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Blessed edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/


>How to WebM

Previous: >>487917243
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gets blasted with nickelodeon slime

We just changed the fidelity of our models
imho looks better

I'm tired of being back. I miss when it was over.
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cheers /agdg/

lets make some vidya
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We are so back!
What's the gameplay?
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>damn, I'm looking good!
Mirrors are hard
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>meanwhile, DOOM
I look like this
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Give me ideas for zelda-like items/abilities. Preferably not overly gimmicky
Bow and Arrow
Invisibility Cloak
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How do I cope with the fact that I am a codelet and can't optimize my game because I can't write actual code?

My game looks like a 2003 PC game but requires 2012 hardware at minimum, and I've hit the limit with what I can personally do without actually fixing the shitty engine I'm on.
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I ordered some pizza because stress and depression.
Mirrors work fine in low fidelity games but become too expensive at high fidelity. Graphics is not a simple straight line. There are tradeoffs.

Another example is older engines having better lighting effects through faked dynamic lighting where the engine would just swap out between different light maps. A lot of modern engines have lost this feature because it was considered "obsolete" as dynamic lights became more common, but in fact you can do a lot cooler effects through light map switching.
having a burrito in honor of eric
Throw it out fatty. Have some self control. It's not too late.
Okay, last patch didn't fix my game, but I'm sure THIS one will fix it.
I'm stuck in tutorial hell, send help.
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“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Ponder this and apply it to your game
I need a loli like hina in my game
I'd recommend you start a Patreon or something like that and start shilling as soon as possible, I think a lot of people would want to support this game, even this early in development.
Also, amazing foreskin animation.
Perfection is lots of little things done well.
i'm out of low hanging fruit to implement in my game
just deleted my whole game and now theres nothing to take away so its perfect
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"Perfection doesn't exist just keep adding stuff as long as it makes things more fun"
already did
remove your fishing and hunger mechanics
post your perfect game
A bit of third person action leading into a rhythmic wrestling segment
Thanks, we'll get on that soon
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>Also, amazing foreskin animation.
duckduckgo project nortubel
I think if my whole game was a big happy funny face in the middle of the screen and clicking it made a clown noise people would still say its overwhelming and confusing.
>everyone else is as stupid as I am
Yes? Sorry if you're American.
My wife Hina
Asymmetrical face
is there a name on that genre where you're constantly moving on the Z axis , there's 3 horizontal paths that you can move between and there's typically obstacles you have to avoid on the paths?
Infinite runner?
Dog doo doo advice
As far as I understand, it's real, there are additions and mods to add seamless portals and the like but it's otherwise running off of doom's original DOS engine with many of the same limitations, like there being no verticality besides visuals.
anyone recommend me some learning material on how to bake lightmaps on blender maps for Godot use?
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I don't wanna dev.
I don't wanna cook.
I don't wanna work out.
I don't wanna do my laundry.
I don't wanna go get groceries.

