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Previous Thread: >>488035990

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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27 hours 52 minutes until dHina (and Hieronymus)
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hina bobina
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mut's uki
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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>Abydos paid her debt in her new chapter

That means that SRT will get their school back in a new chapter right?
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Summer Misaki as a Special student driving a Technical Jeep next summer or I riot.
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So, what are you all doing for Mutsuki's birthday? I'm planning on giving her 75 creampies.
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impregnate Mutsuki
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>Abydos paid her debt
Anyone got the rentry guide of the postgame? I didn’t get a few dialogues posted here. I don’t know what I need I already scouted everything upside down. Twice.
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>get spooked by cHanae
>wonder why no one uses her in Set
>heals a bit more than sHanako but over 60 seconds
That sucks.
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Are report commissions buffed now to 40?
50 something
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It's a feature.
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I am 185 rolls deep
I currently have exactly 24,205 gems left.
I got d.Ako but no Makoto.
I am super tempted to go for the spark but I won't be able to guarantee d.Hina and I KNOW I'm going to have to spark her
Will I be able to get 1,800 gems before d.HIna's banner ends to make up for it?
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Why the fuck does this rapist have her own ship now?
You can't handle Nonomi
found orange paper plane and junko’s meal ticket
And here's Toki DX: https://files.catbox.moe/78kjzk.mp4
Well whatever it is, as long as it's not fucking less than 10% for purple now, so I can farm them. I need bajillion purple reports.
>it was at the hall
blinded by lights and ghosts...
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Fuck your students
get the spark, you probably have enough momotalks in reserve for the missing rolls
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Elegant Migga! I will be cooking dinner now /bag/, but I'll come back for more Miggas if I don't sleep immediately!
Pray for me so that I get spooked by Kanna tomorrow.
I feel tired just thinking I have to do the hinaslop event how long does it take to speedrun skipping all the dialogue?
Nowhere in the world is safe now
The kind of sensei that talks a big talk then goes "oh no my refractory period have mercy" after a handful of pumps.
Wouldn't she be actually really good with cSerina in Set? Wonder if any top clears used them
the desert?
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Does it have males?
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>Look at me Sensei, I'm the bote now.
Goes from 8% to 34.5%, not 50%
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My wife saori
Mika should die
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Nin nin
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>I try to escape on land
She chases me down on her bike
>I try to escape by helicopter
she sends her drone to shoot me down
>I try to escape by sea
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She lives in the desert, retard. That's her home turf
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I will do it even if I have to drugbuff myself, it will be my magnum opus, I will break her
would desu
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Alright, I am now the proud owner of a Makoto
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Where are the crayons?
These two get plenty of y/u/ri art too, but not as much as Mika with other girls.
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no.. sensei, finasteride doesn't have that kind of benefit you shouldn't have that much confidence..!
Just kill her posters so we can have good threads again, let me do yellow raids without sweating.
Hina should transfer
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some of you would try to convince Ibuki that your penis has yummy yoghurt in it
Searching for セトの憤怒 ハナエ doesn't show much
Lol. Warships is the fortnite of anime games.
why do you guys keep talking about double sparking dhina banner? Is there a reason you should continue after getting dhina and shoshino?
i doubt the double ssr rate is worth rolling that much
Need advice. Do I actually need to always need to UE30 or UE30 my DPS units?
I always do Insane. I don't do torment because I only care about the rewards. If I can get in the plat with insane then that's fine for me.

The reason I'm asking this is because I am now getting extra DPS units like Sakurako, Kaho, Renge, etc. Basically units that are really just extra. Should I be leveling them and also 5* them?
Kinda skimmed through the stream, was there anything of interest besides the dev talk?
Day 5, classroom trashcan.
You can't get them until Day 9
Today you should have only the crayons and 4 paper airplanes missing
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To schale, with me.
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not that kind of drug
I hope you have a nice dinner, my friend.
You have a chance of getting Wakamo and S.hanako as well
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Reposting for anyone who wants to do their reps. Recent JP update introduced subtitles for the voice lines, which will help immensely with learning kanji, since you'll hear these words in your student's voice. DO NOT underestimate this as a tool for learning, especially one that's been given to us for free. Our brains are pattern seeking sponges, and having a voice tied to a Kanji reading WILL make learning the words easier since you'll have a memory associated with the word, rather than mindlessly brute forcing flash cards. You'll also be able to see the difference between casual, short form Japanese and formal Japanese spoken by the students. Good luck newbies
inside ibuki
>had to complete the spark for D.Ako
mrgrgr, at least I got spooked by the Flame Retard
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I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by rapist wolves..
In 2 days.
They're literally preaching 6% is le good for ligma to breakthrough students. I fell for it on sHanako banner and got 7 SSR in 400 rolls. Never again.
>making up an excuse like that
have you seen the state of brats these days? its like mass produced mutsukis minus the cute part
It took a while but it seems like interest in BA fanart is finally waning. Seeing way more artists interested in that new zen-less zero game with the shark maid.
Meanwhile it's anniversary and I barely see any fanart of the featured chars
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>100 rolls for Ako
>30 for Makoto
Is it worth it to spend another 70 to spark on the Iroha banner?
I still don't have her after playing for nearly a year now. I'll have enough left over to guarantee Hina.
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maplestory emote lookin ass
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it was me I actually commissioned them not to accept commissions
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What's the highest Set clear now that we have Kuroko?
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I'm interested how long the shark will last, because next 3 patches have fuck all of cute and interesting characters in zzz which means half a year of nothing worth drawing.
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If you have enough then yes. Iroha is godly for Peroro, specially now that you have Ibuki
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
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Wide Wife
So, are the japs at futaba still dooming about Blue Archive?
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you can read, can't you?
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>please talk about my bait
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Got UE50 sHanako for free and shitton of ligma/students, doing it again and none can stop me.
Unless you are an ultra whale you really should only enhance units you are gonna use in something.

