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Previous Thread: >>487993802

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 7/29 (Mon) 10:59 (JST)
Hoshino (Combat) (3* - Limited)
Shiroko (Terror) (3* - Limited)
Mika (3* - Limited - Rerun)
>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/27 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY - 7/28 (Sun) 11:00 (UTC)
Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 7/26 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/28 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
ugly shit
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Does anyone have that image of Kasumi by a0midori that was posted some threads ago? I forgot to save it.
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Mika love.
total mx2j death
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I want to impregnate every girl in this game really badly
didn't realize it's Mutsuki's birthday

make sure to go with that gaki next thread
Whoever does the club Rentry; EU's SpinHinaSpin is full
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mica should die
Ibuki can only be impregnated once she grows up
Kaede a cute.

Baseball event could be pretty fun.
Ichika sex.
it's so easy to check if it's a student's birthday...
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I, JOBshino, PINKtard of Kivotos, humbly kneel to
Nonomi-dono, my best friend who tolerated all my schizo shit. I am sorry for ignoring your advice. You can employ me as a maid with no pay.
Ayane-SAMA, my El presidente, I should have given you the reins of leadership as soon as you enrolled in Abydos. I would humbly work as your secretary for the rest of my life.
Shiroko-cha-, no Shiroko-SAMA please forgive me for mocking your prowess in combat. Your potential is greater than mine. Please don't hurt me again I would gladly lick your wolf pussy so it will be ready for Sensei's cock...
Yume-dono, my idol, my bedrock and my deceased best friend. Please rest in peace I promise I would be your servant in the afterlife. Forgive me for staining your name and reputation
Kuroko-sama, the true Apex Predator of Abydos, my other queen, please forgive me for belittling you younger alternate version. I also thank you for cleaning my mess in the story. I would have also fucked up BlueFES if you didn't show up in the last minute to save it. I will happily serve as a training dummy for you or Shiroko and lick your wolfpussy as well...
Sensei, my one and true love and other master, please forgive me for disregarding your advice and ignoring your affections. You can manhandle me anytime you want, sex, blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, hairjobs, anal sex, cuckquean in 3 somes and ANYTHING I would do it Sensei...
And finally, Hina-SAMA, my master, please forgive me ever saying I was the strongest. Please forgive me for acting cheeky and smug. I can only win by cheating an asspull with the help of Clockman. I would gladly breastfeed your children with Sensei while you are busy getting fucked by Sensei COCK
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My precious desert rose.
we're training for it
Post Wakamo
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>Mutsuki's birthday
>Have to use the ugly rat as the OP instead
I'm glad she never got popular
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Last thread got me thinking.
Would full-power Othinus be a serious threat in Kivotos or would she kneel before Mika/Hoshino/Hina/Neru/etc?
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waka love
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wings probably make sex really difficult, imagine getting whipped in the face while you're fucking
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Gonna make this WEAK quickshot cum just by petting the base of her tail
Why did Isakusan, The symbol of Hope, became our doom?
Millennium appreciation day starting
See ya fellow Senseis
Iori is absolutely a jobber, but how does Karin fit? She doesn't really have any notable losses.
Hell, she even beat Utaha with face sitting!
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btw @ (you) https://rentry.org/basummary rentry summary guy
a summary was posted in this thread >>487955006
with this tag again
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Blue Archive... changes people...
Appreciating Yuuka and Noa...
How do we reignite mx2j's spark?
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wide reisa
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theres nothing to do today
time to schleep
Hoshinobros...our response?
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because they didn't release seia
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He was not there when I was about to make it.
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Wakamo thread
Wakamo board
Wakamo website
Wakamo internet
I made one but probably it's too late now
Yeah, but imagine the wing hugs
He's always there, watching down on us.
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Hanako has a huge cock
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As old as the bible we have favorites that symbolize the top fall to become antagonists.
We can’t force someone to be a hero
One can only Imagine
>thread done 7 minutes after this one
trannies deserve death
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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>sh-shensheeeii... <3
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Yes we know, hirubro
Attention all newfags. When it's a characters' birthday, we only use threads with her in the OP. MOVE the fuck right now >>488005890
I don't think I will.
I need to have sex with this creature
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big talk
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Reminder to kick "hiru" from your /bag/ clubs and unfriending him for being a cuck futa shitposter
Aiiie pretty good
what's wrong with people
Good thing Hifumi is not erotic
why are kaedefags such annoying attentionwhores? fuck off
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To every sad cunt that truly wanted to change, he never left.
he's tired, let him rest
>Blue Archive 2
>Long time no see, professor!
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Both Wakamo and I are quickshots, that's why our compatibility is so high
Kaede in the Cowgirl position
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>Wrong thread number
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my wife Mika
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why is she so sexy?
>finger IN prostate
Now how did she achieve that?
Why are you like this
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Makoto will kill you for touching Ibuki
Feels like all the secondaries and cancerous cunts woke up between last thread and this one then started spamming garbage and retarded shit with how the thread is just filled with secondaries now
She's too cute, I have to bully her. I don't want to but just look at that adorable crying face... How could you resist wanting to see such an expression?
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Just let that thread die. Also wrong thread number because I fatfingered.
Hope someone copypaste the OP for the next thread because I tried to update it.
Not once I have ever joined any /vg/ groups. You and I suffer from different types of faggotry
Errrm I just checked my calendar and today is the 28th.
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what happened to that Mutsuki anon who got her to 100 and posted on /bag/ some months ago?
burping is unladylike so no
Hina should have let that criminal starve.
They got him
An effort was made. Don't worry, the next thread will be Mutsuki's.
Fucking brat making fun of adults
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She cums in public just from being asked out
mating press
Mutsuki got him
why am I like what
I had sex with him
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fuck off to whatever hoyoshit thread you came from and stay there
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My wife is so pretty and cute!!
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I don't want to cum, I have to go to work tomorrow...
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>10/10 artist ruining his doujins with this shit
Why...It's literally one panel every timebut it's so disgusting
If by chance he was the same anon who got all the loli doujinshis, and went through California customs... I might have a feeling where he might be.
>Not wanting to see a demure and ladylike girl burp after sucking down your load like your dick is a straw
Low T
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Better make it quick then
I cannot BELIEVE this. My wife, AKO, I have been with you since the begining. I have used you in EVERY raid. And yet, you put on a CHEAP DRESS, and suddenly you will not come home to ME, on this, the EVE OF THE BLUEFESTIVAL. I am feeling very very betrayed because I have had to spend 3 10 pull tickets and 70 pulls worth of proxy gems, and yet you will only be mine after the last 20 free pulls later today through no will of your own because I payed for you with 200 recruitment points like a cheap HARLOT. Very very shameful Ako- I will suspend your use in raids for the next 3 raids as punishment- you can use the time to think about why you have BETRAYED me and will not come to me without spending points I was going to use on Makoto retard instead.

