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Previous: >>488066597

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Threadly reminder that character dupes are called mindscapes.
why does mihoyo want me to fuck the police
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>Month after release
>still no good porn
dead game?
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my energy will be full in 1 hour and 27 minutes
Why are the girls in this game so fucking hot? Mihoyo girls are usually fugly
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bwos... just one more constellation for my C6 Billy.... I need to roll....
>release boring mid character
>nobody cares
Ellen doesn't have that issue desu senpai
>watches porn with you
>asks you to meet her parents
>invites you to dinner
Anyone else think Mihoyo is overcompensating for not making Zhu Yuan much of a looker?
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now i just need to adopt the kot
Do the Ninevela intensity 11 rewards reset ever?
they were more willing to go full seggs design
oh and they finally stopped using a handful of body template when making their models
How do we save the game bros?
>getting absolutely fucking demolished by shiyu
Yeah, I think I'll wait until the next patch cycle before I attempt this again.
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She sells herself in exchange for borgers
No, read, it's a first time clear reward
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you're either blind or too picky
Zhu Yuan would be 200% better if she wasn't a chink, debate me
Doesn't look like they do. The rewards for 0/11 and 11/11 seem to be the same after the first clear.
i'm a day 1 player and today is the first day I found out that Hollow Zero has rewards that reset weekly...
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it's cinemas here
How'd you complete the sanctuary one? I'm aware the last two requires you to do the first two quests first before they spawn.
So what's the point of them once you clear 11
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Elfy is giving me a free S-rank woodpeck electro.
Which mainstat should I pick?
Is it worth saving batteries? I have 22 but I want to reach level 45 already
>actually want ben and nicole copies
>both are on the limited banner
>pull is soukaku number 24

t-thanks you too
I only fap to things with rape and defloration.
i want to impregnate anby with my small penis
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Wise Onii-chan.........
No, you are correct.
you won and now you can masturbate to perfect substat rolls like everyone else
oh nonono...
They should have added a social link for all the 6th street cats so you can choose which one to adopt because Cookie looks more like my actual cat
I regret skipping Ellen and picking the cop
You can exit out to keep it.
~fun~ I guess
Withering Garden in general gives you the most rewards in terms of the skill tree materials, but there's no reason to keep the modifiers on
it gives all 3 of the config mats. basically no its not worth running after doing it once.
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You can go and put it in the back burner and focus on other things to do with your life nigger
I-I want to make a mess of the bed with my sister...
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Corin will rape you if you do not comply.
Why is there no $3 coupon in the google play store? I have to pay full price for the monthly pass?
im farming dennies with my energy its so fucking over
Do you level your Stunners to 50?
How many rolls do you get from SD per month after clearing the first 10?
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which skills do i level up on rina? seems like the special and core passive are the only things worth leveling, maybe the ult too
just buy everything in yen broski
Does Ellen want to save meter for level 2 EX skills? Or is it better to spam level 1's
i just followed this guide
the dude has videos for all 4 of the quests
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Zhu should have been Stacy, and American blonde big butt big boobed hag with green eyes, a beauty mark, and a 30 year old kissless handholdless virgin
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who gives the sloppiest head? just completely sucks the soul out of you?
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Everyday is a struggle
720 gems
vacuum mode qingyi
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zzz bitches will do ANYTHING for a borgor
I spent 1k on this game
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Some anon posted this in the last thread. Does anyone know the artist? The juices from her pussy soaking through her shorts is so hot
Whats a mindscape
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is there any point in waiting until IK50 or can I start farming for discs already?
no now is the time to farm since its a rare 3rd disc dropping which is nothing burgers.
Yea just keep farming dennies since you'll be short on them at level 60, you don't really need discs right now
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nicole, shes a well practiced whore
How long will it take me to get Lycaon...
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I ate a pizza on Friday and it burnt my mouth and it still hurts. Is ZZZ for me?
You'll never really need to farm anon just like wait until eos then you'll get maximum value
It's AI.
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This is my beloved shark wife build
Its over for you
I think Ballet towers plaza has my favourite song in the game yet. plenty of good tunes but this one in particular is just perfect for idlying around and just vibing.
No, pizza-eaters are not allowed. ZZZ is for BurgerCHADS only!
that's ai slop anon
this nigga jerks off to flowers
>he thinks deleting it will make him any less of a retard
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Rina. She would interlock fingers and keep eye contact too and wouldn't stop until there was nothing left or you passed out.
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baste and same
everyone post your builds in reply to this anon so his fuck up is immortalized for the rest of the thread
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here's my Billy retardbwo
I think it's stupid to discuss "bricks" or "bad picks" when your damage is 100% decided by your disks. You want to be stronger? Get better disks.
What's the best to get here?
Lock on constantly fucking breaking and having to re-lock on mid fight is driving me up a fucking wall
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Anyone else posts unironically?
Attack, Stun, and Defense are bricks.
Anomaly is the best choice.
stay f2p not worth it
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I got the dick sucking wengine for piper 3 days ago but got her sig engine from standard today, one bp wasted and I don't think i'm buying another one.
>cock time??? is cum included????
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Soukakufags explain yourselves
your mom
Ollie is definitely a 40 year old virgin right?
If you like your bwos here, you should always tell them to NOT roll for W-engines or Cinema/Mindscape
Reasons to roll for them
>They are just numbers
>You could get a character with those pulls, sometimes the character is a bigger boost and can be potentially be used on other teams
>Game rewards are not equal to the amount you spend on the copies/rewards, 99% of the time you will spend killing trash mobs that will die fast even with the worst character in the game
>You could save that money and buy something else or just save it for your So' college or something
>and more importantly, you are FALLING for miFOMO marketing business, DO NOT GET YOURSELF GET BRAINWASHED OR BE BRAINWASHED BY OTHERS
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not after what nekomata did to him
thanks gro
that one anon here probably commissioned that
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>played it every day
>Just finished ch 3
>Still not done agent stories
>Didn't go on dates yet
>Barely started on hollow zero
>Have not touched shiyu defense or any other endgame (I have no idea if there are more endgame mode)
I'm falling behind, aren't I....
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(why is she like this?)
done wit the new arcade event what's next?
Yes, you should help your bros even if they are retard
keep playing to assert dominance
I use it only for close and personal 1v1s otherwise that's useless. Also holy fucking shit I played this on mobile and the touch controls sucks so damn bad I felt legit retarded.
I hope no one has only mobile as a way to experience the game because that's miserable.
Why is Atk a brick? I saw a bunch of people recommending it.
Characters on the bench are worthless you retarded gachabrain. Dupes and weapons actually keep your favorites playable for a period of time and therefore 1000000000% worth it
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>m6 billy solo on first team
>m6 starlight billy solo on second team
what now big boy?
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Am I crazy or is the majority of /zzz/ not going to be able to S rank all of Shiyu Defense?
