Noelle will gladly have their families killed and Susie will destroy everyone in town so they can keep playing make-believe and there will be news articles and 10000 post Reddit chains about "I can't believe Toby Fox, the quirky video game man, wrote something that dark!" and it'll be really unsatisfying and lame for pretty much everyone actually playing the game. I'm making this post solely so that it's written down before I forget and so I can cap it to look at in 8 years to see how close I was.
You guts are getting distracted again. We are here for one reason and one reason only, to direct incredible amounts of negative energy towards Toby Fox so that the constant nightmares and mild physical discomforts encourages him to finish the fuck game faster.
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>so they can (somehow) say "it wasn't me hee hee i had *network mishaps*"
I say this all the time without using a hash randomizer and I always get away with it because hardly anyone actually bothers to check, most users are all talk. Randomizing filenames manually is also pretty easy, just type random numbers and make sure it's the right number of digits. You can even just copy another filename and swap around a few digits.
noh tobygames I need TO PLAY WITH MINTyyYYY!!!!
This Psycholonials plot is the cringiest "hello fellow kids" shit I've ever read
I love kris
I'll be honest this is so retarded that you should honestly feel embarrassed.
These kind of “cutesy” images always make me chuckle because I start noticing how grotesque the skull shape/face placement look despite trying to be appealing
I hope that it's fucking retarded but I want my infinite monkey at a typewriter included in the 10,000 existing predictions.
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I have returned https://youtu.be/aiOH5zxE8V0
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The chuckling chunckster
Most Toby designs are grotesque when you think about it
What if Undertale was real?
I made a program that specifically spams random numbers to 4chan's filename length so I can randomize without going through the effort of adjusting to 4chanx
*directs a positive energy beam towards your negative energy beam*
>Cartoon characters are not anatomically correct
yea no shit
the 1985 underground tale incident
stop making fun of me NOW!!
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>nobody would want to buy a plushie of a morally dubious character
I hate you and all you're shitty shota azzy spam. go seek help.
shut the fuck up, terrorist louise.
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Fuck off birdshit.
And now the artificial engagement begins stimmiesstimmiesstimmies this is why they removed the IP counter
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shuddup nerd
seething skeletroon
thanks for the picture of the hot lizard, otherwise you're really annoying and should kill yourself.
I feel like my replacement obsessions to distract from deltarune are lasting shorter and shorter every time. BB from anthology of the killer lasted me like four days.
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showing kris footage of the asriel bossfight
kris blushes
Stop threadshitting and go away.
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Fine then I'll take my lizard and leave.
don't forget the kill yourself part on your way out
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Start threadshitting? Well, if you insist.
what i want to know is why toby specified only those three lightners, which is not the same as the three heroes (that would exclude noelle and include darkner ralsei who already has TWO plushes), or why he didn't exclude lightners as a whole, only kris/noelle/susie/donald/goofy. like if he wanted to sell a berdley plush he could. like the giant statue from the sweepstakes. it isn't just "has been to the dark world" as a qualifier since berdly was also there, it's ONLY kris, noelle and susie. and the obvious answer is that all three of them want more dark worlds, with noelle hinting at it, susie EXPLICITLY saying "wouldn't it be great if darkness actually took over and ralsei did our homework?" (god i hate that whole conversation), and kris driving a knife into the fucking floor and opening a dark world in front of our eyes. susie wants her make-believe friends and noelle wants healing magic but what the FUCK does kris want, especially since every time they're in a dark world it means we're the ones in control the whole time, and even able to exert *more* control than in the light world, e.g. speaking right through kris to noelle. that seems counterproductive if kris is all about not wanting us there. and if those three are the ones who end up dooming everyone/everything, then what the hell is the angel's heaven in the first place and who are the OTHER heroes who are destined to destroy that
Did you guys have a good Sunday
*scuttles in with a face-shaped rock* and here we have Rock That Looks Like A Face Rock
shut UP libertarian berdfag
evil alphys be like
FUCK anime
Use helium and a bag, it's cheaper.
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The berdly statue isn't berdly, it's a dark world object shaped like berdly. We've seen the berdly statue and berdly in the same room together. I have footage.
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I had a great Sunday
uh oh ppfag's getting uppity again
Anon I don't know what those girls did you in middle school but you gotta let it go, okay
Angel Dust Hazbin Hotel but not as slutty
post wrist
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You don't want to do that
Strangely this is second time I've seen someone blatantly they want to kill people today
I spent it all day at work. In still at work. Posting on rhe clock
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Murder will not solve your problems anon. Love and hate balance each other, and are both dangerous in excess. You need more love and less hate.
You shat on this guy but he's right.
>>>>>>>slow thread
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It's not a slow thread thing. It's an all threads thing.
Okay now this one is just Angel Dust
BREAKING: 5 people were killed a local shopping mall. The perpetrator cites their motive, stating: "/utg/ anons pissed me off"
Guys, guys, relax, I'm just gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing.
Too late, the cops are already approaching your location and they'll be at your residence tonight. Thank you.
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Very true. Slow threads are when only the most psychotic and obsessed anons are left.
What if Deltarune was a French-Canadian co-production cartoon
I wanna fuck Underfell Mettaton
Kris, Susie and Noelle get together to open a fuckton of dark worlds and let darkness cover everything so they can escape forever. Kris rips (You) out and zombie-walks his ass into a fountain. Ralsei is, of course, horrified at this development, and realizes his mistake in letting Kris in on whatever plan was going on and trying to hide it from (You) instead of vice-versa. Through one means or another Ralsei recruits (You), and your good buddy the man with hands, seeing how his experiment has become totally fucked up, presses the admin intervention button and gets you your vessel back, fulfilling the Human and Prince part of the equation. The Monster turns out to be Dess, who finally gets a chance to be free of the dark world but in the process is horrified that her little sister has basically completely lost her marbles and is trying to destroy the planet. Boom. Three Lightners who don't get merch. Three Heroes to banish the Angel's Heaven. At least half the hanging plot threads nicely tied up.

