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Previous: >>488000946

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Movie night with my shark gf.
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She is the storm that is approaching...

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Chat is this real
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Finally got Corin's signature weapon!!
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bros i'm scared he's really going to do it
Almost got killed because he thought Anton's bro is a human.
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I love this shark.
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Sleeping with Corin...
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/hig/ owns this place
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Does it matter what time I open the video store?
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What's the appeal of Ellen Joe?
She the definition of unattractive.
>Shark teeth
>haughty personality
you guys have shit taste if you find this attractive.
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Saar... you gotta update the chart appropriately
I don't see ZZZ having any similarities to KH or P5, and i beat the entire KH and P games. Explain it. And the day/night cycle does not count, plenty games have that.
Now that you're reading this your next standard pull will be the kot ball you are also now breathing manually
How the fuck do you actually play Piper in higher difficulty?
>try to spin
fuck off hig troon.
no one likes your kind here.
The more you wait the more reard you get up to a certain limit.
level your slot 1 & 3 discs bwo
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Is it weak bait day?
100x more attractive than Boy Tao for sure
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For me, it's Anby!
it's from last 90 days but it's fun to see that in 3 weeks japan had more search than 2+ months of wuwa
Every day is weak bait day
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Cuddling with the police?
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How do you feel knowing that The Prophecy almost certainly will be the last kino commission in the entire game because people complained about the TV gameplay being boring?
Lvl up her hp and defense dummy
based ElyCHAD
Stay we like your kind here
what is the purpose of the blues? you'd never want an a rank or below disk. at least the pink ones have a chance to make s rank disk.
I welcome all who post big breasted pink-haired girls.
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Doesn't matter when boss deals a gorillion damage with each hit and it takes several minutes to kill him.
The 1.1 main event is TVkino though
You're supposed to dump it early on instead of holding onto it.
You don't see any similarity between a game where teenagers evading authority use their unique abilities to delve into pocket dimensions and help society and Persona 5?
give it to me straight, will 1.1 save ZZZ?
Off topic, kys
>takes several minutes to kill him
Yeah, you have over 100 less anomaly proficiency than me. Try upgrading your gear.
Youre walking down the street at night and a bear thiren is approaching from the opposite direction. What do you do?
Waiting in the sky?
Nicole owes me sex
I'm pretty confident we'll get at least one event centered around JRPG/dungeon delving tv kino.
make blues > get a few random purples > dismantle purples for purple rolls
kind of pointless busywork but whatever
Spam until you get A-rank. Then use those A-ranks to get S-ranks.
No, Natlan is coming
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>lolicop and rato sexo
Fuck. Lucy.
anal sex
I hope we get more of the 1-2 hour missions I liked all of them
they don't give us shit from authentic HI3rd pussy
you have no power here tourist
even the goof ass Sunbringer with her phushie bunny robots and the pink chicken are just bootlegs, not actual expys
>defense characters in a game that only rewards DPS
Even Hoyo themselves realize how stupid that is since there isn't a single S rank defense character
>mole... forgotten...
>haughty personality
This is hot though
Damage, defense, and anomaly type characters are all damage dealers retardbwo
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Cuddling with Ellen.
Ellen cuddling.
bwo your Caesar?
One day I'm gonna snap and edit moles into all Lucy fanart
They aren't going to remove the TVs, anyone who believes so is delusional
everybody gangsta until their dick and balls are showered by diarrhea
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Why do Silver Wolf and Kafka completely mog Zoomer Joe and Zhu Jinping?
>/hig/troon has to post in other generals because xer game is so dead (thus proving their characters inferiority)
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All of them combined get mega mogged by Firewife
Even if it only took 1 minute to kill them, somehow, I'd still die way before it.
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We starving for (you)'s today huh?
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all cops are big booty bitches
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I resent this (accurate) depiction of me.
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Do not open before the prophecy. You have been warned.
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I hate these guys so much
Silver Wolf yes

But chink Makima and her man ass mogs nothing
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so the future known/theorized factions are:
>idol group
>nuns/cult members
>void hunters
what else would you want to see?
I am having fun with this game.
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
Anbybwos (She'll always be your first stunner! Don't forget about her even when you get S rank ones!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!
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For me, its robotsex.
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I tried WuWa. WuWa sucks mate
They're not sending their best
I've seen like 3 variations of this on my twitter timeline.
Absurdly powerful student council (rivals for Ellen included)
Corpo reps. with hightech/cyborg theme
Its kinda hinted at, but the religious/cult faction would be cool
no restrictions... FIRE AT WILL
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Wizards and witches
Half Ethereal humans
Insect and reptilian Thierens
I stood up and yelled kino at the screen when the music started
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whoops wrong webm
wuwa has better combat
cute this makes me want to roll for zhu and qingyi
Every Zhu wipeout screen is either her flying away from the enemy upside down or crouching on the floor
it still sucks
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HSR copied Trails/kiseki
Zzz copied persona
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i want cool knights with helmets, something i don't like about hoyoverse gachas is that they never have faceless characters, but this game seems more daring with the designs since we already have billy, i hope they continue
I only just now realized the hollows and ethereals are designed around black holes
Japan seems to like ZZZ a lot more than any other region. Hopefully it explodes when the virtual idol group releases since that is basically right up their alley.
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>"action" game where you parry accidentally
oh no no no no
Nobody cares about your dead ass game Pajeet.
for whom is your cock hard for?
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>her engine
mine too
>trust events
in progress
mostly held
now I can start to truly enjoy this gacha.
>faceless characters,
Only scenario I see this happening in is if we get the Starlight Knights faction or some other Kamen Rider-esque group.
Honestly hoyo are fucking weird they should have just done attacker, stunner, support, anomaly and defence are kinda pointless.
Anomaly is just debuff DPS and defence is just non-offensive support
surely genshin, hi3 and hsr have better ways to categorize units?
>man ass
how big of a faggot do you have to be to say she doesn't have a good ass, lmao
>Japan seems to like ZZZ a lot more than any other region
I don't see any doujins
me too man. I knew people said it was good but I wasn't prepared for this
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>enemy flashes
>press dodge
>it doesn't trigger dodge because the enemy attack is slightly delayed and not in-sync with the flash
>get hit anyway
>if you press back and forward character switch very fast, it won't actually go back to the first character, and will cycle forward instead, giving you the wrong character and fucking up your combo
>run away from the boss to ult the ranged adds
>the ult still auto-targets the boss
Shiyu made me realize the game has so much little nuisances that makes my blood boil and make the gameplay experience a fucking infuriating slog. All these little hiccups add up and are very distracting in actually difficult consent.
Despite hearing this for like 2 months now I've yet to see anyone post wuwa combat. They just post some webms from a character showcase where they attack the air or the trailers.
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saar you are being promoted in tencent shill ladder saar your shitting spot on the street has been improved
I want to fuck this girl.
I rate both this and wuwa combat 4/10.
It's gacha, and it's more important that it feels/looks cool, and I think both games achieve that well enough. But for strict combat experience, just play non gacha.

