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Previous: >>488053056

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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nice game nerds
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>she sees your plugboo
The kurse of the kot
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Zhu plays like this game if it was good
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I look like this
so how am i supposed to reach shiyu 17 without ellen
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I love them, they're so fun together.
It's easy if your account level its 50.
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So do you guys admit the coom factor is an important factor as to why you're playing this game or not?
People are getting S rating with Billy
Unironically git gud
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What could realistically happen that would make you regret your choice in picking belle/wise?
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Ellen butthole sex...
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GFL bwos... we're still here.....
>Zhu Yuan has a great look but boring personality.
>Qingyi's personality is fun but her body does nothing for me.

Man guess I'm double skipping and going all in on the rat.
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I want her now
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
Anbybwos (She'll always be your first stunner! Don't forget about her even when you get S rank ones!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!

I hope Belle and Wise don't get seperated again, though if they did I want Wise to be missing this time and Belle to save him for cool parallels and equality with Belle players who got bonus dialog when they played Wise to save Belle
quality and gameplay is important too.
yes, i like braindead gameplay
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>doing some HZ runs
>get some packages delivered
>go bring them inside
>come back and start playing again
>Fairy goes "DING DONG! A package has been delivered."
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Bros is it normal to fall in love with a fictional character?
1. level
2. discs
3. weapon
you can do most things off-element if your stunning game is good enough
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bring me the rat
How impactful is M2 Zhu interruption?
One day and ANOTHER DAY
Someone said they came back from the bathroom to find a popup from Fairy welcoming them back from the bathroom
The devs had a lot of fun with the idle messages
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The sibling you didn't pick becomes a playable agent that you can roll for
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this will do fine on Piper until I get the rat
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Yes. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Yup, looks like I'm among good company.
god dayum
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I'm coming home once 2 finally gets global!
go back to your cuck game and general that sucks the dick of an avatarfag
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Finally, a worthy challenger!
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Yuzhong and Dawei will light a path again, I believe
ZZZ x GFL2:Ex collab doko.....
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Lycaon's agent story was a lot of fun!
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it ain't ezzz bein cheezzz
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what's up with this shameless flirting

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I just want one dps...
I will get deceived by her
I will fall in love with her
I will have sex with her
She will break my heart
She will have a soft spot for me and toy with me for the rest of our lives
She will ruin my expectations for future women
We will enjoy the sexual tension from our fling and have multiple ones throughout our lives
We will have a globe spanning attraction where we encounter each other in unexpected places but work together to overcome our obstacles
We will be able to look into each other's eyes and know exactly what the other person wants to do
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It's an important eye catch, but whether I want to actually check the game or not will still depends on it's gameplay & other fun factors.
Go away homo. This is a game for furfags, hagchads, and cunnysseurs.
There is a 99% chance this is just a coincidence. I recommend for you to not pay any attention to it since it is very unlikely an extremely smart A.I. that is loved by all that have brains that comes from a game to actually know what is going on in your house.
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I always play more with the cool dudes than the hot chicks, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate them. Waterkuma was the right choice for the urban aesthetic and the girls he sketched up are not only very sexo but also have more to their design than simple coom-factor.
Yeah, it was cool to see his devotion to his mistress and getting slowly the reveal about his past build-up. They definitely put more effort into writing this than some others.
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its called marriage
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I want to have sex with Fairy
sexo con la rata...
I enjoyed it a lot. I almost didn't look at the character stories because I didn't like the Genshin hangouts, but these are a lot more fun.
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best quest for sure. great music, great scripting, great moments, great vampire
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>getting filtered by watch your steps event
I cant be the only one right? Some of these actually require thinking
Wise will have a Sasuke arc as foretold by the trippy vision only to go "well... I'm sorry that was genuinely stupid of me" as the Zenful Zone One swallows the human cosmos
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The picnic with Corin is super cute, but it also cracks me up each time that Ellen weaves baskets. Its really cute.
Brothers and sisters shouldn't give each other hickeys
miserable toxic rat relationship fornication lovemaking
Sheep thiren girl that tanks hits with her squishy wool
>pick belle
>miss out on her speaking 80% of the time
>pick wise
miss out on having to run around town as belle
but the latter's gonna get fixed in future updates so the right choice became even more obvious
Zhu Yuan plays like complete garbage bros...
Is her ass soft or hard? This is important.
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Are we having a watch party this Friday for the livestream?
Why is she so adorable bros
The first few abysses in Hoyo games are always near unbeatable unless you whale. Even then it's pretty hard. Your account power level is simply too low. Expect to max clear it comfortably by 1.2.
I thought I had a lot of money until I started investing on a second team what the fuck
they're more equivalent to genshin's character quests. closet thing we have to hangouts is the text message trust reward stuff
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i'd like to say no but this sex machine lives rent free in my head
>midyuan rollers getting filtered by event for toddlers
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This, but we get to pick up Eos and use him as a Bangboo shield.
Someone made a cytube for that purpse, so apparently yes.
why does she have toilet paper on her ass
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Late night all night sibling exercise is NORMAL
You incestscizos need to be stopped
Its popularity is. I only play popular live service games. If everyone else quit the game and all discussion around it died down, I'd quit too.
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Anyone got a decked out Ben? What numbers you rockin. I'll be gearing mine soon, just looking for ballpark numbers.
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I didn't make it in time bros...
Designs are the only reason I tried this game out, not going to lie
Forreal. I actually haven't pulled on her banner yet because I can't decide if she's worth. Undeniably strong, sexo, fun story beats. But man, playing her trial gameplay felt not fun compared to Ellen.
that's her butt battery so she doesn't run out of bounce power during sex
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no but i did too
I'll be honest. I'm only going for her because I didn't get Ellen. I need someone cute to play as damn it
Its not gonna reset for another 3 days or so. Thats plenty of time to at least get B Ranks in the first 3-4
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is this vampire nigga voiced by Dr. Ratio? he sounds so good.
c6w6 ellenfags couldn't beat ch3's TV section...
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Why is always Nicole? ;_;
Stacy oppression...
Type the CAPTCHA here
damn talk about lucky
Wait there's a stream this friday?
I only was interested in this because of Billy, Corin and Soukaku when they revealed the first trailer.
could've used that luck for a double S rank pull in the banner but noooo, you have to just use it up in mats.
someone said its about a 20% chance to get a pink drop so you rolled 20% 4 times
be nice to grandma, it's the external battery
she's an old model
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I laughed, unironically good post
Which one would you pick as your personal maid?
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I've hit the weekly limit for the battle pass, if I claim this does it apply after reset or do I just lose it altogether?
>reached IK45
Safe to dump all my batteries into disk drives now right?
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I like most characters in these games, but only pull ones that have gameplay I truly enjoy
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Is this going to be another genshin where all the best designs were in 1.0?
>get jumpscared by a random cop that just spawned behind me in the freaking video store
What the hell
(important) grooming corin until she's legal is both acceptable and encouraged
Absolutely. I'm constantly ready to put down the game because I don't have the units I really want. But, it's early enough that I'll just chug through
Lycaon except I'm the maid
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Ellen. I want to be disdained, not raped.
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Corin, of course.
Dehya and then Fontaine characters were the only reasons why I bothered to check up on Genshin after Inazuma.
How many runs is H0? I am at mission 2/4 and its asking for 4 clears.
She's older than Ellen bro
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Corin would probably do a better job as a maid but Ellen is better eye candy.
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But that's the best part!
I love Nicole, but the stacy personality is very fun to tease unfortunately.
>Safe to dump all my batteries into disk drives now right?
its never safe to do this
why are you so mean...
its not my fault I cant control luck
prove it
I like the robot idol, rat and Burnice. I'm fine with what they have shown so far overall.
im out of disc drive xp materials...
>if I claim this does it apply after reset or do I just lose it altogether?
You get the BP EXP immediately since it's event task, those task type don't count towards the weekly limit.
Oh I thought it would reset today, thanks anon
Claim it. Points outside of Daily and Weekly are independent of the limit.
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Sex with irrelevant background NPCs
You'll get it right now, everything on that tab is exempt from the weekly limit.
Corin would be a better maid by default, for Ellen you legit have to earn her trust for her to actually put effort, otherwise she would but the bare minimum
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>need to pull the lolibot for the ether team
>need to pull the ratfu for the grace / rina team
am i fucked bros
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Yes, it's time
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So how hard are the unstable nodes? Friday was an absolute pain in the dick.
it's time to use THAT
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Good shit, thanks bros
Why do people dump batteries into discs when there's a nigger robot right next to the video store that lets you craft them for free? You get shitloads of master copies, might as well convert them into drive discs.
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Man how the hell do people get s-ranks before hard pity, this .6% is kicking my ass.
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miyabi romance
no handlebars no rolls
don't worry if you hit the weekly exp limit
it means you are way ahead of the exp curve and will finish it early
it sucks but if this wasnt the case you would need perfect login and clears every day, which isn't the case.

