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Previous: >>487954769

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
I love pink Jesus
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Is this absolute sex goddess any good?
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Okaeri, manager-san
There's no way the lolidol is released with randoseru and rape beeper
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I wonder how will Hoyoverse connect Honkai and ZZZ in lore.
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honkai caused the hollows
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Normalfags dont even know what those are
They're more paranoid about characters like Piper because she flashes her pits at the screen, we'll be okay
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Someone redpill me on Anton Grace and Rina
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Hopefully not. I’ll drop this game if it does.
in electric team yes
Anby should be decent cope until you get Grace, the other sex goddess
also time to get bootleg Kamina as their shock proc slave
they're all dead or old already
You won't be missed
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I think Chinatsu would look better if she had a red backpack and the leather belt strap on her thigh was also red.
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Anon from the previous thread. This is the hardest I've tried and I'm still shy by 37 seconds. I am 100% sure its not a skill issue. I just cannot do it without having more levels into my team. I cannot play more optimally.
I really hope they don't do that. I don't want more yuritroons than what we already have in this thread
I'm not gonna make it Policebros... 40 rolls away and I'm already done with the belobog story quest...
Why does fast forward stop working in hollow zero sometimes?
I hate pinks
Except Nicole
I love JCs who wear slutty heels
Shit is just so whorish
the honkai expys will become straight in zzz
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What is your progress?
Spending: $15 (Battlepass & express pass only, no top ups)
Interknot 46
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Going between floors and triggering conversations usually disrupt FF.
i hate furries and honktroons
get the fuck out of here
>alarm specifically made for children to alert nearby adults if they're being assaulted
>get fetishized to the point some authors have it mosaic'd on doujin
How the hell did this come to be?
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Naps and porn
She's exactly like my real wife
Once you complete the first two hidden commissions, you can start collecting the pieces that give you the two combat commissions.

3 a day max as per before
>Ether Support
>Ether Attack / Anomaly - probably more anomaly
>Physical Stun
Seems pretty obvious
You’ve been seething since the last thread. Get a grip.
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We need a Firefly expy
>Hoyoslop simp
This is the first project that they’ve done that isn’t mid
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I'd rather stay
no one cares about your trans representation
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This >>487968891 is me. Completely f2p. No BP no pass. IK 43.
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Only S Agents are Koleda and M0P1 Zhu Yuan.
Game for furries and honktroons (sadly) no point in being mad about it.
Pls help bros do I refine Piper's sig or keep a copy?
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M-Master P-Proxy-san. Y-Your medication, please.
same "multiverse" entirely separate reality

they went over sooo many fucking times about how it works

no expys anymore, even in Genshin they just make "reference" characters nowadays, like Alhaitham is a swole Su, Layla resembles Sirin, Navia is Durandal at home, whatshername out of place biker goddess is bootleg Himeko

they contained all their HI3 wanking in HSR for now
Alarm to use when being assaulted -> alarm is associated with assault -> degenerates see the alarm and get horny thinking about assaulting a loli -> it is now the sex alarm
not really detectivework to figure that one out
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Exactly the same as you actually
15 dollarinos
skipped Ellen
Piper in every team comp
Most of the signatures for a rank have limited use on others
Is the second one from the belobog boss stage?
They are in the moon
>Sharkboo's B and C skill ended up being unused since you don't want to full chain with the Ice team
>Butlerboo became more useful to ensure a full bar on Ellen on the first stun
This is funny
I'm into amputee, vore and other degenerate shit but I don't understand how fucking gore would turn on some people. And please don't call me a normalfag for not liking it. Oh and how tf this in still up when last thread a furry woman pic got deleted almost immediately
wrong general yuritroon
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Remember to save for her~
Fucking pavlovian conditioning
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Everything can be found from Metro 2500 first stage.
Pink is Love
Pink is Life
Same anon, same. Don't let them buck broke you. They almost did it to me last thread
i vaguely remember some vtuber into gore talked about how the aesthetic is just "pleasing to the eye"
it's a birth defect I wager
this game's mechanics are so fucked
I can't believe their "fix" to this is to give you an option to just disable chains
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I agree
I like Asanagi's level where all the goreyshit is implied
Looking at the stuff is just too fucked
The best uses are for lolidom, where the loli threatens to use it to blackmail someone.
>generic hoyoslop design
Ummm no thanks
If Jane makes Assault crit (and thus do more damage), does that mean disorder damage goes up too when applying a second anomaly?
Easy. The more you read/watch porn the more dulled your brain becomes to the stimulation, yet it keeps craving more and more, and that's why people turned to degenerate fetish art. You'll eventually become like them in time.
Kys fag
desubh I've been looking at porn for like 15 years and I'm still in the exact same spot on gore and scat and the extremist stuff
Been into noncon and soft ryona the whole time too
It's okay anon, she'll be the anniversary banner and meta so you all have to pull for her :3
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My boyfriend Lycaon
>kiss your sister
Weirdly sudden request, but sure
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>Butler's B doesn't need him to chain
Oh shit.
the degens get horny about the power it gives to the brat
the doujin plot goes either in the direction of getting dominated and raped by the brat threatening with pulling the alarm or she has a brainfart and loses hold of the alarm so the ojisan initiates Operation Correction
basically it became a symbol and plot device for loli dom, and getting corrected anyway is the subversion of the trope
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If mono-physical is her best team, the kots will laugh
Says a lot about gachabrained honkfags
Who is OP girl? Never see her.
Why is Ellen Joe so popular?
she has haughty personality, ugly shark teeth and a boring maid outfit.
what a huge turnoff.
a mono-physical team would probably be better off bringing billy as an ultbot than doing anything with the kot
Shark girls are the most powerful race.
see: guta
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Because she has a wonderful character.
And a smoking hot body.
should i use anby or piper for my corin+rina team? I know a stunner helps corin a lot, but parries can get me there even without anby and piper assault is consistent dps.
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She was from the lore trailer. Also looks like Elysia from HI3 so there's shitposting about her

