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Previous Thread: >>488005161

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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hey /bag/
I'm horny for Yuuka.
I want more Kasumi scat
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*loud slurping noises*
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>check the catalog
>see shuro OP
You little shit
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My precious desert rose.
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Never forget who the real shitposters of this thread are.
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Atchuko my beloved.
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how many mutsukis does it take to get to the center of a lolipop?
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Posting my favorite Mutsuki image for her birthday
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why is she so smug?
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Actually funny, made me smile
it's over I looked...
It's her!
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ahhh Mutsuki!!! why are you not real?!
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>disgusting piggy /bag/gots drinking 6 cokes or 3 beers a day
fatties and drunkards will go to hell
I weigh 140 lbs for reference.
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Watch out!
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hina bobina
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At least they're not drinking enhanced water
What's she gonna do? Shoot me again?
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i dont like coffee
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She's Ide
Out's Ide
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Please take a moment out of your busy day to appreciate Mutsuki and her wonderful VA, Rumi Okubo!
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Did you guys hear about the new Miyako L2D that gets unlocked if you buy her ASMR?
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Suzumi alt when
I weigh 120 pounds...
Mutsuki is very very cute
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Newfag here, just got this qt. I'm supposed to build her and pair her with Ibuki, right?
For missions, I mean. I'm just lvl 30.
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Say bing.
what other videogames would you like with the blue archive universe?
I think I would enjoy an XCOM like tactical spin, or maybe something more action but still turn based like Valkyria Chronicles
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>like black coffee
>body processes caffeine too quickly
>sharp spike in energy/mood for 30-45 minutes followed by depressive crash
her alone is strong enough for missions
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Yeah, she's good.
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should i go to trader joe's /bag/?
world of warships could be cool
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She'd get away with it.
She's good alone for missions without Ibuki especially for newfags
Ibuki helps though
It should've been Kasumi dumping a log.......
Left 4 Dead.
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That's why straight spirits are always the superior option
Iroha gives you free access to Ibuki
shes gonna have you return the favor for letting her penetrate you
Ace Combat unironically
Yeah. Iroha's tank can solo mission mobs with no other dps, and Ibuki is a nice addition. Also, her ex gets cheaper when you upgrade it down to 6 cost at max.
Trader Joes, or Aldi's since they're quite literally the same business.
Kraut engineering baybee.
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my wife Mika
Why do so many different gacha fanbases want to associate themselves with BA?
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Yakuza 0.
Instead of Kiryu you play as Sensei and you walk around Kivotos beating Kaiser corporation robots (bare handed of course).
Each time you start the game, the game asks you to scan your face like in Wii sports and plasters your face on the game model.

Alternatively, Saints row 3 clone.
This artist is based
Finally got Makoto and proceeded to blow all my money, mats, and ligma on her.
trader joes is nicer and has more of the hipster SoCal vibes i like
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Which students could competently pilot jet aircraft?
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cringe zoomer aris
are the next set of free rolls at reset the last?
most I've heard about Trader Joe's is that they have good frozen food and some people like their jarred pasta sauces, not much else
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this roomba sold me drugs
it's more like autists here trying to "advertise" their game by invading into other threads, achieving nothing but getting hated
dirty slut
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Diluting my bloodline...
Not gonna lie Abydos being the only students getting shilled and whored out everywhere is starting to get annoying
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>SR3 is 13 years old
just do your best drawing of panties when you sign the envelope. works 10/10 times
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>buy drugs from Roomba Alice
>It's all Thyme and Oregano
Foiled again
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She's so cute playing the piano...
drink decaff
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their pastry and nuts are pretty good. most people go there because of all the organic hype though
Seiya...are you acting extra cute when Sensei is around?
Professor Niyaniya is my new therapist.
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how come thread info on the top of the page disappears if you don't hover over it now
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Convince me to spend pyro on D. Ako.
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That she is
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Lemme give you a hint of what's coming for Gehenna's Volume, /bag/.

And yeah it's Kasumi's fault.
Dammit, I thought it was the version where he'd shove the photo in his ass.
An RTS could be fun as long as it doesn't play like modern e-sport RTSs
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Good old jrpg things, mob-chan wouldn't understand
nom nom
Congrats Anon. Enjoy easy Red/Blue missions.
excellent wine selection. and they do this thing where they bring in stuff from new wineries at a heavily reduced price and you can buy a bunch of good wine for cheap till they decide to mark the price back up at which point you go back and just stare at the price and go like "yeah i bought this for 5 bucks last time, im not shilling out 20 for it now"
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>reading makotos momos
>shes actually a level headed leader that looks out for the well being of all her citizens even at the expense of spreading the greatness of gehenna

i never doubted fuck hina
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Your final chance
Mika should die
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Here. You can make your own.
gomen hina...
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Liz Love!
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Please respond
Newfagbros, dump all your exp before the 2x exp ends...
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Arc System Works is going to develop a BA fightan, please pick 6 student to fill these role
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I reached level 46 just barely, thanks
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i want to have sexual coitus with iroha in the doggy style position.
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Makoto and Dress Ako are good but definitely not worth a double spark

Dako gets used far less than you'd think in raids despite being an on field ako and Makoto just exists to make Chesed easier
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My wife saori
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>Saints row 3 clone.
But 2 was better
You can't just say "gyatt" to everything, there's not even butt in that image!

