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previous Thread: >>487944098

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 7/29 (Mon) 10:59 (JST)
Hoshino (Combat) (3* - Limited)
Shiroko (Terror) (3* - Limited)
Mika (3* - Limited - Rerun)
>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/27 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY - 7/28 (Sun) 11:00 (UTC)
Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 7/26 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/28 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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will he win?
Neru marriage.
The cutest in Kivotos
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hug students
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Remember to love your precious students, /bag/!
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These 2 visited today, so cute.
professor sexo
nah, i'd win
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uhh is my monitor display going crazy or is that weird pattern on her right actually part of the drawing? that seems pretty extreme
Hina should transfer
Tired eyes = sexy.
>have BBW fetish but don't want to make my students unhealthy to where they're die young
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Chocolate beats vanilla
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this but a trap fetish and still playing this game
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>from wholesome artist who made cute sol Senko and Hina-Iroha manga to "holy shit niyaniywa I want to creampie her billion of times"
BA corrupted a lot of artists...
it's a clip studio texture brush
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Who are getting their dupe tomorrow with spark?
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Reposting for anyone looking to do their reps.
Recent JP update added subtitles to character voice lines, which should help immensely with kanji readings since you'll hear these words voiced by your students, words which are very common in both everyday use as well as the story chapters themselves.
DO NOT underestimate this as a tool for learning できたいbros. Trust me when I say that linking words to voices will do more for you than mindlessly grinding flash cards ever will
it's a texture brush with some distortion applied to it to fit the leg.
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I'm going to spend my remaining 100 rolls on Makoto. If she doesn't come home I'm getting a dAko dupe.
I'm getting a makoto dupe, I see no reason to get a dupe of ako.
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my sexy wife Mika
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What about Iroha?
You can sacrifice the brats so they don't commit crimes
As a total newbie I was pretty happy they announced this. Will be good practice for a while.
too much hair
it's summer that's disgusting
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>make another selector to get more walls
>finish the segment off
>fucked up one of the wall lengths
>not as good as I hoped
...good enough. Future me can fix it.
Mikasheep love
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She actually spooked me a lot after I pulled on her original banner so I already have her UE50. Makoto is a pure DPS so I'd rather get her dupes over Ako's.
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What is it about Otogi that makes /bag/ like her so much? Is it the short hair? the flat-chest? the spats?
imo the windows are probably what's not selling it
i don't think i have ever seen できたい used
it's always a variation like できるようになりたい or something
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Ako might be the single student in the most dire need of dicking other than maybe Rin
wrong previous thread
previous thread: >>487954947
It's her ogogi
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come on
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I hate when my idea doesn't look as good as I thought and then I'm down 10 furniture selectors and have 10 of the same item.
Did the aggie EoS already?
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Aggie will be closed this thread
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The little divider walls? None of the partitions in the cafe really feel good enough for sectioning off something like this unfortunately.
I wish there was some kind of demo build mode for the cafe so I could actually try an idea before I commit to it.
do senseis really want this
I think that anon is still fuming over Mika being in the OP or something
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>made earlier thread
>couldn't even post a proper thread
Why do we have a lot retards making OP?
Real previous thread >>487954947
hope not, that's retarded