>make a NEKOMATA
>she isn't in the japanese folklore faction
Defend this.
If you're rolling for account power you absolutely should roll for weapons.
>Gives a 10-20% boost in damage to your character which future proofs them as it's unlikely they'll release another character in the same role that 10-20% stronger anytime soon
>Even IF they do that, you can just reuse the weapon anyway while your character will be on the bench
>can get signature weapons for useful 4 stars which will give even more of a boost
>has 75/25 odds and earlier pity so it's more efficient than rolling for characters
>won't result in flooding your roster with a bunch of characters you never even use
because starlight engine shits on everything, including limited 5* signatures
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Why IS crit so much harder to get in this game vs. Genshin and even HSR? I wonder what aspect is missing...? I thought it was weapon substats since none of them have crit in this game, but HSR has no weapon substats and it's easier to get crit there than here. What gives? Why does everyone wind up at like... 40-50% crit rate unless you sacrifice a ton of CritD?
I only bought because I lost a 50/50 and got Grace. Probably wouldn’t have bothered otherwise. The anomaly one is BiS for her until signature.
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Why is she like THIS??
Those critical nodes are insane tanky with a level disadvantage. No way, bro.
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I hope the anon making the diaper mod makes this image a reality soon
That's normal no? Any straight male ITT skipped the first two banners and are waiting for Qingyi.
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My girlfriend Miyabi
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>have soukaku suck you off in exchange for food
>give her more so she puts in more effort
>she eventually develops intense cravings for it and sucks you dry (with or without your permission) each and every time she gets the chance
feet game
yeah but it's not like we're getting a rush of content anyway
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Sharks on service duty
all your points are meaningless when they can just release a better w-engine in the future
So what does my Nekomata need as a team? More physical dudes or can she just drop into whatever?
They will and it will boil down to speedrun autism just like in every game
>it took you 3 minutes to kill this? lollermao shitter
It's not like you can without spending more than you'd gain from the S ranks (luckshitters need not apply)
>Characters on the bench are worthless you retarded gachabrain
Playing more characters IS better for gameplay purposes, rolling for copies/weapons IS the real gachabrain retarded option. A weapon or copie will never give you the value of playing something new, EVEN if you get bored of it and it becomes "useless", you can't really say rolling for weapons and copies give you MORE gameplay value, which is the total opposite, you are rolling to PLAY THE SAME THING FOREVER.
>Dupes and weapons actually keep your favorites playable for a period of time and therefore 1000000000% worth it
they are playable at m0w0, in fact if you don't like to play with your favorites at base, why would you want to play with an EASIER version of them? you are falling for mifomo marketing strategy, they are made that way for a reason: to get suckers like you to pretend that they are worth it when they are not.
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S ranking the third red node is already pushing me to my limit, unless the next few nodes are lucky and weak to my elements I'm fucked
Feels like its not only a matter of whaling for agents but also whaling for energy so you can pump them all up
zhu yuan stop shitposting and get back to work.
do you play the game in the future? no? then shut the fuck up you fucking retard
her only team options are piper lucy or piper nicole
basically need a character to proc assault + some buff/debuffer
>benches his "waifu" for two years until the powercreep weapon appears along with a faggot that powercreeps his favorite
>rolls the faggot and benches his "waifu" forever
Many such cases.
So I’m guessing Billy isn’t good for procing assault.
You can't do trust events unless you own a agent

case closed
if you get bored and need something new you never loved the character in the first place so your opinion is trash
/zzz/ is mostly banner skip F2P & F2P+ chads. Whales and swipeniggers are not welcome here.
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Is 4x Freedom Blues really the best choice for Piper?
I get the feeling 2x Freedom Blue has already given her the most important AP stat.
And I'm afraid the 4x bonus might not be as good as the 4X bonus from other discs.

What do you guys think?
Crit stats are lower in this game than the other 2.
Average crit rate substat is 3.305%
Mainstat crit rate caps at 31.1%
Average crit rate substat is 2.916%
Mainstat crit rate caps at 32.4%%
Crit rate substats are fixed 2.592%
Mainstat crit rate caps at 24%
Just 2x for the average crit damage values.
What other 4 set is better?
what would you run instead in an disorder team
>drink nothing but coffee
>eat nothing but ramen
>constantly stay up past midnight playing VR games
Wise and Belle aren't going to live past 40...
Hollow Zero is insufferable. Do they have any plans on fixing it? Too long, too many TV stages, too many clears required...
I waited until Fu Xuan release to be able to start the initial stages of MoC in HSR, and that as a second week player. That was like, 3~4 months after launch.
is this the first time hoyo has had content (small as it is) locked to owning the character?
I want to watch Tamers12345 videos with Lycaon and watch him lose his calm composure and laugh a lot.
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They're really trying to wring us dry over time in every way possible, huh? Disgusting.
>less meandering dialogue to skip through
You just proved why people should roll for weapons instead.
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I skipped the first two rate-ups and so far I got 1 SSR. SD06 is just way too fucking tanky for my ass.
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Realistically how far away are the idols at minimum? I want to pick up one of the cops but I will need to have saved enough to get all 3 idols if they're all s ranks.
I have next to no interest in all the other announced characters.
When you roll for coipes/weapons you are rolling for a power boost now.
Like i said, often if not almost always, a character will bring you better flexibility than rolling for weapon/copies, specially supports. example, you roll for ZY weapon and m1, just for them to be worse than getting ONE Qingyi.
If you really like the character, if we got by mihoyo history, you will still be able to play it just fine even after years.
Rolling for more characters its always better because its more GAMEPLAY, hyper investing in one character and playing until EoS isn't the best choice.
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>Whales and swipeniggers are not welcome here.
Deal with it
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is there A SINGLE CHARACTER that is sexier than luciana de montefio?
1.4 the earliest, EOS the latest.
>Crit rate substats are fixed 2.592%
Whoops, this should be 2.4%
just watch it on youtube if you care so much retard
sonic underground + zzz collab...
Literal cuckold mentality, fix yourself
No, it means having good relics is less important and small differences in character power won't create massive differences in damage output
thanks for keeping the game alive
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the sucking off IS the food
there's three right here >>488085402
This is embarrassing even if you’re poor or rich.
Poor - wasting money on shitty pixels instead of bettering other parts of your life.
Rich - having enough resources to do other fun shit with your money but sinking it into shitty pixels.
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Hormone Punk gives 10% + 25% sometimes.
Soul Rock ups her defence while spinning, maybe some damage reduction is useful.

But maybe Fanged Metal 4x is the best one? It can Piper 10% phys damage and 35% phys damage for 12 seconds when she triggers assault.
Do the other games have bonus damage mainstat?
you're the one watching, cuck lmao owned
how much would this fucking cost bro wtf
>other fun shit
just because you settle for f2p games cause you're a poorfag doesnt mean everyone is
So december-ish?