However, if this is being a TRICK, a jolly jest at me, teasing me with your cotton candy hair, and you come to me during the last 20 pulls later today and I get to spend the points on the horned retard instead, you will be am rewarded, and you and the dress version will rewarded with being leveled all skills to maximum.
is Momiji actually good?
Alternate timeline is grim
Ibuki sex
>he doesn't want to hear his wife's semen burps
Low T.
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> Not UE50
You don't love your waife.
just downloaded the game last friday night and i've become addicted, is iori really that rare? i just spent my free draws and thousands of pyroshards and i've never had her, managed to get ako (dress) though and a few 3 stars so it was worth it i guess.
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I want proof that nonny is a quickshot actually.. fuck I meant anon
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I like this one (NTA and never played mihomo game)
Does anyone have that new constant moderato that plays after vol 1 part 3 ends?
The Wakamo posting is getting to me. If I get dHina before sparking then I'm going to grab her.
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>Believe Ako cheap dreas me eve of bluefestival harlot betrayed trick
I dont get the secret message
what happens?
Propaganda. Burping is gay and lame
You didn't bitch enough to her
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Large AoE. Pretty good at clearing trash. Basically oneshots anything that isn't a boss
>hate ako
>get her in a free roll
it's just that easy
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This is what happens with the fuccboi anime Sensei with 0 balls. That faggot can't even begin to compete with canon Sensei.
Grab her what?
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
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Why is Seia such a stinky pitslut?
My fucking image????
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for me
Is the short hair
What's her problem?
your post was better without the ugly trashcan attached to it
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Sensei you can’t ask something like that in public
Wakamo asking me to not wash my dick for a week so she can clean it with her tongue the next time we meet
Wakamo cumming instantly from the smell of smegma and pissing herself
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God bless.
Any non-rateup is "rare", you could've rerolled for her on the starter showcase. She's farmable tho
You're married to Yuuka, sensei.
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Which point stage do I sweep?
Ako doesn't respect Senseis that don't call her a bitch and refuse to fuck her raw doggystyle without wearing a condom.
Whichever you need mats the most.
Eleph rates are the same.
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Mika Mika Mika
Forcing Yuuka to stop shaving. Watching as her vagina slowly becomes enveloped in a great purple forest.
You ever hear the shit about the hatred of cuteness being tied to the development of a person's amygdala? I genuinely think it's that phenomenon. Only they take if much farther than someone who just complains about anime occasionally.
They all have same AP to Point ratio. So just maximize the bonus on the stage that you want shop currency or Artifacts from. I suggest either stage 10 or 12, since those have chance for Wolfsegg and Aether.
This but her armpits too
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Based, she's a good girl.
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Seems like most companies don't do any QA these days
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Fuuka is a cave woman now
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>sensei you promised to help me pick my dress
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Scott was tired, pls understand
Hina the Madonna
Ako the whore
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The Real GF experience
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Koharu no
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holy shit I just realized I never unlocked the DHina live2D despite really liking Hina and always having her base or summer as L2D
I'm on JP
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No, you're fake
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How many sparks are you spending on D.Hina's banner?
did they get in a real woman to write ako
Her stink probably wakes up the others. Why did futapeanuts stop drawing lewds
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i came
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She wants you to shut her up with a big kiss on the lips while you grope her tits.
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i love bitchy sows
Sensei's a lucky man.
what did he mean by this
Editing, non existent
Proof reading, non existent
A guy hired to tell localizers to just stop fucking things up for no reason, non existent
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I trust in Arona
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Hina love
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Am I gonna be put on a list just for browsing here?
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Holy shit, that post is shining brighter than the last lighthouse.
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Did you get them with your free 80 pulls? Are you planning to finish the spark?
uhhh is that her father
Hina should transfer
to my bed
Sakurako is only known for dressing like a WHORE
Of course. And congratulations, you just won some more points for your post, and went up a few ranks!
Okay, where?
I want to have a daughter and take her for grocery shopping and buy her cookies..
whyDID i HAVe to be an incel
nah just act like the obnoxious hagfags that have to broadcast how much they love tits and how they want every loli in their loli game to grow up into mommies
Hina is a bat.
Bats don't have horns.
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Hina should graduate and become my wife and assistant at Schale.
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>dress kayoko is only 2k likes behind a kuroko, armor hoshino, and mika mega banner
How the fuck did she do it?
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Makes me wonder why they even had that survey about translations.
how bad of an idea is it to gulp down a can of beer before doing bench press
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You'd be surprised how many /bag/ anons are actually a /bag/ nonny
It's seriously an epidemic! You guys are supposed to want your studentwives. Not... me
That's more impressive regarding the stream banner because stream banners always have far less likes than normal ones. Yes, even FES banners.
Bro literal heroine addicts and other various societal rejects have children, just lower your standards if that's all you want.
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Anywhere's better than Gehenna but ideally Millennium
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why Aru though
>I'm on JP
Yeah dude we could've figured that out
Which girl should i fap to today
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We'll never know
Nobody cares how gay you are, fag. Take it somewhere else
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Are you going to play World of Warships just for the BA collab?
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ok, you convinced me
im going
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Maybe you should Millennium in a body bag.
Wait. There's no more normal stages after 24th on global?
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Speak for yourself, I'm going to fuck my wife Ui.
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what does she want??
I don't know why people bring up likes on Nexon'd account. They're botted to hell and back, barely any of it is actually authentic
Just one more girl... then I'll quit
The fuck is this nigga doing? Checking for lice?
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50k of those accounts are me
To conquer Sensei
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I have cursed luck and got 5 3-stars, but 2 of them were b.Asuna dupes, 1 was s.Mimori, 1 was o.Chinatsu and just got o.Cherino.
I used literally all of my tickets.
125 rolls and she still doesn't consider me worthy.
I went through the exact same thing on Atsuko's, but there at least I got spooked by Iroha.
I am NOT depleting my double spark stash and I am NOT using THAT.
I can still use Phrepanates' credit card but I'd rather not
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Nonnies need some love too, you know.
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Since me and other anons were drawing while talking about Terraria in the aggie, here's some funny.
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I hate Makoto so much it's unreal
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hey /bag/
It's crazy how often these adopted daughter stories end in marriage
Yes. Those fucking morons already uploaded the info for T9 equipment without T9 equipment being available.
humu humu...
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Maybe you should join Millenium*
Fuck, I'm retarded.
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She doesn't need to graduate for that she can come right away
alcohol lowers test and increases estrogen
Im already 27 years old I hsould have a cute daughter at this age already yet IM an incel
what the fuck does nonny mean
Blue Archive mod for Terraria would be a lot of fun. Probably too much work though
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/bag/'s favorite content creator is back.
post cats
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I didn't finish my pondering Wakamo in time for the aggie...
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Hoping for my 4th D.Ako at reset
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Suzumi alt when
What did she mean by this?
translate it weebs
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I really want to replay Terraria...
>sensei, time for your booster shot this week
>he will be unconscious for 30 minutes
>in which i'm free to touch and sniff his body

