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Previous: >>487936803

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
neko/amby/nicole is my best second team unfortunately
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This shit is horribly biased against Ben because Intensity 10's modifier is a big middle finger to him but I didn't care, was gonna do it with him anyway.
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She is the storm that is approaching…

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Schroedinger's slut. Or perhaps Schroedinger's virgin?
Fagnon... You're further ruining our already tarnished reputation..
What is the best team to maximize Piper as the main DPS?
you won't know until you open up her pants!
when does the red shiyu reset I havent beaten sd10 yet
Incredibly powerful autism
Reminder to dry your sibling
Pull someone better than Piper.
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As usual I used the calibrator to get something I needed and it gave me shit substats.
Every time.
wise sisters..
Hey I saw the thread op and am interested in this game. How many hot furries are in this?
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Now post her in-game model
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31st of July 00:00 AM.
are the polychromes from SD a one time thing
there probably won't be too many unless you count level 2 or level 3 furries
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Schroedinger's fake slut
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I love him...
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does Quingyi have a womb even? can you even have sex with her???
Currently, we have tall wolf butler man and bara bear man
If you consider those to be hot, then 2
reverse used goods
Is there an Anby mod that restores her CBT panties?
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>out of resources and batteries
>zhu yuan only at 38
first 10 yes
next 7 they reset
Do we know what's the next banner? Do I roll for cop (taking Ben and Nicole into consideration)?
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Dawei here

The fun patches are over
I'm gonna...
I'm gonnaaa.....
what's up anon-chan?
(Reposting just in case you missed it)

https://youtu.be/u6I14mV5IQE?t=880 [Embed]
>when you stun an enemy, Instead of instantly activating the chain attack, you switch mid-animation, from your stunner to your attacker.
>Do damage with your attacker, making sure to not fully hit with heavy attacks/activate chain attack, similarly to before, you can still do heavy attacks as long as you cancel them mid-animation.
> Activate a chain attack when the bar is about 50% left, because stun duration is tied to rainbow bar for some reason
>result: You will have full stun duration + the extra seconds of DPS before you started the chain attack
The more people that get filtered the better, I want comfy threads instead of constantly raided garbage.
Why is /hsrg/ making our OPs to shitpost? Arent we siblings?
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Wise is for Nicole
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if you ever make a patch that the cunning hares can't clear im gonna coom on your shoes
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This game has kids in it.
>want to c6 Nicole and Ben
>don't want to use 50/50 on Jew One
>got no Ben dupes and only 3 Nicoles
Even pulled some Anby Corin and Billy who I use but Billy still isn't C2 AIEEEEEEEEE
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How many puppies will they have
We'll just move on from being raided by wuwafags and giggers, to getting raided by wuwafags, giggers, and furfags.
At least we get more diversity I guess.
yuritrannies having a melty as usual
None. They'll just keep adopting bangboos
You are now banned from /r/zzz_official
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1st: Ellen Joe + Anton/Soukaku
2nd: Zhu Yuan + Nicole/Ben

1st: Qingyi + Anby/Billy
2nd: Jane + Corin/Seth
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how would you go about making them reconcile
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>1/2 a level for 20 stam
i fucking hate this nigger developer so much
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The devs said they're adding ways to avoid/cancel out of chain attacks so I imagine this will be way easier later on
Burger flavored incredibly spicy noodles
Just buy the BP gweilo
Is every limited going to get more and more intricate date events?
they find common ground via burger flavored ramen
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sex with this machine autist
Board games
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
Anbybwos (She'll always be your first stunner! Don't forget about her even when you get S rank ones!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!

Zhu's gameplay really is so fun to me, I get such a rush whenever I don't waste bullets and recharge quickly from parries and ex skills and stuff. Burst DPS like her and corin just feel good. I like teams that encourage constant switching.
So how does it work when you get a S weapon on the standard banner instead of an actual character? Do you get a guarantee of a character for next time or no?
Will Jane Doe be broken?
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remember you need 540 rolls for them
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Ellen sexo
yes, unironically a must pull if you care about meta
that has nothing to do with that though
final chain attacks will always decrease the stun timer.
This abuses the rainbow chain attack bar duration, which is different from the grey stun bar duration
I've reached IK45. Should I farm discs until IK50? What should I be doing?
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>540 rolls
you forgot the engines
No guarantee of anything. Getting standard weapons on standard banner is unironically good for you long term. You'll lose your 50/50s on limited banners to standard characters only so you'll never get standard w-engines outside of standard banner.
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Gotta save my load for the robot.
She's S-rank Piper who gets free crit rate from anomaly proficiency AND makes Assaults crit...
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What I'm saying is you won't have to animation cancel when you're attacking the rainbow bar
Ellen makes my heart go doki doki
bwos what is there to do in the game after you finish your dailies and use your stamina? in level 38 and 35 on my second account and progression has crawled to a snails pace. i started like 2 weeks late so that’s why im so under leveled.. and hollow zero gives such shit rewards i just do the 7000 points for the week.. the beginning. was so fun and had so much content but now… fuck is this what a gacha is like? this is my first gacha. Should i play HSR?
Yes, you probably have your DPS maxed out, may as well try with RNG to see if you go further in Shiyu Defense.
Either way, by lvl 50 it will become much more easy to do, so no rush unless that's what you want ofc.
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yakisoba pan
If you get 2 characters or wengines in a row your next one is guaranteed to be the other kind, otherwise it's just random.
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I do like the idea of improving both my Anby and my Billy, but Idk if I want this lolibaba.
>rat + Corin and Seth
I will whale for them super hard, I will happily pay hundreds or maybe even thousands for them. Especially the robot.
That's been disproven, this game has no character / w engine pity on the standard banner. If you're very unlucky you can get nothing but W engines till EoS
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eeeeh, we still don't know what they mean by manual chain attack, it could be turning off chain attack completely, which would make the stun bar start as soon as you stun, which is automatically worse.
If they let us choose when to do chain attack with a button then sure but i doubt they will be that good.
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>Belle makes Wise rudepost while she incestposts from another ip
>Belle and Wise are behind every post in /zzz/
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>first gacha
Is 15s of stun with half being light hits only really worth losing a full 12s of combos with heavy hits? Why would you want 7s of just light hits only instead of 4 more seconds to do actual combos? Especially since you're probably trying to jizz all your EX meters on the boss during the stun window. The guy seems we todd ed for advocating a 50% stun activation.
you can get all the hidden stuff and achievements otherwise yea you're done for the day
hsr is the same and that's why these games are the choice of many working normalfags that don't have a lot of time for games
>on my 2nd account
>pretends its his first gacha
only a dumb experienced gachabrain would be doing multi-accounts
Show me the 3 in a row screenshot
But if i leave who will keep you company?
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*kisses anon*
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You will ride the red rocket
You will be interknoted
>Corin stuck with ugly rat and dick sucking furry
Th-thanks mihomo
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Behold, the most bricked of accounts
You can cancel heavy hits with animation cancel, did you even read my post, you don't lose anything.
i saw a video and it made sense to me. it said hoyo games usually give enough resources to pull every other banner. so with 2 accounts you’d be able to play every character without spreading out your resources! I guess technically ive played other gacha but none as much as zzz. i played granblue when it was released for like a week but it was clunky having to use the translated web client and i quit it.
>remember you need 540 rolls for
shant be rolling for the robot thoughever
Depending on how Cunny they are I'm open my wallet fully, but they're kinda not great looking honestly, look more like jirai-kei whores rather than actual lolis
I have 175 rolls at the moment. Those plus the 1.1 rolls + daily pass + BP, what are my odds of both Qingyi and the rat?
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when are we getting more robot girls besides the Idol?
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Reminder cat isn't a brick everyone is just bad at using her
Id just kill myself.
>no guaranteed character
At least try if you're going to doompost
I'm only rolling for the robot though
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>2 games later theyre still pulling this faggotry with every single system they do
hmmm nyo
damn… alright thank you bwo. well hsr would have a lot of content for me to catch up on no? i’ll see when/ if they hve a new player event and try it out
>hsrtranny artist
every fucking time
I want her even if she's a brick, cat is sexo.
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Same time we get a female anthro design
So probably never
They can't even commit to the one robot being a robot, they have to chicken out with her "human avatar."
Slip my hands inside her tanktop and probably get kicked in the dick.
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Spam more Hollow Zero, there's also a weekly limit for crysts/merits rewards that you cant know unless you kept count or the game tells you, and they're used to buy useful items.

