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Previous Thread: >>488021779

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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My wife, Mika.
The REAL thread
I love Kasumi
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This one
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Hinakeks should die, especially those fucking tourists from Twitter
I'm in love with Iroha's raw power
What shitposter made the Churro GBF OP image? You fucker, I almost set foot in /gbfg/ cause of that.
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this thread
other OP fucked up the copy paste
muchuki sex
+1 post
No contribution
This one won't win, but I hope it does.
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*pats /bag/*
Your Mutsuki is... rather Shuro
ejaculation inside this imp
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What was that ghost event?!
>got Ako both in her banner AND while rolling for Makoto
>no Makoto but got the annoying La Campora from Red Winter, Minori
Decent I suppose.
A shame
He was falseflagging pretty hard
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My precious desert rose.
I have bad news for those who read the green airplane message and thought it was Kasumi's
It's actually Megu's
spooky ghost event
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>thread being replied to everywhere
stooooop so many mention notificatioooonn I can't tell if someone replied to me or not
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Mmm I want to smell and sniff....
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Thank you Nexon for the free recruits again :)

110 rolls because I thought the previous GA ticket won't make it to D.Hina
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my wife saori
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Post your damage.
I made out like a bandit even though I got like zero students I actually wanted other than the banner units.
Makoto was roll 200 so I also got 100 extra elephs which is nice.
I really hope Makoto and dAko at 3* is more than enough to tackle both yellow raids and the tower respectively. If Fest goes like this, I won't have eligma to raise them at all. It'll be another sHanako massacre.
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1 ako
3 makotos + 1 spark
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>that weird ghost quest
What the fuck?
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Please punch Arona for me.
And then brutally rape her till she loses consciousness.
Mika should die
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You can unclick it if it's the last thing you clicked by pressing Enter
You can also press E twice to open and close every image
Having to spark dAko is bullshit, the sex better be amazing
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Unironically this, but please use something more girly for her.
And please treat her with more love, and less respect, last thing I want is more of that Momo with her summer version
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How are you planning to reward Mutsuki for her birthday?
I hate gehennoids.
Got nothing but Kazusa. Sparked the red fuzzy ball.
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She's my wife too
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Wait a minute, Mutsuki's not from California...
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What damage?
wtf Makoto's momo is full of personality and dork energy...
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>replying to it
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Commiefornia has to be a place in hell so it makes sense she's a gehenna student
One hundo. Both uniques plus a dupe spark and lots of new spooks. Still have four sparks and change, so I'm feeling alright.
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I'll post it here as well I guess.
Hello, /bag/. I bring you TWO Seia doujin.


I've made a deal with Seianon, he'll typeset for me and I'll release every untranslated Seia doujin there is. I'm still working on my VN but I hope I an get into the swing of things again soon.
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Also got Koharu and Mimori dupes.
Why is my fox leaking?
I got D.Ako as I wanted
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nakadashi x [her age]
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You know what this thread needs?
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nobody gives a shit about scanlations
Couldn't get the tank lady with the free pulls and I only have 6k pyros.
Should I do the needful?
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thanks tlbro
I care about Scanlations
Thank you seia anon for your hard work
why do japs associate this with california
same but instead of dress ako I got makoto and sparked iroha, I have 86k pyrox left but Im saving for ny fuuka and dress aru after pulling for both fes banners
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Should I farm Table Napkin in quest 12 or 10?
How good is Makoto? I got d.Ako and already had Iroha so I was wondering if it's worth going beyond the 100 free rolls while d. Hina is right around the corner with the boosted rates as well.
I also already have Cherino, which makes me question even more if I should get Makoto.
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Mutsuki butt...
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What am I supposed to do for this memo?
not some retard with no friends who is liked by nobody, so no idea why you'd post her
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cummies inside Muchuki
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Lost all four tickets + 36k pyros.
Arona lost a subscription refresh.
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Follow the footstep path. That's it.
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arona cunnilingus
thank you arona
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Nice, thank you.
>I'm still working on my VN
You're translating a VN? Which one?
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>Himari, Rumi and Iroha dupe
I'm still thinking if I should get Makoto.
Follow the feet.
I wish they let us stack those. This is my only gacha that doesn't allow stacking monthly. It's somewhat scary to jump through vpn hoops every month for BA
Surprisingly I knew about both of these.
E is my "next post" button though so it can be used in combination with either "hide" on Q or "filter" on W. Maximum laziness and comfy.
your bounty and scrim tickets?
>it worked
>6k pyros before blufes
when did you start playing?
either reroll or get grinding your momotalks and whatever else you have left
This art style looks kind of familiar.
I bet it was drawn by that nip that has some weird sensei that looks like Quasimodo with a bowl cut.
Can't remember his name but I think it was Aahns or some shit like that
0. i'm checking out with only dako
Aru is a retarded bitch who has no right to facepalm at anybody.
only if she wants sex with Sensei(literally me)
how about you use your brain and look at which oopart you have less of and go for that?
I'm cutting my losses to try and get D.Hina and later NY.Fuuka later since I failed to get her the first time.
How strong am I actually supposed to be to finish the mission quests? Im about to hit 50 and it looks like the recommended level is about to jump to 60, should I just keep grinding materials and stuff until im around that level?
No, absolutely fucking not. Iroha is general pool and d. Hina + boosted fes rates will be 100000 times better for you than the 3 up right now, especially with only 6k pyros. If you're a newfag you have timw to read the story/do enough missions to get d. Hina and that will benefit you much more.
