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Previous: >>488062351

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black rights!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
Based Liz!
Liz love!
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Use that to Rdeem
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生きてれば Good job
That mama movie
Bros, should I kill myself?
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Yes, I also feel very Grand Order.
No, at least stick around to see how part 2 ends
Probably not.
Why? No one would care. You're only 1 in a killion.
To mitigate the suffering to oneself and to others. No, not suffering because people would care but because their continued existence is a blight upon others.
>If you're strong enough
What if I'm not, bro?
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Daily roll for 0 and 1 grail.
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No, become unburdened by what has been so you can achieve what can be.
Killing yourself doesn't mitigate suffering to anyone
Yes, it does. Think of the future possibilities where people would be forced to interact with you and suffer, even if infinitesimally small, as a result.
Guys, what actually happened to the corpse?
I believe in you
Disposing of your body would be expensive and a pain. So live as long as you can, it's harder to die than to live.
Go watch Deadpool 3 instead.
buy some weed and crank it instead
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Cute Bobby
I really don't think that's true. Also, that's only if you choose to kill yourself in a public place or at home. You can go innawoods and shoot yourself in a flyover state and your body will decompose without anyone needing to clean it.
If you plan to, at least do something useful like giving albert the old minecraft game. Make sure to say you're from the reddit server.
Aoko... sex
Da Vinci's
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Whose wood is this?
I cranked it earlier but the suicidal tendencies just come back stronger after. I appreciate the advice though bro.
Why kys yourself when you can watch jks skateboard in the Olympics?
Is this your Grand Order?
clicked on this thinking it would be ai but I got kino instead
based and upvoted
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I'm using it.
trust this fairy
When is the next lotto ? I finally run out of QP
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Honestly, bro? It feels like it. I'm not going to blog since I already got too many replies but I wish the best for all of you guys. We're not all gonna make it but I hope my bros do.
i will carry you with me from now on brother
I self insert as gudako and get hard whenever they call me a lady.
Bye Jets loser.
Hope your revolver fails and you are left a vegetable instead of dying!
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The priest faked her death
Same bro. I believe in (You)
your Nurse would not be happy if you died
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Let her cook.
Yes, livestream it too
depends on why you would
Shes just a jpg she cant feel happy... or sad or angry or anything really.
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Let her bake.
Read my replies to other people before making your asinine shitposts.
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Let her dance
Let her "cook".
Zhou or Valkyries who are better at looping?
yes i have both skadoos, castoria, oberon and vitch.
that's too vague for me
“I am not Mercedes, get your head checked” -nurse
I think Altera should kill herself NOW
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Let her snooze.
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Let him cook
I prefer Porche
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With that, you know who to vote for.
Vote for love and for the future!
Not hate, not apathy, not the past and not empty or malignant promises!
>pretending to be the guy who wants to kill himself
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Me too.
Aoko titties
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Let her fuck.
What's her personality?
No. It only causes problems
I'll try my monthly tickets for 1 Anastasia
Tranny summer...
Bro, FGO hasn't EOS'd yet. At least see how the game ends.
Anybody rolling for Okitan?
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Let her paint.
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Should I?
But I don't have a Nurse... she won't come home...
If only there was a video game you could play that centers around delving into the psyche of characters that includes Kiara
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Painting Gogh's juices all over the bedsheets...
Let her rape.
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Koma cute..
You'd have to replace the mattress.
good morning, bros...
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I haven't met my sales quotas yet
Selling Proto Merlin's body...
I don't know who to choose.
I have a soft spot for black haired girls in FGO because they are quite a few and Ortlinde has the same VA as my first summoned Servant and my first love Nito, but her Valentine's scene is the shortest.
Hildr has pink-haired genki girl with a bubbly personality, so she's not a pass for me as well.
And Thrud and Olrun are tsundere blondes, plus they have the longest Valentine's scene of the three.
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Mornin joe. What's shakin?
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pick hildr for her
nothing is shaking...
this doujin will help you pick Hildr.
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My sincere condolences, bro
I hope you have learned your lesson
never grail to 120 if you don't have 300 coins
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Don't forget you'll be able to pick her from the 3000 days ticket bro...
>wanted to get a NP2 summer BTA
>ended up wasting 400 SQ and 100 tickets to get her
>Got NP5 Summer Charlotte and NP3 Summer Okitan along the way
Welp, I guess I'm going full quickfag for lancer nodes now
Silly green is the best
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>530 days until FSR collab and alter bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
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What's the chance of dying before then?
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thanks for supporting our server, pigger
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She's for love not for rape.
Pick Ortlinde.
If I get her while rolling for Shousetsu shes getting turned into rare prisms.
I can only love when I'm being raped, so what does that mean?
all those were free SQ though
Same bro...I wish I could impale the desire sensor.
dear /fgoalter/, I have a scenario for you, both out of curiousity and to understand you lunatics.
the last non-fate game you played fgets a collab with FGO, what class does the protagonist get?
bonus question: what class would said game's antagonist get?
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You haven't been outside for a week or more and long for friends and some relationship.
Or you just have a fetish caused by something in your life.
eric blood axe
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Miyamoto Mu Sashi
I might. here's the thing, OG okita is one of my favorite servants and summer (assassin) okita is my favorite 4* (got her to bond 13 with natural farming so far, so fun to use.). however, I never liked alter. I still ended up with a copy of her AE version from the GSSR. now I have 3/4 okitas and I'm faced with a choice. do I roll for the okita alter with the shitty nerfed tits in 2/3 ascensions and the stupid goblin thing or do I skip her? I don't even use AoE sabers for anything so her loops are kind a bust too.
A little bit of A (I get outside enough), and a lot of B.
We're not dear, we're quite affordable. Some of us are very cheap too.
could be worse, you could be me.
t. wanted Barghest fully maxed
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You can't just quit your ritualpost and then go back to it. Low commitment, very wishy-washy!
When is the next lottery? I was a billionaire before anni...
just be yua serufu
I have no idea who are the protagonist and the antagonist in Girls' Frontline
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I hope Mom lily gets summer version that has her cool armor in one of her ascensions
Oh hey I got a chocolate sword onahole and her big sister (who is also an onahole). Nice.
In november
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GUDAGUDA pseudo lottery
Karnamas limited box rerun
Faerie lotto
Don't forget to claim your attraction profits.
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You can try to find friends on the internet. Go outside more.
>and a lot of B
...My condolences?
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What do we think about the new Sherlock Holmes novel that's coming in September?
Arc OWES me sex.
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Now that S!Okitan is back, I could finally get her to NP2 and finalize my Summer damage.