For IKxp tho? I think you only have agent stories and the bonus challenge hollows in the HDD to level up. The rest is the dailies.
One will be a 4 star so closer to 360
may all of these furry subhumans rot in hell.
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I will spend money if I have to, I started playing zzz for these 3 in particular
And stayed for the incest siblings though I really do love our cast so far.
yea there is a shitload of content in hsr for new player. I play all 3 big hoyo games and am having a lot of fun with them
Am I supposed to kill Nineva's tentacles or just dodge until her bullet hell phase is over
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What the FUCK is wrong with them
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I got nekomata's w-engine but I don't have her. Instead I have Corin, Ellen, and Zhu Yuan. Who should pairs best with it?
Would Nekomiya Mana be a cute girlfriend? Keep in mind she's a former gangster and now an unauthorised hollow raider (criminal)
Am I too late to start this game as a f2p or only welkin buyer poorfag? I want zhu
all of them are awake during SEAhours. it's obvious where they're from
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I'll diddle her.
>rolled Alexandrina on my first 10* on default banner
(⊃∀`* )
They've been all day here, there's a lycon poster that keeps spaming "i love him" every thread, and ofc there's that bara fag. Everysingle furry is a fucking fag or what?
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Yeah it's literally over if you didn't start day 1, no point starting a permanently bricked account
it's never too late to start bro
Yes, if you pay now you can guarantee her but it may take awhile to get it.
If you reroll it may be better but i don't know if the rewards are still up.
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How did you end up playing a game for a huge variety of degenerates but end up thinking you're superior to everyone else?
>hrtroon hijacking threads again
This general deserves to die if you faggots allow this lmao
You got 2.5 weeks to do all the content and get all the available rolls. Maybe 150 limited rolls I think? I had like 180 rolls as a day 1 player who never rolled Ellen
it's crazy how they lied about "unique" character designs but then release normal humans for 3 patches in a row
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>normalfags are dipshits
Who knew.
buy the boopons and gold disk frags
calibrator is a meme and will just give you dogshit disk with bad subs
I bet antifurries are all lolifags, imagine thinking that you're any better than us, fucking pedos
i dunno looks like a bunch of brats
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Congrats anon~ Now all you have to do is pull Grace and you can actually use her!
we don't need opinions from zoophiles go away
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"Who pairs best with it", please excuse my typo.
Let me guess, you bought the boopons?
just like me

>didn't show support gear
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What is a hrtroon?
I thought currently someone's complaining about furfags?
I can't keep up with the lingo these days
>wuwajeets falseflagging as furries
Least obvious kurobot
Why is Zhu Yuan shouting at monsters to ‘drop the weapon’?
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She's so sly
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>Install Grace cleavage mod
>Want to use her way more
Go back to BA, you're not welcome here
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good account seed anon
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Ingrained habit to avoid getting in trouble for beating up perps
there's a tier system, retards
you furfag literal homos are just below normal homos, who are below lolifags, and you're just barely above scat fetishists
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That's the problem though. I'll say it again. It's 15s vs 12s total, but if you watch the video closely:

>50% activation
7s of the 15 you can't do heavies (i.e. cant meter dump), and only have 8s to meter ult dump after you do activate. Maybe certain agent teams benefit from this? In general it seems no to me though.

>instant activation
The instant trigger gives you a full 12s to attack freely and bukakke all over the boss repeatedly and dump more meter.

Correct me if I got something wrong but that's what I'm seeing at the 10:30 mark in the vid.
Is that 150 if I no life the game and do all content and everything or what? I can see there are two login events for 20x limited rolls right now, how many more can I expect in the story? I'll reroll if I have to but I don't want it taking more than 2-3 hours for a shot at the cop
When you do a custom loadout for farming what do you anons choose?
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Do you think we're going to get birthday messages from our agent friends?
We love ntr here
>furnigger op
Make a new thread
no one wants to defend furries which is why you aren't being defended by anyone. you can leave
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why are you tards always blaming wuwa for this you don't like in these threads
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Reminder Indognesians are ugly monkey faced people that don't even look like anime

Allah is not real
The Prophet Muhammad likes to suck penis

Go commit suicide with a bomb like Allah said, it is haram to play infidelgames

Allah let me make this post because he loves me more than Indognesians
Will Seth be a 5 star?
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You coulda just typed "Im a bitch." and saved yourself a minute.
Yeah I mean doing literally everything besides the stupid arcade achievements and full clearing the endgame mode (you'll need to be a spender to clear it this early on) which I'll never do
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I don't use custom loadout and just farm skill gems in batches of 100 energy
How can you even be bad at using her? There's not cat tech here, i just see him dodge attacking on demand???
seeing you subhumans shitfling is really funny when you know us yurigods own all gacha games
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Grace engine bought
You're not fooling anyone wuwajeet. KYS and your pets.
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See >>487955647
This division is all fake and gay.
/zzz/ is an unholy alliance of degenerates and you just can't handle that because you're scared of such an unholy group cooperating.
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>hrtgroon op
the seeds are planted
yuri""gods"" are nothing compared to selfinsert godkingemperors
Based fellow degenerate
I'm grinding disks from 45-50 at the moment, but I use the 60 energy from coffee on the buffed card, dennies and disk upgrade mats
I want to cum on hoshino's flat chest...
Just buy a starter account with Zhu Yuan on it
big true
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Quit getting triggered over every dumb piece of fanart you feebs.
I don’t enjoy playing Zhu Yuan, she says shit like “drop the weapon” or “hands up” or “you’re arrested” and it triggers ptsd in me
Fuck off. Slit your throat tranny don't ever reply to me again.
This is my first mihomo game and you lads are mentally ill, is every mihomo thread like this? You're literally buck breaking me to the point to want to drop this nigger game. It's over for me
Suck more homo cock AIDS ridden faggot.
play in CN dub
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I will when they stop editing their cancer to get past my filters. Post what ever you want, I don't care as long as I don't see that shit
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Nice thread /zzz/iggers.
Most characters damage don't come from ultimate though and you can still meter dump at the end. so i don't see how still a problem besides having a lower ult uptime which again, doesn't really matter when most characters do their damage outside of it. For Zhu, per example, she has a very strong ult and it only accounts for 20% of her damage.
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Virgins don't dress like this
Homoshit does not belong in this general
>pedotroonnigger wants to ally with dogfuckers
Group suicide
it's kinda funny when she says you're under arrest while she's shotgunning something in the face
guys i'm going to the robot
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I like the kids in this game.
thank you
I dress like this
There's another game without the immoral homosexuality and it starts with a "W".
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We need a kemonololi to kill off the last of the normalfags in these threads and truly unite our degeneracy.
the green heart on her shorts is a symbol of a beginner which means shes still a virgin, even though shes a slutty one.
>suddenly, hostility and lashing out at any and all groups of people
hmmmm the is an impostor sus amogus
>Man I've been using nekomata for awhile and she doesn't seem that much of a brick
>Get koleda and try her as a neko replacement in the piper/lucy team
>Instant realization
All that energy wasted on attacker seals and physical chips...
>wwjeet raid
kek right on time
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I dress like this :3
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A chick dressed like this is just ASKING for an ass slap/squeeze, right?
For once I agree.
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If you don't like it drown it out with something you like better. Arguing about shit doesn't make it go away it just makes people post it more to spite you. Have you been on this website long?
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>Just now realize you can off-set Anby's 3rd basic attack for a meterless skill or even push out a Thunderbolt after a metered Ex skill.
It's all over for me, i'm a failure...
I took an hour probably taking 50 photos during that commission
Play wuwa, it is the straight white man's game
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no one cares. i didn't subscribe to your blog
I'm OP and I don't play w*wa, schizokun
We need to do something about these falseflaggers
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Maybe, there usually isnt this much seething when I post Ben.
She tongues my anus

Gacha games are so frustrating because everyone ends up stronger and farther along than me and I don't understand how they got there. I'm always doing something wrong.
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no one plays your dead genshin copy rajesh
lucy doesn't look like this, off model garbage
Pretty sure the game even tells you this of you read the skill descriptions retardchama...