How do I get myself to stop being such a lazy sack of shit?
My condolences


Huh....you already got destructible terrain. I still dont understand the voxel like terrain destruction like in Noita. Anyone got resources to learn for that?
I'm so scared about my game's release. It's not that I don't know what to do, I don't know how people will react to my game. Feedback has been positive so far from those who tested it but can that really extrapolate to an actual audience?
Just like stop caring.
fuck off Faggy
infinite/endless runner
if I made a pornographic game, I would definitely put foreskin animation in it.
Kek I put off going to the bank for a like a week. Getting a haircut has been put off for like a month. I have however been able to dev more than normal actually. Also want to see some advicd.
maybe make a game instead of navelgazing about deferred rendering. as if you have any gameplay or assets to render
Post your game and I'll tell you whether it's gonna do well or not.
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add femboys to your game
(I am no longer asking)
My character creator solves this
Can someone tell what I should be expecting switching from Unity to Monogame?
Imagine not having an ultra customizable character creator in your game lmao, imagine ruining and breaking the player’s immersion by not giving them any control over what their in game character looks like kek
No one cares nigga what the fuck is a monogame
i have 2 clothing sets for my player character. plenty enough if you ask me !
I think that is everything that is needed to be tweaked or added done. Going to test the final systems tomorrow with more recording, then if it goes well it will be good.
game dev protip: if you're adding character customization, save time by not even bothering to add a male option, because the only people who care about character customization want to be girls! :3
Expect a barebones "engine" that only handles graphics, sound and input. Maybe that's all you need if you want to roll everything yourself.
feature bloat, basically procrastination
ok, what species?
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>Post your game
I haven't posted it here in a loong time though. It would be weird for me to post again, especially in such context.
Why did zoomers start calling trannies "femboys"? I keep seeing this word all over the internet and I still have no idea what separates a tranny from a "femboy", assuming there's even a difference.
Ahahahaha cope and seethe, “character customizer is feature bloat” ahahahah actually malding because you lack the talent to create something like that
u ok?
Found it. It looks like shit.
Femboy means a guy who wants to remain a guy but he wants to be a feminine guy. A tranny is a guy with an insane mental illness that has convinced himself that despite being a literal man, he is actually a woman
>Ahahahaha cope and seethe
are you 12
Will have to do stuff like deciding what to render? I will have to the those kinds of engine work? Do I get to use .net libraries like in Unity?
ohhh we got 'em boys
So basically it's a sliding scale of mental illness?
But this isn't my game? I was making a 3d game. And I haven't actually released just yet.
You mean you haven't made a Steam store page yet?
what does Japanese cartoons have to do with it?
i already did add character customization to my game
upon further reflection, I realized it was pointless and added nothing towards the experience I was trying to create
trannies aren't femboys, there's a clear difference between those gay terminologies

twink - obvious guy with a slim body, can be non-muscular or lightly toned. happy being a guy

femboy - male who's happy being a guy who's natural features are noticeably feminine but he's still recognizeable as male

trap - male who's happy being a guy who's natural features are so feminine he's mistaken for a girl

tranny - male/female who's unhappy with their birth sex and wants to be the opposite. uses artificial and synthetic means of achieving this through HRT, surgeries, and other forms of bodily modification
God I hate /agdg/ so much. I wish horrible death upon all of you, who will post in this horrible thread.
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I love aggy daggy.
I love shitposters
I love gamedev
I love simps
I love coomers
I love schizos
I love eceleb posters
I love the inner circle
And most of all, I love (you)
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>a guy who's natural features are so feminine he's mistaken for a girl
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Hence why it's mostly relegated to fiction like video games which is why you should add them to yours
it's all fag shit
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Hello AGDG. You like to think you can tell why a game has flopped just from glancing screenshots in the store page. Better yet, you act like you can tell if a game will sell or not long before it's released. Do you want to play a game?
On the left there's 5 games at various quality levels. On the right there's their review count shuffled around. Can you match the right ones without checking?
how do i come up with a story to go along with my gameplay?
Sorry, I can't tell you. Have a good day.
Ask ChatGPT to do it for you
the others are trash but rule the waves 3 is obviously the most reviewed one
it's probably one of the few games that exists for historical ship nerds and is the third entry in a series
>his gameplay isn't directly informed by the story and vice versa
I shiggy diggy
A or B = 5 or 2
C D E = 1, 3, 4

I'm grouping them because the review counts are too similar that it would be retarded to guess exactly.
Ok, I think next DD will the first playable demo of Galduen of the void with:
>Ship designer
>Functioning research
>Travel and order for space ship
>Contract with science and money prize

So the main gameplay loop should be near complete.
It will miss:
>The story
>Faction and diplomacy
>Accident and weight system
>Crew and colony system

Will try to add a tutorial before DD if I can.

What will (you) bring to the next DD?
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I probably shouldn't have made this right before going to sleep so I'll just leave the answers anyway.
From most reviewed to least reviewed:
5-A The Herbalist
2-B Rule The Waves 3
4-C Glyph
3-D Tinertia
1-E The Witch's Isle
dear lord, you have no idea what i'm cookin
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probably no tok but ill still stream. will play your game and try to make it work this time.
It's called force of will
Simply force yourself to do things you don't want to do forever until it becomes habit
But that looks like myhouse.wad, which is for doom 2, and not vanilla.
if you can draw it, sure.
I guessed just based on their capsule image and game type, herbalist looks like a hentai game and rule the waves is obviously autist bait. The other three are pretty generic which is why they have similar review counts although I would have picked the witch game out of the three based on game type though I guess the capsule art of the other two is better.
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>But that looks like myhouse.wad, which is for doom 2, and not vanilla.
>Prototype two games
>Really hyped about one of them
>It's fun
>Can't get the graphics to look right no matter how hard I try
>Politely enthusiastic about the other
>It's nice
>Manage to make it look good on the first try

Rationally, I should really work on the second, but it's hard to make myself actually do this
Rationally you should work on the first then. In the long run, passion matters more than ease.
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Lizard. Samurais.

