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Previous: >>487968352

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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She’s very MOTIVATED
kek what the fuck
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They're such a fun duo
whats the price you sold your hsr account for or gave it away
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Do you think Ellen smells like a human or seafood?
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For me? It’s the stinky mouse
does it work for wise?
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Do you care about opinions on this mongolian basket weaving forum? be honest.
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Human at standing height but like stinky fish the more you go down
There's no particular reason to.
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Dawei here. What's this?
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best BP ball?
In some scenarios, yes. But certainly not about anyone on /vg/.
No, but part of the board culture is to start arguments. No one should be taking any anger or frustration away from the ramblings of people here
We all expected Miyabi to be the main yuribait but it actually was Zhu Yuan and Qingyi wtf
I forgot to do my HSR dailies today.
which is the best bangboo
(and which is the cutest uwu)
I hope ZZZ gets more budget after the initial success, genshin/star rails main stories are 100% voice acted and with animations n art n such, we don't have as much...
>which is the best bangboo
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What? We get a lot more than HSR launch, not even mentioning Genshin launch.
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Reading Anby's skills and comparing them to Koleda, it doesn't actually look like Koleda stuns all that faster. Her multipliers aren't really much higher at all
But I see everyone say Koleda stuns so much faster
is this some kind of psyop
They have the comics instead which is better than characters standing and speaking forever
waterkuma added hidden mechanics
>reuse npc animations
>only full-on cutscenes have ok animations
>ayaka dance and possibly more girls were mo-cap'd by dawei himself
but i don't have any characters that work with it
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just Eous
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well, I'm not clearing shiyu in time
next time for sure
ZZZ cutscenes are the most animated out of all their games, what are you on about?
Why does Da Wei know Waterkuma and how are they friends?
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I fucking need to plap'er
yeah I like the comics but I'm talkin bout most of the other mainline story connected stuff in the overworld being unvoiced and treated the same as a commission

only been playing hoyo for a year so maybe y'all are right, fontaine story is the one I remember having the most high budget shit in the main story, mondstadt not so much (was still soul tho)
>which is the cutest
the one who mans the door and is always falling asleep. poor baby
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post polys for this boy
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you know, despite the shitposting we have, this is probably the comfiest general I've ever attended
i wuv (You) all
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>that artist
praying they make plenty of art of belle getting viciously raped by other agents
I wish hsrg wasn't sacrificed to the schizos for this....
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Sounds like you had a lot of bad luck sofar. Luv you bwo.
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Waterkuma is Daweis nigga
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*solos the multiverse*
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Good morning to everyone but especially my Corinbros!
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Does she read as loli? I'll color her later.
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>thighs as big as their waist
why can't real women be like this
Do I care about zoo animals doing weird sounds? No.
It’s comfier than any other hoyo general.
Being a smaller game has some benefits.
Wise is okay but he should really be like an extra head taller
Guy can barely even mating press them
Thighs seem a bit too thick, making her look "stocky" rather than childish. But if thats intended, then its fine.
Good job on the accessories.
Bwo, /zzz/ will eventually turn to shit like it's sister generals. It is a matter of when Mihoyo will release content that will either break /zzz/ posters or attract schizos.
Nice work
If they agree with me yes
If they dont then no
Same as everyone else here even if they wont admit it
Which agent is the coolest
did i just brick my account unlocking anbys friendship mindscape in zero hollow buff making my ellen mindscape buff more unlikely to appear?
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Useless maid
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What are the chances of Seth being on Jane's banner?
It depends on the leader anyway
It's purely based on the agent in position 1 so theres no risk
Also why are you trying to metafag fucking hollow zero christ
what buff does soukaku give
bwo your cock cleaning services?
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Nah this nigga zesty as hell fr.
Pretty sure that these can appear in the same run.
>missing out on poly is a brick
your brain is bricked lmao
0 is the amount of recovery time she has between our consensual rapes
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But genshin barely have any cutscenes. I only remember three in 1.0 (diluc vs abyssniggers, chink vs dragons, and eula for some reason lmao)
She makes your dick bend in an unnatural angle by riding you too hard.
ATK buff that caps out at 1000 and stays when you switch characters
The sexo mole....
She does bro, you can see it in game.
how much strength do you need on soukaku to max out the 1000 attack buff? also how about on lucy's passive?
It sound like Seth is going to get Ara ara by Jane.
Where are her feet?
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You wouldn't believe the aislop i'm developing on koleda
post proof.. I looked in game and didnt see it.
Soukaku needs 2500 atk at max core, Lucy depends on her skill level (so more dupes and you need less) but roughly 2500 should be enough for her too
2941 for the full 500 ATK
thanks bro glad my hollow zero runs arent bricked
>people butthurt about AI
i know they gonna steal your mcdonlad job in a couple of years but progress is progress
Maxed it should be 2.5k in battle, which is fairly easy. You can give her crit-rate atk% energy% main-stats without a problem with her sig ball.
terrible arms
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the basic math is: max buff, divided by 0.XX (XX being the percentage of atk)
so here it would be 500 divided by 0.20, which is 2500 at max core skill
ill let you do lucy's yourself
No shit, that's an aislop
>when Mihoyo will release content that will either break /zzz/ posters or attract schizos
>Scaramouche expy coming in 1.2
Mark my words, /zzz/ will be unusable for at least 3 weeks.
>lost Ellen 50/50 to Koleda
>currently on 70 pulls and still no Zhu Yuan, so now I have to farm every ounce of resources from Hollow Zero and SD for more polychromes to reach the guaranteed Zhu Yuan on the next 10 pulls
Holy fuck what the fuck is wrong with this dogshit rigged gacha system.
no, everyone who ever posts with it is just an attentionwhore, every single time
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>can clear Star Rail's regular SU in two runs to get full points
>can get full points in two runs but have to clear a few more times for full rewards all while having to run through tv shit
Yeah, I'm going to complain in the survey.
bro your dailies? your welkin? you’ll have enough chromes from that to guarantee Zhu
When is it safe to start dumping my stamina on Routine Cleanup for disc drives? 40?
Yeah, I don't get why the weekly has so many runs in it.
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what killed the hype?
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Me when I see Piper
it bumps up at 45 to 3 disks so your stamina is 50% more valuable.
>Zhu Yuan is just another career obsessed wagecuck
Hoyo hags continue to be a fucking mistake
50 is the most efficient
you can dump whenever (45) if you think it'll get you extra shiyu rewards before reset though
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No, 45 is when you get two max rarity disks per run.
Metro Core is short anon, just beeline to the goal. Don't use withering garden for your weekly.
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>10 pulls until guaranteed S rank engine
>most resources depleted
>basically fucked until who knows when
>unwilling to use THAT (my credit card)
Ok, to save me a bad taste in my mouth later on. Is there a chance I get fucked by the so called 50/50 in my first attempting at pulling an engine? Like is there a chance I get something else instead of Zhus engine?
trade ur fading signals for rolls
Haha... it's 2. Just like on 40 mind you. I haven't done a lot of 40 or 45 runs yet mind you, but 2 golds, that's it.
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I think i did the math wrong...
i did 600 - the static 44 getting 556 and i divided by .138.. i got like 4k
Man, those titles bring me back to early 2000s videos 10 years ago, good times.
Anyone jacking off efficiency is retarded
Only start if you can't clear a red shiyu stage
There is no reason to ever run it before that breakpoint
>10 years ago
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Teach me about the meta ways of the game, zenlessfriends. I have Shark, Cat and Grace.
>no pubes poking out
Shit wife
So what's the point of Hollow Zero resourced once I already maxed out my skill tree? Do they add more skills on it? I have no idea as I don't play shart rail.
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not wrong
you gotta level the skill to make maxing it out realistic
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It's exactly what the game tells you. If you struggle so hard to get pulls, it might not be the smartest to pull on that.
Thanks anons. But 45 feels so high ...... oh well, I will just casually grind mats anyways, I need everything.
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Is it me or is the Nineveh fight not that great? I understand they want you to cleave the little bug thingies to proc chain attacks but in practice it doesn't work out due to the camera constantly fixing onto the wrong target. Also the music is kind of mid...
>he pulled for balls
Why the fuck
It's called whalebait for a reason dumbass
They're gonna cut it down to 3 runs for full completion. Don't remember if it was coming in 1.1 or 1.2
what is the yellow percentage bar below the enemy health bar
piss meter
reroll.. well you might have a c6 soukaku right? use her and ellen together with someone else as filler. maybe Anby? Grace and neko i guess could work together if You use anby as glue.