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I need to roll for D.Hina and I need to do it NOW

What is that?
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>Last 20 rolls after only getting 3 dupes
>Decide to bamboozle Makoto by rolling on the Iroha banner, get a purple but it's lolishunn
>Roll on the Makoto banner and get Iroha
>Finish with everything I wanted, a free loli and no dAko polluting my account
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Mutsuki is not erotic.
No need for them if I'm forced to spark every fucking unit on the face of this God forsaken Earth.
Not enough dupes for UE30+ = no need for Scrimmage scrap.
Yes. I am retard. Hello :)
(why did we make 2 threads tho?)
but those are chink dialogues
Why wasn't Aru invited to the party?
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130 pulls, 92k gems
I must stay strong for Dress Kayoko and Dress Aru
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12 give less, which is weird since always the last nodes give more than previous ones
So she could have her own opera event.
You can clear quests way above your level, especially if you only focus on clearing them and advancing vs 3* them.
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Our sex symbol!
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200, got both dAko and Makoto. Got two other new students (nySerika and spHaruna) and a dupe Eimi.
I'm trying to get a partial path done, I'm about thirty percent finished with the TL itself I'd say
is d aru even more worth to pull than d ako, anyone?
100. Got both D.Ako and Makoto with 3 new units.
you can easily clear missions at -20 recommended level
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I love Arona. She is so generous.
needs a good slapping and plapping
What about the event quests then? They're at 80 so is that out of my range?
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Another half spark saved by the free rolls. I just know FES is gonna fuck me over.
>a fucking blimp
>>488037958 (me)
I got swimsuit ui so I’m hesitant
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you know what blimps are good for right
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She thought it was a Tea Party and visited Trinity
Gehenniggers are not sexually appealing.
It gives less but gives you the other shop currency. Unless you've already cleared the shop using that currency - in that case just go for the one that gives you napkins only. If you want to farm Ibuki instead of going for the 3x normals and hards you're going to end up with extra shop currency either way since there's no stage that gives only points.
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Senseis only want one thing, and its beautiful
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was this necessary
banner with double rates for 3* students and some extremely OP limited students available
you need at least a spark for it
if you're a new player, ideally two
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Mika love
Just hold your semen for the next 6 months bro
if you have the other meta supports she's easily replaceable
also she's not limited compared to dAko
Oh, wow. That's a pretty ambitious choice. Are you thinking of pursuing a career with translation or are you just gonna stick with fan translation?
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say something to my only spook in 130 rolls
As far as events go just try them out and see, as they can vary a lot depending on enemy type. I've had events where quest 10 was easy but I couldn't clear 11 at all, ones where 8 was as high as I could make it and so on. See how high you can climb for the 1st time rewards, then see which ones seem doable at 3* so you can sweep.
Who are the important ones after D.Hina? Including non-limited banners.
would you think aru was cooler if instead of a sniper rifle, she had a six shooter and a cowboy hat?
How do I get more of these?
Pls be my mistress

53 extra on top of 100 free rolls
Bro, your Hinawank event?
by me
lick and sniff this hobo
>Who are the important ones after D.Hina?
basically nothing, there is absolutely nothing worth rolling for until the 3.5 anniversary lol
*maybe* sKanna as a replacement for Akane, and ASS club for Set, but Set sucks ass anyways
Why would I spend my pyros on a Hoshino with more clothes?
give her pudding
>got Hime spook on my free rolls
Arius infiltration of Gehenna confirmed
I already have the best job imaginable, I only do fan TLs, for free
I only get one for Each objective. And I have done all of them I know of so far

Son of a
Guess D.ako is the spark
am i kawaii, uguu
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students only want one thing...
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Momoi is important for your soul.
I got a question about Set. Is it the actual chaos god set not some decagrammaton shenanigans? Can it be bonked so hard it turns into a new Abydos student.
Isn't NY.Akari needed for Set?
Band alts if you care about red Set, and that's it till winter starting with sKanna.
isn't she also actually meta
Is there a single target purple raid already?
I want maid green Momoi but i dunno since Shiroko and Tacticool Hosh are sure to suck me dry.
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baggots said I could skip the gamer twins tho
I vaguely remember Plana being the one giving the intro speech
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Where is her vibrator and where are her dirty panties? Shit game.
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Got Makoto on my 190th roll, sparked Dako, and got spooked by Chihiro, Mine and Minori. How are you holding up fellas?
Oh, and nyAkari if you want to not borrow her for blue set.
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How many do you have stacked?
I kinda like Makoto more, but dAko is a better pick, right? I had to go to 200…
>this slut broke my nofap streak
I might fail again
Depends how hard they push Purple GA or if they release a new purple non-AoE raid
ShiroKuro has been the only Purple GA so far
purple daikessen srkr when eops also had it
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Mutsuki, sit on my face right this minute
probably in the desk drawer right under the box of tissues positioned suspiciously close to the computer
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I think it was just the lower floors of Set, but I might be mistemembering.
Hoshino Terror should be a raid
Just pick who you like.
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Owari da
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Hina doesn't wear panties
Still debating >>488037497
Sex on the beach with Mucchuki.
How? Shiroko soloed her. Actual weakling.
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Click here, clear all the missions you can, then sweep
99.9% chance that if they release a non-AoE Purple raid, it'll be paired with a new purple ST student that powercreeps mMomoi.
But why?
the only question is do you have enough left for dhina
were these the last free rolls or will there be more tomorrow?