I don't know how or where the Knight comes into play here. Don't worry about it.
classic berd image, they even drew him getting the last word in
fobby-kun... it would mean so much to me if you made a google doc documenting my annoying posts...
Daddy daddy, do the Saiyan walk
hey kid, is it just me or does it glow in here.
Speaking of gaslighting, it feels like this “urgh, slow threads are BAD!!!11!1!one” routine crops up semi-occasionally but literally never works because it’s always said by the shitflinging faggots that do cartwheels whenever their favorite cartoon caricature shows up
I don't think anyone really gives a shit about you to do that to be honest. But I wouldn't be opposed to it if it happened, your drama posts are pretty annoying.
get some new images berdnig
Did you fuck alphys real or nah
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Your feelings are very understandable.
anon's trying to be edgy enough to get his own underfell version
undertale au where asgore and papyrus must cook meth
How do you blithering off-topic faggots show up to /utg/ of all places, I swear to god that you just throw darts on a board so you can pick at random
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Need a Deltarune AU where everything is the same but it doesnt shamelessly reuse the characters from Undertale
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do ANY of you realize that this is fedbait. Even timmy would know this.
Threads where there's no fucking gaem are prime for shitposting because not like there's anything else happening
Fave wonders why if the edgy main character's sword is literally the size of their entire body, why does it take 87 trillion fucking hits to kill anything in this game that they are playing
They might as well just use the spinny shuriken on everything since it stuns big enemies and it's ranged
>racism outside of /b/
You know that video of that monkey shaking his cage? Yeah, that's me right now
I feel like [redacted]’s personality times work on a literal timer, once it hits evening he switches into shitty sans avatarfag mode
you dont understand I NEED to play with my thread celebrities I'M SO BORED i need stimmystimmies berdminttasqueascafobbyppkingkrautsie yummm yummm i want to push their buttons ALLLL day long hehe *scuttlebugs around in circles*
oblivion theory spent 17 pages wondering why the knight is opening one fountain at a time exactly where the main characters will end up instead of just stabbing a bunch and causing the roaring but didn't consider if the "dess is the knight" theory is correct then it makes sense if she made one deliberate fountain at a time to draw attention as an attempt at help/rescue
>but she's missing, how is she opening fountains in the light world?
you can also open fountains in the DARK world and we don't know the rules or results of that, and if you can open portals to even darker areas in the dark world itself, who's saying you can't just make ones leading back to the light as well?
toby asks you for ideas for the next chapters of deltarune
what do you say to him
play a video game
this looks cool as hell. keep posting fell stuff man.
>the edgy main character’s sword does less damage than the sidekick’s bare hands
love that shit
save the cowboys and then we'll talk
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Fellriel is extremely rare
fuck off you all
this is a page from a published book you dimwit