Gacha have you fight the same enemies 1 billion times, so you can't design the fights like in games where you play the game a few times at most, unless you speed-run which its whole own thing. This makes it objectively worse, but that's what you sign up for with a gacha.
The alternative would be there's a skip function for anything you've cleared.
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>blue areas
I thought this saar shit was just a meme.
If qingyi has painted on shorts how is sex supposed to work? Does she even have holes?
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>wuwa has better combat
>parry differs on enemy's weight
>Signature weapons makes their hairs glow
Nah, I'll stick with ZZZ.
also im bum up with openworld slopa after Genshit.
>if you press back and forward character switch very fast, it won't actually go back to the first character
this needs to be fucking fixed
You are giving away that you know next to now jrpgs. Star Rail and Trails are extremely far apart...
Star Rail is somewhat close to the older Xenosaga games. Though even that comparison is fairly far fetched.
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>casually taking advantage of the moment to stroke Ellen's JK leg
sasuga Phaethon
What's a good source for some team building tips?
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>watch porn with cop lady
>trust goes up
we've been.... groomed
An egyptian themed faction.
Majority of doujins come from comiket retardbwo

It's also in a couple weeks so we probably won't see many pop up since it was too close to release.
I assume he meant the combat. And yes the combat in HSR is a blatant Trails copy
Nicole owes me 20,000 Dennies
Bro this literally happens in zzz too lmao. Randomly swap character and you parry. It's even easier.
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If I lose another 50/50 to Rina I swear to god. Atleast give me a koleda copy.
Nineveh is kicking my ass
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When do dates unlock? I just met the pubesex girls
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Post your savings and who are you saving for.
Me im saving for Shork C6 R?? waiting for her rerun
Any of u maniacs cleared the Z shop? Is there a limit to farming them?
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>all the fighting over her element in the past 2 days
Where were you when you realized Miyabi truly was the storm that is approaching, provoking?
>t. dodge cooldown increased
I don't even feel like doing the mission again solo for the extra achievement because the power of friendship ending was so kino
>Majority of doujins come from comiket retardbwo
No they don't. There are hundreds of smaller conventions people publish their doujins for. A plurality, for most stuff, comes from comiket at best. Not a majority.
Doujins are unironically a dying breed. Most artists found out that fanbox and fantia are better monetary options than a 2 times a year comiket.
i like wuwa but i hate open world games let alone open world gacha.
you have to get supremely lucky if you accidentally parry on a random raw swap, something that you barely do in ZZZ since it's a massive damage loss, also swapping is a resource
meanwhile in wuwa it's the attack button... the most mashed button in all action games lol
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/zzz/ has good gameplay but almost no gameplay sequences what the fuck
spend 10 minutes in TVs and fight for 30s
Once a week and then no rewards
complete chapter 2 or their story and reach IK 30, then you need to own the agents
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Already got both the cat and her ball. Very happy about it and now just hope the next time I get an S character it’s Koleda for the Ben Bigger connection.
I hope miyabi gets released as a new poison element and all her wipeouts are her farting in my face
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>he thinks you mash swap more in zzz than you mash attack in wuwa
Bro I play both and I like and got Changli but wuwas parry is so lame and doesn't even feel good when you do it.
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Just roll shield resonias bwo.
>no hit taken
>boss just stands there
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Sex with all the females
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Bwo, your Hollow Zero?
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Someone post THAT
6th Street faction when
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Its not anon's fault its very hard to make footage from the game's first ever beta look good unless you're exposing Nicole's vag or looking at Anby's thong
Even the grandma selling newspaper in Lumina suare?
>Ellen is the only popular zenless
Looks like the chinks just got lucky with her design.
She was in my room multiple times. She slept in my bed with Eous being 'right there' hanging from the wall.
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>nuns/cult members
yes please
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John Hoyoverserse here
We replaced WaterKuma for NeKoNoTe
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>6th Street
>game inspired by street fighter 6
I should have seen that little nod sooner.
reddit copied miyabi posting. it's over shark fuckers
Not even waterkuma can save chinese designs.
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Jokes on you incest is legal in new eridu and the siblings already in the process of seducing the strongest cops
>something that you barely do in ZZZ since it's a massive damage loss, also swapping is a resource
Oh sorry I'm talking to a retard lmao.
is it just me or team building is insanely restrictive? like cop wants nicole and that’s it, no point using lucy or rina. guess you can use rina with ellen cus of sukado shit animations? but even then, feels like everyone was created tailored to one another and later on this will feel even more restrictive. why can’t shithoyo into interesting interactions?
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You WILL sex the blue demon girl
You WILL treat her to a nice meal with your own money
You WILL like it
ZZZ is a great game with no content. I'm stunned it took them 3 years to make this.
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>i want cool knights with helmets
bro read the fucking room
why would you have a "cool knight with helmet" in a fucking retro / urban JSRF setting?
do show us your shiyu defense clears where you exclusively mash the swap button to parry automatically, anon
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The fighting over elements seemed really forced. Who cares what element/role she'll be, any Vergil/Jetsream Sam/Youmu katanafag will pull for her regardless.
I can see it. I can see her blue.
It's early on in the game, will get easier when we get more 4 and 5*
It took them 3 years to make this and all the content we'll be getting for the next 12 months. They're working on 2.0 or later as we speak.
>retard posts low level stinky baby content for the 100th time
Someone post the retard or the asian retard being absolutely gobsmacked when they die in shiyu
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>he thinks he gets a choice
>no point using lucy or rina
Why not? It changes how you build cop, but Zhu/Anby/Rina is perfectly viable.
I hope they make use of the urban dystopian theme more, like Tokyo Ghoul or something
do I need to fight the boss with the 5x corruption for it to compute on the rewards?
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>lvl 2 story mode content
meanwhile, level fucking 80 overworld mobs in wuwa
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Hoshimi Miyabi.
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Zhu, Lucy, Koleda team here