Ako for attention
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do I just kill myself now
Irrevocably bricked for all eternity
Yes I have.
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Do I even get anything out of leveling it up?
how much pyros you spent and how much you have left?
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I lied
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Pls help, I'm torn on this one, a half-cost spark is good, but 6% is 6%
I only have swimsuit ui, hima, ako, ny kayoko and ui
It’s actually over for real this time no captain
Not worth it unless you like her.
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Oh shit didn't notice that at all. Thanks bwo!
too far for the spark to be worth
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Is it that time again?
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I never listen to smellsa posters
I just started logging in. How much free shit did I miss out on?
i assume you already have shoshino right? then go ahead and get makoto.
Last ones. Surely you did not expect over 100 free rolls, and certainly you did not expect a whole free spark, right?
>students are being extra bratty on Friday
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as long you have at least 1 spark for hina all is good
to all newcuties as well, you better leave 24k for her or you're fucked
i have 41k left but i'm only level 72 and am missing probably all the good units
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How could you?
Koyuki, Swimsuit Shiroko, Ichika spooks are nice.
I was rolling Makoto until today, where I decided "Fuck it if the great Hanuma Makoto won't show up I guess I'll try for D.Ako" and then Makoto popped up.
Life is good outside of my hay fever killing me.
Huh? Ive been logging daily and my Hina's only lv8
So the free pulls are rigged to be shit and just get daily logins, right? Has anyone had any luck at all?
The free pulls have granted me not a single 3*. We're 80 pulls in now? Or 60?
Yeah then you can skip dAru
Damn,it. 180 and still no Ako or Akoto and to make it worse today I got spooked by some chinky rat.
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laugh at this nigga
You get two levels today if you've been playing every day
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I'm pretty happy honestly, these were some good rolls
Looks like you’re gonna have to bite the bullet
Assuming you clear the entire event AND grab all the Curtain Call items/do all the missions from now till the end, you should be able to get it all. If you don't then you'll lose a bunch of credits, pyros, materials, fun and so on.
Have you been practicing piano daily you dingus?
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It's sunday...
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I got 5 spooks during the free rolls, 3 of them new
Did you play today?
I took that screenshot after playing. It goes from 8 to 10
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At last I truly see...
how many pyros do you have left?
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I averaged one 3* every ten rolls of the free pulls, half of them dupes.
The paid rolls were worse.
So my luck is just dogshit? Thats not the answer I was hoping to hear
So, that's it? No more free pulls?
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Can I get a refund for B.Toki? She's genuinely useless now that DHina exists. I want my 24000 gems back.
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Where do I find the orange note today?
Okay, cool. I thought I missed something
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>am missing probably all the good units
what are your best students? you can try to spark d.ako and then leave the rest for hina or just save all 41k for her. kind of depends how much good units you need. I personally am saving the rest of my stash for d.Hina but im lvl 88 and have most of the good units, so do what you feel like.
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Uh oh
Here she comes claiming another dad
Aru dupe
Haruna (Track)
Akane (Bunny)
Sparked Iroha
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it is what it is
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I mixed my free pulls with normal pulls so I can't say for certain if my luck would have changed just waiting the whole time.
In the end I was lucky to get Makoto and 3 D.Akos. I got some other students along the way but I don't remember exactly who. I'm going to spark another D.Ako now.
nevermind, found it in the hallways.
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black suit bros...
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is dAko and Makoto at 3* enough to tackle Set and the yellow raids? Please answer I don't have a lewd pic to steal your attention I just got this.
why does she love dad cock that much?
Look at it as you getting rid of your bad luck right before fes.

You still get more pyros and tickets out of the daily logins you greedy pig, but it's ok, Arona has just the thing for bad senseis like you. Hope you're ready to learn where the blue in BLUE Archive comes from
Autobots! Roll out!
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Mikamelty again?
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Yes I have her....fuck man I don't know...there's a lot of must have students for comfy pve clears.
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I hope your children need a root canal soon
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Makoto will probably need some extra investment, but dAko is fine at 3*
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I don't regret my bToki dickroll because I got spooked by Marina which has been carrying my ass in PVP and some other content.
Did you UE40 Marina?
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>sparked Makoto
>no dAko
>sHoshino and dHina soon
>down to 19k
Am i as much as a retard as my wife?
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>Makoto will probably need some extra investment
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i just did ibuki mom and i got to say i'm surprised. i was expecting just some of your avarage loli but she's actually pretty damn cute, way cuter than even shunny
they really did a good job making her cute, i want to headpat and squeeze her
How many students do you have? Feel like I haven't had new student spook in forever
With the sHanako fest ligma, yeah.
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200 rolls
>Himari dupe
>Makoto sparked
58,100 pyros remaining
Is NY Haruka useful anywhere? She seems like she might be good alongside a D. Ako and Himari for st crits
>i just did ibuki mom
you fucked Makoto?
this slut should spook me already
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Look at all these new akofans in /bag/ !
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i got kazusa, ny.kayoko, b.asuna makoto and sparked d.ako. was it good?
i only got 4 new students do i guess it's bellow average...
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>still haven't gotten dako
>jack off really hard to her doujins
>roll her on 200 so now I can spark makoto
0 rolls
1 d ako
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Migga is a cute wife!
>76k pyros
>180 recruitment points
I got both limited but I'm probably not going to spark Iroha because I have almost zero limiteds and I need to roll a ton in the future. With the amount of rolling I need to do I'll probably spook her.