That's exactly why it's bait.
you can call Berdly in each room. He has quirky dialogue for each room for the rest of the game. (Toby, as a connoisseur of quirky, would love this idea.)
my apologies, i thought that *you* thought it was illegal, it appears that i am the dimwit in this situation
Sorry anon, the cowboys have already been completely deleted other than the news-letter sprites and one MS Paint doodle that will appear in the Art of Deltarune book. (laughs)
yes, hopefully some altrightfren will post her helping the stimmies
Is this the one where he's pathetic or is this the one where he's pissy?
doesn't really matter I guess I'll add him to my collection
This would never even come close to the charm of the Papyrus phone calls. Leave this thread forever for having such a terrible idea.
I know that, I meant the poster you replied to was probably a fed and you took the bait.
It's literally a giant Berserk style slab of iron the dude if swinging around.
Why can't I just have a game where I cleave things in half with every hit.
MGR did it and no one else has even tried to do it again.
two different guys pal sorry
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>I will have the rabbit milf
Absolutely based reply, an anon of true patrician ta
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Nah, I'm already part of the Cooler Alternative Right-leaning Political Persuasion.

(Is unironic neo-nazi really even "alternative" anymore? it just seems like the default for rebellious teenaged internet contrarians nowadays.)
nice filename.
Sorry can't.
Watching funny lets players.
Did you verytelling hugely infobork someone or is it just because one has Dab in it
>toby is a chronic gamer
>character who can make videogame references
you fool.
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You'll like this filename too anyon-kyun~
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there's nine of them now?
this thread glows more than sanse eye
why do you think the number associated with The Demon That Comes When You Call Its Name is 999999999
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>Vulcan Raven.gif
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hehe, 8008.
neo nazis vanish when they see ralsei and lust for the gote
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>white supremacist
>prefers black ralsei
NeoNazi are on-topic because NEO is a quirky toby's word
Mettaton NEO NAZI
black ralsei or white ralsei
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>secretive satanic nazi splinter group
That awkward moment when your political movement sounds like the bad guys from a bad movie.
were finally gonna see whats under his bangs
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Chara's little red book
Kill Em All 199X
I am trash man
410,757,864,530 DEAD MONSTERS
The full on red and black is the one where he’s pissy