>Lady Avalon x1
>Summer Gareth x2
>Ashiya Douman x1 (this was a Daily Disappointment Button, lmao)
>Summer Ibuki x2
>Summer Erice x7
>Summer Skaði x1
>Summer Wu x1
>Summer Okitan x1 (now NP2)
>Summer Anastasia x2
>Summer Charlotte x2 (now NP3)
>Penthesilea x1 (now NP3)
>Percival x1 (cubed, already NP5)
>Parvati x1 (now NP3)
>Suzuka Gozen x1 (now NP3)

Total Summons: 675
Total SQ spent: 1,777

Any greed regarding NP2 S!Skaði or NPbigger S!Ibuki can be directed to the Daily Disappointment Buttons. Getting away with this haul WITHOUT digging into the August or emergency budgets is a good sign to quit while I'm ahead.
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Funny Vamp EX
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Who are you saving for next /alter/?
Kuku, tho I might throw some at Dantes in November
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>roll a lot of summer servants
>now lack shells for ascensions and skill ups
god fucking damn it, which nodes give shells?
if there's one in the event that would be good enough too for now
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Now that Summer is out of the way, I'm all in on Draco and Tiamat. Give or take a Melu/Morgan detour in the fourth quarter.
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might throw a couple rolls at rikyuu and see if I get lucky but otherwise long-term saving its gonna be for blastoria
Fear & Hunger
Foreigner/Moon Cancer
I haven't played a non-FGO game in a while but this and Fate both feed my worldbuilding/lore itch.
I'll try my hardest to commit and save everything for Draco and Chloe summer, Im stil missing Melusine and Gogh from my must have list tho

