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Previous: >>487994743

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
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Post a lust provoking image
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Me and my girlfriends.
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speed up when
Retard here, how do I loop with BG Ibuki+Castoria+Merlina+no plugsuit?
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Reminder that if you want to prove you're soul, you need to raise an E-tier Servant to level 120.
>summer SSRs will be Eresh and Tlaloc
If true, that's really underwhelming.
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This is your 9th anniversary servant say something nice about her.
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Medusa love!
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Boar piglets>cons
Cute family
I would if I could get her...
>alleged leak says there's a summer Yuyu

I'll take it.
they are the only popular female characters that remain without a swimsuit
>KKK MIA in lb7 summer
>3 rp for 1 universal servant coin
the leaks are so ridiculous that Id believe it
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Touko sex
Summer Eresh is long overdue, but summer Tlaloc is bizarre since she has no personality.
He said lust not disgust.
She has a rateup this Halloween.
her personality is that people like her design
BB-chans cloak is so cool. I wish I could be master and tell her how cool she looks and see her reaction.
Kuku is constantly excluded when they shill Tez and City. Them getting into summer without her makes perfect sense.
I've got a solution to the no more popular female servants problem.
Release male swimsuits in the gacha instead.
Her 2nd ascension has a decent design, which I guess is enough to make her popular.

No point trying to shill a failed character like KKK. Better to cut their losses and focus on the popular ones.
Other retarded takes like this one?
Aesc doesnt have a swimsuit yet.
When is doumans next rate up?
Do you want to make the game gayer than it already is?
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Angra Mainyu is on that list which automatically disqualifies it from being a soul list. Retards that have never played F/HA will 120 him because they want to LARP as though they're Fate oldfags.
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What about Medusa?
Ok listen. I don't need Skadi so it's fine if I don't get her. I don't need her it's fine I don't even really want her, why would I need a sidegrade for the worst card type anyway? Who quick loops these days? It's fine with what we have. It's fine with what we have bros.
>I don't like her so she has no personality
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Lip love!
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These are the Servants that people want to see in swimsuits the most.
>retard takes
whats your explanation for why shes popular? Her design is pure sex and shes for you thats the only reason why people like her.
Alter is so cute. CUTE!
her third ascencion is her swimsuit
idk bro seems like you need her
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But why
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I'd like for Eresh or Lip to get one this year and have cute interactions with sakurafaces like Kama
>got Skadi
>have literally 0 Quick Servants that can loop

I should probably kill myself.
>jack isnt top 5
It's ok bro, she comes back next year with her Verdant costume. You can give a second shot there with whatever you have left for next Summer, assuming you're rolling there.
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Come the fuck on.
Morgan and Aesc have totally different personalities,you may as well claim Summer Tamamo is Summer Koyan. So Aesc AC3 is summer Morgan and were still owed summer Aesc.
Just skip it if you don't enjoy it
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let her cook
You're already giving another reason than just design lmao
She's popular because it's a combination of design, personality (no matter what the stupid anon say), LB7 and an unique and fun servant concept.
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Being for you isnt a personality
It technically is, it's just not a very interesting one.
>Normal outfit is more revealing than a swimsuit
>Nobody gives a shit about a swimsuit
Always remember the titty club law: Those titties up on the stage may be the best titties in the world, but the chance sighting of the nipple down the blouse of the server? That's the premium titty, because that's the titty you weren't supposed to see.
where’s iphone bobfag
You have a lot of optimism for retards these days. Most can't even figure how to mount an ISO or manage to sit through a visual novel. Besides, I didn't say everyone is a pretending retard, just that they undoubtedly make up part of the group. Think about the amount of people you've seen with the F/SN HGW Servants + Angra Mainyu support lists and then think about the early polls FGO used to do asking what experience with Fate the players had, where the original visual novel was in the single digits because most had never played it. Accept reality, bro.
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Its ok anon, i will make you feel better, now close your eyes.
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will yasuke's former master be genderbent?
Summer Cream
Her personality is being for (you).
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>>Normal outfit is more revealing than a swimsuit
If you reduce every girl to being for (you) that's a you problem though
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Bob operators.... current mission status?
its joever....
>but summer Tlaloc is bizarre since she has no personality.
How do you know this?
I haven't finished Traum but if Kriemhield doesn't end up being tsundere about Sieg, she's shit. Her entire character being "muh revenge because I misinterpreted Sieg's intentions and their impact because of how it affected me" is so unbelievably gay that I refuse to believe anyone likes her for anything other than her design.
True enough, but think about the other ways the average zoomer retard has to experience shit now. They just watch someone else play it, which for VNs is arguably much less of an issue than for games where there's actual "gameplay". I'm sure there are some posers out there as you say, but you can't let a couple of posers ruin things for you bro.
Hopefully stopped posting here forever
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He doesn't like her so she has no personality.
Why did they make her basically naked in her child form and then completely covered up in her adult form?
What was the message they were trying to send to the world?
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>if the leaks are true, 3/5 of the most desired servants will get swimsuits
>Lip will be skipped
I'm tired, bros.
Time for pasties
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That's my favourite personality.
Shouldn't they be called Boberators?
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>What was the message they were trying to send to the world?
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Ass too small
And being your mom isn't a personality either. Doesn't stop mommy schizos from melting down and doesn't stop claes from shitting in the urinals.
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im hoping its a 3 SSR 3 SR like summer 7 and it being
>SSR Rider Kukulkan
>SR Lancer Tlaloc
>SSR Ruler Ereshkigal
>SR Alterego Jack+nursery rhyme
>SSR Foreigner Van Gogh
>SR Archer Yang Guifei
>Welfare SR Caster Xu Fu
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If being for (You) is enough to be popular, explain why Kukulkan flopped
You're right, bro. I'm sorry. I just hate posers.
I have a level 120 Angra and a 100% save file of HA
Who exactly voted on this?
If i saw my future wife dressed like that at the altar i would turn araund and walk out of the wedding.
What a whore.
>a second ssr foreigner van gogh
low test
In previous polls Lip used to be below the top 20. She only got a boost because Nasu said he wants her to get one.
Draco and tiamat are LITERAL fanfiction tier trash.
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Would there be more bobbros on /alter/ if iphone bobfag hadn’t started posting here?
What do normal bob posters think about that one?
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Pedos are creeps that need the children to be half naked.
Hag CHADS can handle a little mystery to be unpacked later.
cause its the 'foreigner' OC chapter and it'd be cool if van gogh got a second SSR version for summer like abby did
took way too long to release, people eventually lost interest, say whatever you want about newfags and casuals but at the end of the day they are still a vital part on how to keep a game alive and healthy, also lassengle.
He has one in September next year.