I'd rather have SR2.
The weak willed delete their accounts.
The strong willed will delete theirs in 2 days
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remember to spend your AP now before x2 XP ends
>we get 100 rolls
>we got 80 so far
what do you think?
>momoi and midori
She's making you pay alimony for her three daughters
But my aru+makoto bonus...
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I have had literally zero purples
i dont know what any of that means
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Neru love!
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You did collect everything, right?
Spank Arona before you roll
soon! you'll get a farmable 3*
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It's your last chance to grovel at Arona's feet before your rolls for the day are locked in.
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i still have not applied makoto's drop bonus to my event stages. unfortunately i consider bricking my drops even harder to be a worse fate than bricking my exp a little bit
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>Now CUM
These niggers pozzed Guilty Gear.
I'm pulling both anyway because my dick has a firm hold of my wallet
Is the halfway dialogue or the final day dialogue the really hot one for Ako?
XCOM or Valkyria Chronicles.
Alternatively, game in which you are one of the students.
shit company
which Dakota should I spark?
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Thanks, bros.
I almost forgot, I also got this. Heard she's quite popular around here.
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I actually don't care if it's a farmable as long as it's not a dupe
North Dakota
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no, because that guide doesn't have everything.
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You'll let OShiggy spook me today, right Arona?
Wow! I want to bite that child's ass? What is this feeling?
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To celebrate Mutsuki's bday, you can listen to an asmr made by her VA. She even sounds pretty much like the gremlin. https://japaneseasmr.com/99447/
15:59 is the longest minute when there's free rolls on
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good luck rolling bros
Mutsuki doesn't have her own ASMR yet?
Hibiki and co.
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everyone agrees on XCOM
ill take some battle tactics unicorn overlord.. thing
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A tactical third person shooter would be kino.
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Ogre Battle
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It's normal.
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sexy reset
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Hina should die reset
Students for this feel?
Do i really need DAkota
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Is my math wrong or with new players getting 30 free rolls from the start and dHina and sHoshino each having 0.7% chance to appear, the probability of getting both with 30 rolls is 21%? That seems high
I finally figured out how to get 9 rerolling sessions working so I'm making a bunch of seeds
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Say Bing!
Kasumi and Megu
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>hype music ON
let's roll
Give me a Trails game just so I can follow a gazillion mob storylines
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Add her
Congrats Anon! Enjoy nice healing in Raids.
But in Normal and Hard missions you can just use Serina. Unless you get Swimsuit Shiroko or somebody similarly busted for the special slot.
no, there are a few alternative and after Kuroko she's 100% optional
all 1 stars both pulls
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it's time
Is today the last day of free draws?
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what is this, like, 4th fail in a row?
There's still Red Set, dude.
no, you'll get more next fes
do we get more free rolls or were today the last ones?
Hey wait if Ibuki's tank shot EX is based on Toramaru's stats, then raising her stats doesn't even matter right? Or is this another straight up lie from the translation team
oh it's the couple weeks after EVO where we pretend like fighters and especially anime fighters aren't dead, neat!
Yes. Now is the moment of truth. I'll watch Kivotos live after my triumphant Makoto rolls come through for me
>free bouquet
Holy moly.
just got 20 free rec tickets. Is this the last day of getting it? Or will there be another 20 tomorrow?
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fuck you Ako
>jew-on-stick worshipper
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Finally. The day has come.
Gonna wait for all the dopamine rush addicts to use their last 20 pulls before Arona switches on the hot period.
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didnt spend any of my stash at least
I didn't get her.
Next free rolls will be better.
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>Dupe D.ako
mmm, good last free rolls. Now to go through my momotalk piggybank, already got 4k out of it.
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>min rolls
Its over...
Is this the last day for a free roll? If not, can I save tomorrow one for Hina? I have already using crystals so I kinda lost the count.
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Ako @ 77 and now Makoto @ 99 free rolls
>liquid jew drinker
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>Rumi and Himari dupes with my free 100
>200 draws
>Only 1 dupe 3*
Fuck this shitty game. Glad I never spent a penny on this garbage
>Is this the last day for a free roll?
>If not, can I save tomorrow one for Hina?
MGSV like where sensei(you) needs to infiltrate different schools to capture students
or Palworld
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fucking kek'd
its like one of those pictures where a doodle has no face, yet you can perfectly understand it's feelings lol
i get ya anon
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I also got Noa though, is she good?
Got D.Ako and Makoto by pull 150. Is it worth finishing the spark for? I have 51k.
how about an investigative game using the art style of the world ends with you?
not gonna work
ez game
now to decide if I want to roll for Makoto
I will... to the next girl posted...
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>Random Achuko
Prepare yourself Harunaniggers I will never have to coinflip with you faggots ever again
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>eimi dupe
wow cool what a great reward I love getting a farmable dupe already at UE50 instead of either of the limited banners
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There goes my fucking stash for next 6 months, amazing.
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>arrives right after 100 free rolls, GA ticket, and free ticket
just had to make me dip into my stash, DIDN'T YOU ARONA
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i got makoto but i don't have d.ako or iroha. which one should i spark?
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Lucky you
Bullet Girls Phantasia, including the "interrogation" parts.
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I've got spark and my Makoto is UE30. Who do I spend my spark on? The obvious answer would be to use it on D.Ako, but I'm still an Irohalet in 2021+3...
Should I spark Makoto or Iroha?
I actually had to spark the gehennoid whore. I hate arona
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I'm gonna face fuck her.
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>got dAko and Makoto
>also got Iroha after 1.5 years of not having her
>can still double spark tomorrow
I'm pretty damn happy
Arona sex tonight
>hmmm should I spark the limited or the permanent
What do you think retard
It's over bros...I won! Been looking to have Mine join my roster ever since I borrowed her for Greg. Now to spark for Makoto
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>got neither of them, but didnt spend any of my pyros
oh well, at least im not this guy >>488027056
I was thinking about 100% Orange Juice but that will be incredibly chaotic and oddly fitting for BA’s premise
starting to wonder if get ye gone is real after all with all these miyakos going around
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Should I finish the spark, and which one?
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>had to spark Makoto
It's not over yet. The real game begins tomorrow.
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wish me luck, /bag/. I must defeat the blue brat
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I had to spark d.ako and only only other 3* I got were b.asuna (twice) and c.hanae (dupe)
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The gehenna background fooled me twice. It's alright
its even worse when you realize they're both worthless shit
>didn't get either during the 100 rolls
should I complete the spark?
>30 away from spark
Go for it.
>Got Iroha and Makoto
>Go Ako on the very last roll
Who do I spark on
>makoto in the 70 set
>random dupe i don't remember in the 80 set
>cherino dupe in the 90 set
well, at least i got the minroll out of the way before blufes
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Come home DAko.
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>7 fucking 3*s
>including a blue sheet turning into double 3*
>all dupes
>all either UE50 already or useless
>the extra 90 rolls it took to spark gave nothing, including 2 minrolls
>only one Momiji in all 200 rolls
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Is Makoto even good
>2 last roll
>Bellyblast and nuts
Should i drop 12k for spark
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Take the poisonpill
Wow! Ako!
last 2 free tenners were minrolls
For me Mine is carried by her seiyuu.
Love me some Yui Horie.
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Makoto is not worth finishing this spark
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I didn't want it to be the case, but I'm continuing my tradition of skipping every Gehenna limited banner.
Which one though?
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How many of you went full retard and all in'd on *just* good units saved nothing for Hina?
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probably nice for comissions? i dunno
shes just hot so i got her
Useful for Greg I'm pretty sure due to hueg damage in large packs of enemies but useless otherwise according to what an anon said about her ability niche.
>pet cat
>takes forever
>2 gold xp
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Considering that I'm only level 36, which one should I pick?
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For me it's Aru and Problem Solver 68
Mercenarychads stay winning
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Miyako threesome
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but of course
no way am skipping Hina over cowtits and Gehenna's most retarded, already got Poison anyways
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Your bluefes stash...
Why do the trash bins look like Frieza?
Help me justify picking Makoto over Ako pls
enjoy being carried through missions
I'm not asking you to explode I'm telling you to die.
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If it was dress Makoto instead I wouldn't have to think twice about whether to roll for her or not
12k pyro for the ability to push further in red Set.
Do you love Ako?
Might as well. I don't have that many mystic students yet.
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>saved nothing for Hina?
Actually I'm saving for the beautiful student you posted
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>60 away from spark
Should I get Makoto?
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Don't forget to fap to Plana today
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Iroha for now
dAko for future proofing
Iroha will carry you for a year until dAko's rerun. dAko is better for veteran players getting ready for endgame content while Iroha is generally overall good. Makoto is just as good for new players too
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>is she good?
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>literally one pull later

