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Previous: >>488036141

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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ibuki loses to bicorns
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What's his class?
Bros, this event story is mostly just not really that great...
Grand Ruler.
Finally, a Vitch for another terrible class. Now she just needs a moon cancer
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It was better than last year's at least
Kiara is way way better than Musashi
Had both at np2 for the longest time and there are a lot of nodes that's Musashi simply could not loop while Kiara could
In fact I never understood the whole "Musashi vs Ishtar" summer Kiara was always the second best neutral looper in the game until summer kama happened
Looping with sashi on zerkers or assassin's was just you praying she did not get stuck at 98%
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It's one of the weakest summer events we've had.
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why'd did none of my alter bros tell me kino was complete?
Which one would get the front seat and which the back, sisters?
I don't even know if I can even agree with that. This one is just so fucking padded out and the only good comedy happened early on in the first couple of areas.
Because back then, 3/3/x nodes were still the norm and musashi is already controversial as a character so she's the perfect bait. The moment you get non 3/3/x nodes, musashi straight up vanished. Shitposters can try (and they did), but charglet sashi just ain't cutting it.
going to make chicken tendies and tater tots and drink 5 beers to be sad about douman not coming after grinding 30 more sq from rankups
The start of the event was very funny and the Heian segment with sei and Douman was a good laugh
Purin was also very based for shitalling pretty much everyone from telling Erics her attractions sucked to saying that raikou is dumb in front of everyone
But she kind of disappeared from the story after those segments and the other characters are just not interesting at all
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sorry, I'm only interested in autistic men
It's time to hand over your daily semen tithe
I just decided from the start to not read any of it because I knew I wasn't gonna like it.
Musashi way outdamages Spishtar, Kama, and Kiara even before her np upgrade.

Summer Kiara has neither the damage of Musashi not the flexibility of Space Ishtar. Her niche is having pretty good wave 3 damage at the cost of wave 1 and 2 damage but summer kama is way better at that than her.
It was not only ahitposters tho
Every gameplay page and YouTuber was forcing some weird Musashi vs Ishtar war
I was just baffled at how much better Kiara was while all the fameplayfags left theyr sq on summer sashi
What is happening to Kuro here?
two big reasons why musashi is the best AoE arts servant
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>not autistic
milk it out yourself
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give me that SQ
Bro summer Kiara has the biggest damage on wave 3 of all loopers
That's like the thing that sets her appart from everyone else
If anything her biggest issue is that she is really weak at np1 because her wave 1 and 2 dmg is very low
Hello sis. Are free next friday?
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Yeah, proto merlin was a big winner with me too. I liked her a lot more than I was expecting.
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/ourgirl/ is the best. Simple as.
I don't even care about the power wanking, every scene with Ibuki felt like pulling teeth.
I'm so fucking glad she is dead and buried
This way I can still fap to her while not having her ruin the story
Best of both worlds
Useless slut only good for porn, know your place
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Kama trades like 5% worse wave 3 damage for far better wave 1 and 2 damage, refund, and a bigger battery. There's no good use case for summer Kiara.
sure, post your grails so I'll know if we're compatible
>yet another compatibility test
you girls suck
Maybe the Fate/GO was the friends we made along the way
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You have been surpassed old lady
What's Gogh tummy taste like?
Somebody post THAT
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>There's no good use case for summer Kiara.
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the day of the lipstick comes
Kama does way less dmg than Kiara on wave 3, it's not just 5% and charm can fail while Kiara puts up multiple debuffs
Obviously kama is better but my point was that at the time Kiara was better than Musashi who simply had no np charge
Anyways I can do the 90+ node with my summer Kiara right now so I still don't see the point on rolling for more arts loopers
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Nah, nasu ruined that ascension
Actually the last Wada servant to get a swimsuit was Summer 2020 so it could very well be this.
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>Summer Sashi above Spish and SKama
Japs get it
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>I can do the 90+ node with my summer Kiara
Lmao np2 summer Kiara is not 6CEing the 90+
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breasts aren't important for looping performance
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whose your 6 star UR bro
magical energy is stored in the breasts, pregnancy increases magical capacity.
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Why is Morgan (can't kill hands) in the same tier as poogod and ibuki?
Because 90++ content doesn't have any hands
hey I jack off to this guy's vids all the time
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Summer Kama does almost the same way 3 damage and if you account for overcharge with Castoria her damage ceiling is higher
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Reminder that 1st ascension spicstar is only 10 years old physically
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I'm not even using Oberon
I banish a Koyanskaya of LIGHT and a Koyanskaya of DARK from my GY, to Special Summon Koyanskaya of CHAOS from my hand!
>damage bonus
Doesn't count
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Give me a good reason.
Actually, two reasons. You know the two.
THOUGHT KEYS ACTIVATE! You've activated my trap egg!
That's from the event, she has no dmg ce
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I don't want to remember that shitty interlude
yeah and without the event bonus she wouldn't clear the wave 2 mob
Including mine I've seen:

4 Thrud
3 Ortlinde
1 Lindr
1 Olrun
1 Hildr
0 Gierskogul
why does she have a bulge
chat is this real?
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>caren same tier as voyager
i'm done with the slander
put some respect on the boy
That one Rindr must be me bro.
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Universal arts loopers compared.