Chad move
I hate him
If Passionshit was getting a swimsuit this year Nasu would have said nothing about her. It's part of his master plan to get everyone against Takeuchi so he is forced to release her next year.
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>If i saw my future wife dressed like that at the altar i would turn araund and walk out of the wedding.
>What a whore.
That's the dress for the night
This is the dress for the altar
Why are her legs blurred.
She flopped because lostbelt 7 fucking sucked just like how ordeal call 1 and 2 sucked.
fair and true and also would be cool
i love van gogh
No one wants Koyan for summer?
I love Xu Fu
Depth of field
>Section 20 of Traum has 8 arrows
Jesus Christ, nigger. What happened to brevity? The handful of "beat x enemies in x turns" quests weren't enough for padding?
She's ugly.
I would prefer Wada gives a swimsuit to Nursery Rhyme, Drake or Lip.
One week after the chapter is too long for a release?
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As a story skipper I dunno why they are so popular. I really need to read some shit but it's piled up to insurmountably heights.
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What are you, gay?
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>Pedos are creeps that need the children to be half naked.
>Hag CHADS can handle a little mystery to be unpacked later.
They're both good
You can't love her if you don't love ALL of her
but she look like medea...
I'd rather Tamamo Cat get one instead of Bitch
Thanks anon. I kind of want to roll for him now but I need to save for huyan zhuo and britomart soon(ish)
I like Lord of the rings and persona 5 because it is unnecessarily long prose that meanders, adds nothing to the plot, and lasts way longer than it should because it makes me feel very smart that I'm consuming it.
Very nice
There are a LOT of Wada servants people want. It's less that people don't want Koyanskaya who is alright popularity wise but she is competing with
>any other Tamamo variant
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I don't know, mate. She's not released yet.
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That was only true for last summer because the fairies had such a huge following. Before that, Lip would regularly make it into the top 10. In 2021, she was the sixth most wanted swimsuit for summer.
But what's Britomart's personality?
No one likes him to be fair
>Hag CHADS can handle a little mystery to be unpacked later
Sounds like futa to me.
the entire chapter is taking way too long to release, and before that LB6 took like 1,5 years too, right?
I don't know what that is.
Who cares with tits like that.
Elf with huge tits, extremely weak to human cock.
>I refuse to believe anyone likes her for anything other than her design.

Design is enough to make a Servant popular. See also Tlaloc.
Just because she has a braid in her hair? They look nothing alike.
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Welcome, Master.
My name is Erica Bloodaxe and i will be the one serving you today.
Post your top 10 /alter/bros
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Why does GBF get to have this while FGO gets scraps where not even the most popular male characters who overshadow a huge number of the girls who got swimsuits can get individual swimsuit servants
I need those two to make daughters
I'm sorry Wu...I don't have any fou left...
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I love this dork
Design isn't enough though. A servant with only design would be forgotten after a few weeks.
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Reminder that if it isn't a main story chapter or if it doesn't involve popular servants then you must SKIP.
Skip everything but lostbelt 7 and fairy summer.
Seems like it's right there if you want it
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>Thomas Lockley (under the alias Tottoritom) edits Yasuke's wikipedia using his own papers/ books as sources

>Some examples. While suggesting possibilities is acceptable, the following are clear errors:
>Misinterpretation of height as “6 shaku 2 sun (6 ft. 2 in., or 188 cm.)“
>Fabrication of “the name Yasuke was bestowed upon him by Nobunaga himself, a deep honour in the Japan of the day” from ‘Ietada Diary’
>Nonsensical explanation that it is unlikely that Yasuke would have been able to communicate in classical Chinese, the oriental lingua franca of the time
>Stating Yasuke was granted the samurai rank which came with a considerable stipend
>Distortion of facts, claiming Yasuke fought alongside the Nobutada forces for a long time but when all his comrades had died, he surrendered his sword to Akechi’s men
>October 2015: Lockley introduced the absurd theory that Yasuke was an incarnation of Daikokuten. (that buddha boss of the rats from bunyans event lol)

>October 2018: Lockley created the article of himself on Wikipedia and got scolded for it.
>January 2019: Lockley advertised his novel at the end of Yasuke’s article.

>Now he is rewriting Britannica, claiming Japanese historians regard Yasuke as the first foreign samurai.
>However, Professor Mihoko Oka claims that Japanese researchers never showed academic interest in Yasuke.