I will now C6 your agent
I don't care. This general can die in homoshit with OPs like this.
Later HZ elites are so agressive you won't have time for that anyway outside of 1v1 fights
Sex with you
Virgins can't be slutty
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Did you find out about Nicole's 360 specials yet?
Or Zhu's dodge cancel routes?
Corin's mash or hold inputs?
Piper's basic straight into full spin combo?
That you can dodge attack and parry at the same time?
That you can switch mid attack animation and have simultaneous attacks going?
That only heavy hits done by characters you control activate chains so if you switch out you can get off heavy attacks without activating chains early?
she learns all the slut moves from anby who is a real veteran.
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Least subtle raid. Just report and ignore.
It's not a race or a competition, bro. Set your own goals and go at your own pace.
At least we don't have literal faggotry in our OP LMAO
no one does these. the game is too easy
The thing you need to do is to report and ignore them, shrimple as.
is it a good idea to buy lucy in the shop
or spend it on more rolls
So cunny robocop in about 9 days yeah? I'm so happy I lost my 50/50 to ZY and got grace cause at least I guarantee her
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I do all of those things.
I literally can't beat Shiyu 9. Fuck that teleporting sword nigger
I do the Nicole one because the animation is cute.
show me your S-rank Shiyu 17, no level 50s
>9 days
more like 2.5 weeks bro... hoyo banner durations are cancer
More like 2 weeks
2 more weeks.
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As we get harder and harder content they'll become mandatory or you'll need min/max full max level teams though
Best to practice now and save yourself from later headaches.
>nonooooo, you can't call out my gay furshit!
>report him aiiiiieeeeee
Looks like shit nigga
>That you can dodge attack and parry at the same time?
Does this do anything?
shop on the way to c2
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whether it be 2 more weeks or 2 more years, I'll always be there for Qunnyi
>haven't had a single corruption during the run
>suddenly 3rd floor's every node forces me to take on pressure
>suddenly corruption 0 straight to 5
Withercore is extremely fucking gay
useful if you're a starlight coper
What game?
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It's very useful for the Ex version, as the followup thunderbolt can still be used straight after, usually during shorter openings. As for the meterless one, you're usually out of luck but i usually do BA1, BA2, BA3 ---> Skill ---> Thunderbolt when there is a chance.
the fuck are these propotions
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I discovered the fucking agents remain on the field after watching my Ellen getting her ass beat 10 feet away from me when I switched during a red attack instead of dodging
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Lets you get off the dodge attack and the parry attack at the same exact time.
Which is not only a big dps increase bit also inflicts massive daze.

It also looks cool to have a ton of your team out attacking at once.
>This gacha will get hard later!!!
It never does
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I never try to avoid corruption.
Get it to max asap so that the TV part goes faster.
Didn't read. KYS wuwajeet.

How dead is /wuwa/ currently?
Did you know that certain Hollow events can get special results deepening on what agent's you bring?
is nicole’s 360 worth it? I know it extends the gravity field duration but it takes such a long time charge albeit she’s invincible during the it.
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>Got Ellen Joe in 81 rolls gets upset that im unlucky and got her on that many rolls
>because I got what I like(Ellen) I started to save up for Miyabi
>Zhu Yuan banner has Nicole which also one of my favorite
>decided to build up pity and get Nicole dupes because I only need 2 more to max her mindscape Cinematics
>20 rolls in and got Zhu Yuan
>zero Nicole dupes
>decided to roll again because what could go wrong after resetting my pity counter
>finally got 2 Nicole dupes after another 20 rolls
Why did Zu Yuan Show up that early? I don't even like her.
I'm afraid that I might hard pity Miyabi at this point.
please tell me we'll get enough patch to save up rolls before Miyabi banner.
>t. hasn't seen what withering garden's 5th corruption does
How does it work? Just dodge and switch at the same time and you make both characters do the follow up if you press attack?
Why do hoyo games attract homos?
I'd honestly take them if it wasn't for possibly being stuck with a shitty dodge and the last corruption that might as well set your whole squad's HP to 1 forever
They're dumping their gay porn here so probably dead
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Post endgame clears then.

Zzz is lining up to be either you use skill to win high level content or you need to max stats to win.
It's letting you choose based on all the clears we're seeing which is kinda neat.

Both the mortar, max sit charge, and regular charge have different uses, you gotta pick and choose what you have time for and why and who's going to take advantage of it.
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I only know the corin thing and the heavy attack to start a chain
Show said gay porn, I would like to see it.
I'm trying to get the 75% health achievement for withercore
Corruption 5 makes that instantly impossible
That's the fucking problem, the 4th corruption WAS the weakened dodge
Okay schizokun
Whatever you say schizokun

Have fun losing the coinflip and missing Miyabi by 10 pulls lol
Do you lose your merits when the shop resets?
at the very least she’s still 2 patches away if the leaks are correct or you could cross your finger for her to appear next year as a big shill anniversary character
Furries are /zzz/core thougheverbeit
most useless item in the game
bricking yourself if you waste your currency on this
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they attract inbred incest babies
Well at least they attract an audience, unlike wuwa
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sex with fairy
There's no expiration date on them so most likely not
Ah, you got him
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>please tell me we'll get enough patch to save up rolls before Miyabi banner.
Its 'at least' two patches before that. More than enough to save up hard pity.
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So then the post right below >>487958830 is hardcore porn?
>I'm trying to get the 75% health achievement for withercore
>Corruption 5 makes that instantly impossible
Just kill the boss faster retard
>furry homo thread
>sudden wuwa shilling
Hmm, I'm noticing....
Total building pity nigger death
furries play wuwa and they shill wuwa here
I'm pretty sure the walk up to Nineveh alone will drop you below 75% at 5th corruption
I'm noticing how badly you want us to care about /wuwa/ while you piss yourself over people posting things you don't like.
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Do not shitpost with my fun gameplay /wuwa/ wife please
Do not also insult our based incestposters who physically harm the mcwarsfags with their images, keeping this the least mcwar hoyo game to date.
The only good /wuwa/ shitposter troll raider in these threads is the off topic anime "stupid bitch" poster because he makes me laugh with the lengths he'll go to call someone a stupid bitch.
Praying ZZZ lives for another 10 years so we can get a time-skip for playable Emmie.
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You cannot be any more wrong
Wuwa shilling is in every thread though
the trannyjanny hates hoyo btw, just like the /v/ janny
that's why they always shit up all hoyo threads without getting banned
No timeskip, she must be playable as a JS
But whats the point getting her after she already expired?
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I never even heard of Wuwa until these threads and I give zero shits about it.
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>gacha characters
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When is Neko's banner?
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>Why did Zu Yuan Show up that early? I don't even like her.
is this what they so called desire sensor I keep hearing about?
I never tried building pity because what's the point of low ranking character when there's going to be a 5* version of them in the future.
so far all the characters I want from HSR and Genshin has always been on hard pity too.
even Ellen took all my free rolls i got when I started the game.
Anby is cope in the endgame
her daze is trash
the sexbot is objectively necessary because a bad stun unit holds the entire team down
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Nah. We don’t accept furries in wuwa. Take all furries out behind the shed.
Gacha games are always forever time locked for no reason though
WuWa is a dead game that’s why they’re coming here and shutting up our based Nicole threads
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how did you do in shiyu defence bros?
I doubt I'll get any more S ranks than this, ignore the last 3 I'll clear them in a few days since not all my agents are 50 yet, but I doubt I can get anything better than a B on them
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Thank god your game is failing.
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Based. Should've happened to ZZZ too.
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Hey does anyone know what the BaseAnomalyBuildup multiplier is based on
In the damage formulas
Is there like a sheet of the values anywhere
I think 5 is easier than 4, but yeah expect B's on the last two
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Every banner is Neko's banner!
Every time anyone rolls for a limited she's there!
>furryposters only come out during prime Indian hours
should've known
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Pic related
Or you know, Europe work up
No one cares about ZZZ.
How is Anby vs Koleda in the Zhu team?
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Not even a furfag but this changed nothing
I hate him still, everyone hates him still
His personality is godawful
His gameplay is godawful
His design is uninspired