That seems like more than enough time then.
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>Get non-rng substats
>Get them locked at the lowest possible value
The monkey's paw... curls...
It doesn't matter for other stats because they scale to the game, but crit rate always needs the same amount out of 100%, and that's what they seem keenest about gouging us on.
>You don't love your characters UNLESS you fall for mifomo predatory business practices
>You don't love your character IF my definition of love isn't fulfilled
>You should play the character until EoS and never get bored of it because i said so
That's how brainwashed are you br
flex on the poorcucks whalebro
NTA but if you had enough money to buy actual gaming setups you'd be playing real games like Shadow of the Erdtree or GBF:Relink, not gacha slop.
>coping & seething because I'm right
I know you’re not rich enough to not work so you’re probably the former category. Any true richfag wouldn’t touch this shit and would find something better to do. Blowing disposable income like a retard on games =/= rich.
Do NOT let SEAmonkeys see this, you just spent their yearly wages in two weeks
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You HAVE to get the stats from somewhere. That crit rate isn't going to hit ~70% on its own. In effect that just means you have to roll even more perfectly to make your characters performant. Or use characters that don't use crit rate like Anomaly characters. But as it stands, you have to go gigagrind on artifacts to use crit characters if you want anything above like, 50% crit rate.
False, almost every DPS has some CR on their kits, like core passives.
We also have the HUGE boost on CRCD on some sets. Woodpecker electro gives 8 CR.
Ether and Fire have a whooping 52 CV
There's also characters that give CR like Nicole and Ben (although he's as good)
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I hate this game.
Those games aren't fun.
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Poorfags in this thread thinking you can't do many things with your money and time at the same time
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Gyy>levelled 9 agents to 40
I'm not gonna make it, am I
Playing the game on baby mode.
This exactly. If I like a character, I won't pull for them. I'm an NTRchad and I like jerking to other anons who plays the game with my wife. They are much more skilled than I am and will make my wife happy. I especially love it when they brag about my wife while calling my account a brick
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>Find the Hollow Zero hidden artifact node
>Node asks me for 2.5k gear coins
>Have 2.5k gear coins
>Node disappears without giving me the artifact
What gives?
what the fuck are you talking about retard? you could save for getting your waifu to m6 and then use stronger w-engines released in the future
why did you instantly jump to rolling for faggots?
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>Can't even fathom playing multiple video games
I feel sorry for you.
Yeah I don't get it, maybe they spend so much time working for pennies they think everyone only has an hour of free time a day or something
>poorfag already cuckposting
kek, truly the cornerstone of a SEAnigger
so fucking based, you earned the right to flex
We also need a Tamers12345 MLP X ZZZ crossover where Twilight uses her secret butt glock and Rainbow Dash uses the Atomic Rain Bomb.
Richfag here, this IS the fun shit I do with my money. I unironically get more enjoyment out of money spent on gacha games than money spent anywhere else. I get to build a new character, take pride in how strong they are, and use them every time I play the game.

Meanwhile normies will spend hundreds of dollars to go to a football game for 3 hours and watch a game with a worse view than you would have watching for free at home, all while surrounded by a bunch of screaming drunk retards.
Yeah, ele damage % main stat exists in all of them.
I think the only 2 major differences are that Genshin has 5 artifact slots, while HSR and ZZZ has 6, so some of the crit reduction can be made up with perfect stats, and that ZZZ has defense pen as a substat.
Anomaly has analogous stats in EM in Genshin and Break Effect in HSR.
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i lurk in those leak groups and never once i seen someone posts any of their models, its looking very grim
i predict they are 1.8-2.0 banners at best
Are you also the type of person that feels compelled to reach the last floor on infinity abyss?
Neuvillette powercreeps your C3R1 at c0r0 :))
you'll see her again next floor if you're lucky if not do construction highest difficulty.
Remember that you get rewards for just clearing (B rank). No need to autism reset to try and eke out a higher rank, but do as many as you can before it resets in a few hours.
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Lmao. Thanks for the 2.5k gear
Can't even finish SD 6. Not enough plates to build discs and too much shit luck. Doesn't help that I only have 2 5* characters.
>but do as many as you can before it resets in a few hours.
we got 3 more days bwo
why do people keep thinking SD is resetting tomorrow
Found her again, feels good man

You thieving slut...
>6000/7000 holloz zero slops last week
Is it over for me?
Who is destined to be Wise’s wife?
It's the opposite, you don't need it and players without it will fare better in endgame modes because the difference between them and players will good relics is smaller.
bwo...just do one more...right now? it'll take 15 min?
bwo I think you need to better the other parts of your life with the money too. Seems like a cope to me.
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>two weeks of no BP
nta but you clearly just lack critical thinking skills
Yeah I really hope they make the next one 100 tiers, 50 ended way too quick
Based fun haver, fuck sports ball
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>All the way compressed down to 76 kb from the multiple mb it used to be
How long until all images in circulation on 4chan are scrunched, inscrutable 5kb messes from the repeated mobile compressions?
Probably mixed it up with looking at Hollow Zero's reset timer.
There's also no need to put it off till the last moment unless you're working on some major guaranteed upgrade that will drastically change your clear speed.
I don't think the license is resetting, otherwise you'd never be able to max it.
Just say you have a gambling addiction nigger
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>Yeah I really hope they make the next one 100 tiers, 50 ended way too quick
I got bad news for you... unless we flop as badly as Star Rail real soon here, we'll never get their 70 tiers + 680 gems up front instead of at the end. I honestly hope we flop a bit so we can get all the nice star rail QOL they ripped away from us in this game.
This is coming from the guy with a gambling addiction. Imagine telling a woman you spend thousands of dollars on anime girls
Poor people spend money primarily for face.
Rich people don't.
Any zzz YouTubers worth checking out?
>flop a bit
1.2 got your back
what the fuck is impact
Waterkuma being in the game
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I kneel... this is why we'll never have good games again...
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Go to bilibili or NND for real content.
"Content" creation on youtube is a joke
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Why does she only wear one stocking?
>I honestly hope we flop a bit
if only people realized that mihoyo is more generous with their lower revenue games. it's a pretty consistent pattern for them.
useless stat, just build anomaly
You can do whatever you want with your money, but the whole point of the argument was that people get recommend investing too much into a character and fools themselves into thinking is worth it.
i can asure you there are more SANE obese people that will give you good advice about not eating too much compared to gacha players, where they basically promote for free that its worth it
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Woman moment
Mihoyo is never generous. All their games are stingy.
Wise is True Neutral and Belle is Chaotic Neutral.