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Best node for points assuming over 90% bonus?
Reminder that you are not allowed to fap to a student you don't have.
I only pulled her because she's limited
Why do they keep using that ugly unreadable font for the CGs?
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Lust provoking student
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You're such a fucking pervert
You're such a handful useless teacher
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>170 rolls
D. Ako within the 1st free roll
Sakurako (new)
Various dupes, notable one is Himari; even got a double 3* once
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Is there a bond level requirement though?
They're all the same
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Only the 100 free. I got Makoto and D.ako. 0 pyros spent
I did that
Do we have more than 60 ako fans now?
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>graduate from Kivitos school
>only jobs you can work are either a security guard, military, Infantry or a cop
I don't like Ako
I lust for Ako
there's a difference
I guess she is the best from the prefect team but that's not saying much
Very sexy
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What level am I supposed to be today?
brat sex
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If the last 2 digits of my posts are repeating numbers I will buy pakeji
>all the farmable and shop students
Yeah I'm thinking I'm good.
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>I guess she is the best
stopped reading there
I have become an Ako fan
i did d.ako momo and i didn't like it at all. once again i'm reminded why i'm not her fan
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Who do I pick?
i would push ako into a lake
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Can't wait for newcutie shenanigans when D.Hina banner rolls out. You just know there will be some retards who didnt save any pyros for her or who STILL thought the rolls will carry over for Makoto or D. Ako or something else retarded. This always happens.
The good one
What happened to the magical girl Ako alt?
Same. No dupes is a little bit below the curve but I can't complain about getting the banner character.
Hoping to get a lot of dupes on Hina so I can spend like 5000 ligmas UEing characters for Set.
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Swimsuit Wakamo
Mashiro dupe
Sparked Makoto

I have accepted my unluckiness and now i just cry when i hit the roll button. Arona has made me her bitch and i have zero hopes for the rate up.
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why ako is allowed to have a stiker unit and himari doesn't get one??
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Put on hold. We're pushing magical girl Shun first, and have Kokona tell her she's totally not too old for that outfit in a somewhat sarcastic voice.
Can't wait for people to roll without spark and fail kek
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Post number 2
Looks like I won't have to pay Arona hahaha
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How many fans does Ako have?
newcuties love joining when the "100 free rolls" promo comes around since obviously it sounds like a good time to join
tomorrow is gonna be fun
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Senseis, it's been so long without any Mika content.
I want Mika alt so much senseis.
gal/jirai kei Mika. Fund it john nexon.
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>the best
Not when the swimsuit succubus that is Iori exists
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Feed your Migga!
himari is from millennium and a damned elf
Boy I can't wait to use my free 100 rolls on the new banner tomorrow!
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if you joined now even if you spend all your rolls you probably could get a spark within a week by just grinding the story and achievements
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And then Sensei comforts her and Shun shows she's willing to act all cute in front of us regardless of whether she's shunny form or adult form. She's cute either way.
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>3 day newfag
>don't know how Gabe works
>just level girls, skills and let Auto do is own thing
How long does it take to pick up the gameplay?
I come from Fate so the viable strategy I'm looking for is something like looping where I can turn my brain off.
Himari is a cripple
and yet is cuter and hotter than ako
I'm rolling without spark but with pakeji because Arona will make me spark
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not my fault
blame >>488036989
I simply had to honor the efforts of our brethren
ako has a trimmed hairline
makoto has an unkept bush
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Legal sex. With Makoto.
It will be a massacre.
>people who sparked/double sparked now and did not have a spark saved
>people who spent tickets too early
>people who will lose the 100 rolls thinking they carry over
>people relying on the boosted rates and getting shafted
And the list goes on. But it's part of the experience I guess.
One of the most beautiful l2d
Hosting won
Should I hold my pyros until tomorrow? What's being released tomorrow?
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How could a cripple be a striker unit anon.
Think about it.
who the fuck is gabe
it's illegal to fuck a retard
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Based and correct
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Migga cheer!
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I want to use a rollcake as an onahole.
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200 rolls
Makoto (on dAko banner)
1, but forgot who it was
Jims remaining: 61,740
Arona's rape status: Only tip on my penis has been inserted into her vagina.
you don't have to do anything but auto until you get to raids
The gameplay is mostly raid content but eventually you might manually take over main missions when you're underleveled and trying to squeeze out higher levels to unlock the cafe upgrades
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Same. People unironically wasting their rolls now on these trash banners. D Ako isnt even that good
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What should I write/draw for Makoto to come home?
so what? she's also from millennium, the engineering club would be more than happy to make her a laser shooting battle wheelchair
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Literally billions

I like Ako now
I didn't start forcing myself to learn what I was doing wrong until the 20~30s when I was too underleveled to progress lol
The newfag guide in the OP is VERY informative on its own but it's a long read
I don't know, armed wheelchair antics would be pretty fun, don't know if dev appetite is there to bother with it
I've always written sex
I will forever write sex
it works for me every time
I sparked s.Hanako twice last bluefes and she never showed up even once in 400 rolls. Had to use ligma's to get her to ue50...
nobody would help an e*f
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We will never have anything better
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If I was a pirate I would make ako walk the plank
100 to spark iroha and get dako/makoto for event farm early.
Will just borrow maxed iroha anyways.
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what did he mean by this
At most we won't get another volume f equivalent until the 5th anniversary.
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Wouldn't the rollcake get destroyed?