Wait this isn't /wuwa/
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Wait, how come you don't make these posts when I furrypost earlier in the day?
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I'm asking if the difference between skills is known
Like does Piper basic attack do half the anomaly buildup of her special spin? Does her ultimate do 200% her basic attack?
Something like that
Grug press spinny move and spinny circle goes round and spinny jump gives Grug big yellow number. Grug like big yellow number!
>/hsrg/ schizo cuckposting Firefly
>/zzz/ schizo posting wisexlycaon
I dont dare go into /gig/ but I'm nyoticing.
She looks like Venus already, but lolified
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Grug like bang bang with small girl that speak and act like grugma
OK then why don't I have her yet? 2 Koledas and a Grace so far.
90 rolls will be enough for Qing-yi M1W0
90 rolls will be enough for Qing-yi M1W0
90 rolls will be enough for Qing-yi M1W0
*pounds giant gong*
It's a literal tencent shill raid. It's blindingly obvious.
prime wuwajeet shitposting hours
furries are the mastermind behind all these schizos
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Koleda is a better stunner but won't get her passive
Anby is a worse stunner (but not unusuable or anything) but would get her passive.

Dealers choice on who you like playing more honestly should both work great until Qingyi which will be the best for Zhu
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How did we let this happen Wisebwos we were supposed to be the canon protag...
you only need one roll bwo
not just tencent
fans of literally every other gacha company hate hoyo because of the popularity
Wait, is the Aventurine Firefly blacked schizo the lycaon wise schizo?
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the one that stuns the fastest
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This but 70 rolls
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But they're cute
Maybe they should’ve added furries, it’d have been free publicity for them
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can someone summaraize the stats on the equipment?
Anomaly = ?
Impact = ?
Penetration = ? and is penetration much better than element %?
When do you reach legendary proxy, level 45?
Bro... (you) are Seth's date...
How many rolls does the 30day chrome thing give you? Don't really wanna spend that and BP on a second account but I'm tempted
You're the fucking schizo for thinking they're all the same person, furries in this general are all genuine
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It will be enough, if you got her partner.
The slow ass cop banners are killing the game.

Should've made Section 6 the 1.1 banner and skip the cops entirely. No one cares.
those stats are fucking insane
anon just do the math bro jesus its not hard
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How can we still have canon protag wars when Phaeton is both Belle and Wise? Literally one could be in the chair while the other supervises and they can switch anytime. This is so retarded.
dunno but there's seems to be a pattern of shitting on the male MC in all 3 hoyo generals
Kafka stat
Ruan Mei stat
Quantum set stat
18.75 kek
and then harambe's boring ass banner would kill the game
>Anomaly = ?
Anomaly mastery is how much more damage an anomaly does, anomaly proficiency is how fast it accumulates
>Impact = ?
Affects how much daze gets applied
>Penetration = ? and is penetration much better than element %?
It's better only if you have enough element % because its values are low in general.
how much do i need to invest in building supports
anti-hoyo trannyjanny already resetting my post counter
looks like i won
I play zzz since day 1 and still hate miHOMO tho, this company has an awful reputation for pandering to mentally ill schizos, yumes/fujos/shipniggers/yuritroons/fags
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>How can we still have canon protag wars when Phaeton is both Belle and Wise?
Because they have a hard time inventing new shitposting material, when their old stuff fails. So they rather try to brute force it with spam and samefagging.
Anomaly = Debuff affliction rate
Impact = Stun Meter damage
Penetration = Amount of enemy DEF stat they can ignore
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I have 180 rolls now, if the idol come out in 1.4, I should have 300 rolls (spent 180 for quingyi) no? I wonder if that is enough, the robot may be like quingyi and is a 5* instead of 4*

she is a core member of the group unlike seth who is a nigger, and each faction seem to have three 5* minimum
If you're a wise main is he the one needing to be rescued from the hollow?
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>WuWa devs changed the story for the worse because Chinks complained that there wasn't enough (You) pandering.
>now every character's written to slurp on your dick the moment they meet you to the point that it's comical
>also changed a bad design... into another bad design
>his character story was so bad it made people hate him more
>his kit is awkward as fuck
>People hated being knotted by Lycaon at first
>When people reached his part of the story, they end up liking him because he's just that fucking cool
>he doesn't overstay his welcome
>50% of /zzz/ now want to be knotted
WuWa changing shit on a whim because players keep asking for things isn't a sign of better devs. It's a sign of a team that has no solid vision for their game.
you ARE saving up for Billy's alt right?
THE Legendary Red Rider himself?
I done know the numbers niggeroid

And the monochrome 100 is like 3x that right iirc? Fuck should figure out what daily chrome gain is too
Section 6 is soulless genshinslop weeb bait design besides Soukaku
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It's about /zzz/ bullying her, isn't it?
gig is worst, just endless salesposting and cuckposting
Wise is the canon protag.
nyet he still goes rescue his sis
You can expect about 90-100 rolls, so if you spend all of your 180 on Qingyi, in those 3 patches you will have about 300 yeah. That won't be enough to hard guarantee 2 of them, but its decent odds.
new fire characters when
Yeah like that belle futa fag who does fanfics about cucking wise, yea right
Belle is always the one who gets stuck in the hollow, if you're playing her you temporarily get switched to Wise
There's also a bit where you get switched to Belle if you're Wise
>When people reached his part of the story, they end up liking him because he's just that fucking cool
>he doesn't overstay his welcome
>50% of /zzz/ now want to be knotted
I skipped through his entire quest and he'll stay at level 1 till EoS, I can tolerate you furfags but claiming we all like them is just not ture
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I just realized that I've put 100% blind faith into the leaks. If Da Wei switches shit around and drops the Jalter/Seiba banners right after the rat I would be so fucked.
Reminder that all 1.X characters will be useless within 10 months tops
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Those are hot as fuck. What a based poster. Unclench your anus normalfag.
No one here complains about the "Belle being cucked" posts either.
Up to level 35 at minimum probably because core passive is level locked but beyond tier3 the mat price goes high fast
this is true ignore the 487960763 faggot
Characters released 10 months from now will be useless 20 months from now
Calydon coming first would mean Lighter probably being on the first banner.
I'll just simply drop the game if I havent already if that happens.
You can probably skip leveling their attacks unless it's Lucy who has her buff on her ex skill instead of her passive. The others have their buff on their passive, so leveling that is enough.
There's also only 1 support set, so just toss that on them with whatever stat they scale off of. Pen% for Rina, and ATK for Soukaku/Lucy. Nicole doesn't scale off any stat.
ill just wait for the texas alter / w alter of ZZZ until i start playing
True. This is why you should never roll for characters
>final event before zzz eos
>nicole dm's you saying she wants to meet
>sunset at the riverbay of lumina square
>umm proxy san... here all the debts that ive owned! i saved enough okay!
>both belle and wise gets moved to tears
>credits rolls
I'm struggling a lot now that I've gotten to lvl 45 content even with max leveled characters. I guess I have to stop ignoring the CD and engine shit now, huh...
wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa wuwa
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1.2 will be Calidon, everything in the story points towards them first. The leaks are bullshit, why would they put Lighter in 1.2 and Miyabi in 1.3.
>ctrl + f “wuwa”
>265 results
You guys are obsessed
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Who are these 50% of /zzz/?
No one does wise fanfics about cucking belle? I mean, he literally does it explicitly about cucking wise, that is his main focus. And how tf am i a normalfag?
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me, and my samsung fridges
I'm interested in how they'll up the difficulty for future content. It's clear they had a plan to start with since it ramps up consistently from chapter to chapter (with the exception of the mech boss, fuck that shit), but SD leans into the "more health = more harder" philosophy.
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Yeah, Sector 6 after N.E.P.S doesn't make any sense, we're going to the outer-ring, they have two agents from the sons of calydon already in the roster, seems like if any banner is subject to change it's Sector 6s.
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It's all me
S rank W-Engines are even more fucked. Their effects are too general and useful for any character that fits the class and element of the weapon. They're all basically the following two effects:
>you gain X% of stat
>if you fulfill X condition you or your team do more damage
They'll eventually make the specialized W-Engines (sorta like the one the A rank characters already have) that only work on a specific character but are a +30% boost instead of a +10% or even +5% as some calcs for Zhu Yuan's engine suggest.
The last few story events talked about needing to go to the Outer Ring which is where the Calydon faction were said to operate in their lore blurbs
Section 6 doesn't really fit cleanly into the ongoing main story so far, they just kind of showed up to tutorialize the Outpost modes for you and shill Miyabi
>No one does wise fanfics about cucking belle?
Bro, we have "Sorry Belle I'm fucking X" Wise-posters all the time. And there is nothing wrong with that either, its funposting.
>And how tf am i a normalfag?
Because you get upset about incredibly harmless funposting. Its not like its being spammed.
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if they still make my cock hard, they are viable and needed to be in the team
Why are yuritroons so mentally disturbed? I hate Wise but I just ignore his existence, not do a 180 so hard ending up in the other mental ill fag/vagina corner
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I'm going to use Piper until EoS
Its true, I'm also him.
It's kinda cute how hard you retards are trying to force this shitposting here
Are those "Sorry Belle I'm fucking X" posters doing fanfics about cucking belle THO? I get mad at whatever the fuck I want fag, I love being angry all the time, you can call me a chud if you want.
The wuwajeet and his prolapsed butthole
I can tolerate his presence but Lycaon is gay and ugly
Sorry, the local terminology for your kind is "schizo". Don't worry, you'll learn it all once you've lurked for a bit.
Just like you except nobody can tolerate your presence.
I can see it going both ways
>Seth and Rrrat are in charge of transferring the sacrifice to Sector 6
>villains pop up to steal it again
>Phaethon helps Sector 6 secure it, infodump ensues
>go after Perlman afterwards
>we go straight to the outer ring to catch Perlman
>run into the Sons of Caelydon
>we get all buddy buddy while going for Perlman's bounty
>villains try to make a sacrifice out of Perlman
>Section 6 intervenes
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Is my account bricked if i roll for Qingyi
I already have lycaon and koleda
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Who are these mysterious shadow people?
I rolled for Zhu Yuan because she's a walking green flag of a woman, S grade wife material
Aight, just don't bring your cuckposting to this thread, mentally ill fag
And all 2.X characters will be useless 10 months after their release.
In other words: never roll for anyone.
>Chapter 3 interlude
>Randomly cuts to section 6
You rike?
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>+5% as some calcs for Zhu Yuan's engine suggest.
This is one of the biggest misinfo the Guoba sheetfag had successfully spread through the internet.