ITT Faggots getting chink’d by migweilo into believing gambling on anime girls is a hobby
She only puts the other one on when banging wise, to make it feel more special
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guoba uncertified and mr pokke
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consider the following: sweaty shark
i never said they weren't stingy, there is just a inverse correlation between revenue and generosity for them
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Why does Zhu say "FUR ZE REICH" when you swap her in sometimes
>Thinking women care about anything except the number in your bank account
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NTA, but I'm sure those two meant relatively generous. Mihomo is never generous, but Honksharters definitely have it better in a lot of ways. The difference between all the QOL in HSR that they just took away for no reason in ZZZ is astonishing.
Give a chance to chinese voice its really good
BillyGAWD has spoken
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I love him...
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>for no reason
How does it feel to be a beta piggybank for femoids
Lycaon and Ben Bigger can only carry this game for so long. When are they going to make the game good?
Don't gacha games in general tend to get more generous over time
You are not suppose to roll for every character, hell, you are not suppose to LIKE every character. they may not be generous but there's always enough time to save to get what you want.
unless you are extremely unluck or "need" every character.
Less directly $$$, it's more "reserves of goodwill". Mihoyo always has QOL shit peeled out of the game waiting in the wings to boost goodwill when players get fed up with them.
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Is the anomaly one good for piper if I only have the dino one? I have 2 starlight engines, so atk is not needed.
Play not Mr.Digger and be pleased about it. I'm good as long as people keep making fat art of Lycaon and Ben.
>all you need to be happy are sportscars and women bro, also shave your head!!
>Anomaly has analogous stats in EM in Genshin and Break Effect in HSR
Peak false equivalence.
Impact is EM and BE there. It doesn't scale with your ATK nor DMG, and only lvl and enemy res.
Anomaly is another form of crit that scales with ATK, DMG, and even PEN it's just the way you apply dmg differs.
Wise IS the wife to the knot
Imagine basing your value on anything off how a woman feels about it, like damn dude have some self respect
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Can Rina work on a team with Zhu and Nicole
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Nope, Genshin didn't get the QOL of star rail despite being out for 4x as long. It's how well they're doing.
The anomly wengine is the best one there and is the only one really worth considering.
I use fanged metal, 20% faster anomaly isn't worth 10% phys dmg and 35% dmg, the buff is practically always up too.
No they got treated like shit and was conditioned to accept shit.
Nobody said that. If all it takes to keep you happy is gambling on chink gachaslop and thinking it’s a hobby that says a lot more about you as a person.
Any sign of a 1.1 livestream on the horizon?
Didn't zzz development start before star rails? It's likely those quality of life features were thought of afterwards and are in future versions of the game we aren't playing yet.
>hell, you are not suppose to LIKE every character.
Then maybe they should stop making interesting characters with nice designs. I want them all so far.
kekon is pretty good
More accurately would be if you called Anomaly "DoT.
>Requires DMG %, atk % and weird stats (effect hit rate, BE, AM, AP)
It may not be 1:1 but its closer in terms on how you build them
>lost 50/50 to the ghost bitch
it's over
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Completely f2p. No BP no pass. This is about the max I can do. Cant finish SD17 at all because side 2 is just rape. I run out of parry points and dodging against that fag gets tiring because he follows up with attacks a microsecond later.
>tempted to buy the niggerpass
Bros... talk me down from the edge... I don't want to become a swiper...
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>furfags actually tried to gaslight people day 1 into believing Ellen needed Lycaon
Thank god I didn't fall for that meme.
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>no Ellen
>no Zhu Yuan
>no Piper
Is this game even for me?
what the heck
>You are not suppose to roll for every character
F2P can't even guarantee every other character if you're unlucky
Stupid nekofag
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I can't believe ellen is stinky...
BP and daily login bonus are the only things worth spending on
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Me, top to bottom. Got my shark, got my sharkbol, got my sharkboi, all is right with the world.
I'm going to fuck you.
Nah I never got 3 limited pity hits in one patch ever in HSR.
>You don't need the best stunner bro just roll for her weapon and her M1 and get M6 soukaku
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They're all extremely easy to implement, like 680 gems at the start of the battle pass, the extra tiers (all repeats of 20 relic material and 20k credits), the ability to teleport to missions from said mission, so on and so forth. Even the stuff like permanent events wouldn't be TOO hard to implement, and they've had plenty of time. They're just seeing what they can get away with, doling out each QOL feature as needed depending on game performance is part of their business model.
I get 1.0 and 1.1, but 1.2?, the A rank is the most interesting looking, Miyabi its on 1.3 but people will either prioritize her over everybody else or skip her because they have ellen. Caesar its a wild card and being defense may be off putting for many, it will heavily depend on how she plays.
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fear not, bp + monthly is still f2p.
>left clicking to win
doesnt count
Two of those are a skill issue
LMAO ficking retard!
It's not DoT either it's just general debuffs.
>he drank the leak kool-aid
you genuinely believe Sons of Calydon will have 4 A-ranks?
What engine do I want on lucy if I don't have her sig one?
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Noooo spending on my chink gatchaslop anime girls is my hobby! You wouldn’t get it because you’re a poorfag. Let people enjoy things.
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>Personal luck-based anecdote that has nothing to do with what we're talking about
I only have her weapon and yeah, would I rather have a cute shark girl's weapon and make my waifu stronger or would I rather have a gay bondage furry on my account? No shit you should have her weapon or M1 over that fag.
>no physical bellobogs
>no fire cunny hares
BillyBenBros.... I'm not gonna make it..
Considering they have 6 members? Possibly.
based fellow shark enjoyer
If ZZZ has similar pull currency per patch as HSR or close to it, it can technically be better, since we had less A ranks and higher chance to get them, meaning we get M6 more easily thus having a bigger "discount" on pities, giving you a bigger discount on guaranteed character
Was hi3 like this? Genshin gets nothing and deserves nothing.
The only thing that is chink about her is her name.
>6 members
>luck based
lmao retard
no wonder you bought battle pass dawei must be real sad you stole his money
I don't debate with retards
>he doesnt know
Oh no no no
You're gonna need 3 teams eventually anon
It's not gonna be Ice/ Ether shilling forever
Too old
Bellecucks....we lost again....
I ran 4 metal and 2 freedom but considering to change freedom to swing for a test
To the contrary, i wish more chink characters would be like Zhu Yuan, as in, being chinese but having pretty much no relation to it,.
Lucia is scrapped idiot, they can't even give Nicole cleavage.
I love HZ shut up homo, i bet 75% of my play time is in it, game is 0 content without it
all cops are big booty babes
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>struggling and suffering makes the game fun
>whaling decreases the suffering and struggling
>game is no longer fun
Zhu is by far the most chinese of all Hoyo character.
Funny how just making her a proper normal chinese flips into making her likeable instead of wuxianxia chingchong dragon warrior that never even existed in chinese history.
Would still lick and sniff
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some CN dude is experimenting with 4 piece electro on zhu yuan. Team is zhuyuan, anby, rina and a plugboo and can get consistently 80% coverage of shock during the stun period. Equivalent to some of her best sets.