I will now add femboys to my game.
Any port with seamless portal also has support for actual 3d floors. You're an uninformed retard spreading misinfo.
I will now add lizard samurais to my game.
I've notified the artist that you've posted their art on 4chan without their consent ;)
hehehe i like this post
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I'm over here pondering my orb I got magic in my orb right now I'm just pondering my shit I'm evil as fuck man I'm a wizard man like
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My PC broke a few months ago and I've been using the Steam Deck docked as my main PC since.
But I would like to start using it to learn Blender. I've already put a few hours into tutorials on it and it seems fine. There are concerns long term though that I'd like to ask about.

I plan on eventually making a small hobby project for the Deck using Godot + Blender. I've never touched Godot so I'm unsure how it works and I could not find an easy answer. But is the Steam Deck capable of making models that would be viable in a game made with Godot? I know it is Godot is capable of using stuff from Blender just fine but I'm more worried about the quality of the assets. Blender doesn't run super great taking a long time for any animation besides basic stuff. Does Godot have a better way to deal with animations then rendering them in Blender and is there decent enough documentation on the process?

Can the Steam Deck properly use Blender to make assets for use in the Godot Engine?
That's good. I prefer it being nonconsensual.
what does Japanese cartoons have to do with it?
Nothing I just like wasting Hiro's money when possible.
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not happening, faggot
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/agdg/ i need a name
i have a level called "Rudiments" that's like a collection of places and things that have drifted down from the rest of the world, so it's gonna be like a schizophrenic mishmash of pieces of other areas
It's divided into two halves, and i'm calling the first level "Anemoia" because I think it fits, but I can't thinkof a cool, vauge, conceptual name for the second half that complements the first one
all of blow's games are pretty underwhelming, but he manages to generate interest by speaking about his creations with grandiose language. making exaggerated claims about his relatively simple games is his favorite sport, and people often fall for his hype and buy out of curiosity. ultimately, he's figured out how to sell just about anything, since his outspoken online presence and influence in indie dev circles (like indicade) will likely continue to drive sales for whatever shit he produces.
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>Today on 60 Minutes: We sit down with the developer behind the smash hit indie game "Cult of Damaskus" to explore what it takes to achieve success in the gaming world.
I keep starting side projects that I'll never finish
Post your current side project then.
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my brother
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Mockup of an idea I had to create the seeds for crafted worlds.
Each pin represents a worldgen property and has a specific length, how intense the property is depends on how deeply it pierced the cube.
Pins can't overlap so there's some strategy involved, and any leftover length can be considered instability for that world that creates undesired effects so your goal is to make it as tight and flush as possible if you want a stable world, or intentionally messed up and wasteful if you want instability.
The box's shape can vary too, a long 1x1x5 shape could fit a single 5x pin, or five 1x pins, or whatever configurations it could fit.
It's not really meant to be a puzzle minigame with a specific goal in itself so it's important that it's just quick and fairly easy to get what you want, but I feel that even with a modest 3x3x3 box it starts getting really convoluted and hard to tell what the overall effect would be, I might just make it 2D instead since it's much easier to visualize how many cells are pierced and such.
It's crazy that you used to have to watch these shows to see people this fat, almost like a freak show. Now all I have to do is walk out.
Take care of your health, guys.
I keep starting side projects to expand my brain.
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Turns out the inner circle is literally inside.
Aiomena or an anagram.
>anemoia (uncountable)
>(neologism, uncommon) Nostalgia for a time or a place one has never known.
>Constructed fromAncient Greekἄνεμος(ánemos,“wind”)+νόος(nóos,“mind”), with reference toanemosis, the warping of a tree by high wind "until it seems to bend backward."
So replace "mind" or "wind" with something else. "Soul", maybe?
>In the information age, the barriers just aren't there. The barriers are self-imposed. If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing, you don't need millions of dollars of capitalization. You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator, a cheap PC to work on, and the dedication to go through with it. We slept on floors. We waded across rivers.
I have switched to a diet of nothing but pizza and Diet Coke in order to guarantee the success of my game.