It's only +1%~5% if Zhu Yuan is unloading everything into a Nicole EX Skill which is generally only the first rotation. When Nicole's out of energy, all of those calcs vs Starlight Engine is fucking meaningless and it's just straight up 30%+ better.
They mention we need to make contact with people from the Outer Ring first. So I assume we're gonne be doing that, while stuff happens with the Sacrifice which gets us into contact with Section 6.
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>Section 6 doesn't really fit cleanly into the ongoing main story so far, they just kind of showed up to tutorialize the Outpost modes for you and shill Miyabi
That's why I thought that Pubsec would have a short chapter in the main story, a 1.5 chapter during Zhu and Qingyi's banner. Like we'll be assisting Pubsec and then halfway Zhu will need our help to assist sector 6 or something because she's friends with Miyabi. But that doesn't seem to be the case so maybe Sons of Calydon is after N.E.P.S. That also makes sense when you think about our A agents rateup rotation.
>Ellen Joe - Sokaku/Anton
>Zhu - Ben/Nicole
>Qingyi - Billy/Anby
>RAT - Seth/Corin
>Ceasar - Piper/Lucy
at least everyone who plays w game isn't a zoophile
When the fuck is Nicole running out of energy
Patch Notes mention we get PoV switches too, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Miyabi PoV while the siblings are busy. I hope thats not gonna happen, but...
Section 6 more like section skip.
How come Wise gets to go on a date with Zhu Yuan? Unfair.
How are we gonna understand her chuuni ramblings and thoughts? Actually, now that I think about it'll be so adorable. Like Ranko from Idolm@ster.
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I love zhu because she made me fall in love with nicole/anby, during the first weeks i thought they where not strong but now she made me realize that both of them are actually super fun to play and strong even though they are the literal free A units of the game, now that im giving them proper disks and w-engines I can feel just how much they actually contribute to the team too.
>Ceasar - Piper/Lucy
yeah as if they are THAT generous lmfao
>How are we gonna understand her chuuni ramblings and thoughts?
Probably gonna get interpretation from the other Section 6 members. Or we get gap moe between her inner thoughts and her chuuni ramblings.
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hmm nyes good taste anon
1.3 is the same patch they promised to "revise and update certain character models" which is essentially a soft confirmation Miyabi is in 1.3 exactly as mentioned by the leaks.
They have to put lucy and piper eventually and they are running out of A ranks to put.
we only have like 9? A ranks, and 4 just passed, 6 with Qingyi, 8 with rat, 1.2 will 100% have lucy AND piper
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Anby is easily my favourite stunner in the game. I have also been playing her in Rina / Anton team and it's been great fun!
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I believe in human kindness
I rolled zhu specifically to have more reason to use nicole
although realistically nicole is strong enough of a support that I don't think it even mattered
i can see greedhoyo putting lucy and piper on the sector 6 channels just to entice people to roll for them lmao.
caesar is probably going to be burnice + some random guy like billy
Zhu/Section 6 being there to translate from chuuni sword autist into normal people speech would be cute.
I thought Nicole was nuts just from reading her passive. In practice she's just surprisingly solid but she synergizes well enough with Zhu.
On seperate banners, your missing the fact that no matter what hoyo wants to shove a male into every banner.
Inb4 the Harumasa banner has both lighter and Lucy as a fuck you
How come this game has so many kids?
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companies aren't human bro
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The Fischl of ZZZ. Do you think the eyeball will talk like Oz?
Billy Bwos, Dodge resonium is so fucking fun

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I told you niggers it's easily OP, don't forget shield either, the buffs from being shielded are fucking ridiculous lol
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Out of everything in this game
This shit has to be the biggest scam
substats are fucking random in the end
I want C6 Billy so much
She runs out of fast when fighting shit that takes ages to get stunned, especially in SD14+.
Dodge Resonium really feels like the most universal one, that bullet time is insane especially on agents like Billy and Zhu Yuan that have dodges in their attack combo.
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I wish fictional characters like Nicole showed up in my dreams. It's always real and boring people, no big-tit pink-haired anime babes. I would genuinely look forward to the nightly 8 hour timeskip if I could dream of Nicole, or Anby, or any of the other ZZZ girls, really.
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>lost 50 50 at 78 pity
>got malder eleven
>got zhu yuan at 77
>got koleda in permanent at 50 and then fucking koleda again at 68 pity
>not a single 4 star C6
is this account bricked?
Is Nicole the closest to Wise other than his sister?
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>not even released yet
>already forgotten
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>4 star
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Nicole is a slut
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You only need 2 teams anyways you'll be unbricke d in a patch at most
Your dick should be number 1 priority in games like these, literally (literally) everything else is hoyo making use of your fomo to make you spend
i could strangle you
sorry, we don't need any more ice units
Based. Anyone who hates Lycaon is obviously a shit stirring shitposter from another general.
Probably, but that seems to be more due to the siblings really having no actual friend circle before the game starts and the Cunning Hares being their only regular contacts.
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I mean some one else has a model that is probably being tweaked
fairy is such a sassy cunt i love her
I would drink gravel through a straw just to have a single Koleda you lucky bastard.
Well there’s nothing about her, no official artwork, no ingame mention and anything
Wise doesn't talk to women
>has the best stunner in the game
>has the 2nd and 3rd best DPS in the game
>still has the gall to complain

Nigger I rolled 2 Rina's and 4 S Wengines, unironically go kill yourself you humblebragging faggot
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I'm pulling
Shame she'll probably need to replace my S11
I like too many characters in this game man
Surely fairy will get put into a robot body and join the cunning hares at the 1.x climax
She's great, I just wished our sibling to even more banter with her.
I'm looking forward to her inevitable hot android body/hologram avatar.
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they need to make more bland section 6 niggers so I can save up
from the thumbnail it looks like changli
you can roll engines in this fucking game too? I didn't know, eat shit losers
you can tell which units were designed by waterkuma vs the ones designed by genshin team
She reminds me of potato glados i love her
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Koleda lewd
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She's a fake slut 100% percent that becomes extremely wholesome when she's teased or is with someone she likes (Wise)
Reminder that she's the canon wife of Wise
how does this game still have zero fucking doujin (the furry one doesn't count)
Waterkuma was fired though, he was fired then rehired and now fired again because of budget cuts
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Anby is this typically free 4* and Nico as well. They perform okay in their job, but are super easy to replace.