Out of those only Sakurako will be core for something in the near future, and even then it will become a great point of contention whether you should enhance your own Sakurako to UE50 or do poverty runs with borrowed Sakus.
instantly UE50ing dHina with dupe elpehs / ligma like every other hypercarry
they never stopped
Is the level cap 89 or 90 now?

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Good night
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Fuck off jewrona, you gave me more SSR on current banner and yet not a single rate up in 400 rolls.
You aren't safe anywhere, Shiroko Terror can teleport...
bullshit falseflagger
more BA artists are making fanart of Nikke of all things than the latest mihoyoslop
If I may ask, how is your stash looking?
So basically as usual again. Only as needed, or when you are not able to get to plat for some reason.
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skill issue
I got 14x SSR during sHanako in 400 rolls
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I wonder how Hina would react to this
Kuroko respects me
Their doomposting BA general is like 2-3x faster than their non-doom BA general now.
Where option
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Unironically like this
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if she gets bored, I'll just go with Shuro. She wants to play games? she'll win stupid prizes
How often does the idea of a date with Sensei get mentioned in the game?
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Lost Items are coded day to day.
does shiroko actually smell nice though?
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Miyako won!
Shiroko no! That's a child!
LOL you fucking wish. On the boorus, that shark girl character alone has enough entries to make up more than 10% of all nikke entries. And that's just 1 character over the course of a single month
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Fuuka has the ugliest horns
Chiaki has the ugliest halo
I get the feeling she actually smells sweaty, she moves a lot
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Almost every student has good hygiene.
>not the goatse
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By the manwhore himself? All the time in the Momos
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I'll have exactly zero after that + nyFuuka + double spark on the Kuroko banner, currently 65k. Surely they won't release anything for another 6 months after that...
He is asking about the hobo wolf, retards
I speak for everyone when I say that the game needs more elves
who cares, their art is still dogshit compared to ours, BA still wins qualitywise
No, she's biking to school, she's constantly sweaty.
Fuck you and your luck. I had to spark ako, and I'm 80 pulls into Makoto with nothing to show for it.
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How does their Priconne general compare to both the doom and non-doom BA generals?
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She would never
Check Ibuki's clothes
yeah but barely any of those are from BA artists, most of them are just regular mihoyo bandwagoners
she smells like sweat, but the good kind of sweat rather than the fat people kind of sweat
I'm sure precone players were saying the same when BA was a rising star lol, oh how the turntables
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I could keep pulling for Makoto, but I dont wanna spend for now
I'm reading Haruka's momos and she reminds me of me.................
Regularly. He does go on them too like with Tsurugi's date at a fancy restaurant.
I really like the shark maid but there's way too many bs trinkets in her design that look like a pain to draw.
so i'm refreshing this event like mad but what do i do with all these extra event mats once i cleared the shop?
does anyone have this art by itself in hq?
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Looks like it's up to me to be the first 100 Akari. I didn't wanna have to use the card in this game, but...
Much quiter with less shitposting because they don't have a dedicated 24/7 hate thread like BA does.
Makes you really wonder why BA has been having so many misses recently to cause this
funny, I remember people mentioning the same about Nikke, and the chinkslop. I have yet to see it realized...
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>he's bitching about his rolls
Literally just roll during the hot period? It couldn't be more simple??
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>just got this reply as I was rolling some more
Anon, this isn't pretty. But I feel obligated to show you.
Your student wife a shit
>expected dress Ako momotalks to be lewd since the dress is lewd
>it's even lewder
I did not expect the focus being on slutty underwear and wardrobe malfunctions
sasuga Nexon-sama, I kneel
Now that's what I call FLUFFY
Izuna will protect sensei from the rapist wolf!
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white dog gf
white dog sex
white dog wife
white dog kids
white dog family
Are you a new player?
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this, you only roll when your little daughterwife Arona says so. Nobody cares more about Sensei than Arona
What the fuck was that horror shit all about?
/bag/ is gonna shit themselves when this year's winter comiket numbers come out lower than the previous, I can already tell.
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I just see anime and gacha one, where's eos?
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Prolonged lack of content does this.
why cant they just be itasha warships?
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I cried a little after hearing Hina's recital by the end of the event's story, I didn't expect her to actually sing bros...
Your dhina pulls will go to SHIT
not bad, but there is still a logo and borders
>BA has a dedicated hate thread
So is that a thing must gacha generals have over there or is it just certain ones?
Next Bluefes unit, Mystery Nigga
comiket numbers don't matter to me because no matter what only 20 of them will be scanned at the end of the day
Yeah, and your chinkslop will get 1000 doujins as well, right?
I'll shit myself when I feel like it, thank you very much.
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I wonder if I can manage the same. I have 100k but I will be also rolling on the S Chise banner. I might have to buy the 8k pakeji. Good luck on your rolls anon.
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This is bait to convince me to drop gifts on Akari instead of waiting for NY
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>doom and non-doom BA generals?
The what now?
Unless you are an ABSOLUTE NEWFAG you really shouldn't ever double spark a Fes
I wouldn't at least. Fes already takes a considerable part of your resources and now that the new format is having two characters on the Fes banner it will take even more.
If I keep wasting more than necessary on anni banners there will be nothing left for new banners and I'll be getting nothing but rat and miyako spooks instead of the new fave/meta characters.
BA is literally the only gacha that has a dedicated 24/7 hate thread over there. It's been a thing since the anime started airing
>numbers get lower
>but still on top or higher than other gacha
ez win
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The "shut the fuck up, Hare"
This is the exact same narrative people said about C104 compared to C103 because "Volume F effect will have worn off by then"
On the contrary, hina is guaranteed after getting iroha
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Hey, that's a low blow against my tacitcal mayonnaise warrior and my noodle eating rat slampig
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What’s going on with Iroha?
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2chan hates BA now.
Yeah there's barely any art of the Arius girls and Hoshino art has stalled pretty hard
ah good to know it's nothing from nobodies
That was some shit, even Hina was bamboozled
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kek why are priconne fags like this
>he still believes the status-quo can be changed
They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division)
Living or dead, always ahead, fed by your dread
I haven't done her momos yet but if Ibuki made it for her she's lying.
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I just read the previous thread.
Is it true there is no maintenance for dHina banner? Seems like bullshit.
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She's getting the cold shoulder for the entire day
This is the only kind of punishment that will work on that brat
who cares, JP gacha tribalism has been a thing for a long time. We had this with Kancollefags and Kanmusu R, or with Azur Lane
they cant stop humilliating themselves...
she can't just tell her it's bad. that'll make her sad
You'd think there'd be more of swimsuit Hiyori but I've seen nothing of her. It's crazy
I really like her momos
what kind of pose is that
No, why would there be? All the relevant content is in this patch already
Nothing is being added or removed from the game files until next week
Why would there be
She's already in the game, have you not done the story?
Bro the writer took a shit on abydos in the ending. And then said abydos's story is over on his twitter, they're stuck with that shit til eos.
That's expected. Remember when gakumas took or artist's for some weeks In May?
I wouldn't be surprised. We already experienced the 4 GB hell so what is there to add besides the new banners? 0 reason for maint
Imminent rape
yes, and she has priority over the rest of Kivotos
We need something like that for SEED Destiny
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those are normal shoes. what, do you prefer Momoi's clown shoes?
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Because they mocked BA when it first came out only for it to completely eclipse them in every possible way, to the point where our global version makes more money than their JP version and our top 3 fanart characters combined have more fanart than their entire game
>nonono you need to stop playing this thing that improved on our formula and play our glorified flash games until eos!!!!!
I hold more respect for chinkslop fags than priniggers.
the anime one IS the doomposting one
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Don't talk to your sister like that Maki, or I'll send you to Seminar for the weekend to help Yuuka with her work.
I see only salty priconne fans and grubbers.
how is some random priconne girl is related to fucking sexy seia lollolol
fuck these guys are pathetic, get fucked
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it got really funny when realizing most of them were from pricone. they dump on serika I notice and often call her 'fake Kyaru' or something to that effect.
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If your wife isn't in this image she's irrelevant.
shut up hag
>just put her in the next cell over

