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Previous: >>487982172

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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*bricks your account*
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here save this one instead bwo
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Version 1.1 livestream DOKO
Version 1.2 drip marketing DYOKO
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Oficial Su Juan, preparada!
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first for corin
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John Hoyoverserse here

We replaced Waterkuma for DAGASI
When you look at this man, what do you think?
whens the next story update
If they actually scrapped the titty nun I will flip the fuck out.
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So many stinky bitches in ZZZ...
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I don't think anything. He never speaks and has no personality.
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i think, wrong general
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>Ben's fur is a nice brown shade in all art
>weird dusty grayish brown in game
They fuck they do to this bear nigga
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He's cool!
Then call me The Wall because I’m bricked up
how do i know if im receiving range damage penalty on zhu?
Wrong tab
Reminder to dry your sister
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Literally me.
Wise, Caelus, and Sensei are literally me too.
he fucks his twin sister
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Kemonos won.../zzz/ lost...
We're getting more story updates??

Why? We got infinite content with Snake and Bejeweled PvP??
>complain all week that I can't clear Shiyu
>find out today both my Attackers are sitting on 0/15 2/5/6 discs
>max them
>S-rank EASILY
kek anomaly is bait, fuck anomaly SSD all the way
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Man, how do you even play Rina?
>attack once to apply pen buff, switch out
>do a full basic attack string, THEN switch out
>spam basic attack until EX special then do a Quick Assist
Surely one does not just ignore her kit for her core shock passives?
Impossible, she stays wet no matter what Wise does.
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How do I build this baby?
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V from Vendetta
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I guess this will do for this week
Attack % / Attack % / Attack %
4pc support set
2pc energy regen
Max her skill
ZZZ is a lolichad game, so as long as you post loli kemono we still win
Quickswaps. Her EX Special and chains contribute alot to building up decibel.
I use her with Anton.
>He doesn't open his shop as soon as it reset
Don't tell me you are dennylet
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Can't wait to use my tuning calibrator to get an ice dmg disc 5 with three useless substats!
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The Camera
I am not sure if semi-normies like tangential Mihoyo employees understand the word "spats", they probably think of the shoe cover if they don't have to google the word (which also points to the shoe cover).
Ellen would make a bad mother.
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Bwo? Your rng?
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The Genshin writers were so frustrated that they wrote themselves into a corner by separating Aether and Lumine at the start of the game that they won't hogwild with the incest subtext in Zenless.
Whoops, I forgot 2pc ER is the support set. In that case, 4pc support set, 2pc attack %.
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>building all 13 of my characters so I can have fun playing with multiple silly teams
>never have enough mats
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I just struggled to even A rank Shiyu 9, I don't think I am gonna get Shiyu 10
I feel like even if I get all 6 characters from both my teams to level 50 I won't even S rank. My ellen team will clear her fight well but my 2nd team just can't do it
>don't use tuning calibrator
>get fire dmg disc 5 with three useless substats
You vill take the small victories, and you vill like it
AHAHAHAHA Genkeks are so mentally ill
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LEAK: Upcoming next Belobog Member/Unit
he likes to watch
(reposting from last thread's end)

I'm currently obsessed with getting an S-Rank on Stable Shiyu 7, and it's harrowing. The first section and the mob wave at the start of the second are both no biggie to deal with, but they waste time. The Ionized Farbauti is a damage sponge that takes forever to kill, and then there's still an Ionized Thanatos right after. I'm InterKnot level 43, and my only Ether damage threat currently is my C1 lv50 Zhu Yuan with lv20 Starlight Knight W-Engine, only two S-rank Disks of different sets and barely upgraded Skills (I first want to get all my Agents to lv50 before starting to grind other things). No matter how mechanically well I manage to play (even if admitedly I'm not very very good), I always fail to beat the S rank time requirement by ~10 seconds. It's so frustrating. Should I just wait until I'm further in the grind and more mechanically skilled before coming back to Shiyu Defense?
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How do you feel about qingyi being under the height of consent
The reset is early in the morning for me.
My subconscious cares about this shit game enough to wake me up on sunrise to reset it every day.
is that henry
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Aren't sharks bad parents technically? Even have music video shows her being alone
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can somebody change 'Eous's' into 'my'
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Pretty erect I'd say
>screename -> you didn't save it from 4chan
>censoring user names
Holy pozz, just fuck off.
>height of consent
This just in, all asian women are now illegal to date.
I feel that people ask too many questions, can't seperate fiction from reality, and hate anything they don't understand.
>I first want to have barely mattering upgrades before doing mattering upgrades
Anon... that's okay, but then you just give up on endgame shit.
Um, bwo? The eye line of consent?

Anyone still making good use of Grace/Anton team at high level or did everyone switch to disorder?
Latelet here. What am I missing out by not getting to red SD? Blue one is filtering me already
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Anon, do you want to see my Rattatas?
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When I see him I understand why Lumine wants to fuck her brother so bad.
What's up with Mihoyo and incestuous siblings?
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What if I use an ATK% or PEN Ratio Disc 5 instead? Is there a big difference? I don't wanna suffer anymore.
In total 720 fuckwatz
Around 7 Pulls per month
what is the point of the first pic?
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I hope the loli idol faction btfos all the normalfags from this game once and for all
>create a really cool character
>make them retarded to balance them out
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>Corin learns ear cleaning and puts me to sleep
>99% chance she probably raped me
Im gonna call the cops!
Post your teams, your characters look like they suck shit with no investments. And I mean levels and discs not money investment like an M1 Zhu. You should be pushing through the limited Shiyu 17 with level 50 characters but you probably bricked your characters big time

>level 20 w-engine
What are codes?
never realized you can press T to speed up hollow zero. my dumbass was clicking the damn thing the whole time
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Please stop me from wasting my F2P savings on Zhu Yuan.
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I'm so happe bwos...

You ok?
like 4 rolls (assuming you barely beat blue SD10, meaning you're not full clearing red SD either, buddy)
a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy.
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I think this game needs more filters
Level skills you dumbass they are MUCH much more important than levels
Wtf is there a difference when I open it?
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If qingyi performs well enough they’ll probably give waterkuma more leeway to go in on loli stuff, I have faith
>720 chromes

Let's not kid ourselves, no one here has max clear of critical SD.
>this sweating for half a pull

the fuck is wrong with you?
>call the cops
>get raped again
I see....
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Holding hands with the police?
Anon, it says "per hour"
All it takes is Lucy or Piper in bikini to filter those people out from the game.
I wasn't talking about her tsundere personality, I'm talking about her instincts. Sharks have sharp noses so if that kid gets a cut they're toast. She'll win the award for "Worst Bedside Manner of the Year", for sure.
Don't! You'll get pregnant!
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Arguably who is the oldest playable character in this game and who is the youngest?
i think about how he looks fine like that but then i remember what his full body design looks like
btw caelus > wise > aether
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Don't tell me you are bricked...
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there is a max amount of money the store can produce per opening, and if you forget to re-open too long, you're cutting off several hundred dennies per hour from your profits.
Undercutting it is fine, overcutting it is a loss.
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Zhu is the focus but my eyes immediately go here when this gets posted
>Level 50 agents
>Level 50 w-engines
>Skill levels between 7 and 9
>Discs 2, 4, 5 and 6 should be levelled to at least level 12
>Discs 4, 5 and 6 should be the correct main stats
>Disc set bonuses should be the correct one
That's for all 6 characters. If you're a latelet and weren't here on day 1, just take the L cause you literally didn't get enough time to build your characters for the current Shiyu.