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For me, it's Anby!
Because her gacha art has nipples in it.
Sharkboo's damage is all in his normal traps anyway. S rank bangboos have much better scaling and better attack stats, while A rank boos have stronger chain attacks due to how you receive massive % buffs to the chain attack with dupes.
I have never ever had enough energy issues where butler would be useful
ellen would be better if she were a JC
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You forgot to say something negative about her bro
schizos doubling down on hating chain attacks is way too funny
wait so
>A rank without a chain attack
Luckyboo is a complete material sink?
No she isn't. She's just sleepy. When she's not sleepy she's very hardworking and sweet, and that's why her battle lines sounded "too angry" according to some anons.
Looks like an ojousama who got misled by bad men
Guys is waterkuma still working on zzz?
Luckyboo apparently has the highest daze of any boo, however relevant that may be
I'm going to use Butler on Jane+Grace disorder team because I don't need bungboos fucking with anomaly application and extra energy will be very useful
>so popular
She isn't. Metafags running the one and only ice attacker that will be perma benched the moment powercreep updates come is not popularity, it's a fad.
All of the cunning hares freebie shitters are more popular.
How many f2p rolls for 1.1 first half
Butler is also S-Rank, so I don't know why you bring up A-Rank out of nowhere.
I didn't know that wanting more DPS is schizoshit now.
Dawei here, we fired then rehired Waterkuma.
*Bad boars
Post inter-knot level and Shiyu defense
damn this is the most low test post I've seen in a while
hit the gym bro that might cure you
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I don't like where this is going
just don't get hit

Maybe 60 first half, 30 second half? Patches are always front loaded
Just don't get hit
Worst case is that he gets less involvement and more hoyoslop section 6 tier designs get churned out for future content.
But how would this work tho, the pink slut's VA is already Zhu Yuan's
Just don't get hit.
Are Defense class characters just doomed to eternally be ass if endgame content all revolves around fast clears with burst dps?
I wonder what all that last modifier does. It feels like it makes it harder than the other 10 modifiers combined.
Any guide on how to play Zhu Yuan? I'm a total shitter at action games,
She's a very talented VA.
you don't get more dps by ignoring chains when they have insane multipliers
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Leave the defence agents to CaeSAAR
>Raiden Bosenmori Mei's VA was already Beidou during Genshin 1.0
the answer is they'll get a different VA
>Laura Bodewing
Aaah, the follys of youth.
Why do people say this, you don't use
ben any differently than you would use a support. Future defenders will have even more useful buffs.
>Butler is also S-Rank, so I don't know why you bring up A-Rank out of nowhere.
because you mentioned missing chain attacks as a bad thing, when in reality S ranks have relatively poor scaling on them anyway so who gives a shit if you dont chain. I brought up the A ranks for context as you do actually want chain attacks on them.

I suppose you're just stuck with Butler so you're gonna find your silver linings where you can
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Enzo is literally me.
I thought Laura lovers were a minority
You fucking do when the choice is between Lycaon and Soukaku's chain or Ellen doing the full EX BA ULT EX BA EX BA during chain, retard.
jenshin already reused VAs like qiqi-nahida.
Hoyo doesn't reuse JP VA tho, look at Genshin and HSR, not a single JP VA with multiple role
Ben destroys endgame when geared and Seth is basically a support with buffs and quickswap mechanic like Nicole, etc.
They'll be fine
So anti-chain retards are just seething Iceniggers?
Huh? Shart rail's raiden is miyuki sawashiro same as always
ik 41 and I'm stuck on shiyu 9...
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>implying I don't have both to test
The Ice team is the only team where its less efficient to use chain attacks to begin with. Anyone who isnt using an ice team who is seething about chain attacks is trying to follow a trend or is retarded and hasnt levelled their skills.
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Your ex-military autistic gf
Seth is playable?
I already cleared Withering 11 and SD17 by doing normal chain setups while you're doing schizo mind gymnastics lil bro
Bro we have one defense character and he isn't even bad take it easy.
One of my first crushes when I got into anime long ago, best IS girl.
Do you need Ben C4 to be considered geared?
qiqi and nahida shared the same jp va

It's only an issue with soukaku or if they put in more characters with long chain animations. For most characters it barely took a second.
big surprise that the fags who bought and rerolled accounts for le meta team will parrot all the opinions they read
He's in the 1.1 beta

is there a timeline for future updates? i want to space out my remaining content
IIRC mihomo said they're gonna add a new mode where you need to survive non stop fights in a future patch, so maybe defenders will be more useful in the future. I still don't like to play with ben bc he's slow as fuck, but we'll get faster defenders in future patches
Yeah I just saw that, then it might be possible
All of 1.1 shit has been leaked for weeks you can look up if you want