So if you have a built anton you can just give her all his stuff and dont go into the disc mines.
Literally me
>Sons of Calydon
lmao he truly doesn't know
She doesn't eat pidgeons for one so she could be more chinese.
I kind of hate that discs are so complicated in this game. I wish they were more cut and dry so I could just braindead farm for the characters I want. It's going to take months before the meta solidifies.
The leaks from pre release doesn't mean all of them are sons of calydon you retard. The leak prior even had Grace with Lucy, Caesar, Lighter, and Lucia.
That is stupid.
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go fortnite yourself
>R3 engine
That'll make her pagfag thought
Retard SoC already has 5 members revealed on official trailers and their boss is teased on Billy's trust event.
That's 6 members already without >>>>>>>leak
Leaktranny don't play the game I swear to God.
If her set routine cleanup wasn't paired with one of the best support sets, this could make some sort of sense.
Early on, its not good to build electro unless you already have the characters... and if you have them you are going to use the set on them instead onf zhu yuan.
if you get unlucky/lucky standard can fuck you over with engines.
>want C6 Ben
>DON'T want to waste a 50/50 on niggerass cop
god damn the hay fever corruption is a run ender
why is this one so much more horrific than all of the other major corruptions
>he thinks the Sons of Calydon boss will be playable
Just like Victoria Housekeeping's master right? Retard.
I want Rina to drink my semen and urine
She knows it must be done to get the cops off their backs.
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I rolled for asscop and I regret it.
She reminds me of my cousin (yes I would)
i guess the 4 piece electro giving 28% combat atk% is that good. But yeah, ether paired with the support set makes farming the set pretty good value. Its only for those who have a anton and farmed a set arleady.
You keep posting this but I will never be demoralized
But my SD clears????
Bros this heat is brutal, 26c at 7am
you are too early with dropping this truthbomb
most people here are still in cope phase
Beg hoyo to make them playable then. I'll wait.
>It's gonna be playable like a year later!
Shut the fuck up. At that point every faction would get new units so calydon won't be the special "6 member" team it is. If you want to go even deeper, there are even more calydon member design that stays as design concept. At least 3 of them. If we use your logic then calydon would have 8 units at least.
She's keeping watch bro, if anything she's a real nigga giving me a solid.
By what means did you divine characters they will or won't add in the future nostradamus?
uh its 10:14pm bro
Where is the guide

Remember you can use residual signal instead if you don't want to use direct rolls for any reason, though I'm guessing it's only once in the shop
Their master is whoever they're working for, retard. Lycaon is the head butler.
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desu if i did not have ellen + signature and the furry i dont know how long would i be able to do the weeklys on this game, each of this missions take 20 minutes+ and you need to do 7 to get all the rewards, the game is 2 weeks old and im already struggling to do 3 of these to max the pass 3 hours before reset
so is this cute girl in the OP for (You) or not
You're the one who claimed they would be playable when you said
>Sons of Calydon has 6 playables
retard. I simply told you in-game mentions don't equate to playability. Where's YOUR proof, John Titor?
NTA, but you are talking as if the previous anons didn't just predict SoC will have 6 playable units in the future and that new member will be the leader.
>playing to grind and not for the fun
I can easily hit the Z-Merit weekly cap and still keep playing.
>straight up said she is ok with going on a date with you
>thinks handholding is lewd, holds your hand anyway
>watches a porn tape with you
the judgement is yours
You mean worthless autism issue
Kinda bugs me that there’s an uneven number of elemental types. Ice/fire and Physical/Ether are nice contrasts but then poor Electric is just left out all in its lonesome just like in star rail and genshin after it added dendro.
I solo those with Billy for fun.
Don't forget about introducing us to her parents.
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This game is getting too real
>we want the Bocchi the Rock demographic
??? How are they hard, its pretty easy
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Corin's quite useful for tender sex though
Dont believe you. This is a mihoyo game.
why do all genshin niggers type like this? What posesses you to nonsequiter into your shit games nonsense word garbage?
your loss
>he lacks the critical information
Can confirm, this is all true, but locked behind rolling for her.
im surprised theres only 5 elements, gachas usually have more to make it easier to balance and create artificial difficulties in endgame by buffing or nerfing specific element teams.
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we played other games newfag
sit down
Corin has ugly scars all over her body it's pretty unattractive and nasty
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Anon... it's not a non-sequitur if it's showing the same issue between the games...
I haven’t even played genshin since Dehya. No need to get riled up.
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It's real.
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I want to kiss her scars and tell her that she's beautiful
OOC non-canon events just like the teapot in genshin or text message in HSR don't count
>Corin has sexy scars all over her body it's pretty erotic and enticing
Chunk flu was always real before cuckvid it's cultural history at this point
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Corin has cool scars all over her body it's pretty attractive and sicknasty
Ok Cameraveller
>billy the reddit
i mean electric may not have a thematic contrast but shock is probably going to end up as the single best base element in the game due to have LEAGUES better disorder formula compared to literally every other element.
I knew it wouldn't be long before we got faggots like (You).
Go suck a shotgun.
god i want to be cucked by lucy so badly.....
simple question from a brainlet. shock first, or shock second?
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You rang?
Genshin Impact might be more your style desu, they're currently being cucked in their new event.
After the first assassination attempt, DaWei hasn't been the same.
He now thirst for the thrill of battle.
This is the mode that require the engine the least, that's not the flex you think it is.
shock first, then you want to apply another element as fast as physically possible.
the best disorder comp will inevitably be electro anomaly + [other best anomaly character in the game for pure application that isn't shock] + flex (probably a support)
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Gay. Scars add character
Ether is begging for a light counterpart, physical seems more counter to electric
>Zhu Yuan's home date
D-Did they just fuck?
Watching all the tape was an euphemism, right?
>taking pride in giving a company your money in a game designed to make you want to do so
Literal sheep behaviour bro.
Why aren’t you playing Genshin Impact?
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What are they? Ether elfs?
How does Wise feels about the fact that any female agent like Nicole can crush his spine with a single hand.
I'm going to rape you
I'm sick of that kind of fantasy game.
That's hot.
>t. Wise
I’m rich and I just spent MORE money on ZZZ to support China’s war against the west. What are YOU gonna do about it?
I couldn't believe either. But it's true, mihomo a company well known for its omnipandering games (barely any (you) pandering) , actually has done a game about (you) pandering.
should I be using basic attacks with Nicole Demara?
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It's honestly pretty hot when your wife is a godslaying being of unimaginable power but she wants to protect you.
Mercy from the hit hero shooter game, Overwatch!
This is the only based swipenigger mentality
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There isn't any cucking in the new event. It's just huge disinformation and chinks captioning shit that never existed in the first place.
I already cleared all zones, events and spent resin :)
same as in this game and hsr
Every time I see Ellen around town in her school uniform I just want to take her into a private place and rail her.