The black, yellow, and green is the one where he’s pathetic
sex with the undead
Editing toby in nazi uniform
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>nazi fave
>ussr fave
>b-berdly can you solve the e-equation for th-the cl-
>*berdly aggressively points at the bottom of his beak
>i'm mewing bitch
>M-MEW MEW!?!?!?
King Asgore if he was in 1930s Germany be like: Let's kill 6 million Humans
pissy asriel is the funniest thing on planet earth
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Just Underfell Asgore
i only know about Usean fave and Yuktobanian fave
your fave but they play a hearts of iron 4 mod set in a timeline where no one won world war 1
Monarchism is canon
To think the one time everybody is making Nazi/WW2 jokes, Kraut's not here to enjoy it
in mother russia, gyote gyotes you
The US are fighting Aliens and Fave is helping
you can thank berdpoop for spam reporting him (kraut gives him negative stimmies)
goat in the throat
or you could blame kraut for posting his blacked shota fantasies
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>berdly by the end of chapter 4
goat? throat? reminds me of your mother.
Asgore reinstate feudalism what happens?
blacked shota is on topic if kraut posts it because he's the GOD of utg but berdfag was MEAN TO GOOTERS so he's not and anything he does is off topic and bad and berbeabBRDFDSG BERDFAG I HATE HIM SO MUCH FUCK OFFFF BIRDSHIT I HATE YOU I HATE YOOUUFHGBHFG
he should have posted nice kerdlies making out and alphys blob buttholes instead
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got em
goat em
alphys blob 2022 and asrielriel
I married into the royal family so I don't care.
Going into an Undertale thread and saying you hate Asriel is like going onto a Peanuts forum and saying you hate Charlie Brown. I mean, what sense does that make
Weimar Hometown experiencing 2 years of hyperinflation
Why do you say this every time with a new cartoon comparison
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So true. I should be mass reported by default.
but I snowgrave'd him back in chapter 2. (insert evil laughter here)
this is /krautg/
*scuttles away*
>hey honey can you go to the store and pick up a bag of asriel later?
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hating azzy and nice goteriel and nonkerdlynonblob 2024 is like going into a simpsons thread and hating bart i mean going into an american dad thread and hating stan i mean going into a metal gear thread and hating snake i mean going into a peanuts thread and hating charlie brown i mean
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sure, and maybe some asriels.
I don't like Charlie Brown. Most people in the comic itself don't even like Charlie Brown.
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I hated Charlie Brown, I watched for Peppermint Patty
so true
>Implying I don't write into my Toby Fox hate journal every minute so as to bombard him with bad space juju until he gets back to work
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>straight furry in a gay furry dating sim
>on the track team
>listens to religious ska
Its interesting that Asriel isnt the only character I am a fan of who matches this description
fuck charlie brown
all my homies hate charlie brown
gay furry self inserters who hate kris AND asriel and straights and want deltarune to be dating sim in 2022 and blobs and blob butthole and asriel nice gotes appreciating so true and so true asriel
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uuughrhgrr you are all so evil and le bad hrrgrrrhrrrgr you literally KILLED my sweet kingyposter, you better be careful...
you spaz out about berdfag unprompted every day
I'll rephrase it. Going into an Undertale thread and saying you hate Asriel is like going onto an MTV Pimp My Ride forum and saying you hate Xzibit
>be Asriel
>finally get home after a long school week
>who is this purple bitch and why did she burn down my home?
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This is one of the few places online where I am relatively sane.
>reverse sequitur
If Tenna ends up being a goat like some fan designs make him for some reason, how awful would his fanbase be?
*eat shit, faggots
Going into an Undertale thread and saying you hate Asriel is like going into a Mother 3 thread and saying you hate Lucas.
EXACTLY! I was trying to find the right comparison
not really bad because he'd be an adult and those aren't weak and vulnerable enough for them
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...what is it?
come on, that was a real... what is it?
maybe berdly will turn out like pokey
Wouldn't Asriel be more like Claus
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but no asriel... that stuff gives me the asriels...
I need to find a new hobby to distract myself from the chapter 3 wait, I'm getting way too into over-analyzing fictional characters and wishing they were like THIS instead of THAT and wondering Toby meant by the other thing and my heart hurting from so much flipping between "irredeemable fucking bitch whore" and "I can fix her."
Claus dies, Asriel doesn't
It's funny how one month of Berdfag being annoying with Berdriel in 2023 mindbroke all the goatfaggatrons for over a year
And like, he wasn't even doing anything more extreme than what the Krisrielfags (who EXPLICITLY SAID THEY ROMANTICALLY AND SEXUALLY SHIP IT, don't even start with the platonic shit ANDfag) were doing anyway
One month of their own medicine creates nuclear fallout for years to come
Asriel DID die but he came back to life as Flowey
Flowey is to Asriel as Masked Man is to Claus
Claus is the mischievous one so they're more like Chara.
>berdly dies and comes back with nipples
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Y’know it’s actually interesting that of all the threadshitting faggots to leave, the OG Krisrielfag actually dipped at the start of the year
Berdfag was always a weird cringe porn poster though who seethed over berdporn not being as popular as gote porn and then got mindbroken and acts like all goteposts were pornposts made to spite him
I got roulx to eat kingposter as revenge for her stealing his boyfriend and then eating his boyfriend a few days later. (king is roulx's bf)
he only comes here for new content and on topic games posting, unlike berdfag's threadshitpoop wars
he'll be back for the chapter 3 drop when asriel appears ingame
Fair, although I'm referring to story parallels/roles rather than the personalities. I was seeing Lucas as being a Frisk equivalent in that they're a main playable character.
Although I guess Claus being Chara also makes sense (I mean Chara died too, after all) which would make Lucas Asriel, yeah.
>chara killed the link
so true mintyboy
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>on topic games posting
i giggled
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Who doesn't want more gote
Asriel is just Lucas as a furry.
Both are crybabies.
Both wear striped shirts.
Both are assaulted by strange effeminate man fairies in volcanic hot springs.
I might be remembering that last part wrong.
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a little gote can go a long way
are you lurking every day despite how bad you know the place is for your mental health? please stop
be careful not to choake
Why do you post without your trip
RIP Thread
gotta wonder how berdfren feels that his fave gets 1/10th of the fanart and all the fanart of berdly has the exact same expression and joke in each one
im thinking there's just a hint of jealousy of gotefrens there when he tries to own them epic style
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Chara's a fat fuck but he'll still carry them
Does the Sans threadshitter know that I've cut myself multiple times over the v*retrolling before? Does he think it's funny that I literally hurt myself over this? It's not a fucking joke or meme, it's literally harassing me
>kingposter gets successfully baited
>fatchildgoonposting immediately kicks up again
very very very very telly
berdfag doesnt give a shit about berdly as a character
he was only ever upset that there isnt a lot of porn of him
Trans trundertale
>people trashing berdly
>while gotes at the same time
i'm nooooticing