You need leveled discs, skills and preferably C6
i want to fuck him
make your choice
Mihoyo is adding Manual Chain and Chain Cancels next patch. I can't believe they're so anti-chain, amirite retardGOD?
Good for you. My whale friend also cleared it by pressing left click.
You need the dmg Eidolons plus his signature weapon. You can do upwards of 100k dmg on counters from what I've heard.
>all us redditors sent in mass feedback so we must be right!!
lolmao even
>implying mihoyo cares about redditors
LMAO even
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When will we get Obol Squad's Trigger? We need a sniper agent.
proxies? is it now accepted fan canon that the siblings double team agents?
wise and belle compete to see who can make shark maid cum the most. who wins?
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gomen...I didnt want to...but her ass is far better...
>Chain attacks are useless
>Parries and dodge counters are a dps loss
>All that matters is element application
this game is secretly just urban genshin, isn't it?
Even being aware of how chain attacks function in regards to the stun time is so niche that I wouldnt be surprised if less than 1% of the entire player population is aware that the grey bar doesnt reset its overall time, but only its visual appearance every time you chain.
When this was first brought up in general it took literal full threads for people to understand grey bar going to 100 doesnt mean its now at the same amount of time again. if reddit has somehow reached this conclusion despite being even more retarded I would be very surprised.
The shark maid
>fan canon
Based skipchad, phaeton was always both of them
dyke bitches will ruin the game
>Mihoyo is adding Manual Chain and Chain Cancels next patch. I can't believe they're so anti-chain, amirite retardGOD?
Where do you guys get all of theses infos? You are all amazing!
>all defenders have unique Interactions with a specific S rank
What now?
I did it.
Eos watching in the corner
By reading the notices, retardbro.
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I actually can't wait for the chain attack button.
It's going to be so funny seeing people gimp their teams and then complain about their dps
reddit is retarded but lets be real every jewtuber has shilled anti-chain shit
If reddit is good at anything its regurgitating jewtube rhetoric
Umm bruder?? Your limited shiyu?
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>brings you on a secret mission
>it's just watching vintage vhs porn in your room
What did she mean by this?
Yeah, it's definitely redditors they listen too. Not min-maxing chink whales complaining that doing a full chain is suboptimal, because of their retarded stun coding. lol
i was thinking mono cops. zhu yuan qingyi rat
sex with tyco and coburn
Just started playing, should I roll for the cop or save? The characters that are apparently coming after her don't interest me that much design wise at least. Would've liked to get the shark but started too late for that.
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Nicole’s holes are belong to me
>lets be real every jewtuber has shilled anti-chain shit
I dont watch gacha CCs so I wouldnt know.
In general through testing and sweating trying to get an A rank on shiyu 17 its always better to chain on literally everyone unless youre in an ice team in which case theres a massive benefit to not doing so.

You probably also want to skip the stunner in Zhu comps too and just do Zhu > Nicole > quick assist Zhu.

In general I think its silly that it would ever be better to skip them, but ultimately I have no clue how you balance Soukaku's 3+ sec animation, it feels like its always just going to be bad.
Probably the best f2p character I think, and a limited dps benefits new players a lot more even if they're more suspectible to power creep
This but Anby.
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Smells like cope in here
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Lucy in latex bodysuit please
the elements don't seem to interact in the way genshin does which is lame
Why does the Cinema wallpaper thing strip the characters? And who should I give a handshake to for that brilliant idea?
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Nicole’s holes belong to everyone with enough cash.
seeing full chain shitters complaining that other people are trying to play optimally, is far more entertaining tbf
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Meta team.
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>top 8 seconds of DPS time with Ellen
>bottom 14 seconds (20 seconds - 6 seconds of waiting for chain timers) of DPS time with Ellen
Nice "screenshot" retard
"enough cash" being 2 dennies
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You throw two together and win the game, basically the same thing
>parries and dodge counters are a dps loss
>when both have 500% daze multipliers
yeah...sure bro
keep tanking those hits
Ummm I thought Nicole was pure
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Need more disk exp...
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Is she Mihoyo's greatest design to date? Yes.
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I want to hug Lucy and get insulted by her

I want to mind control Lucy and make her play the piano for me
Why do you retards need to be so tribalistic about everything? The new thing is chainers vs anti-chainers. Yes yes yes, this is my first gacha
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This dude is an anti-tribalist lmao what a cuck
>50000000 zhu fan arts
>5 quingyi fan art
what went so wrong?
Belle, the canon protagonist, would never use ch*in attacks.
Its shitposters trying to make it something it isnt. See >>487971209 falseflagging the absolute shit out of the situation.

Absolutely no one sane is saying skipping chains is ever optimum outside of one team where you cut your DPS time by almost half by using them. On every other team chaining is optimal. Trying to be tribal about provable data is just 4chan being retarded like usual
Her shorts keep getting smaller
>free EX skills are useless
>free massive daze nukes are useless
anon play the game for longer than 2 minutes before making your stupid ass opinions
yeah sorry I commissioned all of those for my wife, why didn't you do the same for yours?
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Honestly a bigger issue with Ellen and Soukaku in my eyes is the fact that her chain attack and ultimate are the same animation
Shit is so boring. Piper has a unique animation for both, my A-rank is higher value than your limited S-rank lmao
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The kot will be meta
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only two things in this tiny brain, spinning, and snacks
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And yet mihoyo is letting you disable chains entirely. Are you claiming they're doing that for Soukaku alone?
waterkuma's favorite get special treatment, he paid for it with his pocket money
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Nicole fucks fat men in gas station bathrooms for a few Denny
Are you a retard? Yeah that's exactly whats happening
have you been cancelling chains outside of monoice??
Pipaar is useless
Why does Anby take forever to stun bosses?
Probably yeah
>unique animation
Piperkek your ultimate is just your chain with the first two slashes put on loop, it's literally the same animation. For an actual unique ultimate and chain, see Soldier 11 and Anby.
>b-but it's just two somersaults instead of one
and a downward slash, which is more than Piper could manage lol
There are other situations where you might want to cancel them, not to mention potential future comps where it might be also optimal.
>I cannot play more optimally
doubt, but skill issues aside there are a lot of character power angles other than level. You can ALWAYS have better discs
It would be cool to see your gameplay though
Unironically yes. Ellen,Lycaon,Soukaku is THE current whale team and the chinks likely figured out skipping chains on that team was better before us.
Theres also the fact that being trapped in a 3 second freeze is dumb as hell to begin with.
The main thing I wanted and what I provided feedback for was for them to update the stun bar to actually reflect its overall time remaining and not reset to 100 every chain when the 100 actually moves faster because its representing 100% of less time because its extremely deceptive.
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>what went so wrong?