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The battle was over before it even began
I don't think I can call you a luckGOD...good job I guess.
>three star
>NY Haruka
Ibuki will lend 35% of her HP, 50% of her defense, 20% of her attack, and 10% of her healing to Toramaru.
You couldn't fathom my excitement right now
Iroha or Makoto
is dAko bugged?
I have the cafe open and the bitch literally won't shut up, no one else said anything and she just keeps fucking spamming her voice lines
mostly the annoying one about Hina, literally just said it ten times in a row
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You niggers lied to me Kirino can't survive Haruna
I just recently learned her real name is Feena, not Pina
Ibuki is in the southernmost wall table, save yourself the 。。。 Hina does when you get the wrong table.
A GDD Metroidvania in where the club picked up another doomsday device in the shape of an NES console that warps them into into a virtual world after connecting it to a TV, and (You) as Sensei have to control them and ensure they escape safely and save the world.
>he fell for it.
>spooked by camp Kotama followed by actually getting Makoto
That was close
>got DAko early
>had to pity makoto
>pull number 196 was a DAko spook
I’m fucking pissed, at least i got Ui
Which is better in the Aru event? Aru dress or Kayoko's? Because I like both, so I will move toward gameplay to decide priority.
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You just ran out of luck for bluefest my man.
I will never roll for that ugly whore Hina
Simple as
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greg and chesed core
Meh do you want her? My rule of thumb is to only finish a spark if you're 150 deep.

>next one get two three stars
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Both dAko and Makoto spooked me.
Who do i spark as a dupe for pity in that case?
I guess Makoto for some extra dps? Since dAko is a support.
There will be an internet outage in your country for the entirety of the next week
Do fighting games even do stance characters anymore?
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how would Professor react if she knew what's going through my head when I see her?..
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here's a rarer Mine from my collection
took me to 340 to get one Makoto, thank you for taking the bad luck so I didn't have to go to 400
May your tongue always dry and your breath remained manually
that's just ako being ako anon
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Open World GTA but set in Kivotos. You already have the lore, characters and setting. If your turn it into a new kind of overworld gacha it would be a hit.
>ToF's GTA gacha
I wouldn't trust them.
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Which student makes your penis the big penis?
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I hate Ako anyways.
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Yuuka makes me fuzzy
chill out, makoto
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I think you should die
I think I'm skipping Makoto
I filled out pyroxene planner with the necessary rolls and I'm fully in the green so I also can do a bunch of dick rolls if I stop now
Makoto, if you plan to use her than she'll need to be as high star as possible.
D.Ako is fine at 3*
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You've been picking Kirino into regular Haruna? Congratulation, you've played yourself into bad armor match up.
Shut up, sheeshino is going to come home in all those gay tickets they've given away.
buy lotto tickets you faggots
Wow thanks for showing up now when you're a free use whore
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sometimes my BA keep disconecting because "network unstable" but i have no issue whatoever in any other app
any idea what is this? is pretty annoying
explode in a burst of confetti
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If Fest goes like this, I swear I'm resetting my account live for you all to watch.
Who gets sent to the chopping board?
did you not invest in her gear or skills, she is fine against nyHaruna
I got both, I love Arona actually
I chose Makoto for extra pyros since Ako being a supporter, I don't see much difference in her UE. Seems it improves her DMG but she is not DPS
Why are you crying when you have 100 fucking thousand pyro?
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I had to spark D.Ako, no Makoto. At least I got spooked by Cherino.
Overall this could have been worse.
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>relying on arona
oh no no no no, newfriend
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>enabler of criminals and terrorists
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>got DAko in the exact last free roll
See? I told you the importance of hoarding instead of going through daily dripfeeding torture.
I guess I will keep rolling anyway because a 100 rolls discount is huge, and I still don't have Makoto and Iroha anyway.
The issue is going to be deciding which one of them I use the 200 rolls points on.
does the reward hina give you 30 ligmas or 100?
>S. Saki
>S. Shiroko
>C. Kotama

