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Gotes edition

Previous bleat: >>488043513

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
susie's stinky armpits
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My ship sails in the morning
finally something good out of this general
When I make my Earthbound Depression, I’m making a new account
I’m going to have a completely different handle that nobody will every tie back to my other accounts
I’ll have DMs with NOBODY
My art style will be completely different
My real name will never be published
No pictures of me will exist online
Nobody will EVER dig up my cringe comments
susie seems like the type of girl who you know absolutely reeks when you peel that jacket off
i need it
Asriel's favorite X-man is Archangel.
Susie's favorite is Magneto.
Noelle's favorite is Iceman.
Berdly's favorite is Professor X.
Kris's favorite is Mystique.
Ralsei's favorite is Kitty Pryde.
I'm an indie dev and I want to study furryesque megafranchises to learn from and apply some principles to my own game.

Besides Undertale, Pokemon, My Little Pony and Sonic the Hedgehog, is there anything else major worth researching?
so true
dawg just stop.
Last thread only lasted 7 hours. That's the fastest in a long time.
fun stimmies fun fun fun
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OK I caught up on the thread. It wasn't very good.
kind of a bummer that the libertarian still feels the need to engage shitters and feed the fires but this is the price we pay on an anonymous imageboard where anybody can be anybody

Somebody give him a tissue
its so good to know all of those bad posts werent you berdfriend
judging by the timing of this post i assume she didn't stay for sex
Did you fuck Alphys real
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I can hardly think of anything that would be a bigger waste of time than """"defending my honor"""" on an anonymous imageboard where literally anyone could post a bourghley image and say "i'm berdfag and I KILL CHILDREN" and like 10 people would believe it earnestly. That would be an utterly useless endeavour

I don't sex anyone irl, I like fictional characters
We did cuddle a bit and watch Don't Hug Me I'm Scared and eat burgers though
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postin yaoi to filter out the threadshitters.
Are you a fujo?
any good fandom has them
it's okay and ontopic when YOU make blogposts, berdfriend
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no I want her to stink NOT GOOD
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I'll try to be better in the future.
sorry about telling you to kill yourself earlier i dont actually feel apologetic but i thought i should say it
thank you for setting the record straight about those bad posts and putting it all to rest and getting the last word and now we can post good blobs again
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Dunno who you said that to but it wasn't me.
Kudos I guess lol
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Nope, just a raging faggot.
ah, nevermind then. whoever i said that to should fucking kill themselves then.
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can someone spoonfeed me on who the fuck libertarianfag is I wasn't really present much for the last year of drama

Do you think monsters are segregated/discriminated against in Deltarune's society? Do monsters exist in ethnostates where humans are rarely seen, and vice versa? Or, are humans and monsters regularly found together in urban centers?
He's another berdly avatarfag who sometimes posts word salad paragraphs about how he doesn't care if Kingfag kills herself (also he's been IP-wiped at the same time as wojaktimmy before)
he actually did all those things doe so its not really a parody but i like it
So true.
Certain people will screenshot this post and share it completely earnestly and unironically btw
Add it to the dossier.
remove the second "then" i fucked it up but what i said still stands kill yourself
are you that "birdfag" fellow ive been hearing about.
Still trying to force that narrative huh?
yuge and telly
thank you for the spoonfeeding
it hurts my soul that retards online keep using the term libertarian only to be the biggest fucking morons on earth, making the public fall deep into the establishment trap of a two party tribal system. It's over. [\spoiler]

Gee golly I sure do love Undertale/Deltarune. I'm going to bed while I think about my fave or something idfk
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guys... *gulp* berdshit really did this... fuck off already...
The TV is Tenna THOUGH
Who is your fave
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anons would you yaoi a gote and if so which gote would you yaoi?
undertale analog horror
>berdfag family.png
Any proof to that last part?
From the words of Mr. Fuck Off Birdshit himself
That post really struck a nerve.
That's not an IP wipe that's just two posts that were deleted by a janny at the same time lmao
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Ok this one is really good
My actual fave in terms of my favorite character is Seam (I would say Gaster but we know literally nothing about him)