We are living the rat experiment.
The show began as my 400lb life and grew to 600lb because being 400lbs wasn't considered outlandishly fat enough anymore.
The rat utopia?
Cool experiment, but the guy behind it did the same experiment like 20 times before he got the spooky one.
That's the one, yeah.
>did the same experiment like 20 times before he got the spooky one
I must have missed that part, well. We are living the 20th attempt in that case.
I think I'm gonna apply some weekly dev/practice/study quota retroactively to the first day-1 of 2024 and start from there. Maybe like 16 hour dev 8 hours practice 8 hours study.
planning an hero
but as an aggydagger I want to do something related to gamedev. Any ideas?
The true aggy way is to make elaborate plans on killing yourself but procrastinate the actual act until the day of your natural death comes and you die without actually doing anything.
The herbalist must be on top cause it's got the nudity tag and it's been made by the "Everlasting Summer" VN team
There were other issues with his experiments which I don't remember off the top of my head.
Cosplay as a character from an /agdg/ game, so your family and the police get confused when they find you dead.
I will take these suggestions into consideration thank you
>make a good game
>post progress here
>the quality of your game will attract a schizo (it's the same guy who crabs everyone else so you'll have to share)
>antagonize the schizo with frequent progress posts
>wait for a particularly potent schizo meltdown to "accidently" doxx yourself
>schizo tracks you down and kills you when you least expect it
It's important that your game is actually good, since the quality of the game reflects how obsessed the schizo will become with you.
Get a Fygoon costume, get some spray paint and write INDIES WILL RISE on the wall of whatever company / nepobaby you don't like
if i make my game only playable windowed because the art looks bad when scaled up will people hate me and not buy my game and dox me and rape my dog and kill me and pour acid on me?
What breed is your dog?
calm down Tomo
Heh this should be fun
1. Witch's Isle (C 80) Looks like it has a story
2. Rule the Waves 3 (B 552) I've seen a game like this, autists love it for unknown reasons. I think I've seen it before. If I get it wrong then the reviews are basically flipped with The Herbalist.
3. Tinertia (D 74) Seems meh but has some depth compared to Glyph, terrible capsule so I wouldn't be surprised if it's reviews are flipped with Glyph if I get it wrong
4. Glyph (E 56) Looks like garbage
5. The Herbalist (A 590) Think I've seen this one before desu. If I get it wrong then the reviews are basically flipped with Rule the Waves 3.
>Heh this should be fun
I miss Tomo...
Oh yeah got it about half right. Just had to move The Witch's Isle to the bottom and then flip Glyph with Tinertia. I was sus the capsule was going to make a difference at such a low review count.
I got the two games with triple digits right away, the other ranges are too narrow to matter.
There are people who will somehow get this wrong and pretend gamedev is a lottery lol.
she's busy right now ;)
Why does it look bad when scaled up?
W-what make's you Think that? That's definitely not Tomo Poster.
I don't know. It has this GBA quality to it. Looks great at several times the size of a gameboy screen, but really blocky when you go beyond that. I think it has something to do with the eye smoothing the blocks into solid shapes when they're small enough, but not when they grow past a certain threshold, but I'm not sure.
These two are my posts btw.
Do you have a screenshot?
Me too...
Design by subtraction only works if you have a huge art team to amaze players with visuals alone, and even better if you have godtier muscicians. ie shadow of the colossus.
is this dingodev ?
I suspect the worst performer, Tinertia, had the most effort put into graphics in terms of time spent on that aspect only, and yet it did the worst. That must suck. Although the Herbalist might be a strong contender for most work put into graphics but idk.
A broom
Bear trap
Bag of marbles
He's called Nolgorbdev now.
Huh, I wonder when that started counting.
Lots of flies where I live. I use a spray bottle of Lysol cleaner to squirt them when the land. It pretty much melts their wings and eyes instantly and then you can just smash their flailing body and clean the area at the same time
that seems a bit mean
How do I get him to shill my underwhelming game?
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The disgusting, insignificant pests not only spread disease, but also make noises that are deeply offensive to my base instincts. I resent them deeply, and wipe them out with prejudice whenever I'm able.
The above also applies to nodevs.
Make a warioware like using all your prototypes put together. Underserved market. Could be streamerbait.
I saved an ant from drowning my sink
i accidentally ate a fruit fly yesterday because the stupid cunt landed on my popsicle while i was lickin' it up
I'll call her whatever I want
I'm sure your sink is very grateful
god morning sir much love from Mumbai!! Many blessings to you sir
That applies to all insects for me, extreme prejudice against them with instant death upon site. Don't care if it wrecks the ecosystem, it'll manage as it always has.
What is your game?