Try again for the next Shiyu rotation with better built agents.
How do you get this?
how am I supposed I buy the lost item for 2500g?
>angry belle
>she wants wise to get ripped so she gets fucked harder
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Random trust event
Piper and Lycaon
Lucy for youngest
Built for sex with Lumine in the amazonian position
when do we get hebes and lolis?
like that egamer girl?
>lv20 saarlight engine
You can't.
their parents died/disppeared when they were young
they're as good as gone for their upbringing
does Metro 2500 not drop the random artifacts from the HZ? I got the first 2 sets done, but haven't found anything for the other 2 sets.
Another question, what is the most efficient equipment farming mode for IK 4? Cleanups for Discs?
Have 2500g when you get the event
how do you start these?
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Dear diary, the ass was fat.
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Can't believe this unhinged creature is the only true and honest woman playing this fucking game
I have her E2 already and I genuinely dont know what to do with her, mono ice is my team luckily so I only have to use her for shiyu defence.
>Should I just wait until I'm further in the grind and more mechanically skilled before coming back to Shiyu Defense?
well, yeah
Finish the commissions you get first. Then you can start getting artifacts for the last two commissions. 3 a day as per before
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If you post screenshots from reddit, twitter, or YouTube I hope you fail all your 50/50s
People like you ought to die
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All lolis were scrapped after waterkuma was fired bre
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thank god I'm not a furry faggot like what the fuck is going on in their brains lmao
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>cute and funny girls
>dating scenes
is hoyo actually after the senseis with ZZZ?
I guess you want me to roll for her then?
I see, I gave up on collecting the items after I got the Hollow Artifact thing and nothing popped up anymore. did the commissions, so I got 2 more artifacts to find today
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Thank you
They were never really lolis. Piper lore-wise is and honest to god looks like a petite hag if you look closely without squinting your eyes
Waterkuma is an ex-sensei and they are using him to steal other senseis. He knows how they think.
>true and honest
It could be a man using an AI voice changer
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He’s such a cutie
>being happy is... le bad
How sad your lives must be.
Sometimes, you just know
my c6 soukaku is useless
i dont have ellen or the wolf
Do you think they'll add a limited 5-star furry in the future?
>no one said that
kekaroo, lmao, roflmao
You just randomly find it during the day
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>try to hold Zhud hand
>almost rip my pinky off
When she eventually sits on my face and am forced to wear a neck brace how will I explain it to my sister wife?
Bro your qingyi?
i want to recruit her
i want to date her
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It's random events, start hanging out with those characters and they will show up more often.
there are people who eat shit to feel "happy"
does not mean I can't call them out on their disgusting behavior
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I would never lie to my fellow ancient hittite tablet decryption forum friends
>how will I explain it to my sister wife?
Police brutality
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Hm I wonder how he sees the dogs, does he regard them as his close cousins? Like his literal family? It's impossible for us to understand
>Been using Anby
Its fucking over for me
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What sort of team would I need to S-rank SD7? Looks impossible for me just from a numbers perspective
You and your sister wife probably had a threesome with her so it’s ok
No non-whales are going to be able to clear it this rotation. Level 70 mobs vs level 50 agents is going to be a no-go.
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I want rrat
But I know I'm gonna lose my 50/50
Do I have enough time to save for 2 pities by the time she comes by? I have 40ish rolls still
>watch f2p shiyu 17 S-rank clears
>ellen is always the slowest side by a huge margin
bros did i roll for a brick..?
Is Nicole the only agent that truly loves Wise?
imagine burning off all the energy she intakes from her borgar addiction
>wasted your rolls already
Nope, it's over for you. Unzip your wallet
She only likes his money.
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Imagine bricking yourself using Sjal
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any tips for this game?
i just got to level 30, what should i be upgrading and what should i avoid?

I use corrin or nekomata as my main, and lucy and soukaklu as my suports.
Should i farm discs? i just tried to level the skills
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Don't even want to do my hollow runs
How do I raise Grace? I can't find the option...
Don't bother farming drive disks until InterKnot Level 35 at minimum, preferably 45, as that guarantees 2 S-rank disks per run.

For now, just level your characters, their w-engines, and their skills.
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Ok let's say I grab the $5 pass then
Do I have time?
Please responde Dawei I know it's you
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>any tips for this game?
Pull for Nekomata
>Stable Shiyu 7
Max out the DPS as much as you can
Level the stunners Assist/EX(if you have a comp with a stunner). Remember, parries give an absolute shitload of Daze if you use your stunner to parry every time.
Stable Node is very easy to S-rank with level 40 characters, you just have to know what the fuck you're doing.
He might have dided, but he stood erect.
>you just have to know what the fuck you're doing.
They said their W-engine is level 20. They have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
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You’re on the right track bro keep it up.
The game makes you do a disk thing and I think it gives you some freebies for use in the shop. I think it’s worth using those.
Level 35 is a fine time to farm for discs a little, just focus on getting decent main stats.
Otherwise, just slowly work on levels and skills.
>They said their W-engine is level 20.
Its bad? I am working to make mines at least lvl 30.
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I'm on the same situation as you, though I'm mainly using Corin and Grace rather than Nekomata. I'm mostly focusing on clearing most story content before I start building my characters, though I'd appreciate some guidance right now.
>S-Ranks give more materials than A-Ranks
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Wow I finished the prophecy and I did not expect it to be this KINO. When picrel came up I had tears in my eyes and was screaming from so much hype. I pity the fools who dropped the game before experiencing it
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any guide for custom modding?
$5 pass + BP is my final offer, take it or leave it.
She has such a good character design it's actually otherworldly. Waterkuma must have made a pact with the devil
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Nobody said that. I think the celebration was pretty goddamn funny, I'm glad a shitty gacha character can make anyone that happy.
You can get away with using shit discs until Shiyu 9-10. Just get some good enough A-ranks on your main DPS and play until you actually need good discs. I'd recommend waiting until IK 45 to farm discs.
Dawei asked for a Tifa lookalike and then Grace was born
Anon, its just a wench in a sport bra and yoga pants.....
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>>wasted your rolls already
who are you waiting for?
>I'm mostly focusing on clearing most story content before I start building my characters, though I'd appreciate some guidance right now.
Just use Anby/Grace/Corin team and you'll be fine. The story can be cleared with the free characters with no dupes so you'll clear the story no sweat.
that's kinda hot but then i feel bad cause she's made for her brother
There's an alternate ending that's harder if you don't befriend anyone.
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Ben says the cunning hares literally haven't recorded any revenue from the month.
Remember, the usual form is revenue - losses = profit. Whatever losses they incurred from wages, food, rent, utilities, they have literally 0 income to pay for it.
I kneel.
Need help, which are correct 4-5-6 mainstats for ellen c0?
Currently i'm using crit chance , ice and atk. Don't have her signature, using brimstone (that's why the crit).
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Download 3dmigoto/ZZMI off gamebanana. There's plenty of versions and since the modding scene is so new, we don't really know which one works the best. Make sure your pc has more than 6GB of vram, or else a lot of mods won't work since the game forces itself to use worse textures on lower-end pcs. Again, even if your machine is good enough, you might suffer from some hash and texture issues anyways, though you can find tech support in gamebanana.
Rat and then Burnice.
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>Sure, lets watch a tape with Ben
Fuck... It didn't specify it was gonna be in your room
it's her
I heard this is the incest (true) game? Is that accurate?
Where can I see 1.1 characters kit? Hakushin is still a huge mess.
It's Nekomata's fault, they have one more mouth to feed.
Nicole, Anby and Nekomata better get sucking...
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>want to roll for Qingyi to support Waterkuma design
>already invested alot into Anby
I feel conflicted bros...
I also want to roll for Jane Doe cause my Grace and Rina are collecting dust and the disorder team looks fun
wtf should I do? I only have 200rolls and Im saving for Loli Idols
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if i cancel a farming stage, will it refund my stamina?