>2013: Becomes a tenure-track associate professor at Nihon University
>2016: Disgusted by the rising xenophobia in the UK, Lockley leaves and decides to obtain Japanese nationality.
>Lockley brought his Yasuke works along with support goods such as groceries to the Japan Association for Refugees, saying, “I hope refugees will read this too. It will surely give them courage.”
>Lockley researches "both English education and the international orientation of Japanese people, believing that changing historical perception might increase their international orientation." (to an internationally open one)
>Lockley is of Jewish descent
Horny elf bimbo desperate for human cock.
Made for impregnation healing.
Reminder he isn't even playable
Scathach is popular despite having near zero personality
Filler filler filler filler filler
Please wait until we finish LB7 in feburary 2025
Otomes don't deserve anything good
You can go play Another Eidos if you want a male servant focused gacha.
cumdumpster EX
Is Lostbelt 7 gonna be better than Lostbelt 6 and 5?
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We’re oppressed, simple as
She was released when the game was hot. If Scathach released this year she would be a flop.
neck yourself, faggot.
this game already has too much male trash as is.
It’s more of equal representation, even Douman got relegated to a costume even though his artist drew three full ascensions for him for this event, and Oberon next year only gets 2 costumes whereas nobodies like Anne and Mary and Carmilla and Gareth get full servants
if you like dinos, soccer and funky priests, then yeah.
Have you seen Douman's FA art?
We need more males, the revolution will not be televised
>Bradamante already has a bf so here's Britomart just for (You)
Based honestly
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Male servants need love too!
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Do you like dinosaurs?
I do (I don't care about Lip)
>If Scathach released this year she would be a flop.
to be fair that's true for all fgo girls
Otome's are used to being oppressed. We take what we get get.
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But the only reason I play FGO is because it's a Fate game.
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Oh wow...
His naked knee is sticking out...
So provocative.
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I want summer Koyanskaya
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NTA but I do.
>JP reran Steggy Summer
2 more years
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>here you go sis
Not remotely curvy enough
Will they ruin her even more? Chunguska did a lot of damage
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It's her turn
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Now make it a summer costume
Oh wait they didn’t…
>Butt naked buff man in your rafters looking down at you licking his lips
>How tame
>Get costumes of their Np5 120 husbandos and don't have to spend a dime
Absolutely not. I skipped summer 5 because of subhuman ship shit and i skipped summer 6 because of dino autism and i'm skipping this summer because of unpopular characters.
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it would be kino if she is like the reverse of summer tamamo and is a OP saber.
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You're playing in someone else's homebrew DND playground man
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The fellas
But everyone told me Ibuki is actually super popular?
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I want her if summer Beni is with her.
Thank you mom & auntie nurse
>You can't love her if you don't love ALL of her
You got me. I just want her for aesthetic reasons.
It would be kino if we got summer koyan and she is immediately shipped with gordolf because it makes me mad when (you) get servants that are for (you) because i feel threatened by males (you) getting what they want.
Women aren't into this, they much prefer men wearing (fashionable) clothes. It's gay guys who want to see men in a jockstrap.
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Oberon love!

Oberon figure news doko?
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>the LB6 crew got an LB6 summer
>the LB7 crew won't get an LB7 summer
It's not fucking fair sisters
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Nta, but i just wish that Mandricardo's costume was still available
Saved in my heart.
Beach house sex.
>Kotomine brutally murders Da Vinci in front of Chaldea in the prologue
>Chaldea and Kotomine pal around in LB7

10/10, true KINOko!
Not enough characters and no one give a fuck about Kukulkan or Nitocris Alter. It was never happening.
I'm pretty sure it's like entirely female artists drawing Oberon in skimpy outfits.
doesnt fgog have any content of their own? why are they here when we currently only have a dead week in an event they "read" two years ago?
>Anastasia protects Kadoc in Traum because somehow her powers stuck with him after she disappeared for 5 Lostbelts and 2 more Singularities

Are you fucking kidding me?
draco looks stupid in her third ascension, and it reminded me how much of a fucking hack wada and pako are.
Money saved, imo.
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Summer Luvia this year
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Bobbu rabu
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the power of love is that strong
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The nips need to SEND HIM HOME, he's NO GOOD.
Wait there's content???????????????????
Where's the content????
This was explained
It's been like a month bro
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Big fat JKama boobies
>gets aspect raito'd again
I'd say it's more of a "Never let evil take root" scenario.
>somehow her powers stuck with him
Anastasia's powers didn't stick with him, what remained with him was Viy, her familiar.
Viy isn't really "Anastasia's powers", Viy is its own thing that existed before her
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Reines reminding me i spent a million dollars on this game........................
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I love evil men
So what, Kadoc just carried around a doll all this time? What a fag.
Hajime-chan my beloved.
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Let her show up in summer to support her bestie City when she gets her swimsuit
elemental fae, it's not ana
he had it in his ass like shirou did with avalon
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Would you like to have a Saitou bf?
its foreshadowing bro
>he wouldn't carry his waifu's doll
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marrying a jewish christian woman
do we need more servant Gyarus? or more servant Goths?
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What servant goths do we have besides Kriemhield?
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Auntie gf
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All of the alters and Morgan
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Just let them interact already…
Alice's thighs could never be that wide.
I'd still roll
>Don Quixote's NP literally tells enemies to go back
How is he not more liked here?
She looks kinda cute and funny
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She's not a stick
most people agree that he was the highlight of Traum
He is very /alter/core, though
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I don't know what the artist has already posted from this artbook, I'll upload the entire thing later anyway.
the power of seibaface wank, you will get seiba face until you plead pls no more.
Most people here are waifufags, gameplayfags with a sprinkling of gay otomefags. Don doesn't cater to any of those
Look up the kkk image where other boards complain about /pol/
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Sono-G made a point of noting how light Alice was, she's a certified stick
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Lamed summer and anni
For a game this big why are there no story summaries? God forbid I have to read all the text. Just boil it down.
he is a fat midget
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She looks like a doll bro, nothing wrong with that variety is the spice of life
>Sugitani has a classic rifle in her base form
>her ascensions give her a military sniper rifle
So whatever happened to "guns made feats too simple to achieve"?
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Apparently Nihon university is investigating the matter after brave gamers pointed it out.
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Next week
>beach field trip whodunnit a la Danganronpa 2
Unless it's written by Nasu, this would be the dumbest summer story if this is true.
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Easy skip
>Danganronpa shit
This shit can't be true. You're not going to tell me that the shitposting from Nasu's infamous danganronpa interview is actually come to life? This is way worse than any other summer event. How much of a hack is he going to be before he's satisfied?
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I'm glad to hear that
gamers rise up!
>copypasting the /fgog/ blog leak into discord trying to make it more real
I feel like it will be fun just because it will be a shitpost and a half
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>Yang 4 star
Fine I'll take it if true.
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/fgog/ has certified this leak as true
You'd think d'Eon's 3-turn taunt would account for something.
>Lazy ass mushroom writing another summer right after 8
Not likely
We're getting another Higashide one if anything
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Anon that ahs been posted fucking everywhere, now, just /fgog/ reddit and twitter now.
I hope they make a statement at least because a bunch of people went
>ummm ackshually he works at a japanese uni so your argument is invalid
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new leak
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Same. I've been waiting for a summer Yuyu for years.
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FGO was only worth playing after Castoria was introduced anyway.
Great, now we can disregard it 100%
Why is the only cat servant retarded bwos... why do they make it seem like cats are stoopid... It's mean...
There's a reason why people hate shitposts.
It's not because they are low quality, it's actually the complete opposite.
They're prophetic and they're there to remind us that it CAN get worse and it WILL get worse and we don't want to even entertain that thought because of the sunk cost.
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>Rare prisms for 3 star and under coins
Wow super jewy, sounds real
>The clicking skills to view percentages
Adding something years later that every other mobage has that should have already been in game years ago.
Checks out.
When investigating the validity of historical scholarship, gamers are truly the group one should turn to.
A man can dream.
Nice figure
Every time they tried to write mystery stories, they were filled with plot holes and inconsistencies. Think back to the murder mystery event.
tamamo cat is the smartest tamamo
george exists and does everything better
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New leaks just dropped these 5 new spiritron dresses for Melusine,Abby,Illya,Kama and Summer Kama will be coming with the 9th anniversary.
This but Squirtoria
>There's a reason why people hate shitposts.
This has nothing to do with shitposts and everything to do with fake leaks.
Westoids: Racism is BAD
Westoids: Racism against japan, china, and south korea is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I haven't started the event yet due to being busy with family stuff
How long does it take to clear?
He meant Atalante
Nice tits
it's hilarious that this thing only got big because people were pissed off about the new ass creed game
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Can't wait to elope with him once we unbleach the Earth.
Well it doesn't say it's written by him, so even more concerning
That last sentence isn't needed, it's obvious that he's Jewish
Story is very short, however getting to 6 million points to clear the points ladder is a heavy AP sink and you will need to use apples now
It takes quite a while because the point system is fucking stupid. You have to upgrade the attractions to build a multiplier that gives you more points.
To upgrade the attractions, you have to get upgrade items from the quest.
Multiple days.
At least a week.
Reading is fun
Oh my God it's Bob!
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Who the fuck asked for any of these to be summer servants?
Took me a minute to find but please watch this, Alice is very weak.
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>Who the fuck asked for any of these to be summer servants?
Japs did
>I misunderstood my husband's intent and now I am mad. How could this be happening to me?