Had to spark for Makoto, and I'm not dipping into my Bluefes stash for this, so I guess D. Ako remains not in my collection. Which is fine. I'm unbricked for PVP finally, and my daughter showed up, so I can headpat Reisa every day now.
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>100 free pulls
>get nothing from them
Fun game bwos. Really glad I tried it out.
The Pandemonium Society Leader is the only choice here. VOTE MAKOTO
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Your generous donation will not go unappreciated, comrade.
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give me some before you reset.
>forgot to use my cafe exp before 2x ended
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I am pretty sure she will help me with some Cheeseman and yellow Greg clears.
Yes i know that Iori does good job on yellow greg, but if i already have both, i am for sure using her.
According to some people on Xitter she is lesbian for Kazusa.
Fucking finally, at least my rock stash isn't dent much
Is this the final day of free rolls?
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>he doesn't know about the 100k+ pyro hoarding debuff
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/bag/ today after free rolls
jesus christ anon spoiler that shit
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Can confirm she prefers taking dick
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bros? any tips?
Yes, I'm retarded
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Cherino OWNS Makoto
Good to know, thanks
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>Not sparking your daughter on release
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>buy start dash and division ticket
>Himari dupe
>Tsukuyo dupe
>Kikyou dupe
T-t-t-hanks, buru arukaibu. It's not like i hoped for some Coconuts or anything.
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>sweaty sex, sweaty sex, and more sweaty sex
I don't see the problem, bwo.
I wish my wife spoke English or Tagalog. What is this bitch saying?
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Arona is about to get what she wanted all along
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>S.Hifumi dupe
This is fine.
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>My rule of thumb is to only finish a spark if you're 150 deep.
Same, but at the same time I haven't spend a single pyro (still have 4 tenner tickets and 200k pyros)
Man I got her without the free rolls, it literally doesn't count.
Im pondering whether or not the Honored One is worth the spark honestly
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I had not adopted her at that point, I thought she was kinda cute but that was it. The biggest mistake I ever made.
disconnecting or does it say like service error number whenever you visit lobby? for the first i dont think you can do anything about it
D.Hina is worth it absolutely, yes.
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Is Nagisa good for anything other than PVP?
I'm looking at my future plans and seriously considering skipping her.
all makotolets will be kicked from the /bag/ guild within 10 days
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>hina has perfect 100/10 eagle eye vision that can detect heat signatures under table cloths
Sasuga Hinadevs!!
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Free banners are rigged banners.
Always reserve 48,000 pyros for "free" banners.
Hope I can get Hina early on. I need dress Aru as well even if permanent. I'm missing a lot of permanents that not even previous Blue Fest could fix
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Got Makoto so now it's time to skip everything until maid Momoi.
You mean on your phone? When it happens in my phone, I switch to mobile data and it usually works
>maid Momoi
When is this coming?
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>captures 5 million of your students and starves them (of pudding)
Heh, nothing personnel.
what are you talking about my man
>network connection is unstable. tap to confirm burron to return to the title screen
there's also a reconnect button to try again but always fails. after some time it just start working again
I forget what the greg environment looks after dHina, but Nagisa is a def down+crit boost for red and makes that raid extremely simple
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how important is Cowtits(dress)? should i keep trying to get her? i have ~260 rolls saved
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you always have mods for that one
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Also got bweh and saori, Arona deserves a reward
>He didn't play hide and seek with Ibuki yet
>2 pinks
>SNonomi dupe, Sakurako dupe
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Ako bro's how we holding up? I pulled her 4 times in 200 rolls then decided to just spark her for a 5th copy instead of makoto.
About 4 months
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Well I deserved it for luckshitting my last 5 banners in less than 100.
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Like 3 to 4 months.
literally striker Ako, could be useful for some wacky setup
I think it's time to rape Arona
used in some red raids but it's not mandatory
if you're severely lacking in funds feel free to skip you can borrow her for greg
Based after I go balls deep for DHina I'm saving.
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>only 5 million
Heh, that's like only 0.0001% of Red Winter population. Prepare to get mating pressed just like in 45'
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Most of the free rolls were ass, but the last days were lucky. Got Meru as well, maybe I should read her event after all.
New player, LVL 36, how do I beat Hatred That is Not Our Own? I just want to keep on reading and collecting Pyroxenes and it’s taking a long time to level up so I can’’t win by being overlevelled.
What 3 stars do you get the most dupes of?
For me it's always Atsuko or Onsen Chinatsu. I also got both of them again while rolling today
I also like the Narusegawa voice when she's doing the dere voice.
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Lmao I just pulled a girl in a wheelchair. Who would find that attractive? I understand that they want to create a unique design, but a handicapped girl?
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don't forget to pat the pussy /bag/
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How does D.Ako compare to C.Serina. I have both but my C.Serina is already built, if I can cope I will.
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haha watch THIS
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> 190 pulls of nothing
> switch to Ibuki l2d
> sign letter with a swastika
> immediately get Makoto on my last multi pull
Sieg heil Makoto! I've been waiting for 6 months
yeah, i didn't yet. ill get back to you on that one
dAru is striker Ako
dAko is striker Kotama (crit)
>I'm extremely retarded
we know, akobro
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Could be worse
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Reisa will come to me during the blue fes
this time for sure
>banner guide doesn't even have the gamer maid description yet
it's over
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Yes, I'll pat Hina's pussy
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Sensei won.
In this thread we love our frail princess.
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>blows away degenerates
Based Buchou using the right term for Gehenners
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>13 dupes
you can hear it right? the word I'm thinking in my mind right now