i accidentally spent 100 stamina on support chips
Yeah I've seen that in the achievement list but I will do it another time. I want to cool my kino gauge down a bit or I will overdose
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Belle is truMC.
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A friendly reminder to Gracefags
nothing is spent until stage is complete
These loli robot idols will kill the game. It'll be a speedrun to getting ZZZ cancelled and banished from the normie eyes. If I were a smart businessman, I'd not release the v-tuber loli faction
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I could get the first side down to 4 minutes 40 seconds with Zhu, Anby, Nicole. But I can't kill 2nd side in time with Grace, Piper and Lucy
>Billy thinks he'll have to sell himself
He wasn't talking about spare parts was he...
Here we go
Yes, have you been to a gym lately? I can't contain my erection and they keep asking me to leave.
>pure, untainted by the evils of society
how exactly is this a bad thing?
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Phaeton, together are the MCs.
Netflix and cuddle with Ben...
Just don't bother if you're not lv 60
4 critdmg%
5 icedmg%
6 atk%
and then you pray for critrate% substats on all the discs
crit characters are the most cancer to farm discs on
>She has such a good character design it's actually otherworldly
when was the last time you saw a real woman?
The game only deduct your battery when the stage is finished. But weirdly enough, it will still count towards your daily errands battery spending.
Too bad Da Wei is a dumb businessman and he's already made the idols official by having official fanart of them
what is the best team for rat? grace/rina/rat?
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Oh no!
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WHAT THE HELL? Is there some stupid bug whereby whenever you gain a resonia in hollow zero, it immediately discards it?
I will teach her.
Thank you brother
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*cough.. cough...
Go on without me bros...
I'm... bricked...
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this shit makes me so hungry everytime I see it
haven't been to japan in over a year I am craving some authentic ramen again
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Dawei makes more per second than you do per lifetime thoughbeit
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How come we still don't know 1.1 characters' 6/6 mindscape cinema art
why is Zhu seeking the services of vibrating robots?
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>60% extra stun multiplier
Jesus fucking christ. Robocap can literally be put on any team.
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Sex with imouto
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why is she like this
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SD06 is gay
Hate those mobs that spawn based on the boss' position
More waifu is good
More loli is good
More furries is good
We need to filter all normies
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I just saw Qingyi gameplay. She looks fun. The chinese have done it again.
why do people hate soldier 11? shes pretty fun to play
Is furry shota good?
how do I dodge in suppressive mode as zy?
sir, please unpost this
>he skipped Ellen (or Zhu)
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her anti-mashing mechanics make the average gachabrain quiver in fear
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Purokishi-san... You won't skip this cute cat thiren, right? Nya!
Brick 11
Von Lyabrick
Brick Howard
Brick Yuan
Brick Bricker
Bricky Kid
Brick Brick
Corin Brickes
hold the button so you're always shooting, then move the control stick.
after a few shots she will roll.
if this roll happens at the same time as an attack you get the usual effects like witch time.
it's not very reliable
>paid chink mods
>cant even buy even if you want since its in chink

If they end up putting Piper or Lucy in her rate up I might
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>holding hands
>watching porn with you
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No, all my stuff is going to ass cop. Tall wife. Please strangle me baby.
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Probably the hardest character to get into since you can't mash buttons/
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why is ellen such a fucking brick
it's straight up dogshit design in a game with button mashing and fast paced combat
Where can I watch this clip with sound?
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She doesn't...look like a cat.
holy fuck both those W-engines are insane
>grace is a pure virgin
oh no...?
>No furfag
>Von Lyabrick
>Not Von Brickagon
You suck at this.
the timing is weird because you can't dodge if you're in the middle of a shot?
What's the point of playing with your characters naked? I understand ecchi mods since I have a lot downloaded but I'm not going to pull out my cock and start jerking off mid-combat.
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Ellen isn't the brick in that team....
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SAAR poster... please save gig from wuwajeets too
>but I'm not going to pull out my cock and start jerking off mid-combat.
skill issue
um where can i find more like this
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bros i did it
0 IQ poster
what the fuck does furfag change? koleda does everything she needs to do
>wait for parry to build up meter
>ex special and switch into soukaku to trigger chain
she builds up stun meter way better than anby yet zhu team has no issues
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>he skipped
Read nigga, read.
Why would she lie to you? Are you a chud, purokishi-san?
kill yourself dumb tranny.
Who's the lucky agent getting this piece?
I can assure you, few women outside run around with (toned) midriffs on full display outside of the beach or gym, and absolutely no women has goggles on or a coat around the waist. You can't just ignore details of the character just because you want for the sake of argument or because you are just that dumb and unperceptive. The goggles, coat, and the choice of gun affect her overall appearance greatly.
>pen set + pen [5] are mandatory
/zzz/ bricked once again
I actually like how they trickle out the content in this game. It feels like you can't get burnt out finishing everything and then come back to nothing. You probably can, but it doesn't feel like that
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And I'll skip another rate-up after this one.
I'll be skipping all over this game.
You have to complete her agent story first.
boof eet
Should I be spamming E with Grace?
forgot to quote >>488007067
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consider reading his kit and also reading what you're not getting from koleda's faction passive
im jelly
youre giving this to our guy billy right?
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Grace/Piper definitely underperformed against Ellen and Zhu but I guess that's expected.