Is Kriemhield fucking retarded?
Oh cool now you just need 900 RP to 120 a 5*
What servant do you feel a kinship with?
Hard Mode: Besides Blackbeard
Yeah because your irrelevant who would be so much better
they have shit taste what else can you expect?
No, if anything Siegfried is. It's completely understandable to be angry that your husband let himself get murdered on purpose without talking to you about it.
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He's the best and I'm not gonna rest until he's fully maxxed
Alice would never do this...
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Very nice if true!
the reines is making my pee pee get big
You could post the current one
alice would shlick with the corner of an expensive table in secret not realizing that everyone can hear her moan
That was just the one I had saved.
>thought that after all of the fae got their swimsuits, next summer wouldn't be plagued by recency bias
I hate Nips so fucking much.
Her husband hid what he was doing from her, which led her to destroy her own life trying to avenge him for no reason. It makes perfect sense for her to be pissed off.
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Me on the left
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Sorry no idea I grabbed it from one of these threads a long time ago.
Dude we have not gotten a launch servant since 2019 no one cares
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>eresh double dips on DL campaigns
>uses her costume to make it seem like it's a new servant
If Jack does get a swimsuit, what are the odds they make her ass smaller and cover her up in all of her ascensions?
Where did you get this picture of me and my mom?
I hope she gets wet a lot.
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Damn, I might need to 120 her now...
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I want a Gilgamesh bf, he could love me and dominate me with his chains…
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Why do you keep posting that months old screenshot? It takes less than a minute to make a new one.
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We need more gyaru costumes
Oh I see, thanks anyway sis
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Bros..... I have run out of abbles.
Very low since they did justice to Kuro so much she's banned on leddit
It was effort to take a new one
Wait for the CCC remake/localization in 20+ years.
>tfw no smalldom Reines gf
Why live...
>Unless it's written by Nasu,
It has LB7 characters so it will be written by Nasu.
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Post a hunger-inducing fgo image.
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Hungry for those abs
If its Nasu indulging his danganronpa fantasies then maybe we'll get summer reines.
Not going to change the fact that we're back to shit summer events, but at least we'll get something good. Maybe.
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Jack being in the top 10 most wanted summer servants every year for like 9 years and still having no alt is super funny
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I'm not even underwhelmed by the lineup, I'm completely unwhelmed, period.
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Considering other loli swimsuits and all of Jacks official stuff gives her a massive ass, doubt it.
They should keep the joke going.
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They are all better than Sanzang
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You see, her personality is that...
it's that....
She's a girl?
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I am planning to eat him out.
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This was always one of my favorite CEs in terms of art alone.
>No Miyu
>No Boudica
>No Mata Hari
>No Chacha
>No Reines
mite be cool
Uhh tlalocbros???
Yours is being a retard apparently
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Back from having bbq with my mom. What did I miss?
Still more of a personality than Tlaloc.
I guess the Bobfags who called her a Bob were right.
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Servants for this feel?
Thanks, I’m probably going to end up fapping to this later
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I meant your actual appetite, not your sexual appetite!
>I perfectly know this character whose only appareance was in JP despite not knowing japanese!
Very cool sis
Well, that's fast. Why are you rushing, you want to unlock more appends for completion? Kinda wish I was there too but I want to save my apples for Gudaguda and the Britomart lotto.
Wait for lb7
>noooo I don''t like so she has no personality
Flattest Summer ever, both in tits and in hype.
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>no alt
>no costume
>appears in story events often but usually in very passing rolls, never been one of the focus characters in a story event besides the Apocrypha one, which is actually specifically not the summoning of her from Chaldea it's the one from Apocrypha
>only ever received one buff and it was just increasing her NP damage, no additional effects
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Since when did it get so homo here
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Does anyone else miss the days when not everything got leaked beforehand? Back when people would sit around speculating. The excitement at first-time reveals. Data mining really took all of the fun out of new content reveals in general.
Stop avataring
Liz became an investigator
Bold of you to assume personality schizo actually read
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Where the fuck is the werewolf servant so I can have a bf in this game like I do in zenless zero zone?
keep avataring
Have you seen that doujin where he ties Jets up in his chains and turns him into a loyal pet? I want that to happen to me too
The last leak was wrong so I don't take them seriously
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Dying for salvation with dedication
No capitulation, annihilation
Papal commendation, reincarnation
Heaven is your destination
I think Higashide simply has no interest in writing Jack. That fact alone makes me suspicious of this "leak".
gilkek fanfic
Wait for Beo to get added Bro.
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Out of curiosity, is it it ever addressed whether servants in cases like Alice, Sizuki, Gray etc. with functionally human level physical strength gain enhanced physical strength when summoned to Chaldea as a servant?