Nico's uptime of buffs is pathetic. Even a shotgunner like Zhu would prefer a buffer/debuffer with a few more seconds on the buffs/debuffs.
Anby struggles the moment an enemy is aggressive, as her daze output is pathetic until several seconds of attacking. She also offers 0 buffs.

What this game needs is the wuwa dodge counter -> higher NA string entry. It would fix chars like Anby so hard if after a counter she could immediately go into NA 3 -> THUNDER. But alas.
I really hope at least Anby gets her super 5* version at some point. There are obviously hints story-wise.
Let's be real bro
She's given 50 rimjobs at LEAST
bros... we all know koleda would have a bush... wasted
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DROP YOUR WEAPON *magdumps you*
STOP RESISTING *takes out shotgun*
ON THE GROUND *fires grenade launcher at point-blank range*
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hope one of the agents in the religious faction uses a weaponized-cross or something similar.
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hi it's me dawei, I raped wuwa devs and blackmail them with the video, I have gained enough fund to hire waterkuma again
>no official artwork
she's briefly in the official faction pv if you're curious about her pre-release model
>in game mention
lucy mentions her in game when she's standing around with piper. I get what you mean though, she's barely present when lighter at least stands around.
Do hoyogames usually get a lot of doujinshi? I get into exhentai everyday and barely see any, maybe they mostly get some western comics?
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What is the actual difference between these two? I might just be autistic but the wording is very confusing, given it's a gacha game I feel like that might be intentional.
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I like how she says "hands in the air" during her chain attack
Doesn't even get the words out before blasting the motherfucker centre of mass a dozen times
Based as
nips don't like ZZZ as much as you think
Wise looks nothing like this lmao
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All signs point to her being a slut...
It haven't even been a month, wait for comiket
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Bwo you're playing Anby wrong if you're fielding her constantly to cause daze, her biggest daze comes from parry assisting her in, her dodge, ex, and thunderbolt do way less and are mostly for if the enemy is waiting stationary or you're out of assists.
Wait for the idols to come out
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Yup, I love her
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I made her shave
>I have to wait 3 more weeks for Qingyi
god just hurry UP
keep coping, your game will never get art
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How is this game so Kino
the cope song
next comiket
a lot of doujin artists are picking this game up
not your usual pinup artist drawing fotm or only hoyoverse characters
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She's literally NEVER held hands with a boy before
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I will spend my chromes on qingyi's banner to c6 anby
Gold gives you silver but also 2 avatar things and the pittance of chrome. The batteries are nice but still a pittance at $10 more. I bought it because I love the games direction and style (overall so far) so wouldn't mind the "founder" avatar (esp since the default ones look like jeets)
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Driving all the way to Lumina after my date with Corin just to see her
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her laugh makes me so hard
God I love lucy
>That ojousama laugh
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dead game, dead thread
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Maybe it's just me, but Anton generally doesn't feel very satisfying to play.
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aside from the heavy machinery with excavator arm, this little shit also has some wackass hitbox timings that doesn't match the visuals
they gotta work on that
>action game
>actions don't match the actual frames
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All the animations in this game are so nice
Furfaggots killed the thread
>you get to touch lucysama if you're one of the baby pigs
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Very cute
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Games for this feel?
we watched porn together
He isn't but electric setups don't have much to work with.
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>no agent events for lucy and piper yet
Also does that stupid jumpback projectile that is unreactionable.
I'm pretty sure it's intentional. Like how the first two slashes of Thanatos's teleport faggotry can't be parried.
All the dog dudes have the easiest parries in the game.
his drill doesn't feel satisfying when carving into the enemy. Needs a bigger giga drill.
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Virgins don't do THIS
watching porn with a girl always ends in sex
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me and zy
im not even a loli enjoyer but i have to admit, piper and lucy's design and animations are seriously amazing
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Not with this sheltered girl
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I love the fairy shitposts when you afk in the HDD
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>there is animation of Lucy getting fucked by dog
>there is animation of Kot getting fucked by dog
awesome fanbase, need more bestiality
and for good reason.
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my ojousama is so cool..
why are the animations in this game so amazingly detailed?
I dont feel this when I was playing Wuwa.
may be because half of the animation in Wuwa is just pokemon shit to notice the character animation.
He's not wrong tho?
Is it worth it bros?
I really dislike HSR's samey bodies. Why did they go for standardised models? They don't even need to animation shit nearly half as much as ZZZ
So what the fuck are the pigs anyway
Are they therians
Isn't that like literal slavery
Is this what they had in mind when they designed Zhu's handlebars?
child labor
>sent to the ER by zhu yuan's ass
it's the only thing that's worth it
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Bros how are you guys S ranking SD 14? I cannot for the life of me do it. I am executing perfect rotations. Do I need to be level 60 to do this? I am triggering 300k disorders and 100k assaults and that robot on side 1 still takes a whole fucking minute and 21 seconds. I've optimized the runs as much as I can.
Honestly its probably an anchor point for a tether during search & rescue or maybe when you're in hollows...
They are me
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Hopefully the character raodmap are just leakers yapping and we get the idol cunnies as early as 1.3
300k disorders?? How
It takes me like 7+ minutes to clear the first battle of critical shiyu 4 ; don't believe I'll be able to beat it until the reset.
here's my reaction after I got Zhu Yan
also does /zzz/ have webm of bangboo sniffing?
Nah their mostly there to cover up her curves. If you've seen her mods you would know
>why are the animations in this game so amazingly detailed?
infinite budget, pickier audience spoiled for choice already so they went 100x harder than any other studio to stand out
>want the robutt
>don't want the robutt if she fights as the idol
I can't S-rank SD14 either but I have almost the same teams. 3 minutes on side 1 with Grace/Piper/Lucy is definitely possible + 2.5 minutes on Zhu's side. Tbh you're probably out of luck without having Zhu's w-engine or Ellen

Yeah you can easily get 300k+ disorders with Grace and Piper, I don't even have max outed damage discs yet for them
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fuck off I need time to save nigga
hsr feels like an upgrade of genshin's game engine whereas zzz feels like they built the game almost from scratch ..Which could be why there are missing qol stuff like seemless controller switching or even stuff like npcs not turning when talking to you
If you play cop, you play the stunner on field. And no, Anby's parry isn't good. You just get -3ed on strong attacks. Gotta use Soukaku, Ben or whatever for parry.
Sure, it's fine against certain specific enemies (like that guy warping around), but it's more of an exception than the rule.
genshin money being put to good use
I wish I had more. Only have two elecs in my roster right now.
I think it needs to do a little less drilling and more pile-bunking in his regular attacks. It just needs more oomph, you know?
Hopefully not I want to save currency. If anything it’s 1.4 earliest as 1.3 is prob all the claydons after S6 1.2
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lets ride
Just win the 50/50
Probably something like bangboos but for the outer ring people
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>genshin money being put to good use
>meanwhile on genshin character designs and animation are getting worse.
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idk how, most of the time I deal 300k disorders sometimes I deal 100k. I dont know why there's so much variance in the damage. Does Pen ratio buff from Rina affect disorder?