i think only the first bp for their other game had this problem but they decided to relax it after.
Im sorry to hear that
sex with my NPC shitposting karen elf wife Orlenda
1-2 are okay, 3-5 are annoying but doable
then 6-7 are dogshit
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I just reached level 40
when the fuck do I go all in on disc farming?
I got my first S 1 off from pity, it honestly felt more insulting than if I just got the pity
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cute fox
i was just joking, it doesnt matter at all as the events don't affect each other. (Unless they're doing monster hunter and somehow they use a drop table with actual rng manpulation for charms and gems and shit)
Reminds me of fire emblem on GBA where you can prime and change the rng stat gain by doing different actions before the lvl up and reset scumming.
bro you were meant to be spending 90% of your daily energy on discs since knot 35...
>you get shitloads of master copies
no you don't
For every faggot humblebragging about their triple 5 star ten pull, there's 10 unfortunate souls losing 50-50s and hitting hard pity.
>friend keeps mocking me for single pulling every time I get the chrome for it
Are people really that patient to get 9 dogshit wengines and a Ben ascension?
Stop bullying the sword autist.
45 gives better rates but you'd be stuck doing fucking nothing for way too long
I'd say yes
I ran 0/9 blue discs until level 40 and didn't have any problems
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well fuck
I was half farming that and half farming mats
i believe in u bro ur gonna make it
You probably can clear 11-13 just fine
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Corin is legal
>no self control to wait for 10's
i bet you swipe too
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They're actually pretty easy
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there is nothing wrong with that either
mats for upgrades are permanent guaranteed gains
people may lack the dennies to apply them all at once though
>farm discs with stamina
>scrap trash discs into disc crafting materials
>give elfy the scraps to give you actual usable discs from them
>snipe mainstats (but don't use tuners) from elfy to get pieces your units are lacking
you're an idiot if you don't do this, this is literally THE endgame loop and where most of your stats are coming from to clear Shiyu before reset.
Ellen is laying on my bed and doesn't want to leave
>shitloads of master copies
bro they give you enough for like 5 ten rolls between all three options, and only the red and yellow ones are actually worth a shit because they have the possibility of giving 5* discs
only luckGODS can rely on master copies to carry them
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What do you mean?
Self-control for what? Are you a dog that waits when their owner puts a treat on their nose? You know it's gonna be shit, what's the self-control for?
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I'm wondering about that too.
she's ignoring my texts, tell her to pick up her phone
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PvP soon.
the battery holder on her waist is adequate grip
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hmm nyo
>recover from dennies scarcity
>out of disk upgrade mat
>bought mat from notLawson
>out of dennies
imagine how good it would feel to pull 10 zhu yuans at once
My best attempt right now without discs and level 50 is the first stage of the red shiyu so I guess 17 shiyu is pretty doable once you get decent discs anfd levels
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I love him...
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i'm da jokah baybee
my luck is atrocious i just got an A rank engine for grace from the gadget shop. get it to 40. see i have a 10 pull use it and get an s rank. it’s graces signature engine… fucking useless. there are only 2 anomaly units in game and i already have piper using her signature engine too. now i have a spare engine with a shit ton of resources invested an no one to use it on. inb4 your rat girl coming up. knowing my luck i won’t be able to get her. this account is supposed to have zhu yuan and im 30 pulls from hard piety after losing me 50/50… i doubt i’ll even get enough for zhu at this rate..
when you're broke it's time to spend your stamina on resource farming
even with the BP I had to do that
you're almost there! keep pulling!
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>he bought
who here /never lucky/
save for the future is not like they will stop releasing Anomaly units
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Felt good to finally hit IK 45 so I could blow my batteries and actually get some decent discs on my characters
>fell for the notLawson scam
Grace clearly loves you, why would you complain about your autismwife?
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try starting with corin in HZ then go to the rest area
i lost all my will to lewd her..
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explain for those of us whomstdve have her at level 1 and no resources to level her
where is the stat explanation thing I don't remember where to find it
I don't know the difference between anomaly mastery and proficiency
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could be worse
you could have gotten a kot
all of these are the same character
I demand my Cat. Make my account playable damn it
Mastery affects how much anomaly buildup you apply.
Proficiency affects how much damage anomalies do when you trigger them.
Both are percentages, i.e. 150 Anomaly Mastery means you apply 50% more.
>got stuck with the dodge CD corruption against nineveh
haha... thanks... i love the phase 2 projectiles being guaranteed damage...
>but don't use tuners
Wait why not? I haven't used mine yet, but are you supposed to save them for something besides getting something like a crit mainstat in slot 4?
100% asspulled fanfiction
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I think incest is okay and so does candleja
proficiency increases the damage of the "pop" effect when the anomaly triggers, 1% per stat number.
mastery improves buildup speed
stunners for example get a bit more out of mastery.
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The minute I saw her Ult., I knew she was for head pats not lewding
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Hello, just noticed you stolen this from arca.live zzz thread. Just want to say that these are exclusive paid emotes for arca.live and if you want to use it outside of the site, please credit the original source.

If you do not comply, we will shut down the page for foreign IP just like what we did to hsrg after they started stealing all our hsr emotes.

Thank you, arca.live admin team
closer and closer to naked feet
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This is why people hated the Koreans.
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I like Soukaku and all, but I've gotten her like 9 times...the dupe handouts aren't worth it, mihoyo.
what do you mean snipe? like use the double cost one on the slot you NEED to upgrade?
Resonaboo or Amillion for the Zhu/Anby/Nicole team?
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Never let cops sleep in your bed...