In the end, i got Misaki. and that's all that matters to me...thank you Arona
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Not if both parties are retarded
None of them even released in global yet.
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I'm level 78 and still haven't bothered to get the last cafe upgrade.
odds anal with ako
evens vaginal with ako
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Didn't work, had to spark.
Dumb bitch.
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Makoto piloting the CFA-44 Nosferatu.
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Tits too small, waist to wide.
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>got Ichika on her banner with just the Grand Raid Ticket
>get a dupe of her on dAko's banner
Goddamn this crow is thirsty.
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Sorry, but it's like the other anon said, I can't possibly waste TLanon's efforts...
fuckfuckfuckfuck do i spend AP tomorrow for Ibuki or hards?
I need mutsuki gf
This usually works for me.
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I still don't have her...
my one regret, I should have dickrolled
Well at least you are unrapeable according to >>488042354
I don't need a volume f equivalent, I need another Vol 3 equivalent with introduction, thesis, antithesis, and synthesis structure
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I fucking hate this game. This is the 3rd time this year I've had to double spark. I'm legit tempted to drop this piece of fucking shit game right now. I got 14 fucking 3*s and not a single one was rate up.
100 free, 5 tickets, 6k pyros
Got Makoto from her banner, then Shun (Hag), Rumi and Atsuko from dAko’s banner
Had to spark the blue bitch
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Why wasn't the true stacy of Gehenna invited
wait you can write on them
>game turns into Horror all of a sudden
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I got Mimori and Neru
people don't consider that while rates are increased the actual bluefes student has their rates lowered by quite a lot
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Swimsuit Migga!
weird looking penis
>UZ when she plays anime fighters
Am I just incredibly lucky if I got D.Ako twice in the free rolls? I didn't really care for the other two and just wanted her.
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>Not smiling because she can't be together with her family

Ariusbros...this can't keep happening...Misaki's smile was taken from us...
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Can you give me a QRD?
It will only keep happening, unironically. The pick-up rate is only .7%, less than one quarter of the total 3* drop rate.
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Did you see Tsurugi?
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Yes, I drew DAko and she came home.
it's your duty to give her a family
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Just realized I rolled dako and makoto just to forget to use them for event bonuses
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go get em tiger
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Full spark. Ichika dupe, Kaho dupe, Ui dupe, UZAWA LEISA spook, both dAko and Makoto before spark.
And still got 74k plus 29 free rolls left over.
aren't fighting games retard proof now? just press one button to do everything?
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>as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. To me, being a gangster was better than being President of the United States. Even before I first wandered into the cabstand for an after-school job, I knew I wanted to be a part of them. It was there that I knew that I belonged. To me, it meant being somebody in a neighborhood that was full of nobodies. They weren't like anybody else. I mean, they did whatever they wanted. They double-parked in front of a hydrant and nobody ever gave them a ticket. In the summer when they played cards all night, nobody ever called the cops.
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Migga in Millennium!
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What are some popular characters you are sure for an alt sooner or later?
There is already a large precedent for character having two alts.
Are we in for some new Wakamo or Izuna alt?
Another Yuuka is a given, possibly (if not sure) pajama Yuuka.
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She spooked me yesterday. Just thought you'd like to know.
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This is just common sense
Still clubless though
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>no more niyaniya spam
I have her all to myself now!
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ᓀ‸ᓂ is my lucky signature compared to anything else I write in that field so I'm sticking to it
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Those easy combos are not optimal.
>use CC in bounty
I still don't get how to do this. Level 70 and I still can't get past level 50 bounties.
what makes kayoko so good?
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As someone who used to be in a very similar position: you'll learn pretty fast, the gameplay loop is not hard and the finer details will come to you as you play more and different kinds of content.
Since you're 3 days in I recommend rolling the 100 free rolls then rerolling your account and doing it again until you have at least 1 of the banner units + Ako (normal one, not the one from banner) + Himari. Preferably with a couple more 3*s, and possibly Makot AND dress Ako, but those are the essential must-haves, they're Castorias/Koyans/Skadis of BA. Then you do the event and save everything you have for Dress Hina who comes out this week and you keep rolling until you get her, then you keep rolling until there isn't a single free pyro left for you to use.
If you're uncertain post screens of your roster after rerolls for advice on whether to reroll or keep going, same for the tutorial roll with the free 3*.
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Yeah I was originally gonna double spark dHina but now I don't think I'm gonna bother. I've got over 10k ligma and there isn't even really anyone that I need.
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Sex with mobs
Sex with chibis
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What is the mental illness with mika posters and spamming for hours?
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just look at a youtube video retard
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Serious Migga...
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Churro when?
At least this time it's a woman...
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Whose POV is this
A reminder that all new ako fans only like her for her body
>someone mentiong fighting games
>i'm reminded of granblue VS
>beli non ironically in a thong
good fucking riddance, i don't miss that shit at all
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I tried
I tried I tried I tried I tried
And I failed
The last 10-roll I wished for sweaty sidetits and breast to suck. A woman I’d fuck violently night to dawn.
And it shone pink.
I only have 17k left so I can’t afford to go further for Ako beyond the free rolls.
It’s over I actually love Shun very much and will fuck her senseless for this
>just press one button to do everything?
That's BB crosstag
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Iroha's probably.
I am going to marry Amau Ako
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The Hero
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wut? bring units with CC EX skills, what don’t you understand?