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Is that the Hieronymous fight? It can be done low level but requires specific strats. Post your student roster so we can give you advice.
>didn't get cow in a dress from the free rolls
I’m thinking of sparking Iroha out of spite
My account seed is bias towards Mashiro apparently
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eh, got ako at 150, so i got Makato too. not too mad.
What I have heard about her asmr is true ?
She's good in most red raids, though not that irreplaceable
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You were not in fact feeling it...
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"Degenerates like you belong on a cross" -Hina Inculta
kousagi get ye gone
himari is the cutest, she was made for ryona
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We got another Miyako lover bros.
I can't believe I had to spark Ako I feel violated
Everyone who got both units before 200 are niggers and are not allowed in my threads btw
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Join our cry corner, you will be 3rd.
Who should I spark Makoto or Iroha?
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How do I farm iBoogy shards?
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>make Global account to try and sack Chihiro for KR script
>Immediately get Bombarded with dressaltwank advertisements to spend
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Then I'm afraid it really is your network, can't help you there. Try clearing cache/storage if nothing else
Yeah, that’s the one. I can’t take screenshots right now but I have Nonomi, Ichika, Makoto, Yuuka, Tsubaki, Hanae, Serika, Kirino, Asuna, Serina, Ibuki, Hina, Chise, Kayoko, Mutsuki, Chinatsu, Swimsuit Hifumi, Momiji, Saki and Cherino, all at LVL36 and with their stats upgraded as much as I can right now. I have a few other units but I don’t see them used much, they’re just basic like Hasumi and Fuuka.
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Just be lucky.
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Got her.
Okay Calculation time
I got two expiring 10 roll tickets
3 normal 10 roll tickets
and exactly 26k Pyros.
That means if I had to pity I'd be at 20k pyros for dHina.
I have however 148 unread momos.
How many momos do i have to dig in to for 4k Pyros?
Or do I not bother with Makoto and instead invest it into the Benriya68 girls fund?
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I spent all 100 free rolls today and only got Shun and O.Chinatsu. I feel like I need to finish the spark for D.Ako for a chance to 1T torment next week. This somewhat throws a wrench in my savings plans.
i beat it at 34, this was my setup
key here is too run 2 tanks so you have enough time for the first iroha ex, without her i guess you just gotta run some blue AoE dps but it'll probably be much harder
the strikers themselves don't matter much, yuuka would probably have been better than hoshino, i just forgot i had her, the red dps can be any
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Yesterday I've been checking trash bins for 300k credits a pop, now I'm petting cats for 2 yellow reports each.
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>made for ryona
I could shatter her solar plexus and at least 6 adjacent ribs in one punch.
Me. I love her smarts and her cutes.
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>does nothing
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>Makoto comes on the 200 point mark
Is it better to put the spark towards Makoto or Dress Ako in this case? I can easily Ligma them to UE30-40 if needed, and Iroha is already UE40. Dress Ako looks more important for upcoming content, but only Makoto's recommendations mention UE.
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>170 rolls
>D.Ako within the 1st 10 roll
>numerous dupes, even a Himari
>Iroha with the 170th roll
Not bad my Miggas!
>still coping
Makoto lost
This stalker is coming everywhere!
Silence, nigger.
I literally don't give a fuck if it bricks my account. I hate Hina and having D Hina on my account would brick it. I'm not spending one fucking pyro on her
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I got nothing with any of the free rolls. I did 20 non free rolls early and got Dress Ako and 10 more after and got Iroha who I actually wanted the most of the 3. I'm 130 in but I'm a newbie and don't care for Makoto. I think cause I'd rather have more cute and funny I'm gonna save as I need both Hina and Hoshino and I really need to save every gem I can get. I don't hate Makoto though so it does seem like a waste, I would roll if not too close to the good banner.
I don't remember asking.
the speed in my phone is stable at 300 mbps and the games in my pc don't have any issue at all
this is bullshit
they're just like me...
Iroha no contest. Makoto is for chesed which is a solved raid with Mika. Iroha is good anywhere, just not the best for raids but a nice bonus damage dealer until you get whatever students raids are shilling for
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>think i'm being healthy by eating raisin bran
>check nutrition label
>more sugar than a bowl of crunch berries
what in the goddamn
Thanks! I don’t have everyone there but I think I’ll be able to substitute the units I don’t have alright.
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You better give me six copies of dHina or else it's over for you, Arona.
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At least you admit to your mistake. Make sure you spoil her and give her the life she deserves.
Based seething brick-sama
>but only Makoto's recommendations mention UE.
because Makoto is a DPS and actually benefits from more attack and the buffs her UE provides
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Cute cats.
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What do you think raisins are fatty.
no anon. she indeed made for ryona but consensual ryona. you can and should hurt her but no permanent damage is allowed, both you and her should enjoy it
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Oh my God I don't have to decide at all......
I am still perplexed, my previous sparks were so terrible, so I naturally wasn't expecting much from this one.
Perhaps my double spark during DHina banner is going to be absolutely revolting to compensate lucking out so much in this banner.
D.Ako. Not joking. D.Ako is core on Set.
If you are on global, just wait a few days, spark dHina and smoothsail it.
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>higher crit damage, crit rate, def debuff
I think Ako is much better
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>eats american food
>think's he eats healthy
this one's going into the compilation
>telling newfags to spend their spark on early game units so they will be forced to roll again for Ako in the future
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Based server funder.
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I'm at 150 points and I've already got D.Ako and Makoto. Should I invest 6000 pyros at worst and spark Iroha? I have 42k pyros
Are Makoto and D.Ako skippable?
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95% of cereal is just candy, even most of the "healthy" branded ones like Life have as much sugar as fruit loops. You have to find the rare brands like Cheerios(not honeynut) or the memebrands online that cost $12 a box
I’m at 16k :( Makoto is my favourite and I had to spark her.
Sorry Iboog I gotta farm comms tomorrow, no UE30 :(
Wait do you already have D.Ako? If you do then it's Makoto for sure. D.Ako only needs to be a 3*.
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took me 10000 hours on mspaint
not really worth it unless you really want to get iroha now
You can check this website to see how many pyros you can get from each student's Momotalks.