Summer Kiara needed a command spell to loop without taking a hit to her wave 3 damage.
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this post can only be referencing the image corresponding to
after deducing that this post came after an arrogant ibuki goblin post
The point is she is 6ceing the node do not move the goalpost
But I will tell you a secret tho

She does not clear without np 5 merlina to give her exactly 10% charge both in wave 2 and 3
And no Oberon does not work because then you dont have dmg for wave 2
>Using s Kiara second skill on turn 1 for doors
Bro what the fuck are you doing
grinding visitor points SUCKS
>two low attack mostly neutral damage class AoE quick servants that get 20 charge without trying each wave and 50 direct charge
Voyager has anti-sky and she has anti-chaotic, but they aren't exactly the most different servants out there
Cummer booba
I ended up using apples, and finished in like 1 sit, it's not hard, then again I had to get rid of teacups for bond and the 90++ is great for it so yeah
Not true but now I want to see Ibuki taking horse cock, thanks.
most disingenuous attempt at comparing loopers
and thats as a musashi fan
>Nite Brite
>Heaven Enemy
>weak vs Man
Yeah no way fuckwit
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>XX & Castoria
stop anon, my heart can only take so much.
Aww yeah
Sorry I do not fap to her I love her way too much for that
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Aescuse you!
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She's coming back!
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Scans doko? please
Does Ibuki do more neutral damage at np1 than Jeanne at np2?
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reduce the damage by 10% in your head it's not even hard
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Oberonbro where are you...
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Rani love
I got her /bag/
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Rani VIII sex
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, /bag/ is two threads down
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post fc
Yeah way more
Is this AI?
>need to pop S2 before S3
>popped MC buff wave 2
post 3rd wave np damage
No, this is Patrick.
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Hopefully Terror Shiroko didn't take Ogura's time too much from Lip this Summer
How could you even make a summer lip she looks ridiculous. Big goofy hands in the way of everything
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you are not my bro. You are a tourist rat.
i love this type of autism
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you can't
They can just do what they did with Summer Melt. Make the prosthetics normal sized.
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I hope JP gets Violet this year so there's even less of a chance of Lip getting a swimsuit next year.
Her tits would be normal sized too
Mini Mom swimsuit when.
and Kazuradrop too.
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about to start traum what should I expect
Bro it's summer Kiara
Her turn 3 dmg is really dumb
Next year
Gay sex
even more gay sex
its ok until the end
the very end is actually fantastic
everything up to that is ok, not lb6 levels, maybe not tunguska level
Hey /alter/ I'm in the woods. You should come into the woods too. Come into the woods bros I'm waiting for you. It will be fun come into the woods. Come into the woods /alter/. Come into the woods. Come into the woods. Come into the woods. The woods. The woods. The woods...
Kadoc gay sex
A lot of gay sex and it's kidna lame until the end
You know who else has wood? Woodwose...
maybe you meant 90++?
most arts loopers can swing 90+
gratuitous amounts of gay sex and a pretty forgettable cast
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Shut up skin walker. We know what you're up to.
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u can't trick me into going outside
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why wood i do that
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why wood i do that
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Sounds great. Running directly to the tree line now
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found the skinwalker
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>semen tithe
Her friends call her Altera but you can call her semen time!
Ericeanon welcome back
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Oh, fuck that says semen "tithe" not time.
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Your 9th anniversary servant
God I hope so
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Are you that weird shadow of a guy I see waving at me way back at the tree lines? Do you want me to go say hi or something maybe I should go.
will she force non-consensual smoking on me?
>Salome being underutilized and poorly written
>Pope Joan constantly fellating Constantine
>Siegfried wank
>Moriarty being young and getting clowned on for it (hence the makeup)
>The Holmes reveal being retarded and just being an excuse to remove him the story altogether with zero follow-up
>the very brief interactions between the faceless servants being the only good part
There. Now you don't need to bother reading any of it.
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Her friends call her Jannu, but you can call her semen tithe!
what is she going to do? job and run away?
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bro you are not a fae, right?
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>now have 2 MLB Barg CEs
Feels good man.
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Here you go. It's a 7 part set, I just edited this one to have the impreg in it.
mlb of an event CE, especially a splitstat one that has no use, is worthless if they arent level 100
imo, cranking, traces, and ocean flier for the three colors, these are worth going to level 100 regardless
any other is out of love for the art
Not BBA enough
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Does this look like a jobber to you?
Hey /alter/ I'm in the woods now too. You should come into the woods too. Come into the woods both us are waiting for your bros. It's fun in woods right now with the two of us. The woods...
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She looks like the kind of sicko who does mana transfers with half dead witches
>RPing being abducted in the woods
theres a reason people are leaving
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>theres a reason people are leaving
Well cities are better then woods
You mean that Sakura CE from Karnamas
Imagine the smell
AI spam and daily melties over kama?
Weird, I'd like to do that too
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Does anyone have that story ranking japs did for main stories and events? The one showing all Sakurai at the bottom and Nasu and other writers at the top
the one where somehow shimousa was still top 10 despite being years since it happened?
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It doesn't count
>Sakurai at the bottom
Nips like Sakurai bro
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Will you summon tonight?
Alice is so kissable
AI spam might make me stop coming
i hope someone posts it
i'm saving for tezca
I would like to roll for more seizerker copies but I'm still in save mode.
10th place isn't really much of an achievement in a game with 25 story chapters. It's like completely middle of the road. All of Japan could agree that it was a 5/10 and it could still have that 10th place because most of the story chapters are just not very good.
the hell is cranking?
>he doesn't fantasize about being drugged, kidnapped, and raped by an obsessed stalker who keeps you imprisoned in their cabin basement until your mind starts to crumble and you fall in love with them
i'm saving for draco
Only 3 more days until Anniversary. It's weird for them to do it in the middle of the Summer event but I'm excited to finally be able to roll for Arc.
tempted to roll Okitan's rate up for Ana
is she better than welfare kuro?
I don't want to get spooked by either Caenis or Charlotte
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This was the uhhh anni 7 results for the Japs
Yes. Is it tonight?
important question: in this scenario of yours, is the stalker attractive?
Okita yes, Kama is not for another three days
He's a masked man so how he looks doesn't matter
Cranking my hog lmao gottem
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Wait I for the 8th anni one
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The most recent one
>split stats
>not only split stats but a HP focused split
With enough NP levels yeah probably
Alright, now post yours.
>Check on the fandom outside of here
>Even with Ibuki written full waifu mode with Kintoki not being mentioned at all, and being obsessed with only you all event, twitterfags are still mostly just pairing her only with Kintoki
Its always somehow how even when Sakurai tries their hardest to write a waifu character they fail. Because they never realize the golden rule; you can't have someone obsessed about another man and then suddenly try to shift them to waifu mode later on, it never works out. A glass of water with a single drop of poison is still a glass of poison, they will still only ever ship her with the other character they mentioned once
Even Castoria is forever shipped with Muramasa because of retarded twitterfags thinking that "well they're basically shirou and saber" no matter what Nasu does, so Nasu eventually just started going along with it more in summer8.
LB6 is so overrated
Bros, I'm getting close to thinking thoughts. Please give me a video to watch to avoid it.
Is the Draco event that good?
We get it sakurai, you're upset your chapters aren't on top
No it's not
ideally, I don't know because they keep me blindfolded 24/7 as to make sure I have no idea what they look like so even if I were to escape I wouldn't be able to report them to the authorities and would constantly be paranoid of every stranger
so true sister I love lb2
sorry its the translation of the jp name of it
in NA its First Day of Filming, from the super bunyan event
Not him but postan anyway
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It's total fucking garbage. I really have to wonder if people here are baiting when they say it's good because the writing throughout the entire singularity was so piss poor that no one could say it was even halfway decent in good faith. The entire singularity exists solely to wank Siegfried/Kriemhild, Konstantinos/Johanna and especially Sherlock/Moriarty but not a single one of them is well written.