Absolutely nothing.
I have Street Superstar on my attacker so not chaining was a DPS loss for me anyway. I fail to see how this shitflinging matters.
It's mostly Soukaku, but even Zhu Yuan's team would benefit from it. You want to skip the stunner's chain and just chain with Nicole/ZY.
If people just play the game, they'd realize what rotations they can fit on what chain count.
Chains should just freeze the stage timer, buffs, debuffs and the stun bar. Nothing else makes sense.
But they'll probably sell this on later chars rather than making it a general thing.
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I always use the chain attack because I like it when my silly little robot bunny rides a rocket into the bad guy.
No one with a damn likes qingxi over zhu yuan
>can't even spell her name
in all seriousness, you can't expect people to care about an unreleased character as much as one everybody is currently rolling for
>Parries and dodge counters are a dps loss
this is a shitpost
the opposite most characters want to fishh for dodges as it allows them access to stronger attacks than anything but theur ex-skill and burst which already have i-frames
So, what's the verdict on zhu yuan?
I haven't rolled. Nice design, sexy body, but feels shitty to play. Too much thrashing around makes her feel weird to play, it's like she can't decide if she's a melee character, or a ranged one.
Ranged characters also feel weird in this game. You'd imagine they'd be able to move AND attack, you know? Feels fucking weird to click the button, and it immediately connects, no aiming. Same issue as genshit and other games like this.
Anyway, I won't be rolling
10/10 blogpost, I'll subscribe for more
Just nix the 3 seconds freeze and have the chains be in real time. Also allow to switch to any characters.
Problem fixed.
Because she's a free standard A-rank, you retard.
>Anyway, I won’t be rolling
lol have fun with your BRICKED account buddy
you're not special, sit back down nigga
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>Spending: $15
Same but £15 which is a fucking rip off and game publishers do not know what an exchange rate is

I think I can get A on 7 and S on 5 with some work, without having to get to IK50
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These niggas are optimizing their gacha gameplay. Bunch of fucking losers lmao. You guys might as well become a chink.
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ZZZ's designated cuckquean
Fuck it, I'm not doing all the extra hollow zero runs this week. Fucking moronic system to max out all your points and shit then STILL require three+ more runs.
What, is she good? Feels like shit to play
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Brother and sister should not be fucking each other every night...
This is just an early game thing. Later on stunners WILL deal damage. Everyone actually will be. Currently nobody would ever farm good discs for supports though.

It's just the HSR thing again. Nowadays running a dps capable support without that built into via relics is just stupid to do. You will never be a dps with the support, but what you WILL be is dealing very solid damage. Right now damage is likely 85/15, dps vs 2 supports. I'd say this will go towards 60/40 if not 50/50 easily.
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Obviously there might be some very minor things i can correct that can give me around a second or two but I'm not getting enough to get an S. Discs for sure could be better. Disc 2 on Grace and Disc 5 on Piper are both at 11 so maybe getting them to 15 will help. My grace also has only 258 compared to most anons here that have around 320-340+.
probably one of, if not the best single target dps in the game
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Are you fucking actually braindamaged lmao
What are you talking about
I shouldn't have even bothered making this comparison because anyone who's ever used piper ever can tell the two animations are completely and utterly different
Seethe more you got scammed out of a true limited S-rank's animations!
She's good but she does feel shit to play. I still rolled since we're not getting another Ether DPS for months.
>Ranged characters also feel weird in this game
worst taste I've ever seen Billy is great outside of no damage
>You'd imagine they'd be able to move AND attack, you know?
I see the DMC/Bayo players. The games more like Astral Chain where guns have combos.
>Ah, you're awake! That hilichurl hit you pretty hard!
>What's that? Chain assist dps loss? Parries? Shark Maids? Big cop asses? You're talking nonsense, anon. Come with us, we gotta pick mint and play with lego blocks!
It's not like the multipliers matter since you can't deal damage until they're stunned anyway.
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I don't know how much it is but the daily pass + premium BP (I wanted the shitty icon). No top-ups, no packs.