You don't have to use Nicole anon, other team comps work and have their own perks.
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People who pulled Ellen are worried Miyabi will just completely take her role.
People who didnt pull Ellen will not entertain her being anything but an ice attacker because if she isnt then they missed Ellen as the only ice dps.
Its a simple battle of two sides with relatively vested interests.
to be honest any game has better combat than zzz even ToF
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Good soldiers follow orders
because we have different factions with different themes? caesar already has a sword and shield
and the double daggers sword guy has an old fashioned look mixed with modern stuff
why would they not make knights?
I found out its because the character stays on field for a little bit
if you attack with a character, then swap out and they continue to do the attack, you cant swap back to them until that attack is finished
no idea why it does that even without attacking though
can onis get pregnant?
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Because it is, shitposters are grasping for straws to get 'any' kind of infighting going here.
sf collab with expanded arcade and sakura crossover would be kino
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We like characters with deep personalities here
Anything I should be buying from the 151 shop?
Their kits aren't even similar. Ellen has a bunch of gigantic AOEs with absurdly generous iframes that make her great at quickly clearing regular and elite enemies, Miyabi (at least in the beta) was a burst DPS with slow and annoying buildup designed to fight bosses
>Firefighters with martial art undertone
>First responders with paramilitary undertone
>Sports group with zodiac undertones
>Rock band with rpg classes undertones
According to my chinese comic books yes
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am I the only ellen puller that's okay with Miyabi being ice. It would just means more ice weakness in endgame..
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Is Wise the most forgotten/bland/cuckcorner main character in all of Hoyoverse? Pretty much everyone is in agreement that Rin is the true MC, right? Yeah, I haven't even bothered to learn that guy name in superior nihongo.
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very cool
Quite organic MC wars post hmm yes
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>ely schizo is the reason everyone hates hig
Oh boy
Yeah that isnt what I asked for. A good equivalent to Shiyu would be ether 11 if you wanna go for that.
they never released ellen's bro.....what make you thnik
it's not like you need an ice dps when you get knotted.
true miyabigods will build whatever team supports meebs, no matter what.
>caesar already has a sword and shield
Yeah and it already looks fucking dumb
>and the double daggers sword guy has an old fashioned look
Yeah and he's one of the few designs to be considered utterly AI-tier mihomo soulless
>why would they not make knights
Because fuck you, the only "knights" I will allow would be police officers in riot gear
disc mats
Too bright, not wide enough
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I got you
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>Pretty much everyone is in agreement that Rin is the true MC, right?
not even the devs agree with this, they straight up turn belle into a damsel in distress and force you to play wise (if you weren't already) to rescue her in one chapter lmao
Nothing unless you're absolutely swimming in endgame dennies. The cost to battery ratio is terrible.
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He gave up on Ether 6 lmao. Whats the Shiyu equivalent to that?
>People who pulled Ellen are worried Miyabi will just completely take her role.
Not really. It'd be nice if they synergised, but Ellen won't become unable to clear content just because Miyabi exists even if she ends up being a upgrade rather than a sidegrade.
Its a nonsensical thing to create artificial drama from. We all had a good laugh over the Miyabi edits, its not some fighting between factions.
Miyabig is an A rank agent
Why is the music making me feel nostalgic for a game that has just been released?
Damn, nice art style.
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>MCwar fags thinking they can start shit here
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>Yeah and it already looks fucking dumb
and i don't care what you think about it
>the only "knights" I will allow
it's not your place to "allow" stuff you faggot, kill yourself, being needlessly mean just because peopel don't like the same stuff as you
yep, I'm thinking sovl. dare I even say kino
that makes it even more hilarious since ether 6 is fucking easy
I want a government experiment faction with characters that can devil trigger into powerful half-ethereals.
You know nothing about JRPGs if you think xenosaga combat is close to trails. Also if you weren't such a retard, you'd know there are a lot of story inspiration on top of weird gimmicks like the stealth section which is 100% copy and pasted from kuro.
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>Qingyi ragdolls like a cat when Zhu Yuan grabs her
>Zhu Yuan can hold Qingyi's hand and even hug with her without tossing her into the asphalt from reflex
>Zhu Yuan never held hands with anyone who isn't an animal or a family member
>Qingyi wingmans for you two in Zhu Yuan's trust event
(I declare this a flavor of oyakodon)
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man, Koleda's passive is too strong, it would feel too bad using her with no synergies...
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If that happens, everyone will kneel and celebrate but then the thread will slowly turn into fgc autist discussing strats/MU/tierlist and bitching about top tier characters.
Ether 11 is probably around shiyu 15/16 if hes got access to level 50 characters.
Ether 11 is a lot more abusable and you can prep for it so much more for free (combat config, bat noodle soup) but its also a very harsh competency check
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This happens too often. These two need to start handing out appointments.
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Chain attacks are a dps loss though
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A trauma team faction with insane medics and hot zombie nurses
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Every time she says desu wa I feel it in my dick.
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What second team can I even make for SD? First one is Neko+Nicky+Piper.
game's based off the 2000s/early 2010 in so many things
this is why it's pure sovl
tell me... Tell me about Coco
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Peak Cinema.
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Science faction
Nurse/doctor/medic faction
More gang/delinquent factions
Teachers/school faction
Demon faction or at least more demon characters
>chef/cooking faction
Love me a good cooking theme although judging Hoyoverse previous stabs at making a cooking themed character, I’m probably not going to like this one either.
Holy shit I didnt even realise he LOST hahahahaha It didnt even enter my mind despite the X
>game's based off the 2000s/early 2010 in so many things
Try 90s/00s
Its pure millenial core.
illusive realm is fun as fuck
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another meme for my collection
Wuwa is better
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go back all the way to the 80s
at being bad
The next open world (and main Mihoyo game) is the Final Fantasy inspired MMOslop Honkai open world game. Can Zenless Zone Zero survive the release of such a big project?