At a certain point, wouldn't it make sense to build a prison Kasumi can't dig and/explode her way out of? Call up Millennium for one of those Magneto cells they have poor Koyuki sealed up in.
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They're called shoes you fucking orangutan. Maybe if you weren't obsessed with monkey dunk kicks and went somewhere else other than your local footlocker then you would experience something more comfortable and practical to the foot other than shooting hoops with your fellow primates.
godly Aliodas shoes
i hope some random jap is telling those faggots on 2ch how much we are shitting on them
get absolute raped bitches!! your game is dead lol
She doesn't want to disappoint Fubuki, surely
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misa/reiyu would never say that
to be fair they're probably still furious that their anniversary website got vandalized with "go play BA" kek
t. jap falseflagger
ok im doomed for Set
>no N*ru
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It just seems like something par for the course every single new banner happens.
I know dHina model is in the game. But i thought they would need a patch to bring her online.
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My wife is relevant
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Oh yeah, that too.
what does fubuki have to do with it?
They always try to pay ba artists to draw that titislop
But even sechi don't accepted their commission
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>Newfag sensei who has been awaiting ibuki since I started the game
>Was willing to spend 100 rolls immediately and risk spooks later, if it meant farming event points faster for booki's sake
>0 3*s in 100 paid rolls
>0 3*s in 30 additional rage rolls
>1(One(Ichi)) 3* dupe in 100 free rolls
Tell me why I shouldn't just end my relationship with this blue gremlin.
my daughter would definitely say this
that's good advice tho
that makes no sense
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For me it's still wearing Vans at 30 because I can't let go of my skateboarding youth.
Students actually have rights in Gehenna unlike Millennium where they just shove Koyuki in solitary confinement.
kek, I totally forgot about that, what a move holy fuck
Wicked sick
Ibuki makes the gummy bear onigiri.
I meant Ibuki, not fubuki.
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Does priconne have any other endgame content that BA can steal? Just curious what's next
Most Priconne doujins are NTR. Why the hell would I want people like that polluting the BA community?
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>7 studentwives
I am so winning bros.
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There is a higher chance for a woman to be here rather than a real japanese person.
Or trinity where they torture prisoners by pulling their nails
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The priconne clone I play has guild vs guild pvp
they're just normal shoes?
I declare mutsuki sex
Come on, we all know there are no girls on the internetz.
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I can fix her
Sex with Hinyan
But it's 21° right now? Should I wait till the morning to roll?
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I dont need her consent
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whats with this "we" shit?
It was difficult, drained me of resources, and had me doing missions several levels above my own, but I finally completed everything and got my very own Hina.
Sensei has sex with Muchuki, Aru, and Hare on a daily basis btw
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We should get KanColle's month long ballbuster sisyphean torture marathon hell events with exclusive rewards that never repeat so if you skip or fail to finish or fail to grind, you just get fucked.
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I'm going to turn my spark into keystones instead of a Makoto (New)
have you ever seen normal sneakers?
do affectioncucks really?
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Don't talk like that about Ichika, sensei. It's unbecoming.
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Man, I just buy, you know, shoes. And wear them until I need a new pair, this isn't hard.
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Alright Sensei here's the deal, Arona will activate a short hort period for exactly 4 MINUTES after the banner for dHina comes up. Log in right as the banner comes up and push your rolls through as quickly as you can!
congrats anon
based and affectionpilled!!!
You wait until whenever it's hottest to roll
Invite her to the cafe and give her a nice gift so you can read her momotalks before welcoming her in her dress.
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dont tell me you spent everything on the current banners
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We are winning be then
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Happy now?
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/bag/ is it cucked to love your wife?
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for a birthday girl thread, there isn't enough mtsk posted. you guys disappoint me
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I want Ichika to hit me and break my arm
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BA rulez
Priconne droolz
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Custom server anon confirmed that mini games from old events are still in the game files. I hope some of the exploration stuff gets added to a permanent archive eventually. Otherwise, that's 4GB of inaccessible content taking up space on my devices.
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Am I in danger?
>dont like Makoto
>even if I got her id never use her anyway
As far as I'm concerned claiming Makoto is a net loss.
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I have literally zero chance of that if there's any update at all
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That'll be $120 + shipping and handling.
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Why was the aggie OP deleted?
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Went did Ako go into Hina's room to leave a note?
I will be handling Iroha for sure
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As expected of Aru.
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Good luck with Chesed anon
Tony Hawk sensei...
out of 10
too lewd for hinajanny if I were to take a guess
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Same. I still wear shoes that I bought in middleschool and highschool. I'm 28 and well off.
Meh i got really lucky in the early pulls, then got nothing after 100 pulls except a dupe of UI and got NY Haruka at 180, had to spark Makoto, not too bad overall but i wanted to get some Dupes of D.Ako.
Oh well hope D.Hina gets betters, last 2 bluefest i had to spark both Mika and S.Hanako
Right... That happened.
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Based new anon
Enjoy the Hina Laser Cannon