I think clearing SD17 is actually possible if I can get good enemy grouping and enough disc exp in the next 4 days. But when I say possible, I mean restarting the stage over and over for 2-3 hours straight...
do you know what a daze multiplier is bwo...
Weird how some guy that doesn't really look russian at all has a russian name, and the fucking bear in a russian company is named BEN of all things
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Buenos Dias amigos, anyone here have any illegal bangboo data that they could share with me?
>genshin post
>thread quality instantly drops
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Need your backswitch key instead of swapping into Nicole
>Also allow to switch to any characters.
dis nigga puttin his input on a game when he ain't even know the controls LMAO
Enemies get stunned in 2 seconds to everything, who cares nigga
Go back /gig/troon
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Officer Zhu Juan, what's your perspective on the legality of incest in New Eridu?
>its ok if i play unoptimally because the game is SO easy
ok come back when you're at shiyu 17 big boy
How do you do it on a phone? :^)
>daze multiplier for Lycaon
>daze multiplier and instant access to their element for Koleda and Anby
>based Neko who only needs assault to do damage and can triple her attack in the dodge state
But there is only one switch button?
miyabi? why are you a redhead?
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>some guy that doesn't really look russian at all
What do you think russians look like, anon?
Anyone with Chaotic Metal 4p on Zhu can say what the uptime is like? I think it'd be better for me than woodpecker because I'm using starlight engine so the combat atk% is diluted but I'm worried the uptime isn't that good
>play belle
>rina and zhu sound like it's their first time having an actual friend
>play wise
>rina and zhu sound like their biological clock is ticking
imagine what belle did to make wise so uninterested in any of the girls
Post shiyu 10-1 clear time, you've made it that far at least right?
I can't wait for Harumasa to release bros, this general shall not know respite from cuckposting.
>would ever farm good discs for supports though.
Anon this is cope. My Lycaon and Soukaku both have nearly 100% optimised disc sets, and its still never worth using their chains. They just dont scale better than the DPS attacking for 6 more seconds
how would i know i don't have a phone
wrong lol
My Lycaon is built with Crit/Ice Damage/Impact but his chain damage is still lacking compared to Ellen just doing another EX+BA since most stunners don't have the passive steroids a DPS does.
The best way to fix this is to simply freeze the stun timer until it turns gray.
Instead, they'll just sell new supports(also a DPS) and new stunners(also a DPS).
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Nicole can make his cock work again.
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Be perfect
"For the ninth time, it's Ben Bigger not Ben Nigger!"
more like wise doesn't have the time to understand women
>little sister is a mess who has no life preservation(that scene where you meet the zhu and qing) so he has to make sure she doesn't get into trouble
>have to manage the video store
>have to be a proxy
>belle is """"kinda""""" worse than him at tinkering with the HDD(that scene where she "just reset bro lol" and wise was disgruntled)
Wise has a hard life
I use chain attacks with Soukaku because I run Ellen with Nicole instead of a stunner.
Ellen Nicole feels ass because Nicole doesn't last as long as Ellen's full damage window and Anby is such a bad stunner I get further just spinning with Soukaku then on fielding Ellen.
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Will the next Shiyu Defence rotate in as soon as the current one goes away? I don't think I'm gonna attempt it until I get to IK50...
i hope it stays separate. i like mei as much as the next guy but i dont really need to roll for her in a fourth damn game.
also the only one of those that actually looks similar is the elysia one
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just build your soukaku for dps, retards
>Ben Bigger
>Bigger Ben
>Big Ben
Are Bangboos sentient creatures or are they machines? I dont read much text
The issue is that each chain attack reduces the stun timer separately to the actual animation time of the attack, so even if supports have fast chain animations it's still a DPS loss
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>let her borrow your VR
>first thing she does is to check the history
Defend this
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she's already the best at making me bricked up
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why the fuck are Chinks so scared of skulls? I swear they're the only people in Asia who are extremely anxious with anything skeleton-related. The aesthetics they used with Sons of Calydon for example is begging so hard to have any sort of skull motif on their designs
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>see this
Now what?
woman moment
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I'm really low on dennies and exp materials. I think I am fucked once I hit IK50 honestly
what are you saying
nobody has ever said that ever
do you have any proof at all
Start to masturbate
that's clearly Kiana only Raiden looks different but she always looks different even in honkai 3rd
Fap while appreciating two of my favorite NPCs.
What went wrong?
You're 15 Hollow Zero runs away from fixing that problem
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Nosy maid who likes finding her master's porn stash and learning his preferences
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One more run improved. 8:17 to 6:41. Granted I had done 5th frontier the first time with Piper's W-Engine at lvl 40. But this is much better. I barely made it past 6 so I doubt I can get an A on it.
I doubt they are optimized at this point.