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dicked around and the world shakes (sex euphemism)
Pretty sure yes
wise is boring as fuck so CN bros can insert as him. as much as I like what the chinese took for anime I hate that yuji everylead was one of them.
Belle atleast has a pulse.
proof or it didn't happen
Anyone? Nicole, Anby, Billy, Corin and Nekomata all have their signature W-Engines
What's with amerishart hours and low effort baits always coinciding
>Redditors trying to fit in by posting kino and sovl
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yea scorpions would be cool
didnt think of egypt but that could work at least one buddy could be a scarab
Which one Anby prefers? Attack or Anomaly DMG?
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does ZZZ has any songs like YOU'll NEVER SEE ME COMMING i hear this game is a lot like persona
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am too used to playing this game in my phone. I tried controller in my pc and was struggling.
The 80s didn't have 6 slot CD drive systems which were more of a thing in the 00s.
My father is the ceo of mihoyo.
>California hours
>thread obsessed with genders
Why are my west coastbros like this?
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I'm about to click, what am I in for?
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>everyone you know calls you proxy
>tell random people on the street that you're Phaethon
>every vendor on sixth street not only knows you're Phaethon, but also aids and abets your crimes
>have multiple bangboo that strongly resemble the one at every major crime scene in the last year
>your blockbuster, which rarely took customers since it opened, suddenly starts stocking shelves after Phaethon mysteriously disappears from the Inter-knot
>the very same blockbuster that somehow pays thousands of dollars on their electricity bill to maintain their talking supercomputer
>CEOs, famous actors, criminal masterminds, maids, and hollow raiders constantly loitering out front
>"Hmmm... what a great couple of outstanding citizens. Now I wonder where Phaethon went."
Its refugees from /hig/ shitposting in the only not completely dead hoyo thread
unfortunately chain attacks are considered a dps loss
it can be in certain situations, but as a general statement this is a retarded take
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how did you manage to make the most cringe worthy post itt filled with waifufagging and wuwa posting.
Wuwa outsold ZZZ, has more players than ZZZ, and has more content and gameplay than ZZZ. This isn't up for debate, these are just facts.
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on opposite day!
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So nice he had to try twice
>No content
>Too easy
>Too hard
>No content
>Low Stream numbers
I mean if you are a man why would you pick belle now that the devs confirmed that you would be able to change characters when you are in town?
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Yes and yes. Wise is such a weak character I will keep writing in surveys for his removal, hes the biggest contributor for why people hate tvs too.
in OHIO!!!
God I fucking hate this shitty anime.
wise + belle + soldier threesome
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It's Earth hours, anyone can be posting at any time and I'm only lusting after young girls in these threads bro.
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With Soldier 11 I could just assume she's pretending to not notice to avoid conflict of interest, but with Zhu I think she's just pon.
I took advantage of VG's contrarianism. Assumed they hate persona and thus hate ZZZ being compared to it. Then i simply quoted the most famous song I know from persona.
is it just one faggot trying to start an mc war?
I swear it feels like samfagging
The game is intended for her. I was actually shocked when I found out the choices and such don't change for the MC. They REALLY don't fit the guy.
Neither do the bangboo animations in the hollow.

Feels like a half-assed after-thought that you can play as him.
I like incest tho, why would you (you) me? I get to fuck bellepickers like the sissies they are RUMAO
>why would people watch someone who hates every aspect of the game ?
HOLY SHIT you mean a game that came out earlier has more content???
Does Zhu Yuan want C1?
what the fuck would belle do if her brother didn't exist? talk to herself like she's fucking Aloy from that snoy game? lmao
totally organic mc wars post!
Only if you really really suck at counting bullets
I played WUWA for 100 hours and still haven't completed the map. I played ZZZ for 10 hours and beat the game. It's just not same.
>I swear it feels like samfagging
Obviously. If you play as Wise you get a cute girl calling you oniichan that you take on dates and you make sure she never knows of your involvement with other girls.
If you play as Belle you have a reliable onii chan to make you food and cuddle you after a long day of work.
Either way both are fucking on the regular no matter who you pick
its a hig schizo samefagging and baiting now that this game is the definite lovechild of mihoyo and noone cares about their dead honkturd games
Stop this fighting. Belle and Wise love each other very much and wouldn't want you to argue
post your officer mew mew completion
i picked wise and i think belle is the more interesting character.
In ZZZ without the other sibling Wise would be so fucking boring.
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Just don't reply. It's the same fag as usual forcing shitflinging between threads.
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>is it just one faggot trying to start an mc war?
Yeah, its the same guy also posting about wuwa etc. Just trying all sorts of angles.
Just post incest, no one sane thinks it makes sense to argue about which of the dual protagonist PoVs you picked.
this general is so fucking shit
The plot feels like they wrote it with Belle always being the one in the chair and then changed their minds after most of it was already written, the tone is all over the place if you picked Wise
Post 11/11 Nineveh
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yeah right
should i keep rolling on zhus banner? i want koleda but don't want zhu
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Its the same story in HSR kek, both games were written entirely from the girl MC's perspective first, and they barely fit in the opposite direction.
Anyone choosing to play as Wise is willfully subjecting themselves to a lesser experience, they have my pity.
>the tone is all over the place if you picked Wise
it's really obvious from how they interact via eous. The movements are so feminine it doesn't make sense as wise unless it's his closet fetish.
the failure being in the top 10 games on mobile
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>Either way both are fucking on the regular no matter who you pick
How could they not? They're both so hot.
>all a minute apart
this is some mental illness
It's a trap like many copies of the character, they seem "good" on at a single glance but when you look at the bigger picture it doesn't really matter.
ZY its one of those cases, it gives you more bullets but if you play it well you don't really need more bullets, there's only so few seconds of stun time and gaining bullets isn't even hard if you parry/dodge with her.
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Is it possible to res dead party member in HZ?
the disks are vinyls
the tech of common items are all the way back to the 80s and earlier
the sudden development of ether technology made smartphones and internet a thing again but it's still mainly retro stuff
hence you have a thriving video rental store
It's a fucking bangboo
Go back to your dead general and shit that up please.
Honestly the bangboo be moving kinda fruity. Now that I know belle is the true mc is makes more sense. wise just exists for incest bait.

just restore HP bwo
Ich verstehe nicht Klaus.
I mean it's just over isn't it? It's official that W*w* is the better game and took most of the ZZZ playerbase back after Changli release?
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Stop trying to force MC wars you lonely cunt.
Wise and Belle are fucking each other and every single agent.
I am wuwajeet
I am bellenigger
I am furryfag
I am miyabiwide
I am lucypig
I am the strom that is approaching
I am legion
Yes, there are fields that do it if you restore hp
once the initial advertising cash infusion stops this game is dead
It's over... ZZZ didn't make enough money... EoS announcement tomorrow...
He's meant to be a self insert anon, this game is all about (you) pandering after all. If you'd have picked Belle then Wise would talk way more, but now you have a cute sister calling you oni-chan every single time. Way better outcome if you ask me
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when you come across those robotic bangboo looking fields where you can heal, you can instead also take it with you as an item and rez dead people
There's an S rank Hollow card that revives a dead member upon triggering pressure. There's a guy that sells it in the break rooms. He's on the top left.
we'll get them on the next banner. ZZZ only problem is a lack of content.
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I'm doing my part
>gameplay is either staring at TV screen puzzles or agents fighting
>fast travel is an immediate option
>the trust events barely any different with either sibling
>cut scenes feature you as Euos more than anything else
>walking in the overworld is almost unnecessary
retards who get hung up on belle or wise need to get a life.
it's really weird
you have enough bullets if the rotation is done right and nothing fucked with your energy
for trash cleanup just stun a trashmob with a stunner and chain into Zhu Yuan for quick reload
i guess it's good in the sense of comfort because it makes her more faceroll
>no mole
>Arguing over which sibling is better instead of enjoying their dynamic as dual protagonists and how well they complement each other
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
is the loli bot expected to be exponentially better than anby? I've the latter at M6 and decently geared already
Why are hsr Troons inciting mc wars?
>100 hours and still haven't completed the map
I have no desire to spend that much of my time wandering around a mostly empty overworld.
No hoyo MC is "meant to be" a self insert, they all have very explicit personalities of their own which remain consistent even if you pick the other one
>Firefighters of New Eridu
>Circus that is a a refuge for the outcasts (mutants?) of N.E
>Indiana Jones styles Adventurers/explorers that explore the big ass canyons
>scientist group that expand on stuff like Therians, Ether energy, etc.
anon is literally one anon replying to himself on cooldown
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just restoring HP does not work ;_;