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I'm scared someone from /agdg/ will look me up after I release my game and discover that I'm black
Insincere post.
Embrace your blackness and use to get wokepoints #blackdevelopers
4chan is a black woman website
we just larp as white chuds because it's funny
A black woman?
I'm being completely sincere.
That's the thing, I'm just a guy who's black. I went to a school that was 99% white kids growing up. I've been told that I don't sound black and, by a few less subtle people, that I don't "act black". I don't really have a blackness to embrace, whatever that means.
Yet unnamed action RPG
>I'm being completely sincere.
I do not believe you.
that's actually genius, thanks anon
Coming up with a satisfying plot for a visual novel is insanely hard. I have no idea why people keep trying to claim making VNs is easy.
It doesn't matter, you're still black. That's what really matters to people.
4chan is the place where you can complain about there being too many blacks everywhere but also refuse to believe that a single black person could make their way into the same thread as you.
surprised this list didn't update considering the last thread
unity anons
is there a way to make override controllers on top of existing override controllers?

for example i have an animation controller for sword wielding and attack animations
I then make an override controller for an axe with its own wield and attack animations
but then lets say i want to make male and female variations
male sword
male axe
female sword
female axe
is there a way to do this with override controllers? or maybe an organized way of going about it?
this example is trivial and can be fixed with just making separate male and female controllers, but you'd get the idea of how quickly this can get out of control when scaling up
Is not being able to make a fun game without the art or budget a skill issue? If you give a great game designer poor tools could he still make a successful game despite the limitations in the modern day indie market?
Obviously skill you retard. You could play go fish with a pack of index cards and a marker and it would still be fun.
That happens because of public and corporate policies like forced busing and DEI hiring.
It hardly applies to Internet forum users who show up here out of their own volition.
Having a black guy would be useful though because of the DEI specific marketing resources you can potentially get.
my game
- sucks
- is shit
- looks like ass
- is a turd
nothing happened last thread
>if i make my game only playable windowed because the art looks bad when scaled up will people hate me and not buy my game and dox me and rape my dog and kill me and pour acid on me?
yes. incidentally i changed the way Solitaire Battle resizes the window so it no longer has mixels nor letterboxing
Sure but would it be fun for more than 2 hours with enough replayability for zoomers even as a single player game?
meant the op pic
that's not how they work
like the override would be the same.
the point of the overrride is that the animation names/transitions are the same
overriding an override is just the same as overriding the base animator.

idk how your game works, but i would use a scriptableobject for that contains the variants and just use that in code.
or if i'm being perfectly honest, you likely don't even need gendered animations in the first place and are overscoping.
I thought you left Vividlope anon?
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ok. figured out how to make arongranbergastar move with my custom update loop. it was really simple once i found the relevant code. its actually super well documented in the source code even though the online docs suck
i think if I used the ECS version i might need to roll some shit myself but i don't think i need that for a game that will have MAX 40 pathfinding agents at once
Give Kojima only Cris's art and no upgrading it allowed, and he'd still be able to make a 10k review game, fact but only because of his fanboys though it'll be like <20% positive
No, he'd make a horror game using cris art. 100k reviews. changes horror gaming forever
There are loads of games here that force you to walk with no fun movement mechanics in sight.
Every anon game improves when you swap out the original dev for another guy.
it doesn't seem hard
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its over...
give me suggestions for a fun movement mechanic for my myst-like
>the point of the overrride is that the animation names/transitions are the same
thats what i want
sword attack and axe attack point to the same animation state, but have different animations.
ideally i would have 1 animator controller, then 2 overrides for male / female, then 2 overrides for sword / axe