Ohh! So it should be around 2.6k attack! Thanks again anon o/
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bros... don't tell me I wasted my pulls... please
actually funny for the most part
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>wake up
>have coffee irl
>have coffee in game
>do dailies
Holy retard.

Enjoy your fucking invisible ball over an actual character for the next two months
really ?
im level 35 and done most of my free stuff.. will i be able to get enough polys for 40 pulls by before Zhu Yuan's banner eneds? I missed my 50/50 and im 40ish pulls from the guaranteed.. my luck is BRICKED and nonexistent
Camera needs to zoom out more for this massive boss battles. Also hard lock on needs to be an actual camera lock, jesus christ, it's been 4 years since genshin launched and they still don't get it.
Very clever of them to send the survey form at IK36 but not 45.
Zhu’s wengine is a solid power boost so if you get it she’ll be able to carry you for a while
but yeah wengines are whalebait
drop it while youre ahead
you arent perma bricked yet, since you keep the pity
save your rolls for characters first and foremost
maybe cash out the engine when theres a character you REALLY like, though not before building a good roster
dont fall for FOMO or you wont survive
I have two built teams at level 40.

Zhu Yuan+Anby+Nicole

I also have a C2 S11 because my luck is shit. Would it be too early to build a third team for S11? Thinking S11+Ben(C6)+Lucy(C3)
If you get the ball, you got a decent statstick going forward. Or you could save the pulls for Qingyi's ball which is even better.
"Whalebait" is a meme, pulling a weapon to make some character you like to use even better is perfectly legit. Your pity will never go away anyway, so you just need to know if you want this ball or some other one in a year.
You’re accounts done mate…
waaaay too early
farm some discs at IK 35-39
then max out your teams at 40
>im level 35 and done most of my free stuff.. will i be able to get enough polys for 40 pulls by before Zhu Yuan's banner eneds?
Depends on what you've done sofar. There are a lot of pulls in HZ/SD1-10
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We’re all waiting for the REAL GOTY, GTA VI (six), right fellers?
>black woman protagonist
nuff said
I haven't played GTA since after San Andreas.
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no, we're waiting for sonic x shadow generations
Meant to say Neverness to Everness
>my slop is better than your slop
I don’t see any waifu in it so no
i did up to SD 6 s rank. everything after needs 2 teams and I only have grace as an S rank. I'm using Grace Nicole Anby and was hoping to replace Grace with Zhu.. but i was FUCKED.
On hollow zero.. I'm not sure maybe im 30% completion? but a lot of the missing achievements and unlocks are fire related and I don't have any fire units. I think it's over for me. I do pay for the monthly so i get a daily 90 poly but at most that's 10 pulls..
I've only played vice city
the only game I’m hyped for right now is MonHun Wilds
How good is Anton Grace and Rina?
Decent but not as good as Piper Grace Rina
There is still one or two events before the banner is over, quite a lot of commissions left too. Its not all that dire. You can clear up to 10 with budget teams too, once you reach Ik40 anyway.
why does Corin like arching over in her combat pose
good but grace wants another anomaly user like piper for DISORDER spam.
you can prob steamroll stage 6 first half with that team though.
Anton is T3
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She is a seductress.
Phaeton us going to have a ton of problems at this rate, surviving off coffee and noodles isn't food for your health
Anton is really worse than Piper in a Grace Rina team?

lmao, wtf
what if I have him at C3
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Appeals to my dick
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I love him...
Same Distortion and with that Piper is very strong atm
Same, it's probably open world sloppa but it should work well with MH
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zoom in bro
Nicole would be much better if she was a gyaru
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This but a loli
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hear hear
I hope I get her by then.. this account was supposed to be fully f2p since I swiped on my main for ellen (I started 2 weeks late and wouldnt have the rolls for her) but if I need to swipe on this account just for zhu.. why the fuck did i bother making 2 accounts for...
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Ellen bros, how are we feeling today? Think I'm going to invite my wife for the movies again so I can raise her trust level
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Here's your Nicole (forma de watercoomer)
That is fucking hideous
you delivered bwo.. thank you
That is fucking sex
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What's the best team I could make out of this until I get Yuan?
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>flat and fat
she looks like a midget
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sharkbros our response?
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Me to the seat after Zhu Yuan sat on it
Piper Lucy Koleda / Neko
Lycaon Soukaku Corin
Both are decent T1
Weird question but what things will make you quit, no questions asked, if it ever happens to ZZZ? For me it's the government-mandated lesbian hag pairings Genshin seem hell-bent on adding every region.
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>he tanked that
What a champ
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Anby require a 3 hit combo to set up her primary daze hit.
>1,2,3 delay EX, 4
Koleda requires 2 hits no delay
But really the bulk of Koleda's use really comes from have a better: parry, dodge counter, quick assist than Anby.
I'm not sure either is a unit you'd want to field for a long time, so Koleda having more impact when she's swapped in gives her the edge.
It's a shame her combo with BEN is pretty poor and people don't want to give up a support to just bring BEN for Koleda as opposed to getting a support to buff the whole team or the DPS.
I'm really interested to see qingyi because lycaon is such a tier above everyone else.
I wonder if there will be a place where you can only get to by train instead of using the car
I'll quit when zzz goes eos. No questions asked.
Zhu, you absolute retard...
Tan is not a requirement, she's a gyaru.
the uncensored set is on kemono
I get you bro, I think we need more goverment-mandated lesbian loli pairings too. HSR is already cornering the market on lesbian hags and we have no chance to compete with that.
I doubt it’ll matter because you can just teleport everywhere
Can I mod Nicole in?
waterkuma being fired
If they ever go back and re-censor released characters again. Nerfing Nicole was a crime, but if that and spats is the limit while we still get fat tit and ass jiggle from pretty much every girl then I dont care.
If they go back and do what they did to the genshin nun over 4 patches then i'm done.
I fucking hate how words get diluted. Gyaru's need tan, wtf is this bullshit.?!
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>how is it
>wtf why so cryptic
are my ESL reading comprehensions failing me or is it another case of botched translation
if the dev keep adding shit the majority don't like
if the dev tries to make a problem and sell a solution down the line
if the dev actively fucks the game over with their new additions
>ligma company
Its a weird response. I guess in CN it used some indirect way of saying its done that english doesn't have sufficiently vague terminology for.
I benched her and use Zhu/Grace+Piper teams instead.

No more knotdogs and reddit flag girl for me
mine was twink manlets so im probably done
It's probably just awkward because either reply leads to the same response.
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>lesbian loli pairings
Based. We NEED more /ll/ in this industry. Hopefully the idols deliver with some てて
I need more feet pandering
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What does this bitch want from me? I didn't have enough gear coins the first time so next time I farmed enough but she still disappears and that's it. What am I supposed to do?
If all guys start being only twinks, that is the first sign of everything going to shit
There is a 0.000000000000000000001% chance this happens but if they start putting in PvP stuff I am out
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I have no idea how f2pbros are clearing SD17. I cannot for the life of me kill the fag on the second side in 5.5 minutes with a disorder team. Its fucking brutal. Those rolling niggers are even more annoying. The boss always has around 1/4th of his health remaining when the timer hits 0.