The most offensive by far is Moriarty and Sherlock because the former does nothing of interest the entire singularity but monologue about how Sherlock's defeat is guaranteed, and then when you finally face him, the execution is horrifically bad despite being relevant to the overarching plot (sans Moriarty). It's the most anticlimactic and uninteresting sendoff and it feels like it would have been improved hundredfold if it was written as a major arc in a Lostbelt rather than shoved into a brief section of the singularity because Takeuchi is a fucking retard and wanted to jerk off to Moriarty (Young) so he demanded it be done sooner rather than when it was intended.
Not trying to downplay you or the likes, but does the 1k ATK loss actually matters in practice? I thought the 15% NP damage was more than enough to make up for it
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Man this boss has collective really called out how bad the ff14 playerbase is considering it's not hard.
I'm not baiting when I say it was the best quality story of the entire game.
Cranking deez nuts hahaha gott em!
Olympus got kicked out kek
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Alright bro, I'm here. Where are you?
Just like how Musashi got kicked out of existence
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Probably, still deserves 1st place
Roma ruined it
i have so many questions
The best part was don, old Moriarty calling his younger self a retard and they very end just for giving me almo context. Rest was pretty fucking shit.
This just makes me remember when /a/ was good, more than a decade and a half ago. It hurts to go there nowadays, it's a wasteland that is indistinguishable from the anime forums they used to shit on.
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Gag characters are the strongest race
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They just love EXTRA bro, just wait for an event with OG saber and shirou (true) and it will be number 1
yeah i haven't gone outside of /vg/ generals in a decade, 4chan isn't 4chan anymore
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I honestly totally forgot about annotations. It's crazy how many good features youtube has lost that were too hard to moderate.
No way was Shimousa higher than any other not on the list, it's just Jap wanking it because it has Samurais
1k extra atk is about ~8% for an average SSR (assuming 13k atk with 1k fous), but quick needs NP gain more than it does a bit of damage which is why Traces is better. That was before summer Skadi though, maybe it's a different with her.
It's still fine when more obsuce series release, comfy threads but for the most part yeah it's a dumpster
I love how 4/10 of the most liked events are all GUDAGUDA.
Such as?
Nips gonna like anything nips, and even then it's only ranked 9th when it should've been higher because of the jap wanks
a map to your location so we can hang out, BRO.
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Should've been Roma possessing Nero's body instead of Caligula
3 Erices...
Ontario, Canada.

You're asking why you would go camping with your bros and watch anime under the stairs? Because it's fun. We had a mahjong set too for the people that couldn't fall asleep.
>no new
Maybe more....
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Where are you bro, I can't find you.
I'm so glad someone preserved this classic
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>Nero number 5
Great idea!
Most places are kinda just /pol/ light with some twitter screencaps and people posting political stuff into everything
holy shit you play mahjong? i haven't played since jrm died
pon pon riichi taiyao +100 !!!!!!!!!
>shells next month
Oh thank you lord. Thank you jesus
Bro you don't see that on the far left...
Sounds awful
It wasn't good, but it was fun, so I enjoyed it at least somewhat. Don Quixote and Charlemagne carried it.
Bro? Your grailed Parvati?
I'm more of an italian spider-man guy
There's been an assload of /a/ sings since and most of them have been soulless and lacking in either skill or comedy.
It's funny because I think I actually need nuts more than I need shells and it used to be the opposite for me
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Reading this just proves that Traum is a victim of not being written by Nasu, and thus readers won't even give it's themes the time of day.
I just don't like her that much. Maybe when I'm done with other projects
This one too
Not bad, I would like to submit one friend request application.
ʰᵉʳᵉ ʷᵉ ᵍᵒ ʰᵘnᵗᵉʳᶜʰᵃᵈˢ
Fo Sho
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There's a path...
it peaked at rainbow girl
Don Quixote for sure, Charlemagne not really. He was mildly interesting when he was pretending not to be Charlemagne but as soon as the guise came off, it stopped being fun in any way.