With Jane coming out in 1.1, I hope one of the Shiyu Defences is all about anomaly shilling.
>he doesnt spent 1000 Dollar to get 5 wishes

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>wise doing all the work and passing out
>belle taking advantage of her passed out brother (this is the only picture she can share)
E every time you have full nail stacks whether you have energy or not.
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i just got to level 30 and found this event, are there more hidden events locked behind higher levels?
this feels like bullshit
Penetration is good
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Wise is so autistic
No wonder Belle feels the need to take it upon herself to breed him, or he'll never get anywhere in life by his own neurodivergent self
knot 30 is where the real game starts
and no thats the last knot level for events (for now)
What does that stat even do anyway?
Okay Corin, now ass up
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>he doesnt spent
nah didnt forgot
you are just not worth a (you)
subhuman waste
With how there's so much going on in harder stages it really sucks having to pay attention to her basic timings
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Wonder how she'd react if you dated her and just played along with her being a "cat"
>Better daze build up
>35% Ice shreds
>35% extra stun multiplier
The midget never stood a chance.
i did spended all my polys though
I've been staring at it for a solid 5 minutes, please explain, it didn't just happened to this resonia btw
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Lucy is sleeping
its the best damage increase for assault characters against bosses atm
way better than atk% and elemental
forgot to quote >>488007465
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>he spends in a game that will be EoS by the end of the year
From all A Rank Bangboos, this is the Best.
And of course its FOMO
Maybe a lesson from HSR cause that games so dead outside the first week of a patch. It survives cause its got very fast auto dailies which ZZZ doesn't have.
They never hide it from you but yeah the prerequisite was pretty retarded.
read the events tab in "notices"
all events and their requirements are there
theres a soul hounds event tomorrow for level 15 and above
wake her up gently so we can kiss and make lovee
/hsrg/ is seriously mindbroken and half dead
I think ZZZ release actually did kill that game
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She's fucking trash

Her "anti-mashing" is completely fucking random, there's no way to guarantee you'll get it right, may as well just randomize her multipliers at this point
Has 1.1 banner order leaked already?
yeah you're not getting many enhanced basic attacks on the twins for instance. it's just bad design. no other agent will have some sort of anti-mashing/delay mechanic in their kit
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is the grace/lucy/piper team any decent? i wanna use grace and i dont have rina
It was already did, /zzz/ just made it obvious. They made their own bed.
Star Rail = Nothng to do, nothing to build
ZZZ = Shitload to build
holy skillet
I didn't unlock the ability to play this until I was IK37, how are people unlocking things at such a low level?
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Nicole can save Wise from a lifetime of incest (or no gf)
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Not my problem they play a shitty game rmao
I'll drop it too if I don't win the yunli coinflip
Ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy?
skill issue GOD... i my knees... they bend on their own...
i... kneel...
>activate the japanese VPN ad on the 4chan, and refresh the first time bonus on polychrome bundles
LoliBot, Anby, Billy
RatWoman, Piper, Foxguy
>he's not a rythmgameGOD
Neither am I desu, but its very doable for people who aren't rythmlets
Why is an ojou sleeping with her legs spread wide apart...almost like an invitation really...
No clue how people don't get her.
Aren't delayed inputs a staple of the genre?
I need images of the kot
koleda only boosts chain attacks
knotboy increases all damage the whole stun duration AND has an ice resistance debuff
solBRICK is the worst 5* standard in the game and there's nothing you can say to prove otherwise
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Is there really a medicine for Jeff somewhere?
I like some of the bricker options
like kot ,and koleda
This will be our fate too when Mihoyo releases their new Animal crossing gacha
Why is Soukaku so fucking perfect and adorable?
all f2p S rank clears use the pen system for a reason
only /zzz/ is retarded enough to skip it
Which one
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>this is the new unit leak for hsr
WOAH!! Another long robe, long white hair chinese inspired unit. There is 0 creativity in HSR designs
Yes. Be faster.
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It's not random at all
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sexy ones
hsr isdead the moment they show the combat
turn based with 1 skill and 1 ultimate for each unit
even final fantasy 1 is more complex
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WAGMI bros
Koleda is actually good though. Top 3 standard to have
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who would be bogdanoff of ZZZ?
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Call me i schizo but I totally see her nipple peeking through the clothes
Sir, that is a rat.
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>he bought
>we also got his banking details
>release the satisfaction survey for 60 polychromes
Play the game with sounds turned on.
what do you mean exactly. why would I get medicine out of nowhere just because I'm faster
I posted this yesterday but I also had <10k denners in the pocket whilst
Ignore everything and walk the absolute shortest path and you'll make it fast enough to kill the monster
Wow they even made the Penacony characters wear chinaslop clothes
Lucy is so fun to play. Her EX, chain and ult feel HEAVY
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this is a gacha game, you are utterly off your rocker if you think the average 0iq player has ever done Rebellion Combo B in their lives.
(which is more like anby's thunderbolt than soldier, soldier still attacks at normal speed if you do it right, you just aren't allowed to mash)
do season tasks ignore the weekly XP limit the on the BP
will I waste the XP if I claim it now or should I wait until weekly reset
So only Piper?
Fireflyfags and Caelusfags killed that general by being psychos to everyone else, until only they themselves and schizos there to make fun of them were left.
>chinese neuv
>even has a halo so everyone knows he's jesus
i hate gensit and hsr so much its unreal
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This feels really naughty
we're siblings
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what's happening here?
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Don't tell me...
You are a schizo, but I see it too, in my minds eye...
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>Grace’s VA is same as Shenhe’s
How’d she end up getting typecast as pure virgin sex goddesses
she's brick because she's easy to creep and el knotto is just better kinda, we're just really short on stunners
>t. knot ball and koleda ball but only has Anby
How did Lucy get past the CCP design approval team?
Don't care lol go back
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She told me she was a cat...
Penetration isn't that good though
Because you might catch up to something ahead of you, if you don't take any unnecessary steps on the way.
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yet another day of being a gracelet
it's understandable that the vast majority of ZZZbwos haven't played another action game
but... like, why aren't they happy with the few mechanics that require them not to be retarded just once in a while? shouldn't it be refreshing?
shes censored, dont you see that idiotic scottish cloth around her ass for no reason?
its literally the same as buttflaps in genshit
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Is Wise dense or just too faithful to his sister?
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Don't care
Got Jade
I slap her in all my FUA teams
I'm having a blast for the first time in a year
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Joke's on you I don't even play WuWa.
It's PSO2 just attacks and it works perfectly in both ZZZ and said game. She also empowers her dash attack for when the situation is a bit too hectic. That being said i feel they should have added a visual cue, it existed in pso2 for a reason.
okay I'm in the fight right now. I always visit every field so I would have never seen this. but on my first run he died so what happens now in the overworld? hopefully I didn't brick myself
Victoria Housekeepings mysterious main employer.
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Zhu Koleda Lucy is a better team than Zhu Koleda Nicole
does the average Team Level influence Damage on the boss?
or is it enough for one Character to be for example 40 or 50
They like pigs and bikers.
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Those are european clothes you brown monkey
Hello is there something wrong with your eyes? You cant see her face? Don't tell me /zzz/ is filled with art illiterates...
You didn't. But you can save both, so you're not quite done.
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I kind of want to skin a Thiren alive and make a fur coat out of his skin. Slowly.