I have Zhu's W-Engine. Its not like its too much of an upgrade to Starlight desu or its certainly not noticeable in gameplay. I also think Lucy's ATK buff is better than the extra time on shock/pen from rina in practice.

Either way I'll try to get it down to 3 minutes. My biggest problem on side 1 is how the fucking robot keeps running away from me. This really kills like 5-6 seconds everytime he does it. I really want to push him into a corner and stunlock the shit out of him.
Which one is the A rank?
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Don't care, using my girlfriend Ellen until this game ends or I die
>Are they therians
You can sorta read bits and pieces about them on Lucy's mindscapes.
>Isn't that like literal slavery
Physical abuse, yes. Slavery? Who the fuck cares
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Zhu with SAARlight and Grace with signature. Honestly I don't actually think it's possible to S-rank it for me unless I'm somehow playing my teams very wrong.
Nah, I think it seems to be better.
Not enough to get me back though
This image….its so powerful…
genshin is the child that gets used to pay the tuition of all the other children in the mihoyo family
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Shock anomaly give out the biggest amount of disorder out of all anomaly, your dmg vary between 300k and 100k is probably based on how much time Shock anomaly debuff has left on the target
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>using Yaka instead of Nilou
Shit taste
enjoy maintenance mode
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Can i please see both of your zhu yuans? Idk how good mine is and I'd like to compare and see what needs to be improved.
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>ZZZ makes fun of HSR story
>Try it out
>Just a bunch of slice of life story that leads no where
>No hero vs god epic moment
>Everyone is just an average joe
>No real stakes or end goal such as saving civilization
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>C1 Ben and C5 Nicole after pulling Zhu
>Oh I'll just keep pulling for a bit to C6 Nicole
>Now C6 Ben and still C5 Nicole
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When do I get to date Nega-belle?
Genshin designs have always been the same character copy and pasted with different colors
>slice of life story that leads nowhere
>no world-ending cataclysm
thank hoyo
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How's my Ellen looking bros? Finally got Ice on disk 5 for her and everything
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I am >>487965210

Starlight Engine, 4P ether, 2P crit.
Slot4: Crit Dmg
Slot5: Ether Dmg
Slot6: Atk%

Yours looks better...
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Can't as well.
>not using woodpecker 4p
so it’s not slop?
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stupid cats
>4p Polar
But damn, everyone's Ellen has so much nicer stats than mine. And I didn't even think my discs are all that bad.
>using woodpecker 2p instead of puffer
I'd rather farm anomaly and ice set at the same time. Besides I recently found out you can't activate wood dodge bonus with ellen attack so it's kinda mid
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guys what the fuck am I supposed to do when she starts sprouting tentacles everywhere and spray bullets everywhere. Is there no dps window at all until she's done or is there a gimmick I'm not noticing
This just makes genshin's shitty animation even more apparent
Kill the tentacles I think
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who is rolling for this
I initially though a "dating" system will be nothing, just like Genshin one. But some chars it really ships to you.

Ellen and Zhu Yuan most - maybe because they are premium units the game basically make them your sluts.

As of other chars:
Corin is basically your willing Slave
Nicole is in it only for a money
Nekomata wants to be autistic cat
Enby is naive girl who`d have frindly sex if you ask
Koleda just has height issues
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hit the tentacles
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>1 corruption the entire run
>last floor before the flowerfaggot
>3 niggas forced me to take on three corruptions
>can't pay with blood nor the gorillion money I got from the conveyor belt tv
Withercore is truly gay as fuck
Destroying all the tentacles makes her stop early. The phase is kinda fucked no matter what you do, the danmaku is very hard to dodge through.
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detachable one, she sits before you while giving you a Tenga toy and instructing you how to use it
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holy egghead
Reminder that nekomata is Fillipina
what does that have to do with anything
>robo boss is almost dead and only alive through the animation delay
>puts up shield
>gets to survive for another 15 seconds just by having bullshited god mode
Nice game mihoyo....
someone make her a royalty mod with a crown for the lulz
Is this (you) pandering, in a mihomo game?
I named Inky after Nia before I noticed it has a ballsack..
The trick is to take the punishment in the first floor, refuse the shop in the second floor, and then refuse the punishment in the final floor
You can literally just say no, once per run you can refuse the payment, or you can refuse the help which will also mean no payment.
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>genshin with shit load of slop writing and reused assets
>normies niggers loved it, made billion on launch
>zzz clearly made with passion and tons of effort put in
>normies niggers hates it
I refused every single thing they offered and took the punishments and when I got the floor before flowerfag the only option was the three fucking corruptions
fujos carry genshin
It's not the danmaku that kills me, it's the goddamn genshin targetting system. I hope they either fixed it or just don't make bosses like this anymore.
They tell you that you can only pick each option once. You save the "no, fuck off" option for last.
you need potatos not hebes if you want normalfags to love your game. I'm serious.
I'm a supposedly a normalfag for not liking cuckposting in this thread but I still like zzz tho
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I wonder how they're gonna make her animations as impactful with two flamethrowers of all things
Maybe she can do some rocket jumps with them
Probably gonna be a lot of spins like Piper
>i refused every single thing they offered
No shit, you have to take the punishment once per run. Best to do it early while it's still safe and you can remove it in the corruption gate.
If you refused everything up to the final one, you'll take max penalty.
normies and niggers love the shit out of zzz
the tryhards and the other game fags are the ones being triggered and sitting up every comment section because it mogs their dated as shit and bootleg as fuck games in quality
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I guess I'll just wait until I can get to IK 50 if the next cycle is just as bad. Should only take me another 13 days to get there.
Probably the furfag bait. Section 6 will be normiebat genshinslop tier character design so there might be an uptick of interest.
This game has the literal exact same problem Hi3 had. It's hard playing an action game on your phone, it's way more niche both in terms of gameplay and story, and a good amount of phones can't even run it.
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I want to say skill issue bur you are just a huge retard...
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/zzz/ is SEAchad territory
Is there a third party website that can get our character builds yet?
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So.... when should I actually start caring about getting S-rank Disc Drive with the correct main stats?
Don't mind picrel, I am not a smart man, and I thought gambling disc drives was a quick way to get a power boost.
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Fuck no I still need to roll Qingyi before I go full save mode for the idols.
Ayaka is so ugly
At 45 you can go ham farming disks since they drop 2 guaranteed. That's where I'm at rn
Gambling worked for me nigga. Skill issue
Idols are 2.0 at the earliest anon...
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I like her a lot, but her jumping back away from the enemy automatically in her attack chain and her rolling around them in her dash, makes using her a massive fucking pain compared to others. Who the fuck though this was a good idea? It makes lining up shots so fucking annoying.
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wasn't this taken down because of PH hostile relation with CN?
went to LRT 1 last week ends and waited for that train and it didn't come.
Your BA1 BA2 DA1 BA3 BA4 BA5 DA2 BA6 string combo?
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if fujos could carry ANYTHING why did both Snowbreak and Wuwa implode in beta because of fujo fetish writing?
doesn't the narrative says women are a massive and profitable demographic?
oh wait the reality is fujos are just a minority with severe mental illness, and normal women who are the majority of that demographic like normal shit "made for the male gaze" already provided by the top gacha games
I wouldn't say normies hate ZZZ. It's just that Genshin was BotW for people who hated nintendo. I think Mihoyo had way more popular people shilling genshin.
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They better start leaking better designs because I’m still saving if that happens to be true
idk anything about genshin desu
Anon the rolls are ENTIRELY under your control
Maybe stop pressing left and right for no reason if you don't want to move? Like damn bro just get good actually
More importantly Genshin got the boom from everyone being literally stuck inside. It's a freak accident that nobody is going to replicate.
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Is this the accurate uncensored Nicole?
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>Pinoy train freaks in this thread that hates China while playing chinese gachas
Wtf are these ppl
she will cook you huge unhealthy meals and make you fat
If it makes you feel better I got filtered by SD17. Can't even clear it in 10 minutes
Imagine if the Pagpags tried making a game
I can already see it.
The top of the line sex plugins would be actual womb and vagina components, complete with self-lubricating and self-cleaning functionality and also features sensitivity sensors that are synced with the robot.
Those who can't afford to pay, however, will only have a tenga component as the available option. The robot won't feel anything as it won't be connected to any sensors. How sad.
lay off the fucking burgers nicole
Jane's just sitting there...CHILLING
>Maybe stop pressing left and right for no reason if you don't want to move?
The dash attack roll is not actually under your control, its part of her dash attack.
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If there isn't a hole, I'll make a hole
They can also potentially do a sustained attack gimmick like with Anton's drill or Corin's buzzsaw.
I can't even look at unhealthy food the same anymore. I learned about how much fiber affects my mood, started eating more of it, and wanted to die like >60% less than usual. I want to say I miss processed/garbage food, but I really really don't.
this is waterkuma's true vision
this song was playing in the background while i was watching this, it fits
also no skipping the rat
hello? Genshin Impact mogged the entire fucking market with slapping open world gameplay with coming and gliding on top of action gameplay
zzz is having no real problem and it's being massively successful, the salty ex-genshinfag wuwafags are just shitting up every platform and YouTubers are milking them for clicks
every Hoyo game starting with Genshin was an absolute W and they won't be stopping
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they could never make me hate china
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Is there instructions on getting set up for these mods?
This would imply Belle is a PAAG, and I'm not okay with that.
You won't move "around" the enemy without holding down left or right though. That's 100% on that anon's handless gameplay
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What do you do when your onii chan looks at you like this?
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so new eridu is the last region of human civilization? It must be a big ass region to be able to self sustain itself with food, water, and energy unless otherwise.
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It's wild how they got ZZZ ads here in my city. For context, the local province government is extremely against anything chinese (the race and the country), it's like german during WW2. Country wide minimarket chain owned by a chink don't even dare set foot here.
> can you even have sex with her
She has a mouth, thigh, armpits and feets you can already work with that. Also she is see drinking so she must have a way to evacuate it.
>lose damage from being too far
>lose damage from having to go through the DA1 animation to close the distance
Its not like she's impossible to play, but she doesn't give the output she should for how much you have to do to maintain her dps.
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lmao I cant do it either. Side 1 is just fucking brutal that I dont have enough time for side 2. I'm left with like 2 minutes and my zhu team even with perfect play has like 2/5th of his health left.
And which shithole are you from?
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>mfw weakened dodge
Her DA has the same multiplier as the rest of her shell-buffed basic attacks, unless you haven't bothered to level it
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hatred of chinese usually means low IQ and extreme brown jealousy
chinese built this country
Which of the battlepass balls are worth getting?
Is the attack one good for Zhu Yuan or should I just get the anomaly one
what's up with hoyoverse and their sudden feet fetish.
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Damn it where the hell are the last two combat commissions? I'm pretty sure I've found all the hidden commissions. IK46, only have the final Hollow Zero Nineveh quest to go which I don't think counts for this.
>hit boss
>barely any change on the hp bar
>burst window
>massive huge damage that just carve down a bigass chunk of hp
not complaining but is there a team comp that does consistent damage instead?
1 social credit was added to your account
Its a DPS loss because of the length of the animation, not the multiplier. You need to stop looking at the raw numbers. Her side dash is fast, her rolling forward in her BA chain is not.
holy GOD_ taste
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They made Clara and realized how sexy and semen draining she was.
They are all ass and worse than 5starring a normal A rank option
Just pick the onahole for sex
South americans are mostly brown and low IQ and they worship china according to /int/
disorder teams
I'm talking about the side dash, that moves you closer to the enemy too
I can never unsee the cuckold bell now. The schizos won.
I'm missing those too. I figure it must be some later commissions.
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>Finished my dailies
>Finished my weeklies
>Spent my batteries
I guess I won't play then...
Secret item quests from HZ old capital.