>roused by Don Quixote to reveal himself
>NPs Konstantinos and forces him to retreat
>oh btw I'm gonna disappear in 48 hours, I can probably only use my NP 2 more times
Then they shove Siegried your way too because why not.
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Of course soft seinen fans would have such soft voices
Why, at least he didn't overstay his welcome.
He didn't need yet another special CGs to justify his sacrifice.
The story didn't even make you to weep for him either.
>Jan 2019
No... it's funnier since it only got 10 chapters since them fucking lmao
Kinda related but i really HATE that we only have 1 Extra slot, i have lots of wives i wanna put on there, not my fault all of them are extra
No, it's a victim of being boring as sin and written like shit. Young Moriarty is completely pointless except to reveal Sherlock was the disciple of the Foreign God all along and that would have gotten done anyways without Takeuchi meddling to have it happen sooner.
I think it's mainly just women who like the chapter because of all the pairings. Overall it's really forgettable
I can't imagine they haven't thought about splitting extra in two. They do it for GSSRs and shit all the time
>oh btw I'm gonna disappear in 48 hours, I can probably only use my NP 2 more times
is there supposed to be something wrong with this?
Fluffy Kama...
No, part of what made Charlemagne enjoyable was the way he encouraged Don Quixote to be heroic. He was a really fun hype man. Sort of like Kamina in Gurren Lagann, you know.
wait, what did I miss about this Takeuchi being a fan of young Moriarty?
Same. Alter ego, foreigner, pretender, ruler, avenger, moon cancer, beast. I think we deserve at least one more extra slot at this point.
The difference between the two is that Kamina actually does shit so his word carries weight
Charlemagne wasn't the catalyst for that, Quixote did it of his own accord. After that, yeah, because Charlemagne affirmed his role as a knight but you discredit Quixote's own bravery if you say it like that.
You know it's grim when Oberon posters are telling the truth.
>written like shit
By that do you mean writing style? Because in that department, it's far beyond most of FGO. It actually deviates from using characters and dialogue as the only means of giving information to the reader, and it does so successfully. The Siegfried vs. Tametomo fight was my favorite example of this.
I want to make out with Gogh...
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I will post mine then too
Just give us a second all slot.
>Charlie shows up to win the most pivotal battle and lead the final attack
>doesn't do anything
okay our ideas of not doing anything are very different
Some interview or whatever where Nasu said the idea was just brought up as a whim by Takeuchi one day and the character wasn't planned on at all. Or at least that's what was posted here
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Being completely serious where on earth did you come up with young Moriarty being takeuchi. Is there an interview or something where takeuchi says he mandated it as the king of type (true). I've never seen him directly connected to the writing on anything in this game. So where is this coming from?
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Who the fuck
They did for the fucking class score but somehow never thought to do it for supports
Right? They already have it with the sort function, Extra 1 and Extra 2
if they change it so rider isn't in the center anymore I will be mad
two all slots and two extra slots or nothing
Sure. Sorry for the late reply
Obviously not, you fucking nigger.
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Funny Kama...
Overall it was pretty fresh since it deals with a big conflict (armies vs armies) instead of individual battles, which is neat.
The Moriarty vs. Holmes was awfully tacked on, but I still enjoyed some of young Moriarty's shitposting like his segments with Kadoc. And I'm sorry to his fans, but Charlie felt too tacked on, like they realized that it was too late for an Extella Link collab and decided to just add him there. He is barely present in the singularity despite being wanked a lot as the father of evropa and strongest servant ever. I was hoping for something with his 3rd ascension being in the story but it never happened.
>Win the most pivotal battle
*Turns it into a draw with a flashy light show
He can't even put down Constantine. It takes the big mech archer to do that
>S.Ibuki SS
>S.Melu S
WTF bros, you said Melu was better?!
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Anon, why was Constantine retreating to be hit by that arrow?
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Summer Kiara's probably the fourth best Arts looper in FGO now with Melusine in the game? There are obviously better options than her, including Summer Ibuki, but they all do roughly the same job as each other. So if you already have one, there's really no reason to roll the other unless they're Bond 15. My Kiara is Bond 11 at the moment. Once Buster and now Quick (again) have options for farming, you aren't as constrained to only using Arts.
no one said that
also, both melus are on A+
>leaving her on read for that long
You fumbled it bro
I agree that both were tacked on but if we're talking tacked on, Tametomo is by far the most tacked on and worthless fucking addition to the singularity by far.