…Come on out, Wojaktimmy!
I know you’re there!
voretroll sounds like a homestuck term
victory lap
we were already goteing and it was the sans avatarfag guy who triggered her though
you can telly in real time when he stopped liking berdly when he stopped making greens and just used berdly for his anal fetish porn shit
i'm eating chips and salsa and drinking some beer whist reading this. hope your night is as good as mine.
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Here, anon, wear this
i'm trans
trans the skeleton
You need a new therapist who won't enable your behavior over this. Literally fucking leave and you'll be fine.
this is what getting goted looks like
My night is NOT good, and it's all YOUR FAULT. You RUINED my fucking night by trying to paint me as an evil v*re fetishist for NO FUCKING REASON
>attaches and arms the bomb collar around my throat
asriel wtf
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This is how you become full gote
I'm dreading the day, some normalfag YouTuber like Turkey Tom or Cr1tikal gets a hold of this place
Cursed Sans Sings A Song
Were you born yesterday?
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>My night is NOT good, and it's all YOUR FAULT. You RUINED my fucking night by trying to paint me as an evil v*re fetishist for NO FUCKING REASON
hjey chill the FUCK out brah.... im drawing you something funny..........................
you're too skinny to eat regular food apparently
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heheh... calm down kingposter, I'll handle these guys...
undertale drama stimmies yay!!! turkeytom lolcows penguinz0 kiwifarms drama mutahar pillars keemstar drama personalities drama celebrities documentaries losers dossiers creeps google doc pedos youtube algorithm!
I don’t think it’s the real Kingfag
THERE he is, Welcome home TimTim

Please don't do anything mean

The v*re shitposting makes me lose my appetite entirely
Yesterday I actually threw up a little because my stomach hurt so much in the morning from starvation that my body treated it like nausea
>pov goat claiming you as his own
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>THERE he is, Welcome home TimTim
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so true scuttlebro...

Its a theater act
My guilty pleasure is fics where characters watch/play their own gsme and react to the alternate routes.
Anyone know if there are any good ut/dt fics like that?
berdf*g cracked her trip and won't share it
I used to love Mutahar when he did gaming creepypastas
i mean this truly unironically, close the tab, listen to some music you like, maybe even go outside.
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No one cracked my trip
Has this ever happened for literally any 4chan general
>berdfag shows up just in time to claim he vanquished the goteshit so we can pillar post in peace
very telling
what if asriel was a cowboy
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>Please don't do anything mean
Pro tip: if you close 4chan and do something else for a while then it won't affect you at all.
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start drinking s𐐬ylent for nutrients
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We'd have to milk him like a boycow
we would have fuck off cowshit posts
You think way too highly of this place. No one cares. Unless there's some giant drama with a pedo ring being exposed or if Kingposter gets an encycolpedia dramatica made about them and has a 10+ year arc with kiwifarms. None of these dramafag youtube channels do actual journalism. They are just vultures who pick at the leftovers made by kiwifarms autists.