I hate this little shit. She's in all of my rolls
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life of the average salaryman
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This ass is made for sex
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What do I do with these?
Post the page 2 where she's getting fucked
i can’t pull if the events are dogshit.. i even buy the monthly but that’s only 10 pulls at most im still 30 off..
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WORK TIME???????????
give them to inky for bonus dennies on sunday nights
I'm boiling this fucking cat alive
I love the decision to let NPCs be central to the plot in agent stories. Because of that, these short stories can have plots with actual conclusions, instead of the ending being "just another day in the life of <agent>" or "end of chapter 1" (chapter 2 never; gacha games make money by adding new characters). It's also a more nuanced way to show agent personalities, because it gives a lot of details for the agents to react to and reflect on.
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Accept your fate husband
craft them all and hope for purples you can break down
it must have been amazing
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>7 hours to finish SD
slightly panicing
is there any Soukaku guro?
i need to see her sliced up and bleeding to death
>He skipped Seellen for ZhingYuan
Lmao even
same except kot instead. mostly because she has brown skin
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Why are B*lleshitters so obsessed with creating inbred flipper children? Is it because she's already so retarded they want to double up on it?
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you ain't fooling me with that disguise, JANE
what? there are 3 more days left
>wants a tragedy movie about someone more miserable than him
>both movies seem tragic
>pick the one that seems the more tragic
>"nuh-uh this isn't tragic at all"
these endgame movie recommendations can go fuck themselves
I just hope they consistently add new chapters unlike HSR that completely dropped them
4chan deletes everything after a few days
there isn't anything to comply with

yes some "other site" archives a lot of 4chan data but you are talking to anons who are not going to comply because they don't have to.
She requires correction https://files.catbox.moe/21tc4m.png
where do you see that
this is also why i like corin
POV's are like the same thing.
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But I'm a Wise player and I think Belle is the cutest girl
Not even close
>just for the first time had low enough hp to realize the character swap voice lines change
Reminder to wash your sibling
Is it true hoyo shut down the spiral abyss website for ZZZ because it will influence the spending?
how do I do shiyu 10, the ether-weakness machine is just reaming my asshole, ellen is doing the ice-weak side
whats the most efficient way to use the bomb in HZ? I heard you can bomb the S gate out if you couldn't finish it in time due to shitty teammate rng or sth but what else should you bomb with?
Bwo, it's on the top right of shiyu defense menu.
Sorry anon. Belle fucking won
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Man. Is flat pen that good? It's gotta be better than HP rolls but this still feels a little depressing
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if u don't have an ether team u would have to rely on gearing nicole, which isn't easy task.
kinda pointless on piper

i love her bros.
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What if I don't?
What if I wash maids instead huh?
Level up your skills and discs
>not 4p freedom
oh nonono...
it is indeed better, but flat penetration just ignores that amount of armor
i don't think we have a good grasp of armor levels yet. it could be like arknights where ignoring 100 armor is barely anything.
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Are you talking about Hollow Zero?
is there a guide on discs? am I supposed to care about which pieces goes to which number slot?
and which ones do I farm for ellen?
Incestchads have been feasting with ZZZ
It really is great
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Do we even know how damage calculation works in this game?
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>next victorian housekeeping character is vampire
>bleed, dot and burst play style
>main stat is pen%
the poorfag efficient route is the crit set 4 piece bonus because it can be used on anyone really

the long term path is whatever element set + 2 piece set (probably crit or element bonus or attack bonus)
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You're a weak Piper player who runs her as an anomaly bot
I am an alpha male DPS PiperGOD and I fuck her pits every night
This rat of a principal really talks big about the adult world while acting more like a gambling addict and just an all around irresponsible nitwit. Such Poetry that should be rewarded with a burning hot hammer to the balls.
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My favorite thing is the constant normalfag rage from people thinking characters who talk like this maybe have some romantic chemistry going on

Anti incestfags are getting hammered recently
Because of the girl to guy ratio, it will probably be another guy for the faction. But I would be hyped for a semen demon
what this game really needs is a vampire loli or a loli fox maid
you have a strange fetish
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It's good this picture opens with the long walks on the beach after dinner line, because wow that's incriminating
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Sword of Convallaria waiting room.
Why is Nekomata so hot bros?
Assuming anon isn't completely pulling shit out of his ass it would almost assuredly be Lycaon's vampire twink ex
im not gay but i wanna choke on Lycaon's knot
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Why did they include this in the game?
What were they thinking?
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You WILL wash your sibling.
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She sort of reminds me of Neru
>still no Lycaon doujinshi
It's not fair...
Wise just walked her home gently is all
the rough stuff happened once they got home
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imagine the smell
is that her cinema art?
I haven't even seen his tape yet but I think I saw some pictures floating around. That green hair guy?
Imagine how musky it is after a day of cleaning or fighting in hollows haha
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It's not that bad, just don't autopilot and everything's smooth
take the modpill
Yes, M6, specifically.
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I was never a big fan of Neru (outside of the bunny suit) but Koleda is one of my absoute favorites.
Maybe it's the tummy, maybe it's the nopan. I think she's just generally cuter
i play on ps5
Holy shit that actually looks a lot better for Soldier 11. Less visual clutter.
>he updated his PS5
My condolences.
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yeah everyone gratually undresses. roll for coom.
I don't feel like getting banned in 2 months from now
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The game will EoS when we get the Hollowlive vtubers
>Discount prisma illya
You are the only one rolling
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does piper proc the buff off of her own assaults?
>got cradle instead of brimstone
It would've been so good for zhu...
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fucking military girls, why are they like this? got me bricked harder than a kotseeded account
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Is this good enough for my trash rosters? I don't wanna pull limited yet
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You do need to trigger two in a row though, the first one doesn't get buffed sadly
Dating the robogirl in human form! Asking her to switch to robot form in bed!
Should I be using my batteries already?
Sword of Convallaria or HSR? i need a game to play after i finish my zzz dailies
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playable soon...
You still have 3 days bwo
You're fine, mate. No reason to spend 80 rolls to get a limited in order to clear a few extra levels of Shiyu Defense and get back 5 rolls.
> Finally looking at gameplay of Qingyi and Jane Doe.
> They both look fun as hell to play with their combo strings

1.1 can't come soon enough. Hell, even the twink's combat isn't that bad
Yeah, unfucking the character designs is absolutely essential to my enjoyment of the game.