Not gonna fund your server for long if you don't abide to my orders.
thank you for funding this game
you should get enough pyro with your momos. If you are really a bit short just buy the new sensei pakeji
So is the hallway haunted?

Also first time petting the cat and getting free activity reports
if you have both then dupes are better on makoto
Mutsuki for red aoe, yuuka for tank, Serika for quick single target shredding Hiero and Chise for blue aoe with Serina and Hanae on heals might be able to get it done.
You can also try doubling up on tanks with Yuuka and Tsubaki and go with Asuna for blue single target and Serika for red single target and 2 healers since running low cost lets you cycle your EXes faster.
No you idiot
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>Sensei has an emergency shower button
D. Ako is more essential, get her if you can, but D. Hina is probably the most essential
Thank you!
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I already have Dress Ako. Thanks, anons!
ako is absolute must roll
makoto is skippable if you don't have at least one extra spark saved for hina
I skipped dHina so I could have pyros ready for ASSBand, Arius Summer, and Trinity Masquerade. No regrets either since Hina is a boring character im comparison to the other upcoming events.
As long as you can go full 200 pulls on the D.Hina banner it's fine in my opinion IF you really really really want Iroha now.

Reminder that you want to do 200 pulls on D.Hina regardless if you get her early or not because the rate on getting a 3* is doubles on anniversary banners.
Dress Aru looks so fine
>200 rolls
>0 Makoto
>0 D.Ako
>0 Iroha
>dAko (spark)
>dupe Eimi
A lot of minrolls but the fact that out of the 4 3*'s I got, 3 were new, I can't really complain. Still no Kaede though
If it tastes good it's not good for you
Eat some plain bran and see how shit it is
Here's a video of the latter in action by the way though they had lvl 38 team
No problem and good luck. I remember getting filtered as a casual at level 50 on that fight and fellow /bag/gots helped me get through it too.
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>"If I drink coffee I'll be productive like Hina!"
>Shitpost at lightspeed and masturbate instead
Back to no caffeine...
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>account only used to search fanart on twitter
>200+ followers by bots account alone

Thanks you Elon
Blue Archive
Do I blow 60 rolls for Ako Elephs?
just bee yourself
i just wanted one (1) (un) please understand
you very much want d.ako if you care about set at all otherwise you can skip
lmao no
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My fellow skipchad.
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alright I'll hold back. Thanks
I'll do my momos too
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the trick is a coffee made with love by Ako
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I'll post a picture too.
Makoto is not worth is unless she's your studentwife and since you went for dAko first she isn't
easy skip
You can clear floor 100 Set with 3* D.Ako. She's a support and doesn't need stats
You can also clear Torment Chesed with just 3* Makoto, though she's a damage dealer and Special stats transfer to your team so using ligma on her has more value value
c serina is literally useless now
>Pitch this concept to a friend
>"why would I eat it if it doesn't taste good?"
I hate fat people so much.
That's me.

And this is my cope.
you can always fuck the students anyway and just procreate with those you seem fit with good genes.

The only problem is most of the ones with the best genetics seems to look like they could die from giving birth
>100 rolls
>1(uno) 3*
Who do I spark? Iroha?
>200 rolls
>200th pull D.Ako
>Sparked Makoto

Same for me. I sparked the cheap dress slut, the bitch wouldn't come to me naturally even after I used her in all my raids and spent my clipboards on her. The 200 points was supposed to be used on the horned retard, instead I had to purchase the blue dress slag like a cheap prostitute. Hina better treat me better later on or she is getting put in time out with Ako.
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>only one 3* from the 100 free pulls
I have mixed feelings.
Should I finish the spark for Makoto? Don't have Iroha either but can still manage sub 100 pvp.
Makoto is only used for Cheesed right?
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D.Ako ya twat
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Based Ballena
I literally have the same
Even my real account doesn't have this followers
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I would have to punch her with my pinky only to not do permanent damage. Sturdy girls and tomboys that can take a hit are best for ryona.
Could be useful for GA Yellow Greg, no?
this ain't no dAko but it's way better. she finally came to me...
>Not spending clipboards on at least Haruna, Reisa, and Kazusa

Sensei what are you doing
Isakuzan left
Is it over?
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I got desuwide
I made my account private because I was so annoyed at the "You have a new follower" notification
I got both before 100 and rolled Iroha before 200
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yeah uninstall the game and never come back here
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coom in doom
Useful but not needed
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>/bag/ budget administration general
You should explode instead.
It only goes up from here since the events have been pretty good without him being at the helm so main story is bound to also get better in short order.
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>expiring 10 roll tickets
These expire? I don't see a time/date on mine
Got the cow with the free rolls and had to spark the retard. Looks like I know who I'll be dicking tonight and who is only going to watch.
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>check my porn twitter account
>only 7 followers
I'm not even popular with bots...
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>Makoto in 50 rolls
>Ako in 30 more
>got 2 more Makoto from free pulls
>sparked another Ako since I was 1 multi off
Feels pretty good bros
>I would have to punch her with my pinky only to not do permanent damage.
she still have a halo, she she's tougher than I she looks. still do it in moderation
The fuck am I supposed to do with her.
The free 100rolls you get during these banners expire before dHina.
You might have some non expiring 10 roll tickets left.
Now what? Should I keep pulling until I get one?
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How many cunny students they plan to tease before actually releasing any of them?
Got Makoto finally at 150 pulls. Do I finish the spark? If so, whose eleph do I spark?
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Use her sweaty belly flops for masturbation.
I've seen this pic many times and I always wonder why she has chocolate kisses as breast implants
Accordion noises
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Glad I don't have as much bots on mine.
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D. Ako, 100%. She is mandatory. Makoto a distant second, she is good. Iroha is good aswell. Skipping D.Ako is near brick territory.
an artist "thing"
They will release another Hina or Hoshino alt every time you ask
Is there a division gacha during bluefes?
>open the link
>it's lolishit
because chocolate kisses are yummy
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minroll status?
Got Makoto on the 10th free pull and sparkled D.Ako.Shame for Iroha since she's kind of hot for a CHILD
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feed her
Current pvp season good pick. I hate one guy running her on defense since she kills both my haruna and iori.
I always hated this image because of how disgusting the artists drew the tits
you're not a new player and I'm obviously going to assumer you're doing Set so dAko 100%
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pretty gay
Arona sex or Arona rape?
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students for this feel?
Phew, that was some good piano practice
>I think I would enjoy an XCOM like tactical spin, or maybe something more action but still turn based like Valkyria Chronicles
tired of this shit! GIVE SOME GREAT ARCADE GAME but with the Blue Archive ip examples;