Should I run disorder on the first stage and Zhu on the second? But I feel like the teleporting bitch is going to fuck my piper up real good.
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What are these audio files in Hollow Zero
How old is Rina anyway?
The fuck was diluted? Gyaru is just engurishu for "girl" to begin with, I don't see no must be brown there.
I quit games when I'm no longer interested in the story or upcoming characters. I'm not a fragile pussy with a mental illness trigger that will cause me to quit on the spot
First items of several to unlock a small bonus quest.
I thought it might be hints to Lore related stuff but so far it was just random bullshit
kek how is that even possible
Time to reroll.
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so what does this even mean
what part of it is resetting?
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We are chilling. I called her over after our commissions.. we watched some netflix..
her convo with the flower lady. I think it was the second option both times and they didn't even sound bad to me. I just wanted to see different dialogue this time...
Will the next shiyu start immediately after this one ends?
Increase skill levels, get better discs, everyone should be 50/50 on gear and engines. Everyone should have minimum C passive unlocked, DPS should have D.
Just a few skill levels alone can push you over the edge
weekly exp limit and challenges retardbro
yes cuz its your main source of poly income.
ur 5 or 15 horrow jiro runz
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We went out for noodles again today. I let her have some of my sweet noodles (I don't actually like sweet broth, but she's too bashful about her weight to order it herself). I also talked about magazines with her at Howls' again. Its a pretty rare event.
Investigator points and the weekly challenge. You can only earn a maximum every week (outside of first clear bonuses) which increases based on investigator level.
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mainstat discs + flat attack disc at +15 for my dpses was enough for shiyu 6
for shiyu 7 I actually had to grind my supports
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I reached IK 45 and have 32 batteries in my inventory, where should I spend them other than priotizing my team for Shiyu?
Don't forget that after using the EX, you need to spend the Furnace Fire buff with 1->2-> FF combo. When you have Ben, Koleda is airborne and invulnerable during the whole FF combo. If you enough energy to EX again, she can EX at the end of the FF combo and get FF again. So, she has a very small vulnerable window and can keep attacking during some long running attack patterns. But yes, Ben still is an opportunity cost.

Also note that you can get FF without spending energy by making Koleda parry.
The whole point is that Gyarus started out as girls that wanted to go against the Japanese beauty standards of pale skin and dark hair, this is like saying female bara to talk about a muscular girl
>itt underagefags
>grace smiles at me at the start of a stage
>I smile back
what is wrong with me
im retarded
season doesnt sound like weekly so I thought it was smth else
koleda’s eng voice is making my ears bleed
>I had trouble finding zzz without search bar since the OP image isn't a gay furry kissing MC
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You wake up in front of Random Play. The catch? You're stuck as a generic bangboo. What is the first thing you do?
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I'm on 8 for all skills on grace and piper and both of them are level 50 with lvl 50 W-Engines and maxed discs.

ffs. I might have to actually get discs for Nicole and Rina then. Rina is only running +8 Energy disc(6) and +12 ATK(2) disc atm.

I tried swapping disorder team to side 1 lmao got destroyed in the first 30 seconds by the totem.
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Good morning, ZZZbros. I took my meds and I'm fine now. I'm sorry I samefagged for almost the whole day and caused a lot of arguments, most of the arguments were internally in my mind with myself.
check if I have any genitals
Unrelenting gay (even dyke) slop. I'll never play Honkai Impact 3rd because of it
Thats a problem that I'm sure can be fixed.
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zhu's wipeouts are too good
lay down like a turtle on its back
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>Zhu barely any trust events even when DMing her
>Ellen barely any trust events even when DMing her
>ran into Corin by chance a few times and talk to her
>suddenly am having picnics with her and telling her my time with her worth protecting or something
pour like safety boo
When the flame is orange you should get trust events every in-game day. It might take a bit of resetting to get there though, if you brute force it.
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>RIGHT on the buzzer
You're obviously going to be having a harder time with disorder vs Zhu+Ellen because those are the premiere teams right now, but it has been done with Piper/Grace
My Zhu team currently clears side 2 in 3:05 but Anomaly is probably worse on side 1
Hmm, true.
Where did you get this video of me?
literally me
literally me
Is the Sons of Calydon only consists of blonde whores or something?
>Doesn't chain to koleda
>End chain early
Based skillGOD mogging skillets.
>Enough Pulls for getting 2 new characters
>no enough ressources to level them up anyway