Grind the shit out of proxies for the next few days and hope to god you can pull a D. Hina, Wakamo, or Swimsuit Hoshino during D. Hino's banner
Good luck
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I've already done Torment Chesed because it's a fucking easy raid with or without Makoto.
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It's surprising how often artists draw Hina dressed like Mari
Would if I looked after my things but it'd just be sad to see it collect dust
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Toxoplasmosis claims another victim.
it's because I'm already sleeping
janny's drawing didn't get a tiny seia
>got dAko and Makoto in a single spark
>but literally nothing else

Is this good or bad luck, I can't decide.
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Weak mindset post.
>Remember when gakumas took or artist's for some weeks In May?
That was May, where nothing was ongoing.
This is 3.5 anniversary bluefes but there's barely any art this time
bestest catwife
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>10k ligma
God I wish I had that much right now.
Ichika, Konoka and Chiaki should be beaten and called names
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Post the birthday girl while the thread is at peace
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would the right
Just put them behind glass.
they sleepy
Is this real??
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I'd say okay luck.
You got all limited students with pretty much half a spark, since half of it was free.
What about the other waifu games
We only have koreans here
Only explanation to why some people post memes from Korean foruns here
Cool Chise
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i like the tongue sticking out when sleeping
not an unusual sight for cat owners
you need to be over 18 to post here, 90% of the game are minors anyways
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I fucking hate this, that's why you have to see it too
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Kayoko's everything is so precious.
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Depends. Do you have kazusa?
I fucking knew it. All of you were GOOKS!
when is the kayoko 手コキ asmr coming out..
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>western """"art"""
Wow, I didn't think it'd be that bad...
I'm not that small nor smooth
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it's the "cute and youthful" for me
Yea another maintenance would be nice
Preferably extended just enough to get 1,2k pyros
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I don't think we even have even 1 East Asian person here.
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based makoto
this gave me a chub
Well yeah, Wakamo even learned Korean for us on the stream earlier.
That is a man
Very nice
now THIS is actual pedophilia
calm down Chise
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time to shut off abydos wifi
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Post really old /bag/ pictures
>actually acting on the same level at scat monkey
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Yeah ok, but where's my tulip?
pure sex
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Mutsuki's experienced child pussy
Based weapon smuggler sensei.
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>mutsuki does this
>take it away from her and force it up her ass
thats what you get, brat
Now that just feels wrong.
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I see that Mutsuki has birthday in the momo log. Is there anything I can do with that or is it just a fun notification?
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Put her as your secretary and she has a special voice line.
she'll be coming to claim her present soon you don't need to do anything
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really old /bag/ pictures
sadly we have more pinoys, indonesians and singaporeans than necessary
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Will any year 2 or year 3 students ever get any wank? Seems its always Abydos, PS68, or Hina. Kinda getting predictable
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She doesn't get much new art nowadays, feels bad man
Nice, thank you for the heads up
Based Aus
calm down muchuki
>he doesn't know
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You should also read her momotalks if you haven't yet, and then fap to her. You will form a bond.
Average /bag/ thread
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what is the necessary amount
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MY heart...My soul...
I will also do that
i am going to play hide the sausage with ibuki
>kayoko and kazusa are for goslingfags