>put him into the event where he feels appropriate
>then immediately include him in the singularity that follows as well because uh... uhhhhh we need an artillery servant and uh...
Same for Konstantinos, the glasses event with him already made him out to seem like a total faggot and this singularity didn't do him any favors.
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>Takeuchi has become the boss in this image
> He is barely present in the singularity despite being wanked a lot as the father of evropa and strongest servant ever.
He's around to play exactly the sort of role expected of him and is present for over a third of it. He already had an entire game's story in Extella Link. Why do you want him to be the most important boy ever in it? Everyone in Traum got a good moment. Literally everyone. The whole spotlight was shared across the entire cast without anyone actually getting jerked off obnoxiously harder than anyone else.
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You realize this is like saying the guy who set up a roadblock is responsible for the death of a person who gets mowed down by the drunk driver because he had to take a different route
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this place is boring
Oh that's for sure, but I don't really treat him as a character as much as just a ballista that happened to speak a couple of lines. You got the order wrong though, Tametomo was first teased in Traum and then released during the dog event afterwards.
It's not like saying that at all. What a stupid analogy.
I am saying that
Seems like takeuchi wanted otome bait sell and higashide fucked up the delivery since it was stupid idea in the first place
Retarded youtubers say that all the time.
>Ptolemy S
Why? I thought his gimmick was the same like Melusine, but somehow she's ranked A on that chart
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You realize not wiping out Charlemagne's forces was an enormous blow when they dedicated literally everything to the attack? He shifted the entire tide of events from "certain defeat" to "victory and routing the enemy's forces." Your analogy is fucking nuts.
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Kama Kama Fun!
Sounds reasonable
>put him into the event where he feels appropriate
>then immediately include him in the singularity that follows as well because uh... uhhhhh we need an artillery servant and uh...
you fucking retard
When does Summer Kama's rateup happen? Tomorrow?
Datamine says 3 days
Ptolemaios can switch back and forth between ST and AOE instead of being a one way transformation
That's literally it
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31 de julio hermano
>Victory and routing
Constantine's forces were still intact. Their loss had far more to do with Kriem kicking them while they were wounded
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Ibuki love!
anda a acostarte jack
Kriem didn't cause them to retreat. The fight swinging so heavily in favour of the Righteous Realm did, speedreader-kun. That's the victory and routing.
The fact Charlie's forces didn't finish the job makes it a draw. It only retroactively became a victory because of Kriem's forces speedreader-kun
>enemy attacks your position
>leaves because you beat the shit out of them
>I-i-it was a DRAW!
That's called losing the battle anon. Not the war, the battle.
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>You beat the shit out of them
This didn't happen btw
Charlie simply spooked Constantine into pulling out. Please read the chapter you're discussing before posting about it.
Traum is just Heian-kyo for westerners audiances
erotic child/10
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would Jack make for a good daughterwife?
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You can't say that anon
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Would you let your daughterwife/onahole dress like this?
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Hey, I can respect people not liking Traum, but putting it on the same level as Heian Kyo is uncalled for.
post it
He can switch back and forth and he has a better kit and he can aoe arts loop
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Also has way better art
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Redrop Summer
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Cute Hags spotted
Nasu will freak!
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Very cute and sexy Kama GF
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Watch out, someone is out there killing my abby friends
DANGEROUS not talking about the Nurse
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Lip love!
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its ok bro i will be fine because im the one doing it, abbi is for me only
Who's that wearing Liz's idol costume?
Huyan "Homete" Zhao
I would burry my dick so deep inside kama
Chinese Donkey girl
all the new ones need to be translated reee
Thanks, she's off the radar of us EOP community huh
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>viva la vida starts playing
I wonder how many other servantbros have rivalries with each other over who loves them the most
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Okay then in general, the only major plot point that totally breaks away from the main thematic thread connecting the entire story (Freudian death drive) is the whole Young Moriarty and Holmes thing, which I admit feels tacked on. The rest is, by all counts, very focused and well written.
It looks like Redrop drew the whole thing then drew kama on top of it for no reason. She's in the way, blocking helldyste and serenity and the staff of Wyvenger and whoever that is behind her SURVAFES book with the long hair that i'm thinking could be merlin or solomon.

Would have been better if she was like 1/2 the size and not covering up tons of stuff.
I like how this guy is jut m-dastarou light
>the only part that has any lasting relevance to the rest of the story and is the farewell to a beloved character is tacked on and poorly written
Feels good as the unrivaled strongest (my favorite)bro
Who is that in the bottom right with the shoes that she's covering?
Some people are too powerful to be rivaled with certain servants through their powerful autism
melt's son
Tldr me on the cq
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im yet to meet one who can outsmart bullet
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This stretch is pretty weird
>GudaGuda, which is always going to be gudaguda
Then you just have a long splash of not a lot.
>Halloween (donkey girl event)
>Morganfest (Britomart, the porn elf)
>Nothing till new years and Kotomine
This next period is pretty much a dead zone. At least donkey girl is more memorable then the 4 star she released with.
use double gogh
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Is anyone else sad that this will be our last Liz Halloween? I was really, really hoping we would get more but Nasu has forsaken our girl...
More times to save till anni and summer, also the two beasts ig
Just shot yourself with small bullets and go bigger little by little, is THAT easy
Thank god
Kill yourself normalfagnigger.
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Ruler Liz will be this year
>Is anyone else sad that this will be our last Liz Halloween?
This is going to be one of those servants I never remember the name of, like sassy shin. he was literally in this summer event and I still don't know his name.
holy based almighty
kys tryhard
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Oh my god who the hell cares?
Is Summer Kama good? I want to summon her.
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Liz... Love...
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I'll be.
Nasu will bring Liz back!
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the memories I have of Liz will forever live in my heart...
my summer kiara is bond 13. I've basically exclusively used her for farming since her debut, and she's been pretty effective for me. never felt the need to get spishtar or summer Kama (nor summer melu when she comes next year).