i mean, who isnt
only contrarian faggots cry about gta on this site, while 5 is still being played more than 10 years later
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What should I be buying here? what about the other tab?
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What use do you think Anby would have in the future? Do you think they'll buff old units indirectly by adding new faction units?
haven't played anything beyond SA
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Both Ceasar and Burnice are white-haired.
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Can they make it so i only need to clear Hollow Zero once a week
What the fuck is this slop
calibrator is a trap
buy gold disks and boopons
Doubling down on casual pandering when it comes to combat, stuff like nerfing childe, nerfing fire collateral damage, nerfing samurai inazuma mobs etc
Is Lycaon's optimal basic combo string just Hold > Hold > Hold? I should never mash with him, right?
>Do you think they'll buff old units indirectly by adding new faction units?
Maybe, but more likely you're gonna improve her by giving her some limited W-Engine like Qingyi's.
yes always hold, even ex skill which does res shred
What's the best bangboo for S11/Lucy/Piper
>hrtg avatar
>post about not wanting to play the game
everything but Wengine and boopons
I don't think so, she's as straightforward as she gets.
rocketboo i think
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Why cumming hares seems to be odd one out of all faction? Victoria, Hands, Neps, obol, belobog, etc seems to be pretty big faction or small faction with powerful or talented characters.
Meanwhile cumming hares
>in red forever
>member is doing grunt work for pennies
>leader cheap out on her bangboos
>basically a circus
why wouldnt you Calibrator a impact/ energy/ or crit rate piece? even if the substats are shit the main stat boost will help a lot on your stunner/support/crit dps
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>Why cumming hares seems to be odd one out of all faction?
Because they're our starter.
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I really whaled $450 for a game that punishes me for playing too much and time gates my progress, huh.
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I don't have knotwolf or koleda. Anby is my only stun unit and she's with asscop now. Should I just go without stun in Ellen team? Like Ellen+Soukaku+lucy/Rina?
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lesson learned, 450 bucks is still f2p+
ugly character designs, like the upcoming twink with animal ears and tail
it's okay if there's just one or two of those, but when they design nothing but faggy males like those that are apparently made to pander the chink fujo audience, the game is already shit to me
You work your way up from teaming with a bunch of street-level mook sheisters to an actual construction-tech mafia to the professional hit(wo)men of Victoria's Housekeeping. It's the game telling you to drop Anby, Nicole and Billy ASAP because they're dogshit and roll on the banner.
Trust LV 24 on the anniversary that buffs 1.0 characters trust the plan
Can't wait for them to fix the Rina bug, it's annoying as hell for her passive to not activate since it's the entire reason she's on your team to begin with
Tan was just one of the popular fashion elements. Does a gyaru stops being one if she doesn't wear those baggy socks?
well good news anon next banner is a stun character!
>nicole onrate right now
>anby and billy next on qingyi banner
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which one do i aim for?
Ellen without the dogknot is basically useless, she does like half of Zhu's burst damage.
Wait, WHAT?! For how long has this been a thing? Is this why my Electro team feels so underwhelming compared to Ice?
>all the fast SD clear videos have the attacker on the field basically the entire time, and only swapping to the stunner for parries
Have I been doing it wrong this entire time by camping the stunner until the enemy staggers?
nice cope midyuan shitter
ellen >>>>>>>>>> your useless pig
Since launch, read the ingame issue announcement
She is the Pela of this game dude (if Pela was hot of course)
so is Lucy a sub dps?
yeah I got faster times when I just sat on Ellen for the field and only skill cancel Lycoan's EX into Soukaku Ex skill stacks for quicker dazes.
>Have I been doing it wrong this entire time by camping the stunner until the enemy staggers?
Yes. Stunner do little to no damage, you want to be on your attacker so you can switch in your stunner with a parry, use their EX to cause Stun and switch back.
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It's not as good as having another stun character but yes you should pair the stunner with Zhu because she needs it more. Lucy/Rina are fine, this is a situation where you MIGHT be able to justify Ben but building Ben just to act as a discount Anby when there's a real stun character coming next banner is a hard sell.
Well that is because you are only looking at the surface, the cunning hares actually do get a lot of money they just suck at managing it, don't forget they are regulars of one of the best proxies around, and both Billy and Anby are very clearly some of the best with Anby having military experience and Billy being infamous, don't forget brikot is also an ex gang member of a huge gang
>sharkfag in denial
Go play korean f2p if you want to grind 24/7
Gacha is for wagies
Parries have the highest daze multiplier in the game
You want as many of them as possible yeah
seellen vs zhu juan
> FF without spending energy by making Koleda parry.
Same anon here. As a counterpoint, Anby's delayed attack also has a big multiplier and it doesn't cost energy. So getting free big multipliers will depend on whether a particular fight has more parries for Koleda or more openings for Anby's combo.
In theory except only whales have the resources to gear a subdps right now
all hoyo games like that
I like it desu, burn stamina, do some quests and go do something else
Does anything new unlock at IK35?
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Bros, I am watching old cbt videos and Amby's thong was a thing of beauty. All her animations were made to focus on the thong.
Farming S Rank Disks
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>don’t forget they are regulars of one of the best proxies around
to be fair they canonically owe us a ton of money and we only keep working with them because we’re friends with Nicole
There is a huge difference between one of the biggest parts of the fashion and a piece of clothing retard, do you also think goths don't need to wear all dark clothing?
Nicole canonically pays with her body in threesomes with the siblings.
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>spend over 280 battery across two days
>Still can't boost an agent from 40 to 50
>Still have to work on Wengines
Defend this.
If you want to be on your attacker most of the time , doesn't that make Zhu M1 good?
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Doubt it's worth farming them yet?
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>Nekomata is useless
Yeah?? Then explain this!
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Nicole should pay with her body
Buy the BP
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>skipped Ellen
>got Zhu in 50 pulls
>can now comfily farm poly and materials to guarantee and insta level up Miyabi+Ceasar+Burny
If you're between 35-40 the best use of stamina is disk farm until you get the boosted mats for regular farming
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Thunderbolt can also be done with meterless special and it's always considered a heavy attack and launches lightweights, regardless of energy state. I
Miyabi's ingame model looks fucking weird its the eyes
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she looks like she’s about to cry
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What is Lucy's gimmick, or is she better off in the "stay-at-home wife" role?
Whoah what an original thought I have NEVER heard that one before! Thank you for sharing with the group, upvoted, liked and subscribed!
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The fuck? Then whats the point of running Rina instead of Lucy in the Rina/Piper/Lucy team? I've just been actively gimping myself with rina.
>Doing the White Palm gang mission
>Kill one normal enemy
>mission over, heres your 20 polychromes
>Tina probably gets her money confiscated by Pubsex
What the fuck?
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All in on flat health
She's hot
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How do I get the star light engine passive to activate more frequently for Zhu?
If I go anby stun> nicole chain> Zhu chain then the passive won't be active until I Ex skill with zhu. But why would I do that at the start when she has full shell count after chain attacking?
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Zhu's optimal stunner is Qingyi
Qing's whole kit and gameplan is about being an onfield stunner and dodge-countering a lot
So no not really
She's fantastic once you get C2. Just punt some pigs out there and swap to your dps.
Whichever fits your team