I keep seeing statement like this pushed around. What the fuck does in mean? What makes a character gosling?
A character that makes you want to go on a Drive. A character that makes you feel like you're Kenough.
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post ass
It means they're girls for failed normalfags
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We never see Kayoko get that horny around Sensei do we?
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Gosling is a state of mind
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i miss the kazusa shorts
Goslingposting is just rebranded feelsguy posting.
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I wish I was the size of a hamster and shoved up Hina's anus where I will slowly start to wither and die crushed by her insides.
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>anime sensei
suicide feeling status?
Are you falseflagging or something
I've seen a ton of her fat tits on my twitter feed lately and her banner isn't even up yet. Don't even get me started on Professor Niyaniya, and this is all during pre-comiket crunch time.
Doomposters are retarded but the people who doompost BA with fanart numbers are doubly so
Touching ibukis vagina!
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Every student is for goslingfags because they are not real.
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Gehenna's assess
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You were not supposed to point this out.
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So essentially if the anime girl is specifically normie bait? So let me guess then. Does this mean Karin or Nagisa are gosling characters?
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>What the fuck does in mean? What makes a character gosling?
Ufff, she is so flat
the feeling of wanting to be in a relationship and interact with a non-existent person in a lovey-dovey way but then the realization kicks in that it will never happen because...well.. she doesnt exist
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Nagisa is normalfag bait?
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Now a bratty ass
This really embarrassed the western rhythm game community when it became a known thing.
>not even brat
Goslingposting is more of an evolution rather than just a simple generational rebrand desu
Could even a Gehenner find salvation by adhering to Trinity's values?
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Suitsuki alt never ever
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>bye bye
See ya later lol
Yes I do, but I didn't roll for her either
it's a downgrade if anything
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That's a rectangle.
>>kayoko and kazusa are for goslingfags
your Misaki?
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Fuck, this is not enough to get her to UE30 on the rerun, but tomorrow is the last day I can run the event. There's no way I can ignore 3x normal and then 3x hard+3x commissions
default is the best
I thought Gosling was supposed to be about girls you want to SAVE
But I haven't watched a new movie in probably 15 years or so, so I've never seen a single thing Ryan Gosling has ever been in
new ponta poggers
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>secondary bait short
I sleep
I would think. Nagisa is a beautiful mature lady that I want to have tea with and visit art galleries with
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you know I thought I was in a great spot, but it seems like I am pretty fucked.
No, God hates gehenna
All you really need is blade runner 2049
I'm sure they deserved it
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Wouldn't it make more sense if the students are the ones gosling over you?
Wrong on all accounts
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>sensei sees [dog]
>immediately asks her to show him her ass
Nagisa is too autistic and schizo to be normalfag bait
That too, but also girls with big girlfriend energy
Normalfags don't want that, they want either slampigs or bpd trainwrecks.
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You're also retarded because you forgot about hundred free on arius summer
It's about a complicated relationship with a girl that isn't real
have some self awareness man
Are you braindead?
westoids are mentally ill
Some of them already do
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My kokoro...
For me it's Stay (2005)
what am I looking at
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No you misunderstand I just wanted to see her tail
What the fuck is going on and what is the context?
fags just want an excuse to post their mancrush
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eh? I don't see a problem
that's just roughly $250 what's the issue?
Mika has every known mental illness and is the biggest normalfag bait...
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Someone mentioned earlier that they can pull off an Battle Hoshino attempt at duo characters in one with Dress Mutsuki and Dress Haruka and even Dress Saori, Hope it happens
I just shat my pants
Gosling always has a happy ending. I dont really remember the ending of 2049 but I thought he died in a content state of mind? Are you telling them to die?
Its over for you, bwo
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>skipping Momoi
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>didn’t roll for either
You are going to get raped. And it woll be deserved.
I kekd
But is unfapable if it's western style
Mental illnesses aren't real idiot
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Hina and Wakamo are probably the worst case of gosling(ette) over sensei
New flowers for Hime
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Post the most Gosling pic you got
Would be a lot of work (two unique chibis for permanent students most likely) so I highly doubt they would but it'd be neat.
At best they'd just swap between suit/dress a bit in the Momotalks.
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Listening to Gojira with Kayoko!
lmao keep saying that bro maybe you'll be right eventually, you've missed the last 4-5 times you've said this however
what would happen if I removed the tape, would she die?
Oh yeah? Explain /bag/
Madman jap loads a custom song into Maimai (arcade rhythm game) featuring cropped porn of Mutsuki getting dicked and pretends to hump the machine to the beat.
twitter finds out and calls it child porn etc.
Wakamo, sure
Hina isn't a gosling
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a girl will never look at you this way
Ibuki still has the mind of a child
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I don't want to not be braindead if Nagisa isn't top student wife material.