Undertale/Deltarune. Oberon Smog Is My Favorite Character. This Post is On Topic.
She literally refuses to leave even though it'd be the best thing for her because she thinks crying at trolls to stop will make them stop. And she lurks the thread constantly to make sure nobody tries trolling her.
he's already a cowpoke to me
It's not that simple for me
I just want the bad things to stop happening completely, whether it's in front of my face or behind my back I just want it to stop.
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>Please don't do anything mean
i df you say so dawg
>same person doing a puppet show
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I dont want you to kill yourself or do any of that. you are the ONLY person here that get's the goteshitters to stop posting shota azzy for 1 second so thats why I get you to post by saying you ate king (honestly king is WAY to fat to be eaten)
/utg/ meet up when
>something something enemy of my enemy is my friend
Okay, but you do understand that telling them to stop is actually encouraging them? Not only is it basic reverse psychology, it's also the nature of trolls to want a reaction, which you give them every time. If you truly want things to stop, starve them of your reactions.
>>488079364 (me)
I’m woke to this okay
Ohh this is based actually
Thank you anon, saved

Well can you not do that please
Because regardless of WHY you're posting it, you're still hurting me by doing so
i thought onions was wordfiltered anyway kingfag start doing this if you can't eat
Whats attractive about king anyways
He reminds me of peter griffin
absolutely OWNING the goatposters by TROLLING kingy and making the thread UNUSABLE FOR EVERYONE!
>sansoyatsu trying to make everyone who hates shota asrielfags look like a kingbaiter
>non-aligned socialist fave
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That's not me. Leave me alone.
thats why hes hot stupid
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Bad things are always happening. It's unavoidable. All any of us can do is minimize our losses. If this website only brings you pain then just don't visit it.
fave would probably be an accelerationist or something idfk
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>the tum tum gang harasses kingfag to stop goteshit
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His design is really unique in the best way, and unlike Family Guy Funny Moments he's actually smart and well-spoken.
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sounds like a lotta commie bullshit to me!
Huh, didn’t know someone else shared my opinion
For some reason creepypasta readings while I do random things is my shit
peter can be smart too
Kris and Frisk are yellow because of liver disease
time for the gotecord to constantly bring up the blatantly fake personality that showed up like a month ago as proof everyone who hates pedo goonseshes is a kingfag troller
holy crap
>YWN hang out with fave on a rainy day while you snuggle in bed with some vaguely edgy creepypasta reading from the mid 2000s

Why live?
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King has a sexy deep voice though
You actually saved this? I remember making it in like 5 minutes as a shitpost lol
would you still fuck with king (queen?) if he was a fat bitch (girl)
the bellymaw
bitches love the bellymaw
bitches such as myself
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Say what you will about peetah but he has multiple children and still has his wife so clearly he canonically fucks
>Kids today only know people like Mutahar and Cr1tikal as drama YouTubers instead of people that used to play really obscure games
Shit sucks, I wanna go back
Monarchists need not apply
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it's a sacrifice I must make for good thread content.
what if we talked about Undertale and/or Deltarune
what if we did that
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Yeah why not lol
I have a lot of "low-effort" pics saved because they're funny and I like them
what if we talked about bellymaw
what if i fucking kill you?
We need content first, something to talk about besides how much we want to fuck our faves.
Undertale creepypasta where sans fucking dies
I will make content for you to discuss
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ooough they're gonna fugg they'er gonna do the yaoi ooooughhhh
yeah but then the goatposters and fat aphys posters would come back and I dont wanna see that shit.
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And no content will be made because all of the drawing fags are in hibernation and the writing fags have either ran out of material or are sub par enough for people to not really care