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Cuddling with Migga!
hoshino. she's seething hina is ahead of her
>had a pretty good final summon session for the free summons
>Ponder whether to go for Makoto or not
>Fuck it let's do it
This amount of luck will make sure I get nothing out of the DHina banner
Most are probably actual Mika posters except Singatroon's boyfriend who falseflags to get him to post his cuck edits/scat/gore.
After Hina's next alt
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>he doesn't write/draw something relevant to the featured student
Souless, the lot of you
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>200 pulls
>100 free + 4 (10) tickets + 3 (1) tickets + 6840 pyros
>Track Saori dupe
>Gourmet Cow dupe
>Stalin dupe
>Sparked Makoto
could've been better
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>210 on DAko (I didn't know that the paid ticket couted for the banner)
>11 3*
>Rumi, SHifumi, Yuzu and Izuna were the only new ones, everything else was a dupe.
What hurt the most was getting dupes of CHare and NKayoko after I recently sparked them.
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yeah but it's still worth repeating
>Still clubless
seems like you're not using common sense retard
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Migga strong!
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my dude is getting his pinkfes early wtf

12 would be 6%
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>get a purple
>draw an amogus on anon's recommendation
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/bag/ just pat Arona before you start rolling, It's just that easy.
Great.. now I'm horny. Thanks /bag. Time for me to go to the 'other' thread to get some relief.
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The BA killer...
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Stare long enough at her right eye and it starts to open
The rolls are already decided when you click on the banner. Anything you write on the envelope doesn't affect the outcome and believing anything else is nothing more than irrational superstition rooted on baseless delusions.
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pic related. Anyone who says Nexon doesn't rig the rates is fucking delusional. You are absolutely way more likely to get characters like Hifumi and bAsuna than you are more recent characters.
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believe in the happy ending anon, I'm sure the game was just saving your luck for the fes banner
Mika, Sensei prefers gehennoids
>Belial in a thong while female characters get censored
Not a fan of how gay this world is becoming desu
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Lucked out and got both at 130. probably not worth sparking for ligmas right
Student for this feel?
That doesn't count unless you only use it sometimes.
I don’t want to be associated with anyone here no matter what
They are. The spammers are real mika fans, I don't know why they are like this.
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Double peace Migga XD!
isn't this extremely censored/fully pandering to normies?
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Your fault issue
Will the cucking be included in global? No deal otherwise.
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Anyone mind posting the latest unplayable/never ever list
this cuck game is DOA
seia before vol 3
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>The rolls are already decided when you click on the banner. Anything you write on the envelope doesn't affect the outcome and believing anything else is nothing more than irrational superstition rooted on baseless delusions.
This guy definitely didn't mash buttons while throwing pokeballs as a child
Does the west still care about gfl?
Sensei belongs to Gehenna pussy
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Which school would be Decepticons?
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I miss him so much
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The Predator has found where I sleep.
The secondarys favorite
the vanilla vannilatum girl?
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Do (You) pat Arona before you roll? Your luck depends on it you know
i held B
That's Mika
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Anyone? I got spooked by her and am not sure if I should invest
I only pat Plana.
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Unless you will have 200 to spark D.Hina in worst case scenario, no.
D.Ako in particular doesn’t need extra eligma due to being support.
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was this the game that will collab with some UN subsidary
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No Migga don't bulli Mika sheep...
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>lust provoking image
I must reply
I'd stop if I was you honestly.
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You lost the game
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I was busy playing ZZZ, what did I miss
how come the robutts are already forgotten?
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I don't want to do PvP bros...
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>anime girls trying to be TACTICOOL operatives instead of just being cute and funny
>like 5 "i don't look at the explosion" scenes in a 60 second trailer
Nice try John Nexon.
When we find out the secret dev debugger sign that increases purple rates you are toast.
She comes up in JFD and is decent torment cope choice
That being said, shouldn't the kemonomimi students be Maximals and Predacons respectively?
She is not. When she came out everyone was going crazy about how useful she will be but in the end she is barely used anywhere. She can help you in a few torments I guess...
>playing censored hoyoslop
Go back
Lmaoing at retards
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did they...?
fun fact: GSC members are more likely to be playable than Rabu
Then join a random club. You don't have to be in a /bag/ club to get 10 AP a day.
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I stopped wondering after 3 years.
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Core values
Kinda disapointing. She's cute and I expected her to pair well with D.Ako or regular ako for mSsive crit bursts. Maybe even D. Ako + Himari.
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How do I increase Hina’s piano level beyond 6?
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unique item will save her, surely?
soon Kayoko will come to my office and talk about Mutsuki's birthday
Another BA killer already? WuWa hasn't even been out long enough to kill BA.
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Play the piano every day
>Rio hardcarrying the NPC
it's over, no wonder the game is an altfes now
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Migga combo!
>Why do people post their studentwife
People do this with all sorts of girls tho
No hope of plappability like other NPCs perhaps. I still like them.
I pat whoever shows up as my L2D for the day.
what happened to people shitposting uma musume global
I got ako in 50 rolls
Incoming metapost crying Mika gets posted more than other girls again
I haven't gone to the gym in over a year but I will continue now. Goodbye
I'm sure the fact that you play blue archive will be linked to your social security number after you join a club
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Uma Musume mentioned
>No hope of plappability
speak for yourself. where there's a will there's a way
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The 4 main heroines of Blue Archive, especially Migga!
Old World Blues is so fucking stupid with random enemy spawns and constantly putting you into Danger or Caution even when nobody sees you
Blue Archive?
NET 2026 which means 5 years late and DOA
I got dAko on my first roll
Does the free 100 rolls end today or tomorrow?