There's also Durga, Tiamat and Meduseibah that will tempt me
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Tiamat for that np5 120
And tezca
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Maxed summer Bobba
Kek, happened the same to me
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>Zenless Zone Zero
>Character: Anby
>Class: Saber
>Villain: Corrupted Hollow monster fused with and eldritch foreign god with said outer god trying to fuck shit up due to outer god reasons
This is my choice for kuudere servant.
idk I will just impulse roll lol
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Sorry, I'll tone down the reality warping
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>Rolling jarc
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Imagine not spicing up your translations.
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I had to drain my entire SQ stash but I finally have Skadi. It hurts being back to 0 and being completely empty though...
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Take a look at this guy from the discord
the last game i played was valorant
She got a big fat 50% charge so she's back to being meta though
(Not that she ever left)
I can fill you up, bro
Turn it back
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How do you plan to do that?
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Ruler or Saber.
is he trying to rush bond a 50% bonus servant or something
I didn't think so far ahead...
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let her cook
Fuck it, I like the translation they did. It's cute and is a good way to show off the point that she is a otaku. Granted on her first appearance she was suppose to be played straight until you got to her chamber and saw it was a anime wall scroll room.
>np1 kintoki fails to kill clae even with oberon
What are your comps for this 90++ node bros?
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Is this how old women should dress?
I 5CE it manually with oi + davinci + support castoria
No, they shouldn't be wearing any clothing.
my favorite discordbro?
yeah i'm thinking hyphen
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>I like the translation they did.
Kill yourself, now.
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Who wears thigh highs in a swimsuit? Sounds kinda dumb.
back to fgog
Take your own advice, rat
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>If you sukide not our translation you are a fgognezumi
Tiatma for something new, but what i really want is more copies of Illya and Miyu.
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I wonder how well they are going to translate those poetic verses
>ching chong nip nong
sir this is the north american general
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The last game I played was Runescape 3
Since you're the world guardian and the previous main god gave you special protections against other gods, I'd say the RS player character is a Ruler.
I'm not fully caught up with the main story, but last i played the antagonist was Sliske for like 6 years. He'd probably be an Assassin or a Caster. He lurks in the shadow realm but also curses enemies to serve him as undead wights. He's the Barrows Brothers' master if that explains anything to former players.
They won't. They can't even TL summer Wu's NP like properly.
Were they written by Rikyu or some other people? Because I don't remember the former.
yeah he was bonding event servants and veterans the game between events. idk what his team was tho.
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Edgy Nitocris, just really cool art
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Nobu fucked his niece
>Normally drawn chatacter surrounded by raitabortions.
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Sei's abominations is mental instead of physical so she still fits in fine.
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Since my savings got damaged badly because of Okitan and the rest, I think I will sadly skip lots of targets I had in mind wait until mom and shrimp are out and might roll next summer depending how well the former targets went
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Nursebros, how are our chances for a summer version this year in JP?
should I keep coping like every other year?
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No they are part of the "100 Poems by 100 Poets."(Ogura Hyakunin Isshu).
There are existing translations already because they are famous in terms of Japanese poetry.
>天津風 雲の通ひ路 吹き閉ぢよ
>をとめの姿 しばしとどめむ
winds high in the sky
please blow and block
the gateway of clouds—
I wish to admire a little longer
the heavenly maidens' figures
>陸奥の しのぶもぢずり 誰ゆゑに
>乱れそめにし われならなくに
like Michinoku's disheveled cloth
of randomly printed patterns,
my heart is in disarray—
who but you, dear,
is to blame?
>千早ぶる 神代もきかず 龍田川
>からくれなゐに 水くくるとは
not known even in the reign of gods
mighty enough to penetrate a thousand rocks:
the beauty of Tatsuta River,
tie-dying the water
in foreign crimson

The last might be the hardest because "Chihayaburu" doesn't have any meaning on its own, it's only a pillow word serves for rhetorical purpose.
Sei and Murasaki also have one each in it btw. You can look it up if you are interested.
While it's not unheard of for a servant with some extra version getting a swimsuit, I'd say it puts them in a "less likely" category. Then again, santa nurse is about as far from a swimsuit as possible
needs a costume dress...
its not happening... Santa Nurse took her credits up
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She doesn't have taste buds...
Don't bully Beebs
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what about her?
>Chik Fil A
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But it's an important and inevitable part of them...
"70 years of life, I have been searching for a higher realm. This treasured sword of mine, (resides my awakening) despite Buddha and Daruma alike."
"With a sword that I can use well hold in my hands, now at this moment, I throw my all to the sky."
>罪なき身を 世の曇りにさへられて
>罪をきる 弥陀の剣にかかる 身のなにか
"There's no sin within my body, while the wicked trend of this world put them on me; If I go to the underworld with them, then the potential sin of disobeying the Five Virtues will probably disappear as well."
"Sever my sin, the sword of Amitabha coming at me. Then where on earth of my body, ought to exist the Five Hindrances to Attainment as a woman?"