I dare Oyohim to ban me, then I'm free of these kusoge forever.
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He's blonde, but you might've seen the one where he's all ominously lit up
We don't know much about him yet other than he and Lycaon were a thief duo called Mockingbird in the past, something happened that split them up, and vampire refers to Lycaon as Dear Traitor, so the split was presumably initiated by Lycaon
A 45 year old man wrote those messages.
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M6 Corin or Nekomata?
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>removing the plaid butt-cape
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>those teams
>no Lucy for Piper
>Soukaku with Anton
I'm honestly impressed you made it past SD10 at all
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Officer Mewmew...unmasked.
I'm saving mine for disk farming at IKL 45, which I should reach tomorrow or the next day.
I want to live in the ZZZ World so bad bros...
>the poorfag efficient route is the crit set 4 piece bonus because it can be used on anyone really
so I give Ellen woodpecker?
cat twink having monhun chargeblade completely changed my opinion on him
why? New Eridu kinda sucks bro
you can fuck the animals in real life too
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>no Lucy
she will be gone from the shop and won't return for 6 months, you have been warned
It's comfy as hell man
oh damn nice! who do you play as third? i’m using grace rina piper atm. in like a disorder setup. but i mainly field piper so maybe i should go for the assault disks instead of anomaly?
Thank you, I knew it looked familiar. Now I wouldn't mind pulling him after you pointed that out
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High quality robot image for examination purposes
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Me and my sister will lure her to one of our rooms and rape her
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initially I ignored him but after reading skills I tried him out, best decision. love friggen playing with this dude
>head patting a picklehaube
Yeah but consider this.
Switchaxe character when?
>leaving her shift 5 minutes early
should i buy her m2 before she goes
Those teams really do suck ass. Wouldn't be expecting much more yea
Honkai impact 2 and Tears of Themis have yet to EoS
Elden Ring's DLC added a weapon class that is a direct rip-off of the MH Longsword. I'm glad more game companies are realizing how based Monster Hunter weapons are and copying them.
Imagine if they really deliver... I guess not since she got on the advertisement shit because she could't handle the fights and danger anymore or something like that
So she attacks by shooting beams from her hands like Iron Man?
how can the construction workers concentrate on their work...
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She's struggling
>wanting to fuck the cop
I guess fucking a pig isn't too big a step away from fucking a wolf
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I use S11 Lucy right now but I want to give her Koleda when Zhu stops hogging her. I don't have grace so I can't really speak to how a real disorder team plays lol
But yeah, I like fang because kino big number. I've also got a lot of anomaly mastery off her ball and C1 anyways so I think getting even more isn't really that necessary
Neko is more fun imo. In terms of numbers, I dunno who comes out ahead.
Just live in Tornado Alley bro. Nature will send a disaster to suck up your city constantly
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>I want to live in a corrupt capitalist authoritarian police state where horrible reality warping bubbles filled with mutated monsters can pop up at any time and fucking kill me unless I win the genetic gacha and have amazing ether aptitude, in which case I instead am either forced to join said corrupt government or live life as an outlaw
honestly I realized as I was typing that kinda just sounds like the US with super powers
>Tears of Themis
I wonder if that game makes Mihoyo any money. It feels like Love and Deepspace took over that niche.
I guess bears and lolis don't care for her, unless they need some milk

Waiting for Insect Glaives to be exported into other games
Shes a pleasure model hehehehe.
I want to stick it in her charge port
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she is the poster girl let me believe
you can only buy her once every 6 months, her c2 is good
oh okay i also have her ball. i’ll try this out and see how it goes. might as well buy lucy from the store too.. since i got her ball recently. thanks
isnt mewmew voiced by an old man in the chink dub
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Something tells me this character will have combat animations similar to Encore from wuwa.
holy whale
I'm pretty sure those stats are literally impossible, even with perfect disks.
I get the feeling they weren't happy about how quickly everyone bought all the sneg rewards
epic clickbait bro buy an ad next time
>corrupt capitalist authoritarian police state
Bro what the fuck are you talking about? leave your fucking house for once your brain is rotted from internet comments
Not sure if he's old but it is a dude.
Sex with Encore.
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> Give me the rat already
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Does anyone have the "for you, it's on da mouse" nazrin image that was being posted a bunch?
I said "kinda like", America isn't quite that bad yet
gif sauce?
Need sloppy Ellen kisses
my theory is an arm cannon like Samus
>die while doing the prophecy
>get resurrected with 30hp
what's the point of this? I don't think I can't do shit with 30hp when I got killed by an enemy with 100atk and 300hp
How can I reach this point?
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NTA, but
>corrupt capitalist
The Supreme Court just made it legal to bribe politicians, so long as the bribe is given after the action. Many of our laws are already made purely to benefit oligarchs.
>authoritarian police state
US police murder far more citizens per capita than other first-world countries and get off scott-free for it. Daniel Shaver is a perfect example.
>level 60
well for one thing you would have to whale to knot level to unlock all that shit
I already hit level 50 on the battle pass thing
What happened to your rat bro?
That's standard for Mihoyo games. If you play every day, you can expect to max the battle pass 2 to 3 weeks before it ends.
what the hay chinky sounds cute as hell in chinese
fucking faggot retard kill yourself
at ik45? link? i wanna see
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9th Nicole, I just need one more Ben dupe to get him to C6
I thought I had escaped the curse of the desire sensor since I am not on monster hunter but it appears the curse followed me
based, i fucking love this game
put points into str next time dumbass and if you're completely dented look up a guide
If you griefed your run by investing anything into HP ever just reset brosister
The only thing you can do is grind the infinitely spawning guys but if you can't even beat those youre cooked
thanks bwo <3
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gimme da catboy
To be honest I kind of wish I had gone all-in on Billy-sama, but also I'm guessing this is him at C6 or something
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Ngl, Zhu Yuan seems hard to get the most of. If anything the powercreep will come in QoL aspects.
it shows right in the webm hes c2 and with subpar disks
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You expect me to watch 20 WHOLE seconds of webm? Come on now
wrong post i meant to this post
How does that apply to ZZZ's world
If that's from the video I think that's a C2 Billy with Brimstone using a 2-Piece defense set and a 4-Piece Woodpecker set. I beat my Shiyu 10 with a C0 Billy.
Honestly the hardest part is beating the mechanical boss with Anby and Nicole by themselves on time.
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Sex with Lucy's shorty onahole pigs
Sorry, G6*
You just lost 3 50/50s, your luck with 5 star pulls will be good things balance out like that
Been using Lycaon on chapter 3 and reading through the story I'm actually liking him and how he plays. He doesn't seem any better than Anby at building up daze despite what I was told in these threads, though.
its their own damn fault for labeling it cinema
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I regret rolling Zhu Yuan.
>Green trust
>He doesn't seem any better than Anby at building up daze despite what I was told in these threads, though.
Are you not holding his attacks?
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I should have saved all my rolls for the colonel!
Same, her gameplay is bad and damage is mid
>trusting /zzz/tards
He's K2 Billy
The solution is to just whale
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Anon, literally the first two chapters are about huge corporations plotting to nuke poor neighborhoods because its less expensive than paying to relocate them and the city police chief being a useless piece of shit who's more concerned with his reelection campaign than a massive potential threat to the citizens...
Sorry, Kino 6.
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You can mind your own business and escape the fuck out of here retard, I WILL call them Cs
It should be the first letter of their name acctuallyeverbeit
If you have 6 billies it should naturally be B6
and If you have 6 anbies it should naturally be A6
IT just makes sense
like you were already told, use charge attacks.
very important: always charge EX special because he has iframes for the entire thing. it looks weird as fuck for him to just stand there for so long while attacks pass through him, but it works.
I regret installing zzz
use charge attacks dumbass
did they really have to fully model her cameltoe?
Waiting for a mod that at the least gives S11 back her thighhighs. I'd also like a modification of her outfit that keeps her goggles but gives her a bit of sex appeal or open skin. Looking at her normally makes me wonder why she isn't constantly drenched in sweat.
God bless the Nicole CBT mod though. It's not enough about the tits (mostly), but the clearly modified trimmed jean shorts with visible pockets really do show that she's not above making the most of what she's given and still make it look good.
My dick says yes.
You're such a retard and completely ignore the fact it also shows other companies like Belobog and the police you literally work with as being hard working and well intention'd people who do the right thing
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Guys, I regret rolling for my ISP..... it's not fun to browse through the internet.....
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It was necessary
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>She says not stinky
>Looks extremely stinky
What did Jane mean by this
The cop actually lost his job after that though
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Ethereal of Sentience
>Spending all her time sneaking through your stuff, effectively smelling like your home
She smells like home anon, that's why
So you only have enough for 1 50/50 pity in-game polys? there's still some crumbs but I feel like that's not enough for another pity.
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fox tits
>born just in time to play ZZZ
Yeah, my ancestors did a pretty good job at letting me experience Nicole's big fucking tits.
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Alright boys, spit it out.
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>have ellen and lyacon
>ice team is still 10x worse than my physical team of nekomata
tier list jews.
where is this from? seems like the same UI from the pull tracker
Koleda additional ability good or no
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>Well intetioned
Do not trust Belobog
So I've hit the wall. What do I focus on leveling? And what's the most efficient way to get drive discs, routine cleanups or the music shop?
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I beat the game.
> One of the coolest cutscene in the early game
> Those eyes
I'm dying at how much they fumbled this character
You have to manually track every single one though.
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can I finish it and the other event in 7 days? I just unlocked them
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Don't let Miyabi's freakish newt eyes distract you from the fact that she has featureless blank space where human ears would normally be
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I think that screenshot looks nicer than cbt soldier or the one we have now
The beta thigh highs were kinda boring
Good but will be much better later on when you're actually able to build dps stats on all your characters so chains do gigantic damage
the chain attack boost one is nice to have but not necessary. Shes more of a swap in stunner that goes for parries and stay off field while the attacker is on, go for high Energy regen and let her rip when the energy is enough for a ex skill
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Already C6'd my Nicole, should I keep rolling and try to get the ass cop?
Koleda's hair definitely violates OSHA compliance, and nobody is wearing hard hats. Belobog deserves to lose their bid.
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Is there any way to get relics without this then??? i should just go relicless until interknot 45???
do the other thirens have 4 ears?
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Is 1.1 going to have Chapter 3 Interlude or Chapter 4?
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you can finish all the events in 20 minutes, they are only timegated the first 5 days
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>Corin rank up trust event
Assertive Corin in cute!
No, you're safe, there are no Ether weak enemies coming out in the next 3 seasons of Shiyu Defense so you're fine without the cop
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Keep rolling so you can get c6 Ben with his slutty little torn up tank top
thanks anon!
that sucks, I was hoping mihoyo will track it somewhere and have it easily retrievable like the pulls.
See, I tried that mod and it broke my game so I removed it. I'm not saying the mod you're using wasn't good, it's very nice. I just grew attached to her goggles is all. If she had them on her head at the least, I'd call that mod top tier.
This is why characters with ears on top of their heads have long hair. It wouldn't make sense to have 2 pair of ears, but at the same time, it looks weird to see no ears there
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If we won the TGA and you could choose a reward for hoyo to give us, what would you choose, a free limited character of their choise, or a S-Rank standard selector?
No just do random tuning for the blue ones it doesn't matter. You can reduce them later for the REAL tuning.
>The police you work with
Just Zhu Yuan which is kinda shown to be the outlier.
>Don't really know Seth yet
>Qingyi was already shown to be simultaneously hotheaded and laid back for a police officer
>Jane Doe is implied to be covert ops in police which is symptomatic of a messed up system
>Bringer is implied to be working in cahoots with Sarah and her people, which is like TOPS
>every other cop in the game is shown to have joined NEPS for money and/or fame, while many being cowardly at that
Koleda is the president. She’s expected to sit in her office all day doing paper work and doing presentations and hold investor meetings. She can wear whatever hairstyle she wants
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Wise is so lucky...
free limited
feels like more of a big deal
>can't play the most broken team that destroyed withering11 for me
unironic skull issue
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>Koleda's hair
She comes with 2 sets of handlebars for simultaneously optimal irrumatio and doggystyle
Oh I'm not that anon but I like the goggles too I just think the in-game shader doesn't do it justice
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5 limited pulls and 5 standard pulls.
Take it or leave it.
>which is like TOPS
*is most likely TOPS
go farm your relics anon, don't listen to retards
yes, it's better to farm them at lvl45 but you need them before that level for clearing content so go for it (even with battery charges if you need them)
Realistically if ZZZ won and they repeated Dr Ratio, it'd be a male limited character released in December that no one would really want to roll for anyway.