i told you retards yesterday that stunners are garbage because they take ages onfield to get the stun but you still had retards here try to argue otherwise
Theres a follow up on the radio the day after. She does get her money confiscated. Dumb bitch was too greedy and was too busy thinking of the 500k dennies despite knowing it was a criminal operation and ended up losing her 350k.
All she had to do was act as if it was her first day when she reported to the police or not fall for Wise's bait
Just do the full chain and end with Nicole so you get the quick assist and can then mag dump
Why would you end your chain with Zhu ever?
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because of the goofy ass always in the red odd jobs business that's barely afloat actually having multiple OP characters trope
people miss the "theme" of the cunning hares because it's a shounen anime trope, not a movie, myth or franchise reference
+2 crit rate
+1 crit dmg
+1 HP
+1 HP%
Old brand, a timeless champion.
Quick assist nigga
Nicole can activate that every fucking time she uses her skill
>How do I get the star light engine passive to activate more frequently for Zhu?
Always try to switch Zhu in over the Quick Assist, in the middle of rotation you might have to switch quickly to Nicole and use her EX to allow Zhu to quick assist in. You want that anyway because of Nicoles' debuffs.
Anby in general deals less on-field daze than Koleda, because Koleda has higher dodge counter daze values and her enhanced basic string both deals more daze and will land more often than Anby Thunderbolt because it's invulnerable and can't be interrupted. It's a bad idea to be playing Anby on field with no energy.
close >>487990871
Does anyone know the time it takes to stun for Demara Engine vs Steam Oven on Anby?
still a good piece
the answer is literally just a few posts above you
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>the plot of this event is us writing a guide for how to navigate the hollow
>this isn’t stated anywhere except in the final commission
Thanks bwos. I actually never used or read Nicole's kit before getting zhu today. I don't have w engine for her, which one to buy from f2p shop?
And I have the Anby signature wengine, it's the best one for her right? Got pretty much all the A rank stun engines.
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>having pulling withdrawals as F2P
>"hehe I'll just do some singles for Nicole dupes, not like I'll get spooked by Zhu or anything"
>M2 Nicole on first pull
Is M4 good enough for me to lie to myself and pull more?
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editing textures is
Wtf I love the Cunning Hares now?
>Hollow Zero finally has a decent amount of randomization and show the true potential of the mode
>Unlocks at level 45
This feels like self sabotage
Fuck the police.
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yeah, kinda shocked I would get something like that so early, gotta keep in mind this is stillish early game too
bwo, you get her for free
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>I don't have w engine for her, which one to buy from f2p shop?
[Reverb] Mark III if you don't have her sig/BP/Rina's sig.
>And I have the Anby signature wengine, it's the best one for her right? Got pretty much all the A rank stun engines.
Fossilized Core is better for her as a Stunner, especially if you want to minimise her on-field time, but her sig is fine.
the cunning hares have a very strong Gintama feel to chapter 0 and 1
I feel like it's appropriate for its difficulty level?
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Got it thanks bro
is there a reason to take more than 3 agents into hollow zero? feels like you’re just potentially fucking up your team synergy for no benefit
Rejecting agents gives you some exclusive resonia
Not really
In case some die.
Yet it's by far the worst stage, due to your chosen gimmick no longer being actively supported.
Instead of doing this random shit, but bad, they should've done a new fourth thing.
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Even if you don't pick the agents up from their phone call, they leave you a care package when they fuck off. It's better to have the maps spawn atleast phones instead of a trap or pressure tile.
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I'm totally not going to masturbate for the 3rd time this morning.
That, and the look Nicole gives you on her entrance makes me happy every time, not even horny just a better mood. I think I need to go outside more.
Bigger harem
Steam Oven is the best A rank stun engine but it needs some dupes.
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does this assist buff activate from the stun chain too?
Its a risk reward system.
Rejecting agents provides unique resonia, however, you dont really want to be diluting the pool ever on the later ones. I was able to comfortably clear 11/11 with only 3 agents on the select screen so I dont see the need to engage with it
if you reject/replace one they give you good resonia
You get special resonia if the line in agent events is not empty regardless if you swap in or not, otherwise you just get the hp/coins/sedatives choice.
>beat the last boss in Hollow Zero
>it just kind of floats away
what the fuck is its problem??
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fanged metal or freedom blues on piper for the grace/piper/rina team?
The phone call tile would spawn anyways. If you dont have any other agents on standby it turns into 10% heal, 500 coins or pressure removal.
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Freedom Blues. 4p fanged only for main dps Piper.
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im physically cringing from the zhu yuan dates
I'm not normally an autisitc anticensorshipfag but seeing nicoles old tits is a bit sad
I feel like she should be at least on the same level as Zhu but Zhu mogs her so ridiculously hard it's actually a bit depressing for her
Do they also MUST be all blondes because you say so?
Gtfo, Bozo. Go be wannabe fashion expert on outdated trend for sluts somewhere else.
If you end with your support yes. So ideally you want to end with your DPS or support
Miyabi has to get the final kill to show us how cool she is
Your irl dates looked worse.
No point in getting the fanged metal 4P effect if she gets rotated out after the Assault
What self sabotage, the boss at max intensity is clearly designed for maxed characters
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My second squad consist of Anby/Grace but who would fit better as the third agent? Piper, another anomaly applicator or Lucy, a buffer?
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>holding hands is okay for Zhu Yuan
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Why is the last quest of the "watch your step" event still locked?
Since you only get to use burst on one character who should I be doing it with? I am doing it always with my DPS character but not sure if that is optimal
has the advantage of flight so it can just keep pussying out
section 6 even mentioned they need to find a way to ground the bitch first to kill it
what you are doin in hollow zero is just damage it so the expansion of hollow zero slows down and it's too busy healing to spread the fucking plague
unlocked on my machine
>t. NAbwo
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The funny part is male sharks tend to gently bite females during courting/mating so they are often seen with bite marks.
Yeah but the gameplay here is actually fun and enjoyable.. having it so timegated blows.
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is the event mission exp for the battle pass independent of the weekly limit or still part of the weekly limit? Because I can finish the event today, which would pop the mission for 2400 exp, but I am capped
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We lost so much...
but for real, what is the secret? i hate fighting them
Twins are ez, wait until you unlock Ninnebitch you won't even know what's going on half the fucking time
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Yeah, I think this is the best I can do for now.
It's independent of the weekly limit
Wtf M4 Nicole just increase her blackhole to Venti level
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So we all agree she's a secret night time masked vigilante right?
Exhausted from fighting crime brutally with sweet themed weapons.
Operates a "legitimate" buisness right next to a PubSex station to monitor security communications and any build up of PubSex.
Takeshi guitar guy probably a sidekick who has the street smarts.
Never seen in the same room with Batman.
Get Pirouette'd on.
whatre you actually supposed to do when it starts projectile spamming
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Dodge lol
AoE them and split your damage
Be wary of the yellow lights, they spam them when active
>HZ with Grace Rina Piper
>apply shock
>it's ticking for 50k
>disorder with Piper
>400k assault 800k disorder
holy fug
My Anby just died in notorious hunt but she full hp revived when I triggered chain attack after stun. What gives?
am I retarded or you can infinitely farm zmerits for dennies?
They're easy as fuck
They're only hard if you get the corruption with longer dodge cooldown in Hollow Zero