Lyceon's tail would be a wicked keychain not gonna lie. Maybe slippers made from Ben's ass-fur. Oh the possibilities!
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check out my neko
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Soul Hounds III PvP soon.
Get all the observation data and then restart the mission
After that, do the fastest route.
You can save the Bangboo too btw
Save everyone anon
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faction themes
yeah 11 fucking sucks
We need Silver Wolf in this game.
I'm such a retard I just used the medicine and have to do it again
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Skipping Zhu Yuan was the best decision I ever made in my life.
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He's not gonna cheat on his girlfriend Nicole
Just got 1200 last night in prep for the event. I will NOT lose
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I maintain that there is some sort of sexiness power level permissible for any given design. Lucy’s ass would have exceeded it.
yeah you just have to memorize the layout and take the absolute shortest path to him though. right before his area you'll fight an ethereal and that will give you a concentrated medicine. the bangaboo will also be alive.
She honestly feels like she doesnt do enough. I was using S11/Lucy/Piper up until Shiyu 17 on one side, I replaced S11 with Zhu when she released and instantly my times were cut by 2-3 minutes.
And this isnt an S11 with no investment either.

I dont hate her either, I love her animations and gameplay, she feels very meaty, but evidently she isnt strong. Maybe its just because the fire team doesnt just give out free bonuses to fire damage like the ice team does.
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No cumming inside your sister
I will destroy you all like I destroyed you in snake+
I'd kinda like to 69 her sometime, but she insists on being the only one to suck. it's pretty weird, I think it's a habit from her noodle addiction
need more crit damage nekobro
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Enioy your useless Attacker in two months when Miyabi releases lmao
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We already have the silver wolf of this game
>Rolled Ellen
>Rolled Zhu Yuan
>Will roll Qingyi
>Will roll rrat
simple as
you can't be fucked over by lag in this one so it's ~pure skill~
No worries, I always pull out and cum on her tits
So you guys were just shitposting pretending to be smart?
Can't wait for Jane to meow and throw everyone into a fit
Based rollchad
Savecucks can't even compete
Looking forward to it. I already trained for it.
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I wish cops were real
Literally why. Piper takes too much time to assault you can just dps with S11 and without burn you dont get 28% CR for free.
>I think ZZZ release actually did kill that game
zzz absolutely usurped all my desire to keep playing. soon as my monthly expires 4 days from now im uninstalling.
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Would I regret upgrading anby if I'm going to roll for qingyi?
I need more non-loli thots in Mihoyo shorts for sure
We don't actually need her since half our cast is already hebes
i just realized, this game doesnt have low/high rolls on disc substats?
A silver wolf expy would be Bronya, not SW
/hsrg/ seems as active as ever. Just unironically lower quality
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Possibly, if you get another second stunner
Yeah, it's fixed.
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Any tips for farming in this game?
How does it work, is there a guide? like dropping it if the first substat isn't what you want?
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dont want your shitty expies here
original characters only
I'm calling SW expyslop. A expy of SW would also be expyslop
I haven't bought shit. I just won my 50's
I'm guaranteed at least 1 of the 1.1 units and can hit both if I keep up my win streak
This makes it all the more flabbergasting they still managed to make it look like Wuxia sloppa
Billy bwos, 11/11 solo is possible, just b urself

I have no stunners besides anby though
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Where is this
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Silver Wolf is great, probably the best hebe/loli in Star Rail
got a C6 Anton and a C3 Piper, who better with Grace and Rina bwos?
Soldier combos is basically a much easier version of the exceed from nero
>51 batteries
Bros I'm so tempted to blow my load
at first you can't be picky so just deck out your teams with good mainstats and sets
if you already farmed your skills and uncap materials for the next level go all in on substat autism
I personally throw anything with defense or hp in the garbage, if it ends up being a hidden substat but doesn't get a + I keep it
Farming discs?
Crit agents are really the only class that needs endless farming
For other classes just having the appropriate main stats is acceptable
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I did it bros
I’m in the same predicament
I will absolutely be getting at least C0W1 Qingyi but until she comes out anby is my only lightning character besides anton. Not sure if I should bother dumping more mats into her when she’s already level 30 and my koleda takes priority for stunner mats
remember Billy has the highest burst in the game, ditch your support, just include him in the team, x2 the damage
>best looking girl because she looks like she belongs in ZZZ
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This is excellent.
S11 has delayed input? I though she only had Just Frame.
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There goes my hero.
should I keep rolling for zhus banner if i don't want her?
I am kneeling in real life right now
>billy brick shilling
I literally uninstalled it to have space for ZZZ and have no desire to reinstall on my new system with plenty of space
It’s jover.
>Piper takes too much time to assault
No? A single EX can deal out nearly 3 assaults, as long as you're investing in her and have a maxed out anomaly mastery disc.
>without burn you dont get 28% CR for free.
The burn set ended up being way worse in practice. Overwhelmingly if I was able to DPS it was better to just be on Piper and proc disorder.

S11 is in desperate need of teammates who benefit her like Soukaku and Lycaon do by just straight up buffing her type of damage. Again as I said the results speak for themselves, if I'm able to cut down MINUTES of my time per floor on shiyu with a DPS change its pretty obvious what the issue was.
Of course not incontinence bro
when you take a shit, do you ask someone if you should wipe or not?
yes what could possibly go wrong
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she does not have delayed, anby does. >>488010487 is right. it's not just frame, and you don't have to press the rev button like red queen either. instead it's like a 7 frame window so it's mega easy
Billybros are the most soulful ziggers
Town bicycle
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>Don't ... don't stare, I forgot my shorts today
god that tentacle phase is such a shitfest
just nothing but unavoidable bullshit that sucks away all your energy+decibels
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Rapebait, do not let him out of the house without supervision, and give him a loli sex alarm
Neko is the same. Waiting for a good assault helper, but the one coming wants to be played in anomaly. Not sure if there'll ever be a low field-time assault procing helper for her before she's irrelevant anyways.
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bwos I can't stop thinking about this game, is it over for me?
What's the Belobog health plan like?
Opposite of Turbo (Bangboo shop) there's a fence behind a parking lot. Behind that fence.
Can't wait for Qingyi to release for the massive spike in her porn.
Belobog construction is my favorite faction, they’re so much fun and their construction site is comfy
How can I display how many pulls i've done?
I had one attempt where I ran too close to a tentacle and it just ohko me from a little over half health, but the homing ether bombs are brutal lmao
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So, i am reaching 300 pull SSR selector soon. Who should i pick?