It's over.
Kingposter, just post goats or alphys to troll the vorebaiter >>488080441
Rethink your biases, why do you hate goatfags again?
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Oh you.
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discuss this content
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>discuss this content
hmm let me think
>constant pedophile gooning sessions
>awful fetish spamming
>several post nukes that show they're chronic threadshitters
>the instant "but berdfag does all that thoe" response they'll give this post
the real sans is underrated
all you ever see of him these days is a flanderized version or AUshit
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>fat aphys posters would come back and I dont wanna see that shit.
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I don't have too much (and my Alphys isn't really "fat") but I guess it's an excuse to repost some of my old doodles
my apologies, I had a lapse in judgement. no yaoing before marriage.
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fire sans picture.
honestly you should post more art and less actual psychosis
Piccolo, you have no sauce
I've been trying, chief.
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Hey fuck off
Rouxls only likes Queen!

My mental state is like a trap where the depression kills my motivation to draw even though drawing might make me feel better
Idk why it's like this...
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cringe. fake gamer. off with you.
I feel like Rouxls's personality doesnt match how he looks
that's why I say everyone should replay the games once in a while because it's so easy to forget what the characters are actually like and not what fanon has made them
e.g. sans is not just 'bad time kiddo,' papyrus is not a pun lord, susie is not your strong dorky girlfriend, asgore is fucking tragic

alphys is still pretty shitty though honestly
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I can't decide whether I agree or disagree with that.
what if fave was a wild west gunslinger
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Gay sans be like:
If you don't want to see it then don't encourage it.
You encourage it.
You repeatedly encourage it.
You have repeatedly encouraged it for years.
This tells us that you want to see it.
You have the ability to avoid seeing it.
You come here intentionally.
You basically give consent to this.
Your complaints are the empty complaints of a masochist who wants more.
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>Queenkaard Wedding.png
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ok NOW discuss this content
horrid. off model. destroy it.
stealth spamton
Will you also draw his brother?
why did they make queen stacked
Because boobies rock.
It Means Tity
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Completely off-model. Doesn't follow the schematics at all.
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i fixed it
maybe later
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>Because boobies rock.
AU where she got obsessed with Rouxls instead and constantly argues Rouxls x King and Queen are both bad because the power dynamic is too big and "a simp should be paired with another simp, aka me!"
this art is so good that I'm gonna post storyshift chara instead of sans.
aye fair enough
kingfag likes it when artists flanderdize queen into a big tittied stacy that satisfies her mildly sapphic cuck fetish.
I still don't understand why Queen is the only conventionally attractive female character in Deltarune
I'm not complaining though
feels strongly like a krautsie post but he's banned and would never call her by "her"
>putting the mechanical hard drive, one of the parts most susceptible to immediate and horrible damage from shock or movement, in the head
no dude
put it in the fucking chest, don't put it in the head just because human brains are in the head, humans having brains up there is a terrible evolutionary choice that we just kind of have to deal with when someone trips and hits their head and straight up dies
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>kingfag likes it when artists flanderdize queen into a big tittied stacy that satisfies her mildly sapphic cuck fetish.
>AUs of /utg/
God please kill me now...
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How would this AU version of me feel about Rudouxls? Would AU-me hate it or would she like it for being "simp x simp" and make a Rudinnsona to self-insert onto Rudouxls art?