Dodge their shit, their moveset is super telegraphed. Manage the HP so they die at roughly the same time.
Kill her tentacles, they have hp you just can't see the bars
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it will takes forever though
The heart icon at the start are auto revives. You get two per battle.
>AoE them
with who? nicole and sokaku are the only ice and ether i have and i hate playing them
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Eventually the ZMerit spaces will be greyed out and give nothing. Leave some content for next week gweilo!
It would be pretty kino if she had a PC version in full combat gear.
weekly cap of 15 a run.
Whats your main lineup
She's definitely up to something with that lust provoking sleepy stare.
Like other anon said, it's not time efficient at all.
The seasonal ones don't count towards the weekly limit.
Nicole's meaty pussy...
But I'm already past that
They're good. You're not. Simple as.
So git gud.
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11/ben/anby or lucy
The prophecy is too hard I don't get it
quite a silly question
>Do they also MUST be all blondes
Originally yeah, that was kinda the point. But its a 60 years old fashion trend, there are a million subtypes. But even though they're not all ganguro-level, tanned skin was pretty much considered integral to the style 'especially' in the 90s/00s when it was particularly popular in media.
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fuck the police
What exactly is your problem with them? Just don't spam basic attack too much.
Pay attention to their pattern, there's one where they won't stop attacking with yellow flashes, you'll get permastaggered if you attack here. You're meant to dodge/parry here.
During the first invincibility phase, pay attention to their ether flash, press dodge when you see them right away. In the second one just don't run into the lines, easy enough.
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fine i'll build him
the weekly boss take me 3-4 minutes to clear which feels like a drag especially 3 times in a row.