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its not a cuck game, you fell for chink propaganda (probably hoyo-funded) over an admittedly poorly written early event

well you're watching a hype trailer so duh, but theres plenty of sol interactions and events outside the main plot
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I got them both and still have 30 pulls left do they carry over to Hina's banner?
if only there was some way to figure it out
You can randomise it?
nobody else posts their wife this much
>1 day(s) remaining
You tell me, do you think they carry over?
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/bag/ I have 4 sparks ready to go and I wonder if I should throw 2 hoping to get Mika and few others students I don't have. The only 2 banners I will be rolling on in the next 6 months are NY Fuuka's one and S Chise's one.
>secondary bait
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Don't say that. Don't you ever say that.
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I remember when I used to be a gfg fan like 4 years ago
Workouts to get these kind of girls?
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Oh no! Migga is angry...
About the fifteenth gacha shilled in the exact same manner.
And they are all Chinese for """some reason""". Notice how Jap games like Gakumas didn't have actual ads posted in the thread.
Why are you trying to shill GFL to people that don't want to play GFL?
Still not playing your game chang.
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>Main heroines
You mean the support cast for Shiroko?
Yeah have you answer my question cuz im too lazy to find out myself
Yes, 1 day remaining on the banner.
double sparking is desperation, don't bother unless you're looking for sHosh+dHina
Use the pyro planner in the OP
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coom in doom

Wishing you luck with the VN.
Not a full random, just a random from the max of 10 you choose. Should be in the options somewhere.
I still didn't watch Uma Musume S2 because I cried too much at S1
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I want Ichika to hit me
The Twitter account is blocking people, that's a pretty bad start
Mmhmm, and is that how it typically works with expiring rolls? If you have a GA ticket, does the X days remaining count down to the end of the banner, or the expiry of the ticket?
Using cliches/tropes because they think it's effective is miles apart from using them out of appreciation for them and it shows very easily
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Blue Archive mentioned in the GKidolm@ster survey
>it's not a cu- ACK
The latter
What's a spark?
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Conceptualize the sensation of oji-san's flat as fuck chest in your face.
Can't they give us option to randomise from all already?
Oh cool I'll try searching for it.
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My Blossom of Dawn...
>hype trailer
Exactly, that's what they think is hype, it's not hype to people over 20. Guns in anime are never cool but they can be cute, I have real guns for that. BA understands this, your chinkslop doesn't.
You can't post something like that when mikafags are having their collective meltdown, Ako
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I don't get the last quest...
Is the ghost real or did Hina just went full schizo?
zero screentime
I was surprised how little they appeared in their own event
A pity.
>What's a pity?
A spark
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Oh I just got haunted and the piano unlocked. Thanks.
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Dunno about the other students, but Migga surely won't mind a bit of bodyfat to pinch as long as you eat sweets with her!
Enough for pity (200 rolls/24000 pyros)
Me and my wife
I hope you enjoy Koi is Love every other day.
between the ghost and ibuki's crayons in the bin, something is afoot
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does GSC Prez know about the things I'm doing to Arona each banner I roll on
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>100 free rolls
>like 6 free roll tickets
>still had to spark
How do I acquire?
Did asayuki already posted his blue fes rolls? He totally go shiroko terror, right?
>days without getting spooked by Saya
>dead cuck game
What's a Koi?
I noticed you conveniently skipped the post calling the game censored
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Migga Gorilla!
Congrats on your rat
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Guess the age of >>488045619
So the rolls will expire at the same time as the banner.
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it's my least favorite dlc despite having the largest map
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I only pat her as reward, she was a good girl today, so she'll get another reward this night
Today we only got pink note right?
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A fitting fate for a gookako poster.
>Ibuki's crayons in the bin
Which bin? I checked them all and saw no crayons, only students me tioning PS searching bins for them
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Look at this student
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Correct, it will expire in 28 hours I think
Once again, mikaposters are ok with the spam
Naizuri with all my flat students
it shows up in Nikke polls too
Why is her neck so long?
Is SR3MP in GF2?
is this game dying?
I just got spooked by SShiroko, does her cooldown reduction stack with Himari's or should I only use one for pvp?
They're not obtainable yet.
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Fucking finally. I'd play it just for nostalgia honestly since everyone says it's dogshit.
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Only one but it was Makoto so I'm not complaining.
She will never be a loli
Why is zzz so popular outside of their general?
Americans the size of minivans be like
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Yes, you can leave
I wouldn't say dying but yeah I don't think we're ever reaching the heights we had around vol F again.
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Now they are 3... The Miggas are multiplying!
what's the point of peeling apples?
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>makoto at 350 rolls
I probably should just claim Ako and not finish the spark
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Believe me, you'd cry more during S2. S2 is actually a work of art.
no. only bring one.
I am guessing 37 year old indonesian/singaporean posting on like 15 different social media websites at half a cent per post.
He needs to meet a quota or else he can't feed his family tonight.
If you mean the paper airplane in curtain call then no, there are at least 2 today. Look up the guide in OP.
Easy, thanks
Wow, this kinda looks like they did not wanted to make a global at all
>soulless characters
I could add more but its gonna sound like a shitpost, not playing that garbage with or without cuckshit
Hello and welcome to EB games
We prefer the term "reclining"
Went the full 200.
Got two Makotos and sparked D.Ako.
I would've liked to spend less but I got a Noa spook so pretty good rolls overall.