Koleda C3
Nekomata c1
Soldier 11
Lycaon C1

Personally like Rina the most, but Soldier 11 seem to be the most useful.
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the rhythmic industrial banging in their themes really give off that daily hard labor grind feel too, very cool
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the fuckign hitbox on those projectiles is complte bullshit AND they have splash damage too
you bricked your account
Once you get past the god awful long ass onboarding the game is really addicting, I’m having a blast
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actual upcoming Belebog units
Rina is fine to get, she's a support after all
Listen to your dick anon, it's tingly from her ghost blowjob
How did you do this besides swiping? I’m IK 45 and around 160
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Bros our investment is in trouble
>They're not top 1% in SH3.
Probably decent
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I’d personally go with S11 or Grace
S11 because she’s the only fire attacker so far
Grace because she’s really good at applying shock and will be integral to the Jane/Seth team if you’re pulling Jane
The bullet time resonium is the only way I can beat that phase
Wait that was real? HOW
Why is this game so lewd?
Game is good and fun desu, it's okay
Don't be fooled by the "M0", the stats we can see show extremely high end gear and he has the damage numbers off as if trying to hide it but I can see how much the health bar moves per stun to compare to my own characters
I did enjoy the gameplay minxmax'ing though
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>open video
>chinese voice
>close video
Rina C1 is important for her useability, no? The dolls stay for longer = less field time for Rina and more for the DPS.
At least thats what I'm getting from reading her mindscapes
i am rank 47 and did everything available and yes, swiping. Though dont remember rolling on standard banner only, to get 1 SSR immidiately after guaranteed pity, since it was close.
Is he right?
>oh no how dare you spend $100 on standard!!!! BRICK BRICK BRICK
is this the power of seanigs?
>doing the soukaku 3x EX into FtF strat and skipping chain attacks
>Absolutely cracked out discs
>level 9 skills
Yep thats some solid optimal play with as much prep done beforehand as possible. I guarantee that took dozens of runs to do but its very impressive.
I wouldnt spend you one time selector on dupes, but i’m collectorbrained
Grace or Rina are perfectly good picks though, out of the two I would say Grace though.
Bricking yourself by pumping your free polychromes into the standard banner. I'd already reach 300 if all my rolls went into standard instead of limited
seek help
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He is 100% M0 on Ellen though, the dash attack charged version only giving 3 ice charges is proof of that.
>SW with a ZZZ model
>Lucy sized thighs
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You saved everyone, good job citizen!
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Didnt see Soldier 11 when I skimmed your post
Go with her
In a team of S11/Piper/Lucy you assault, do fire disorder, then what? Piper will do shit assault damage afterwards compared to just crit spamming, S11 will not have burn to proc that crit spam, building up another burn takes a fucklong of time, and phys disorder from burn application deals shit damage.
Koleda or M6 Ben with sig is absolutely better than Piper. They can actually deal daze and stun.
I got Koleda C2 by bad luck turned good luck - since she is insanely effective as stunner, especially due to C2 and playing Zhu Yuan team stunner is absolute must.

Rine i consider only if she can replace Nicole, but benefits from Nicole are basically SSR tier, so doubt for now.

Soldier seems best since with her can build Fire attack team for content that requires. Alternatively Grace for Electro - but Grace is not attacker and we`ll get plenty of electro chars soon.
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Goddamnit, every time I see Ellen and her saliva coated lollipop, I can't stop thinking how much control she's trained her tongue to do.
That and how little restraint she has, doing whatever she feels like she wants to do.
So what like, you're sitting with level 1 units?
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This should have been her design
how the fuck do you group enemies in zhu yan teams? nicole ex special does fuck all and normal mobs love to spread
which is fucking annoying when the main sd buff punishes you for normal enemies on the field...
Corin (age 18)
would be highly boneworthy, yes
>most of the critical SD stages have a boss + a bunch of adds
>the current buff/debuff makes the boss take no damage if the adds are alive
Second Nicole when? My ZY side is cruising along easily while I constantly have to juggle enemies in a way that pushes them together with S11.
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no, never question Waterkuma
Nobody is arguing that he has cons, cons are really not the biggest power level difference between players at this stage of the game
Koleda was my first S and shes great stunner, koleda/lucy/soldier11 team is cracked
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To this day I still have no idea how to use nero's exceed
I do ZY's forward dash attack (the slide) until they're close enough for Nicole's vortex to suck them all up
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In game she is actually quite sloppy when trying to form her ice cream into shape with her friends
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Have you tried C4 nicole? Charging the EX can also help group since it stuns the ones already nearby to keep them from leaping away
I like doing Nicole stun chains because it's fun and sucks hard
I've seen people make-do with the blackhole bangboo. I regret picking revolverboo...
Zhu Yuan is ranged so she doesnt really need grouping? Most Zhu Yuan attacks are single target too. I nicole EX does quite a lot if you use the WASD version, but mostly i just kill mobs as they are.

Just stun them eith whatever stunner you have, and rest dies from aoe chain attacks.
Local Prophet no longer so cocky, after getting bullied by FRIENDSHIP
How much worse is the battle pass compared to the monthly in terms of gem/pull value?
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Your anby can go on another team, we must support future cunny/hebe
i love this mod, but i dont like the implications of green corin
…. that’s a pussy
>how the fuck do you group enemies in zhu yan teams?
>nicole ex special does fuck all and normal mobs love to spread
Attack them with your stunner ever so slightly until you group the little mobs and then use Nicole ex special
I want to suck nicole's titty mole
>he doesnt have Resonaboo
Bricked to Belobog
Just play a normal game if you want hard combat. Gacha games are for chillin only.
...I guess giving that one to my ZY team is overkill right now. Worth a try.
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Remember: if you're F2Poor reroll for Zhu Yuan and Lolicop or you're BRICKED!!
she seemed clunky at first.. and she still is. I only use 2 attacks+E combo since i fail 4 attacks + E every single time. It just is unintuitive at which moment to press skill when she is in the air, starts attack, finishes it.. i spent hour in VR training and still fucking fail, so abandoned it alltogether and to shorter attack chain.
Game is for japs and the freakout already happened over lucy/piper, if qingyi performs well it will become a cunnyge in a handful of patches
bro your ellen? she has better grouping than nicole
They are a pretty major buff though. M3 and M5 give significant damage boosts simply by having them. Ellen's M1 saves you 0.5 seconds every time you use her dash attack and M2 effectively replaces her EX with one that does +300% more damage.

its also important to note that any player can farm out discs, while not every player can just grab mindscapes. Its an important distinction to make that actually every player could do this if they farmed for enough discs which you cannot argue otherwise. See the majority of responses to any form of shiyu 17 clear being "hes a whale though"
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stripper nun prediction:
>had no common theme with any faction because she's a new cunning hares member
>she's part of an evil colt on the outer rim
>we kill the evil pope
>she's so moved by Saint Nicolette's boundless generosity and limitless charity that she joins the group
>proceeds to run a new cult on the down low worshipping Nicole as the messiah/new god and the cunning hares as her apostles/archangels
>Nekomata's utter shocks at how many new ways can Nicole find to get into debt is now followed by Luciana getting wet over the limitless generosity that must be the reason why Nicole is always in the negatives
If you're lucky, there's also that magnetboo. I could try that one.
Build up stun bar and trigger stun with Nicole EX special into Zhu chain attack so the chain attack AoE's in the field
Push them to the wall with Koleda dodge counters
Manually line up shots to go through them in a line
Use your Ultimate early on the trash because it hits a wide area
etc. It takes effort compared to using most characters and how well you can do it is down to skill expression
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Why do I see some people compare Ellen to Hu Tao and Silver Wolf? Is it a gameplay sense or fanbase interpretation?
the game is extremely resource starving so unless you buy premium battle pass might as well not play it at all - its absolutely needed
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Going to hard pity after losing the 50/50 feels like beint in an abusive relationship
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10000 dennies
She just pushes every light enemy to Africa after a single attack, it makes the juggling even more bothersome. On a good pull it's great but it can easily get super awkward.
That is, certainly a shape to make your icecream cone have...
>Zhu Yuan is ranged so she doesnt really need grouping?
nah there will probable be a new nun faction of 3/4 nuns of varying sizes (including loli nun) and 1 male priest
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bootycop is replaceable
skipping the sexbot however will indeed brick your account because everything is a daze check and Anby doesn't scale into endgame
Ew to that fanfiction. Give me the nun faction.
Fuck friendship i've abused the ghosts for the past hour and a half he'll get bullied by money and the power of the shopkeeper.
cancelled, the original kit kigen to Piper
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it's over I'm bricked
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Oh no it's the Project Mugen killer.
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ice cream melts, so maybe all that hard candy didn't do her any favors
hot either way
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I know. But sometimes it turns around in the most weird ways.
>any player can farm out discs
No you really can't have sets of good +15 discs at this stage of the game if you're not refreshing/spending
no one is farming that guy's discs at this point in the game without spending on refreshes bwo
When does Shiyu defense reset?
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>To be a Bangboo master