I would assume psuedos like Ishtar do, which I would also assume extends to Reines and Waver too, but then once you divorce them from being host to an actual heroic spirit, what about then?
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Since Muramasa's NA debut.
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I want more leaks and i want them NOW
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bro, we are two years behind. 730 days. there is no speculation because it all gets spoilered.
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Things in FGO I want to eat
Hound of Baskervilles Woodwose for OC4
He's pretty based
I don't know how intentional it was, but he's voiced by Kamille and Sancho is voiced by Fa, which is a nice touch since I really enjoyed watching Zeta Gundam
I think that's fake but If we ever get RP for coin trade, I'd assume 1 RP for 10~30 coins. We have 10 coins per material unit trade on shops for wellfares.
Servants for this feel?
Any servants can stack trillions of poison stacks and then deal 10x the bosses hp?
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>people still share and trust ultra-cereal chink leaks
Where's the 2022 Fuyuki singularity-turned-into-waterpark Summer with 4* Eresh/Jaguarman and 5* Rider Kingprotea
Where's the Pretender Kingprotea that was promised for Summer '23
Where's the Greek Grail Front with Asterios Spiritron dress
and most importantly
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Your gudaguda bork souls werewolf is NPC-jailed I'm afraid...
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Damn that’s hot, my poor dick…
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>only ever received one buff and it was just increasing her NP damage, no additional effects
It's really funny how basic Jack skills are. Pretty sure at this point a lot of 1's,2's and 3 stars have more of a skill set then Jack at this point with buffs going out.
The gayest servant in chaldea
foreigner vitch can do quite some damage over time with extra chains and CCs. too bad she lacks survivability.
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It's a shame because her Interlude a while back was honestly interesting and I'd hope they were building up to something. The idea that her having a healthy parental figure in (you) being good for her but also being at odds with her innate nature as a vengeful wraith is interesting use of her concept within the context of FGO specifically that is unique from her presence in Apocrypha.
The boy will be attached to Touko
Celebrating the 9th anni with auntie
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Ok, that sounds fine. I have a huge stock of apples
I've found myself putting off doing events more and more recently. I really need to start getting myself more motivated to keep on top of this stuff.
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Buru faia
Higashide can only evade it for so fucking long when people really want it or let other people use her.
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We are team vampire here. All werewolves begone. Also this captcha is for you.
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I beat him the other night in the board game version with a party of four bros; fine chap until he does the 9HP mass attack and all characters in that port have a 10HP maximum life threshold
There's an event going right this very second
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finally a break
In cases like Redman's, it seems safe to assume his physical abilities were enhanced upon becoming a Servant.
For Waver and Alice I'm not sure, they both still act as mages, their Caster class probably doesn't enhance their physical strength in a substantial way. Reminder that Shakespeare and Medea had pretty much nothing in the way of physical combat abilities.
Reines is a Rider but she mostly fights through her mystic code, it's not clear how her strength would compare to her human form.
She's funny in general. On a surface level she's as year 1 as it gets but somehow she's survived power creep and stayed competitive. Mostly cause of a few extremely high valuable qualities, namely

>Absolute buff removal
>good damage output from her Quick up and a very widely covered damage mod
>cracked NP gain on quick cards

There's for sure space for her to be buffed but it's funny she's kept up with the game as well as she has despite such a simple kit.