thanks bwos
bro thats finer detail, its just a sketch now
>the disks are vinyls
Thats not what vinyls look like. The phones, the tech etc. everything is 90s and early 2000s.
why should i bring more than 3 team members in hollow zero
So when do the loli idols come out?
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The game has fucking dating simulator elements. You need to legit have gender dysphoria to want to play as a woman while going on date with women.
This is not a Genshin situation where the main character is just some piece of ass walking around in the open world with no player control or agency. The game has a heavy focus on you immersing yourself as the main character flirting with whatever girls you want (and guys if you're into that) (if you pick Belle the brother will flirt with you regardless and you don't get Belle flirting with you).
No sane straight man, can with hindsight say that picking Belle was the correct choice.
Hit Interknot level 45

Do I just farm disk sets forever until level 50 now?
Each one has a different buff they can give you if you don't recruit them or ditch them for someone else
The tradeoff there is you can get stuck with a weird team like three attackers and no stunner if it decides to give them to you in an annoying order
If you take the health resonium and find a health gate you can use that to revive dead members (at the cost of the other's health)
When you turn em away you get thier exclusive resonia.
when you reject or remove team members you get character dependent resonia
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Lucy love!
Just came to me, but a medical themed factions.
you get buffs when you send members away or don't replace them on those phone fields. however when you don't have many chars leveled you also risk getting someone unusable
Actually surprised people think wise is hot, he's canonically a nerdy otaku.
If you get an agent from a phone line and reject them they give you a gift resonium, some of which are pretty good.
However, the HZs that are easy enough to accomodate that (all but ether 11/11) would be faster if you just had consistent teammate options.
And in ether 11/11 not having your actual preferred teammates going into boss fights is just giving yourself a handicap for no reason.
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Based drawfag
looks good
>if you pick Belle the brother will flirt with you regardless and you don't get Belle flirting with you
honestly im glad i picked wise that i don't have to deal with the most boring fucking guy ever trying to rizz me.
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The hig-obsessed schizo is one person and he literally never ever changes his approach from Mcwars/yuri seething/wuwa/crying over honkai.
Its pathetically obvious and he needs urgent medication.
do we know what A ranks are rate up in the qing yi and jane doe banner
I think you're in a wrong general anon, this is not your fujo/yuri/yume/fag pandering game like genshin or star rail. This is zzz, a game pandering to heterosexual men, therefore the correct and objectly option was to pick Wise
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Listen, I'll probably get Zhu Yuan until the end of her banner but I am NOT going to roll her weapon. Sorry, it's just not happening.
>i hate self inserting, that means that noone is a self insert
mental illness much?
>No hoyo MC is "meant to be" a self insert,
based starlight knight
Troon post
He is a nerdy otaku who is slim, well-groomed and handsome. He is basically designed to be the girl players dreamy onii-chan husband or uke in their favorite ship.
he clearly is meant to be pretty sexy, just in a "softspoken charming" kinda way.
You're going to miss out on her hair glow bro..
M1 allows you to get 2 full Nicole setups on stunned bosses on harder SD stages without having to do 3 BA chains and EX specials. There's a noticeable difference in damage output if you're fighting something that can't be stunned in seconds.
It's another fucking MC wars thread. I really don't fucking care about this shit, can't you go shit in another thread? Just about every game lets you select your character these days.
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>it’a a dating sim
This was a really pleasant surprise. I didn’t follow betas closely and didn’t realize what went into agent hangouts. They are surprisingly flirty and suggestive. I love my cute meido!
I want to fuck Nicole so badly.
So, how naked is C6 Zhu?
That guy probably only gets hard thinking about buff men. Wise isnt on his radar.
Why are there no Chinese units or people of color?
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Oops, forgot my picture.
I want to BE Nicole so badly.
She wears a wet-looking white shirt.
Ew what the fuck, why is she a kid in this?
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Zhu Yuan and Qingyi aren't Chinese?
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Explain Firefly
its one retard samefagging
SUPPOSEDLY Qingyi is Anby/Billy and Jane is Piper/Seth
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Sorry wrong picture
>only one person dislikes yuri and honkai designs that have nothing to do with zzz's
Not even (you) believe this.
>enjoying their dynamic as dual protagonists
its a fact that the game would be improved with only a single sibling present in the story howeverbeit.
Carmelia week or something else?
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There's nothing wrong with kids.
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>text anby to hang out
>one of the options is literally asking her to "go on a date"
by year 2 we will be able to ask directly for sex
The way ATK works in this game is how I thought atk worked in Genshin when I started playing it ages ago. Unlike Genshin atk% here is godlike.
>I'll never be able to see this with my own eyes.
Such is the F2P way....
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I'm doing Ballet Twins right now and when Nekomata says
>for sleeping better or saving money
after Anby talks about candles on lights off
I heard her say Saiminjutsu, did I just hear wrong?
i probably just have Lycaon brainrot not relying on the impactlet non-stunners to daze...
The event in the middle of the room in rest floors can revive agents
There's a zhu yuan hangout invite message where the MC says "h-hey, you free?" And she straight up says, "you want a date, don't you? Just say it".
The image is freely accesible online. You're just gonna miss on putting it on your profile once they implement that customisation.
translation of that anon: why aren't every character repainted to the shade of native Nigerians?
The developers are cynical and figured out that making a designated pandering character would make a lot of money
The HSR protagtonist has probably the most defined personality of all of them and that personality is "space redditor obsessed with wacky quips and collecting and sometimes eating literal garbage" which seems like a weird thing to fantasise about being (You)
I don't have the Nicole sig, what do I give her instead?
Why do you retards pretend that if a character has a personality people cannot self insert in them?
>"space redditor obsessed with wacky quips and collecting and sometimes eating literal garbage" which seems like a weird thing to fantasise about being (You)
No, that does seem like a probable description of the anon you're responding to.
I don't think it's retards (plural). It's one guy replying off cooldown to himself.
because...because you just cant okay?
Lucy ball > Rina ball > the A PEN cope ball
I used the B rank yellow ball until I bought the 1$ pack
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>Lycaon eating a melon
Don't you ever get tired of accusing everyone you don't agree with to be some sort of scary foreign boogeyman?
>Huh!? O-Oh...To what do I owe the pleasure?
CNkeks, you pride yourself on being the canon dub right? Is this said with the tone of covering up Lucy's punk demeanor by acting like royalty? It just seems out of character for a girl who wanted to be free of royal customs to now try to hide it again.
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These nuts. Haha, gottem.
You don't need to do BA bro... you gain 3 shells from parry.
Nicole can't really use 2 skills in a row if you are using her correctly and even if you could ZY's attack won't even be buffed because stun window isn't that long AND you may get interrupted anyway so you don't even get the advantage of the def shred, and at that point you save your shells.
At best, the extra shells are only good for extra damage outside of stun but that's it
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cheesed to meet you
>Belle says Wise "can be knocked over by a strong breeze" and he never exercises
How is he supposed to protect Belle?
No but 1.2 might
so basically
>don't pull zy if you can't consistently play her quirk right
she sounds like furina (it's super hot)
It by definition makes it more difficult. They aren't a blank slate for you to fill in
That's the point, M1 lets you use her as an on-field DPS because you can burn some shells on trash mobs without bricking your stun phase damage. This can be significantly faster than tediously doing an Anby basic combo into a chain attack on every single guy
same way wise says exactly the same about herm they're both sitting on their asses for 90% of the day, except belle actually gets an ass out of it
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Yeah, especially at M0. Its kinda similar to Ellen, only with Ellen its more obvious when you do it wrong.
Is it a good idea to use pen% disk instead of ice% for Ellen with signature wengine? I got an amazing crit+crit damage+atk% substate one
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need more demon girls
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I got this one at S5 somehow without ever pulling on the weapon banner
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It's a very minor increase if you have ultimate up for each stun
It's a fairly large increase if you're not getting ultimate up for each stun