Wise gets off by dominating them on bed.
>so calydon won't be the special "6 member" team it is
Calydon is already a special case with 5 agents what the fuck is this cope and why does it even matter if 4 of them are A ranks?
He's actually cool if you ignore his forced story personality, his combat design is cool and made me like him after a while. I just headcanon it that he forcefully made himself reddit to temper his initial cold warmachine design
Anomaly dmg only matters in anomaly disorder team, so shock and corruption are equally good as they have the same value? It's just that corruption deals half the damage twice as many times. Disorder should even it put and even let corruption do more if the rounding down calculation is done after the remaining time is timed by 2.
Not really? If you build for energy all she needs to do is EX for grouping and quick assists.
He wishes it was Lycaon knotting his prostrate instead
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which ice-cream is the most delicious?
the chinese gacha community is on a crusade to crucify Genshin and trying to find every detail on justifying their belief that genshin is trying to cuck them. Its mostly imagination and a whole lot of finding patterns just because you want to justify something.
It doesnt really help genshin case when a lot of recent games are going full on pandering (you), including their own games like star rail or zzz, or outsider games like Wuwa, snowbreak and others.
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>lucky you you're next
what did she mean by this?
I love Corin(Huo Huo)
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>you get a namecard for your birthday
I can't tell you cause she made me sign an NDA.
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uh oh cameraveler melty
Happy birthday.
>Will no longer be rare by the time I get it
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Thanks. I will now play your game.
Supporting this and other hoyo games is extremely based because it denies american political gay/race agenda
after learning that the first tape was a vintage porno, you asked her if she wants to continue "investigating" all the other tapes. She said yes.
Is battery farming dennies until you hit ik50 SERIOUSLY the meta of this game?
Who is more rapeable, Corin or Huohuo?
Ah, so it's the genshin version of the girls frontline 2 drama?
HSR is peak sissy cuckoldry because you can't skip the story and you're forced to either choose the FeMC and be yurinigger or choose the Male MC and he acts like a total gay sissy lmao
>Gay agenda
>Gay agenda, China
You gonna get kotted
its great to see in game models mogging fan art and mods constantly. how the fuck did they do it
Thanks anon
surely we'll be able to s-rank all the nodes the next cycle rights bros
bro farm your hollow zero.....
didn't girls frontline 2 actually just cuck people? never played it, but from what I heard it established that (You) basically fucked off and didn't talk to any of the girls for 10 years and then some of them just got lovers and shit
Zhu m2 or w engine?
Bros... Hollow Zero fucking sucks...
u mad twittroon? everyone is straight in my game btw
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How many patches til we get Captain Magus, Trigger, and the rest of OBOL squad?
Sorry, gweilo, but the other two games were far too generous with mora/credits. We're cutting you off, you HAVE to spend energy for them. Same with disc exp, you've had it too good for too long.
None, save for Qingyi instead
>we want the prisma Illya audience
We'll only need to clear it three times in the future. Trust the plan.
lmao seethe honktroon enjoy your sissy MC (You) pandering
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Uhh but would you kiss her scar right on her armpit?
uh oh gigger hrtranny melty....
Is this real? Well that explains the amount of schizos we get from that thread.
Theres been some resentment brewing within genshin since sumeru (A full year of no limited 5star, with dehya having a shit kit, the fontaine story being not focused on (you) but on neuvilette and they claim that the MC is being treated as a camera).
I follow some chinese bilibili creators and its not entirely a fabricated drama out of angry incels. GFL2 was just unlucky enough to be the first major one that ignited the flames and got caught. THen again, genshin is 4 years old and is bound to have some players that just want to see it fail.
BIG tail
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Brick your account
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why is Anby such a buttslut?
50 GB of tits and ass, too bad they are still using the CBT1 model for miyabi
That's still to many. I should only have to clear it once at most and, in an ideal world, zero times.
I wish I was shitposting lmao
The only thing Qingyi is going to brick is my dick.
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she's gonna kick you in the balls
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You're supposed to be farming disks starting ik45 bwo
>dual mace girl is a rapper
>robot girl pretending to be human when performing
fuck that's good concepts, good chatGPT slop bro
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I can't regret pulling for asscop or shark nipples because I still haven't read their kits. I will also pull for bellycop.
Jane, my beloved
>gorillions enemies in critical shiyu weak to shock damage
>no shock attacker
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>Cocky, loves to tease and play cruel pranks on others
big if true
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The right choice
Bro your Anton?
hhhhgnnnng cute medabot perky tits
Wait for Miyabi
bro... you're bro????
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Gonna be a bit of a bootlicker and say I like disk farming, but 60 energy is a bit too much.
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I would lick it, licking the scars of girls that are hurt turns me on and makes them happy.
my billy video is famous now.....
Holy fuck Hollow Zero takes so long to do, even longer than Simulated Universe. They're definitely going to change this, right?
It makes sense later on cause you can scrap 3 for a new one. In Star Rail it's 40, but requires 10 for 1.
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>He doesn't know
They're gonna release a new A agent as their manager. Can't wait for cuckposting lmao. Knowing mihomo they're probably gonna do it
Just eat less noodles fatty
ik 38, what should i be using stamina on?
I realise 60 energy is actually 40 for the disks and 20 for the lvl up mats. There should never be a need for farming VR disk mats ever once you realise this.
ummm I don't remember this part of the game
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That's entirely uncontroversial. Until we know if it's 3 golds at max level, they fucking gypped us and set a new, worse standard for artifact farming in their games.
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go back to /gig/
am I the only one that thinks it's almost impossible to pull off Qingyi's long ass combo strings against highly aggressive enemies aka in later shiyus? I'm now doubting shes THAT good
Sounds about right, they tried to balance ZZZ disk farming based on Genshin rates
>GI: 160 total / 40 resin = 4 runs
>ZZZ: 240 + 60 total / 60 resin = 4+1 runs
but then genshin was forced to increase their cap so now ZZZ just looks stupid and a jew.
disc drives for your attackers until IK 40, and then finish your mats for lvl 50 on your main attackers, and then discs again at 45
malechads win again
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The UI is so fucking troll and my brain refuses to adjust to it. Nicole is on the left, Anby is on the right, so logically you would think the LEFT trigger would swap in Nicole and the RIGHT trigger would swap in Anby...now it's the fucking opposite
>Hares: 4 members, 1S
>Belobog: 4 members, 2S
>Victoria: 4 members, 3S
>NEPS: 4 members, 3S
>Obol: 1 member, 1S
>T6: 2 members, 1S (that we know of)
The only reason hares only have 1 S ranks is because they are the starter units. Calydon should have another S rank other than Caesar.
>But the leaks
I thought you said we're not talking about leaks?
>Future unit!
There is no guarantee as well. Why couldn't it be 2 S rank and the distant future 6th member be an A rank?