It's that easy, i have done this for 2 months straight and sensei doesn't even know
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Test your luck for bluefes!
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please fuck off to /soc/ or /fgoalter/ tranny
Look, I'm autistic, but asking me to be shipfag autistic is going too far.
She's not asking
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can't believe I missed some terraria talks.
That's quite dope
cute holy fox spotted
Sechi is soulless garbage and has been for a year now. He's dead to us.
I can hear this image.
you have been cursed
and you've cursed me as well
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She wants my dick between her uvula and her stomach.
Unfortunately, it's too wide to get past a girls teeth comfortably. If I could I would deposit my cum directly into the back of her throat like a gas pump into a car, but instead I'll have to cum on her tongue. She'll have to endure my yucky nasty and smelly cum all over her tongue and forcing herself to swallow it. It'll be worth it though. It's the only way for her to experience the satisfaction of having my seed in her belly without the risk of pregnancy.
She's just making it clear that she's the one in charge, not you
God forbid someone like other franchises
Hoshino I need a clean up blowjob
which student's weapon would you want in Terraria?
ok then kys maybe you'll respawn and if not your life isn't worth living anyway
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>heroine addicts
I'm a Yuuka addict.
Telling hibiki I love her as I kiss and pound her from behind relentlessly
Nonomi's would probably be pretty useful
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She didn't, she just got banned on Twitter and started posting porn on misskey
when youre as old as i am you start feeling your brain asking for children
He's a sell out.
I know it's a shitpost but despite popular belief, it's highly likely the feds of any country don't give a rotten fuck about people talking about their kawaii gacha waifus on an anonymous anime shitflinging forum. Really they're more interested in obvious /pol/ shit like the election or the slavic slapfight. 4chan is a terrible place for trying to track people because even if gookmoot did just feed the feds every single IP and every post made with it, there's still a lot of legwork involved to tie an identity to that IP. It's far too much effort for the glownigger internet jannies than some place like Twitter of Facebook where people will have everything but their Social Security on their profile.
So, no, you're probably not on a list.
Blue Archive.
audibly fucking kek'd
make this one a ritualpost, anon
>humu humu
how will they mistranslate it?
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Shiroko intervention
Hina's or Alice's
Ichika pubeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
I love sechii
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>try Kuroko in Set
>she actually destroys it
Holy god
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It already is, how have you not seen it before
What the fuck? I don't really want to be on a list but I feel like I just got left out of a screencap or something
yes but you failed so kys
Yeah which makes your body to produce more test to counter it
Does Hinasex feels bad?
I'm like 40cm taller than her. You bet it is
It's like fucking an onahole attached to a flat table
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Railgun sounds fun
do you think i can make it
Really need a Mcnuggies Ako edit
You're just being tsuntsun
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Slutty nun
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It's just me spewing my autism onto the board. I'm just tired of retards on the /v/ boards screeching about how the feds are watching us.
Now we just need a Kuroko for the other colours
What is the mika sheep meme?
Yeah cool hypothesis except almost every alcoholic and has excessive belly fat and bitch tits or outright gyno even if they weigh 100lbs.
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Fucking fool

Things that will get you cursed with minrolls:
>Using simulators
>Drawing a dick in the sign area
>Blaming Arona
>Not having at least 10 relationship with every student
>Spending P-sensei card (big curse here)

Trust me, I got 9 pinks with the 180 rolls I had for this banner (only 2 dupes) so far, including both limited students

Things that can reduce your curse level:
>Buy Pakeji
>Rub Sora's forehead
>Give presents to neglected students
Needs to be impregnated and give birth to at least 24 kids
It is mini Mika in a sheep outfit and it's cute. What's not to understand?
nom nom
I wish artists would stop drawing the faggy anime sensei
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Fucking a portable wife must feel amazing
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Ibuki is also pretty good. She carried me hard
it's cute artist headcanon like the shrimp stuff
>>Blaming Arona
He's perfect for getting pegged by students though.
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Her vaginal canal is probably like 2 inches.
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Today I had a dream where I was Mari's simp and while I was out she got punched in the face. Then I woke up very angry.