An added bonus is that you get to see how some students use casual, short form japanese vs more formal, conjugated japanese. Grammar, kanji, and vocab reps all in one. 17/10 update. Good luck newbies
>danimaru is doing Yuuka
Will Fakku/Irodori or whoever cuck us from the release?
>It's for the anthology
Eh, it's not like they're an exception either
Only women
Marrying Mari.
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Time to incorporate more BA into my Anki
babby's first OP or what >>487968085 said
Isn't there a danimaru Kazoos doujin on ex right now?
Lol what a fucking bitch
The Kazusa doujins were fine.
might aswell just close it tomorrow
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You know I'm starting to notice that the more degenerate an artist is the more tweets about gacha pulls they have up
>stream in 3 hours
Wait I thought it was in 2 originally...
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My wife saori
I wanted something short to call anyone trying to do their reps. I figured people would understand that I meant the opposite of dekinai.
Her twelve-inch dildo behind her mask...
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is this the same schizo anon who is obsessed with mikaposters and try to blame everything on them on burger hours while also making meta schizoposting? kwab
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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Kinda sad that we can't have certain girls in the OP without an autismo throwing a temper tantrum over it. Fucking fake ass Senseis.
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Why does Nexon not release some of these girls from NPC jail? Are they stupid?
When is the right time for me to be thinking of decorating my cafe rooms?
oh fuck's sake I was gonna sleep
well at least it's only like 15 minutes of stuff actually worth watching (dev talk)
Dunno and don't care, annoying faggot regardless.
I can't believe they didn't release Reijo in her rerun
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My allergies are going crazy I finally get why Misaki is so depressed.
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My precious desert rose.
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Rabu when
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no way, it's the combat gear that jobbed to an elevator
don't worry they'll do it again with Takane/Yakumo on the red winter comic event rerun soon
Yeah but I don't care about those two. Especially not that dumb dog Yakumo, she should stay in NPC hell.
School festival event for sure. She appears there with her gang
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Free them
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Chihiro library sex
Sex in the library with Chihiro
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I visit her shop every day to masturbate in front of her while she waits for my order of CUM! ON HER FOREHEAD
I'm staying the fuck away from the library
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Well that's like 4chan in general. Just ignore schizos and such.
then I don't care about Reijo too then she can remain in NPC hell for eternity ᓀ‸ᓂ
There are people that genuinely love Ako
Can you believe that?
that's my wife on the right
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How do I become, the Very Best, Like No One Ever Was, of the Sensei Masters?
I have literally never seen an Ako fan, they aren't real
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Pregnant sex with Hoshino.
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You're not needed there anyway
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That's my dog on the left
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
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Tea party Archive
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That's very spiteful. Reijo did nothing wrong, unlike Yakumo.
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PatienceCHADS, how we doing? Did you manage to hold the urge to inject dopamine rushes through your veins? You didn't fall victim to minrollers, right?
Ok now they only need to add a jp option to the global client and I'll be set
give me more time janny
Venture across 7 different schools, become the best at the mickey mouse academy, beat 8 other Sensei at the teach offs, and after that be told it isn't enough because the adventure is never really over.
Even with that middle finger I still miss you Ash...
Sometimes I’m envious of how Nikke gets their NPCs released after only a few months. Yeah, they might release them a bit too fast and not let them truly process but still.
Clearly not you because you bought the division ticket and used it instead of waiting for Blufes to do both so it wouldn't expire
Post disregarded
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I hope you liked getting less point total because you decided to save
>All the pakeji
This post is literally by Makoto
>pulled early
>got nothing
what now?
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Nexon! Make her playable now!! Why is it taking so long?
Get out of here, Ui. This is the 0 alts club.
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>he bought the skem tickets
well well well
>pulled early
>got DAko
more points, I guess
It hasn't been 5 days
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I'll never forgive Professor SEX for corrupting Rimukoro.
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Do I hear something? Is that the poor speaking?
>Deca lolis
>Professor Niyaniya
Flavors in my Mouth
>Shimiko is holding a bookmark
>Ui is holding coffee
>Mika is holding a notebook (diary?)
>Nagisa is holding a magazine
>Suzumi is holding a CD
What is Leisa holding? It's obscured...
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>old gym teacher from high school finally got fired for hitting up girls at the high school after 10 years
all forgotten, Niya2 is next
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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I am going to have sex witsynkth professor sex
Yukari and Yakumo.
the weight of her sins
Very pettable daughters
The lunchbox she will eat in the bathroom
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Threesome with Neru, Toki and I.
>What is Leisa holding?
herself together
Tbh I don't know why, even if you had the opportunity, you would ever pick up an actual high school girl. They're irritating and ugly as fuck these days, especially with zoomer trends. Gross.
So how's Kuroko doing for Set? She looks pretty swell.

fucking brat ass
Danimaru is a good artist and all but man he has the biggest case of sameface syndrome ever
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Princess's pantsu....
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>Check on Iori's relationship story
Let's see here
Getting scold for being pervert... okay
Requesting wound treatment from back...
Oh my... Iori's back! Iori's! back! Wooaaah!!
That's Mika's ONLY pair of underwear (she's too poor to afford additional sets)
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Retard. Should've stuck with 2D like a real thinking man.
she is far and away the best unit for Set so far

pic related is floor 99
She's the main DPS now with Sakurako being the sub DPS and everyone can get higher floor clears... that's about all there is to it.
>now fatako
good luck on the wedding
I heard that there is auto team using Kuroko floor 100, any videos on it?
Ayy lmao proportions here
Guess I can save my ligma and not U50 sakurako. Gonna have to eat shit first blue set and stop at floor 70 or something.
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This but with my old football coach since he was gay and was always particular on "shower antics"
Couldn't do anything but quit since he won games.
Being the best at Set is like being the kid at the front of the short bus.
FUCK Set. It's the worst addition this game has had this year.
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how do you guys deal with the little shits hiding behind the scenery?
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Maybe Mika is from space. Hence the cosmos theme of her design
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>shower antics
show me on the doll where your coach touched you
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Don't worry, sensei already bought one for her
I kinda want more Yukari wank.
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We'll find out in a few weeks once I get my hands on these acrylics. I'll scour the internet all month if I have to. Vigilante Love!
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>since he was gay and always particular on "shower antics"
Well for me nobody can actually spawn in that room because all the furniture is so fucking fat. There's like 2 squares where someone actually can I think.
Why is your arcade machine facing the wrong way?
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>more limit break raids are inevitable
>potential cap being raised above 25 is inevitable
>the stat gain past 25 will increase exponentially where it'll actually be platinum defining is inevitable
>the game EoSing is inevitable
Sensei bought that for herself
Isakusan betrayed (You)
If they ever release UE60 I will probably quit the game honestly. I can't keep up with the amount of shit I need to farm anymore.
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Maybe the artist just fucked up the pic
The next chapter right after that is also cute
Lies. I would never buy her something so scandalous. It's boring white panties all the way for me!!!
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Why don't you just start taking the game easy instead?
honestly, how?