Do I just need better characters? Curently using S11, Ben, nicola
Piper is gigabroken in HZ when you get a lot of the onslaught cards.
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Looking up Ellen's skirt is a no go
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Huh. Didn't know we had revives
Ben's EX Counter is aoe with a huge range anon
I'm at the same point. The jump from level 60 to 65 is rough for level 50 characters.
It's the most straightforwards RPG of all time
Just do the quests the npcs give you simple as
What character is this?
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The hidden endgame here is a dating sim so hopefully they don’t do that
ben has a decent aoe, hell he should be easy mode for the boss because he can tank the parts where the boss attacks nonstop
so we're getting nerfed tvs because of players like you....
>glare on the axe
Is she saying dankai? I thought it was denkai but I dunno what either means in all honestly
I should try that
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Piper love
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I'd like wipeouts a bit more if they reduced the flickering shit on enemies. This would be kino if the mob wasn't snow-white, transparent and the pronoucned black lines.
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What even is Ben's weapon? Some rocket pillar?
What stage do you grind for the items from the old capital? Does it really only spawn on the "Old Capital Metro" (the pressure gimmick stage) or can it spawn on the gold and hp stages too?
Wow, so true, go show them fashion police!
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Enemies are too strong now and I don't have money to heal. I'm softlocked
is there any point in going to the bottom of the abyss?
Wise POV
what d-does that mean?!
>rocket pillar
I love that this game can actually do non conventional weaponry like this instead of the same swords and spears
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is the shop door always based on the starting resonia you picked
if so why would you ever pick a different one
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Corin’s strawberry mochi was delicious.
Noodle shop keeper pov
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Ben is scared of the wolf.
Reset for crits on the endlessly spawning guys I guess
If you invested all your levelups into HP then you might've bricked yourself so you could just quit though lol
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How can Belle compete with the walking sex citizens of New Eridu?
It's like a ferroconcrete composite crushing tool of some kind? Idk.
Would you let her piss on you?
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Thanks anon, I didn't know Koleda could FF -> FF with BEN that's kinda neat, I just wish her daze multiplier benefited more from Big Ben.
I also didn't know parrying gave Koleda a free FF.