The funny thing is, she isn't even in my top10.
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Mika should die
perfect /bag/got size
made for me
We were made for each other...
If fuuka really hated being kidnapped by haruna she would just keep making shitty food for them until they stopped. What's the worst they're gonna do, bomb her? That ain't gonna shit to a her, and then she'll never have to get kidnapped again.
Damn, I can finally be like the fat bastards in porn manga and kiss her cervix with my glans...
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>like the shrimp stuff
Liz mentioned??!
>posts other gacha garbage
Ironic, you are even worse
Probably honor bound as a chef to not purposely make bad food.
Even if she tried that the Gourmet club knows she's a good chef so they would likely do more dastardly things if she sabotaged her own cooking
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>he doesn't believe in miracles
Just two more weeks of spamming scat images until /bag/ is destroyed this time for sure lmao
Ahh... Mika's delicious upskirt
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Are Hinafags really that small?
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>Stars Above
I really do like that mod, but holy shit it feels like modern YuGiOh whenever I try to learn a single weapon with how much mechanical bullshit some have.
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I'll use whatever reaction images I want, fag
Just finished Hina wank event. So, what CAN'T Hina do?
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Where did Sensei become a tactical genius at?
She can't get out of the studentzone
Reach the top shelf
As soon as she gets her first period, heck, sex her even before
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As someone whose spent the last 7 years hanging out with Marines and sailors who drank like fish, that's mostly just dudebro science. It's highly likely that they have those things because they have the skinnyfat body type where the fat fills into their midsection before anything else. Alcohol consumption is just excess calories, little more. They'd still look like that because they have a bad diet, whether it was from alcohol, junk food, or something else.
Video games university located at my bedroom naturally.
He's not. He's just not as retarded as the girls.
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>dick too big for Hina
That's a really fucking cool Hinacar
Ok, touristcancer
jalanese and korean youtube tutorials
I have a unique set of skills acquired over a long career
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Good afternoon, /bag/.
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Waah waaaaah shut up nigger
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God I love sheep
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good morning fellow wakachad
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>Security guard blows 3 months of income to wrap his shitty 2009 Honda Accord
>blows another 3 months of income on those wheels but can't afford decent tires to go with it
Do Hinafags really?
Why did so many artists migrate there. Also, thanks, by the way
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Good afternoon.
Japanese car culture is fucking weird
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Starcraft and Tekken strats since he's a presumebly millennial Korean male
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Good afternoon, anon.
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Good morning but stop kissing me
I would if I could yeah
Sensei knows his mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's.
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You should follow your own advice.
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>centers aoe
its over
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Less than 30 days to affection level 100, I'm almost fucking done at last.
retarded loli policy
but don't worry, once misskey gets pressed to ban it too you'll see your favourite artists come back if they haven't already done so for clout
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>holy shit, "Anons fun house" became a real hit ain't it agent #2? Look him up in the library, i'll make the call
>hey anon, congrats on your project that became a runaway success! Now that you have a tiny bit of influence, why not use it to our purpose? You wouldn't want everyone to know you posted "out of then" for drawing an eleven year old right?