I genuinely 100% haven't thought about farming at all for 2 years. Even with Set's introduction, I just slapped stuff on my favorite character / I'll level a student if I think the bonuses might help.
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Look for a short placeholder furniture and fill the gaps
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Hi Curious
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>"shower antics"
This game needs more Haruna alts desu desu desu
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Oh my
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guh...phew... that was a good wank
>It's boring white panties all the way for me!!!
Why are you telling us what panties you use?
Why is your penis shaped like that?
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The receipt wouldn't lie, sensei
Hina is angy
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It's an improvement over her usual apathy at least
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If they want to play hide'n'seek, they get herded like the sheep they are.

Also, this way i can stay all the way zoomed in for the animations, and the strategically placed vision-obstructers are barely visible then
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Thank the lord for making the asia server comfy. Still getting plats with subpar teams.
*pat pat*
Did nobody make a cafe room planner in a browser or something?
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Yes. Goblins do have some well documented anger issues.
Haruka is going to snap and rape you if you keep acting like this.
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lucklet bros do I spark for Makoto or Ako
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There are tons of furniture hat has implacable dead space that let students spawn, like the front of *the* bookshelf
How do you implement UE60 without making it shit
Incorrect TL btw

I am too lazy to check the Korean or Japanese, but I know this shit is wrong. Checking the wiki corroborates, as its translation based off of Japanese is
>Hand-drip coffee maker prepared by Ako for Hina. A splendid item that reflects the consideration and kindness of the sub-commander, but ironically, the coffee made by the person in question doesn't taste good.
Like, obviously.

Ako is known as someone who makes bad coffee. It doesn't make any sense to say "actually it's Hina who's bad at it".
makoto if you just started dako otherwise
Mika should die
Ako. You wasted 10 extra rolls by the way.
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Why didn't you wait for the reset?
Who the fuck is Nanoda and why does Saya (rat girl) keep screaming about it in my ear
Yeah, Hina isn't bad at anything. The translstors almost made a minor improvement to her character.
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Doing lewd things with Hina
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what is she doing??
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If you want a student herding cafe just fill the entire thing with vending machines.
This is part when you tease Her too much
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I have needs
Would you accept a student even if she confesses to you that she feels attracted to other girls?
It's just a hug
Mouth inspection day
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It was a misclick
Aru being a lesbian would be weird, but I would be okay with it as long as I get to watch.
>became able to discern whether I will have a pink envelope from the first frames of Arona animation
I learned something dangerous
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This feed still point to previous JP livestream.
That's fine. It will be easier for me to introduce girls to the harem.
I'll break her halo
It's either that or dog npcs
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May the 210th roll be Makoto
Best thing about BA is that I won't ever have to worry about this happening. Based Nexon.
+1 Ako fan
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Is it normal to be missing one? Am I bricked?
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More like 2 missclicks. Control yourself, retard.
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I'm missing that one as well, oh no
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>Vending machines
Nah, my students will drown in the glory of my accomplishments!
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The story days are completely railroaded. It's literally impossible to miss anything in them.
shut the fuck up muchuki
Share with us the forbidden knowledge.
I will...to the next BA girl replied to me.
yeash delete game now
>y/u/ricuck hours
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coom in doom

Thank you, I'm retarded.
It's fixed now if you reload.
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Fuck the police
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You are correct. JP's TL was about Ako being bad at making coffee. That's why you saw some memes about Ako spilling coffee on Hina
The purple glow I'm guessing
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It's over.
that's not how the language works, retard
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how the fuck that some of you missed that
We're gonna be able to build a /bag/ clubhouse with all the bricks being laid here these past days
I don't think できたい is even a valid word
/bag/ doesnt play basketball
it's not. this EOP thought he was being clever, but all he did was fuck up and embarass himself
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this seems like a job for Ako!
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A professor is a higher position than a teacher.
This means Sensei will lose against Professor Niyaniya.
Hence, Sensei should fear Professor Niyaniya.
eop this eop that, it's a fact that hiyori is fat
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I'm so fucking ready for Seia's exclusive global announcement
how the fuck is momoi so sexy
i would cum just from her sitting on my dick...
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Hey, at least he seems willing to learn. Embarassing oneself in the learning process is part-and-parcel too. It's more than you'll ever get out of the average joe these days
looks fine to me
please don't use Seia and Fucking in the same sentence