I did decide to roll for summer ibuki, but I'll probably still use kiara on any nodes I can get away with using her on. even when she's bond 15, she'll still have the niche of being a really good last man standing servant over other arts loopers. her bond ce having a full guts that stacks with her skill means she basically has a full break bar on top of her already high survivability from her base kit.
She's basically a second space ishtar in terms of what she does and hwo she performs
Evil trio
Someone explain to me the process of looping with Summer Kiara. What skills of hers do you use? When do you use them? Do you just start with the usual Castoria Arts buffs?
Jalter = cringe
Most based FGO player
NP5 120
You mean NP6, right? You wouldn’t want to be on the dirty red list
Based and same. I'm saving the ring for Touko.
unsold sellers account
Post that list if you're so cocky.
>Alice's first kiss was stolen by Touko
No... Sono-g sisters.....
You want her second append maxed. You then use both Castoria's attack buffs and only one of their NP gain buffs. Kiara should get 79% or above refund from the second wave which is enough to loop again with the second Castoria's NP gain buff. Kiara should then get 70% charge on the last wave so you can pop her damage skill first for maximum damage and then her 30% charge.
This sounds like total garbage compared to Ibuki and the other loopers. You don't even need their appends.
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>Is anyone else sad that this will be our last Liz Halloween? I was really, really hoping we would get more but Nasu has forsaken our girl...
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Buu buu desu wa, cry about it, lippa.
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CQ was a tad too easy. I actually had to go back and do a no damage CE run just for a challenge. My first run with Gil was quick.
>Liz turds
Just need bobkeks and we've got the new Axis of Evil in our general.
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I'm suprised they didn't keep going until there was an Elizabeth Bathory of every class.
>Archer Cupid Liz who will steal your heart with her cute idol songs
>Assassin Broadway Socialite Liz who will seduce anyone who lays eyes on her
>Ruler Big Business Liz
>Foreigner Western Pop Star Liz who is trying to make it in the Japanese idol industry
>Avenger Liz who HAD HER EVENT CANCELLED (full arc of zombies-Simpsons and learning to let go; Liz retires and coaches new idols in future events)
>Just get 79% refund on a servant with horrendous refund
>"cq too easy lolz"
>see their comp
>all 5 star top loopers and supports
lol now do 3 star run you faggots
Yes, servants are not equals. It is what it is bro.
>just for a challenge.
>team comp is hardcore heal and invincibility spam
Oh wooow bro, I bet you had a real hard time with that fight, really got to enjoy the challenge I bet.
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Erice has a really deep voice for a child
Erice has a really deep penis in her for a child.
Yeap, Axis of Evil assembled.
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holy based
Bob got wood...
>Needing 2004 to loop
It's not year 3 any more bro
You might as well have just ran Castoria instead of Jannu.
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It took 40 rounds yeah.
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Oh my god, how I will ever cope with not gaining EXP for nu plugsuit.
>It took 40 rounds yeah.
Yeah, 40 turns of the enemy being unable to kill you because you were spamming invincibility and heals.
>40 turns
Ahhh, the good old days. I remember going to 146 turns with Jeanne-Mashu-Merlin against Kama when I was a newfag. Stall is king
You could just use a good servant instead, you know?
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Good. Let them die.
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we could've gotten some real liz love kino but its all ashes now...
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Why does CN anni art mog ours so bad?
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It's so joewari da...my Vitch...my Oberon...my 120 NP5 Saber...my Summer Skadi...I can only use Arts and Summer Kiara...
>Summer Kiara...
he said good servant
ours is drawn by a woman
>Summer Kiara
>Good servant
I like Summer Kiara :(
So should I roll the homo baiting clown while he's still here or nah?
Not really. I timed invulns to NPs. Shiki doesn't do much damage.
Then keep using her and stop caring about the gameplay autism.

Yes if you're a gameplayfag or just a fag.
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>/alter/ being illiterate
Never change.
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CN's anni artist:

Ours is drawn by a dirty Westerner.
You don't seem to understand
Is it possible to buster loop with Emiya Archer?
Not really
Kind of, but Redman will switch to using Arts for the first two waves to get refund. He can use MLB Black Grail.
What's wrong with Betty Boop? Other than that banned episode where everyone got high as fuck anyway
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This artist aint bad but every other post is Kiryua and Majima fucking so that's unfortunate.
My imouto looks like THIS?!
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Not a shame since none of you seemed like an honest man!
Why draw a school one-piece uniform if you are going to draw it thst slutty
I'm honest, see?
we're gonna get that shell grinding spot so I'm all in on nuts with ordeal call
Idk why but her winking is cute.
Bobchads have won, get over it. The Lip Lords and Bob Barons Alliance will rule /alter/
I was really anxious not getting Skadi yesterday but I got her in the evening and now I feel empty. Why is this
Who is the better servant to invest in buster looping, Caster Cu or Caster Summer Nero?
Can the AI do this artist? >>488081083 >>488080609
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Sounds like depression to me bro

I have a grailed np3 summer nero but the answer is unfortunately cu.
Probably cu since he can use BG, though getting copies of him might be tricky
gacha addiction, it's over for you, your brain's fucked
NP levels?
it should be possible, yeah bt I've got no sub right now
I can't relate to this post. I'm filled to the brim with Skadi's feet juice
Cu, assuming you can get him to NP5.
>Did two multis on Ibuki's banner just so I could have a good omni arts looper
>Had a sick feeling in my stomach for half an hour after despite getting her
Am I healing from the gacha mindrot?
Kino A++
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Good morning, bros.
I have NP5 Cu and Np1 Nero. Guess I’m going with Cu. Do I need to level his first and third skill to max?
show bobs
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Her year
>Do I need to level his first and third skill to max?
No, just his third skill.
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>I feel empty. Why is this

>shiny jpegs... no moar give me le dopamine...

You grown up, chud. Be proud. You are one of the rare heroes who shattered BB and Albert cursed chains
She did not say that
I'm sorry bro...
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Bot account
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There's comps that you can use without them maxed but you really want to give a lore to his skill 1 and 3 and his second append for maximum flexibility. If he's got all those then he can starting charge loop with a single support Koyan and Atlas MC + any servant with 20% targetable charge like DV Ruler or Shakespeare or even Mash.
So this event's 90++ wasn't too bad after all. What's the next event's 90++?
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Farmable with the event welfare
And you don't seem to understand
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>got NP3 Skadi with my last remaining quartz
A nice way to end the major content of the event
It's great and better than some LBs
It's the opposite of what this guy said. The whole chapter is great, except the ending that is rushed and fucking suck
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GudaGuda 7
How do I NP on each wave with him? Do I need Oberon?
Same but with NP5 Ibuki I don't think I've ever destiny draw'd this hard ever.
oops forgot pic
You're kinda dumb.
Well please elucidate the necessity of a MLB BG.
There's no damage CE
>think about dropping another multi for ibuki
>go to my room
>Mom… okay I won’t.
Damage, what else? There's no damage CE.
>can't 6ce event
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then who is anti-pigger?
Doesn't it make the most sense to clear this node in three waves? ST on the 190k guy, ST on BB, and then ST on the nobbu assuming you got shit card RNG and haven't already killed it. Looks like this node is the same as the current 90++ except objectively easier.
Okita and Ana are back
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Please tell me they come back. Thrud is my absolute favorite, but I don't really care for Rindr. However I really like both Ortlinde and Irs.
It's reasonably easy to take care of that way but bb can crit your berserker to death
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Oh no… I burned his coins for grail casting
they're dead
Yeah, unless my Berserker's name is Vlad. Retard.
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It's okay, you forgive her right? You don't need the other Valks.
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I’m not going to use her anyway. I need to get Mom to bond 12 so I can finish 120
>log in
>roll for skadi
>no skadi
>log out
You lot really need to understand the context by now. Either you 5CE or you suck it up and roll high NP levels if you're autistic and need to 6CE. You wannabes are really embarrassing, you want to act smug but you have half assed ideas of the 90++ meta so you come across as being ignorant but somehow proud of it.
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Good morning
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ummm but /alter/ told me if I can't 6ce an event it's useless
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That applied to nodes where bosses didn't have a million HP.
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He can BG loop without append you just need to use Oberon in place of the 20% charge servant. You can also use good old double vitch and harry potter MC (or a plug 20% charger).
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In chasing NP2 Summer Mom i got NP4 stinky Yang. This means I could 120 her at bond 0 but will NEVER be able to 120 Summer Mom.