They need to stop hoarding popular npcs and release them before their popularity fizzles out
I smelly good
Okay. I came. I now have no interest in /bag/ for a few hours.
My Hina folder is soon going to grow larger than my Seia one....
Nah they need to focus on older characters because FOMO fags will never be happy. They always want what they don't have and will never be happy with what they currently do.
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Migga contrast!
It's a chink problem even when they are trying for real. The uncensored snowbreak have the same issue
they're literally doing that with Kuroko, retard
Kind of, It was never at the top of the revenue and now it gets less fanarts than zzz but only the global server may actually die.
But if you want to know, they'll appear during day 5 of curtain call by the classroom trashcan
Thanks bros.
Yeah I couldn't get Iroha but at least I managed to snatch both Makoto and Dress Ako first try on both banners, on top of that I also got Cherino (is she good?) on my last free draw, so I suppose I'll start building up from there and farm until the next ones.

Mainly I want to harvest as much Pyros as I can for Kuroko when she drops to Global in 6 months or so.
>saves BA
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Okay Ibuki, let's play house now
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>no such thing as good luck and i fluencing the universe, it's all set
>get spooked by Hime during my rolls
>another anon gets Hiyori
>go to cafe after rolling
>see pic rel
Naysayers, you may now KNEEL. Luck is real, drawing boosts odds and patting students brings good fortune.
One down out of like 20 isn't enough
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Embrace it
It's "dying" in the way that zoomer retards use the term "dying" i.e. it's stagnating due to the content drought but compared to way smaller games that make way less money this game is doing fine.
Both are the lolicons favorite in jp
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Migga twintails!
Kuroko is an alt.
When does T9 drop?
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Nighty night, /bag/.
Regardless if you think the Raymond stuff was cuck shit or not, it was incredibly tone deaf of the company to pull that off. It was as if they didn't know who their playerbase was.
It would be like Nexon adding human males into BA. Just stay in your lane.
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
your seia folder being larger than hina folder in the first place is already an achievement in itself considering how much more art hina has
True. Funny how they use an alternate universe Shiroko who was corrupted by the Chroma as an excuse to go past the alt limit.
Kek fat Karin
gn anon
Okay, you're the wife
Kuroko doesn't inheret affection bonuses from Shiroko
not an alt
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Will hina banner show up tomorrow on reset or in 5 hours like if there was maintenance?
Neru didn't help at all.
What's a naizuri?
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Groping comfy wife before images EoS
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Loli Migga!
300 million dollarinos in marketing, maybe more. A larger share of that would probably go to ZZZ now, when it was previosly HSR. I have been seeing solely Mihomo ads for almost 2-3 years now whenever I watch Youtube on the phone.
Cherino is a top-tier yellow AoE and useful in a number of missions/raids.
If you already got both then congrats but do NOT go over the 100 free rolls, save any pyros you have for d. Hina, she's literally the most important student from now till the end of the year.
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Good night
paizuri without
120 rolls
Got Makoto, Dako, Saki and some others I forgot about.
Very cute mikas
Kurohimari with fat tits when?
How does that work? On a global scale, aren't more people playing global rather than JP? You'd expect the people playing on the NA, EU and SEA servers combined to be more than in JPs.
I had to spark for makoto but got 5 new 3 stars from the free rolls and my pyro ones. No ako though.
Should be in like 28 hours
>"muh game dead" concernposting just as the other gacha shilling hours are on
And it's always the fucking Chinese gachas too.
>>488045753 is right. Why are these retarded chinks so bad at falseflagging?
Yep, it's over
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Which student?
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28 hours from now
>Yuuka only one not laughing at Sensei
Rio doesn't count she's too autistic.
Hi, why is Kanna so ugly?
Mutsuki, and its not even a question
Why did you guys liked ZZZ, Wuwa, Gakumas, Uma, Fate but not GFL...
How well Kiara banner did
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It's Seiover...
>200 rolls (counting freebie 100)
>1 spark and half left
she is the female version of this
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That sucks. I'm gonna be sleeping, so I wont be able to roll post with /bag/. EU curse.
I disliked all those
First off he is a massive shotposter, they have 0 reason to kill global and it would hurt them way more than it would benefit them, and second the sales averages probably take into account the increased number of players vs the JP population.
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Brown girl
remember mutsuki
I used to like gfl tho. I spent like 7-8k on the game and commissions.
I fuck this
Of course we are getting less fanart than the new flesh tryhard game with good character design
I see Uma, Priconne and Gakumas discussion here all the time and those are jap gachas.
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white girl
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why are you gay?
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finally did Ako momotalks since I got dAko
my conclusions
>Makoto deserves to die
>my dick hurts now from being too erect
that's all
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Migga wearing a shirt with an illustrated Migga!
Make a new thread ya retards
>white men hours
Same VA?
I wanna wait to see if the mikatard is done wit his melty
So just one item today?
>And it's always the fucking Chinese gachas too
The anti-BA threads on futaba advise people to stay away from the dying gook knockoff gacha and to play superior ones like Uma, Priconne and Grubble instead.
It's 2>2>3 IIRC
two planes
>missing the hot hours
just set an alarm
I'm not waking up 4 in the morning just to rollpost.
Genshin could never !
>waking up in the middle of the night to post gacha rolls in a 4chan thread
Nobody is this sad
I'm sure someone is
Got DAko and Makoto from rolls and sparked Iroha
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The streets are safe once again.
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How could zoos do this
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Vigilantism is illegal
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