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Oh no... I've been bested by the professor! How shameful...
When do you get new free recruitment points?
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it's time
momoi is sexy but she looks like a fucking goblin here
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>Open game
>Everything's collected
Ha ha. Retard!
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But what if it did?
In 10 hours
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watching OnK S2. they've got a Haruka.
The happy ending is here!
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pretty sure it's also referenced in Prefect Summer event when Hina called ako's coffee good
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Coitus with Seia until her petals are swollen red and stained white with seed
She probably only got the title because she brings a lot of funding. I bet she just makes her post-docs do all the real work.
Post HinaWife128, I dare you
this girl already know my weakness...
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You don't NEED to plat every raid
You don't NEED to be top 10 in pvp
You don't NEED to clear all of Set
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I did this.
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Why are you posting this loser?
Seia will never be ballin'
>>You don't NEED to be top 10 in pvp
This one is way harder to accept. I hate pvp as a concept.
her nipples are really hard...
post seia bond
What a load of ass.
I wanna do things to her forehead
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Are we really supposed to hit lvl20 of piano proficiency by the end of this event?
I have done everything so far, did every lesson, and i am at level 8. Aren't we like halfway through the event almost? And lessons don't even give full level in curtain's call.
Who the fuck just dumps 300,000 credits in the trash
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What's so good about Ako (FAT COW) anyway? Makoto makes everything explode she's cooler
So.. do you have the clue or you're just baiting?
What does homu mean
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It was me, I did it, for Hina to dig it up.
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It's a way of showing Hina will never be great at the piano
she's setcore (at least for the first few months)
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bro... you can't skip anything in the acts...
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She's gonna have a very painful back when she wakes up
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How come am I missing one then? Did I come across a new bug or something?
>when she wakes up
That Iori is deceased. You can tell by the way she isn't alive.
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Is Marina a good tank? I mean, worth investing into if I'm already using Hoshino and Reisa
wtf is this real??????????
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>mobs jealous of hina using a healing spell on iori
fucking cute.
only if you are pvp players and she needs 5* at minimum
Why wait? Quit now
What about fucking Makoto?
>You don't NEED to plat every raid
I'm on Asia so it's impossible for me to not get plat unless I just give up.
>You don't NEED to be top 10 in pvp
I agree.
>You don't NEED to clear all of Set
Your Floor 97 for your Studentwife?
She's a better Kotama with a bigger AoE, both traits are necessary for the new game mode Set. You can/I intend to borrow Makoto for Chesed TMT, and there are alternate Iori teams for Greg Grand Raid.
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>wakes up
'E's not wakin'! 'E's passed on! This Iori is no more! She has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'er maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'er to the bed 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'er metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'er mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-IORI!!
>Your Floor 97 for your Studentwife?
wait an extra month
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>80 pulls of jack-shit
I can't even remember the last time I actually pulled a "rate up" student
Arona hates me
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But everyone will laugh at me.
Just checked pixiv and professor sexo has too much fanart already. You guys need to chill, she wasn't even the main character of the event
I've got Serina (Christmas) weeks early during these free recruitment rolls. Should I invest in her? Or is she good only when paired with other units?
i got bunny toki but don't even know what to use her in
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Fuck hags
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Ehhh, just new character things.
Remember Churro?
She showed up quite a lot in last raids in global, but I'm not sure if ako replaces her altogether or not. Only invest in her if you got nothing better to do.
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I want one
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How do you differentiate between a sleeping student and a deceased student ? Asking for a friend btw
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i'm laughing at you right now and there's nothing you can do about it
Give it time, she's just the usual FOTM little girl. She'll be forgotten in 2 weeks.
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There will be a two month grace period on Set affection check, you're safe.
you put your hand to their chest
i want to sniff her crotch through the cloth...
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Me too
no chill, only sexo
anyway she's bad at swimming and has self esteem issues
is it Floor 74 for 2 months or 49?
That's sexual harassment
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she has killed billions
Anon, there is no such thing as sleeping. Everyone dies every day, then someone else gets a turn to control the flesh puppet. It's the only way to keep the skeletons inside at bay.
So for today I should have 22 lost items right?
i can't believe kirino assaulted me sexually...
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i want Otogi so BAD!!! I REALLY WANT OTOGI SO BAD!!! please Otogi be PLAYABLE!!!! I want to be your REAL HUSBAND!!! i'm a HUSBAND MATERIAL!!! PLEASE!! i have bunch of CHOICE GIFT to GIVE FOR YOU!! i WANT to GIVE you until BOND 100!!!!!
Yes don't worry we'll lock the student up after she finishes her sexual harassment of you.
better to just tell you that the only lost items you should be missing is 6 paper airplanes and the crayons
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>significant other
Now who's localizing? lmfao
I'll get Makoto and dAko dupes tomorrow to honor you.
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Dunno about you, but I have 23
The girls are all erotic but somehow none of them are as erotic as Arona
Can kids consent?
otogi's tight WOMAN pussy (undebatable and canon)
nice try
minroll for you tomorrow
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Thanks, I'm missing a bear pursue any idea where i can fins it?
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So if they laugh at your studentwife choice you'll also feel embarrassed then? Stand up for yourself!
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chances are you missed the one where you have to backtrack to the prison after helping junko find a ticket
>open the walkthrough that has been linked at least twice in every thread and is also at the top of the newfag guide
>ctrl+f bear
there you go
Lol even
on the sofa right when you enter the banquet hall
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>tfw all i got so far is Natsu and Hiroy dupes
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Akari pretty
But I didn't choose my studentwife, she chose me.
> Stand up
Why are 1/3rd of Gehenna's clubs led by a lunatic?
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That's even more reason to stand up for yourself, or what? are you mocking her choice?
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Because Gehenna itself is lead by a lunatic
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Filler red dps and mainly Kaiten.
Fuuka the lunatic
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isn't it like 57 or something?
headpatting Hina until she becomes extremely flustered and faints, then sensei (me) tucks her into bed
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you need to be a lunatic to survive in Gehenna
hina's lunacy overflowed and she wraps back around to being super sane
Is that hitotoserin?
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Your wife's alt won't be maxed on the first month and I'm laughing RIGHT NOW thinking about it
I will...to the next BA girl posted...
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You fucking retard.
I will simply skip the affection check
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Patting Seia's womb
Let's beat up Niya2
reisa lets make out!!!!!
no redos get on with it
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Hina should die
Fuck off yurinigger
>b-but she con-
enough with this Hebrew nonsense, shit like this is how you trannies infiltrate communities first I've seen this time to time, kill yourself.
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What should I buy /bag/?
bad rats
bad rats
Hazel more like Gayer
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bad rats
Rad bats
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> Fucking RatCord, in my Blue Archive.
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hollow knight
bad rats show
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Stupid sexy Saya
Against the Storm
Reminds me of Potato Knishes
Hazel bro is getting groomed by a pedo with an anime pfp LMAOOO
100% orange juice is /bag/core
peak sexo
are you a girl?
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/bag/ - Rat Fucker General
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Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous
Redeem Aru and take her to a dance
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I knew it was strange that I got Junko's meal ticket but couldn't give it to her back in JP
I guess they fixed it in global, the ticket wasn't in the prison in global during this curtain call
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rad rats
has /bag/ even posted oj rooms during maints
Why am I black?
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it's there, but only after you finish the quest. Go back to the prison.
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i want to fuck plana
i want to fuck key
Will i have a chance to use the free pulls on the fest banners, or should i just go for makoto since they expire before i can?
I don't know what that means
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Think about it
>A meal ticket that seems to have been lost by someone. The owner is unknown, but a small tinge of sadness is felt from the words written on the ticket: 'Looking forward to it!'