Never trust cops.
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Which belly do you prefer, left or right?
The fuck is this real dialogue
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>3 rate-ups
yeah i spent all my luck in simulator
im an incel
i will never get to know what true love is
i will never have a family and a daughter
>once misskey gets pressed to ban it too
Not happening. Gaijin can't make Misskey accounts anymore and the few that did aren't whiny cunts
why would misskey nuke their main if not only selling point
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How come my serious posts can't get more than 1 (You) but a guy posting good morning with a generic wakamo pic gets 4 of them?
Makoto rampaging on my nuts
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Is smoking bad for you?
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Give it your all! Or should I say give her your all!
>Gaijin can't make Misskey accounts anymore
What happened?
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We know scatcuck
>3 10-pulls
>5 3-stars, including Hina
I don't believe that.
get D Ako yet?
got some pink spooks but not the rateup. :(
well thats because hes a wakachad and iirc, this guy is a generally very positive and based individual so i wanted to say hi back
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give an example of one of your serious posts
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Can't believe I nearly bricked my account by almost not rolling for Midomo.
She's amazing.
>it might kill her
so be it
Simple: Misskey was created as a Twitter alternative for japs and they don't want retarded gaijin using it. When it started you could create an account easily but once they started noticing the foreigners coming in they gated them off.
I posted "sex" with an erotic Seia image once.
im joking
im actually married ;)
Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to crack through their pseudo Patreon paywall bullshit for free.
She'll be fine but your dick might not be
Don't worry, I got one more NEETbucks to add to (You)r virtual currency. Don't spend it all in one place.
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>seia image
it was me, I replied to it.
what makes a student good for Set? Aoe support/heals i can understand, but what about the damage dealers?
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Stop posting this, you will kill all the goslingfags.
Who got the nipslip
Wakamo owes me sex.
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EX skills that deal direct damage have like an 80% damage nerf so any auto attackers are good. Before this it was Wappi for blue and band Yoshimi for red, now Kuroko is destroying blue.
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Who do I blame for this thread's poor quality?
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Japs are serious about anti-gaijin practices. Doing nearly anything as a foreigner is a pain if they don't have already established non-japanese services.
Euros are double-fucked because MANY japanese companies ship to USA/Canada but not Europe.
Whoever does good damage with auto attack because Set nerfs EX damage hard
next mika rerun when
>that's mostly just dudebro science.
Cool, then reference the piles of real science that shows alcohol negatively effecting hormone health
>muh military alcoholism
That drinking culture is cancer and forced by tradition. The high majority of vets speak negatively about it and accredit it to one of the main reasons vets do so poorly in civilization when they get out of service you fucking retard.
>Alcohol consumption is just excess calories
It is literally poison(acetaldehyde) that negatively affects almost every organ in your body.
Understandable, I hate my own kind as well. They bring nothing but unnecessary problems and try to preach bullshit no one wants to hear.
What is Makoto sex like?
anon it's spelled Miku, and event characters don't rerun
I regretted it when I didnt, because Vol 5 was still coming out and I ended up liking Yukari a lot by the 2nd half of the story, but her banner was no longer up.
I regret it even more now that you have showed me this. I was better off not knowing damn it.
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coom in doom
Your studentwife calls me Sensei
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This is why me and a fellow anon made a mod with all crazy effects reduced to flavor texts like this example. In a similar way how Borderlands does its unique weapons and its effects by having colored flavor texts, nudging the player to try it out and see what it does.
I’ve got your back buddy, hope you got mine
I command you to play Terraria with /bag/bros
I would like Alice’s railgun
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>decided to ue50 Kuroko for set 100
>set 100 became a piece of cake with over 1m and 30s left
>My Kuroko only has T9/T9/T8 because fuck watches
damn Kuroko, I will raise you to affection level 50
single dmg target that deals tremendous dmg overtime. Previously it was wappi/Umika, now wappi/Kuroko are enough to destroy it
I feel sorry for Umikafans right now
Domination Loss
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After dealing with the pink bioterorrist next to her, every day, the regular terrorist is a breath of fresh air every once in a while.
It's only a IP ban no? Basically a one minute hassle next time you fly to Japan.
Where can I purchase a Misskey account?
Accidental anal
Was at work the other day
>4 submissions
>22 (You)s
Your posts just have to have SOVL
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Why did people say the game would be bricked if the event wasn’t cleared until yesterday? I haven’t seen any time-limited daily task or something that would impact. So far even the farming nodes used currency farmed from quest nodes.
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Who's your favorite pink-haired student?
why do japanese people so much spend their money on these games
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She couldn't be stop anymore.
Not with that attitude
dont you be talking shit about like the only good gehenna student
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My one and only.
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>hey student, what are you planning as your next move
>do the opposite

Since every student is a woman, it's that easy.
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You don't need wappi, that's how strong kuroko is.
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____ ______ ____?
Would he get into trouble for drawing porn now?
Unironically they have more money than free time so something like this gives them a little refresher without much time dedication, and it's not like they have much else to spend their money on anyway because their days are filled with work and a little sleep unless they're self-employed.
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Mika followed closely by Hanako
Aru sex but sloppier
One empty friend slot. North America. Don't care if you're new or have shitty assistants. Code: ARYNJMWC
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new milestone
I got the goods 3 blocks down in an alley with the Wakamo car
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>seia smooch when?
How many times are you gonna ask this same question?
You're horrible, sensei!
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Misskey is not a corporation. It is a project from a dude in his basement. It was developed way before the mass exodus and it is part of the Fediverse (like a network of social media clones that communicate with each other). The instance admin has complete control over the rules. If an instance admin doesn't like the mongolian throat singing twitter, he simply blocks it instead of throwing bitch fit. Since Misskey lives off donations, he blocked the gaijin freeloaders that are likely to mess up their culture, but you can join other instances and follow misskey users from there.
Blue Archive.
Fucking nice, I will look at it if I have time
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>neglecting students
Enjoy your minrolls
Slot filled.
literal pedo honeypot no one uses this anymore it's 95% bots
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Scat BAD
Pedophilia GOOD
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Do newfags really think anyone cares if you say "child pussy" on here? You'd have to do something REALLY fucked up to get feds to notice you. A shitpost is a non-problem to them.
Go back.
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My princess ofc
Is living in Japan actually shit? wdyt?
>turns on VPN
>switches to Japan
>opens incognito
What are you gonna do now?
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Be Scared.
>it's 95% bots
That's the whole internet today.
yeah, superior taste in scat. funny. but for real. fuck off and die.
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is the wiki admin here? bHoshino's page is a bit annoying to scroll through, for the skillsets/weapon wouldn't it be possible to have 2 tabs, one for Attacker skillset and one for Tanker skillset?
That filters 99% of the western hemisphere, so it's ok.
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based Sensei devoting himself to his student wife and only his student wife!
Why is /bag/ talking about student poop now?
I'll be honest it's a lot less degenerate than unironic faggotry. Everyone takes shits nearly every day, a normal bodily function, but only demon possessed hedonists fuck men asses
You know what's really funny is imagining your grandmother and grandfather as ghosts over your shoulder watching you write posts like this
>the afterlife is so delightful!
>let's go check on our little anon
Ok /bag/ choose : you get raped by this room full of 3dpdemons or have to look at reisascatfag's favorite pics
I tried watching Japanese girls doing lives and dancing and stuff and I cant get it hard to these lkike japs arte 90% of japs are so fucking gugly ugly bros, why is it like this? they have like the eyes popping out their faces like these memes.
Theonly passing asians are literally top tier models + hime cut
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>You get a Momotalk notification.
>It's a message from Wakamo.
>When you open the chat, this image appears:

How would you reply to that?
They hire porn guys anyway
Not if you're self-employed like I said because then you have control over your life and your finances and can enjoy all their culture, good food for fairly cheap, and the safety and security of their daily lives. If you're a regular wageslave like several people I used to know when I lived there, yes, it sucks. Pretty much all they did was complain, drink, and contemplate suicide when not working.
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but i didn't say anything bad about Fuuka.