From what I've seen so far, it's the opposite. Every chain prolongs the stun timer a little, but doesn't care how long the animation lasts, so you can and will end up in a net minus with some chars.
Less scared and more considered disrespectful(desecration of the dead). Yes it's retarded, but this is the same country that considers red=good.
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This was a lot of fun hope we get more content like this
Firefighter faction when?
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You didn't bite from the side, amateur mistake.
If you're talking about the bar going back to full, that's just a visual effect. The real stun timer will keep going down.
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What should I name my new cat?
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I am once again asking for your financial support
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Ghost sex
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>Dont want to roll for 1.0 zero agents becasue fear powercreep bait banners
>Don't want to roll for 1.1 Banners becasue they're side graded to units I've heavily invested in and resources are getting scarce
>Don't want to roll for 1.2 banners becasue 1 is fujobait and the others design is kind of plain.
What the hell
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>Every chain prolongs the stun timer a little
You're misunderstanding the UI
The grey bar doesn't start until you've finished doing chain attacks, and the grey bar always starts full, but the time it takes the grey bar to tick to zero varies depending on the chains you've done
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Only the second banner and it's already diving...
Rina is a hoe that fucks every master she ever had
Three things
Sex, sex, and sex
Bwo? Your BP?
>Every chain prolongs the stun timer a little,
it doesn't
>zzz flops
>they'll have to cater to coomCHADs to make money
how do you reach 31 license level?? Ima day 1 player at 28 maxed
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Interesting. Sounds like Jane + Rina + Seth could be an okay team. Grace would be better, but I don't have her.
Every modifier on Withering Garden gives you points
f-full? pwease
Imagine if the animation doesn't actually matter, but only the chain number matters for how fast the grey bar goes down.
Can any autist test this?
what about the bloody palace I've beaten it many times already
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Would you?
she wants the proxy to do this
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JP and CN heard they fired Waterbear
Would. Every time I see her
>zzz flops
>they think it was because they pandered too much to coom due to lucy/piper
>remove every lolis
>delete idol factions
>fire waterkuma
>normies still wouldn't play the game anyway
>oh fuck
>game dies
this is more like it desu
Is that not with this thread is arguing over?
Nobody has tested anything
Its all vibes
Note how nobody will post any proof ever
Goddamn Zhu Yuan has a million attacks before she does the chain attack
>can't even get tiktok hours in japan
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Rina is better at video games than you (when she plays properly)
Where is genshin and star rail
Cat's should be sleeping in my bed
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Lucy love
reruns and end of patch
Where's wuwa.
Maybe don't fire Watercoomer in the first place
any doujins on the way?
Zhu Yuan certified flop
shiyu is just bullshit, it's not even a real challenge, it's just hp sponges and lol big groups that spawn far apart and use movement abilities so you can't clump them together
B-rank SHITTERS need not respond
if i lose the 50/50, do i kill myself/reroll? id rather not buy an account desu but i dont even have lycaon and i love him (gay)
el negro katto
This cop does no damage outside of stun
1.2 is their first test with a homo banner. If it still makes bank for them, we'll see more homo banners, just like in genshin and you will rike it
From the prior tests, Soukaku-Ellen chain misses out on the final EX Basic before the stun is gone.
I'll try it with Lucy this time, who has a far faster chain attack.
bro your nicole?
Hmm I would just keep rolling up until the end
Maybe there will be a few more mini events for polys
just like every other non-anomaly character
If Zhu Yuan is crashing this hard as the second banner there's no chance in hell 1.2 homos will make any money.
yeah maybe, the events are pretty nice but i dunno if i can make it desu
Now post their peaks vs ZZZ
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you're supposed to stack attack anyway she doesn't have energy problems
no content. how did they expect a game with no content to stay relevant?
My advice remains the same
If ur not planning on staying and won't spend money just roll everything until 1 hour to go
#1 most wanted rat
ZZZ crashed so hard that it killed wuwa, genshin, and hsr making them drop to 100 and below KEK
Post Jade banner numbers.
All this chain attack buffoonery wouldn't happen if mihoyo simply showed the actual time remaining
Does crashing mean a success ?
>coomer queen nicole every jap coomer was looking forward to
>anby cutie
>silly billy that japrobotfags were looking forward to

I mean, what the fuck were they expecting
last time i tried was like 4 days ago, need disks badly, ellen is fine but anton still has a blue on disk(6) and shitty purples
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Or if Ellenkeks rolled for a real character with a real chain attack animation lmao!
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Neko is anomaly?
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Sell me on officer booty
Good news. Lucy-Ellen can fit the whole rotation. It really is a Soukaku issue, it isn't based on chain count.
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Why does every genshin banner seems to be debuff banner? everytime someone ask about genshin the answer is always because of debuff banner, even archellino counted as bad banner. When will genshin has it's real banner again?
>off model
Instant disinterest
just pull kazuha
she does no DPS outside of stun.
ellen/lucy just feels way smoother to play than ellen/soukaku to me
im sure ellen/soukaku has better numbers though
That's their fault for thinking that bunch of loud xitter trannies actually play games and spend money when in reality they are just jumping the drama bandwagon for virtue signaling and don't care about hoyo at all
Good thing Ellen's chain is not the problem, retard.
>he doesn't have both
>30 hours of contents aren’t enough
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bros... i wasted all this time farming thunder metal??? fuck
Not what I asked for retard.
The only reason ZY needs to chain attack is because it reloads her bullets. In fact, she's bricked as a dps since she has to waste time chaining while no other dps needs to.
>behind Genshin and HSR launches
why”d you do that. use the anomaly set on every anomaly character
She literally doesn't need to if you have any energy.
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Only zommers are obsessed with numbers
They grew up only being trade mark advertising tools, completely oblivious to anything but the top 3 contenders on any chart. They can't even picture games thriving under 100 million dollars. They are the cattle of the gacha industry.

Everything else is trash to them, especially non-multiplayer games. They screech at single player devs demanding multi-player be added to everything so they can share it with their ticktock friends for 5 minutes then move on to the next big thing.
What gay furries do to a game.
yeah, you wanted to compare ZZZ second launch banner to HSR and Genshin random dead patch, i know
i fixed your comparison, you're welcome
Concerning men specifically, there's many archetypes, but ones that stick out are:
stocky, sturdy guys, for some reason, they always have grey, sullen eyes, eye bags and look like mark hamil
then there's angelic, cherubic looking motherfuckers, usually blond hair and blue eyes
some fat blob guy
very handsome guys with strong jaws
ones that are just your average western soiboy with thick-rimmed glasses and soi haircuts
very anglo-looking ones, and I mean in a bad way
Weird-looking ABSOLUTE UNIT tolkien mud people
mutts with pronounced asian features
ones with less pronounced asian features, basically tatars
and kavkaz mutts
and ones over thirty-fourty usually look like absolute shit, and I mean they REALLY let themselves go, fat, disgusting alcoholic slobs that look 20 years older than they really are