At least she got to eat with her club but she's so dumb she lost it in prison, and then didn't even notice that it wasn't the ticket she wrote on.
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the free pulls don't carry over
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Sounds like a you problem, you should probably ask your mother
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What did Fuuka and Juri ever do to you to deserve that
hina is way too nice to that bunch
It is, what I meant is you can get it even BEFORE Hina talks to Junko but not give it to her, that's why it was strange
post fuuka23
You have a thing for kuuderes.
I swear to god if anyone shows up saying "GUYS WHERE DID MY FREE ROLLS GO, I WAS SAVING THEM FOR D. HINA" on Tuesday, I will have no sympathy for them. Use them they will expire before the D. Hina banner,
Maybe Hina secretly agrees with Haruna's ideals but knows you can't just go around blowing up restaurants.
Hatesex core
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I'd lock up the Gourmet and Hot Springs club in a maximum security prison and throw away the key.
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Izumi and Junko are good girls though.
Why doesn't Fuuka respect my rights...
To Ako.
I'm using up all mine on Ako and use my tickets and pyrox on Hina instead.
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>Kurokofes coming before Saori's rolls means we won't have to hear it in 6 months
a silver lining
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hot springs club don't need no key to bust out of there anyway
Shes drunk, and its your fault
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Can't wait for someone to show up on D.Hina's banner and ask where are their free rolls.
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I remember we used to get people asking how to even use the free rolls.
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Back in my days, it was having your paid guaranteed ticket expire
Food poisoning
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Don't forget to redeem your students before the banner ends
At least wait until the rolls would have expired before posting this.

Yes, but I'm expecting to hear "I THOUGHT WE GOT 100 FREE ROLLS WHERE ARE THEY?" instead.
Part of me wonders if they actually swapped the order because people were bricking themselves not spending their rolls because they thought they could wait though.
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Good times.
New Asayuki Doujin
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Izumi is a cold-blooded killer but she makes me smile so she gets a pass.
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There's one more day for 20 free rolls, right?
Junko has committed war crimes against your private parts with her mouth
Breed rio.
I know
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Semenar needs to be stopped
Yes, next reset we get the last free 20 rolls
the final disappointment.... I await my last two blue folders
She punched me
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When are we finally getting these dorks back together?

Koyuki and Rio will be a laugh riot.
>short hair
>he doesn't know
The 2024 Junko Olympics
What's there to redeem anyway? I got my two children students
Squishy gamers
Where's the rhyme?
Imagine all the Asayuki art we could’ve gotten had she been the 3rd anniversary student.
I asked that yesterday and none of you answered me. It took me a lot of courage to investigate
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I lied. I wanted the keystones so I kept rolling for her.
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whaleCHAD I kneel
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Next Millenium chapter, I want a story roadmap already so I can skip to being disappointed with Gehenna and SRT filling the rest of the year.
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> You lied to us
How could you?
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I'm just autistic.
See above.
Bad Chise hands posted this
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>attacking the same person more than once
I bet they're posting a screenshot with the defense wins in their discord right now
>Next Millenium chapter,
Wonder if it's still going to be about the gamers or if Yuuka will become the lead.
>tried to bully reisa
>gets bullied back
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I'm glad I can add to the pregnancy pile
>get makoto yesterday
>forgot to update bonuses when i did 90 sweeps a few hours ago
>forgot to update bonuses again when i did 25 sweeps just now
not only am i bricked, i have a brick inside of my head
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It was funny
I got to top 10 today so not many options to choose from. I've been struggling with this guy last 3 days, he just coinflips better.
There will be alot of hate sex with ako if she doesn't come tomorrow
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>I lied
Why would do such a thing?
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they'll get to Rio and Niya whenever they're ready, I'm not in a rush. I do hope they expand the Seminar group story once they're all in game though.
I assume Aris will be the one spearheading the search for Rio, and by that I mean she'll wander off on an RPG adventure and stumble across Rio making Yuuka and Noa question why they even bother funding Veritas.
>doesn't post his defence
He's probably bullying you with a Reisa.
of course junny would abet devilish acts like this like the criminal that she really is
>believing in the coinflip instead of his team
It’s a shame that unlike all the other school leader groups we don’t really know how Rio interacts with the others. I wonder how it would have played out had they not had rush C2V2 for Volume F.
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Didn't she destroy someone's livelihood during Trinity summer by poisoning him, taking over his store, and then giving his customers her weird concoctions?
nom nom
What is this? Is she getting a figure?
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And yes I tried 5 tanks, and I lost every time because for SOME reason either haruna/shun were hitting through evasion, iroha was dying before shooting ricochet or shiroko murdering my blues.
No I don't have marina.
No my kirino is not built
No I don't have minori.
Mutsuki doesn't work, haruna survived in cover.
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Rate up you want? time to spark