Also wait, your image is wrong. Her Skill 1 gives her Quick up, not Crit damage.
Extremely high quality poster right there
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>Lip in 4th place this year
>Even though she was in 20th place last year
Surely all these votes aren't coming from shitposters after the Takeuchi interview... Right?
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Monday soon.
Huh, you're right. I took it from the wiki. Must have got fucked up somehow
I have no QP, no embers, no mats and no SQ.
I for one welcome this dead month.
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For the grace, for the might of our lord
For the home of the holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly
For the grace, for the might of our lord
In the name of his glory
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Come and tell their story
Gave their lives so boldly
Come and tell the Swiss Guards' story again
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>Heals 2500 hp
This is such a fucking funny skills since a like 3 stars and 4 stars have better aoe versions of this skill. Like hell Martha is a year 1 servant like her and hers is an aoe and removed debuffs.
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Based and nice addition to my playlist
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Sweet, more time for me to actually try out the critmalding at Insane/Torment raids thing only Day1 people can pull off
Damn, why do the defiant elevens keep killing and causing suffering to my handsome men? Some princess should go into a stadium under peaceful reasons and then shoot them.
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Jacks skills are very much a year 1 servant in comparison to anything newish.
im on the back half of ooku anons
ive been using some bronze apples bc ive liked it
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Finally break and I can play other games
I do travel the inter-knot, yes. Also you all should play Zenless Zero Zone the chapter 2 and 3 are really good. Voyager is in the game as a loli with bear ears.
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>I for one welcome this dead month
Same here: i want to buy a new lens for my camera, so i need to save up some money
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Imagine if Jack had Kojibro's kit...
Jack is still an ok servant somehow with such shit skills. I think it's her insane NP generating and crit star drop rate well having ok damage.
Are there really Muramasa homobros here?
I want to make a FATE version of this
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Don't care. I make my own content now. I can play anything and be entertained.
>Unlimited Shiv Works
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You did go to church today, /alter/?
Fate is a GAR franchise
Yeah I’ve seen actual homobros here for muramasa, napoleon and DUDE
also a great niche of anti-female makes her damage insane at times
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>do you have enough buffs in your Act 4, Corrupt Heart?
That explains everything
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Yes, we sacrificed a goat in the name of satan at the town's altar. Then we had an orgy.
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Nice timing for the vacation at sea! Good news.
Yes the church had an upside down cross and sang about Mephistopheles
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He's just irresistible...
I think we'll be getting Road to Seven Lb4 and some advanced quests in August.
>kamafags so into kama that they want to suck the same dick as her
holy shit the cuckery
Filthy, godless Swede.
Based lippa showing the zealots who's boss
no, I sinned... please forgive me...
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so I tried the double castoria + Lady Avalon... and Hokusai doesn't even refund enough what the fuck???
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It's more of a meme team but critting down Enkidu without using a single NP is pretty funny.
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i have never looked at jacks skills, that fucking terrible. how does jackfag beat all of the cqs with this garbage?
No fucking way. Kamille's VA has insane range.
That guy who tries to cuckpost with him seems a little sus in that regard. I can't even imagine that character being sexually threatening, so there must be some other motive
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No its just Kama fag having a meltdown for some reason maybe because he got banned again for the 10x time today last thread idk.
See how Kama posting stopped and this started up immidietly afterwards.
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Oei's refund is pure garbage.
Bullshit. That's a Baphomet mass and he's at odds with Mephisto
>It's more of a meme team
Well yeah, any crit team that relies on a single DPS will be a meme.
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Long ago I got accused of pulling a fire alarm at my church with people accusing and "seeing me" pull it since I was sta ding by the stairs and ran outside when the alarm went off. In actuality, the retards had a "christian rock teen band" with a smoke machine in a medium enclosed room playing and it set off the fire alarm. Them the staff grilled me and wanted me to admit that I pulled it since the fire departnemt was there and, as I type this realize, didn't want to get in trouble for allowing such a retarded event to happen. To make things more retarded, the alarm they saw me pull was locked with a key and the switch wasn't even pulled down.
Her refund is terrible, try using Xu Fu instead since she buffs NP gain and has a bigger charge.
Use your Dioscuri bro.
one good post please
>homogays on 4chan?
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>finished the event
>finished every story chapter
>finished every available interlude
>finished every available rank up
>finished every main interlude

Bros... what now?
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this is a warcrime
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Yeah, in this case you kind of have two chances for a good hand, since you can just NP in the first wave if you don't have Okita cards but it's not 100% reliable. I'm almost done with the ladder though so I'll probably just have fun with this for a little longer.
Wait. I realized the Xu Fu is just a better Merlina, but cuter purer and an actual little sister to (You) and Mash.
play real games
It works with kaleidoscope instead of the damage CE, but that requires castoria's NP to boost turn 3 damage (which I think means she needs an append?)
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holy sex
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Post more please, love this material
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>kamafags so into kama that they want to suck the same dick as her
Why would I want to suck my own cock?
I have Star Ocean 2 R waiting to be played and I played SF6 earlier. I should do something productive.
>started with NP2 Kintoki + Buster Supports
>switched to NP2 Dioscuri + Castorias and Oberon
>now realize that NP1 Vlad + Castorias and Lan Ling works just fine
This first 90++ has provided much to ponder...
I got scammed...
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Is Dioscuri any good? I got NP1 earlier when summoning for Skadi. Do you need NP2 10/10/10 to use them for looping?
Ok? Then just do that?
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This is one of my favorite.
I don't know how people find 2d fictional characters to be sexually threatening anyways.
Can S.Ibuki loop 1/1/1 with black grail?
Hokusai can work with Ocean Flyer, but she's certainly not using Black Grail. If you're talking about Saber Oi, she can do the Lv.90++ node.
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Rare Cnoc art
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>Summer Ibuki
>Summer Skadi
>Lady Avalon
Do I need any of these at NP2 or above? I keep seeing people say to have Summer Skadi at NP2 for reasons I don't understand. Is that just if you have literally no other Quick looper?
I wouldn't really consider an Asian twink sexually threatening no matter how many dimensions you stack on him.
Can't Albert speed up so we can get her already
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What event?
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CCC summer when?
After the list came out NP1 is a mark of shame
Well what are you waiting for?
What list?
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They work fine for this node but they aren't really meant for looping generally, not that that's an issue since they're ST.
I'd say they're pretty good Servants for bosses and challenge quests. The Quick/Arts gimmick is fun and being able to ignore both defence-up and invincibility means they're very reliable.
Muramasa is just Raikouschizo's tool to cuckpost. He always cuckposts when he's triggered or bored regardless the situation.
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What about NP0 for all three?
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You retards need help if this game is actually sucking up money you could be spending on more meaningful things.
How so and on the 90++ node?
NP2 for a DPS is always nice
>Summer Skadi
If you plan on using her as a DPS or if you need to unlock her append skill charge right now.
>Lady Avalon
NP2 improves her overheal and NP charge. Also guards against NP drains which are not rare in CQs.
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>mfw 4 days ago when skadi dropped
literally the exact same face. and now this is mfw.
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Bro...what happened with you free funds?
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what's she cookin?
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Here’s another nice one
one bad post please
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Someone tell me what Servants I need to actually make use of Summer Skadi effectively.