Maybe the vampire guy from Lycaon's story
He sounds like the VA director just said "you know that vampire from bg3? Just copy him directly"
Ben feels like total shit to play, holy fuck, how unfortunate that he makes Koleda so good
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wtf, what are the chances?
Nah, after hsr stepped up the bar, I don't think they'd do that.
Why would I need a RAT for Grace and Rina? Fuck that. SHe's not attractive.
what is TOPS and what is HANDS? they seem to be the big bad government organizations so far?
Extremely based
uhhh based?
>You still get 550 vouchers if you don't finish in time
Aww that's fucking lame. It'd be really fun if you could just deny everyone else in the lobby rewards by being too good for them.
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there's no way bringer is evil. He's likely just a dumb american himbo that only cares about his election because he loves the attention, and is being used by the true evil behind the scenes.
Qingyi’s a hardworking and well-intentioned officer, she just isn’t on the same level as Zhu. Her intro scene is her single-handedly stopping a car from hitting Belle.
And undercover cops aren’t “systematic of a messed up system,” that’s just a thing cops do. Especially in a city as gang infested as New Eridu.
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confess, /zzz/ggers

I use the CN dub solely because of Mace. Otherwise, I'd use the JP audio
how? she is fun to play i wish i had her instead of grace. my account has grace i lost the 50/50 and pulled rina.. im still 40 pulls away from getting zhu but once i do i’ll be happy. and ill have a 2nd team that isn’t complete dogshit with grace rina piper
TOPS is like some sort of alliance between the most powerful corporations in New Eridu