If you like them so much how come you never ever post about them?
Death to coin system as well
Hope you have rare prisms stocked up!
Some of us aren't autistic so we understand there's no need to be annoying and spam this general to make a point.
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Yall really need to understand the fucking CONTEXT by now. Either yall fucking 5CE or yall suck it the fuck up and roll high NP levels if yall autistic and need to fucking 6CE. Yall wannabes are REALLY fucking embarrassing, yall want to act fucking smug but yall have half assed ideas of the 90++ meta so yall come across as being fucking ignorant but somehow proud of it. Literally.
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can you do Da Vinci in m-da in a dinosaur costume?
Very based, NP3 get.
Based. I wanted NP2 but the daily roll gave nothing. Don't want to really dump a lot of SQ though.
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Take one
Rare prisms? What are you talking about
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Some fake leak was saying starting this anniversary on JP you can trade in RP for coins
they will come back in some sort of evocation festival, just not yet
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chinese leak says 1 rare prism = 1 servant coin
For me? Thanks bro!
when was the last evocation festival?
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Hildr LOVE!
>like rindr
>don't like any other valk accept ortlinde
they're not making picking a valkyrie welfare easy for me.
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Who dis?
I chose Thrud specifically for Rindr.
Marie Alter
only one try, this is the result, im trying to save some credits
Claeposters and Oberon posters are so embarrassing. It's like they're trying to be /alter/'s version of s 0 y posters.
I picked the funny green one
Then pick thrud and get Rindr, what's the problem?
Wow, don't touch my bro Incarnation, he's good. Blame mongoloid.
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What does Jannu have to say about this
I worded it poorly, ort is my favorite main valk. the fact they're split is what makes it hard.
Holy cute.
I claim this as my summer Bob catalyst btw.
why, she looks like a clown.
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She's da jokah
>french satanic olympics
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La volonté de Dieu fera couler le sang pour la révolution...
do Erice or Xu
Nite brite continues to be one of the worse translations in the game, and Wuya cannot show up in the game at all without it rearing head again
>Albert how should we translate fuya-chan
>Albert: Hahaha what if we made it a reference to an old 80's TV commercial instead of translating, it would be so fucking funny, le reference lmao.
So many translations during the EoR period of NA really haunt this game
Wuya is an A+ character who goes down to C tier because of it


Nite-brite comes from the osakebehime event, quite literally the worst translated event in the game. That single event will never stop haunting this game.
which valk has the most Girltism
The french are already a bunch of flamboyant homos anyway, what's the big deal.
I think Sanson would proudly declare that this is the exact reason the guillotine exists.
holy shit level up erice and flower retard
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come on bro
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>Caster Giles was right all along
Does anyone have the ai Archetype Earth x Guda set from a few days ago?
is the japan/english slang from neethime just an NA thing, or does she do a similar thing in the original JP?
Millennials/xoomers must make everything about themselves, what else is new
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>make character who has an entire event about how she's omega for you
>Then do this a year later

I hate fake yanderes who can't even commit to the bit. Do I blame the writers or localizers for this?
eternal veteran here, how's the state of the game? are you guys still having fun and are happy?
I don't really get why it's always christianity that is being made fun of when you have judaism, islam, buddhism and hinduism to joke about too.
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Man, fuck off. Don't tell me you've never admired a man's abs.
im not even religious and I couldn't belive ethe in your face satanic symbolisms, like what the shit
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99% of osakebehime dialogue is made up in English version

She literally says an entirely different personality from JP version
There's an imgur drop of that explains it all somewhere

In JP she talks entirely normal or in a very formal way, and very rarely drops a subtle slang. In NA she is always talking like a retard. In JP she's a hidden otaku wh9ch is why it's meant to be a smhugr surprise when you reach her room, while in NA she's a retard sperg from the start
She talks normal in JP
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Nope, it's all albert invention. Can't even blame nasu for this one since not even the typical english speaker knows about that japanglish meme.
can tea old man LOOOP with Skadis?
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The Himetruthercord...
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Yeah she's really good, one of the best quick loopers
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The tea must flow
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Triple Cat!?
The osakabehimecord...
To me it's still fucking crazy they couldn't even properly retain a simple nickname like Eli-Eli
Instead they changed it to EI-EI which sounds retarded
Sorry but this is what zoomers really want.