So it depends on the content. With the stun characters we have currently and in high Shiyu it's not that big of a deal but if stun characters get better at stunning you might feel it
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The same way he got her out of the hollow?
You could listen to the CN line yourself, bwo. Tone doesn't change and can be understood without knowing the language.
>covering up
That's not what's happening. It's part of the things from her upbringing that peak through. She's not fully acclimated to the rough outerrim lifestyle.
Yeah Pen% is very competitive compared to elemental damage. Especially for Ellen who got Soukaku.
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What quirk nigga? Hold down M1 when the boss is stunned, how fucking hard is that??? I swear I'm surrounded by fucking... fucking... EHN NAH NU NAH EHNS
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You WILL pull for her, right?
And if you didn't set up your team right and didn't prep her for the stun phase correctly she will shoot 3 times and then stop doing damage
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He's peak husband material I love him so much also his english dub is perfection I want him to hold me down with his sexy hands
You ever noticed how people never go "he's literally me fr fr" for blank slate no personality characters? People are more prone to attach themselves to characters that have some sort of character trait whether it being sad, funny, or misanthrope. People would rather self insert into Caelus than Aether for example.
Yeah, but that doesn't count.
I hope my piper disks can just transfer over to her
True... Still, Mindscape Cinema is based.
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It's now confirmed this is pretty much a Yuri game, right bwos? The yumes have their hsr and gshn boycotts to worry about; we got the purest form of love. Hopefully we'll eventually get to the point of having no male banners at all.
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Imagine installing a brap module in Qingyi haha
eh ne-ne-ne-ne nu-neh uh ne-uehn
Empathizing or identifying with a character is completly different from a self-insert you dumbass. Don't even bother responding.
With all my fury, lust, and luck combined.
>That's not what's happening. It's part of the things from her upbringing that peak through. She's not fully acclimated to the rough outer rim lifestyle.
It's her going
>To what do I owe the pleasure
If anything it's the complete opposite. If I didn't know any better I'd say she's actually an orphan from the Outer Rim, adopted to become a princess, but can't hide her rough upbringing and has to make an effort to sound more sophisitcated.
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This is just HI3 lite. The intended audience is men but with a few male characters sprinkled in.
>xer still trying
I miss EU hours
It is literally the same thing. You're the only one who seem to think that self-inserting requires the person to think they are literally inside the game.
Yeah he's pretty cool. I enjoy him when playing Belle as the responsible doting onii-chan with his somewhat hopeless with mundane things little sis.
I'd rather invest in an artificial womb.
See if we can't create the first naturally/mechanically born cyborg baby.
If you're running the full Assault set and two of the anomaly one yeah.
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What’s the theme here? Why do they have those wings?
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KYS (kill yourself) yuritroon
I hear she is only attracted to female fox thirens.
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Imagine the smell
shark butthole
Nobody has issues killing trash mobs, specially in a zhu yuan team where you can Chain attack one > NIcole grouping and kill them all in a few bullets.
Bullet are not hard to get if you parry, its 3 whole bullets and even lets your stunner an easier time aftewards because of the time slow.
bird thiren
waow that was hard
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Okay what the hell is this
Bird Thiren.
For the Idol, who the fuck knows.
Angel of love were upon me and gawd I felt so small.
sex with angry belle
Usually when /gig/ schizos don't get replies they start spamming porn...why don't our schizos ever do something useful bros...
>theme of completely unrelated factions
Anon they're just bird people.
Fallen angels
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Sarah sex.
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A lot of stinky women in this game.
Because /gig/ has several and we only have pretty much the one boring one.
holy she's a nazi
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I'm going to convince Grace that we could make a stronger and more complex baby than her machines.
Some retarded attempt of a horror sidequest
greasy wife...
She's evil.
Stop it.
They start cuckposting, not spamming porn
>she tries to disassemble the baby
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The target audience is men period. Even the men in the game are designed to appeal to dudes - either from a gay/furry perspective (Lycaon) or “cool bro” perspective (Anton). I know some girls might like that stuff but it’s not as broadly appealing to them as the pretty boys/shotas are in Genshin and HSR. Meanwhile there’s something for basically every dude here.