grey and very light-blue eyes are a common denominator, but the asian ones tend to have brown eyes
basically, the average russian guy is a slav with either blonde hair and blue eyes, or dark hair and grey/brown eyes, and either a shitty haircut, short hair, or a classic haircut, some retards still have soiboy undercuts, and younger men go for curtains sometimes, or whatever is trending at any time
give him a thousand-yard-stare, or oddly soulless-looking dead grey eyes, and you're golden
You know Johann from Monster? Make his face more angular and make him taller, there's your russian guy
they either look like piano prodigies (some are, russian parents are like chinese parents, pretty often, the kids have some sort of niche classical training) or back-alley thugs (some are), or both at once
anton just looks like kamina
Well, yeah. Soukaku gives 1k atk and 20% ice DMG for 22s.
She's an A-Rank so the new S-Rank ice support will probably replace her soon.
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ZZZbros…. Is our game a flop and dead on arrival?
3 days until everyone laughs at /zzz/...
>he doesnt know
you're losing 3 seconds of dps every time you use ellens chain sunkcost-buddybro
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I don't understand this, it's been 300 gear coins forever, when I withdraw, I get 309, but my deposit bonuses say I should be getting +20 (minimum) with each withdraw, but again, it's never not been 300/309
Lucy stepping on me POV yay or nay?
Nah they’ll be laughing at wuwa for not beating Genshin again
it's not so bad, problem is Zhu Yuan dipped a lot harder than even the last week of Ellen
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With the amount of money Hoyo is making from HSR and Genshin, they can have ZZZ running for a decade at a complete loss.
Not that it's needed but the fucks are funding fusion reactors in their spare time so I really wouldn't bother checking sales charts.
It already earned more than most gamedevs could've hoped for worldwide. I doubt the development cost is very high, it's just HI3rd with minigames.
Oh you're so scared, that's cute.
no one thinks wuwa is a serious competitor anymore
zzz was supposed to be the next big thing
Holy shit, i kneel
Good, less casuals, more fun for us.
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All done
They’re earning no money from them. Genshin and HSR have fucking tanked lmfao. Genshin has been flop after flop after 4.2
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I love him...
it's 8 days vs 5 to be fair we don't have a direct comparison
i dont understand how these retards don't realize mihoyo is making surplus money every single week
whalelord i kneel
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How is she so fvcking COOL
If not popular, why salesfagottry?
Only one thing can save ZZZ's revenue...
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That money is already used for Hi3
And they still are making more than 95% of gacha games, your point?
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>They’re earning no money from them.
Retard-kun, Genshin alone made 5 billion by January this year.
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You're starting to convince me he's kinda cute
see, this is what happens when you skip chain attacks
it's THAT easy
As I said they grew up this way, they don't know how to change the conversation
>nooooo my company was supposed to make a million bajillions but they only made 900thousand bajjilions nooooo it’s a flopp!!
why are yall like this
Arlecchino was good if you look at the whole banner and not just tiktok hours, Raiden and lantern rite were also pretty good.
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cutscene animation team when they spend their 1.5 months of animating a cutscene that only last a few seconds
Genshin and ZZZ probably make 40% of their revenue from consoles/PC because of the controls
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We need our god Xiao to save this game from flopping
They grew up with an iPhone growing out of their ass
It's terminal for intelligence