I hate it
>. I do hope they expand the Seminar group story once they're all in game though.
Yeah we've got a good grasp of Yuuka and Noa's dynamic but seeing how Rio slots in would be interesting to see.
I like to imagine she's basically the only person that takes Makoto even remotely serious.
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p- professor???
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Newfag here, I don't know if I'm doing great or bad here and could use some advice.
But it all worked out in the end.
Now that I think about it, Millennium doesn’t have any club specific mobs right? Just the general student ones. Like, The Prefect Team and Pandemonium Society have their mobs, the Tea Party and Justice Task Force have their mobs, but with Seminar and C&C it’s just the members we already know of, right?
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We don't even know how Koyuki fits into their dynamic. We haven't had an event with the three of them together outside of Vol F where Koyuki only made a short appearance
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>weakest Trinity student
>100 strongest Gehennoids
Stop leveling everyone.
You think you have a lot of xp, but you don't.
could be worse
hope you have a double spark saved for bluefes
if not get to rushing through the story
You are not supposed to level up all your students
>180 pulls in
>only new unit has been sakuroko
I mean, I do like her, she's sex, but whiffing on Makoto and once again having to skip Iroha will be sad.
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>No my kirino is not built
bad anon
bless our lord and saviour Mogoon
Keep leveling everyone, mainly with purple reports
Aru and Iroha will carry you for almost all content so try to invest in them the most
Only level up the students you're currently using
To be fair, we do have a pretty clear idea just based on the way her and Noa interact.
>No I don't have minori
It's so over...
Yeah Koyuki's also a question mark, does she actually do any seminar work or is she just their prisoner?
Fucking give me 3x commisions, I'm gonna go to 0 reports in 2 days.
Where does it say that sex between a teacher and his student is legal?
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Your next banner you will go to 200 with zero pinks.
Do you agree to these terms?
Kirino says so.
Really? I was under the impression that you're supposed to swap to other students whenever you're stuck on a mission or something.
Damn, he went for it.
you level students when you need them
there is not enough reports
I don't think I have even 1/5th of my students up to 87 before the level cap increased
They made this "actually gorilla strength" joke so many times I am certain Trinity students are fucking fed steroids and have micro dicks as their clits
Adult women...

full corruption...
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it's not illegal
You are set for mission
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Send this woman directly to the black tortoise.
I get all of my students up to 70 before I started leveling people to 87.
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What would you do in this situation?
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Fun facts with Ako:
The lunch club is the only club in the game where every member is less than 3 stars
w*men are scawy
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Awfully audible plaps as I Saki sex
You use the same colour attacker as the enemy's defense. So bring your red units to fight red enemies. But you only really need two or three attackers for each colour, and you can also substitute in a colour that isn't resisted by the enemy. So leveling up Kirino when you already have Aru, Mutsuki, Suzumi and Akari isn't really that useful. There's also the special students where you can coast by with only two of your best specials since you don't need to match colours for them
Umm, eat?
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he is finished... and so are we
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Fun facts with Makoto:
The prefect club is a joke and contribute nothing to the success of Gehenna, and therefore should be abolished.
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Are you excited for the last free rolls, Sensei?
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I need some Mika love
bro your public safety bureau?
>no himari, ako, or at the very least shun
reroll retard
That's not fair! Iori brings the average down considerably!
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Add ketchup to my ramen to see her reaction
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No, my rolls have been terrible so I'll be happy when this is over.
>Makes porn now
>Still has that "cutely" and "fluffy" feeling to it

very off putting
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blue sex
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/bag/gers can't be choosers
I don't like the reddish hue of her horns' tips, gives me vibes that she recently gored someone and there's still blood on them
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I am prepared to spark Ako and wait for the rerun for Makoto.
At least I got C.Hanae out of it.
Oh yeah, tomorrow will be the start of JP 100 free rolls too.
Blue Archive corrupts the souls of even the most wholesome...
Blue Archive was a mistake...
Start slurping my noodles loudly so that it annoys her
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How can gehenoids compete?
I like cute and fluffy porn, they're the best.
>it's been brought up that somehow kuroko could be mistaken for shiroko if she attracts attention
>even though they pretty much have different body and halos
>somehow no one questions why the big sister of millennium and fatfuck racist of trinity look a like
Okay bro, if you say so
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Millenium aren't a bunch of retards that need a club to tardwrangle them like the prefects or jft, nor a brainded upper caste like the pandemonium or the tea party. It's all just a bunch of NEEEERDS.
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maybe they work like deer horns where they get velvety and then shed the skin off during the spring
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hasumi is obese and rio never shows herself
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>She is supposed to be the evil version of Arona
>She is actually very sweet and cute and doesn't have me spark 2 banners in a row even with 100 free pulls