She will break this game
Tell me about Yutane, why does she wear the robot suit?
apparently she has combos that won't get interrupted with dodges, or when you use her ex skill and the attacks that uses her upper left gauge , she's invulnerable during it which means you can swap out during the long ass animations.
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>I realize now Mr. Wei is actually so generous! Letting us have disc level up materials that definitely weren't already included as blue and purple relics/artifacts in the other games in greater amounts for less stamina! So generous!
I hate you so much.
Zzz still has no overflow mechanic. So if you cap, you lose 100% of the stamina you get instead of 66%
It's about the same as Genshin.

ZZZ with coffee gives you an average of 12.5 battery charge an hour so you'll have to wait 5 hours for 2. With Genshin, you get 7.5 an hour and have to wait a little over 5 hours for 40 for 2. Both have a recycling method to convert 3 to 1 new.
If she took it off, would she die?
I absolutely love those animations and effects and the aoe size and mobility
it's going to be soooo goood
>right trigger
There's only one swap button on the only platform that matters, and pressing it swaps you to the character beside your current active character. It's quite intuitive.
The human girl is the vtuber, the medabot is roommate, most likely
Why couldn't it be 4 A ranks and 1 S ranks? Anything is possible you said it yourself.
>There's no guarantee
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I'm going to collect all of the Sons of Caldyon and I'm going to fail to clear SD with them every two weeks.
What is this ESL garbage
Haven't touched that cuck game, anon. I'm just saying what I think they're gonna do. They have earned that reputation lmao
Hey wait a minute. This is just the Cunning Hares all over again.
>their leader is a little shit with a good heart
>a fairly normal one
All they need is a catgirl(boy).
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lmao even
mobile? keyboard can swap both ways too
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Rolling for Qingyi is a brick since you want a stunner of every element first. Procing Anomaly that the enemy is weak to disables them or interrupts them for a few seconds. This lets you get stun combos off uninteruppted.
Yeah, the level gap seems to be fucking me over, I have an easy time doing the first 3 lvl50+ challenges, but after that it goes way too slowly.
I suppose upgrading gear helps a bit, but it doesn't seem to be as much of a difference as with say, genshin or something.
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>another arcade event
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We're talking about Corin's sexy damaged body bro
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Do we know if max relic farming level gives 2 or 3? Nobody can give a straight answer on this.
>They have earned that reputation lmao
/gig/ has infected this poor guy's mind even without him touching the game.
Might as well stay there.
but I'm rolling for m6 anby not chinky
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Wait until you see how fast she stun
Press c anon.
ik40 1-2
ik45 2
ik50 2-3
schizos won
schizos always win
Belobog is such a shit team. I guess it fits since they're Russian.
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Ellen already has trouble with doing the sharknami combo with how slow her basic attack chain is, so I don't doubt she'll struggle unless they give her super armor or something.
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>KB+M cucks
It would be extremely painful
It's just highly unlikely considering every other faction that is not the starter hare has at least half of their member be S rank. A 1:4 S to A rank ratio with the great equaliser being the mythical 6th member is just unlikely.
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Zhu Juan going "ape shit" would be sleeping in for 5 minutes
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Corin should work in a maid bikini instead.
>temptation to roll purely out of desire for a rank engines and possible arank agent dupes
oooooh i kinda hate this
Corin is surprisingly short. Shortest character who has had their profile released.
She's a big girl.
It's not difficult at all.
>t. played Zangief on kb
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>stealth nafoposting
you can technically overcap energy if you dont use it. i got a second account that i only login and drink coffee on, its at 400+ energy.
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Horrible. I hate Da Wei so much it's unreal.
...for you.
stay strong anon, you'll get those dupes eventually when you do roll
waiting and saving will be better in the long run
You don't need to farm discs. Just meld them at the nigger record robot using all the master copies the game tosses at you. Use the tuning calibrator a couple of times to get the final discs if necessary.
I did this and rolled for Nicole dupes and her weapon(s) since I'm skipping everything until Jane next patch. Building pity is fine if you can use rate up characters and you're not likely to get S rank until pity
Can I use dog ball with qingyi
yeah no shit what do you think a hitbox is
I'm literally suffering without Piper's signature engine
how the fuck do I get one
I like 'em but they're probably the weakest of the bunch in terms of development.
Anton gets very little to his character other than being a hot-blooded aniki and Ben is probably the weakest character in terms of writing. Grace is tied to Koleda as a sort of motherly figure but it's safe to say Koleda easily carried chapter 2.
The only game that controllers have value in is Rocket League and MAYBE Souls games, other than that they're inferior.
>Belobog is such a shit team. I guess it fits since they're Russian.
Why are you bringing nafo bullshit into here?
is that way.
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>Legitimately giving us the exact same amount of shit (possibly less due to disc exp nerf) for 50% more stamina/6 more hours of waiting
Why the fuck is this acceptable?
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She should work with her boots off
Was actually referring to the gameplay, but yeah their characters aren't particularly strong either
I hit level 45 and blew 30 batteries farming discs.
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Why does your game look like that??? It's so high contrast and looks like early beta versions of Genshin. Mods?????
Big true
most controllerfags just have small, fat hands
That one attack where she emits a ton of sparks makes her look like a convulsing, malfunctioning robot. Hot.
>no dogknots
>no piper
>no zhu
Oh no no noo
do you play fighting games with M+KB...
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Man. No wonder they felt okay giving us a free stamina refresh every day, that's horseshit.
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some bug with screenshot on nvidia. I'm using an OLED monitor.
>no lycaon
It's not because you have coffee and 3 static main stats
farm disks retard
bet your characters are like 20 crit / 60 cdmg
NTA, but I'd say a fightstick is closer to mkb than a controller.
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Qingyi infinite combo
Ellen sex
nobody plays fighting games
Are people on this board actually pro Russia now? Why is it okay to shit on the chinks and not on the slavs?
Me on the right
That's funny and all, but pretty sure it's a damage loss.
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every hoyo thread is rightfully pro-china and pro-russia
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>if you don't agree with me they you MUST be against me!!!
Just end it all already.
I'm here for the fucking games you turbo nigger. Not to hear about some war in some other fuck off country. If I wanted that I would go to /pol/.
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I've been hacking away at the end-game for a while now and i have a few suggestions!
>Ditch the TV in Hollow Zero. It both unnecessarily pads Hollow Zero delves and does very little to add to any amount of actual gameplay that couldn't be done in the stages themselves. Elysian Realm and Swarm Disaster are both solid blueprints. Use them.
>Drop the typing of enemies in end-game modes and add a weather system with multitude seasonal changes instead, peering at weaknesses in Shiyu is already pointless as is, give people reasons to build teams that can take advantage of the modifiers in Shiyu without having to sweat about specific enemy counter elements each season.