These niggas really made me go through a shitty 20 min (with speedtalk) mission playing walmart bangboo pokemon for... 20 chromes

I sure hope they dont add more of these shitty long quests for low rewards in 1.1
yuritroons have a mental disorder
I will throw 10-20 pulls on Miyabi so I hope I get this lucky
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I love him...
Good night.
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I want this mod as QoL update
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ZZZ is a failure of a game
You're doing it wrong
You have complete control over where you are pushing those enemies
Bro your batteries?????
Also you will eventually have those disc sets, while you wont have C6 Ellen and Neko
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The eye symbol would fit pretty well for an evil faction under the Vision Corp wing.
correct me please ?
Wait until you unlock The Prophecy.
>redeemed the 2400 BP xp for event for completing the bangboo event
>it didn't count cause I had already reached the weekly 10000 xp for the BP
>no refunds
should i spend batteries on farming discs? it seems like the better option
in the news:
>japanese player died from starvating while leveling his char in Zenless Zone Zero Dragon`s Quest minigame.
>Prime minister gave a speech adressing the issue of unhealthy Grind and told that Japanese should work smart, not hard!
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That's so fucking cute, we took Zhu yuan's handholding virginity...
Idiot, event BP points (seasonal) aren't limited to the weekly cap
Resource drought clears up at endgame, there’s a reason people say BP is only particularly cost effective in the earlier patches
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I don't think this thread has discussed Miyabi enough
I refuse to even start either of those, same with infinite abyss. Fuck you Dawei I'm not wasting my time with that trash, they will stay in my schedule until EOS
Do you just repost the same bait every sunday you fucking retard?
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where do you see this?
The direction? Sure. But I've had so many times where there are like 3 mobs, I try to push one of them towards the others and it overshoots big time. Feels like you'd need to run in circles to keep anything grouped.
as long as you hit level 45
>Resource drought clears up at endgame
no one tell him costs to level chars and skills from 50 to 60
can you restart just one half of SD?
where is the community shinyu defense character usage chart?
She's ether btw
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Would you roll?
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The pinkie hooking killed me. Thats somehow even more lewd than handholding.
If this is bait, here's your (You)
Because I don't think you're that dumb
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I might be a lucklet.
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Does this shit (locked in the middle) have separate weekly rewards? do I need to spend batteries to hit 45 before reset?
Yes you get two tries in the second stage. If you press retry
So she is going to be the first Wind unit, right?
He means endgame as is like 6+ months into the game.
Yes. If you click restart operation while on the 2nd half you'll start on the 2nd half again. If you die or dc you won't.
I bought...
Wonder if they'll release other Light element units besides her
I think its because she's so embarassed to do it that it ends up being a way bigger deal, really fucking cute, i think i like her even more than i like Ellen now, and i liked Ellen's trust events too
You can restart the 2nd half of SD. It doesn't reset you back to the first half.
I can't stop thinking about Ellen's pantyhose
You can unless you run out of time then fuck you gweilo do the first half all over again.
It has the initial investigator rewards like all stages but no all its other rewards are one time only
you have painfully average luck, and might be a little lucky on bangboos
NTA, but motherfucker, I didn't want to post this to the start of the chain because I thought you ain't that dumb
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I already did.
Miyabi needs to hurry the fuck up and join the game.
I consider her being in beta and trailers but absent in game itself as false advertisement.
thanks bwos
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I want both Qingyi and Jane. But I only have oh so many rolls.
She was literally shown in game bro?
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would you roll?

remember what they took from us.
First mihoyo game?
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>Finished the Prophecy and got the cool true ending
>Find out theres an alternate ending thats even harder to get
Thanks for reminding me to jerk off to feet art of her
>he wants hoyoslop designs
who would this dumb dyke main
>no gameplay webms
>all shitposting from tourists
why are Mihoyo threads like this?
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Do Notorious Hunts give less rewards for A rank? How badly am I getting bricked?
>limited tries