why do we hate Plana again?
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Alert nearest security force for an arrest
one is a bird and the other is an autist
Yuuka/Atsuko/spYuuka/Tsubaki solves this.
Mika jobs to GODkemi btw
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I love these dorks like you wouldn't believe it.
Millenium content always fills me with joy.
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impregnate your students

Cute Fuuka
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Hasumi is fat
>Millennium clean up their own mess
>Trinity hide their own mess
>Genhena send their own mess to other areas
>There is no mess in Red Winter
>Hyakko turn their mess into their features
Dont have enough story to talk about Shanhaijimn
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I've never hate Plana.
Believe in the DAko pull anon.
>evil version of Arona
so the good one?
Okay now I'm really curious as to what Haruna would do if you did shit like this in front of her.
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Come hither and sex
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you're saving up luck for bluefes
nobody ever hated plana, the opposite
everyone prefers her and thinks arona is the inferior version more like
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No, you dumb fatherfucker, I won't have sex with students
I'm teacher and an adult
Fuuka's alt is a 3 stars limited
i am now horny
Hina sex
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>Unlock her cuffs
>"Wow Sensei, I didn't think you wouldn't do anything weir-"
>Grab her hands and do pic related instead
How would Ako react?
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Noa love
Noa sex
Noa marriage
Noa sex again
Noa impregnation
Noa happily ever after
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Stream is "up" come jam out before the real start in 20
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Suzumi alt when
>There IS no mess in Red Winter
>Ther WAS no mess in Shanhaijimn
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Expectations for the stream?
Also she would definitely gently pick up Sensei and spend a lovely night with him, she doesn't need dirty tricks like witch Mika
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Arona is clearly superior because I got both limiteds just from the free rolls. Arona love.
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>performing the act of procreation before matrimony
And Mika throw giant pillars with one hand
I want them to explain desuwide's chibi.
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You monster.
do you have the picture where she flashbangs you?
It's too early, please do not make me cum
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Tripley so with Mari. Sometimes by her own request!
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seia announcement
Why do we hate Ako again?
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I only want to see bond rankings and other autism and maybe dev talk

basically trivia and nothing else

you and I both know it's not happening
She always late to work and often get the order wrong
That's a low blow..
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I'll give you my remaining luck for tomorrow...
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Nothing happened in Shanhaijing
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Because she hasn't appeared yet after 160 rolls
>punches rockets
so what? Mika would still do the same thing and Mika doesn't need muscular body to do the same thing
>muh dirty tricks
irrelevant, I still love Mika
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Which one specifically?
>has Nagisa
>switches her for Iroha against three reds and a yellow
Are you braindead?
Mari is not that kind of woman
I don't think bond rankings and statistics are going to happen in this stream since it's not actually global's anniversary right now.
Expect a proper anniversary stream in like 2-3 months.
Do you think Kanna will care?
I think she was chibi in it.
And? She jobbed to Saori AND retard club, how come is she even considered a muscle behind Tea Party?
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The fuck will nagisa do against backline she can't reach? Are you retarded?
She might kill marina, but my fucking grouped tanks die to haruna stacked aoe. Enemy yuuka will just live indefinitely.
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Rio also has the sex eyes.
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we'll see. I'm not sure if I should go for reset when everyone is rolling or after pvp collection time like a normal person.

oh is it not for that, bummer.
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That's what she wants you to think
>stream in 12 minutes
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Skill issue lol
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Maybe read the story instead of reading memes
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She shouldn't come across as lewd by most metrics, but she just does for some reason. Aggressively so.
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>backline she can't reach
>She might kill marina, but
nigger what is Iroha going to do, Nagisa has the chance to hit the backline if she goes before the enemy Marina's EX and can potentially deal with one of the tanks. Why aren't you using her instead of the special that costs 6 and is doing nothing for you.
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Why are you hiding the fact that it was a loss on your side?
whats the kivotos live I have an announcement on youtube?
Is a new stream or a concert or something like that?
link the KR stream they have cool merch that I won't buy
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The more pure something is, the more you know they would put out like crazy.
You clearly never used 5 tanks strategy against haruna teams, iroha usually aligns and her ricochet kills backline just fine, it's just this 1 guy I'm having shit luck with.
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Get it out of the way immediately so you don't have to dwell on it.
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It's a KR event that you only watch for the devtalk and thank for giving you 10 rolls in the mail after the stream ends
>sensei, i need your help. Please come to this secluded location that also don't have any signal whatsoever