>Create another gameplay mode that does not factor time into clear rankings at all. Getting hit, slow decibel generation and other occasional seasonal factors should be taken into account. This mode should also add a hit counter.
Belebog represents a family, but with character reversals for funsies. The kid and pet are the responsible parents while the two adults are the ones that need supervision.
/zzz/igger general
I love China. If you hate china and play chinese gacha (90% of good gacha are chinese) you are a hypocrite
they're like a ghetto hitbox assuming your keyboard can handle that many inputs simultaneously
Kinda funny that without Nekomata, gentle house would have no S ranks on their side compared to the stacked rosters for every other faction. Tuff scene.
>lead designer for machinery
HMMMMM.... that is a connection I did not make before.
Does Belle act less scared than Wise in the tower?
Go back to HI3.
She's got the power of stupid on her side.
>25 seconds to stun a basic bitch dog enemy

For a stunner, chinky seems to take a long time to stun enemies.
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Actually Calydon is also slated to be 3 A ranks and an S
>Piper A
>Lucy A
>Lighter A
>Caesar S
They each should have a Bangboo.
yes but all the mod does is uncensor to restore her original CBT model
>zhu yan
you did NOT beat SD
You're playing a chinese game anon. Westoids (amerifats and their european vassals) are second class citizens here
I was curious because Wise was freaking out when he picked Rina's bag.
I hate china and I hate myself for playing Chinese mobile slop, so it's not hypocritical
motion-wise they're the same. Voice-wise belle is more emotionally expressive in every dialogue and cutscenes
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No need, besides lifting good ideas from your previous titles isn't bad practice to begin with.
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>first point
Stupid, I don't know what this seasonal shit is but it sounds stupid
>more gameplay modes that aren't just "kill before time runs out"
I agree with this, dunno what a hit counter is but sounds stupid
>Ditch the TV
Opinion instantly disregarded. True, the TV needs a lot of improvements but it's one of the games best features.
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I have Lvl 15 max disk on Ellen and Grace, isn't that enough???
pure F2P so far but I am tempted to buy jsut the battle pass for the upgrade materials...
Lv 1, 0 disk, no talents and no weapon
>TV as a concept hater
>Stunner in party slot 1
what the fuck are you doing nigger
You forgot Burnice, also an A
what discs do I put on anton aside from the obvious woodpecker
Sorry, I do know what a hit counter is, and I don't see the point in adding it
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>Even has C1 on Ellen and Grace
brooooo, you might just be bad...
Are you giving your stunners too much field time, maybe? Try only using them for parries and see how that works.
The cunning hares are a bunch of cheap retards.
I just heard something about hidden hollow zero quests?
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Anon, I'm sorry to say but it might be skull issue after all.
And that's what makes them the best faction
Shame what the did to non-story Nicole though
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why is her pant like that
something wrong with your soukaku whale bro
she should have at the very least 2.5k atk
use only ATK% disc 4,5,6
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I don't hate the TV, but it's unnecessary padding for specifically Hollow Zero. Investigations and story oriented mode made a clever usage of it and can have their place, but Hollow Zero is pretty easily the worst place to utilize it, as it's the place where you will be taking your teams once you're done with the story and having around 10-15 minutes of your playtime oriented towards navigating the grid is not only tiresome, it detracts from the value of having built your characters in the first place. Having a mode where you spend between 6-8 minutes of your gameplay in combat is counterintuitive, especially when you consider that something like HSR has more combat in it's end-game modes despite being an auto-battler. TV is fun, TV works. Keep it, but use it in modes where it actually belongs. I'm also fine with them using TV in the rest areas, as it has it's advantages.
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>interrupted by anything
>stuns slow as shit
>literally just one unfun combo
>generic white hair anime girl
>autistic retard
>not even the most autistic
man can't wait to drop this piece of shit of a waifu for the superior lolibot, she's singlehandedly dragging my zhu team down
If you collect the items hidden Hollow Zero you get some hidden commissions.
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>non-story Nicole though
Unironically just go back to HI3rd. Those points are not a good idea, for multiple reasons. HI3rd is THE worst new player experience I've ever had in its state, and you do NOT want to copy that.
>Ditch the TV in Hollow Zero.
No. If you hate the TVs then sure, but Hollow Zero keeps it.
>Drop the typing of enemies in end-game modes
Not happening. That's one of the factors Hoyo will use to make you roll for more characters - and more importantly - entice you to swipe.
>Create another gameplay mode that does not factor time into clear rankings at all.
They should do some Fall Guys type shit but with Bangboos. I'll fucking destroy you clumsy schmucks.
She gets flanderized harder than a Persona character
Stylized chaps
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Can someone pls fucking tell me how to clear this shit fast. I fucking hate the hollows I just wanna do 2 a week but im forced to complete this shit SEVEN times

I tried doing the lower difficulty ones and its not giving me credit wtf does interior or higher difficulty mean i dont see interior i only see disaster or high risk difficulty
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Kono hentai!
Shark butt
>flanderized harder than a Persona character
Damn. Even worse than 5?
The stages are literally named interior core heartland etc you retard
Interior difficulty is the 2500 point ones. You can see it at the end of the stage names
You guys are so mind shattered by this mother fucker. This is the most rent free shit of all time. Let it go we're in zenless zone zero general playing zzz
Illiterate retards like you deserve to be miserable
hollow zero is literally the perfect place for it though? like there's no better mode to use it, and it's also great BECAUSE you don't need to build characters as much for it, with all the buffs you can get
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I was looking at many shiyu vids of grace raping the robots and tried to replicate it with even better anomaly disks than them and the same w-engine but my damage was still shit
until i eventually realized that what i lacked compared to those runs was fucking rina, she is the one that is making everything work.
It's the name of the mission. It will have a descriptor at the end like frontier, interior, core etc.
Absolutely, she barely spends a single second not just jewwing out constantly, and it being for Reasons doesn't save it
You mean the storage/memory cards?
Why aren’t you playing Elden Ring?
You can see this in Koleda's agent story. The antagonist represents values where duty to family overrides the duties to wider society. This is the opposite of how Koleda wants Belebog-as-a-family to be, she won't exploit other people to benefit those in the company.
nta but I think he means the random bond events
she's shown to be rather selfish and you usually have to stroke her ego a lot which is even weirder when the rank up events are about how she's altruistic and actually does good
other cunning hares don't suffer from the same issues so I wonder what happened there
I wish they got rid of time limits, but I doubt it'll happen. Purely skill based gameplay means they can't sell you the latest power creep. I'm just grateful that they finally learned that escort missions are bad gameplay design.
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Lycaon is the center of any team. He can be played with Corin-Piper, Nicole-Zhu Yuan, or Soukaku-Corin. Hence no matter which agent you encounter during the run Lycaon will always work with them. He also deals decent damage especially early in the run.
I've already played through Elden Ring three times and Elden Ring + SotE once.

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