I think Anby is a decent stunner, but I've found on more hyper aggressive enemies trying to get out the combo is rather difficult.
Personally, I'm hoping we get Anby released as an s-limited at some point, or they update her kit with combo opportunities with the obol squad.
I'm not sure how the player base would feel about post kit updates based on story beats though, and it's more likely we'd just get an Obol Anby Agent instead.
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Unless you are lucky and skip a lot of annoying things of the twins, 2-3 mins are definitely normal, 4 minutes is still not bad either, if you don't hit weakness.

But yeah, no point in making you fight an elite first. Why is that even a thing..
We need more Coco hentai
billybros i just got his signature w-engine, how far is 6 meters away from the enemy exactly? is this better than starlight engine, which is what i have on him at the moment?
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Ellen's a slut too
Jet fuel, steel beams, blah blah yada yada, etc.
>tfw we already have a 9/11 reference in the story
Good God nigga have some self respect
Corin for ants?
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>had to roll for Zhu Yuan because no piper after 350 rolls and I literally cannot build a second team without her
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how bad is pen ratio on disc 5 for someone like ellen? would i be coping with this?
thought it was a pile driver with engines
A pilebunker I guess.
Coco hentai will roll in when she's revealed to be an undercover villain.
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Reroll your acc angle
I didn't realize they respawn, I think this works thanks
bro she's literally in the monthly shop in 3 days
I hope you're not thinking elemental dmg% is BiS because of pr*dwen
that fucker is unreliable and has been known to be a hack for years now
pen% is BiS against high defense targets (so all endgame content in shiyu defense which is the only thing that matters)
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You want to have sex with adult women. Give in to adult women.
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Corin was surprisingly willing to pay for her video rental with her body.
Nigga I have Piper/Lucy and I'm still considering getting Zhu because I don't have Koleda/S11/Grace/Neko to put with them
>bro your Corin/Ben
both dogshit
i assumed it would be best in slot because it's usually best in slot for every dps in every other hoyo game
Nope, It depend on stage you play
Get on my level. Getting only the support set discs, not the other one. And yes, crit rate, another crit rate, ether damage, and a flat HP disc with crit rate, crit damage and ATK% sub is all there already.

Nico paid for this. I just know. I'm gonna build the cop 4p ether 2p support as a result already, because geez.
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i gave up doing it old school RPG players must be schizos or must draw maps.
This was actually fun.
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Every girl in ZZZ is a slut
sorry shouldve clarified it was the NEST one (the one with nineveh)
it offers you a pressure oriented resonia, a health oriented one, and a gear coin oriented one at the start
I picked the pressure one and both times got I ot the pressure door
Chinese propaganda strikes again. First they buy all my politicians and make me fight wars in the middle east for them, next they're trying to get me to want Dummy thicc hags
Anon the whole prophecy map is tiny. Its like one tile from a proper RPG.
Its also far more straightforward than old esoteric games. You literally just increase number until number big.
NTA but is that actually the rotation? Piper could literally unbrick my account.
there is no defense ignore stat in other hoyo games
Should I ever withdraw from the bank in hollow zero?
>1 hour long
every time someone posts their clear and I see the time, I put off doing that quest for another week
Third floor of withering garden should always end with either the butcher, mech or twins as a randomized boss. Then only should it give you the opportunity to fight the final boss.
Missed opportunity, should at the very least be a difficulty modifier.
What if also want to have sex with robocop?
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is General Chop supposed to be a Tengu?
Yeah it's unironic kino
you got a point
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This is definitely NTR
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If your cock gets hard from this, you need hag correction
hes a daruma man
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Qingyi IS a hag with a small body and erotic, lickable tummy

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