Wow. HSR lets you do unlimited retries
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Anons, I'm Scared..
After I maxed her Trust, she keeps showing up outside the shop and wanted to "Clean" up.
How screwed am I?
I don’t care much for the bikers but I’d roll so hard for this dude
This... The game doesn't give you enough, and no I don't want to use THAT!
The one almost hard boss (if you fuck up your run)
Nicole caught me sniffing her worn panties
how did you do so much dmg?
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I'm filled with
Suffering from success.
>OK i got my shells let me unload suppresive fire on the enemy!
>*gets interrupted*
>fuck let me try again
>*gets interrupted*
this unit is absolute garbage
just don't try to steal the bomb
Oh no no no..
rolling every son of calydon
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She hasn't replaced Ellen for me, but I enjoy the completly different vibe you get in the Trust events with her. Its really tailored to their personalities. With Ellen you got teenage crush and hanging out as friends and hers actually feel like adult friends/dating including her parents asking after you.
not a webm but
Yes the rest were soulless dogshit
>Ahem. Attention New Eridu citizens! There's been some strange rumors floating around in New Eridu. A strange and unknown cult seems to be roaming the city late at night. Their members dress in red and black attire, and carry with them a very remarkable symbol: a barred eye with three tears. If you spot them or get approached, please flee to safety and report them to the authorities.
This burb was datamined before release it seems she's part of a cult things could change though
>doesn’t know how to pilot his agents
>blames the game
el em ay oh
I remembered the path and always went straight towards it. I only used one hp refill because you have to visit that space anyway, don't know how much leeway you get
Anon did you forget the Nocha(literally confort in Hebrew) leak? She isn't going to be cunning hares she will have her own faction
dodge nigga, both hard dodge and her directional input rolls. And unload a little shells only, you want to dump during stuns
Stop pretending to be retarded.
That's my wife we're talking about, anon.
Alright, I'll try it.
are bangboos crucial in SD?
I don’t believe this was datamined because nobody ever posts a source
I just did the normal ending and I'm not doing it again.
>Chinese gacha Elden ring with sekiro combat
No thanks
Qingyi having competent damage and anomaly application as a stunner is pretty crazy honestly, even teamwide buffs with her engine
which Agent has your permission to lick off your ball sweat?
their damage isn't bad and you can max them without wasting any important resources, so you may as well
it's not going to make that big of a difference though
sure I buy it
>anomaly build up
any source? She just hits a fuck ton
Endgame is like half a year in bwo
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>still havent unlocked trust missions
how bricked I be?
Was anyone autistic enough to beat the prophet in a fight?
I had 100k hp, over 100 in all stats, but my dodge rate was only 78% so he beat me after I dropped his health to 670k HP
Corin, of course
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Is it this one? What do I have to do to unlock it? I got the power of friendship end which was pretty kino
is neko/lucy/nicole better than neko/amby/nicole?
My sister only
no you only lose the rewards for completing under 4/5/6 minutes if you don't have them. but it might still be better to do the higher one since you get 25 more merit per difficulty lvl
what the fuck is prophecy
>anomaly application
I can for sure say from now she isn't any better than Anby.
This isn't Genshin. More frequent attacks don't mean more anomaly application through some weird ICD.
I almost never get to see it, she just melts after the second phase.
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I got this from the discord that leaked her cbt1 animations
You're not allow to befriend anyone, even if you don't call them in the last fight.
still got to do it but from my understanding you have to fight the boss alone
Not sure how accurate it is but she gets an electric anomaly off with no discs in ~10 seconds here
Can't wait to replace Piper. Grace applies anomaly so fast but Piper really needs her EX and even then it's too slow...
yeah we already know they gonna scale her tits to 0.3x
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who do I make next?
it might have been scrapped considering in the current version pubsec is an actual military force using actual military weapons to wipe out gangs
but on the outer rim where we are going in upcoming patches pubsec has no jurisdiction.
piper is CLUNK incarnate and I only use her because she shits out infinite damage
truly the xiangling of this game
Why?? I also did it like two hours ago and thought it was so cool. Probably tomorrow I will try it solo
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I'm a man of taste. So, every female agent in the game is permitted to lick my sweaty balls. Even the ones yet to release. What can I say?
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any idea why lumina square kills my framerate when it doesn't use 100% of my gpu or cpu?
Qingyi, aka robocop.
Damn, is that even a good ending? Guess I'll find out when I have the time
>Capture d'écran
>I can for sure say from now she isn't any better than Anby
uhh how
I got max dodge and he still hits you after a while, if you mean the friendship ending fight.
Same on PS5
Lumina Square problem, not you
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Yeah, there's effort put into it, it's not just a cheevo popup or something.
If I wanted to play an rpg slop I'd play it and not an action game.
Assuming that's lvl 60 vs lvl 70 small mob that's just your standard stunner application bro i.e. nothing better than any other stunner
Why would that matter you put Impact on her
I can't imagine it comes even close to the levels of KINO of the true ending
holy soullet
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the only level 3 retro movie
my main team is corrin/furry/soukaku.
I got an early grace so should I make an anton/anby team with her or piper/someone else? I have no interests in any of the current characters except for maybe qingyi/yanagi/rat. Kind of interested in qingyi because of her buggy infinite, if it's still there.
Cap your frames. Doesn't have to be in-game, you can set that one to infinite and have a third-party tool cap it to your monitor's refresh rate. Fixed it for me.
>I can't imagine it comes even close to the levels of KINO of the true ending
The final fight of it is really kino.
This is the first hoyo game with inspired art direction. I wouldn’t be playing if it looked like genslop or honkslop.
I am not pulling for generic anime nigga #3021
thank you
I only just got to lvl 45 without wasting my batteries yet. How far behind am I?
Grace/Anby/Piper is pretty strong and should be decent to break apart into new teams with Qingyi/Rat.
I swore to myself that I would not roll until 2.0 until firefly/acheron releases in ZZZ because c6r5ing 2 units is the best way to play mihoyo games (I rerolled for ellen and luckshitted robocop in 20 rolls while looking for a piper)
but these limited characters are so much more fucking fun than any of the standard ones
how the fuck do I resist pulling?
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Thanks. I feel like I got really lucky with Zhu.
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>how the fuck do I resist pulling?
You don't
fuck you
So is it worth it to build Anton/Rina/grace? Anton feels like bait...
How are (You) going to celebrate kot's birthday on Tuesday?
Just have fun.
What actually happens if you lose that fight
Was it being serious with the whole "one chance" thing? Does this game actually have the balls to game over you at the end of a ~2 hour long quest?
Bro just roll stop being an autist and have fun
By getting Kotted
(60 bigger cocks in dawei)
Humblebragging piece of shit, explode.
by not feeding my fatass cat for 24 hours
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throw my cat at a wall
hoyo is just going to filter you with game modes that requires horizontal investment
anyone else notice that ellen feels shit against robots?
Murajima or whoever that S rank Jap nigga is won't even win against that team for Electric damage unless he has a shock proc ability.
That's how synergistic that team is.
I think you get a shortcut to do it again. I almost lost on mine, went to 1 hp then dodged the attack that would kill me.
fap to her
Gray damage? That's cause slash is weak to mechs.
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Damn. This stupid onahole brat sold her big titty bitch to me in a bet. Time to turn this female pig into my personal sperm toilet!!!!!
Jork it to kot sex
>until firefly/acheron releases in ZZZ
go back you disgusting cockroach
If you do that to a support, it's gonna be pretty fine. Of course we have 0 limited supports on the radar, so it may take a while. And even then it needs to be something like Sparkle, that shits out 250%+ critical damage for the entire team, on top of 55% atk, 50% dmg and 24% def ignore "permanent" as of ult.
Winning the police as a prize!
Made to smother and milk my penis dry
Thanks japanese twitter-san.
Lumina is just fucked, it's an everyone's problem
>average hoktroon
Just fuck off mate.
What makes Firefly so beloved by Honkai Star Rail?
Zenless Zone Zero?
That's why Ellen will have to make the first move on m- I mean him
Ellen's sweet saliva...
That is my first replay "mate".
Blacked porn
She literally made the game even more breandead than it already was
Why don't you ask that in the HSR thread?
shes cute and drives a badass mecha
>personal sperm toilet
>plays belle
I got bad news sis…
pretty much canon girlfriend
and since gachapags are usually a combination of lonely/seapags/socially inept the target audience is pretty big
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>anby autistic
>nicole high maintenance slut
>ellen smells like fermented shark
>corrin is corrin
>fire sluts
the cop pill is the only way.
missed it
is it saying units are coming out just a story spoiler for antagonists?
its possible, but if you get hit with something like IT in genshin then you're just straight up SOL
and most importantly its unfun as fuck to not roll in a gacha game
Is it confirmed that he won't end up in the game?
Calm down Ellis.
basically Lycaon but better because limited
you do need Lycaon too for unbricked account though unless they manage to actually uncope disorder
It was just data about it

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