I love nagisa.
I really want to fuck hiroy's belly button...
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Hina is more of a normalfag bait than Mika desu. I never see Mika brought up outside of here, but Hina all the time. 1M views on her video alone.
how is this gosling
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Frankly, no drawing can beat this.
>Hina isn't a gosling
>half her dialogues in the event has "sensei" in it
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she's hot, is all I care for
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look at her belly
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every time
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Take it off, fatty, before it breaks
Get down to 12% body fat and tell me if shit don't change
that’s what sonic damage is called in JP? I expected to see the character for sound but that makes more sense I guess
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My dignity?
I could not be a Sensei. I'd be too antisocial to go out of my way to talk to any of the students.
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now it hurts more
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What's the last keyword here? Just realized I lack one
i dont get it
im not fat
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more like
It didnt
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normalnigs need to get 'causted
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That account deleted it. I don't get why create one acc in X If you're not going to post exclusively to ba players that really enjoy the game themes
It's "ligma"
I got Makoto in Ako's banner and I already pick Makoto in pity...
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I would be putting women to shame with the amount of love sex I'd have with this dog.
I did this
Wait... This is locked for me. How do I unlock it?
Why can't Nexon just charge me like 30 bucks for costumes? I would gladly fork over money for those.
>level 38
>>>>>level thirty and eight
>unable to do stage 7
I'm not gonna say it but I am thinking it.
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I'm out for blood and tears tonight
ahahahhahaha bricked
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>pomf changed to KA-BOMF
Maybe if priconne wanted us to play their dumb gacha it shouldn't have EoS'd
Did you learn anything?
Because it would undermine their entire monetization model?
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whats wrong?
Get at least 100 coffee mugs by completing the tasks.
Ibuki was a mistake
need more drawings of students dreaming about sensei and waking up flustered (not seia, too much of those already)
wehn next banner
Hahaha I totally forgot it
just ibukiposters
you bastard
>I will never have a mutually supportive, loving relationship because they simply do not exist
You WILL have a girl look at you like this
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>Get down to 12% body fat AFTER lifting for a few years and stop caring about girl's attention and care about gains instead**
It reeks of Judaism even if it wasn't done by one.
Please do NOT treat your teacher like he's your boyfriend
This has been a recurring issue and complaints from other students are flooding the GSC inbox, burying proper complaints that need to be addressed
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No, she is the final solution
you want me to go down to 50kg? I will die.
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this kills wholesomefaggots
into miracles
thanks brah
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I'll say it for you. Limbus Company
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I'll have about 1 spark during bluefes but I really want dress benriya girls after too...
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That's my wife you're talking about
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do some event story
we know you turned gay it's okay to admit it
Good. You guys should drop it btw
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He started it and his fault
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I need a Leisa plushie
I think alts and costumes can coexist
the not so ironic lolicons are into "pedomom" + western artstyle + chubby baby bugi + anime sensei + no halo
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that's real? holy kek
And what, this will get you girl that not only is completely matching your preferences but also loves you as much as you do her? In real life? Eat shit.
What're you gonna do about it Mustafa?
>replace cat GF fridays with nothing
they couldn't have waited until her birthday came around at least?
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It's OK Anon, the best way out of pain is through it
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which is more valuable in sweeping
tech notes or blu-rays for the event?
I don't know what that first bit means but I'm even more glad I didn't open that shit
Hina's a lucky woman.
kazusa is the most boring gosling student
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Am I doing it right?
Whichever you need the most
Why are pink haired people evil?
The big wolf won....
I will tell Makoto you made her cry and she will bomb you to oblivion
oh yeah? unlike YOU I will be at this winter comiket buying all the blue archive stuff I can
Japanese art is better than western art 99.99% of the time but I can probably name half a dozen western loli artists that do comics and stand above their eastern peers. Doing shit on color and uncensored elevate their material by a lot.
Not that it matters since some Korean/Chinese artists like Deadflow, BLVEFO9 or Mountainhan represent the best of both worlds.
Wait, are free rolls over? I thought we had one more day
Students like Mimori and Nonomi are the real goslingcore students anyway
is this real, /bag/?
I plap this daily
Whatever you want to call it I'd rather that than some faggot >tfwnogf poster
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Your mugshot will at least look good once you get booked for crushing teenage pussy hunter biden style
Western rhythm game players are all annoying faggots. For a genre that is nearly entirely single player they spend so much of their time stirring shit in the community and being dramawhores
>t. Kikyou
Just if people call every successful student a normalfag bait
Oh yeah?
Explain why /bag/ or japs don't gosling over them
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Im taking you to JAIL!
No, you're good. For whatever reason, there's an empty plate and no keyword to fill it.
Today’s the last day nigger
>first muchuki momo
>already a hug from her and then I tickled her
Damn they're going right at it.
I'd be happy to see it and interested if another game makes it work, but I can't see nexon going for it. Not full costumes at least
how about neither gayboy
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I find the twins boring. Volume 2 had me dragging my way all the way through.
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mutsukibro, is that you?
you reminded me of a certain /fit/ group of individuals that actually go that far and still fail
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One of them you be the welfare that did not happened In the original run
Blvefo9 is Viet
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uhhh it's okay when they do it though
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Natsu isn't evil.
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Gosling post hours are my favorite.
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This one always gets me. Her camping L2D had better be this comfy or else.
Sensei cried tears of joy when the superior SRT elite consensually fucked him so there is no bigger proof who he is meant to marry
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But sex doesn't feel good if it's not done with the love of your life...
Blue Archive for this feel?
I love miyako
Even better >>488057182
but the cops at kivotos support student/sensei relationships
She told me she hated adults like me though
/fit/ is not sensei material, because sensei loves women and /fit/ loves men
>Kasumi escaping Gehenna prison
>Better myself? Make myself not disgusting and nice to look at? Eat shit.
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no i'm a different bro
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I'm a very new player, just finished my 100 free rolls to try and get Makoto but didn't get her. I still have around 100 rolls in Pyroxene ready, would it be worth it to spend on Makoto to spark her?
Sensei is busy enough as it is. He is our teacher, not a communal dildo. We should all respect his human rights and male privacy. And permission for sex should be handed by an official letter otherwise conniving students will just ask teary-eyes when he will be unable to say no.
Additionally I think we should allow men to vote.
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Anything Trinity-related
you and me anon... i didn't get anything from arona.. maybe i should just meet plana..