A Sin and Punishment game can work too
I bet his chinchin musk smells wonderful
Oh I actually got her just yesterday too. She's pretty weird. Love menheras
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Thanks man
It's 19.080 Pyros exactly waiting for me.
I think I might actually pick up Makoto simply for the limited reasons.
I did it wrong back skipping spMari with 100 rolls left and then rolling the whole 200 to pity her later.
Shouldn't do the same mistake again.
Anon, you can't feel drawings
2 today but already got Ako so don't care.
spark dako then later spark dhina
Should I get her or just borrow from frens?
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Pajamas is a niche to exploit
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Absolute arona rape.
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Okay anons, I need help.
After 200 rolls I had to spark Makoto, and now I used 32 rolls from tickets and I still didn't get D.Ako.
Should I skip her?
I heard that Hoshino swimsuit and Dress Hina are OP af, and I'd much rather save for them than spend even more pyro on D.Ako (I have 42K pyroxenes as of now, so there's a small chance I might not get Hoshino swimsuit with that amount.)
>The hoodie has cat ears
Damn that's cute
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Will the Pity from Ako's event banner carry over to Hina's? Or does it go away when they change?
it goes away
>100 free pulls used
>Maki dupe
Comfy sex with Arona (for now)
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Then why we play this shit game then?
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it has grown on me
It goes away. Why do you think people here always stress that if you're going to pull make sure you can spark.
Pajamas Koyuki soon
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i want one of those
How many proxies do you have to spare? Do you have at least a full other spark to set aside for D. Hina?
>212 recruitment points
I wrote KIDS on the envelope
Fuck. Will the Free rolls expire before event Hina too? Or can I save them for her?
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I prefer Manga Sensei
They will expire as well.
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Wait did they just give Hina's event new short stories every day? While having her walk around in Gehenna? The fuck is this blatant Hina wank?
Don't steal from Mutsuki on her birthday faggot
Ninja Club
I got nothing except today I got Makoto on the first 10 and D. Ako on the other 10. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
>Will the Free rolls expire before event Hina
they will expire
you dummy
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The sexiest Gehenna has arrived
Holy brick...
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>last free 20 rolls
>swimsuit Miyako

Officially Akolet now. Not sure if I want to expend 12k gems on her
Arona ryona
Write "CHILDS" next time and you'll get three
If you are planning on building and investing into makoto then you can spark her. I would probably advise against it though. Dont spark ako
Guys I seriously can't cope...
Lost all the free rolls.. Lost all the tickets.. Lost 30k pyros..
Fest.. might be a hard skip at this rate...
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I would gladly take a tired pajama Hina alt
I need Kasumi!!!
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Please do not rape Arona
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>below 24,000 even
>23 hours until blufes
Pretty good animation. I am going to save it on my hard disk drive
fox smell particles...
>Dont spark ako
Why not? Is she pointless past 3?
Need to put a child in that belly
-2 10 pull tickets since I got makoto and dAko in 20 pulls
fuck you cuntrona
>Why not? Is she pointless past 3?
Lost all four tickets and 30k pyros.
Forced to spark both units.
Will not make it for Fest.
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2 more days...
Which school would have the most disgusting bathrooms?
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Final pink...and It's Hot springs Shigure...thank god it was not a dupe
Be ready for tuesday, Arona
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>skip banner
>get spooked by skipped student while rolling for the next banner
Newcutie is not Mutsuki's property.
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Which student is the fes student? Is it 3x purples or whatever again?
>Sensei signed the document
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I spent my bad luck on ako/makoto.
Not him but how many chances are there to get S.Hoshino while going for D.Hina?
Students behind bars?
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fuck arona 200 pulls and neither, just gonna spark dAko I guess
Ako (dress) (anal)
Alright, thanks for the heads up. I probably would have stupidly done that.
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>Cherino gets moustache for the Stalin impression
>Makoto doesn't get one for the Hitler impression