HAND (Hollow Affairs and Neutralisation Department) is a part of the New Eridu government that..handles Hollows. The Section 6 people (Miyabi etc) form a part of HAND. They're separate to the cops and military
damn bro what a scandalous confession, you're so brave
pls respond
There'd be too many people pissing and shitting that they can't get any vouchers, unfortunately.
Zhu yan is in love with Bringer too.
maybe they'll push another male 5* out for a dead patch and keep some hype up. Isn't all the males that are coming out soon 4*s? Or the archer ikemen going to be the 5*.
I think they might just give furry 5* male as a freebie, maybe big daddy from the calydons.
from what we know of him, he saw something on the hollow that mindbroke him
Well astarion's VA does a great job as a gay vampire so I don't see the problem
I dropped $200 on M1W1 Zhu Yuan. I leveled my Corin to 50 before her.
I will do it again for Rat and C6 Seth.
He’s literally Captain Qwark. Former hero that’s coasting off his fame and just in it for the money/admiration. He’s not evil, just selfish.
He’ll either have a change of heart later on and rejoin the good guys or double down and become an actual villain.
>Or the archer ikemen going to be the 5*.
Supposedly 1.2 1st half S-rank yeah
nah, I'd win
>>every other cop in the game is shown to have joined NEPS for money and/or fame, while many being cowardly at that
This is literally a lie, bad faith detected
what knot level are you? x0-x4 focus mats x5-x9 focus clean up for disks. for leveling your units get them to x5 level so you can up their skills. the last 5 levels can be done when you rank up and get better mat rates
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Normalize gay vampires
>Captain Qwark
Didn't expect that reference in /zzz/...
you type like a fat alcoholic meth addict living in the slums of Mexico as an American expatriate
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each individual upgrade is called a mindscape but the entire collection is called a cinema, so the usage should be:
>"is billy's m2 any good?"
>"yes, i have c2 billy and he's great"
Thanks anon. I guess TOPS is like the japanese zaibatsu or korean chaebols? If its hongkong specific theres probably quite a few big corporations that were able to influence the government.
I forgot which story I was doing that mention H.A.N.D being some negative term, but I guess they are bad because they prosecutes illegal proxy like the siblings?
shit, you got me
although I prefer crack
What do I focus on leveling?
Order will always be,
1. Character level
2. W-Engine level
3. Disc mainstats
4. Skill levels
5. Bangboo levels
6. Disc substats
>And what's the most efficient way to get drive discs, routine cleanups or the music shop?
Both, ideally. You'll be stuck with routine and use the shop to craft discs for specific partitions.
>im still 40 pulls away from getting zhu but once i do i’ll be happy.
because you're a metapedo. zy plays like clunky dogshit.
its not fun managing her ammo and she jumps around way too fucking much.
I feel like he's a good man caught in a bad situation. He was a legitimately great cop who was given a position of power and discovered all the fucked up bullshit going on behind the scenes but had no way to fix any of it. So instead he sits in his cushy chair basically just trying to maintain the status quo so things don't get any worse, while being completely out of his league and unable to tell anyone about the reality of the situation. The reason he's so focused on his re-election campaign is because he knows he can't trust anyone else with his seat without them somehow making things worse.
Where do I get agent promotions? I just have to wait and use my battery every day? The game is already calling for lvl 40 teams.
Sloth and vanity are sins for a reason
There is nothing wrong in this, they as the kids nowadays say it, fucked around and found out
GIven that we mentioned "sacrifice" alot and that we fought one in chapter 2. I wonder if bringer is a red herring where he's more complicated than just being a former hero turned politician and has fell down from grace character. He did save zhu yuan so I have to thank him for that.
There was the entire commission with the useless dude, who joined initially because he was an orphan that wanted to set a good example. the 2 cops you work with on the commission were both pretty decent people with good intentions.

None of them were perfect super humans, but no real human ever does anything purely for selfless reasons. You wouldn't be a cop if you didn't get paid or some form of status from it. Even if you want to do good, it's not worth wasting your entire life doing it for free.
it's over
How many copies of nicole should i chase this banner from 0 dupes? Which ones are important to nicole?
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>Struggling with SD cause I dont want to dump resources into Nicole/Anby when I know I'm gonna be getting Jane and Qin to be Zhu's actual team
>Zhu solo just barely does jack shit damage (compared to Ellen)

I play the game zenless zone zero and try to discuss it here to the dismay of the majority of posters.
You can do that too, but I'm just a hoarder and I don't want to use resources until I'm IK50 and above
Yeah when your units are lacking 1 or 2 pieces to complete all 6 discs, you should partition singles to find a mainstat you like. Usually it will be slot 5s. It's way better than hoping for a slot 5 in a 10 roll AND hoping it's the correct mainstat.
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you didn't believe
It sounds like whatever ruined the old capital years ago really spooked him. I hope he can reconcile with Zhu yan.
>but I guess they are bad because they prosecutes illegal proxy like the siblings?
I mean so does NEPS and they're viewed fairly positively in the story. Its not always good guys vs bad guys. I don't even think HAND gives a shit since they're not law enforcement persay
Well he seems pretty suspicious when he looked fazed from hearing his subordinates already handing off the evidence to HAND. The fact that he then pivoted quickly to having them do some menial BS like handing out flies instead of staying focused on the handling of the evidence is also suspect and few other officers seemed privy to what was happening. It was only by the purest of coincidence that Z/Q ended up coming right on back to paying attention to the evidence’s security.

Now of course, how much does he know and wether or not he’s just a convenient tool like Perlmen or deeper in the conspiracy is up for debate.
could be worse
No one cares about your bullshit A rank clear.
ZZZ girls are all built for something in common
What is it?
>bragging with a +4 (lol) set mainstat (lol) disc
not a good look
He’s definitely doing some morally dubious shit. He freaks out a bit when Zhu says they’re handing off the Sacrifice to HAND, and given that a mole immediately appears to give away the Sacrifice’s travel route, it’s likely Bringer was supposed to hand it off to Sarah/her masters and had to cobble together a plan to get it back.
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I wouldn't mind W-engines sharing a banner with agents if the "top" engines weren't also S/A ranks and took the place of guarantee pities.

The best w-engines should still be the b-rank fillers so it doesn't feel like you're getting jewed.
C1, C4, C6
stop at whenever you dont feel like building pity.
Even C2 is useful from a ER point but seems less so than the other ones.
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I think his story will likely have him getting his shit together with the help of the player and Zhu, even with the issues he has now he isn't really displayed as an asshole or outright maliciously evil, if they wanted him to actually end up being a true villain they could have played his scenes a hell of a lot more differently
how am i a pedo? or do troons just project all day long?
No just telling him to have more faith
leveling discs is expensive
im out of xp materials
why dis nigga billy all up in my shit nigga damn fuck billy nigga
BWC (Big Wise Cock)
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Shit they're both here at once, they're gonna find out Phaethon is a double dipping whore.
he's british, those are hong kong cops
just farm your mats for your main and 2nd team for now. at 45 spam cleanup
(B)ig (B)angboo (C)ock
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What are you even trying to say
honestly just 10 pulls since I never ended up using one we got in HSR
free limited like Dr.Ratio is only good for newfags and f2poors
If he's playable he'll be redeemed
awesome thanks for the tips
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Hit level 42, but not getting any more commissions.