Seriously though, after watching the cute chibis, Juris momos got recommended, and it was them that convinced me to pick up BA. I'm still pissed to this day, there's practically no other content of her
hmmm, just block them? Self moderation is very encouraged. Aside from artists it has a considerable group of both sides of the political spectrum because they both believe that the whole system is against them.
>or scat
Mika posters can't stop winning
>ESL meme is a waste of bandwidth
Why is this always the case? They should stick to making memes in their own disgusting languages so I don't have to see this garbage. Not Rin btw.
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Huh? But why?
Literally a spark of pyros...
holy shit people are so anal about drinking they have to go on fucking rants just because somone has a beer
>self employed
how dyou would you do go about that anyway
like not like I care but like you would need a visa
you cant just sell sweets in streets to lolis

what w you worked at??
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This but unironically
Is it really 120 pyros per momotalk?
>when did you get those implants
Does work culture there just not show any signs of improving like holy shit do they not see their impact on society
Hope for your sake you are trolling. Either way this is the last (you) you'll get from me.
The monkey really did a number on some posters fetishes huh...
I wanted to breed with a japanese girl but then I realized they have brown nipples
Kasumi poop footjob
wordcount is lower than the retard i replied to
You can always paint them pink
Very hot, shame there is no art of that.
Some girls use nipple pinkener
Some don't
What now?
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...i focused on my life for like two weeks, what happened?
every single mika scatfag mention before was like an urban legend, and now, well, you know.
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She's finally getting put away for her crimes. I can't believe it.
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It's gonna be hot again tomorrow.
Just fuck my life.
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To my sex dungeon
It's been raining for an entire week here and it just snowed in the mountains again. I have it worse.
>for her crimes.
The charges, officer?
not just that but it looks fucking lame
whats the point if it isnt an anime wrap? mods unironically look better
Better make sure you got enough coal for the boiler
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The wildfire smog has kept it cool in my area for the last 2 days. You know what to do.
Ive been thinking about this lately.
All other languages have their own corners of the internet where they congregate. Their own websites, cultures, and even corners of YouTube.
But they all come on the English parts of the internet and use them as their dumping grounds because that's where everyone congregates.
Oldfags know that the internet used to have unspoken etiquette you'd follow. But not anymore.
I'm pretty sure giving the third world access to the internet was one reason why its such ass now.
I wouldn't mind if we had our own spots, but we don't. They have their own corners, but we just have a shared space.
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Damn, pretty based to make a mod that reduces the filler text, though at the same time my autism demands I know what exactly everything a weapon does at times. Basically I don't know what I want I'm a bit retarded.
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she is so erotic
im so hungry
I have around 50k pyro ready for both dhina and shoshino. But I also have 90 points left from the free 100 rolls event going on. Should I dare an get dAko? Excluding the budget for the next two banners I'd have 2 other x10 tickets, the next two free rolls in 1.5h and 11 single recruitment tickets. I'd be ~4.8k pyro out of budget for the next two banners, everything considered
Also brown vaginas and brown anuses.
Fart so hard it creates a gas cloud to cool things down?
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>He doesn't know
It's like skincare for your nipples
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My beautiful student and wife Yuuka.
theres no point in mmoving to japan isn it then you hae to live there in a shoebox all sad then you have children they wont even understand y language mom will take them away
Tire neglect, I understand, but maybe he's just too attached to his car. I know I am with my Volvo 940.
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If you are talking about the saori top right, i haven’t drawn a single wakamo
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I dunno, do you even like D.Ako or Makoto?
Not to mention, D.Aru and D.Kayoko will be after the BlueFes. They are permanent, however.
>attached to his car.
>Tire neglect
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If it's this, then I already know
My point still stands. You schizos go absolutely ballistic whenever someone mentions they drink. Like I'm sorry your dad hit the bottle and then you but not everyone is like that.
Next thread will be better.
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I want to believe in this future
Out of curiosity, how is your Event Point progress by now?
Max 12(24) points per clear on 9-12 is rough. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to farm Ibuki like this. I am averaging 10 ibukilephs per day and by my calculations this won't even be enough for UE30.
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nobody in my family drinks except an uncle, just hate retards pushing their habit because it's socially normalized
no cause I will be in it
I'm gonna switch in vodka the next time you ask me for water
>try it myself
>200 rolls
>only dupes
1.22% 3star rate
Don't even respond to health nuts in the first place.
I've got her already from unrelated banners in the past thankfully
>do you even like D.Ako or Makoto?
If I have to be honest I would rather get Makoto but the metafagging in the bin regarding next events left me dubious
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Did they talk why she is so wide?
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There's nothing funnier than lolifag trying to make their waifus seem attractive and the only thing they achieve is making them look like kids in
suggestive clothes
What lvl are you? Are you refreshing? I maxed like 1 or 2 days ago.
My ibuki is almost ue30 right now. i've been refreshing ap 6x a day though and bought both ap packs. I also saved ap for the first day.
that EOP is pretty bad at translation, as well as storytelling
drinking has been a social practise for thousand of years, when available, we had to drink alcohol as a quick alternative to water. If anything its only become more common because of the availability to cheap fast products
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That post reminds me of the Dutch vegan post on /bag/. Never go full health nut.
eat retard
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So attractive?
>because it's socially normalized
There's way more pearl clutching over alcohol now than there used to be. Especially in public. Used to be no one would balk at you having a beer during lunch but now it's strictly moderated and I've seen people almost get fired for giving his work friends some homemade spiced rum as Christmas gifts.
Hitler did say they are honourary Aryans. Does that mean I can breed a JK like Ichika?
I knew something was wrong with reisafags. Deviancy doesn't just stop.
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D-Don't LOOK! It's embarrassing, Sensei!
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If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to buy a luxury or sports car and turn it into an itasha of my studentwife. Right now I'm partial to either a Nissan GT-R, a Ford Mustang, or a Porsche 911. If I somehow get even richer then I'll aim for a supercar or a Rolls Royce and turn that one into an itasha.
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Love Noa
on the contrary, protestant branches screwed our traditions with pseudo-prude bs, we drank good stuff back then
I need Yuuka pits in my mouth.
I jacked off three times today
Natsu's big stinky log....
>80 second posting time
FINE HERE DRINK THIS SENSEI https://cdn.donmai.us/original/b9/2f/b92f59e49d47b7bd0b2ed42388d89f09.jpg
Hitler wasn't so much of a racist as he was an ethnicist and beyond that he believed in standing up for YOUR OWN people. As far as I'm concerned, the Japanese are my people just as much as if not more than many Americans.
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even if she hasn't shaved in a while?
True, Reisa should be associated with loving Rape(from Dad) and abuse
I jacked off like five + I was high
Ichika pubes
Lv..88, Only PVP refreshes.
Chomping on Natsu's fat logs...
I made myself a banana smoothie some hours ago
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I'm gonna explode on them
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Cozy Himari alt?
Man, that game is ancient now.
As if that would dissuade me.
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By the way, is Cheerleader Kotori good? Got her from free pulls