Also HI3 actually attracted a lot of women with the yuri stuff actually.
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I also agree that this is becoming a yuri focused game. I can see them increasingly erasing Wise's presence over the updates as more "women" drop the game because of it's "sexualized children". What a glorious grand filter they got us. I kneel Waterkuma, thank you the meal.
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Evil women are hot
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The music for the Ballot plaza is very lovely.
They even call you normalfag if you don't like cuckposting lmao
seth is an exception minus his charge blade
not really
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>mcwar failed
>wuwa failed
>now he tries to falseflag yuriposts
Get some new material you fucking dipshit. I'm not even mad, I'm ashamed to share a thread with you loser.
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Why is it so hard to just go
>I don't like self-inserting but I'll coexist with people who do so we can have a good general
This bait is getting stale. Give it a rest.
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The amount of horror situations from this post alone. Good God.
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wait so billy isnt a full robot hes a cyborg?
Can we have insect or arachnids Thiren?
You replied, so I'll keep doing it
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>didn’t roll zhu yuan
>won’t get to date her
FUCK. Looking at porn isn’t gonna be enough to stave off the roll desires here is it
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of course. That's why Billy is into lolis
He's just fucking around. He's confirmed full on AI android.
Nineveh as a multiplayer raid boss when?
Maybe they will have to replace the parry with something else to rebalance each agent instead of turning everyone into defence characters
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its always "us vs them"
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Stop liking evil women
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I'm not saying I would date rape her.
But I am saying it would be a good opportunity to look closely.
Hes an old world intelligent construct same as Qingyi, specifically designed in the way they are presented (unless Billy has had some heavy modifications). They are full machines, but designed to function similarily to humans. Their insides are 100% synthetic and mechanical.
He is 100% android, though he comes feom outside New Eridu and is apparently made of lost tech.
Praying and hoping with all my might friend.
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>HZ weekly reset
>lets do it with buttslut so i can get all ether resos for gems
>rest event gives her c1 effect
>she stops being clunky suddenly, rarely runs out of gas past certain point
still not going to use the pity i saved for jane to make zhu yuan stops running out of gas but goddamn
reading the leaks both qingyi and jane gets big upgrade at c1 too, is this their new jew tactic where you want 1 dupe to make S ranks feels "complete" at least?
It's literally just one person
>Nineveh as a multiplayer raid boss when?
The fight really feels like it was designed for that, with the constant add spawning, the multiple barriers to avoid her nuke etc.
Everyone is welcome here. Anyone going "this game was made for MY group" is a retard and needs to fuck off. Simple as that.
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Sarah with the secretary outfit and vision choker and the Tomoko hairstyle was hotter
Explain Scaramouche (forma de archer)
He has modules for basic human needs like air intake and a stomach but doesn't actually need them, he's just fucking around
Billy is just being his usual dumb self. Do his hangout quests he's quite the numbskull.
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Thats right! I'm a bro just like everyone else right anon!
answer me, faggots
Kissing Ellen
Ellen kises
>arachnids Thiren
Would be based.
and then she shot a retarded poison dart out of her gun
He might be. He seems to be potentially the S6s resident tardwrangler, so he could be cool from what little we have seen.
this is not good for the narrative
look harder bre
thanatos no diffs midra
It pisses me off how cute "he" is.
why she would kill the fattie?
His faction is the generic Mihoyo design dump. Even Lighter, peak playboy bishonen, has that cool biker aesthetic going on.
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my piper does no fucking damage
Love me some tomboy qts, what's her name?
I'm trying I wish there was a camera mode.
Long hair Sarah is full sex
Seething femcel hands wrote this post.
>6th Street
>Section 6
Uhhh, where's the last 6?
Should I roll for Zhu's weapon?
of course, she's a 5 star.
Copies and weapons are literally cheat codes.
If i see you with one and/or the other i will treat you the same as the faggots that buy fatalities with real money.
No, it's nowhere near as much of an improvement over Starlight Engine as Ellen's signature is.
Vtuber are the 6th generation of Hollow Live.
Why do you have a stunner on your anomaly team (which would want a second anomaly unit for disorder or Nekomata for her damage bonus after applying assault) and not on your Ellen team
If you dont want to roll on anything else for a banner or two sure.
you shouldn't have even roll for her
Go away Satan, you don't play videogames.
Why would knocking him out show that he's not an important hostage?
My theory is that they added an obligation of every faction has to have at least one male in the end and they just took the tomboy design they had and called it a man
I'm guessing burn disorder
That’s a girl
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yes gro
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The weapons are cheat codes because they're usually just raw stat buffs, the copies actually change the way the characters play. It's like getting a new unit.
are there girls irl that can do the :3 face so hot
>designs cute tomboy
>removes breasts and gives male voice
What did Mihoyo devs mean by this?
Does Koleda even apply enough for that to work
Anybody still haven't cleared Shiyu because you're still farming for discs?
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Sometimes when you break the boss you can chain attack with every character and bangboo but sometimes you can't, why?
I don't have nekomata
He's are for Kirito self inserters
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What are copies? Did I miss something?
Idol faction proves you wrong, unless they decide to add a manager
Mihoyo is never releasing anything beyond the standard human model (i.e. no extra arms), too much additional rigging work required. Even the tail was a stretch.
how do you break the armor off the dog faster
im not clearing this shit because i will uninstall in 2 more week since mihoyo gacha are unplayable outside of trial
he not for anybody he looks too much like an npc
It depends on the "tier" of the enemy. 1 chain for mobs, 2 chains for mid-bosses 3 chains for "real" bosses.
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The chores in this game are way too tedious for lasting appeal. I already skipped the five (fucking 5) weekly Hollow Ass runs, and it hasn't even been a month. There better be a LOT of QoL improvements in the next couple of patches.
I settled with S S S A A B B, still waiting for a CRIT stat ether disc though
If they add a gigachad in an FBI/mobster fit as the manager I'll roll immediately. Especially if he has unique animations depending on the idols in the team
The real obligation is to have a non-human in every faction. I thought they were going to have a furry in every faction, but I guess robots count too.
that's part of the charm
>average looking nobody
>becomes super powerful and cool
Im the manager
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What is your preferred Corin sex experience? Rape? Reverse rape? Love?
is there any way to pause mid combat and view character stats? i want to see how much atk buff i get from soukaku
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In my pants
is a vibrator a machine, in the eyes of Grace?
I wonder how it ended up that BHI became a very bear heavy company even having it as their logo and their president wearing bear ears.