holy shit hoshino's ass is a sponge
nyo, just read the story to have enough pyro for dHina
Dude does 1 (uno) BA doujin and he already gets namedropped on "best artist" lists?
Deserved. I am Junkofan now.
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You cannot fuck your phone, sensei
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That Hoshino post battle pose radiates high levels of sexual energy
anon, the whole gymcel meme was created specifically to target people that do it with the intention of getting the attention from women, achieve insane progress in their physique and still fail getting women. Before you ask, thats a thing
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Maid Momoi is really cute even if her sprite kind of sucks
Wow I didn't know Ako could be goslingcore
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Iroha GET
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Women want a guy with money
Hina thread next thread
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A bunch of SFW posts I made lately have been getting [deleted] for no good reason.
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Very brave posting this when the mikaspammer could be back any second
Do you not want to be ripped and peeled and have your young wife worship every muscle on your body?
>the beckoning motion
it really does
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Congrats. I got no Iroha, no Makoto and no D.Ako.
And I must cope.
I don't like him because he draws freakishly large horsecocks
But full color+uncensored usually causes people to rate some artists more highly
Stop posting obscene material
We have more active moderation since the scatdude came back and mikaposters have decided to fight him
I already exercise and work on myself enough. The idea of me finding my soul mate by taking care of my health is moronic. Maybe some whore, or your average disgusting 3dpd but not soul mate.
I've already been 30 day banned twice before where I had to bitch on IRC because of that but whatever
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It's hard to find artists that don't draw horse-cocks nowadays. It's really annoying.
Poo in loo.
Kaya & Kaiser.
And yet you have neither and you post tiktoks on 4channel
Congrats bro
I don't see any bare bobs and vagenes in that image.
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News to me. I'm not fighting anyone.
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The passionate hate sex to domesticated housewife pipeline is a slippery slope
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>96k pyros
It's so over for me..
Go on without me, fellow whales...
deserved for posting that student
i hate nonomi now
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What the fuck is Nonomi's role in Abydos then?
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i dont think i can squeeze out any more rolls
got around 220 rolls total
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Bros, my Shiroko figure came in but the box doesn't look so good...
I tries pairing her with Ibuki and that shit made me lose twice in a row against the kaitenniggers
nom nom
vol 1 chapter 3 epilogue by me
big tits character
has possum drawn any nudes related to ibuki? I kinda like his style when he isn't drawing furries
I mean, but I am a fitness freak because I literally feel like shit when I don't workout for long periods of time. That aside, I don't think its ever gonna work that way, as I said earlier, that meme ain't far from the truth
Check her halo
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I'm too stupid, ugly, and low willpower to accomplish anything in life so it's pointless to try.
Big Titty Committee.
That's like asking what the Doug button is for anon, c'mon now
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you are now, ME

your shiroko turned into kuroko, grats
I feel you.
is hosh wearing a diaper? what the fuck
She gives eyejobs
Lmao, I was talking about this>>488057719
Of course a popular game who pander to lolicons can get a lot of views in content with the principal character in the game. Hina fans are the core player base, normalfag bait is things like hiroy and the new prisioner
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just spend more, stupid
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I bet Akemi will be an absolute sweetheart in her momos when she comes out in 5 years. You'll learn to love her!
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Heh... I'll join you tomorrow, brother...
based gigachad
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Some usually don't go too overboard but he's really bad for it, x-ray panels just make me wince.
How is it?
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>lifting for women
You already lost. If you wouldn't lift as the last man on Earth then don't lift at all.
Holding Hina's tiny hands
Even the box has curves LMAO
>Last free roll
>Still have no Makoto
I can just borrow her right? No need for 2 Makoto in torment?
I didn't consent to that
They should've just brought kiki back, his dumb Momoi face is iconic for me at this point.
120 with probably.... 40 in shipping ain't bad for that
She lifts for (You)
>game that panders to lolicons
I, too, am stuck in year 1
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Dairy cow.
Sensei's sugar mommy.
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It's over whalebros...
Iirc she was the person who supplied snacks. Inventory Management would be a more resume-appropiate title.
Why do I need Makoto when I have Moe for cheese?
I fuck this daily
>not trying anyway just to spite fate
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I did this
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I lift for the upcoming war
No time for echii
anon, that faggot complaining about ibuki is a normalnegroid tourist and nothing more, wholesome fags are also a trojan horse to them. Don't bother, this general has posted worse anyways
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i was looking into a gym near where i live and what the fuck why is it so expensive
I already know I'm going to love her momotalks/event.
>-200 GA coins on Greg