It's joever. I'm going back to wuthering rail impact 3rd.
again 8 days vs 5 days, if you average it out it's identical but obviously that isn't how that works
The real difference is that HSR is ideal for mobile where as ZZZ is clearly made for consoles but CN is going to prefer mobile either way.
It was revealed to me in a dream
What are the odds that Piper is in next shop?
We want to save the game, not tank it further
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And people said I was crazy when I said f2p(bp + monthly ofc) would be able to clear a decent bit of the first shiyu
>threatening beeper pull is actually used as a counter state that summon hoards of fans to stampede when triggered that randomizes a random pool of fans that do daze/damage/anomaly buildup
What in the fuck is that name
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one day and another day
dicked around in the bullshit
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Is this enough polychrome to pull 2 more copies of zhu?
The rumor about Hoyo firing waterkuma reached the CN and JPbros. Expect a bigger drop-off next month.
Glad I am not the only one who hear this.
You salesfags need to go back to /gig/ and talk about Genshin EOSing one day or another day
gettin it hard gettin in further
the bone for the cuter i never really owned her
almost definitely not. it might not even be enough for 1 if you lose the coinflip
The game has only been out for 3 weeks, ZZZ will gain in popularity as Genshins drops, genshins future isn’t looking good as more people quitting, and star rail just having the most boring banners imaginable
>CN is going to prefer mobile either way.
Maybe the problem is Mihoyos failure then, they're in the mobile market they excel at it. They know their highest grossing revenue come from regions that prefer mobile games to console games.
They make these weird, unsatisfying amalgamations hoping to strike the same lightning. Genshin was the right time the right place, HSR was clever design maybe ZZZ will carve out a place but I hope it's just a passion project.
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days go by
time after time
ok, huh
years go by
soldiers for life
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it's enough to max out your ben
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I'm glad to help :)
They actually fired Waterkuma? Fuck, maybe I can still refund my shit.
Or you know, it might sound crazy but you can just enjoy a game without caring about console war bullshit.
Its not a rumor bwo
He was fired and rehired again but they fired him again since they want to make this Genshin v2
that's probably what the lyrics are, sounds exactly like that
>All upcoming characters have boring designs and color palettes
>Most people have finished chap 3
>Events are simple 5 minute minigames
How do they expect people to stay with zero real incentive?
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People have been spouting the death of arknights and genshin for years and yet everyone is still here.
That tells u how smart salesfags are at predicting things.
Everyone will just play wuwa...
Pretty sure there are only 9 A-Ranks?
2 have already been in the shop so a 1 in 7 chance times 2.
Waterkuma's firing seem like bullshit.
That's a pretty in-depth analysis, anon, but I guess that makes sense
i was there when people doomposted azurlane to death
It's now 9 years old
Who the fuck is waterkuma
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Don't worry we just got news he was rehired again and is working on a new faction
I use to play magic the gathering, the game was supposed to die at least once a year since 1993
i needed more than god’s persuasion
a dick to repair this situation
a billion times she cheatin sexin
to dig it, drill it, smash it, she feel it
>5 minute mini games with nonpull rewards (lol boopons i sleep)
>everyone’s playing wuwa
I did fire waterkuma after finding out that he drew my wife getting blacked.
They couldn't stop him from drawing Grace's feet.
>Genshins drops
Natlan will mog every gacha game in existence whether you like it or not
>have the guy do the bulk of the art on your game, there is almost assuredly a shitload of content he worked on that hasnt been released yet
>fire him 3 weeks after launch
that doesnt make any sense
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the truth about death is so long as product makes money it wont die unless it's grossly mismanaged.
Is it cunny though
i like it
Natlan has like the least hype and even the lowest PV views on yt and bilibili. The real hype is Snezhnaya
If topless, why the collar?
holy shit she's FAST
>It's Genshin, but the off-brand version of it that's infinitely shittier.
hes working on NTE now
I'm actually serious. I wanna know if they fired my boy or not, memes aside.
It's not even with proof, just rumors because internal hirings and firings are private business
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>No Shark
>No Zhu
How brick am I?
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Speak for yourself faggot, I ain't benching her. She'll always be in my teams as a first character I rolled for. Just like I tried to put in Seele whenever I could back when I was playing HSR
that's literally what happened with gbf, they hired yoshida for the early characters only
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I was there when people were spouting the death of Dragalia Lost, turns out they're right.
is it just me or is the bangboo ascension material hard to find. the one that gets you from 30 to 40 max level? and im supposed to break the purple exp one? is that efficient?
Weird that you just admitted your wife is a 1X year old dawei, is that legal in China?
>No my wife is my age
Stop you want me to believe waterkuma drew a woman past the age of 20? Pull the other one.
It's not efficient but once u hit knot 40 u realize u won't run out anymore unless u decide to level more than 2 bangboo rapidly
why would they fire him. he probably signed on as a contractor to begin with so technically he’s not fireable.
>He doesn’t know about the Twitter boycott
if you say everything is dying, of course you'd hit one that's dying for real eventually
Mihoyo should just make LOL but gacha, like Tencent.
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Where did this retarded rumour of Waterkuma being fired even come from?
I've seen you faggots parrot this shit for weeks with literally not a single source to back it up. Not even a made-up Twitter screenshot, NADA.
have you been buying bangboo mats from the convenience store?
how autistic are you anon
Yeah, welcome to hoyo endgame where the only thing being tested is how good your artifacts are. Enjoy your stay
Redditors find out that Waterkuma is too based and redpilled so they wanted him gone.
All me
chinks are saying he is so take that what you will
noooooo my hecking tweetertrooners who are F2P and/or don’t even play the game nooooooo my hecking flopperino!!!
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That's the same as trusting one of you as a source
that also costs the purple exp tho
Thankfully, Mihoyo ignores Twitter and bases their decisions on their biggest two markets (CN and JP)
They did the same thing with Summeru
Non of the chinks are saying it lmao.
t. actual chink
>It all comes down to not being paypigs for once
What a bunch of tools lmao.
the level 50 ascension is the real wall anyways and you had to have whaled refreshes to get there
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2 more weeks until genshin die
you guys have said this for years and genshin revenue keeps dropping, people are getting fed up with genshin
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Jane waiting room
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some tranny who hated him would doompost in every thread about how he was fired and then samefag with
>It's real
and then never gave source so people started making fun of him
we have no source to this day
just pulled an early brimstone off the standard banner
imagine actually being mad at getting BALLED
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bwos zhu yuan just slept in my bed
this game is great
Because it’s 4 years old? Genshin is already past its prime.
Gee Ellen, who let you have two character models!?
Very interesting, it's a shame that no one cares about your shit taste tho.
i’ll only be mad at genshin if they really do nerf Mualani into the ground
I seriously thought emille was going to be released.
Feels like 50 billion fillers till natlan is actually released.
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are the rumours going around because Waterkuma went full ghostmode in all of his socials for the entirety of July? If he truly is the lead creative artist for this game, him being dead on his socials makes sense. If he was fired, he'd be really vocal about it despite the NDA shitbaggery
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>Boycott Genshin over some Kaeya bullshit
>game makes millions
>Boycott Genshin over Sumeru not having shitskins
>game makes millions
>Boycott Genshin over Natlan not being brownoid enough
Who won?
Who lost?
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Rather than worrying about a games death u should instead go find a woman, get married and have her drain your money for the next 60 years.
Trust me and CONSUME
Two more weeks and it'll stop making billions!
Anon, not being on socials media doesn't mean you are dead. I stopped going on twitter for like 2 years, I wasn't even aware of the name change until recently.
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this rat can SIT (on me)

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