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>50 musashikek
Do bob sith
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muh antisemitism
your ass is getting Charlie Hebdo'd
I'm illiterate how to read this
Follow the skill order.
its called a humiliation ritual.
this time its not just cringe, some revelation of the method type shit goin on
When will you people learn that triple Skadi is a meme? Oberon gives more more damage and isn't Bond 15 like your Caster Skadi.
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For me the funniest FGO lore is that when Albert was called out by everyone about his terribly rewrite tier translations, he eventually got so fed up that he hosted a PowerPoint presentations at an anime conference explaining "translations don't have to be correct, fuck you"
Even his hugbox reddit was calling him a retard for once
Give tea lady 3x skadi buffs, np 3 times
k, last one
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Nope, in JP she goes between a princess like speech to acting like a neet. In NA she is just a weeb and neither of her original characters.
Now do one of yourself, bro.
stfu lipper, you sided with bobkeks you're basically like a leper
At least Sweden joked about both of them at some point.
>Oberon gives more more damage
Only better wave 3 damage, triple skadi has much better wave 1 and 2 damage.

If you want maximum wave 3 damage you shouldn't be using quick anyways, you should be using buster.
can't make fun of jews
they tried that with mudslimes once and got beheaded for it
streetshitters probably don't give a shit but also too irrelevant to be made fun of
When does Rikyu even have her rateup? I don't have any Quick servants that can loop at the moment.
in a month and a few days. They said it's Early September in the roadmap.
Early September
Don't fall for the quickpaganda. Stick to arts and buster.
>triple skadi has much better wave 1 and 2 damage.
Jesus christ, this isn't 2018+2 anymore. Summer Skadi gives 40% attack that carries over waves and 30% extra Quick. In the case of Rikyu, she's a Berserker and isn't going to job to 2nd wave midboss like Hopeman did back in the day.
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He even had powerpoint slides showing "Yes we could translate it correctly, but that would be boring, no one would want that.... so instead we decided to spice it up with our much better writing ability, we improved it"
How do fans of genderbent servants feel about that there’s basically a man inside their waifu?
hmmm i wonder why...
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ToT cute tummies
k here's (you)
How do you feel about there being a skeleton inside you right now?
I reject your reality and substitute my own
If Xu Fu asks me to make her the surrogate for Yu's child, I will happily do so without hesitation.
This one more specifically
Mata Hari Alter
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That is why instead of saying "Jesus H./Fucking Christ", I and everyone else should say "Fucking Muhammad" and I'm surprised no one ever tried that and that I never saw anyone utter it that way, not even in this site.
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Because with Christians its safe they are taught to be docile sheep that let their bullies hit them until satisfied.
Followers of Judaism will get you fired,your account locked,get you expelled from your school,run smear campaigns on your until you're isolated and hopefully kill yourself.
And Islam followers will find and behead you for making fun of their religion.
Bros, I'm tempted to download Grindr and find a femboy I can put in Astolfo cosplay before having gay sex. How do I stop myself from following my Fate Grand Order?
You should go through with it
Make a video or take a photo of the act and post on /soc/
someone send this to m-da
Who's ready for next year's Summer?
>Cernunnos with a Skadi popsicle
>Riyo event
>Servantverse with fragarach
>GUDAGUDA event with laser swords and an electric guitar
Gems everywhere. Summer Space Ishtar?
Worst SFXs?
>Horse sounds (Tai gong wong)
>Achilles NP. That fucking whistle
>Amazon warcry from Agartha
Would be my picks
put him in a Nobukatsu cosplay and beat the shit out of him
You mean with my cock?
NA or JP, Hime wants Master's ochinpenis.
I'll slam your head into a telephone phone!
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See me after class.
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Wtf im listening to this song right now.
you need me to teach you the next lesson again?
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As long as it has a vagina I can duct tape its mouth shut while I fuck it
What an ugly color design. Lasanga sure is good at fucking shit up.
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Word art rainbow design scheme is more powerful then you an imagine.
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Vritra is a predator
>EoS year
I'm not ready
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Reminds me of the Perfect Core ability cards from Bakugan.
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Why does making a character black make them so much sexier?
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Aniplex must be handing the personal information of Abbyfags to the police.
>got a dedicated event and new version almost every year

Oh no, those poor lizfags, I feel so terrible for them!
It’s exotic
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All 3 trust the plan
I saw Liz
That was Bob
same character
The Ghost of Loev
You have jungle fever.
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2019 was when FGO peaked
Who is stronger lorewise: Ibuki or Vritra?
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In Italia seicento e quaranta;
In Alemagna duecento e trentuna;
Cento in Francia, in Turchia novantuna;
Ma in Ispagna son già mille e tre.

V'han fra queste contadine,
Cameriere, cittadine,
V'han contesse, baronesse,
Marchesane, principesse.
E v'han donne d'ogni grado,
D'ogni forma, d'ogni età.
Ibuki is stronger in sakurai's headcannon which also happens to be cannon
Sakurai chapters are canonically unironically not canon
For a second I thought it was new fgo toilet paper
holy based
1: She's Indian
2: She's not even that swarthy compared to Lakshmibai or Nitocris.
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Would LB6 have been better if Cernunnos looked like this and the music for his fight was this:
wife material
No, lizshit is a comic relief character
why arent these costume dresses
This but the opposite
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>want to like caster corday
>Want to want to roll for her
>But then I remember what her art looks like
>Can't bring myself to do it
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In [LB0: Return to Fuyuki] this will happen.
Easily the ugliest art in the whole game.
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Viy will NOT be happy about this
Viy will be flushed down the toilet.
I implore you to reconsider, the sprite dude worked miracles
Suzukaslop thread...
or Yuyuslop thread.....
There was ample time to make a different thread if you wanted something else
Do you have any idea how expensive getting a plumber to the antarctic is? Just set it on fire instead
The second one is just cucksucker forcing that mid shit
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No, it should be this.
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>only <eceleb> likes Servant I hate!

Fuck off.
Go stand in your corner
mad your shilling campaign isnt working huh?
At least make a Yang thread with something else besides the 5 Yang pics you only seem to have
Maybe if it wasn't from the tiny ass pool of yang images always used this wouldn't feel like bullshit
She’s fun to use

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