But my fave in terms of who I'd actually date, idk, probably Burgerpants or Asgore
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They call me that because there was a thread a while ago where the topic of politics somehow came up, and I decided to mention libertarianism and go over the arguments for small government and stuff, which pissed off Kraut for some reason.
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Probably because Kraut is a /pol/ escapee with terminal directionbrain.
do u picture chara as boy or as a girl
I picture her with a suckable cock.
regular asriel dreemurr
ungulate hands typed this post
I picture them as a gremlin
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do you guys like my awesome homestuck x deltarune crosshipping art
i wonder how doggo shit anon is doing now
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>that belly
>those pecs
>that latex
>that bulge
What if I was lost forever?
I was Sid's to keep?
Those are some freakish disgusting feet
worship them
chara telling asriel to visit a funny website named 4chan dot org
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They're going to make fun of him
metallic queen tits
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What would you do if you ever met Robert Fox?
give him about $3.50
God dammit loch ness monster
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idk, probably thank him for making one of my favorite games.
flash a small smile then move on
>lock ness monster
When are we getting a loch sans monster
I would permanently alter his artistic form by exposing him to kino such as Joe Hawley. Basically, I would psychologically scar and alter him in the same way that Gaster schizopilled Jevil and Spamton. Pick Up The Phone, Toby.
This image makes me upset. Toby did nothing to deserve this. He's a good guy.
tell him I have at least 6 of his Homestuck era piano stream sessions recorded, from which Penumbra Phantasm can be completed, and that I will release them to the internet on www dot twitter dot com if he doesn't answer my lore questions.
but do you really or is it just bluff?
How would you feel if you sat next to Toby on a bus and started a small conversation with him about whatever topic and slowly throughout the conversation he moved his hand closer and closer to you until it was sitting gently on your lower thigh
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It's complete bullshit. But he doesn't know that. (laughs)
can you spoonfeed me on what penumbra phantasm is please
i moan
content.... please.... i need content....
it's a testament to how shitty this general has gotten.
it's the end of everything
>"I wasn't gonna use that in Deltarune I dunno why you're blackmailing me with something I just forgot to release"
oc 9999 hours in paint
Toby's the type of dude to go
>Dude. What the flip.
when you threaten to touch him in an elevator
Take a look here (don't worry, there is no porn but use an adblocker and don't click links to be sure):
My recommendations are:
>Star Fox
>Helluva Boss
>Looney Tunes
And my advice is to not go too hard into the furry aspect for the sake of not scaring the normies away. Undertale is a very good example of it.
the fuck
tell him it's okay we're referencing the earthbound elevator scene like he keeps doing with kris and ralsei and susie in elevators when susie does the cool girl leaning against the wall pose
toby speaks like a brainrotten tiktok zoomer irl
thank you for the content
tempted to say god-form Asriel but the truth is that I like looking at him solo or with females along
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ralsei is evil
>loch sans monster
that's exactly what loch ness is
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magnificent, stunning, beautiful, amazing, inspiring, incredible, powerful
If I posted my fan fiction/AUtism in /utg/ would you fags consume it

I'm not expecting anyone to enjoy it I just want people to be distracted from the threadshitting drama that always happens
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i hope you like butterflies
do it.
I'd read it

Tomorrow, I am tired.
Goodnight after this post

I've been working on an "original project" that takes place in the "tobyverse" as well as one of those prequel AUs with the other fallen humans that everyone and their mother tries to make at some point, just to give everyone an idea of what I'll post about tomorrow. I imagine you guys would like the AU more.
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about what?
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he is so well mannered
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this is why i never wanna do the weed
Fave thinks that weed means literal weeds from the lawn
if flowey drinks golden flower tea is that like cannibalism or nah
yes and he loves doing it
fave tried smoking a lawn weed
I got like this the first (and only) time I smoked :(
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truly a twisted individual
what if fave said "om, bom bom"
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i dunno how people do it, i think it would just give me panic attacks and vomiting
Fave is for some reason dreading the release of future chapters and somewhat hopes that things remain this way forever for some reason
Fave is exhausted because it’s 3am and accidentally included for some reason twice in their post for some reason
i agree with fave on both of these things, ironically
the dread... but the wait is good
Well MY fave thinks your fave is crazy
>canon timezone
I want you.
Which one would you wear?
they all look gay as fuck
Lancer Fan Club all the way.
none of them
Fave's friends in the undertale fanbase don't like them any more
Should fave look for other corners of the fanbase to assert themselves in or should fave just give up and find a different fanbase (difficult because of autism making them obsessed with deltarune)
LFC is the only one that doesn't look super gay
fun gang is the closest to being something I would actually wear irl, but even then I wouldn't want massive text saying "FUN GANG" constantly across my back
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the $@!$ Squad one.
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How would fave know about undertale/deltarune fanbases?
Fun Gang looks retarded with the big FUN GANG on the back. Also it would make you look gay.
Lancer Fan Club looks mostly normal but… y’know…
$@!$ Squad looks terrible.
lancer fan club always and forever
I once had a really prophetic dream about the future of Deltarune that answered a lot of questions and wrapped up all the plot points in a satisfactory manner. Sadly, I forgot all the details except for Kris being red.
Carrots are orange though
This is the AU where Kris is a red apple instead of a green apple
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good morning /utg/. how are you guys holding up?
in carrotrune, the monsters are carrots and the humans are tomatoes
I doubt you understand...
College semester starts tomorrow for me and I want to fucking kill myself
I’m touching myself in the shower right now (yeah i’m on my phone in the shower) so fuck off stop distracting me
fuk u *shits in ur shower tank*
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hanging in there
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try not to overwhelm yourself with thoughts of worries.


glad to hear that.
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Good night /utg/, hope you all are having comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow. I love Chara. Also holy shit did you all burn two threads while I was away slaving at the DS2 mines?
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sleep well charafren
Fave has been playing PC games nonstop for the past year and is now finding it extremely difficult to play anything with a controller
lancer fan club is dripped the fuck out give me that
Fishing lvls?
It overflowed... it was already full of elisa lam... holy shit I'm about to yiik out
buddy i just yiiked my jorts
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Any Muffet connoisseurs here?
oh i’m a muffet connoisseur… *urp* very tasty… *gurgle* teehee *scuttles away*
Robot sex
*muffets sack of spider babies explodes open inside you, bloating you up like a balloon full of crawling muffet spider babies until your intestines rupture and your stomach rips open exploding blood and guts and spiders all over your room and your computer*
D: *sadly scuttles away like an abandoned puppy*
where are muffet's chelicera located
she had it coming
it's only fair really
Fuck off goteturds
thats what my toilet is full of ever since i gobbled up the dremurrs... *brap* hehehee *scringles away*
my toilet is full of skibidi
guilty as charged officer~ *poots out another gotebone into my stinky shitty toiliet*

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