Truly peculiar...
Somewhere around yes to no
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Arona Status?
bro it was literally nothing of the sort
way to make up shit lmao
also i guess-found ibuki on the first try, ez
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I got both of the units with the free 100 rolls again. I hope they actually have a use unlike the last six.
I have 187k pyros kek, but I'm concerned about future rolls since I want 8 future students until Kuroko (4 really since the rest I'm not sure, like NYAkari)
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is this real? maybe this is why she so low and yet so good at haiku
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Lift for Wakamo
Come on I bet it's gonna be like 5% yes
Is dAru skippable if you have dAko? My funds are looking iffy right now,
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>finally on missions today of Hina
>something about forecast sky and "you just get used to weird shit on Gehenna"
>suddenly footsprint and someone walking then running, like a ghost event
>then lights go out, then return and everything is normal
>"you just get used to weird shit"
Hina, I be honest, but what the actual fuck and how do you get used to this supposed weird stuff that reach the paranormal
Well, I got Renge from the free pulls. Nothing else, but hey, she has a surprisingly cuter voice than I was expecting at least.
>Makoto x2
>Azusa dupe
dhinawalkthrough anon, I'd suggest moving the Hallway cat down next to the rest of the cats, it's a bit janky that the overview at the top says there are 7 cats and then the list contains 6 with the 7th being a couple paragraphs away.
Though, it is leaning towards self-imposed jank, since I'm doing the minigame myself and then using the walkthrough to check my work instead of following it directly.
Trying this formation out. Iroha is so strong
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Fuck you. Chise isn't a druggy.
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Kivitos School Festivals....
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hypnotizing ass...
Put Yuuka in the middle
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Who was the invisible ghost anomaly????
Agarro a Kirara, le beso la boca y despues la cooncha, ydespues le hago meting press hasta que quede completamente embaradzada
Y Erika sigue
I asked some JP anons and she has SOME uses, but not on the level of ako being in every set clear. And global is not as competetive as JP to minmax with dAru.
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>Gomen Yuuka
>fujo shortstack
>Orochi Chinatsu dupe
Had to spark for Makoto
OUR HEROES and Terryman.
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>started this event witth 68k pyro
>sparked this banner
>somehow i got 69k pyro
don't know how it happened but i liked it
This was a rough one
Lost Miyu
I still haven't forgiven you retards for betraying Mutsuki like that.
Why is this Kazusa so sex compared to the other 3D models
Pretty good desu. I got Makoto one of the units I wanted the most. And I also finally got Iroha! Been wanting her for so long. Besides that I got Mina and Shiroko(Cycling) Too, And finally Sakurako
kissing, foreplay, gentle fucking, after sex cuddling, anxiety settling in that she won't be nice tomorrow, headpats
>don't know how
check your statement
This gift keeps reminding me of that period where someone kept uploading Artificial Academy 2 cards that were booby trapped to have monstrosities instead of regular characters.
This was me in 2.5
Oh, a fifth brick to join us.
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>I hope they actually have a use unlike the last six
nigger did you call your daughter-wife useless?
200 pulls
S Shiroko, Aris, Reisa, and C Hare. Happy with what I got, but that was fucking expensive.
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it wasnt the most exciting event, it didnt have any based moments or anything super special, but it was a very nice one, comfy in a way. and i really appreciate all the effort they put into making it
One d.Ako
Dupes of
and fucking Miyako
Not him but why?
What for? Does setup on this screen matter?
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post the hoshino one
Thanks! I put a copy there.
Because enemies appear on both left and right. Center gets all aggro even if middle gets too close to them
I don't think this is Hide and seek with Ibuki...
1 kid (instant)
100 kids with Hinata (long-term)
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odds i pull sickie tomorrow
evens i take the whole week
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>130 pulls
Should I just finish the spark? I have both students but I'm really hurt for ligmas.
13 dupes, sparked d.ako hmm skipping makoto looks like...
Posted mine here
Far better than my S. Ui rolls.
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sorry, meant for
Fuck idk which one to spark
Do I NEED Makoto? I would much rather get Iroha otherwise
This is the part where you hide
lmao alright then
dAko dupe or Iroha dupe? Iroha is 4* so I'm thinking Iroha? Since dAko is more of a support.
>Had to rape D.Ako to get her
Meanwhile Makoto came in with the free 10 roll ticket they handed out.
No Makoto is more replacable
no, you will get ligma sooner or later. Be wise and save your pyro
60 - dAko
100 - Himari (Dupe)
180 - Renge
used my spark on Makoto
What's your stash and who do you want to pull thats coming up?
what are you supposed to do here?
Well now. I always placed units like
>front mid mid back
>front mid back back
and so on
Please no more dupes pleaseeee
i think imma need that link to the field exploration guide again......
Sparking a dupe will just grant you 50 ligma. Not worth when UE40 takes 1500 ligma
Highest set floors use 3* Ako so Iroha I guess.
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okay Sensei!
Enjoy all the minrolls until you have to spark dHina at 200!
The order is how they appear on the battlefield but mirrored. So the leftmost girl will be on the right side from their point of view
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thanks....i promise i will save it this time
do you have brain damage anon
follow the steps
enjoy your vacation
Yeah this is what I thought but 70 more for a spark is really tempting I must say.
92k but I want to pull for every Gehenna students
wet stoat, dako, makoto, only free tickets
welp guess I'll just save myself the 12000 pyros and just borrow makoto when chised reruns
I GOT D.AKO,MAKOTO,FINISHED THE SPARK AND GOT IROHA ON THE 200th ROLL WHO SHOULD I SPARK FOR ELEPH?i heard ako and makoto can work at 3 stars so Iroha?
I've been 4x PVP drinking for the whole event and I'm still well above 8k coins. Should I start buying Shizuko 4 times a day too, or is there a string of refresh-worthy events coming up? (Not just the anniversary 2x and 3x, I could melt down enough coins to make a Kaiten replica and still have enough for that since it's just a month)
please no
makoto cant work at 3 stars. Either spark makoto or iroha
Mutsuki's birthday...
it's mutsuki's birthday...
yeah, iroha
>that op
nigger what are you doing
You need 1800 PVP coins to be be able to 3x refresh for 2 weeks so just don't go under
People cleared torment with her at 3 stars.
why are (real) hinaposters like this?
God, Hinafags are insufferable.
>fucked up the copypasted OP
someone bake another
Someone make a birthday thread, fuck that retard.
Hinafags are getting uppity again...
Should kasumi be part of my purple team? Should I invest in her?
Interesting that you idiots didn't care when it was Kaede in the OP instead of Mutsuki. Very interesting.
I'm actually noticing.
I'm smelly
Her Dorkiness is unsurpassed and irreplicable!
t. THE hinafag
>Anonymous 2 hours ago No.488021829>>488022285 (Cross-thread)
1692825107547025.png (Spoiler, 56 KB, 200x200) google yandex iqdb wait
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hey /bag/
good one
>hinatroon acting up again
Dilate tranny and you will never be a woman.
>hinakek thread
>fucked up the op
Kill yourself fucking retard
Explain why you posted in the previous thread.
>didn't care
retard you're just making shit up people literally cared
Real thread where?
No they didn't, otherwise they would've moved. I boycotted the thread.
I remember people literally didnt care when donut cop was in the op instead of birthday girl utaha...
Eh, I wouldn't really advise to invest in her until you really need her. Purple content can be done pretty easily with sHanako alone, so just hold off for now
posted what
migrate to real thread
I don't think I will, because you are hypocrites.
i didnt post anything in the previous thread i just got here
plapped lovingly, she gave me DAko under 100
Are you lost somehow

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