what does she eat?
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>past hundreds of years: casual, ritual and social use of alcohol and tobacco
>things were happy
>modern day: substance use nazis but except for weed and vaping
>everyone is an obnoxious pos and society is going down the drain
makes you think
Good lord the nostalgia on this eroge and the fucking shock when I accidentally did that
>sex with attentionwhores undeserving of my attention
>look at what I've had to deal with for a few years thanks to local scatposters
easiest choice of my life
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your waifu could never be this adorable and extremely erotic at the same time
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Jujutsu Kaisen is peak bros
Shiggy is pure sex. Her theme is also great.
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Good for sex.
>Nissan GT-R
Fantastic taste. For me personally it's the 2002 Skyline GT-R.
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I was doing Curtain Call but Hina just wont move. No, my phone is working fine, but foe whatever reason Hina just doesn't move. I tried the fast travel menu, opening the keyword menu, all of that works, but Hina just wont move.
Fuckkkkkk !!!!!

ANyone know if there's anything I'm doing wrong? I tried replaying the other acts but Hina just wont move
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why do most yuuka fanart posted here seem incredibly horny or sexual?
Prof Niyaniya is growing on me bros
Surprisingly little art of Wakamo in smaller bikinis. The downside of having an official design, I suppose.
(((christucks))) not even once, it will always lead to protestant-tier garbage anyways
That is just me but genderbent.
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You could always try an emulator I guess
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I like em when they arch themselves making the rolls appear. Left is fake representation
Its going to be four hours of people cursing arona for their minrolls
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What do you mean, it's at least 50% 100kg jokes.
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Haven't had caffeine in months and I'd rather keep it that way.
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I would prefer you, Yuuka, but thank you.
>*sips coffee*
Thanks Yuuka but it's too late in the day for caffeine, I'll save it for tomorrow.
>make them look like brats
that right there is already hot by default
>suggestive clothes
this may be better or worse depending on the clothes and the character
should I spend 60 dollars on Pakeji /bag/? Maybe it will increase my D.Hina luck.
It's not an input thing, I think. Hina is just standing there...doing nothing...
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Feed the Migga!
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Quality burger hours I see.
I save my final judgment for how Sukuna Kaisen concludes.
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yes saar, buy pakeji now
Planning my rolls is more fun than whaling plus it's free.
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nice shoes bozo
Who are the seven sins personified in BA if Natsu is Gluttony. Wakamo is obviously lust.
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Izuna would win against Sukuna
I, Sensei, have won against the professor
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>ako image that isn't a gookako or sechiako
>unintended newline
This has to be one of the worst posts in /bag/.
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A fine addition to my collection
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Yes. Arona will give you more purples if you buy the pakeji.

Remember, Mutsuki thread is next
why am i black?
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Please Oracles of Ero enlighten me with this game's name
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Final 20 roll in 1 hour
Post your warface
Why are my hands black?
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Party time?
Hands too dark. I can't self-insert. Should be paler than the girl.
You will always be someone's else nigger
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Some Senseis are black
How would Swimsuit Hoshino and Battle Hoshino in tank configuration compare?

I was fixing to spark S. Hoshino as she seems highly recommended to pull but should I hold out for battle instead?
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>hits her
>then hugs her profiting off her vulnerability
That's me actually. Sorry about that.
Why am I french?
Am I really the only mfer that has encountered this bug?
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Many candidates for Sloth
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Did xir come back?
Mika poster number 328 reporting for duty!
Yes I just woke up for this.
Reminder Saori owes me sex
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Some more than others
paws off, dj bob
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L2d chart updated.
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just nutted

>they can't self insert because no sunless sickpale skin
skill issue
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Have you tried turning it on and off again?
To what?
For me it's Hanae.
She totally knows what sex is.
Bath with Purin-chan, something like that. It's early 2010s. While we're on the topic on jank eroge, I also recommend Forest of Blue Skin and H2[LiVE]. H2[LiVE] is really something else. Looks like a voyeur nukige, but you eventually buy the demon-seeing camera lens and the whole thing becomes horror and trying to squish the supernatural entities infesting the girl's house. Also, there's a huge secret lab under her desk. Have fun.
Give me the new banner ratings or I'm going to Kyoani the /bag/ headquarters. The sheet hasn't been updated since 2013 I'm gonna lose it
>Mutsuki had an entirely unique song from the get-go.
Dev favoritism clearly
Word up
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It's summer go to the fucking beach already to get a tan