Annnnnd done. Just like that, sensei is mine. Give me literally ONE reason why this wouldn't work
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See >>487978850
My team is indestructible. Coinflippers fucking neck themselves when they find me in their brackets.
While we're in the waiting room, what's you guy's favourite blue archive ost?
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Stop this slander at once
Nice free pulls got ako before that, are they any good? Havent played the game in a bit
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do you have makoto or nyserika? they can reach the backline

you really need to prioritize leveling up kirino my guy
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sadness washes over me like a blanket
I mostly only want Makoto because she's a dork
Warface for the global stream?
There are students whose whole life purpose is stalking sensei
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Serika is a brick, I'll have makoto today after reset, but not sure if underleveld makoto will be enough. I don't have enough reports to level kirino, also not sure if she will have any use next season.
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looks like a perfect team for Iori to stomp
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>covers up fully
>still aggressively lewd
can't stop her true succubus nature
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the difference in exposure between her nun outfit and sports one is crazy. plus she gets sweaty and makes erotic smiles. plus plus she is a redhead which is just erotic by itself
they didn't help me at all during Vol 3 or Vol F
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>global strea
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They should stop, sensei is not a piece of meat. Sensei has rights you know.
We all know what catholic girls really want.
>consistently not working
I think that means your strategy is bad

presumably he only uses it against people he knows have Haruna rather than Iori
what is this grouping called
hiero teams
hope ur ready
Codex of Omen
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My Iori can rape coinflippers, yeah.
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Makoto is good for Chesed, while D.Ako is good for Set.
They won't set the world on fire but they are nice to have.
Also explode.
what did she mean by this
INS for guaranteed Gold, yeah?
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Good luck.
Fucking sex everywhere and I don't have her. Guess I'm using koharu team. Wonder if EU will be tor to plat like JP.
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I only need to know the dynamic Noa and I have (husband and wife)
These are all 1T Torments yeah?
Guess I'll actually grow up then
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Mari's off day...
How do I get more than 2 hina teams?
At long last the great torment race is upon us. Fitting that the one we once viewed as the story filter will be our punching bag.
Do you run that on defense?
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>1T torment hiero
This is going to be fun
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serika is really not that much of a brick against teams of that sort, I've used her often, her EX touches nyharuna and you'll be taking 25% less damage on average.
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welcome to hell
(source: https://arona.ai/graph)
Is the sound cutting out or are my eardrums cutting again
Finally, Marisex
Nice audio Globalcucks.
Was it fanart or an edit?
Oh I guess they're gonna talk about the Anni event and a bit about Dress PS68.
my favorite NTR artist
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I want Mari to blow cigarette smoke in my face after I ask her to forgive my sins.
I mean a brick to build, like where am I gonna use her outside of indoor pvp? That's not worth wasting 50 mil and retarded amount of reports.
DJ party and Devtalk when
Maybe post canon art first then instead of twitter fanfic pics
Akemi is stronger nevertheless, she doesn't even faint after battle
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Surely Asia won't be that competitive haha
Travel back in time to Indoors1
Sniffing dHina and dAru
I wonder how it will go in global because in jp even with 20k plat slots, 1t torment wasn't enough for plat, you needed optimized 1t to get plat
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actually bronze looks better
why are people like this?
There will probably be a lot of Torments though but I'm honestly not expecting Torment to plat.
We'll see.
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the stream is starting soon, is there anything to look foward? content and reward wise
here's a 2T good luck bro
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>couldn't even bother to reread the story to understand why he was wrong
oh right, I'm talking to a shitposter
Who the fuck has time and resources to build multiple teams for attack and defense? I just use the same for both.
Show me the fluffydev
part 2?
sensei would chainsmoke with Mari, it's basically canon already
Blue Archive?
Aren't we all just shitposting?
PvP coinflip or coom discussion doesn't count
mystery niggasuit
Smoking is cringe.
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Watchout, it's the scary guy!
PD Ayanewank Kim
Post your ID.
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wait is Kim Yongha a producer AND director? or just the producer?
No he's just a guy who keeps showing up at the office and insisting he's the boss.
>nice cock, Sensei
Executive Project Director.
I want to know yongha's highest rank student
I would eat the Korean hosts pussy out.
Executive Project Director
Control yourself dammit
sex but with ibuki
>Kim is ayanefag
Where is my elfwank, Kim? Why Hosh is still a president?
hello???? new thread??
New bread doko?
Idol Ayane will break the pvp and raid meta
He's actually an Arisufag
seia thread in 2 minutes you have been warned
We still have images.
>S.Shiroko + I.Ayane
AbydosGODs stay winning
After global EoS announced this stream
I see, thank you

This is my headcanon
don't care want new bread NOW
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>pretending you don't know about the foresight
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Wakamo thread in 2 minutes you have been warned
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For the next thread's OP.
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Can anyone answer this /bag/? Iroha’s service pistol on the Blue Archive wiki says this « A pistol carried by Iroha.
Being the tank commander of Pandemonium, she rarely uses it, and she always says that even at this size it is annoying to carry around, but even so, the fact that it is always neatly maintained speaks of Iroha's character.» However, my in-game text says pic related. What’s up with that, did they change the text at some point?
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The wiki is based on JP version, note that it can have different description on global, like >>487971007
Also jp will always be superior.
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The Vagrant
Amid Evil
I didnt her mouth produced white phosphorus
Shun is monumental
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Why are you browsing a dead thread giving people from hours ago (You)s
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why arent you
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Let dead threads die.
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But we're ded
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What the...

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