>you likely don't even need gendered animations in the first place and are overscoping.
this is just an example
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>Add slide
>Sliding down a sloped surface gives you speed
>Jumping at the very bottom of a sloped surface conserves your speed
>Force player to slide under some fences so this is more than a speedrun thing
same game
lol and a grapple hook too. this will really get your blood pumping preparing you to study the lore on a tapestry
>2D Gamelets cant into the linear algebra required for 3D physics based games
Get a good writer.
It's ok to be a white nodev.
Can't you be a nodev somewhere else though?
I'm a yesdev thoughchance, I'm merely legitimazing nodevvery.
It’s mandatory to be a milk drinking yesdev if you’re white
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I feel like an idiot savant being obviously better than everyone here and in the wider internet and seeing these retards landing gamedev jobs simply because they're social butterflies with connections.
maybe you'd do better socially if you weren't such an insufferable pretentious egotist
I'm using monogame because unity makes no sense to me. If your making a very simple 2d game you should be fine.
>Gabe Newell, one of the Windows testers who went on to enjoy a long and successful career at Microsoft, showed up at the office with a sleeping bag. For a solid month, he camped in his office, working around the clock and catching a few catnaps when he could no longer stay awake. He became known as "Madman" Newell from that point on.
That is the difference between real gamedevs and "idiot savants" like you.
how easily can i monetize a rpg maker game
i havent fucked with this since 2003 was the new thing, but if i get somewhere, ill want to monetize it
How do you learn things that require reading when you cant focus? At the moment, I'm just skimming through the text to find the parts that I need and then just try to brute force it through trial and error. For example, learning about delegates vs actions in gamedev.
solve your focus problem.
Is adding online multiplayer to a GameMaker game hard? Would it be possible to make an online multiplayer game and put it on itch.io? Would I need to pay for servers for the online multiplayer?
What kind of game should I make if I'm good at programming, useless at 2D art, not terrible at 3D art and good at writing funny stuff?
Something like fear and hunger.
Post the best thing you ever made
Why the hell would you want a gamedev job? That's like working on an assembly line for a car designed by some one else.
Undertale clone
Post your RPGMaker game/concept. If you can't and genuinely thought about how to monetize it first and foremost, then consider suicide.
Very easily. It's as simple as making a good game and selling it.
visual novel
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wish you could animate root motion directly in the animation in godot but tweens work fine for now
excuses excuses everyday stop this shit right now a man isnt allowed to have excuses sadly
>give up on trying to make money
>give up on trying to impress dumb nerds on the internet
>just sit down and work on stuff that seems fun to me

huh. so it was that easy... all my "motivational problems" are gone and i'm enjoying myself again
>Action Events
Which ones do you guys use more in your projects? I just learned about the second one and I'm using it whenever I need to get a returned value.
were getting alot of diablo inspired x games, were entering the age of the isometric sprite based era. im talking diablo likes, im talking path of exile likes.
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Why did roguelikes evolve away from stat number go up and toward having your power come from synergizing effects while CRPGs and gachas are still stuck in the stat-heavy design of 90s RPGs?
my brain doesn't learn anymore so I can't grok either
Looks genuinely very bad and not fun
>live service model
because the latter requires players to continue playing their product
>because the latter requires players to continue playing their product
Well with gacha I think it's an east vs west thing
I notice the differences between individual characters and the impact of leveling them much more in a game like warframe, or even raid shadow legends, compared to arknights. The total number of different stats you need to focus on is kept much more comprehensible in favor of more distinct effects.
i'm ready for Marnix Day

I tried it before anon its an impossible task, stop while you're ahead.
why do the best screenshots and webms always get ignored?
this looks genuinely interesting
this game was popular on DD newfag
starting a new project....
a lot of people get caught in this trap of feeling super smart and accomplishing nothing. don't feel too bad about it, you're just so dumb that you feel smart.
Wouldn't that be a waste of programming and 3D skills?
If you resist, you take half damage, that's all well and good. But what if you're weak? 50% more damage is linearly the same as taking half. Taking 2x is exponentially more and leads to weird scaling and big numbers
it's just a screenshot of something we've seen in action. I don't know if there is progress. I'd need a before and after
Oh I was going to have a race of graceful swanmen that was like that
Also 4-armed warrior ants
How passable is your 3D skills? Will it make your game stand out in the sea of games?
The awkward moment when you reach 4am awake because your sleep got gradually more fucked and you lay in bed knowing it's smarter to hold off sleep but you're tired..
Magic mirror that creates a shadow copy of the player that mirrors movement. Then you can do puzzles with unsymmetrical mazes, or maybe a boss fight where you have to hit 2 places at once.
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guy! what about a necesse clone with non-janky movement or combat? will i make it?
Oh I'm the opposite. I can make self-contained systems, but fuck if I can make things interactive or extend them
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>tfw when so many 3D devs here are cocky over 2D
>tfw when the quantity of them with 3D "pixel gold" equivalent talent can be counted on 1 hand
I think they do that in The Minish Cap.
iktf for normal paper pusher jobs where the work is literally following a set of premade stuff/instructions. what do you mean i need social connections and 5 years experience or 10 years of waging there to get the job? annoys me desu.