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To become sensei's canon wife
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Thankfully the figure itself seems perfectly fine, thanks to all the plastic holding everything in place and offering some space to compact, I didn't realize how LEGGY she would be.
I did for 10 years, that's how I know theses things.
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I have an Iori
This guy draws NTR BBC shit with Nonomi
Fuck off
Did you order it from a chink?
>her L2D is an upskirt
>"I am not that big", except unironically
Fucking kek, this has got to be the silliest complaint I ever read on /bag/
just do it for yourself and if everything fails go out with a bang, a huge one and leave a mark in history for better or worse
that's way too much
if you need a gym with all those bells and whistles get them to cut the initiation fee at least.
costcos also sell bulk subscriptions for cheap
and hotdogs
It's dumb and a boner killer. It's the same as having gargantuan tits to me. It just becomes gross.
Serika/Ayane/Nonomi were kind of plagued with their setup as SoL characters. They don't exactly have a particular internal or external conflict of their own to develop their characters. That leaves their narrative role to be a foil or supporting character and none of them were exactly set up to be a foil to hoshino so that left them with weaker supporting roles. There are probably other ways to develop them as characters that were actually possible, but I'm not smart enough for that.
Who knows, maybe they'll address these things in idoru event.
Wholesome vanilla sex with Ibuki
In that style??
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Is it inside?
Well anon, you have to first find yourself an objective to work on before giving up on life entirely. Even the richest people in the world will die unhappy, thinking that they could have gotten even richer. Just find a goal
bro? your Minori?
did her sprite not hint it enough to you that her legs REALLY stood out?
>/Nonomi were kind of plagued with their setup as SoL characters. They don't exactly have a particular internal or external conflict of their own to develop their characters
>me looking at the first half of vol.1 ch3
Wash your hands with soap, you greasy NEET.
sex with professor niyaniya
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That's a relief, and of course she's all legs.
this, its on the same level of people complaining about faceless bald guy being a lower tint of gray than your favorite when we all know its been a stapple for dojins for ages now, be grateful BA gets away with one of the lowest ratios for NTR and all that
>hands black as coal
Unhand her
The popularity rankings are pretty split between lolis and hags. I think if this game was a true lolicon haven we wouldn't have so many lolis stuck in NPC jail
(You) are not going to skip maid momoi right?
gyms are scams
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It was the guy before him that caused the high prices. It just didn't set in until the current term.
But OK chud.
2 scopes
2 terms
It does come off that way I know.
Sometimes it's hard for me to suspend my disbelief when the dudes cock is going straight to their ribcage though.
It stops being hot and my brain starts thinking "oh shit she's fucking dead".
Yes I know students have halos
>doesn't have health insurance that pays for the membership for free
if you're gonna get scammed in america you might as well get scammed properly
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bro, your iroha?
If you're not a muscle monster go to walmart and buy a few decent dumbbells, you'll get more value out of those and actually own them.
this but unironically(minus Chudshit), voting for your average pendulum candidates won't change shit and the sooner /bag/gots realize this, the better for them
Child sex
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Too bad I only see Hare as a cute but addicted daughter
The Gosling posting was good while it lasted, but it's time to go.
Nonomi (Nonomi)
Students for this Sensei?
Yeah you're right, they kinda let the whole "wish I could do something for her" deal putter off. Probably my biggest gripe with ch3 that they went nowhere with that, but at the same time I'm wondering if it was possible to do it without feeling even more forced with being committed to the whole clockface plot line.
Mutsuki, unironically
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Find a better gym
Most locations are good
Most locations are decent-good
Decent to Cope but gets the job done
>planet fitness
Shit but cheap and 24hr
>Lifetime/LA/specialty gyms/crossfit/etc.
Dogshit money gouging overcrowded gyms that don't even have good equipment
>Hole in the wall family-owned gyms/powerlifting gyms
Diamond in the rough and usually the best gyms you will find but you have to look to find them.

Homegym trumps all these but I assume that's not an option for you.
Normalfag bait
They just feel much more prominent seeing them in person, I guess.
Anons I literally suffer from OCD and wash my hands obsessively to the point that they dry out from a lack of natural oils, they're probably just a bit dirty from handling the cardboard box.
you need to be over 18 to post here
>be pathetic
>have to live with a girl who reminds you constantly
Don't do it man. Once you join you can never leave. The amount of hoops you have to jump through to end a membership is more work than you'll likely ever actually do at the Gym
You need to wash them things with bleach homie, I can smell the watermelon and friend chicken from here.
>walk in
>I'd like to cancel my membership
>firmly say no to any retention offers/guilt tripping
it's really not that hard besides going in to say no
do jews really just phase through solid metal grates?
Ironic weebs are good at tunnel vision when they want
Like how you seem to ignore this Hina event we are playing right now
This is retarded dyel advice, at least suggest loadable dumbbells.
(((abrahamic god))) deactivated collision physics
Just to bait hagfags to pay for the next loli focused high quality content like this one
mutsuki would probably do it with the intent of getting away with benefits or stuff she wants, she'd probably try to keep you that way, she is a needy brat
>with the intent of getting away with benefits or stuff she wants
Wow, too real. Thanks.
I'm not ignoring anything.
Oh, the fubuki poster is truly back
>Simping for a corpse
>This is retarded dyel advice
Spend less time on /fit/, idiot.
>loadable dumbbells
That much should have been obvious.
yeah, rape correction was the way to fix her all along
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Ma'am, your security detail
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No... Madam milkbox...
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how could nmgk do this
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yuhposting is dead...
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This is your fault, it's always your fault
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i blame reisa
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Et tu Eimi...?
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there was a credible golden-haired witness who allegedly saw the act
i'm sorry...

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