anything i can do to grind or am I stuck doing dailies and burning batteries / events until new content?
You suck.
>she jumps around way too fucking much
Nigger she jumps like once unless your hands can't leave your directional keys.
Hollow dementia.
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Literally me
free standard 5* selector. like other game had from the start.
i have zero lucy but i can buy a copy of her in the store. good idea? i do have a m2 piper to pair up with her.
>only A rank with 2 top limited dps
Do the hidden Hollow Zero comms tied to the items you can find.
Miyabi dear... You know I enjoy our time together... But I think you should shave... down there...
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It would be cool if bringer is more similar to Thomas from Sleeping dogs. I dont think mihoyo has it to make a full on Hongkong police story though and we dont really have a Triad representation in the game yet.
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With Zhu Yuan, should I use a crit dmg or crit rate slot 4 considering the crit rate/dmg buffs since gets from her kit
Explain to me again how >>488078226 is any different from regular cuckposting.
It was mostly because people didn't have a imaginary dps besides DHIL, and not everyone had rolled for DHIL. Hell, to this day there aren't many imaginary free units in hsr. If you think about it, maybe they'll give us a free limited Ether DPS or Ether unit since it's the rarest element in the game as of now.
I like using billy, what team in the future looks good for him? will the rat be good for him?
Hugo Vlad
Why is Anby's combo so slow... Does it get better at higher dupes?
how easy will S17 be in a year
how high will stats be in the future
Okay fine, Monica is for Billy. The rest are for Wise.
You know it would be pretty funny if interlude chapters keep ending up being the dedicated police chapter.
how does he feel like shit, you just swap into him when he has energy so he can parry something and then you go back to doing your business. He's also not really necessary for Koleda (and vice versa).
>come on ellen, time to get eiffel towered by me and wise
The point is a character is worthless if you have no use for it. It's a lesson many gachatards fail to understand as they fill their bench with characters they'll never use
uhmm? Anon? Are you complaining about cuckposting? I think you're a normalfag
I hate fighting the dancing bitches
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Go big or go home
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it gets worse if anything, since her mindscapes really want you to land her full combo
You're insane...
he looks like Laharl
>starcope engine R4
>farming physical set, ever
Do you have a starlight engine saved in case you get another DPS agent? or did you just merge them all together?
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>Twin marionettes
Killing people that sabotage your work is just one step away from killing a child that comes to spray paint some stuff on the buildings
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>people posting their discs to brag
>I can’t even tell what’s good or bad
Am I restarted
Will he get a horse weiner W-Engine?
nothing wrong with all of that bucko just play the fucking game however you want
Starlight engine is craftable bro.
Literally hte most fun boss in the game
Wish I had meself a cat
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I merge them all but, the real carry is here
How come only Ellen gets to have an alternate outfit ingame? Zhu yuan can’t get an off duty outfit too or the other Housekeepers? Why does Anby always go about in that paintgun armor all day?

Even if it was just for a single use, it would’ve been pretty funny seeing Koleda and Grace in their school outfits.
>Am I restarted
Only people experienced with Hoyo games would know so no.
big crit number good
Yes. Crit Rate/Crit Damage substats are good.
Is it possible to clear SD9-10 before IK40?
I've been seeing her around but not ingame, is she a leaked character?
Did the 1.1 beta show us which boss mats Qingyi needs?
I totally forget about that, you're right. I'll just merge them all then, thanks
i honestly don't know either
i just assume anyone posting a woodpecker with high crit is good
Fucking whale
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It's still going to be a month until I get UL60 + level 90 characters in Wuwa
Meanwhile I'll have agents at level 60 tomorrow in ZZZ
Yeah I'm thinking ZZZ won.
How does she have more pics than the rat? Is this the power of robot cunny? https://files.catbox.moe/i3ojt8.png
maybe with meta teams
will they add more discs in the future
>farming physical set, ever
I did a bit of it cause Lucy wanted the atk set as 2P and Piper wanted the phys set.

All transferring to Jane anyway
where the fuck did you get the stamina to farm all those discs? I'm still struggling to get the correct main stats let alone good rolls
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This comes off very bitter...almost...envious
Consult to elfy
People farmed on level 35-40 because it was more efficient.
Anon Grace is a college graduate.......
I retract my previous based statement, rat in hell ratfucker
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oh damn, thought those were just fluff.
its what i think too but high chance mihoyo just make him basicly that mayor from promare, he is already a bitch when he saved zhu yuan and only giving his suit to her to make him look good in public eyes
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Feels harder to get high Crit in this game compared to the other hoyo games.
>tfw I also refuse to build anby because Im rolling quingyi
plus the bangoo cop.
Spent all my batteries on discs for my main team and crafted the ones I needed for specific partitions with Elfy.
>>488080083 here, I meant to say Bigger, as in Ben.
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>Securityboo 13
>people keep shilling piper
>her EX which is her selling point requires her tanking a bunch of hits to the face

Now that's some dangerous W-Engine
a bit of luck and and used the item where you can get the hard to get main stat for your 4 set piece.
Where the FUCK do I get exp, anons

I'm trying to get characters from 40 to 50 and I have to do the XP sims more often than the promotion resource sims.

I'm out of comms, I've emptied the HZ store, signal shop, and the general store. Do I just have to keep grinding it out like this?
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i need to be zhu yuan's chair
i need to be zhu yuan's chair
i need to be zhu yuan's chair
i need to be zhu yuan's chair
i need to be zhu yuan's chair
What team should I focus on for resources? Ellen/Anby/Soukaku or S11/Piper/Lucy? I have C6 Nicole but I lost my pity so I don't have Zhu yet. What can I use Grace for?
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I just want to C6 piper now and trust rank orange her and plow her little cunny is that really too much to ask
>your face when Anby ends up better than Chinky without her kinographies and weapon
Why don't we have building materials for Qingyi, Jane Doe, and Seth anyway? Usually these things are leaked alongside movesets.
to be honest the rat looks kinda dumb with that haircut, no offense, just my opinion. Also qingyi is a literally lolibaba, everyone (japan) wants to draw her
there's no creator server
only increase the lvl on your attacker/anamoly and maybe have the supports and stunners 5 or 10 levels behind, you shouldn't be burning through XP that much.
Oh and yeah some of them have been leaked as playable characters in the far off future. Leaks that far out are pretty tenuous though, but I can imagine these void hunters are going to be ZZZ's version of Archons and Emanators from hoyo's previous games. Miyabi will be our first void hunter which makes me think whether they'll delay her until 2.0 for the anniversary.
SD mobs are surprisingly weak in terms of attack power, my Piper can tank the SD17 Dullahan just fine
The only time survival is an issue is Withering Garden
Zhu yuan has a pregnancy kink
We don't have high and low rolls here, it's all a flat increase, I'll take it all day over genshit.
>One-Dennyboo just wanted 100 coins to buy his friend a new power supply
Yeah I think I will save to for Sunbringer m6
Is it explained anywhere yet why Koleda wears the eyepatch?
>qingyi gets her teambuilding bonus as long as someone else in the party is an attacker
what's even the point of having the restriction if it basically doesn't exist
she's actually bretty smooth with how fast she can dump 9 shells thanks to the undocumented bs with dash cancels looping certain parts of the combo
>managing ammo
chain->ex->QA gives you 7 so you literally just need to build 2 before stun, that's a single basic attack chain
what discs for Lycaon and Ellen?
probably construction accident when young, she didn't wore one in the first flashback but did when her dad left to get some milk.
She was playing around with a hammer all the time so maybe some accident with a nail ricocheting.
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Are we all in agreement that Wise is a pillow princess and Belle is a rough rider?
Did you reach the end of that storyline yet
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Why is Anby so shit? I finished leveling Koleda and one skill does double the daze
With current areas it's not too bad until the SD checks, but that's a huge red flag to me. I fully expect later content to require better play.