robot sex
Asgore was fired from the police because he had a wacky anime comedy moment where he accidently grabbed mayor Holiday's breasts
Because it's a furry game and your grounds for 'conventionally attractive' requires being human, which Queen is the closest to. Also something something evil villain Doronjo expy.
<goatfags are not a single stereotype, why do you think there's only one representation of what goatfags are?
<again, not a single stereotype and they aren't one person, why do you think that?
<still, not a single stereotype, how do you know that it's them?
<why do you find yourself instantly defensive about my question, why is it that you're comfortable thinking something can't be different?
We all know you'd force a rudin x hathy ship and spam it whenever someone brings this up.
I have never once in my life heard of rudinn x rouxls
Jockington x berdly
Kingfag gets pissed off at everyone else who targets her but ignores Timmy, why is that? Does she just search for (you)s and ignore everything else?
Rouxls is for public use
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Well it exists, lol
Was mostly a Chapter 1 era thing, and it's all because of this one Rudinn NPC.
It's kingfag's chapter 1-ship to get rouxls out of the way of her self-ship with King.
i'm gonna recreate Toby Fox and his quirky characters in The Syns and put them all in the pool and remove the ladders.
I've gotten mad at Timmy before but most of the time it's just white noise to me
Like what am I supposed to say at an irrelevant wojak with green hair
snowgrave yourself you ch2 secondary
Froggit x Toriel
Rudy x asgore
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haha funny wojak
(claps my feet together)
the oldest sharteen
fair point.
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discuss this all new content
Holy shit it's him
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im gonna piss my fucking diaper dude you gotta stop posting such gems man
spamton after not surviving
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>im gonna piss my fucking diaper dude you gotta stop posting such gems man
timmy post the one with the pepe vore
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another timmy classic, on another note i shit myself
doung funneee
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SAVED! what an absolute GEM! You've really got those undercucks now!
our hero
Imagine that pepe is spade king in this image
and the wojak is kingfag
If you reply, you lose.
Fuck off asshole
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heres a picture of me eating up all your yummy yummy wojaks
mmm yeah dominate me over the internet thread daddy, just fucking mindbreak me~
No it's not, kill yourself
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tum tum group theater
why is this image called happy marrage
I still don't understand
No I don't think I will
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timmy.... why arent you responding to me anymore...? (sniffle) do you not like me any more.....? WAAHH!!!! WAAHHH!!!!! WAAAHHH!!!!! WAAAHHH!!!!!
timmy turner
kino, post more gotebro.
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dumb boyband hairiel my beloved
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timmy please! respond! timmy!!! wAAAHH!!! WAAAHH!!! WAAAHHH!!!!!!
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ok i'm done, no more content for a while
Why is this wojak so tiny
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kinda sorta want this printed out on a body pillow so that I can smooch his neck...
/utg/ is FNAF-coded, starts off lax on Monday then ends the weekend aggressively shitty
What happened to that one poster who just posted gay porn of himself but he had brown hair and used a filter to have blue skin so he could say it was just Kris cosplay
the thread personalities do get a little... quirky at night
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yay!!! timmy responded! what a funny wojak!(drools)
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because I screenshoted the photo to reply to some post about marriage.
Thank you for the content
i enjoyed your drawings
I'm running out of sans images and I don't wanna use storyshift chara or hecatia to reply so please stop
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ha! ha! ha! what a.... what a funny.... (snores)
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newsletter tomorrow....... desu............
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I have a question for Wojaktimmy. Sometimes you will quote the
>A guy with a big knife runs into my room and stabs me in the liver
>he starts stabbing me all over the place and gouges my eyes out
Noelle got fucking stabbed
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are the gotes interrupting tum tum time for you?
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>I have a question for Wojaktimmy. Sometimes you will quote the
>>A guy with a big knife runs into my room and stabs me in the liver
>>he starts stabbing me all over the place and gouges my eyes out
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this but replace the girl with king from deltarune and the other guys with king from deltarune
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Weakling. *starts playing hopes and dreams*
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I have a thing for the cutie/vulnerable character getting mercilessly beaten and disfigured (but barely surviving).
Holy crap its kris deltarune
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>I have a thing for the cutie/vulnerable character getting mercilessly beaten and disfigured (but barely surviving).
would you still say this if your bipolar twin mintykin wasn't here
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These threads will get better. I have hope.
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>These threads will get better. I have hope.
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Timmywojak what is your favorite X-man and favorite X-men movie?
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>trips over railing and falls into the core
I don't, and you make me sad.
Is the GameMaker LTS update out yet?
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>Timmywojak what is your favorite X-man and favorite X-men movie?
I'm sorry for making you sad. Are you sad because the concept of a character getting hurt is sad or do you think it is sad I enjoy it? Maybe both?
wingy dingy in my core core
The former.
My favorite X-man is Magneto :D
Followed by Professor X (young) and Wolverine. Pretty basic taste probably...
Michael Fassbender is so cool
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one last gote for the road
Fake news, Kris has red eyes
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Make another gote thread
I have a thing for non-vulnerable tough characters getting hurt, actually

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