gamedev jobs arent easy to get anymore. 10 years ago you could make a simple game and be streamlined into getting a triple a gamedev job
you have the perfect chance to become van gogh famous
make a game about it instead of becoming a nodev
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pretty happy with my progress so far on the core sailing mechanics
Im quite proud of the polar polynomial function I came up with to model the speed of the boat with regard to wind angle (points of sail)
then the sail angle is modelled with a linear function plus an additional term where I take the cross product of the boat's bow vector and the wind vector to check the direction of the wind relative to the sail
>real gamedevs
kek, lol even

>Eric Barone would spend days playing WoW
>when his gf would arrive home he'd quickly open up his game to look like he's been working on it all day
mixed reality death games
It was harder to make games back then so managing to release a decent but simple game on your own was impressive.
so that's why sdv took an eternity, huh?
It just happened with someone I know which is why I made the post to begin with.
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make an appealing game
3D is a lot more flexible and synergizes better with programming and game design, therefore it's a more valuable skill even if it produces uglier art.
Make a Sailwind clone but free because I don't want to pay any money for a game where I drive a boat.
Unironically this. FH did something risky and new innovative
It hated the player in a good way and had a weird depth that kept you wanting more
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picrel the point of sail diagram I modelled using the following approximation:
-9.928 * cos(angle) * cos(angle) - 0.6 * cos(angle) + 13.82
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Trying to add melee combat and special attacks. I think I need to add knockback or something, it doesn't feel right yet.
I also need to figure out the code to control when enemies respawn.
I wish I had friends to show off my progress to
Looks like a lot of fun. 10 reviews the first day easy.
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found out about sailwind recently when researching sailing games, Im very tempted to buy it it looks quite good
my game is going to be a multiplayer party/racing game thoughever
I've had friends before.
They never wanted to talk about my niche interests.
>Platformer with a billion hazard spikes
Eugh. Focus on good level design, please
Really nice progress so far
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it needs to have a truly unique and very skillful artstyle
think felvidek, hylics, yume nikki
if youre not a skilled artist with a truly unique style thats distinctly your own, dont bother
Requires friends, filters me...
Can you make an open world game in GameMaker?
im getting back in the zone im working for 10 hours straight all while looping the same song for hours on end
I'll likely settle on the same multiplayer client host system as lethal company so youd be able to queue into public lobbies
Define open world.
getting (you)s keeps me in this general, thanks.
>Froggygreen is as much of a named character as Mado and Horbror
What is this fake advertising
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Use less spikes to guide the player.
Importantly, the first area has a small spot to test out the mechanics before any risk happens
So grim to think someone ITT is actually making a platformer kek
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>Conservative amount of spikes
>7 reviews
>Spikes literally everywhere
>Overwhelmingly Positive (91,947)
I rest my case. Don't be like anon devs and don't listen to anon devs.
damn how is this engine not x10 better than godot?! https://github.com/stride3d/stride

imagine having to code in the gimped godotscript or stepchild c# that exists in godot when you could use a native c# engine
If my game doesn't have a chance of making it, is it even possible to make dev progress on it? Isn't making a game and doing nothing of the same value?
Why would I ever want to code in C# instead of GDScript?
The journey is its own reward.
stop posting in this pedophile general or kill yourselves
the pedophiles schizo madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, schizo froggygreen/frosch, schizo auragamedev/tyrfingex/sascha müller oranienstrasse 5 52066 aachen (develops Star Knightess Aura) and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves

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