Spam 2500 metro, look for the hidden unknown bangboo tile on the outer ring.
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Not entirely.
Disorder does do more consistent damage but yous still want to time your disorder procs for stun windows because the damage amp is so ridiculous
But it is better than running on-field stunner - dps - support
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Visible tummy S11
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These? I got two hidden quests out of them already but they didn't give me any combat commissions. Are the combat commissions from more hidden shit to unlock Blossoming out of Ruins and Symbiosis?
>when you have all three idols in a team their ult is a concert
Going all-in is the only correct choice.
>make female officer
>uses lethal force in every situation she can
they know about female officers in the states lol
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It's not cuckolding if you pound his boypussy
NTA but I did the first two and neither of them involved hollow missions. Are you sure about that?
wanderer is sumeru's king
soukaku is hot
>corruption gate.
What gate you get depends on which research resonium you took I think. I always take the one that's +damage based on your missing health and I've gotten the hp equalizer gate.
He’s a SEAmonkey so the Chinese are white in his eyes
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what should i draw.. my pc restarted and i lost the previous requests..
They're honorary Aryans though
>Rolled 20 for Zhu Yuan ball
>Only got Nicole ball
my stash...
Is there a trick to them or are they completely random?
based billygod
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>tries to do withering garden with Zhu Yuan team
>gets absolutely bodied by the boss, the daze bar is just ludicrous with Anby constantly getting punished for her dogshit combo needing the whole normal attack chain, and lack of iframes during the long ass chain
>switches to ice team with the wolf
>complete steamroll, dogman's kit has no flaw, no room to get punished, dazes like nobody's business
>tries to go deep into shiyu defense
>Anby is fucking deadweight, Zhu Yuan's team improves even by just slapping the dog on it and him losing it out on his increased stun damage multiplier
the sexbot can't come soon enough, the deeper I go into endgame the more cancer Anby gets to play, and the sexbot is actually not set up to implode in the endgame
hoyo did my girl so dirty
i demand an epic DMC reference getting stabbed and turns into a meta defining 5star moment as compensation
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draw them, too little fan art, help by expand it!
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Would you give Nineveh your nutrients?
got more ref. and what are the odds we still get them?
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Jane piece? Well I mean everything Piper wants Janes wants + crit shit right
Honestly the middle stage is just badly thought through.
The normal ones base their stages around the run type, so you get a lot of corruption related tiles everywhere if you do that run. But if you pick that in the middle one, no such thing happens. So getting corruptions (and removing them) is basically not much of a thing, period.

I've beaten it once, and while the music is better, literally everything else is worse. And messing around with modifiers when my chars are still shit isn't really worth my time. Considering how you need to do at least 5 runs (better 15) anyways, it's also better to avoid the center, because you only get a minor amount more points, but nothing else. Scuffed.
Keep living in your pag mud huts as you suck America's cock.
Chinese built America
not joking look it up
That's why anby's boon is one of the best so far (free 25% damage bonus). They know she's not supposed to be used against the big bosses.
The black haired one's name showed up in one of the leaks, so it's pretty likely.
I can't even clear SD14 with a B with the top meta teams... only my Ellen and ZY are 50 and they have C0W0 with mediocre discs but I'm definitely missing something about how to play this game
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odd is high since they appeared on mihoyo official livestream and have a bilibili idol account set up for them
All of their names got leaked actually
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yeah when social credit in china only affects your online shopping, social credit in america affects all your loans lmao
You probably just don't put any thought into grouping up enemies to clear them out faster
How's her gameplay?
I mean its still a good piece but Jane doesnt scale from crit rate/damage either. Her anomaly crit gimmick scales with anomaly proficiency only
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Alright thanks. I'll give it a shot i never really draw loli.. even my piper I don't think is very loli like.
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>characters have different animations if you scroll through their attributes/skills/equipment backwards
>lucy doesn't seem to do anything different
>except she winks at you
Jane needs a tiny bit of extra crit rate cause her talent only gets Assault's crit rate to 88% + 5% innate crit = 93%. That +7% actually works out. The assault crit scales with crit dmg too
Does Jane's crit thing actually factor into disorder at all?
Actually I'm retarded, I don't know why I was just calculating with 300 anomaly proficiency. Yea crit rate's pointless, she wants crit dmg only

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