Back when it was just double Skadi, I used NP5 Parvati with her Append and 10/10/10 but I reckon that won't cut it for anything going forward, especially not Saber nodes.
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>roll for np5 s.ibuki
>get her to 120 2k/2k
>never need a new servant for gameplay or get damage servants to np2 ever again and can focus on np1s to fill the pokedex
thank you based raitabortion
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Grinding my pelvis against the priest
>Do I need any of these at NP2 or above?
Well the only one you arguably "need" at all is Skadi, and she's fine at NP1.
If you want a universal Arts looper like Ibuki you're shooting yourself in the foot by not going for NP2.
Merlina is whatever, people seem to talk about her as if NP2 is helpful, but I've heard that she compares unfavourably to NP1 Merlin unless she's NP4, or something like that, so really it just depends on how much you like Merlina.
Any post that starts with IMG_ in the filename (we have two iphone spammers here right now!)
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>bond 15
Heh, nothin personal, gaijin.
iPhone's don't have IMG as the start of the filename, that's Android devices. iPhone filenames are those strings of number and letters, followed by a hyphen, another string of numbers and letters, repeat about four or five times.
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What should we do if a cat meows...?
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I rolled for space boy's copies so I can finally level him up to 120.
They do starting last year anon.
Parvati was always a meme compared to JETS and Dantes. These days it's Caren, Dantes and the upcoming Rikyu. Molay can also work.
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That must depend on the specific device then, I have an iPhone 12 and that doesn't happen.
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists
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Extremely based
JETS was never the best because he couldn't loop without mystic code support, Dantes was the undisputed king.
Servant for this feel?
what are some servants?
I haven't seen an old iphone filename here in ages so I don't think you post here then
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That artist is always producing sexy Muramasa art. God bless him.
I only got NP2 JETS well after Quick stopped being relevant. I don't have Dantes, Caren and I doubt I'll be lucky enough to get Rikyu.
>without mystic code support
So any plugsuit servant is shit then since you need to use plugsuit mystic code for them to loop.
>JETS was never the best because he couldn't loop without mystic code support
No shit, but he was always ticketable which made him second only to Dantes. Everyone else wasn't worth using because why bother with counterclass?
>iPhone's don't have IMG as the start of the filename, that's Android devices
Android devices keep original filenames
Proto Merlin is bad because she only increases your HP while Merlin actually heals you
Take a screenshot and open phptos, it'll say the filename below the date when you tap the (i)
I just tested it and it shows IMG_2347 for example. The randomized string was when you uploaded stuff through safari.
>kawasumi managing to sound cute
It's like I'm back in 2008 watching Kanokon again
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max HP increase is literally healing
At least post a good Miku song.
Proto Merlin is bad because she needs a high NP level to match your NP1 Merlin
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Here’s another favorite of mine, the exposed armpit is wonderful
Daienen Ibuki is so hot bros..
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>5 more levels to go but then I remember that another anon said something about a Super/Great success EXP rate up happening after summer so I can’t just use the embers willy nilly for now
Time is a bitch
>A Certain Great Detective's Death
Wow, real subtle.
Here you go
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bro somehow has never used Merlin's buster buff as a heal lol
can ai write an epic rap battle of history between morgan and kama?
Overheal is just healing but better since it's upfront. Healing is wasted if your servants are already at max HP while you can continue to stack max HP increasess.
>retard who only knows the most mainstream Miku songs posts the most popular mainstream Miku song
Fuck off to Reddit or /jp/ you pretending nigger.
Merlin's NP, retard?
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The pokemiku songs are all so good, I love the newest one
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Room starting to be a bit packed
You just said to post a good song. I posted a good song. Don't move the goalposts, nigger.
nta, but nothing really feels meaningful
Is Ocean Flier worth leveling to 100?
>Tfw already saved and gooned to it
Damn, Muramasa monopolized my dick...
Dummy, I am saying you should already be familiar with how increasing max HP works as healing because Merlin already has a skill that does that (his buster buff)
ooku was good
great kama fight
enjoyed it a lot
double gogh cleared it in 10 turns with not a care in the world
Erm where's Kama?
Yeah, it's a great CE with pure ATK scaling and good art.
If your MLB Black Grail or Foumes weren't cutting it for you, sure. Or if you like the art too.
It bothers me that Tomoe and occasionally Waver are drawn with fight sticks but no one in this general plays any fighting games. I remember when MBTL came out, a few anons got butthurt because they wanted to play with others but people here only play FGO and western AAA sloppa.
No idea, I haven't tried any of the text ones, because I can't read.
Ok bro post some REAL miku songs
all atk stat and its good on a lot of arts servants
as someone who does not have a lot of level 100 CEs, its one that i maxed
the other two are BG and detective foumes
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She Kam to the beach with me
I play eastern AA slop though
In Gordolf's room
In the trashcan.
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>/fgoalter/ - Hatsune Miku fanclub general
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akshually it's project voltage !!!!!!!!
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Mum's gonna get rid of the floozies.
>liking miku
don't you know that she is a copy of a bakugan girl?
How about this then.
I was going to say where's Abby, but she gets to stay in your head and rape your when you sleep.
didn't you know your parents wanted a boy?
Imagine huge boobs
So does Kama
Must be awkward when it's just them and my favorite in there
Huyan is one of them?
>don't you know that she is a copy of a bakugan girl?
Whats bakugan.
Is that something like gyaru?
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>Miku song
I'm detecting quite the oxymoron here.
I'm either going to level it or a 2nd black grail but I feel like arts cranking gives more flexibility
I bet they changed their minds when they had a beautiful daughter like me
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I miss the time playing Project DIVA...
Aeschually the twitter handle is @PokeMikuVOLTAGE
you will never be a vocaloid.
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I can't even be free in my dreams.
I manly just like the Esper Esper song since that song's lyrics can work as an actual non-Pokemon related song.
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Honestly I would prefer if they stayed on my room and raped me when I was awake
>or a 2nd black grail
You're never going to need more than a single MLB Black Grail.
Her valentine is her breaking into (you)r room and whispering to your sleeping self about how great she is and how you should praise her.
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I fucking wish that was me
Also, do you know that I managed to 120 my own Muramasa during anni?
when the fuck has anyone ever used 2 black grails
>actual fags on /alter/
I though you guys were only pretending to be gay.
I'm sorry, I will let you spank my fat ass as punishment...
Did she voice the Unbreakable Machine Doll girl?
Reminder Dantes went away and left your head and dreamscape to Abby. She owns your mind and dreams now, not yours anymore.
Did you miss when Okitabro and Castoriabro met up and had sex?
can you bros recommend me a
When you want to flex on your support
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252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu
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But you have to clear singularities while you are awake.
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Farming time
Then you haven't been paying attention
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You'd be only flexing to your fellow bros and not seething kscopelet and bglet latelets.
>Ascension 0
>Does this
>Lost a dream fight to a small child
with hats on
>120 Muramasa
That's nice, congrats. Unfortunately, I'm waiting til December to grab more copies...
>3HKO on Blissey
It is the closest to summer Vritra we'll ever get.
Give me a Vikavolt set
Doesn't seem like it
Holy shit this sounds like ass this Miku girl doesnt know how to sing she should take some lessons from Charli CXC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTScrWExZco
The Anniversary servant will be: Vlov
Mommy mommy FGO arcade hurt my feelings so I'm gonna melt down!!!!!!
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Only ojisans know this song.
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I have said time and time again that I would like to have gay sex with a cute FGO crossplayer.
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>252+ SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Chi-Yu Overheat vs. -1 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 554-652 (77.5 - 91.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
>this Miku girl doesn't know how to sing
It's an AI, bro...
>plugsuit and 5CE
it's over
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AI can generate songs now?
So thats why it sounds so bad.
Yeah, I'm thinking kino.
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I did have to sacrifice unlocking his append to get him to 120 though, so I hope I can get one more copy in December too
Also, I wonder if I have you on my FL
Charli doesn't dance on my pizza though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPuI4l0jK7s
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>melt down
More like go nuclear.
And I'm glad to see you still remember what happens.
Have you been in a coma for the past 17 years?
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Looking like another Mother and Daughter clear.
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This dude looks like such a weenie
Teen sex
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>not posting the best Miku song
kama (fate), wanders into Camelot and challenges, Morgan le fay (fate), to a rap battle, both beautiful women, of course. Morgan le Fay is so moved by the performance, that she makes Merlin, the only person in the room to remember what a mook this guy is, bring him back to life, but only for a week, as a joke.
> You listen.
Camelot is in an uproar. King Arthur's sister, Morgan le Fay, the sorceress, has been seen consorting with the mysterious Dark Lord Mordred, rumored to be his son.