I see nekomata holding on because her dodge procs are infinite so she can stay on the field without tanking damage, while Piper basically requires getting hit.
Stops you from doing disorder bullshit with her, I suppose
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What went wrong humanbros...
I mean, Stunner now are used even if they do not fill the requirement.
Is just that current stunner already have good pairings that it makes sense not to use them together
Koleda > Lucy
Lycon > Soukaku
Anby > Nicole
Although Anby can be argued since her core passive doesn't really offer anything for the team and if you have the other two stunners there's no reason to use her since she has worse daze multipliers.
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Sunbringer is our light
I hope we get to see her in the game and that all the void hunters didn't simply, like, die or get fucked by ether corruption
Intimitading powerful women that are actually into cute things is my fetish
because she has a vague banchou style, she probably just thinks it looks cool. lycaon's is probably for real. i wonder how long until the 3rd faction leader with an eyepatch.
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please teach me your secret masters
am i not supposed to use +ether damage for disc 5? what about main stat for disc 4?
this is with copelight engine w5
>will pull lolibaba
>realize I won't have really a team for her until ratto
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her special gives her the most I-frames in the game ever, and you get them even without meter
And if you have hands at all you can just swap out of her special to get the free damage while still doing dps with your second character
Why are there so many handless anons always asking this same question?
4pc Stun
2pc ER
Either 4pc Woodpecker or 4pc Ice
2pc of the other, or 2pc Attack/Res Pen
She's a free welfare A-rank you get as your first character.
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bangboos are the soul of this game
am i the only one here without a piper at 250 rolls i have literally every other purple unit

Do the 3rd hit delay attack
wahts zhu yuans most valuable constellation
do you mean qingyi? is she even good with the rat?
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>another pvp event
Disk 4: Crit damage (Remember she gets +30% crit rate from her passive, you don't need high rate)
Disk 5: Either Ether damage % or Attack %. They're pretty comparable
Disk 6: Attack %
Just here to say that Wthing wAves is the better game in every way possible and will sell and make way more revenue than this basdard ass furry simulator where you cant even do the combat good with parry and skill dodges with beautiful women
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>Desperately want to farm Woodpecker
>Half my discs are going to be DEF set bricks
Fuck Dawei, the tuning store scraps are not enough
Why can't I make Zhu work aaaaaaaaaaa bitch does no damage
What did xhe mean by this
>only beat shiyu 5
>have 29 batteries left
should i spend em all on skill mats and disk farming
Furries strong rumao
my dick up your ass
>Ben higher than Lycaon
Honestly the more surprising part, I thought furfags went nuts for wolves
Supposedly she's going to be in the shop starting Thursday
Problably not, but I don't have many options
sis what you shpuld be doing is farming for your DPS's element, then using the trash pieces as fodder to tune woodpecker pieces
the MC is a cunt for leaving amillion out to dry because they felt like vagueposting about nicole being a "bad parent"
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Here’s your (you)
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Amillion's mom is a terrible parent...
i started playing wuwa because of the shilling and it feels like the opposite of ZZZ, where
>wuwa: bosses feel like absolute garbage to fight, but killing random mobs is fun
>zzz: bosses feel really fun to fight, but killing random mobs sucks ass
Never underestimate barafags.
Wolves are more western.
Bear is for everyone and that includes non furries too. Ben might be the best male Hoyo design and he's just a fucking bear.
Farm the domain for ice/ether set for your Ellen/Zhu Yuan, as those have good 2nd sets, and then spend the master copies you get from dismantling the trash to craft woodpecker.

Most furries are gay men, and Ben's body type appeals to that demographic more.
>starlight engine is better than bp attacker engine
What did they mean by this? Is billy on the balancing team?
vpn topup bros do you also play the game on VPN to look like youre in japan
I'm gonna do it saars...I'm gonna redeem the Lucy...
Dicked around and the floor shakes
You know, Belle has a pretty decent rack.
May not be as big as Grace or Rina, and you may not notice with how they arent exposed and flopping about like Nicoles, but the way her shirt tents and how they solidly just out despite being so constrained I’d say theyre a nice pair of handfuls. Yup. Sex with my sister.
I know, that's why I said the tuning store scraps weren't enough.
do I roll for Zhu Yuan's eidolons
yeah from early on in wuwa i thought it would be more focused on the skill and parry system but with chars like jinhsi it feels more and more like just following a jenshin cooldown rotation all over again which is what I wanted to get away from
Barafags are strong and very thirsty
mihoyo either took sadistic glee by reprinting the fillet blade as a premium weapon or are retarded designers who have once again printed the fillet knife without realizing that a once every X seconds damage instance is utterly dogshit unless it does unfathomably huge damage
It doesn't require any maintenance on its passive at least, though that's primarily because its passive doesn't do shit to begin with
Nah. Her M1 is good QoL, but none of her minscapes are huge boosts to her damage.
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but what if his dps is nekomata?
Qingyi is more vapuable than dupes
Do we agree the cop is a brick?
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mihoyo always put f2p options in their games.
Yea, I'm bricked up on this cop
Skill issue. Mine is performing just fine.
No, I don’t think anyone agrees with that at all. Find a more believable cope.
Yes Ellenchads stay winning
All the BP engines are trash. You buy it for the leveling mats and dennies mainly.
Are we all in agreement that Wise is celibate and belle have body count in the thousands?
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I want to impregnate my little sister bros it's unreal
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What do all the fem agents' pussies taste like?
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bricks still hurt when you throw them at people
no character that stacked is a brick
another proof that zzz is an otaku gacha
the bear is a bara and japan loves bara.
Anby: Burger
the support engine will be good once we have a support that wants energy regen for every single element
admittedly i do understand that is a stupidly long time to wait for your bp choice to pay off
If you're happy to spend to get every character that you want, sure get Zhu's eidolons. If not, save your rolls for another character.
Now THIS is literally me
Better question, what's the bush situation for each of them?
isnt zhu better than ellen?
That's one of her charm points bro
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she's just mid
a midyuan if you must
censored game
>asking a foxgirl to shave
retard alert
No zhu has a lower egg count
>billy almost became a prostitute to pay off his debts
New eridu is a shady place
M1 for Zhu right sisters
You're bricked without her yes
Zero bush
We may accept lolifags, furfags, incestfags, feetfags and pitfags, but bushschizos are not welcome in these parts
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Definitely clean shaven
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It's mostly a quality of life benefit, it doesn't actually improve her damage as much as you'd think.
c1 is good on zhu if you are struggling with ammo management
it's not too stellar if you are on top of it, though. it does make her burst windows literally bigger, which is good for particularly durable bosses that don't immediately recover from stun, i suppose.
I want to have a turn on Nicole's cavernous vagina...
Nah, still gonna call them C, for cinema.
Cope and cry about it.
We welcome bushGODs here
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The police are built for rapists
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go higher
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Finished with the event, what do I do next?
well all bp engine suck except lip gloss
get all soul hounds cheevos
is Z2 Anby any good?
not yet, no spoilers pls
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>only two games
Kiss your sister
New thread
Billy whoring himself out is still a more positive outcome than the reality of him taking himself apart to pay off his debts. It would be the equivalent of you selling your liver because your boss asked you to.
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bwo, the police ARE the rapists
>true cop fucker
>poorfag in denial
anything else
does NA get this after reset?
she is a grown women. that’s not cunny copepedo
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>Difficulty 11
yep I give up. I'm too casual for this mode.
I associate the color green with Anby so much that seeing a picture of her in a non green bikini made me not realize who she was for quite a while
C since it says cinema. Simple as.
Her ass weighs like bricks.
we probably gonna get more since the arcade is getting events
>Full time CEO of a construction business
>Described in game as running the company since she became (past tense) of age

Cool "Estimates"

The hair would've been fine if it was just short. Not sure why there's this random section that's longer than the rest
lip gloss still sucks really good tho
Wait do Shiyu rewards reset monthly? That's a lot of fucking poly if so.

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