I found them beautifully written, although the references were very hard to get and they also contain some deprecated words.
Based, Albert should hire this anon asap
Then go play on the JP server you loser nerd
Also tl;dr
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>Utsumi Erice
Isn't that Gilgamesh's ultimate Noble Phantasm?
Is there a single servant who would stop Sei?
No, she's UnSeipable
Bros which upcoming servant has the highest likelihood of crushing my balls?
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And i can kill myself... anytime!
>>>/trash/ is that way if you need to spew off topic crap about your fetishes
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Oh, so I was right from the start. I wanted to react to them, but then I thought maybe it was Rikyu's poems but couldn't find them.
Can't relate, because I don't like intense gaze these days. But I kinda want to visit a theatre again.
This one is the hardest to understand, especially if you're a foreigner. Can't even say that I properly got it after reading 2 explanations.
>Sei and Murasaki also have one each in it btw. You can look it up if you are interested.
Yeah, I know and remember it. I've read Makura no Soshi. It's also her skill in FGO I think, Osaka no Seki. There was a moderate size of a story related to this verse in her book.
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>Bros which upcoming servant has the highest likelihood of crushing my balls?
Why not stick with the OG?
Too much sloppa there
I rolled it. It's my 5*.
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>we will never get aesc in a swimsuit because she already has a swimsuit ascension
>even doe morgan has a completely different personality and style
We could still hope for a welfare swimsuit of AC1 or did the anni ce even take this from us?
There were a bunch of spirits hanging out there. Maybe one took it for a ride?
Remember, this is gonna be most of what you'll get for next year's summer. The fan-favorite characters that people like in their summer forms? Sorry, pfft, they're not in it at all. Enjoy next year!
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just be happy with her anniversary outfit and any possible summer/lewd CEs with aesc instead bro
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I don't expect them to treat it with finesse, but not even sure you can do something like this justice.
As always I appreciate your posts though bro.
>asking for even more Slopnelico
kill yourself
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But the fan favorites were in. Misunderstand-chan was just filling a slot.
For me, it's the fact we will NEVER get Ruler Morgan (The actual fucking one, not this random autistic fairy)
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downvoted for hatespeech
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First time I bought two big packs within a year. I actually forgot I hadn't finished Ooku yet and I could've gotten the quartz from that...
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>But whenever I see the swans fly, I feel a little sad
...what the fuck bros, Summer Ibuki is actually capable of SADNESS? Can someone better versed on slut lore explain why?
Was the Skadi rateup a fucking lie for you too, bro? Or did someone else bankrupt you?
Marin took out all my quartz. Then I spent on Skadi. I didn't try for Ibuki.
I want to have sex with a house.
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How about a city?
Should I roll for Summer Skadi or for Lady Avalon? I've only got enough SQ to guarantee NP1 for one of them.
roll for who you like
It doesn't matter who I like. What matters is whether I make the right choices that will get me through the rest of the main quest as it releases.
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I do play on both servers...
With their event is coming next and the related posts becomes more, I think I can at least start posting some related info.
I would put it as "With the mighty strength" as a rough explanation. But if they don't translate this one and just put "Chihayaburu" I think it's also fine.
Let's hope they can do a good job bro...
Do you have normal Merlin? Story meta picks are very different from farming meta
No, I don't have the regular Merlin.
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Stop being greedy. They could have given us Morgan with 3 variants of bikini but they gave us Tonykino instead
Do you have any other meta picks already? Saving for Castoria if you do more for you than Merlina, for instance. It's hard to make recommendations in a vacuum.
Just a few. Castoria, Waver, Tamamo, Koyan-L, Oberon, and Skadi classic, from what I remember.
I'd smash the entrance
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Can't stop thinking about how much I want Raikou lily gf despite the horrible consequences it might bring
she's 15 you sick freak
People seriously Grail Tamamos?

Cringe bros.
out of 10!
I want more short-haired Raita women and I want them NOW

A 15/10 cutie, yes.
Is she?
Thats too old i dont want Raikou lily gf anymore.
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yeah way too old
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>She's 15
Out of 10
More reason to want a gf like her
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Oh, so that's why Koma randomly uses a sword in her extra attack?
Again, my condolences. I thought Ibuki burned me but fuck, at least I actually NP6'd the slut.
NTA but I am from EU, no one cares.
Based. Brexit was a mistake btw
So a 30 years old woman is 30/10 then?
I agree. Brexit was great btw
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Not really.
That practically enables everything. The new Skadi's pretty bursty like the original.
Merlin's not back till late March (after LB7), so go Merlina if you want a similar unit now, though she's more Arts focused.
Also worth noting that her NP/turn scales with NP levels (starting at 5% vs Merlin's 10%).
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It's the sword of Amitabha in her death poem, in resemblence of the Kurikara Sword of Āryācalanātha. The end point of the grip is in resemblence of Mogami Yoshiaki's, her father's helmet.
The animation is so well made, isn't it.
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Morganfest in November is the next lottery event.
man she looks so soft
>have to choose between saving gapples for half-off embers and november immediately after
Man, all of these holy grails, and nobody to use them on.
This but Lores
Purin bros...
>403 forbidden
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Bros I'm bored
Wheres her other arm.
I would wait for the lottery event. You'll end up burning thousands of Embers there. Worst case scenario if you don't get enough Embers in the lottery, is just waiting for New Year's 1.5 months later where we should get Half AP Hands + x2 Super/Great Success Chance.
Oh, look, Raikouschizo is here too

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