yeah no at leats not NAI, that said first time gong into the text/story generator so maybe im just being retarded
Do you fags actually like Rikyu or do you just want her for Quick looping?
Feels like a Time and Eric sketch
>no one’s posted the best AI song yet
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surprise Ereshkigal at the end of the thread!
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>final node is actually waterside unlike the FUCKING SUMMER EVENT
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He cute
I like old men in girl bodies
We've had two pairs of crossdressers meet up and fuck at this point.
Man, I wish I could meet Tiamat.
You niggas have got to be in your 30s, more likely almost 40. Get off of 4chan and get a life.
what's the next lotto and/or raid?
NAI is not built for that. It's an old school text RPG generator.
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It's hard for anyone to forget Gacha drama. Right now it's pozzed English genshin voice actors doing everything they can to sabotage their own careers in some racist fueled tirade.
Ironically, gfl2 fans have quickly forgotten and forgiven the cuck attempts from the devs.
I instantly fell in love with her design and the impression I have of her character from osmosis has me very interested as well. I'd be rolling her regardless of her gameplay and frankly, I have multiple other loopers including Arts and Buster AOE Berserkers so her gameplay isn't a huge reason for me to pull.

IMO she's one of the coolest designs and most beautiful women in Chaldea, seriously.
I don't expect to see many on support lists in the first place
Milly love
A goddess can't deal with some herbivores? Pathetic!
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how about you go fuck yourself you fucking zoomer newfag faggot
>IMO she's [total bullshit]
Kill yourself redditor
I'm only 25. I have plenty of time...
>Tiamat fags go nuclear
>3 years later she comes out
>Everyone likes Draco more
I don't even know what to call this
I think the artist of that CE should do a summer servant desu
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I don't think we're talking about the same thing Genshitter...
>It's hard for anyone to forget Gacha drama
That doesn't sound hard at all
What the fuck am I reading?
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>Right now it's pozzed English genshin voice actors
Imagine ever playing the EN dub of a gacha game. I actually prefer SAM's EN dub over the JP dub. Firefly's EN dub on the other hand...
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>Morgan le Fay, the sorceress, has been seen consorting with the mysterious Dark Lord Mordred
So Morgan not just got fucked by her sister and gave birth to her nephew but now shes fucking her nephew/son to make a son/grandson/grandniece.
Morgan is so based.
That's why I'm glad Albert is too lazy to force a dub on us, it would be fucking dogshit and every westoid VA is mentally ill
You call it everyone KNEELING before nero and her unparalleled popularity
it looks like you are reading a rikyufags reasoning on why he likes rikyu
just a guess tho
Its called reality no one actually gives a shit about the one note compared to Nero’s character conclusion.
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you're not getting away
You're reading retard babble that is his way of justifying rolling.
No one gave a shit about tiamat. They were just pissed that they weren't getting the shiny new thing.
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She is on my "I like her enough to be willing to spend about 300 sq on getting np1 but its not the end the world if I dont get her" list.

I know lot of anons are either "love 120 np5 or nothing" but it can't be helped, I'll go for np1 most part of the time.

Even charcters I love I will settle with np1, the only difference is that for the ones I love I'm willing to spend more until I get them
seems so, once their ai bots come out you might be able to mix those for rpg larp shenanigans
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but your bros could all use her, bro. think of all the extra FP gained!
jinako for obvious reasons

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