I've gotten 4 sunburns this month alone
>tfw actually black
i'm not telling you. stay away from my penis
Yeah, both the phone and the game. It was fine yesterday, but now Hina just wont move.
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
You are not ready for an aggressive Nonomi
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From the same artist
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God I want to fuck Himari so much
Running with Rifles Blue Archive mod when
Tsurugi's, Terraria doesn't have enough shotguns.
>jealous and seething about an anonymous poster summarizing text
Normal, non faggot people would just point out any potential mistakes. It's not as if there's anything on the line. Not even ego
thanks marina!
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>I can't self-insert
Skill issue. Spics have been self insert as an asian superman fighting a racist lizard for over 2 decades.
I might not be ready but my dick will cum regardless of my mental state
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Holy shit half the thread just got deleted.
Does kokopussy smells good?
Why are you fags focusing on the dude's skin color instead of shitting on the anon going ushfbdkebrbrudhe
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Only 40 more minutes bros.
Today is the day I get a Makoto from the free rolls?
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Which of these students wears the Mom's Touch outfit the best?
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Hoshino musky arm pits.
>Ldplayer shit itself and keep kick me out of any game
let's do a quicky together who can RP?
Do you have a problem with unintelligible gibberish?
Spics have been self inserting as a screaming monkey man, I don't see your point
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This thread being like this on a Sunday means we should kill all employed p*ople or jobbers as I like to call them.
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dunno how chinchilas smell like but djungarian hamsters have a pleasant body odor
Fuck you frieza
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it's time
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We warned you.
Himari is very cute and for cuddling only.
So does Tsurugi and Muhmoi.
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Reisa thread next
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The twins look a little different today.
it's mutsuki's birthday...
>Na na natsu
>it's not Natsu

what the fuck
Yeah she's made for soles rape because she can't run away. Literally wife material. Unsoiled cute soles because she's a cripple
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I regret clicking that link
Why are they so much uglier?
It's Mitsuki's anni, you tard.
7 mutsukis
who cares
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>what, I don't see the problOH MY GOODNESS
Based anon delivers, thanks
bros wtf, im scared
lmao I already have everything type out the moment we hit 749 I'm pressing enter
Hoshi's thing was patched in in a rush, and I'm not a huge fan of it either, but tabs don't work that great for mobile users and can be confuding when they are this huge, too. I'm thinking about what to do with it.
Hinafags, explain yourselves.
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Then bake the next thread, also copypaste the OP from the deleted thread since that was updated
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Do you consider the final version of Shuro to be the best one?
I found junker's meal ticket in the prison
Making a thread at 748
lol just make a thread now
based, Mutsuki deserved that and more
wtf bad chise was real
Hmmm nyo
You are weak
You made me click out of curiosity.
Why did you do it.
First half was okay, I'll ignore the rest.
No matter how many times I come across it I will always be disgusted.
haha poopoo
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Alcohol is man's best friend. It has been with us as long as the earliest vestiges of civilization. And when all these silly social conventions fade away like the fads they are, alcohol will remain.
no, default shuro is superior in every way
I desire more, too few draw this.
i don't like alcohol
The length on that second one got me going a bit
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maybe horns would have been better
whats this
What is a child doing here
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>all these deleted posts
every weekend, a gift
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I unironically quoted this shit when I was drinking 16 beers a week.
I'm glad I stopped 2 years ago, fuck alcohol.
>16 beers a week
that must have been terrible for you
>16 beers a week
>2-3 beers a day
I mean the calories will kill you before the alcohol content
I am currently drinking six cokes a day. Maybe I should stop.
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>but tabs don't work that great for mobile users
really? is that still the case? I thought that stopped being an issue a while ago
even opening it on my phone the "Background" tab works pretty nicely
shotgun roulette
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i've never forgotten about kisaki
Okay, I might have colorized that for dramatic effect.
It was usually 9-10, but I remember one time when I drank 16 in one go because I was very sad.
You should drink water.
>six cokes a day
That is unironically what killed my mom
She glued herself to the couch and drank half a pack of mountain dew every day. Soda will kill you faster in more gruesome ways than whiskey will
You're right, but I need to invest in a proper water bottle that I can keep at my desk. Too easy to just rummage in the fridge for a can.
I see, I better try to stop then.
I mean, once you're in position where tab panel is bigger than viewport, user is basically lost and has no immediate idea he's looking at a tab. It's awkward.
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Thank you!
Why am I getting a 504 error?
You don't need to.
I remember when I was getting two six-packs of water, and then I just put them in my room.
They lasted me 4-6 days, and when they ran out, I just bought more and took them home without a car so I could get an extra workout.
Now I get crates of glass water and put them on a small cart so I can pull them back home from the store.

I don't drink tap water because my water is just ultra hard whenever I switch apartments, and I can see the water being foggy.

Blue archive
Go to the /vmg/ thread and ask there. He seems to also lurk there, and since that thread is dead your post is going to be easy to find
BA girl poop must smell fragrant (or at least if you have a halo)
fair enough
I do think right now it's more confusing on mobile, the tables are big enough so it's easy to get lost on which skillset you're looking at, I thought tabs would be better but I guess not
Hm, I will try that next time I'm at the store then, thanks anon. Hopefully it kicks the habit eventually
Your browser is trying to save you.
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Portmanteau of anon and tranny.
But that's a fox.

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