Guess Khors and in turn Koleda just really liked bears and it’s easy/convenient enough to get them on board since judging from some other dialogues, it’s really tough for them get a job to belong with because of their size and cause people be racist about talking bears.
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Rape of me
He should be a headless keikaku doori guy in a suit
>t. reads Rosen Garten Saga
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Would you share a sloppy kiss with an overworked, sexually frustrated shark?
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Anything involving genuine human affection is fine
Yes, you pause
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Start raping her but then you quickly realize your mistake when she reciprocates/retaliates.
kirito actually looked cool with his dual swords and trenchcoat, you are delusional.
Slow burn romance and extreme sexual action on her 18th birthday.
Some may call this grooming. It can't be helped.
Just imagine the cuckposting if they add a character as their manager lmao
Bear thiren also have excellent ether resistance and of course strength. So they are a natural choice for a company specialising in in-hollow construction work.
Bears are excellent slave labour, and by contracting whole families of bear thiren they guarantee a consistent workforce.
>femcel pretending to know what men like in male characters
Is there no good chaining method starting with a stunner that ends with nicole>dps against bosses with three chains? If you go stunner>dps>support it forces you to pick between bangboo and stunner again.
It's really only HZ that's tedious if you don't SD as one of the chores.
They are still cheat codes retard.
You know what also change the way you play? getting a whole new character instead of a marginal increase on one.
If you like to get fucked in the ass by MIFOMO, go ahead
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>kirito actually looked cool
You are both delusional.
not interested in hags, thanks
I'm literally Kirito
Absolutely. I would kiss her for so long my lips will be sore and I'd have her taste in my mouth for the next three days
The only thing that stops my self inserting is if he's an asshole.
Ellen is the second youngest girl in the game, Soukaku being the youngest
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It's not any more of a cheat than rolling for a meta character. A c0 meta char can easily outclass a maxed out non-meta char in other mihoyo games.
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Genshin has rich open world and amazing story.

Star Rail has convenient gameplay, QOL, and amazing story.

WW has amazing combat and rich lore.

ZZZ has.... FURRIES lol!
The shark is only for her jk friends!
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>check Corrin folder
>this is the only image of Corrin I have that isn't her with a psychotic or crazy expression
I NEED more posts of an unhinged Corrin
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sighing loudly and pretending i'm not enjoying it so she starts apologizing, sobbing, and trying harder
He's a tardwrangler, talk to him and Soukaku in Ballet Twins.
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What's with this character being associated with inverse rape? I just began playing and have barely seen anything about her, but she seems like a complete mental wreck based on her in-game voiceover and animations. Is it because that one cutscene where they referenced The Shining made her seem a little crazy?
I have M1 Zhu because I luckshitted into it literally 2 pulls into trying to get another copy of Nicole, does that count
So you’re basically reliant on your daily battery charges to level up your InterNot level? I’ve reached a point where there’s just no more mini quests for me to do and “hard mode” doesn’t give you shit.
And yet which of the threads did you decide to infest? Curious...
How sloppy?
She's canonically very strong. So if she snaps...
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>WW has amazing combat and rich lore
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I love my AIsloppa wife
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>shark skin will literally shred you
>people use it as sandpaper
I just hope her tail is magically safe for my dick...
No way he and his faction were designed by Waterkuma.
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You're in luck, the chink artist released a whole set today
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So true saar also saar check your hindicell saar many rupee there
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Defend this ZZZbabs
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looks like a 30 year old hag, dont care
Depends on how you caress her
Need to know the direction
Miyabi is a very old design. We'll know if S6 are are a residual effect of the genshin team or a sign of things to come depending on the leaked characters for 1.4 onwards
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shut up nyagger
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soukaku feels like the only one designed by waterkuma
The mentally nervous wreck, weak-willed character secretly or becoming a psycho is a classic. Very hot.
> Is it because that one cutscene where they referenced The Shining made her seem a little crazy?
No. It's just a hot trope. Corrin is physically the strongest of the maid/butler faction so it writes itself.
Those school kids suck ass, I would’ve been so psyched to have a bear like Ben as a school teacher.
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She is very very strong, there is a event where you encourage her to be 'your' master for a change and there is pic related.
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rain cute
The stutters in her text messages, she's doing it on purpose.
You can't roll for something that isn't out.
If you roll for current character weapon/wengine you are rolling for an advantage NOW, because what you said its true, newer characters are usually better.
It's just FOMO in the end.
waterkuma got fired, dagasi will now do the art for ZZZ
>Victoria Housekeeping has Lycaon as the tardwrangler
>Section 6 has Harambe as the tardwrangler
Will Lighter also be a tardwrangler?
imagine the gangrape
Cuddling with Ellen and she won't let me go
Her hairclip looks awful, I thought it as a maggot or something.
this just in, waterkuma found alive in his house
that scene gave me a half-chub ngl
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It's never been more joever.
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don't make corin angry
>The kidnappers are in this thread right now
I really think that dialogue only works if Lycaon was saying him + Ellen are 10/10 and Rina + Corin are 9/10. Any of the 4 is strong on their own, Ellen has stamina problems but he correctly judged it wouldn't result in her failure, and Ellen chasing the mercs + him chasing the blimp were the only impressive action moments.
No that's Piper, Lighter is the Himmel of the group.
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>amazing story
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She unironically mogs belle though
Compared to the other factions, section 6 are pretty dull looking besides Kakouso and that’s just cause she’s got blue skin. If she was snowy white as mandated by the CCP, they’d be the worst faction by far.
>has tits
Yep, checks out.
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Very good. Very good indeed.
She's so trans-coded it's insane. Nerdy hacker girl with fake pink hair and a mask? She HAS to have estrogen on her desk at all times like me
She literally owes us sex.
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is lucy good at c0
i want to buy her in the shop
100% passable feminine looks + short + no adams apple + no tranny voice at all

the odds of all those coalescing are insane, I've never seen it on an irl trans
Miyabi its the only one way that look goods but in a generic way.
Her gameplay seems much more generic and i hope they changed it.
Zhu Yuan was a pleasant surprise, she's simple but she still knowledge check you
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please... dawei... just a few free stable banner pulls...
She's fine at M0, but before M2 you HAVE to use her EX Special to get her buff. Her M2 allows you to get her buff from doing her chain attack, which is far more convenient.
>fucking ass VR farming theme is a banger
Too bad the good part at 0:42 lasts little when spending fuel because everything explodes
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You are talking about combat capability. I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with you about that.
I'm talking about Corrin being physically the strongest. As in "could outlift anyone else on that team." They make a gag out of her effortlessly lugging around the gigabatteries/power sources in the tv shit to drive the point home. None of this means she is necessarily the best fighter or the strongest combatant.
Your pig reps?
NTA but I have her M1 right now, is it worth getting her M2? I feel like I already get enough energy from her sig+swing jazz.
Sweaty tits inside
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I'm upset that everyone thinks it's okay to just cuckqueen Nicole!
She's a girlboss and Wise is her trophyhusband!
I deserve a nice man who can cook and runs a successful business!

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